#both showed up and were like 'yo we've got an eye on you'
hellebornearts · 1 year
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Team Dawn! They might be a bit of a disaster but I love our lil crew and the adventure our wonderful dm's set us on so much!
while I don't think everyone's on tumblr, Tansy to the left is my PC, next to her Kyra belongs to @nerdlordofnerds, and Char beside her belongs to @meu-meu-kissy-ceutie and our last play character is Lily there on the far right!
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Can I request some headcaons for the brothers nagging MC yo set up a meeting with their and MC just being like “Okay…but my family isn’t your average traditional family so heads up 🤷‍♀️.” And when they finally do realize MC and their mom are exactly the same. Even down to the point where their mother has her own little harem going on. If this is too weird for you then you don’t have to do it lol. 🫶
I have one thing to say..
Do we love weird? YES
Do we want weird? YES
Do we get weird? YES, OF COURSE >;D
Summary: The brother's reactions to MC and their mother being so similar to the point where both of them have their own male harems.
You can find more of my work here: Masterlist
The apple doesn't fall far away from the tree
It was a regular day in a not so normal Devildom. You were sitting at the dining table with the seven brothers eating breakfast. You were too focused on your food to look at the others.
Mammon: Yo MC! We've been thinkin'.. what's your family like?
The question caught you off guard and you shot the second-born an "Are you serious?" look before shaking your head.
MC: A family. Haven't you seen a family?
You got back at your food.
Asmo: Could we peerrhaaps meet them?
MC: No.
A few hours later you are in the hallway at RAD, leaning against a wall, wondering what your next class was. Suddenly though the twins show up with smirks on their faces.
Belphie: MC? Whatcha up to?
MC: Doeeessss it concern you?
Beel: Yes.
You shake your head before sighing.
MC: Do you know what my next class is? I forgot.
Belphie: we'll tell you if you let us meet your family.
Oh come onnnnn!!! Couldn't you be more oRiGiNaL?! You roll your eyes and push your body away from the wall.
MC: Y'know... I suddenly remembered what my next class was. I'll see you around, boys!
After school you are walking home with Satan. A regular walk? Perhaps not.
Satan: MC? You know.. we do want to meet your family.
MC: Not happening.
You smile at Satan dramatically and continue walking in silence.
At midnight. You were in Levi's room to play games. Though the thing was.. Levi chose a family simulator game? Why?
Levi: I thought we could play something else today.
MC: Sure I don't mind. Though why a family simulator?
Levi: B'cuz.. eh.. I want to meet your family? So I'm trying to simulate it?
MC: Levi you don't make sense. Plus I'm tired. Let's play tomorrow.
You leave the room with the biggest frown on your face.
The next morning at The House of Lamentation! It's nice. It's peaceful. Breakfast is tasty. Until a certain Father figure, I mean... oldest brother decides to open his mouth.
Lucifer: MC, we've decided. We want to meet your family.
MC: Stop nagging and leave me alone. This has been going for too long.
Lucifer: I wasn't asking, MC. This is a demand.
You look over at Lucifer with the most idiotic, dumbest face you could pull up. Really? You too?
MC: Okay. Buuuttt.. my family ain't your regular family.. sooo heads up, guys. I'll call them tomorrow. You better be ready for this.
Mammon: Eh? Why?
Asmo: Hmm.~
(Lucifer staring into your soul)
The next day. The seven brothers are lined up in the hall wearing a bit more formal-ish clothes rather than their regular ones. Confident about meeting your family. Soon enough Lucifer teleports you to the human world right in front of your house. You walk up to the door and violently pull it open.
You can practically feel a few of the demons gazes burn a hole through your back but... Do you care?
Your mother came out looking similar to you. Too similar.
Mammon: MC that your twin or somethin'?
MC: Eh twin? I ain't got a twin. This is my mother, guys!
You turn to your mom.
MC: Mom, those men are my boyfriends and part of my harem.
Father and son AKA Lucifer and Satan don't particularly like the word 'harem' apparently.
Lucifer: MC..
Satan: MC...
Mother: Oh my gosh, sweetheart! Like mother like daughter!
She wraps her arms tightly around you.
Mammon, Satan, Belphie: Wait what?
Mother: MC they are so handsome! I'm so proud of you, honey! Personally though I like that one the most. (She points at Lucifer who IMMEDIATELY how do I highlight this more? gets all smug about it.) What's his name?
MC: *turning to look over at where her mom's finger is pointing and nod*
Oh, that one? Ah yes. That's Lucifer, mom. He's nice.
Lucifer: Just nice? And what do you mean "that one" don't you have more respect?
Satan: Yeah it's too kind for you. You are awful. AND you deserve NO respect.
Belphie: Totally agree.
Mammon: Couldn't you choose a better one rather than that asshole? (I don't feel like Mammon's gonna make it)
Lucifer: MAAAMMMOOOONNNN?? (R.I.P Mammon. We loved you.)
Mammon: EEEEEK!!!
Completely innocent Beel looks over at you completely ignoring the banter between Lucifer and his three biggest headaches.
Beel: MC what did your mother mean by 'like mother like daughter'
You look over at the sixth-born and smile.
MC: oh right. Forgot to mention. She also has a harem! Of seven as well I think? *You look over at your mother, waiting for confirmation.
Mother: *Nods head.*
All brothers: WHAT?
Asmo: Can I meet them~
Belphie: Asmo, stop being perverted for a second.
Levi: For real. This is serious.
(Mammon being confused along with our cinnamon roll Beel)
(Lucifer staring dead into your eyes)
(Satan being ready to throw a tantrum)
MC: They have cats. Each of them. A few at that.
(Satan is suddenly very interested and happy.)
Mother: They are such great cooks. Each of them!
Beel: WHERE?
(Belphie putting a hand over Beel's mouth.)
MC: They are rich.
Mammon: Y'know... I suddenly don't mind the fact that you called us your harem and stuff.. could I meet 'em?
(Lucifer angrily steps on Mammon's foot. Repeatedly.)
Lucifer smiles gently. Perhaps more sadistically. (But he sure ain't gentle right now) at your mother before turning to you with a loving gaze (He certainly doesn't want to punish you. Noooo~)
Lucifer: MC we are going home. We are happy that we got to meet your family. We are leaving.
The eldest grabs your hand and before you could say goodbye to your mother you find yourself in The House of Lamentation's entrance hall once again. Let's just say it was a fun night. Lucifer punished~ you. (We know what he did. Right?) Saying he is the only one for you. (Likewise :] ) The rest of the brothers barely talk to you during the rest of the week. Don't worry though. Soon enough all of them remind you that you belong to each of them alone. (As if) And soon enough stuff is left and forgotten.
Everything ends well when everything's well.. right? <3
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sachirobabe · 6 months
Chapter 4
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Kuroo Tetsurou x reader
Wc: 2758
Summary: You, a dedicated member of the girls' volleyball team, find an unexpected connection with Kuroo Tetsurou. Igniting a bond over shared passions and stolen moments, love blossoms on the court; all because you met him at a captains meeting.
<— Previous | Masterlist | Next —>
Taglist: @merlucide, @lemurzsquad, @02shuuu
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"So?" Yaku sits down at the lunch table, slamming his lunch, making Kuroo jump a little in his seat.
"So what?" Kuroo pretends to not know what the blonde is asking for.
Yaku clicks his tongue, "Can you believe him?" He gets Kai's attention, "He doesn't shut up about this girl for almost 3 years and when he finally hangs out with her, suddenly he has nothing to say?!"
Kai chuckles, "I hate to say it Kuroo, but he's right."
"Shhh!" Kuroo looks around, making sure nobody is listening, "Will you shut your big mouth? Somebody will hear."
"Like everybody doesn't know." Kenma rolls his eyes.
"They don't! Only you guys do." Kuroo frowns.
"Not true." Yaku shakes his head.
"The other guys on the team know as well." Kenma says before focusing back to his phone. Kuroo continues to roll his eyes.
"Well, are you not gonna tell us?" Yaku says, still speaking very loudly.
Kuroo can't fight the smile creeping up on his face, just thinking of you makes his entire being swoon.
"He's blushing." Yaku nudges Kai, "God, you're so down bad." Kuroo ignores him and continues to eat his lunch.
"C'mon Kuroo, we've endured 3 years of you talking about her, just tell us what happened." Yaku is still determined to get this man to talk.
"After the captains meeting, we got some food and talked for a little." Kuroo stays quiet, remembering how pretty you looked the entire time you were with him. "She got onigiri and I payed, I wish I could've seen her surprised face again, it was adorable." He continued to ramble on.
Yaku was deeply invested on his captains love life, he listened to Kuroo go on and on about you.
"The way she had her hair suited her so well, and she even playfully nudged me, I swear my skin is shining from the spot where she touched me—" He goes to show his teammates the spot where you touched him, but he was interrupted.
"Okay okay, lover boy, I asked for how it went, not for you to declare your love to her for the millionth time." Yaku rolls his eyes, already hearing him talk about how pretty and nice you are.
"You asked, I'm simply just telling you how it went." Kuroo crosses his arms over his chest.
"No, I didn't ask for you to gush all over her." The blonde glares.
"Alright, doesn't matter." Kai intervenes, "What happened after eating?"
"I was going to walk her home, but we heard thunder so she quickly left before I could offer." Kuroo's smile falters a little.
"That's why you don't have a girlfriend." Yaku shakes his head.
"He doesn't have one cause all he does is talk about
Y/n, but never makes a move." Kenma quietly says. "You guys are being loud." He pockets his phone and begins to walk away from them.
"Who waits 3 years to finally talk to their crush? I thought you were more bold." Yaku goes on.
"You've never had one either." Kuroo rolls his eyes, "Plus I get nervous around her. Look at her."
Yaku and Kai groan, not wanting to hear him go on again. It's no hate to you, they think you're kind, but their friend is a wimp who is making them suffer by not doing anything to advance your guys' non existent relationship.
You're sitting on top of a desk near your coach, Himari right next to you as she chews on some pocky.
"Don't you guys have better things to do?" Coach Mori raises an eyebrow at the two of you.
"No." You both say in unison and she rolls her eyes, you two spend way too much time together. You're basically psychic.
"Tell us some drama." Himari has a glint in her eye.
"There is none. And if there was, I wouldn't be allowed to tell." Mori glares and continues to type on her computer.
"Aw, come one. Just a little? What about that guy you were talking to?" You swung your feet.
Mori turns in her seat, "What about the boys' captain?"
Himari looks confused, "Kuroo Tetsurou? He's cute."
"He's flirting with her." Mori points her finger to you.
"No way." Himari is baffled.
"What? You're delusional." You laugh. "He is cute, though." You whisper to Himari and she lightly pushes you.
"You should've seen them at the captains meeting."
"Bro, change the rules so vice captains can go, I need to see this." Himari laughs.
"We were being friendly!" You raise your hands as if it's obvious. "You never used to bug me about the previous captains."
"Because the previous captains didn't look at you the way he does." Mori rolls her eyes. "Now shoo, the bell is about to ring."
"Nothing is going on." You clarify and your coach plugs her ears, not wanting to hear any of it. "Can you believe her?" You say to Himari as the two of you walk out of class.
"I'd have to see for myself." Himari shrugs and you gasp.
"You believe her?" You feel betrayed.
"Mori is never wrong when it comes to guys." Himari says confidently.
"Oh yeah? Well she was wrong about the last guy she went on a date with, he stood her up." You furrow your brows.
"I meant for other people." She laughs, "Remember when Izumi got cheated on last year? Mori called it."
How could you forget, she warned her just by meeting the boy once. "Coincidence. I mean, look at him." You open the door for class and walk in.
"Or when she knew my cousin was gonna marry her boyfriend. After they dated for a week." She emphasized.
You roll your eyes, "Uh huh."
"She's never wrong. Now I know Kuroo Tetsurou has a crush on you." She winks and pokes your cheek. You continue to deny, you had just gotten to get to know him.
Classes trudged on, it was the second week and you're already sick of it. You were looking forward to practice today, the practice match with the boys had you almost on the edge of your seat.
The lineup you drew during the captains meeting was the one being used for this practice match. It wasn't completely set in place, your coach would make tweaks where ever needed.
You and a few other members began to change, you could barely hold your excitement, you were basically buzzing. Without a word, you quickly left the club room and made your way to the gym.
"She's happy." Misaki, your libero laughs.
"The girl's been begging for 3 years for this." Himari sighs, closing her locker and leaves.
A few boys were already in the gym setting up, you figured they had it down.
"Um, excuse me?" You hear a voice and turn, seeing Kenma stand before you. "Do you want us to put the net at the girls height?"
"No, the men's is fine. We practice with it anyway." You say and continue to look at the rotations on the clipboard. Kenma's a little surprised, but goes to the others to tell them to raise it a bit more.
"You seem ready." Coach Mori chuckles, taking her clipboard from you, "You got them down, don't worry."
"I was just memorizing the others', in case we get confused." You say.
"Go stretch." She rolls her eyes, you begin forming a small circle of your teammates as they slowly join.
"Wait so in the 2nd rotation I serve, but once we lose the point Rikako comes in for me?" Emi, your right side asks. Rikako was a first year, and a damn good one, her passes were amazing.
"Yeah, we need your serves." Himari says, watching you from the corner of your eye trying to decide who's got serve and who's receiving.
You jog back to your coach, who orders the team to huddle up. "We got serve." You say.
"You finally won a coin toss!" Aiko slaps your back, she was another passer.
"I don't always lose?" You frown, your coach gets all of your attention again and begins to go over rotations quickly.
"Go out there and play." Your coach breaks you all out and the starters head onto the court. You started off in the right front, Himari behind you with the ball, next to her was Keiko; a middle blocker, she was waiting for Misaki to sub in for her, Naomi was next to her in left back, Emi in left front, then Mei standing in front of the net, checking out the boys' heights. She was 6'1.
Kuroo started in the left front, then Kai, and Yamamoto in right front. Yaku was in right back for Inuoka, Kenma was in middle back, and Fukunaga was in left back.
Your coach hides her hand behind her back, telling Himari where to serve.
"You nervous?" Kuroo asks you from the other side of the net.
You scoff, "Not in the slightest." He smirks and pulls back to hide Kenma so he doesn't have to pass. You get ready to switch with Emi, as soon as the whistle blows you're in the left position with your arms ready by your head.
You watch the ball go over the net and aim for Kuroo, he passes the ball with ease, giving Kenma an easy ball to work with. You watch Kenma carefully, dissecting his every move.
His back was arched slightly in mid air, giving you the hint that he was going to give it to Yamamoto, "Right!" You yell and were correct when the ball left his hands.
You and Mei get ready to block him, she takes away his cross shot easily because of her insane height, meanwhile you were really only good for getting touches.
"Straight!" Naomi yells and prepares to receive the ball.
Yamamoto yells something you didn't quite catch, but he hits right through Mei's block, she wasn't expecting such a hard hit. The ball begins the fall short in front of Misaki, but she saves it with one hand.
"Himari, left!" You yell, knowing the original play was out of the question when the receive was wonky. Himari knows she can count on you, she sends the ball your way and you wait for the ball to reach its peak, then beginning your approach.
You may have been on the shorter side of your team, but you worked a ton on your vertical. You soar into the air, seeing Kai and Kuroo's strong arms, you decided to give it your all and try to break through the block.
Which you did, it landed in front of Kenma after it ricocheted off of Kai's hands. You land back down and begin cheering with your team.
"Nice save, my bad." Mei apologies.
"Don't worry, you'll get it." Misaki encourages.
"Great set as always, Himari." You smile, giving her a high five and she blows you a kiss as a joke.
"Nice job, ladies, get another Himari." Your coach nods to her. You roll the ball towards her and you face forward again.
You watch Kenma bring his team together and say a few things.
"I know you were scared to try and hit through my block." Kuroo sassily said, walking back.
"Oh please." You laugh. "I could any day."
"We'll see." He gives you a wink then goes back to pass.
The whistle blew and the ball was sent over, you perceptively watched Kenma, you knew he liked to play tricks with his eyes and fake body movement.
This time Yaku gave a perfect pass to Kenma and he sets it to Kuroo, he gives a powerful hit in between the gap of the block.
It slams right in between Misaki snd Naomi, both fail to get a hand on the ball.
"Sorry, I'll do a better job of closing the gap." Mei cringes at herself for such a stupid mistake.
"It's all good, focus on the next one." You pat her back.
"We'll do better too!" Naomi nods to Misaki.
"We're good guys, cmon let's go, next point." Himari says. The rallies were back and forth, to be honest you weren't really looking at the score too often, you were having so much fun despite how competitive you could get.
Point after point, you all learned something and were able to adapt for the next point. Both sides had great back and forth rallies, but ultimately, you lost the first set.
"Don't be too down, we've never played a boys team before. This is new." Your coach said.
"We're not too far off in height, it's mostly just Kuroo and Kai we have to worry about." Himari states, out of breath, but a huge smile on her face. You can tell she's having fun too.
"We got this next one, guys, let's go." You break the team out and begin the second set. This time your team is the one to back it up by one rotation. You're in middle front, Emi wasn't the best at receiving serves, so you pulled back to hide her further in the back.
You wipe your shoes to make sure they weren't slippery before getting into position. Yamamoto is now up to serve, you are now starting to question why Kenma wasn't their first server.
He serves to you, it was very powerful, but you were able to read it and direct it towards Himari, your arms stung a little after receiving it.
It was a perfect pass, so Himari went for the quick attack with Mei, which successfully made it over the net, despite Kuroo being amazing at blocking. It was received easily and thrown back at your team by Fukunaga.
The game ended with you guys taking the second set, but they took the third. You all shake hands, out of breath. Even though your team lost, you were happy to finally be able to play with the boys. It was definitely great practice for both sides.
"What happened?" Kuroo says, finding you after the practice match, you were drinking from your water bottle talking to your coach, a few members were taking down the net.
"I believe you lost a set." You shrugged and laughed. Your coach eyed the boy, watching his mannerisms with you.
"I believe you lost the game." He chuckled and you deadpan.
"Next week. Just you wait." You say, "Oh, I was meaning to talk to you about your lineup." He turns his head like a confused puppy. "Why don't you have Kenma serve first?"
"Yamamoto has a good serve." He says.
"You should try having Kenma serve, that way he gets more back row time and you'd have 3 hitters in the front for longer." You explain.
He thinks for a moment, "That could work. I'll tell coach." He smiles, "Thanks. You play good, by the way. I haven't been able to watch many matches, but I've heard some things."
"Bad things?" You raise an eyebrow.
"No," He laughs, "of course not. I've heard your hits are powerful and you read the ball well."
"Thank you, Kuroo." You say. "You know, we'd always go and support your games, but I see that's not reciprocated." You jokingly roll your eyes.
"Hey, cut us some slack," He chuckles, "We'll be present more often." He promises. Coach Nekomata calls Kuroo over and he gives you a small smile before leaving.
You're left with your coach and Himari, who you didn't realize came over to gossip with her sister. You deadpan looking at them.
"She's telling me what her great mind is predicting." Himari smiles widely.
"Oh shut up." You roll your eyes. "I don't believe your so called gift."
"I'm never wrong, hun." Coach Mori shrugs and begins to pack up. "You're always welcome to ask for my opinion."
"Yeah sure." You narrow your eyes at her, "You ready?" Himari nods and takes one last sip of her water bottle before putting it with the rest.
"You FINALLY talked to her in person, wow." Yaku smiles at his tall friend.
"Will you be quiet?" Kuroo looks around.
"Everybody knows, dude." Yamamoto says, "I'm surprised she doesn't with how much you look at her." He laughs. "Can't blame you, though."
Kuroo turns his head so quickly at his teammate, "Nuh uh, you're not allowed to be jealous when you haven't done shit." Yaku laughs and walks away.
Kuroo rubs his forehead, his team was going to make him age so quickly with how much they stress him out.
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Brother Mine (Winchester!Reader x Sam and Dean Winchester PLATONIC)
@xweirdo101x Hello, hope you are having a good day/nightI was wondering if I could request a Sam and Dean having an older brother (maybe by one or 2 years)  maybe they haven't seen reader in a couple years. The brother's finally get to see reader when he pulls them out of trouble?
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(okay, author's note in that Sam is 22 at the start of the show and Dean is 26. The show spans the same amount of time as in the real world, technically, so Sam ends the show at 37 while Dean ends it at 41. Meaning this elder brother is probably 28 at the start and ends it 43. Good lord, that show went on for a while lol)
"So, explain to me why the two of you chuckleheads are in jail in freaking Kentucky? Because last I heard, Sam was going to college in California and you were still hunting boogeymen with Dad."
The two young men in front of you share a glance as you bail them out of some podunk town's drunk tank.
"Dad's... in trouble." Sam sighs, finally, to a harsh glare from Dean.
"Good riddance to bad assholes." you growl, and Dean clenches his fist
You and your little brothers don't exactly have a great relationship.
With the better part of seventeen years of your lives dedicated to hunting what lies in the darkness, spurred on by your domineering and obsessive father, Dean always has blamed you for "abandoning the family" and "breaking Dad's heart" because you left the life at nineteen and left seventeen year old Dean and thirteen year old Sam behind.
You did the amateur boxing circuit for a while before you were hired on to an indie security company and ended up catching the eye of the owner who trained you until you took over, eventually buying the company and running it.
You know a lot of your money was sent to help pay off any expenses Sam had, but you don't know if it was used for that or blown for motel stays or alcohol or sawed-off-shotguns or salt slugs for Dean and John.
You tried to stay in touch with Sam, but it was awkward. And he wanted space away from "family."
So you know neither of them would ever contact you unless something real bad happened (and apparently Dean's grudge was so strong that he wouldn't even inform you that John went missing)
Though to be perfectly honest, it wouldn't really matter to you anyway, and that's a matter to discuss with your therapist.
"I can't believe you called him." Dean grumbles, like a child.
"Sam apparently knew you'd need a responsible adult." you snark, and he grimaces. "Now, care to tell me why you're road-tripping?"
Sam looks at you. "My girlfriend. Jess. Whatever got Mom... it got her too."
"And you think that Dad is close to tracking it down and that's why he vanished." you sigh.
"Lemme guess, you're gonna tell us that there's nothing that goes bump in the night?" Dean sneers, looking at Sam.
"No, I'm not. I'm gonna tell you that it's not your job to chase it. It's not your duty."
"We save people. We hunt things. It's the family business." Dean growls.
"Jesus, Dean, do you hear how you sound?" you groan. "It's this kind of obsession that I tried to get away from! A terrible thing happened to Mom, and there was nothing any of us could do to stop it. It's not our fault, and it's not our responsibility to chase whatever did it down!"
"It's just gonna keep hurting people. We've seen it happening. It's gathering other people like Sam."
"Fuck." you growl.
Dean senses an in. "You were even better than me, back in the day. Remember when you ganked that skinchanger?"
He says "you were only 14" with as much reverence and awe as you do disgust and shame.
"I can't convince either of you to... let the chips fall where they may?"
"Nope." Dean pops the "p" sound.
"Sorry, no." Sam adds.
"I don't wanna kill things anymore, Dean. Not even bad things. But I do care about you both. So here. I'm going to help you, on one condition. We're going to all come back to my place in California, and Sam is going to apply to fucking law school, and you're gonna think about what you really want with your life, Dean."
They think.
They look at each other.
They nod.
"Welcome back." Dean grins.
"You better not still drive that shitty Impala and listen to crappy 80s rock."
Sam winces.
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jellyfishoreo1206 · 1 year
So I'm taking matters into my own goddamn hands-
Meeting Mirage ;)
Either Noah or Mirage might be a little OOC, but I'm giving it a shot
Takes place after the movie, with fem pronouns
Dude, where the hell are you?
Y/N was currently sent a page to Noah, her best friend of 3 years. He was suppose to pick her up from work, as her car broke down and is still getting fixed at the mechanics, but it was well over 20 minutes and he still hasn't showed. He was suppose to be there at 7:30, and now it's almost dark.
I'kl be there in 10 minutes! Domething just csme uo
Several typos, whatever the hell is happening over there is really making him either rush or panic... actually those are both kind of in the same sense.
Letting out a sigh through her nose, Y/N quickly typed out a response.
Yeah, yeah. Better keep to your promise, Sonic.
Not even letting him respond, the H/C-nette shoved the device into her coat pocket. Sure it may be the beginning of the summer, but she get cold easily.
And I mean very easily.
"Man, I really need a hot shower right now."
10 minutes breezed by quickly, seemingly in a blink of an eye. About to page Noah again, Y/N stopped in her tracks when a honk sounded in front of her.
Looking up, her eyes widen in complete surprise at the image in front of them. Her best friend, Noah Diaz, in a fucking Porsche. Well, it looked like it seen better days, but still.
"Yo, you gonna get in or are you just gonna stand there looking so surprised?" Noah shouted from inside the car, a smug look on his face.
Snapping out of it, Y/N got inside the car, buckling in her seatbelt.
Once the seatbelt clicked, Noah started the car onto the route back to Y/N's apartment complex. 5 minutes in and the two are making small talk and all that before Y/N asked him a question.
"So, what happened?"
"To the Porsche. Looks like Frankenstein's monster."
Noah let's out a small chuckle at the comment, "Oh uh, some guy sold it to me for a good price. Because it was all banged up and stuff. Couldn't even start."
"When did you get it?"
"Got it 2 months ago, still has some kinks that need to be fixed. But we've made some progress." He patted the dashboard in a comforting way, a somber smile on his face.
"2 months ago? Weren't you in Perú during that time? Also is Reeks helping you fix the car?"
"Yeah. I think I made a pretty good decision going there..also Reeks is just helping me get the parts, I'm mainly doing the fixing."
"Mm, pretty good job so far. I could help with the paint job? The blue and silver seems to be fading out, but I think it a fresh coat will make it look gorgeous."
After she finished that comment, the car felt like it heated up a little. Not too much to notice, but just enough.
"By the way, what did you do in Perú again?"
"Oh, to study for a job I was doing..got to see some of the landscapes and all that..and nearly died-"
"What was that?"
"Wha-nothing! Don't worry about it at all."
A silence fell between you too, an awkward silence to be exact. He's a little more fidgety than usual.. probably from exhaustion. It's something he does whenever he's very tired. Man, he must be more exhausted than usual.
"Sorry I called you so late, like right after your new job and stuff. It must be tiring."
"Nah I don't mind, you're my best friend after all. Just returning the favor when you babysat Kris last minute." Now Y/N absolutely loves Noah's family. First time she met them, it felt like a bond just, instantly clicked within. So from that day on, she makes a little time out of her day just to visit the Diaz family, especially Kris. He was so sweet, and like the little brother she never had. So whenever Noah or his mom were busy, she babysits him, and brings some food so they can enjoy together.
"I don't mind babysitting Kris at all. He's like a little brother to me anyway."
"Yeah, that's Kris. Best little brother I could ever ask for." A soft smile comes to his face, maybe he should bring some food from that burger joint his family likes, before he goes home so his mom doesn't have to cook tonight.
"Yeah..Hey do you mind if I put in my playlist?"
"Go for it."
Grabbing a mixtape from her pocket, she inserts it into the slot right above the radio, turning the knob to hear what was currently playing.
The familiar rhythm of Virgen by Adolescent's Orquesta brings a smile to your face, increasing the volume as one of her favorite songs plays through the car. Every so often, she would sing along to the lyrics, taping her fingers against the door.
What Y/N didn't know, was a certain Autobot mech was observing her in the passenger seat mirror, noticing the small things about her that seemed to have caught even more of his interest. The moment she got in the car, Mirage had to admit, she was PRETTY. And the compliments she said? Wooo that was feeding his ego.
And she was drop-dead gorgeous, in his optics, he doesn't even know her one bit and he's on his knees just from the sound of her voice. Oh her voice, don't even get him started on her voice. Most purest thing he has ever heard since he had stepped foot on Earth. Got her filling his tanks with a fluttery feeling, or as Noah sometimes likes to refer to, butterflies. What a weird thing to say. (Ngl, I head cannon Mirage to fall in love FAST)
After those few thoughts, the mech started observing her other features. Her eyes, hair, lips, cheeks, hands, even the smallest of moles/freckles that were dotted across her face. Oh and when her smile plastered her face, Mirage felt his spark beat faster.
She was a beauty, a beauty in her own category..
Sadly he wasn't able to admire her much longer, as they stopped in front of her apartment, the sky now completely dark. About to open the car door, the lock clicks, preventing Y/N from getting out. Thinking nothing of it, Y/N goes to unlock it, but it keeps repeatedly locking itself. With a huff, Y/N turns to Noah.
"Dude can you stop that shit?"
"It's not me I swear! Li-like I said, Mir-! The car was all banged up when I got it, still got a few bugs in it.." And as subtly as possible, kept kicking right above the pedals. Not to harshly, but to get the message across to stop messing around.
Finally after what seemed to be forever, the car doors unlocked, with Y/N getting out of the car, making sure to grab her tape. Running a hand over the hood, not noticing the shudder of metal, Y/N waves goodbye to Noah before entering her building, already getting excited for her hot shower.
When Y/N was out of sight and earshot, Noah turned to the radio, somewhat pissed.
"Mirage, what the hell was that??"
"Whaaaat? I did nothing wrong. Also, ouch. Do you have to kick me that hard? I'm still recovering y'know." You could hear the teasing smile on his face, pulling the recovery card whenever.
"Mirage you can't do that."
"Why not? Not like she noticed anything."
"You just can't!"
"Aww but I wanna keep admiring la angel bonita un momento más."
"I wanna keep ad-"
"I know what you said, but, seriously?"
"You gotta introduce me to her one day, Sonic."
"Mirage she's going to freak out!"
"Mm but what are the chances she won't? Pleaseeee? I won't stop bothering you unless you say yesss~" He coos in a sing-song voice.
"Nu uh, ain't happening. Just because you're acting like a kid doesn't mean you're getting it."
"Fine. But whenever you give her ride home, I'll just keep locking the doors."
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Noah leaned back into the recliner, pinching the bridge of his nose out of frustration. Whenever Mirage says he'll do something, he will follow through. He's ambitious like that. So either; Stay with the no but have Mirage be a brat for who knows how long, or, just get it over with.
"Sooo..Is that a yes?"
He was quiet for a bit, before letting out a sigh,"Fine, fine! Yes, it's a yes."
"Hell yeah, baby! Oh I already have so many places to meet up for dates-"
So that concludes my first post! I like how this (somewhat) turned out, but it's a first. I've made some edits to this and the second part will be out soon, so I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting!
Part 2 here!
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grey342 · 10 months
you're amazing 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻
could you write something about Phil asking reader to marry him? saw the first hangover movie recently and this man screams husband material 🥵
Marry me?
Phil Wenneck x reader
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synopsis - Phil's and his girlfriend go out for their anniversary and she notices he's acting different.
warnings - Phil being nervous (he's adorable) and reader being oblivious.
authors note - Thank you! You guys are too nice to me, making me blush and kick my feet frrr🤭. I love this request so much and I TOTALLY agree. Again so sorry for this coming out so late 😀 I promise I’m working on it for you guys! Lmk what you think and send in any more requests you have!
please do not steal my work - belongs to @grey342
Holy shit.
Tonight is your four year anniversary and he's acting so weird.
You noticed first when you were both getting ready to go. Fidgeting with his hands, wiping the sweat from his brow and constantly tapping his pocket.
You tried to ignore it but it was becoming more and more difficult as time went on. You struggled to understand why he would be behaving like this, the night was going perfectly.
You were at your favourite restaurant, outside by the beach. You were even alone which was strange considering this place is usually packed with people. The table was covered with rose petals and candles. The sun was setting beautifully, it was the perfect night.
"Isn't it pretty?" You ask looking at him.
"Hm? What?" He stumbles on his words. You smile softly and take his hand in yours, an attempt to comfort him.
"The view," you say looking out, "isn't it pretty?"
"Yes..Yes it is." He replies looking at you. You look at him, blushing when you realise. You notice his smile drop slightly and it's replaced with the same expression he's been wearing all night. You rub your thumb over the back of his hand, gaining his attention.
"Sweetie?" You call.
"Hm?" He mumbles.
"Is everything okay?" His eyes look directly into yours, widened with panic.
"Wha-What do you mean? Everything's fine, why wouldn't it be fine?" He responds too quickly for your liking.
"Are you sure? You know you can talk to me about anything." You smile at him.
“I know” he places his other hand on top of yours, “ everything is fine I promise.” He forces a smile. You’re still not convinced but you let it go not wanting to cause an argument on your anniversary. You look back out, when he takes a deep breath and calls to you.
“Yea - holy shit" You whisper, stunned by the sight before you. Phil down on one knee with a velvet box in his hand.
"Alright, you know i'm not good with the sappy crap," you chuckle quietly, "but 'm gonna try my best. When I first met you I thought you were the most annoying bitch I had ever met. I mean in my entire life and i've met some bitchy women let me tell yo-"
"Maybe..don't talk about other women when your proposing to me."
"Oh, yeah. Whatever, the point was you were a cunt," you let out a loud laugh, this calms him instantly, "but the more I got to know you, the more I realised how beautiful you are. Inside and out. You made me feel things I had never felt before, you trusted me enough to show your vulnerable side and that made me want to do that with you. I know we've had our tough patches but, you pulled us through it. Never giving up on us. Never giving up on me." Tears are blurring your vision.
"Anyway let's cut the bullshit and get to the important bit.," you kick him lightly, he giggles, "My love, my life, will you marry me?" The tears are rolling down your cheeks now, you can even see tears brimming his eyes.
"Yes, yes..Yes! Of course i'll marry you!" He stands up pulling you with him and embraces you. He grabs your hand and places the ring on your finger. You admire it for a couple seconds before he grabs your face and pulls you in for a passionate kiss.
He pulls away and rests his forehead against yours, staring into your eyes with so much love you felt yourself getting choked up again.
"I love you so much." He whispers.
"I know.." You reply, he chuckles in response and closes the gap between your lips once more. Your heart beaming, excited for what the future will bring you.
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Welcome aboard
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me...
Ugh I'm sorry if this one's bad, I tried :(
Warning(s): fem reader, poisoning, possessiveness from all three boys
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Ghost pirates; a problem all merfolk have to deal with. While most ghost pirates have been dead so long they've made peace with the merfolk- some are even quite friendly- there are certain crews that refuse to give up their life of piracy.
You enjoy hanging around sunken ships, as you've always found human construction, specifically human construction from many many years ago, interesting. The way they constructed their vessels to overcome the harsh conditions of the sea... the intricate details carved into the wood... how ever so interesting their weapons were...
You didn't know that those intricate details carved into the wood would be the last thing you'd see while alive.
You were doing as normal, swimming around, investigating shipwrecks... and suddenly, you were caught in some kind of net. Oh, but that's fine... merfolk get caught in fishing nets surprisingly often, they're usually let back into the sea with a "Sorry for the inconvinience!"
However, that was not the case today. There were two people you saw, both wearing outfits reminicent of the pirates of the olden days, covered in coral and barnacles, as if they had been underwater for years. The shorter one was a dirty blonde with blue eyes, and the taller one had white hair and yellow eyes.
"Well, would you look at that?" The dirty blonde one said. "An honest-to-goodness mermaid! I bet her scales would sell for a good price."
"What do you think we should do with her, Ruggie?" The white-haired one asked.
"Take her aboard, of course! Whatever we end up doin' to her, she'll be quite useful to us." Ruggie responded. "Oi! Someone get the captain!" He yelled to the rest of the crew. "Leona's gonna want to see this~"
You were terrified. You'd heard stories of this... back in the days of pirates, if they happened upon a mermaid, it was almost certain they'd take her aboard and cut her apart and sell her scales...
Are you going to die...?
"This had better be good." Someone grumbled. He seemed to be the captain Ruggie yelled about earlier, he was wearing an eyepatch and had a scar underneath it.
"Check it out Leona, we've got ourselves a mermaid!" Ruggie said, showing you off. The captain, Leona, gave you a once-over.
"Throw it back."
"What?! Look at her! Don't you realize how-"
"Money doesn't matter to us anymore. Nothing does. I said, throw it back."
"Y-yes! Please listen to him!" You pleaded. "Please, I-I don't want to die yet!" You were crying. You were so scared that you didn't care how they viewed you- you just wanted to get out of this situation. Though, Leona's opinion of you changed when he saw you cry and plead to be let go.
"On second thought... bring her aboard. Don't de-scale 'er just yet though." Leona said, drawing his cutlass and pointing it at you. "Welcome aboard the Savannah's Claw, mermaid~"
Days go by.
Days of sitting in a wooden tub of water beneath the ship's deck, constanly fearing for your life.
You were forced to get to know the crew as the days went on. Three moreso than the others; Ruggie, Jack, and their captain, Leona.
Ruggie would tell you tales from when he was alive. He'd talk about how much money he and the crew would steal from other ships, all the pillaging he did, how he got into piracy, the thing's he'd seen, the mutiny and marooning he organized with Leona(which was aparently how Leona became captain)... he'd stroke your tail and tell you how much money he'd get from selling it if he were still alive.
Jack was the nicest. At night, he'll bring you above deck and allow you to observe the sea. Jack was the one who brought you food and even alcohol occasionally. But it's not because he likes you or anything! It's just common courtesy to allow the living to stay alive, you know??
Leona... Leona would tell you how much he wanted to touch you. Yes, he could touch you as a ghost, but he wasn't able to feel you. Leona told you that if you were alive when he was, he would've made you his wife. He scared you. Much like Ruggie, he'd tell you about all the acts of piracy he did in life... he told you how in life, he'd never once taken 'one of your kind' to sell, and how you're the first mermaid he's ever taken aboard the ship. You found it hard to believe him, though...
If you'd really listened to what the three of them were telling you, you would've known what was going to happen to you.
Last night, Jack gave you something.
You drank it without question. It was in a regular bottle, and tasted normal, it didn't smell weird... there was no reason for you to believe anything was wrong with it.
You woke up to someone pulling your hair.
"Hey, mermaid, you awake yet?" A voice you immediately recognized to be Leona asked.
"O-ow-! Well now I am..."
"Ooh, it feels nice. It's been a long time since I've felt a mermaid's scales!" Ruggie said, stroking your tail as he's done before. but that was when you noticed something was wrong.
"Wait... why can I feel you touching me...?" You asked. Since the trio were ghosts, you could never feel them touching you- and vice versa, they can't typically feel your body when they touch you.
"Oh, you noticed?" Ruggie asked.
"You're dead, mermaid." Leona told you, smirking.
You sat there in shock and silence for a moment. You're dead? No, that can't be!
"Yeah, I uh... sorry for poisoning you." Jack apologized. "It's just... I'd like if you could be a part of our crew forever, you know? I thought if you became a ghost like the rest of us..." Jack quieted down, sounding almost embarrassed or nervous about killing you?
"I'm glad you did it." Leona said. "Now she can be mine, forever."
"Woah woah woah, Leona, I understand you're the captain, but you're crazy if you think she's just for you." Ruggie shot an angry glare to Leona. "She's for me, understand?!"
"If we're really talking about who's she is, I'm the one who poisoned her, so logically she should be mine!" Jack interjected, pointing to himself.
...how are you supposed to accept this?
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paisholotus · 11 months
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Now Playing: High-school~ Nicki Minaj
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Ashia's Pov
Miami, Florida
Tej called and said he has a big race tonight and invited me to join him. So that's where my sister and I were going. 
As I pulled up to Tej's garage, I noticed him talking with Suki. Suki and Tej were my first genuine friends I'd ever had; when I initially moved to America, I was badly teased because of my Trini accent. I introduced them to my siblings, and we've been inseparable since.
I turned off my engine and exited, gazing over to see my sister, Tirana, exiting hers.
"Hey, boo! How are you doing?" Suki asked as she hugged me. Tirana dapped up Tej and then walked over to hug Suki as I hugged Tej.
"Shia, lil sis, how you doing, baby?" He asked, swinging me from side to side.
"I'm good, boo, what's this? I'm hearing that you got a surprise for the racers tonight." I asked, my gaze suspiciously fixed on him.
"That's for me to know and you to, dot dot dot. You racing for me, tonigh?"  He asked, cheesing at me.
I shook my head and laughed. "Nah, I just came to chill. I got work tomorrow." I said, drinking my beer.
He rolled his eyes and glanced at Ty, saying, "What about you, big sis? You gon race for me?" He asked her.
She sipped her beer and shook her head, saying, "Hell nah, I don't want to take your money tonight." She said, cackling. 
Tej waved us off and proceeded to the other racers. 
"crush it,BABY!" I hugged Suki and told her to go ahead so they could get started. 
We sat on the hoods of our cars, watching Tej interact with the racers; he seemed upset.
"Aye! Listen up! Of course, some sorry Mfs called out tonight's race, so I had to call someone, but I still need another racer, so y'all better start calling!" Tej yelled while crossing his arms. Tej's money isn't something he plays with.
"Aye! Why don't you fill in, Shia?" Suki said.
I gave her a look, then at Tej, who was pleading with his arms outstretched.
I signed, grinned, and then nodded, telling Tej I'd do it.
"Aye! My number one racer, Shia, is going to race tonight, y'all. And she's taking y'all money, fo sho." Tej yelled, raising my arm, making me playfully shove him.
After getting back into my car and following everyone else, I got out and strolled beside Suki.
I turned around when I heard a commotion of cheering and clapping. A man driving a Skyline got out and stared at me. 
As we both stared at each other, I thought, 'Damn, he was fine.'
"Fuck!" Suki signed while plainly showing her defeat.
I asked, "What's wrong?"
"Brian, that boy over there. When I say he's good, Shia, I mean it like he might be your only competition. You know I'm good, yet I'll never be able to beat you. Brian is an absolute natural."
'Oh, he's famous over here, then? How come I've never heard of him?'
"Sup, Suki?" he asked as he glanced between me and Suki.
I didn't find many white boys appealing, but he was unquestionably the best-looking. His eyes were a deep ocean blue; he was the definition of a pretty white boy.
He approached Tej, dapped him up, and they began talking.
"Why don't we kick it a nickel?" he asked as he turned to face Suki once more.
"AY! AY! Nobody said anything about raising the stakes." Julius yelled. This dude has an issue with everything, which makes me roll my eyes.
"Well, in that case, why don't you ask these nice people to move back so you can go home?" Brian said, walking over.
I laughed a little and stared at a furious Julius.
As the crowd began to cheer, Brian's excitement increased. "OK! OK! OK!" They stopped talking when he yelled.
"OK, Julius, are you going to come on or what?" I asked. Nothing against Tej, but I ain't trying to be out all night.
"Aye! Puta, listen, this is not your discussion." He screamed.
I pursed my lips and peered around me to see who the hell he was talking to.
"HEY! WATCH YO MOUTH, BITCH!" Tirana shouted as she got off her car.
I turned back to Julius, glaring, and pointed at him. "Mi dun tell yuh bout dat bitch word kip IT UP an MI A SHOW YUH ONE!" I yelled at him.
He sighed, "OK, 38 large," and gave Tej the cash.
I inhaled deeply as we all lined up and grinned.
"Let's do this, bitches."
-Time Skip-
As the audience applauded for me, I stepped out of the car and grinned. I then turned to face Brian and grinned at him. He was a badass driver; I had to concede that.
Tej offered me ten bands, but I shook my head and spoke in his ear instead. I gave Tej and Suki a hug, then turned to face Brian as he approached us before heading back to my car.
We pulled off the lot and blew our horns, speeding down the street.
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whimsyskittles · 1 year
hello ^^ i hope u are doing well today!! can i request a hobie x reader where they go on to an aquarium date, and the reader starts to ramble about the sea creatures theyre seeing ?? bonus if by the end they get matching keychains/gifts hdsjskfh thank you !! ;w;
i am!! i hope you're doing fantabulous as well 😚😚
oh my god i love this request okok
why is going on small trips with hobie so exciting??? woooo okay anon, let's do this!!
P.S i added a few small details like the fact that the reader wants to be a marine biologist which is why they're so excited!! 🤭 ALSO!! THERES ANOTHER BONUS!! towards the end, gwen, miles, and pavitr make an appearance!!! 😍
TW: major fluff teehee and a bit of teasing closer to the end
the title is an unintentional reference (iykyk) idk how i ended up with it lmao 😭
☆ his aquamarine hobie x gn!reader !!
"are we almost there yet??" you ask hobie for the hundredth time in the past five minutes
he chuckles and looks over at you as he's driving, "almost, love. about ten more minutes, yeah?"
you groan and look at your window "where are we going, anyways?" you look excitedly at him
"cant tell ya. it's a surprise, you'll love it though. turn on some music to keep ya occupied for a bit."
jokingly rolling your eyes, you smile and turn up the radio
ten minutes later
hobie pulls the car into the parking lot as you try to decipher the surroundings around you
"oh my god, hobie did you bring us to the aquarium??" you show off a wide grin and look over at him
"well, yeah, ya gonna be a marine biologist, arent ya? figured you must love sea animals and brought ya here. happy, love?"
you kiss his cheek and look back at your window
"only the happiest in the world! i cant believe you remembered!"
"why wouldn't i? you're the love of my life aren't ya?" he teasingly says, looking back over at you
you both get out of the car and head towards the aquarium's entrance
as you two walk, hobie grabs your hand to intertwine it with his own
"excited?" he asks as he looks at you
"well, obviouslyyy...!" you smile as you finally walk into the aquarium, admiring how it's decorated and looking at everybody as they gaze into the tanks
hobie chuckled at how mesmerized you looked "cmon then." he gently took your hand and you both walked over to where a certain species of fish were
you gasped and started to ramble about fun facts on the fish that you two were looking at
"these are angelfish! they can get as big as six inches and they will literally eat anything that they can fit in their mouth."
he laughed and smiled at your excitement "ya sure know your stuff, don't ya?"
as you continued telling hobie about all of the different fish and cool facts about them, you reached the stingray petting area.
"oh my god i've always wanted to pet one of these!! did you know that stingrays are considered to be apart of the same group as sharks??"
hobie gives you a quick kiss "no i didn't, thanks for telling me, love" he wanted to say so much more, but he thought it would seem a bit dramatic to praise you over your fish facts. he was thinking stuff like, "y/n is so cool..how do they know about all of this?? they look so adorable when they're excited!"
as you reach the stingray tank, you stick your hand in the water to pet a stingray
"feel how bumpy their skin is, isn't it awesome??" you were absolutely stoked and hobie was just admiring your utter excitement
he put his hand in and felt of the stingray just as you were
"i thought that they 'ad smooth skin." he states, smiling
"a lot of people do, but their skin is actually rough and the scales on it acts as teeth!"
hobie was genuinely surprised and nodded " 'at's pretty amazin', isn't it?"
he already knew the answer
you smiled and nodded as you took your hand out of the water and dried it off
he did the same and took your hand again
"looks like we've almost finished it up, we've got the sharks and then we can make our way to the gift shop, yeah?"
you agreed and walked with him, smiling as you also admired how cool the ocean themed decorations were in the aquarium (didn't expect that, did you⁉️😈)
as you and hobie finished up looking (and as you finished teaching him about them) at all of the different sharks, you stepped into the gift shop)
you looked at all of the plushies and gasped
"look at how adorable these are!" you exclaimed and beckoned for hobie to come over and look at the stuffed shark you had found in a bin
suddenly, a spinning rack catches your eye and you put the stuffed shark back, and hobie chuckles to himself and followed you over to the stand
you grabbed two matching earring pairs that were shaped as a fish (each pair sets had a different fish that matched with the other, almost looking like two had been switched. when is it my turn to be happy???? 😭)
you looked at him with puppy eyes
"can we pleeeaaasseee get these couple earrings??? look, they're shaped like little fishhhh, cmonnn!" you said this excitingly and looked up at him
"i cant say no to that, can i?" he smiled and you walked to the cash register and payed for the matching earrings and you both put them in, putting the earrings you both had previously had in inside of your pockets
[timeskip: a few days later (you and hobie had went to go eat with miles, gwen, and pavitr)]
you and hobie were sitting at a table with miles, gwen, and pavitr as you all talked and laughed
"sooo, what's up with the earrings?" gwen asked teasingly, smiling as miles and pavitr giggled a little
"oh, me and hobie got them at the aquarium a few days ago!" you grinned
"i thought hobie didn't li-" pavitr was cut off as hobie covered his mouth
"yeah, we did. it was lovely, who knew sea creatures were so interestin'?" hobie smiled as he continued to cover pavitrs mouth while you grinned happily
"oookay, lovebirds" gwen replied and started to talk to miles
you and hobie quickly kissed and began to chat some more with each other, while hobie still covered pavitrs mouth
(love how pav is third wheeling gwen n miles AND hobie n the reader 😍😍)
I HOPE YOU ENJOYED!! thank you anon for this lovely request and i'm looking forward to answering more from you guys!
-whimsy ☆
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sillygoofyqueer · 5 months
The Untamed review: episode one!
"I wish I was still dead" LMAO WEI WUXIAN
"You you you!!!" "Me me me???"
Bro is getting his own backstory from this random guy
Her husband just wants to be a part of the situation, leave him alone
The crowd just pointing and laughing
He's such an actor
*fake crying* "now return my things." *stops and looks at the crowd, then starts fake crying again*
Taunting the guy, goddamn.
Lan Sizhui coming in clutch
Still an alcoholic in all forms lmaooo
What a sweetheart Lan Sizhui is
"I wasn't actually gonna huuurt himmm :("
Do it, give it to him, see what happens
Lan Sizhui is also having flashbacks woah
"Yo, we've heard this before" "nah, bro, I ain't ever heard anything played that badly" Lan Jingyi you are this whole show already
I swear you can't play a blade of grass that well, no matter who you are
Shit getting real now
Scratching his head like bro what am I doing here
"You deserve it" cackling
Wei Wuxian standing up for his sons already
Her husband's had enough of her as well, he's snapped
"Hang on a minute, you're calling my old friend with romantic tension?? Don't do that, I can fix this, I know I'm insane but-- SHIT-"
Bro's got gains
I love imagining actors acting this wacky shit out
"Ugh, he's not a ghost, get it right" Wei Wuxian, she literally knows nothing about this, leave her alone
"The fuck you laughing for, you psycho??" Lan Jingyi, you are my favourite
"Those aren't actually those guys" "how can you tell?" "They beat me with their right hands ☺️🤭"
Nobody's questioning how the lunatic knows this stuff though
Bro tried to snatch his hair
"Guys, the evil thing is scared of talismans EVERYONE STRIP-" *proceed to tug off their outer robes in perfect unison*
Nice catch on behalf of the demon
Wei Wuxian is sooo plotting
"get up, whores, time to work"
LAN WANGJI!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can't tease me like that and go back to the fight
Cool fight though
Wei Wuxian jury fucking flicked some shit
"I know that magic anywhere, it's my BOYFRIEND HIDE"
Lan Wangji literally ascended from nowhere like Jesus
The way the juniors' faces all light up at the sight of him 😭
Those puppy dog eyes that Wei Wuxian is throwing at Lan Wangji are anything but straight
Nice hairpiece
I want a floating guqin that I can use to charm and get rid of evil things with :[
Stoooop "he's always dressed in white, like he's going to attend a funeral" AND THEN A CHEEKY GRIN
I just don't see how anyone could think they were ever straight
"Bitch give me that sword"
Wei Wuxian sneaking away
"Maybe the Yiling Patriarch didn't die!" and Lan Wangji's look is literally 'don't tease me like that'
"Eyo, where's Mo Xuanyu gone?"
Who's the hottie with the fan and can he teach me some moves?
Woooahhh, who could it be?
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I’m Yours!- Lady Lesso X EverTeacherFemReader!
Synopsis: You couldn’t hide anymore, you never wanted to hide to begin with.
Warnings: It’s a song fic (sorry?) but adjusted to fit, angst (with a happy ending of course), let me know if I missed any. Not proof read so I apologize for any errors.
Word Count: 1.3k
A/n: YAY! I’m so glad I finished this. This is shorter than I wanted it but I got it longer than I had it! Song is ‘Secret Love Song’ by Little Mix, and I used a sentence from ‘Secret Love Song pt.2’. I have a few more Lesso fic ideas, one in the works but I work full time AND I’m currently moving so, as of now there’s not a time guarantee for release.
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved.
Likes, comments, and reblogs are highly welcomed!
During the meeting about the joining of the schools, there was only one thing you could pay attention to. Only one person. And that was the Dean, not the Dean of your school though. No, there was something that only you and the Dean Of Evil knew. You and her knew that it wasn't allowed, that no one would approve, but that is what made the desire for each other even stronger than it was already.
You and Lady Lesso were together, or at least you thought you were. The way she would entirely disregard you when any one else was around had you wondering if the fact that you were an Ever professor was the reason, or something else. Sure, you knew that you couldn't be seen together in the way you want, you couldn't hold her the way you yearned to when you were outside of her quarters, but that didn't make it any easier.
Everybody was dismissed from the meeting, and you would've known that if you were paying literally any attention. You were so consumed with your thoughts that you hadn't even realized that you were the only one left in the room, everyone besides Dovey.
You heard some shuffling, "Y/n, what is going on? Something's been off with you."
You looked up from that, seemingly, interesting spot on the table to see that everyone else in the room had left. How had you not heard her cane or her heels as she left? Did Lesso even spare you a glance?
You didn't want to tell Dovey what was actually going on, you knew she wouldn't possibly understand, "Nothing, I'm fine."
"Come on, you can talk to me."
You sighed and the tears were instantly welling up in your eyes, "We keep behind closed doors and every time I see her, I die a little more."
Dovey's face shifted, no longer hiding the worry she had for you, "What are you-"
"The stolen moments that we steal will never be enough. Every second, every thought, we're in so deep but we'll never show it on our faces." You wiped the stray tear from your cheek.
"I don't, I don't understand..." You knew it.
You stood from your seat, just wanting this conversation to be over, "I know you don't, and you probably never will. I can't stop these silent tears from rolling down, she and I will have to hide on the outside, where I can't be hers and she can't be mine."
"Y/n, who? Who is this woman? I'm sure it's not truly like this." Dovey spoke softly, as if her sweet smile and wave of her hand would make it all better.
That. That is why you didn't want to talk with Clarissa about this. After all, she is practically the sole reason you have to hide your relationship. She’s the reason you can’t brag about your girlfriend, why you can’t show off your perfect Leo.
"We've got a love that is hopeless, and we both know that. Why can't she hold me in the corridors? Why can't I kiss her on the dance floor?" You remembered back to the spring ball, when Lesso explicitly said that any physical closeness wasn’t allowed in public.
A distinctive voice sounded from behind you, a voice you know well, "I wish it could be like that."
You turned around to be faced with the owner of the voice. Lady Lesso was standing just a few feet behind you in the doorway. Her face stoic, you saw through her though. You knew there was something deep within her that she wasn't ready to reveal.
Agitation joined your sadness when you wiped another tear, "Why can't we be like that? ‘Cause, I'm yours! I’m, yours…"
Lesso took a deep breath as she began walking towards you. Dovey became invisible the moment you two locked eyes, neither of you could care less if she witnesses this interaction, whatever this may turn out be. As she got closer to you, you saw the way she was truly feeling hidden deep within her eyes. You could see the longing in them, this was destroying her as much as it was you.
She reached out as if she wanted to touch you, but she stopped just shy of the skin on your upper arm, "I'm living for the day-"
A scoff escaped your lips before you could even think about stopping it, "Someday, right?"
"It's... Lady Lesso? That's who you were talking about?" You closed your eyes with a light groan, not bothering to turn towards the Dean Of Good.
"Yes, I was talking about my Leo." You opened yours eyes again, instantly entranced with the small smile Lesso had at the sound of her nickname on your tongue.
Dovey abruptly spoke up, "But- Nevers and Evers don't date! It's the biggest rule!"
"FUCK YOUR RULES!" You snapped as you turned back to face Dovey, you could tell your little outburst surprised both her and Lesso
"Why can't I say that I'm in love?! I wanna shout it from the rooftops!" You weren't sure what you were feeling. "I am so tired of hiding, I'm done with it. I won't hide us anymore. And I don't care what you say or what anyone else has to say."
You turned back to Lesso, letting yourself free of the binds that were constricting you both.
You placed your hand on Lesso's cheek, "It's obvious you're meant for me. Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly."
Something new glinted in her eyes and she didn’t waste any more time. One of her hands went to your waist and the other to your neck, pulling you into a kiss.
A kiss that shared all the emotions you two had felt. The longing, the anticipation, the love, the fear, all of it, you could feel it all.
You couldn’t help but pull her into you, wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her impossibly close. Everything but her left your mind, where you were, who all was there, it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter because you had your Leo.
Your lungs were burning with the need for air, only then did the two of you pull back from one another. Your foreheads rested together and you subtly began toying with the baby hairs on the back of Lesso’s neck. The moment was great and all-consuming, until it was forcefully broken.
Dovey had yet to wrap her head around this. One of her lovely Ever teachers and the Dean Of Evil? Together?
You should’ve expected this reaction, but it’s not the reaction you wanted.
“You two- for how long?” Lesso moved to face Dovey, unconsciously pulling you slightly behind her.
You weren’t sure why, but you liked how her protecting you became second nature to her. You both knew you could take care of yourself, but that doesn’t mean you didn’t like to be taken care of every once in a while.
“For about a year.” Lesso replied nearly stone cold, she already knew the kind of things Dovey had to say and she wasn’t having any part of that.
“That’s, that’s great!”
“What?” Both you and Lesso questioned simultaneously, not quite sure if you heard what you actually had.
“I said it’s great! This is perfect for the unification!” She clasped her hands together in front of her with delight.
Both you and Lesso kind of froze for a moment, before ultimately realizing that this just means you won’t have to deal with Dovey being down your throats, and maybe that you could start showing each other off more, well, just start.
Lesso leaned towards you just slightly, “I’m not even going to question it, let’s take it as our leave and go.”
You silently nodded in agreement. Just as Dovey opened her mouth to speak again, you and Lesso swiftly turned out of the room.
Your hand joined with hers as you walked the corridors, matching smiles on your faces, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tag List: @v3nusxsky @littledollll I’m sorry if I annoy you guys with tagging, it’s just that you two are 1) My favorite writing blogs and 2) My mutuals! I kind of just want you guys to have first dibs at reading :)
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theresawritesstuff · 1 year
12. It was perfectly normal to discuss a book they see at the bookstore with their friends, but it's definitely not normal to suddenly be interrupted by the author of said book
New York, 1973
"Okay girls, we've hit the modern stuff. Go nuts! Books are on me," Midge told the band of teenagers.
"Thanks for taking us shopping, Mama," Esther said, browsing through the biographies.
"Of course, sweetie! Always happy to help. Especially when it means dishing on backstage gossip in the name of academics."
"I still don't see why we can't do our report on you, Ms. Weissman," Audrey sighed.
Midge bit back a smile as Esther rolled her eyes. "Sorry, hun. I've been banned from any school related interviews. Esther and Ethan both agreed. I'm happy to pull favors with anyone I know who you might be interested in writing about though."
She heard her daughter make a sound of disgust as she pulled a book from the shelf. "Why did someone let Gordon Ford write a book? He doesn't even write his own show."
"He doesn't?" her friend Vivian wondered through her bubblegum.
"Most of these celebrity authors have ghost writers helping them," Midge informed her gently.
Vivian clicked her gum disapprovingly. "Well that's bogus."
"Yeah. If I have to write my own essays, so should they," Audrey agreed. "They're even getting paid for it!"
Midge chuckled. "That's the business kid."
"Here's someone who we know actually did the work at least."
Esther picked up a copy of a new book from the display table bearing a familiar face.
Vivian let out a giggle. "Oh my mom has the biggest crush on him!"
"Really?" Audrey wondered incredulously.
"What? He's cute in an older guy kind of way. Don't you think he's cute Ms Weissman?"
"I'd also be curious to hear the answer to that question."
They all turned to stare at the man in question smirking behind them as he leaned against a bookshelf.
"Not as cute as he thinks he is, but sure," Midge replied.
Lenny chuckled, coving his mouth with his hand just like he was always wont to do. "I'll take it."
*Hi Lenny."
"Hey Midge."
It had been so long since they'd last spoken, yet seeing him like this again made it feel like it had been no time at all. 
Her heart certainly flipped just the same.
"You look good," she commented casually.
He certainly looked healthier. Steadier. His eyes were brighter. Like a light that had been going out had been reignited.
He looked more like the Lenny she knew. The Lenny that lived in her memories.
It was a good look.
Lenny shrugged. "For an older guy."
"Oh my god," Vivian gawped, realizing who had overheard their conversation.
Esther looked between the two adults and began to steer her starstruck friends away, giving them some space to talk. "Hey let's go check the science fiction section and see if they've got any Ray Bradbury books on sale."
"Why?" Vivian wondered.
Audrey, catching the vibe, gave her a pointed look.
"Oh. Oooohhhh. Right."
Esther handed the copy of his memoir to her mother as they passed. "We'll just be back there, Mama. Nice seeing you, Lenny."
"You too, Esther," Lenny murmured, giving her a little wave.
With the teenage trio gone, the tension between them grew palpable, hanging in the silence.
"It is a nice picture," Midge said, noting the author's photo.
Lenny smiled softly. "Thanks. Kitty actually took it."
"She's got a gift."
"I certainly think so. Given what she had to work with."
Midge didn't take the bait to compliment him further.
"Esther's grown a lot since I've seen her last," He commented softly, sounding a bit melancholy.
She nodded in agreement.
"She really shot up last summer. Growing like a weed, that one."
"They always do, don't they?"
The conversation lulled again, but they held the other's gaze intently, that unspoken electricity still sparking between them.
Some things never change…
"How are you?" she asked genuinely after a moment.
He nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockers. "Good. I'm good. Doing a lot better. Here for a book tour."
"Oh well in that case, would you sign mine?" she teased lightly.
"Love to."
He stepped in closer to take the book from her hand, his fingers brushing hers on the pass.
"So, Ms Weissman…" he drawled, clicking his pen to scribble that illegible signature he was so proud of. "You didn't take the new husband's name? I saw the announcement you were engaged in the tabloids a while back."
Midge bit her lip, avoiding his eyes.
"Yeah I um… didn't go through with it after all."
"Why's that?" he asked, handing the book back but still hovering in her atmosphere.
"I just realized he didn't make me laugh as much as I would have liked," she answered.
She cleared her throat, brightening her expression. "Thanks. For the book. Can't wait to read it."
"Nice seeing you, Lenny."
"You too."
She turned to leave but heard him say 
"Are you doing anything later?"
She turned back, tilting her head coyly.
"Maybe. What did you have in mind?"
He gave her a hesitant shrug. "Just thought we could catch up a bit."
A part of her wanted to run. To hide from the pain of the past and let things be behind them.
But that part wasn't nearly as strong as the parts of her that missed him.
"I'd like that…"
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jenniquinn · 1 year
Tumblr media
Eddie Munson X Reader
After all Eddie has been through he thought he would never fall in love or even fall for someone period. But when you moved to Hawkins from West Virginia something changed. He was instantly drawn to you. He tried to deny the feelings but you would always be around. You heard people telling you to stay away from Eddie but you couldn't. It was like a magnet drawing you towards each other.
You also thought love would never happen. From the boys in your hometown telling you constantly n that no one would want to date a freak. I think that's what drew you more. Maybe it was those brown eyes you grew to love looking at or maybe it was when he would smile, which was sometimes rare it made your heart skip.
But you didn't listen to the town folk, you had to know him. You heard he played at the hideout so you went to watch. He saw you there, his heart fluttered. After the show you two meet at the bar. "We've not officially met I'm Y/N" you say extending a hand. He looks then takes it. It was like you both got shocked by lightning. "I'm Eddie" he tells you. "So Eddie" you say smiling "I wanted to tell you that you played an awesome show".
He blushes "thank you. That actually means a lot" he tells you. "So I'm new to town and the school what is there to do" you ask. He shrugs "nothing really unless you like D&D" he says and your hand grabs his. "What? there is a D&D club at Hawkins" you shout. He's confused but smiles at you.
"Wait so you play" he asks and you nod "level 13 wizard what about you" you ask him and his eyes widen. "I'm the dungeon master of course" he says and you laugh. "Of course you are". He looks at you amazed that someone like you plays the game. "Would you like to join a game, see if you would like to be in hellfire" he says and you tilt your head. "Hellfire" you ask confused.
"Oh sorry. Hellfire is the club name see" he points to his shirt. "If I join do I get one of those shirts" he nods "sweet I love it" your fingers trace this devil on the shirt and he swears his heart all but stops. Suddenly he gets self conscious "I'm surprised you are even talking to me" he says now you're confused and he continues.
"I'm the town freak, was wanted for murder" he finished and you tsk. "I know I'm friends with Steve he told me all about it. Told me not to listen to the folks here. Said they don't know the whole story. Besides it's not fun watching someone die in front of you". You two start walking outside. You shiver not only because of the breeze but of the memories "wait you've watched someone die" he asks and you nod.
"My boyfriend. We went out to the movies when this guy came up behind me and pointed a gun to my head. Trevor gave the car keys and his money. Even watch. He took my purse, then the guy starts to run away when he suddenly turns and shoots Trevor. All I could do was cry and scream as he died in my arms" you wipe your tears and continue.
"After three months in the psych hospital my parents sent me here to live with my aunt". Suddenly you are pulled into his arms. You relax "I'm so sorry" he says as you wrap your arms around his waist and cry. He has a hand around you and another in your hair. You cry but his arms make you feel better. It was at this moment you knew Eddie would be an important part of you.
He pulls away "I watched the girl I had a crush on die in front of me. I would tell you how but you'd think I was crazy" he says wiping your tears "try me" you say and he does. After everything it wasn't crazy. You always figured there were other worlds out there so it sorta made sense. "Can I drive you home" he asks and you nod. You give him your address and he looks at you. "You stay at the trailer park" he asks and you nod. "Max Mayfield is my cousin" he stares in awe. "I live basically next door" he says "I know" he looks at you.
"How do you think knew where you played. Steve couldn't remember. I will admit I heard you talking to your uncle and I had to go. I would also listen to you practice" you say then speak again. "I'm sorry that's totally stalkerish" "no it's ok" he starts "I've watched you around school and town" you smile at that.
"Would it be weird if I held your hand" he asks and you grab it. The drive to the trailer park is quit but that's ok. He parks in front of his then walks you to yours. "I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out sometime" he asks, you smile. "Like a date" you ask and he nods nervously. "Of course. I should head in. I had a really nice time" you say kissing his cheek walking inside. Maybe things were looking up you think smile. You go to bed dreaming of Eddie. Thankful you were plaqued with your reaccuring nightmare. He slept better than he had in months thanks to you.
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umbrellasareforever · 4 months
i get your dw feelings! ive been wondering/accusing myself of nostalgia, or if i just used to watch in a different way, if im too invested now, overscrutinising etc
but i feel you totally about the super clean feeling. i keep comparing ruby to rose bc the actresses were both 19, right? i keep trying to figure out if rose really looked more 'real' or if thats just nostalgia talking. maybe she read the same way to a 26 yo in 2005 as ruby does to me? maybe thats just how fashion goes? i dont know, but it all just feels too Pretty. grime it up
not like this isnt also true to an extent for other eras. i mentally grime up 13 a Lot, and like clara, or 12, or 10, or whoever, theyre all pretty, right? it's tv, and it's not grimy tv, of course theyre all gonna be made pretty! i already missed some of that lived-in-ness with 13s era but it feels even more sterile now
or maybe im just being nitpicky, like you said. ive been thinking about how the more time you spend thinking about something the more complaints youre gonna have, right? ive got more complaints about 13s era than i do........anything else ive ever watched maybe, but thats because ive spent so much time thinking about it because i love it, you know? it's kind of paradoxical
but i also totally feel you about wanting someone new. like every artist has their fixations their obsessions their things they make art about, and that develops also over the course of their life, im not saying rtd has uninteresting ideas when it comes to dw, but i do feel like we've kinda, you know, got the picture now. and i so desperately want to see what doctor who could become with some new artists with their own obsessions and experiences and visions at the helm, you know? i feel a little like ugh we've DONE this, even if we havent done literally exactly this bc rtd dw in 2005 is not the same as 20 years later, but like. some fresh blood you know? we've heard of these guys already, we've seen their visions. get someone new. do something completely bonkers and get a woman to run the show :P
idk, just wanted to say that. i feel you 🤝
Thank you so much for taking the time to say all this!! It feels nice to know I'm not totally alone or crazy!!
It really is hard, especially with RTD being back, to not fear that nostalgia is just taking over the brain and of COURSE we think about this damn show too much!! No doubt about it!
Which honestly does make me wonder how those who don't obsess think about this season so far; ohhh to look at things with fresh eyes...
Every time I think about bringing in fresh blood I think about Jamie Mathieson coming in and writing Mummy on the Orient Express, Flat Line, and Oxygen -- three of my all time favorite episodes of New Who -- and I'm like?? Where'd he go?? Those episodes were so wonderful and felt so fresh and I think about them so often?? Why is he not back??
But I also 10000000% agree that there's literally nothing stopping them from getting someone other than a white man to run the show. I promise you BBC, the world will not end!!
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anotherwvba · 11 months
By Blood or By Choice pt. 1
The gym was buzzing with excitement as Mika, Niki, and Cutie hustled around, making final preparations for the anime party that was set to start in a couple of hours. The atmosphere was electric, filled with the scent of snacks, the sound of anime theme songs playing softly in the background, and the sight of colorful costumes.
Cutie, dressed as Kamen Rider Kivaala, was meticulously arranging the seating area. Her helmet sat proudly on one of the ring aprons, almost as if it were watching her work fluffing pillows and arranging bean bags
"Ah, this is going to be so cozy!" Cutie exclaimed, fluffing up the last cushion.
"It sure looks it, Cutie! You've got the feng shui down," Mika called out, admiring Cutie's handiwork.
"Arigato, Mika-chan! I want everyone to feel relaxed while we geek out," Cutie smiled. “This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to see everyone's reactions to the anime lineup we've chosen."
Niki was knee-deep in cables and remotes, setting up the audio and video equipment, "Right? I've been looking forward to this all week. And these speakers are going to make everything sound epic!"
"How's the tech coming along?" Mika asked as she continued with her work..
"Almost there, just a few more tweaks. This setup is gonna be awesome," Niki assured, her eyes not leaving the screen she was calibrating. "Okay, HDMI goes here, and the sound system... there!"
Mika, decked out in her Sailor Moon cosplay, was unpacking an assortment of refreshments. She had a mix of typical snack foods like chips and pretzels, but also included some traditional Filipino snacks she had prepared herself. A variety of sodas and juices were neatly lined up on a table.
A whiff of a sweet treat caught Niki’s attention. “Mika— please, please tell me you made turons.”
"Oh yeah, girl! These snacks are going to be a hit, I can feel it!" Mika said as the delicious smells filled the gym.
Niki looked up from her tangle of wires. "Hey, speaking of hits, any news on Skye? That knockout from Reina last night was brutal."
Mika sighed, "Yeah, it was tough to watch. But Doc Wakada checked her out. No concussion, thank God, and he managed to set her broken nose. He says she’ll be clear to leave the infirmary by early afternoon and she said she'll be joining us later."
Cutie clenched her fists. "That Reina. She’s nothing but a cheat and a show-off. I can't wait to get my gloves on her."
Mika nodded, "Get in line, Cutie. I want a piece of her too, especially after those elbows and that headbutt. But let's focus on having fun today."
"You're right," Niki chimed in, "There’s no way we let her heinous highness ruin the mood today. Skye came out alright, proved she belongs here, and now she’s officially on the WVBA roster. If we weren’t already having a party, I’d say we should throw one!"
Just then, the gym doors creaked open, and Bald Bull's head popped in. "Is okay to come in?" he asked in his broken English.
Cutie smiled, "Yo, Bull-san! Come on in!"
Bald Bull stepped inside, revealing his cosplay outfit. He was dressed as Bright Noah from Mobile Suit Gundam. Both Mika and Niki's eyes widened in surprise. "Everyone, this is Bald Bull," Cutie introduced. "Bull, this is Star Mika and Niki Binary,” Cutie said before cutting her eyes back to her friends, “And I told you he loves Gundam!"
Mika's eyes sparkled as she gushed. "Oh my gosh, your cosplay is amazing, Bull! You’ve nailed Bright Noah!"
Niki, still a bit intimidated, shuffled her feet. "Uh, hi...nice to meet you."
Sensing her discomfort, Bull smiled and tried to reassure her. "Is okay, no need to be scared. I not bite."
"Thanks, Bull. It's just, you're a legend, and it's a bit overwhelming," Niki admitted.
The big Turkish boxer rested a hand on Niki’s shoulder, “Not legend. Just boxer, like you.”
Niki looked away, humbled that Bald Bull would say they were alike. 
"So, Bull, excited for the party?" Mika asked, trying to keep the conversation flowing.
"Very much. Love anime," Bull replied. "Can I help?"
"Actually, yes. I could use some help setting up the tables for the refreshments," Mika grinned, grateful for the extra pair of hands.
As Bull and Mika moved to set up the tables, Niki finally untangled the last wire and plugged it in. "Alright, I'm ready to test the audio and video. Fingers crossed, everyone!"
Just as she said that, the gym doors swung open again. This time, two people walked in, uninvited guests, a young brown-haired man dressed as Link and a young blonde woman as Princess Zelda.
"Hey, is this where the party's at?"
Mika's eyes widened, her mouth falling open in sheer delight and surprise.
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Actual thing that happened in my head/silly (this is long too sorry) (Also important context X is like. Me but different. None Orchid left X/silly)
X: Hey. O: Hey X: I KNEW this was gonna happen. O: What? What do you mean, you knew this was gonna happen? I'm TELLING you- look, i'm... I like everything, i'm a great cool. I feel a good, but you make me angry! O: Why, because I don't have my fucking passport? Is that what this- X: No! You remember...? The first time we met... you walk in, i'm on my shift and you come in, and you got a dick slip in your H.E.V. suit. And I tried- I tried to stop you- O: What? X: I tried to tell you! I was stopping you, I was going 'hey, yo dick out.' but you didn't-... I was tryna be nice, and then you were talkin' to my friend, J-Jefferemm and you're telling him like 'awwww I don't have my passport BLEUH, MNEEUGH' but- and he was so upset, he has anger issues, I was gonna protect you from him, we were- I was gonna be NICE to you. Remember that? O: Yeah, and then you contradicted yourself almost immediately, I didn't say shit to you, you immediately started attacking me! And you just harassed me- X: No! That's just my job! O: To do what, what is your job? What is this!? Where the fuck are we!? X: I mean, if there's a dick-, if, y'know, someone's dick out on the job, I gotta stop em'. O: What are you on about? What!? X: You don't remember? O: My dick has not been out all day! X: No, no! Like, the first time we met. O: Yeah, in fucki- before the test? X: What test? O: What does this have to- I don't understand, I don't- X: LISTEN! I had a whole thing planned at the end of my shift, me and my friend, gonna go home, we were so close to clocking out, and then you show up, dick out, ruining shit... And we're- we were gonna go home, and play- oh I got Playstation THREE we've both got Playstation Plus, one month. And... I got Heavenly Sword, new game out. Heavenly Sword is NOT a rip-off of God of War. O: Okay. Yeah. Hap- uhhh-, Heavenly Sword was gonna be the new Halo for Sony. O: What are you talking about!? What does this have to do- X: And it was gonna be GREAT. There was gonna- Heavenly Sword was gonna have DLC where you could have sixty people in one server! Throwing fraaags n' shit. O: Okay. Okay. Okay. X: And you ruined that! You ruined that! And now I have to go ask everyone at my job- it's embarrassing to ask for a free month of Playstation Plus cuz' I couldn't go home and play with my friend. You know how s- How sucks that is for me? Bro!? O: ...No. X: It's REALLY annoying! And then I have to go home, and I- I load up YouTube Yownloader to look up Heavenly Sword videos cuz' I can't DO IT because you RUINED it cuz I couldn't go to the GameStop and get it from my friend Josh who's the cashier. O: How do I factor into this!? I don't- What do you mean, the dick slip- X: You walked with your dick out and ruined the whole night! O: HOW DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH FUCKING ANYTHING!? X: My friends are here. *Gestures to the irredeemables* These are the people I met online when I had PlayStation Plus. SONY CEO JACK TRETTON SURVIVED A NUCLEAR- A NUCLEAR BOMB! O: What...? What? Should we shu- should we X: SONY CEO JACK TRETTON HIRED- uh- NINTENDO CEO REGGIE and they built a big BOMB that was gonna go off... but I saved the world! O: Should we stop him? Should we just start shooting at him? I don't know, it's not gonna do- Delta: NO! NO! Let hi- Let- We need to understand! O: I don't understand a damn- X: So I didn't, I didn't have a big plan! I was 'sposed to be nice but you forced me to be BAAAAD so I gonna be baad. O: How did I force you- X: Friend. O: How did I force... X: The- The big plot is slowly unraveling before our eyes O: What is he- What is happening to him? Omega: I can feel a change in his DNA! X: BBBBBB O: He's d- WHOA! X: Welcome
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