#book reveiws
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ilikereadingactually · 2 years ago
Because Internet
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Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language by Gretchen McCulloch
i've been wanting to read this book for ages, and my instinct that i would enjoy it proved totally true. it's a book very much of its moment (it came out in summer 2019) and McCulloch knows and embraces that, and it was actually fascinating to read a few years after the fact because even in that short time, i can already see how internet language and my own informal language have continued to change.
according to the internet speech cohorts outlined in the early chapters of the book, i am a Full Internet Person, maybe a little bit on the cusp of Old Internet Person, and i haven't felt so specifically seen since that article about the Oregon Trail Generation. but everybody's in here, pre-internet, post-internet, you name it, and the book lays out language evolutions over these waves in fun and smart and readable ways. why do boomers use ... at the ends of their texts?? why did emojis catch on?? how do memes evolve??? why do multiple question marks and almost no capitalization feel different than if i wrote this like i was about to turn it in for a grade???? go forth and read to find out!
the deets
how i read it: i read this one as an ebook on Libby, which was deceptive because there were a lot of endnotes and back matter! it was a quick read, for nonfiction, which often goes slower for me.
a line i liked: tag yourself im "kept the same username for decades even"
Those who joined the internet to meet new people kept the same username across platforms for years, decades even, so that their internet friends could find them. But for the internet users who joined in order to hang out with people they already knew, screennames were a way of performing identity, rather than obscuring it: your username might honor a favorite band or movie quote, and could change a few months later as your pop cultural allegiances shifted.
try this if you: think linguistics is cool, are an Internet Person, or want to spend hours thinking about what your top emojis say about your emotional expression (maybe that's just me?)
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mintystudies · 27 days ago
Books I read in January
Slow month because my school library has been closed and I’ve had exams to focus on.
Total: 5
'The Appeal' by Janice Hallett
Blurb: The Appeal unveils an intricate mystery that starts off quite simple, but quickly branches out. The local Theatre troupe, Fairway Players, pull together when they receive the news that their star performer's grandchild is diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. However, not all is as it seems.
Thoughts: I really enjoyed this book, the characters in the mystery were so well developed and vivid that I couldn't help but have very strong opinions about. I had expected there to be slightly more information of the law side of things given the title, but I really enjoyed it.
'The Burning' by Laura Bates - reread, mild spoiler alert
Blurb: Anna thinks that there's nothing to trace her back to her old life, until the whispers start up again. As time begins to run out on her secrets, Anna finds herself irresistibly drawn to the tale of Maggie, a local girl accused of witchcraft centuries earlier. A girl whose story has terrifying parallels to Anna's own...
Thoughts: I enjoyed this book and I found the way the characters mother and friends rallied around her to be very inspiring. I found the flashback scenes very interesting, but it does confuse me somewhat that the reason for them is never explained. Not hugely relevant but the line quoted in it 'We are the daughters of the witches you could not burn' has always irked me because the whole point was that they were not witches! They were innocent women whose intelligence or beauty made the weak men around them afraid, and I think implying they were witches takes away from the horror that these were innocent women who were tortured and murdered.
'Games Untold' by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Blurb: daredevil, his favourite heiress, and three nights in Prague. An unlikely pairing between a cowboy and a goth. Four brothers with an inescapable bond, strengthened by the family they chose, in a house of wonders that promises to always deliver one more secret.
Thoughts: I really enjoyed this book, I think this series is Barnes' best. I don't really have much to say on this book. I would give anything to be a Hawthorne. Also minor detail but it irked me - the mischaracterisation of Daedalus. It wouldn't bother if not for the fact that I love Greek mythology, and Daedalus is my favourite mythological character. In this book one of the Hawthornes compares the old man to Daedalus, and while I agree that the obsession with puzzles and the intelligence matches up, the suggestion that Daedalus pushed Icarus too close to the sun irked me. The main point of the myth is that Daedalus carefully warned Icarus not to go too low or too high, but Icarus ignored him due to his excitement at his newfound freedom. It's such a tiny detail but it annoyed me so much for some undiscernible reason.
'Gossip Girl: You Know You Love Me' and 'Gossip Girl: All I Want Is Everything' by Cecily Von Ziegesar
Blurb for YKYLM: It's time to fill out our college applications....Not applying to the Ivy Leagues is not an option, and not getting into them would be a total embarrassment....But I know a few girls who aren't going to let the pressure get them down. After all, no one really wants to go to college a virgin.
Blurb for AIWIE: S and B have decided to kiss and make up, and it's about time. I mean, how long can you stay mad at someone who you took baths with in grade school? The question is, now that they're back together, what kind of crazy naughtiness are they going to get up to? believe me, I'll be the first one to find out, and you'll be the second. it's not like I'm good at keeping secrets....
Thoughts: Awful book. I loved the TV show, so I decided to give some of the books a try. Totally not worth it. They're told in a weird mix of first and third person narration, it switches within sentences, which makes it quite difficult to follow. There are contradicting points within the book, for example it says Vanessa never slept with her bartender boyfriend and she is a virgin, but all of a sudden Dan's insecure because she has had sex before? The author also repeats the same descriptions. If I have to read about Dan's hands trembling one more time I am going to go crazy!!!! Find another way of expressing his emotions!! Seriously, I counted it repeat 47 times in a book that's only 224 pages long. The storylines were improbable, the characters were unlikeable, and the writing was middle-school level.
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gardenfeather-book-reviews · 9 months ago
"Compound Fracture" by Andrew Joseph White
Generations ago, Saint Abernathy was killed by having a railroad spike nailed through his throat by the Sheriff of Twisted Creek in West Virginia. His great great grandson, Miles Abernathy, is still fighting the bloodline feud left behind. Miles and his family have always lived in fear of the Davies family. Miles has been raised to always look over his shoulder, especially now being a transgender youth in the wake of the 2016 election. 
       After sending a coming out email to his parents, he attends a party with photographic evidence of how cruel the Davies really are. Photos that depict his friend's dead mom being pulled out of a burning car. He just needs permission from his friend to show them to the town. To expose the Davies once and for all.
       Walking home in the dark, he hears a noise. The Davis son and a group of friends ambush him, he ends the night in a hospital bed. After a few months of recovery and an accidental murder, his friend is ready to fight back, but not in the way Miles had planned.
        Yet again, I have fallen in love with an Andrew Joseph White book. Compound fracture is an amazing novel. The main character is complex and I loved listening to the ways he processed the world and his opinions. He gave me perspectives on belonging in your hometown that I had never thought of before. He feels a connection and obligation to where he came from, even if living there means that he lives in fear. 
        The book tells a powerful story about family history. Saint appears to Miles through the book and shows him that his past is not full of strangers, but family and people like him. People he should continue to fight for. Miles' opinions on the politics of the town and the power dynamics are nuanced and deep. Additionally, the diction in this book is incredible. It really sets the scene.
        I loved how connected all of the elements are. Every analogy and reference is connected to the overall “vibe” of the novel. The representation of the queer community, autism, disability, and a whole host of other things is incredible. I would highly recommend checking out Compound Fracture when it comes out on September 3rd.
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lionofstone · 8 months ago
BODYSHARE is a fantasy novella about Luke Milton, a recent college graduate and divorcee who makes a deal with the devil: in exchange for success in his musical career, he agrees to share his body.
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BODYSHARE comes out in October, and the author (me!) is currently looking for ARC readers! If you’d be interested in receiving a digital ARC, you can APPLY HERE.
Here’s the full summary:
Luke Milton made a deal with the devil. Now, he's getting everything he ever wanted: musical opportunities, charting albums, world tours, and a thriving fanbase. The only cost? His body, which he now shares with the devil itself as it goes about its mysterious business. All in all, the tradeoff isn't too bad. He's also always wanted an intimate connection.
After both his college diploma and his divorce papers are signed, twenty-two-year-old Luke Milton is approached by the devil—an energetic force that's been present in one way or another for his whole life—who lauds him with praise for his musical skill and insists that it could help him further his career. When initial reviews of his EP are shaky, it doesn't take long before Luke is agreeing, even though the terms of the deal require him making space in his body for the devil the share.
Luke's career develops rapidly, and so does his relationship with the devil. As they work together through album releases and world tours, they become further and further intertwined, and Luke has to wonder if it's worth it.
[ID: The cover for the book BODYSHARE by Leandra Inglis. The cover is made to look like a music player, with album art, a track title, an artists name, a progress bar, and play/skip buttons. The album art features a burning polaroid picture of a boy with a guitar on a red background. The word “BODYSHARE” is written across the top. Where the track title and artists name would go, instead it reads Bodyshare - Leandra Inglis. END ID]
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slurping-up-grass · 6 months ago
Twinks and Sex Workers in 19th century wartime literature
(if this is of interest to you)
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So I'm sure we've all heard of Dorian Gay *gray*- I hated that shit, too many descriptions of flowers, not enough evil satanic sensual not-so-heterosexual romance for my tastes.
This academic year, the school has decided that I should read Maupassant's Boule de Suif, a book set just after the french defeat in the Franco-Prussian war of 1871, where France is still being occupied by German soldiers.
The author himself fought in the war and has much to say from this experience, but as we stumble into the second chapter, we find ourselves face to face with "Mademoiselle Fifi", who, as a non native French speaker, took me a beat to comprehend is a male, German, second lieutenant so twinkish in attitude and physique that his comrades have nicknamed him "Little Miss Fifi".
French is a strictly gender-binary language, and Maupassant consistently refers to Mr Mme Fifi with feminine pronouns and conjugation, which is quite an incredible level of gender-bending for his time period, considering that the language requires you to specify far more frequently than in English the gender of the person you are talking about, and Maupassant narrates "woman".
Our introduction to this character is remeniscent of other notable twinks-
Hamilton:🎵peach fuzz and he can't even grow it🎵
Mme Fifi: "pale face where her burgeoning moustache was barely visible"
And continues:
Dorian Gray "made a little moue of discontent to Lord Henry, to whom he had rather taken a fancy"
Maupassant fixates on Mme Fifi's teeny-weeny baby white waist for a little bit too long and we begin to wonder what might have really motivated him to drop out of law school to join the big manly war of 1871.
Mme Fifi "had taken up the habit of expressing her sovreign discontent towards people and things"
The men decide that they need some good prostitutes for their party, and Maupassant notes that "Mme Fifi" "herself" seemed "out of place". She is very uncomfortable, sitting up and down in her chair and decides she wants to break something, so stands up and shoots a painting of a woman with a moustache, you know, like the moustache he is too "coquette🎀"* to grow? *feminine
So after Frankenfurter reminds everyone that this is his god-damed rocky-horror gay-ass castle and he gets uncomfy when people put women in it, they all go to the castle museum where Fifi begins happily stimming and clapping her hands because they are going to play her favourite game "making faces".
She created this game after her meanie superior officers refused to "Ding-don-don" the churchbells for entertainment even after she tried "pussycat manners, womanly cajolery, and soft whispers of a mistress hysterical with desire" to persuade them.
Sidepoint- a consistent theme that redevelops here is whether french "women of pleasure" should feel guilty for betraying their country by sleeping with German occupying soldiers, or whether this is just a service they sell to survive (the prostitutes reassure eachother that it is just their job and they shouldn't feel guilty.)
"It's the job that wants that"
They don't desire the soldiers, the separate entity that is their employment does.
The women get put in size order and the smallest woman (Rachel) is given to Fifi, the twinkiest man.
He then blows smoke in her mouth, which is pretty gross, but she doesn't voice her anger. We get the impression he is either freaky, or really not into women because instead of engaging in traditional pleasure, he enjoys pinching her to make her shout, then making out with her and randomly biting her to make her bleed.
He looks her in the eyes and reminds her he is paying to be able to do whatever he likes to her.
The men begin toasting the things they own and include in this The Women of France. Rachel cannot help but correct:
"Me! Me! I am not a woman, I am a whore; that is absolutely all we have given to the Prussians."
-she breaks the illusion of desire, this is a job to her
He slaps her. She stabs him. FIFI DIES. The women are locked up. There is disorder and Rachel escapes. The soldiers are punished for forgetting the aims of the war and exploiting their position with prostitutes. Rachel hides in the church, which is sacred ground the soldiers cannot enter, and is remembered as a hero after the occupation.
So yeah, patriotic prostitutes and crazy, jealous twinks🌈
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I am fully convinced that nobody will ever read this
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cluepoke-archive · 1 year ago
Don't underestimate the power of an aroace autistic ignoring whole pieces of plot and story in books as a kid
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venusianfog · 1 month ago
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dailydoseofrant · 2 months ago
Kingdom Of The Wicked Reveiw
"In the end, the monster we feared didn’t come from Hell. He came from privilege."
Oh, this review is going to be a wild ride. The range of things I feel for this book is very unreal. Listen, the atmosphere of this? The settings? The premise? I couldn’t get enough. Dare I even say close to perfect? And the plot had me so very invested in every single way. But this actual story and the plot conveniences, the characters and their lack of critical thinking, the obvious plot twists? The Lord might be testing me. The whiplash I felt while reading this was a full experience and deserves a star rating of its own, truly.
When you open this book for the first time, the prologue will transport you to a stormy night in 19th century Italy, where two little twin girls are being gifted very special necklaces while slowly learning their witch powers and history from their grandmother. There are seven demon princes but only 4 the witches should fear, but somehow their necklaces will keep them safe, even though they are instructed to never place them together.
"One will crave your blood. One will capture your heart. One will steal your soul. And one will take your life."
Then the story actually takes place ten years in the future, where Emilia and Vittoria are now eighteen-years-old, but we see how that night has shaped their lives for the last decade in so many different ways, but for sure centering on those necklaces that were entrusted to them. Both girls are trying to help their family with their restaurant, find and follow their dreams, and lead normal lives, but they soon find out that normal and safe and happy was never in the cards for them.
Again, I do not want to give much away, because I think I very much benefited from not reading the synopsis of this story. But the gates of hell are weakening, and their city and family are no longer safe. Not only do they have to worry about hiding the fact that they are witches, but now they have to worry about demon princes, witch hunters, and other creatures that go bump in the night! But Emilia is thrust in the heart of it all, with her witchcraft on full display, when she makes a deal with a demon when she is most desperate.
Together, Emilia and Wrath (be still, my BDB heart) are forced to work together to investigate brutal and mysterious murders that are happening, but they are both looking for clues for very different reasons. My favorite part of this book was truly going alongside Emilia and seeing all these different settings. From secret casinos, to her family’s kitchen, surprise palaces, spooky beaches, to the scary and dark corridors within the church, I couldn’t get enough of all the different adventures in all the different places.
"Grief carved me in half. And fury honed the pieces into a weapon."
I really loved the depiction of grief and depression in this book, too. How the weight of sadness can be unbearable, especially alone, when your world and future are taken from you right before your eyes. I also think Kerri Maniscalco did a really good job portraying not only the different stages that can be held within grief, but to also tell the reader that there is truly no wrong way to grieve. Heartbreak can be sadness and pain, but it can also be anger and revenge.
I also did really enjoy the romance and I think if you are looking to indulge in a new OTP that will remind you of 2015 then you are in luck with this one! I did enjoy Wrath a lot more than Emilia for the most part, but I feel like the plot convenience (and Emilia acting stupid) was the downfall of this book. I am not good at unraveling mysteries, but I truly unraveled this one instantly, I only wish Emilia could have a little sooner and it made the reading experience a bit annoying. Also, she gets upset at the strangest things, and wholeheartedly accepts the wildest things for no reason. I truly feel like her character was mostly used to move the book along conveniently instead of actually making her feel like a main character with depth and identity.
Also, I’m just going to say it, the grandmother in this book is one of the most infuriating characters I’ve read about all 2024. Like, regardless of prophecies, how are you going to be this mysterious with eight-year-old little girls and then really not fill them in on any blanks for the next ten years of their lives too? The grandma is really written to look like this cool and wise character who helps save the day, but I truly could not stand her or her shocked reaction when things would fall apart around her.
On top of the mysteries in this book being a bit of a letdown, I will also say that I felt like so many big events in this book kind of happened just for (hopefully) set ups for the next installment. I’m all for setting up things in early books, but it just kind of feels bad when absolutely nothing happens regarding these big chapters after the scene has ended. I feel like if this book felt more cohesive throughout, instead of just setting up for what is to come, I would have gotten so much of a higher rating from me, but I have to rate and review off the material that is given to me and it made for a bit of an infuriating reading experience.
"Man had a funny way of blaming the devil for things he didn’t like."
Overall, I couldn’t put this book down. Truly. And I would bet you a great sum of money that I will also pick up the next one, because this book ended on a very perfect cliffhanger set up that I greedily want to know everything about. This book really did give me nostalgic feels for some reason, it made me very hungry most of the time, and it made me truly never want to put it down. The writing is so easily consumable, and I really did fall in love with the setting and plot set up. I only wish it felt a little bit more like a full story and not just a set up book. I still predict that this book will do really well, and I think most people will have a very good reading experience with this with.
3.5/5 - 4/5
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rexhya · 2 months ago
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a little life ˚ପ⊹ ⭐️ 4/5 stars
I wanna preface by saying that this 'reveiw' is simply an opinion and its most definitely just for fun, I like talking about things I like talking about—and this—is one of them, thats all.
contains spoilers !
reading length time: 7 days
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⭐️ Things A Little Life Did Well
1. Jude's Trauma & Relationship's With His Friends
Not only is the writing style in this book utterly gorgeous but it's written in a way that makes you know Hanya did her research. There's this really strong connection between Jude and the rest of his friends, ( and though there is some context lacking on how exactly they became friends in the first place ) It's doesnt defer from the belivebilty of their relationship and I like that. It's also worth mentioning that you get hooked on wanting to know wgat exactly happened to him and when you do it's kinda of like this 'ohhhhh' moment, and you appreciate the fact it took so long for him to reveal anything about himself other than the most vauge and obvious things. With what he went through, it really makes alot of sense.
2. The Use of Strong Platonic Relationships
It's honestly kind of refreshing to read about the friendships in this book, I think the theme of struggling in a relationship that isn't romantic is so much more realistic for us and for this book obviously. It's also alot of fun reading the dynamicw between not only yhe main 4 but other friends and friends of friends and how the support and love for thoes people goes both ways. My favorite example of this is Jude and his unwillingness to forgive JB and how JB's struggle through addiction compromised weather or not Malcom was "allowed" to be friends with him or not, Jude's and Wilhem's reactions both felt right for their character. I also loved Jude and his adoptive parents relationship, they were exactly the kinds of people Jude would gravitate towards and it was nice to see really.
3. The Prose
Like I mentioned before I adore this writing style, I mean you kind of have to enjoy reading it somehow—the book is over 700 pages long ! It's written it's a way that you literally have to want more. You want to know what happens next and Hanya does a good job at making sure you do, ( despite the insanity of the length otherwise )
⭐️ Things A Little Life Did Not So Well
1. Repetition
Okay don't hate me for this but lowkey, I was evvverr so slightly starting to get sick of Jude and the BULLSHIT, like I feel like right before Jude is abused by Caleb there could have been at least 100 pages taken off, like looorrd have mercyyy, and it's not as if Jude really annoyed me anyways it's more of the fact that there were some interactions and self hate monologues that...could have just been left of I suppose. I think my the 500th page we understand the kind of person Jude is and to be honest I wish she had left some things up to interpretation instead of blatantly stating what it was.
2. The Unlikelyness of The Main 4 and their Careers
Okay yeah, everyone is so well off and somehow they themselves and their friends can just afford to hop to Paris and Peru every other weekend, riiiighht. Like in Wilhem's case I would understand, he's an actor so it's different but everyone else..? I mean what possible could Citizen and the gang be doin in China for the week, ( and don't say vacations because thats just wrong ) like hello? It's also worth mentioning there's hardly anything historical context outside of the world, I feel like despite the multitude of countries people visit there's so little happening in the real world it makes it feel like a closed box.
3. The Villians
Okay okay here me out, It's feels so unrealistic that everyone Jude had met in his entire 15's was so blatanly evil, ( perhaps there was also a black and white character issue here as well..hmmm) what really got me was Dr. Traylor how paper thin the human evil in him was, I understand Luke and I understand Caleb but the counselors? And then the psyco doctor that ran him over with a car? I get that it was supposed to be so detrimentally awful but idk somehow it was so awful it kind of missed the mark ( it felt over the top is what I'm saying )
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⭐️ Overall ;; It's a sad sad book with a great story told, I think besides the general mishaps about the book Hanya did a really good job at telling a story about severe abuse and if not for the sentimental elements it had it would have been 5 stars, anyways.
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diabolical-in-disguise · 2 years ago
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My book Diabolical in Disguise: A True Story Of Resilience is out now! I’m so excited and nervous at the same time!
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saqvobase · 6 months ago
I read the 20 chapters of Ankoku Delta by Alpa.
This story is insane lol.
The protagonists are creatures from a different dimension that collect the negative energy from humans to survive.
But waiting around to find someone by chance is too inefficient, so they make human society as miserable as possible so there is more negative energy to collect.
When the main character goes sightseeing in the human world, there's something very funny about a creature with no concept of human norms doing whatever the hell they want.
It's a fun story, and I look forward to the next chapters.
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gardenfeather-book-reviews · 7 months ago
"Can't Spell Treason Without Tea" by Rebecca Thorne
 Kianthe and Reyna just want to run off and open a book and tea shop. But, Reyna is a guard for a selfish and murderous queen. And Kianthe is the Arcandor, the most powerful mage in the world. So, their relationship must stay secret. 
       But when someone attempts to assassinate the queen and Reyne ends up injured, they both agree that it is time to fulfill their dreams. They run off to the town of Tawny, where they open their cozy shop. But the town lies next to Dragon Country, and the queen's spies might catch Reyna at any minute.
       This novel is so cozy. Even though the stake felt very real, it was also very peaceful. The world building is incredible. The way Thorne introduces the magic and tells us how it works is a perfect balance of giving us enough information when we need it without info dumping. The magic system made perfect sense. 
       The characters only add to the warm vibe. The book shifts between the perspective of Reyne and Kianthe. Both of their voices are incredibly unique. 
        This book had a delicately crafted plot while still encapsulating the queer dream to run off with your partner and open a book/ tea shop. This book was the perfect cozy story.
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wordshurtme5305 · 2 years ago
WHM book review
TW: violence, gore, horror, child abuse, genocide, racism, sexism, ableism and sexual assault
(spoiler free)
Last week I had the pleasure of reading Cormac McCarthy's . . .
Blood Meridian.
The story follows a fourteen year old boy who ran away from his abusive home, wandering aimlessly and fighting men for a while he then joins a group of scalp hunters that are contracted by the Mexican government.
The vivid and visceral writing of the story puts you in this primal world of violence and hate as you're described how men are disemboweled and scalped, with every bloody detail.
Ultimately - I would give blood meridian an absolute ⭐⭐⭐⭐ of 5 for its great writing and horror
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(I'm sorry I never came back to review Starship Troopers but I swear more book reviews will come)
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yippeecheapdvds · 7 months ago
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This week i read "Warriors Graphic Novel: the Prophecies Begin Volume 1" by Erin Hunter, Natalie Reiss and Sara Goetter. Xenofiction/Adventure. Published 2024
I thought this was pretty good. I like the artwork, the character designs are charming and appealing with their sparkely eyes and big toothy mouths. Nether to cute nor to scary. i like the designs of each character individually as well, all the main characters are recognizable, and I especially like the way they did Yellowfang, Longtail and Tigerclaw. the page layouts were good, and the colors were gorgeous, omg. I don't think I've ever read a graphic novel that used color this well. it's very vivid and fits the tone well.
The story covers the first two books of the first series (Into the Wild & Fire and Ice). I thought they did a good job adapting the story, simplifying the dialogue, swapping a few things around and cutting some of the details to make the story flow better in a comic structure.
Exited to read the rest of the graphic novel adaptations when they come out, and see how they handle the more extreme violence in the later half of the series.
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greenb0i · 2 years ago
July 2023
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It was my britday month and I watched a lot of flims like always. Also yes, barbie is the reason this month is so late. I have a lot of thought that i dont really know how to express.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) Dir. Joaquim Dos Santos, Justin K. Thompson, Kemp Powers
Yes I watched it agine. It still amazing, and i feel like seeing on the big screen adds to the whole thing much more. This is literally the only movie I've seen twice in cinama, and it's so worth it. It weirdly felt quicker to watch, but i think because I knew what i was expecting. But it's still so good. Especially, the ending crdits. I love how they look and how they symobolise every event in the movie. 10/10
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Nimona (2023) Dir. Troy Quane, Nick Bruno
I watched this movie hungover and by god it was fucking great. It one of those movie that haven't stop thinking about (at the time of writing this) I just love thinking about the charaters and what they mean to each other, and the theme, and how the movie can explore so much and mean so many different things to different people. I also love the character design as well, and how imo, impove the desgins from the comic. Idk, it just one of those things that make me want to create my own stories 9/10
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Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop (2021) Dir. Kyohei Ishiguro
I remember i started this movie when it came out, got like 20 minents into it and i just wasn't into it. Anyway, I restarted it and ended up sobbing like a baby. Frist things first, i adore the colours, that what drew me to the movie in the first place aswell as how the movie animated. Idk, I'm not an expert, but the way the characters move just looked so nice and smooth . I don't know what extaly affected me, i think it has to with the exploration frist love?? idk. Like i said, im still not compltye sure. 8/10
The Report (2019) Dir. Scott Z. Burns
death2American. But ya i just felt so annoyed watching this movie. The movie itself was good, i like a lot of the acting and felt like they are a very cohersive story, dispit it taking place over a good few years and have a lot of movie parts. But ya, I feel annyed and angry that so about what some of the people did and never face any repercussions to what happened. But overall, heavy but interesting movie (7/10)
In the Heights (2021) Dir. Jon M. Chu
I really like this movie. I remember when it came out, i was so hyped, i just kept watching the first song over and over again. And i still think it is such a good movie, i love most of the song, esaliy abula song. Everything about that whole song was amazing and started crying during it. It just one of those movies that i forget about, but I love rewatching. (8/10)
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Barbie (2023) Dir. Greta Gerwig
I really loved this movie. I saw it twice. It just a movie that i found so fun. Like everyone, i love the costume and the sets and just everything thing about the movie. I love the massage behind it, but at the same time, i feel like there is so much more it could say. It's a movie that i feel like i make me want to read more into feminism movement to see why some poeple dislike the movie (not for the stupit reasons, but the valid ones) with what it has to say about gender. Overall, I would say I really like it, and it probably gonna be a movie. I come back to watch over and over again, and my opinion will probably change the move I watch it (7/10)
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Biography Of X by Catherine Lacey
I ughh I really like this book. It was just so interesting to read about this fictionalised artist and this alternative version of history. It felt like it could be something that was real, and I think that due to how the well the auther blend and changed history in small or massive ways. It just so good, I love all the character who apper, the obsession of it, the explore of love and unhealthy relationships. God damnit I could write so much about this book, but then ill be spoiling it 4/5
Songs I love
Bug like an angle-Mitski
Rush- Troye Sivan
Pulp-Lime Garden
Wishing Well-Screaming Females
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certifiedteaenthusiast · 11 months ago
Just finished Babel 😃. Ima just need a minute-
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