#boycott mihoyo
feelingemotjons · 2 months
I'mma need every ignorant white mihoyo stan to block me right now. Mihoyo has no fucking right taking deities and cultures just to whitewash them and use them as an aesthetic. It doesn't matter how much you try to twist the narrative, it. is. not. okay. Mihoyo has enough artist, animators, employees, etc to research and educate themselves on different skin tones and features but they choose not to and actively make the fucking ENEMIES have darker skin with black hairstyles instead.
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There is absolutely NO ONE stopping them from making dark skinned playable characters. There is no one stopping them from putting black npcs in historically black cities. There is no one stopping them from giving their characters MELANIN
It took mihoyo THREE YEARS AND A HALF to develop genshin.
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They had three years to educate themselves and yet here we are four years later stuck in the same damn boat with mihoyo whitewashing cultures and people continue to defend them again and again
And the ONLY canon black character they have in honkai impact literally bleaches her fucking skin because she is ashamed of it
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And her mom is just another strong angry black women stereotype (mind you that she is also the only buff/masculine women in the game)
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Literally look at her compared to kiana's mom, who is pale with blue eyes, and is supposed to be seen as more feminine
If mihoyo isn't actively being racist I don't know what the fuck their trying to be.
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outivv · 1 month
Had you heard of hoyoverse new game? Idk if it's a game or not(dgfa about hoyo stuff anymore), but you could search it on YT and the name is "Hoyoverse Loli Heaven"... Yeah, more reasons to boycott them ig 😬
And I've seen disgusting pedos on blue bird app defending it, saying its okay to like lolis because they're not children and only fictional... Yeah... Level discomfort is high and I find reason to stay away more from the fandom.
You’re kidding… that’s real???? I thought that shit was actually fucking fake???
Like I saw it ONCE on twt went “ew” and went on a purging spree of blocking any words related to “Loli” cause I don’t wanna see that shit omfg- it’s real?!?!? I mean genshin obviously has its nasty shit like making only chibi girl models, and making them just the worst loli bait I’ve ever fucking seen- but I DIDNT THINK MIHOYO WOULD BE SO OPEN ABOUT IT???? Like just straight up “loli heaven!!” WHAT THE FUCK?????
I’m genuinely so disgusted right now, what the absolute fuck… like those are KIDS. CHILDREN. IDC “oh she’s like 30 or 500 but she’s child-like” NO. NO. SHES A CHILD AND YOURE A PEDO.
It’s a mihoyo game though, which means it likely won’t be releasing anywhere outside of China, HOWEVER mihoyo is still hyv’s parent company so it’s obviously still fucking bad, cause you give money to hyv you give money to mihoyo. So. Even more of a reason to boycott, fuck mihoyo, fuck hyv, not ever spending money on any of their fucking games even if they fix natlan and sumeru, fix hsr, add more diversity, and fire the voice actors who are ACTUAL PEDOS AND JUST BAD FUCKING PEOPLE.
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princealberich · 2 months
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It's easy, and there are MULTIPLE things you can do! I recommend doing each item on this list.
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The petition will be delivered to the appropriate cultural reps, in order to complain to the CCP about the negative impression this is leaving on Chinese companies. Genshin Impact is highly favoured by the government for the positive press it gives the country, and putting pressure on the 'big daddy' is FAR more likely to make Hoyoverse buckle.
As of right now, the petition has nearly 38k signatures.
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Email them directly at [email protected] to state how this has affected your desire to continue playing their games.
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Genshin Impact has frequent update surveys, and there is a permanent option to give feedback at any time. You can find it in the Paimon Menu.
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Rate Hoyoverse's games, particularly Genshin, with one star on the app store. This has already proven in the past to have an effect, when this caused the team to review the anniversary rewards.
Here is a guide on how to do this!
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Do not be silent! Speak up about your displeasure. It's important that these comments outweigh the rest! Show that we are the MAJORITY.
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Use the tags!
#BoycottHYV #WhyAreTheyWhiteHoyo #GenshinImpact #FixNatlan
Be relentless.
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The following actions should NOT be taken:
DO NOT spend money on Hoyoverse games.
DO NOT sent threats, to voice actors OR customer service staff.
DO NOT engage with trolls or racists. Block and report.
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It's easy to dismiss this in the face of 'more important' issues in the world at the moment, but Genshin Impact (And by extension, Hoyoverse) is a very influential game and company. It is extremely popular, and directly influences MANY other games and players through this popularity.
This isn't an issue of 'just stop playing'- This is not anger for a game's decisions, it's anger for a precedent. It's a demand that not only should Hoyoverse care about representation, but other, smaller, companies too. If Hoyoverse can get away with it, so can others- But if Hoyoverse is held accountable for their exploitation of culture, then it sets the precedent that other companies have no chance of doing the same.
Like it or not, Hoyoverse has a lot of influence, and the CCP itself values the company for giving China a positive image in other countries. This is bigger than just being mad at character design.
EDIT: It was also pointed out to me that if POC were to simply stop engaging with hostile content, they would have nothing left. 'Just stop playing' isn't fair, plain and simple. POC deserve to play the things that they enjoy WITHOUT being ostracized.
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They listen if there's no money lining their pockets, they listen if their reputation is damaged, and they listen if the CCP gets involved. We have direct evidence of this.
Review bombing alone caused Hoyoverse to reconsider the first anniversary rewards.
The CCP forced Hoyoverse to reskin various characters to comply with their laws, which HYV did. (This isn't necessarily a good thing, however, it is still evidence that CCP has influence over them.)
This is by far the largest outcry the company has seen so far, and MANY of HYV's voice actors have spoken out in support for the movement as well. This is not just playerbase complaints, but staff, too.
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I recommend following AvenOfStrats on X/Twitter for further updates on the petition's progress, and on other ways to contribute. They also share plenty of resources on why this is important, and guides on how to complain.
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yuamin · 2 months
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Mihoyo is ignoring Boycotters and aiming for Return Players instead!
Mihoyo's marketing strategy is extremely obvious after that livestream and it's really demoralizing to see so many fall for it. Every X.0 update they add a bunch of QoL features fans have been asking for for years. (Pick your own 5 star, artifact recycling, picking artifact sub stats) Their aim is to get fans that have dropped off during previous patches to come back.
They have been ignoring those "boycotting" because they anticipate the return players to out number the boycotting ones. Also if you are still logging and playing daily you aren't boycotting in their eyes. Playtime and daily login numbers are what they care about when it comes to f2p players. Unless you are a whale going from 1,000s of dollars a patch to zero dollars you "going f2p" isn't going to hurt their bottom line. They want a large number of active users along with a few whales.
If you still care about showing Mihoyo you care about their colorism you can NOT download and play 5.0 day one. You need to actually boycott by giving mihoyo low player numbers for a X.0 patch.
We still haven't seen 3 of Natlan's tribes yet! They changed an NPC's skin tone already. We can still push them to correct with the other tribes! BUT YOU HAVE TO BOYCOTT!
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If 5.0 has higher login numbers than Sumeru Mihoyo will feel like they have no reason to listen to the boycotters because they regained fans from other areas or pulled in new players. I'm not saying you have to Quit genshin forever. Just hold off on playing the Natlan update for a few weeks. Watch a youtuber's play through of the Archon quest if you can't wait for the story.
And please convince your friends who have seen the 5.0 news but haven't been keeping up with Genshin to wait before coming back. Plenty of players stopped playing after 4.3 because that's when the Fontaine Archon Quest ended. Those players need to be informed of the white washing and convinced to not come back for 5.0. Those are the players Mihoyo is "listening to feed back" from with it comes to the QoL updates. Why do you think people who haven't logged in in over 45 days are getting another 10 free pulls? Because those are the players they are aiming for. If those players say no we aren't coming back to pull for white washed characters Mihoyo is more likely to listen to the criticism.
Candace wasn't in the Sumeru trailers and Sethos was added after we left Sumeru. There is still time for them to add POC playable characters to Natlan. We still haven't seen Vanessa's tribe. PLEASE KEEP PUSHING! IT IS WORKING SO DON'T STOP NOW!
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hyvboycott · 2 months
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With upcoming release of Natlan, this serves as a reminder of how the characters were made pale to uphold colorist beliefs
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usagi-cri · 2 months
In-Game ways to Protest Hoyoverse
Genshin keeps track of a LOT of statistics inside their game. Like how many birds you've killed. They've shown us this with the end of the year web events. So show them these characters MATTER to you. Here are some ways that might change their in game statistics. >:3 -BE FREE TO PLAY. They don't get your wallet anymore. Do the following to Candace, Cyno, Dehya, Kaeya, Sethos, Xinyan -Level them to max -Get their skills to max -Level up their Artifacts to max -Weapons to max -Add them to teams -In Character selection, Push follow for them all -Change your profile icon and background to one of theirs -Change your Profile's Namecard/Character showcase to just them -Change your profile's signature to talk about how much you love them etc -Add them all to every single teapot -Complete all their Story quests/Hangouts -Battle them and get their cards -Make Card decks with them -When cooking certain dishes, switch it to them -Master all their cooking dishes -Run around the game as them
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Hey uh I just need to make a quick post about Natlan because I am enraged.
I didn't watch the livestream, but I've seen enough infos to know that Hoyoverse is trying to break the boycott up. A free standard 5 stars for the anniversary??? Quality of life updates that we've been asking for since early game??? You've got to be fucking kidding me.
For those of you that still don't get it, Hoyoverse is trying to bribe us.
Do not stop the boycott because they decided to be generous. I repeat, DO NOT STOP THE BOYCOTT BECAUSE HOYOVERSE IS BEING GENEROUS. They're purposefully doing this in the hopes that we'll stop calling them out on their blatant colorism and racism.
I know the trailer looks cool. (I haven't actually seen it but meh.) I know there's Capitano, and he's a much awaited character. But remember, the Natlan archon is still white. She's based off a Polynesian goddess and she's dressed like a biker girl.
I'd also like to point out something about the standard 5 stars. Two of them are Sumeru characters, based off real people, and completely whitewashed (and sexualised in Dehya's case). Also, they were the only characters added to the standard pool since the beginning of the game. And yes, I know the Inazuma argument (Inazuma is closed off so it's more difficult to level up characters for early players), but what about Fontaine? Why didn't Hoyoverse add Fontaine characters to the standard pool? Why did Hoyoverse give Dehya, a much awaited character even by the Chinese players, a shit-ass kit? Why did Hoyoverse add Tighnari, the first Dendro 5 stars character and first banner character of Sumeru, to the standard pool?
The free 5 stars character should not be celebrated. It's a pathetic bribe, and a reminder that Hoyoverse is colorist as fuck.
It started with Sumeru, and it won't stop in Natlan if we just accept their little gifts. If they're doing this, it means they're worried about the boycott. I say it's a good enough reason to continue doing it.
So remember, don't spend on Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Honkai Impact 3rd, Tears of Themis, and Zenless Zone Zero. It's all the same company, so we can hit them where it hurts multiple times.
As for me, I'll stop posting Genshin or HSR related stuff while I boycott. There's no reason to promote this game if I want to show everyone its flaws.
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eclaire-went-bam · 1 month
man i just KNOW the people who are saying "they don't have to give natlan characters melanin bcs natlan is BASED off south america, not actually south america!" liked the french furina memes
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feelingemotjons · 6 days
So mihoyo or whoever the hell works on the character designer team thought it was a good idea to put three different hairpicks on one of their dark skinned npcs who has an afro
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Reminder that they don't do this to any of their pale white npcs who also have afros
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If you still don't believe mihoyo isn't actively being antiblack then please just go on ahead and block me. Am tired of this shit
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outivv · 2 months
Hi hi!!
This is gonna be a whole guide on how to and how not to boycott hoyoverse!! Also to answer some questions and educate people as best as I can!!
Firstly: why are we boycotting hoyoverse?
Mainly because Hoyoverse has (and is continuing to) ignored the complaints people have about the lack of representation and diversity in the entirety of their all their games, including Zenless Zone Zero, Tears of Themis, Honkai: Star Rail, Honkai impact 3rd, and mainly Genshin Impact. They also have a history of being racist in all of those games, and flat out refusing to give playable characters diverse skin tones.
Why is this bad?
Taking cultures for aesthetics in a video game is just… blatantly racist, and there’s no excuse for Hoyoverse to do this, because there are other Chinese companies that have made dark skinned characters. To name a few, Riot games, Lilith games, and Bluepoch. Hoyoverse is known to take cultures for their games but not give proper representation, make slavery jokes, be passively racist and stereotype cultures, and just overall be… not greatttt.
Can I still play Hoyoverse games?
Yes! Play Hoyoverse games, interact with fan content, just do not give any money to Hoyoverse! That’s completely like… counterproductive to what we’re trying to do here which is make Hoyoverse lose money, so they fix their issues!
How to boycott!! (I got a lot of these from @ nyaamari on Twitter, whose post inspired me to make this thread!)
Do spread awareness as much as you can!
Listen, and educate yourself based on the people whose cultures have been outright stolen by Hoyoverse.
Submit complaints through the in game surveys or feedback.
Email Hoyoverse! Specifically genshin, at [email protected]
Encourage others to speak up, and inform others who play Hoyoverse games!
Repost anything informative!
Review Hoyoverse games on the App Store! Don’t go review bombing other games, just Hoyoverse owned ones!
Argue with racists and colorists! Keep yourself safe, and block if they are refusing to let you inform them, it takes a want to learn on their end to actually take in any info!
Speak over other people of the cultures Hoyoverse has stolen from!
Spend any kind of money on any Hoyoverse games. No welkin, no top ups, no battle pass, or nameless whatever- nothing! Show them that we will spend money on their game if they give us characters that have some actual color and representation to them!!
Buy any official merch from Hoyoverse collabs!! Also use this as an excuse to support a small business that isn’t partnered with Hoyoverse or anything and get some sick ass merch from them instead!!
Harass Va’s and assume they haven’t spoken up! A lot of Va’s have spoken up already, and are completely on our side with this one!! Just please don’t harass them, the Genshin fandom specifically has a notorious issue with harassing Va’s.
Follow @ HYVboycott on Twitter!! They have a petition on their page that already has 25,000+ signatures as I’m making this!
Also please don’t let the Hoyoverse boycott deter you from any of the boycotts going on for Palestine, or just what’s happening in Palestine in general. Remember what is happening, stay informed, don’t stop talking about it just because we’re talking about Hoyoverse. I’m gonna start spreading more info about Palestine on this account cause it’s my most followed social media, and I wanna spread more awareness.
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evelynpr · 2 months
Sure the leaks look cool, but DONT FORGET THE BOYCOTT
For Genshin fans who are seeing the leaks. Listen. The leaked animations, environments, name cards, and everything look really cool and fun- but DONT FORGET ABOUT THE BOYCOTT. Do NOT buy ANYTHING from Hoyoverse, and don't hype up the next update either to keep revenue and attention as low as possible.
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thecutesyfishtank · 10 days
Someone say sike right now
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hyvboycott · 2 months
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Due to visible growing dissatisfaction among the playerbase, we have branched out to Tumblr as well! This account will provide information on the HoYoverse boycott
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iodrawsandtalks · 2 months
Last post about HYV content because tbh if you want to continue association with anti-black colorist enabling history erasing pedophile zionists that’s on you
Said this on twt before quitting for good,
like you’re contributing to a company that is quite literally dedicated to making the world a worse place, and enough of y’all are defending them over your rainbow pngs of people you think have feelings. You can’t dodge any of their labels you KNOW what you’re doing.
If you are oppressed and you willingly contribute to all this, i sincerely hope your oppression gets worse.
If you act like these people are worth begging for change instead of tossing them away like trash, you’re pathetic.
If you complain about homophobia or whatever-phobia and then praise this fuck ass company bc you think their pixels are coded because clearly they care about oppressed parties, then i sincerely hope it gets more suffocating for you. I sincerely hope little babies point at you and say slurs.
If you complain about misogyny and then celebrate these fucking demons because their women walking around in bikinis are “realistic, and natural,” i hope men take you even less seriously for playing weirdo fetish shit.
If you complain about nobody understanding the way your brain is wired and then give the fucking pixel characters more decency and respect than humans struggling under their issues and quite literally fighting for their lives every day, then its no wonder. There is ABSOLUTELY something wrong with your brain and you should be shamed for it.
I’m gay, black, neurodivergent and not ONCE have I ever felt like any of you people cared about making the world a better place. all you people do is celebrate the sufferings of my people. In order for the world to be better, either y’all need to stop fucking celebrating this or die.
I get people telling me the slave mistress character with the whip is unproblematic and i should read the bible, i get people telling me its not natural for europeans to be black, i get people telling me blackface is a picture of a penguin, i get people telling me i don’t understand oppression and the oppression is getting your ship talked over. I’m not treating you vermin as human anymore.
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canarysage · 2 months
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hi chat i know i’ve been dead but here’s some rent lowering gunshots: fuck mihoyo and fuck you too
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