dcviated · 2 years
@booksilent continued from here
Even if she didn't believe him, the fact that Roland was willing to face her and at the least not dismiss the efforts outright was better than nothing! Sometimes those first steps are so itty bitty you might as well be a caterpillar. Malkuth knew what that felt like sometimes. There'd be room for melancholy with the sentiment if Roland hadn't just made the funniest face she'd seen in a long time.
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"AHAHAHA! Oh gosh your face, Roland~! You looked so funny. I guess it was too much for you, huh? Some of the sweet scents can be really potent. You sure learned your lesson on that! Okay okay. But-- yeah. There you go." Malkuth looks quite happy to be sharing the candles with someone new to the idea.
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"That one is blueberry. If you want something warmer like baked goods then you can try this peach cobbler next. Do I have anything vanilla? Hmmm!" As more candles are set out for Roland to inspect Malkuth goes back to her enthusiastic rummaging. Sorted as they may be, specifics were still a challenge.
"Give me more ideas!"
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zero-inspiraton · 2 years
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“Well...this place sure has a weird vibe to it.” The monkey would comment as he finds himself in a strange archive of some sort. A massive library, but one that stank of magic, and a kind of magic he was completely unfamiliar with. Every bone in his body screamed caution, to run from the completely strange place, but his curiosity was just as strong. Between the two, curiosity won.
He would begin walking around the place, looking around at everything and taking in the sight, recording every single detail in his mind, in the off chance he would need it for an emergency. There was no level of caution too great in the unknown. If that was paranoia, then it was a good way to stay alive.
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recklessinventor · 2 years
starter | @booksilent​
“You keep mentioning a library... and I would really like to visit it, if I can. The book you have is fascinating...”
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Jeff’s long given up trying to explain all the fantastical things he’s seen (particularly in the Smash Brothers Tournament) with science, and at this point just would love to explore its powers.
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tvstarkuma-a · 2 years
@booksilent​ said: [ Aelia ] "I would still like to hug a bear...." :(
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What’s this? A kind soul ready to comfort a sad bear? Aelia might be a stranger, but she’s probably a kind person if she enjoys the pure goodness of hugging cute bears. Teddie quickly extended both of his soft arms toward Aelia and walked over to prime hugging distance.
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“Go ahead! Teddie hugs are available 24 hours a day 365 days a year!” 
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monmuses · 2 years
“ i can’t keep running. ” [ Aelia @ Ana. 👏 I wish to cause problems on purpose ]
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     Swiftly, the masked vigilante had hid the said child under her cloak, hiding near a few dusty pillars. She went on another mission as Shrike, but was caught by the police force much more faster than unexpected, and through it all, a stranger was caught in the fray of her escape. Gently, she brought a finger to give a gentle ‘shhh’.
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     “You do not need to keep running,” she spoke gently. “Stay with me. I will bring you to safety, little one. Stay quiet, and hide under my cloak for a moment. Let them pass... all will be alright.”
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jestersclowns · 2 years
booksilent asked:
Icons only Argalia spending time with his niece :)
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jesterofinaba · 2 years
( Aelia ) 🖍 she doodles copper and roland being friends🥺
platonic prompts
"Oh, is this for me?"
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Adachi looks down from his paperwork at Roland's daughter. Aelia had tagged along while her father was at work today, but Roland had to attend an interrogation to see if he could help get a witness to crack, so Adachi had taken on babysitting duty. It had reminded the detective a lot of when his own daughter was around Aelia's age, working in comfortable silence while she read or drew or played with stuffed toys.
The girl had been drawing on one of Adachi's legal pads with a few blue and black pens he'd found when she lifts up the pad to show him. It included figures clearly made to represent Roland and himself, smiling and holding hands.
Adachi couldn't help his touched smile.
"That's really good, kid. You've gotta show that one to your old man. I think it'd make him cry tears of happiness."
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cflight · 2 years
[ Aelia ] "I've done a lot of studying... like I know that sunflowers can mean loyalty and adoration!"
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"What?! No way!" Ekira gasped, leaning close to meet Aelia's gaze. They knew that sunflowers were, if not their most favorite kind of flower, but to know they had meanings, to them, too?! That just made them love them more!
"Are there any other meanin's for sunflowers? Why do they get so big--" they gasped, placing their hooves on their cheeks. "Does this mean there are other flowers that have meanin's to 'em, too?!"
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dinomites · 1 year
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ooc: I feel like I should throw this out. For my projomoon fellas... you don't really have to follow the whole 'there's a child in the library' sort of deal. I can just write Roland like uh 'my kid is dead :(' if that's how you vibe. tbh I'm just more likely to write aelia's existence because man... didn't expect interest when I introduced her when they were on booksilent.
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wonderalmighty · 2 years
"Didn't you lose to Buddha?"
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“Pfffft semantics~”
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dcviated · 2 years
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@orderbourne @prinzessins @booksilent @psychcdelica
but why gun when big sword that talks to you sometimes?
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thebreakfastmuses · 2 years
What form of love do you embody?
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love as being known
[ love is knowing all of someone and loving them anyway ] when tim kreider said "if we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known" and when joe wright said "The idea that these two people know each other, knew each other when they first saw each other. That they recognized each other from their future" and when micah nemerever said "it was a relief and a horror to be known so perfectly"
tagged by: @boomermania
tagging: @psychcdelica , @booksilent , @orderbourne , @remunporium
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sercphs-a · 2 years
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@booksilent​ asked:
There's a child... looking at Kevin... cautiously...
        The Flame Chaser isn’t exactly what someone would call ‘good with children,’ as per his experience with Grieso. Trying his best was all he could do for it, but at the end of the day he was simply too stiff around children.
               So why, exactly, was there a monochromatic child staring at him?
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ralph-with-coffee · 1 year
blinking my eyes a few timesat this small yellow lamp lightquietly shining on my desksolely in the dark of my room.a picture of an old manon the cover of a thick black booksilently gazes at me in agonythere is silenceexcept for the humming of the ACand the sound of cars zipping byin silence, all these exist 6.19.2023
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Fighting God Meme (Stole it from @booksilent​ )
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There’s just maniacal laughter in the distance from Enzo about this.
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aplushemporium · 2 years
@booksilent​ liked this post (x) for a starter!
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“Aelie! Aelie, fuwa!”
The little puffball was trying to find one Aelia, the girl who found her here! By some unknown means, the puffball’s book ended up in the library, and the child found it so now the creature viewed that child as a ‘master’ of sorts.
However, she wasn’t paying mind to who might catch her in the library...
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