#book baning
commiepinkofag · 4 months
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Uncovering the Cover-up: How Republican Pennridge School Board Directors Secretly Banned Books
Darren Laustsen | May 28, 2024
Pennridge School District engaged in a massive two-year cover-up of a secret book-banning campaign initiated by two sitting Republican school board directors hellbent on unilaterally purging books without any due process, community input, oversight, or accountability.  According to a sworn Attestation from new Superintendent Angelo Berrios, Ricki Chaikin and Jordan Blomgren ordered school staff to remove books from the library that they had unilaterally deemed were inappropriate. More so, during legal battles over a Right-to-Know request, Pennridge’s law firm, Eckert Seamans, fought to circumvent the state’s Open Records laws and conceal book removals from the public. The scheme involved illegally-doctored public records, the concealment of book removals under fake student accounts, and the eventual disposal of targeted books under the false pretense of librarian “weeding.” …
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camo-wolf · 4 months
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Ok I’ll admit this cover is cute
Batman and robin #12
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It's crying over Lightwood-Bane family hours
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outerspacess · 6 months
I think about this more often than I’d like to admit.
“Whoever you have loved, and however you loved them,” said Jem, “anyone you loved would be lucky.”
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soonysy · 7 months
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Day 65 — He might have a little problem
First time drawing with stylus pen and not on the computer, I enjoyed it very much :D
Oh, and Episode 3 of Hermitcraft be like:
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alesardesign · 8 days
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Wishing the happiest birthday to my favorite character of ALL time💙 happy birthday Alec Lightwood, the man who loved another ma so much he changed the LAW for him
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cortanasdaisies · 1 year
Aline: I thought Jace was dating that vampire.
Alec: “No. Jace is not dating Simon. Jace is straight. Simon is straight.”
The two mfs in city of ashes:
Simon: I could’ve killed you.
Jace: I would’ve let you.
Aline: that’s straight??????
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aeskidz · 29 days
reminder that isabelle lightwood was one of the few people who could make magnus feel underdressed
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marrr444 · 3 months
Oh no no no no,It's just a bunch of books for you, for me it's my entire personality
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cakbanedraws · 4 months
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The Cowboys and their mentor kid
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kasirose · 5 months
Prompt: Cursed Item
for the By the Angel Bingo hosted by the @malecdiscordserver
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first of all ... Im SorRy-
Idk why but when I saw the prompt the most cursed thing I could think of was this scene even though there's a lot of actual cursed things in the TSC universe but my brain said ANGST 😭😭😭
Original Scene from City of Lost Souls by @cassandraclare
in case context is needed it's the cursed page 511
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Characters, book, and author names under the cut
Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood - The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Magnus Chase/Alex Fierro - Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard by Rick Riordan
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starwarsbookclub · 2 years
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shamlesspandanerd · 1 month
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tarotarra · 1 year
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Alec Lightwood Bane sketch to brighten your day~
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Protective witchcraft
Witchcraft can be a powerful tool for protection, but it is important to approach it with respect and caution. Here are some tips for using witchcraft to protect yourself:
Set intentions: Before you begin any ritual or spell, it is important to set clear intentions for what you want to achieve. Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective energy that keeps you safe and secure.
Use protective symbols: There are many symbols that are commonly used for protection in witchcraft, such as the pentacle, the evil eye, and the hamsa. You can wear these symbols as jewelry or draw them on talismans to carry with you.
Use herbs & crystals: There are many herbs and crystals that are believed to have protective properties in witchcraft. Some popular options include black pepper, rosemary, black tourmaline, and amethyst. You can use these herbs and crystals in spells or carry them with you in a sachet or pouch.
Create a protective charm: You can create a protective charm by combining herbs, crystals, and other materials in a small pouch or container. This charm can be carried with you or placed in your home to provide ongoing protection.
Use visualization: Visualization is a powerful tool in witchcraft. Visualize a protective bubble of energy surrounding you, or imagine yourself surrounded by a circle of protective light.
Call on deities or spirits: If you work with deities or spirits in your witchcraft practice, you can call on them for protection. Some popular options include Hecate, Artemis, and Archangel Michael.
Cast a protection spell: You can cast a spell to protect yourself from harm. This can involve creating a protective circle, calling on the elements, and using candles, herbs, and other tools to set your intention and create a protective energy.
Create a protective sigil: A sigil is a symbol that is created to represent a specific intention or desire. You can create a sigil for protection by writing out your intention and then using the letters to create a unique symbol. This symbol can then be charged with energy and used for protection.
Use divination: Divination can be a helpful tool for identifying potential sources of harm or danger. You can use tarot cards, runes, or other divination tools to gain insight into potential threats and take steps to protect yourself.
Practice grounding & centering: Grounding and centering can help you stay grounded and focused, even in stressful or dangerous situations. This involves connecting with the earth and your own inner strength to create a sense of stability and protection.
Remember that protection is not a one-time event, but an ongoing practice. Incorporate these tips into your daily witchcraft practice to create a strong and lasting protective energy around yourself.
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