#also monstrous entities to infuse yourself with
dcviated · 2 years
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@orderbourne @prinzessins @booksilent @psychcdelica
but why gun when big sword that talks to you sometimes?
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thefairyletters · 4 years
Could you answer this question? I went through a bunch of Sakura fics, many recommended by yourself (many good ones, thanks for your excellent taste!) but I also explored on my own, which is how this question spurred. I was wondering why so many ppl want Sakura to have wood release? &, because it's been a while so my memory's foggy, wasnt wood release sort of a bloodline thing? They had to infuse Hashirama's cells w/ Yamato for him to use it. It seems a little...I guess radical to give it to her? I LOVE Sakura, which is exactly why it kind of throws me off. I think she's already strong as is, & I think being able to utilize genjutsu & slug sage mode are logical expansions of her abilities, so wood release seems very...Idk how to put it but it seems like erasing Sakura. I'm discovering that I truly really dont think I like BAMF Sakura fics a lot bc it just doesnt read AS Sakura. It's like the author's are ashamed of her. Also I dislike when they use Strong!Sakura as a tag on ao3 bc she IS strong that HASNT changed & there's a canonical version of BAMF!Sakura in everything before the Pein arc. Everything after the Pein arc turned the entire series in a bad fanfiction for everyone in itself.
Thank you, I'm happy to know you enjoyed my recs!
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That's a good question.
This is what I think makes Sakura badass ➡ here
I love Sakura the way she is, as well. Her development, however, is lacking not in terms of her personality but her skillset. She has impressive chakra control, monstrous strength and is one of the two frontline medics and one of the best healers in the world. She has impressive feats under her belt as well, two of the most remarkable include her byakugo seal and her fight with Sasori alongside Chiyo. But it pales in comparison to her teammates, including Sai and Kakashi. I don't mind that too, because her journey is different than others, excluding Lee and possibly Tenten. She isn't seen much involved in fights, her attacks are repetitive in the show, she isn't bestowed many techniques under her belt and her best moments are in games and novels. It is not her character's fault but Kishimoto who just doesn't use her strength and intelligence which he (and other characters) have mentioned she has.
She is genjutsu type – but has she ever performed one, or even gotten out of one easily? Whats the use of such information if Kishimoto doesn't use it?
She has near perfect chakra control – she should be easily able to perform many techniques and practice different elements, especially water, but earth style and cloning is what we mostly ever see her use.
She has good foundation in Taijutsu – and that should increase her stamina and therefore her chakra coils, and that in turn will ensure she is able to use many techniques.
Her medical and research skills are only next to Tsunade – and we wish to see her revolutionize the medical field which she has but in Borutoverse. That is time skip. That doesn't really relive you much.
She has resistance to mind jutsus, thanks to her inner personality – and theoretically she should be able to even evade strong genjutsus like she did Ino's clan technique (something never been done before) but Kishimoto only used that incredible ability once. ONCE.
She has massive chakra storage and exceptional chakra control and sensitivity – she should be able to master Senjutsu, a field which is all about chakra. Anything that has to do with chakra control is Sakura's playground.
She is more or less an unofficial poison expert – but we didn't see her playing with poison expertly (a poison that even Suna's poison experts failed to break) after Gaara's retrieval arc.
She is the smart and responsible one of team 7 – but Kishi often makes her look both stupid and selfish. We don't see her use her intelligence much. I hate that more than her lacking in the expansion of the skills.
She trained under a political leader – that itself makes her and Shizune great administrators and governors. So, out of everyone, Sakura is the one of the best Hokage material. Hokage is said to be the strongest fighter of the village but that requirement failed us when Tsunade became the fifth Hokage.
She has yin seal – the strongest seals one can make, in their own body no less. It also shows her expert control of her chakra. She can summon one of the big 3 summons. Sealing is more or less code that requires high intelligence and great chakra control that can be fused into the ink. As far as I can tell, she is one of the best candidates to learn Fuinjutsu.
With all these possibilities of her growth – because it is not something we make up but something Kishi has implied she has but never explored – how can one not exploit it? It doesn't mean one doesn't love Sakura for who she is but that its because they love her that they want to give her what she has the right to. She doesn't have to be expert at something to be powerful, just her putting her skills to best use is admirable as it is. I love Sakura for who she is and who she could be.
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Now, onto the question as to why people seem to favour giving Sakura wood release, this are the following reasons that I think could be it:
Does it have to be bloodline limit?
Kishimoto gave Hashirama a unique bloodline limit that apparently cannot be inherited by any other Senju. That defeats the purpose of bloodline limit. What makes Senju clan so different? Without Hashirama in the picture, you cannot distinctly identify a Senju clan member aside from their strong chakras. Tobirama is identified for his water techniques. Tsunade has perfect control of her chakra that allowed her to exhibit monstrous strength and incredible healing abilities. How come wood release is a bloodline limit but is not passed down the line?
It is complicated because Tsunade is also renowned for her perfect chakra control just like Hashirama. So, some stories make Sakura a secret Senju clan member because of her uncanny resemblance to Tsunade and Senju clan in general. Pink hair can be a diluted version of Red (Mito) and her chakra control originating directly from Hashirama's lineage.
I personally don't like this because I love Sakura being a civilian child.
It's not a bloodline limit:
So, assuming wood release is not a bloodlimit but a very hard technique requiring precise chakra control and mastery of dual elements Earth and Water, then it is possible for Sakura to practice same technique because of her prodigious chakra control. By that logic, we can also assume that Tenzo inherited Hashirama's unique chakra control to use wood release. Because Orochimaru could have used Tsunade's DNA too if it was only about clan blood. So that rules out bloodline limit.
I love the idea of Sakura practising wood release because it is possible for her to do so. So if an author gives Sakura wood release that she hones with practice and control (ref. fanfic: Labyrinthine) instead of having been gifted with it, I'm digging it.
Nature chooses the wood user:
Naruto universe has many references to spiritual entities such as gods/goddesses, reincarnation and celestial bodies. It is conceivable to make nature an ethereal entity that has its own will. Sakura looks like the embodiment of spring with her petal hair and green eyes, and Hashirama can be compared to wood with his warm personality and appearance, these attributes can make them look distinctly attractive to nature. No other characters remind me strongly of nature than these two so I suppose they can be uniquely selected to be blessed this ability. Tenzo's abilities is the result of human experiment by Orochimaru who always cheats on nature so he is an exception.
I only like this because I like the idea of Sakura being Nature's child.
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Most stories that I love don't give her a special edge and only give her more techniques under her arsenal. It is very rarely that I love an OCC Sakura who has a bloodline, a clan or godlike abilities.
After Pein's arc, Naruto turned into a joke. Everyone in team 7 (barring Sakura, Sai and Yamato) and long list of antagonists seemed to get power ups left and right. Sakura got hers in the last moment as a last ditch effort to reunite team 7 as one, a moment that felt so hasty that I couldn't take the show seriously at all. I was so disappointed with the whole war arc. I cringe just thinking about it. I sometimes think if it would have been better for everyone to just die with happily ever after in their mind. That would be tragic but a fitting end because Madara became too OP and Kaguya ridiculously so.
The reason people add 'Strong', 'BAMF', 'Smart' prefixes before Sakura is the reason why people add extra qualities to Sakura's character. They are not satisfied with how Sakura handles herself in fights and many base her fights with the one she had with Sasori. After that, did you see her actively participating in any major fight, barring her attempts to make a score on sidelines? Usually, these fanfictions also justify why she is Tsunade 2.0, something the Naruto failed to show.
By the way, many stories have BAMF tag for Shikamaru, Naruto and Sasuke as well. Are they not already strong af? They don't use Strong tag for them though, and that's because their fighting prowess is already seen. Shikamaru is not much of a fighter as much as he is a strategist and a leader. He is a cool and sly character. Naruto and Sasuke have flashy moves with flashy names under their belt with absurd power levels that puts them in god tier. Sakura has none of that – no signature move that is uniquely her, no clan to back her, no move with a name (barring game moves) – and she is seen useless because she is a healer which is a non-offensive, background job even if it is the most crucial and taxing job. It's significance is even more reduced when people point out how her work is futile because they are again sent to the fight/missions once they are up to go. Most fans only care for visual aesthetics, regardless of how rare and in-demand medics are because of the lack of qualified people who can muster and use medical chakra properly.
Sakura is more than just a healer but in canon she is more or less reduced to that. To make things worse for her, both Ino and Hinata are also shown to have healing techniques. They both also have clan techniques (vastly unknown) with them which makes them appear more 'useful'. Sakura is literally in the shadow of her mentor and her friends.
In Boruto, she is said to be the most powerful Kunoichi of her generation and quite possibly the greatest medic in the world but in Shippuden it is severely undermined. This is also why Boruto fans love Sakura but a bunch of Shippuden fans don't.
I mostly don't judge BAMF/Strong Sakura fanfictions, but I mostly avoid Anbu Sakura fanfictions if I can because I personally don't belive Sakura to be an Anbu material.
I want to add more, but I think I got my point across. Thank you for reading this far. I hope I answered your question adequately.
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helltore-a · 6 years
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VERSE / * GOD IN A LOVER WHO LOVES LIKE RELIGION. AGE: 38 - 39 ( may vary depending on plot ) INSP.: spn lore , greek myth , christian lore continual wip !
          As far as he can remember ,  he can do things unimaginable ,  an invisible force and a heavy influence on mortals’ lives ,  as long as he is empowered with their faith.  He is a god born from ashes, smoke and heat ,  created by the universe to balance peace with chaos as he is embodied with a human soul infused by cosmic powers governing war ,  passion ,  personal will ,  justice and righteousness and warriors ,  but it doesn’t mean that he is bound to The Darkness and her destructive tendencies  ( however, it is obvious that she favors him out of her brother’s creations as the first hybrid of an immortal and a mortal ; a half god developed to be as powerful as one ).  Many call him Ares ,  Mars ,  Horus and even likened him to Michael the Archangel ,  but he chose to reside as he is called by his first human mother , as Dean Winchester who is born as a human entity as the first in millennium . . .  
     In the beginning ,  the universe is Empty.  Out of this void born Darkness and Light ,  who became the two primary forces that began the balance of everything.  Light ,  who is more unique than his sister and predecessor ,  created life --- he created different worlds ,  creatures and environments.  Darkness ,  who cannot understand what her brother does ,  continuously ruins and destroys because that’s what she only knows.  Because of this ,  Light created his fiercest , monstrous ,  winged forces to lock Darkness away.  He entrusted the First Curse to his lieutenant ---  the Morningstar ---  but the curse corroded him when the Light ,  named himself as God ,  created his finest and best masterpiece:  the mortal ,  fragile ,  imperfect humans.
     There waged another clash this time ,  of God against his traitorous favorite eroded by the Darkness’ influence ,  where heaven and hell brought the battlefield on Earth.  Leviathans ,  God’s first monsters of the sea clad in his sister’s essence ,  were unlocked by the Morningstar to wipe out humanity.  As his last effort to lock these monsters away into another dimension called Purgatory where lost souls go if not The Empty ,  God rally the angels and the loyal mortals he blessed as Saints to vanquish the demons into hell and Leviathans in the Purgatory.  
     And the rest is history.    
     Millions and millions of years passed.  Empowered with God’s greatest gifts of faith and free will ,  the remaining adrenaline rush from defeating evil became a signal for humanity’s greatest downfall ,  due to the persistent evil that roamed the lands even if God locks the Gates of Hell because without a hint of Darkness ,  Light cannot exist.  The humans were destroying themselves ;  civilizations crumble ,  families fought ,  the entire species are killing themselves out of malice ,  hatred ,  temptation.  Aggression is affected by free will ,  and though God can influence the hearts and minds of his children ,  it was too much for him and his breaking heart.  
          -----  And so ,  he decides to conceive the embodiment behind their ideals and use him as humanity’s general guardian and guide to use the gifts they are given for goodness.  This entity who has the power of an Archangel’s level is the symbol of humanity’s strength and weakness ;  upon birth ,  he cried out to God of the pain , suffering ,  exhaustion that humans felt because of their indifference with each other and because of God’s remaining divine power in the first generation who helped defeated evil.  Most became tyrants who were later corrupted by the Morningstar’s first sins and the sins of their parents before them ,  and the rest of the people are oppressed and powerless.
     God gave them the power to fight ,  but not as physical as their ancestors ;  for he has seen his early creations to be weak in the mind over time that they became prideful.  As aggression and pain born of people’s voices is shaped by the power of their beliefs ,  God created the concept of  “ Decanum ”  ( leader in Latin ,  his favored holy language )  to name him.  Thus ,  a minor god is born is to oversee and redirect  “ rebellions ” in the correct path ,  make sure it’s not against God or heaven ,  or end in the destruction of humanity.
     As people developed the power to differentiate right from wrong and do what they need to overthrow injustice ,  their beliefs and ideals became numerous ,  creative and colorful ;  Decanum became what they needed him to be.  He is Ares for the Greeks ,  Mars for the Romans ,  Horus for the Egyptians ,  and even likened to the Heavenly Host when the Renaissance happened.
      Time is relative.  Though linear ,  he must always check the correct flow of human beliefs throughout history ,  so that a peaceful future may prevail.  That is until different religion systems created minor deities besides from his own God ,  making it complicated for him to do his duty.  The humans soon diverted away from God and that’s when God decided to leave them alone to be independent ,  but not entirely when he sends Decanum to the mortal plane so he can be God’s stand - in besides from the neutral - assigned angels.  Because he is the closest to humans ,  he knows them best as God does.
     So ,  in the 24th of January 1979 ,  “ Dean ”  is born to the Winchesters.  He is the first divine intervention given free will and a mortal vessel to continue and maintain God’s vision.
Meeting the Darkness ,  the Morningstar ,  Heavenly Host and God.
Time travel AUs ,  featuring Greek Myth AUs !
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                                               QUICK STATS !
MORTAL NAME:   Dean Winchester.
DEITY NAME:   Decanum ,  Dekanos
ALIGNMENT:   Chaotic Neutral ,  in the interest of Good ,  but may be swayed to Evil.
BEHAVIOR:  Almost the same as he is in canon ,  except he’s more reflective and calculative ,  but it depends on what ideal he is representing at the moment.  He uses Winchester’s behavior up front as his own ,  preferred to have an identity rather than signifying every belief out there and losing his own distinctiveness.  He can also manipulate his behavior / form / approach into what people want to see him as since he is literally the embodiment of their beliefs and ideals ;  as if a shapeshifter ,  but he only does that in their minds.
GOD OF:   war ,  soldiers ,  passion ,  righteousness & justice ,  compassion ,  second chances.  
ASSOCIATED WITH:    The power to aid people in times of distress and low spirits. Summon or call him with a plea to give you strength during whatever challenge you face ,  and he is always responsive by sending a burst of courage and determination ,  of guts and confidence to give a drive to your heart. to give an unwavering resolve to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to reach the goal you set upon yourself.  He is able to provide a BATTLE CRY to call upon the rawest energy and adrenaline resting within one’s soul.
SACRED PLANTS:    sunflowers ( power, positivity, loyalty, adoration ) ,  marigold ( despair and grief over loss of love, cruelty and coldness due to jealousy, sacred offering, promotes good and cheerful relationships ) ,  chicory ( removing obstacles, invisibility, favors, frigidity ) ,  acacia (endurance, protection from spirits, immortality, devotion ).
SACRED STONES / GEMS:   crystal quartz ( draws off negative energy and amplifies the effect of other crystals ; balances all planes and enhances psychic abilities ) ,  citrine ( life giving, energizing, new beginnings, personal will, creativity ),  diamond ( perfection, protection, strength, victory ).
SACRED ANIMALS:   squirrel. lion. phoenix.
COLORS:    red ,  black ,  green.
FOOD:    This god appreciates anything the summoner is able to give ,  but preferably desserts or sweets, usually baked and forged from wheat and apples. He is also pleased if there is any alcohol included in the package. 
SCENTS:    cinammon ,  leather ,  smoke ,  gasoline.
ACCEPTED OFFERINGS / WAYS TO HONOR:    Usually ,  the god doesn’t accept offering from those who wanted his guidance for evil.  The offerings range from food, jewelry and anything the summoner wanted for Dean to lay his mojo on for the summoner to wear or carry.  Besides from offerings, he prefers prayers more than the physical substance.  The god is very responsive and will never ignore a follower in need.  He will send his armies and power to overcome whatever it is his follower is facing.
SKILLS:    He can use God’s powers at his disposal ,  but limited.  Like God , he cannot control humans ,  but influence them though more so than him since he is belief himself ,  formed from humanity’s collective ideals of free will.  Has access to powers described by any religion that honored him as a respective counterpart concept of their ideals.  
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zhannabelle-eng · 4 years
How to get rid of the spirit of trauma?
Interview with Zhannabelle
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The Universe provides each of us with everything necessary to become healthy, happy, successful and loved. We have it in us originally. But most of the time it is as if something prevents us from fulfilling our predestination and revealing our abilities. So why does not everyone can become happy? Zhannabelle will answer the question in this article.
- Zhannabelle, let us start with the main question: what prevents us from being happy?
Zhannabelle: Basically we are disturbed by the influence of the spirit of trauma. 
All of us are gifted with unique talents and skills since birth. There are a lot of them in us.  It's a really proven fact - the universe is designed in such a way that it never deprives any of its children. It is us who reveal the minimal amount of all our talents.
Some people might compose beautiful poems in their spare time (but keep it a secret!). Others grow incomparable flowers in their garden (any communication with the plant world is a special gift from the Higher Powers). Still others draw beautifully (but do it for their own pleasure). 
These unique talents, which we usually designate as hobbies, can be improved. New, no less wonderful abilities, can be also revealed. 
- For some reason, we don't do that...
Zhannabelle: Suppose you are going to present your business project, demonstrate a presentation or ask your boss for a new position. Your hands start shaking, your heart is sinking and you can't squeeze a single word out of yourself. It's a fear. 
Or a girl, coming back home from school, shares happily with her parents her success at math class, excellent grades, or just a story about an interesting day. But her mother is busy doing her house chores, her father can't get away from the football match on TV, and the child is just being given up. The girl locks up in her room. That's resentment.
Or a woman waits for her loved one after work. And he doesn’t come back for long. The woman starts to suspect him of cheating! That's when her chosen one is having fun with another woman. The woman's blood pressure rises, she has tachycardia and dizziness, she gets sick, even physically. That's jealousy.
Or you get a tempting offer, any kind of it. You could be offered a promotion or a marriage. But this event, one way or another, will involve a major change in your fate. You may have to change your place of residence or even your country, learn something that you have never done before.
It's very difficult for you to decide whether to agree or not. You're try to play for time and.. a wonderful perspective eventually passes by and someone else gets it. 
It's a doubt.
All these situations and the feelings they cause are just variations of one single phenomenon - the spirit of trauma. It is he who fills your consciousness with various suspicions, uncertainty, who takes away your life force. 
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- Where does this spirit of trauma come from and why is it dangerous?
Zhannabelle: The spirit of trauma is specific features of our environment and they are transmitted to us. For example, if you are surrounded by rough people, hustlers, you will become the same. If your parents didn't show a special love for you, you will surely be indifferent to your children as well. If your mother tortured herself with being jealous all the time, you’ll be jealous too.
Have you noticed that the spirit of trauma is like an infectious disease?
Someone coughed next to you, and you have a high fever and a runny nose at once. The difference is that the spirit of trauma is not a physiological manifestation. It's an energy component. It affects our emotional state. If someone next to us starts hysterics and fighting, we also start having temper tantrum and quarrelling.
- So what's the big deal if I scold my cat for misbehavior? Or I say something rude to someone who pushed me on the subway. It happens to everyone...
Zhannabelle: Don't you forget that the spirit of trauma is like an infection. When you get influenza, for example, it is unlikely that your body is able to function normally. You have headaches, weakness, you drop off. 
The same way the spirit of trauma prevents the realization of your predestination, revelation of your talents and abilities. It prevents you from becoming rich, successful, happy.
It is the cause of all your problems at work or in business, constant quarrels with your husband and children, general condition and health problems. The spirit of trauma blocks all the unique abilities that the universe gave you at birth! The more influence the spirit of trauma has on you, the less chance of discovering your talents you have. You will not have a free minute to write poems, because you haunt your cat with a duster in your hands or torment the phone, calling your chosen one, who had just stayed late at work!
- What should we do then?
Zhannabelle: What do you do when you get the flu? Start treatment, of course! There are various ways to get rid of the spirit of trauma. First of all, you should seek help from someone with superpowers. A normal person will not be able to cope with this spirit. It penetrates deeply into our consciousness and there literally absorbs into your energy.
- We know that you are this special person, Zhannabelle. How do you help at this stage?
Zhannabelle: Higher powers have given me the unique ability to see the spirit of trauma, to communicate with it and to clean aura of a person. Therefore the most effective option will be to sign up for an individual consultation with me. I will carry out a special diagnosis of your Aura and perform a ritual of purification, create a protective cover for you. And I'll pick a magical amulet with a guardian spirit it is that protects against disease and misfortunes, guiding your mind and intuition in the right direction. 
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- What about our environment? After all, people around us will continue to show aggression and negativity.
Zhannabelle: Well, the principle of infection control also applies here - you just have to isolate yourself from such people.
Avoid the infected ones, reduce communication with them. Their nervous system is already poisoned by the spirit of trauma, which means they can infect you too. 
Naturally, if the source of the negative is in your family, it is difficult to avoid communication with those you love. The rule of stalking will help you in this case. This is the art of gentle conflict avoidance. I explain how it works in detail at my seminars.
I recommend turning for help to the Higher Powers in the most difficult problems, which arise due to the spirit of trauma. For this purpose, I conduct retreats at the Places of Power. Their incredible energy gives an opportunity to conduct energetic practices and rituals on a different spiritual level, to fill the aura with the most powerful infusions of energies. 
Journey to the Places of Power with me cleanses aura, changes the destiny, reveals talents and even superpowers.
- Is it possible to get rid of the spirit of trauma independently?
Zhannabelle: Of course! It's not easy, but where there is a will, there is a way! You can start getting rid of the spirit of trauma right now. For this, I recommend a special ritual "Circle of protection against the spirit of trauma ". In order to protect the subtle energy bodies from the penetration of evil entities, you need to create 7 spheres. Each of them will be the embodiment of a part of your life. 
Immunity and health.
Feminine power and intimate relationships.
Material well-being: income, career and success.
Love and friendship, charity.
Talents, creativity, skills.
Intuition and willpower. 
Special closeness to the Higher Powers that help us and protect our lineage.
Performing this ritual, rub your palms 7 times on all 7 spheres, using special mudra and music of transformation at the same time. 
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- It is quite difficult! What if this is the first time a person performs the ritual and it does not work, what to do?
Zhannabelle: If it doesn't work out, be sure to make an appointment for a consultation. Together we will understand all the details of this ritual. It must be performed every day, in the morning and in the evening. It will help you tune in to the working day in the morning. And it will clear of stress and negative in the evening.
- How do you know that a person has been attacked by the spirit of trauma?
Zhannabelle: It's different for everyone. One of my students, Rachel, decided to travel to the Places of Power in Vietnam on her own. She didn't tell me about it. Although I always say in my classes that it is an absolute rule not to go to the Place of Power without a mentor, or at least without their blessing. Another important condition is that a person must wear a protective amulet.    
As a result, her trip did not go well from the very first minutes. 
Her plane was late. The transfer from the hotel did not wait for her. And when she got to the temple, Rachel suddenly felt such an unaccountable horror that she fainted. 
To be short, she came home barely alive, smashed. She had nightmares and panic attacks during the day. Until she came to me for an individual consultation. I was just terrified! The energy of my student was enlaced by one of the most monstrous spirits of trauma I'd ever met.
It turned out that a lot of people died during the war in the places Rachel visited. And her aura attracted an ancient spirit that gladly sucked into her energy envelope. I performed a cleansing ritual and drove the spirit back to the Lower World. 
Everyone must remember his rule - never go to the Place of Power without a professional, without a mentor. Otherwise, you'll be in trouble. 
- We are sincerely glad that this story had a happy ending!
Zhannabelle: That's why I do seminars, individual consultations and retreats at the Place of Power. I have already helped and continue to help thousands of women around the world discover their true predestination, realize their unique inborn abilities and fulfill their cherished dreams, to start a happy full life. Write to me right now, sign up for a seminar or consultation and your life will change!
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