#bonus points if it’s Fabian or Gorgug
If ragh barkrock does not have a boyfriend by the end of fhjy I will be rioting in the streets
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neutralitymybeloved · 2 months
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Fantasy High brainrot x my bracelet kit I dragged out of the depths of the forgotten corners of my room
(Yes I did cut the quotes in half to fit a string, idk if im actually gonna make it a bracelet tho)
Keep reading for full quote (if you need it, I bet most of yall will get it first try though)
Fabian Seacaster: Toxic masculinity is dead, I dance now!
Gorgug Thistlespring: It's Gorgug, keep going.
Fig Faeth: I kiss her and then I skateboard away!
Kristen Applebees: I don't know and that's okay.
Adaine Abernant: Magic is real and so is my frog!
Riz Gukgak: The Night Yorb is coming for us.
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needlepointbear · 4 months
I think when they have free time, the bad kids take riz to really high places and let him jump and fly with his glider angel wings. Like a sugar glider
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shitpostingkats · 9 months
The bad kids are a great group dynamic, but also the individual team ups? Never miss.
Fig and Fabian going in to talk to Garthy O’Brien completely confident despite the fact that neither of them remember what they’re supposed to ask for. Adaine and Riz sweating profusely through making small talk but being overjoyed when they get past it and get to investigate a bloody ritual site. Fig and the Cig Figs. Fabian and Gorgug being jocks together (bonus points if there's Ragh). The Bardy Boys. Spring Break I Believe In You. Every combination of these characters is some entirely new nonsense dynamic and I am so here for it
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villadiodatis · 7 months
The Bad Kids are level 11!
As of this episode, the Bad Kids have leveled up! I didn't note their level 10 updates, but here's a level 11 breakdown.
Adaine: Wizard 11. She gets a level 6 spell. She can also now prepare 15 spells per day.
Fabian: Fighter 6/Bard 5 (was Bard 4). His bardic inspiration goes from a d6 to a d8 and recharges on a short rest. He also gets a level 3 spell + 2 level 3 spell slots.
Fig: Bard 9/Warlock 2 (was Bard 8). Her Song of Rest (extra healing on a short rest) goes from a d6 to a d8. She also gets a level 5 spell + 1 level 5 spell slot + a second level 4 spell slot.
Gorgug: Barbarian 6/Artificer 5 (was Barb 7/Artificer 3). He loses Feral Instinct, which gave him advantage on initiative and protected him against being surprised. He took an ability score improvement, bringing his intelligence from 14 to 16 (+2 to +3), and now has a +3 bonus to a healing or damage roll (acid, fire, necrotic, or poison) of spells he casts. (EDIT: @paralulzy pointed out he also gets access to 2nd level spells and 2 2nd-level spell slots!) He can now prepare 5 spells total.
Kristen: Cleric 11. Her Destroy Undead can now take down creatures up to CR2, and she has level 6 spells. Some of the biggest ones here will be Heroes Feast and Sunbeam, but there are some other very cool spells. She can also now prepare 16 spells per day.
Riz: Rogue 11. This is a big one, and we've already seen a benefit of it--Riz is now Murph-proof, with Reliable Talent. He can treat a roll of 9 or below on the die as a 10 for any ability check he's proficient in. This covers (as far as I know) Arcana, Insight, Investigation, Persuasion, and Stealth.
And of course everyone's HP went up. See you next level!
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tis-me-tumble · 4 months
Little things from tonight’s episode that just really got to me:
- Brennan going lowkey dad mode when Fig made her save but everyone knew she only had 1 hit point. His little “wait, what’s up?” and immediate concern that he’s missed something
-Gorgug using his grapple check to pull Porter away from his unconscious friends. Porter never saw rage as anything beyond a means for war, while Gorgug most likely saved Fabian and Fig’s lives in that moment and has always used his rage for protection
-Emily’s pep talk to Ankarna, where she tells her that she can channel herself. It seemed so mature of Fig and you can tell that she’s a lot more comfortable in her role as archdevil but also with her infernal idenitity
Bonus: Riz setting up for the spell in what I theorize and hope to be a hold person where he can get Kipperlilly to just stay still long enough that he can give her a piece of his mind. I want more than anything for Riz to chew her out for glorifying his trauma and hating him for no valid reason, and Kipperlilly having a full azula-moment and just LOSING it
Anyway teehee I’m going to have brainrot for the next 7 days until the next episode oh well 🙃
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becausesure · 4 months
The Bad Kids ranked from Highest stat total to Lowest
Fabian Average 15.8 Total 95 (Lowest stat 12)
Adaine Average 15.2 Total 91 (Lowest stat 13)
Gorgug Average 14.2 Total 85 (Lowest stat 10)
Fig Average 13.8 Total 83 (lowest stat 11)
Kristen Average 13.8 Total 83 (Lowest stat 4)
Riz Average 13.7 Total 82 (Lowest stat 6)
Fabian has a 20 in both Dex and Cha meaning both of his Battle Master and Bard saving throws are maxed and equal to any other caster in the party
With Adaine's lowest stat being a 13 that technically means she can multiclass into any class without DM allowance (Multiclassing rule you need a 13 minimum or DM okays it)
Gorgug actually had to drop 2 points in str to boost his int meaning that his to hit bonus actually never improves in Junior Year it just regains the missing +1
Fig while having no negative modifiers in any of her stats makes it seem that she is low on the list none of her stats are above 15 except for Cha
Kristen has amazing stats with everything being at least a +2 modifier if not a +3 it's just that the 4 Dex (-3 modifier) drags her stats down because on average she has well above average stats
Riz has good dex/int it's just that his str is a 6 which was a great decision by Brian Murphy because Riz having the lowest stats of the Bad Kids wasn't even noticeable
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contakaidigon · 6 months
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Episode 10 hijinks (with bonus Gorgug from last ep because I had to)
[ID: A page of sketches on a grey background. 1: Adaine is lying on a message table, with Lydia massaging her back and saying "Just relax, man." Kristen is lying under the table, laughing, pointing her phone up at the hole in the table where Adaine's face pokes through. A bubble to one side shows Adaine's face in the hole - she looks tired and grumpy. 2: Riz I sitting next to Sklonda in a car. He's leaning back with his hands over his face while Sklonda looks at him in concern. 3: Fig is on the phone to Hallariel, a confused expression on her face. She says, "Have we ever had a conversation before?". In the background, a tiny Fabian with large, teary eyes says "…Mama?" 4: Kristen stands at a podium, gesturing outward, saying "Students of Oakshield Middle School…" 5: Gorgug looks nervously at Riz, who is standing next to him. Riz is holding the medal of wit artificer infusion, and is shaking. His eyes are big and filled with tears. 6: Aelwyn has one arm around Adaine and is holding her close, ruffling her hair with her other hand. Aelwyn's expression is affectionate, and Adaine is holding her arm, squirming. 7: A redraw of the "Mom holy fuck!" meme, but its Gorgug kicking down the door to Porter's office and yelling "Porter holy fuck!" /end ID]
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dullgecko · 28 days
Riz obviously suffers the most from racism, often needing to be disguised when they travel or just straight up murdering the assholes that can’t keep their mouths shut. Obviously the bad kids made a Riz Protection Squad… Wait, why is Riz the president of his own protection squad? “Riz, wait, put down the knife. We’re supposed to protect you.- WHO GAVE HIM A MISSILE LAUNCHER!?”(Missile launcher was a joint effort of Fig, Adaine, and Gorgug. Made to specifically target racists.)
It wasn’t very surprising that Fig also had to deal with racists, mostly from religious humans and elves. She didn’t know what to do the first time a Helio follower berated her for existing, it was one of her old friends in middle school too, she ended up crying in her room and wouldn’t let Sandra Lynn comfort her. After the second time she just started hissing exaggeratedly to scare them off, as well as threatening to set them on fire, it still hurt though.(After sophomore year she started expressing how much it actually effected her, mostly with the bad kids but she did open up to her parents too…Eventually.)
Gorgug was mostly left alone, simply because the racist were scared of him, but the times he does face discrimination he sorta just stares at the person until they walk away or until one of the bad kids just suddenly appears and beats up the person insulting him. (Adaine and Ayda made a spell that signals them if someone is being mean to Gorgug, since Adaine canonically believes that if someone is mean to him then they’re automatically evil. Ayda fully agrees.) The first time it happened was unfortunately in elementary school with his teacher and it continued the whole school year, he didn’t tell anyone until he brought it up during a family dinner in between sophomore year and junior year. No one had ever seen Digby and Wilma look so pissed before, not even Gorgug.
Fabian got a lot of shit for not being a “pure blood” of a human or an elf, but he never actually cared about it. It confused him the first time, like yeah, of course he’s not fully a human or fully an elf, that’s how genetics works. Fig and Ragh had to explain it to him for about two hours before he realized what they meant(Power-points had to be made), which resulted in a very long overdue murder trip to the assholes house. (He’s very proud of himself for finding the address without Riz’s help.)
Adaine never really had to deal with it, at least not towards her. She would get the odd comment of being uptight because she’s a high elf, but they would already be on the ground before they could say anything else. One of the few things her and Aelwyn agreed on while growing up was how horribly racist their parents are and how they would never be like that. After getting adopted she would speak up more openly for her friends and new family, gladly standing in the line of fire to lessen what the others had to hear. She also verbally abused Arthur until he made a system in the school that would make someone unable to speak if they try to be racist, sexist, or homophobic.
Kristen faced racism towards humans maybe two times, and each time she just laughed and screamed “So this is what I was missing out on!”. The others were not impressed, in fact they’re all very pissed and on the hunt for the asshole who insulted her.… “Riz…Get the missile launcher.” (Kristen got a little emotional and hugged them all after they got back. No, she doesn’t care about the amount of blood they’re all covered in. And no, she won’t ask about the weird bag or why they’re taking it to the basement…Or why it’s still moving.)
BONUS! Ayda makes them all write down the names and descriptions of people who hurt them(There’s no way out of it, they have to.), then goes to each person’s home and either makes sure they can’t say anything hurtful again or, if they’re already taken care of, just burns down the place and curses their blood line. Good pirates don’t discriminate in any way, and she will see to it that everyone will pay for hurting her paramour and her friends.
Riz has to deal with it a lot, but most of the time he just ignores it because it isnt worth getting into a fight over. ESPECIALLY when he was younger, and infinitely more puntable (its how he got so good at sneaking, he had to deal with it less if people didnt even notice he was there). It became less of an issue when he started packing heat, and EVEN LESS of an issue once he became a multiple confirmed dragon slayer. Sure, he still encountered the assholes sometimes but absoloutly /ruining their lives/ is just a fun little side hobby now. Oh you called me a slur? Oh no how did your wife find out you were cheating and where did she get that folder full of proof?
Outside of Solace its a bit rougher but he humors his friends desire to protect him, he even accepts a souped up arcubus from them that he keeps as a backup weapon just in case (but he's too attached to his own to use it). Anyone that gets past his friends to attack him though is leaving with more holes than they came with initially.
Fig just laughs off anyones attempts at being racist these days. Fig is an archdevil, if anyone is racist towards her she simply makes a note of it for later. She might not do anything to hurt them in the moment but there are receipts, and she will be collecting her dues when they finally kick the bucket.
The generally racist opinion of half-orcs is that they're dumb, slow and violent. Gorgug is none of these things, he's just quiet and actually thinks things through before replying (which might make it seem like he's a bit slow but its more that he's thoughtful). One of his teachers in middle school constantly made him the butt of jokes, and propped him up as an example that none of the other kids would want to be. He was careful to never loose his temper around that teacher just so he wouldnt fit the stereotype the way they wanted.
When his parents find out about it years after the fact, the teachers car is found dismantled in their driveway the very next morning. Every single piece that could be taken apart done so, and most of the metal pieces were left in a bucket of salt water. No one saw who did it and there was no evidence at the scene.
While Adaine doesnt have to deal with much by way of racism she /does/ have to deal with a lot of gross race-based fetishisation. Especially since she fits the idealised archetype of thin, blonde, kind elven wizard woman. More than one person has tried to flirt with her in a very gross way and been absoloutly /laid out/ by whichever of the bad kids was with her at the time (she's once witnessed Riz notice her getting harrased after coming around a corner, climb a chair, table then partially onto a display shelf to knock a guy out once. Very funny because it was one the only time she's seen him strike someone with a closed fist, rather than claws.).
Kristen laughs it off at first but she's a little more upset about it than she thought she would be later. She just doesnt have the same experiance with it as the others so she doesnt have the same coping mechanisms.
Ayda is a force to be reckoned with and is /usually/ the reason why Figs racist-punishment-wing is receiving their guests early. If they sincerely apologise and make amends she will let them off with a warning, but since she herself is not of the same race as the ones she enacts firery revenge on the ofen double down on the assholery and seal their fate.
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dykesynthezoid · 1 year
Fantasy High Junior Year Predictions:
- Verbal confirmation for aromantic Riz and other further aroace Riz stuff
- Gilear growing a bit of a spine (only a bit. baby steps) but also continuing to face misfortune bc it’s Gilear
- Fig realizing being an archdevil actually comes with responsibilities. Whoops
- Fig and Ayda!!! They’ll probably face some wrinkles in their relationship but are able to communicate disgustingly well about it and come out even stronger
- Flipside: Kristen and Tracker break up
- Tracker is still around all the time though bc she and Ragh are so close now
- Kristen trying to reintroduce a once major world religion and also dealing with being a literal Saint and Prophet
- Ragh boyfriend era. Bonus points if Fabian decides he doesn’t like said boyfriend for some reason
- Aelwyn trying to make amends. Awkwardly and painfully
- More Gorgug and Zelda relationship troubles
- Adaine either gets an LI or has the opportunity to get one but decides to stay single
- Also! Multiclasser Adaine
- Parent polycule, much to their children’s chagrin
- Discussions and tension over what they’ll do once they all graduate, similar to The Seven
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Winged AU - Fantasy High
So I have a few scattered thoughts about this au, so I'm spewing them out here.
So let's start with Adaine. So her parents suck ass right? Well I bet that they would literally ground her by clipping her primary feathers after she didn't get into Hudol. I also think that her wings prior to her becoming the oracle were a grey color, but as new feathers come in as she molts her wings would look more and more like that of a Spix's Macaw. I fully believe that Her wings would be clipped again when she was held in Calethriel Tower and Gorgug carried her out as the Bad Kids flew away.
Next up: Gorgug! My man's wings are those of harpy eagle's. He is a big strong boy and needs big strong wings. I fully believe that growing up was clumsy as hell with those fuckers!! I think that at a certain point his parents were asked to have Gorgug bind his wings when he went to school. Instead, Wilma and Digby, being the loving parents that they are, artificed their boy a hoodie of wing holding so that he could just wear that and it would have an extra-dimensional space for his wings. A nice bonus was that the mean kids at school could no longer pull out his feathers.
My girl Fig was thought to have pheasant wings like her mom when she was growing and assumed to be an elf. Instead about the time her horns came in so did the talons on her wings. She has the wings of a Hoatzin. I personally believe that she keeps the little talons that actual Hoatzins lose when they become adults.
Fabian Aramais Seacaster has the wings of a snow petrel. A sea bird, just like his papa. They are just a little more elegant, which he gets from his mama. I fully believe that he learns to dance with them whilst in Kei Lumennura with his grandpapa and mama. I think that the persona who actually taught him to fly was Cathilda, icon that she is.
I fully believe that part of Kristen's whole being chosen by Helio was shown in her wings. I think that she got beautiful green wings like that of a corn husk (Green Jay) up until she switched to be Saint Kristen Applebees of Cassandra. Her wings switched to more closely resemble those of a Steller's Jay. I think that her parents did try to clip her wings before she finally moved in with Fig and Gilear at the Strongtower Luxury Apartments
One Mr. Riz Gukgak is a badass through and through just like his parents. And his wings are built for badassery. They are rose gold saker falcon wings. He is fast as hell and he had to be cause if he wasn't they ya know, bullies would be dicks to my guy.
That's all I have for now folks!! Feel free to add on if you wanna!!
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remidyal · 11 months
Fantasy High Junior Year Predictions, Pt 3
Last time, it was a tie on the most likely big bad between the Night Yorb and Sol/Galicaea/Helio!
This time, we're going for an equally happy poll!
For bonus points, put in the tags how you think it'll happen!
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unsleepingtales · 8 months
Fhjy e2 reactions this episode is batshit and I love them but also I’m so sad
I’ll be so real gang I am stressed and have been in a downwards thought spiral so we’ll see how this goes yeah?
I love Adaine making her mage hand look like Riz’s ringed hand that’s so fun and lovely
Also the mage hand mini is so cool
Don’t patronize me, it’s bad 😔
Goddamn they’re good
Would you be interested in healing us?? Spare healing o cleric??
I love that they could heal the hangvan
The night yorb’s art is SO cute I need a plushie of it. I’m gonna just buy galaxy patterned fleece and make one.
It feels like a stretch???
It’s gonna bite!
I just thought if I acted excited it would be good
Naur 💀
Armor of ayda!!!
Go sit on a whisky bottle you punk bitch !
Duggan and Balthazar definitely explored each others bodies we’re all agreed on this right. In my mind they had something like the cowboy and the roman soldier from night at the museum had.
“This is hot” Emily I agreeeee
Perfect example of gambler’s fallacy but y’know what this did just reinforce it
Nothing I can do! Brennan. Brennan come on.
That’s a feat I took in LIFE
They THREW that that die TRAVELLED
“You know I’m always rooting for you”
No more probability smashing ok murph?
Y’know what for being fully run over by a van? 22 points of damage is not bad.
Was last episode really only two rounds of combat
He is So defeated
I’m hurting 😡
ALSO the portal is so cool. This battle set is amazing.
The blood on the windshield I can’t
Can she resummon Baby?? Has he died before I can’t remember?
“From when you ran me over” as if Fabian is not Solely responsible for the choices he’s made. Riz didn’t intentionally run you over babe you fell out of the van.
This is. Not great!
What hell!
Oh nooooo
Cmon Murph please
Oh god
Oh my god you are about to kill your healer
She had 23!!
Aaaaaaaaa oh god
:( I feel bad for the cute manta ray
Ally’s gonna sue you if they hit you
With my wizarding powers and my absolutely fucked van ! Gorgug thistlespring the man that you are
Ok yeah that makes sense that was on the bingo
Ok so the van now holds the night yorb sealed in its roof and an angel in the engine. Fantastic.
That mural is beautiful
They’re so exhausted guys. School starts tomorrow.
(What an episode to air the week I go back to class and have Such A Bad Time Guys)
Don’t menace me!
It means something to me emotionally. Gorgug Car Guy Thistlespring <3
You wanted to do a bit so now we’re doing a bit. Suffer for your bit.
Does the back door of the van mini open?? Bc that’s sick
Ooooh Ally has custom spell cards with the d20 logo on them. Those are neat
He’s gonna stab these guys but it’s not with any of the normal zeal 😔
Just to try and feel something
Why do you guys careee you’re bugssss
Zac oh god
‘Guys I think Fig’s getting hit with the ballista right now’
She doesn’t even cutting words she just takes it 😭😭
It’s that era, The Ball 😭😭
Oh my fucking god
The noises of defeat they’re all making
I want an ice cream. Like the old days.
Just like that ART oh I’m gonna reblog that art of them at basrar’s so bloody after a fight
I love them. I missed the bad kids guys.
I think we’ve gotta go to sleep.
Love an aso callback
Love wins 💅
We’re done doing this!!
What kind of BULLSHIT
God this is so unhinged
No bonus action healing or anything Kristen?
So tactical. So late. So dead.
The slowest and saddest three point turn
The least enthusiastic stab
You didn’t! Have! To do it! You could! Have had! Ice cream! I! Want! To go! Home!!!
That Turncoat 😢
This is so fucking sad.
What the fuck man
I don’t know why anything happened. Why did any of that happened.
The shard of the day yorb
Fig why would you ask that.
Riz desperately trying to keep the group together is so heartbreaking
The fucking dry guys
Gotta stay awake in the dome motherfuckers
Oh my GOD
They’re gonna cry man
Dome art!
Brennan what are you about to do
Daisy Cubby!!!!
Fig. What.
I’M gonna cry.
Everyone’s gonna cry.
Is it fun man. Is it really.
It says fuck you zac ☺️ in beautiful writing!
Emily Axford the woman you are……….
What the fuck is happening right now.
Oh god oh no
This is so horrifying
Kristen. Kristen No.
I love the map!
Oh god.
Oh the Hallariel art is FANTASTIC
Are they going on their honeymoon. I have paused the episode to write this are hallariel and Gilear going on a honeymoon did they get married and not invite their kids because they were saving the world I’m gonna be so pissed
Oh the Gilear art is cursed
Okay they’re going on a cruise.
Gilear’s voice has dropped
Oh SHIT okay so I wasn’t that far off
This is just. So fucking sad. I know that it’s gonna get happier because it’s fantasy high but right now this is so fucking sad
They’re newlyweds??? So they did fucking get married?????
Leaving for MONTHS after your only child gets back from saving the world and you got married to one of his best friends’ dad without your child or your new spouse’s child there is so horrible oh my god. I am real life mad about this.
Ok interesting things happening with Gilear and luck. Is Gilear not gonna go see Fig at Mordred before he leaves for a year???
Guys there is still almost an hour left in this episode is it all gonna be this fucking sad
Oh my god he inherited the singing barrel pirates
Good for them being unionized
She’s got her own boarddddd
I love her
God they’re powerful this season
Oh thank god a loving mother.
It was… ssso tactical
That summer before junior year growth spurt/style shift combo is so real
Oh shit. The single mother struggling to pay for college storyline is gonna fuck me up monumentally I think. Fuck.
Scholarships are gonna be really important 🥲 line taken from my real life
Setting up a board is to riz gukgak what a spreadsheet is to me. I am him he is me.
Please god I need the thistlesprings to not make me sad
They’re so cute!!!!
Zac looks fucking near tears
Oh god any time Brennan’s face gets a little more serious and the music kicks in my heart just sinks
That does not make any sort of sense
Staying tight with your ex’s parents is also so real lmaooo
He had a toothbrush at her house??????
The bad girls are so important to me
They’re aaaall crying
And Ragh and Lydia!! Yay!!
Brb printing out the new Sandra Lynn art to hang on my wall
They’re so tired guys
Squeem is alive? Ok
Jawbone man.
Oh god. Literally.
Sobbing this is literally the high school mentality
Guys. Guys.
It’s a real crapshoot for me finishing things. Yep.
Babe that is not a measurement of classes.
Yes that is a thing you can do. You can take time off for extreme circumstances.
LOVE the Aguefort art. Slay.
Also love that the way Brennan gets into the Aguefort voice is to do the peace hands
He’s going on vacation with ayda?????
Ayda looks great
Oh God No
How could this possibly go wrong?
What is the quangle and why is it going to cause so many problems
Oh nooooooo
That’s so fucking sad christ alive
Oh god
“Does nobody respect the fact that it takes time to save the world” feels like the thesis of the season
Trackerbees breakup about to be confirmed??
Look at my best friend in the whole wide world and his pet rat. He’s so fucking pretty.
Aelwyn moved out??
Oh that’s lovely actually
Oh aelwyn looks GOOD.
And she’s got cats and is teaching middle school??? Good for herrrr
Awww that’s sweet
Oh right somehow I completely forgot that Fig did a fucked up devil deal
Oh god fig’s spilling on her shirt. Did she somehow swap fates with Gilear or something.
Sandra lynnnnnnnn
That is a good way to think about classes :)
Sometimes you really do just have to give Nothing constructive in an improv scene sometimes it’s better
Trackerbees breakup confirmed. Tracker’s doing great.
Still interested in the retcon or whatever happened with Tracker originally being a cleric of Lida and then switching to Galicea
Cassandra I’m sorry you and Kristen are both struggling so much
Oh Whatttt no
If Cassandra dies and goes to the astral plane I will be so sad.
Holy SHIT guys.
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thistlespringsummer · 3 months
Kaity Watches Spring Break! I Believe in You! (part two)
putting things beneath the read more this time because... because!
♡ okay, I forgot to start this draft earlier, so I'm already like an hour and a half in
♡ woo go Aelwyn!!!
♡ tracker!!!! tracker!!!!
♡ "wow that's hot what's going on" lovely priorities here as always
♡ please give me more gorgug & ayda friendship moments !!!! I need them!!!
♡ "so I'm going to ask a shenanigans question" followed almost immediately by "I'd like to channel Emily Axford" and "Secret Agent The Ball"
♡ fuck I got distracted messing with my theme
♡ okay, I have to go back to work now, I'll continue updating tonight!
♡ .... and we're back, baby!
♡ "last I saw, Adaine killed him, so..."
♡ what a fucking power move. I hated Aelwyn at the start of this season, and now I'm so fucking excited to see her and Adaine's relationship grow 🥰
♡ burn towns get money is just on repeat in my head. Not the whole song, just "burn towns, burn towns, burn towns get money"
♡ I love Ayda so much. <3
♡ no no no no no no no no no no NO!!!!!!!
♡ Fabian 'that is MY BEST FRIEND' Seacaster I love you
♡ can I swaddle the ball as a bonus action?
♡ that's resilience! omg Emily
♡ Aelwyn looks horrified- yes, and so do Gorgug and Fabian!
♡ no fuck Ragh! No no no!
♡ oh thank fucking gods
♡ oh good good yes
♡ that was banter omg
♡ woo gorthalax!
♡ give the bad guy our teddy
♡ this tree dude sucks
♡ hot riz is born. No.
♡ mirrors negate mirrors, classic literature
♡ kalina and the tree sounds like a really cool band name, honestly?
♡ how bout it was like a short rest? Omg Siobhan I love it
♡ okay, listen to this shenanigan
♡ what's all this math you're doing?
♡ Okay, this is a crazy thing to do in the middle of a battle. Love it.
♡ Saint Kristen Applebees is right
♡ oh. my. God. What the fuck oh my god oh my god what
♡ Holy fucking shit oh my god
♡ are my bones 600 years old for real
♡ oh. Oh my god. The storytelling genius that is Brennan Lee Mulligan. Oh my god.
♡ just a few points of light in all that darkness
♡ fucking ally oh my god this feels like a weird first date but I would follow you
♡ it's okay not to know, idk
♡ it's a real problem in archeology Brennan
♡ um, obviously.
♡ no, but for real though, I have it paused as I write this so I could find out I'm wrong in the next five minutes, but
♡ all the hellenic foreshadowing this season? If it wasn't supposed to be Cassandra, I followed Ally's thinking exactly
♡ which is slightly frightening to think about
♡ but yeah, absolutely that was obvious
♡ is Gilear restored to his pride armor oh my god
♡ awww gorgug so sweet
♡ a big bug gave me a riddle
♡ If we don't get an A I'm calling the cops
♡ is the most Adaine thing ever omg
♡ because my mum's name was Ayda Aguefort, too oh my fucking god Brennan why would you say something like that why
♡ chronomancy!
♡ jawbone 🥰
♡ you're easy to love. And anyone who couldn't figure it out was a real bozo.
♡ fucking break my heart why don't you
♡ okay fine I forgive you thanks to jawbone putting it back together for Ayda and I
♡ but I'm fucking sobbing over here
♡ oh my god Lou thank you for making me laugh Fabian is such a fucking dork and I love him
♡ if that's something you're interested in oh my gods brennan
♡ "tracker loves you so much" THEN WHY IS THERE SAD MUSIC PLAYING, BRENNAN?
♡ 😭😭😭
♡ ragh yes I love you
♡ riz
♡ as soon as you say nightyorb
♡ fuck. well, I knew it was coming
♡ fuck what is this music I know this music tomorrow is Wednesday on Wednesdays we listen to hobbit music oh I think this is lotr music!
♡ have you thought about what your junior year project might be?
Holy fucking shit I love this show and these nerds so fucking much. Thank you.
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villadiodatis · 6 months
Bad Kids level 12 breakdown!
Returned from the Vulture Dimension and on a roll academically, the Bad Kids have hit level 12. We've got some simple updates and some complex choices, so let's break it down. In case you missed my level 11 update, check it out here!
Adaine: Wizard 12. She's increased her intelligence by 2, taking it to 20 (the max it can get without magical objects) and making her modifier +5. This increases her spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and all INT-based skills (Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, and Religion) by 1. She can now prepare 17 spells per day (previously 15), and learns two new spells, which can be 1st-6th level.
Fabian: Fighter 6/Bard 6 (was Bard 5). He learns a new bard spell, which can be 1st-3rd level, and gets a third 3rd-level spell slot. He also gets a feature called Countercharm, which allows him to use his action to give allies within 30 ft advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. He would also get Extra Attack as a level 6 Swords bard, but he already has it from being a level 5+ fighter.
Fig: HOOOO BOY FIGUEROTH FAETH. Fig is now Bard 9/Paladin 2/Warlock 1. She's lost a warlock level and gained two paladin levels. With that, she loses whatever eldritch invocations she got last level, 1 1st-level warlock spell slot, and 1 known warlock spell. She gains Divine Sense 6 times per long rest (which we saw her use this episode, German Shepherd-style!), 10 points of Lay on Hands healing, Divine Smite, an unknown fighting style, and paladin spells. Multiclass spellcasting gets a little complicated, but the basics of it is she gets a second 5th-level spell slot and can prepare 6 spells from the paladin list per day, in addition to the bard and warlock spells she knows. She can cast any of her spells with any of her slots, and only the 1 warlock slot recharges on a short rest.
Gorgug: Barbarian 6/Artificer 6 (was Artificer 5). He learns two new artificer infusions, bringing him to 6 total, and can have 3 infused items at once. His tool checks now have expertise, so double his proficiency bonus. In addition (and this happened a few episodes ago, so I apologize for missing it!), he's changed his subclass from Alchemist to Battle Smith. He loses proficiency with alchemist's tools, subclass spells (Healing Word, Ray of Sickness, Flaming Sphere, Melf's Acid Arrow), elemental elixirs, and the damage bonus for spells that deal acid/fire/necrotic/poison damage. He gains proficiency with smith's tools, subclass spells (Heroism, Shield, Branding Smite, Warding Bond), can now use INT instead of STR/DEX for weapon attack and damage rolls (his strength is higher than his intelligence, so this may not come into play), Extra Attack (which he already has), and, biggest of all, Clobica, his Steel Defender.
Kristen: Cleric 12. Kristen has taken an unknown feat--we can rule out any that increase ability scores, but beyond that no clue. My baseless guess is War Caster, which grants advantage on maintaining concentration checks, and is a very solid choice for any caster, particularly clerics, who have a lot of concentration spells. She can also now prepare 17 spells per day (previously 16).
Riz: Rogue 12. Like Adaine, Riz increased his intelligence by 2, bringing it to 18, making his modifier +4. This increases his spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and all INT-based skills (Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, and Religion) by 1.
And across the board, everyone's HP goes up and they get another hit die. Let's see how this unfolds, please let me know if I missed anything, and see you next level!
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underappreciated moments from fantasy high: gorgug drunk/high on snuff
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