#blood draw
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Bunny got her blood drawn. She’s shaky and looking green around the gills, but she’s doing alright.
She’s going to get milk and cookies once they gets home~
-Elmara Nettle, 9th bloom
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chronicillnesshumor · 18 days ago
[Making conversation during a blood draw] Why are you doing this to me?
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weirdtanblobinthemirror · 28 days ago
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I feel bad for my parents
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dinodaydreams · 5 months ago
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I had a really big scary blood draw today with like 12 tubes taken from me and he was there the whole time very supportive scooby
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patchworkblankie · 9 months ago
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I’ve reorganised my sewing needles using spare blood tubes from the hospital! It is such a great way of storing needles because:
1. I can stab them into the rubber thingy at the top so they stay organised and I don’t need to tip them out into my hand (the rubber is thick enough that they don’t poke out the other side)
2. They stay sealed in the container with anti-moisture beads so that they don’t go rusty
3. I can colour-code the tube lids depending on what is in them
So next time you are in your local emergency department, ask one of the doctors or nurses if you can steal some spare blood tubes!
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Swipe Right - Part 2
Part 1
CWs: pet whump, medical whump, mentions of kidnapping, drugging, needles, blood draw, stress positions, force feeding solid food
Charlie opened his eyes slowly, blinking as his eyes adjusted to a bright light. His head was pounding.
He slowly opened his eyes, finding himself in an unfamiliar cold white room. He was laying on a medical exam bed.
What had happened? He remembered being on a date.. a woman. Her name was something unusual..
He shot upright. At least, he tried to, before he was jerked back.The movement shot waves of dizziness through him, and he groaned.
"Hello, Charlie." A familiar voice cooed.
He shuddered as he opened his eyes to find Lacey standing over him. She was now wearing a pair of white scrubs, with her hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail.
"What.. where am I?" he stammered, realising his arms were bound at his sides to the operating table he lay on, as were his legs.
"Welcome to HPP - Human Pet Providers. Not the most creative name, but we do as advertised." Lacey gestured around the room. "You have been selected as a good candidate for a companion pet."
Charlie had heard of pets, of course, in this sense, but he thought they were a rare priviledge for the uber-rich, and he thought people were only sold for this sort of thing in far-away cities. He thought he had been safe, but he was instead now trapped in a terrifying, nightmarish-reality. He opened his mouth to say something, anything, but no sound came out.
Lacey reached out a hand and placed it on Charlie's jaw, shutting his mouth. She placed a finger over his lips, and leaned in close. "Sh, darling. You don't have to speak anymore. You don't have to think anymore. I will be taking care of everything now on." She murmured.
She drew back, and waved over to someone out of sight. Four figures in white strode over, their expressions cold and uncaring.
"You may begin the examination."
"My name is Doctor Vaughn." A man with almond-brown skin and dark eyes announced, as he pulled on a pair of nitrile gloves and adjusted his white coat.
The doctor cut apart Charlie's clothes, and pulled the shredded garments off him.
"Don't!" Charlie finally found his voice, protesting the removal of the only things he had on his back in this strange place.
"Oh! He talks." Doctor Vaughn laughed. "It's too bad I don't care."
The man's colleagues collected the remnants of Charlie's clothes, whilst Doctor Vaughn began organising instruments on a steel tray. When they were done, one of the assistants picked up a camera and began taking photos, the harsh light from the flash hurting Charlie's eyes. They positioned him, like a doll, turning him this way and that, tilting his chin and closing in on each and every detail of his skin. Lacey merely stood there, observing impassively. Occasionally, she would make a remark, telling him to relax, to 'not worry' because he didn't need worry in his life anymore. It was uneccessary.
They pulled down a device down from the cieling by its handles, then pressed a button, and the device began sliding back and forth across tracks on the cieling, then side to side.
After a few minutes, the device stopped in place, and beeped softly.
Then, Doctor Vaughn began to examine Charlie more closely. He palpated the muscles in his legs, and took his blood pressure with an inflatable cuff. Then, the Doctor began inspecting everry inch of his body, probing and prodding. He took measurements and notes which were spoken aloud and then written down by another of the people jn scrubs onto a tablet. Doctor Vaughn nodded at one of the measurements, then picked up a syringe. Charlie flinched against the restraints, not that that did anything.
"You will learn, soon enough, that there is no point resisting anymore." Lacey tutted, grasping Charlie's arm and forcing it to relax somewhat in the restraints.
Doctor Vaughn wiped the skin of Charlie's arm with an alcohol swab. He then attached a collection tube to the syringe and lined the needle up with a vein in Charlie's arm. In one swift motion, he inserted the needle into the vein and began to draw Charlie's blood into the tube. Charlie squirmed against the needle, ignoring the growing pinch in his arm. When the tube was full with his blood, Doctor Vaughn exchanged the full tube with an empty one. And when that was full, Charlie watched gratefully as the needle was finally removed from his arm. Doctor Vaughn wiped the blood from the wound and placed a bandage over it.
"He's ready for processing." Doctor Vaughn said, stripping off his gloves and disposing of them and the syringe.
"Excellent." Lacey clapped her hands together and moved to the door, gesturing in several guards wheeeling a hospital gurney. "Transfer him onto the gurney and take him to Room 10."
The guards were far from gentle as they undid Charlie's restraints and lifted him onto the gurney, which they proceeded to tie him down to once more.
"This isn't neccessary, let me go!" Charlie pleaded. "I promise  I won't try to escape, I-"
One of the guards slapped him across the face, earning a shocked gasp.
"Hey!" Lacey yelled. "DO NOT damage the merchandise."
She grabbed the guard by his black vest, and easily pinned him against the wall, despite how much smaller she was. "You do that again, I promise you you'll be the next one in my training room. Do you understand me?" She growled, her green eyes glinting with fury.
"I- I understand."
"I understand, ma'am."
"Y- yes, yes, I understand ma'am please let me go-"
With a snarl she dropped the guard and stormed off down the hall, the guards rushing to follow her, two of them pushing Charlie's gurney along beside them.
Charlie felt his heart pound from witnessing what had just happened. It was clear the woman who went by Lacey was just as intimidating as she was beautiful. Charlie shuddered, wondering what she would do to him next. As they rolled him down the endless white hallways, he tried to take a mental note of the path they were taking, but he quickly lost track. All the brightly light paths were the same, with each hall shooting off into more. It was maze-like, and he felt his heart drop as he realised any hope of escape would be slim.
The gurney came to a stop as they arrived at a door marked Room 10. Lacey keyed a code into the door, and the door opened with ease. The guards wheeled his gurney into the room. The room was a wide room, with a padded chair in the centre of the room, which resembled an old dentist's chair Steel trolleys were lined up next to the chair, and white counters lined the walls, with a steel sink and drawers and cabinets.
Lacey helped the guards undo Charlie's restraints, then they grasped his arms and legs and lifted him onto the chair. Immediately, they strapped him down around his middle, wrists, ankles, chest and forehead. As they strapped him down by the wrists, they turned his forearms up to the cieling.
"Please." Charlie tried. "You don't have to do this."
"Oh, I do. And I want to." Lacey grinned.
She picked up a box of nitrile gloves off the counter, and slipped a pair on.
"W've completed the physical exam, now it's time for the next part of your induction." Lacey pottered around the room, picking up and setting out tools as the guards took posts around the corners of the room.
"You will be given your number, and from here on you will only be referred to as your number until you are purchased and named by your buyer." Lacey combed her gloved fingers through Charlie's hair, softly, then she yanked hard, and pulled his chin towards her. "You know, we used to shave the heads of you pets. Or box boys, other companies call them." She mused. "Until I reminded the Director that there's so much more to do with you when you have beautiful long hair."
Fear and humiliation roiled in Charlie's stomach as Lacey manipulated the arms of the chair so that his arms were spread out, and then pushed a button on the chair which caused it to recline. She slipped on a pair of nitrile gloves and pulled a stool up beside Charlie.
"It's time to mark you as HPP property." She picked up a tattoo gun. The buzzing started before Charlie even registered what was happening.
Charlie's world exploded into pain. Sharp, scratching pain, as though a cat with a particular distaste towards him had been unleashed upon his arm and then decided to tread all over his fresh wounds. His head spun. By the time he cleared his head enough to look down at his arm and the source of the pain, on his pale arm was a barcode with small numbers inscribed below. '05794' it read.
"What the hell.." Charlie gasped weakly.
"You will be referred to by this number until you are purchased and brought to your new owner. I, as your Handler, will be able to access any of your information, including your medical files, through that barcode with a tablet." Lacey explained. "Useful little idea of mine, isn't it?"
Charlie winced as she wrapped up his fresh tattoo.
"Now, the tattoo is only a backup for this." Lacey picked up a metal band, and undid the restraint around his arm so that she could open the cuff and place it around his wrist. As the cuff clicked into place above the tattoo, a fresh pain exploded into his skin as two small needles shot out from the cuff and buried themselves into his skin.
"Ah!" Charlie gasped, trying to yank his arm away, but Lacey was far to quick for him and tied his arm back down to the chair. The cuff had a small screen across it, like a smartwatch.
"The cuff will monitor your vitals as well as being the main access point for your medical data and other information."
"Great. So you can make sure you don't kill me when you torture me." Charlie huffed. "Tell me Lacey, do you kidnap and torture all your dates?"
"Oh, Charlie. You were fished - HPP quite often has their agents use dating apps to select good candidates for their program. You can learn a lot about someone based off their dating profile.." Lacey explained.
"You can't do this, I'm a human being! I'm not your toy!" Charlie protested.
"You will now be known by your number, 05794, until you are purchased and renamed by your owner." Lacey ignored his protests and grasped his chin, her blood-red fingernails just lightly digging into his skin. "You are not a person anymore. You gave over that right when you walked in this door and signed your life away, your home, your individualty, your name, your freedom... everything that made you human."
"But I didn't sign-"
Charlie was cut off by a sharp pain in the muscle of his neck, he gasped in pain and bucked against his restraints, spotting a syringe out of the corner of his eye, from which Lacey was injecting a clear serum into him.
His vision blurred, and his eyelids grew heavy. He could close them, just for a moment..
When he opened his eyes, he had been sure he'd just blinked, but he found himself now laying down a small mattress against the back wall of a small room.
Charlie clambered to his feet, finding his legs shaky, but he needed to examine his surroundings. He held out a hand to steady himself, and as he did so his hand brushed against something. It was a metal cuff, hammered into the wall. He shuddered, and subconsioucly his fingers found the cuff around his right wrist. A tattoed barcode, on his left wrist.
He remembered- what did he remember? He remembered the date, the cafe, being drugged, waking up in another room, being clinically examined and 'processed' and then.. nothing.
He was wearing a thin white v-neck shirt and white boxers as he paced around the small, white cell. His bed was nothing but a simple cot on the floor, with a thin, threadbare blanket. In one corner was a very basic bathroom. There was a metal toilet, resembling one of those horrible toilets seen in jails, and a sink. The shower only consisted of a showerhead protruding from the wall and a drain in the floor.  A towel lay folded up on a small table by the shower, with three small bottles, which were labeled 'shampoo', 'conditioner' and 'body wash' respectively.
Across the room were various sets of 3 metal cuffs spread around the walls and the floor. The far wall of the room resembled a large mirror, with a door in the centre of it. The door had a small cutout in the bottom which was currently shut. Charlie assumed that the mirror was one of those two way mirrors. The whole room was painted white and illuminated with cool white lights. He shuddered, and took a step back towards the cot, fear and anxiety manifesting in his stomach as a swirl of nasea. The instant he moved, he was startled by the sound of a voice, coming from the corners of the small room.
"Attention, new pet. Welcome to Human Pet Providers. This room is where your primary room while you are in the facility. Twenty minutes before meal time, a bell will sound two times."              
The automated-sounding female voice paused, and a bell chimed twice.
"At the sound of this bell, you will begin practising various positions with the use of the cuffs around the room. Your Trainer will arrive shortly to demonstrate the positions with you. After the twenty minutes, the bell will sound again, three thrice."
The bell chimed three times.
"Then, your food will be delivered. If you have not completed 20 minutes of positions, you will not recieve any food."
There was silence and Charlie waited for the voice to tell him anything else about his room, or the facility, or how they would know if he did his training. But there was only silence, before the loud chime sounded twice.
A moment later, the door to the rood swung open, allowing Lacey inside.  "It's time for you first training."
She stepped into the room,  striding towards Charlie. She guided him towards a set of chains on one wall.
"Squat with your back against the wall." Lacey ordered.
Not seeing much point in resisting, he did as she said. She cuffed his feet to the wall, then cuffed his arms together above his head. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but it was fine for the first minute.
"You can pick which positions you do before each meal. You can do four for five minutes each, or spend more or less time as you prefer.
Two minutes in, and his legs were burning as she spoke. His knees trembled, and he felt a sharp tug on his wrists and biceps as his arms were forced to take his weight and were almost yanked from their sockets.
"Grrnnngh- make it- stop-" Charlie ground out, his whole body shaking with pain.
She pressed a button on the metal cuff on his right wrist and his arms were released from their restraints. She pressed a button on each of his ankles, and then he was released at his legs also. His legs, now as wobbly as jello, gave out beneath him and he sank to the floor.
When he had caught his breath, she took him through several more positions  - from ones that forced him to kneel, to more that kept his arms forced into uncomfortable positions. Each one made his limbs burn and his body be exposed to the trainer.
When finally the chime alerted them to meal time, she released the restraints for the last time and he sank to the floor, chest heaving and his cheeks burning. The slot in the door opened, and a tray was slid through, which Lacey picked up and brought over to Charlie. There was a sandwhich, a cup of water and a plastic bowl of broth. The cutlery was plastic too, and the bowl of broth was only luke-warm - likely to stop inmates using anything as a weapon. There was also a paper cup with half a dozen different coloured and sized pills.
"Good pet." Lacey cooed, running a hand through his hair. "Now, eat up. You need your strength."
As he sat, she picked up the bowl of broth and began to spoon-feed him. He tried to pull away, but she grabbed his head, locking it in place.
"Shhh, '794. The sooner you accept you no longer have any control, the easier this will all be."
She finished feeding him the broth, then fed him the sandwhich, closing his lips together when he refused to swallow, and finally he gave in. She helped him take a few sips of water, before she held out the pill cup. Charlie made a keening sound - it was embarrasing, and he blushed furiously, but he wasn't strong enough for this. The trainer forced his jaw open, uncaring, and poured the pills into his mouth along with some water, before forcing his lips shut, and massaging his throat. The motion triggered his gag-reflex, and he swallowed, the pills burning his throat. Charlie coughed and spluttered, as Lacey pulled herself off the floor, carrying the tray, as she headed to the door.
"Sleep well, pet. You'll need it. This is just the beginning of your training." Lacey drawled.
With that, she left the room, leaving Charlie behind on the floor of the cell, tears trickling down his cheeks as he curled his body up into a ball for comfort.                                     
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deluxewhump · 5 months ago
This is an old labor and delivery trick but if you dislike blood draws you can bring a plastic comb and squeeze it in your other hand, the comb-teeth feeling really distracts from the needle hanging out in your other arm feeling
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dearcervus · 9 days ago
I have to get blood drawn tomorrow and I’m really nervous— I wish you were the one drawing my blood Doctor, I know you’d be so kind to me and make me feel so safe
(Sorry if this sounds weird or pathetic but I’m honestly tempted to close my eyes tomorrow and pretend it’s you to try and get myself through it)
Oh poor dear… It’s not pathetic to be scared, it’s perfectly normal, plenty of people are a bit scared of needles. But there’s nothing to be nervous about I promise, it’s only a small little pinch right? It’ll be over before you know it, and I’ll be sure to give you lots of praise when it’s done. You can be brave for me can’t you? I’m sure you’ll be just fine my darling, though I wish I could be there with you 🖤
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raccoon-in-a-dumpster · 10 months ago
guys so like. i found out yesterday that nurses are not SUPPOSED to pushbthe needle in deeper to get blood
i was gettin my blood drawn just to see if i had any complications that could impact my legs n' shit, (since having low iron can fuck you up BAD.)
and ig the vein wasn't rlly feelin it that day (makes sense, i was totally unprepared) so it didn't rlly do anything, and the person doing the draw pushed it in. and at first i was like: oh. this has never happened to me before!! and then it was like: oh my god kill me this is agonizing why does it hurt so bad it never hurts
and i had told the nurse that i was AWESOME at blood draws (i usually get them done at another clinic, and every single time, it's been great. found a good vein on my left arm, inserted & extracted with very minimal pain, felt great) but GOD. IT FUCKING HURT
so after a bit she SLOWLY took out the needle (and it hurt like fucking hell let me tell you) cuz there was no blood. And the MOMENT she starts taking it out, i feel sick.
She asks if i'm alright, and i say no, i'm really dizzy and i feel like i'm gonna throw up. so i lay down after my arm is bandaged. My head feels so fucking hot, my arm hurts like all hell- can barely move it- and i'm sweating. barely have the energy to speak at that point. I thought i was gonna pass out.
so after a bit of laying, she asks if i wanna try again, and i- still being nauseous- say no, and practically beg to not do it again cause this is the worst i've ever felt in my life. and so her and my mom talk about when to come back, and i pipe up sometimes
I suggest Saturday.
They don't draw blood on Saturday.
I suggest Sunday.
They don't draw blood on Sunday.
So after a bit of pushing with my mom, (she wanted today, i wanted Monday. I bring up that my arm might hurt afterwards and effect my marching, but really, i was still reeling and i was genuinely afraid, i needed some time, y'know?) we settle on Monday.
so i get home from marching after 9, and i chat with my dad. ask him if mom told him about what happened
"Oh yeah. So growing pains?" (referring to the possibility i might've developed osgood-schlatter disease)
"No, the other thing. With the blood draw?"
so i tell him what happened, and he tells me some stories about how he has really small veins, so doctors have a difficult time finding it. He tells me a story about how in basic, a nurse was tryna find a vein, and by the end he had so many puncture wounds and bruises from it that he looked like he had been shooting up or smth.
I tell him about how it didn't rlly hurt at first but then the needle got pushed deeper and he was like: man they aren't supposed to do that, if they aren't finding blood then they aren't finding blood.
So yeah.
I'm REALLY not hyped for Monday- I'd really rather get my blood drawn at the other clinic. The clinic i usually go to is linked up with my therapist and my psychologist, too, so it's generally just a lot more accommodating. being misgendered while you're experiencing the worst feeling you've ever felt sure isn't that great.
My arm/elbow hurts whenever i think about earlier, and i'm just. not hyped for next time.
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primrosebitch · 4 months ago
Pro Tip: If you get dizzy or lightheaded when getting blood drawn then ask to lay down for it, doing so significantly improves it.
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maskedflug · 11 months ago
Like I said, I was watching Oz and when I finished it, I honestly wanted more. I loved the show and would obviously watch it again, I honestly fell in love and learned that we all have a toxic side, but no one but Chris, so Ladies and gentlemen, my Oz fanart.
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necoarcchaos05 · 5 months ago
Hey guys so yesterday I was poking around in my old high school stuff and then I found a drawing I'd made in class while I was getting bored (probably math) and then I noticed I'd used my blood…I don't know how I did it but I think even before I was retarded, plus I draw them in a childish way like I can't draw a bird properly smh 😭
TW: blood
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riley-coyotl · 2 years ago
Maple's first cooperative care blood draw! She did great!!
Trained entirely with choice-based positive reinforcement training :)
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theautismcorner · 1 year ago
TW: talk of blood draws
So I have to get my blood drawn quite a lot, love being chronically ill, but that’s not even the worst part. The worst part is the fact that for some fucking reason I was born with tiny ass veins that roll when poked. When I was little this fucking asshole of a nurse basically dug around in my arm to try and poke a vein😀. Then when I was like 9 or something I had to go to the ER and we figured out that the veins in my wrist are easier to poke but there are also some cons.
Hurts more bc more nerves in wrist
Harder to get blood out so they have to tap the fucking needle which hits nerves (this I actually made me pass out but I was also getting 9 vials done so just all around not good)
Bc it’s harder to get out it also takes longer and hurts for longer
I occasionally bruise and it hurts quite a bit to move my wrist for a day or two
Genuinely fuck my genetics.
Also something I find amusing is that I have POTS but that has never made me fully go unconscious (I get pre-syncope and black out before coming right back) but a blood draw that a normal person would be fine giving made me go out within a minute. I now get special treatment. They allow me to lay down and have a room all to myself. I am not a child (about to turn 18 in less than a month) but I still get stickers when I get blood drawn. Today I got two 😎. I hate that being chronically ill means doctors need my blood but that it is excruciating for me to give to them. And also it sucks that just a few vials taken makes me feel like shit for at least a few hours if not all day.
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poisoned-sugar11 · 6 months ago
Can someone hype me up for my blood draw please
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feelingsaretoomuch · 6 months ago
I had to get blood drawn again today…
I guess I really needed to cry…
I really didn’t want to be there.
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