#boy wanted sephiroth dead lmao
wuhnona · 9 months
18 years ago my nephew b e g g e d me to beat kh2 sephiroth but I was never over his house long enough to grind necessary levels 😭 and now after years of not knowing that the game was remade..... today I finaaaally got to beat the shit out of him. my inner 15-year-old is sooo happy lmao he ded
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kaonarvna · 7 months
I'm indecisive, help me choose a fic idea to follow through on:
My silly concussed ass has a 9 hour flight and an 8 hour layover coming up tomorrow. It's going to be brutal.
My brain is going to be too fried to work on my WIPs, so I implore you, to encourage and enable me to write some fic for the first time in YEARS.
More detailed descriptions of options below.
Likely won't be anything long-term/multi part (unless I get sucked back into this, which isn't impossible lmao). So a handful of scenes, 3-10k, call it a short story. It's been a while since I've properly exercised my revision process. Can't just let my creative writing degree rot for nothing (I'm exaggerating, I have projects, but a fun little thing is a good exercise now and then!).
Genesis & Copies — the boys are occupying the Banora Underground at the peak of their population and conflict. There are still a few Angeal copies lingering. They're in decay. Self care is not a possibility, it must be done as a hive. An exploration of wing care w/o having the instinct to do so, and the discomfort of monstrosity. The discomfort, of being surrounded by rotting mimics of your own form, robbed of their independence.
Sephesis 1 — We all know they didn't want to fight each other when things are falling apart. This isn't an explicitly sexual-romantic scenario, but incredibly intimate regardless. Meeting, letting Sephiroth see that I'll-healed "scrape", letting him touch, and care, and help preen the monstrous features Genesis doesn't care to have.
Sephesis 2 — The big boy has respawned enough times, he can do it again. Genesis will wait for him, no matter how long it takes, no matter how weak he is; the body is a GIFT. He won't be letting go once he's back, everything else is lost. Drag him back to what remains of overgrown Banora, feed him that forbidden fruit and don't let him go. Also not explicitly sexual-romantic, but certainly very obsessive, ample physical contact, more than a bit codependent.
CC Sephiroth and Zack — How many times did Sephiroth try to call him? He was already prone to "moods" before shit hit the fan. There's no Genesis nor Angeal to regulate with. He wasn't told anything. The line isn't dead, it's still ringing, and ringing, and going to voicemail. How many times has Zack seen him try to call? Did he ever interfere? Do they have enough emotional intelligence combined to have a vulnerable conversation for fifty seconds?
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phoenixcatch7 · 9 months
Because my brain has three fanfic ideas on rotation, I have of course gotten struck by the idea of reincarnating Ichigo Kurosaki into someone from ff7. But I'm torn - I can't decide which character to choose!
Obviously, I can't have him overwrite someone too different from him; it'll take out all the tension and character relationships. No one around him would believe it's the same person as before, and no one would trust him nor could he 'continue' to fill the original role. There'd be an intervention of some type, he'd lose his job, and be pretty quickly shunted out of the story, thematically (and literally). The dissonance would be too great. On the other hand, anyone too similar might lead to negligible differences to their original role in the story, bar the new overwhelming power, which again doesn't make for very good stakes.
You've got to achieve a good blend of before and after, to achieve that perfect sweet spot of believable assumptions and explanations for the change. 'We think he had amnesia' or 'we don't really know what happened, but trauma changes everyone' or even 'I wonder what happened when he was gone?'. You want to achieve that down but not gone energy, unintentional on the arriving character's side or not. So:
Options and explanations under the cut! (kinda long lol)
Aerith: Unconventional but huge potential!! Would be very cool indeed! Good parallels, good plot relevance to enter the final fight - there'd be some snags, mostly with the flowers and turks, and she's way more smiley than Ichigo lol. But the determination to help the community and (most of) the individuals in it remains, either through his help at the clinic or stubbornly maintaining and defending memorials to the dead. He's used flowers before, heck it's his opening scene. It's easy to imagine him seeing the affect greenery has in this new world and throwing his all into working with it like aerith did. Her connection to the lifestream, which is basically the reiatsu/afterlife of the world, would translate seamlessly to his sensory abilities. Heck, his full bring has green light effects!! It's perfect! And even if he followed canon and got killed he's got his shinigami form and copious amounts of bloodlust.
But fr imagine, it's cloud v sephiroth, the fate of the world hangs in the balance, sephiroth is obsessed with cloud - but what's this! It's aerith with a steel chair and a giant glowing sword!
(also I really don't care about the gender difference lol, so here Ichigo wouldn't either!)
Sephiroth: visually their ideal/true designs are very similar (long statement colour hair, very long thin sword, inhuman eyes, big billowing black coat/trousers) and it'd be annoying to have two people with such similar designs and bloodline selling points, but on the other..... I can't NOT have an Ichigo vs sephiroth, come on! If I went this route I wouldn't even bother changing the hair colour lmao, and it'd combine with his hollow characteristics perfectly! Wings AND horns!!! Strong 'I can be your angel or your devil' energy, new sword combos, his job is basically being the biggest scariest threat out there, which Ichigo excels at. But as an equivalent captain role, he'd also get stuck with the paperwork LMAO. Sucks to suck, pretty boy. And of course the jenova issue would just result in Ichigo and Co (zangetsu and ossan) eating her for breakfast, let's be real. He finds those papers he's burning the mansion to the ground himself, not nibleheim. Of course that means no world ending threat to kick-start the story, but hey, shrinras still around, which is basically the same thing.
They've got so many parallels; hybrid entities specially engineered to be (in)human weapons, raised oblivious to their true heritage, mothers purposely infected with monsters that got passed on to them, weapon and fighting prodigies of insane proportions rapidly out classing everyone around the despite their young age, a human shaped mf of a villain who claimed they did this on purpose to forge them into what they are today... Falling to their monstrous forms in rage and pain, voices whispering cruelty in their heads... But where sephiroth fell to madness and cruelty Ichigo responded with unexpected maturity, determination and was able to accept his demons as his own, and not be consumed. He came out the other side a better person. The potential is IMMENSE.
But.... Ichigo vs sephiroth. And the personality change would basically be an inversion XD.
Angeal: he was who I originally considered - a side character enough to be interesting, honour bound like Ichigo, big black special broadsword with special origins, down to adopt small children (like teenage (?) super soldiers) and would actually take very good care of them (if with a... Unique training style XD). Perfectly positioned to massively affect the story through small changes or be an amazing wildcard. The story would be able to be SOLDIER 1st domesticity too, which I love, and there'd be a wonderfully interesting dynamic with the other two as his massive new strength and skills become known, throwing off the long established power balance and getting the attention of Science. His own storyline in crisis core is ripe for aus. I had the idea of his old orange bleeding into his black hair and making it look like tiger stripes, but genesis has bright orange hair already and it'd be too similar lmao.
You could do so much with the similar codes of honour and how that plays into fighting people so much weaker than you and just comporting yourself when you're capable of that much damage. Angel's loyalty and honour being bound to shinra and SOLDIER vs Ichigos notorious and categoric refusal to bend the knee to authority and his history of stubbornly toppling similarly injust regimes. Not to mention the modern general loathing for... The very foundation of shinra, really lol. And the circumstances when that honour falls apart. Angel dropped it like a hot potato when his degradation started setting in (which, under the circumstances understandable if not to that degree) vs Ichigo who will go down with this ship UNTIL you touch a hair on his protected's heads and even then you'll get a proper burial.
But... I just can't make him work thematically. Out of everyone in the list, he's got the weakest connection to the world's fate. What satisfying ending could I use?? What would it be working towards? Curing the degradation, perhaps?
Genesis: I just... Don't like him as a character, I confess. His bull headed 'rivalry' and lack of care for collateral (even before the degradation) and constant sniping never endeared himself to me. It reminds me more of grimmjow or noitra than anything else. But I couldn't consider the other two and not also him, and he does come with the orange hair already! And the love of theatre! Ichigo loves Shakespeare especially, so I can definitely see him giving loveless a go and loving it (pun intended). He'd for sure be compelled by the lack of ending, especially given his own thoughts on fate. His ability with materia would differ greatly from Ichigo's norm, he who is horrendous at kido but fantastic at breaking it, so that'd be a problem. And again he suffers from lack of narrative weight on the world scale, but maybe something could be done with the G cells?? Them and S cells were both very similar after all. But nothing that wouldn't already be happening with sephiroth.
Taking this role would probably be the hardest for Ichigo of the three, but it'd be very interesting to see him stretch his literary analysis muscles (which, again - this is a Japanese teenage boy reading Shakespeare in the original middle English in his own time who then occasionally gives hard hitting monologues on the nature of fate and humanity and his hollow sure didn't that verbose and metaphorical from nowhere lol). The amnesia plot line would be very interesting indeed to work with, as long as he got a hair cut.
Zack: Zack is a Shiba through and through. He's fiercely loyal, capable, goofy and hardworking, a shooting star in the ranks and friends with the most unlikely people. He would and does endure the worst torture and saves Cloud. He leaves an enormous legacy, and dies a hero. If it weren't for his chill, happy go lucky golden retriever energy I'd have chosen him over the rest, but it's not a good match for Ichigo, it'd be a crying shame to lose that and have zack go unmourned. I think Ichigo and zack would get on EXCELLENTLY.
If Ichigo did reincarnate into him, I'd have to put it either right when he enters shinra, or surviving hojos lab with cloud. But Ichigo would probably just turn and leave if he wasn't solidly integrated, but by that point zack would have made too many friends XD! Surviving the lab would be the perfect cover for the new super insane strength/abilities and his new reticence, and he'd pretty quickly adopt Cloud so that'd be all well. He'd still be stuck with the effects of heavy mako poisoning like cloud, but hey. I feel he'd overshadow Cloud a LOT though in every way, which is a huge part of the story and the cloud-sephiroth thing isn't something I'm too happy to replace? Idk. It'd be very cool to see, admittedly. He could have tiger hair too!
Cloud finding out Zack isn't who he used to be would be heartwrenching though, possibly replacing a good chunk of the sephiroth gaslighting subplot that would be dropped. An identity reveal in these kinds of fics are rare, but it'd have so much payoff here.
Vincent: ok listen listen listen. Vincent gets a fresh start in a way very very few other characters do. With him Ichigos original personality could shine through the strongest, without any pre conceived notions from the people around him. However! His past and connections make him very well rooted in the grand scheme, should we use it right. He's already used to one feral op monster living rent free in his head (and the interplay of Chaos and Zangetsu, the hollow one especially, would be hilarious lol) and he wouldn't have to explain ANYTHING to anyone lmao. And his hair could do the tiger thing, he could do pretty much anything he wanted in regards to his powers! Hollow bits like horns and eyes? Sure! Quincy stuff with his gun? Why not! And he'd certainly join avalanche, given they woke him up. Ichigo already knowing of ff7 would work fantastically too, but it'd work great even if he went in blind. Vincent's main gun weapon and his solitary ways could remain or go, but it'd also be a good opportunity for Ichigo to flex his meagre quincy abilities, with old man zangetsu as his teacher. And he'd be a good choice (along with sephiroth) to portray Ichigo's feelings of being an outsider in this new and crazy world. Vincent's pretty out of place normally.
But either way you play sephiroths father he'd be so ready to try and save sephiroth once he finds out about lucrecia. Whether sephiroth would be willing to be saved, however... Also he could probably kill jenova lbr. I mean the hardest thing would be getting her head back from sephiroth. Also he'd love that tattered cape coat thing.
Cloud: and of course the most obvious for last - protagonist to protagonist! Letting his new friends assume his 'amnesia' isn't for the reason it actually is, a grouchy but loyal underdog beloved and trusted by the eclectic friends he leads, trying to uncover the truth of this body's past simultaneously before it comes back round to bite him and to discover who it is he's replaced to mourn, guessing at what he can't intuit, clueless as to basic world mechanics. Traumatised by the death of his mother. Struggling with identity issues and something in his head and so so so ready to kill g-d OR BECOME HIM. Spikey hair.
But it's just too obvious and it makes me unhappy. I like unconventional or weirdly fitting options, and well, is it weird I don't want to deprive Cloud of his growth and life in general? Ichigo's had his time as protagonist, I just feel it wouldn't be the best we could do. Ichigo would be such a guiding light for Cloud, an equal in ways so few others can be. They'd be able to connect on so many levels. There's great potential, yes, but I feel it'd almost be too easy. Ichigo would be swept along by the plot rather than being able to change it from the outside. What do you think?
Guest mentions:
Tifa: probably the best match for Ichigo personality wise, and I love the martial arts stuff, but too much of her story revolves around cloud. If she forgets, even with the best intentions, how is anyone going to help restore cloud's memory??
Tseng: it'd be so cool to have a spy Ichigo, admittedly, and also the 'I have super powers that put me on par with sephiroth' reveal would be insane, but Ichigo would probably be sacked if he took over Tseng XD. He is NOT cut out for that sort of subtlety.
Nanaki: I'm a sucker for people turned into creatures when they enter a new time/dimension, and Nanaki being another hojo victim would give him the thematic right to also fight sephiroth with cloud. Also with Ichigo's hollow form we could get a giant monster transformation!! Come on! He'd also be a good fit for Ichigo's sensory skills with reiatsu (listen I know Ichigo is renowned for being kinda bad if it's not intent or people he knows well but it's miles above what normal people have).
Rufus: this would be hilarious. Poor, poor Ichigo. He'd stage a coup. Finding and cleaning up deep ground too would be a very entertaining story lol.
Jenova: okay I know this is bizarre but this is the closest ff7 has to the soul king and Ichigo's soul is pure concentrated reiatsu, which is a pretty one to one equivalent of mako. Like, the life stream as the afterlife instead of a place would freak him out, but come on. Alien King Ichigo. 2000 yo or arriving during sephiroths meltdown or even just before hojo gets hold of her, it'd be so cool to explore. He'd be so not ready to parent a grown mass murderer traumatised lab experiment but man would he be willing to try.
Also, this would be one of the only timelines where sephiroth is saved/talked down. Ichigo being of equal strength already would get even stronger, he'd be able to handle sephiroth, probably take the attention off Cloud at least. You could take any point on the sephiroth spectrum from 'totally unwilling and mind controlled' to 'very eager to continue killing everything and will throw hands with whatever dares get in his way including jenova herself' and it'd work so well! Also I could finally give Ichigo wings. Him vs the WEAPONS would also be super cool. Maybe he could bargain with the planet? And the idea of her and sephiroths hair suddenly flushing neon orange for no discernable reason would be funny lmao.
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starfolk7 · 6 months
Finally finished FF7 Rebirth. I have. So many thoughts. Spoilers under the cut, please don't look if you're planning to/are in the middle of playing the game!
Holy SHIT what an experience. This one turned out a lot longer than Remake, but there were a lot of parts I loved!
-The environments are GORGEOUS like. There's a whole fleshed out world and it's cool!!
-I've wanted ten chocobos ever since I was a kid and nothing has changed. If nothing else, this game just made me want them more jrhdhde
-The Junon parade was fucking wild, I loved that section lmao
-Queen's Blood? Surprisingly fun! And it had a whole side story?? That was also wild djdhshs
-I thought it was nice to see some side characters again! I'm happy Johnny has his inn up and flourishing, and Kyrie is working with her grandmom again! ;w;
-Honestly, everyone is just so fleshed out and it's fantastic, to the point where I bawled like a baby in the Temple during everyone's trials, especially Aerith's. They did so well with the character development!!!
-BOTH JENOVA FIGHTS???? HELLO???? They went SO HARD on the environments and music and they SLAPPED
-VINCENT FIGHT??? WAS AMAZING??? Altho I was p much giggling the whole time cause I'm a monster fucker so uh *twirls hair*
Of course, there's some things I didn't really care for (piano minigame was funky, the mini games could have been cut down a little bit, just as some examples), but overall I thought it was a fun experience!!!
Now I'm gonna get into Plot Thoughts TM, and boy do I have some:
-So it seems like the timelines are just split to hell and back so I'm just sitting here like. Schrödinger's Aerith???? Is she alive in one timeline and dead in another??? Is Jenova fucking with Cloud and appearing as Aerith? (I don't really think so but I'm throwing it out there as a theory) And how the hell is this gonna resolve?? Will timelines just merge and she'll come back for real for real???? Squeenix pls she's one of my favorites I NEED ANSWERS 😭
-How the FUCK did Cloud have the Black Materia in his goddamn pocket????? And he just??? Slapped it on his sword like it was nothing??? Is it just chilling in there now???? Until Sephiroth maybe gets it again???
-Oh and what about the Gi??? Are we gonna resolve their plight in the next one??? Cause I'd like to without involving Meteor!! I think they earned an eternal rest at this point fjdhdhd
There's more on my mind, but honestly it's just kind of swimming with thoughts at the moment. It'll be a while before the next game, but I'm excited to see where this goes!!!
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goldenhydreigon47 · 3 years
Smash Ultimate Roster Fun Facts:
(One per character and according to my headcanons)
Mario: Very supportive of the goals of the roster, even if he doesn't agree with their moral values.
DK: Can talk but only says, "Banana Slamma."
Link: Gender non-conforming and very adorable
Samus/Zero Suit Samus: Many think she's straight but she's actually aroace.
Dark Samus: Interacts with no one at all
Yoshi: Wags his tail often
Kirby: Petitioning for Bandana Dee to get in the next Smash Game (if there is one)
Fox: Feels a lot of guilt for ruining all the viability of half the Melee roster (more reasons why Melee is worse than Brawl and Ultimate lmao)
Pikachu: Belongs to Red but acts more independently.
Luigi: Slightly jealous of his brother, but its more of a friendly sibling rivalry thing.
Ness: Has the most obvious crush on Lucas.
Captain Falcon: Everyone loves this absolute Chad, and he cares about everyone as well
Jigglypuff: Still gets mad and draws on everyone's face when they fall asleep as she sings.
Peach: Sass incarnate
Daisy: Somehow even sassier than Peach
Bowser: Literally every kid's father figure
Ice Climbers: Feel like they deserve the hate they get for being so broken in Melee and Brawl.
Shiek: Trans Icon
Zelda: Her powerful magic kick in her Forward, Back, and Down Aerials were inspired by Captain Falcon's Knee
Dr. Mario: Not a doctor at all
Pichu: Everyone loves him because baby
Falco: Y'know Berdly from Deltarune? Yeah Falco's basically like him.
Marth: Is the most attractive person in Smash
Lucina: Was filled with serotonin when she met Marth for the first time
Young Link: Everyone likes him until they fight him
Ganondorf: Is a Captain Falcon fanboy, hence why their moves look so similar
Mewtwo: Meditates so he doesn't get wrapped in the chaos
Roy: Is our boy
Chrom: Everyone's second adoptive father
Mr. Game and Watch: Is secretly a zombie because the Game and Watch games are dead
Meta Knight: Unlike the Virgin Fox, he, an absolute Chad, is proud of how broken he was, furtherproof Brawl is better than Melee.
Dark Pit: Wants Shadow in Smash because, well, he knows better.
Wario: Still petitioning to get Waluigi in Smash
Snake: Goes, "Hrnnnngh," at the beginning of every few sentences he makes
Ike: Literally everyone is still surprised with how buff he is
Squirtle: Was trained by Mario to perfect using Water Gun
Ivysaur: Is supported far more as the original Plant Gang instead of the idiotic chomper.
Charizard: Gets war flashbacks when seeing a single rock.
Diddy Kong: Pranks everyone
Lucas: Is protected by everyone, especially Ness
Sonic: Has races against Acceleratle Hero
King Dedede: Is a Supastah Warriah
Olimar: Frequently makes, "How's the weather up there," jokes.
Lucario: Since he's already one with the Aura, he's also studying Tarot cards.
R.O.B: Was given a replacement Ancient Minister garb in a good guy colorscheme.
Toon Link: Often paired with Pit in team battle because comedy gold
Wolf: Now has more of a friendly rivalry with Fox
Villager: Set up his own house for vacations
Mega Man: Wants Zero to be added to the roster SO BADLY
Wii Fit Trainer: Only tries to train those he/she deems unhealthy
Rosalina: Treats Kirby like one of her own children
Little Mac: Worst character in the game lmao
Greninja: Fights with honor and dignity
Mii Fighters: Literally no one cares
Palutena: Very proud of her
Pac-Man: Talks with Game and Watch about the good ol' days.
Robin: Is trying his/her best to teach Pit and Kirby how to read
Shulk: Makes Bri'ish jokes frequently
Bowser Jr: Nobody hurts him during his pranks for fear of Bowser brutally maiming them
Duck Hunt Duo: Are good boys because doggo and ducc
Ryu: Constantly training
Ken: Trying to get Ryu to live a little
Cloud: Still getting waking nightmares over Sephiroth
Corrin: Often interacts with the other Dragon Types on the Kalos Pokémon League stage, his/her favorite being Hydreigon, obviously.
Bayonetta: Like Meta Knight, was proud of how broken she was.
Inkling: Has the most swagger out of everyone
Ridley: Joins Sephiroth in giving waking nightmares to Samus and Cloud
Simon/Richter: Christians, but very supportive of the LGBTQ+ community because they actually have standards unlike radical, right-wing, sociopathic Christians.
King K. Rool: Does sumo matches against Dedede frequently.
Isabelle: Gets several headpats
Incineroar: Has met John Cena
*[No one likes or cares about Piranha Plant]*
Joker: Gets everyone to hang out with the other Phantom Thieves, especially Mouse (Pichu) and Star (Kirby)
Hero (Dragon Quest): Is trying to teach Robin the spells he can use
Banjo-Kazooie: Best friends with the Kongs and K. Rool
Terry: Often trains against Ken
Byleth: Was depressed when first added due to the amount of hate they got, but are happier now that the hatred has thankfully died down
Min-Min: The only person so far to beat Little Mac at boxing.
Steve: Has building contests against Villager and Isabelle
Sephiroth: Is your new god now after killing Galeem and Darkhon
Pyra/Mythra: Tell their haters to, "Cry about it."
Kazuya: Trains very often against Ryu
Sora: Was welcomed with open arms by Pit especially
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scrawnytreedemon · 3 years
Ooh, how about Hojo for the ask meme?
OHOOOO, I HAVE A L O T TO SAY, BABY-- Especially after seeing that final showdown, oh boy.
(hfhdkjfhjkj sorry for this being late!! had many thinsg to do <33)
For context, I know jack-shit about Dirge of Cerbeus, and I’d rather it stay that way. Vee has scarred me enough with her recollections from the wiki alone, and unless we finally do that shit-movie night we’ve been meaning to for awhile, I’m not touching it with a ten foot pole.
First impression: Horrible rat man; nasty. Your run of the mill Mad Scientist except somehow Even Worse. Perhaps a little generic at times. Pervy fuck. Probably has a bunch of obscenely lewd magazines in his study. Fuck him for fucking over absolutely everyone that’s gotten within ten metres of him. This guy fucks, and that’s how we got Sephiroth. -1/10, Worst Scientist, Husband and Father of the Year.
Impression now: I... I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I like him now, unironically. You win, Hojo Fuckers. Seeing that scene at the control panel, I think that man’s genuinely depressed-- Like, ‘I’ve devoted my entire life to my work to numb the pain but now I’ve realised it’s all for nothing and it’s fucking useless and I’m fucking useless and there’s nothing for me to do other than sacrifice myself for my son, who fucking hates me.‘ Like... Jesus Christ, I did not expect him to be so self-aware. He’s still a downright horrendous person and many of the things he’s done, if I believed in such a mindset, are downright irredeemable. Basically, I actually like his character now-- full-on -- even if he’s still a right bell-end.
Favorite moment: The rooftop scene. Jesus Christ, man, that changed my whole view on him. The way he’s actually becoming aware of how wrong he was, and how it weighs on his mind-- How, almost absently, as if he’s saying it more to himself, he tells Cloud he should become a scientist. It’s a small thing... But it speaks to a level of respect I don’t think Hojo has had for anyone in a very long time. He’s been brought to his limit, willing to give anything and everything so that the one thing he’s done right, his son who he gave up to further his now-dead career, succeeds in world-annihilation. What really gets me is that moment in the fight, where you’ve ended the first phase, when he says, apathetically, how he hopes the Mako juice is going-- And then he turns into a monster. This horrendous, twisted thing that’s barely held together by skin and sinew-- Probably one of the most downright-horrifying things in this entire game --And it’s just... like... wow... he broke.
Idea for a story: A fic where him and Sephiroth actually try and make amends. I’ve seen this guy killed off-screen so many times, and everytime, I am deeply disappointed. I get it. Hojo’s probably the worst character in the game. He has no morals and no boundaries, and he’s irritating as fuck-- I get it --But he’s also the reason all of this shit has happened, and is such a vital character in the forming of the story, in Sephiroth’s specifically, that I want him to be done justice. I want to see one of them reach out to the other, and slowly, bit, by bit, by agonising bit piece together something vaguely resembling a foundation for their relationship. I want to see them reminisce over the few good times they had together, and address deeply the many, many bad ones. It’ll be painful, and there will be many bumps in the road where they’ll feel like there isn’t even a point to this shit, and yet push on despite that. Because despite everything, they are family-- And not because they are obligated to, but because they’re choosing to. I want to see that. I really do. I’ll probably write it myself.
Unpopular opinion: I think my newfound appreciation of him in general, lmao. I won’t get into the paternity debate, as I’ve addressed that in Vincent’s post and another one. Perhaps the fact that I think it’s stupid that the scientists in FFVII get referred to by their first names-- Like, who does this shit??? Who out here thinks Hojo sounds like a first name??? It’s just... Really unprofessional and I don’t think Hojo is comfortable enough with anyone to just have them call him by his first name. Also Dr. Faremis Gast sounds better than Dr. Gast Faremis. I know it’s a pun in Japanese but I don’t give a shit. Fight me.
Favorite relationship: Him and Sephiroth, because there’s just, alot of shit. I don’t think he was ever truly close enough to Lucrecia for me to get invested-- It’s clear the relationship, though while initially stable and they probably got along well, was one mostly of work --And I don’t think there’s anyone else close enough to Hojo’s character to serve as another option, either. Maybe Vincent, but again, that was through Lucrecia. Seph and Hojo have this dynamic where strained doesn’t even begin to describe it. Hojo thinks Seph doesn’t know and Seph thinks Hojo doesn’t know that he knows-- And it’s painfully clear that had it not been for Hojo, Sephiroth wouldn’t have been so unstable. There was alot of abuse, physical and psychological, that got framed as ‘work,’ and it’s undoubtebly fucked with Seph’s very concept of ownership, and who owns another. It’s clear that on some level, Hojo feels shame for what he’s done-- Not guilt, shame --And is unwilling to let the boy(and perhaps even himself) from knowing his true parentage. Part of it’s definitely spite for Lucrecia, but there’s more. I could go one for hours, honest to god, so like, feel free to tack on your own ideas, fellow trash conoisseurs.
Favorite headcanon: Him being Wutaian. Not sure if it’s entirely headcanon, but like, it really is ironic. I personally think his family moved to Midgar while he was still young-- Perhaps due to a faction split -- so he grew up on the Eastern Continent, so he was stuck in this weird middle space alot of immigrant or descended from immigrants children where on one hand, you’ve got your family’s legacy, and you probably, if not fluently, speak their native tongue and carry out their traditions, and on the other hand you’ve grown up with people who’ve been here for generations and inevitably get moulded by their ways and their customs, perhaps to the point you’re more culturally theirs than your native land’s. If we’re going with the faction split, I think Hojo leans hard into the latter, out of a deep-seated indignance. Maybe his family were fairly influential, before they had to move to what was, no doubt, a less than idyllic neighbourhood. I think part of what made him want to become a scientist was that need to regain that honour, that dignity-- It’s very self-centred, and clearly didn’t work out.
Thank you Vee as always-- You incredible bastard --For both asking and also rambling with me about this grease-weasel for like, a good long time.
Knowing my luck I just might’ve gotten another hyperfixation. A terrible one. Fuck.
And to anyone who’s read this far, thank you! As always, feel free to throw in your own thoughts, whether they be replies or reblogs. I’m curious to know what the general vibe is about him(other than Haha Stinky Goblin Rat), as I don’t think he’s talked about all that much? Maybe I’m looking in the wrong places.
Anyhow Hojo Fuckers, I owe you a beer. Not a good one, probably tastes of piss, but knowing you lot, that’s probably just fine, lmaooooooo. Keep up the ungodly work <3
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wingfics · 4 years
HELLO !!! i am here and i wanted to know more about ff7r and crisis core !!! i have so many questions and they may be dumb but. i don't care. are they the same thing? are they different? when do sephiroth and genesis and angeal come in!!! do you have any headcanons or other details about them (or the game/games!!!) that you can share!!! i like hearing you talk about all these things and i like learning!!! -heavenshipped 💗
AAAAAAH LIV @heavenshipped YOU'VE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD BUT IN A REALLY GOOD WAY!!! ok this uh. despite my best efforts is gonna get Really Long. i'm gonna probs put hcs in a separate post but even then i just KNOOOW this will b long despite that <3 I Just Have A Lot Of Thoughts And Love In Me Alright
SO!! some handy terms and abbreviations to know before we set off on backstory!
squeenix/squenix/squinx: square enix, the game developers
ff7: final fantasy 7! like last year or smth, squeenix put out the first part of the remake, aka ff7r :D the protag of the game is cloud and the primary antagonist is seph after he loses his mind thanks to an alien called jenova :/ angeal and gen r both canonically dead in this game, but i’m hoping for flashbacks ft them in the second part!
cc: crisis core, a prequel for ff7 that's about zack's time as a soldier! zack and cloud were friends and we get to see that in this game, along with that sweet sweet geal/seph/gen content, so it holds a special place in my heart for that reason :') side note: this game also makes me jealous of zack, bc aerith is set up as his love interest :^) we r Homosexualising
shinra: shinra electric power company, the company that founded and runs the city of midgar and the SOLDIER program
ASGZC: angeal, sephiroth, genesis, zack, and cloud, my BOYS,, can be shortened to ASG for the himbo holy trinity
SOLDIER: the name of the program AND the job title! angeal, seph, gen, zack, and i were first class soldiers before we did some treason bc shinra Sucks
mako: liquid energy within the planet that shinra uses to make power. it's. not a renewable resource, but they sure use it like one! it's also used to enhance the soldiers and gives them a sickass blue-green eyeglow
AIGHT let's-a go!! ⚠️ all of this is subject to change bc i am Just Like That! also the canonical timeline for ff7 is a mess so i made up my own dates ⚠️ so zack and i are bffs who met when we were 15 and had just moved to the centre of midgar in order to join the SOLDIER program! female soldiers r pretty uncommon and i wasn't too keen on living in the dorms, so after Just A Couple Months of knowing each other, zack and i got an apartment together. in hindsight we shouldn't have made it seven years, but somehow we didn't burn the place down ONCE. he's only Four Months Younger than me, so he complains whenever i call him little brother, but ik he doesn't actually mind :')
when zack was 16, angeal started mentoring him, which was the first time i met angeal! it's funny, i like. Saw seph and gen in passing, but never had any reason to talk to them ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ when i was 17, an accident on a mission revealed that i had a real talent with magic, and p much right after that, genesis took me on! while this was largely bc he's renowed for his skill w magic and thus was the best person to teach me, it was also in part to save me from becoming a lab rat, and i'm still grateful that he offered to do that.
zack met cloud first when we were 18 and was like "can we keep him" and i am immune to zack's puppy dog eyes but not to cloudlet's! so he basically became the third roommate ^_^ cloud also wanted to join soldier, so he thought zack and i had the coolest job Ever (AND we had met general sephiroth!!! holy fuck!!!)
despite appearances, seph is the youngest of ASG. by crisis core, angeal is 26, gen is 25, and seph, the babey of the family, is 23. (he's only a year older than me and zack... cloud's still only 20 tho lol rip) why YES, shinra does in fact use child soldiers! why do you think we did the treason! 😊😊 seph is ALSO not immune to cloud, specifically how persistent and sharp he is, and decided to mentor him when cloudlet was 18 (after being a child soldier himself, seph's got some... reservations abt the concept lmao)
gen and i were SOOOO awkward and stupid around one another at first!!!! because we were so close in age that i was like yeah you're teaching me but i have friends who are 20. we're still in the Being Friends gap. and he took a hot sec to make up his mind and be friends. he didn't catch feelings until i was like. 20, but it was a STEEP and precipitous drop lmao
angeal 🤝 me: being The Semi-Well Adjusted Ones responsible for keeping our two other idiot friends alive. fr we bonded over years' worth of keeping zack from running off cliffs and falling into manholes. he also taught me how to cook. zack jokingly referred to us as mom and dad for years. we were the most likely to get into disagreements but the least likely to actually argue bc neither of us like. enjoys arguments that much. angeal literally refused to let himself have AAAANY feelings for yours truly until i was 21, which i appreciate thank u king
learning that seph was A SINGLE YEAR OLDER THAN ME was the Biggest twist of 17 year old me's life on g-d. and i took that VERY personally ngl like i INSTANTLY decided that as another member of the "consistently mistaken for a much older Adult person" gang, we were GONNA bond!!! and we did!!! i'm largely responsible for his taste in music and i am VERY proud of this, tyvm. he's also kind of a swords nerd (his sword has a name...) and that rubbed off on me over time. if u asked him he couldn't rly tell u when he first had a crush on me, but i can tell u that the pining had become obvious by the time i was 19 and he was 20 uwu
AND BECAUSE I CAN NEVER LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE!! i threw in a one-sided bodyguard romance bc nobody can stop me. sorry tseng LMAO that's a whole separate spotify playlist tho so i will not include it here ffhshdgs if u would like to hear abt that feel free to ask tho!!
liv i LOVE u sm!!! thank u for letting me talk abt this i have simply been EXPLODING with thoughts, plans, and information about ff7!!!!! hopefully this was all vaguely coherent, bc i loved being able to share it with YOU!!!!! i didn't make that pink on purpose i just think my emotions got so strong that tumblr decided it had to be pink /j
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balladeer-angelo · 4 years
I don't remember if we've ever talked about FF before, but since I got some FF lads, I thought I'd go that route too: Zack, Sephiroth, Squall and Laguna 👀 Yeah I'm greedy
I want you to know, I know absolutely nothing about FF, like, zero knowledge, head completely empty. I only know about certain characters through seeing art of them, like fuckin uhhhh Tifa and Aerith and Cloud, the lads who go on a road trip together, and then like... the hoes from kingdom hearts lmao but i know at least two out of the four ppl you've given me but I'll look up them up to give my rating.
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
every time I see this boy on my timeline and I read the subsequent tags of whoever posted or reblogged it, it's usually very sad and full of grief so I'm assuming this poor boy got the short end of the stick of life or something. he cute tho.
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
this guy is the renowned motherfucker of the series and the only thing I know about him is that he's left handed so I automatically don't trust him
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
first of all, who named you? second of all, isn't he one of the kingdom hearts hoes? he looked... different >.>
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
you know what? he's got long hair and pretty eyes and his name isn't squall, so he gets a smooch from me. just wish he had a cooler weapon 😒
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