#blog posting site in Italy
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Italian Guest Posting Services
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theglittersalamango · 2 years
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went in paolo sarpi yesterday and gonna make a website blog entry, gonna post it later when finished
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siffrins-therapist · 2 months
👾censoredmandibiles Follow
OK time to settle something
EDIT: this post WAY ended up breaking containment. GO CLUTCH YOUR PEARLS ELSEWHERE
🦑tentacleovi Follow
#RIP OP's notifs #i don't go here but i suggest making popcorn before diving into those notes #some of it is puritan bs you'd expect #some of it is discourse i never even knew existed
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I think a painting my friend got at a thrift store was painted by Mr. Italy Veneziano? Is there a way to authenticate it? Google isn't helping.
⭐wishonadeadstar Follow
Try here. Turns out my nan's portrait of her farmhouse was originally painted by Mr. Romano when he was living in NY during the 1920's.
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📽️bisexuallightinggoggles Follow
hey yo so the US rep put like 100 hours into playing that game Spiritfarer just this week... anyone want to go check on the guy??
💿newagepirate Follow
There are literally government workers who's literal job it is to check on him
⛰️lesbianmothernature Follow
how tf do you know he put 100 hours into playing a game anyway????
📽️bisexuallightinggoggles Follow
We're friends on Steam. He adds like everyone who asks.
And for everyone in the notes asking what Spiritfarer is it's one of those cozy simulator games here's the trailer.
#isn't the 'deathiversary' of his friend Davie this week? #i'm definitely not the first person to think of that #okay looking at the notes was a mistake #like i'm not one of those ppl who puts #'DNI if your username makes fun of davies death' but #immortal or not #even if it happend centuries ago #you can still be sad your FUCKING FRIEND DIED
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🥾hikingawayfrommyfeelings Follow
So if I become a citizen of Ladonia can he just... visit me through my computer?
🦝trashypanda Follow
He gets mad when you summon him :(
🦘callmejoeythewayi Follow
"summon him" Like a fucking demon?
🫒shrekbignaturals Follow
We are NOT rehashing that old discourse.
🎱magic8saveme Follow
Oh god I just revived my blog after escaping x/twitter and last time I saw that disk hoarse, my dash was just post after post of this for DAYS
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#was there actual discourse about whether the nation-people were demons? #cuz the discourse i saw on my dash was #whether tales of things like demons vampires and #other immortal or 'came back to life' creatures #were born from when the nation-people resurrecting #or like #doing creepy stuff
IDK about tumblr or the first bit (I've personally never heard that at least not from anyone being serious) but the other stuff has been debated in academia for decades! One of my literature professors is ADAMANT that the vampire myth can be traced to old folklore about the reps and them reviving and possibly the blood-drinking comes from an evolution of the myth when before, old stories talked about blood soaking the earth where vampires rose. If anyone's interested, here's where you can find my professor's paper about it.
So like. *grabs a bat and slowly approaches a hornet's nest* Then does the Jesus story have the same roots then?
🫒shrekbignaturals Follow
🥾hikingawayfrommyfeelings Follow
Wtf happened to my post???
#so did OP become a Ladonian citizen or what?
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🐦‍pinchforawish Follow
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🐦‍pinchforawish Follow
Finally. Proof that the site runs so shittily bc Mr. Eyebrows works for staff
🫎moosecrossing Follow
Spoke the truth and got fucking killed for it
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is it over now? (was it over then?)
part six
part seven: i slept all alone
Steve had been getting into the rhythm of a new set and being without Robin for the first couple of weeks of production. He wasn't as deer in the headlights as he had expected but he did feel somewhat distant from the rest of the cast who all had connections dating back years. Steve took his time getting to know everyone and by the end of the second week he felt less like a pity invite to going out in the small Italian town and more like one of the group. He still respectfully declined the invite so he wouldn't miss out on his approximately one hour of social media time he allowed himself to keep to the general spirit of the director's rules.
Steve didn't mind being generally unplugged but he did really like to keep up with what his kids were doing and he felt like he was at least a little obligated to see how Robin and Nancy were getting on without him present for cover. The kids kept their whatsapp group chat to a relatively manageable level during the week leaving a few tidbits here and there for Steve to catch up on and after Steve felt mostly caught up he'd provide a short little update of what his week was like. Usually no one got back to him super quickly as it was mid-day in the states and most of the kids were at work or busy and Robin and Nancy were usually a bit tied up in each other if they didn't have any other obligations. Steve didn't mind though because next week like clockwork he'd have several follow up questions and encouraging notes about his update before the group chat chatter turned to whatever else had happened.
Once Steve had caught up with whatsapp he started scrolling through instagram and noticed he had a few tagged posts. Some were just the usual gossip sites taking random paparazzi photos to add to a weekly roundup of where famous people were summering or similar nonsense but he saw a photo of Robin and Nancy he most certainly was not expecting to see come up on his feed.
buckley guess the cat's out of the bag. srry i'm not cool and romantic like my new partner (!!!) but it's pretty great not to have anxiety attacks that i didn't actually turn on close-friends or worry that some waiter read into nance and i's behavior too much. thnx steve-o for keeping this under wraps for way longer than you had to and for being the best scene partner / rumored lover a girl could ask for. hurry back from italy so you can third wheel us in public, dingus.
Steve double checked the time in the US and called up Robin. She had some explaining to do.
part eight
***super short update because i am sick but i wanted to keep the story moving! just wanted to show a quick glimpse of Steve seeing Robin's post. depending on how the story is going the next part might be Steve and Robin's phone call or back to Eddie trying to get his shit together***
@lololol-1234 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @zombiethingy @grtwdsmwhr @dreamercec @anne-bennett-cosplayer @strawberryyyenthusiast @mensch-anthropos-human @kal-ology @ttyrussss @kristmkris @starman-jpg @wonderland-girl143-blog @child-of-cthulhu @legalmenace87 @adealwithher @practicallybegging @lunaraquaenby @stripey82 @lexyvey @goodolefashionedloverboi @mothmamhasyourlocation @mugloversonly @sherrylyn0628 @steddieinthesun @wonderland-girl143-blog
(if you wanna be tagged in future parts feel free to comment! happy to add people)
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a speech about goncharov i made for my public speaking class!
note: this is not exactly what will be spoken for my class, as i am not reading my speech word-for-word. however, this is an outline of the speech i will be presenting, and i thought y'all might be interested in seeing it.
The purpose of my speech is to inform my audience of the fake movie “Goncharov” and how it has impacted me. My goal is to inform my audience of how the fake movie “Goncharov” came to be and of the value it has. 
By a quick show of hands, how many of you have seen or heard of Goncharov before? [Quick pause as I wait for no hands – or almost no hands – to go up.] Alright. So, Goncharov was a 1973 mafia movie supported by Martin Scorsese, and has been widely regarded as the greatest mafia movie of all time. It’s about the Russian mafia in Naples, Italy, and follows a variety of characters such as Goncharov himself, Katya, who is Goncharov’s wife, Audrei “The Banker” Daddano, and my personal favorite, Joseph “Ice Pick Joe” Morelli, with actors such as Robert De Niro, Cybill Shepherd, Harvey Keitel, and Lynda Carter. So, why have you never heard of this movie before? Well, everything I just told you? It’s all a lie. It’s all made up. Goncharov? Yeah. It never actually existed. 
I remember being part of the Goncharov fandom as it first blew up on Tumblr in late 2022. It was a great source of joy for me and made a significant impact on Tumblr’s culture. I am going to show my audience how Goncharov came to be, the creativity is spawned, and briefly reflect on how the website it originated on was vital for its growth. 
So, what is Goncharov, and what is going on here?
Goncharov was a fake movie created by Tumblr in late 2022. 
Sometime prior to August 22nd, 2020, Tumblr user ZootyCoon posted a photograph of knockoff boots they had bought that advertised a non-existent movie, Goncharov, on them, claiming that Goncharov was “the greatest mafia movie of all time.” In response, on August 22nd, 2020, another Tumblr user, AbandonedAmbition, commented “This idiot hasn’t seen Goncharov”, which was then added to the post itself by Tumblr user LoserMo. 
While ZootyCoon’s original post did receive some attention, it wasn’t until November 18th, 2022 that Goncharov truly hit it off as a cultural phenomenon, thanks to Tumblr user Beelzeebub, who posted a fan-made poster for Goncharov, receiving almost 20,000 likes and over 15,000 reblogs in three days. 
As it turns out, you don't actually need a piece of media to be real in order for a fandom to form around it.
Countless fanworks were created for Goncharov, including fanart, fanfiction, music, scene analysis and analysis of motifs, gif sets, memes, and so much more. As mentioned in a YouTube video by YouTuber ColeyDoesThings, there was even a time where Goncharov had more fanfiction on a popular fanfiction website than James Cameran’s Avatar, the highest grossing movie of all time. 
So much lore was being created for Goncharov in such a short amount of time that efforts had to be made to record it all. Multiple individuals attempted to create a “master copy” of Goncharov’s lore, including what is now a 48-page Google doc that includes a plot summary, brief descriptions of various scenes, and links and sources to various contributors. 
But Goncharov could not be contained just to Tumblr. Various media outlets, such as The New York Times, The Guardian, Forbes, and The Washington Post all posted articles about Goncharov, an internet phenomenon. 
But, why? Why this fake movie, and why on Tumblr of all places? 
As a social media site, Tumblr has an incredibly weird culture. There are no public follower counts, no verification for users, and a whole array of weird social rules. But one thing that really makes Tumblr special is the interaction between large and small blogs alike. Because anyone can and is encouraged to create their own content and add to others’ content, something like Goncharov could very quickly become a “yes, and” game among Tumblr’s users. 
Tumblr is also very much a “fandom” site. Fanart, fanfiction, and other fanworks dominate the website, and Goncharov in its heyday was no exception. Interactions between fans and fan creators is what really causes fandoms to grow and survive, so it makes sense that Goncharov thrived the way it did considering how easy it was to find fellow fans. With no pressure to reveal your “true” self, there’s a lot less pressure when you share what you’ve created. 
So, what can we learn here?
The fake movie “Goncharov” was unintentionally created by a tag on a pair of off-brand boots but didn’t truly become popular until Beelzebub’s poster. Fandom quickly grew around it, creating countless fanworks, but Tumblr’s unique culture as a social media site is what truly allowed it to thrive. 
There is joy and creativity in unusual places. Whether or not you believe Goncharov to be a waste of time, the popularity of a fake movie says something about the human fascination with stories. Thank you. 
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rainbowsky · 7 months
I haven’t had any questions lately but love your blog and your insights. In a video of the group photo at Milan fashion week, GG is sitting next to the older man and they are talking. I figure in some videos when GG is talking to others he has translators but it does not look like anyone from his staff is around and I was wondering if they were speaking in English or what other languages he might speak. Love to hear your insights and hope you are doing well.
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Hi coyote! Thanks so much, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog! 😊
The man he's seen talking with a lot is Diego Della Valle, the CEO of Tod's. GG has a fantastic relationship with him, and he even referred to him as yeye (grandpa) in his Vogue interview from the show.
Last time GG was in Milan Della Valle took GG on a tour of some beautiful sites around Italy - including the Colloseum in Rome -and some sites significant to the brand (the workshop, the flagship store, etc.). GG got to spend a lot of time with him, so they had plenty of opportunity to build a strong relationship.
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You can tell just by his entire demeanour around GG that Della Valle adores GG. Which makes absolute sense given how cute, gracious and charming GG is. When GG arrived at the Tod's show this year Della Valle lit up like a Christmas tree.
They sat together last year at the Tod's show as well (those who missed out on last year's trip can check out my 'gg milan fashion week 2023' tag).
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Anyway, you weren't asking about Della Valle, you were asking about how GG is able to communicate with him. The simple answer is that GG does have some English!
Many students in China learn English in school, although they sometimes don't get as much opportunity to speak it, so it's probably kind of like my French - I understand quite well to hear, read and write it, but my accent and pronunciation are a bit rough around the edges (that's putting it mildly 😅).
With the international travel he's done and all the elbow-rubbing he's had to do with foreign celebrities and brand stakeholders I think GG has had a lot more opportunity than the average person to exercise his language skills, so I've no doubt he's improving all the time.
He's also a huge music lover and has many times been seen singing English songs from Avril Lavigne, Ellie Goulding, Sam Smith and many more. A couple of English performances he's done in the past:
Starts at 3:22 (I'll never get over hockey player GG 🥲).
It also seems clear that GG has a general interest in languages. He knows a fair bit of Korean and he and DD are seen in The Untamed BTS speaking various languages and dialects, including English. This is also a common feature of LRLG rumors.
There are many clips to be found online of GG speaking English for ads, occasionally a few lines for drama roles, throwing in English phrases into interviews, etc. Just based those alone I think one can tell that he's got pretty good English. His pronunciation is quite good.
If you watch some of the vlogs he's posted from the international events, and some of the clips shared by brands and magazines, you can catch moments of GG having English interactions with many people at those events. One of my absolute favorites is when he's replying to a bodyguard in a vlog when he was in Florence last year (starts at 4:08).
The bodyguard is trying to teach him how to roll his r to pronounce Florence in Italian ('Firenze') and GG says, "I can't do it." The way he says it is so damn cute, I almost died when I heard it.
Anyway, so to answer your question, GG speaks in English with Della Valle and others at those events!
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GalaxyCon Raleigh
Last weekend I was lucky enough to attend days 2-4 of GalaxyCon Raleigh, and meet Harvey in person! I'll write more about that on my personal blog, but here I want to write up Harvey's outfits for the weekend, for three reasons:
I love his con style and how he's always wearing clothes that seem comfy but are also stylish.
I finally found the source for one of his fabulous shirts and I'm excited!
I may have contributed an accessory to his outfit on Saturday (I'm fine I'm totally normal about this).
Without further ado, let's start with Saturday!
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Harvey arrived at the autograph tables on Saturday sporting a red stadium jersey, much like this one from EPTM USA.
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This boxy-fit jersey is a heavyweight polyester mesh and has loose, short sleeves and a crew neck. It comes in sizes up to 2XL (60-inch chest measurement) and is regularly priced at $40 (currently on sale for $30).
He styled this with a black tank-top underneath the jersey, his black overalls, black sneakers, an LA Dodgers cap worn backwards, and a silver aluminum tab choker necklace with a heart pendant. Harvey explained that the necklace was made of recycled materials, and was a handmade gift from a friend.
The Dodgers cap appears to be part of the New Era 59Fifty fitted field series. The 59Fifty website describes the brand as "the originator of the true fitted New Era's flagship style and an icon in sport and street culture. It is worn on the field of play by athletes worldwide." You can find similar caps on the 59Fifty site, in prices ranging from $41 to $99, or this specific cap is available from several sellers on eBay.
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The sneakers really intrigue me, because they're another example of the specificity of Harvey's accessories. The sneakers are black lace-up high tops with an oversized tongue, black soles, and a side snap buckled strap at the ankle. I have been able to find sneakers with three or four of those traits. I have yet to find an exact match to all of them, but I plan to keep looking! I may do a separate post on Harvey's casual footwear, actually.
Lastly, if you saw Harvey early at autographs, you might have noticed a new addition to his outfit later in the day: a stack of iridescent blue-black beaded bracelets with silver letters. These are friendship bracelets I made and brought to the autograph table, and I was extremely touched that Harvey not only put them on immediately there at the table, but wore them for the rest of the day and even posted them on his Instagram stories a couple of days later.
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The silver letters on each bracelet spell out one of the names of Harvey's character from Blue Beetle: José Francisco Morales Rivera De La Cruz. The name on each bracelet is bracketed by cylindrical mood beads which change color with body temperature. Harvey revealed in his Instagram story that he added the De La Cruz onto the end of the scene, and director Angel Manuel Soto chose to keep it in. Harvey shares many fans' headcanon that Guillermo and the Doctor are related!
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On Sunday Harvey arrived to photo ops wearing a brightly-colored floral shirt that, if you follow his social media, you may have seen a few times before!
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This Camicia comoda con stampa a fiori vivace (Comfortable Shirt with lively flower print) is a lightweight 100% viscose button-up from ASOS DESIGN Italy. It comes in sizes up to 4XL (54-56-inch chest), and is currently on sale for 21.24€ (originally retailed for 24.99€).
Harvey styled this with black shorts, black platform lace-up ankle boots, and his Heart of the Ocean replica necklace (a Titanic reference that might set your head spinning if you've ordered the @wwcitszine Volume 4--and if you haven't, you should!). He was also sporting another colorful stack of friendship bracelets, though I unfortunately don't know the details on those!
Heart of the Ocean replicas can be found many places online. I'm partial to these Etsy offerings, all under $50:
Titanic Necklace from BruarCards, $26.79
Heart of the Ocean Prop Replica from ReelArtTreasures, $39.99
I've talked shorts before, but I'm partial to these Old Navy Slim Built-In Flex Rotation Chino Shorts in color Black Jack. They have an 8-inch inseam and are available in up to size 54W. Currently on sale for $13.49!
I'm still looking for the boots. Look for that footwear post coming (hopefully) soon!
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gremlins-hotel · 1 year
I know on your old blog you posted some Romerica headcanons: could we perchance have some more 👀
abso-fucking-lutely! you made me realize i hadn't ever reblogged the old post, which had been on my agenda. huzzah. once again crediting @temtamtom with so many of these. we are both insane when the blorbos exist. these are in no distinct order of importance or chronology.
When they're together, if they catch each other doing basically anything, they start to hear "Whatta Man" - or some period equivalent - playing in their heads.
Despite having met Sebastiano (Seborga) later than Ludwig, Alfred quickly became the favorite boyfriend after proving to a young Seb that he could, in fact, lift a rather large vehicle with his bare hands. Sebastiano was gobsmacked at learning such a rumor was true. On the other hand, Romano was ready to go nuts at learning they did this in public while Alfred was walking Sebastiano to school (during a visit to Italy in the mid-1970s).
While Romano no longer works for Alfred, he occasionally still calls him "capo" (boss) as a joke or term of endearment.
Alfred, as the Spotify owner, has snuck several tracks from their favorite westerns into their playlist. If listening to it while in one of their respective homes, they will find each other in the nearest room or hallway and have a finger gun showdown.
Their relationship started out professional and fairly closed, but as Romano grew more comfortable around his housemates in the US, they learned that he has quite a sense of humor. The first time Alfred and Tolys got to hear Romano truly laugh, Alfred wanted to hear it again. And boy, did he try, with decent success as the years went on. At that moment, Tolys was unwillingly signed up to be the therapist for both Romano and Alfred as they continuously dropped the ball on their fledgling crushes.
While not a professional pickpocket, Romano has great sleight of hand. It's his game with Alfred. He will swipe items from Alfred's person and see how long it takes for him to notice. His phone, wallet, a pen, sometimes his watch, anything small or loose. Romano's the Kitty Softpaws to Alfred's Puss in Boots. ((Or Antonio's, for those that enjoy SpaMano.))
Romano is the caution and wisdom through experience. Alfred is the ideas and impulse. Both may be smart, but if they were a criminal couple like Bonnie and Clyde, Alfred is the smash and Romano is the grab.
Romano's expertly crafted verbal thrashings and "he asked for no pickles" to Alfred's picking him up and carrying him away, "come on, let's go".
They have bonded over archaeology (Alfred) and volcanology (Romano), especially in sites such as Herculaneum, Pozzuoli, and Mount St. Helens. Also the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in March 1944; there are some really interesting images from the Liberation of Italy in WWII from this event. ((This headcanon was sponsored by the documentary Fire of Love.))
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
Hmm, so I am learning some things about astrology still for sure. I decided to look at Gen's natal chart and am discovering some potential hints of things that could've led her into doing black magic. Since no birth time has been confirmed, I followed the suggestions of multiple astrology sites to utilize the 12:00pm time in establishing her natal chart. If anyone wants to chime in with more advanced knowledge of astrology please feel free to do so! I want to talk about some of the things that caught my eye, what I've learned so far, and how her astrology chart may in fact provide clues as to why she'd do things like black magic and such to begin with.
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Now, for the following things that caught my eye based on Astro-seek.com's interpretation along with researching what astrologers have to say about these things (reddit, blog sites, etc.).
The ruler of the Ascendant (Mars) in Aquarius These people acts suddenly and unexpectedly while they are generating friendship and sympathy of other people. They are able to create romantically and impulsively. They are able to predict the future. They behave according to their predictions or they are pleased with their predictions. Often they try to test themselves in order to find out what they actually believe in.
Reading this, I am aware that it was not Gen but in fact her mom's friend and so called childhood friend Peggy who predicted her husband would be a producer. She mentioned this story in a Bathroom Chronicles podcast Episode 11 aired on 4/6/2023. Not her own prediction but a friend's. Gen also has made quite a few witchy posts and also some about astrology, manifestation journal entry logging around the eclipse earlier this year, etc. Is she a psychic herself? No but it seems she consults with one at times. Interestingly, this podcast is 1 hour, 17 min long. For those who follow me, I've written quite a bit about the numbers 13, 17 and 117 with regards to Italy, The States, bad luck, etc. particularly with connection to Friday the 17th in Italy and Friday the 13th here in the States. Interestingly so, Gen and Jared's daughter Odette Elliott was born on Friday March 17, 2017 (3/17/2017), a day which has 17 twice in it and whose birth was first announced via Instagram 10 days later on Monday, March 27, 2017.
10th house in Capricorn (Capricorn ruler is Saturn) People with Capricorn on the tenth house cusp have a great desire for career growth and they are likely to become scientists or work in education, libraries, construction or politics. Their career growth is gradual and stable. Capricorn on the tenth house in cusp brings success later in life.
Sun in the 10th House The Sun in the tenth house means glory and honour, but sometimes it can mean scandal and disgrace instead. These people will definitely not miss public attention. They will try to get authority, power or responsibility. This position often indicates a career in politics or the achievement of notable personal ambitions. These people will be an example and inspiration to others and their tenacious efforts will likely bring them growing reputation. Only very few individuals with the Sun in the tenth house will not become well-known. These people need respect because they consider their high social status essential. They have a noble character and they hate anything degrading, demoralizing or immoral.
Also oh my, what is this?
Chiron in Taurus Unhealable wound of these people may be the result of the fact that other people, their parents, teachers, colleagues, superiors etc. have been constantly belittling them, although they have had no reason to do so. It is as if they have always been lacking something and therefore cannot be regarded as full-fledged. Revolutionary social events could deprive them of property that has been in the family for generations. These people cannot seem to manage to create their own privacy. It's as if something prevents them from enjoying the little that they have. Even the accumulation of property and various rewards and prices can not heal this injury. Chiron in the 1st House These people may be traumatized by the fact that despite all their efforts they are not successful because they are not very proactive and assertive; they lack the appropriate dose of healthy aggression that is needed in a competitive society in order to survive competition with those who are too harsh and ruthless. They usually compensate for this with exaggerated activity, but the results never correspond with the effort they put in.
Now, would this explain why she just refuses to acknowledge her husband's struggles like his suicidal ideation other than by underhandedly going to reporters to tell them he went to a clinic over 9 years ago (and him confirming these rumors in their latest podcast)? Or the times that he had mishaps like his arrest in Oct 2019 and being in a horrific car accident April 2022 and all she can muster up is a freaking "♥" on Twitter? Yeah okay. I wrote about Gen's sister's accident with her head injury here not too long ago. I do know that if her accident happened a week later on Friday the 17th that year, she would've in fact lost her life. I see above that Chiron in Taurus says: "Revolutionary social events could deprive them of property that has been in the family for generations. These people cannot seem to manage to create their own privacy. It's as if something prevents them from enjoying the little that they have. Even the accumulation of property and various rewards and prices can not heal this injury."
Am I saying she outwardly said she wants her sister to die while conjuring? No, but what I am saying is that even if it's a passing thought while doing a ritual or writing in a manifestation journal or whatever something happening to someone, that is still intent. Be careful of what you wish for. Would she have benefitted from her sister's death somehow? I don't think any life insurance policy payout would've helped but it's entirely possible this would mean more inheritance for Gen down the road after her mother and/or father die.
I also noticed that on her Wikipedia page information about her mom is known but where on Earth is her dad mentioned? I don't think she has a positive relationship with her family generally speaking based on what's been said in interviews (and apparent lack of public outings with her family compared to Jared's but even those are far and few in between). I did see a screenshot of her brother Ben making a post alluding to his sister about how he may not be a millionaire but at least his wife adores him or something to that effect, hmm... Also the whole "Capricorn on the tenth house in cusp brings success later in life" thing, what she just couldn't wait for her time to come? Just saying...
Now as for the Chiron in 1st house tidbit, this is interesting because we see she posts a lot of so called affiliate ads on her Instagram. What's funny is that she has so many links to so many different supplements, we can hardly keep track of how many links there are. Because we see in some ads she's thrown Jared into the mix, I can definitely say that she uses him to get views because the reality is, she is making many ads but the results are not corresponding with her efforts. As an onlooker, I view her as an influencer I wouldn't trust for multiple reasons, one of them being she doesn't seem to have a sense of brand loyalty. She probably couldn't answer people's questions about the brands she advertises beyond what we can see on their very own website. Other celebrities do have a sense of brand loyalty and customers can associate their face with a brand because they endorse them (ex. Jennifer Aniston with Aveeno).
Saturn in Libra Saturn in Libra represents a balance between the needs and desires of the individual on the one hand and the requirements and conditions of life and society on the other. Their most important life lesson is to establish the right relationship between themselves and anyone or anything within themselves. For this reason, Saturn is very influential in Libra because Order and Authority manifest the most profoundly through Equilibrium and Justice. Saturn in the 6th House Saturn in the sixth house refers to employment and health. It indicates reliable and hardworking people, even if their work is boring. They have an ability to concentrate on details; they are able to do such work for long periods of time. They take their responsibilities very seriously and they often carry a heavy burden. They must avoid overworking and unnecessary worries. This position may mean slow progress in their career and a tendency to hypochondria.
Need I say more? Anyone who knows her areas of focus with her affiliate ads are on various health supplements, trying expensive 8 Step skincare routines that amount to almost $900/kit, and knows she is big on discussing things like grass fed beef, organic foods, and taking supplements to prevent illnesses (she founded TOWWN afterall!). It's funny knowing this because she still gets sick a lot anyways, that entire family does. Not an ideal candidate for saying their health supplements work but you do you, boo.
Lilith in Scorpio Dedication or Hell - there is no other choice; dangers from the depths. These people must be immersed into dark depths. Lilith in Scorpio is associated with power and violence, and it often suggests tendency to masochism and self-injury. These people exhibit strong instinctive exuberance and wild sexuality, or on the contrary, absolute rejection of sexuality. Their sexual strength gives them great mental fruitfulness and creativity. Dedication and/or hell! There is no other choice. The dark and secret side will be mercilessly exposed to light. Beware of injuries in the genital area, excessive sexual desires or, on the contrary, complete rejection of sexuality. Lilith (Mean) in the 7th House The tendency to reject relationships with others if the individual cannot play the role of initiator.
Isn't it kind of ironic how Gen's character on Supernatural Ruby was ultimately a double agent serving Lilith and ultimately tricked Sam into helping her fulfill her goal of making Lucifer rise? Also ironic how this is how Jared and Gen met merely 2ish months after breaking up with long time girlfriend and ex fiancé Sandy and how ultimately they got married not even 2 years after officially dating. And of course, how can we all forget that sex scene they did on "I Know What You Did Last Summer". Neither of which is their favorite episode. Gen called it a great sex scene in one interview, Jared in another interview said he didn't think they would go there with the direction of the show buuuuuut they did. Plus the whole drinking Ruby's blood tidbit and looking at this in her astrology chart plus other things going on, yeah I'm inclined to think art imitates life and this is a big red flag.
Also did she not do the cringe shower ad for TOWWN Valentine's Day with Jared (ugh why did you agree with this dumbass idea Jared?), the supposed post-sex photo 2 years ago, and come on with the Jared kissing her billboard ad here? Also that sex ad she did earlier this year and others, definitely indulges in the Lilith aspect of her said natal chart.
Uranus in Scorpio Uranus in Scorpio increases the fluctuations of emotions, providing new and fresh insights into the process of death and transformation. These people often have a revolutionary approach to sex, they are interested in psychology and they are able to bring new practices and methods into it. Perhaps the biggest advantage of this aspect is that it gives people very strong will and improves their resistance to physical suffering. Uranus in the 7th House Uranus in the seventh house brings instability and changes to the house of marriage and partnerships. It can mean marriage or partnership with a very different person or unexpected important changes. These people may marry or divorce unexpectedly. They have to consciously try to maintain long-term relationships because they are very independent. Their relationships with other people will only be good if they are be able to overcome unexpected changes and disruptions.
Moon Square Uranus (9°22’, Applying) This aspect brings people the feeling that they have been wronged and they need to do something about it. They often unexpectedly decide to do radical changes. They like chaos and they do not like to lead respectable family life. They love alternative ways of living they they are very individualistic. For this reason, living in a community or family environment does not really suit them. They feel separated from society (complex of separation). These people are predisposed to great emotional tension, imbalance, emotional lability, explosive emotions, and emotional vulnerability.
Sun Square Jupiter (8°29’, Separating) This aspect creates people who are idealistic and this is the reason why they often support various dubious movements and clubs. People with this aspect are often willing to make great sacrifices. They are overly optimistic, they like to travel, and they do not like commitment.
Well well well, this was definitely confirmed, the whole maintaining long-term relationships because they're very independent. She clearly stated the idea of having Jared home more frequently with the kids stressed her out in this podcast with Dave Hollis back in Nov 2020. Something else that stood out to me while learning about astrology here is that I've heard many say the position of Jupiter can provide hints of a woman's husband based on where it's located in the natal chart.
Jupiter in Libra People with Jupiter in Libra are able to make the greatest progress in life when they learn to form relationships in a wise and honest way. Ethical and religious influences directly affect success in personal relationships of these people. In addition, they tend to have the most conventional moral attitudes. On the other hand, they believe that it does not suit their needs and desires, and then they are likely to experience at least one emotional turn which will mean a shift in their moral philosophy and the sense of fair play. It may even take the form of a legal dispute because people with Jupiter in Libra judge - consciously or unconsciously - themselves as well as others. However, if the judgement within them is not objective enough, then the conflict gets a "real" trial. Jupiter in the 6th House Jupiter in the sixth house plays an important role in the employment of people who provide help and services to others. They raise the morale of their co-workers, help them to resolve conflicts and inspire them to cooperate. Their friendly attitude gives them talent for working with the public, with employees and with people in general.
Also, she has the Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction going on as well in her 6th house and under Libra. This conjunction occurs every 20 years. Notably so, another celebrity that has this conjunction in their natal chart is Alexis Bledel, Jared's brief ex girlfriend off screen and was his girlfriend onscreen for a few seasons on Gilmore Girls. Chad Michael Murray who was also on Gilmore Girls and starred in movies like A Cinderella Story (2004), which actually had its 20th anniversary earlier this year 7/16/2024, has this in his natal chart as well. Oh how funny, Paris Hilton who was also on House of Wax with Jared has this in her natal chart as well. Jared does NOT have this conjunction in his natal chart.
Jupiter Conjunction Saturn (0°17’, Separating) This conjunction can develop in two ways. If Saturn becomes dominant then it creates people who like to form binding relationships and "teach" others. If Jupiter becomes dominant and Saturn's energies are suppressed, then these people may have too much self-confidence or even feel self-important. Ideally the energie of both planets become harmonious.
According to bejandaruwalla.com:
Positive Effect Of Saturn and Jupiter Conjunction in 6th house Here are some potential positive effects: Path to Professional Prosperity: When Saturn and Jupiter converge in the 6th house, it paves the way for a strong work ethic and a deep sense of responsibility. This harmonious blend can guide individuals towards a systematic and organized approach to their careers, ultimately opening doors to advancement and success. Wellness Wisdom: Those blessed with this celestial pairing tend to be finely attuned to their health. They embrace a disciplined and structured approach to maintaining their physical well-being, crafting a shield against potential health concerns. Compassion in Action: In the realm of the 6th house, which revolves around service and aiding others, the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction may ignite a passionate desire to support those in need. This drive can manifest in careers such as healthcare, social work, or other fields dedicated to making a positive impact. Harmonious Equilibrium: These individuals possess the innate ability to juggle their responsibilities adeptly, ensuring a delicate balance between their professional and personal lives. The fruits of their labor are shared equally in both realms. Legal Prowess: As the 6th house has connections to legal matters, the presence of Saturn in this conjunction endows a strong sense of responsibility and discipline when it comes to legal affairs, potentially steering them toward favorable outcomes. Negative Effect Of Saturn and Jupiter Conjunction in 6th House Here are some potential negative effects to consider: Navigating Work and Well-Being: These challenges might manifest as career roadblocks, workplace tensions, or the emergence of health issues demanding your attention. Struggles with Routine: This celestial conjunction may craft a profound sense of obligation and duty, which, at times, could translate into an inclination to overexert oneself or the sensation of being overwhelmed by the humdrum of everyday tasks. Legal issues: The 6th House also wades into the waters of legal matters and disputes. Saturn’s influence could introduce legal entanglements or contractual quagmires that require your focus and resources. Health Concerns: Jupiter’s penchant for expansion might magnify health concerns, and when coupled with Saturn’s constraining aura, it might become a challenge to find enduring solutions to these health-related predicaments. Strains in Relationships: The 6th house’s domain extends to interpersonal discord, whether in the workplace with colleagues or subordinates or within personal relationships.
Yes it's clear her natal chart does give clues about fame and being recognized. However I would say she is not as famous as she'd like to be. Now as for saying she'd do well in things like medical, law, arts, hairdressing, pottery, cooking, etc., well I can say she cares some for the environment. She also seems to have some interest in health supplements which is one of her niches in her affiliate ads. She's also done some for cooking, all of which goes back to health/medical. Is it working out for her? In my opinion, not really. TOWWN is ultimately just a pet project and looking at the Instagram page, just more or less involves some talks with people doing the actual hands on dirty work and also giving tips on gardening and becoming more green. Bad, no but to call it revolutionary is definitely an exaggeration.
I'm also aware Jared had a hyperbaric chamber at one point after he was diagnosed with COVID-19 at one point, which was apparently recommended by a quack of a doctor. Good grief Gen, I thought you were educated with a bachelor's degree and were really into this healthcare stuff? Nah, only when it benefits your wallet selling a bunch of supplements, right?
Also, according to Parade.com,
Jupiter in Libra / Jupiter in Seventh House If you have Jupiter in Libra, you love love and thrive in long-term relationships. You have high standards in romance and expect to be treated well by your partner without having to ask. Jupiter in the seventh house shows you'll have a few long-term relationships before meeting the right person at the right time. This position of Jupiter indicates that the right relationship brings a lot of balance and harmony to your life. Because Venus rules Libra, your future husband will likely pursue you first, but the attraction will be mutual. The seventh house also indicates a position of prestige or authority in their career.
So, I've said in multiple posts things about how strange it is that Gen and Jared got married so little time after meeting let alone dating (and so little time after he broke up with long-time girlfriend Sandy). Now, a lot of the above description at first sight does describe Jared. Position of prestige or authority in their career because per Peggy, her husband was to be a producer from what she told Gen as a child. It's funny because Gen was about 27 or so when she met Jared. Looking all around the internet however, there's NO information to be found about Gen's dating history before Jared. NOTHING. Not even someone on Reddit claiming a cousin's friend dated her or took her to prom or something. There's NOTHING you guys, NOTHING! My theory? She just couldn't WAIT for her glory to come, so as with black magic it helps to make good things come along faster... like her future husband.
She also has quite a few Pluto aspects in her natal chart. It turns out also looking at the dominant planets, it is Pluto that is the most dominant.
Sun Square Pluto (5°46’, Applying) This aspect often creates stubborn and decisive people. However, they also tend to tell others what to do and they try to persuade them about the need to change their behaviour. People with this aspect may encounter death or other profound changes in their surroundings more often then usual. They have a tendency to influence others through effective manipulation at subconscious level. At first these people seem kind but in reality they are manipulating and controlling. However, they are often unaware of it. Moon Trine Pluto (4°50’, Applying) This harmonious aspect brings very intense emotional life and these people deeply experience their emotions. They want to change their loved ones for the better and they often openly and clearly express their opinions even at the cost of conflicts and quarrels. These people experience their emotions very strongly and they express them openly. Even though they experience strong emotions, they do not have emotional outbursts. They use their feelings to control others. They have a very intense relationship with their mother.
Venus Sextile Pluto (2°41’, Separating) This harmonious aspect gives people the ability to experience relationships very deeply. However, these people require the same from their partner, and this may give rise to problems and conflicts, especially if these requirements are not met by the partner. This aspect gives people talent for publicity in media. They often have many useful contacts that help them succeed. This aspect activates sexuality and sex appeal. In general, these people can experience their sexuality without unnecessary "adornments" and superstitions.
Mercury Square Pluto (0°37’, Applying) This aspect affects thinking in such a way that these people are overly dominated by their opinions and instincts. This results in biased thinking. These people study sporadically, but when they do, they put all their energy into it and consequently they become very exhausted. When they search for truth they are convinced of their opinions and they do not consider practical aspects much. They often use all the information and intelligence they have into manipulating others. However, they are often unaware of it.
Remember how earlier other things in her chart indicated that her success was to be gradual, that it would come later in life? I'm seeing some mention of manipulating others using intelligence and using feelings to control others. Sounds a bit dark along with the other aspects going on in her natal chart. Hiding in plain sight like I said before, flies under the radar with her kindness. "At first these people seem kind but in reality the are manipulating and controlling. However, they are often unaware of it". Even her natal chart seems to confirm what I was saying before I even delved into this astrology business. Also, it's a bit curious both of the projects Gen was in with Jared are ones where her character met their demise pretty young. Gen's sister also almost died in 2013, Jared contemplated it in 2015, almost died in a car accident in 2022. What else other kind of "close call" may she come across... or an actual loss? I don't know if this link will work but here it is. There are good and bad things in every natal chart but I wanted to share with you all my discoveries in her natal chart I noticed and what my research tells me with regards to black magic, Gen and if her natal chart here could reveal this (or what her motives for such could be).
Like I said before, if anyone wants to contribute with some extra knowledge of astrology I might not have here please chime in I'm learning. I've said before it's not my preferred method of divination but it sure is interesting still to learn!
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This day in history
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#10yrsago Charlie Stross: Bitcoin should die in a fire http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2013/12/why-i-want-bitcoin-to-die-in-a.html
#10yrsago Chihuahua skeleton made from typewriter parts https://web.archive.org/web/20140112055610/http://jemayer.tumblr.com/post/70427309469
#10yrsago New York: stop putting 16-year-olds in adult prison and trying 13-year-olds as adults! https://vimeo.com/80939323
#10yrsago Italy passes Internet censorship laws: regulator can censor sites on 12 days’ notice without judicial review https://www.zdnet.com/article/italys-site-blocking-law-comes-into-effect-a-threat-to-pirate-bay-or-a-curse-on-online-freedom/
#5yrsago Before Tumblr switched off access to NSFW blogs, it blocked archivists who were trying to preserve them https://www.vice.com/en/article/d3bekm/archivists-say-tumblr-ip-banned-them-for-trying-to-preserve-adult-content
#5yrsago Molly Crabapple’s illustrated report from the immigration detention Gulags of Texas https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/immigration-border-crisis-molly-crabapple-713991/
#5yrsago Even after you turn off Facebook location tracking, Facebook tracks your location https://gizmodo.com/turning-off-facebook-location-tracking-doesnt-stop-it-f-1831149148
#1yrago Better failure for social media: The right of exit, freedom of reach, and technological self-determination https://pluralistic.net/2022/12/19/better-failure/#let-my-tweeters-go
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vcenvs3000w24 · 7 months
Blog 6: A Journey Through History
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As I wandered through the ancient streets of Rome, Italy, I was struck by the palpable sense of history that enveloped me. Each cobblestone pathway seemed to whisper tales of past eras, inviting me to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of human experience. In Edward Hyams' profound reflection, "There is no peculiar merit in ancient things," he prompts us to reconsider the value we attribute to the relics of the past (Hyams). Drawing from my immersive experience in Rome and insights from scholarly sources, this blog post seeks to unpack Hyams' quote and explore the enduring significance of history, using my journey through Rome as a lens.
Hyams contends that integrity, not age, is what truly matters, challenging the idea that merit can only be attained by antiquity. This struck a deep chord with my memories of my time spent in Rome, where the enduring buildings and relics served as witnesses to centuries of human history. A framework for comprehending the interdependence of the past and present was offered by Beck, Cable, and Knudson's debate on the function of interpretation in fostering personal identities through historical narratives (Beck, Cable, & Knudson, 2018). As I marvelled at the Colosseum's magnificence, I understood that its significance came from the stories it told and the cultural identity it represented, not only from its antiquity.
Coherence and unity in historical interpretation are crucial, as Hyams emphasizes honesty as the foundation of merit. This idea is supported by Fleischner's definition of natural history, which emphasizes the importance of maintaining the integrity of environmental narratives by deliberate attention to the world outside humans (Beck, Cable, & Knudson, 2018; Fleischner, 2002). As I thought back on my interactions with local naturalists and citizen scientists in Rome's parks, I realized how important their work is in preserving the integrity of natural ecosystems and encouraging a closer relationship with the natural world.
Hyams emphasizes the need to comprehend and conserve historical narratives when he states that integrity requires knowledge of and remembrance of the past. Upon visiting Rome's museums and archaeological sites, I was astounded by the care with which ancient items and the stories they told had been preserved. This concept was echoed by Miller-Rushing et al.'s consideration of citizen scientists' contributions to natural history documentation, emphasizing the value of collective memory in historical interpretation (Beck, Cable, & Knudson, 2018; Miller-Rushing et al., 2012).
Hyams's moving illustration of a train station serves as a timely reminder of the mistake of ignoring the past. History transcends time to influence our present and future, just like a train station survives after it passes by. This comparison struck a chord with my travels to Rome, where the streets were alive with the echoes of long-gone civilizations, serving as a constant reminder of the influence of the past on modern culture.
Edward Hyams' quote challenges us to reevaluate our perception of history and its significance. Through my journey in Rome and insights from scholarly sources, I have come to appreciate the timeless wisdom embedded in historical narratives. True merit lies not in antiquity alone but in the integrity, coherence, and enduring impact of historical interpretation. As interpreters of history and environmental narratives, we bear the responsibility of preserving and sharing these stories, ensuring that the lessons of the past continue to resonate with future generations.
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Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting Cultural and Natural Heritage for a Better World (1st ed.). Sagamore Publishing. Fleischner, T. L. (2002). Quoted in Interpreting Cultural and Natural Heritage for a Better World (1st ed.). Sagamore Publishing. Hyams, E. (n.d.). "The Gifts of Interpretation." Retrieved from [insert link here]. Miller-Rushing, A. J., Primack, R., & Bonney, R. (2012). Quoted in Interpreting Cultural and Natural Heritage for a Better World (1st ed.). Sagamore Publishing.
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Italian Guest Posting Services
Get top guest posting sites to amplify your online presence. Boost your SEO, build backlinks, and reach a wider audience. Start guest blogging today!
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buffyfan145 · 1 year
Wanted to finally put a pinned post on my blog about my original fiction. I've written novels, novellas, and short story collections that I've self-published through Lulu and they're available in both paperback and eBook formats on Lulu, Amazon, and other book sites. Most are romances but some are family dramas and soon will have my first fantasy/paranormal short story collection too. All the real world stories are interconnected too by various cameos. Will update when I have new books out.
If Not For You - A YA romance novel about two almost life-long friends and neighbors Lilly and Ben and how their feelings change for each other their senior year of high school.
Double Play - A romance novel about two twin brothers, Paul, a singer/guitarist in an up and coming indie rock band, and George, a up and coming pitcher in MLB; who end up falling in love with a pair of sisters Bexley, Paul's eccentric bandmate, and Anna, a shy bookseller who catches George's eye. Follows the couples through various dramatic events.
On the Outside - A romance novella about college student Lizzy who always felt different from her "perfect" family and is happy to escape them through school. While there she meets and falls for the mysterious "bad boy" Rob who accepts her for just being her.
Rennaissance - A romance novella set in Italy where popular British author Charlie goes for new inspiration and as a reset after his pending divorce. Tara, a young American, has also gone to Italy on vacation with her friends as an escape. Both meet by chance and sparks fly as they realize they can reinvent themselves together.
Angel Eyes - A mystery/thriller romance novel about Angie who goes back to her family's home in Boston after her mother dies. While there she reunites with her childhood friend and crush Vinnie, both realizing they have a second chance of exploring what they could be. However, family secrets and lies start getting exposed and lives end up in danger.
Playing with Fire - A romance novel set in Nashville's country music scene. When a popular country duo forms a supergroup trio with a famous solo artist sparks fly. Both Ian and Audrey are afraid to explore what's between them as bandmates dating usually always end in disaster. But their friendship deepens even through other relationships and they can't deny the connection they have.
Fire & Ice - Two romantic short stories set during the Olympics. One is about Veronika, a US gymnast, falling for US swimmer Nathan during the summer Olympics. The other is set during the winter Olympics about a reporter Melanie, who while overcoming a tragic past is tasked to follow a famous US ice dancing pair and ends up falling for one of them Sam.
Let Love In - An interconnected novel of stories about various members of the Ferrell family in New York City and love in their lives. For some it's new love, some it's starting over, some it's finding self-love, and others true love. Through it all the family bands together and impacts each other in different ways.
Bright Sparks - A YA romance novella about Olivia and Tyler, two opposites who are drawn to each other. She's a cheerful, optimistic girl with a bright future ahead, and he's a dark, guarded boy overcoming a tragic past.
Out Now: Songs on the Radio, Vol. 1 - A short story collection with the concept of each story being based off of one song. Will contain various genres and 14 stories in total.
Coming Soon: Enchanted Tales, Vol. 1 - A fantasy/paranormal romance short story collection.
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heyharoldsboo · 2 years
Hey you say that other news sources have name dropped him and that articles were written about him. Can you share some? Because when i google his name and click on news i see stuff from like “we got this covered” or the mary sue or other gossip sites speaking about allegations. So i wonder if anyone else sees the same?
also, you say his team is working but you mean is PR team. Like his agent and stuff? Because honestly he is not that rich, his family is not as rich as people make them out to be. So how can he afford a good PR team?
Sorry for the question, i legit have no idea how it works!
so, any actor with the number of jobs Percy has had should have a team that has an agent, a manager, a PR person (or hired company) and an entertainment lawyer. And although there have been conflicting news on his net worth, Percy should have more than enough money to hire a good team! (If not, Percy, I do not overcharge and would LOVE to work with celebrity PR as my day job)
Here is a post with a few articles + Hollywood Magazine + GQ Italy
They are all under #percy hynes white news on my blog!
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stshively · 2 years
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Travelin’ Thru Again
I’ve been absent this blogging site for six years. I began it because our life, at the time, was a a bit…nomadic. Elizabeth, the boys, and I had moved from Atlanta to Boston in 2009; moved to Chicago in 2011; and moved to St Andrews in 2012, where we have been ever since. So in the summer of 2012, I began writing as a way to keep distant family and friends updated on where we were and what we were doing.
So here I am again to write about a new move for us. This coming summer, we will move to Waco, Texas, where Elizabeth will be the new Professor of Christian Scriptures at Truett Seminary at Baylor University (see https://www.baylor.edu/truett/news.php?action=story&story=231851). There is much to say about how her time at the University of St Andrews has formed and pushed her in the best possible ways, too much to express here. The time seems right, though, to transition back to the US, and the promise of helping to form women and men for ministry has been a career-long ambition for her. The boys, both at the University of Edinburgh, will stay put to finish university here. After that, we have only one hope for them, which is that they don’t follow in their parents’ vapour trail and remain a continent or two away from us. I will pursue my lifelong dream of becoming a Real Househusband of Waco.
I re-read my last blog post, which was not long after the summer of 2016 when all four of us first visited the US after having moved to the UK. It is notable to me for two reasons. The first reason is that I think that summer represented the end of those very difficult years that began in 2009. Seven years of moving, transition, hope, disappointment, recovery, relearning. The years after 2016 haven’t been devoid of struggle, to be sure, but the relentless interior and exterior chaos both had diminished.
The second reason that my last blog post is notable is for its reflection on who Elizabeth and I are as a couple. I mused a bit about following her around the world, and how, for us, it is right and good and obedient. So here we go again, six years hence.
The photo of us is a selfie that we took on our trip to Sorrento, Italy last October when we celebrated our twenty-fifth anniversary.
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queencatherynerhys · 2 years
Taken - Part 13
A/N: It has been a really LONG time since I updated, but now I am pretty much finished with college. I recently moved to Italy with my husband for our new duty station. I am not working. I am completely bored. I recently replayed The Royal Romance, and here I am. If you are still following along, if you are new, thank you for your interest. I feel that the next chapters are more like a different section of the story. We will be exploring in detail what happens to Catheryne as she left Cordonia. We will not forget Liam’s perspective during that time either. This is completely turning into a longer story than I originally planned. As for the tag list, it’s been a long time since I posted on Tumblr, so I am just going to use the tag list that was already pasted on past chapters. Simply let me know if you would like to be added. I am also thinking of adding my stories on Fanfiction.net, Archived of Our Own, and ChoicesFanfic.com
Summary: On the night of the Homecoming Ball, Duchess Catheryne was taken and kidnapped. What will result from this devious plan? In this Chapter, we will explore what Catheryne has been doing since she left Cordonia after being rescued.
Tag List: @devineinterventions2​ @madaraism​ @theroyalweisme​ @drakewalkerwhipped​ @laniquelove-blog​ @hhiggs​ @hellospunkiebrewster​ @mrswalkerreynolds​ @mfackenthal​ @simplyaiden-blog​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @blackcatkita​ @cocomaxley​ @boneandfur​ @lizeboredom​ @crayziimaginations​ @umccall71​ @zarina-x-zig-blog​ @ranishajay​ @heatherfilliez​ @kingliam2019​ @texaskitten30​ @mom2000aggie​ @ao719​
Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine. They solely belong to Pixelberry. Also, credits for the image used for the book cover.
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2 Years Later
Catheryne sits atop a quiet temple on top of a mountain, concentrating on feeling her breath and connecting to the nature around her. She relishes the rare, short vacations before heading to take on another job for her employers.
With her eyes closed and mind focused on meditation, she feels the reality slip away and find her center. She has had to fight, literally and figuratively, to achieve where she is now regarding her state. Here at the peak, she breathes in crisp, fresh air and finds peace within her mind. She enjoys this time she rarely gets to herself. It shocks her still when she finds herself enjoying meditation since there were constant battles and demons clawing their monstrous influences in her mind. As she breathes deeply, she recalls the time she spent wandering after leaving her heart’s home.
When she decided to leave Cordonia, Catheryne thought the best way to find healing was to travel the globe, visit various temples and sites of enlightenment. After 3 months of wandering, she ends up in a female monastery in Romania. The nuns were initially suspicious of her. She couldn’t blame them, really. Any girl who shows up at the doorstep of a monastery dirty and with nothing to give should be given some level of skepticism and curiosity. She was just thankful that after a week the sisters let her stay.
The first month there was an adjustment, but not impossible. The nuns could be harsh at times, but she enjoyed the rigidness and routine she was subjected to live accordingly. Her day always began at 6am and ended at 10pm. Her schedule consisted of her meals, physical exercise, prayers, meditation, religious studies, and her work chores. She was grateful for the distraction. It took her away from the problems she didn’t want to face.
It was at night after her long day when her troubles would plague her. She found it hard to sleep when she always saw his face behind her eyes. It made her heart ache in ways she did not know was possible. She missed him terribly. Every night all she wanted to do was pack her things and come home to him, but she knew she could not because her horrible memories would follow.
She painfully remembered all that she had endured being trapped and tortured in that hellish cave. She remembered coming home thinking she was free, and that thought soon became her nightmare. She became enraged knowing Amir is dead, yet he won at the end. He poisoned her mind and turned her into his weapon. She wondered if she will ever be free of it.
It was at the monastery where she first learned how to properly meditate. The sisters taught her that healing and enlightenment can only come when we can find our center. During those first few months, it was horrible. Every time she tried to concentrate and let her walls down, the memories of hurting Liam would come back, and she would begin to feel the first symptoms of a panic attack. Some of the sisters tried to help by suggesting she talked about it, but how could she? How could they understand what she went through and what she continues to fight through?
When talking about it was not an option, they suggested to learn how to forgive herself for things she could not control. It took her a long time to come to terms with that lesson, but soon she was able to see the truth behind it. All that had happened to her, and the results afterward were not in her sphere of control, she was not to blame. Six months of long hours of meditation & rigorous schedules would prove to be the start of her journey to healing, until one day a face would walk into her sanctuary of peace. A face that she thought she would never see again.
“Uncle Johnny?” she was shocked to see in the head mistress’ office. She could not believe he was here. Her only surviving relative was here. How did he find me here?
“Hello, Catheryne,” he said nonchalantly as if he had been in her life all these years. She did not know what to say or think about his presence here. How could she? She had not seen her uncle for more than a decade!
“How did you find me?” she asked.
“Sister, may I please speak to my niece in private?” he asked the head mistress, ignoring her. The older lady nodded curtly and walked out of the room giving the small office to themselves.
When the door clicked close, her uncle finally got up and walked slowly closer to her. He circled her as if she was a specimen under his scrutiny and she glared at him.
“You’ve grown taller, squirt,” her uncle observed.
“What? Did you expect me to stay the same after my parents died?” she angrily spat back as he came face-to-face with her. She saw her father’s feature in his uncle’s face. She saw the same hazel eyes and brown hair. The same smile lines that lined his face. Her father and uncle could practically be twins in the similarity of their features. It tugged painfully at her heart. It’s just another reminder of what life had taken from her. She saw her uncle’s mouth begin to form the words of reply, but she didn’t give him the chance.
“Where were you, Uncle Johnny? Why weren’t you there to take care of me when Mom and Dad died? Why did you leave me all alone? Why?” she tearfully screamed at him. She hated herself for crying in front of a man she barely knows, but she could not contain the loneliness and resentment that she felt inside after being in the monastery for such a long time with no one who knew her.
When she blinked the tears away, she saw the first sign of genuine emotion in her long lost relative. She saw pain and regret behind his honeyed eyes. Then, he did the unexpected and closes the distance between them and enclosed her in a tight embrace. An embrace that when she closed her eyes and allowed her other senses in the forefront, reminded her of her father’s loving hugs. She gave in and wrapped her arms around her uncle. She had forgotten what it felt like to have family, and she was grateful that at least she still had someone left to care for her.
“Would you take a walk with me?” Uncle Johnny asked after he had let go. She nodded as she wiped her tears away. She led him out of the office and into the gardens. They walked silently to their destination. All around sisters of the monastery glanced at her uncle. It is rare for men to step foot in this enlightened piece of earth.
Most of the sisters that found their way here were to escape the clutches of men’s wrath and influences. Most have found forgiveness and healing and didn’t hold grudges toward the opposite sex. But there were still those who were rather new at the monastery that had anger, and their eyes showed it. If her uncle saw the glare, he did not show it, but stoicism always did run in their family. One learned to hide their thoughts and emotions when working in the clandestine field.
When they arrived at the gardens, they sat at a bench overlooking the valleys below the mountain where the monastery is perched. The sun rested at its peak and bathed them in its bright rays. Even though the last of the spring is upon them, a cool breeze still remained where Catheryne lived, high above the altitudes. She will not miss the winter weather here. It was harsh and bitter. She had to live off of endless, bottomless cabbage soups for weeks on end because it was all that could grow in their small garden. Yet, she was still grateful for the minimalist lifestyle. It was a good contrast to her previous life where she almost became queen. The thought brought with it the never-ending sadness and heartache. She needed to forget.
“So, what are you doing here, Uncle Johnny? And how did you find me?” she asked to distract herself. Besides, she needed to know how her relative found her all the way here in a remote mountain monastery.
“I came to recruit you. The Shadow Order could really use your talents. Our resources are global and it’s how I found you here. Agents are everywhere and nowhere. Shadows for a reason.”
“Recruit me? What makes you think I would go? Or want to live the life my parents died for?”
“I…I saw what happened to you in the news. I heard about the…lingering side effects. You need help and resources to properly heal. The Order has been experimenting on counteracting the brainwashing methods that Amir similarly used on you. Besides, it would be nice to have my niece again. We’ve been far apart for too long. Family should stick together. I regret not being able to be there for you after your parents died.”
“Speaking of, why were you never there? I thought you would have custody of me after my parents passed away, but instead I went into the foster system!” she asked, the previous anger rising back from deep within her. She watched as he thought of the right thing to say. His face showed hesitancy before finally releasing a deep sigh.
“After your parent’s passing, I was determined on leaving the Order. I knew that your father would never forgive me if I did not take care of you. But I did not want to have part of the Order if I was going to take you in. I wanted to leave it all behind, and I was almost finished in the transition before I found out the truth,” he explained.
“Oh, you mean the truth, that my parents were murdered instead of the lie that they died in a car accident? I never thanked you for finding the people responsible and making them pay for it,” she casually said as she stared at the expanse of the landscape before her. She quickly glanced at her uncle’s shocked expression before he fixes it back to his stoic demeanor. He did not need to say anything else, so they both just looked down at the grasslands below and reminisced on their loved ones.
After a while, her uncle turned to her.
“I think it’s time to discuss the other reason why I came to find you,” he says.
“What is that?” she replies.
“Like I said, I would like to recruit you to the Order.”
“Oh right, I almost forgot,” she finally looked over to her uncle to reject his proposal, but before she could her uncle interjected.
“I know what you went through, the reason behind why you sought refuge here in the monastery, but The Order can help you. We know about the faction that took you. We know about their…unorthodox methods, and we have been experimenting on countermeasures. We would like you to join so we can study it, and we can continue helping with the healing process and cure. We also have another reason we think you would like to join. I don’t know if your parents explained what The Order really was about,” he waited for her to acknowledge.
“Not really. Mom and Dad trained me, but they really only told me that it’s because they gain a lot of enemies from the work they did.”
“Well, The Order is a shadow organization tasked on protecting world leaders by taking down their enemies quietly. Recently, we have heard chatter of a sub-faction of the group that Amir was part rising out of the ashes you, quite literally, burned and exploded to the ground,” he explained.
“So, you mean, that if I join The Order, I will be tasked with protecting…” she could not quite say his name.
“Well, usually, The Order is careful about assigning agents to projects they have personal relations, but your dear uncle has some connections in the organization. It doesn’t hurt that you are a prodigy born from two of the best agents The Order has produced. You have been trained all your life. You will have no problem with the transition. Although, you would still have to go through the recruit program. The favoritism can only get you so far, but I am confident you can sail through that with flying colors. So, what do you say?” he asked.
Thoughts flew through her mind. She loved the peace and enlightenment she had found living here in the monastery for the past six months. Yet, joining her uncle could help her find healing and provide her an opportunity to protect her loved ones. To protect Him. She could put the skills her parents ingrained in her to good use. She could step back into the light by hiding in the shadows.
“I’ll do it.”
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