#blitz is a good dad
fizziepopangel · 1 year
A Fizziepop Take: Let’s talk about Blitz and Loona’s relationship
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I’ve seen a few different reasons around the fandom for disliking Loona as a character, but I’m only going to touch on the biggest one I’ve seen, one being that she’s vulgar and vile toward the man who adopted her, Blitz. Now, maybe its my own fucked up relationship with my father that leads me to this conclusion, but I actually really like the way Loona and Blitz’s relationship is set up and the way it’s progressing slowly. I know I touched on it when I first started the account after seeing a post about how someone hated Loona because of the way she treated Blitz and blah, blah, blah…. But after watching the lost Helluva Boss episode, I actually like Loona and the relationship and I wanna talk about why, so let’s get into it.
I wanna start by saying that while I don’t condone how Loona treats Blitz, I understand why and I think the reasoning behind her behavior toward the imp plays a big role in the relationship. Now, to truly understand why Loona acts the way she does and why her attitude is the way it is toward Blitz, we have to remember how Loona came to be Blitz’s daughter. She was nearly 18 and about to age out of the pound, which is the hellhound version of an extremely fucked up fostercare system, and in the Helluva Boss universe, hellhounds are more of a commodity than a people of hell; used for jobs that require high laborand muscle, this does put hellhounds on the same level as imps, if not lower than the little red creatures. If we break this down, this likely means that Loona grew up in this system, either never being chosen to work or being chosen and brought back on multiple occasions when she was no longer useful to whoever she was adopted by, which would lead to a hoard of issues trusting anyone who signed her out of the pound since she would’ve essentially felt like a library book that would be returned when they were done or bored with it. Coupling that with the fact that in the flashback Blitz has to the first time he sees Loona in the pound, it’s likely that being aggressive wasn’t her nature in the beginning, but rather something she picked up to keep herself safe since we see in the flashback that she wasn’t the original aggressor, the slightly smaller hound was and after Loona’s defense, she reverts to someone who genuinely seems rather terrified of her surroundings…. This likely means that even locked in the cages of the pound, Loona was never truly safe in the one place she was the most connected to, and if she wasn’t safe from the other adoptees in the pound, there’s a good chance that the adults running the pound either abused her as well or just turned a blind eye to the abuse happening within the cages. Coming from a background like that and living that way would mean that Loona likely never truly learned to control her emotions outside of turning everything into something manageable (like rage), and never truly learned to foster trust since a place like that wouldn’t breed people she could foster trust with on many occasions.
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Blitz, while being the founder of a murder for hire group and an assassin himself, genuinely embodies the phrase “be who you would have needed when you were a kid”. From what we know about his childhood so far, he wasn’t valued by his father and didn’t seem to get much praise from those around him at all. We see on multiple occasions that Blitz is rather softhearted when it comes to the people he considers himself close to. He does what he can to protect them, he’s affectionate, and he values what they think of him…. It makes sense that the imp saw Loona in the pound and immediately wanted to take her away from the horrorshow he saw and offer her the care and protection he feels she (and likely himself) never got in younger years. I think that’s what causes the man to be so much more lenient with her than most people think she deserves.
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Now, because Loona grew up in a place that taught her that trust wasn’t something you could put in anyone other than yourself and only fostered aggression and fear in her, I don’t think she actually understood how to be a part of a loving home, which is what Blitz does his best to provide her. I mean if you think about it, the little red creature takes her in at 17, creates an abuse free space, most likely gives her food, clothes, even gives up his bedroom for her so she has a safe, private place to sleep, and then goes a step further and gives her a job so that she’d still have a way to support herself if she chose to leave home when she legally became an adult. Now, if you think about this from the perspective of someone who has nothing and has never had anything like this, it sounds amazing; almost too good to be true….. Most times, people say that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is… so Loona has likely spent most of her time with Blitz just waiting for the other shoe to drop…. And if you think of it that way, from her perspective, while everything that Blitz has given her is amazing, it must also be terrifying since suddenly she had so much more to lose if she let herself get attached to him and everything he’s given her and he were to suddenly abandon her for any reason.
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I know, anyone watching the show can easily tell that Blitz does his best to be a good father figure to Loona, even when he’s met with resistance and sarcasm or downright physical violence on her end. We all know he would never purposely do anything to hurt her in any way, and I think Loona knows that too on some level, but everything she has hinges on Blitz wanting her around. Her home, her job, and up until she met Vortex and was introduced to his friends and other hellhounds at the party, her only ‘friends’ were Blitz’s employees so at any given moment, Blitz could have taken pretty much everything from her if he wanted to. If you’re attached to someone and they up and leave, effectively changing your entire life in the way Blitz could have done to Loona, it’s going to hurt and even just the thought can be anxiety-inducing…. I think that’s what Loona holds on to; that feeling of ‘I can’t get too attached’ since she probably knows first hand how badly it would hurt to have the rug pulled out from under her like that.
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Looking at things that way, I think it makes sense why Loona is so verbally and physically violent with her adoptive father…. And it makes sense why Blitz puts up with anything she throws at him (literally). The man has gone out of his way to show Loona that he plans to stick around as long as it is physically possible for him, and I don’t think anything short of death could make him change that way of thinking.
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Now, I know Loona is an adult now and she should definitely work on controlling herself and getting past everything holding her in that mentality, but I think she actually is healing in her own, slow way. You can see it when she almost calls Blitz dad and when she talks to Octavia about Stolas. Loona talking to Octavia about the importance of a father just putting in effort when it’s not easy to had just as much to do with her and Blitz’s as it had to do with Stolas and Octavia’s in that moment and I honestly think that was a big moment for her because despite there not being any big changes between her and Blitz, I think that acknowledging the struggles of the relationship and everything around it went a long way in her opening that wound in a way that meant it maybe healing properly from it, even if she didn’t outright acknowledge it. I think that’s partly what opened the gate for the scenes we see in the lost episode that was released the other day. Loona’s never let herself call Blitz her dad out loud, but at Bee’s she not only calls him her dad, but shouts it to a crowd of people…. And even as an audience, we can see how much that meant to Blitz, especially after the night he had at Ozzie’s prior. Despite being a small thing, I think we actually saw a huge win for Blitz in that moment as well as a massive breakthrough for Loona. And I think that breakthrough for Loona continues as we watch her genuinely care for Blitz in a softer way, similar to the way she briefly looked after Octavia back in “Seeing Stars”, even gently putting the drunk man to bed and promising him that even if she was alone there, the man wouldn’t spend the rest of his life alone. Does Loona know exactly what she’s promised? Maybe…. Maybe she only agreed to be comforting in that moment since she knew he needed it, but either way, both of those options are big for her in their own ways; like big enough that we might actually see a bigger shift in their dynamic to a healthier father/daughter place.
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Do I think things can just get better now that we have a bit of new context involving Blitz’s relationship with his daughter? No. I think we’ll see a lot more scenes with softer interactions between the two as Loona continues to heal and Blitz continues to try to be a good father to her, like the ones we see in “Western Energy”, but I think it’ll continue to happen on the slower end of the spectrum. But the healing and progress is something I love for both of them and cannot wait to see more of as the show goes on. But remember, that’s just a Fizziepop thought on this complex relationship.
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purrvaire · 1 year
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they're so in love im gonna throw up real quick
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tomboy014 · 1 year
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Can we talk about how, despite this being one of his worst nights, Blitz rushes over to Loona's rescue as soon as he gets her call?
He may not be the best dad, but he cares, he's trying and he'll always be there for his baby girl.
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celtrist · 3 months
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No idea if they would actually make an interesting dynamic, but boy does Via need a bit more stable parents in her life.
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nyxofdemons · 1 year
this was going to be like a mile long essay but i just realized the most concise way to say it is that "it feels like a retcon that blitz has been so resentful and hostile towards fizz all this time since he was supposed to feel guilty" is simply not a good criticism when we have been shown, time and time again, that blitz's number one defense mechanism when he feels guilty or judged or attacked is to lash out, to deflect and ignore all his responsibility, and to shift the blame to someone else. that's like. his defining character flaw
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whateveriscatchy · 4 months
im fucking sobbing
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helluvahotmess · 2 years
thinking about how moxxie took a liking to blitz when he mentioned his daughter. like no matter how annoying and frustrating blitz can be at times he loves his kid
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uselessalexis165 · 2 years
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some demons with daddy issues 👿
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pyrokineticqueen · 1 year
People need to remember that "QUEEN BEE" was not meant to be a jaw-dropping finale but rather a fun way for the crew to celebrate completing their first season.
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Lio Oak vs. Blitzø
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masonshmason · 1 year
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Helluva Boss (Web Series) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blitzo/Stolas  Characters: Blitz, Stolas, Loona  Summary:
After the office closes for the night, Blitz is attacked by strangers wielding more than just plain knives. Lucky for him, Loona doesn't listen when he tells her not to call Stolas. The owl doesn't keep all those plants around for decorative reasons. Loona and Stolas get the chance to bond as extended family. (Gratuitous Blame the Hero reference included.)
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fizziepopangel · 1 year
Loonie and her Dad
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Loona cried the first time Blitz said he was proud of her
Unbeknownst to her imp father, after the incident at Ozzie’s, she set up an online dating profile for him and is trying to find him a good partner.
For her first Father’s Day with Blitz, Loona attempted to hand make him a stuffed horse. It came out oddly shaped and poorly sewn, but he has it on a literal pedestal in his home much to her embarrassment.
Loona still sometimes has nightmares about her past abuse. Blitz sits in her room with her and sings along to Spirit until she falls back asleep. Sometimes he stays in the room with her all night, just in case she needs him again.
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The first time Loona was sick, Blitz cried because he didn’t know what to do to help her.
She won’t say it out loud, but Loona changed Blitz’s contact in her phone to Dad six months after her eighteenth birthday.
Her favorite nickname that Blitz has given her is Loonie Toonie
After finding out that her adoptive father suffers from depression, Loona made it her job to make sure he takes his antidepressants every morning, even if it involved forcing them down his throat herself.
During one of Blitz's depressive episodes, Loona slept in his room with him and sang along to Spirit the way he did for her when she had nightmares.
While she does it often around friends (Vortex and Via), the first time she called him Dad to his face was during a bout of depression where he couldn't get out of bed.
Blitz gets kind of jealous when Loona's upset but won't confide in him but he's grateful to her friends and Moxxie for always being there when she seemed to need them.
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Blitz gets M&M to threaten anyone Loona dates since she said he needs to stop threatening her dates.
When Blitz gets back with Stolas after the incident at Ozzie's, Loona threatened the prince and promised it happened again, no one would find his body. Blitz was touched by the sentiment when he found out about this despite Stolas being genuinely terrified.
For her birthday, Blitz swallows his pride and gets verosika to sign a tour shirt for her after realizing how much Loona actually liked her.
Blitz also bakes her a strawberry cake from scratch for her birthday each year
After adopting her, Blitz spent hours online learning how to do various types of braids and makeup and researching girls fashion in an attempt to bond with the teen.
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Blitz went full dad mode after the adoption and began carrying everything in the free world on him that he thought Loona may need when they were out. He carries everything from snacks to period products to a change of clothes.
Similarly, Loona began carrying Blitz’s medication and one small horse plushie for comfort when they’re out. The imp in question is never to know that though.
The horse obsession rubbed off on Loona after a while and now she can’t sleep at night without Spirit playing in the background.
Millie often takes candid father-daughter photos of the duo. Blitz frames every photo of him and Loona Milly gives him and despite her grumbling about each new picture, it’s Loona who suggests a family photo (including M&M), and it’s Loona who obsesses over the perfect place to hang the photo.
Before traveling to earth with Millie to "find the dumbass twins" when Moxxie and Blitz were trapped in D.H.O.R.K.S headquarters, Loona called Octavia in tears about being worried that her dad may not come home.
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Blitz started going to therapy because he was afraid of turning into his dad when adopted Loona and felt that he owed it to her to work on himself.
Moxxie and Millie were both given hefty bonuses to hunt down and kill Loona's abusive adoptive parents prior to Blitz
Loona has never met any of her dad’s partners outside of Stolas because e Blitz knows they won’t last.
The lighter Blitz gave her was the first gift he ever gave her and she considers it one of her most prized processions.
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nightvale359 · 6 months
Okay okay but here me out
If we just get rid of Stolas or make him a random character that does cool magic while being gay and NOT in love with another main character (Blitz).
Then AroAllo Blitz CAN STILL WIN !!!!
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angrycloudloud · 8 months
I re-watched Helluva Boss, because i like to suffer overthinking about my Life and my silly shows and... WHY DEMONS are better dads than my own father?!
I'm okay, i'm fine... I'll get over It someday.
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mentalmeles · 2 years
That episode was SO lovely. I really wish that I had something akin to this series when I was younger TTATT
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noxtivagus · 2 years
today's been fun so far hehe
#🌙.rambles#just out w my family as usual c: w my lola n tita too !!!!#pls my lola said fr that i'm like my ninang 😭😭 slow eater too#n then we were talking abt cets n yeah n damn my tita's so smart fr. my whole family honestly#she managed to answer all the math in acet.. crazy considering how acet's rlly yk w the time-pressure#she majored in math. she's. so good. w stats n stuff n calculus n algebra n yeah she's so goddamn smart#my dad too he's. damn. w comsci n engineering yh just tech n it stuff#ninang w the med stuff n being a doctor n yh her too 🥺#lola asked abt prom a bit n i find it amusing how she said the same thing my ninang said abt not being able to go HVKDJVKSK#yk. i look. pretty today#apollo n i walking n down the escalator arms around each other's waist n we#we're matching 🥹🫶🏼 just different color accessories n shirts n that's it#i like my shoulders ngl.#nyways when we were going down the escalator the ones going up were looking at us#making eye contact w strangers is hdkgjslgks on the outside i realize i#probably don't seem very shy. i hold myself well n all but inside i'm like. chill but also constant anxiety#TITA SAID WE HAVE GOOD MUSIC TASTE >< data blitz n looking at stuff ofc hehe#chrono cross ! i forget the composer's name but Yes.#told her we have crisis core when she pointed it out#++ talking abt soulsborne tgther a bit n then#hehe she said nier nice music too#^^ pointing out the kh bundle n she played yk on ps2 even before we were born so real#soulscaliber or i forgot the spelling but her watching my dad play that & doom too even before apollo n i were born 😭😭#other games too c: n tita was talking a bit too abt octopath traveler 2#she asked for the first one back from us bcs we borrowed hehe n she asked abt how i enjoyed shadow of the colossus too at some point#HFLSJFKSJ she asked who was our crush in octopath LMFAO N HERS IS THERION#'pretty boy' so true 🥹🫶🏼 mine's cyrus . i forget he's like 30 smth tho but tbf aymeric n thancred is too n they're. :lipbite: 😭😭#hmmm. i rlly do like how i look today though. my hair isn't messy (wow for once !) n then#random but i wna workout sometime? i wna be more fit fr#apollo n i r going onsite for school tmrrw bcs pe :< but we'll go online tues hehe n break for like just until friday or so n the weekend of
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