#I’m tired of the excuse that he is young and that he’ll grown and learn because he’s already grown and should know what’s right and wrong
elevenenthusiast · 21 days
I HATE how much people do to defend noah on here and on twitter like why are you all forgetting he’s a zionist?
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ilalos · 3 years
Worth it (Anthony Bridgerton x reader) Part 1/2
Summary: You’re Simon’s cousin and you are ready for your first social season, excited for the courting and dancing. Your plans are shattered when you find yourself in an arranged marriage to none other than Lord Anthony Bridgerton, the one man who avoided love like it was the plague.
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, arranged marriage, tiny bit of angst, Anthony is an idiot, if you think of anything else please let me know.
Word count: 2.5k
It was the second season the duke and duchess had the pleasure of enjoying together in their London home. The duke’s household had been rejoicing in the arrival of baby A for a year now and the family was also preparing themselves for the birth of their second child. One might think that they would rather spend these blissful moments away from the chaos that the social season brought, and one might be right.
Simon and Daphne had opted to miss this social season in view of the fact that Daphne would be heavily pregnant when the summer started and would be at risk of having the baby in London instead of the comfort of her home. They chose instead to visit the Bridgerton home before the season started so Daphne could be with her family for a couple weeks with no added stress.
But their plans changed when Simon’s aunt, seeing that they were going to London, decided to ship you, her daughter, with them so you could be part of the social season and hopefully find yourself a husband. The couple had agreed to take you to London and also to chaperone you throughout the social season.
You were a good, polite, and well-prepared lady; your mother had sent you to the finest finishing school in the country to make sure you were molded into the perfect bride. Despite the extensive preparations your mother had subjugated you to, there was one thing they couldn’t take away from you and that was the desire to marry for love. Everyone told you that what mattered was how well you could marry, that you’d eventually grow to tolerate your husband and that your children would give you more than enough joy; but that just didn’t seem enough for you. It didn’t matter how you felt about a loveless marriage though, your mother had been clear when she told you that you had this one season to find a husband and if you didn’t she’d choose for you whomever she seemed fit.
On the day of your arrival you learned she didn’t intend to give you even one season and, with no previous notice to you or him, you were introduced to Anthony Bridgerton as his bride.
Violet Bridgerton had grown tired of her son’s refusal to marry and after pressing him about the matter he admitted he was looking for a wife this season; she didn’t trust him to choose well and when Daphne wrote to her mother about you, she decided it was the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. And so, with your mother’s blessing, Lord Bridgerton was given your hand in marriage.
“I beg your pardon?” Anthony was shocked, to say the least.
“You heard me, son, this is Lady (y/l/n) and she is to be your bride”
You couldn’t think, move or do anything but stand there staring at the man you were supposed to marry. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish and Daphne had to guide you to take a seat because she feared you might faint. Anthony then excused himself and fled to his study with Simon hot on his heels.
“I’m deeply sorry for throwing this at you with no warning, your mother warned that if you were told before you got here you might have refused to come at all” Violet apologized taking a seat in front of you and taking one of your hands between hers.
“Anthony is a wonderful man and I’m certain you will learn to like him, maybe even love him” continued Daphne.
Meanwhile, in Anthony’s office, a similar conversation was being held.
“What excuse do you have now to reject her?” Asked Simon
“I don’t know her, that’s enough to not want this marriage”
“You said you didn’t wish to love the person you had to marry, so I don’t see the big deal in not knowing her” Simon served himself and Anthony a drink as he spoke.
“Even with that being true, I also said she had to be smart and at least interesting to talk to” he took a small sip of his drink “and also that it wouldn’t hurt if she happened to be beautiful”
“And isn’t she?” Simon raised a brow behind his cup before continuing “She is incredibly smart, kind and she also attended the best finishing school available in the London area, which means she is as proper as a lady can be”
“Well yes, but-”
“Your only problem with her is that your mother forced her upon you”
“My only problem is that I saw in her face she had no idea she was betrothed to me, it is not fair for her to be forced to a short and loveless marriage like ours will be” Anthony finished his drink and slammed the cup on his desk, he knew there was no way out of this.
“She, as any lady in the country, knows that her duty is to marry well” Simon placed his cup softly besides Anthony’s “You’re the most desirable bachelor this season, there’s no better man for her if we look at status, money, and age”
Anthony limited himself to roll his eyes and remained silent, he knew Simon was right but it still stung that because of him you were now forced to be married to a man you didn’t love.
“Well, she’ll be a young widow so she’ll eventually have a chance at finding love”
A knock on the door interrupted Simon’s answer and he was thankful because he was quite frankly tired of Anthony’s certainty that he would die young, he understood that Edmund’s death had been hard for him but it was still tiresome to hear him speak like that constantly.
“Yes?” Called Anthony from his desk, prompting Gregory to enter.
“Mother requests both your presences in the dining hall for supper, now”
The rest of the day was uneventful, Anthony refused to speak to you and you were too shocked to utter a single word to anyone. After supper you excused yourself and went to bed early, when you had laid down Daphne entered your room and gave you a letter from your mother before saying good night and wishing you sweet dreams. You sat up and decided to read the letter before bed, maybe it would bring you some comfort.
“My dearest daughter,
If you’ve received this letter it means that you know about your engagement to lord Bridgerton, we couldn’t find a way to tell you because we feared you might refuse to travel to London if you knew. I hope you understand that all I’m trying to do is securing your future, the viscount is a kind man and you’ll be safe with him. I sincerely wish for you to be happy by his side, and maybe even learn to love him.
I know your father is looking down at you proudly and I’m certain he’ll bless your union with happiness, you were his sunshine and he’ll always take care of you no matter where he is, as will I.
Your mother who loves you”
You couldn’t help but feel angry at your mother for lying to you like that as if you were a child with no control over your own emotions. It would’ve been nice to know about your fate before you got here, it would have saved you from daydreaming about balls and love matches that you now knew were never going to be possible. Still, you were grateful that they had chosen Anthony, they might as well had promised you to an ugly old man. So you fell asleep that night disappointed on the false expectations you were allowed to have, but grateful for having secured the best bachelor in the season without even trying; it might not have been a love match but at least it was a good one.
-this time jump is brought to you by Roma, my golden retriever-
“If we are to be married no matter what, shouldn’t you spare me the pain of courting her?” Anthony was straightening his tie as he spoke to his mother.
“Courting, in this case, isn’t meant to convince her to marry you, it’s so society can see your intentions are respectable” she took over his hands and settled the bow tie once and for all “this ball is the perfect opportunity for everyone to see you both as a couple”
“And you act as if you weren’t already attending for Eloise” Benedict entered the room also dressed for the ball.
“Chaperoning, not dancing” clarified Anthony.
“It’s only one dance, my lord, it will be over before we know it” you had entered the room without anyone noticing and Anthony was a little taken back by your beauty, but recovered quickly enough.
“The dance might be, but the ball will be unending” with that he left the room to go and rush Eloise, they were going to be late.
You frowned a little looking at his retreating form, he hadn’t said anything about the way you looked, not one single compliment for his future wife. Benedict must have noticed your disappointment because he swiftly stepped in to make you feel better.
“You look positively stunning (y/n)” he kissed your hand with a small wink “My brother sure is a lucky man”
“That he is” called Daphne from the door “Here you go darling” he placed a tiara on your head, “I told you it would look wonderful with your dress, now let’s go” she patted your back softly “Simon’s waiting for us in the carriage”
“We’ll see you at the ball, my dear” called Violet seeing her daughter to the door.
The ball was beautiful and you felt overwhelmed by the number of people in the room. Simon and Daphne guided you through the room and you felt everyone’s stares on you, you hadn’t presented before the queen because you were already in courtship with Lord Bridgerton so everyone was seeing you for the very first time.
Daphne had begun to feel tired and Simon had left to fetch her some lemonade while she found somewhere to sit down for a while, leaving you unchaperoned and praying no one would approach you while they were gone.
“Excuse me, miss?” So much for prayers.
“Yes?” Yo faked a smile as best as you could looking at the old man in front of you.
“I see you have so much space in your dancing card, perhaps I could book myself the next dance?” Your card was in fact empty because your darling fiancé had yet to appear.
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible Mr. Wyatt, since she’s dancing with me,” said Anthony who had gotten to you just in time.
“Perhaps the next one, then?” Persisted Mr. Wyatt.
“That would be my dance” this time it was Benedict who saved you “Would you look at that? Her card is full, maybe you could try on the next ball” You hadn’t even noticed them scribbling all the Bridgerton’s names on your dancing card until it was full, but it now was and you were thankful for it.
“Thank you so much, I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had had to dance with that man” you thanked Benedict.
“What are brothers for if not to protect future sisters-in-law from dancing with horrid men?” He joked back, making you giggle.
“Well then, let’s have our dance and get this over with” Anthony broke you from your fit of giggles.
“Remember you two, you have to look madly in love” at his brother's comment Anthony only managed to huff some curse words under his breath, dragging you to the dance floor by the wrist.
Once on the dance floor, you both got in position, and when the waltz started you began gliding through the dance floor gracefully.
“For someone who says he doesn’t like balls, you are an exceptional dancer,” you said in a playful tone.
“Mother made us take classes when we were little, any respectable man should be a decent dancer”
“They paid off, it’s a pleasure dancing with you” he didn’t respond to anything so you continued “Are there other talents you are hiding from me, Lord Bridgerton?”
“Not that I’m aware off, miss (y/l/n)” his answer was short and it was clear he didn’t care for conversation.
It had been like this since the two of you had been introduced, any attempt you made to get to know him better was quickly shut down by him. It was as if he wanted to remain a stranger to you, but you were to be married and you at least wanted to know a little about him besides his name and his clear lack of humor.
When the dance ended you left the dance floor and met with Colin by the beverages table.
“Why so sad, love?” The pet name caught you off guard but you assumed it had something to do with the alcohol you could smell on his breath.
“It’s nothing, Colin” you attempted to smile as you served yourself a small glass of lemonade “Have you seen my cousin?” You asked before he continued asking questions.
“He is by those tables with Daphne, a ball is no place for a pregnant lady” Colin pointed to the other corner of the room.
You thanked him and walked to where he had pointed, you were ready to leave, and also what Colin said was true, being in this ball was very stressful for Daphne so the earlier you left the better. Soon you spotted your cousin, his wife, and, to your horror, Anthony.
“Cousin! What are you doing here? I thought you’d be dancing with Benedict” said Simon.
“I was thirsty so I went to get some lemonade, here” you handed a glass to Daphne “I brought you some”
“How nice of you, thank you” she took a small sip “shouldn’t you be having fun? It’s your first ball dear”
“I think I’m quite tired already” you turned to look at Simon “Perhaps we could leave, cousin?”
“If you wish” he looked you up and down, making sure you were alright “Why don’t you and Anthony promenade around the room while I send for the carriage? Just to end the night right, at least in the eyes of the people”
You simply nodded and watched the way Anthony rolled his eyes as he offered you his arm. His plain rejection of you always hurt you, you knew he didn’t love you but never did you expect him to despise you. You walked by his side with a soft smile planted on your face but on the inside, you were hurting because with each day you saw your future clearer, and what the future held for you was being married to a man who could not stand you and would never love you. But then he lead you to your carriage and kissed your cheek when you were out of everyone's view, maybe he didn't find you so bad after all.
Hi! I hope you enjoyed reading this, if you like it let me know i love the feedback. I’m kind of in love with Anthony atm so that’s why this is the second story I’ve written of him. Thanks for reading! :)
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illegal-spiegel · 4 years
Voice Sweet as Caramel
Pairing: deaf!Katsuki Bakugo x gn!reader Genre: fluff, slight angst? Warnings: none Summary: You meet Dynamight and don’t know that he’s deaf. Luckily for him though, when you find out, your quirk comes in handy Word Count: 5.1k words A/N: I did a lot of research to make Bakugo’s experience seem as real as possible. If there is smth that I did wrong, worded incorrectly, etc., please don’t hesitate to inform me. Thank you and enjoy!
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It didn’t really bother him at first. Being deaf, I mean. He didn’t have to listen to a bunch of nonsense all the time, he could sleep in peace, villains trying to goad him on and agitate him didn’t work anymore, and so on. 
It didn’t take him long to realize just how many downfalls there are with that though. He started to fall behind in class because he could no longer hear his teachers. He wasn’t able to hear plans of attack or hear an enemy sneak up on him. 
He can’t hear your voice. 
He became deaf in the middle of his third year. It happened in the middle of a fight with the league of villains and he didn’t really have time to panic about it at the time. When school let out and he became one of the top heroes, he tried not to be bothered by it and for the most part, it worked. His other senses heightened as time went on but that doesn’t mean it made the reality that he’s deaf any easier. There were still the setbacks that will always hold him back from reaching top potential. Because of this, he’s the number three hero, right behind Deku and Todoroki. 
That’s what really crushed him. 
He never shows anyone, heroes, friends, and villains alike, that being deaf is a struggle for him, even when he gets used to it. He wants to hear the villains he defeats beg for mercy. He wants to hear his friends laugh when someone does something stupid. He wants to hear the praise of civilians when he saves them. 
He wants to hear your voice but he’d, obviously, never tell a soul that. 
He didn’t meet you until a year after he graduated.
You showed up when he was fighting some villains, and he’ll never admit that he was struggling a little bit. Somehow though, villain after villain suddenly couldn’t see him and they panicked. They’d run into buildings and each other before Bakugo beat them all to a pulp. 
Seeing as how you’re the only one else there with a hero costume on, he assumes you had something to do with it. As he hands the villains over to the police, you come over with a warm smile aimed directly at him. He stares at your lips as you speak, his ears ringing with the silence that he’s grown used to. 
He doesn’t really understand why you’re trying to talk to him, seeing as how everyone knows that the great hero Dynamight is unable to hear. So, why are you wasting your time trying to talk to him? Maybe you think he can read your lips. That is, after all, a common misconception about deaf people.
Without a word on his part, he turns and walks away from you. He doesn’t hear you stop in the middle of congratulating him. He doesn’t hear how you scoff a bit. He doesn’t see you frown at how rude he is. 
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You walk into the building with a bright smile already on your face, excited for something you literally do every day of your life. It doesn’t matter how many times you do it though. This will always make you happy. Plus, you just came to Japan from America a couple of weeks ago. You haven’t been here in years. You are excited to use your improved quirk to help others. 
You greet the lady at the front desk as you grab your sticker name tag that the staff makes for you every day. You then go to your first stop, gently knocking on the door and coming in once you get the go-ahead. 
“(Y/n)! You’re back!” the little girl squeals, a large smile coming to her face. Your smile stretches out further as you walk over to her. 
“Hi, Keiko! How have you been?” you say as you move your hands slowly for her to read. She watches them attentively before perking up, her mother beside her smiling softly at the interaction. 
“I’ve been really good! I’m glad you're back!” she says happily, her ‘accent’ coming through more now that she’s calmed down and isn’t shouting. 
“I’m happy to be back too,” you agree, your hands moving with your words. 
“(Y/n),” the mother says, grabbing your attention, “Thank you for coming back. You have no idea what this means to me. To us. After the villain attack...” Her eyes are watery as she speaks, her hand coming up to pet her daughter’s head. 
You smile softly at her, coming over to sit in the empty chair by her bed. “Don’t even mention it, Mrs. Suzuki. It’s an honor to be of use to you and your daughter,” you reassure. You then look to Keiko, seeing her body impatiently wiggling around as she waits for you to work your magic. 
You chuckle as you raise your hands, her eyes widening, despite knowing what you were doing. She turns to look at her mom as she shouts, “Mommy! I can hear again!” You read her lips and smile as she wraps her arms tightly around her mother. You watch with a soft look in your eyes, trying to ignore your oncoming sadness that will come when her hearing comes to an end again. 
“Keiko, I noticed that you are getting better at JSL. You must be studying so hard!” you praise, watching her chest puff out at the praise. 
“You bet I am! It’s so easy and my tutor says I’m really good at it!” she brags while using her hands for you to read, a chuckle escaping you at how proud she is. She has every right to be though. 
“That’s so cool! Can you show me what else you’ve learned?” 
You stay with the girl and her mother for their hour before slowly taking away her hearing again. She doesn’t seem to mind though. Even at her young age, she’s grateful for the opportunity that others don’t get to have and she knows that you can’t let her have her hearing back forever. 
You walk down the hall and walk into the next room after knocking. “Daiki? It’s (Y/n),” you greet softly, not wanting to spook the teen. He perks up at the sound of your voice, a smile coming to his face as he turns to face you. 
That has to be the best part of your quirk. You bring all of these smiles to these unfortunate people whose lives were changed at the hands of villains. 
“(Y/n)! I’m surprised to have you come back so soon!” he greets, holding his arms open for a hug. You happily accept it, returning his sight as you pull away. He brightens up more as the life returns in his eyes, your eyes catching the sight of his gums showing from how big he’s smiling before your own vision goes dark. 
“I’ll never get tired of seeing your pretty face,” he playfully flirts, making you chuckle as you take a seat by his bed. 
“You’re such a flatterer.” When visiting Daiki, he prefers to use his time wisely. He likes to memorize the faces of loved ones, read, watch tv, and other things that he can’t do.
When his time comes to an end, he sighs as he closes his book he was reading, a sad smile on his face. “You really are my hero, (Y/n),” Daiki says softly, his eyes roaming your face to now memorize it without your knowledge. 
“I’m just doing what anyone else would do with my quirk,” you reassure, giving him a sad smile as you slowly take his sight away again. He sighs and picks up the same book from before but with braille instead of typed words. 
“Still. See you next week?” 
“You betcha,” you say softly before kissing his cheek and leaving. 
Your quirk allows you to eliminate or heighten the five senses. You can only do one sense at a time though. You can do it in increments too, meaning you can completely eradicate or heighten a sense, or you can do it partially. For example, you can increase someone’s smelling to 100% and they can suddenly smell ten times better than a bloodhound. Another example, if someone is getting a headache by a smell, you can remove someone’s smell by 50% and leave them able to smell but not as strongly as they normally would be able to. Also, when you use your quirk, that sense is completely removed from you but only while you’re using it on someone. You also can’t use your quirk on yourself. 
It’s when you’re leaving the RCV, the Recovery Center from Villains, you notice the fight between a hero and multiple villains. You raise your hand to one of the villains, removing his, and your, sight. When you hear a loud explosion and a cry of pain, you turn off your quirk to find the villain you used your quirk on laying on the ground. You repeat this process with the other villains until there was none left standing. 
When the hero hands them over to the police, you run over with a grin. “Hi, I just wanted to say that you were incredible! I know you probably didn’t need my help but I just wanted to-”
You cut yourself off with a scoff when the blond suddenly walks away from you, a frown coming to your face as you watch him go. Well, that was rude. Especially after you just helped him take down four villains! 
“Excuse me. Were you the one to help Dynamight?” an officer asks. You give her a kind smile as you nod your head, turning to face her now. 
“Yes, ma’am. I have a senses quirk, so I eliminated their sight so, uh, Dynamite could get the upper hand,” you explain. She smiles at this, becoming more fascinated by the second as you explain what happened. You answer any questions she has, noticing the sun is starting to go down. 
“Well, it’s getting dark. I’ll let you go! Have a great day—oh! What’s your hero name?” 
“It’s Esthesia,” you say before saluting and walking away. 
On your walk home, a guy gives you an unseemly smile as his eyes flicker up and down your body. “Hey, baby. Where you going?” You give him a bored look as you raise your hand, taking his, and your, sight away as you continue to walk straight. He begins to panic, your ears listening as he runs around frantically before crashing into a brick wall. When his body hits the ground, you return both of your vision with a smirk. 
“Have a nice night!” you sarcastically call to his groaning figure. 
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The second time you meet Dynamight—you learned from the news how it’s actually spelled—it was under pretty much the same circumstances. You stay by the sidelines, appearing as a civilian to everyone which is exactly what you wanted. 
You raise your hand and remove the villain’s sight, listening for signs that the villain is defeated. When you return your vision though, you find a villain coming from above to attack Dynamight. 
“Dynamight!” you shout in warning, pointing up for him to see what your warning is for. He never looks at you though, allowing the villain to attack him from above. You quickly remove that villain’s sight, hoping that you weren’t too late. Why did he just ignore you like that? Is he that stubborn?
When your vision comes back, you find that he has taken out all of the villains again. You charge towards him once you see this, coming up behind him. “Why did you ignore me? You could’ve been killed!” you shout, afraid for the hero’s life. He keeps his back to you though, his eyes moving from villain to villain to make sure that they will stay down. “Hey!” you shout as you lightly shove him to gain his attention. 
“Hey!” he copies as he catches his balance and spins around, his eyes alight with an inferno that’s normally directed at villains. When he sees it’s you though, that inferno shrinks to a flame. “What is your problem?” he screams. 
You scoff as you cross your arms over your chest, a glare of your own staring right back at him. “My problem? My problem is that you keep ignoring me! I was trying to help you back there and you didn’t even turn to acknowledge me! You could’ve avoided that attack altogether!” you shout right back, your eyes moving to the wound on his shoulder that he received from that villain. Your eyes return to his face when he huffs and looks away from you. 
And just like before, he walks away from you, causing your jaw to drop open. “Hey! You don’t get to do this to me again!” you shout, running to stand in front of him. You notice that the police have arrived to take the bad guys away, which Bakugo also notices. 
“Get out of my way,” he snaps, moving to go around you until you just block his way again. 
“No! This is the second time I’ve helped you! You can at least thank me!” He doesn’t react to your words. He doesn’t even have an expression on his face anymore. He, again, just moves around you and walks away. This time though, you let him go. 
“Fine! That’s the last time I help you then!” you declare. 
It’s not. 
He just seems to have an invisible sign that you can’t see that says, “Come attack me! I’m alone! Please beat me up!” You don’t understand why he never has backup. Well, besides you, that is. 
After helping out several times though, you finally come across him in battle with another hero. About time. Where was he the last six times you’ve helped him?
You watch from afar, only helping if one of them seems to be struggling a bit. You notice that the other hero acts differently around Bakugo. Their body language is different and he never calls out to him. Does he not like him? Cause you sure don’t. 
After the fight is over and the police have escorted the villains away, the heroes leave after interacting with the civilians for a bit. You notice that no one talks to Dynamight though. How is he the number three hero but isn’t popular amongst the civilians? That makes his situation even odder to you. 
When they finally leave, you quickly catch up to them. “Hey! Hi, sorry! I just wanted to say that you guys did a great job!” you congratulate with a grin, not even looking in Dynamight’s way. 
The guy with flaming red hair, named Red Riot you believe, gives you a toothy grin. “Oh, thanks! You’re Esthesia, right? I’ve seen you on the news with Bakubro a couple of times.” You raise your brow at the nickname but realize he’s talking about Dynamight. 
“Oh, yes! It’s nice to meet you! You’re Red Riot, right?” At this, his smile gets even brighter, if possible. 
“Sure is! You can call me Kirishima though! This is Bakugo,” he introduces. It takes everything in you not to scoff. 
“Yeah. I’ve saved his ass a time or two before,” you say as calmly as possible. Kirishima looks to Bakugo and finds that he’s not even looking at you. 
“Sorry about him. He can be so moody.” You raise your brow when Bakugo doesn’t come to his own defense, seeming to just take the playful blow. 
“That’s one word to describe him. Anyway, I don’t want to keep you guys up. I just wanted to congratulate you,” you explain with a warm smile. 
“Oh, it’s no problem at all! It was nice to finally meet the hero who has saved Bakugo’s ass so many times! Say, how about we meet up sometime? It’d be great for you to meet some of the other heroes. Your quirk is really useful!” You blush at this but nod nonetheless. 
“Oh, that would be great! I love helping where I can!” You pull out your phone for Kirishima to put his number into your phone, this finally grabbing Bakugo’s attention, but he remains quiet. 
“Super! I’ll text you when some of the others are free. We can all get drinks or something,” he says as he hands your phone back to you. 
“Can’t wait! It was nice meeting you!” you say cheerfully before you leave the duo to go to the RCV, which is where you were heading before you stopped to help. 
About a week later, you get a text from Kirishima asking if you’d be free Sunday night. You agreed to meet him at a restaurant and you couldn’t help but grow excited at the chance to finally meet other heroes in the area. 
Sunday night came in a blink of an eye it seemed, your heart beating faster with each mile you get closer to the meeting place. You park your car and double-check that your outfit is in order before heading inside. You look around for spiky, red hair, and it only takes you a second to find him. 
“Kirishima!” you call as you near the table. Everyone but a certain blond turns at the sound of your voice. His eyes look at his friends before finally looking at you. You make eye contact with him for a moment before looking at Kirishima. 
“Hey, (Y/n)! You look great!” he greets, standing up and pulling out the only empty chair. 
“Thank you,” you say with a blush, slowly taking the seat, to which he pushes the chair in for you once you’ve sat down. 
“Everyone, this is (Y/n). (Y/n), this is everyone,” he introduces playfully as he takes his own seat. Once he’s settled, he properly introduces you to everyone, to which you happily greeted them all. 
“And finally, Mr. Grumpy-Mc-Grumpy-Pants over there is Bakugo, which you already know,” he says as he taps Bakugo’s arm. Bakugo turns to look at Kirishima before following his finger to you. 
“It’s nice to officially meet you,” you greet with much sarcasm. He, like always, remains silent and looks back down to his menu. You huff and decide to open up your own menu, trying not to be bothered by being shot down by the handsome male. 
For the rest of the evening, weird things occurred. Kirishima always taps him when someone says his name, Bakugo’s eyes roaming the table until he focuses on the person speaking. Kirishima taps him again when it’s his turn to order. You’ve seen people talk with their hands, both literally and figuratively, but these people really seem to get into it, making wide and crazy gestures. 
It wasn’t until your waiter came to your table with your food that you finally realized what was going on. 
“So, (Y/n), tell us about your quirk. Bakugo hasn’t shined any sort of light on what your quirk is and Kirishima seems a little lost at what your quirk actually is,” Mina says with a smile. 
Before you can reply though, your waiter and another worker bring your food to the table. “Who got the kung pao chicken?” the other worker asks, looking around the table. Kirishima was checking his phone when the question was asked, Bakugo not letting the waiter know that it’s what he ordered. 
This is when it hits you. 
The tapping. The blank, bored look. The quiet replies. The crazy gestures. 
He’s deaf. 
God, you’re such an idiot! You work with deaf people all of the time! How did you not realize until now?
“He got it,” you inform with widened eyes, your eyes staring at the blond. His eyes squint at you for pointing at him before realizing that you were just showing the waiter where his food goes. Once everyone has their food, you clear your throat. 
“So, um, Bakugo is deaf?” you shyly ask. This causes everyone to pause and stare at you for a moment. 
“Uh, yeah,” Kirishima answers, “Sorry, I assumed you knew…” he apologizes. 
You shake your head, turning your gaze to Bakugo as you continue. “But why does he act like that?” you ask. 
“Like what?” Kaminari asks with a furrow to his brows. 
“I work with deaf people all of the time. A lot of them are decent at reading lips to some extent and most know, or are learning, JSL. Bakugo seems...like he doesn’t care or that it doesn’t bother him? Does he know JSL?” you explain quietly despite the fact that the man you’re talking about can’t hear you. 
Kirishima sighs as he sets down his chopsticks. “Bakugo has been deaf for about a year and a half now. He knows JSL and uses it when necessary, but for the most part, he doesn’t like using it or when others use it to talk to him. It makes him feel....belittled, if you will. Like he has to have special treatment or something. I do my best to help him but I’m not perfect,” he explains, the last part being directed at what just happened. 
You slowly nod your head as you take this all in, a small frown coming to your face. “So, you guys don’t know what my quirk really is, right?” you ask softly, a smile starting to come to your face. They all look confused in your change of subject but nod along anyway. 
“Yeah, I was asking you about it before our food came. Kirishima says you can make people blind, or something?” Mina pipes up. You confuse them more when you begin to grin, all of them sharing a look amongst themselves. 
“Do you want to see something amazing?” you ask, your eyes flickering over to Bakugo. 
“Please don’t make me blind,” Denki begs, starting to ramble about needing to be able to see pretty girls. Jiro shushes him and then focuses back on you again. 
You raise your hand to Bakugo, taking a deep breath before slowly giving him the ability to hear. Everyone looks to him when he drops his chopsticks, his hands shaking as he stares wide-eyed at his plate. His chopsticks landing onto the table is the last thing you hear before your own hearing is gone. 
“I’m confused. What happened?” you read from Sero’s lips. You remain quiet and just keep smiling, your eyes focused on Bakugo. Bakugo’s eyes snap to Sero when he speaks, something seeming to lodge in his throat. 
Before he can stop it, he’s tearing up. 
“Bakubro! What’s going on?” Kirishima worriedly shouts, looking between you and him. “(Y/n)! What did you do to him?” Kirishima asks worriedly. At the mention of your name, Bakugo finally looks at you.
“I can hear,” he mutters, his voice barely being heard from how thick his throat feels. When everyone starts to say that they didn’t hear him and to repeat himself, he rubs furiously at his eyes and takes a deep breath. “God, I forgot just how annoying your voices are,” he complains, trying hard not to smile. 
Everyone freezes at this. 
“You can hear?”
“What’s going on?”
“My voice is just fine, thank you!” 
Everyone starts talking at once, bombarding him with their voices. A small smile comes to his face despite his best effort, looking at all of them fondly. He looks to you again, eyeing you up as the others continue to chatter on. 
“Well, you being able to do this would’ve been nice to know a long time ago,” he grumbles. You stare at his lips, doing your best to read them. The average deaf person can only understand about 30% of what someone is saying based on just their lips though. 
“Sorry, can you use JSL?” you ask politely before picking up your chopsticks to begin eating. 
This causes everyone to freeze once more. 
“But why?”
Seeing their confused faces, you realize that you never explained your quirk. You give them the rundown before finishing with, “When I use my quirk on someone else, I lose the sense that I’m taking away or giving. So, in this case, I gave Bakugo hearing so now I can’t hear. This is all temporary, of course.” 
The table vibrates with Bakugo’s hit, making your eyes widen as you look at him. “Take my hearing back away,” he demands, not using JSL despite your wishes. Your brows furrow at this, luckily understanding what he said anyway. 
“What? Why? You were so happy just a minute ago,” you reply confusedly. 
“No, I wasn’t! I’m perfectly fine being deaf! I don’t want your pity!” he shouts, grabbing the attention of nearby customers. With him talking so fast, you weren’t able to catch what he said. This is when an idea comes to mind. 
You simply look away from him and down at your plate, starting to eat without another word. “Hey! I’m talking to you!” Bakugo shouts, realizing too late that, duh, you can’t hear him. “Don’t ignore me!”
Ah, the irony.
The others eventually get him to calm down, bright and warm smiles on their faces at seeing him act like his old self. Don’t get them wrong, he still acts like this all the time but there’s this...new fire to him that hasn’t been there in a while. 
When he finally lets it go, you all start eating. The others use JSL to talk to you, seeing as how they all learned it for Bakugo, despite the fact that he didn’t want them to use it. It was a nice dinner, really. 
When the night comes to an end, you all stand up and walk out of the restaurant together. “So, when will Bakugo lose his hearing again?” Kirishima asks curiously, signing out the words for you.  
“Well, I can only use my quirk for so long before it starts to become dangerous, just like when you guys use your quirk for an extended amount of time. Because I use my quirk so much though every day all day, he could stay like this all night. I’m assuming we are all going our separate ways though…” 
“Oh, okay. Well, we all really appreciate what you’re doing for him,” Kirishima signs with a kind smile. You smile back at him, not seeing Bakugo say ‘I don’t.’ 
“It’s no problem at all, really. I just wish I knew about it earlier, so I could help him sooner,” you apologize, turning to look at Bakugo now. By the look on his face and the way his mouth moves, you’re assuming he scoffed.
“Do you think we could hang out again soon? I think it would be good for Bakugo to-”
“What’s with that crazy idea? I’m going home,” Bakugo snaps before turning to leave. Seeing him leave, you slowly raise your hand and switch both of your hearing back. You bite your lip when he stops, the sounds of cars going past on the road and the chatter of people nearby suddenly going silent for him once more. 
He almost feels like he’s going to be sick. 
He turns back around, wondering how he can get you to give his hearing back without actually saying he wants it back. His eyes widen in surprise when all of the sounds come back, a small smile coming to your face. 
“Not everyone has the opportunity to get their hearing back, even for just a little while. So, be grateful.”
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It took a while for Bakugo to finally warm up to you but after a month or so, he finally accepted your presence. It took him three to actually refer to you as a friend. It took half a year for Bakugo to admit to himself that you’re his best friend; he’d never tell you or Kirishima that though. It’s been a year and he still can’t admit to himself that he likes you more than as a friend. 
Bakugo takes a bite of the food you made, his face scrunching up in mock disgust. “What did you put in this? Rat poison?” he jokes. It honestly didn’t taste half bad but he wasn’t about to admit that out loud to you. 
He watches you dance to the music that he can’t hear, your lips moving as you sing. He wishes he could hear it. He watches you stop and turn to look at him at his insult, your mouth showing your scoff. 
“Do you want to die?” you ask as you swipe your thumb across your neck. He smirks at you as he makes a show of taking another bite. He doesn’t hear you hum but he watches as you sign, “Yeah, that’s what I thought, chump.” He’s the one to scoff now, his eyes rolling with his annoyance. 
He’s told you time and time again not to use JSL but you never listen. He secretly appreciates it because he doesn’t have to piece things together when you use it. He still acts peeved when you do it though. 
“I’m not a chump. You’re the chump,” he snaps. You set your food down before walking over to the big speaker on your kitchen counter that is currently playing one of your favorite songs. You stand in front of it and place your hands against it before raising your other hand over to Bakugo.
His ears are suddenly greeted with the sound of the music, a frown coming to his face as he looks at you. While he appreciates being able to have his hearing back, he hates that you lose yours in the process. He’s pulled out of his train of thought when you start singing, his eyes becoming wide. You use the vibrations emitting from the radio to keep tempo, singing in sync with the artist.
Talking without hearing was easy for you but you’ve never tried singing without your ability to hear before. This shows as you softly sing, your voice shaky and out of tune at some points. 
It’s the most beautiful thing that Bakugo had ever heard. 
Your voice is as sweet as caramel. He watches you with a soft smile on his face, not even realizing that it’s there. When the song comes to an end, you bring your food over to the speaker and eat while your free hand remains pressed against the speaker to ‘hear’ the music. 
To his surprise, one of his favorite songs comes on after a couple of minutes and you grew so excited when you realized this. You belt each word with immense confidence, not a sign of hesitation or worry in your voice. 
This is when he realizes that he’s in love with you.
More with Katsuki Bakugo
Tag List: @nojammsss03​ ✦ if you would like to be added or removed, comment or send an ask. Also, remember to tell me if you ever change your username so I can continue to tag you :)
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[SUMMARY: Rick's daughter Melody cant help her curiosity about the man locked up in the prison cell. Being kept secrets from her father, she takes it upon herself to get to know Negan and one day sneaks into the cell to find him asleep with morning wood.]
Negan and Melody
Rick never really allowed you anywhere near Negan. Hell, you never even saw Negan yourself up close and personal. Although you were twenty, your father still treated you like the little five year old girl he used to carry on his shoulders. It was frustrating at times, he always wanted to keep secrets from you about what was going on in the group and he always said it was to protect you. The only times you ever saw Negan he was tied up being led into the prison cell. Truth was, you didnt know what he had done that was so bad. Your father seemed to keep everything from you that involved anything serious. You looked out the window and saw Daryl pass Eugene the keys for cell, each night someone was on guard. Looking to the right you saw your dad heading your way and quickly pulled down the blinds. After you were told Glenn had died in an accident on a run a few months ago many things changed. Maggie left, everyone seemed more distant and it left you confused.
"Get ready for bed, Melody," your dad spoke low as he entered the house making you sigh.
"I'm not tired dad."
"Mel, it's getting late-"
"And is there something we need to be ready for in the morning?" You responded with sarcasm looking back out the window.
"Besides...you never told me what that guy Negan did."
"I told you that's not up for discussion," he insisted making you roll your eyes.
"Is anything up for discussion? Whatever, I'm sure what he did wasnt that bad if hes being kept alive." You got up from the chair and walked past your father as he looked down with a straight face. There was no way he could tell you the truth of what Negan had done. Your father tried to protect you the best he could and losing people was enough, he didnt want to leave you with images in your head.
Waiting to be sure that your father was in his room you quietly snuck out of yours. Your curiosity ate at you and you were tired of your father treating you like a little girl. Making sure you werent heard, you stepped outside and walked towards where Negan was held captive. Eugene was heading back to the cell with a tray of food for Negan. You knew itd be easy to get around Eugene regardless of what your father instilled in his mind. Creating casual conversation with Eugene and some jokes to break the ice you offered to take Negan his lunch. Right away he made a face filled with doubt.
"I dont know about that, Melody..I'm in charge of his cell-"
"Yeah but you're in charge of the entrance. Who's going to watch while you are distracted handing him the food?" Eugene raised an eyebrow in thought, he felt like you had a point.
"Alright but your dad cant know about this, he'll kill me. So dont take too long."
"Dont worry I got it," you assured him before taking hold of the tray of food and the keys from his hand.
You could feel your heart beating out of your chest, you were nervous yet so curious to know the man that was hidden from you. Unlocking the door you walked down a dark hallway before reaching the cell.
"Well its about time one of you fuckers remembered to feed me," you froze at the sound of Negans voice before stepping out of the dark hall and into the light, revealing yourself. Negan looked up as he leaned against the wall not expecting to see a young attractive woman before him.
"Well excuse my French, where the fuck did your pretty little self come from?" Negan looked you up and down observing your skin tight jeans and crop shirt. Right from the jump you found this man to be very intimidating, taking a deep breath you stepped closer to his cell and bit your bottom lip nervously.
"Um...my name is Melody.. I came to bring you your meal," Negan slowly stepped closer to the bars with a smirk on his face and looked down at the tray in your hands.
"I see that...so you're gonna put that down for me, sweetheart?" He spoke slowly with an enticing voice.
"Oh..um, yes" you smiled before slowly bending down not noticing Negan tilt his head eyeing the curve of your ass as you slid the tray beneath the bars.
"Very nice.." he murmured low to himself before you got back up. Your eyes met his and you suddenly didnt move, his eyes were alluring and inviting all at once. Nervously clearing your throat you backed away brushing your hair back.
"I gotta ask, princess. What's a fine young woman like you doing alone with me here in my prison cell?"
"I wanted to see who you were...I'm not allowed to know things so-"
"So you're telling me no one knows you're here?" He raised a brow getting closer, although this man was behind the bars you still found yourself feeling nervous.
"No...everyone treats me like a little girl. I'm twenty years old and I'm tired of people covering up things for me," you explained.
"Shit, you are very young."
"Not too young where I cant be told what the hell you did to be in here, cant be all that bad if you're still alive."
Negan raised his brows sliding his tongue behind his lower lip.
"Oh no sweetheart, I'm no good." He spoke in a low voice.
"So let me guess, you're going to treat me like a little girl too and not tell me why?" Negan couldnt help himself but chuckle making you cross your arms.
"What's so funny?"
"Ohh...princess, if I was out of this cell right now I'd gladly show you how much of a grown woman I think you are."
"What?" You asked a little shocked not expecting him to express himself the way he did. You were quickly learning Negan had an unfiltered mouth.
"Dont mind me," Negan shook his head with a sigh.
"Its been a while and I'm just fucking frustrated."
"Its been a while since what?" You asked making him slightly lean back with a frown on his face.
"You really are innocent huh," you rolled your eyes.
"Listen, if you're going to say it just say it-"
"Its been a while since I've had some pussy." Negan blurt out making you stumble over your words.
"Oh-um...-" Negan grinned raising his brows at your reaction.
"Oh yes," he laughed as you nervously licked your lips.
"Shit..." he suddenly turned serious.
"How long has it been for you? Or wait let me guess, you haven't even had your cherry popped yet." Negan moved closer to the bars to get a closer look at you.
"Actually, I'm not a virgin but it's been a few years since I lost my virginity to this jackass. I havent slept with someone since."
"So you've gone a few years with out any relief?"
"Well um-obviously I've had relief-"
"Oh..so you like touching yourself," he bit his bottom lip in excitement.
"-But yes, it's been years since I've had sex and I'm okay with it, I dont need it." You couldnt believe you were even explaining this to him.
"Hm. Looks like whoever was hitting it wasnt hitting it right, shit I'd always have you coming back for more." You rolled your eyes holding back a smile, you kind of liked the attention he was giving you.
"Are you always this vulgar, Negan?"
"Only when I'm horny," he teased making you shake your head.
"Shit, do you blame me princess? You're the first woman that's spoken to me like I wasnt a damn monster. Plus I love some dirty talk." Negan had to admit the company was refreshing for him. You sighed with a smile and looked down at his food.
"Well, I guess I'll leave you to your food. I'll come by when I can again...if you want me to." Negan smiled sliding his tongue between his teeth.
"Oh I definitely do." You couldnt believe this man was flirting with you but you had to admit to yourself it was a fun interaction.
"Your secrets safe with me, Melody." Negan winked before you quietly left and locked the door shut.
That night you lay in bed smiling to yourself thinking of your very flirtatious talk with Negan. Your dad hadn't suspected a thing and you knew the next morning he would go on a run. It would be a perfect time to see Negan again. You were the first person in a long time to not make him feel like a monster and he was the first person who made you feel like a grown woman. Distracted by his flirtatious ways you didnt focus on the reason of him being held in a cell and Negan had no idea you were Rick Grimes only daughter.
The next morning just as suspected your father left on a run with Daryl and Michonne. The person on guard today was one of the men that you knew wasnt the biggest fan of your father. Of course you were to use this to your greatest advantage. Setting up a tray of breakfast with extra fruit you had grown in your garden you made your way to Negan. Unlocking the door, excitedly you walked down the hall to find Negan asleep with his back facing you as you set down his tray of food.
"Good morning, Negan." You spoke softly making him open his eyes. He groaned with a stretch and turned flat to his back making you gasp.
"What the fuck is your problem?" Negan looked at you confused before noticing exactly where your eyes were. The imprint of Negans very hard cock was practically bulging out of his pants.
"Ah shit-"he muttered to himself adjusting his pants.
"Sorry, sweetheart must've been having a nice little dream." He chuckled as he noticed you wouldnt stop staring at it.
"What, never seen some morning wood before?" He teased as he stood up.
"I mean, of course I just didnt expect to see you..I mean for you to be that way right now." You responded nervously as he made his way close to the bars of the cell.
"Right now?" He laughed.
"Oh princess, you have no idea how horny I am. How much I'd kill for the feel of sweet pussy...shit for a woman to just relieve me." The two of you were face to face now, only the bars separating you from each other.
"You know what I was dreaming about, princess?" Negan spoke as he noticed you would not stop looking down at his crotch area.
"I dreamt about you riding my cock." His voice was raspy, his words making you look up in shock.
"What?" You whispered.
"You left me last night thinking about things I wanted to do to you and this is the outcome." He motioned towards his erection.
"Why dont you touch it for me...just once." He spoke low, your lips parted at his request. Your heart was racing, it was arousing how much this man wanted you. Looking back at the door behind you making sure it was locked you looked back at Negan and nodded.
"Just once." You agreed making him grin.
"Atta girl."
Negan watched as you hesitatingly moved your hand in between the bars and began to slowly rub his crotch. A deep noise escaped his lips the first moment you touched him, his breathing was heavy as you moved your hand up and down.
"Oh my...-" you whispered feeling how rock solid he was.
"Oh, Melody.." he whispered as he closed his eyes. You could tell he obviously wanted more, you could tell how much he needed it. Without saying a word you began to unzip his pants and instantly his cock sprung out. It was thick and hot, you could feel him throbbing in your hand. The man was aching for some kind of relief, he was about ready to explode.
Spitting on your hand you began to move along his shaft. Negan moaned holding onto the bars as he watched you jerk him off. He could tell you were getting turned on as you began to breathe quickly. Negan reached through the bars and grabbed your throat applying pressure making you moan as you began to move your hand faster.
"Fuck baby, I dont think I can hold it-" he held his breath and grunted struggling to not let himself cum just yet.
"Hold on just a little bit more, I want you to cum hard." You whispered as he frowned holding on to the bar tightly, his knuckles turning white. It had been too long since he had been touched, too long since he had ejaculated and Negan had an intense rush. His other hand quickly sliding down your neck and pulling your v neck shirt down revealing your breast.
"Touch me, Negan. Do what you want." You whispered as your hand moved faster. Your words making his jaw clench as he squeezed your breast and let out a very loud and deep groan, loads of cum spilled out of him falling to ground.
"Yes.." you whispered loving the sight of him giving in.
"Dont stop-" he struggled to speak as he continued to cum all over your hand. He panted as you began to slow down before he let go of your breast and leaned against the bars. Releasing his cock from your hand you stepped back and looked at him from head to toe. His eyes were closed as he leaned his head on the bars, his cock twitching as you noticed all his cum on the concrete floor.
"Wow.." you whispered making him open his eyes. Grabbing a rag you had on you, you cleaned up your hand then handed it to him before he closed his pants. Negan cleared his throat before looking back up at you with a smirk.
"I guess I owe you one," he chuckled still trying to catch his breath making you laugh as you fixed your top.
"Glad I could be of help," you joked before the two of you locked eyes. The smiling fading from his face now.
"Seriously, it's been nice having you here."
Negan liked the sexual connection the two of you had, he also liked how you naturally conversed with him. You didnt treat him like an animal, you treated him like a human being. Negan knew he had messed up in life but he knew there was nothing he could do to change the past. All he could do was not repeat the same mistakes. What he did know was that he now knew for sure that he did not want you knowing his real reason behind being locked inside. He knew youd never look at him the same way again.
"Its been nice for me too. I havent really had conversation with anyone in my group." You sighed crossing your arms.
"After my friend Glenn died things changed." You whispered making Negans face change at the mention of Glenn's name. He looked away feeling a knot of guilt in the pit of his stomach.
"Everyone started acting different. I miss the way things were." You continued as you looked to the side and thought back of some memories.
"I think you should get going, Princess." Negan spoke low, his words making you look back at him confused.
"Wh-what? I thought we could talk-"
"Listen, I'm not your fucking therapist. Now get going." Negan snapped just wanting you to leave, his guilt eating up at him he felt like utter shit.
"So what jerking you off is all you needed so I'm good to go now?"
Negan remained silent, his head down not being able to look you in the eye.
"You know I know we dont know each other and you dont give a shit about me, but I thought we had an understanding that we both needed someone to talk to and not talk to them like something they're not." You snapped as he carefully listened to your words.
"That's the problem, sweetheart. They're not treating me like something I'm not. You are." His words left you speechless, what the hell did he mean by that?
"I told you I was no fucking good. Now get out of here." Negan turned his back to you, you couldnt believe what he was saying or what the hell even made him say these things.
"Screw you." Negan heard the crack in your voice before you stormed out and slammed the door shut. Negan sighed knowing he didnt want to hurt your feelings, hell he didnt even want you to leave. Angrily you walked back to your room and slammed the door shut, you felt so stupid you could scream. You swore you'd never see Negan again nor let your father ever find out of what had just happened.
Part 2? Trying to think of where I can go from here. Feel free to send in any ideas if you have. Xx
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biggest-stupidhead · 4 years
Path Walker (Levi x OC)
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Summary: Levi bites off more than he can chew by taking in a young street rat.
AN: I’ve been toying around with the POV of this series so around the 8th part the POV changes to third person, I am really lazy rn but when I get the motivation to I will come back and edit these parts to match, sorry if that bothers you! 
Word Count: 1.7K
I remembered feeling cold, laying in my usual alley I clutched onto the rag that I used as a blanket. I was only 9 years old, hungry and homeless, and now I was dying of disease. I was pitiful, balled up on the ground, laying in the mud. I vaguely recalled a boot tapping my hip, I flinched away, certain it was a Military Policeman.
"Oi, are you...alive?" the cold voice sent shivers through me, he sounded mean. I stayed still, my eyes wide with fear as I thought of the stories the other children had told me of men. The men in the underground took what they wanted. So I figured it was better if he thought me dead.
"I can see you breathing, what is your name?" he asked as he knelt down beside me. I allowed my head to turn and meet his eyes for the first time.
"Emory" I said, but it hurt to speak, my throat felt like it was made of razorblades and lined with gravel. The man raised an eyebrow at the sound of my frail voice.
"Where are your parents Emory? Is there somewhere I can take you to get taken care of?" the man pressed, I shook my head my eyes watering as I thought of how lonely I was. He sighed and stood back onto his feet, he rested his hands on his hips and looked back out onto the quiet street.
"I'll take you home with me, but once you're better you'll be back on your own." the man said, he stooped down and scooped me into his arms. I whimpered when he tossed the rag off of me with a look of disgust.
When I woke up I was in a bed, my hair was tied back off of my face, and a warm wash cloth was being pressed to my rosy cheeks. I licked my lips as I tried to sit up, a young girl pushed me down back into the stiff mattress.
"Don't try to move, just let me take care of you." she said, sounding a bit more aggressive than caring. I said nothing as she passed me a mug full of an earthy smelling liquid.
"It's tea, it'll make your throat better." she said as she held the mug to my lips. I opened my mouth and accepted the drink, my eyes widening as the flavor hit my tongue. She was right, even as the liquid went down my throat I already felt better. I sighed as I rolled over, I couldn't remember the last time I had felt this warm and cozy. I felt clean, my skin smooth rather than grimy, I was wearing an old but clean night gown, I smoothed my hands over the soft fabric in awe. The girl giggled and gently pushed me back into the pillow.
"If a grouchy man comes in don't be afraid of him, he just has a weird face." the girl said before getting up and taking out the tray of tea.
"What's your name?" I croaked, she paused by the door, her green eyes gleamed in the orange candlelight.
"Isabel." she said sweetly before exiting. When she opened the door I could make out the sounds of dishes clattering and a water pump being used. Odd, I must be in a nicer part of town for the home to have a pump. Usually multiple families had to share a water pump. I strained to hear the conversation through the door, I could at least make out 3 separate voices, one I recognized as Isabel, and another as the man who had collected me. The third voice spoke little but when he did it sent chills down my spine. Finally the pump stopped, and I could hear what they were saying.
"We can't keep her Farlan, she's just another snot nosed brat, if we go around picking up every kid we see we might as well open an orphanage." the voice hissed, silence followed his words and I cowered back into the pillow, pulling the blanket up so I could hide my face.
"Not fair Levi, I'm sure she can be of some use to us! Plus she's rather cute." Isabel said, followed by the sound of footsteps on the old wooden floor.
"I don't care what the brat looks like, we can barely feed ourselves no need for another mouth to feed." the third voice, Levi snarled. The room fell silent and I felt ice run through my veins.
"At least go look at her before you tell us we can't keep her, say it to her face that you don't want her." Farlan, the man who I presumed had initially brought me here said, matching Levi's venomous tone.
"Fine." Levi scoffed, I heard the sound of approaching footsteps and burrowed deeper into the covers. My heart raced when the door slowly creaked open, light spilling into the dim room.
"Oi, come out of there." his voice was close, definitely standing off to my left. I flinched when I felt his hand close around the blanket and pull it off of me. I yelped and snatched the corner before he could pull it away from my grasp.
"F-fuck off!" I squeaked, something that I had picked up off the streets, not that I knew what the words meant but other than to leave me alone. His eyes widened a fraction when I spoke, one of his thin eyebrows arching as he took in my appearance. I barely registered the sounds of muffled laughter as Farlan and Isabel chuckled in the doorway.
"Where did you learn to talk like that?" Levi asked incredulously, I shuffled backwards on the bed to put some space between us.
"It's what people tell me when I get too close to them." I admitted, whenever I would approach adults and sometimes older children they would use those words. Levi scoffed and sat down in the chair Isabel had occupied earlier.
"You shouldn't talk like that." he said, a frown etched deeply into his delicate features. I furrowed my brows, I had never had anyone tell me what I should and shouldn't do, I had grown up an orphan, only vague memories of my parents.
"You're not my dad." I said a wave of emotion overcoming me.
"No I'm not, and that's why you can't stay here, you don't belong with us." he said coldly, he stood and brushed past the pair in the doorway, who stood in shock as you watched him disappear. Isabel rushed into the room and sat on the bed, a sympathetic look on her childish face.
"I- He- I'm sure he doesn't mean those things, he can be a bit... shy when meeting new people." she said as I looked up at her expectantly.
"He does have a weird face." was all I said as she struggled to excuse Levi's harsh words. Farlan snorted and sat down in the chair next to the bed, his blue eyes turning soft when he took in my thin wrists.
"I'm sure he'll come to tolerate you." Farlan said, placing a hand on my back, he grimaced when he felt the ridges of my spine through Isabel's nightgown.
"Man kid do you want something to eat?" he joked despite the sick feeling that blossomed in his gut. I nodded and leaned into his touch subconsciously, he smiled and stood to go get me something while Isabel crawled under the covers with me.
"How did you end up all alone?" she asked as I settled into her side, my head resting on her chest.
"I dunno." I said, too focused on her heartbeat to listen to her question.
"Are your parents not around?" she pressed, I shrugged.
"Can't remember." I sighed as I nuzzled into her. She inhaled sharply when I let out a little sigh.
"Emory, please tell me what you know so I can help you." she said gently, craning her neck to get a glimpse of me.
"I don't know who my parents are, or where I came from, just that I'm here." I shrugged, breathing in Isabel's lavender scent. She tensed at my words and gently placed a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry... how long have you been alone?" she asked quietly.
"Since forever." I said. Before Isabel could say anything else, Farlan returned holding a small loaf of bread.
"Here, I don't want to give you anything heavy incase you barf, that would be a waste." he chuckled as he handed me the bread.
"Oi you better not be feeding that brat in my bed, she'll get crumbs everywhere." Levi raised his voice slightly to berate you from the other room. Farlan smiled and pushed the bread into my hands, Isabel sat up and pulled me along with her. I bit into the bread not surprised to find it a bit stale. Farlan sat down on the end of the bed and watched me wolf down the bread.
"Slow down little girl!" he laughed as he watched me finish off the bread and wipe my mouth.
"That was good, thank you." I said before nestling back into Isabel. Farlan smiled, already feeling attached to the spirited girl.
"How old are you Emory?" Farlan asked, leaning forwards on the bed to get a peek at my face.
"Uh... I think I'm 9?" I said my face screwing up in frustration as I thought about my age.
"You think?" Farlan asked, raising an eyebrow and letting a smirk crawl onto his lips.
"Yeah, I'm not so sure but my friends are 9 so that must mean I'm 9 too." I said, quickly tiring of all these questions. Farlan laughed again, Isabel swatted him in the shoulder, jostling me as she sat up.
"Quit laughing at her she can't help it!" Isabel scolded. Farlan stuttered out a feeble apology as he struggled to stop laughing. But by the time he managed to apologize I was already slipping into the best sleep I would ever have. Isabel shushed him as she pulled me closer and rolled us onto our sides.
"I'm sure he'll warm up to her, how can he not? She's damn funny." Farlan said as he watched Isabel hold me close. She nodded in agreement as she brushed her fingers through my golden locks. I sighed in my sleep, feeling safe for the first time in my short life.
I miss them.
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diazevan · 3 years
Evan Begins Again
With the help of his family, Buck learns to love himself, flaws and all - which starts with reclaiming his given name.
Read on AO3
Words: 4436
Warnings: Mentions of past Self-Hate, Brief Injury Detail (on a call)
It starts with Eddie, but these things usually do.
Buck wishes he could be like Eddie, somebody who can freely speak his mind without fearing the fall.
When Eddie has something to say, he makes Buck listen, even if it's not something he wants to hear.
Discovering that he would become Christopher's legal guardian if his best friend dies prematurely was unexpected, but Buck welcomes it. 
The lengths he is willing to go for Christopher are infinite; he loves that kid like his own.
Strangely, that part of the conversation isn't what stuck or what keeps him up at night.
Being told that he's not expendable with such certainty, after a lifetime of believing that's all he is, has put his mind in a spin.
Maddie's told him that before, so has Bobby, Athena, Hen, Chimney, Albert, Taylor - everybody he cares about has, at one point, has told him that he's worth fighting for.
That wasn't anything new, but it's the way Eddie went about saying it, "Because, Evan, you came in here the other day, and you said you thought it would have been better if it had been you who was shot. You act like you're expendable. But you're wrong."
Buck hates when people use his given name - well, at least he thought he did.
Hate wouldn't explain the warmth that spread across his chest when Eddie spoke his name, with just the right amount of love, with an unmistakable tinge of sass.
Aside from Maddie, whenever anybody says his name, he recoils like he's been burnt. He remembers his childhood, being reprimanded by his parents for his reckless behavior or called out by his teachers.
Whenever 'Evan' is used in a sentence, it isn't usually followed by words of affirmation.
Even with Maddie, she's adapted to using 'Buck' when she's proud of him or telling him how much she loves him. Emotions are high whenever she says, 'Evan,' like when he learned about Daniel.
"Evan, please don't leave. Just talk to me."
He talks to Dr. Copeland, and it's almost too easy for her to identify the problem.
'Buck' is meant to be a nickname, but it's bigger than that; it's a shield, a smokescreen, an excuse to hide his true feelings.
He separates himself into two; Buck gets to live while Evan suffers the weight of his hardships.
He can't keep doing that.
He has to face this problem, learn to love every piece of himself, even if it hurts.
If he doesn't, it will kill him.
Because one day, and soon, he'll become tired of 'Buck.'
The same way he did with Evan, then he'll be well and truly lost.
Things need to change.
It's a slow day, nobody's said anything to jinx that, yet, but the night is still young.
Athena has a day off; she's popped over like most Wednesdays, having helped Bobby with dinner.
Maddie surprises them all, dropping by with an excitable Jee-Yun.
Eddie and Chimney carry the stroller up the stairs while she holds Jee-Yun on her hip.
Taking his niece into his arms, Buck asks his sister, "How are you?"
The light in her eyes is brighter than the last time he saw her, "I'm better."
Buck sports his lopsided grin, "Good."
Jee-Yun jumps from person to person, delighted to be surrounded by her favorite people.
They settle on the couches; Jee-Yun stops on Maddie's lab, hit by the tired stick.
Buck sits, sandwiched between Bobby and Athena.
Maddie relaxes into the recliner while Chim perches on the chair's arm as he converses with Hen.
Hen and Eddie share a couch but have claimed separate ends; she sits nearer Chimney, busy discussing kindergarten admissions, which Buck can't believe, Jee-Yun's barely one.
Eddie is at the other end, listening to one of Athena's work stories.
Buck knows he should be involved, but he's lost track of where they were.
Everybody's conversations reach their natural ends - Buck leans in.
"Hey," He croaks - that's odd, his throat is tight, and he didn't realize.
All eyes are on him.
He fumbles with his fingers, "Can I ask you all something?"
Chimney shuffles forward, "Of course."
"Is everything okay?" Hen asks, eyes tracing over him.
Buck dips his head, "Yeah."
Athena takes his hand, "It doesn't sound it."
He insists, "Everything's fine."
"So," Eddie speaks gently, "What's up?"
Buck wonders if Eddie will catch on and understand that everything is changing because he is the first person in years, to remind Evan that he is worthy of love.
He clears his throat, "I want you to call me 'Evan.'"
The request is met by silence and pinched expressions of confusion.
"I'm still Buck," He blurts, "That's my nickname, always gonna be, but I was hoping that we could, like, switch between the two?"
"Okay," Bobby is cautiously gentle, "We can do that."
"It might take some adjustment time," Hen adds, "But of course, we can."
A weight shifts, "Cool, thanks."
"So, what's with the change?" Chimney asks, "I thought you hated your name?"
"I thought I did," He nervously rubs the nape of his neck, and his leg begins to bounce.
"Hey," Maddie sits up, startled, "You don't have to explain-"
Buck shakes his head, "You guys need to hear this."
Bobby presses his hand to Buck's knee, attempting to ease him.
"Talking with Dr. Copeland, I realized that in becoming Buck, I was trying to forget everything that came before," Buck explains, "It should just be a nickname, but it's not - it's a coping mechanism."
He locks eyes with a tearful Maddie, but she smiles with a nod, urging him to go on.
It's once in a blue moon when Buck opens up about how he's feeling.
"I can pretend that every bad thing that happened to me as Evan never happened," He continues, "Shitty childhood, bad friends, and Daniel..."
Everybody shifts uncomfortably on that note, especially Maddie, who draws her daughter closer to her chest.
Buck lifts his shoulders in a shrug, "But it doesn't work like that."
"No, it doesn't," Maddie speaks, quiet, "Those things leave a scar, Evan."
Hen speaks up, "An open one."
"I've never hated my name," Evan's lower lip trembles, "I hated me."
He expects pity or concerned gasps, but instead, he's offered understanding nods and intense gazes filled with love.
"I separate 'Evan' and 'Buck,' but they're both me," He cries, "Like with Buck, I've grown, changed for the better, have the family I've always wanted," Tears spill down his cheeks, "But Evan is buried, and I need to find me, again."
Maddie asks, "Because you feel loved as Buck but forgotten as Evan?"
He nods, "Yeah."
"Evan," Hen cries, her eyes wet with tears, "We love you completely."
Athena's gentle fingers grasp Evan's chin, her mouth curls into a smile, as tears freely fall, "Without a single string attached."
Buck breaths, "You promise?"
"We promise," Bobby reassures fast.
With a strangled sob, Evan crumbles, his shoulders sagging.
Bobby dives, collecting him in his arms.
Athena combs her hand through his hair.
Everybody moves, crowding him, in a hug.
Eddie kneels, gripping onto Evan's knee with all his strength, wrapping his arm around Hen, crouched beside him.
Hen grips onto Buck's forearm, her stance protective.
Chimney stands behind, hands resting on Buck's trembling shoulders.
Maddie takes the space beside Hen, taking Evan's hand, while she balances a half-asleep, confused, Jee-Yun on her knee.
Eddie speaks - his tone strong, "You're going to be okay, Evan."
It takes a month for the change to stick without the aura of awkwardness.
It is easy to get tongue-tied - in the beginning, there were many 'Buc-vans' and 'Ev-uk's,' but, at least he knew, they were trying.
After a couple of false starts, interchanging between 'Evan' and 'Buck' is set to stay.
Evan is sure that he's never been happier.
He stops over for dinner at Bobby and Athena's on Thursday nights.
While they're washing up, he gathers his shoes, slipping them on; he tries to be quiet, considering May's already in bed.
It's nearing midnight; he doesn't want to overstay his welcome.
"I better head home," Buck whispers, "Early start tomorrow."
"We have a free bed, you know?" Athena asks, gathering empty glasses off the dinner table, "Since Harry's with Michael."
"I wouldn't wanna intrude," He bends to do his laces
"Buckaroo, we invited you, remember?" Athena tells him, "Your apartment is almost an hour away—time you could spend sleeping."
Buck stops what he is doing and sighs with a grin; he knows exactly where this is heading.
"We're heading into a twenty-four shift, Evan," Bobby speaks warmly, "We'd feel better if you stayed."
Buck slips off his shoes, "I'll stay."
Athena shoots a smile in Bobby's direction, "There should be some pajamas for you in the drawers, the second row down," She instructs, "Your toothbrush is in the medicine cabinet."
"Thank you," Evan skips up the stairs, "Goodnight."
The following morning, Buck is woken by his seasonal allergies.
He's survived a truck explosion, a pulmonary embolism, and a tsunami, but hayfever still sucks.
He snags an antihistamine from their medicine cabinet and creeps into the kitchen, careful not to make any noise.
May's left for work - there's a note on the table explaining that she'll be late home as she's checking out her new apartment with Michael.
Buck's downing his second glass of water when Athena steps out of her bedroom, "Buck?" She questions, "You're up early."
Evan rubs his eyes, "Allergies."
Athena rests a hand on his back as she opens the fridge door, "You need an antihistamine?" He asks, "May's a sufferer too, so we're stocked up."
"I took one," He smiles - uncertain, "Sorry, I didn't ask."
Athena fixes him with her parental glare as she tuts with a laugh, "Evan, you don't have to ask," She assures, "This is your home too."
Evan stares at her, mouth dropping open, "Thanks."
His mother's words ring in his head; You're under our roof, Evan, so you have to respect our rules.
Growing up, his parents never once referred to their house as his home.
Athena pats his arm, "Come on, you're helping me with breakfast."
"Of course," He claps his hands together, "Where do you need me?"
Being called 'Evan' again by those he trusts is second nature, almost like things have never been any different.
Buck struggles to see the floor as he heads into May's new apartment, box in his arms, "Hey, May," He calls, "This box isn't labeled."
She rolls her eyes, "It is, but Dad covered it with tape," She tries to peel the corners off, "Again."
Michael defends, "I'm cautious."
"And I'll be spending the next two weeks trying to cut free my possessions," May taunts; she taps the top of the box, "Bedroom."
Buck nods, "Gotcha."
She smiles, "Thanks, Ev."
Warmth spreads over Evan's chest, he smiles, hanging his head; well and truly caught up in the euphoria of acceptance.
His pseudo-sister was the first to try 'Ev.'
It works. Buck loves it.
"Buck, can you help me in the kitchen when you're done?" Athena calls, "I'm gonna your help with these latches."
"Sure!" He places the box on the floor and turns into the kitchen.
Chimney, who is in the middle of constructing a bookshelf with David, turns, "Oh no, brace yourself," He taunts, "Fire Marshall Buckley is back!"
Buck remains straight-faced, "Ha."
"Why do I need these, Mom?" May quizzes, "I'm not a kid."
"We have around ten thousand earthquakes a year," Evan explains; he grabs the latches, "Things get broken. This is an added safety," He points to the windows, "Especially this high up."
May narrows her eyes, "So, what I'm hearing is that this was your idea, not Mom's?"
Buck nods, "I suggested it."
Athena squeezes his shoulder, "I accepted the suggestion."
May bops her head, "Oh, I see."
"Buck's got an eye for safety," Bobby praises.
Eddie walks in with May's ironing board, "Which is saying something."
Buck glares, "You're so funny."
Michael walks over, "Thank you, Evan," He says, all actively ignoring Eddie and Chimney's mischievous laughter, "Earthquakes aren't a thing I considered."
"You're not gonna remember everything," Evan holds up the latches, "If you want, I could set some of these up at your place."
"That would be wonderful."
Athena sports a fond smile, "It's like having our own personal handyman."
Buck jokes, "Well, if that's the case, you can all pay me."
Buck lays on his front, across Maddie and Chimney's carpeted ground, his eyes fixed on his niece.
She's busy chomping down on one of her many toys, but she stares at him with her wide brown eyes, fixated on his face, much like he is on hers.
Sometimes, even thirteen months into her life, he can't believe that his sister, and one of his closest friends, came together to make a human being.
"How can somebody be this cute?"
Maddie steps over, "Oh my, God," She laughs fondly, "She's covered in drool."
"That's fine," Buck gathers a cloth, wiping it over Jee's face, "She's still adorable, aren't you?"
Jee-Yun throws her hands in the air, "Yeah!"
"Yeah," Evan repeats, bopping her nose.
"Should I be worried about you two?" Maddie asks, sitting on the couch, "You're gonna be partners in crime."
"Just wait until we join forces with Christopher," He scoops his niece onto his knee, "It will be over for all of you."
"What is it about you, Evan?" Maddie asks, "The way she looks at you - the way everybody looks at you, it's like-"
He asks, curious, "Like what?"
"I don't know," She tilts her head, "Like you're the key to the mysteries of the universe."
He barks a laugh, "Maybe, I am."
Maddie grabs her book from the coffee table, "Chim thinks you're a trained hypnotist."
"No comment."
Maddie throws her head back with a laugh.
Buck turns to Jee, "Where's my nose?"
She reaches up, grabbing his nose.
"That's right!" He praises, "You're a genius."
Jee-Yun blabbers, "Ev-an!"
Maddie sits bolt upright, "Did she just?"
Jee-Yun knows a couple of words - Ma, Dada, No, Yes, but she's hasn't ventured any further.
Jee-Yun swings her arms around, "Evan!"
Oh, and he melts, a delighted cry catching in his throat.
His teary eyes meet Maddie's.
Every time someone utters his given name, Evan is one step closer to the light.
With Jee-Yun's soft squeal, he's out - the darkness now, a distant memory.
"Yes," He holds her up, "That's me!"
By Halloween, Evan barely notices the change - it goes to show how fantastic his family is.
He fishes out the insides of a pumpkin, humming 'This is Halloween' under his breath.
Hen's amused look bores into him.
He shakes his hands, "This is fun."
"How?" She laughs, "I once had my hand inside a man's chest, and somehow, this is worse."
Buck reclines his head with a laugh; he grabs a cloth, drying his hands.
"Hey, Evan!" Chimney sings from downstairs, "I need you and your abnormal height!"
"Again?!" Buck hollers back, not dropping his grin, "Chim, this is borderline exploitation!"
Hen bows her head, chuckling.
Buck hears the ladder being pulled out.
Hen raises her eyebrows, "You better go, Buck, or we'll be taking him to the emergency room."
"Oh," Buck runs, "Stop it, Chim, I'm coming!"
Buck's definition of a perfect weekend is spending it with the Diaz Boys - teasing Eddie endlessly and sneaking treats with Christopher, even though they both know that Eddie sees what they're doing.
Evan was apprehensive when Eddie suggested they took a trip to the carnival - rollercoasters, and crowds - reminded him too much of the calm before the tsunami.
He agrees to go - 'exposure therapy,' Eddie calls it, and Buck knows he's right.
It's okay, and they have a ton of fun.
Buck wins one too many prizes for Christopher, which Eddie ends up carrying, along with Christopher's crutches, but he doesn't complain.
It's easy to understand why Christopher wants to hold Buck's hand - he remembers the day at the Pier, too.
Knowing that the ocean is an hour away helps because at least that's not a natural disaster that could stop them in their tracks.
Thanks to the pandemic restrictions, there are fewer people, which eases the pressure further.
Sunset was almost two hours ago, and Christopher keeps yawning in-between words.
Without a second thought, Buck kneels, holding out his hands, "Here we go, buddy."
Christopher shuffles forward, tucking his face against Evan's shoulder.
Buck gathers him, letting Christopher tangle his legs around his middle before getting up, "There we go, I've got you."
Eddie smiles fondly, "We should head back to the car."
"Yeah," Buck sings, patting Christopher's back, "Which way is it?"
Eddie points, "That way, I think," He darts his head around, "Hopefully."
Buck snorts a laugh, "We'll find it, eventually."
Christopher is ten, he usually doesn't like being carried around anymore, but he settles in Buck's grasp, content.
Buck fears the day that they won't be able to scoop him up - he knows that anxiety is doubled, in Eddie's case.
"You okay with him?" Eddie whispers.
"Of course," Buck grins, "I'm legal guardian material."
Eddie scoffs a laugh, shaking his head.
"He's getting taller recently," Buck comments, "It's insane."
"Usually what happens with kids, Buck," Eddie teases.
"Ha, ha," Buck replies, monotone.
"Dad, Buck...." Christopher shushes, "I'm sleeping," He mutters.
Eddie bits his lip to conceal a laugh, "Sorry, bud."
"We'll keep it down," Buck adds, tapping his back.
Christopher tightens his arms around Evan, his head lulling on his shoulder.
"You okay there, bud?" Buck asks.
"Yeah," Christopher breaths sleepily, "You're comfy."
"Well, thank you."
Christopher goes quiet, and for a moment, Buck thinks he's fallen asleep, but then he speaks, "Love you, Evan."
Evan's breath catches sharply; he tightens his grasp, "Love you too, kid."
His family, Buck can't quite believe his luck - they're perfect, in every sense of the word.
Unfortunately, not every use of his given name comes at a happy time, but that would be beside the point.
'Buck,' 'Evan,' and even 'Buckaroo,' - they need to be used, freely, no matter the time of the day or what is happening. It helps; it means that he can't associate any of them with a particular emotion or trauma.
Evan scouts the roof of a decrepit apartment complex - that is, according to dispatch, set for demolition, but they've received calls about somebody being trapped on the top floor.
Time hasn't been kind to the structure, narrowing their time for a search and rescue.
So, starting from the roof and working down seems like the best bet.
Buck steps towards the door, the foundation creaks, dangerously loud under his foot.
He grabs Hen's low-hanging wrist as the roof gives way below them.
He doesn't remember what happens next.
With the dangerous nature of their jobs - Evan's name and all the possible variations are often uttered in worry.
He blurts awake with desperate rapid breaths; every ache and pain catches up with his concussed mind, "Hen?"
Hen's panicked voice cautions, "Buck don't move!"
The light is low, but he can see, despite the abundance of dust particles.
His back rests against debris; he can tell by the throbbing pain in his biceps that he didn't land in the position he was in, more likely manhandled into place.
He doesn't want to consider the time that Hen spent alone, waiting for him to wake, "Hen," He repeats - desperate.
"I'm here."
He lifts his head, "Are you hurt?"
She crawls into view, hauling her gear along with her, "I'm fine," She promises.
He traces his eyes over her - she's got a couple of scratches, but nothing too worrying, "We both fell?" He asks, confused.
"Yeah," She seems guilty, "But I was lucky."
She presses her fingers to his pulse point, "I had a soft landing."
"Oh," He laughs at the absurdity, "I'm an excellent crash mat."
She glares, "That's not funny."
"It kind of is," He offers her his dopiest smile, "Glad I saved you."
"Thank you," She kisses his forehead, "Now, stay awake."
His eyelids are heavy, "What about the victim?"
"Dead," She sighs.
Buck changes the subject, "What's wrong with me?"
"Broken arm," She lists, "Some blunt force trauma, and—" Her throat cracks; she can't say it.
"Ruptured spleen," She sniffles, "I think."
Buck mutters, small, "Oh, that's not good."
She grips his hand, "All you've gotta do is stay awake, okay?"
He tries, but his eyes are heavy.
"Evan," She grabs his chin, "Please don't close your eyes."
"You're not dying on me," She orders, "I won't let you."
He smiles, weak, "Okay."
"I'm right here," She vows, "I'm not going anywhere."
He praises, "You're gonna be a great doctor."
"I know," She tells him, "You don't need to tell me that now, though."
"I have to, just—"
"Zip it, Buckaroo," She snaps lovingly, "We're getting out of here, you hear me? You're gonna help plan my surprise party when I graduate, and then we're gonna get drunk together."
"I'd like that."
She presses their foreheads together, "Just stay awake."
"I will."
Buck knows he's far too comfortable in hospitals; he is familiar with the staff and can easily snag an extra pudding at mealtimes, thanks to an older nurse who first treated him following his emergency tracheotomy and had on every subsequent visit.
Still, despite the laughs he has, he can't wait to escape - back to normality.
He folds his LAFD hoodie when Eddie swings inside, hand grasping the doorframe, "You ready?"
Buck turns his head, "Did you grab my meds?" He asks.
Eddie holds up a clear bag, "Right here."
Eddie steps inside to place the medication into Buck's backpack; he then takes over, zipping up the bag.
Evan hums a laugh, "I can do that, you know?"
"I know," Eddie prods Buck's shoulder, "But we wouldn't want you to throw your stitches."
Buck perches on the bed, "Hen would kill me."
"Hen would kill us," Eddie corrects, "Mainly me."
Evan snorts, "Why?"
"I'm in charge of keeping you in line, apparently," He chuckles.
Buck hangs his head as he laughs, rubbing at the nape of his neck.
Eddie's tone turns sincere, "Are you alright?"
Buck's okay - really. The pain medication is doing its job, and he barely feels the ache in his side - what's on his mind is more complicated than that.
Eddie grips his shoulder, "Buck?" He fixes him with a concerned glance, "What's going on?"
He shrugs, "It's complicated."
Eddie sits, "Do you want to talk about it?"
"I almost died," Buck lets go of a breathless laugh, "Again."
Eddie holds a hand in front of his face, failing miserably to hide a grin.
Buck's eyes widen, "What's so funny?"
"Sorry," He moves his hand away, "Just déjà vu - but last time, this was the other way around."
"It was," Buck confirms - the conversation is falling in the direction he needs it to go, "When you told me about your attorney and Christopher, I was scared. I never thought that anybody would trust me as much as you do; Christopher is your life, your everything, and I'm just me."
"You're you," Eddie repeats, softly stern, "That's why I made the decision."
Buck's shoulders sag, "I know."
"You fight for what you believe in, Buck, and you've never once stopped fighting for him," Eddie starts, "You almost killed yourself trying to find him during the tsunami," He takes a breath, "Hen told me about the well collapse; how one of the only words they could get out of you was Christopher's name. Your concern for him became your priority, even when he wasn't in any danger. I knew, then, that it was you because if I had died that day, you would have been taken away from each other, and that wouldn't have been right."
Evan's world would fall apart without Eddie, so would Christopher's - at least together, they'd have somebody to cling onto.
"If I die on this job," Eddie continues, "I'll die knowing that you two have each other."
Tears glisten in Buck's eyes, "So, that's why you changed your will."
Buck settles his hands on his rocking knees.
Eddie questions, "Is there something else?"
Evan nods deliberately, "When I get hurt, Maddie can get a little short with me."
"She's afraid of losing you."
"Of course," Buck fidgets, locking his fingers together, "Maddie's lost too much. She's already had to stand by, watch our brother die, and live with the fallout. The decisions my parents made when they had me."
Eddie hisses, "Buck—"
"I know, I am wanted," He assures, "By her, by you, by the team - but this isn't about that."
Eddie's expression relaxes, glad that he doesn't have to lecture Buck on his importance again.
"It's just," Buck sighs, "Maddie latches to those she loves, and she can't let go - I wouldn't want to put her in a place where that is her only option."
Eddie brow furrows, "I'm not following."
"I'm going to make an amendment to my living will," Buck concludes, the space between each breath grows shorter.
"What amendment?"
He lowers his head, "I'm going to give you power of attorney."
Eddie's face softens, "Oh."
"Maddie has it right now," Buck scratches at his cheek, "But I've spoken to her about changing it."
Eddie's eyes widen, "You have?"
Evan nods, "It was my parents before, but they don't know me, well enough, to make the right decisions, but you do - and I know that you'd be strong enough to make them."
"Evan," Eddie meets his gaze, "I can do that, for you," He vows, "And, I understand not wanting Maddie to make those decisions, but what about Bobby?"
"I thought of Bobby, but then I remember—"
Eddie realizes, "His kids." Bobby is one of the strongest men they know, but if he was ever faced with the decision to take Buck off life support, he'd crumble under the weight of it all.
"I know this is big and that these decisions would hurt you," Evan croaks, "But I have faith that you could make them."
"I could," He confirms, "Evan, if I die, you become my son's legal guardian, and I'm sure that wasn't easy for you to process because yes, I trust you, but in that scenario, I'm dead," He lifts his shoulders in a shrug, "If you could do that, I can do this."
Evan leans, gathering his friend in his arms, "Thank you," He whispers, gripping tight, "For everything."
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whattodowithkpop · 4 years
Good Cops (Donghun)
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Title: Good Cops
Pairing: Donghun x Reader
Genre: Slight Romance
Word Count: 3.5K Words
Writer: Kpopmadness
As the Monday train rolls down the tracks I keep my eyes out the window. Blocking out the busy noise of Korea that morning. I let out a soft sigh and feel slightly drowsy. My normal time for getting up for work to be down at the station was 5 AM sharp.
Being a cop in Korea wasn't easy, but it was what i loved doing. I had worked hard to be in the position i was in and to get the jobs i did on the force. But even though i loved my job, i had learned six months ago that this job comes at a price sometimes. I press my palms into my eyes, willing the images of blood staining my hands away from my mind. I tried to force my mind to focus on something else. Like the fact that i was getting a new partner today.
I willed a smile onto my face. I had put in an application form for a K9 Unit about two months ago. Demands for the well trained dogs was high. So i knew i would be waiting awhile. But last night before heading home my chief had said my new partner was coming in today.
The train comes to a stop and i stand up to leave. From the train i had to walk a few blocks to reach the station, which i didn't mind. The fall air was cool and refreshing as i made my way to the station. The walk and the air combined gave my mind a sense of clarity as excitement filled me for the days events.
The station was quiet once i made my way inside. Everyone was still waking up or trying to get dressed for the day. I enjoyed the silence while it lasted while i went to my locker and changed into my navy blue uniform.
I had just finished pulling my hair into a tight bun when I hear a soft tap at the locker room door,
“Come in.” I call, putting my old clothes into my duffle bag for later.
The chief of the station pokes his head into the locker room. He’s a middle aged man with black hair and thick rimmed classes. His lanky body is covered by the same navy blue uniform all of us wore, except the lines in his face showed the stress of serving on the force for many years.
“Your partner is here, Sargent.” He tells me, a warm smile on his face.
A wide smile blooms on my face and I quickly shut my locker door. “Really?” I ask, my voice a little too high pitched and excited.
The chief laughs and opens the door wider for me to get through, “Come see for yourself, kid.”
I eagerly follow him out the door almost bouncing up and down with excitement. I secretly hope the K9 is either a German shepherd or a pit bull, but at this point I’ll be happy with any K9-Unit.
The chief opens the door to his office and I quickly scan the room. A man with dark hair and big brown eyes stares back at me with a wide smile on his face. I quickly realize I won’t be getting a dog after all.
“Hi, I’m Lee Donghun.” The man says excitedly, his head bowing low before stretching out his hand for me to shake.
My eyes dart to my chief and then back to the man with his hand out toward me. I quickly take the chief by the wrist and pull him outside the office, shutting the door behind us. Leaving Donghun alone feeling confused.
“That is not a dog.” I snap, more than a little annoyed.
The chief chuckled softly, “I know.”
“Chief, I told you I didn’t want another partner. Not like that.” I complain.
“I know.” He says. “But you’re one of the best female Sargent’s here. And you can’t avoid having a real partner forever. Besides, he’s young and a rookie. You would make a good teacher.”
I let out a groan and hide my face in my hands. Frustrated that this was even happening. But deep down, I felt like I knew it was going to happen one day.
“Give him two weeks, kid.” The chief says gently, “See if you like him or not. If not, I’ll get you your K9 and he’ll move to another partner. Then we’ll all be happy.”
I sigh and give a slow nod. The chief smiles broadly, clearly happy with himself. I open the door to his office again, Donghun still stands in the same place he was moments ago picking at a loose strand on his pants nervously.
“Come on,” I say, motioning with my head for him to follow.
He smiles widely and picks up his jacket as he follows me outside.
I rest my head against the headrest as me and my new partner drive down the main road. I glance over at him. He happily sits looking out the window excitedly. His dark hair shining in the sunlight.
I turn my eyes back to the road and try to push my annoyance down. It was only for two weeks. Surely i could handle that.
I turn the car into an old grocery store parking lot and turn the car off so we could clock people's speed. I sit back in the seat and watch the cars pass, my eyes feeling  heavy.
"Thank you for giving me this opportunity.” Donghun says sweetly. His dark eyes meeting mine.
I force a smile onto my face and answer, "You're welcome. I think you'll catch onto the routine pretty fast."
Donghun sits back in his chair and sighs, "I'm the new guy so no one really knows what to expect of me."
He sobers, however, and adds, "I'm sorry. If i'm not what you expected. Or maybe even wanted."
That makes me feel bad. So i turn to him and answer, "I was in a bad mood this morning. I just thought something different was coming my way today. But i know how it feels to be a rookie. Just listen to what i tell you and i think me and you will get along  great."
Donghun smiles widely at me. Making butterflies burst in my stomach, making me blush.
"I look forward to learning from you."  He says, his dark eyes sparkling.
1 Month later;
"Donghun!" I yell, running down the street, chasing a runaway prisoner down the busy street of Korea. My lungs burning from how fast i have to run to keep up with the criminal. Who is now frantically throwing random things onto the street to try to stop me from following.
"Donghun, where are you?" I yell again into my walki-talki clipped against my chest.  Static answers me and i let out a growl.
I feel it start to get harder to keep up with the runaway, my legs now starting to cramp up. The prisoner takes a turn onto the busy street and maneuvers over several cars, which all honk angrily at him as he tries desperately to escape. He takes a turn onto one street when, suddenly, a black car swerves in front of him, blocking his path. The cars sudden appearance makes the man slam against the hood of the car before falling down hard against the pavement.
"Don't move." Donghun orders, pulling his gun from its holster. The man lays motionless on the ground, his hands up.
Donghun jerks him up by the collar before pushing him up against the car and putting handcuffs on him. Once the prisoner is locked securely inside the car I sit down on the pavement and lean my back against the cop car. Sweat rolls down my neck as i try to catch my breath. I stretch out my tired legs, exhausted from having chased the guy on foot for nearly two miles.
"What happened to you?" Donghun asks teasingly, handing me a bottled water.
I take it from him but still manage to meet his eyes to glare at him. "I was chasing that guy down while you were taking your sweet time." I say sourly.
Donghun lets out a sigh before defending, "I  wasn't about to chase the guy on foot like you did. I got in the car and decided to cut him off."
"You're supposed to stay close to me!" I say a little too loudly. "Partners stick together."
Donghun looks down at the ground, looking a little hurt. But he doesn't argue, he simply nods his head in understanding. Knowing better than to argue.
I stare at him for a moment before sighing and shaking my head. "That was good driving though.”  I admit.
And I realized it wasn't all Donghuns fault. Since I decided to keep him as my partner he had learned from me, but not all my good habits. He picked up the bit of recklessness i possessed. Plus, his fear of very little to almost nothing didn't help much. But really, since that first day we had been assigned to work together he had been a really good partner. And he had grown on me. Hence the reason he stayed.
Donghun smirks at me, "It was good, wasn't it?" He says proudly.
I roll my eyes at him and take his hand that was extended to me as i stand up.
"It wasn't half bad." I say, my body temperature feeling much cooler.
"For a rookie." I add with a smile.
Donghun narrows his eyes at me as he makes his way back to the drivers side. We start to climb in when i hear a small voice say behind me.
"Excuse me,"
I spin around to see a little girl, who couldn't have been more than five years old, looking up at me with big blue eyes.
"Hi sweetie!" I say cheerfully, bending down to her level.
The little girl looks behind her at her mother shyly before saying in a hushed voice,
"I love your hair."
I hadn't even realized my hair had fallen out of its tight bun. It cascaded down my back now in thick dark locks almost touching my waist.
I pull my hair over one shoulder, making the little girl reach out and touch it gently,
"You're like a princess." She says, her smile wide showing two teeth missing.
I laugh lightly, "I'm too sweaty to be a princess. But you look more like one with your cute headband." I say, gently touching her sparkly cat eared headband.
The little girl grins at me before removing the headband from her head and placing it gently on my head.
"Now you're a princess." She beams at me before skipping her way back to her mother.
I smile as she leaves and stand up, gently touching the small headband on my head.
"A princess, huh?" Donghun says, staring at me from the other side of the car.
I remove the headband from my head and start pulling my hair up again as i glare at him, "You have something smart to say?"
Donghun smirks at me, "Princess... It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
"Only I'm not, nor have i ever been, a princess." I shoot back.
"Maybe not." Donghun says, "But it does seem to work for you somehow. It would make a good pet name."
I let out a laugh as I open the car door and say jokingly, "Yeah. Maybe we should start calling each other that now. You call me princess and i can call you oppa or daddy."
The smile on Donghun's face vanishes and his cheeks turn a dark red before he clears his throat and gets in the car, slamming the door.
I feel puzzled as i sit in the seat next to him and buckle up. He doesn't meet my eyes, or speak to me as we head back to the station.
2 Months Later;
"No." I say firmly, taking another sip of my hot coffee.
"Oh come on, princess." Donghun whines.
"Donghun," I warn, holding a hand up to stop him from talking more. "I told you not to call me that, I've been telling you for two months now."
Donghun flashes me a smile across the dark car before saying, "Too late now. I like it too much to give it up."
I let a laugh break through my lips, "What do you mean you 'like it'?" I ask, "I'm your superior and this is technically insubordination for not listening to me."
Donghun lets his head rest against the headboard behind him as he lets out a deep laugh. His breath could be seen leaving his mouth in a thick white cloud from how cold it was outside. The clock on the dash read 1:30 A.M and we were parked by an abandoned apartment complex pulling a night shift clocking speeds.
I readjust the hood of my sweatshirt on my head to block out the cold as i shoot back, "I am not playing truth or dare with you on duty, Donghun."
Donghun lets out a heavy sigh and slams his head against the headrest again in protest. "We have nothing else to do to pass the time.”
I rub my tired eyes and growl, knowing he wasn't completely wrong but i didn't want to admit it.
"Please princess..." Donghun whines in a low voice, his big brown eyes taking on a wounded puppy dog look.
"Fine." I breathe out, annoyed.
Donghun sits up excitedly and sets his coffee cup down in its coffee holder. "Truth or dare?"
I take a sip of my coffee and keep my eyes fixed on the road watching for cars as i answer, "Truth."
"Do you like being called princess?" Donghun asks, a dark grin on his face.
I reach over and slap him across the chest, laughing, "That is not a good first question, Lee Donghun!”
Donghun laughs with me as he rubs his chest where i hit him, "You said we could play this game and the rule is we can ask whatever we want. I wanted to ask that question. Now answer me."
I let out a sigh and hide my face in my hands. A  blush creeping onto my face. I was thankfully that it was dark outside.
"Yes."  I mumble against my hands. Defeated.
"I'm sorry, what? What did you say?" Donghun asks, leaning in closer to me as if he couldn't hear me.
I flick his forehead making him lean back in his chair, "You heard me, you brat." I say through a laugh, my face now burning.
Donghun smirks at me and holds my gaze, "Sensitive much, Princess?"
This makes me blush harder so i sit back in my seat and change the subject. "Truth or dare?"
"Dare." Donghun answers. I can hear in his voice that he’s proud of himself for making me flustered.
"Take a big sip of your coffee without blowing on it and burn your tongue as punishment for what you said." I say jokingly, making Donghun laugh. But I'm still shocked when he does it and manages to not spit all over the car.
We go back and forth like this for some time until the clock reads 3:30 A.M and we sit there half asleep, our coffee's long gone.
"Truth or dare?" Donghun asks through a yawn.
"Truth." I answer, rubbing my eyes. Exhausted.
"Do you prefer cats or dogs?"
"Dogs."  I answer, not hesitating.
Donghun nods, "I figured. I have a cat."
"You seem like a cat person." I say, pulling my sweatshirt closer to my neck.
"She's a special kind of cat." Dongun says, "Hae is a dwarf cat."
I let out a gasp, my excitement coming through my voice a little too much. "She stays little forever?"
Donghun lets out a chuckle at my excitement, "Yes, she does." He meets my eyes as he continues, "You should meet her sometime."
I can't help but smile at Donghun, somehow feeling my night was made by him saying i could meet little Hae. Donghun smiles back at me and holds my gaze for a little too long, making me nervous until i look away and clear my throat.
We lapse into silence for awhile, staring at the quiet road. I feel half asleep when Donghun's voice cuts through my head.
"Truth or dare?" He says softly.
"Truth." I answer, yawning against my sleeve.
"What happened to your first partner?'
I freeze, wondering if i heard him right. Half of me hopes i heard him very wrong.
"I won't force you to tell me." Donghun adds quickly. "But since we've been partners for awhile i think it only fair i know."
I fiddle with my sleeves, knowing he's right. But i still felt hesitant to tell him. Even though he had asked me this question before and i refused to tell him. The car is silent for awhile. My minds swims as it tries to find words.
"When i first joined the force," I begin, making Donghun face me. "I didn't have a partner. I was really new so i was trained by others and handled odd jobs around the station. Then after a year, they let me have a partner. His name was Sanghoon. He was just a kid. Spry, goofy, late to almost all of our shifts. But incredibly smart and loving. He was like a little brother to me."
I pause a moment, trying not to tear up. Donghun sits patiently beside me.
"Then one day, me and Sanghoon got called to a bomb threat. Our job was just to talk the terrorist down and wait for the bomb squad to come in. The guy pulled a gun out and was going to start shooting and before he could Sanghoon tackled him to the ground and took the gun away. But the terrorist managed to get his gun back and get away from Sanghoon. And he shot him."
I take a shaky breath and focus on holding back tears. I don't even notice that Donghun had laced his fingers through mine. "I held his head and tried to stop the bleeding. His eyes were so full of tears from fear. But at the same time, he was so brave. He slipped into unconsciousness and went into shock and was taken to a hospital. But he was so unstable even after surgery that the family decided to take him off life support. He died five days later."
I feel Donghun slide a finger down my cheek, wiping a tear away as he says softly, "I’m sorry."
I focus back on the road and don't answer him. Trying to shut off the emotions that had been kept inside for too long.
Donghun takes my face in his hands, making me meet his eyes. My body tenses under his touch and i feel my cheeks grow hot upon realizing how close his face was to mine.
"That wasn't your fault.” Donghun says more firmly, "It was an accident. Losing someone never makes you a bad person. You hear me?"
I nod my head. Surprised by the firmness in his voice but at the same time grateful to hear those words from someone who tried to understand me.
Donghun's hands stay on my face, keeping me pinned there. I feel his thumb rub back and forth against my cheek, making me blush harder.
I stare at him, not entirely sure what to do. My body tense and rigid against his touch. Donghun's gaze lingers over my eyes and then down to my mouth, making a shiver go down my spine. But I'm still surprised when his nose brushes against mine gently before closing the gap and meeting my lips.
I suck in a breath and keep my eyes open for a second before letting them close as his lips move against mine, His hand moves from my cheek to the back of my neck pulling me closer. I let my hands rest against his chest as i enjoy the contrast between the cold night and his lips.
Donghun lets out a sigh as my tongue meets his and my fingers find his soft hair. I let out a gasp when he pulls me from my seat in the drivers spot and onto his lap and pulls my hair out of its ponytail before letting his fingers entangle in it as he starts kissing down my neck. His warm breath fanning across my cold skin.
I shiver but manage to get out between breaths, "Donghun, we're still on duty." I point out.
Donghun bites my jawline making me groan before he says. "It's 4 A.M, which means our shift ended. Which means, you can't escape, princess."
Donghun kisses my lips again before adding, "But something tells me you aren't going to try to leave."
I bite his lower lip before responding, "I'm still your superior."
Donghun smirks and rests his head against the headrest, making me run one of my nails down his neck until he lets out a sharp breath. "Just tell me where to bite then.”
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danganronpa-ea · 4 years
DR: EA2 Chapter 1 part 3
To Read the Prologue click here;
Prologue: part 1 | part 2
Chapter 1 Daily Life: part 1 | part 2 | part 4
Chapter 1 Deadly Life: Investigation | CT Part 1 |  CT part 2 |  CT part 3
Chapter 2 Daily Life: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
Chapter 2 Deadly Life: Investigation | CT part 1 | CT part 2 | CT part 3
Chapter 3 Daily Life: part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Chapter 3 Deadly Life: Investigation | CT part 1 | CT part 2
Chapter 4 Daily Life: part 1 | part 2
Chapter 4 Deadly Life: Investigation | CT part 1 | CT part 2
Chapter 5 Daily Life: part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Chapter 5 Deadly Life: Investigation | CT part 1 | CT part 2 | CT part 3
Chapter 6 Deadly Life/Epilogue: Investigation | CT | Epilogue
Anyway, all credit goes to respective owners.
Chapter 1 – The ways of surviving | Daily Life part 3
 The next morning, I had awakened up like normal as then I did my normal routine which then I got dressed as I then headed downstairs which then I saw Kobayashi-san and Chikao-san who look to be speaking but I notice that Kobayashi-san seem a bit worried.
 “Hey… are you going to get that check out?” He asked as I walk downstairs and notice that Chikao-san’s hand look redder then usual like… I noticing blood which I jumped back.
 “Oh god, what happen to you?! Did someone try to hurt you Chikao-san?” I question in a panic which he waved his hand.
 It seems he was laughing off the pain a bit, but it looks like it hurt. “Oh don’t worry about me, I’ll head to the pharmacy to take care of this… I guess I should of watch where Kita-kun was carrying that rabbit he was carrying.” He stated which I tilted my head. “Huh? What do you mean?” I asked which Chikao-san seem embarrassed about explaining what happen.
 “Sorry, it’s actually a rash I tend to get when I touch animal fur – It isn’t too serious but I would need some medicine which I’ll worry about later after Kobayashi-kun tells me about the lock.” Me and Kobayashi-san look at each other with concern but we decided to take his word for it.
 “Well if you say so, yeah I just got the lock fix; it should be as good as new and we don’t have to worry about anyone breaking it or even a bear breaking in! It actually is a lock that you lock from the inside; so people from the outside won’t be able to get in no matter what.” He stated as proud of his work which I smiled a bit.
 “Well at least were safe, now Hayashi-san and Kita-san can finally get some sleep, so thanks for your work Kobayashi-san.” I spoke which I saw Kobayashi-san smile a bit. “Hey, it’s no problem at all besides – if you need anymore work then come to me!” He stated which then Chikao-san nodded. “Right then, great to see you get along! Now excuse me while I take care of this rash.” Chikao-san stated as he rushes out of the lodge.
 It seem as then Hamasaki-san walk over noticing Chikao-san leave. “Hey, where did Chief go?” She asked which I guess she seem a bit worried. “Oh don’t worry, it seem that it was some allergy that he had and he’ll be back.” Kobayashi-san told her which Hamasaki-san put her hand in the back on the head. “Okay if ya say so, anyway the others are in the dining room, I’ll tell them that Chief will be late.” She say as leaving for the dining room as Kobayashi-san went in after her.
 As then I notice Abiko-san approach me. “Seems he might be friendlier with you from the looks of it.” He commented with a smile. “Yeah I guess after you spoke with him, he seem happier then normal; let’s hope it stays that way…” I stated as then Abiko-san nodded.
 “Indeed, I think it would be for the best, anyway I guess I’ll go and wait for the update with Nakahara about the Satellite… even if I’m not use to electronics; I guess even I’ve grown curious of what’s going on out there especially regarding… actually, maybe it’s best to speak about this when everyone else is in the dining room.” He say as taking his leave.
 I was left alone but I notice 4 people in the living room; Inoue-chan, Mori-san, Kita-san and Katou-san who look to be around which the first I approach is Inoue-chan who seem to be staring at the TV.
 “So… Waiting for the TV to turn on?” I asked which then Inoue-chan sighed as she gets up. “Yeah, but that be boring as heck – why wait for something that’ll never come to me, right? Anyway, I will develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that my reduce my mental growth and physical health.” She stated which blinked. “Which means play outside?” “Yep!” She yelled as she rushes outside again.
 Seems Inoue-chan is going to distract herself instead of waiting for the Wi-Fi to turn on, which I can say is pretty mature for the most part… which I can’t say for SOME of us but anyway.
 I then walk over to Katou-san who seem… tired, like he just could fall asleep at any moment. “Whoa now, what’s going on here?” I asked which Katou-san look up at me then regain his upbeat personality that I’m use to. “Ah, Fujii-chan! It’s a great honor to meet you in the morning~!” He greeted me with a wave but then sigh. “Aaaah, Sunako-chan got me tired out from playing all day and now I want to sleep in all day so I’m planning to hibernate for a bit…” He stated which I blinked confused.
 Which I guess Katou-san notice my reaction. “Huh? You don’t know… I tend to sometimes get tired out too so I plan to stay in my room all day so um… can you tell the others I won’t be out of my room later afternoon or tomorrow?” He asked which I thought it over and shrugged. “I mean – it’s not mandatory but I’ll tell them.” I stated which then Katou-san made a heart shape with his arms. “Thanky-Thanky! I can’t thank ya enough because really even morale characters need their break! Anyway, I’ll get breaky first then head to my room as preparing for my hibernation~!” he stated as he rushes over into the dining room, likely the kitchen if I had to guess.
 As then I walk over to Kita-san who was looking out the window. “Morning, so I guess you got some sleep now?” I asked Kita-san which he gave a small nod. “I believe so – the lock got fix just last night and I was able to get some sleep but…” “But what?” I asked which he look to the ground on the side as crossing his arms. “I wish I could talk with Hayashi-san more; I mean… despite her imposing nature, she is strangely the one I’m most interested in terms of story plus I feel we understand each other a bit.” He stated as smiling a bit.
 Seems like he wanted to learn about Hayashi-san from the sounds of it. “Well I’m sure you can talk more if you want to; I mean despite how aloof she can be – she is pretty nice so maybe try and speak with her.” I suggested which then Kita-san nodded. “I… might for that but first I got to think of what to speak about with her.” He say as taking his leave.
 As then the last person to approach was Mori-san who seem to be thinking about things. “Hey, what are you thinking about?” I asked which Mori-san notice me which she laughed. “Ohohohhhh, why I’m thinking of many things my dear, Fuji-san!” She laughed but then spoke as if she came up with something. “Well I figure that waiting for that darn satellite to get work on – I think might do something a bit more to my liking; like skating! I mean it doesn’t need to be competitive but something to do so we are bored out of our minds.” She stated but then she crosses her arms and thought as closing her eyes.
 “But sadly, none of the skates here are good and I’m not sure you be TOO interested in going skating with me, but I think it be fun.” She suggested which then I remember the skates I got. “Actually, I have a pair of skates I just have with me, maybe I can use those?” I suggested which cause Mori-san who held her hands together.
 “You will?! Ah yes yes darling! What I love to hear so now I don’t have to be bored skating alone! I-I mean…” Mori-san then shifted as placing one hand on her chest as placing another in the air like as if she came up with a great idea. “Of course, I came up with the idea. My ideas are genius after all~! Anyway, do come after breakfast then.” She say as leaving for the dining room.
 Seems I got stuff plan with Mori-san after breakfast, which then I decided to walk inside however I notice Katou-san rushing by me with bags full of food which I walk in and aside from our mascot classmate, it seems Chikao-san and Inoue-chan are not in the room which Hamlon-san notice.
 “Hey, where are those 2?” “Chikao-san mention he’s going to take care of somethings, don’t worry he’ll be back and Inoue-chan is playing outside like usual.” I answered Hanlon-san’s question which Ueda-san walk over as placing dishes down which Abiko-san then spoke. “Well, we can wait for these 2 – since me and Kobayashi-san have been wondering about something since last night…” He stated which Kobayashi-san look at him and nodded.
 “Oh yeah, that…” He spoke as then Chikao-san and Inoue-chan walk in which it seems they arrive in time. “You really need to stop wandering around, y’know.” He stated as Inoue-chan cross her arms, annoyed. “Hmph, but it gets boring but fiiine!” She whined as she walk over her chair and notice something.
 “Hey, where did Kuma-chan go?” She ask which then Chikao-san look around as well which Ueda-san spoke. “Doi-kun mention that he won’t be joining us for beakfast.” He stated which cause the young politician blinked. “Really? Any reason at all?” He asked which Ueda-san stated. “Well he says that sometimes he gets tired out and counting even morale characters can get pretty tired out which I allow since he has done it before.” He explains.
 Which then Mrs. Kimura look up as if she remembers something. “Oh right, you two were from the same school, correct?” She asked which Ueda-san nodded. “You could say that but I’ll talk about that later, right now… let’s just begin our discussion; such as the Satellite dish.” He suggested making a quick change of subject which it seems like he didn’t want to bring up but then all our attention turn to Nakahara-san pointed up one finger.
 “Good news everyone! I have completed 50 percent of the Dish’s power but you’ll need to go to a planet to get the rest of the parts to make Zio come down by tomorrow’s dawn!” He declared but then the others are done. “So I take it will be done around tomorrow morning?” Ohta-san spoke flatly – seeming not too interested nor even caring much but then Kimura-san look excited.
 “Oh finaaaally! I get to see what I miss out; seriously I’m really curious what the hell is going on.” She groaned which Mrs. Kimura shake her head. “Like I say, you really should be out… hey, why not we go for a walk like we use tomorrow?”  She suggested which Kimura-san roll her eyes. “Fine then, if it’s gotten you off my back but not sure why you want to spend time now.” She spoke, seems she was suffering from phone withdrawal or something else but I notice Mrs. Kimura wanted to say something but look away.
 There… seems to be a lot more to that relationship then I thought but I better not ask about it, which then I turn to see that Katou-san who just return. “Okay, I’m back which I prepare to hibernate so what’s going on?” He asked which then Abiko-san spoke up.
 “Okay since everyone is here, I can finally get him – Hamoponi; there was a question I wanted to ask.” He stated which after a few moments Hamoponi appear, seemed annoyed. “What is it?! Don’t ya see I was enjoying some good apples?” He growled, clearly not wanting his breakfast ruin.
 Which then Kobayashi-san cross his arms, clearly not in the mood for jokes. “Look, we just want to ask you about someone…” He stated which Hamoponi tilted his head to the side. “Yes, it’s the name Esumi Masa, the Ultimate Journalist – we notice that she’s not with us or has appear so we were wondering… is she the one that is hidden somewhere?” Abiko-san had asked the horse which he went silent which he thought it over. “Ah, Esumi Masa… the one that got left behind.” He stated which Mrs. Kimura stood up as wondering about that statement.
 “Ho-Hold on! What are you saying? Esumi-san was… left behind?” She asked which Hamoponi shook his head then explained. “I really wish to not say much regarding Esumi Masa but as far as I know, she is nowhere in the ski resort or is hidden if you’re thinking but… she was left behind and taken by the Remnants of Despair.” He stated which I stepped back.
 Remnants of Despair, that term is new to me… what are they, who are they? I was very confused. “Remnants of Despair, who in the world are they?” I turn to Chikao-san who ask that question I wanted to which then Hamoponi continue. “Well, let’s say it’s a group of people that cause destruction to the world, it was part of why I decided to place you all here… for your safety among other reasons.” He stated then he turns away. “Personally - I would have brought her along but it was out of my power to do so yet again – it be best to forget about Esumi Masa…” He stated as he disappears which cause Inoue-chan seem confused.
 “Forget… about Esumi Masa? But why is that?” She asked which then Hayashi-san seem to ponder. “He is suggesting that likely Esumi Masa might be dead but still, it could be possible she is alive.” She explained but then another question was brought up by Katou-san who seem worried as covering both his eyes with his paws but was peaking through.
 “Also… who are the Remnants of Despair? They sound super scary that even this bear wouldn’t want to face!” He stated which then Hanlon-san mention. “Well from the sounds of it, they seem like a group but what Hamoponi say they are very dangerous, right?” He questions which the others seem to look worry but then Ueda-san spoke up.
 “Maybe… it be best to listen to that Hamoponi? I mean, I think it’s clear he is trying to protect us even if he couldn’t save this Esumi person…” He suggested which then the others look at each other then smiled. “Oh yeah, your right dude! I mean – it makes sense but maybe there’s a possibility that she’s alive? I mean we haven’t seen her so who knows… maybe she’ll show up like a star or something!” She joked which the others snicker except for one.
 “Excuse you but who’s the Astrologoist here, idiot surfer girl?” question Ohta-san who took offenses to that comment which of course Hamasaki-san laughed a bit. “Geez, don’t be such a sour puss now Ohta-chan!” She stated which the others seem to forget about the conversation which I then notice…
 Ueda-san left a bit early then normal, maybe he was getting food prepare but I also notice that Katou-san was staring at him but then notice me looking at him then wave it off.
 “Hey hey, why are looking this way unless you’re having your way with me but otherwise – let’s get breaky then!” He stated as he rushes over to his seat which I sat down next to Hayashi-san and Nakahara-san which I smiled at Nakahara-san.
 “Well, at least with the satellite dish; maybe will get some answers regarding what’s going on.” I commented which Nakahara-san smiled a bit. “I am most curious too, I mean – my powers are being of use here and I’m happy of that!” He stated which I laughed a bit. “Yep, yet again thanks for your help.” I complimented him which Hayashi-san laugh a bit. “Well, glad to see we’re all in high spirits, hm?” She stated which I nodded. “Yep, totally and best it’s nice we get to eat together!”
 I couldn’t help but think… maybe this place isn’t so bad? I mean things are looking up or maybe I’m just ignoring the issue entirely but for now; I think eating breakfast is the best for now…
 Event: Skating with Miwa
 After finishing up breakfast, I took my leave for my bedroom; it seems I promise Mori-san I would be skating with her today which with that I left with the skates in hand and went to the ice rink which when I got there, I seems Mori-san was waiting there.
 “Oh great, you arrive – now then, we can start skating! I mean while it’s fun to be competitive; I think one such as I would need to skate for fun!” She declared as I shrugged. “Well I’m not much of a skater sadly but maybe you can teach me?” I asked which then Mori-san’s eyes sparkled when ask this which she grab my wrist. “Then you better put on those skates, right now would be great~!” She declared as then I went over to a seat as taking my boots off but then a few others notice.
 “Hey Hey guys, lookie – seems they look to be doing something!” Mori-san and I notice that Ionue-chan, Chikao-san and Hamasaki-san approach. “Oh, hey guys… you’re here for skating too?” I asked which Mori-san was shock. “What?! But I thought this would be a private lesson with Okamoto-san and the great Mori Miwa~!” She stated as gesturing to herself which Hamasaki-san looked confused. “Well sorry then but we wanted to try skating… plus I ask chief here if he wanted to help me out since I’ve never skated before.” She explained as it look like she had skates.
 Our attention to Chikao-san which he laughed. “Well maybe we can all skate together then?” He suggested which then Mori-san huffed. “Fi-Fine, but keep in mind I won’t go easy on all of you and you took my idea.” She stated, clearly upset about not getting to skate with me but seem happy about the company which then 2 more show up.
 “Ooooh, Tomoie-kun! Looks like there’s a group here!” It seems Ueda-san and Katou-san appear to be carrying what looks to be flask water bottle along with two steel cups which. “Oh… I thought it was going to be Mrs. Mori and Mrs. Okamoto but seems we got more company.” He stated which Hamasaki-san tilted her head. “Hey hey, what ya have in that cup there?” She asked which Katou-san spoke up. “It’s Hot Chococlate that Tomoie-kun had made! He notices that Miway-chan wanted to skate so he figure he bring some along~!” He explained which it seem Mori-san look defeated.
 I guess her day didn’t go as expected which then Chikao-san thought it over. “Hey, don’t look so defeated; maybe Ueda-kun could get more cups and we can skate; say Katou-kun; you wish to join us?” He asked which cause Katou-san to look very excited. “Oh yessy but I don’t need skates; besides blades are bad!” As then Katou-san rush out and started to slip around on the ice which cause Mori-san to panic.
 “Hey! Don’t go on skates, you’ll break you head you damn furry!” She explaimed as then I finish putting on the skates which Ueda-san left a moment. “Then excuse me while I get more cups.” He say as taking his leave.
 Moments later, we all got on the ice rink; as me, I was clingy onto Mori-san for dear life. “aaaah, u-um i-is the ice suppose to be this slippery?” I asked with concern which Mori-san laugh a bit. “Don’t worry, just take your time and you’ll get use to it~!” She stated as helping me learn how to skate but I notice the others which it seems Ueda-san came back.
 “Ah, seems the others got on the ice already well, I’ll sit by which if you guys get cold, come over here…” He stated as he sat himself down as watching the others skate. Inoue-chan look to be spinning around with Katou-san which look like he was having fun.
 “Weeeeeeeeee!” both say at the same time.
 However, I notice that Chikao-san and Hamasaki-san look to be skating fine and even holding hands… something tells me that Hamasaki-san just wanted to spend time with Chikao-san. “Hm? You don’t seem to have trouble skating at all Hana-san.” Chikao-san which Hamasaki-san looked then eyed him. “Well, guess so but do you want to stop skating with me~?” She asked which Chikao-san thought it over.
 “I guess not, besides I’m really enjoying myself.” He admitted as the 2 continue to skate.
 It seems everyone is enjoy themselves… while I struggle with skating.
 After some time having fun skating and drinking Hot Chocolate made by Ueda-san, we all return back to the cottage which I went back to my room, I then notice I had some Free time.
 Free Time!
 As then, I decided to begin to wander around and explore to see what everyone was doing, which I then discover Mrs. Kimura near the pharmacy which she looks to be holding her head. “Tomoe, I know why your mad but I just…” It seems that Mrs. Kimura was still hurt from what happen this morning.
 Maybe I should try and cheer up Mrs. Kimura when she’s this down?
 >Hang out
 - Maybe another time
 Mrs. Kimura took notice of me which she sighed. “Ah, you… must of heard for the medicine, correct? Or… are you here to help me? I mean, I’m not sure what you can do but okay…” She stated as to keep authority but it seems she didn’t mind the company.
 As then I try to help speak with Mrs. Kimura regarding this morning; despite it not being much help she looks to be a bit happier to speak with someone it seems…
 I’m not sure if I’m allow but me and Mrs. Kimura grew a bit closer!
 It seems that Mrs. Kimura look to be eyeing me up and down as she crosses her arms and I was curious about her. “Say Mrs. Kimura – you mention before you were a Hope’s Peak student; mind telling me more about your talent?” I asked being curious about which it seem that Mrs. Kimura lighten up a bit.
 “Oh that well – while my talent isn’t the most useful, I still feel a sense of pride when decorating with flowers; I always felt relieved when doing the activity and help me to express myself at a young age… it actually started when I saw, someone make them and I decided to try them myself which got me world wide fame. I even remember befriending a girl from the Saionji clan – I think her daughter would be attending Hope’s Peak as the Ultimate Traditional Dancer!” She spoke with a sense of pride which I smiled a bit, it seems that flowering decorating is something that Mrs. Kimura really enjoys.
 I was pretty investitive in regards to Mrs. Kimura’s past which I nodded. “I can tell you surely love to flower decorating; I mean they seem really creative and look like they take quite a bit of time to make.” I stated which Mrs. Kimura giggle to herself. “I guess so but it helps me relax as to express myself when I had no other outlet; I think it’s why I tend to get really excited for girl’s day even at my age where I don’t do it as much as I use to…” She spoke which I blinked.
 “Really, you don’t do the thing you love?” I asked which then Mrs. Kimura sighed as holding fan with both hands which she look to the ground. “Well, if anything I just stop doing it after… well, let’s say I stop doing a lot of things I love; even not spending time with Tomoe which I’m trying to owe up by becoming a teacher, but yet again… I guess I wouldn’t blame her.” She stated as taking her leave.
 I guess something happen to cause this drift if I’m getting this but I’m sure I’ll find a way to help.
 Kimura Kamika, Former Ultimate Ikebana Artist FTE: 1/5
 After some time by standing there I decided to return to my room, which then I look at the clock to notice I still had more time which then I left my room which I figure I spend time with Kimura-san which funny enough she is in her room which I went over, giving a knock then after a moment of silence the door unlock
 “Okay I’m all set, you can come in!”
 Shouted what sound like Kimura-san which then I enter her room which I notice there look to be a mic along with a laptop, her covers appear to be floral and pastels – likely this is for making covers for songs which Kimura-san looks to be standing in her room.
 As then I approach Kimura-san who seem a bit annoyed. “Geez, I get that mom wants to spend time with me but the damage is already done…” It seems she was still not happy about this morning like her but for different reasons.
 Maybe I should try and cheer up Kimura-san when she’s this upset?
 >Hang out
 - Maybe another time
 It was then Kimura-san notice I enter the room. “Oh hey Okamoto-chan, want to talk with me? Well sure thing! I guess talking with someone instead of waiting for the Wi-Fi to turn on would distract me.” She stated, seeming pretty excited about me being here.
 As then Kimura-san and I spend time messing around with her studio as we sung songs and even talk for a bit…
 Looks like me and Kimura-san grew a bit closer!
 I then wanted to ask a question. “So since I notice you more worried about the Wi-Fi then interacting with the others, is it likely where your talent started?” I asked which Kimura-san nodded.
 “Well duh! I always like talk with people online even before I gain my talent in singing – usually the conversations range from anime, music and just any topic you can think of.” She stated with a smile which I smile a bit.
 “Are you aware of the dangers of the internet?” I asked which Kimura-san thought it over. “Yeah I am, I’m not that stupid to believe everything on the internet or let people get to me… actually I remember a guy wanted to meet me but he was mega fishy so I block him and never look back – I think he was even the first person I block too.” At least from the sound of it; Kimura-san is wary of the internet from the looks of it so that’s good.
 I then wonder about her talent. “So then, you mention you gain your talent from internet fame which can you tell me how it started?” Which then Kimura-san sigh as she seems down. “I do recall the time and honestly I think it was when I was… pretty down, it was after my dad passed away and my mom was so depressed…” She stated as crossing her arms with a sadden look.
 “I did try to get her attention but I gave up that I turn to the internet to at least get SOME attention which then I decided to sing some song, I believe it was Simple and Clean from Kingdom Hearts which… got some attention and even people I should start singing.” She stated with a smile which I guess is what started her career.
 Even then Kimura-san continue. “Which then after that I began to do covers for games and anime, I was interested which then I even started to create my own original songs which after a while got the attention of Hope’s Peak which I think snapped mom out of her depressive episode but honestly… It a little too late if you ask me, I mean hell the only reason she took up a job as a teacher at that school so she can spend time with me.” She stated in an annoyed tone.
 One can tell that Kimura-san was disappointed in her mother from the looks of it and went to the internet due to say disappointment which… I can get a little bit, but from what I’m seeing it seems like miscommunication on both parts.
 Kimura Tomoe, Ultimate Acapella Singer FTE: 1/5
 After that we spoke a bit more then after that I return back to my room since it was getting late.
 As I look at the clock I notice that it was late which I figure I might go get a snack before I go to bed which as I left my room, I notice Inoue-chan who… was sneezing and seem unwell. “Hey, are you okay?” I asked as I went over as placing my hand on her forehead which she look like she gain a slight fever.
 “U-Ugh, we-well I caught a cold and I wa-wanted to get medicine, I-I was about to head to the pharmacy but knowing some of them would tell me to rest…” She explained which I sneezed which I raise an eyebrow.
 I’m sure they’d help get it for her but I sigh. “Then maybe we can get it together? You know which medicine you want to get?” I asked as I walk on ahead.
 Which then Inoue-chan seem happy about that as she follows after me. “I mean, yeah I know what to get and seems that pharmacy does restock so I can go grab it without paying, a total steal!” She stated as then me and Inoue-chan went downstairs as the 2 of us put on our boots which we both left for the pharmacy.
 I notice some people outside such as Ohta-san who seem to be looking at the night skies and likely didn’t want to be bother, along with Mori-san who seem to be talking with Kita-san or well… Mori-san looking to have a one-sided conversation along with Chikao-san who was talking with Abiko-san about something but I wasn’t paying attention which then we got to the pharmacy.
 As the 2 of us walk in, we were looking around sections for the medicine that Inoue-chan needed but then she notices something which she pulled my sleeve. “Psh, hey look…” She stated as she got my attention which I notice Katou-san look to be looking at the door with concern.
 “I really hope he knows what he’s doing…” He stated which I walk over to where Katou-san was at which Inoue-chan follow after me.
 Which that seem to get Katou-san’s reaction. “Oh, Fuji-chan and Sunako-chan! I’m glad to see you here.” He greeted which I look in the direction that Katou-san was looking at. “Heya there Kuma-chan! Say, what are you doing here? Sick too?” Inoue-chan ask as tilting her head to the side.
 Which Katou-san looked a bit nervous and stated. “We-Well you could say that! I was just getting medicine for my hibernation so don’t worry about it!” He spoke as then he left which seem really weird but I guess that hibernation must be a huge thing for him which Inoue-chan walk over and found the medicine.
 “Yep, found it but still – it seems Kuma-chan is hiding something, huh?” She asked which cause me to turn to her. “Huh, really?” I asked which Inoue-chan blinked. “Well yeah – he seems really nervous about something usually you try to get outta there as quick as possible or change the subject as quickly as possible… anyway, I got my medicine so now I can go to bed; thanks for helping me out, big sis!” She spoke as placing both hands on her hips.
 If she wasn’t too concern then I guess I wasn’t either, which then the 2 of us return to the cottage which after Inoue-chan taken the medicine while I got my snack then she return to bed which I did the same as I call it a day.
 Hamoponi theatre;
 “I recall seeing a sign at one point, one that say that it’s okay to ask for help and you aren’t a burden or some such which… maybe sometimes that might be a form of weakness.
 Having to rely on others and feeling useless in the grand scheme of things which you want to do things on your own inside of relying on others but even then, one can’t avoid not asking for help; sometimes they really do need it after all!
 But then there’s one that says that murder is okay so… maybe not doing all 4 is the best.”
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wonderland-in-bloom · 4 years
listen to me
[azul ashengrotto x fengmian xin]
finally have a whole day for myself and no schoolwork! OWO! anywhooooooooo, this is the first special little something i held over a while back and i can finally have time to do it!!! first and foremost, i’m so so so so so sorry if your oc didn’t get chosen as i did use a random number generator and i just wanted to say that all of your ocs are so interesting! congratulations for the first ‘chosen one’.... @nonsensical-twistedriddles​
forgive me if your oc is a little ooc or not like her in any way but i really had a lot of fun drawing and writing her! now onto the story~
“WHOA! the place is actually really awesome! i didn’t know the inside looked so cool!” ace’s eyes glimmered as he scanned his surroundings with the other first years. “it’s really a different feeling once you’re not in here trying to steal something.” deuce added, while taking in his whole surroundings this time and finally feeling calm as he didn’t have to steal anything. “welcome to the atlantica memorial museum, everyone. today is the mostro lounge’s educational tour...forget that. well i did just use that excuse to reserve the whole place for ourselves, so please enjoy your time here.” 
fengmian’s eyes bounced back on forth from each picture on the wall to each sculpture delicately placed on top of a coral. how interesting, is this really what life under the sea is like? “see something that piques your interest, fengmian?” there beside her stood azul. she brushed him off and started swimming away to the position where he (well indirectly) stole the photo of a little field trip he and the prince had when they were younger. “are you not going to go and explore with the rest?” she shook her head. “i’m watching you so you can put the picture back where it belongs. besides, i was a little worried about you.” she whispered the last part of her sentence, a slight pink dusted her cheeks. “fufufufu, why do you have such little faith in me?” fengmian saw his eyes as he stared intently at the picture in his hands. azul’s eyes were filled with...hesitance yet sadness and regret. “i just thought that if only all of my pictures were gone, practically nonexistent...i thought it would help erase my past of being a pathetic, dumb little octopus...”
“the sea witch became recognized by people after overturning and hiding her villainous past. i wanted to become someone like her yet...in the end, i couldn’t accept who i really was and i rejected my past. what a pathetic, poor unfortunate soul i am.” azul felt a warm sensation on his hand. it was fengmian’s hand delicately wrapped around his. “azul...you’re stronger now. you’re so much stronger than what you were in the past.” she continued. “everyone at night raven college, even the headmaster acknowledges you for being hardworking. hard-work is tougher to perfect than magic. you’re right maybe you hate your past...you wish to turn away from it....believe me i get that. our past will never leave us, it will always still be there to haunt us however...either you can see your past as a foe or you can see you past as a friend.”
“with believing your past as a friend, you’re able to see how much you’ve grown. your past doesn’t matter anymore, you can’t do anything to change it. however, what you can do is learn from it.” azul sighed and placed the picture back on the wall. “besides, all i see now, is a hard-working, determined sorcerer, not some helpless octopus. you might not be able to do anything in the past, but you can still strive to be a better person now, as the present is something you can change.” azul took both of fengmian’s hands and brought them together. he gave them a little peck. “you sound like a wise, old lady.” she blushed. “well, just giving my insights.”
all of a sudden, she was enveloped in a warm, snug embrace. azul’s arms wrapped around her, as he rested his head on her shoulder. “i’ll keep your insights then.” he whispered in her ear. fengmian stood there, motionless and in shock. however, she decided to return a gentle smile, even if he couldn’t see it. “you better.” she replied as she reciprocate the gentle gesture. “i may not be one to judge, but you did look adorable in your pictures.” he pulled away from the hug and chuckled. she then saw something odd. something very unfamiliar. azul had a pure, genuine smile. “you really are an odd, old woman.” for some reason and although not explainable and slightly odd, her chest felt warm. she was practically bursting with joy. “you better listen to my words then, young man. or else..!” she joked, which made the two crack up slightly. 
“azullllll! fengmiannnn! can we go already my paws are getting tired from all this swimming.” they both heard a familiar voice of a probably exhausted and hungry grim. “yeah, my hands are getting all wrinkly from being in water too long.” ace added as he swam over to the both of them. azul and fengmian glanced at each other for a while before azul chuckled and fengmian just had a slight smile plastered on her face. “alright, alright. then let’s go back to night raven college.” 
“HAS anyone noticed azul becoming more....cheerful lately? his ‘sneaky, cunning, slimy bastard’ vibes has kinda worn off.” ruggie spoke with a mouth full of food. fengmian was quietly enjoying her lunch with grim and the savanaclaw boys. “beats me, he’ll still always be a scheming, slimy bastard to me.” leona yawned. “fengmian, have you been noticing this?” jack asked his fellow first year friend. it was then she started paying attention.
azul had a genuine smile on his face. not his typical smile when he knew someone was about to make a deal, and also not his usual smirk when he knew he was going to get his way. it was a smile only she saw back in the museum. fengmian looked amused, somewhat surprised as well, and extremely happy at the same time. so he did listen to her words. you can still strive to be a better person now, as the present is something you can change. “hmm, not really.” she finally answered jack’s question. “well he’s happier now, that’s all that matters.” grim and the savanaclaw boys exchanged glances with each other. they seemed to be sending each other messages using telepathy. “hey...fengmian...”
“you’re blushing. and grinning.”
“like an idiot.”
“no i’m not. i don’t grin.”
“you’re still grinning.”
“shut up before i hit you with a plate.”
she was still happy nonetheless and just couldn’t refrain from grinning. azul was happy, and so she was happy, and that’s all that mattered. 
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aaaaaaa i hope you like it!!! (sorry if the picture is kinda blurry) :))
love, a♕
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orangeoctopi7 · 4 years
History Repeats Itself
: Chapter 1 : Chapter 2 : Chapter 3 : Chapter 4 : Chapter 5 : Chapter 6 :
The boys resumed working on the Time Tape right away. Ford showed his brother how to carefully use the tiny file to grind off the excess bits of metal from the miniscule framework of circuitry. Once Stan got started on his own, the young genius got to work taking apart the Time Tape’s casing, and preparing to replace the circuitry. As they worked, the only sound was the scraping of the file and their mother taking the occasional call for her phone psychic business downstairs. 
Ford was trying to tease the damaged circuits out of their casing with the tweezers he’d used to clean the sand off the new circuits. After a few failed attempts, he threw them down in frustration.
“Where are my needle-nosed pliers!?” He shuffled through all the tools and parts that had accumulated on his desk.
Stan shrugged, then winced as his arm throbbed again.
When another few minutes of exasperated searching didn’t turn up anything, Ford decided to head back downstairs and see if there was a pair among their father’s tools.
“Hey, gimme another ice pack while you’re down there?” Stan requested. The ice bag he’d been using had become nothing more than a sweaty bag of lukewarm water.
“Sure.” Ford nodded as he left the room.
Since the bag no longer soothed his aching arm, Stan picked it up and plopped it into their trash bin before resuming his task of filing down the new circuitry. The water from the bag coated his fingers, making his grip slippery. The next time his right arm throbbed with pain, his fingers twitched, and the file slipped out of his hand. He instinctively grabbed it with his left hand… and snapped the circuitry he was holding in half in the process.
Stan just stared down at his hands blankly for a couple of seconds before what he’d done sunk in. “...Crap…” he breathed. His stomach twisted and his heart rate skyrocketed. Way to go, screw-up, you’ve ruined one of your brother’s important projects yet again!
No. No, this wasn’t going to be like that. Stan looked around frantically, for a place to hide the evidence, for an escape route, he wasn’t sure. Then his eyes fell on the soldering iron. Of course! After thirty years of rebuilding the Portal, he knew how to use one of those! He could still fix it! Sure, Ford had said it was too big for such delicate work, but Stan was willing to try anything at this point.
He laid the circuitry back down in the sand mold as carefully as his shaking hands would allow. It wasn’t a perfect fit, many of the sand grains had been picked away by the first molding, but it would have to do for now. He held the soldering spool and the hot iron just a few millimeters above the first break in the circuitry. He tried to hold his hands steady as a molten drop of metal dripped into the sand, but his emotions were running away with him. His thoughts kept on circling, screw-up, screw-up, screw-up, repeating on an endless loop in his head. His breath was coming in irregular gasps, and his vision was blurring. Instead of sealing the break, the drop of metal was just a couple of millimeters off target.
“C-c’mon!” Stan grunted, sticking the tip of the soldering iron into the molten drop and dragging it to the break in the circuit, like one would drag a fountain pen through a drop of ink. All he ended up doing was melting the metal on either side of the break.
“No. No! No no no!” Stan’s frustration and fear bloomed into anger, and he slammed the soldering iron down on the desk, leaving a scorch mark in the hard plastic surface and snapping the tip of the iron right off. He stared mutely at the smoldering tip as it slowly burned a hole in the carpet. How could things have gone so wrong so quickly?
His instincts were telling him to run, but what good would that do? He was still trapped in the past with Stanford, and he’d just sabotaged their chances of fixing the thing they needed to get home. How would Ford react when he found out?
It won’t be like with the science fair. The logical part of Stan’s brain reasoned. You’ve both learned from your mistakes and grown since then.
But Stan had never been very good at listening to the logical part of his brain. The rest of his brain could only remember all the times he’d messed up before, and how his life always seemed to start a death spiral from there.
He heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and froze. He’d run out of time.
“I’ve got your ice pack. Sorry I took so long, the needle-nosed pliers were all the way down in the pawn shop. I guess dad needed them to work on an old clock someone--” Ford stopped short when he took in the devastated expression on his brother’s face. “What happened?”
“I--I--” Stan stammered, struggling to form coherent words, much less describe what he’d done. “I’m sorry-- my hand slipped-- I didn’t mean to-- no, no excuses-- I tried to fix it, I swear!”
“Hey… hey, it’s ok.” Ford rushed forward and wrapped his brother in a hug.
“It’s not ok!” Stan cried. “We need to go home, and I just ruined the thing we need to do that!”
Ford glanced over his brother’s shoulder and took in the broken circuitry and the snapped soldering iron. He quickly unplugged the iron before it caught anything on fire, but then returned to comforting his brother. 
“Stanley, it’s ok, it was just an accident.”
Stan frowned down at the ground. “It’s always an accident.”
Ford gently took his brother by the shoulders. “It was delicate, I could have snapped it just as easily.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t. You didn’t break the iron either.” Stan held his head in his hands and gave a hollow laugh. “I could’ve burned the house down. That’d be a new low, even for me.”
“You need to stop beating yourself up so much. Nothing was broken that can’t be fixed.” Ford assured him. “I told you I can form the circuits again, it’ll only take a couple of days and a new soldering iron.”
Stan groaned. “Yeah, nothing that can’t be fixed except the school's property.”
Ford scoffed. “I literally could not care less about the school’s property.”
“And your desk.”
“Trust me, I’ve burnt plenty of holes of my own in that desk.”
Stan just swallowed back tears and leaned into his brother’s shoulder.
Ford patted his back awkwardly. “I’m not mad at you. I’m sorry I always got so irate all those other times, but I’ve learned my lesson since then.”
Stan was maybe on the verge of feeling better when they both heard the familiar sound of an oldsmobile pulling into the parking space behind the pawn shop. Filbrick was home, with his usual sense of timing. Ford could feel his brother tense in his arms.
“...Maybe he went out for drinks with the coach and he’ll just go straight to bed.” The young genius hoped. Thankfully their father was more of a sleepy drunk than an angry drunk.
The heavy footfalls coming up the stairs didn’t sound like a tired, drunken stagger. They heard a muted conversation between their parents, and then the footsteps continued up the second flight of stairs to their attic bedroom.
Ford held the ice pack up to Stan’s face.
“Wha-- Ford, what the heck?”
“It’ll mask any swelling or redness from… your hormone-induced emotional outburst.” They didn’t have time to argue over whether or not Stan had just been crying.
The heavy footsteps stopped, and the door swung open. Filbrick was barely an inch taller than them at this point, and yet his impassive face loomed over them like a colossus. 
“You two left without tellin’ me. Do you have any idea how worried I was?”
“Not worried enough to come looking for us, apparently.” Ford answered flippantly. 
“I had to go use the payphone to call your Ma when neither of you came back in time for the Somners fight!” He informed them. “So not only did I spend money I shouldn’t’ve had to, I cut into her precious client time. You know she can’t take customers during the day anymore because of the baby!”
“Oh…” Ford had forgotten about that particular detail. “Sorry.” He was mostly sorry for his mother. “It was my fault, I was really anxious to get back to my science fair project.”
“And you,” Filbrick turned to Stan, who quickly lowered the ice from his face. “You left without collectin’ your pay! What kind of imbecile does that!? I had to collect it for you.”
“Oh, heh, whoops!” Stan forced on his best con man smile. “Guess I must’ve hit my head one too many times in the ring.”
“How many times have I got to tell you boys?” Filbrick shook his head. “All the brains or charm in the world can’t buy you a meal in your stomach or a roof over your head. What’s it gonna take for you two to man up and start takin’ your futures seriously?”
The two brothers remained silent, both knowing better than to try and answer this rhetorical question. Still, the irony was not lost on them. 
“Well, since you’re obviously not responsible enough to handle this money on your own, I think I’ll hang onto those winnings I picked up for you. Taking out the cost of the payphone, any potential revenu your mother might’ve lost while I was on the phone with her, and a holder’s fee, there should be just enough left for me to pay off your parking ticket.”
“Th-thanks, dad.” Stan said meekly.
“Don’t thank him, he’s taking money that’s rightfully yours!” Ford said indignantly.
“Ford!” Stan hissed, elbowing his brother hard in the ribs. He cast a wary glance up at their father. “H-he didn’t mean it!”
Filbrick stared down his rebellious son, his expression as unreadable as ever behind his dark glasses. Ford glared right back, unwavering.
“Let me clear something up for you, smart guy.” Fibrick growled. “You live under my roof. My sons. My dependents. So until you two turn 18, any money either of you make is technically mine. You’re just lucky me and your Ma make enough that we don’t need to take any of it from you.”
Stan squeezed his brother’s arm tightly and whispered in his ear. “Ford, please, don’t. Just let it go. Please.” He wasn’t sure if he was pleading with his brother not to correct their father’s grammar, or his understanding of how parental stewardship and dependents worked. Thankfully, Ford lowered his gaze and nodded.
Filbrick nodded stoically back. “And clean this room up, it smells like burnt plastic in here.”
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heechulhamster · 5 years
The Truth You Can’t Hide VII
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Chapter 7 [The Truth You Can’t Hide MASTERLIST]
You did it so well for six years. You’ve hid your son from the biggest threat of his life. But one mishap led to the biggest secret in your life being face to face with the man you’ve kept him away from all these years - his father. 
Angst, Mafia AU!
1 - 2 - 3 -  4 - 5 - 6 - 7 ongoing
“How careless of you to do something like this, Y/N!” The expanse of your living room was spacious, yet the voice of your father blared and echoed on the distant walls. 
Yet you remained blank faced, trying not to be fazed by their harsh words which you’ve already expected. It shouldn’t affect you because you because it was all the consequence of a lie - a lie that you needed in order to get away from here. 
“Really, a one night stand with a random guy you couldn’t even put a name to? This is so uncharacteristic of you!” His hand flew to his temple in frustration as he paced around the marble floors. 
It’s been a while since you’ve paced the halls of the lavish house you grew up in, just fitting to that of a renowned politician. Yet you always grew up trying to conceal your family background from everyone. Sheltered - was how would people define you. But in reality, you’re just tired of the limelight your parents lived their lives under, your father being a member of the National Assembly and your mother being a socialite doctor. You didn’t want their prominent names to define you. And that personality of yours was probably another reason why this came as a shock to them. 
“How could you do this to us? How could you do this to Junmyeon? How could you do this to yourself?” Oh yes, of course they’ll worry about Junmyeon - how much they favored and loved your relationship with the perfect, impeccable, and the most ideal Junmyeon. Except for the fact that he wasn’t. 
“He doesn’t even know.” You said, nonchalantly - sharing none of the hysteria that plagued the other two bodies in the room. 
“Of course you wouldn’t be able to tell him, because this is a disgrace! Just think of what would the Kim family would make of you now. They already accepted you as their own daughter, gave you a high position in their company - and now you’ll do this? Cheat? And have an unwanted pregnancy?” His veins were already protruding against his forehead. You don’t even remember if he was ever even half as angry towards you as he is right now, as you’ve always been nothing but the ideal daughter. But this isn’t exactly idealistic. 
“We’ve already broken up, they wouldn’t know if I don’t stay here. That’s why I’m planning to go to LA. I need to hide from anyone who might have a connection with him.” You explained calmly, having recalled the plan in your mind that you’ve had for three weeks now. Three weeks since your eyes landed on that confidential folder atop of Junmyeon’s desk. 
“I think that would be the best for all of us. Just leave.” He finally calmed down in terms of the volume of his voice, yet his tone still remained stern. Your mother just sat silently on the bergere chair across you, trying to keep her orderly fashion yet her eyes spoke of disappointment. 
“Just leave. We’re cutting all ties from you. You need to learn that behavior like this is such a disappointment, you’re a disgrace to this family. You’re a grown woman, I believe you can handle everything on your own, especially with decisions as spiteful as that. You’re not my daughter.” With those words, your dad made his way out of the scene as he ascended the stairs. 
Neither you nor your mom were able to say any words, knowing he’ll never back down. And there’s already an internal judgement your mom made, too. 
Your hand flew to your stomach in a sense of protectiveness, to a growing life that hasn’t even aged a month. Yet is already judged by the lies you needed to tell in order to keep it alive. 
“Why would you do this?” Your mother spoke as calmly and as heartfelt as she could, her maternal instincts kicking in. 
“There’s no acceptable reason, there’s no use.” You said with a bitter taste in your mouth, thinking what if this was real. You’ve always been their treasured princess, but they weren’t even hesitant to disown you with one mistake. 
“Let me hear it, I still want to hear you.” She transferred to sit beside you as she held your hand tightly with her thin feminine fingers. 
“Junmyeon was being very busy the past few months, getting ready for the transfer of the obligations to his name. I was getting very lonely, one thing I’ve never been used to since we’ve been together. And it just happened.” You said, having perfectly concocted the tale of the lie in your mind that you could repeat it a thousand times. 
“We could wait for your father to calm down, I’m sure he’s not that mad. I’m sure there will come a point that he’ll forgive you. Don’t leave.” Her other hand started caressing your back. 
“No, I need to leave. I don’t want constant judgement from him everyday. Junmyeon doesn’t know that I’m pregnant, too. And we know he can easily just go here and see me.” You answered without hesitancy while as the latter part of the statement is the truth. 
That was the last time you step foot the house that you face right now, it’s white columns still reminiscent of your sheltered childhood. The days you spent quietly studying inside, being groomed into the lawyer that they always wanted you to be - but someone you never was. The spacious house filled with images of lavishness that never had any emotional meaning to you. A house so desolate of human existence as the people in it were only around ever so often. How you promised yourself not to raise your child the way you were raised, only with nannies to do the bare minimum of what it entails to be a parent as both people responsible for your existence are always too busy with their careers to be a parent at home. It was something you and Junmyeon shared, a lonely childhood. But you ended up doing something worse to Jaejin. 
Your son was silently sleeping beside you in the back of the cab you rented after making an abrupt exit of Junmyeon’s mansion. You remember hours ago how it wasn’t Junmyeon who called for you but Sehun and Minseok. Both of who you just dismissed, saying how they should stay out of this. You brought along with you a few of you and Jaejin’s things, unsure of until when you want to avoid Junmyeon - again. 
“Mama, is this your house?” Jaejin rubbed his eyes as he gets up from his slumber and looks outside the cab window.
“Yes, baby. Mama used to live here. Let’s go down? Do you want Mama to carry you?” You asked Jaejin with a smile, which he just declined with a shake of his head. 
The both of you stood in front of the intimidating black gate of the house. You’re not even sure if the guards still know you nor if they would let you in. But you were left at your last resort. 
But that’s not the sole reason why you’re back here. You’ve already wanted to make amends with the lies of your past a while ago. Jaejin deserves to know other members of his family, too. And he doesn’t deserve to be treated as a mistake, or a secret. Because Jaejin is the best thing to have ever graced your life. 
“Ma’am Y/N?” You’re brought back to your senses by a familiar voice. It was Byungchul-ssi, he used to be your all around man. He served as your driver, guard, and even the closest thing you had to a father when you were young. 
“Byung-ssi?” You answered with a smile, which quickly turned into a worried expression. “Are they here? I was guessing if you could let us in?”
He looked on the child that stood beside you, how his small hand was tugging the end of your coat. And he nodded with a smile, “Of course, they’re waiting for you.” 
Jaejin was quickly carried by his enthusiastic grandfather - as if all grief and disappointment towards your unexpected and “illegitimate” pregnancy was nonexistent, as if disowning you never happened. The sun only started to peek and rise in the horizons but the house was already bustling, the househelp were ordered to make each and every dish a child could want. 
And you stood in the same living room you were berated in seven years ago. 
You don’t know how to talk to your father, and you guess he shared the same sentiment as he only greeted Jaejin and not you. They’re somewhere in the old playground that was made for you during your childhood. Your mother was still in the kitchen, being involved in the mess that ensued in the race to feed a hungry child.
And you were left alone to feel the isolation that the house made you feel. It used to be your home, but now you feel as if everything that exists in this space despises you too. 
Silently walking to the kitchen, you saw three women mixing and chopping every known ingredient in the pantry. And not that far away was the door leading to the backyard playground, and you could already hear Jaejin’s giggles. 
“He’s such a ball of energy, isn’t he?” It has been a while since you spoke to your mom, not ever since that night. 
“He’s always radiant.” You answered with a smile, thinking about Jaejin. 
“I always thought of you, and my grandchild. But I didn’t know where to reach out.” She said with sadness evident in her voice. “Even your Dad always looked for you.” 
And you were only able to answer with a bitter smile. 
“I live with Junmyeon now.” You answered, scanning her face for any trace of shock or disapproval. “We did for the past five months.” 
“He looks so much like him.” She said with a lingering smile as she looked out the glass sliding door to her husband and your son. 
“Junmyeon is his father.” 
“You don’t even have to say that. Anyone would be able to tell.” She said calmly, her eyes sincerely looking at yours. As if sharing a silent apology to all hell that has happened and all the judgement you’ve went through. 
She then excused herself from the women who helped her prepare breakfast and led you back to the living room, indicating the intention to speak with you in private. 
“The years flew by so fast, didn't they?” She spoke as soon as the both of you sat on the beige couch. 
“They didn’t fly past me, the past seven years were rough.” You answered with utmost honesty.
“I can tell. I know we’re not the best definition of a mother and daughter relationship, but I sincerely want to hear what happened.” She said as she reached for your hand, firmly pressing on your fingers that she longed to touch for a long time. 
So you did tell her the story of what unfolded the past few years. The hardships and decisions that made you the person you are today - so deviant from the meek daughter that they used to know. From your transfer to LA, to when Minseok found you and helped you along the way. Until Jinki came and relieved a vital position in you and Jaejin’s life. Until that fateful day that Jaejin ran into Junmyeon, and that’s where you stopped. 
“Why did you have to go through all of this? That’s what I don’t understand. You could’ve just stayed with Junmyeon and lived a happy and comfortable life.” She spoke with overflowing concern.
“Because…” You considered if you should tell her, if you should incriminate the father of your son in the eyes of your own mother. “There’s some things about him that I deem unacceptable.” 
“Like? I don’t understand. Junmyeon everything a woman could ask for in a partner.” She shook her head in disbelief. 
“It’s not that, it’s more than that. It has something to do with his inescapable wealth and where it stems from. Something that I really disagree with.” You said, avoiding any eye contact with her as you just looked on your lap. 
“I reckon this is about the unexpected transactions within their company?” She said, a sarcastic laugh coming out her mouth right after. You were only able to look at her, out of words and ways to answer. “Everybody knows, his father’s trials was made into a national circus. Considering that they were among the largest chaebols in the country, And of course, your father had connections.” 
“Of course he would.” You responded with a bitter yet knowing laugh. 
“His father was lucky that the prosecution didn’t have enough evidence, but everyone knows that transactions like that in a powerful shipping company exists.” She said as she shook her head in disbelief, too. 
“And you’re okay with that? You raised me to have this unbreakable moral compass. You and Dad always told me to seek whatever is right.” You said in frustration, they raised you in a way with forced righteousness that eventually caused you breaking up with Junmyeon. 
“I’m not saying that I’m okay with it. It’s wrong, in all forms. And there’s no excuse that would justify such act. What I’m saying is that a wrong act doesn’t define Junmyeon as a person.” Your Mom expounded. 
“I raised you like that for a reason. Let me tell you a story way back when your father and I were in college.” She continued as one of the new house helps arrived with two cups of tea, which she put down on the glass table in front of you. “You know that I belonged in a sorority, and he belonged in a fraternity too, right? Very much like how you and Junmyeon met.” You nodded. 
“Well, during our time, it was part of the initiation rights to beat up the freshmen when they want to enter your dad’s fraternity. He got involved in this huge mess that almost cost him his enrolment in law school. He was so distraught, it was his dream school after all. But I didn’t leave him. I know very well that he was just a victim of the existing system in the fraternity. They needed to do that to prove their loyalty to their brotherhood, but that didn’t mean your father was evil nor was he vile. Eventually, I helped him realize that what he did was wrong, and that he could change into a better person.” She reminisced as she took a sip of tea, and her words lingered and reverberated in your mind.
“Look at him now, how he supports human rights and is one of the best legislators in the country. As for you and Junmyeon, how I wish you didn’t leave him. I know this wasn’t his choice, that he didn’t have any call in his involvement in this. This is bigger than just his decisions or his company. And I hope you could talk to him about it.” She continued, the sincerity of her words and the warmth of her fingers on yours was attempted to fill the void that you longed for in a while. 
“When I raised you to seek what’s morally right, it didn’t mean to condemn everyone who does wrong.To err is human, we’re all destined to make mistakes. Give Junmyeon a reason to do what’s right. Give him a chance, hear his side. He could be just another victim waiting for someone to believe in the goodness in him.” 
And for the first time in a while, you’ve let yourself become just a daughter and listen to the words of your mom. 
You stayed three more days at your old home, trying to catch up with your mother as they tried to form a bond with Jaejin. You and your father still weren’t on speaking terms, considering the weight of the words he last left you wasn’t easy to erase. Yet your mother’s advice lingered in your mind. 
Guilty or not, Junmyeon’s side of the story deserved to be heard. And you never gave him that. 
It was a Wednesday night when you drove back to Seoul in one of your mother’s luxury cars that she insisted you to have. You recognized that your old car wasn’t functional anymore, so you’re more than delighted to use this BMW, despite smelling so much like a California cherry air freshener. 
You only give him a text as a notice that you’re coming over, and he didn’t even refuse. 
“Yixing.” You spoke first, almost holding your breath to say his name. He’s clad in a simple white v-neck tee and some gym shorts, which emphasized how you invaded his personal time in the late hours of night. 
“Come inside, please.” He gestured, always the gentleman that he is. 
He indulged you to a cold glass of water as you sat down on the sofa. He felt your tenseness, the restlessness in your eyes. He knew there was a reason why you filed for a leave the past few days, Yixing’s been unbelievably worried about you as you never left a message. Scared that maybe Junmyeon is the reason behind your sudden absence. 
“I haven’t seen you in a while, you’re doing fine?” He asked as he sat down across you. 
You nodded as your hand slowly put down the now empty glass of water on the table. “I just made an unexpected visit to my parents, and they wanted me to extend my stay.” You explained simply. 
“Oh, how was it?” Yixing asked, sincerity was in his voice. 
“Went better than expected. You know how much Jaejin just brings everyone together.” You said with a chuckle. “Anyway, I’m here because I needed to talk to you. I’m sorry for disturbing your night.”
“You’re never a bother, Y/N. Must be urgent, isn’t it?” Yixing responded with a tinge of nervousness in the small laugh that followed after. 
“Well, I’ve been thinking about it for days.” You started off, just looking at your palms that sat atop your thighs. Unable to confront him with your eyes sitting on his, Yixing doesn’t deserve this - he’s such a wonderful man. Everything a woman could ask for, one could say. 
“But you know how we started this. You weren’t exactly prepared to be presented with all these baggages that I have. You probably didn’t sign up for someone with a child, especially that of Junmyeon’s. And I wouldn’t want to be unfair to you.” You paused, feeling the tension in the atmosphere. How Yixing traced your face with the intent to prepare himself on what you’re about to say. 
“And these baggages aren’t exactly something I’ve already fixed. And…” You paused to breathe air, “You’re a great guy, Yixing. If we met at another time, or given a different circumstance, I wouldn’t let go of someone like you. But it’s something that I need to do.” 
“I need to do it because I need to be fair. I don’t want Jaejin to grow up and hate me because I was too stubborn to even try and give him a whole family that he deserves. I don’t want my child to suffer just because of my pride.” You said, and his little nods expressed his understanding. 
You scooted over to reach for his hand, “I’m sorry that it had to be like this. You deserve a lot more, Yixing.” 
Yixing put his hand over yours and tapped it reassuringly. “I understand, I really do. I think it’s just right, after I made Jaejin cry I quickly realized that he deserves even just a shot at a whole family.” He said with a smile, despite the pain that glistens in his eye. 
“And as for Junmyeon, I know him. Maybe not as much as you do, but I see that he’ll also be willing to do everything to make this work.” He said with a smile. “Neither of us is perfect, I’m not sure if he already told you the shit I’ve done. But I, myself, can see the goodness in him.” 
“I think this just wasn’t meant to be.” Yixing gave of a chuckle. “Yesterday, I got a call from my parents telling me that I’m needed back in China next month. I’m already preparing my resignation, actually. So I guess, this is two way.” 
“Thank you, Yixing. I’m really sorry.” You said, not having the right words to say as of the moment. 
“You don’t need to apologize. But please, do me a favor.” Yixing held your cheek with his right hand, the heat of his palm was all you could feel at the time being. 
“Don’t just do it for Jaejin. Do it for yourself too, you deserve happiness.” With a peck on your forehead, you closed the book you and Yixing tried to write. 
“I’m at the penthouse, why?” It didn’t even take a full minute for Junmyeon to reply to a text you sent asking where he is. You just wonder how he’s doing as of the moment. 
You didn’t even bother constructing a reply to his message and just hopped again on your car, thinking of what you’ll even say to him once you arrive. First, you need to swallow all pride you have left. After turning your back on him and hiding his son from him for seven years, you need to apologize. After storming off from his house yet another time just a few days ago, you need to ask him back. 
And you’re actually scared that he’ll reject you. 
And it doesn’t help that you need to talk with him here at his penthouse. Once filled with wonderful memories as the both of you shared this space for over a year. You don’t know how to look at any corner of the said unit without being flooded with wonderful memories. 
And being reminded of the worst.
It wasn’t even a full day that Junmyeon landed back to Korea, he’s probably still fatigued by the frequent trips and all the business related activities in between. But you don’t want to prolong your agony. You couldn’t spend another day seeing him in a different light. You couldn’t look at him without seeing a criminal.
“You couldn’t just leave!” He said as he chased you to the bedroom, your biggest luggage already prepared to be stuffed dramatically with all your clothes. 
“And you could?” You yelled back. 
“Please, Y/N. I promise you when this is all done, I’ll make it up to you. I would drop all of this for you but I just can’t. My dad needs me, too. Please understand.” He begged you as he sat by your side, Junmyeon’s hands struggled with yours as he tried to stop you from putting every cloth you have in the said luggage. 
“You’ve already promised me one thing, Jun. You told me I should stay here, here with you, and not follow what I really want. And it’s been what? Two months that I barely see you here. That I barely talk to you. I gave up my dreams of getting into Harvard and actually being a lawyer for what? To clean your home?” You answered with so much spite in your voice. 
It has been three weeks since you saw the folder and knew the truth. How the company was a courier for guns, bullets, drugs of all kinds, and all shit you swore you’ve always been against. And it’s only been two days since you discovered you were pregnant, which even more fueled your desire to get out of Junmyeon’s grasps. Your child wouldn’t grow up in such an environment, your stomach turns in just the thought of it. 
“Let’s make a compromise, please. Okay, I’ll let you go to law school. I let you do what you want. I’ll stay with you if you want to, just please. Please don’t leave me. Please don’t. I love you so much, I need you in my life. Please.” He begged, you already hear Junmyeon sob beside you, yet you wouldn’t dare to look at him. 
You can't let your heart soften and break by the sight of his tears. You know you still love him. You love Junmyeon so much. That’s why it was easy for you to give up your life long dream in order to stay with him - to be with him. 
But there’s a side to Junmyeon that you didn’t know. A side that you couldn’t tolerate, bear, and could never love.
“Jun, I’ve already had so much. I can’t hold back on living my life just to wait for you. I can’t keep on being in the losing end. I’m so done.” You explained, breathlessly as the scene drains the soul out of you, too. Both of you were diving head first in the fathomless depths of suffering. 
You never thought you’d ever have to break up with the love of your life, the one you thought was already your soulmate. 
“I’d take this as my final warning. I’ll cancel everything, I’ll book a flight to US with you. We can stay there, I’d stay there with you while you become who you want to be. Just please, don’t leave me. I’m begging you, Y/N. I love you so much and I couldn’t lose you.” He hugged you from your back, his face buried in your neck as he gasps for air in between his sobbing. Junmyeon’s hands tightly coiled around your waist, and one of your hands struggled to make him let go. If he holds any tighter, he’ll hurt the baby. And that was another pain that you wouldn’t be able to bear.
“You shouldn’t stop your life for me. Your family needs you to work hard, Junmyeon. The same way I couldn’t stop my life for you too.” You said sharply, trying to mask your feelings. Trying to bury the pain into concealment, and you deny that such pain exist.
“We’re better off without each other, Junmyeon.” 
You rode the special elevator, pressing the button that would lead to the 52nd floor. A bundle of papers were in your hands, the pages rattled against each other as your hands start to shake in nervousness. You don’t even know where to start and you have no inkling of what to expect. 
A knock, a single knock and the door was instantly open. You could only think of how he waited on the other side the moment you sent a text. 
“Y/N.” He said almost silently. 
Junmyeon, for probably one of the very few times in his life, looked unkempt. He looked tired as told by the dark circles around his eyes. He was still in his office attire despite the late hours of night, his shirt loosely tucked and vaguely did it seemed ironed. Junmyeon did look as if he had a hard time. 
“Can we talk?” You asked under your breath, taking all the confidence you need to face him again. 
The thing is, Junmyeon didn’t directly express any desire to get back with you. Disappointment and regrets have been shared and spoken into existence, yet he never implied nor explicitly told you if he wants to be with you again. That’s why there’s a feeling in your gut that this may not end well. 
“Of course.” He answered, eagerness evident in his voice and the way his face lit up. 
You entered the penthouse, still as pristine as it looked like years ago. But there was barely any change, you think you’d still be able to walk around the space with your eyes closed and just relying on your muscle memory. It’s still the same old home you had with him.
“Where’s Jaejin?” He asked as you looked around the flat. 
“He’s in Incheon with my parents. They asked for a time with him.” You explained dryly. “I just… had something to ask you.”
“Of course.” He said behind you. And your right hand carrying the papers slowly put the said files atop of the mahogany table in front of you. 
“Why isn’t my name in these?” You asked. Junmyeon slowly walked to the side of the table and eventually in front of you, as his hands picked up the case files that sat on the table. 
“Where did you get these?” He asked in confusion, as his eyes skimmed past the paragraphs of a trial he experienced firsthand. 
“Yixing gave it to me.” You explained. “But why isn’t my name there.” You repeated your question. 
“In what?” He faked innocence, or so you think. Your question isn’t exactly vivid. 
“In the company files that they’ve recovered, my name wasn’t there. Those files were dated from eight to seven years ago. I was the head of the legal department during that time, but my name is either erased, or replaced with Jeongmi’s name. She wasn’t the head until I left.” You narrated your observations from reading the files. “Junmyeon, I signed those papers. I know those accounts. Why isn’t my name there.” 
He gave off a tired and deep sigh as he sat on one of the dining chairs. “I had them omitted.” 
“Why?” You ask as you pulled a chair for yourself.
“By the time you broke up with me, there was already an existing turmoil in the company. Everyone was already worried that I wouldn’t be able to assume position seamlessly. Sehun’s father battled for my position. There was so much internal problems that a few of these transactions were overlooked, the authorities got to inspect some of them. So I had to do something even before they start investigating. I had people run through every account that you had signed and alter them.” Junmyeon explained rather calmly.
“Why would you do that?” You queried once more. 
“You told me that you were better off without me. You wanted to start anew. And I wouldn’t want to ruin your fresh start during that time. You deserved peace.” Junmyeon declared. 
All you were able to do is look at him and process what he just said. During times of impending chaos, the first thing he’s thought of and done was to protect you. He could’ve just thrown you under the bus as you’ve already broken up with him, but he didn’t let that happen.
“You didn’t need to do that.” You told him, but he answered a small smile back at you. 
“I wanted to.”
You gave him an appreciative stare, finding the right words to say but none actually seemed fitting. Junmyeon has always exceeded your expectations, even at times you know you didn’t deserve. 
“Myeon, I actually came here for a reason.” You started, shifting the topic to the main thing that you wanted to happen. “I’m here to ask something from you.”
“I’m all ears.” He leaned on the table, intently listening to you.
“I know I haven’t been the best person to you for the past years. I’ve never let you explain, I’ve always put my pride above all. But as Jaejin’s mother, I need to ask you if…” You inhaled, scanning your insides for all sorts of confidence you would need to speak it out. “...if we could try and sort things out with the both of us. Jaejin wants a whole family, and it would kill me not to try.” 
Junmyeon looked at you sincerely with his brown eyes, his gaze piercing right at your soul as he took in your request. 
“So what you ask from me is…” He stopped, letting you continue for clarification. 
“I ask if we could make this work. Us. What normal parents would be. I ask it for Jaejin’s sake.” You clarify, your voice breaking in a form of a plea. 
“I wouldn’t do it for Jaejin.” 
Junmyeon’s voice was stern and unwavering. As if he regained his energy to reject you in an instant. You breathed from your mouth as you tried to digest what he said, until he spoke again.
“I’d try, not only for Jaejin but for myself. I’d try and win you back whatever it takes. I’d willingly lose everything in doing so. I want to make this a family whole, not just because that’s what Jaejin deserves.” He paused, inhaling deeply as his hands reached yours. “But because I love you.” 
A series of loud thuds banged on your chest as his words started to sink in. How could he? Why would he?
“... again?” You asked, almost in a whisper. As this wasn’t the response that you were expecting.
“Still.” He said, strong and clear. As if his words are the only thing Junmyeon holds true. “I love you, still. I never stopped. I tried distracting myself all these years but now that you’re back, and knowing that we have a child only made me realize that all of those attempts to hide the truth was futile. I’m going to try and win you back, for Jaejin, and for the reason that I’ll die if I ever let you go another time.” 
You just stared at Junmyeon, no other noise nor sound was heard in the penthouse. If someone were to drop a pin, it would echo in these walls. He held his breath, admiring the silence, the moment that he never thought would happen again. The both of you existing in the same space, breathing the same air, void of any grief nor anger towards each other, and him being able to profess his love for you - again. 
Junmyeon stood from his chair and made his way to the one beside yours, he now sat in front of you but with your legs touching each other. A contact meaning so much to him as he craved to gravitate towards the warmth of your body for so long. Junmyeon slowly raised his hand to cup your face, your figure still stunned in the way things led to this moment. 
“This would be so selfish of me. But I just ask you this night, Y/N. Just one night, to go back in time and pretend it was us then. Please.” Junmyeon pressed his forehead into yours. “Take me back in time when you still love me as much as I love you.” 
Tonight, you let yourself become human and succumb to what you wanted in that very moment. You wanted to become his - just like you used to. 
The both of you woke up to the sound of your ringing phone. Junmyeon tried to hold you back down to sleep but you were persistent in answering whatever that seemed urgent. No one would ever call you this early in the morning unless it was important. 
“Hello?” You sat on the bed, Junmyeon’s arm was still wrapped around your waist as he went back to slumber. 
“What!?” And that loud, worried, and distressed voice of yours was enough to knock Junmyeon into senses. 
Jaejin was sleeping when their car arrived in Junmyeon’s mansion. They were heavily manned, your father carrying your sleeping son as they entered the large halls. 
“Where did it happen?” Junmyeon quickly interrogated the head of security that walked beside your Dad. 
“We were driving to a known amusement park in Incheon when we noticed that there was a black heavily tinted car closely following us.” Your father explained as he handed the sleeping Jaejin to you, who you quickly cradled as your worry overflowed your sanity. “They cornered us at an isolated intersection, but I think they didn’t know we had security vans closely following us behind.”
“Can you send us the exact details? We need to access the security cameras around the area.” Sehun butt in the conversation.
“Dad, could this be one of your political enemies?” You asked in nervousness, you know how unforgiving these people your father is battling with in the government could be. He didn’t respond, obviously not knowing the answer himself.
With the shared stares between Junmyeon, Minseok, Sehun, and your Dad, you knew it was something that you wouldn’t dare meddle with. So you just climbed up the room and embraced Jaejin as the both of you slept. Because during times like this, you’d only be comfortable if Jaejin is safe in the warmth of your arms.
“Do you think Y/N was right? Do you remember going against anyone lately?” Junmyeon asked your father as they meet, along with each of their own security team surrounding them. 
“Not as much as I could recall.” He answered as he shook his head. 
They kept on repeating the CCTV footage they quickly recovered in Incheon - as both Junmyeon and your father both had their ways. There was indeed a heavily tinted black car keeping close proximity to that of your father’s, even almost colliding into them at an intersection. 
But Sehun was the one who watched closely, he couldn’t be mistaken by the familiarity. He asked to zoom in one of the frames where the plates could be seen - and Sehun was right. He was disgusted at the fact that he was right. 
“Hyung…” Sehun spoke over the silence that enveloped the room. “This car... it’s one of my father’s.” 
247 notes · View notes
thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #218: Born Again (And Again and Again...)
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April, 1982
Avengers fill-in issues are so weird. Beast isn’t even here and things are weird as heck.
And geez this is an unsubtle cover. And for once, not a lie.
Although Yellowjacket being in the roster rectangle is one.
I do like that the And Again... And Again... wraps off the edge of the page.
Y’know, I don’t know that this is a fill-in. It says Jim Shooter co-plotted. Then again, there’s a regular creative team box instead of an essay. So co-plotted probably means Shooter offered some adjustments to the plot but mostly let J.M. DeMatteis get on with it.
This feels like a weird time for it, honestly? The fall of Yellowjacket arc is kind of humming along leisurely already. With setup in 212, the fall in 213, fallout in 214, then a pause in 215 and 216 for the Molecule Man plot, and finally picking back up with Hank in 217 to see him fall further. And then there’s going to be a stretch of issues before we pick up again.
But it is what it is and what it is is a weird fill-in.
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The issue starts where a young boy just walks right up to the door of Avengers Mansion and rings the doorbell.
Somewhere, Henry Peter Gyrich is shaking his fist. Where are the door tentacles? He fought for those door tentacles!
The young boy is here to see the Avengers and won’t take a “the Avengers are quite busy today” for an answer.
This boy: “This is a matter of life and death!!”
He remains quite insistent that he see the Avengers.
Luckily, Wasp (who I guess is not quite busy today?) shows up and decides to let this boy in for the best reason of all.
Wasp: “Turn away an adorable well-spoken little boy like you? Never! I know you were just doing your job, Jarvis -- but I’m a sucker for a pretty face! I think I’ll give him the grand tour.”
Wasp, pls.
But what Wasp says goes, so Jarvis just shrugs and goes back to the chocolate mousse cake that he was making.
Leaving Wasp to deal with this unruly child.
Wasp: “What’s your name, sweetie?”
This boy: “Sweetie?! Madam -- I am not your ‘sweetie!’ As I explained to your butler, this is a matter of gravest importance! Now take me to Captain America and the others!”
Wasp: “Just one minute, young man! I know you’re excited about being here -- but that is no excuse for rudeness! I think you ought to --”
This boy: “Madam -- SHUT UP!!”
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And then he shoves her and runs off.
Pretty sure he shoves her in the boob too. You can’t fool me by changing some letters, SFX that says BOONT.
Anyway, very rude, this boy.
Meanwhile, in the Avenger’s lab we get to see what the Avengers are so quite busy with.
Thor is holding up an incredibly heavy piece of machinery while Iron Man does some welding on the bottom of it.
Thor is also complaining about holding up an incredibly heavy piece of machinery because Iron Man has been at it for about an hour. Do they not have a jack or something that can do the job instead?
Also, the big thing is apparently an “inter-spatial monitor.” I assume it watches the space between spaces.
Cap is also here, being quite busy leaning against the wall and also complaining about how long this is taking.
He’s already worked out for three hours today and he wants to get on with the Avengers meeting.
And then This Boy runs into the room exclaiming “Avengers! I’ve got to talk to you!!” startling Iron Man just when he was finishing up the welding.
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Startled Iron Man accidentally blasts Thor’s foot causing the God of Thunder to lose his grip on the inter-spatial monitor out of surprise.
Cap realizes Iron Man could get crushed underneath it and springs into action, tackling Iron Man out from under the monitor. The choreography almost makes sense.
Iron Man: “Thanks, Cap -- but I could have handled that myself, you know!”
Captain America: “I know, old friend -- but I didn’t want to... take any chances!”
And then they shake hands in a display of what good friends they are. Ha ha this is ironic in hindsight. But also: is DeMattias trying to ship them? This feels like a very shippable moment.
Look at Cap’s little smile.
Thor scoops up This Boy and scolds him for scurrying around and distracting thunder gods.
Thor: “Whoe’ver thou art -- Thor hath half a mind to give thee a sound spanking!”
This Boy: “I... don’t think I’d live through it!”
Thor: “Worry not, child -- Thor shall not strike thee!”
So then Wasp shows up so the gang is all here for this boy to explain why he wanted to talk to the Avengers so badly.
This Boy: “Listen to me -- all of you! I am not a child! I am a man cursed with eternal life! I am a man who cannot die -- and I need your help!”
Iron Man: “Easy, son -- why don’t you tell us your name so that we can get in touch with your parents. I’m sure they’d like to know where you are...”
This boy: “My parents?! Fool! I was afraid this would be your reaction! But I must make you understand!”
And then he pulls out a gun.
Points it at his own head, like on the cover. And shoots himself.
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Good grief.
It all happens way too quickly for the Avengers to react. Or maybe the audacity just stunned them.
God, Gyrich would be rolling in his grave, if he were dead.
Anyway, as Wasp is crying into Cap’s star that a child just died, Cap goes hey look something weird is happening with the child corpse.
The child corpse just disintegrates into ash and fades away. Thus clearing the Avengers from having to explain this to anyone.
And more bizarrely, where the ash was-
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I... I guess the way to explain it is that a fetus just sort of develops into a baby and then back into this boy right in front of the Avengers’ eyes.
Why is this happening
I do like the “Now do you believe me?” “They do...” caption.
Thor: “Methinks it be time for an explanation!”
This boy finally introduces himself as Morgan MacNeil Hardy.
So. This guy. Is an established character. He was established first in Spider-Woman #33 where he was Turner D. Century’s foster dad. Turner D. Century is a guy who just super loves the early 1900s because Morgan MacNeil Hardy raised him only in the values of that time period for some reason.
I’m getting off track, really. But this is a rabbit hole.
So. Even though Hardy seemed to die in Spider-Woman #33, he came back in Captain America #264. He invented something called the psi-augmentor to alter reality and make America moral again.
He did this by plugging four people into his machine, two of which I’m decently sure were a racist and a Nazi.
Cap intervened because some of the changes to reality were causing racism and Nazi stuff to happen and then when Hardy tried to wipe Captain America out of existence, he almost wiped out America instead. Because Cap is the symbol of America. Or maybe the machine missed the Captain part. Either or.
But Hardy was too patriotic to allow America to be retgonned so he drew the energy back and then died.
SHIELD came and mopped up the mess Cap left and buried the dead Hardy. But then three days later the man rose from the dead as this boy.
And in fact, the jolt from the reality altering machine freed Hardy’s repressed memories of all the lives he has lived.
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Hardy: “I have lived innumerable lives, died innumerable deaths, yet time and again by body has somehow regenerated itself -- grown back to this youthful form! But, until my current incarnations, I’d believed every lifetime to be the first! Each identity to be the only identity! Hear me: since the dawn of time I have seen life as no other man has ever seen it -- as no other man should have to see it! And I am tired... infinitely tired. All I want now -- is the peace of death.”
Shot in the dark but you may be a Time Lord, Hardy.
Anyway, as dark as an infinitely regenerating suicidal child is, it gets worse. The psi-augmentor also dicked up whatever process makes Hardy regenerate. It took him three days to regenerate after the psi-augmentor incident. Now he’s back up in minutes.
Hardy: “I can’t bear much more of this! I can’t! That’s why you’ve got to help me! You’re all so wise -- so strong! You’ve the greatest super-scientific devices in the world at your disposal! Surely you can find out why this is happening to me!”
The Avengers are blown away by this story and Wasp speaks for all of them when she promises that the Avengers will do everything in their power to help him.
So the Avengers spend several days doing assorted science at a child. Or at least Iron Man does while Wasp watches in interest and Thor and Captain America watch in disinterest.
They’ve only got the one smart guy right now.
But after using all those big science machines and gazing at science glassware full of science chemicals, Iron Man finally sciences a science science.
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Iron Man: “It seems our young friend is a true anomaly... a freak of nature... perhaps the first mutant the world ever knew. Simply put: his own lifecycle is somehow tied in with the lifecycle of the Earth itself! It’s as if the man and the planet -- were one soul... as long as the planet exists -- he will exist.”
How... how do you test for that?! What science chemicals told you that this boy’s soul was one with the Earth??
Also, another hat thrown into Actually the First Mutant contest. Get fucked, Namor.
Anyway, a distraught Hardy questions whether this means he’ll have to live forever but Iron Man says that now that he understands the problem, he can start working on a solution.
Which leads to a bit of a disagreement among the Avengers.
Iron Man sees a SCIENCE! problem to be scienced at. But he’s the only one.
Wasp: “Wait a minute! A solution? I know that this... boy has been through a lot -- but who are we to provide him with a means of suicide?”
And Cap agrees with Wasp. But for more different reasons.
Cap: “Captain America has always stood for the preservation of life! With all he’s been through -- all he’s learned -- this... Forever Man could help humanity immeasurably!”
Geez. Are you really standing for the preservation of life if you then follow it up suggesting that Forever Man should be (beneficially) exploited for everyone else?
And Thor just doesn’t see the problem at all. And maybe isn’t even sure what the Avengers have been bothering over for the past couple days.
Thor: “Thor hath yet to see if a problem doth e’en exist! Immortality be not a fate fit for mourning -- ‘tis a blessing that -- till now -- only the gods have known!”
And Hardy. Hardy is pissed at the way the conversation is going and all this not putting him out of his misery.
Hardy: “You sanctimonious morons! You can’t even begin to comprehend what I’ve been through! I haven’t had a god’s life, Thor -- I’ve had the pathetic life of a man! I’ve seen the death, the suffering, the loves lost, the hopes denied! Forget what the movies tell you about the immortals who’ve walked with Methuselah, Moses, Jesus! I’ve known no great me and, with the exception of Hardy, I’ve been no great men!”
Iron Man cuts him off to go why not go to bed kiddo while the adults talk things out.
I mean, not exactly, but the spirit is there.
And maybe not the right tack to take because upon being sent to his room, more or less, Hardy decides well fuck this. Inspired by an article he sees in a newspaper, he runs away from home/Avengers Mansion, hitches a ride on a train, and threatens with a gun some vagrants who I’m pretty sure are Laurel and Hardy.
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Morgan MacNeil Hardy rides the rails all the way to Cape Canaveral.
Upon which he lies his way onto the base by pretending to be the lost grandson of the base’s general, sneaks off, and then sneaks into a rocket that is being prepared to launch.
“He stands, dwarfed by the mammoth spacecraft, gazing up at it the way some men would gaze up at the face of God. For this NASA probe -- ‘Star Core Three’ -- is a god of sorts. A god that will carry him to the heart of the Sun; a Sun that, he hopes, will succeed where he has failed... a Sun that will consume him... and grant him the peace of final death.”
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Damn, Hardy.
You sure are serious about this death thing if you’re willing to go so far out of your way to throw yourself into the Sun.
Did you even consider just throwing yourself into a volcano? Its less of a trip!
The rocket is Star Core Three and is going to orbit the Sun and get all kinds of SCIENCE data.
It also wasn’t meant to have passengers so Hardy dies and dies and dies again from the lack of oxygen and the cold. Just death and rebirth for the weeks it takes the rocket to travel to the Sun.
This story is pretty messed up, if you think about it.
Anyway, during those “brief, agonized moments of life” Hardy reprograms Star Core Three’s guidance system.
So that when the probe arrives at the sun, it plunges into it instead of orbiting it.
Cool. You just sabotaged a millions dollar space probe to try to kill yourself in the Sun, Hardy. You dick.
After the probe’s destruction, General Nelson calls the Avengers and asks if they know of any cosmic nonsense or anything else that could have caused Star Core Three’s guidance systems to shit the bed.
He’s also asked the Fantastic Four so really he’s just checking the Avengers off a list just in case.
Wasp asks if anything weird happened on the day of the launch and Peter Parker looking General Nelson says that there was a small boy intruder but that’s about it.
Wasp is like gasp! We’ve misplaced a small boy! Is it possible, nay even probable that Hardy launched himself into the fucking sun in a grand suicide attempt??
Iron Man decides that’s far fetched.
“Far-fetched, Iron Man... and true!”
“But, if it is death the ageless child has come to the sun seeking... it is something far more horrible that he has found! For, as he is swallowed by the staggering energies of the sun; as he dies, screaming, ten thousand times in ten thousand seconds... an awful change occurs!”
“Whatever the creature is that rises in the boy’s place, it is not human. It is a thing of plasma and pain; a pain that, the creature senses, has been its lot for centuries.”
“It knows it must end that pain -- at any cost! And so it arcs out towards space, toward home... toward Earth!”
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So. Yeah. Yeahhhhh. Yeah.
Hardy dunked himself into the Sun and found a fate worse than the fate worse than death he was suffering.
Pro-tip to all immortals out there? Looking at you, Lestat. Unless you’re absolutely sure that dunking into the Sun really will kill you and not consign you to an even more hellish existence, maybe don’t?
Anyway, an undisclosed amount of time later, Jarvis runs into the Avengers meeting room (which once again has a decently sized table - although the chairs look a little cramped) and tells the Avengers that he was watching the news on his tea break and saw a bulletin about a fire creature on the loose.
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I do make fun of it a lot but the Avengers sure do rely on the news to keep on the ball, huh?
Also, is it just me or have the Avengers been fighting a lot of fire monsters? Not in a short time span but still. They fought that Inferno guy in a two-parter. Pyron when Wasp was the cool hero. And now a child who swan dived into the Sun and became a monster.
Anyway, Fire Hardy is menacing Midtown because he vaguely remembers failing to die here once.
The police and even the army are failing to do much to stop Fire Hardy’s rampage. And some are getting discouraged because of it.
A police officer: “Why are we even doing this? The blasted monster’s unstoppable! Why don’t we just give up and let it kill us?”
Iron Man: “Take it easy, officer -- the situation can’t be that bad!”
So the Avengers tell the army and police to armscray because this looks like a job for the AVENGERS.
Fire Hardy sees the Avengers and their gaudy costumes stirs a vague memory, perhaps of them being unhelpful, and he AROOOOs angrily, like Futurama Nixon.
Cap also claims that Fire Hardy is like a living sun, generating heat that is almost unbearable.
But, Cap, c’mon. C’mon. Really? C’mon. Look, you can’t do the Pyron story where the Avengers all had to wear heat resistant suits and Jocasta started melting and expect me to take any fire threat as seriously if you’re confronting it in your red, white, and blues.
Wasp takes initiative. I was wondering whether, since this smacked of filler, it would remember that she’s the leader of the team. But at least she gets to go first.
She shears a lamp-post with one of her sting blasts and has it fall on Fire Hardy.
It doesn’t work. The lamp-post just catches fire and melts on contact. But, hey, blasting a lamp-post in half in one go is a good showing for Wasp’s vaguely powered pew pew.
Wasp goes uh Iron Man, you’re up.
And Iron Man has a good idea.
He borrows the shovel from a steam shovel and uses it to dig a hole.
Then they can trip the monster so it falls into the hole and uhh look its a good first step. They’ll figure it out as they go.
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Thor: “If only thy words couldst make it so, Iron Man! But methinks the creature hath other plans!”
And Fire Hardy melts the asphalt ground molten with a touch and allows it to fill in the pit.
The monster is clearly more intelligent than the 8 whole panels before this one have led the Avengers to believe.
Now its Thor’s turn. Because I guess they’re just going one at a time.
Good teamwork, Avengers!
Anyway, Thor’s plan, unsurprisingly, is to do Thor things. Which as you might recall, isn’t limited to just hitting things really hard.
Thor: “Let this lumbering sun-beast brace itself! -- For it is about to face -- THOR, god of thunder! I now call down the living lightning that be mine to command -- the roaring gale -- the full, unfettered fury of the storm! May the floodtides of heaven surround yon walking star -- and drown its fires in life-giving water...”
And Thor brings the storm and the thunder. But. Remember when Cap (laughably) claimed that Fire Hardy was as hot as the Sun?
Do you know what the evaporation point of water is? A lot lower than the heat of the sun, probably??
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So Thor’s storm just evaporates from the heat before even touching Fire Hardy.
So another dud.
Cap’s up!
Not sure what he can do that Thor couldn’t do. Lets be honest. They kind of spent their biggest gun already. What’s Cap gonna do?
Did you guess... run up and throw his shield at the problem? Good guess.
Cap: “We’re facing one of the most dangerous menaces we’ve ever faced! Unchecked, it could wipe out every man, woman, and child in this city -- perhaps in the world! But I have no intention of letting that happen!”
I’ll give him credit for stubbornness and a Corellian-esque hatred of knowing the odds.
But throwing his shield actually does do a thing.
It elicits a NOOOOOO from the monster.
The voice sounds familiar to Iron Man but before he can ponder it, he tackles Cap to stop him from burning his hands off.
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Iron Man: “Despite the fact that your shield’s made of some strange, powerful alloy, Cap -- it still gets mighty hot when you toss it into a mini-sun!”
Cap: “That’s one I owe you, Shell-Head!”
Sometimes I suspect that Cap may be a beautiful idiot. Who specifically doesn’t know how thermodynamics work.
Although to be fair, the shield was in Fire Hardy for a couple seconds at most. That’s an impressive heat transfer coefficient.
Anyway Fire Hardy has more to say such as FOOLS! AT LAST -- I REMEMBER!
And Cap realizes what Iron Man suspected just a five lines ago. That the fire monster sounds like Hardy.
Cap puts 2 and 2 together and realizes that Wasp was right that Hardy threw himself into the Sun and realizes that obviously because of science, he must have mutated into a fire monster.
Of course. That’s just science.
The Avengers try to reason with Fire Hardy but Fire Hardy claims HARDY IS GONE! ONLY HIS PAIN AND RAGE REMAIN!
So the Avengers shrug and go back to doing what they do best. Fight scenes that resolve in eyebrow raising ways.
Cap figures that hey his shield had seemed to hurt Fire Hardy before so why not do that again but better. And he throws his mighty shield so hard that it lodges in Fire Hardy.
Uh. What is it.... lodged in? Fire Hardy is made of fire. Which is not known for its tangibility.
But with the mighty shield lodged in his gut somehow, Fire Hardy goes NOOOOOOO
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Iron Man figures that something in the shield’s unique molecular structure is janking up Fire Hardy and decides ‘hey lets all concentrate on the shield!’
This makes as much sense as anything else.
So Iron Man blasts the shield, Wasp blasts the shield, and Thor throws Mjolnir through Fire Hardy.
Wasp worries that they may be killing Hardy but Thor argues ‘hey he said he wasn’t Hardy! We’re free and clear, morally speaking!’
More seriously:
Thor: “And tell me -- can we truly slay a thing that ne’er hath died?”
Good point, Thor, good point.
Problem is that either Fire Hardy has had enough of these shenanigans or they’ve hit the weak point for massive damage too well.
Because Fire Hardy starts glowing white hot, almost as if he’s going to explode.
And with the heat that he’s allegedly putting out, its an explosion that could destroy the entire western hemisphere!
Or Iron Man says so anyway!
He asks Thor to make a vortex with Mjolnir.
And Thor is like ‘oh right that is a thing I can do’
So he spins Mjolnir around and around and around so fast that it creates a tornado that picks Fire Hardy up and shoots him into space.
Where he explodes.
“At last, a wildly-spinning vortex forms about the brilliantly-glowing sun-thing... sucking it up, up, up -- out of the Earth’s atmosphere... into the dappled heavens... where, with a soundless, scintillant explosion... the threat of the man who lived forever... ends! Or does it?”
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Even though the blast was all up in space and contained by the vortex, it still shakes the Avengers off their feet. AND CREATES A NOT-WIDE BUT PRETTY DEEP CRATER!
Cap: “If I had any questions about Hardy’s living through that -- they’re gone now.”
Wasp: “Then -- he’s finally found the peace he was looking for.”
Thor: “Aye, Wasp -- but at what cost?”
Iron Man: “Uh... I hate to be the one to put the damper on this impromptu memorial service -- but considering we’re talking about a guy who’s survived since the dawn of time -- don’t you think we ought to check?”
I love that exchange.
So the Avengers jump down into the crater and find two ludicrous things.
Cap is talking about how he lost his shield in this nonsense and would like to look for it.
Thor: “Captain -- art thou daft? Thy shield hadst no more chance of remaining intact in that inferno than--”
-Cap’s shield perfectly intact-
Iron Man: “... you were saying, Thor?”
Thor: “Heimdall’s beard! Surely thy weapon must be as enchanted as mine uru mallet!”
And then Cap just picks his shield up.
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Not by the metal, obviously. That’d be silly! It’d be way too hot to hold!
No, he picks it up by the straps! The presumably leather or cloth straps which are perfectly intact after being at the center of an explosion that reached all the way from space!
Good lord, what is that presumably leather from? The legendary tarrasque??
Even if the leather straps were indestructible, wouldn’t they still be very hot?
Anyway, that was just ludicrous thing number one.
Ludicrous thing number two is that Not-Fire Hardy regrows to his child form at the bottom of the crater.
And he has AMNESIA!
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-soap opera sting-
Because. Of course.
Thor and Wasp immediately accept that this is a thing which has happened because of course.
But Cap is more doubtful. About that and about this whole misadventure.
Cap: “Despite the fact that he’s managed to resurrect himself -- we killed a living being today!”
Iron Man: “But -- is it really killing when the being you’ve slain... doesn’t stay dead?”
Cap: “That’s something we’ll all have to wonder about -- for the rest of our days.”
And then the Avengers fly out of the crater. With Cap riding on Thor’s back.
God, I love this comic sometimes.
And Hardy being wrapped in Thor’s cape and held in Wasp’s arms while Iron Man holds the both of them.
But Iron Man is wondering a thing himself.
“What if the boy’s amnesia isn’t legitimate: what if it’s an act, meant to lull them into a false sense of security. What then? Indeed... WHAT THEN...?”
And given Hardy’s little smirk at the end, yeah, its implied that he’s faking amnesia to get away with having tried to kill the Avengers as a monster of solar fire.
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Does anything come of this?
Nothing is done with the character after this! You’d think that an alleged First Mutant would be more important but I’m not attached enough to this character concept to want to argue for that.
Especially not for man who builds psychic device to bring back traditional values.
I kind of wonder whether this whole exercise was to sort of take his death in Captain America #264 off Cap’s hands by having him come back to life.
Anyway... yeah. Very fill-in. Reading it feels like a speedbump. We’ve got the Hank Pym thing spinning its wheels in the background and we gotta deal with this for a month.
I don’t mind one-offs but aside from sheer lunacy (solarcy?) this doesn’t have much to recommend it.
Next time, at least, the Shootering continues with our old friend.... workplace acquaintance? Yeah that sounds better. Our old workplace acquaintance, Moondragon.
She’s the worst. Which makes her the best.
You should follow @essential-avengers because I cover the Avengers issues that nobody else will because they have better things to do. I assume. Also, like and reblog so I feel appreciated.
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samnherondale · 5 years
Kit dies in this one
Well, this has been a big thing. I wrote this fc almost 7 or 8 months ago in Spanish, (I’m Mexican), but I had some friends that wanted to read it too but they didn’t know Spanish. So, I translated it in English, and let me tell you, it took me a loooot of time. But I’m happy it’s finally ready. I hope you like it, and I warn you, it’s really, REALLY LONG. And no, this doesn’t have a second part or a continuation... at least I don’t think so. It might take another 7 or 8 months to know the answer. In the meantime, enjoy this! @toka-sketch For you, deary c:
Both had gone to Faerie on a mission. One that Kit was sure that would reveal the true nature of the disappearance of the Seelie Queen and her alliance with the the Downworlders.
He knew that doing this will be dangerous, of course he knew it. His secret about his blood heritage and the power he could have to take control of the Faerie lands was something that many magic creatures would give anything they have only to own it.
Despite the fact the Riders were still after him, his duty as a Shadowhunter kept telling him that every mission related with faeries he had done was something personal that he needed to take by his own hand. Specially if it was a Seelie stuff.
Almost every time he managed to do his missions alone, which made Tessa and Jem mad every time he returned home almost passing out because of pain, incapable of healing himself, having lost many steles and even once he had appeared with one hand almost completely separated from his body. Everything because a goblin had attacked him by surprise with a little axe while he screamed: “Any part of a Shadowhunter is valuable in the Shadow Market!”
Kit had had enough force to attack him, leaving him unconscious, but not before having received a terrifying wound in his wrist, the edge of the axe had sunk on his skin.
When he returned home, Tessa and Jem had called Catarina Loss, and immediately Tessa and she manage to save him before it was too late.
When he got out of danger, Catarina gave him some herbs to help him sleep. But before he could close his eyes completely, he heard the ring of the warlock’s phone and listened as she said: “He’s fine. No, he didn’t lose his hand. Yes, I’m sure. I’m looking at it right now, safe and in one piece. Ty, why aren’t you doing your homework? How’s Irene?”
Maybe fatigue was playing with his mind, because he thought he’d listened Ty’s name. Anyway, it didn’t matter, just thinking about him made Kit remember bad things. And before he could sleep at last, his mind was gentle with him and made him forget those last words forever.
That was the first and last time that Jem yelled at Kit for being so reckless.
Later he saw Tessa talking with Jem.
“He’ll be more careful. A Herondale always learns from their mistakes,” she had told him as her hand stroke his hair.
“A Herondale learns from their mistakes after having committing them more than once,” Jem said, his hand was moving nervously. Silence lead them both to a time when they revived a memory that happened a long time ago.
And then they punished him. It was the first time that someone scolded him; he wasn’t allowed to leave home for any mission for a month. His friends could only visit him once and… well, he was a prisoner.
However Jem and Tessa allowed him to go out again. After all, he was a Shadowhunter and being in danger was part of the job. Although he always had to go accompanied.
He had done missions with Dru, Jaime, Jace and Clary (those two weren’t capable to go anywhere without the other), even with Julian (something he didn’t enjoy at all.)
And somehow his identity as the First Heir’s descendant was something that only Jem, Tessa, Magnus, Jace, and Clary knew.
Kit had thought he had persuaded Jem and Tessa to let him work alone again. He was tasting the victory on his lips at the moment when his parents let him leave home. But his smile vanished in a blink when he opened the door and saw that a very tall boy with black hair was waiting for him while he was pulling from his Shadowhunter jacket and not looking directly at Kit but at his side.
It was Ty Blackthorn. They had been friends for a while and then got separated for years. Kit knew that Ty had been studying at the Scholomance and in that time he had grown a lot. He was taller than Kit, maybe even for a head. His body remained thin but Kit was willing to bet that his muscles had strengthened as his, thanks to the trainment. And his gray eyes had the same peculiar grayish shadow that none of his siblings shared with him. A well preserved pair of black headphones hanged up around his neck.
“Hello, Kit,” he said.
Kit sighed and shook his head. Although he had left Ty’s side years ago, when Ty came back to Los Angeles, it didn’t take him too much to meet Kit again. And it had been absolutely awkward, but the have learned to work with each other because that was what Shadowhunters do. Nephilim’s duty was with the Angel Raziel and their vow to protect every person or creature who couldn’t do it by themselves.
At least, they’d seen each other two or three times per month, but they never said  more than a few gentle words to each other or just talked about some strategy plans.
Ty never seemed to be bothered by it and Kit decided he felt the same.
Or that’s what he thought, until Dru dragged them both to a room in the Institute and forbade them to leave it if they didn’t talk and “fix their mess” first.
Whatever that means, Kit had thought.
Ty and Kit were silent for almost an hour unable to start a proper conversation. Kit stayed sit on a couch while Ty kept moving through the room over and over again, Kit was sure he touched every piece he could find, twice.
Then Ty cleared his throat. “We won’t do his if you don’t want to,” he said. And Kit remembered a time long ago when Ty had told him that people normally looked for excuses when they didn’t want to do something.
Ty continued when he realized that Kit wasn’t going to respond. “Kit we are not going to get out of here if you don’t help me to solve this.
Kit closed his eyes and laid down his hands on the couch heavily. “What do you want to know?” he replied.
He heard the moment Ty stood by his side, but not too close to brush his body or at least touch him. “Anything, I think. I don’t want you to lie to me, I just want you to be honest. Are you still angry with me?”
Kit dared himself to look at him and even though Ty wasn’t looking at his eyes, his stare was set on Kit’s lips and he was frowning, as if his deductions couldn’t give him the answer of the words that would leave from Kit’s mouth.
Kit decided he was tired. Tired of feeling so miserable every time he thought about Ty, and he could end it here and now. He only needed to say the right words that would give Ty and he peace, even though he wasn’t completely sure about it, he wished they could give some calm inside Ty.
“Believe me, Ty. I was never angry at you.”
Ty let himself sit at his side, but even as it looked like an invisible weight had left his body, his frown didn’t disappear.
“But you left anyway.”
Kit ignored the pain in his chest and shrugged. “They didn’t need me anymore. Everything had ended.”
“But I–”
“No,” Kit interrupted him and decided that if he smiled at him it would lessen the true nature of his words. “You didn’t need me either, but I think you already knew that, deep inside you.”
Ty breathed deeply and for the first time in what felt like an entire life, Ty and he shared a look. Ty smiled at him and Kit felt that his lies would be knocked down with that mere gesture. He looked away before Ty could realize.
“Kit, I think we can  be friends again. I’m serious, I want to try it.”
Kit didn’t know what to answer. Did he really want to be friends with Ty? And just that? Will it be as easy as to say it than doing it?
“Okay.” It was the only thing he said and he ignored the doubts that surrounded him. “But it will take a while.”
Ty nodded. “I know. And I want to ask you something else.” Ty seemed to feel uncomfortable again, his right hand started shaking slightly. If someone didn’t know Ty they wouldn’t have noticed it, but Kit saw it as something completely noticeable. “I just… I don’t want you to hide anything from me. I’m still a terrible liar, but I know how to avoid things that I don’t want to talk about, and I’ll always know when something is wrong, even if sometimes I don’t know the reason. I don’t want that to happen to us… again.
Kit didn’t have to ask him what was he talking about; he remembered too well what meant not telling Ty how he’d really felt about bringing his sister back from the death.
But that happened years ago.
Kit agreed in what Ty was asking. He didn’t want secrets to interpose in their new beginning. If he was being honest, it was the start of something that had never actually finished.
Both young boys started fighting hand to hand in every mission they got assigned, but a new distance remained between themselves that wasn’t there before when they were younger. But it was something that they needed to learn to live with.
And it wasn’t that Kit had decided not tell Ty about his blood heritage related with the First Heir, the real problem was that he truly forgot it.
That day he’d been so wrapped in his past that his mind erased his present and his future. And when he remembered what his life meant for others, he felt he needed to protect Ty of every danger that will suffer if he knew something so important and mortal.
So he decided he would not say anything, and he prayed the Angel for never have to confess it.
That day when Ty appeared on his door they had completed ten missions together and without any other Shadowhunter. Their new assignment was to investigate the secret that the Seelie Queen had been hiding for almost three years and rumor has it, that involved his son, Ash Morgenstern.
Ty and he have been tracking the Queen for a while and they were sure they would  know about her whereabouts soon. Really soon. Kit knew the danger Ty would face if Kit’s true identity was discovered in front of his eyes. And it was one of the main reasons why he wanted to continue the searching alone, but his wishes weren’t granted.
They were both armed just like a Shadowhunter and a Centurion must be. After seeing how useful an axe in a battle was, Kit decided he wanted to use that weapon as his own. An enormous double edge and arched peak axe made of adamas, with only one strike it could cut anything, the handle had been made by Jem and it had a pair of herons engraved on it. And Kit had named it Argemonia. Anyone could say that it was a weapon as big and majestic as Cortana. No Shadowhunter had ever had such a peculiar weapon, and Kit felt proud for having something that was completely his and that could be recognized between others.
To some others it just looked like a bad joke after what Kit had to go through to finally decide to have Argemonia as his own weapon, but he believed it was something fantastic and more original than some common daggers or knives that his ancestors or even Jace had used to fight.
Even Ty didn’t understand his fondness for something monstrously big and that made Ty sick every time their enemies took it and attacked Kit with his own weapon.
He'd saved him so many times from a hopelessly destiny, he wished Kit would use another weapon, but he always said no.
This time when they got to Faerie, the Seelie Court found them. They were surrounded, and disarmed in a glance. Kit cursed quietly when they were taken to a place that none of them knew at all and there, calmly resting under the gap of a tall tree, was the Queen.
They didn’t have a moment to say anything, when the Queen laid her eyes on Kit, a glimpse of recognizement crossed her face and she smiled.
Kit was terrified, not for what could happen to him but for Ty that looked at his surroundings without even knowing what was really going on.
The Queen approached Kit and before she could say anything, he talked first.
“You don’t need the Centurion,” he told her with stillness in his voice, his hands were hooked behind his back, he didn’t want the Queen to see they were shaking. He felt the moment Ty tensed behind him, his eyes were fixed on Kit.
“You don’t need him,” Kit repeated hastily. He wasn’t brave enough to put his eyes on Ty again, this was his sacrifice and for Ty, he would do it without hesitation. “You know who I am. You’ve heard about me, you know who I am. Please, just let him go and I promise we’ll talk about anything you want.”
The Queen’s beautiful features traced her face in symmetric forms, little freckles embellished her skin, she was using a dress that looked as if it was made of autumn leaves. Kit had never been in front of any creature so beautiful and lethal.
The Queen looked like she had guessed his thoughts because her grin grew wider and she stroke his face with her thin hands and her extremely gigantic pointed nails.
“Indeed I know who you are, Heir,” she said and her voice seemed to charm the boys’ senses. They’ve never been in the presence of the Queen of Faerie. “And you are finally here. I did not think you would be so stupid to come by your own will, but I believe that is because you are a Herondale. Always martyrs of their destiny.”
“Kit, what’s going on?” Ty’s voice wasn’t afraid but confused, so much that his words came out like a whirl, so fast that Kit barely understood them.
“Kit,” the Queen repeated his name with distaste. “What kind of name is that for the descendant of the First Heir?” The Queen grabbed Kit by his hair and twisted it hard. “Yes, you have her hair. But your face and that arrogant posture blacken her name. I cannot believe that she had decided to have her offsprings with a Herondale.”
Kit push himself off the Queen’s grip. “I would love to catch up with you, aunt. But if you don’t let go Ty right now, I will, and I’ll show you what being a Herondale truly means,” he said, a growl started forming in his throat.
Ty didn’t seem to be paying attention anymore. Surely the young boy had guessed what was happening, Kit knew he was intelligent enough to have studied the entire history of the Lost Herondale and the First Heir. Kit wanted to tell him he was sorry, but tied up and surrounded by the Queen’s Folk, every movement threatened their lives.
The Queen took a step back and slapped Kit so furiously that his face turned with the action, he tasted blood in his mouth.
“She was my daughter and you talk about her blood as if it were merely something as disgusting as a Shadowhunter.”
Kit couldn’t stop himself and he let out a giggle, he was sure every faerie around them heard it even though it was the most delicate and silent sound of all. “Well, she fell in love with one of us. Didn’t she?”
This time, the Queen didn’t touch him. But suddenly Kit felt that he wasn’t able to breathe, he was drowning and he needed air. Although everything inside him begged him to let his body fall and lose consciousness, his ties that caught his hands and feet tightened keeping him standing upright.
“Stop it! Stop!” someone screamed. No, not someone. Ty.
The Queen didn’t stop. Kit needed to do something, he would die if he didn’t do something fast.
His powers did not manifest as much as he wished. That power that embraced him and protect his loved ones had been able to appear just a few times and only if it was a life or death situation. And it always, always led him so exhausted that he slept for entire days.
Now, he had to use that power or they would die. Kit tried not to think about the pain he was feeling, his brain seemed to want to explode, and his nose was bleeding. But he needed to concentrate. He had to concentrate if he wanted to get out of here with Ty safe.
“You were wrong about something, Heir,” the Queen said and her words stroke him as if they were comforting him in his deathbed. “I loved my daughter more than anything in this world or any other. But the moment she died, her story and her legacy died for me. And every offspring that borned after her have just been a threaten for my lands and the Unseelie’s. I have never wanted anything that you possess inside yourself, now I have my son and he will be imposing and unstoppable, he will rule all Faerie at all costs.” The Queen touched Kit’s face again, her hand pulled away a strand of hair that was covering his eyes. The gesture could have been described as something almost maternal.
“You have been an inconvenience that had to be eliminated. Now you are nothing.” Her voice as soft as satin. The Queen walked away from Kit.
Even though Ty and Kit were inches apart, Ty start yelling at his name, despair involving his voice. That was the moment when Kit let go of his powers.
The faeries that were around them started screaming and crying, Kit knew his powers burned and turned to ashes those who were near enough to feel his power. He didn’t worry about Ty’s safety, Kit knew his power and knew that it only hurt those who he considered his enemies.
He felt the moment when the Queen’s grip loosed and he started breathing again. He realized he had closed his eyes the moment he made an effort to open them and see what he had done.
It was obvious he hadn’t killed the Queen, that was something almost impossible to do, but he’d hurt her enough to make her run, but her servants hadn’t been so lucky.
Neither Kit nor Ty were tied up anymore, their weapons –Argemonia included– were a few feet far from them.
Kit felt dreadfully tired, every bone in his body ached as if they were burning up inside him. He couldn’t think straight but someone was saying his name.
Kit’s eyes finally were able to focus on Ty. He was trembling from head to toe, his face was contracted in an expression of pain –or frustration, or worrying– that changed his aspect completely. But Kit barely noticed it. “Hold me,” he said in a pitiful whimper.
He didn’t know if Ty had understood the words, he let himself fall and before he even touched the ground, a pair of arms held him tight.
“Kit? Kit!” Ty called him a lot of times, and even though the only thing that Kit wanted was to comfort Ty and tell him that he was alright, he lose consciousness in a blink.
* * *
Ty knew what had happened hadn’t hurt Kit. Well, not entirely. Kit was still breathing, repeatedly. He was bleeding from his nose, ears, and mouth, but resting seemed to be working. Minutes had turned into hours and color started to appear in Kit’s cheeks.
Ty used all that time to recover from the shock and when he did it, he dragged Kit under the tree where the Queen had been resting just a few hours ago.
His mind was a tornado made of thoughts, he wished they could shut up because they didn’t allow him to concentrate. When he tried to look for his music player but he realized it had burned because Kit’s power. His headphones were ruined too, but he kept them on his neck.
Without his music his nerves began to increase. He didn’t know if Kit would recover soon and both were still in danger. He could look for help but he wouldn’t leave Kit alone. His sister wasn’t around, she never followed him every time he went to Faerie. Which just left him waiting for Kit to wake up.
Ty took a deep breath. Kit’s head was laying over his lap, Ty had tried to clean some of the blood that was on his face, but there was still a small faded sign of blood on his chin, his hands were stroking Kit’s hair and had stopped shaking a little.
Until he heard a noise. One of his runes let him know that the threat was half a mile away, and it was coming, fast.
He had to wake him up, now.
“Kit,” he said in a whisper. When his partner didn’t respond, Ty tried to hit him. Kit woke up, his eyes were encircled by shadows that weren’t there before, and when he tried to sit up he hit his head against the tree trunk.
He wasn’t fine, Ty realized. But he needed his help, someone was coming and he couldn’t tell if they were too many for them to defeat.
“Ty?” Kit said rubbing his hindhead clumsily. He began to falter, and Ty got ready to catch him, but he didn’t fall. “What… what happened?”
Ty didn’t want to think about it, if he thought about what had happened his mind would mix all his memories that had with Kit, and he wouldn’t be able to connect his words with the anger, betrayal, and pain that he was feeling at the moment.
“Someone’s coming,” he told him instead, and took his seraph blades. Kit grabbed his axe unwieldy. Ty tried to stop him but Kit’s grip tightened.  
“I can fight,” he said firmly even though Ty was sure he would fall at any second.
Both took their place near each other, Kit lifted up Argemonia and prepared to strike. His broad arms seemed strangely weak as if the weight of the weapon could beat his strength before the intruder did it first. They waited until an adult shape of a man of large arms appeared between shadows.
Ty stiffened and reached out for a seraph blade.
“Kyriel,” he whispered and his weapon lighted up. The gleam of his blade illuminated the stranger’s body, and Kit relaxed when he recognized him, he lowered Argemonia.
“Jace,” he said, relief wrapped his words.
Ty didn't understand what was Jace doing in the Seelie kingdom alone. His expression didn't match the heroic Jace that everyone knew: his hair was longer than usual, and his eyes seemed to have lost the mischievous and charming glimmer that used to distinguish him.
Ty watched every aspect of this Jace and he knew, somehow, that this person wasn’t the Jace that he and Kit had known. The problem was that Kit didn't notice it, maybe his bad judgement was influenced by how tired he was, he could barely stand on his feet.
His eyes caught the moment when Kit began to walk toward Jace. Kit began to smile, a sweet and warm smile. “Wait, Kit,” he told him, but Kit didn't seem to have heard him. Ty tried to stop him, but before he could even move a muscle, the other Jace moved with inhuman speed.
Ty and Kit were taken by surprise, Kit stopped walking. Suddenly, both Herondales were facing each other, and Ty saw the moment when distrust set up inside Kit.
“Jace?” Kit said, and fear filled Ty when he saw him stagger. He had to get Kit away from Jace.
But the other Jace didn't give him the opportunity to act, and in a second Jace took power of Argemonia. Kit didn't have a moment to react, not even blink, and before Ty could attack, the sharp edge of Argemonia was sunk in Kit's stomach.
The blade of the weapon was so big that for a moment Ty thought that it had cut him in half. Blood started flowing out like a waterfall, Kit's mouth –which Ty had taken so much effort to clean up just a few moments ago– was covered in an astonishingly bright red color.
The wound might have resisted if the weapon had remained in its place, but Jace tear it out of Kit's body. The movement made a strikingly terrible humid sound. Ty's stomach turned when his mind started to bring back the memory of how his sister had died in the same way years ago.
But this wasn’t a memory. This time, Kit didn't even try to stay on his feet and he fell to the ground soaking the grass with his blood.
Ty threw his weapon aside and ran toward Kit, pushing Jace aside of his way without even thinking how risky that was.
The only thing he could think about was Kit. Kit. Kit. Kit.
Kit smiling at him when they were younger, Kit hugging him every time he had lived his most difficult moments, even the moment when he saw Kit crying for him when– when he told him that he loved him.
And for some reason, that memory hit him like a bucket of cold water that instead of made him react, started an uncontrollable flurry of temblors while his body knelt by Kit’s side.
“My Queen never lets her business unfinished,” said Jace in a flat voice that didn’t seem to show any remorse. “However, she only gave me the order to kill the Heir. She doesn’t want his body to rot in her lands. This is the message of the Queen and her true descendant. Erchomai, Centurion.”
Ty knew that Jace had disappeared when the only sounds he could hear were his breathing and Kit’s dying gasp that was getting harder and harder.
Ty couldn’t speak, the things that had happened were too much, everything was happening so fast, and he wasn’t doing anything to stop them. He just wanted to stop everything, he wanted to stop what was happening, and return to the moment where everything was peaceful, to a moment where he could think quietly and decide what he needed to do.
But he couldn’t stop time, no matter how much he wished for it. Kit was dying in front of his eyes and he had to act right now if he wanted to save him.
He rubbed his eyes with his hand, tears had begun forming and they were blurring his vision. The only thing he could see was red and Kit surrounded by that simple color. His knees were covered with his blood, but he didn’t care.
He reached out for his steele that was in his jacket, his hands were covered with Kit’s blood too. Ty started trembling even more and his steele fell off his hands, he cursed and raised it again. His steele had tarnished with dark blood.
“T-Ty?” Kit’s voice forced Ty to look at his eyes. He didn’t want to, it was the most difficult thing he could do. But it was Kit who was in front of him, he couldn’t leave him now. And when he looked at him, his blue eyes were half closed and haunted by his pain. “Ty–”
“No,” Ty told him, swallowing hard he forced himself to keep talking. “Don’t speak, please. Don’t do it. You’ll hurt yourself, you just have to resist a little more.”
When Ty setted a hand on Kit’s chest he cried out and shrank. Ty wanted to draw away from Kit, he had barely touched him, he didn’t want to know how much he was suffering.
“I have to put you an iratze, it will help you.”
“It hurts…”
Ty breathed deeply and started drawing the rune, he kept talking with Kit. “I know it hurts, I’ve seen how much damage Argemonia can make,” Ty said and remembered all the times he had read in the Scholomance that when someone was gravely injured, the most important thing to do was to keep them awake and alert. “Kit, it’s… it’s a really beautiful weapon, have I ever told you that? I know that everybody said that that thing would get you killed at some moment, but you didn’t have to listen to them. You know, Kit?”
He didn’t answer, and Ty looked away from his rune and dared to look at his face.
“Kit? Kit wake up.” Panic started mixing Ty’s mind and actions once more. With his shaking hand he rested two fingers on Kit’s neck and waited. He still had pulse, he had only fainted.
Ty let out a sigh of relief, he hadn’t realized he had been holding his breath. He drew iratzes one after another, and some runes that would help Kit to recover the blood he had lost.
But every time he drew one, blood started escaping from his body even faster. His iratzes weren’t working as he had wished, they had reduced the wound but it still was enormously big.
Ty thanked the Angel for not having taken Kit from him, at least, not yet. If he could get him out of Faerie, he would have the opportunity to save him and take him back to the Institute. He would need Magnus’ or Catarina’s help, because if Tessa or Jem found what had happened–
Ty closed his eyes. He couldn’t think about that now, he needed to keep Kit alive and he would do it no matter what. He wouldn’t lose Kit, not if that meant that this time he would go to a place where Ty couldn’t follow him.
* * *
Kit didn’t know why he hadn’t died yet. Pain was beyond description, he didn’t think he would be able to get up again.
He couldn’t tell who had stabbed him, but that hadn’t been Jace and he felt terrible for not having noticed it before. Ty had noticed, he had tried to stop him, and probably would have avoided the attack if he hadn’t been so tired for having used his power.
He knew a wound like that would have killed any other person, but Tessa had told him that his power protected him in some ways he couldn't imagine. That didn't make him immortal though, and he was sure enough that if he wasn't cured soon, he would die at any moment.
He didn't know if he had fainted for having exceed the use of his power or for all the blood he had lost, or both. Probably both.
Kit came back to his senses screaming. And it was a fearful scream, he tried to get up but a pair of hands kept him glued to the ground.
Ty was over him and his hands were strongly pressing his wound. Kit felt tears coming out of his eyes and another whimper started forming inside his throat.
“Stop, please stop. Stop,” Kit wept, trying to push Ty’s hands off him.
Ty pressed harder. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” he repeated over and over again. Kit was sure he would pass out at any second. “Kit, I’m sorry. I have to keep pressing, I have… I have to do it, Kit.”
Kit heard Ty sobbing. He was crying, just like him. Kit got worried.
“Did… did he hurt you?” Kit asked, biting his lip strongly so he could stop his screams.
“What?” Ty said, bemused. His hands loosen his grip on the wound a little, then he noticed what he had done and started pressing again.
Kit wailed. “You are… you are crying. Are you h-hurt?” The last word came out like a sob and his view clouded when more tears flooded his eyes.
“Don’t say anything, Kit. You’ll get worse, you need to keep yourself alive.”
Kit tried to sit up. Ty pushed him against the ground.
“Stop!” he yelled at him, tears shining on his eyes. “Don’t you get it?! It’s enough, you’ll hurt yourself.”
“But–” Kit started saying.
“I’m fine, Kit! I’m fine! Just stop moving, please and I’ll swear to you by the Angel that I’ll stop crying.”
Kit remained silent and Ty stayed his posture over him, the only things Kit could heard were Ty’s little weeps. Kit made one more effort and he raised up his eyes directly to Ty’s.
Ty had been biting his lip for a while, he noticed; he had red marks on every part of it, his hair was a mess and his gray eyes had a terrified look engraved on them. His face had some blood on his cheeks and a trail of tears that went down through his throat.
He had taken off his jacket and his gray shirt remained, showing his strong arms with some runes that blackened his pale skin. He couldn’t see his hands, but he was pretty sure they were covered with his blood too.
Kit wanted to throw up just at thinking about it. He was going to die, and Tessa, and Jem, and his little sister would be devastated.
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, he thought while he swallowed his tears and closed his eyes.
Ty inhaled deeply. “Kit you can’t pass out again,” he told him like he was giving him an order that Kit was forced to accomplish.
Kit opened his eyes and noticed, a little bewildered, that Ty was also looking at him. “Ty, I–I don’t know how much I can resist,” he said, feeling a bust of pain stronger than the others that went through his body when he said those words.
Ty shook his head. “No. You are going to fight this. You have to, Kit. We’ll get through this, we just have to wait the runes to make their effect, and we’ll get out of here.”
Kit couldn’t answer him, he blacked out again. He didn’t know how much time had passed, when he woke up, Ty had aminorated the pressure over Kit’s wound.
Ty looked enormously relieved when Kit’s eyes stood on him. “You… you have stopped bleeding. At least not as much as before. That means that the runes are working or–”
“Or there isn’t much in there.” His voice surprised him. It was softer and weaker than ever before. Even when he woke up in the mornings, his voice used to be slow and scratchy, but it had never been so pitiful.
And Kit hadn’t been the only one who noticed it, Ty shriveled when he heard his words.
“Kit,” Ty said. “The only way that we would get out of here is by looking a place where someone can find us. We have to go back to where we have come from.”
Kit shook his head slightly. “I can’t do it,” he said, now feeling his arms and legs numb. “You’ll have to go alone, Ty. It’s dangerous to stay–”
“I’m not leaving without you,” he told him unable to let him finish what he was about to say. Kit narrowed his eyes, his vision was a wreck as if he was getting blind, and he couldn’t focus his gaze on Ty. “Forget it. It’s not going to happen.”
Kit used the little strength he had to speak again: “Ty, I’m dying. It’s useless–”
“No! Shut up, don’t say that. Don’t you dare to finish that sentence,” he said, raising his voice, and with a ferocious look on his eyes.
The solution was so simple and obvious that it could be done in a heartbeat. If only Ty would agree on leaving him and just went back to their world where he would be safe.
“Kit. Kit!” Ty had been calling his name several times. Kit wished he could ignore his voice and how it sounded, but his only soothe remained in his words while everything else in his world was making him suffer, and deeply inside himself, wishing for death.
Kit looked away from Ty.
“I’m not leaving without you, I won’t. I can’t… I can’t lose you, not you. You can fight, so fight. The runes helped a little, they’ve given us more time. But if we don’t get help now, you’ll die.” His last words made him to start crying. He clenched his teeth and his hands moved away from Kit, now pulling hard from his own shirt. “You can’t do that, not to me. It’s not fair Kit.”
Kit almost wished he could smile at him but he set his heart on trying to keep breathing. He knew he wouldn’t make it, but he didn’t want Ty to lose faith. He was so desperate to get him out of there, and if that meant that he would bleed out even faster in a poor effort to save him… then so be it. At least that would get Ty out of there.
He knew he would be a deathweight for Ty, and that his possibilities of getting out of Faerie would increase if he just left him, but Ty had made himself clear: He would not abandon him.
His strengths had left his body. He wasn’t able to speak, so he looked at Ty, and before the mist could cover his eyes entirely, he nodded.  
Ty inhaled deeply. “I’m getting you out of here, Kit,” Ty said. “I swear it by the Angel.”
Kit’s vision became a blur again. He couldn’t see almost anything, but he heard the moment when Ty got up and felt as his body eased off a little when Ty’s hands stopped pressing his wound.
He heard tiny noises which made him realize that Ty was taking the things that they needed so they could leave, Kit just stayed lying under his own blood –some part of it had already dried and the rest, the biggest part, was still viscous and dark, every time Kit moved his head, he could heard it bubbling under him.
He couldn’t relax more than a moment. Ty came back with his knives on his belt and Argemonia leaning behind his shoulders. “I’m going to lift you up, okay?” the boy said, his gray eyes wide and fearful.
Kit wasn’t able to answer him, the next second he was tormented by a burst even more painful and unbearable than the others. He had never felt a pain like that in his life, and he started crying aloud. He thought he had begged Ty to stop, but if that had been the case, Ty had ignored his words.
Ty couldn’t carry him, he was too heavy for him, but he could bear most of his body holding Kit so he would not fall again.
He felt as his guts wanted to escape from his body and how his blood started going out once more. He didn’t understand how it kept coming out more of that reddish liquid, it didn’t seem to stop. What scared him the most was that in any moment it wouldn’t be any drop left inside him.
Ty gave his first step, it was unstable but they managed to move. On the third step he had sheltered Kit on his right side, his head resting over his collarbone. Kit thanked, for the first time in his life, that Ty was taller than him, and in a lucid moment, he breathed deeply and realized that under that spectral smell of iron that distinguished blood, he could smell wildflowers too. And for some weird reason, he remembered his home in Devon, and the amazing fields where he always used to chase his little sister, and every time he felt alone and had laid there looking up at the sky, inhaling that peculiar and comforting scent.
Ty smelled like home. He formed a small smile after thinking that, but it vanished from his face when he passed out one more time.
* * *
Ty felt the moment when Kit’s body lost stability, he looked at him. He was paler than before and he wasn’t awake. Moreover, he didn’t even know if he was still alive.
“No,” he said. He stopped next to a tree with purple flowers. He leaned Kit next to the trunk and put himself in front of him. “Kit, wake up. Kit,” he said, touching his face and trying at the same time not to harm him with every movement he made.
Ty didn’t want to see his wound, its shape and diameter frightened him. When he finally took a look he realized that the slash seemed like a lurid smile, it was terrifyingly deep resembling a dark abyss. Ty wanted to shiver when he thought how close Kit’s guts would have been spilled all over if only the strike had been an inch deeper.
He took Kit’s face between his hands, he was paler and shockingly hot, he tried to shake him carefully.
Kit came back to his senses moaning and breathing heavily. “I–I feel like I’m burning up.” It was the first thing that he said, and even though Ty knew those words made him suffer a terrible pain, he couldn’t help but feel a pressure leaving his chest at the sound of his voice.
“I need to distract you to stop keeping fainting. We can’t leave here without your help, let's go.” He made sure that Kit’s arms were surrounding his neck and his head rested on his collarbone. Ty used one arm to grab him by the hip and the other kept pressure on the wound. Kit didn’t stop whining with every step they made.
At this point, Ty’s hands were darkened with dirt and dried blood, he couldn’t cleaned them up because every time that he touched Kit, they got dirty again. Even his Voyance rune had been vanished from his right hand.
They had taken just a few steps when Kit broke the silence. “You smell like home… that’s crazy, i–isn't it?” he said gritting his teeth and with that weird voice that seemed to have appeared after he lost a lot of blood. Ty could feel his breath on his neck.
Ty didn’t understand why he’d said that, their lives were in danger. But after a moment he thought about it, and his mind seemed to relax a little.
He put himself in his shoes: every time someone talked about the ocean or its waves, even though he wasn’t in home, he was capable of smell the unmistakable scent of the beach, he could feel its warmth and a peaceful feeling that comforted his soul more than anything else. Because that reminded him of home, a place were no matter what, it would stay safe and sound. A place where his family would welcome him with open arms and would love him not caring what he’d have done or the decisions he’d have made.
Ty felt a lump in his throat when Kit said that he reminded him of home, because he wished that he was there, protected, and not here, dying and without being surrounded with the ones that loved and cared for him.
“I know it’s… stupid, but I–”
“It’s not stupid,” Ty interrupted him. “I get it, seriously.”
Ty felt Kit’s wet locks of hair stroking his chin when the boy tried to lift his face to look at his eyes. “Ty,” he said. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
Ty’s jaw tightened, and the lump that was before in his throat descended to his stomach. When Ty didn’t answered, and kept dragging them both regrettably slow, Kit continued: “You are… draining your energies. We won’t make it before… before sunset. Not like this.” Ty felt him swallow hard, his hands that were surrounding his neck suddenly seemed to loose their grip. “You need to leave me.”
Ty stopped walking, every part of his body screamed that he needed to rest, he was pushing his limits to the edge, but Ty’s hands grabbed him harder, not letting Kit to get away from him.
Ty didn’t care if that was Kit’s last wish on Earth, he wasn’t willing to grant it.
* * *
“No,” Ty said, his voice a wretched sound. Kit didn’t know if it was because the effort or despair, but his face maintained expressionless.
“Ty please,” Kit was begging. He didn’t want Ty to get hurt too.
“You didn’t tell me. You said you have told me everything, and you lied. You lied to me again.”
Ty wasn’t even looking at him. One of his arms was holding Kit so he could keep on his feet and the blood– Ty was using his other hand to press on the awful wound but every movement they did, made Kit to start thinking that maybe death would have been more attractive if it had been faster, and in other circumstances.
“Would it have b-been different if… if I had told you?!
Ty put pressure on his grip and Kit resisted a cry of pain. Ty seemed to have stopped caring that Kit wouldn’t shut up, in fact his voice soothed his feelings more than the silence of the woods.
“Kit, you are the First Heir’s descendant.” Kit wasn’t sure if Ty had said it due to real interest on the topic or it was only a way to maintain him conscious.
Whatever the reason was, Kit answer was completely honest: “I don’t… care,” he said, tasting the bitter of his words. “I’ve never… cared.”
Kit couldn’t feel his legs anymore, his feet were covered with dirt and blood. That should have worried him, but his head didn’t stop spinning and his vision had gotten worse, he couldn’t see far beyond five or six feet away.
He could feel his guts like they were about to leave his body. If it wasn’t for Ty’s grip, he was sure he wouldn’t be able to take even one step.
Kit gasped, suffocating a cry of pain when Ty drew his body toward him to avoid some trees, Ty froze. “Please, don’t die,” he said, giving him a quick glance. His pupils were hard to find on that ghostly mist that covered his gray eyes.
“I’m fine,” he lied, giving him a tiny smile in a poor attempt to reassure Ty. “Just… D-don’t move so much.”
“But I have to, I have to get us out of here.” Kit felt Ty’s hands had formed in two fists, he was trying to stop them from trembling. Ty was about to panic, night was falling, and they haven’t moved enough. Kit still didn’t know where they were. But then, that could also be because apparently he was getting blind.
Kit wanted to laugh, but he was also sure that the action would make him cry. “I know, Ty,” he said, gasping hard. “I know.”
Ty had made it to the top of a hill, and now he needed to descend very carefully. The road was rockier than usual, and if he stepped on a loose stone, both would fall.
“Kit, I…” Ty started to say. “Sometimes, I’m bad with words. They are confusing and they mix on my brain. Loud noises still get to scare me, but Livvy says that I have improved. And even though I can’t get rid of it, I can learn to live with what I feel.” Maybe Kit imagined it, but he felt Ty’s head descending a little bit until it leaned gently on his golden hair. “What I’m trying to say is…”
Kit would never know which were the next words that would have filled that sentence. Ty staggered dangerously when he set one foot on a flat stone, and their fatigue and the extra weight won against them.
Ty released Kit. Kit fell achingly bad, rolling on the ground several times, he tried to protect himself. He felt as if his wound was opening even more. In the fall, blood had begun flowing extremely fast.
His head hit against a rock almost at the end of the hill, and his body was covered completely with dirt. He didn’t need to touch his head to know it had started bleeding.
How is it that blood keeps dropping?, he thought between all the pain that was filling his body.
He didn’t know where Ty was. He felt terribly exhausted, the pain was everywhere. But somehow he didn’t feel it as something to worry about, suffering had been so common these last hours that even taking a breath was difficult. But he had used to it, and he knew that he wouldn’t make it out of Faerie alive.
“Kit! Oh, God. Kit.” Ty was at his side a few seconds later, kneeling in front of him and with a horrible cut in his left eyebrow. That was the last thing his eyes could focus on, before his eyes misted and only shadows remained.
Ty was saying something, but  Kit couldn’t concentrate on his words. He knew this was his end, and he needed to convince Ty to leave that place safe.
“… I lost my steele, I can’t find it. Kit, I don’t know what I have to do. I don’t know if I can lift you up, I don’t know what to do…” Ty started sobbing uncontrollably, the sound was spectral and mortifying, Kit knew it would haunt him for the rest of his ephemeral life and, if it existed, in the next one. He surrounded Kit’s hands with his, and Kit could feel them shaking so hard that his heart broke.
Kit was dying. He didn’t have much time, but he couldn’t leave without telling Ty how much he loved him, he would never forgive himself if he left this world before he could tell him the truth. The only truth he had cared about and Ty had to know, and had kept hidden in his heart for so long.
Kit Herondale was going to die, but his heart was forced to rest in peace first.
* * *
“T-Ty… listen to me, p-please. Listen.” Ty’s sobbings lessened, his hands maintained his grip on his. “This, this… wasn’t… your fault. It wasn’t… and it will never be yours.”
Ty felt as if he had stopped breathing, he knew that if he dared to look at Kit, his sobbings will start again and they might never end. Guilt was there and Ty would feel it for the rest of his days.  
This can’t be real, he thought. It’s a nightmare, it has to be. Kit isn’t dying, not like this.
But what was happening, and the thing that Ty would remember when the imminent occurred, was that the worst nightmares were the ones that happened in real life.
“I was… I was in love with you, you know?” Kit said. Ty gave up, he couldn’t help it and looked at him with his achingly swollen gray-reddish eyes. Kit smiled at him, and that was the trigger for his heart to torn apart. “I thought… it was something pretty obvious. I guess… I was w-wrong.”
If Ty was being honest, the concept of love had always been unclear to him. Yes, he loved his family and every time he saw them, he wished that nothing bad happened to them. Dru and Tavvy, his younger siblings, were everything to him, and he would cross land and sea for them.
But with Kit– he had never felt the same love that he felt for his family. In fact, when Ty looked at Kit, the only thing that he wanted to do was to protect him and to follow him wherever he went, not caring that both had the same age. If Ty wanted to see him, he will tell him, and Kit would go immediately. And every time a guy or a girl smiled at Kit, Ty sometimes wished that Kit would get away from them as soon as possible. Ty had never felt bothered when his siblings talked with someone else. But with Kit everything was different, and if that meant that he also wanted Kit to stay at his side for as long as it was necessary and that no one would take Kit away from him, then so be it.
However, it was too late to realize or to do something for it.
“I know… I know you don’t feel the same way, but… but I–” Ty couldn’t resist it anymore, his mind was a mess, and Kit was dying in front of his eyes. He could only think that Kit needed to feel safe, and he remembered that Kit told him that he smelled like home. So he kissed him.
It was a slow kiss that mixed with their tears. It tasted like salt, blood, and yes, it had a weird combination of wildflowers too. Ty felt the wind of his home comforting him, and felt as if the taste of the sea was blending on Kit’s lips.
Kit’s lips were awfully pale, but they kissed him back with a beautiful slowness and suavity that Ty’s heart felt protected despite everything.
Their kiss didn’t last more than a few seconds. Kit was who broke their kiss first with a groan, and Ty felt guilty for his impulsivity.
“Sorry,” Kit said before Ty could stop him. Even though their situation couldn’t be more chaotic, Ty saw an enormous smile on Kit’s lips. “You… don’t have any idea… of how m-much I’ve wished… that to happen.”
Ty raised Kit’s head and leaned it on his lap. His hands never left his and closing his eyes, he raised Kit’s right hand where his Voyance rune was and kissed it.
Kit almost let out a laugh, but it ended up being a sob.
“You are safe, Kit,” Ty said, tears were coming out from his eyes, so pretentious and painting a wet trail that descended to his chin and fell on Kit’s hair. “I got you, everything is going to be fine. You’re going to be fine, I–” He wept, his chest shivered. “I promise.”  
Kit smiled again, but his tears didn’t stop falling. “You were right,” he said with a barely audible voice and so broken, that Ty had to get closer to him. “You still don’t know… how to lie.”
Ty couldn’t hold his tears, they started falling even faster, soaking his face and wetting Kit’s hair. “Kit, please don’t go,” he said through his wailing. “Don’t go to a place where I can’t follow you.”
Kit didn’t seem to have heard him, his blue eyes were set on Faerie’s sunset, with his last breath he said: “My mom… used to… sing to me. She used to say… ‘The story that I l-love you. It has n-no end.’ Do you think that’s how our story… will be?”
Time stole Ty’s opportunity to answer him. Kit’s eyes were covered with a blurry crystal, losing their last sign of light. Ty saw it all happen so fast and so slow around him at the same time, when life left Kit’s body.
Ty opened his mouth releasing a suffocating gasp that contracted his body, he squeezed his eyes. His body hurt like a living hell, but his heart kept beating and every heartbeat would be a permanent reminder that he was still alive and that everything was real.
He started to swing his body repeatedly. Kit’s head was still on his lap, Ty had to leave one of Kit’s hands to put his over his eyes, and screamed when he forced himself to close his beautiful blue eyes that he would never see alive again.
“No, please. No. Please, Kit. Please!”
Faerie has ever been a land with countless creatures, big and small, in any moment, any visitor ought to have crossed their path with one of them, even if the stowaway never knew it; someone was always watching.
And when the Fair Folk saw the tragedy that happened right before their eyes, each one of them, without any exception, allowed the young Centurion to grief for his loss.
And for the first time in the history of all Faerie, their creatures conceded a moment of carelessness in their lands. Not even a soul saw the moment when Tiberius Blackthorn cried until he fainted, covering the corpse of Kit Herondale while his hand and Ty’s remained together, one staying warm for years while the other started to get cold with every passing moment.
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a-marlene-s · 5 years
La Red: Part 13
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Plagg knew what he is doing is dangerous. Not only for himself but also for the holder of the Cat Miraculous. Using cataclysm in this weakened state makes it dangerous for everyone around. It becomes more chaotic and unpredictable. The weaker the user has become, the harder it is for them to control it and with Plagg purposely making harder for the kid to use it, that only makes it just as worse.
Nothing mattered anymore. He already failed this kitten.
Fu watched as Marinette left his shop with a deep frown etched onto his face. He and Marinette had a long talk about Chat Noir’s change behavior and health. Even though Marinette wanted to talk to him about Chat’s behavior, his health came first. It was becoming increasingly obvious that something is wrong and Chat Noir is doing his best to ignore it.
“Do you believe Plagg is giving up on Adrien?” Wyazz asked as he flew over to Fu.
“No… He already has given up on him, I’m afraid.” Fu couldn’t help how tired he felt at that instant. He should have seen it coming from several miles away. With how Chat Noir kept putting his own emotions ahead of everyone. The insistence need to get Ladybug’s love and approval have blinded him massively. This would not be the first time a Chat Noir has done this, and there were so few times they were able to get out of the gutter before things become irreparable.
“That was what I was afraid of that could be happening…” Wyazz sighed, he flew over and sat on Fu’s shoulder. He looked just as tired as his holder. “What are we going to do?”
“Ladybug is still worried about him, but is at her wits ends with his behavior.” Wu tiredly said, he made his way back into the shop to look through his things. He has been packing everything to move to a new location and right now, he needed to finish it soon. “I wanted to believe so much in Adrien Agreste that I allowed it to cloud my mind when it has become increasingly clear his behavior is doing more bad than good.”
“What are you going to do?”
“I need to speak to him… I will then decide if he’s too far gone or if there’s a chance of redemption.”
“If there’s no chance of redemption?”
“…I will follow Ladybug’s plan accordingly.”
Felix Lachance knew the day he would have to face Adrien Agreste once more after the last time they had faced each other. Which would now make it around… two years? Give or take. Either way, Felix never wants to deal with Agreste anytime soon. That idiot still hasn’t learned a single thing from the last time he tried to protect a liar.
Let’s just say, that time around, Felix decided his highroad included ruining someone’s reputation forever. The memory alone brings him warmth even on the coldest of nights. It was just too bad that Adrien has a successful and rich father to protect his dreadful public image. Typical really. Using daddy’s money to get him out of trouble and to continue on with his delusions of reality.
“Excuse me?”
Felix paused mid-stride, he turned around to see an old man carrying a map and looking completely lost. He turned to fully face the older gentlemen, giving him his complete attention. “Sir?”
“I’m sorry to ask… you wouldn’t happen to know where…” The old man asked, laughing awkwardly while handing Felix his map. “I moved to a different shop, but I had gotten lost getting there. If you could be so kind…?”
Felix took the map and made a note of their current location to see what is the best direction to the old man’s new shop. He made sure that he did not head into heavy traffic or any place that would give him trouble. “Take this route.”
Felix held the map to the old man and told him the general directions to his designated location. “You’re not that far from there. Perhaps a fifteen-minute walk?”
“Oh? That’s not far!” The old man chuckled, seeing that he didn’t get lost after all. “Thank you! Perhaps I will get there soon before the movers do. Thank you, young man.”
Felix gave him a courteous nod while handing him back the map. “Get there safely.”
“Thank you.”
Felix watched as the old man crossed a street before disappearing after taking a left. He swore had seen the same old before, but cannon put a finger on it. Oh well, not his problem anymore. Right now, he needs to go to the library to work on a school project. Yes… school, what a way to keep in distracted from him.
“Felix? It’s been a while, huh?”
‘If there is a god up there…shoot me.’ Felix turned around to see Adrien now standing awkwardly in front of him. Giving him a glance over, Felix couldn’t hide his snort at the other blonde’s appearance. Even if Adrien did not show it, he could tell that something is off about him. It reminded him as the last time the idiot tried to… well, let’s not dwell on the past. “Agreste… How’s life? Considering your feeble mind insists on repeating history.”
For his own part, Adrien tried to smile but it looked strained. It was clear that Felix hit a nerve within him. Even so, he did his best to make the best of the situation. “How have you been? I heard you stopped modeling?”
“I now mainly act nowadays.” There’s no point in hiding it and instead of modeling, Felix has grown to enjoy acting. Even more so considering his girlfriend is also part of the industry. Felix gave Adrien a raised eyebrow which caused the other blonde to stammer over his words. “You still haven’t answered my question, Agreste.”
“I don’t know what you mean by that.” Adrien responded, he tightly gripped on the strap of his book bag.
“I’m Kagami’s new fencing partner… and a close friend of hers.” Felix deadpanned, taking inner joy when he saw Adrien’s expression immediately drop at the mention of Kagami before paling massively. He took inner joy seeing this side of Adrien. “I’m surprised you are defending another liar? Didn’t you learn your listen previously?”
“Felix, could we not?” Adrien physically pleaded with him. He kept looking around, expecting something or something to just appear out of nowhere. “Lila is different.”
“Of course she is different! She is dragging you with her this time, congratulations.” Felix let out a quick laugh that left him with a sharp smirk that taunted Adrien to no end. “Your former friends, Marinette and Nino, have informed Kagami and myself what has been occurring in that school of yours… and I have to say, I am extremely disappointed in you Adrien.”
“Marinette and Nino are my friends.” Adrien defended but deep within himself, he couldn’t help that small voice that continually agreed with Felix’s words. Squashing that voice in the back of his mind when something clicked. “You talked to them?”
“That’s beside the point.” Felix said impassively. “What you need to worry about is what is going to happen to that Rossi girl you are so intent in protecting. She is a manipulative liar that is going what she could to destroy everyone around her, and you are protecting her.”
“She could change. Lila just needs time to understand that she doesn’t need to lie to make friends. All she needs is a friend…” Adrien prattled on with his excuse that Lila just needed a friend and so on. Felix wasn’t really having it as he did his best to drown out Adrien’s poor attempt of an excuse to pardon Lila Rossi’s behavior. Even more so when Adrien attempted to manipulate him into believing his words. The problem with that is that Felix already learned his lesson from the last time, that he should allow Adrien to sway him that easily anymore.
“How unbelievably ignorant and self-righteous you are! You forced your friend to take the high road. Which said friend has been relentlessly bullied due to all the lies which you are doing your best to cover it up.” Felix finally exploded, eyes narrowed and his entire posture tense with controlled rage. He took a step back, taking in a deep breath while fixing his tie. “Not everyone shares your form of reality.”
Chat Noir does not know what is wrong with him, it has been becoming increasingly difficult to maintain his transformation. Even more so after using his special attack. Falling to his knees on a random rooftop in an attempt to catch his breath, Chat clutched his chest as exhaustion overwhelmed him once more.
The last beep from his ring rung out and he had become Adrien Agreste once more. He looked up to see Plagg had plopped himself in front of him and he looked just as miserable as himself. “Plagg? Are you okay?”
Plagg slowly turned to give Adrien a look of complete disinterest before looking away again. “Yeah, just tired.”
Adrien reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of camembert out for Plagg. “Here, we have to meet up with Ladybug soon. She says it’s important.”
Plagg turned to look at the cheese and wondered if he should eat it. He doesn’t want to eat it, but if Ladybug needs to talk to him… perhaps this is his chance. “Alright kid. Give me the cheese! Let’s go see what she wants.”
“Ugh… when will he get here?”
“He should be here already!”
“Damn, Cat!”
Carapace tried his best to ignore her. He really did, but Bumblebee has been making it rather hard. Bumblebee, formerly known as Queen Bee, paced around the Eiffel tower waiting for Ladybug to talk to Chat Noir. They had been asked to stick around mainly to take care of any pesky akuma’s decide to interrupt Ladybug and Chat Noir’s important conversation.
Looking over at Bumblebee, Carapace took in her new hero’s costume. Bumblebee’s hair is pulled back with a honeycomb bun pin, her blonde hair has black streaks that is nearly reminiscent of a bee. She has a beige fur collar that gives it an appearance of a mane, including having matching fur on her forearms and half of her lower legs. She looks great. For Chloe.
“He’ll get here when he gets here.” Carapace said lightheartedly, which only earned him a glare. “It’s either being here or patrol.”
“Ugh…” Bumblebee rolled her eyes, she turned her attention towards the city. “He better get her soon.”
“He’s here.” Carapace deadpanned when he saw Chat Noir arriving at the tower and landed near Ladybug. From where he stood, he could tell the cat themed hero is worse for wear. No wonder Ladybug wanted to talk to him, Chat looks like a dead man walking. “Do you still want to go on pa-”
“Shhh~ I’m trying to listen.” Bumblebee hushed him and did her best to listen to the conversation down below. Too bad that it was a windy day and it just made things harder to hear. Her brows furrowed as she tried her best to figure what is being said, but it was been becoming increasingly clear that Ladybug is worried about Chat’s health. Can’t blame her for asking that, Chat has turned into a liability. Which was the reason she and Carapace became full time Miraculous Holders, along with Ryuko and Viperion who became part-time holders. “Hm…”
“Is he really flirting with her?” Carapace huffed out, annoyed with Chat’s ever need to flirt with Ladybug.
“Don’t remind me. It’s either him acting like a massive baby or flirting with her none stop.” Bumblebee growled out. “She wants to talk about his health and he’s doing his best to convince her to go on a… oh?”
“Did… Did he just stick up for Lila?”
“He did and Ladybug isn’t having it.”
“…Should we intervene?” Carapace asked, wincing at Chat Noir’s poor attempt to convince Ladybug to go on a date with him.
“No, he’s leaving.” Bumblebee glared at Chat at his sudden departure. “His time get shorter and shorter. At this rate, we might have to use plan C.”
“Nah, better off we use plan F. Lila was brought up and Ladybug will probably want to clear things up on that end before making her final decision.” Carapace sighed, not really knowing what their future will look like at this point in time. “Come on, Ladybug looks like she’s about to blow a gasket.”
‘Of course he refuses to acknowledge anything is wrong.’ Ladybug paced around her spot, and glaring at the direction Chat Noir had run off to. ‘He refuses to acknowledge anything is wrong with his flirting, decline in health and… how dare he defend Lila! How dare he force me not to intervene!’
“Ladybug, how did it go?” Bumblebee asked as she and Carapace ran up to her.
“I know you two eavesdropped.” Ladybug said, obviously annoyed.
“Hey, you could have needed our help dealing with him.” Bumblebee replied with an uncaring shrug.
“In all seriousness, Ladybug. How did it go?” Carapace asked, taking a tentative step toward Ladybug.
“To sum it up… Chat Noir is refusing to acknowledge he’s doing anything wrong. Claiming that if I saw things in his perspective, I would see he is right. Especially with his romantic feelings towards me and… his need to defend Lila.” Ladybug’s nose scrunched up in mild disgust. “He wanted me to take the high road when it came to Lila’s lies. Can you guys believe it?”
Carapace and Bumblebee glanced at each other, knowing fully well that there is no return for Chat.
“I need to talk to the guardian…” Ladybug said to herself, as she took out her yo-yo. “Could you two patrol? I need to talk to someone…”
“Keep in contact?”
“Keep in contact.”
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curiosity-killed · 4 years
a bow for the bad decisions: 25
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(on ao3)
The days Wen Ning spends in Lotus Pier are...strange. A-Lu is utterly enraptured by her newfound uncle, especially once she realizes his arms don't tire enough to set her down. She rides on his back, his shoulders, hanging off one arm, and babbles a steady stream of nonsense into his ears. The entire time, Wen Ning looks simultaneously delighted and shocked. Wen Qing's smiles are soft and sweet as she watches them, tears occasionally collecting in her eyes. "He's always been so scared around kids," she admits, leaning against Jiang Cheng. "Always afraid he'd somehow hurt them, even before. Our littlest cousins could bully him when he was twice their size." Jiang Cheng snorts, rubbing his thumb against her waist. It's — okay, it's strange to see a fierce corpse cuddling his daughter. Instinct makes him want to lash out, grab a-Lu and pull her behind the safety of Sandu. His whole life, he's been trained and honed to fight and destroy things like Wen Ning. The ash-grey of his skin and charcoal lines crawling up his neck are wrong and sick and— And it's his wife's baby brother. Jiang Cheng has never really known Wen Ning, not properly, but he smiles hopefully at a-Lu and nods seriously along to her stories, and dressed in work robes, he almost looks alive. It's weird, but he'll get used to it. Tripping over weird things in this life gets you killed with your own blade in your back.
"Did you find out anything from Yuanxing?" he asks.
Her lips thin, fondness fading into consternation. Although her gaze still rests on Wen Ning and their daughter, it's clear her thoughts have shifted somewhere more distant. "Nothing good," she says. "Nothing I can make into a full picture." He waits, lets his arm be a solid pressure along her waist. "Yuanxing said there've been reports of attacks in the towns near both settlements," she says. "Strange music coming from the outskirts, incidents with fierce corpses and aggressive curses showing up." "Any unusual deaths in the settlements?" Jiang Cheng asks. Letting out her breath, Wen Qing shakes her head. "More fights between villagers, at least in Dahu Town, but no violent deaths," she says. He frowns. There's something there, some pieces of a picture he can't quite fit together. Too much is still missing, great gaping holes in the lines like white space bleeding a gap between the edges. Unease prickles like gooseflesh up Jiang Cheng's arms. He knows what this feels like, is reminded too strongly of a net being drawn up and closed over their heads. "You still think Jin Guangyao is behind it?" he asks. Pursing her lips, Wen Wing taps her fingers against her upper arm in a staccato rhythm. "I don't know," she admits. "I think it's too much of a coincidence to have all this happening at once." “What would he get out of it?” Jiang Cheng asks. “He’s already Chief Cultivator, and the resettlement plan was finalized over a decade ago. Why start something now?” “I don’t know,” Wen Qing snaps, tone sharp. She sighs, digs her thumb into the spot where her nose meets her brow. Closing her eyes, she lets out a long exhales and breathes in slowly. “I don’t know,” she repeats more evenly. “Something is going on, but there are too many pieces. I’m not—” Exhaling, she drops her hands. “I know I was in Wen Ruohan’s court, but I didn’t — I never learned to scheme like the courtiers,” she says. “All I tried to do was protect a-Ning, and everyone knew that’s what I was doing. I know the feeling when people are plotting, but I never tried to figure out what they were doing. It was out of my hands.”
 He gives a slight nod. He doesn’t wholly understand but he gets some of it. Living hand-in-hand with the Jin sect, he’s brushed elbows with enough climbers to start to recognize the feel of it. He’s never been the clever one, though. The one time he tried any scheming of his own, it wound up with Jin Zixuan in a coma and Wei Wuxian dead with no body to bury. “Jie thinks someone wants it to look like the refugees summoned Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian,” he says. “As an excuse to punish them.” “What more punishment?” Wen Qing laughs, bitter. “They’re trapped in villages they can’t leave unless they agree to have their spiritual energy sealed for the rest of their lives.” There’s something there, some edge that catches on a half-thought idea in the back of Jiang Cheng’s mind, knocks it loose. Punishment and long-term goals and— he can’t quite catch it. “I don’t know,” he admits. “But if they could control Wen Ning with those nails, they could scare most the sects.” Not the Yunmeng Jiang, whose heart is protected by the demonic cultivation of the Ghost General’s own master, but the Jin, certainly. Public memory isn’t so short as to forget who brought their leader to his knees. The Lan have grown isolated over the years in the opposite way the Jiang have: where Yunmeng Jiang has pulled up high walls and used its alliances to set stubborn boundaries, the Lans have wobbled as their allies died. Nie Huaisang still falls over Lan Xichen to fix his problems, but his own incompetence has made his sect a weak ally. Gusu would hurry to support Lanling against an uprising, if only to keep from losing their last strong alliance. Everything centers around Lanling, curls like storm clouds brooding over the horizon. He just can’t quite figure out why. “And Wei Wuxian?” Wen Qing prompts. “He’s better as a boogeyman in terms of collateral damage.” She’s right. Wei Wuxian’s shadow still haunts the sects, and not just young children. Anyone old enough to have fought in the war remembers the horror of his battlefields. Anyone who fought in the Burial Mounds carries nightmares of puppets and ghosts made from their own kin. Wei Wuxian’s name echoes with danger, with heresy, with fear old enough to wield a sword.
It’d be one thing to make people think he was alive: strange reports from the Burial Mounds, glimpses of a black-cloaked figure with red in his hair. The kinds of reports that have sprung up and been burnt away a hundred times over the years. But summoning him, actually bringing him back, is bound to lead to unexpected consequences. He’s been a blade only when he’s permitted it, when he came back and joined the war by his own choice. If someone tried to use him to turn against the people he died trying to protect— No, Jiang Cheng doesn’t think it’s a well-made plan. “It can’t be coincidence that he came back at the same time as your brother and everything else,” Jiang Cheng says. “Not coincidence,” Wen Qing agrees, shaking her head slightly, “but…maybe not part of the same plan. Back in Nightless City, Jin Guangyao never liked a half-made plan. He always kept things controlled.” He doesn’t ask what kinds of plans Jin Guangyao had in place in Nightless City. He doesn’t really want to know. They all did terrible things in the war, and he made his peace with that before walking into the first battle. War leaves blood on every hand. “So, what? Wei Wuxian’s an accident?” he asks.
He wants to groan. It feels right. It feels like something Wei Wuxian would accidentally do — get resurrected and stumble into some dark plot. He wants to go lie down in bed and wake up again the morning of the Dafan Mountain hunt and do it differently this time. Maybe just grab Wei Wuxian the moment he first saw him and drag him all the way to Lotus Pier. Wen Ning stops in front of them abruptly, setting a-Lu gently down on her feet. "Wei-gongzi is in trouble," he says. Jiang Cheng stares a little, even as he opens up his arms instinctively for his daughter to walk into them. She tugs on his wrists and he hoists her up on his hip, where she settles in with her head dropped to his shoulder.
"What kind of trouble? Where is he?" he demands. Wen Ning shakes his head. "I'm not sure," he says, "but he's headed somewhere bad. I can feel it." Right. Because Wen Ning has some sort of connection to Wei Wuxian from being brought back to life. He doesn't pinch his brow, but a-Lu does him the favor of poking at the center of his forehead. "A-die's mad?" she asks. "No, a-Lu. A-die is taking care of grown-up stuff," he says. He heaves out a sigh. "Fine. You can lead us to whatever mess he’s gotten into now.” There’s a pause, small but pregnant. Wen Qing rests her hand on his arm. “A-Ning will be faster,” she says. “Besides, we have plenty to figure out here.” Right. Right, of course. Because Wei Wuxian got himself a new little brother and he’s dead but he’s still faster and stronger and more attuned to Wei Wuxian than Jiang Cheng ever has been. And Jiang Cheng has to share the blame for that, because Wei Wuxian brought Wen Ning back to life, but Jiang Cheng’s the one who formalized the relationship by marrying Wen Qing.
Not that he regrets that. But. He swallows. “Right,” he says. “Fine, whatever. Go on then.” Wen Ning hesitates a moment longer before giving a proper salute and turning to hurry from Lotus Pier. A clarity bell swings from his belt, silent. Jiang Cheng had replaced his with one waiting to be assigned to a junior disciple the morning after Wen Ning arrived, too twitchy with his own bell out of reach. It’s not technically proper, since Wen Ning isn’t a disciple of Yunmeng Jiang, and if they had any elders left to horrify, they’d all go into qi deviation at giving a fierce corpse a clarity bell. Still, his sister is the lady of Lotus Pier, and he doesn’t have another sect to go to — unless Wei Wuxian is going to make good on the world’s old fears of starting his own sect. Yiling Wei, the home of orphans returned from the dead. Jiang Cheng swallows down the bitterness that stings like salt at the back of his throat. “A-niang, why is Uncle Ning going?” a-Lu asks.  Wen Qing reaches over to squeeze a-Lu’s little hand, wiggling it gently. “Your Uncle Ning is going to help your bobo,” she says, like it’s that easy, like any of this complicated knot can be so simply defined. “Bobo?” a-Lu echoes. She perks up. “Bobo is here?” Releasing her hand, Wen Qing tucks her hair back behind her ear. “Not yet, stinky egg,” she says. “He and Uncle Ning have to take care of some things before your bobo comes home.” Jiang Cheng’s arms tighten reflexively around a-Lu, a painful clench in his chest. Without looking away from their daughter, Wen Qing’s other hand slips up to squeeze his shoulder. “Why don’t you go play with a-Hun and a-Meng for a bit, baobei?” she says. Brightening, a-Lu gives a firm nod and wriggles to be let down. Jiang Cheng lowers her reluctantly, not quite ready to release his hold on her. She beams up at them before scampering down the walkway, her hair a black banner flaring out behind her. “We’re missing too much right now,” Wen Qing says as they watch her round a corner and nearly skid into the water below. “If Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are following something, it might be part of all this.” “So what, we just wait for them to show up?” Jiang Cheng snaps. “Waiting around while other people plot sounds like a perfectly sensible response. I’m sure that will work out as well as it always has.” Waiting to see what Wen Ruohan would do is what led to Lotus Pier burning, his parents dying, Wei Wuxian giving up his core. Waiting to see if they could coax the sects into accepting Wei Wuxian once more led to Jin Zixuan nearly dying, Wei Wuxian being torn to shreds. Waiting in the face of malevolence has never fixed anything. “Are you done?” He startles a little, finds Wen Qing watching him with a cool look and eyebrows raised just-so. Hunching his shoulders, he looks away. “If we sit around doing nothing, I— whatever’s going on could come to a head before we’ve done anything to stop it,” he says tightly. “Wanyin.” Her hand slides into his, prying his fingers away from where they’re digging into his upper arm. “I’m scared, too.” The flinch is instinctive, but she only squeezes his hand. Releasing a breath, he loosens his arms and curls his fingers around hers. “We’ve gotten so many years of peace,” she continues. “I don’t want another war. I don’t want anyone else in our family to hurt. I won’t sit by and watch things fall apart, not again.” He can feel his heart steadying, his breaths coming more evenly. “But going off with half a plan won’t get us anywhere. We could just alert the whole world to Wei Wuxian’s return and get him killed,” she says. “Or we could play into whatever larger plan is going on and string our whole family up.” Chastised, he gives a reluctant nod. She’s right, he knows she’s right. It still takes a few steadying breaths before he can force himself to focus, to think this through reasonably and not bolt off to gather his whole family here. His heart pounds with the need to see them all, to have them all within reach and protection. If they’re here, if they’re behind Lotus Pier’s shields and swords, it says, they’ll all be alright. “Bujue should be back soon,” he says. “He might have an idea about the unrest around the settlements after checking them. I need to write to jie anyway to tell her where Jin Ling’s run off to; I can ask her to keep an eye out in Lanling.” “Lan Xichen didn’t say much in his reply,” Wen Qing says, “but you said Yanli was going to write to Lan Wangji?” He grunts in reluctant affirmation. If he had his way, he’d never have to think of the second son of Gusu Lan ever again after how many times he’s come up in this last week. “I don’t know how much he’ll be willing to tell her, or how much she’ll be able to send in a message,” he points out. Wen Qing hums, nodding. “There’s that discussion conference at Carp Tower next month,” she muses. “Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian won’t be there, obviously, but it might be a chance to convene with the others. If Yanli could get Lan Xichen to speak with all of you, that would help.” It’s an endpoint, a kind of deadline. Having it in place makes Jiang Cheng’s breaths come easier, even if the thought of meeting with Lan Xichen makes his lips pull back. Kind and smiling as the man may be, Jiang Cheng is too easily reminded of his cold reproof and his brother’s icy hate. “And until then?” he prompts.
“We act like everything’s fine,” Wen Qing says firmly, “and we keep our eyes and ears open.” It still feels like too little, like nothing much more than sitting on his hands, but it’s a plan. It’s a finite period of inaction. He can last a month and a half. Hou Suichun arrives three days after Wen Ning leaves, blue robes creased with travel dust and face bright with a grin. He’s shot up in the year he’s been gone, and he now stands taller than Jiang Cheng. “Jiang-zongzhu,” he greets, bowing low. “Wen-yishi.” His hair’s done up in a series of braids that make him look more like a Nie disciple than Jiang, but no jade token has replaced his clarity bell. “Welcome back,” Jiang Cheng says. “I imagine you have plenty to share.” Suichun grins and gives a firm nod. “I’ve learned a great deal in my travels, zongzhu,” he says. “I am honored to share them.” Jiang Cheng waves off the etiquette, and Wen Qing and Suichun retire to her office to talk. Part of him wants to follow, wants to find out what he’s heard along the border with Qishan. He resists. Suichun will speak more openly with his teacher than his sect leader, where he might be inclined to edit his own words and shy away from overly bold assessments. Wen Qing will tell him what he needs to know. That night, they take dinner in his office rather than the pavilion where they usually eat. A-Lu’s entangled with her friends, all hunched around a table in the dining hall for once. As much as he likes having their designated time as a family, Jiang Cheng is grateful not to have to try to mind their words around a-Lu’s little ears this time. “I may have to revise my guess that Suichun and Yuanxing would want to stay here before heading out again,” Wen Qing admits as he serves her. “I think he’s become so accustomed to the road his feet might walk off without him.” Jiang Cheng snorts, turning to his own meal. “And here I thought Yuanxing would be the one to become a wanderer,” he says. When they were younger, it had certainly been Yuanxing in the lead while Suichun chased after. Perhaps the time away has shifted things, given Suichun a chance to grow into his own. Wen Qing shakes her head a little, but her smile fades as she takes a bite of steamed bun. “He said there’s rumors up north about Qishan,” she says. “Unrest and resentment around Nightless City, monsters appearing along the border.” Frowning, Jiang Cheng picks at his own bun like the answers are hidden in its filling. Qishan’s been left to itself for the most part over the years, its wealth parceled out to the other sects and its land and people left to fend for themselves. There’s plenty of resentment from all the battles waged there, and strange stories cross over its borders all the time. “He thinks there’s some truth to them?” he asks. “Maybe,” Wen Qing says, but she thins her lips like she’s not quite satisfied. “If someone wanted to stir up trouble, the cultivation world’s biggest ghosts are Wei Wuxian and Wen Ruohan. Invoking them both would demand an answer from the sects.” No matter that Wei Wuxian had become their nightmare only in answer to Wen Ruohan, that he may not have held the blade that killed Wen Ruohan but he was the one who gave them a chance to kill him, the possibility of living on after that massacre. He rubs at Zidian. This thought’s been percolating in the back of his mind since Qinghe, since that lunch with Jin Ling. “Do you think you could be the target?” Wen Qing startles a little before pausing, considering. She pinches the bun between her fingers, picking off tiny morsels. “I could be,” she concedes, “but I don’t see the endgoal. Yunmeng Jiang is a close ally of Lanling Jin, and I’ve never tried to obstruct that. I hardly touch politics at all, unless you count extending medicine in the far reaches.” It’s the same problem he’s run into when he’s thought it over. Wen Qing has pushed for better medicine in the smaller towns throughout the sects, spearheaded initiatives to send cultivators to these hamlets where they might assist families and townships with few resources and little access to the major sects. Aside from the usual grumbling about cost and wasting resources on strangers, though, there has been little pushback from the other sects. The smaller clans that have been touched by the initiative have been loud proponents, taking on guest physicians eagerly, and in towns with no clan at all, the apprentices have identified potential cultivators and helped connect them with a sect where they might train and develop their abilities. Who has been hurt by such actions? Who would be angered enough to lash out in such an absolute way? Two nights later, Wen Ning returns with the disciples Jiang Cheng sent after Jin Ling. He’s whisked off almost immediately by a-Lu, who’s determined to introduce him to her friends before they’re all sent to bed, and Sun Luzhou delivers the juniors’ report to Jiang Cheng in his office. “We encountered Hanguang-jun, a man called Mo Xuanyu, and two Lan juniors following the trail of a dismembered spirit,” she says as evenly as an order for tea. “In Yi City, they encountered the torso and left arm and indicated that only the head remained missing. Although we did not find an answer to the trail of cats left in Jin-gongzi’s rooms, I suspect it may have been bait to lead us there. The one going by Mo Xuanyu indicated that there seemed to be someone leading them after the body.”
“You said Xue Yang had created a fierce corpse using nails in his head to control him?” Jiang Cheng asks. She’s watching him too closely, as if to see if he’ll react to mention of Wei Wuxian’s alias. Blinking once, she gives a slight nod. “Yes, zongzhu,” she says. “This Mo Xuanyu called on the Ghost General Wen Ning to subdue the other corpse.” Looking up, Jiang Cheng narrows his eyes. Her tone was too pointed there. “Do you have something you’d like to add, a-Hai?” he asks. Reaching into her sleeve calmly, Sun Luzhou pulls out an unpaired tracking talisman and sets it on the desk between them. He frowns, looks to her sharply. Her expression is easy and unaffected. “The other half is traveling toward Gusu now,” she says. “I hope it was not presumptuous to assume Jiang-zongzhu might encourage our da-shixiong to return.” He stares at her, caught between wanting to order her into laps as punishment for impudence and wanting to demand any details she might have picked up. He settles for picking up the talisman and setting it neatly to one side of the desk. “Fine. What did he say?” he asks. A faint smile twitches at the corner of her lips before she stifles it, bowing her head slightly. “I didn’t speak to him much; I assumed if he was going by a false name it was for good reason,” she admits. “He said he missed us. And Yunmeng wine.” Jiang Cheng can’t help a snort at that. Sun Luzhou’s smile returns a little more fully this time.
“He and the Lans were returning to Cloud Recesses to confer with Lan Xichen, I believe,” she says. She pauses, a furrow appearing between her brows. “He also…might have gotten engaged to Hanguang-jun?”
Her voice lilts up in uncertainty at the end, and Jiang Cheng feels all the blood rush out of his face. “What.” Something in his tone must alarm her, though he can’t imagine what. Finding out his brother has somehow gotten engaged to Lan Wangji in the few weeks he’s been alive but not managed to come back and pay his respects in his own family’s home is completely fine. Obviously. Wei Wuxian can do what he wants. He always has. “Ah, I mean, it’s only based on what the Lan juniors explained to us,” she says hurriedly. “At one point, Hanguang-jun’s forehead ribbon was tied around da-shixiong’s wrists, and the juniors explained that the ribbon is sacred and only to be touched by — um — well by close family or cultivation partners.” She cuts off like she’s run out of an explanation before she’d like to, and there’s a flush rising to her cheeks. Jiang Cheng thinks he might be going into qi deviation. That’s the only explanation. He’s having a vivid, horrible hallucination right before he dies. Only — some part of that feels familiar. Lan Wangji’s ribbon around Wei Wuxian’s wrist—
An old memory, half-forgotten, surges up. That day Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji went missing during the Gusu lecture, the moment he and Wen Qing found them on the back hill. They’d been toppled on the ground, soaking wet, while Lan Wangji glared daggers at Wei Wuxian — and his ribbon had been tangled between them, one end wrapped around each wrist. Jiang Cheng makes a strangled noise. “Zongzhu?” Sun Luzhou asks in a worried tone. “It’s fine,” he says, strained. “You did well. Don’t — don’t mention the ribbon to anyone.” Still eyeing him uncertainly, Sun Luzhou nods and gives a low bow as she’s dismissed.  Jiang Cheng kneels there a long moment, staring unseeing into space, before he rises. His feet take him out of the office and down the walkways, a familiar path to the ancestral shrine. Wei Wuxian’s tablet sits still and gleaming in the candlelight. It’s smooth under his hand, freshly oiled. It skims across the lake’s dark surface like a blade flung flat through the air before dropping with a splash. “Fuck you,” he hisses. “You’re such a dumbass, Wei Wuxian.” So apparently his brother’s been engaged to Lan Wangji since they were fifteen and no one thought to mention it. Does Wei Wuxian even know? The idiot insisted Lan Wangji despised him, or at least only tolerated him as a project, for good chunks of the war and even some time after. Fucking Lan Wangji. All those mourning robes and he never thought to mention they’d been betrothed. All the times Jiang Cheng tried anything to bridge the gap between him and Gusu Lan and they never thought to mention they were technically, almost, family. Ugh. No. He backtracks. Lan Wangji is not family. Even if he marries Wei Wuxian properly, Jiang Cheng will never call him brother. The thought makes his skin crawl. He scowls out over the lake in the direction the tablet sunk, arms crossed. That mountain’s sounding more and more appealing. Baoshan Sanren surely doesn’t have idiot brothers who run around getting engaged to the worst man in the world and don’t tell anyone. Forget Wen Qing’s plan of waiting, of letting Wei Wuxian come back to him. He’s going to fly to Cloud Recesses, drag him out by the collar, and strangle him. Maybe Lan Wangji first, for the dishonor he’s smeared across Yunmeng Jiang. He has about two breaths to enjoy the satisfaction at the thought before his thoughts catch up to his body and he realizes what he’s done. The lake’s surface is still and even once more, the tablet sunk into the mud. Jie’s going to kill him.
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draco-kasai · 4 years
Alatreon Chp. 2 BLURRY
Chp. 1
Izuku was clueless about abnormalities around him and grew up believing he was quirkless. After a long, emotional day he comes to discover his quirk. He's behind everyone else so he starts to find ways to train himself and his quirk. Meeting new people, learning new skills Izuku begins to learn how to control his quirk.
My friend challenged me to not say the word “bending” since I got the story idea from ATLA
Story also being posted on AO3 of the same title
Izuku did his best to catch his breath as he staggered up the last step of his apartment. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to run up the first few sets of stairs especially when he’s already tired. Once he got to the door he took a moment to lean his forehead on the wood to ground himself. Taking in a few deep breaths to calm his breathing he stood upright and opened the door. “I’m home…” he calls out as he closes the door behind him.
“Izuku!?” He hears his mother call from down the hall quickly followed by footsteps. “Oh, my- Izuku!” She cries out as she comes into view seeing her son removing his shoes.
The teen gave a tired smile as he set his shoes to the side, “Hey mom.” He greets softly as he becomes enveloped in a tight hug from his mother.
“Oh, my baby! I saw the news! I felt so scared when they showed footage of you running to save Katsuki!” she pulled back and began to look over her son, “You’re not hurt, are you? They had the doctors look over you already right? Oh please tell me you’re not hurt-!”
“Mom, mom I’m okay. It’s okay.” Izuku did his best to reassure her with a smile as his mom brushed stray strands of his hair out of his face, “The paramedics that were there already checked over Kacchan and I. We’re both fine. I’m fine.” he rested a hand on hers.
Inko let out a shaky breath in relief, smiling softly up at her son, “I’m glad you and Katsuki are both alright.” She gently let go of her son, “But Izuku, please… I don’t know what I would do if you got hurt… What you did today was very brave but please, be more careful.” the young man stared at his mother for a moment in disbelief.
“Well yes, it was brave but also a bit reckless. I know Katsuki was suffocating but my god, my heart stopped when I saw you run in! I felt so scared! If All Might hadn't… ” She looked away, cupping a hand over her mouth trying to rid herself of the thought, tears spilling down her cheek unwillingly. She need not say it, the implication was there.
She seemed to contemplate her next words for a moment. Looking back at her son she seemed to solidify her thoughts and spoke, “I know you want to be a hero but please, think of a plan before you take action.”
Izuku didn’t know how to feel at his mother's words. On one hand, she’d called him brave and on the other, she said he was reckless. None of the heroes or the media called him brave, they called him a reckless idiot with a death wish trying to play hero. His mother said he was reckless for not thinking of a proper plan but brave for taking action. What the hell is he supposed to say to that? It's as if no matter what he'll never get a proper complement, not even from his own mother.
Izuku bit his lower lip, “Why does everyone feel the need to give me backhanded compliments?” He hadn’t even realized he spoke till he saw his mother flinch at his words. He tried to stop himself but his lips kept moving, “I just wanted to save my friend, my body moved on its own! But like isn’t that what a lot of heroes say?! That during the most serious moment their body moves on its own!? So why!? Everyone said I was a reckless idiot while Kacchan was praised! For what!? If it weren't for all of his explosions all those fires wouldn’t have started! Nobody could get close enough to help because of his quirk! Does he get reprimanded?! No, he was told how proud they were of him, praised him for having an awesome quirk, and for being so brave!"
“BRAVE! What about me!? I mean, I know I just rushed in but what about me!? Why does nobody ever believe in me when I say I want to be a hero!? Why can’t anyone be proud of me!!?” His voice cracked at the last bit from all the yelling. Izuku doesn’t yell very often, it was a very rare occurrence for him, it was rare for him to even get upset. Sure he’s gotten into arguments and disagreements with his parents here and there but he never raised his voice. He was never this intense.
Sure he ranted earlier, but that was because Kacchan told him to jump off a roof! Who wouldn’t get mad!? He was so angry, so frustrated, so tired. His body trembled as angry tears fell down his cheeks. He was already regretting yelling at his mother, the soreness of his throat throbbed.
The boy flinched back at the sight of his mother's hand coming up to touch his cheek. Guilt filled him when the hurt in his mother's face grew, he looked away. He hadn't meant to snap at her, to make her feel like this is her fault somehow. Izuku never regretted anything so much as he did now.
“I believe in you…” Inko choked out. Izuku’s eyes landed on his mother as her shaky lips fell into a sincere smile, “I- I’m sorry if I've made you think otherwise… I’m so proud of you Izuku. Even if you don’t tell me I know you go through so much hardship and yet you still remain this humble kind person. A-and no matter what you choose to do in the future I will always, always, do my best to support you and I know your father would too. We will always be cheering you on.”
Izuku gripped the fabric of his uniform, more tears falling from his eyes. God, he’s so blind. So stupid! He took a shaky step forward with a hand outstretched, “I- I’m sorry mom, I-” He tried to find the words to say but his mother gathered him into a hug. He doesn’t deserve her.
“It’s okay Izuku, it’s alright sweetie.” His breath hitched for a moment before he choked out a sob. At this point he just allowed himself to cry away his frustrations and heartache. The whole day had been one negative after another. Humiliated in front of his class, his childhood friend tells him to kill himself, his idol tells him he couldn’t be a hero, he gets told off by other heroes and even the media. He’d even snapped at his mother all because he was frustrated.
She’s too sweet and understanding, while her son is quirkless and an emotional mess. Izuku found himself continuously mumbling apologies to his mother as he sobbed. Inko simply rubbed comforting circles on his back as she whispered reassuring words. They both cried in one another's arms for what felt like forever until Izuku finally pulled away to dry his tired eyes.
“I’m sorry mom, I shouldn’t have yelled at you…” Izuku chokes out finally as he rubbed his sore eyes, his voice hoarse, “I’ve had a bad day but that’s no excuse for snapping at you…”
Inko smiled softly at her son, “It’s alright sweetie, we all have a breaking point.” She wipes her cheeks, “Do you… want to talk about it?” Izuku felt guilty at how cautious she was when asking that question. They’d grown apart over the years, he didn’t bother talking to her about his problems. He would usually just dodge the question, say he’s fine now and lock himself in his room until dinner or to bathe.
Realization settled in, the reason he and his mother grew apart was because of him. Izuku is a horrible person, he’s driving one of the few people who care about him away. Anger began to bubble up when he realized it was all because she apologized back then. He’d been upset and started distancing himself from her.
Izuku felt so childish, he’s basically been keeping a grudge since he was 5. He needs to fix this, he needs to try to mend their relationship. He nodded in response to her, relief washing over Inko.
Gently she guided him to the living room and sat him on the couch. She already had what smelled like Peppermint tea on the counter. “I’ll be right back.” Grabbing the teapot she walked back into the kitchen to reheat it before coming back a few minutes later. Izuku watched her with tired eyes as she handed him a cup to drink along with a warm wet towel to clean his face. He softly thanked her.
Inko sat next to him silently and patiently waited for him to speak. The silence between them felt heavy on his shoulders and he hated it, “So um… School was pretty bad today…” Izuku attempted to break the silence. He doesn’t want to keep things from her anymore. Should he just tell her everything? Just lay everything bare on the table? Rip it off like a bandage?
He glanced over to his mother to see a reassuring smile graced her lips. Just like a bandage. Taking a deep breath he continued, eyes on his tea, “Y-you know how I told you a few months after the doctor's appointment that the bullying stopped?” He could see his mother's smile slip and her face filled with worry in his peripheral vision.
He continued, "U-um it never did stop. I get made fun of all the time because of my er... 'disability' as people call it. Today was especially bad, people from class found out I wanted to go to U.A. and laughed at me. They said some pretty hurtful things, someone threw my notebook out the window too..." He doesn't want to out Kanchan, he truly would make a great hero someday and with time he's sure he'll mellow out, "On my way home I- I met All Might and I even got his autograph! I even had the chance to ask him if I can become a hero without a quirk... He... he said I had a better chance at being a police officer or something and told me to be realistic... Um... then... well you know the rest since it was on TV." He kept bits of details out but nevertheless, he was telling her the truth.
"U-um before you say anything, I don’t want to transfer schools or anything… I just, I want to finish my school year here and… even if we went to the principal or a teacher about all this, they… they wouldn’t care… I just... I don't know but... I don't want to transfer.”
Inko was silent as she took in everything her son had told her. What was she supposed to say to this? How was she supposed to respond? She wants to yell at the faculty of the school for letting this happen. To protect her child and make him never go back but he doesn't want that. She doesn't want to go against what her son wants, but she doesn't want him to suffer anymore. Even his favorite hero had disregarded his dream and told him to give up! What kind of hero does that?
Inko wondered how other mothers would have handled this kind of situation, what they would say or do. She bit her lower lip as she stared down at her reflection in the tea. The most she could possibly do is show him he has support, right?
“Izuku…” He hummed in response as he drank some tea, “Do you still want to be a hero? Even after what the heroes and All Might said?” She suddenly asked.
The boy slowly lowered the cup from his lips “...yeah. I do.” There was a brief moment of silence between the two.
“You need to work really hard then.” She said softly as she set her cup down on the coffee table. The boy froze at her words, “Don’t listen to the people who try to get you down. It’s your dream, not theirs, they have no right to tell you it’s useless. I know you’ll become a wonderful hero Izuku.”
Izuku’s sight blurred at her words. He wanted to cry again but his body just felt so exhausted at this point he wasn’t sure he’d have the energy to. He gave his mother a large smile, carefully putting his cup down he hugged her tightly. “Thank you mom…”
After sitting there for a few minutes, Inko encouraged her son to take a relaxing bath while she prepared dinner. Reluctantly he agreed and made his way to the bathroom. He quickly began filling the tub as he went over to wash off all the dirt, sweat, and grime. Once he was done he turned off the water of the tub when he realized it had filled and sank himself into the hot water letting out a long satisfied sigh.
Leaning back on the tub Izuku let his mind wander. Today has truly been a whirlwind of emotions. He closed his eyes as he thought back to both of his angry outbursts. If only he had the confidence to stand up for himself like that. Izuku let out a sigh as he sank further into the water, his chin just under. Silently he looked up at the ceiling, his mind thinking of the slime villain.
All Might said it was supposed to be around the underpass and yet, there was nothing there. He clenched and unclenched his hands into fists as his mind continued to wonder. When he rushed in he felt as if he was almost running on air. When he threw his bag at the villain's eyes there was a gust of wind and the bag flew at a faster speed than he’d anticipated too. Now that he really stopped to think about it, he realized how his hands felt warm all of a sudden during his tangent. When he walked through it felt like the earth under him was moving. Was that… him?
Looking down at his hands Izuku stared silently as his mind began going over all the random strange occurrences he’s come to ignore while growing up. When he was small he tried breathing fire like his father. He felt heat build-up in his throat only to leave him coughing, the feeling scared him so much, he didn't attempt it again. When he ran to get to villain fights he always felt like he was lighter than usual. There was a time when he was at a waterpark in the wave pool. He’d wanted the wave to be bigger and started imitating the motion only for a large wave to crash on himself and his parents. His mom’s been having problems with the sink and the stove at random times for years.
Izuku felt a sudden rush of adrenaline as a thought began to form, quickly he sat up and stared blankly at the water. Did - did all of that happen because of him? Rising a hand up to hover above the water he stared. Is that his- no, no there’s no need to bring his hopes up. If he’s wrong, then nothing changes, but… what if he’s right? Then what? His hand began to tremble at the thought. If he’s right and this is his quirk he’s definitely an oblivious idiot that’s for sure… but then what? Will anything change?
Well, obviously things will change, he has a quirk! But… would that change anything? He’s way behind compared to his classmates, compared to Kacchan. He bit his lip as he slowly lowered his hand. Is it even worth finding out?
‘no matter what you choose to do in the future I will always, always, do my best to support you and I know your father would too. We will always be cheering you on.’
That’s right. He’ll always have his parents by his side, a quirk won’t change that.
‘Don’t listen to the people who try to get you down. It’s your dream, not theirs, they have no right to tell you it’s useless.’
He knows that. It’s his dream, a dream he’s latched on to for so many years and he wasn’t about to let it go so easily. If this turned out to be real, to be true, to actually be happening, nothing will change. He still has to work harder than anyone else. He still has to pour his all into his path to becoming a hero. Taking in a few deep breaths in an attempt to settle his nerves he focused on the water, he focused on the thought of making it move. His body was completely still as he looked for any kind of ripple or movement that wasn’t him. Nothing was happening, he felt the sliver of hope in him slowly disappear.
Sighing, he stepped out of the tub to dry himself. He watched the water drain down as he slowly ran a towel through his hair. Numbly he put on a clean pair of boxers and a plain T-shirt he’d brought in with him. Of course, it was just wishful thinking. All the weird things that’s happened are just that, weird occurrences, not his quirk. His eyes landed on the droplets of water that ran down his arm, the motions of drying his hair halting. His mom has to move her hands when she uses her quirk, gentle motions as if beckoning the items to come to her. Maybe… maybe if he tried that?
Izuku let go of the towel, letting it hang on his head like a veil, he stretched his left arm out in front of him. Eyes focused on the droplets of water as they slid about following gravities calls. He brought his right hand up and froze for a moment. He’s hesitating again, he can feel the embers of hope relight within him again. He tried to chastise himself, make the hope go away but it wouldn’t. His hand trembled slightly again, He can’t keep doing this to himself. He needs to be brave… He needs to learn not to hesitate.
Waving his hand in a motion he’s seen his mother do so many times before he focuses on moving the water, eyes zeroed in on the drops. Izuku felt his breath hitch as he noticed the water waving back and forth against his arm. As his hand waved he moved it forward before making a pull motion, the water followed and lifted off his skin to float over the direction of his moving hand. Letting out a breathy chuckle of disbelief he brought up his now dry hand to move about with the other improvised motions.
The water droplets flowed with his motions in the air, he made a motion to compress the water together making a bubble the size of a large marble. Izuku let out a choked sob as his hands moved about, testing and playing with the water in the air before him. It didn’t take long for his vision to blur and become unfocused. What was happening before him felt like a dream and if it was, god does he hope he never wakes up.
After all these years…
he didn't notice the knock on the door, the call if his name. With a final knock the door crept open, “Izuku, dinner is ready-” His mother froze at the door once her eyes landed on her son. Her eyes zeroed in on the water that danced in the air according to his sloppy hand movements. Realization registered in her eyes the moment she looked her son in his. Tears welled up in hers, “Oh… Izuku you-” she gasped as she brought her hands up to her face.
Izuku nodded as he began letting out a breathy laugh in happiness, “You have a quirk! Aaaah! My baby!!” His mother cried out as she charged over to him to envelop him in a hug. Before his mother took him into her embrace he directed the water to the empty tub before holding his mother. They fell to their knees to cry once again. God, Midoriya’s are such criers.
“I feel like such a fool…” Inko sighed as she set down her chopsticks near her bowl half full. After they had gotten over crying, again, they settled down at the table so Izuku could explain to her how he found out. Inko prepared their plates and listened as her son explained to her everything he knew. Guilt and shame flooded the woman when she realized that they had missed all of the signs, “I should have noticed, I should have paid more attention to our surroundings. I should have known especially after the landlord continuously found no problems…” She covers her face with her hands in shame, “Because of my incompetence you had to live for so long believing you were quirkless and you had to deal with so much… I’m so sorry Izuku…”
Izuku frowned as he stared at his mother. Setting down his own chopsticks he spoke, “It’s not your fault mom… I didn’t notice either. I was blind to my surroundings and should have noticed the abnormalities around me…” He reaches out and gently removes his mother's hands from her face, “If your incompetent then so am I. I mean… you’d think I’d notice when I wave my hand and some unnatural phenomenon happens most of the time.” Inko allowed herself to chuckle softly at his joke.
The teen allowed himself a soft smile as he leaned back in his chair. He waited for his mother to let out a calming breath, picking up her chopsticks and start eating again before he followed suit. A few minutes into silence Inko spoke up again, “You need to start training your quirk right away Izuku.” her son stopped mid-bite to stare at her. That was unexpected, “Not just your quirk but your body too. I was thinking about it while making dinner... You’re behind everyone else, you have to work harder than anyone.” She looks up to look at her son. Her eyes clear and determined, “If you want to get into U.A. and I'm sure you do since you've been speaking about it for years, you need to start as soon as possible.”
Izuku fell silent at her words, she’s right. They need to do something as soon as possible, he needs to start training his body and practicing to properly use his new quirk. He began tapping his chopsticks on the table gently, “Maybe I should start building a training regimen? I’ll have to look up proper exercises for beginners and make my way up from there. Maybe a gym or even find a trainer? Martial arts maybe. I can’t forget about jogging to build stamina, ah but if I do go to a gym or take martial arts I can do that there. Would I need to make a meal plan? It’s possible, I can always look that up and even ask around if I need to. For now, I can look up proper exercises while I figure things out. As for my quirk training, I’d need to be able to train somewhere with enough room, especially if I don’t want to risk breaking anything at home. So far I know I can manipulate water. Maybe the air as well since I've found I can run faster at times including that gush of air earlier today. There was heat around my hands so was that fire? I need to test that when I visit the doctor about my quirk, I need to make an appointment. I can also manipulate the earth, I think. Again, I need to test it with a doctor. That would make four elements, I need to be out in the open to train them, but public quirk usage is against the law. I’ll need to look around for something.”
“Hmmm I’m not sure either but I can help you look around for something in the meantime sweetie.” His mother suddenly suggested. Ah, was he mumbling?
The greenette smiled, “That would be very helpful mom, thank you.���
“Of course dear. I’ll look around while I head to work tomorrow, I can even try asking around if need be.”
“Mhm, and since tomorrow is the second Saturday of the month I won’t have school. I can go out and look around for a gym or something and even a secluded place to practice my quirk.”
“Oh, that reminds me, your father doesn’t know yet! Oh wait until he finds out about this, he’ll be so excited and proud!”
Izuku couldn’t help his smile grow wider. Both his parents have always done their best to be supportive of their son. He had taken a job promotion abroad in the states at his mother's insistence on not missing such a great opportunity. He wanted to take Izuku and his mother with him but the teen wanted to finish schooling in Japan so his mother stayed behind with him.
It got lonely at times without him around but they spoke to him over the phone or through video chat at least once a week. Twice if he wasn’t busy. He could already imagine his father’s excitement over the news. He wasn’t much of a crier as Izuku and his mother were but he still got over-excited about things.
“I’m sure dad will be so excited he burns something by accident again.” Inko laughs at this.
Izuku typed away on his computer the next day researching what he needed. His mother had left for work three hours ago already, so when he woke up about an hour ago, she was already gone. Taking a bite of the breakfast his mother left, he clicked away opening multiple tabs to different locations. Pulling a notepad closer he wrote down the address to all the locations.
“Okay, so we’ve got five gyms and three martial art locations.” Izuku mumbled to himself as he went to turn off the laptop, “I’ll have to ask for the cost, maintenance fee, and everything. While I’m there I should ask them for some diet advice. The videos were helpful enough but everyone’s body is different.”
Quickly scarfing down the last bit of food he had left, Izuku washed his dishes before putting his laptop away. Double checking that he had everything he pulled on his shoes, put the first address down on his phone, and headed off. Walking down the stairs from his apartment, the greenette plugged in his headphones to listen to a podcast on the way.
The walk to the first location didn’t take him too long considering it was just fifteen-minutes from his house. The building was large and there were quite a few people inside already. Nervously Izuku opened the doors, air conditioning making his curls flail crazily, and walked up to the receptionist. The person behind the table gave the boy a tired look and seemed to sigh when he asked to speak to someone for information.
Speaking to the membership director Izuku just felt completely overwhelmed with information that they just dumped on him. He was told of things that didn’t even matter and he’s pretty sure if he was of legal age they might have tried to pressure him into signing the contract. Leaving the gym the greenette couldn’t help the sigh of relief that left his lips. Making his way to his next destination the teen hoped that it wasn’t as intense.
Four other gyms and two martial arts locations later Izuku had to stop at a park bench to take a break. He’s been at it for two hours now and so far he’s only found two places that were relatively cheap. After a few minutes of resting the greenette finally got back on his feet and made his way to the last destination.
“Alright, it should be here somewhere…” Izuku looked around as he walked. The street he walked didn’t have as many shops around as the others did in the more crowded areas. Finally Izuku found what he was looking for, the building was bigger than he thought it would be, a fair amount of windows letting in sunlight but allowing privacy.
Just staring at the building the teen could already tell it would be very expensive. Maybe he should just skip this one and just head home and choose one of the others he has. Smacking his cheeks lightly he shook away the thought, he’s already walked so far, he might as well get it over with. Gathering up his nerves Izuku walked in mentally preparing himself to be bombarded with information again.
Upon entering he was finally able to see the inside properly. A large table sat cozily to the side nearest the door, a tanned male with a wolf tail haircut sat in his chair casually watching the group currently training. Behind him on the wall was a small collection of fans and other weapons along with some certificates. The counter contained some trophies along with photos neatly organized.
A mat covered a large portion of the middle of the room. Beyond that, there seemed to be a shoji that led to a possible hallway, if he had to guess the storage room and maybe even changing rooms. Izuku’s eyes wandered towards the group on the mat that practiced.
The group was rather small, nine people at most including the person leading them, who he presumes is the master. They were all dressed in what seemed to be traditional garb and all appeared to be holding fans. Their movements were fluid and swift; it was almost as if watching a dance. He was entranced at how effortlessly they opened and closed the fans.
The master clapped her hands four times and her students got into groups of two. She walked around as she instructed them on a move they had apparently been introduced to not long ago. Everyone nodded in understanding before falling into a fighting stance, the moment she spoke ‘begin’ they started moving. The teacher went around watching them all closely, correcting her students expertly, showing them what they did wrong and how to fix it. She praised them when they got things right, congratulated them when they finally got something they had lots of trouble with done properly.
“Their great right?” Izuku jumped slightly at the sudden voice. Turning he was met with the bright blue eyes of the man who sat behind the desk. He had a knowing smile on his lips as he leaned on the palm of his hand, his elbow resting on the table top.
“O-oh, yeah… um, what are they doing?” The teen asked in a low voice as to not disturb them.
“You came in here and you don’t even know?”
“Erm… I- Google Maps didn’t really give me much information. A-and I couldn’t find a website… Um…” The brunette let out a soft chuckle at this, making Izuku flush in embarrassment.
“It’s alright kid. Anyway, what they're doing is called ‘Tessenjutsu,’ it's a combat technique that uses iron fans.” The older male explained as he glanced back over to the group that paid them no mind.
“Ah… so you don’t teach any self-defense or other martial art?”
“Oh no, we do. We teach Taekwondo as well as some weapons training and as you can see, Tessenjutsu.” The man smiled, “You interested?”
“Um… yeah.” Izuku rubbed a hand over his arm, “But how much…?”
“Ah, prices, right. Well, our classes cost 12.99 a month, you can also pay for three-month-long classes, 33.97, and yearly if you felt like you’d be staying that long. That would be 155.88.” The man answered easily.
“W-wait… seriously?” That’s so cheap! Izuku felt excitement fill him, that’s perfect!
“Yup! I’m a man of only truths!” A sudden realization dawned on the teen, he looked back over to the rather small group as they continued to spar. If the place was so cheap then why is it so empty?
“Oh, that’s because to be allowed in you’ve basically gotta be 'worthy.' you know?” Ah, did he think out loud?
“Yeah, Martial Arts are a great way to defend yourself and others but it can also be used to hurt and in many cases kill people. We don’t just teach anyone willing to pay, they need to prove their worth, it's what sets us apart from other places. All of our students are here for different reasons, but they always leave feeling proud of themselves, confident, and strong. So tell me kid, why do you think you’re 'worthy' of studying here?”
Izuku was completely thrown off by the question. He’s never had to prove his worth to anyone for anything before. So, why was he worthy? He wants to become a hero. That’s been his dream since he was small. He wants to help people and make them feel safe, for that he needs to learn to fight and properly utilize his quirk.
“I want to become a hero, someone who can help others with a smile” There was a pause of silence between the two. The man in front of him shook his head softly as he let out a sigh, his smile falling.
“Then we have nothing to teach you.” Izuku flinched at his sudden shift in tone, “Just about everyone in our society wants to be heroes. Don’t get me wrong, wanting to help people is admirable but I can’t accept that as an answer. Wanting to be a hero doesn’t make you any more worthy among everyone else, you're just a sheep following the herd. You need a drive, a real reason. So tell me, what makes you worthy?” The man watched as the child’s face fell into deep thought. Letting out a sigh he continued, “How about you come back when you figure something out. Then, we’ll talk.” He waved the teen off before turning back to watch the group.
Izuku stared at the man with wide eyes for a moment before walking out in a daze. What just happened? He was asked a question then he was turned away? The teen huffed in frustrated confusion, his answer was used by a lot of people. How could he possibly make himself stand out above the rest and show that he’s worth training?
The brunette haired man turned to watch the teen walk out the building completely dumbfounded. He took note of the class dispersing for their brake, a woman with short bobbed hair walking over to him. Looking over he smiled softly at the woman.
“Gezz you didn’t have to scare him off with that dumb ‘policy’ of yours you know. We do have a way to weed out those who aren't determined to learn.” The woman glared lightly at the man behind the desk, his smile only grew wider.
“You should have seen his eyes, Suki. They are full of determination.” The male says softly, "He has a lot of potential."
“He seemed like a nice boy, soft even.” The brunette, Suki, responds with a soft sigh, resting her hand on the desk. “He’d definitely be interesting to teach; if you hadn't scared him off that is.”
The man smiled confidently, “He’s got the drive and everything but doesn’t know his own worth. My guess is that he’s been put down a lot by people around him, kids' social skills suck ass. He’ll come back though.”
Suki flicked the man's forehead, “Don’t be rude.” she ignored his complaints, “Besides, how can you be so sure about that?”
“Oh common, look who you’re talking to~ when have I ever been wrong?” Suki stood upright placing her hands on her hips.
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
“No, but common, trust me.”
“Whatever you say Sokka.”
When Izuku arrived home he plopped down on his bed and buried his face in his pillow. He was supposed to walk around town and look for areas where he can practice his quirk but after that last interaction, he opted on heading home. Letting out a loud groan he turned over on his back to stare up at his ceiling. Blindly reaching over to the nightstand he grabbed the notepad he’d thrown over before bringing it closer. The places he’d visited had many useful resources that he could take advantage of, even if the prices were a bit up there. Flipping to the last page he stopped. Kyoshi’s Self Defense.
The price to study there is unmatched by any other but that question… how is he supposed to answer?
If he really thought about it he can just ignore it and go somewhere else, taekwondo is taught in most of the places he visited do to its popularity after all. Pretend as if he never set foot in their building. He could pretend he wasn't transfixed by their fluid movements. Never spoke to the man behind the counter, never received the question.
Izuku knew better though. The movements of the people on the matt had caught his attention, he wanted to know more, to learn to do what they did. The question asked to him by the man behind the counter would haunt him forever if he couldn't find an answer. What even is the right answer if not the drive to become a hero?
“Just about everyone in our society wants to be heroes.”
He’s not wrong, heroism is a fairly popular career choice. Hell his whole class wants to be a hero. Izuku pressed his palms on his eyes until he saw white specks. He let out a frustrated groan as he slammed his arms down to his sides hitting the mattress with a thud.
“Wanting to be a hero doesn’t make you any more worthy among everyone else, you're just a sheep following the herd.”
Those words, they bothered him so much.  The thought of being a sheep just following the herd, it didn’t sit well with him.  How could he make himself stand out?  Why is he worthy to learn from them?  He wants to be a hero, he wants to help other people, but… according to the guy that isn’t enough to make him worthy.
Why was he worthy? What made him different from the others?
Everyone wants to be a hero and help, sure there were those outliers that just wanted fame and fortune but he’s not one of them.  He genuinely wants to help and be someone people look up to.  Like All Might. How can he prove that?
The teen did his best to rack his brain for a proper answer but no matter what he thought of he wasn’t satisfied.  He couldn’t even think of that many reasons as to why he even wants to be a hero so bad.  All that came to mind was he wants to be like All Might.
All Might, the hero he's idolized for so long, t he man who crushed his dreams telling him to give up on heroism.  Does he really want to be like him?  Being brutally honest to kids and crushing their dreams?
Are all heroes like that? As far as he could tell they were, would he have to be like that if he became a hero?  No, Izuku would never have the heart to be so cruel.  He wants to help them not hurt them... he doesn't want to be All Might, not anymore.
Izuku's starting to second guess his lifelong dream and it scares him.  He's held on to this dream for so long and he doesn't want to let go of it.
Izuku could feel hot tears well up in his eyes.  He knew there was a reason he wanted to be a hero that didn't just boil down to 'to be like All Might.' There had to be another reason he wanted to be a hero.  It can't possibly all lead back to All Might.  Did he idolize the man so much so that he practically wanted to be him?  Is his dream even truly his own or was it that of a desperate child just trying to cling on to hope?
To save lives and to help others, its a dream he's held on to for many years.  The back of his mind nagged at him that there was another reason as to why but he can't recall it.  It's almost as if he’d lost his motive somewhere along the way.  Did the bullying actually get to him and he just never noticed?  Or was it that he didn’t have a proper drive to begin with?
Throwing an arm over his eyes Izuku let out a long sigh as the tears spilled down his cheeks.  As far as he knew he wasn’t worthy at all.  
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