#bonus content meme
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im-a-king-baby · 1 year ago
I love the laura bonus ficlet! Do you maybe can write about her thoughts of when she found out that it was Wilhelm who was there with Simon in Bjärstad?
Thank you for loving Laura! (The previous Laura ficlet is here to give context)
Also for the reblogs, this is a bonus ficlet from my longer YR fic Everybody Loves You Now!
This picks up from slightly later in the conversation in the car between Simon and Laura.
Laura considers her next question for all of thirty seconds before going with her gut. “Is ‘Fuck this Motherfucker’ about Candace?”
Simme laughs. She made Simme laugh! There's a little buzz of pride in her stomach. “Is that what people think? You guys know I didn’t write it, right?”
“I know, but you said you always try to have a concept in mind when you sing, to make the songs about something.”
He gives a little nod, acknowledging her point. “True. I guess it’s about Candace a lot.” He shrugs. “But one time it was definitely about this stretch of highway we’d been on the night before that was so full of potholes -”
“Atlanta to Nashville,” she says, instinctively, like this is some Simme trivia game and not just her knowing a weird number of facts about his actual life. “Sorry. I just… I saw the video.”
She glances sideways at him again. He looks amused rather than mad, and he hasn’t refused to answer any of her questions yet so she kind of has to. “Can I ask… Who do you think about when you sing the love songs?”
There’s no hesitation to it. No equivocations, no questioning. Just the name, said so softly that it takes her a moment to connect it to the reality of Crown Prince Wilhelm who gives speeches on Year with the Royal Family and gets photographed in suits hugging babies and opening hospitals.
It’s a weird crossing of streams, realising The Crown Prince is a person and there are people he dated in high school who say his name like it’s something precious they want to keep hold of.
But like, that was four years ago. And Simme hasn’t even been back to Sweden since. “Still?” she finds herself asking.
“Yeah.” He’s looking out the window, at the shadows of trees in the darkness. “He’s the only… there’s never been anyone else.”
There have been four years of constant wall to wall news coverage of Simme with this popstar or that actor or this reality TV star. Simme laughing off his high school relationship with the Prince of Sweden like it was nothing at all. “I thought… I mean we all heard about Alfonso…”
He laughs something bitter lingering at the edges to it. “I thought it was a marketing stunt, he thought it was true love. We didn’t last.”
“But you and Wilhelm are still…”
“No,” he says. “We’re not.” His fingers drum against the door handle. “Can you pull over? Just for a minute. I need to do something.”
She’s at that point where she’s basically awake but is refusing to admit it, nestled down into the covers trying to avoid opening her eyes, half thinking that if she does everything that happened last night is going to turn out to be a wild dream and she’ll be back in Gothenburg about to wake up and drive to Stockholm to meet Stan and see the show.
Then there’s a gentle knock on the door and an unmistakable voice says, “Hey? Can I come in?” and Laura opens her eyes to a closet-sized bedroom with posters of horses on the walls.
She’d found a nightshirt to sleep in that falls all the way down to her knees, so she’s decent enough to sit up and say, “Okay?”
Simme steps into the room. He’s changed into a purple hoodie, but otherwise he looks much the same. Like he hasn’t slept or showered since he dug out a silk pillowcase from the depths of the linen cupboard. His eyes catch on the horse posters, lingering a moment too long before he looks down at her. “There’s lunch. If you’re hungry.”
She wants to ask ‘are you okay?’ but his eyes keep darting back to the walls, his hands are twitching and he had to pull over multiple times so he could snort a powder that she’s really hoping was not cocaine so she’s not sure she’s ready for the answer.
Also now he’s mentioned food, she’s realising she’s starving. “Sure.”
He nods, takes a step back so she can stand up and then leads her back down the tiny hallway, past family photos that she resists the urge to stop and peer at, and into the kitchen where there are two strangers setting the table and one of them is Crown Prince Wilhelm.
She lets out a noise that might be a yelp, starts a, “You’re-” but thankfully cuts herself off before she can say something completely idiotic like ‘you’re here’ or ‘you’re the prince’ or ‘you’re taller than you look on TV.’
It turns out there is a difference between knowing there is something going on between Simme and the Prince and actually seeing said prince in the flesh wearing Simme’s white hoodie instead of a neatly pressed suit and setting out plates on the kitchen table.
Only the hoodie was oversize on Simme but clearly fits Prince Wilhelm just fine so that’s… a thing.
“Hello,” she says, trying to get back to normal only this isn’t normal because he’s a prince so like. “I mean, your majesty.”
Prince Wilhelm smiles. Up close, it’s the same kind of smile Simme keeps giving her, the one he seems able to paste over whatever he’s really feeling in the moment. “Your majesty is my mother,” he says. “Call me Wilhelm.”
Which of course just reminds her of being in the car the night before, the way Simme’s voice softened on Wilhelm’s name. And Simme had said they weren’t still… but Wilhelm is here, in this middle-of-nowhere town. Not Simme’s team, not Candace, just Wilhelm.
A good half of the internet would pay a large fortune for a glimpse of what she's seeing now. The way Wilhelm's eyes track Simme's progress through the room, the way Simme's whole body seems angled towards the Prince even when they're not interacting at all.
"Have you told anyone you're here?" Wilhelm's bodyguard asks her.
She hasn't. And as Wilhelm and Simon both reach for a plate at the same time and flinch back a moment before their fingers brush, she knows she never will.
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fatedroses · 7 months ago
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Romanceable - Quest Giver - Final Boss
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dipplinduo · 7 months ago
Not a single soul asked for this but
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Had to do it to 'em. B)
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jenna-louise-jamie · 4 months ago
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finally finished reading nightshade
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floofle-universe · 2 years ago
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You’re an idiot
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I’m your idiot
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periodiccompletionist · 11 months ago
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kinnbig · 2 years ago
omg maybe kimchay love confession will be reciprocated in the spanish dub
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foodie-husker · 2 months ago
Catalyst - Anthony's Family + Boyfriend Alignment Chart
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im-a-king-baby · 1 year ago
I'm done with my re-reading of ELYN, and THE line I will keep with me is this one :
“I don’t want anything from you.”
Simon pulls back to look at him. He’s applied concealer to the bags under his eyes, this close Wilhelm can see the streaks of it on his skin as he gives a weak smile. “You want the most of anyone.” Which isn’t fair and isn’t true. Except that it is. “I just want you to be happy.”
“Yeah,” Simon says. “That.”
This is sooo powerful ! The weight of the expectations of your loved one... 😭❤😭❤
And I would love to know why Simon gave Wille a key for his room... What was he expecting ?
And if it's not too much, what do you think made August get clean and turn his back to royalty ?
Again, thank you so much for this story ! ❤
Hiii, sorry this took so long. Can't believe I am expected to work a job instead of just having fanfic related feelings on tumblr all day every day. Very rude. None stars.
(if your ask is in my inbox I promise I am getting to it! If you still want to submit questions for any of the memes I reblogged, I will happily ramble all day every day so the ask box is always open <3 )
"I just want you to be happy."
(I need you all to know that doing this meme is really reinforcing the 'a first draft does not have to be perfect or even good' mantra because guess what was also not in draft 1! All of this!)
There is a side of Simon's character that I think is justified in canon which is that he doesn't like letting people down. He switches schools to support Sara, he agrees to date Marcus even though he clearly doesn't want to because Marcus asks. So this moment starts with Simon talking about how he started on coke because he didn't want to let the fans down by being exhausted. Originally there was another step in the middle where he talks about how Candace wanted him to get clean but also be the superstar (and do a documentary!) and he couldn't see a way to have both. And then that his breakthrough was hiring Joseph, and Keira and realising that having money means you can pay people to care about you in very specific ways.
Wilhelm swallows. “Sometimes people help you just because they want to.” Simon’s mouth quirks slightly off to the side, like Wilhelm’s said something amusing. “That’s what they tell you. But they always want something from you, you just don’t realise what until it’s too late.” “I don’t want anything.”
Wilhelm I think genuinely believes that he's telling the truth here, but Simon has had to become a lot more aware of how he is perceived and the expectations of him from having this very public career. Like, for all Wilhelm saying 'you can take time, the fans won't disappear if it takes you more than 2 months to make an album', Simon has also seen the fan tweets complaining when the tour skips certain cities/countries, when they have to wait for the album, when they don't release a tour vlog. (One of the big reasons he doesn't have a phone is to stop him from reading all of that because at a certain point you can't satisfy everyone and Candace is like 'this is not helping you so let's put a stop to it.')
So in this moment Wilhelm is saying 'I don't want anything' but also he wants them to be together and happy and Simon is very aware that the easiest way for him to be happy is by drinking and taking the drugs. He's spent the last week and a half in coke withdrawal which is basically just being miserable all the time and going into rehab is going to be more of that. And then, the Simon who comes out of rehab is going to be very different from Simme-the-popstar and different to Simon-from-high-school and current-Simon has no idea what that person will look like or if it will even be someone Wilhelm likes.
So for Simon getting clean means getting away from anyone else's idea of who he should be. And that's hard. And sometimes you hit on the perfect line to articulate what would otherwise be 5 paragraphs of rambling tumblr post and those moments are the best part of writing for all that they come so rarely <3 (and also they do not always come in draft 1 and that's okay)
2. Why does Simon invite Wilhelm to the hotel room
I think SImon's base logic is the same as why Wilhelm went, this sense of 'if we can get away from the cameras we can be Us instead of Simme and Crown Prince Wilhelm and things will make sense again.' But on top of that is this thing that Simon is doing where he is attempting to use sex to solve his problems (arguably this desire is coming from the same place as the drinking and the coke. It's the 'I don't know how to feel good when I'm not performing, but if I invite someone up they'll tell me I'm amazing and then we can have orgasms and that'll feel good for a little while').
So Simon is thinking 'I need to see him in private' but then he doesn't have any plan beyond that so it's back to the usual plan of sex=feeling good, with a side line in 'if I give him a good enough time he won't notice anything weird or ask any questions and everything will be fine.'
(I do have a while Simon POV scene of the hotel after Wilhelm leaves that will probably be posted somewhere at some point so here is a teaser:
Wilhelm must have left by now. And if part of Simon was hoping that he’d still be there when Simon opened the door - so SImon could say what, he doesn’t know - that part is quiet enough not to show surprise when there’s just Gareth in the hallway in his perfectly pressed suit with his perfectly neutral gaze. Does Gareth feel emotion? Nobody knows. He has all of one facial expression so if he’s judging Simon for bringing the prince of Sweden up to his rooms or judging him for failing to keep the prince of Sweden there for longer than an hour, or not judging him at all because he has full respect for the whore lifestyle, Simon never has to know.
3. August
Oh hey! I thought this choice might get me more hate so thanks to everyone for coming on board with me for the off-screen August redemption arc 😅
So fundamentally ELYN (and, yknow, YR) is a story about legacy and inheritance. Both the big glaringly obvious thing of the crown, but also the other things: the secrets, the class culture, and the genetic predisposition to addiction. (I can't remember right now if August's father's suicide was drug-related in the show, but for the fic I definitely had that in my mind).
So August functions as a parallel for both Simon and Wilhelm. The obvious 'was taking drugs to cope with stress, stress kept increasing, ultimately broke under it' . But also on Wilhelm's side, August is desperately trying to live up to the legacy of a dead man. He's idolising his father, wanting to make him proud and unable to acknowledge that this culture of appearing perfect and not talking about problems is what killed him.
The way I always pictured August's arc was that he hit rock bottom somewhere in the military - he'd been relying on pills to get him through stress, this was infinitely more stress than high school, plus the fallout from Sara's confession (which had been covered up by the court, but was still impacting him). I never had a concrete idea of what the exact rock bottom was (maybe stealing pills?), but he was dishonorably discharged and checked himself into rehab where he basically got a big dose of Welcome to Real Life. Meeting normal people. Realising they're not so different. 'There's a whole world out there that's not our careful circle of cultivated Heirs and Heiresses and people have problems but they also have whole entire lives where none of these things you're so worried about matter at all.'
And he did the work. He re-evaluated his biases. He grew up. He met a girl, who I think was class-adjacent but more practical than the Hillerska-royalty types (I like to think she was maybe an art assessor who came to help him auction off large parts of the estate holdings) and they got talking. Their relationship seems to have moved pretty fast, but hey August took some pride in the elements of being prefect that involved taking care of people so maybe he's ready for a family. (Originally there were going to be 8 years between the show and the fic so I gave him 3 kids, and then when I cut it down to 6years it felt mean to delete a baby so that's why he has twins.)
The 12 step program has a step for 'making amends', I think August probably got in touch with Wilhelm and was like 'I owe you an apology and amends, and I understand if you don't want to talk to me but if I can ever help you or Simon, I'm here.' And that went ignored until Wilhelm called him from basic training, and then five years later when he got a call from Simon in hospital like 'So Malin gave me your number...'
One other bonus August ELYN headcanon I have is that Wilhelm phoned August from the car on his way to the debate and was like:
"I think if I do it now I can bring it all down, but if I can't they're going to come after you, and then the children. I'm sorry I can't protect them anymore." "It's my job to look after my family," August says. "And I promise I will not let any of this shit touch them. You have my full support, go do what you have to do."
(there is a whole other tumblr post about how I don't believe in writing bad people just people who sometimes make bad choices but this is already Very Long and I'm not sure if I actually answered the questions so we'll leave it there 😅)
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soraritsuka · 1 year ago
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bonuscatart · 2 months ago
Sometimes I feel like Hasbro has forgotten how to market My Little Pony (probably other franchises, too). It's like they're trying to sell the Brand™ instead of stories and toys. They keep milking G4 instead of of letting new stuff flourish (e.g., that leaked summer camp concept). They canceled G5 with loose plot threads. I've not heard anything confirmed for G6.
The toys have lost quality over the years. Shrinking size is one thing, but effort in design is another. There's a few things I can think of, but I'm going to focus on cutie marks. They are a very recognizable part of the brand. Why are they only printed on one side? Has technology not improved over the years? They're printing eyes on both sides, so why not cutie marks? Why change the animated characters' marks to one-sided? I have 2 inch Dollar Tree G5s that have cutie marks on both sides. If toy makers can print double sided with $1.25 figures and the anniversary G1 merch, why not consistently do it?
I'm most familiar with the mini play sets. I can tell they've lost effort. I don't own any G1 Petite Ponies, but their sets look detailed. They had mechanisms that used the ponies like keys, and some ponies had brushable hair. G3 Ponyville figures had several buildings and accessories, even when they repeated sets for Core 7. Buildings had working mechanisms and/or lights. Each pony's hair had a discreet peg hole for "hair clips," or they could be swapped like wigs. G4 had more body types, yet the Friendship is Magic Collection was... lackluster? It feels like Hasbro used the "collectible" label as an excuse to not put backs on the buildings. On one hand, FIMC had more accessories than the blind bags. On the other hand, the throne for Canterlot Castle can't fit inside without laying down. Then, G5 downsized to 1 inch Mini World Magic. Some reviews call them low quality, Polly Pocket knockoffs. I didn't want to buy them because they don't match my 2 inch town.
I don't think cutting costs is improving profits. Instead, customers* are looking at higher quality brands like Wild Manes. Hasbro didn't give G5 time to develop, so there was less motivation to buy toys. Toy sales were low, so Hasbro didn't spend time on G5. When will Hasbro remember that you have to work to make money?
*U.S. customers who like horses. The Chinese MLP merch (e.g., Dinosaw) seems to be doing well.
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nightshadowcat · 2 months ago
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The first piece still remain my favorite one out of the jayvik fanarts I made until now. Did you know Viktor's blood stains in the hexcore scene and Jayce's hammer's impact in the robot attack scene have both those butterfly wings shapes? Arcane is deep on symbolism, and the butterfly effect is one of the theme we can find in the series. (also, astral plane bonus meme cuz Jayce has certain...feelings for God Viktor, I know) Please consider to follow me on twitter and bluesky for nsfw content
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kinsey3furry300 · 7 months ago
Okay so hear me out...
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BONUS CURSED CONTENT! Laios and Hunter have the same wolf Fursona:
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EDIT: Following feedback, I’m changing the Willow/Chilchuck panel from “A parent in a child’s body who is just done with everyone’s shit” to “Carrying the team, Done with everyone’s shit.” I don’t want anything I produce to be hurtful or upsetting to anyone, so even though I don’t feel it’s as impactful, and least it’s not infantilising. This will probably achieve little to nothing now the meme has breached containment but it’s the least I can do. Thank you all for feedback.
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seven-gill · 3 months ago
Evolution of my sketches and doodles for Indigo. Still haven’t settled on something I like. She feels too similar to my Listener design, mainly in the face, so I’m working on giving her a distinct look. Bonus Fathom sprinkled here and there.
Minor content warning for blood in image 3.
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1. The most recent concept, comparing Indigo before and after the massacre. I know Fathom completely healed her following her tussle with Albatross, but I like the idea of her still carrying the scars of that fateful night. I’m not a fan of her color palette or horns, but I’m happy with the freckles and triangle motif.
2. Early version of the previous image with more vibrant purples and white compliments. Post massacre Indigo is almost meant to look like a completely different character. I wanted her sail to be a prominent part of her person, something vibrant and playful before its completely shredded.
3. Fathom grieving over a dying Indigo. Very happy with these colors and the shape of her wings and tail. Maybe I’ll revisit this sketch and make a full drawing of it.
4. Color exploration. I really don’t like working with the color purple. I mean, I love it on its own, but I’m awful at coming up with pleasing palettes, and purple- for whatever reason, is one of those colors I can’t seem to get right, I tried purple and oranges, purple and white, and so on and so forth. I looked at some purple fish for reference and decided that the Purple Tang was a decent muse. Deep blues and purples paired with spots and stripes. Also tried incorporating yellow/orange again…
5. Fathom and the “Animus Slayer”. Fathom has remained relatively unchanged in his appearance. He’s meant to look like a wearier Turtle, while also borrowing some of his grandfather’s traits. The Albatross similarities will make more sense if I ever get around to posting my design for him. (They’re supposed to have similar beaked snouts, eyebrows, horns, and forked barbels).
6. My OLDEST concepts for Indigo. These were my attempts to get a feel for color and shape, and it’s where I decided I wanted Indigo to be heavily scarred.
7. Indigo and Fathom as young dragonets | Another armored Indigo doodle | The Pickles meme but with Indigo and Fathom.
I’ll probably finish Indigo eventually, but I’m sorta at a loss on where to take her. Maybe I’ll move my focus to Albatross and Fathom since I have a much clearer vision for them.
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eevees-hobbies · 9 months ago
ume devours pussy like he's been starved for days on end (he couldn't see you for a few days) and bonus points if you're actually a plaything for furin , so he'll do a pussy inspection first >-< - 💌 anon <3
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Author’s Note: Hi, 💌 Anon! Welcome back 💕 I Just realized that I didn’t mention Sakura in this entire piece, and my heart hurts because of it, lol. Anyway, I’m snatching my bonus points thank you very much! I love the idea of being used by Bofurin; like sign me the fuck up! Trains go choo choo! Lastly, please don't clock me for the name of this little fic haha. I realized I don't have a banner with just Ume, and I was like, "might as well!"
Content Warning: Fem!Reader x Hajime Umemiya. You’re Bofurin’s girlfriend to be shared and loved by all, mention of sexual activities with others, fem! receiving oral, mentions of eating ass, but I spared you THIS time, some dirty talk, pubic hair mention, sorry to the two Nirei fuckers out there, I’m sure he eats pussy like a champ—Tis smut. Minors Don’t Interact. 
Word Count: 1.9K
Divider by Saradika. Banner by me
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One qualification for a good leader is being unselfish, and Umemiya embodies that virtue perfectly. 
When he took on the role of leader of Bofurin, he knew that it would involve quite a bit of sharing that had the potential to test anyone’s patience. But as though it’s his calling—and it most definitely is—Umemiya willingly shares wisdom with those ready to receive it and, most importantly, shares his most limited resource: his time. He’s never had a problem giving away so much of himself for so little in return. 
It wasn’t until Bofurin had gotten back from winning an intense match-up with a rival group across town, and you all were celebrating on the rooftop with food and beer, that the obvious occurred to him. 
As he watched over the joyous faces of his crew, he found himself studying you, like he always does, as you interacted with Hiragi, whose eyes looked over your form hungrily after you placed a piece of Gyoza against his lips and the tip of your finger touched his tongue.
He watched when you went to speak to Kiryu, who pulled you into his lap playfully and planted a kiss on your cheek, his hands resting under the curve of your breasts. 
And he watched as you crossed the space to turn up the pop-punk music crooning from the stereo. Suo reached out to you unprompted and tucked a stray hair behind your ear, his hand lingering for a beat too long to be considered innocent. 
It became abundantly clear to Ume that he would be doing a massive disservice to his team if he didn’t share you, too.
You thought he was suggesting an open relationship when he approached you with the idea. Your thoughts were in flux immediately. Was he unhappy? Was there someone else? Your heart sunk into your stomach at the idea and the hurtful implications of such an arrangement, but Umemiya simply shook his head.
“I have no intention of offering myself to anyone but you.” 
Admittedly, your new role as the official Bofurin Girlfriend had you just as busy as Umemiya. You weren’t only a sexual toy for them. You were Nirei’s first date, Suo’s confidant, Tsubakino’s shopping buddy, and Kaji’s and Hiragi’s third wheel at metal shows. You felt so lucky to be surrounded by so much love—and dick. But all those excursions—and dick—kept you insanely booked, to the point that you had to develop a shared calendar with your boy toys to not overlap on dates!
So it’s not to anyone's surprise that there are days when you and Umemiya don’t cross paths. You exchange texts frequently, asking how the other is doing and sharing inside jokes with cute gifs and memes, but the absence hurts and leaves you aching for him. And maybe it was also Umemiya’s intention to busy you with the boys because he knew he couldn’t give you as much time as you deserved, but it didn’t hurt any less. 
But fret not; on rare occasions, your schedules align.
You can feel him before you see him, an overwhelming presence that makes the air dense and clotted with an insurmountable pressure. You look up to the door, and just as your intuition hinted, he strides into the room where you all commonly loiter as a group—members strewn across the worn-out couch and others talking amongst each other immediately straighten and hush. 
Umemiya’s well-kept hair is slightly messy, with a few strands dangling in front of his face, and his eyes are smoldering as they scan across the faces in the room, searching until they land on you.
As soon as your eyes meet, the air feels as though it’s coursing with electricity—sexual tension threatening to boil over and scorch anyone who gets in your path. It doesn’t take long for everyone to get the hint to vacate quickly, knowing that you two are set on a collision course that they wouldn’t be able to stop even if they wanted to.
“Ume," you start but are unable to finish as he crosses the room. His heavy steps are the only thing that prepares you as his lips crash onto yours. As he kisses you, hands placed on either side of your cheeks, he breathes you in. His chest expands against yours, and you’re reminded at that moment how much you’ve missed him—missed this. You both wonder silently, but somehow aloud with your bodies, how you could go so long without the other.
And when you’ve been apart for so long, you don’t have time for pleasantries. Ume is walking you backward until your ass is pushed against the back of the couch, which previously housed Bofurin members, the indentations of their bodies still fresh in the cushions.
He smiles at you—one that you recognize because it isn’t his usual giddy grin; instead, it’s a smile that conveys, “I can’t help what I’m about to do to you.” 
Ume gently grips your elbow and spins you around. As he bends you over, you’re now painfully aware of the feeling of a breeze as he hikes up your dress and his fingers pinch at the exposed flesh of your ass.
“No underwear?”
“Suo doesn’t like it when I wear panties. He says it’s a hassle.”
Umemiya hums to himself in response to this interesting tidbit. He kneels, placing two giant hands on your cheeks, and spreads you down the middle. If anyone else were in the room, they’d be able to see everything, from your juicy, wet cunt to your winking, puckered asshole, and the fact that Umemiya can see everything makes you gush.
“My pretty girl is already so wet,” Umemiya muses, eyeing your pretty hole as it drools for him. You blush, knowing he’s not referring to you but having a conversation with your pussy instead.  
“Have you been a good girl for the boys?” His mouth leaves hot kisses and gentle nips along the curve of your ass, tongue darting out and leaving a trail of saliva across the expanse of your smooth flesh. You stiffen, wondering if his tongue will dip into somewhere more lewd—and Ume considers it, but he’s on a mission with one goal in mind; he’ll devour your asshole another time. 
“Y-yeah, Ume. I’ve been a good girl for them.”
His finger traces your entrance, spreading your freely-flowing juices onto your cunt’s lips. His eyes take you in with pride as you clench around the air simply because his finger is so close to being inside of you. He smiles at the physical way you show how much you crave him.
“For who in particular?”
“My god, Ume! Always with the questions!” You squirm under his touch. You know he isn’t being an intentional tease, but the line of questioning still feels invasive. How do you tell your boyfriend that Hiragi’s cock was breaking you in by noon, and Kiryu had you sucking him off under the table while he tapped away at this phone screen only a couple of hours ago? 
“Why are you shy all of a sudden? Here, I can check.”
Your thighs quiver as he slides two fingers inside of you without warning. You attempt to adjust, but his probing fingers are sweeping so deeply inside of you that you have to dig your nails into the soft fabric of the couch to keep yourself from reaching back and grabbing his wrist. 
“Sugishita, huh? I can tell.”
Oh, yeah. Sugishita, too. 
You cringe as his fingers pass over your clit, making you hiss and recall that you woke up to a particular someone’s head buried between your legs.
“And Nirei, too? Did it feel good when he sucked on your clit? That’s his favorite thing, right? Sucking at your cute little clit until you cum down his throat.”
You huff and wiggle against his hand, growing restless from being exposed like this and against his eyes with no release. 
“Does his tongue feel better than mine?” There’s no jealousy in his tone—just curiosity and a hint of ego because he knows the answer before you can say it.
You give him a quick head shake and mouth the word “No,” earning a smirk. 
“Use your words, sweetheart.”
He’s teasing you, and not saying what he hears means the unfortunate consequence of not having his mouth on you. 
“Your tongue feels better than Nirei’s, Ume.”
“Good girl.” And without further comment, and to your delight, Ume places a kiss against the back of your mound, soft pubic hair tickling his lips.
You don’t like to compare sexual experiences; every Bofurin member brings their own “talents” to the bedroom, but Umemiya has to be your favorite. He touches you with such fondness and devotion that it sets you on fire. Your head falls forward, and your shoulders slump as his tongue makes gentle work of your clit, as if to apologize on behalf of Nirei for making you sore.
“Did you miss me, Ume?”
“More than you could ever imagine. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you—done this—that I was starting to get restless.”
Umemiya’s words ring true. He feasts upon you as though what you have between your thighs is the only meal that can satiate his immense hunger. The way he rubs his nose against your sex, chuckling as you whimper against him, “Needy girl. What am I going to do with you?”
Umemiya’s tongue splits you open, his tongue solid and firm as it explores your cunt, his hands are placed on either side of your ass, with his face flush against your skin to leave as little space between you as possible. 
The way his hot breath fills you up and the way he moans with every lick makes your head spin. Ume and pussy-eating are synonymous. Eating you out is like breathing in air for him, and the way he’s pushing you forward, your stomach digging into the back of the couch from the exertion, is a clear indicator that he’s just as into it as you are. 
“You taste like heaven, baby girl.” Soft, gentle praises float through the air as he laps at you. Between hungry slurps and moans, your legs begin to tremble. If you weren’t holding yourself up against the fortitude of the couch, you’d surely collapse against Umemiya’s face. 
“This isn’t too much for you, right, baby? I’m so hungry; let me have a little more of your pretty pussy.”
It doesn’t matter what you say; Umemiya is set on devouring you regardless of your ability to stand.
“Grind back on my face, sweet girl. I want you to fuck my tongue.” 
And as someone who isn’t in the business of disappointing her king, you use what little energy you have by pushing yourself off the couch and grinding your pussy on Ume’s outstretched tongue. 
He goads you on with each bounce, and in between the soft, wet, smacking sounds from the collision your ass makes with his face, you can barely make out what he’s chanting. 
As you look back at him, curving your midsection to get as best of a view as one can in a bent over, ass-up position, you’re met with the intense, unapologetic, “dare you to look away” gaze of Umemiya’s over the top of your cheeks. 
Direct eye contact during cunnilingus is an unsung hero, and Ume remains the champion. Your walls clench around his tongue, squeezing the muscle as your pussy juices cascade into his mouth and down his chin. 
And despite the way you quake around him, Ume lets you ride it out on his tongue before pulling away and unbuckling his pants.
“God, I’ve missed ya.”
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