#blessings to all of you and may the dice roll ever in your favor
an-eldritch-peredhel · 4 months
#dang it do i have a new oc now
Sounds like!! I'd love to hear more if you've got it!
(referring to my tags on this post)
You will meet a stranger, sometimes, if you make a habit to frequent taverns, inns, halls for game, or even the one tree where the young Bracegirdle cousins sneak off to play marbles. Well, you will like as not meet many strangers, except in the last case, but this one will be different. Or perhaps you get lucky, and don't frequent such places, but find yourself in one unexpectedly, and meet them regardless.
Everyone in Gondor knows someone who knows someone who met Lady Luck, no one has met her themself. If you do, starry-eyed romantics say, you'll be blessed with good fortune for all your days. The pragmatists tell you you'll be blessed with the good sense to discern a scam.
He may smirk at you after winning a bet, some dark-haired man, using his earnings to buy a round for the bar. It's always a different man, but it always goes to Alwed's tab. It keeps the crowd from getting too rowdy, even if the more superstitious get on edge.
No one remembers meeting them the first time, but dwarves with common sense avoid Audr's shell games and silver-toothed smile- you always win, but it's never worth it.
A woman with greying-gold hair and stiff fingers might call herself Eadrun, and challenge you to a game of dice. Few decline, and far fewer win.
For as few elves remain in Middle Earth, the one who calls himself Herendil and laughs as though his name is a joke should be recognizable. He seems young and lighthearted in a way most have lost, but he will play you cards, win just as much as he loses, and disappear, never recognized.
A hobbit-lass may giggle, red curls gleaming in the sun, and introduce herself as Peony Sandheaver, her family is visiting from Bree, and she wants to see how Shire-hobbits play Jacks.
Sometimes an orc prays over a set of knucklebones, knowing that at least one god will hear one prayer. Orcs have little luck in battle, but uncanny luck with dice.
There are countless stories, just as many true as not. Countless names, far more unnamed figures, always just out of place enough wherever they are to be interesting and promise new tales, never enough to provoke suspicion, not at first.
Even those in the Blessed Realm may find this dark-eyed stranger. Always dark-eyed, like bottles of dark glass. They stop by Aulë's workshop on occasion, to learn and suggest and play new games. They never win the first round, but most have the sense not to bet anything they aren't willing to lose on the second.
Oromë's people call them Umbarnica with a laugh and a toast in welcome. They thrive in the drunken revels after a successful hunt, sharp as ever as they dance from game to game, cackling at ill-advised propositions offered as collateral for or against a bet. Usually this means them winning to avoid it, a frequent enough occurrence as-is, but every now and then they'll decide to let someone get lucky. The bragging rights are the real reward.
And there are no guarantees with this stranger. No way to ensure their favor, though many ways to get their attention, few good. They like irony, take pleasure in hubris reaching its fall. They love superstition, even if they don't always honor it, and they love stories. There are gods that can be mistaken for kind, they are not one of them, created to serve the king the Dark Lord could have been. Their favorites are fickle, their grudges subtle but long-held. They love cheaters, unless they're at the end of the attempt. They will always catch you, and you will always regret it. They slink through candle-shadows and pipe-smoke, grinning, dance in town squares turned to faire grounds, curl up on comfy chairs indoors on rainy days.
But sometimes, in these days, you won't meet a stranger at all. Sometimes your storyteller will get a bright-dark glint in their eyes, and some dice will roll strangely high and some dice will roll strangely low and either way the story will be better for it. And if the next time the group meets you need to take a moment to remind the storyteller exactly what happened last session, well. That's why you take notes.
So pray to the dice-god, card-master, quick-sighted. It might do you no good, but they love superstition, and they love stories. And when you play a dark-eyed stranger, don't cheat at cards.
#ask#cuarthol#umbarnica#my writing#my ocs#they play favorites with the orcs because they feel like they have bad enough luck as is so they throw them some bones#and they like the Narrative of it all#i had fun writing this#they're very amoral not in the sense of being Evil and Bad they just. don't have morals.#they're kinda like a trickster god i think. and they like underdogs but not as much as people think#in my headcanon a lot of powerful maiar were intended to serve melkor before he went all evil but not all of them also went evil#and that leaves a very interesting crack for them to fall through because they just don't really. fit. anywhere#my arien is also a case of this (sibling of the balrogs)#and ultimately the deciding factor in turning evil is mostly if they are able to find support and a purpose with people who care about them#even if they still don't quite fit in#so umbarnica is also a case of this but instead of arien who found her niche by following the formula as closely as possible#(find a vala- take a role under her doing something directly related- oh whoops Fate called so i'm going to be a good maia and do my duty)#(if i don't do everything right i'm going to go insane and then go evil. please for the love of eru let me just do my valar-damned job)#umbarnica went 'yeah you can't tell me what to do. if you try to keep me stuck here in aman i will go insane and then go evil.'#'is that what you want? no? then let me cause nice low level chaos and fun wherever i want and i'll stay out of your hair'#i think they like dnd a lot for the sheer novelty of it#a lot of their domain is gambling or adjacent so to have a game of chance that seeks to tell stories and build community is intriguing#namo is probably the one who has official jurisdiction over them? but mostly in the sense that fate and luck are tied up#he does the bare minimum to make sure they don't get out of hand. neither *likes* this arrangement but they're content with it by now#but yes i'm gonna be calling them umbarnica#is that their name? sure as much as anything can be.#i just thought that 'little doom' would be a really funny euphamism tbh
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madeckcampaign > tales-from-the-silver-lining
Hello to you all who have followed us for so long! Due to the departure of several characters from the party, we felt it pertinent to change the team’s name. In kind, even if we don’t update as much here as we used to, it feels important to keep this blog up to date as well. More art, stories, memes and beyond to come, and we thank you all for taking interest in our adventures as you have! We love you all, and stay radiant! -Rob the DM
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queerdraws · 3 years
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Cleaning Out the Rooms - a Harry Du Bois playlist Alcoholism, getting better?, memory loss, being a superstar, The Final Dream, forming political opinions, bad breakups, past transgressions, being a strange and inconsistent being, and persisting despite it all 26 songs (r-slur warning for Turnin’ on the Screw - QotSA)
including: David Bazan, They Might be Giants, The Mountain Goats, British Sea Power (of course), Queens of the Stone Age, and more.  Full track listing and lyric excerpts under the cut
---- Turnin' on the Screw - Queens of the Stone Age (This is the opening track on Era Vulgaris, seemed like an appropriate opening song / introduction to Harry's general essence) ----
... They say those who can't just instruct others And act like victims or jilted lovers You can't lose it if you never had it Disappear, man, do some magic
Want a reason? How's about because You ain't a has been if you never was
I sound like this
Scared to say what is your passion So slag it all, bitter's in fashion Fear of failure's all you've started The jury is in, verdict: r******d
I'm so tired, and I'm wired too I'm a mess; I guess I'm turning on the screw
---- Bless this Mess - David Bazan (Harry being a drunk and a general mess, things going in cycles) ----
God bless the man who stumbles God bless the man who falls God bless the man who yields to temptation God bless the woman who suffers God bless the woman who weeps God bless the children trying her patience Trouble getting over it Is what you're in for So pour yourself another 'Cause it'll take a steady pair of hands Holy or unholy ghost Well now I can't tell, but either way you cut it You should get some distance if you plan to take a stand God bless the house divided God bless the weeds in the wheat God bless the lamp hid under a bushel I discovered hell to be the poison in the well So I tried to warn the others of the curse But then my body turned on me I dreamt that for eternity My family would burn Then I awoke with a wicked thirst
---- Don’t Sit Down Cause I’ve Moved Your Chair - Arctic Monkeys (general Harry vibe.  off-kilter) ----
Break a mirror, roll the dice
Find a well-known hard man and start a fight Wear your shell suit on bonfire night Fill in a circular hole with a peg that's square
But just don't sit down 'cause I've moved your chair
Bite the lightning and tell me how it tastes Kung fu fighting on your roller skates Do the Macarena in the devil's lair
But just don't sit down 'cause I've moved your chair
---- I've Been Seeing Things - They Might be Giants (feels very Harry's detecting style, surreal happenstance) ----
I've been seeing things I've been seeing things Don't have answers but I've got lots of questions
Carpool's up, someone gets out Hand someone else a violin case I'm trying not to let them see me looking at them But I'm pretty sure there was a dollar sign
Keep your eyes peeled and you'll see stuff Which at first seems like unimportant irrelevant things
Can't just ask some perfect stranger "What are you hiding in your violin case?" Shadow them at a distance instead Try to get inside their head
Where'd they go now (Where'd they go now) I got distracted (I got distracted) Begging me to stay (Begging me to stay) Wearing a disguise (Wearing a disguise) That lady (That lady) Must have ditched the kid (Must have ditched the kid) Hidge the down (Hidge the down) [???] What's she up to now? (What's she up to now?) Trembling cold by the airport road Watching them stack containers in rows Seagulls, helicopter, windblown trash Something doesn't add up
I've been seeing things I've been seeing things No one asks but I'm packing all kinds of attention
Later I'm watching a news report Camera pans across a crime scene Unremarked upon detail Empty violin case Okay maybe not the same case Different material, different color Still you have to wonder Am I the only one who knows
I've been seeing things
---- Music is the Victim - Scissor Sisters (breakup Harry.  drug-addled disco Harry) ----
I left my heart in San Fransisco It's at some motherfucking disco The people there where dancin' on it And that's including Ms. Matronic
Hell if music is the victim then so am I Of lovin' and a cheatin' the snake gon' bite I beg and I scream and I cuss and I cry If music is the victim then so am I
Of your bad fun Money's all gone but you need some Lover's on the phone but they got none Daddy ain't home from the dog run And you're riding through the city with a shotgun
I left my bag in Pasadena Where all them girls was doin' Tina Them bitches sure were crunked up on it I said I'd rather smoke some chronic
Hell if music is the victim then so am I Of lovin' and a cheatin' the snake gon' bite I beg and I scream and I cuss and I cry If music is the victim then so am I
---- Down to Your Soul - Right Away, Great Captain! (about the Final Dream and pre-game Harry) ----
And I see things I actually don't see. I knew it wasn't actually you a few feet from my reach. I looked into your eyes and I began to lose my teeth, And I felt you were dreaming the same thing.
And I know you don't know what I'm capable of But if you give me just one more minute I'm sure That you would be shaking right down to your soul And I'd hope that the fear of the lord brings me home. I'm a man in a body of water so tall Could swallow you whole and forget where he's going But I carved a map in the back of my arm Don't worry I'm coming home I said don't worry cause I'm coming home
---- No Surprises - Radiohead (suicidal harry, pre-game.  Maybe immediately before the game.  A little Big Communism Builder) ----
A heart that's full up like a landfill A job that slowly kills you Bruises that won't heal You look so tired, unhappy Bring down the government They don't, they don't speak for us I'll take a quiet life A handshake of carbon monoxide
And no alarms and no surprises
This is my final fit My final bellyache
No alarms and no surprises, please (get me out of here)
---- Cleaning Out the Rooms - British Sea Power (The instrumental part seems to have been used / referenced for a background music track.  And also the name of that one thought project. as expected, it fits beautifully.  Wake up in a new life, down by the seaside.  Cleaning out the rooms.  She’ll be coming soon.) ----
Where life is good in a way Swept away upon our hearts, in cold coal ceremonial On a rainy day, hang it up Get the vacuum and suck it in Cleaning out the rooms, I'll clean it up Dark cloud, drifting out of view I'll never know, she'll be coming soon, that is all I'll wake up in a new life, ship shape and shoe shine Cleaning out the rooms, I'll clean it up She'll be coming soon Drifting into view, way in the west, white cloud If everybody knew, I never knew, she'll be coming soon I'll wake up in a new life, down by the seaside In a new life, down by the seaside Cleaning out the room, I'll clean it up Dark clouds, she'll be coming soon Down the chimney, out the window, that is all
---- In the Morning of the Magicians - The Flaming Lips (waking up with no memory, but bad vibes) ----
In the morning I awake
And I couldn't remember What is love and what is hate
The calculations error
Oh, what is love and what is hate? And why does it matter? Is to love just a waste? And how can it matter?
As the dawn began to break I had to surrender The universe will have its way Too powerful to master
---- Once in a Lifetime - Talking Heads (Huh??  What's happening??  same as it ever was, same as it ever was) ----
And you may ask yourself, "How do I work this?" And you may ask yourself, "Where is that large automobile?" And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful house" And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful wife"
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
And you may ask yourself, "What is that beautiful house?" And you may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go to?" And you may ask yourself, "Am I right? Am I wrong?" And you may say to yourself, "My God! What have I done?"
---- Don't Change - David Bazan (alcoholism, cycles of wanting to get better, depression, slipping in to old coping mechanisms, plus a little bit in here about dreams.  This is a song for if Harry continues partying after the memory wipe, I suppose) ----
He seems nice You met him once or twice But you wonder what he's like When he's sober
Then again You hear he has no friends Just people that he spins To do him favors
When he wakes up in the morning he tells himself Today I'll make a change But falling into his bed at night he thinks Man it was a beautiful day to stay the same
I'm so deep That only in my sleep Do the secrets that I keep Float to the surface
So I hold them down Till they don't make a sound Like they accidentally drowned Except on purpose
And when I wake up in the morning I tell myself Today I'll make a change But falling into my bed at night I think Man it was a beautiful day to stay the same
---- Airbag - Radiohead (born again, back to save the universe) ----
In the next world war In a jackknifed juggernaut I am born again In the neon sign scrolling up and down I am born again
In an interstellar burst I am back to save the universe
In a deep, deep sleep of the innocent I am born again In a fast German car I'm amazed that I survived An airbag saved my life
In an interstellar burst I am back to save the universe
---- A Comet Appears - The Shins (puppeting a man-body around pretending to be a living thing. drinking, depression) ----
One hand on this wily comet Take a drink just to give me some weight Some uber-man I'd make I'm barely a vapor
They shone a chlorine light on A host of individual sins Let's carve my aging face off Fetch us a knife Start with my eyes Down so the lines Form a grimacing smile
Close your eyes to corral a virtue Is this fooling anyone else? Never worked so long and hard To cement a failure
---- The Communists Have the Music - They Might be Giants (Big Communism Builder, but especially Harry's shallow understanding of Communism.  Party-boy communist) ----
I got handed an Ayn Rand sandwich Straight from the can, it tasted so bland I asked a lass to pass me a glass Of Engels' Conditions of the Working Class
Right away they dragged me to the committee To explain my un-American activity They're gonna see they made a mistake If they'd only let me play my mixtape
I'm not partial to the martial Or the plutocrats, in their beaver hats And the fascists have the outfits But I don't care for the outfits What I care about is music And the communists have the music
---- Harlem Roulette - The Mountain Goats (Harry thinking about Guillame le Million?  Generally: that vibe of secret, maybe supranatural machinations happening just outside your field of view.  A kinda lonely, pensive vibe, sprinkled with past drug use, driving...memory) ----
Unknown engines underneath the city Steam pushing up in billows through the grates Frankie Lymon's tracking "Seabreeze" in a studio in Harlem Its 1968. Just a pair of tunes to hammer out. Everybody's off the clock by 10:00. The loneliest people in the whole wide world are the ones you're never going to see again. Feels so free when I hit the avenue. Nothing like a New York summer night. Every dream's a good dream, Even awful dreams are good dreams, If you're doing it right. Remember soaring higher than a cloud. Get pretty sentimental now and then. The loneliest people in the whole wide world are the ones you're never going to see again. And four hours north of Portland, a radio flips on. And some no one from the future remembers that you're gone. Armies massing in the dusky distance. Ghosted in the ribbon microphone. Leave a little mark on something, maybe, Take the secret circuit home. Nothing in the shadows but the shadow hands. Reaching out to sad, young, frightened men. The loneliest people in the whole wide world are the ones you're never going to see again.
---- Suture up Your Future - Queens of the Stone Age (Harry's gonna fix his mess) ----
I'm gon' suture up my future I ain't jaded, I just hate it See, I been down too long It's kinda hard to explain Burned and buried, all I carried
Tried explaining unexplained Got caught in the plan All this talking at once I've been giving my love away To the things that tear it apart I'm gonna suture up my future
---- Lampshades on Fire - Modest Mouse (Harry trashing his body / having already trashed his body, just kinda a Harry-vibe song) ----
Well, the lampshade's on fire when the lights go out This is what I really call a party now Well, fear makes us really, really run around A-this one's done so where to now? Our eyes light up, we have no shame at all Well, you all know what I'm talking about The room lights up, but we're still dancing around We're having fun, having some fun now
Pack up again, head to the next place Where we'll make the same mistakes Open one up and let it fall to the ground Pile out the door when it all runs out
As our feelings are getting hurt Oh, we want you to do the work Our ass looks great inside these jeans Well, we want just our water clean
Well, this is how it's always been And this is how it's going to be So you just move on
---- Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes (Harry "can-opener" du Bois.  Talking to the skills, solving things, detecting, generally being a terrifying force of nature / the pale) ----
I'm gonna fight 'em all A seven nation army couldn't hold me back They're gonna rip it off Taking their time right behind my back
And I'm talking to myself at night Because I can't forget Back and forth through my mind Behind a cigarette
And the message coming from my eyes Says, "Leave it alone"
Don't wanna hear about it Every single one's got a story to tell Everyone knows about it From the Queen of England to the Hounds of Hell
And if I catch it coming back my way I'm gonna serve it to you And that ain't what you want to hear But that's what I'll do
And the feeling coming from my bones Says, "Find a home"
---- Body of Years - Mother Mother (Harry's past that follows him, Harry's half-decomposed body that marks the years of abuse it's been through) ----
All the remains of a cadaver of days I keep hidden away, keep them there just in case I wanna visit that place Blow the dust from the bones Off a body of years that I leave all alone Just a body of years
See the skin disappears And the blood turns to stone In a body of years now a pile of bones Like a sheet of veneer Each a piece of my soul It's a body of years that I leave all alone
It's Just a body of years, now a pile of bones You know Old soul who falls down Can't stop trippin' on these Old roads I go down Get back up and get my foot in the door And my face on the page Make my mark in the world With a bat and a blade It's a body of work that you can't ever change Like a body of years that you take to your grave It's just a body of years that I leave all alone It's just a body of years, now a pile of bones Like a sheet of veneer Each a piece of my soul
---- The Cap-m - They Might be Giants (just a Harry vibe song) ----
When I talk you keep looking away from me 'Cause you probably think that I'm high on pot But I'm not, I'm not
Look me over, I'm the Cap'm You say it's such a joke But I don't see you laughing
People seem to think you can't be called the Cap'm Unless you drive a boat Well, I don't I don't
Look me over, I'm the Cap'm Go ahead and mess with me You'll find out what will happ'm
Did you say what I think you just said My hat looks good on me? I agree, I agree
Look me over, I'm the Cap'm You act like it's a joke But I don't see you laughing
---- Broke - Modest Mouse (oops!  all mistakes.  Broke it all.  Want to forget it but can't) ----
Broke account, so I broke a sweat I've bought some things that I sort of regret about now Broke my pace and ran out of time Sometimes I'm so full of shit that it should be a crime
Broke a promise 'cause my car broke down Such a classic excuse it should be bronze by now Broke your glasses, but it broke the ice You said that I was an asshole and I paid the price
Broken hearts want broken necks I've done some things that I'd love to forget, but I can't
Broke up, and I'm relieved somehow It's the end of the discussions that just go 'round and 'round And 'round, and 'round, and 'round ... It was like everything was evidence of broken time
You're living on fancy wine You'll drink that turpentine You're starting conversations You don't even know the topic
---- Spent Gladiator 2 - The Mountain Goats (Defiantly alive) ----
Like a spent gladiator, Crawling in the coliseum dust. Who can count on his remaining limbs, All the people he can trust. Like the one who stands behind him, Cheering him on. Ecstatic when he stands defiant, Wild with abandon when he's gone. Just stay alive. Keep your eyes on the pay line. Like a village on the step, About to get collectivized. When the men emerge with rifles from the haystack, Everybody looks surprised. Like the mice in the forgotten grain, Way up on the top shelf. Like someone who's found a small town to escape to, Keeps one eye on his abandoned, former self. Stay in the game. Just try to play through the pain. Like a fighter who's been told its finally time for him to quit. Show up in shining colors, And then stand there and get hit. Like the clock that ticks in Dresden, When the whole town's been destroyed. Like the nagging flash of insight, You're always desperate to avoid. Like the bloody-knuckled gunman, Still stationed at the breach. Like that board game with the sliders, And the children on the beach. Stay alive. Maybe spit some blood at the camera. Just stay alive. Stay forever alive.
---- You Only Live Once - The Strokes (just general Harry, talking about the skills, choices you can make, what kind of cop you can be) ----
Twenty-nine different attributes Only seven that you like, oh-oh Twenty ways to see the world, oh And twenty ways to start a fight, oh
And countless odd religions too It doesn't matter which you choose, oh, no One stubborn way to turn your back, oh This I've tried and now refuse, oh
Oh don't, don't, don't get up I can't see the sunshine Oh, I'll be waiting for you, baby 'Cause I'm through Sit me down Shut me up I'll calm down And I'll get along with you
---- Pork and Beans - Weezer (Superstar Cop) ----
They say I need some rogaine to put in my hair Work it out at the gym to fit my underwear Oakley makes the shades to transform a tool You'd hate for the kids to think that you've lost your cool
I'ma do the things that I wanna do I ain't got a thing to prove to you I'll eat my candy with the pork and beans Excuse my manners if I make a scene I ain't gonna wear the clothes that you like I'm fine and dandy with the me inside One look in the mirror and I'm tickled pink I don't give a hoot about what you think
Everyone likes to dance to a happy song With a catchy chorus and beat so they can sing along Timbaland knows the way to reach the top of the charts Maybe if I work with him I can perfect the art
I'ma do the things that I wanna do I ain't got a thing to prove to you I'll eat my candy with the pork and beans Excuse my manners if I make a scene I ain't gonna wear the clothes that you like I'm fine and dandy with the me inside One look in the mirror and I'm tickled pink I don't give a hoot about what you think
No, I don't care I don't care
---- Freaks - Surf Curse (head filled with skills, The Final Dream) ----
Don't kill me just help me run away From everyone I need a place to stay Where I can cover up my face Don't cry, I am just a freak
I am just a freak(x3)
My head is filled with parasites Black holes cover up my eyes I dream of you almost every night Hopefully I won't wake up this time
I won't wake up this time(x3)
---- The Smallest Church in Sussex - British Sea Power (oh yeah this is mandatory) ----
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criticalrolo · 4 years
Hey guys! I made an example sheet of how I go about creating individual gods and their worship systems inside of my homebrew world. I start out by defining what the deity’s domains are and what kind of clerics serve them. Then I go about defining their symbols and their impact on their followers in the world. I try to come up with superstitions, small details, and mythology that makes them feel more organic in the world. Here’s an example for my goddess of luck Tiva!
The Divine Fortune, The Three Eyed Fox, The Whisperer Tiva is the oldest of the New Gods. It is said that she was created from a tangled knot in Onthys' strings of fate that twisted the designs of fortune in her favor. She is a trickster god who was one of the first to amass as much power as Ethrys' Pantheon and the first to be recognized across the entire continent. Her worshipers are typically working class citizens, although some of them have achieved great wealth and status through her influence. • Domains: Luck, Fortune, Trickery • Clerics: Trickery, Arcana, Life, Twilight
Colors and Symbols Tiva is typically represented as a young woman with dark braided hair who carries two daggers, one with a hilt made of diamond and the other with a hilt made of gold. She is also represented as a three eyed fox. Her holy symbol is two half circles connected by lines that form a golden knot in the center. Her holy animal is the fox (and raccoons, in urban settings), and diamonds and gold are also considered holy to Tiva. Other symbols include the color gold, knots, and the number seven. 
Rituals, Holy Days, Festivals • Every seventh day of the month, her followers will have a feast at home in her honor and pray over a series of blessed dice for a glimpse of divine insight into what the upcoming month holds for them. • The Sunrise Festival: The seventh day of the seventh month is the holiest day of the year. Her followers will gather for a huge festival where there will be celebrations, games, parties, and general frivolity all night until the sun rises in the morning. Afterwards, the followers will take a full day of rest and devote a part of their winnings from the evening before to the upkeep of Tiva’s churches and shrines in exchange for her favor for the next year. • Snapping five times is a common superstition to ask Tiva for good luck, especially when "gambling" (over a card game, over a business proposal, over a deal, etc.)
Tenets • Tiva has her hand in everything, so followers must always create, notice, and act on unexpected opportunities. • No one's luck is always good, and no one's luck is always bad. • Taking chances in life will always result in a net positive over never acting at all. • If you don't like the hand you've been dealt in life, trust in Tiva's power and change your fate. 
Temple Clergy and Followers Tiva has more shrines than temples, seeing as how most people who are otherwise unaffiliated with religion tend to loosely associate themselves with Tiva if they must. Many people invoke her name for good luck and follow several superstitions that are believed to ask for her presence. Her temples are small and plain on the outside, but lavishly decorated on the inside with gold decorations and diamond chandeliers when possible. Her followers adhere to the Prosperity Gospel and her priests are known as the Heaven Blessed.  When people come to worship, it is traditional for them to offer a copper coin alongside a prayer in hopes of Tiva returning it with ten gold.
Artifacts and Sacred Items • Lucky Golden Dagger: This +1 magical dagger has an ornate golden hilt with a knotted rope pattern. It allows you to cast Darkness nonmagically as an action, regaining use at dawn. You are not affected by this, and thus may see through it as normal. If you are in the globe of darkness created by this weapon and you have advantage on the melee attack roll, this weapon's base damage is 4d4. • Lucky Diamond Dagger: This +1 magical dagger has a solid black metal hilt engraved with a fox's head that had three eyes on the pommel. The blade is carved and polished diamond. It deals 1 point of necrotic damage to the attacker whenever it is used to make a melee weapon attack. On a successful hit, roll a d20. If the result of the roll is 16 or higher, Fortune deals an additional 6d10 necrotic or radiant damage. 
Sects The Fortune's Favored: A nomadic group of adrenaline and thrill seekers that believe Tiva has blessed with divine fortune in all their ventures. They will throw themselves off cliffs into rivers, ski down mountains, charge into fights with no armor, and freehand solo climb up sheer cliffs. They have achieved great feats of athletic prowess and invented ways to achieve greater thrills than ever before but this comes at a cost of many lives that were not as fortunate as they believed.
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dfroza · 3 years
Today’s reading from the ancient book of Proverbs and book of Psalms
for may 16 of 2021 with Proverbs 16 and Psalm 16, accompanied by Psalm 58 for the 58th day of Spring and Psalm 136 for day 136 of the year
[Proverbs 16]
People go about making their plans,
but the Eternal has the final word.
Even when you think you have good intentions,
He knows your real motives.
Whatever you do, do it as service to Him,
and He will guarantee your success.
The Eternal made everything for a reason.
Even wrongdoers fit in His plans; troubled times await them.
He abhors arrogant people.
Make no mistake about it! They will be punished!
The penalty of sin is removed by love and loyalty;
and by devotion to the Eternal, evil is avoided.
When people make good choices, He is pleased;
He even causes their enemies to live peacefully near them.
Better to have little and stand for what is right
than to become rich by doing what is wrong.
People do their best making plans for their lives,
but the Eternal guides each step.
The king makes a decision under divine inspiration,
but he must never render an unfair judgment.
The Eternal requires that business be conducted honestly;
He wants fairness in all your dealings.
When kings commit evil, it is despicable,
because their thrones should be built on justice.
Kings admire those who tell the truth;
they adore those who set the record straight.
A king’s rage signals that people will die,
but whoever is wise will pacify him.
If a king is smiling brightly, life will be granted;
his favor is like a cloud swelled with the first spring rain.
How much better it is to receive wisdom than the riches of gold
and to gain understanding over some silver prize!
The highway of the just bypasses evil;
those who watch where they’re going protect their lives from sin.
Pride precedes destruction;
an arrogant spirit gives way to a nasty fall.
It is better to be humble and live among the poor,
than to divide up stolen property with the proud.
Those devoted to instruction will prosper in goodness;
those who trust in the Eternal will experience His favor.
The wise at heart have a reputation for understanding;
pleasant words make the lips more persuasive.
Understanding for those who have it is a spring of life,
but it is pointless to try and instruct a fool.
From a wise heart flow careful words;
wise words make the lips more persuasive.
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb:
they drip sweet food for life and bring health to the body.
Before every person lies a road that seems to be right,
but at the end of that road death and destruction wait.
People work to stay alive,
pressed daily by their need to eat.
Good-for-nothings conjure up evil ideas;
their conversations fuel destructive fires.
Perverse people stir up contention;
gossip makes best friends into enemies.
Violent people try to recruit their neighbors,
wanting to lead them down the vile path of evil they have chosen.
Body language can expose a person’s intentions:
whoever winks the eye is planning perversity;
whoever purses his lips is intent on evil.
Gray hair is a crown of honor,
earned by living the right kind of life.
It is better to be a patient man than a mighty warrior,
better to be someone who controls his temper than someone who conquers a city.
We may try to control the roll of the dice,
but actually, the Eternal decides what they will determine.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 16 (The Voice)
[Psalm 16]
The Golden Secret
A precious song, engraved in gold, by David
A prayer of David.
Protect me, God, for the only safety I know is found in the moments I seek You.
I told You, Eternal One, “You are my Lord,
for the only good I know in this world is found in You alone.”
The beauty of faith-filled people encompasses me.
They are true, and my heart is thrilled beyond measure.
All the while the despair of many,
who abandoned Your goodness for the empty promises of false gods, increases day by day.
I refuse to pour out blood offerings,
to utter their names from my lips.
You, Eternal One, are my sustenance and my life-giving cup.
In that cup, You hold my future and my eternal riches.
My home is surrounded in beauty;
You have gifted me with abundance and a rich legacy.
I will bless the Eternal, whose wise teaching orchestrates my days
and centers my mind at night.
He is ever present with me;
at all times He goes before me.
I will not live in fear or abandon my calling
because He stands at my right hand.
This is a good life—my heart is glad, my soul is full of joy,
and my body is at rest.
Who could want for more?
You will not abandon me to experience death and the grave
or leave me to rot alone.
Instead, You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life.
As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending,
and I know true joy and contentment.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 16 (The Passion Translation / The Voice)
[Psalm 58]
Judge of the Judges
For the Pure and Shining One
King David’s golden song of instruction
To the tune of “Do Not Destroy”
God’s justice? You high and mighty politicians
know nothing about it!
Which one of you has walked in justice toward others?
Which one of you has treated everyone right and fair?
Not one! You only give “justice” in exchange for a bribe.
For the right price you let others get away with murder.
Wicked wanderers even from the womb—that’s who you are!
You lie with your words, and your teaching is poison.
Like cobras closing their ears to the most expert of the charmers,
you strike out against all who are near.
O God, break their fangs;
shatter the teeth of these ravenous lions!
Let them disappear like water falling on thirsty ground.
Let all their weapons be useless.
Let them be like snails dissolving into the slime.
Let them be cut off, never seeing the light of day!
God will sweep them away so fast
that they’ll never know what hit them.
The godly will celebrate in the triumph of good over evil,
and the lovers of God will trample
the wickedness of the wicked under their feet!
Then everyone will say, “There is a God who judges the judges”
and “There is a great reward in loving God!”
The Book of Psalms, Poem 58 (The Passion Translation)
to be accompanied by these lines:
Is this any way to run a country?
Is there an honest politician in the house?
Behind the scenes you weave webs of deceit,
behind closed doors you make deals with demons.
The wicked crawl from the wrong side of the cradle;
their first words out of the womb are lies.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 58:1-3 (The Message)
[Psalm 136]
Let your heart overflow with praise to the Eternal, for He is good,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Praise the True God who reigns over all other gods,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Praise the Lord who reigns over all other lords,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
To Him who alone does marvelous wonders,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Who created the heavens with skill and artistry,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Who laid out dry land over the waters,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Who made the great heavenly lights,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
The sun to reign by day,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
The moon and stars to reign by night,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
To Him who struck down the firstborn of the Egyptians,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Who set Israel free from Egyptian masters,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
With fierce strength, a mighty hand, and an outstretched arm,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
To Him who split the Red Sea in two and made a path between the divided waters,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Then allowed Israel to pass safely through on dry ground,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
To Him who crushed Pharaoh and his army in the waters of the Red Sea,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Who guided His people through the desert,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Who struck down mighty kings,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Who slaughtered famous kings,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Sihon, the king of the Amorites,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
And Og, the king of Bashan,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
To Him who gave the conquered land as an inheritance,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Who made the land a heritage to Israel, His servant,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
To Him who remembered us when we were nearly defeated,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Who rescued us from our enemies,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Who provides food for every living thing,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
Let your heart overflow with praise to the True God of heaven,
for His faithful love lasts forever.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 136 (The Voice)
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nithringthekobold · 6 years
Ever wanted to use the deck of many things, but feared it’d ruin your campaign?
Well, anyone who wants to is welcome to use my homebrewed “deck of several things”. Many would be a better word for it than several, since it actually has more things than a deck of many things, but given the title was already taken it was the best I could do. 
Basically, the idea was to make a 54 card deck (standard 52 playing card deck, +1 joker of each colour), and to make it have various effects of escalating potency without ever quite causing anything as disastrous and campaign-ending as the infamous Deck of Many Things does.
 Without further ado, here are the details.
“A seemingly mundane deck of 54 playing cards in an ornate wooden box, including a red and black joker. Each card has a unique magical property, that applies when the deck is thoroughly shuffled, and the card is drawn. If the one drawing the card has an intelligence score of 4 or lower or is unaware of the deck’s magical properties, as well as the fact that there are potentially quite dangerous risks involved in drawing, cards drawn have no effect. If anything in any way diminishes the randomness of which card(s) will be drawn, such as the deck being intentionally poorly shuffled/cut, or the bottom card of the deck being looked at before drawing (as this gives the drawer the knowledge that one specific card will not be drawn), the cards have no effect. If any single card is removed from the deck, destroyed, or marked in an identifying way, the deck loses its magical properties until another card with the same suit and value (that cannot be distinguished from the rest of the deck while face down) replaces that card, the deck is shuffled, and the deck is placed inside its wooden box and the box kept shut for 1 hour. As soon as the card is drawn, the drawer gains the knowledge of what its effects are. The effects happen within a number of seconds. The suit of hearts represents blessings, effects that grant vitality or healing. The suit of diamonds represents treasures, mundane, magical, material and metaphysical. The suit of clubs represents chance, with each one having an equal chance of a boon or a bane befalling the drawer. The suit of spades represents curses, losses, and all manner of unpleasant things. Red. 1.    Joker: Gift of the Crimson Fool. You feel imbued with power as memories from an ancient hero of your class fill your head. While you don’t retain these memories for long, the experience and talents remain. You gain however many experience points you still need to reach your next level. 
Hearts. 2.    Ace: Blessing of Vitality. Roll one of your hit dice (that of your highest levelled class if multiclassing, your choice if tied) and add your constitution modifier. Permanently gain that many hit points.
3.    2: Blessing of Healing. You gain possession of a small, red berry, full of life essence. Upon eating this berry, you can roll one of your hit dice and add your constitution modifier, regain that many hit points. This does not expend any of your unused hit dice.
4.    3: Blessing of Rest. You lose any levels of exhaustion you currently have.
5.    4: Blessing of Satiety. For the next week, you require no food or water.
6.    5: Blessing of Mana. You obtain a small vial of a blue liquid labelled ‘essence of Mana’. Upon drinking it, all your expended spell slots are restored. There is only enough for 1 dose.
7.    6: Blessing of Medicine. You gain possession of a small vial of dark red liquid, labelled ‘Panacea’. Upon drinking it, all hit points are restored and all diseases and poisons are cured. There is only enough for 1 dose.
8.    7: Blessing of Respite. You gain possession of a golden apple. Upon taking a bite of this apple, you gain the benefits of a long rest. Only one person can gain these benefits as the apple loses this property upon being tasted.
9.    8: Blessing of Talent. You gain +1 to an ability score of your choice, but it cannot be increased beyond 20.
10.  9: Blessing of Arcana. You gain one level 1 spell slot. If you know no level 1 spells, learn one of your choice. If this is the case, your spellcasting ability for this spell will be Wisdom. Otherwise, use the spellcasting ability of your caster class.
11.  10: Blessing of Power. For 24 hours, your spells do not expend spell slots.
12.  Jack: Blessing of the Undying. For the next 24 hours, you cannot be reduced below 1 hit point by any means except for effects caused by this deck. You still feel pain and sustain injuries, which do not heal any faster than normal.
13.  Queen: Blessing of the Gods. You gain the features of 1 level Cleric, not counting proficiencies or hit dice. You are not sure which God has blessed you, if any. Your alignment does not change unless you choose for it to do so. Your exp does not change. This does not count as gaining a level. If you already have the features of a level 1 cleric, this card has no effect.
14.  King: Blessing of Salvation. A small glass orb appears in your hand, inside which is a swirl of golden light. Upon breaking it, it allows you to cast your choice of ‘Raise dead’, ‘Greater Restoration’ or ‘Regenerate’ once without material components. 
15.  Ace: Treasure of Divine Favor. The card summons the Avatar or Envoy of a God of good alignment of your choice before you, communicating with you in a language you speak. The representative usually takes the form of a small or smaller sized beast, a hovering sphere of dim light, or some other harmless phenomenon. You may attempt to make a good impression on this God, and if successful, they will grant you a favor of your choice so long as it is within their power and within reason. Failing to earn their good grace or offending them results in the avatar leaving, doing the drawer and others present no harm.
16.  2: Treasure of coins. You obtain a pouch containing 5d4 x 10 Gold Pieces.
17.  3: Treasure of gems. You obtain two gemstones worth 100 GP each.
18.  4: Treasure of Companionship. You gain a familiar as if by the ‘find familiar’ ritual. If you already have a familiar, this card has no effect.
19.  5: Treasure of Space. You obtain a bag of holding.
20.  6: Treasure of Friendship. For the next week, you have advantage on Charisma skill checks that are not Intimidation against any creature, even ones that are otherwise hostile towards you.
21.  7: Treasure of Might. You gain a magical weapon of your choice with a +1 to attack and damage rolls.
22.  8: Treasure of Resilience. You gain a piece of magical armor that grants you a +1 to your AC.
23.  9: Treasure of the Oasis. You obtain a Decanter of Endless Water.
24.  10: Treasure of Rarity. You obtain a random ‘Rare’ Magic Item. (Chosen by the DM).
25.  Jack: Treasure of True Desire. You obtain a silver compass. The needle of this compass points you in the direction of whatever it is you desire most at that moment.
26.  Queen: Treasure of Regal Shelter. You gain the ability to cast Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion without expending a spell slot. You may do so 3 times under this card’s effects and may not cast it more than once every 48 hours.
27.  King: Treasure of the Mage. You obtain a spell scroll for a random (alternatively, determined by the DM) spell of 7th level. You must provide the material components required to cast the spell normally, however, and these components are always consumed. The scroll is useable only once and cannot be copied into a spell book, as it becomes incomprehensible by any who try. Black. Clubs.  
28.  Ace: Chance of Treasure and Curse. Flip a coin. If heads, roll 1d4. If 1, gain the effects of the Jack of Diamonds. If 2, gain the effects of the Queen of Diamonds. If 3, gain the effect of the King of Diamonds. If 4, gain the effects of the Ace of diamonds. If tails, apply the same effect, but with Spades instead of diamonds.
29.  2: Chance of Change. Flip a coin. If heads, obtain a scroll of polymorph. If tails, automatically fail a saving throw against a polymorph spell the card casts against you and be turned into a sheep, as per the spell’s effects. 
30.  3: Chance of Flight. You obtain a scroll of Fly that can be used to target up to 8 willing creatures. Have the DM flip a coin in secret and make note of the result. If heads, the spell is cast normally when you attempt to use the scroll. If tails, the targets are instead affected by the Hold Person spell and are treated as though they’d failed their initial saving throw.
31.  4: Chance of Drawing. Flip a coin. If heads, you gain the effects of a random card from the red half of the deck. If tails, you gain the effects of a random card from the black half of the deck, excluding this one. (Out of character, if using a physical deck, continue to draw until you draw one of the required colour, jokers included, and ignore all drawn cards except for the one of the required colour.)
32.  5: Chance of Wealth. Flip a coin. If heads, all coins you’re currently carrying duplicate, doubling your wealth. If tails, half the coins you’re carrying disappear permanently, rounded down.
33.  6: Chance of Talent. Assign numbers 1-6 to your ability scores and roll 1d6. Flip a coin. If heads, the ability score that corresponds to the d6 result increases by 1 but cannot be brought above 20. If tails, it is reduced by 1, but cannot be brought below 3. This effect is permanent.
34.  7: Chance of Chatter. Flip a coin. If heads, learn a language of your choice. If tails, forget how to speak one of the languages you know. If this leaves you with no languages, regain the one you lost after 1d4 days. You can relearn lost languages the same way you’d learn any other.
35.  8: Chance of Gems. Obtain a random gemstone worth 500 GP. Flip a coin. If heads, the gemstone will be an ordinary gemstone. If tails, the gemstone will have been taken from the hoard of a random dragon, who will gain the knowledge of where it is and how it was obtained until such a time as it retrieves it. Have the DM make this coin flip in secret.
36.  9: Chance of Age. Flip a coin. If heads, you age 10 years. If Tails, you become 10 years younger. Either effect can be optionally ended by succeeding on a DC 10 Constitution Saving Throw at the end of a Long Rest should they choose to do so. Characters cannot die from aging this way, nor can they become any younger than what is considered the age of maturity for their race. The effect is purely physical, and characters retain their personalities, intelligence, and memories. However, they take a -2 penalty to their Strength and Dexterity scores if reduced below the age at which their race reaches adulthood.
37.  10: Chance of an Ancient Soul. Flip a coin. One of the weapons you’re carrying becomes possessed with the soul of an ancient hero if heads and an ancient villain if tails. The weapon becomes able to speak (and will do so at the DM’s discretion), becomes magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance to nonmagical weapons, and gains +1 to attack rolls and damage rolls. However, if the weapon is possessed by a villain, it may attack your allies. If you miss an attack on an enemy with the weapon while an ally is within your attack range, and the soul contained in the weapon is inclined to do so, make an attack roll against that ally as a free action. This does not count for attacks of opportunity. Heroic souls may impose the same detriment against known evil party members, or members that have committed acts the soul considers worth punishing while it was present. In either case, the weapon becomes indestructible and will return to you after 1 hour if lost or thrown away. Gold gained by attempting to sell the weapon magically returns to whoever you took it from. The weapon may choose to retract its magical properties and impose disadvantage on attacks made with it if it decides it does not like its wielder.
38.  Jack: Chance of Twinning. A duplicate of you appears, and others become unable to tell which one is the real you superficially. Flip a coin. If heads, the duplicate will be of the same alignment as you. If tails, it will be of the opposite alignment (good becomes evil, lawful becomes chaotic). True Neutral characters’ duplicates will always have the same alignment as them. The duplicate will pretend to match your alignment if it is lawful or neutral evil and you are not, but will secretly work to sabotage you, and either way and will follow the party for 48 hours at which point it ceases to exist.
39.  Queen: Chance of Royal Favor. Flip a coin. The King, Queen, or other governing body of the country you’re in will become aware of your existence. If heads, they will hear only good things about what you’ve done (not all of which will be true) and seek to reward you appropriately (rewards decided by the DM). If tails, they will be told rumors of your villainy and seek your punishment for your crimes. A Knight will find the party 1d4 days later and challenge the drawer to honorable combat, one on one. Regardless of who wins or loses, the effect ends, and the ruler becomes unaware of your existence once more. However, if the Knight is killed, you will earn a bounty in that country. (The DM rolls death saves for the Knight if they are reduced to 0 hit points). The affected ruler will not remember how they became aware of you, other than that they heard rumors about you.
40.  King: Chance of Luck. Flip a coin. If heads, you gain advantage on all saving throws, ability checks and attack rolls within the next 24 hours. If tails, you instead gain disadvantage. (40) Spades. 
41.  Ace: Curse of Frailty. ** Roll 1 of your hit die (that of your main class if multiclassing) and add your constitution modifier. Permanently lose that many hit points.
42.  2: Curse of uncontrollable screaming. The drawer becomes unable to stop screaming for 1d4 minutes. They may still speak, but only by shouting words at the top of their lungs. In a town or city, this may result in trouble with the local authorities at the DM’s discretion.
43.  3: Curse of Criminality. In some random city in the country the character is currently in, a magical clone of them appears and commits a crime of varying severity, then disappears. Bounty hunters will pursue the character, proportionally as strong and aggressive as the size of the bounty warrants, and local authorities will likely fine or arrest them on sight if they visit the city in question. The bounty is equal to 1d20 x 10 GP.
44.  4: Curse of Swapped Sex. For 1d6 x days, a male character’s body physically transforms to that of a female, and vice versa. Their mind is unaffected. People familiar with the character will likely confuse them for a sibling they were unaware of, unless they are aware of the curse.
45.  5: Curse of the Scarecrow. ** A scarecrow (see the Monster Manual for stats) begins to stalk the party. Roll 1d12 when the party attempts to take a long rest, and the scarecrow attacks on a 12. The scarecrow’s corpse disappears on destruction. With every successful destruction of the scarecrow, the DC for the scarecrow to appear decreases by 1. The Scarecrow only stops appearing permanently once it appears and is defeated on a roll of 1 on the d12. When the scarecrow attacks, it is immune to damage from anyone except for the one who drew the card and also ignores all other possible targets. If the drawer is reduced to 0 hit points, the scarecrow becomes vulnerable to all damage and attacks all other targets indiscriminately, losing interest in its original target. 
46.  6: Curse of Teeth. You grow teeth on every patch of your skin, not counting eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and other orifices. You take 1 damage every time a tooth is removed, and it immediately begins to regrow, fully regrowing within 30 seconds. All of these teeth fall off after 1d8 hours. During this time, you take a -10 to Charisma checks except for Intimidation, which you have advantage on instead, and others who are unaware of the deck and its effects will likely mistake you for a monster of some kind and become hostile towards you or flee from you, at the DM’s discretion.
47.  7: Curse of terrible luck. For 24 hours, you gain disadvantage on saving throws and attack rolls. Skill checks other than intelligence checks made to recall information also suffer disadvantage.
48.  8: Curse of Lycanthropy. You become a werecreature of the DM’s choice, transforming into your hybrid form every night when the sun is fully set and reverting at dawn. Your alignment changes to match the typical alignment of a werecreature of your type, as specified by the monster manual. The DM may optionally choose to take control of your character during these transformations. You are unable to infect others with your lycanthropy gained from this deck, and this effect lasts for 1d4 weeks.
49.  9: Curse of Greed. You feel an irresistible compulsion to draw two more cards. Do not shuffle the deck again before drawing, and do not replace this card in the deck until after you resolve the effects of the other two drawn. Their effects are activated as normal.
50.  10: Curse of Reversion. ** The drawer’s alignment shifts to its polar opposite. Lawful becomes chaotic, good becomes evil, and vice versa. True neutral characters are unaffected. At the end of each long rest, the player can choose to make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw to end the effect.
51.  Jack: Curse of the Fool. For the next 48 hours, the drawer must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma (persuasion) check every time they speak to any other character who was not present at the time of them drawing the card. If their check fails, the character they speak to hears whatever they’ve said as some kind of joke, or as utter nonsensical gibberish at the DM’s discretion, often laughing at them, but always dismissing whatever they said as ridiculous, unimportant, or just otherwise invalid.
52.  Queen: Curse of Vanity. You gain incredible vanity for the next 1d4 days. If any creature says anything negative about you, you must succeed on a DC 15 wisdom saving throw or make an attack with a weapon or damaging spell of your choice against that creature. Additionally, if at any point you see a mirror, a still body of water, or anything else that shows your reflection, you become infatuated and stare at it without interruption for 1d4 minutes, forgetting anything else you were doing. If any creature makes an attack against you, you must use your next available action to attack them back. If any creature breaks the mirror or in any other way obscures your reflection from you, you must use your next available action to attack them.
53.  King: Curse of Incompetence. You lose the effects of your most recent level up for 1d4 hours as your character becomes unable to recall what they learned to constitute that level up. You lose access to features and feats gained, but your HP and ability scores remain unchanged. (Curses marked with ** cannot be removed by any means save for the effects mentioned in their own descriptions if applicable.) 54.  Joker: Disaster of the Ebony Trickster. You are suddenly wracked with terrible pain as a curse descends upon you. You are reduced to 0 hit points and fail one of your death saving throws automatically. You become immune to the ‘Spare the Dying’ cantrip until you finish a long rest. Medicine checks made in the attempt to stabilize you fail, as no physically injury has actually been dealt. Potions or other magical healing effects from spells of first level or higher function as normal.“
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inarichi · 7 years
Forsaken File 2.1 (Part 1, Forsaken File 2.0)
Between You and Me (part 2/2)
1.4k w.
“It’s Yixing!” Baekhyun slammed a palm down onto Jongin’s shoulder after class the next day. There was never a moment in which Jongin regretted sharing his class schedule like this one.
“Baek, give it up.”
“I would. I mean, for you of course, but you see, I’m not a virgin so, I have nothing to give.”
“Is your mind always on sex? Don’t you ever turn it off?”
“Whenever Mrs. Hitches talks, yes.” 
Jongin shuddered. Their homeroom teacher had a mole on her upper lip the size of Mount Everest. Even the drunkest of drunkards would be turned off from that.
He sighed. “I’m not telling anyone, so just stop asking.”
“I’ll find out Jongin. One way or another.”
“Ooh, like I’m scared of your ‘one way’? And your ‘another’?” Jongin rolled his eyes. “What do you have planned anyway?”
“That’s for me to know and for you...for you to never know. Ugh, shut up.”
“Don’t get mad at me because you try to be all phrase happy and fail.”
“Whatever. So I’ve decided to join this ‘culinary arts’ club myself.”
Jongin was afraid of this. He closed his eyes. “Baekhyun. Don’t. You’ll ruin everything.”
“I’m your blessing in disguise. Let’s go meet this guy. I bet he’s sexy as fuck.”
“Baekhyun, please.”
“I can’t hear you.” He said with a wave before nearly skipping to the club room.
Jongin kicked his feet, a small tantrum leaving his body. He pouted. This wasn’t how he wanted his first meeting to go. Baekhyun would surely make everything worse and he didn’t want to imagine the outcome. However, there was no turning back now. His crush awaited.
Filing into the culinary arts club room, Jongin paced inside behind a group of freshman girls, his face scrunched up in irritation. Further inside, Baekhyun stood at a work station his red apron fashionably tied around his waist and the sleeves for his shirt rolled up to his elbow. He appeared rather handsome and domestic with such a get up. Jongin immediately regretted having such thoughts and shook his head.
Of course, he shared the station with Baekhyun, who was a bundle of, barely contained, excitement.
“Oh, is it him?” Baekhyun pointed to a guy three tables over.
Jongin pushed his arm down. “It’s not polite to point.”
Baekhyun shrugged. “I don’t think he’s your type anyway. He has that whole macho thing going on and you like someone to bitch around.” 
Jongin sighed for what felt like the thousandth time today.
“Oh! Oh! What about him?” Baekhyun pointed to a guy two tables ahead. His name was Minseok. A very cautious and careful teen who always did the right thing. A goody two shoes, who remained on everyone's good side. He didn’t have a mean bone in his body and no one had anything bad to say about him.
In a way, Jongin admired him for his work ethic and unstaggering perseverance. If only he could apply half of that to his classes.
His thoughts were interrupted as the clamor of the room grew silent.
At the entrance, the culinary arts president stood, preparing to make his entrance into the classroom.
Confused, Jongin and Baekhyun glanced around the room. Everyone stilled in a sharp hush which fell over the room while they waited on bated breaths for the man to walk inside. This behavior was unlike anything Jongin ever seen from his peers. Not even the teachers were shown such respect.
The young man strutted inside, a manila folder under his arm. The glasses perched on his nose were sharp rectangular rimmed and his eyes were like daggers behind the frames. His gaze never lingered on one person for too long, they moved to scan every one of the students’ faces.
Everyone remained quiet until Baekhyun decided to speak.
“So, you must be the president?”
The guy halted, his footsteps paused as he turned to look at their table with an unwavering stare. 
However, what came from his lips was the sweetest of chocolate, the deepest velvet Jongin had ever heard.
“Yes, I’m Kyungsoo, and you are?” His tone was a mixture of curiosity and mild flippancy.
“Baekhyun.” He smiled that smile which Jongin knew too well. It was the smile that everyone fell for. The gorgeous stretch of the lips which made even the toughest of men swoon and yield to Baekhyun’s every plea and favor--an irresistible grin.
“And that name should mean something to me?”
Baekhyun’s expression instantly fell.
“Do you know who this guy is?” Kyungsoo asked the nearest student. The student shook her head. He pointed to another student, “How about you?” Again, the student shook his head and Kyungsoo frowned in hilarity. “I think it’s clear, Baekhyun, that everyone knows who I am, and I find it irresponsible of you to join a club in which you do not know its president. I would ask you to leave but we would then have an odd number. I don’t do well with odds. You will stay for now.”
Baekhyun didn’t respond. 
Jongin could barely contained his shit-eating grin because it was unlike Baekhyun to be stunned to silence. Seeing his outgoing friend so speechless and not able to reply was a first, and Jongin was beside himself with humor.
“Alright everyone. Listen up. Welcome to Culinary Arts club.” Kyungsoo slammed his folder on the desk. “I’m not here to fuck around. We cook. We make great food. And we eat.” He crossed his arms over his chest, a slight grin pulling at his lips. “Most people think this club is for wussies. And you know, I’m inclined to agree. You are a bunch of wussies. But not after I get done with you.”  Kyungsoo paced the front of the classroom. “We will learn how to dice, how to properly work with a knife. How to bake, fry, sear, saute. You will know everything that I know, but you’ll be worse at it. Because I am the best and there are no exceptions to that rule. This is my club, and as the saying goes; if you can’t stand the heat, then get the fuck out.” He stood at the dead center of the class, his eyes hard while he stared down the students.
No one made a move to leave and Kyungsoo smirked. “Well then. I guess we’ll get started.”
Jongin and Baekhyun shared a glance before they both gulped.
“I don’t think I’m cut out for this.” Baekhyun said as he slumped into one of the chairs in the cafeteria.
“You joined yourself. No one asked you to do it.” Jongin smiled, his impish grin stretching further. He found this situation unbearably hilarious.
“Shut the hell up. Why didn’t you tell me the president was the spawn of Satan?! I won’t lose to mister ‘stick up his ass.’ God, that guy is ridiculous. He made someone cry!” Baekhyun threw himself on the table, the side of his face falling onto the pearly top. Jongin chuckled, reaching for a fry on his plate.
Sehun appeared, his smile still grand and persistent. He sat down, silently pointing at Baekhyun to which Jongin rolled his eyes. 
Pressing his elbows against the table, Sehun leaned forward and interlaced his fingers. “So, tell me how it went.” 
Baekhyun made an irritated gurgling noise and Jongin laughed out loud with his mouth full of food. Sehun arched a quizzical brow, his eyes shifting between the two for answers.
“Did I miss something here?” Sehun asked.
“It’s nothing, Baekhyun just got his ass handed to him.”
Baekhyun straightened in his seat. “Hey! I did not get my ass handed to me. He may have got me yesterday, but trust me, I will get him back.”
“There you go again with your empty threats. You aren’t going to do shit.”
“Oh? We’ll see about that.”
‘Wait, what happened?” Sehun still remained confused.
“It doesn’t concern you. Why don’t you go throw a ball in a goal or something.”
“A hoop, Baek.”
“Who the fuck cares.” Baekhyun said as he stood to leave with a miffed grunt. 
“So really, you’re going to tell me, right?” Sehun rested the side of his face on his palm, waiting patiently for the gossip.
Jongin wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Our president is pretty strict. He’s a senior and well, let’s just say, he knows how to provoke people. It’s like hell’s kitchen in there.”
Sehun puffed out his cheeks. “Sounds rough. But what about this guy that you like? Was he there?”
“Hmm...was he?” Jongin said before standing to leave himself. He had homework to do and it wasn’t going to do itself.
“Wait, you can’t just--”
“Bye, Hun.” Jonign gave him a short wave before disappearing down the hall.
(a/n: the end ;; thanks for reading! if you like it, tell me with a comment!)
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sandiegodjstaci · 5 years
Karla & Brandon's Bali Hai Wedding Rager
Karla & Brandon's Bali Hai Wedding Rager
Of all the San Diego wedding DJs calling America’s finest city home, Karla & Brandon  chose me to DJ and MC their Bali Hai wedding (South Pacific Room) on  June 15, 2019. The following write-up is based on San Diego DJ Staci’s crazy organized & detailed outline for this Bali Hai Restaurant wedding.
Prelude ➔ Piano, Vitamin String Quartet Processional ➔ Latch by Simply Three Bride
Processional ➔ “I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You” by Haley Reinhart
Recessional ➔ Brighter Than The Sun by Colbie Caillat (cue to 30 seconds/first chorus)
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci, the Track Star
While San Diego DJ Staci offers couples pre-set cocktail & dinner playlists to choose from, Karla & Brandon opted to hand-select their background music for their Bali Hai restaurant wedding.
Cocktail Music ➔ Forever – Chris Brown, Everything – Michael Buble, Benny And The JetsElton John, L-O-V-E – Nat King Cole, Feel It Still – Portugal, The Man, I Do – Colbie Caillat, Africa – Toto, Sweet Home Chicago –Blues Brothers, Ob La Di – The Beatles, Hurts So Good– John Mellencamp, Wouldn’t It Be Nice – The Beach Boys, The Way You Make Me Feel – Michael Jackson, Build Me Up Buttercup – The Foundations, Sweet Child O’Mine – Guns N Roses, We Are Young – Fun, You Can’t Hurry Love – Phil Collins, Run-Around – Blues Travelers, Saturday In The Park – Chicago, Let’s Stay Together – Al Green
Dinner Music ➔ The Way I Am – Ingrid Michaelson, Cheek to Cheek – Fred Astaire, Feeling Good – Michael Buble, It Had To be You – Harry Connick Jr, The Way You Look Tonight – Frank Sinatra, Shh Boom – The Crew Cuts, Because You Loved Me – Celine Dion, Singin’ In The Rain – Gene Kelly, When I Fall In Love – Nat King Cole, Tiny Dancer – Elton John, Sea  Of Love – Cat Power, That’s Amore – Dean Martin, The Luckiest – Ben Folds, Somewhere Beyond The Sea – Bobby Darin, Fade Into You – Scarlett O’Connor & Gunnar Scott, Roses And Violets – Alexander Jean, Unforgettable – Nat King Cole, Fly Me To The Moon / Lucky – Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat, In Your Eyes – Peter Gabriel, Iris – Goo Goo Dolls, Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You – Frankie Valli, My Kind of Town (Chicago Is) – Frank Sinatra
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci, the Track Star
MC Welcome ➔ Good evening! Welcome to Karla & Brandon  wedding reception!!! I am the  Master of Ceremonies, DJ Staci. Please take your seats so we can officially welcome our  guests of honor. Be sure to post your photos today with #MatchMadeInSabin. If you need to charge your devices, I do have a mini charging station up here including some universal  chargers. Let&  also take a minute to acknowledge a few noteworthy guests today. If you have traveled here from out of state, let me hear you. Out of the country? Quien esta aqui de afuera los estados unidos hoy?”
“Tonight I’m going to be sharing a lot of stories about Karla & Brandon with you. To get rolling,  lets tackle the first & I love you.& About 8 months after they had started dating, Karla & Brandon were chilling in his kitchen. There may have been a bottle of wine involved. Brandon suddenly said those three little words…Karla was overjoyed & she said them back.”
“Buenas tardes! Bienvenidos a la recepción de la boda de Daniela y Brandon! Yo soy la Maestra de Ceremonias, DJ Staci. Por favor tomen asiento para darle la bienvenida oficialmente a nuestros invitados de honor.”
“Ladies & gentlemen, put your hands together for the introduction of the wedding party!!!”
Grand Entrance
1. Mighty Wings – Cheap Trick ➔ “Brandon met him in 2010 while playing ice hockey and, to this day, this groomsman still can  &  handle a puck to save his life. Karla met this bridesmaid when they both attended SDSU…and Karla still can & decide whether she is more beautiful on  the inside or the outside. Give it up for Groomsman/Padrino Will & Bridesmaid/Dama Gaby!!!”
2. Danger Zone – Kenny Loggins ➔ “Brandon met this groomsman at Navy boot camp in 2013. He is known on the golf course as & Shank-Opotamus  &  and has yet to beat Brandon in a single round. Karla met this bridesmaid during their first year of high school. They were later roommates in college. Aztecs for life! She would still be in California if Joe had not stolen her away! Show some love to Groomsman/Padrino Alex & Bridesmaid/Dama Laura!!!”
3. Walking on sunshine – Katrina & The Waves ➔ “This groomsman met Brandon during his first year in the Navy. They were roommates together for two years in Washington D.C.  Brandon has never beaten him on the golf course. Several years ago, this bridesmaid was looking for a roommate on Craigslist–yep–and found her soul twin, Karla. Please welcome  Groomsman/Padrino Zach &  Bridesmaid/Dama Ny-Vee!!!”
4. Uptown Funk – Bruno Mars ➔  “Brandon met him many years ago while playing ice hockey. We”ll see if he can dance tonight, considering he shattered his what bone 4 months ago. Karla is proudly related to the next bridesmaid. She is a total bad ass, a world traveler, a star dancer and she just got accepted into Georgetown University for a Masters in Nursing! Brace yourself Washington, D.C.! Give it up for Groomsman/Padrino Branden & Bridesmaid/Dama Melissa!!!”
5. Shut up and Dance – Walk the Moon ➔ “He   the groom go back 26 years and share the same parents—oh snap! Brandon taught him how to skate, golf, and be awesome. Karla and this bridesmaid have been friends since high school. She has a country soul with a city girl drive. From LA to New York to Michigan, their friendship will be strong no matter where they go. Show some love to Groomsman/Padrino Ryan and Bridesmaid/Dama Bianca!!!”
6. Macarena – Bayside Boys Remix ➔ “Brandon met the Best Man his first year of hockey. Initially, he didn  &  like Brandon, in fact, he probably still doesn  & but all it took was a case of bud light to get him to be the Best Man today. Karla and the Maid of Honor share the same dad, but they became true sisters in 2013. They are forever opposites but forever inseparable. Please welcome Best Man/Padrino Tory & Maid of Honor/Dama de Honor Dulce!!!”
➔ Best day of my life – American Authors ➔ “They met in February of 2016. Together they enjoy drinking wine & spoiling their fur baby, Odin. She puts up with his golf &  hockey. He puts up with her inability to sit still and never ending trips. She’s confident that Brandon will one day be bilingual. For their honeymoon, they are planning a cruise around Europe. Ladies &  gentlemen, damas y caballeros, get on your feet, ponganse de pie, to welcome, por la primera vez—for the FIRST   TIME   EVER—Mr. and Mrs. S—-!!!”
➔ First Dance ➔ Come Kiss Me – Tryon ➔ fade early: at the 2:40 ➔ On July 8, 2017, Brandon & Karla were at a winery in Traverse City, overlooking Lake Michigan. They were spending a lovely day at the winery, and Brandon had mentioned that he had a gift for her but had forgotten it. Later that afternoon, Brandon asked a waiter to snap a photo of them. As they were posing for the photo, Brandon said, & Remember I had a gift for you? & and he pulled a ring box out of his pocket. The waiter snapped the pic as Brandon asked her a very important question. I think we know how she answered because we are about to Mr. and Mrs. S—– to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife. Y ahora recibamos al Senor y la Senora S—- en la pista para su primer baile como marido y mujer.”
➔ Newlywed Brief Welcome/Thank You Speech ➔ “And now a few words from the bride & groom. Y ahora algunas palabras de los novios.”
➔ Dinner Blessing ➔ “Now lets & welcome the mother of the bride, Maricela, who will give a dinner blessing. Y ahora la mama de la novia, Maricela, va a dar un bendicion sobre la cena.” 7:30 pm
7:45 / 8:00 +/- PM ➔ Shoe Game ➔  “Ladies &  gentlemen, I hope you are enjoying your meals. Right now, Brandon &  Karla are going to play a sort of Newlywed Game…they will sit back-to-back on the dance floor, each holding one of their own shoes & one of the other  person & shoes. I will ask them some questions, like & Who is taller? & and they would both presumably hold up Brandon’s shoe.”
“Brandon y Daniela van a jugar un juego para los recién casados. Cada uno va a tener un zapato suyo y el otro un zapato del otro. Voy a prejuntarles cosas como,& Quién es más alto & y los dos levantar el zapato de Brandon…porque el es mas alto.”
“Ready? Listos?”
Who has the craziest family? Quien tiene la familia mas loca?
Who is the biggest baby when they get sick? Quien es un llorona cuando se enferma?
Who loves Odin more? Quien quiere mas a Odin?
Who is most likely to eat their dessert first? Quien es mas probable a comer su postre primero?  Who is the safest driver? Quien maneja lo mas seguro?
Who is most argumentative? A quien le gusta pelear mas?
Who apologizes first after an argument? Quien dice una disculpa primera despues un argumento?
Who is in charge of the remote control? Quien esta en cargado de el control por la television?
Who is a better dancer? Quien es el mejor bailador?
Quien probablemente no entiende esta prejunta?
Toasts ➔ champagne ➔  Ladies & gentlemen, I hope you are enjoying your meals. May I  have your attention please for the toasts. Damas y caballeros, Me permiten su atención por favor para el brindis? Welcome our first speaker… Recibamos a nuestra primera oradora:”
➔ Maid of Honor, Dama de Honor, Dulce
➔ Best Man, Padrino, Tory
➔  Father-Daughter Dance ➔ “My Wish” Rascal Flatts ➔ fade early: yes ➔ “Now lets welcome Karla and her dad, Bernardo, to the dance floor. Y ahora recibamos a Daniela y su papa, Bernardo, a la pista para un baile especial.”
➔ Mother-Son Dance ➔ “Mother Like Mine,” The Band Perry ➔ fade early: yes ➔ “Brandon says:  I could always talk to my mom about anything. She was always there to hear me, no matter what I had to say. She was the anchor of our family that, still to this day, holds everything together. I admire her love for family and that there is always a place in her home for a good laugh or an occasional cry. Now lets  welcome Brandon & his mother, Melanie, to the dance floor to share a special dance. Y ahora recibamos a Brandon y su madre, Melanie, a la pista.”
➔ Group Photo on Dance Floor
➔ Open Dancing
9:30 +/- ➔ Garter Removal/Liga ➔ “Rico Suave,” Gerardo
➔ Garter Toss/Liga ➔ “Bad Boys  Cops Theme; Inner Circle ➔ Braveheart Quote: yes
➔ Bouquet Toss/Rama ➔ “Labels or Love” Fergie
➔ Vibora de la Mar ➔ Al La Vibora de la Mar, Grupo I ➔  Now were going to do a Mexican wedding tradition, known in English as the Snake of the Sea. I need all the men in the room to line up on the dance floor. If this is your first time doing this, hold on to your hats because you in for a wild ride! Ahora la Vibora de la Mar!”
➔ Money Dance/Baile de Billete ➔ regular dance music, pass out the glowsticks ➔ & Please join us on the dance floor for the Money Dance. This is another Mexican wedding tradition where guests pay to dance with tonight’s guests of honor. Ahora el baile de billete con musica moderna.”
11:25 PM ➔  Last Dance
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci, the Track Star
Dance Music Rating ➔ PG-13 early on then some R/X-rated as it gets later
Priority During Dancing ➔ maximum dancing/use my expertise to read the crowd
50% English, 50% Spanish
Play A Lot – Top 40/Pop, 80s, 90s, 2000s, Hip Hop/RB, Electronic Dance Music Cumbias, Salsa
Play A Few – Oldies, 70s/Classic Rock, Motown/Funk, Slow Dances Banda, Merengue, Rock en Espanol, Zapateados, Nortenos, Bachata, Reggaeton, Corridos
♥ M U S T – P L A Y S ♥
Danza Kuduro Don Omar, Amor prohibido by Selena, La Flor by Selena, La Chona Los Tucanes, Caballo Dorado Line Dance, Cha Cha Slide Line Dance, Cupid Shuffle Line Dance, “1999” Prince, Shout- Isley Bros
♥ P L A Y   I F   Y O U   C A N ♥
El Coco No Roberto Junior, Pasame La Botella By letra, Sonidito Banda MS, Vivir Mi Vida Marc Anthony, El Sinaloense Recodo, Mambo #5 Lou Vega, Despacito Justin Bieber version Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond, Se Me Olvido Otra Vez By Mana, LaPuerta Negra Los Tigres, “La Cintura” Alvaro Soler, “Livin &  la Vida Loca” Ricky Martin, “I Like It” Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull, “Party Rock Anthem” LMFAO, Suavemente Elvis Crespo, Inolvidable by Jenni Rivera, Si yo fuera lardon- el chapo slow dance, Ven Bailalo By Angel y Khriz
♥ D O  N O T   P L A Y S ♥
Rap, Big Band/Rat Pack, Trap, Tween/Childrens, heavy metal, rap, disco, country, kids/tween
Here is the amazing team of San Diego wedding vendors I had the pleasure of working with on this Bali Hai wedding (South Pacific Room):
Venue/Catering ➔ Bali Hai Restaurant
DJ/MC/Lighting ➔ DJ Staci, the Track Star
Band ➔ Francisco Astudillo from Tiku Records
Photographer/Videographer ➔ Jennie Edwards, Guided by Imagination
Cake Bakery ➔ Bride’s Mother
Florist ➔ DIY
Again, I was honored to be the one and only San Diego wedding DJ Karla & Brandon trusted with their Bali Hai restaurant wedding. Thank you!
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  Like DJ Staci's vibe? Stalk her wedding DJ services below! shshsh...
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consciousowl · 8 years
How to Create Wealth the Easy Way
You may have tried again and again to be true to yourself and your highest values, only to fall right back into the System.
You are not alone. Generations have struggled to get ahead so that they could have a life and change the world. People would work hard, even struggle, only to survive. If they ever got rich, THEN they could make a difference.​
Stop waiting. Today there is a better way!​
You Can Have It All, Just By Being Who You Are
The universe is inherently abundant. Just look all around you at the incredible diversity of life in the waters, in the air and on the land. All the colorful birds, fish and mammals. All the gorgeous trees and flowers and fruit. Even in the face of “inconvenient” climate disruption.
You are human and divine, a creator within your own creation. As such, your larger Self is all of it. You are not limited to the surface of your skin. When you look at a gorgeous sunset and listen to the vast swaying of trees all around, you are participating in their very being.
We have all forgotten who we are through constant doing, doing and doing. When we start BEING again, we start to be free by remembering the infinite possibility within us. Each of us was born with a dream. If you can still take another deep breath, that dream lives on in you. Your job is to bring it into the world.
God Bless That Billionaire!
Most of us are plagued with thoughts about how mean, petty and selfish are the rich. They got that way by plundering and abusing people. They are totally obsessed about money and care about nothing else. They wouldn’t hesitate to swat you down like an irritating fly. Just read the newspapers or watch TV!
The only problem with this is that it is a lie. Rich people are just like you and me. Some are gracious and some are as manipulative as can be. Most of them got rich by serving other people in some way, shape or form. The superrich got real good at it!​
When you dis the wealthy, when you resent the fancy Teslas they drive and their stunning glass vistas by the ocean, you are actually closing off the possibility of enjoying that for yourself. I experienced a major turn in my life when I started blessing Bill Gates, one of the richest men in the world. And that was before he found Melissa Gates and become the world’s greatest philanthropist!
When you bless someone who’s rich (who’s made it), you open up the gates of opportunity for yourself. Jealousy and negativity create limitations.
Step into the Flow of Abundance
Wealth comes naturally to those who are pursuing their dream with faith, passion and vision. Barriers don’t stop them. Somehow they keep moving over, around or through them.
Just think of Stephen Spielberg, who had the good fortune to want nothing more in life than to be a great director. As a teenager, Stephen literally jumped off the tourist tram at the Universal Studios Theme Park, grabbed a briefcase and joined the staff to explore his “future workplace.”​
Entrepreneurs and leaders hear a different beat. They follow other entrepreneurs and leaders only to learn what they need, and then break out and make history. Perhaps you are one of them.
The world has a way of giving place to those of us who know who we are and where we are going.
Stop Focusing On Money. Focus On the Value You Bring!
You would think that to get rich, you must get obsessed with cash and dollar bills. Love money. Hang out in Las Vegas. Don’t miss a single lottery. You never know when the wheel is going to turn in your favor.
As Werner Erhard once jokingly put it, “Keep on rolling. The damn dice don’t know you’re a loser!”​
Ironically, this is not the way most people get rich. Reporters and authors interviewed both Steve Jobs and Bill Gates as to why they created the computer revolution.
They were very surprised to find out that both of them were far more motivated by something other than money. They wanted to change the world, to build a computer that even their mother would love.
Come up with a scheme whereby you could create massive value. Seek out problems, and begin to tackle them. Have you heard of religious warfare? Create a higher vision for all humanity. Have you heard of global warming? Start planting trees in empty lots in your neighborhood. Have you heard of a shaky economy? Start a business around sustainability. For the savvy entrepreneur, the future is green.
Free Millionaire Masterclass
The 8 Millionaire Blocks Explained
Do What You Love. Love What You Do.
Have you ever said to yourself that you just can’t take another day of your job, that you are selling your soul to descend the subway? Then stop. Start taking your hobbies a whole lot more seriously.
Maybe you love the keyboard, love to sway your body in all kinds of ways or splash digital paint on your Macintosh. You might become a star performer, or an inspired teacher of music, dance or art.
Pay attention to what you do in your spare time. Remember your school days, and what you did during recess or vacation. What did you do with your childhood buddies? Chances are some thoughts and impulses will come up.
Earlier in my life, I read that there would be an increasing demand for film directors, which I thought was the world’s most competitive occupation. Although I haven’t yet directed a movie, I did manage to carve a place for myself in the rapidly emerging digital media.​
Put Your Relationship to Work in the Game of Love
Money is often blamed as the number one reason for divorce. Many people who look at sex and money always link the two, as if you always do it just for the money. Most of wish our partners would discipline their spending habits so that we could finally get ahead.
We very often fail to recruit our partner to our vision. For men, this is a great loss, as women who love their man see who he is and what he is about much better than he does. Women want nothing more than to truly empower and inspire the man in their life. Smart men seek to enroll a responsive woman to their dreams.
Napoleon Hill in his classic, Think and Grow Rich, after studying up close 500 of the wealthiest men America has even known, discovered that every one of them was overwhelmingly motivated by a women. Without that woman, their conspicuous wealth wouldn’t mean a thing.​
Work for Yourself. Serve Others.
People who work for others seldom get rich. You might think of sports stars and celebrities. Yet even in their case, they have a strong entrepreneurial streak.
Even for career-oriented people, the global economy is pushing us more and more to act as our own cost centers. Our employers are our clients. The social contract of the gold watch and 9 to 5 is largely over.​
We work for ourselves, whether we realize it or not. So start realizing it.
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Buy yourself your own business card. Find some friends and start a company on the side. Find a mentor and create a business plan. Keep your eyes open for angels. They may be a lot closer than you think. With any luck, you will literally buy yourself out of the job you currently have. Financial independence in three-to-five years is now doable for increasing numbers of us.
Master Money at the Feet of a Spiritual Master
T. Harv Eker has evangelized prosperity consciousness like few people since Napoleon Hill. His Secrets of the Millionaire Mind has become a runaway No. 1 New York Times Bestseller. Tony Robbins, who pioneered the science of the possible, considers Harv’s courses a must, not an option.
Harv has recently completed a very affordable course, The Spiritual Laws of Money. In it, he shares his breakthrough realization after having started a dozen different businesses only to end up broke.
In despair, Harv cried out to God, only to hear an inner voice assure him that you can be spiritual AND have a lot of money. For him, it was Zen Buddhism and a highly successful boutique of athletic clothing. Harv became a millionaire in less than three years, and his friends asked him how he did it.
When Harv made his deal with God, he promised to share his insights with others. In this money-back guaranteed course, Harv identifies eight different barriers to wealth, and works with you to dissolve each of them.​
1.   I can’t be spiritual and wealthy.
2.   I don’t deserve to be wealthy.​
3.   I can’t get rich and have a life.​
4.   I can’t get rich because I am no good with numbers.​
5.   I can’t get rich and pursue my passion.​
6.   I will never get rich, because I don’t have the guts.​
7.   I can’t get rich, because my husband will never let me.​
8.   I can’t get rich, because I can’t work for anybody.​
Harv will show you how every one of these considerations is obsolete in today’s economy. He will help you unlearn all the stuff that is driving you to bankruptcy and put you back on the road to riches.
Invest in Your Life.   Invest in Your World.
Maybe you invest in stock or real estate. Have you ever thought about investing in yourself, in investing in becoming the man or woman you were meant to be? Think what you could do if you had a ton of money! You wouldn’t be “filthy” rich, you would be blessed and rich. The more money flows to you, the greater your vote in the outside world.
Take Action Now!
Money is a wonderful servant, but a lousy master. Why don’t you start making it your servant by creating a lot of it?
How to Create Wealth the Easy Way appeared first on http://consciousowl.com.
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dfroza · 3 years
Today’s reading from the ancient book of Proverbs and book of Psalms
for September 16 of 2021 with Proverbs 16 and Psalm 16, accompanied by Psalm 89 for the 89th day of Astronomical Summer and Psalm 109 for day 259 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 16]
[Wisdom Exalts God]
Go ahead and make all the plans you want,
but it’s the Lord who will ultimately direct your steps.
We are all in love with our own opinions,
convinced they’re correct.
But the Lord is in the midst of us,
testing and probing our every motive.
Before you do anything,
put your trust totally in God and not in yourself.
Then every plan you make will succeed.
The Lord works everything together to accomplish his purpose.
Even the wicked are included in his plans—
he sets them aside for the day of disaster.
Yahweh detests all the proud of heart,
for pride attracts his punishment—
and you can count on that!
You can avoid evil through surrendered worship
and the fear of God,
for the power of his faithful love
removes sin’s guilt and grip over you.
When the Lord is pleased with the decisions you’ve made,
he activates grace to turn enemies into friends.
It is better to have little with a heart that loves justice
than to be rich and not have God on your side.
Within your heart you can make plans for your future,
but the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there.
[Living like a King]
A king speaks the revelation of truth,
so he must be extraordinarily careful in the decrees that he makes.
The Lord expects you to be fair in every business deal,
for he is the one who sets the standards for righteousness.
Kings and leaders despise wrongdoing,
for the true authority to rule and reign
is built on a foundation of righteousness.
Kings and leaders love to hear godly counsel,
and they love those who tell them the truth.
The anger of a king releases the messenger of death,
but a wise person will know how to pacify his wrath.
Life-giving light streams from the presence of a king,
and his favor is showered upon those who please him.
Everyone wants gold, but wisdom’s worth is far greater.
Silver is sought after,
but a heart of understanding yields a greater return.
Repenting from evil places you on the highway of holiness.
Protect purity and you protect your life.
Your boast becomes a prophecy of a future failure.
The higher you lift yourself up in pride,
the harder you’ll fall in disgrace.
It’s better to be meek and lowly and live among the poor
than to live high and mighty among the rich and famous.
One skilled in business discovers prosperity,
but the one who trusts in God is blessed beyond belief!
[Walking with Wisdom]
The one with a wise heart is called “discerning,”
and speaking sweetly to others
makes your teaching even more convincing.
Wisdom is a deep well of understanding
opened up within you as a fountain of life for others,
but it’s senseless to try to instruct a fool.
Winsome words pour from a heart of wisdom,
adding value to all you teach.
Nothing is more appealing
than speaking beautiful, life-giving words.
For they release sweetness to our souls
and inner healing to our spirits.
Before every person there is a path
that seems like the right one to take,
but it leads straight to hell!
Life motivation comes from the deep longings of the heart,
and the passion to see them fulfilled urges you onward.
A wicked scoundrel wants to dig up dirt on others,
only to spread slander and shred their reputation.
A twisted person spreads rumors;
a whispering gossip ruins good friendships.
A vicious criminal can be persuasive,
enticing others to join him as partners in crime,
but he leads them all down a despicable path.
It’s easy to tell when a wicked man
is hatching some crooked scheme—
it’s written all over his face.
His looks betray him as he gives birth to his sin.
Old age with wisdom will crown you with dignity and honor,
for it takes a lifetime of righteousness to acquire it.
Do you want to be a mighty warrior?
It’s better to be known as one who is patient and slow to anger.
Do you want to conquer a city?
Rule over your temper before you attempt to rule a city.
We may toss the coin and roll the dice,
but God’s will is greater than luck.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 16 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 16]
The Golden Secret
A precious song, engraved in gold, by David
A prayer of David.
Protect me, God, for the only safety I know is found in the moments I seek You.
I told You, Eternal One, “You are my Lord,
for the only good I know in this world is found in You alone.”
The beauty of faith-filled people encompasses me.
They are true, and my heart is thrilled beyond measure.
All the while the despair of many,
who abandoned Your goodness for the empty promises of false gods, increases day by day.
I refuse to pour out blood offerings,
to utter their names from my lips.
You, Eternal One, are my sustenance and my life-giving cup.
In that cup, You hold my future and my eternal riches.
My home is surrounded in beauty;
You have gifted me with abundance and a rich legacy.
I will bless the Eternal, whose wise teaching orchestrates my days
and centers my mind at night.
He is ever present with me;
at all times He goes before me.
I will not live in fear or abandon my calling
because He stands at my right hand.
This is a good life—my heart is glad, my soul is full of joy,
and my body is at rest.
Who could want for more?
You will not abandon me to experience death and the grave
or leave me to rot alone.
Instead, You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life.
As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending,
and I know true joy and contentment.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 16 (The Voice)
[Psalm 89]
Will You Reject Us Forever?
Poems by Ethan the Ezrahite for instruction
[First Poem – God’s Promises to David]
This forever-song I sing of the gentle love of God!
Young and old alike will hear about
your faithful, steadfast love—never failing!
Here’s my chorus: “Your mercy grows through the ages.
Your faithfulness is firm, rising up to the skies.”
I heard the Lord say, “My covenant has been made,
and I’m committed forever to my chosen one, David.
I have made my oath that there will be sons of David forever,
sons that are kings through every generation.”
Pause in his presence
Can you hear it? Heaven is filled with your praises, O Lord!
All the holy ones are praising you for your miracles.
The sons of God are all praising you for your mighty wonders.
We could search the skies forever and never find one like you.
All the mighty angels could not be compared to you.
You are a God who is greatly to be feared
as you preside over the council of holy ones.
You are surrounded by trembling ones
who are overwhelmed with fear and dread,
stunned as they stand in awe of you!
So awesome are you, O Yahweh, Lord God of Angel Armies!
Where could we find anyone as glorious as you?
Your faithfulness shines all around you!
You rule over oceans and the swelling seas.
When their stormy waves rise, you speak, and they lie still.
You crushed the strongholds of Egypt,
and all your enemies were scattered
at the mighty display of your glory-power.
All the heavens and everything on earth belong to you,
for you are the Creator of all that is seen and unseen.
The four corners of the earth were put in place by you.
You made the majestic mountains
that are still shouting their praises to your name.
Breathtaking and awesome is your power!
Astounding and unbelievable
is your might and strength when it goes on display!
Your glorious throne rests on a foundation
of righteousness and just verdicts.
Grace and truth are the attendants who go before you.
O Lord, how blessed are the people
who know the triumphant shout,
for they walk in the radiance of your presence.
We can do nothing but leap for joy all day long,
for we know who you are and what you do,
and you’ve exalted us on high.
The glory of your splendor is our strength,
and your marvelous favor makes us even stronger,
lifting us even higher!
You are our King, the holiest one of all;
your wraparound presence is our protection.
[Second Poem – God Keeps His Promises]
You spoke to your prophets in visions, saying,
“I have found a mighty hero for my people.
I have chosen David as my loving servant and exalted him.
I have anointed him as king with the oil of my holiness.
I will be strength to him, and I will give him
my grace to sustain him no matter what comes.
None of his enemies will get the best of him,
nor will the wicked one overpower him.
For I will crush his every adversary
and do away with all who hate him.
Because I love him and treasure him,
my faithfulness will always protect him.
I will place my great favor upon him,
and I will cause his power and fame to increase.
I will set his hand over the sea
and his right hand over the rivers.
And he will come before me, saying,
‘You truly are my Father, my only God, and my strong deliverer!’
I am setting him apart, favoring him as my firstborn son.
I will make him the most high king in all the earth!
I will love him forever and always show him kindness.
My covenant with him will never be broken.
For I have decreed that he will always have an heir—
a dynasty that will release the days of heaven on earth.
But if his children turn from me and forsake my words,
refusing to walk in my truth, renouncing and violating my laws,
then I will surely punish them for their sins
with my stern discipline until they regret it.
But I will never, no never, lift my faithful love from off their lives.
My kindness will prevail and I will never disown them.
How could I revoke my covenant of love that I promised David?
For I have given him my word, my holy, irrevocable word.
How could I lie to my loving servant David?
Sons of David will continue to reign on his throne,
and their kingdom will endure as long as the sun is in the sky.
This covenant will be an unbreakable promise that
I have established for all time.”
Pause in his presence
[Third Poem – Why Has Our King Been Defeated?]
Why have you rejected me, the one you anointed?
Why would you cast me away?
Why would you lose your temper with me?
You have torn up the contract you made with me, your servant.
You have stripped away my crown and thrown it to the ground.
You have torn down all my walls of defense
and have made my every hiding place into ruins.
All the passersby attack and rob me while my neighbors mock!
Instead of fighting for me, you take the side of my enemies,
even giving them strength to subdue me,
and then watched them celebrate their victory!
You are no longer helping me in battle.
You’ve forsaken me to the swords of those
who would strike me down.
You’ve made my regal splendor to decrease
and allowed my rule to be overthrown.
Because of you, I’ve become old before my time,
and I’m publicly disgraced!
Pause in his presence
[Fourth Poem – Save Us, God]
How long will you hide your love from me?
Have you left me for good?
How long will your anger continue to burn against me?
Remember, Lord, I am nothing but dust,
here today and so soon blown away.
Is this all you’ve created us for? For nothing but this?
Which one of us will live forever?
We are all mortal, terminal, for we will all one day die.
Which one of us would ever escape our appointment with death
and dodge our own funeral?
Pause in his presence
So God, where is all this love and kindness you promised us?
What happened to your covenant with David?
Have you forgotten how your own servants are being slandered?
Lord God, it seems like I’m carrying in my heart
all the pain and abuse of many people.
They have relentlessly insulted and persecuted us,
your anointed ones.
Nevertheless, blessed be our God forever and ever.
Amen! Faithful is our King!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 89 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 109]
For the worship leader. A song of David.
O True God of my every praise, do not keep silent!
My enemies have opened their wicked, deceit-filled mouths and blown their foul breath on me.
They have slandered me with their twisted tongues
And unleashed loathsome words that swirl around me.
Though I have done nothing, they attack me.
Though I offer them love and keep them in my prayers, they accuse me;
Though I treat them well, they answer me with evil;
though I give them love, they reply with a gesture of hatred.
Here’s what they say: Find some evil scoundrel to go after him.
Let’s get some accuser to level charges against him.
At his trial, let’s make sure he is found guilty
so that even his prayers become evidence that convicts him.
Let his days be few, his life cut short;
let another take over his position.
Lay waste to his family—
let his children become orphans and his wife a widow.
Let his children wander the streets—his legacy, homeless beggars
scavenging for food,
[driven out of] the rubble and slums where they live.
Let the bankers take what is his;
strangers help themselves to what little is left of all he’s earned.
Let there be no one around to offer him compassion,
nor anyone to give his fatherless children warmth or kindness.
Let his family line come to an end—
no future generations to carry on his name!
Let the sins of his fathers be remembered before the Eternal,
and the sins of his mother never be erased.
Let their offenses always be before the Eternal
so that the memory of this family is long forgotten by all the people of the earth,
Because it never occurred to him to show compassion;
instead, he oppressed the poor, afflicted,
and brokenhearted and sent them to their death.
He loved to invoke a curse—so let his curses come back to him.
He preferred not to speak a blessing—so let all blessings be far from him.
He wrapped himself with cursing, draped around him like a cape;
may it flood his body like water
and seep into his bones like oil.
Let those curses wrap around him like a cloak on a cold night,
like a belt tightly knotted around him every day.
Let the Eternal so reward my accusers,
all those who speak and plot evil against me.
But You, my Master, the Eternal,
treat me with kindness for the sake of Your name, the good of Your reputation;
because Your unfailing love is so good, O deliver me!
You see, I am poor and needy,
and my heart is broken inside me.
My life is fading away like a shadow that vanishes in the evening;
I am like a locust easily brushed off the shoulder.
I can barely stand; my knees are weak from not eating;
I am haggard and drawn, just skin and bones.
I have become a person of contempt to my accusers;
whenever they see me, they taunt me, shaking their heads in disapproval.
Help me, Eternal One my God; come to my rescue!
Save me through Your unfailing love.
Let everyone know that You are the source of my salvation
that You, Eternal One, have done this mighty work.
Let them utter a curse, if they will, but You will speak a blessing;
[when they come to attack,] let them know utter shame.
Then Your servant will celebrate and praise You!
Let my enemies be clothed with disgrace and humiliation;
let them be dressed in a robe of their own shame.
I will continually give thanks to the Eternal
with the praises of my mouth;
I will praise Him in the company of many.
For He always stands in support of the afflicted and needy
to rescue their souls from those who judge and condemn them.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 109 (The Voice)
0 notes
dfroza · 3 years
Today’s reading from the ancient book of Proverbs and book of Psalms
for August 16 of 2021 with Proverbs 16 and Psalm 16, accompanied by Psalm 58 for the 58th day of Astronomical Summer and Psalm 78 for day 228 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 16]
People go about making their plans,
but the Eternal has the final word.
Even when you think you have good intentions,
He knows your real motives.
Whatever you do, do it as service to Him,
and He will guarantee your success.
The Eternal made everything for a reason.
Even wrongdoers fit in His plans; troubled times await them.
He abhors arrogant people.
Make no mistake about it! They will be punished!
The penalty of sin is removed by love and loyalty;
and by devotion to the Eternal, evil is avoided.
When people make good choices, He is pleased;
He even causes their enemies to live peacefully near them.
Better to have little and stand for what is right
than to become rich by doing what is wrong.
People do their best making plans for their lives,
but the Eternal guides each step.
The king makes a decision under divine inspiration,
but he must never render an unfair judgment.
The Eternal requires that business be conducted honestly;
He wants fairness in all your dealings.
When kings commit evil, it is despicable,
because their thrones should be built on justice.
Kings admire those who tell the truth;
they adore those who set the record straight.
A king’s rage signals that people will die,
but whoever is wise will pacify him.
If a king is smiling brightly, life will be granted;
his favor is like a cloud swelled with the first spring rain.
How much better it is to receive wisdom than the riches of gold
and to gain understanding over some silver prize!
The highway of the just bypasses evil;
those who watch where they’re going protect their lives from sin.
Pride precedes destruction;
an arrogant spirit gives way to a nasty fall.
It is better to be humble and live among the poor,
than to divide up stolen property with the proud.
Those devoted to instruction will prosper in goodness;
those who trust in the Eternal will experience His favor.
The wise at heart have a reputation for understanding;
pleasant words make the lips more persuasive.
Understanding for those who have it is a spring of life,
but it is pointless to try and instruct a fool.
From a wise heart flow careful words;
wise words make the lips more persuasive.
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb:
they drip sweet food for life and bring health to the body.
Before every person lies a road that seems to be right,
but at the end of that road death and destruction wait.
People work to stay alive,
pressed daily by their need to eat.
Good-for-nothings conjure up evil ideas;
their conversations fuel destructive fires.
Perverse people stir up contention;
gossip makes best friends into enemies.
Violent people try to recruit their neighbors,
wanting to lead them down the vile path of evil they have chosen.
Body language can expose a person’s intentions:
whoever winks the eye is planning perversity;
whoever purses his lips is intent on evil.
Gray hair is a crown of honor,
earned by living the right kind of life.
It is better to be a patient man than a mighty warrior,
better to be someone who controls his temper than someone who conquers a city.
We may try to control the roll of the dice,
but actually, the Eternal decides what they will determine.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 16 (The Voice)
[Psalm 16]
The Golden Secret
A precious song, engraved in gold, by David
A prayer of David.
Protect me, God, for the only safety I know is found in the moments I seek You.
I told You, Eternal One, “You are my Lord,
for the only good I know in this world is found in You alone.”
The beauty of faith-filled people encompasses me.
They are true, and my heart is thrilled beyond measure.
All the while the despair of many,
who abandoned Your goodness for the empty promises of false gods, increases day by day.
I refuse to pour out blood offerings,
to utter their names from my lips.
You, Eternal One, are my sustenance and my life-giving cup.
In that cup, You hold my future and my eternal riches.
My home is surrounded in beauty;
You have gifted me with abundance and a rich legacy.
I will bless the Eternal, whose wise teaching orchestrates my days
and centers my mind at night.
He is ever present with me;
at all times He goes before me.
I will not live in fear or abandon my calling
because He stands at my right hand.
This is a good life—my heart is glad, my soul is full of joy,
and my body is at rest.
Who could want for more?
You will not abandon me to experience death and the grave
or leave me to rot alone.
Instead, You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life.
As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending,
and I know true joy and contentment.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 16 (The Passion Translation / The Voice)
[Psalm 58]
For the worship leader. A prayer of David to the tune “Do Not Destroy.”
Can you, panel of judges, get anything right?
When you judge people, do you tell the truth and pursue justice?
No, your real selves have been revealed. You have wickedness in your heart,
and many people have suffered by your hands.
Evildoers are naturally offensive, wayward at birth!
They were born telling lies and willfully wandering from the truth.
Their bite is painful; their venom is like the deadly poison of a snake;
they are like a cobra that closes up its ears
To escape the voice of the charmers,
no matter how enchanting the spells may be.
O God, shatter their teeth in their mouths!
Render the young lions harmless; break out their fangs, O Eternal One.
Let them run off like the waters of a flood,
and though they aim their arrows, let them fly without their heads.
Let them melt like a snail that oozes along;
may they be like a stillborn that never catches its first breath, never sees the sun.
Before your cook pots know the furious flame of a fire of thorns—
whether green or burning—He will blow the wicked away.
Cheers will rise as the right-living watch Him settle the score,
their feet washed in the blood after the onslaught of the wicked.
And it will be heard, “Those who seek justice will be rewarded.
Indeed, there is a God who brings justice to the earth!”
The Book of Psalms, Poem 58 (The Voice)
0 notes
dfroza · 3 years
Today’s reading from the ancient book of Proverbs and book of Psalms
for july 16 of 2021 with Proverbs 16 and Psalm 16, accompanied by Psalm 27 for the 27th day of Summer and Psalm 47 for day 197 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 16]
People go about making their plans,
but the Eternal has the final word.
Even when you think you have good intentions,
He knows your real motives.
Whatever you do, do it as service to Him,
and He will guarantee your success.
The Eternal made everything for a reason.
Even wrongdoers fit in His plans; troubled times await them.
He abhors arrogant people.
Make no mistake about it! They will be punished!
The penalty of sin is removed by love and loyalty;
and by devotion to the Eternal, evil is avoided.
When people make good choices, He is pleased;
He even causes their enemies to live peacefully near them.
Better to have little and stand for what is right
than to become rich by doing what is wrong.
People do their best making plans for their lives,
but the Eternal guides each step.
The king makes a decision under divine inspiration,
but he must never render an unfair judgment.
The Eternal requires that business be conducted honestly;
He wants fairness in all your dealings.
When kings commit evil, it is despicable,
because their thrones should be built on justice.
Kings admire those who tell the truth;
they adore those who set the record straight.
A king’s rage signals that people will die,
but whoever is wise will pacify him.
If a king is smiling brightly, life will be granted;
his favor is like a cloud swelled with the first spring rain.
How much better it is to receive wisdom than the riches of gold
and to gain understanding over some silver prize!
The highway of the just bypasses evil;
those who watch where they’re going protect their lives from sin.
Pride precedes destruction;
an arrogant spirit gives way to a nasty fall.
It is better to be humble and live among the poor,
than to divide up stolen property with the proud.
Those devoted to instruction will prosper in goodness;
those who trust in the Eternal will experience His favor.
The wise at heart have a reputation for understanding;
pleasant words make the lips more persuasive.
Understanding for those who have it is a spring of life,
but it is pointless to try and instruct a fool.
From a wise heart flow careful words;
wise words make the lips more persuasive.
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb:
they drip sweet food for life and bring health to the body.
Before every person lies a road that seems to be right,
but at the end of that road death and destruction wait.
People work to stay alive,
pressed daily by their need to eat.
Good-for-nothings conjure up evil ideas;
their conversations fuel destructive fires.
Perverse people stir up contention;
gossip makes best friends into enemies.
Violent people try to recruit their neighbors,
wanting to lead them down the vile path of evil they have chosen.
Body language can expose a person’s intentions:
whoever winks the eye is planning perversity;
whoever purses his lips is intent on evil.
Gray hair is a crown of honor,
earned by living the right kind of life.
It is better to be a patient man than a mighty warrior,
better to be someone who controls his temper than someone who conquers a city.
We may try to control the roll of the dice,
but actually, the Eternal decides what they will determine.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 16 (The Voice)
[Psalm 16]
The Golden Secret
A precious song, engraved in gold, by David
A prayer of David.
Protect me, God, for the only safety I know is found in the moments I seek You.
I told You, Eternal One, “You are my Lord,
for the only good I know in this world is found in You alone.”
The beauty of faith-filled people encompasses me.
They are true, and my heart is thrilled beyond measure.
All the while the despair of many,
who abandoned Your goodness for the empty promises of false gods, increases day by day.
I refuse to pour out blood offerings,
to utter their names from my lips.
You, Eternal One, are my sustenance and my life-giving cup.
In that cup, You hold my future and my eternal riches.
My home is surrounded in beauty;
You have gifted me with abundance and a rich legacy.
I will bless the Eternal, whose wise teaching orchestrates my days
and centers my mind at night.
He is ever present with me;
at all times He goes before me.
I will not live in fear or abandon my calling
because He stands at my right hand.
This is a good life—my heart is glad, my soul is full of joy,
and my body is at rest.
Who could want for more?
You will not abandon me to experience death and the grave
or leave me to rot alone.
Instead, You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life.
As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending,
and I know true joy and contentment.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 16 (The Passion Translation / The Voice)
[Psalm 27]
Light, space, zest—
that’s God!
So, with him on my side I’m fearless,
afraid of no one and nothing.
When vandal hordes ride down
ready to eat me alive,
Those bullies and toughs
fall flat on their faces.
When besieged,
I’m calm as a baby.
When all hell breaks loose,
I’m collected and cool.
I’m asking God for one thing,
only one thing:
To live with him in his house
my whole life long.
I’ll contemplate his beauty;
I’ll study at his feet.
That’s the only quiet, secure place
in a noisy world,
The perfect getaway,
far from the buzz of traffic.
God holds me head and shoulders
above all who try to pull me down.
I’m headed for his place to offer anthems
that will raise the roof!
Already I’m singing God-songs;
I’m making music to God.
Listen, God, I’m calling at the top of my lungs:
“Be good to me! Answer me!”
When my heart whispered, “Seek God,”
my whole being replied,
“I’m seeking him!”
Don’t hide from me now!
You’ve always been right there for me;
don’t turn your back on me now.
Don’t throw me out, don’t abandon me;
you’ve always kept the door open.
My father and mother walked out and left me,
but God took me in.
Point me down your highway, God;
direct me along a well-lighted street;
show my enemies whose side you’re on.
Don’t throw me to the dogs,
those liars who are out to get me,
filling the air with their threats.
I’m sure now I’ll see God’s goodness
in the exuberant earth.
Stay with God!
Take heart. Don’t quit.
I’ll say it again:
Stay with God.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 27 (The Message)
and these lines of Psalm 27 mirrored in The Voice:
I am pleading with the Eternal for this one thing,
my soul’s desire:
To live with Him all of my days—
in the shadow of His temple,
To behold His beauty and ponder His ways
in the company of His people.
His house is my shelter and secret retreat.
It is there I find peace in the midst of storm and turmoil.
Safety sits with me in the hiding place of God.
He will set me on a rock, high above the fray.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 27:4-5 (The Voice)
[Psalm 47]
For the worship leader. A song of the sons of Korah.
Clap your hands, all of you;
raise your voices joyfully and loudly.
Give honor for the True God of the universe;
Here’s why: The Eternal, the Most High, is awesome and deserves our great respect.
He is the great King over everything in this world.
He’s helped us win wars, suppressed our enemies,
and made nations bow at our feet.
He decides the extent of our inheritance and selects the land where we and our children will live,
for we are the pride of Jacob, the ones He loves.
The True God ascends the throne acclaimed by shouts of the people.
The Eternal is announced by the blast of a trumpet.
Sing! Shout! Play instruments!
Praise our God and King; sing praises to Him who is worthy.
For He is the King of all the earth. Sing praise, all who can.
Put words to music, and then sing praises
At the feet of the God who sits on His holy throne,
ruling over all the nations.
All those with influence in this world—princes, kings, and satraps—
gather with those who follow Abraham’s God.
For these defenders belong to God
who reigns over the nations!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 47 (The Voice)
0 notes
dfroza · 3 years
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for friday, April 16 of 2021 with Proverbs 16 and Psalm 16, accompanied by Psalm 28 for the 28th day of Spring and Psalm 106 for day 106 of the year
[Proverbs 16]
[Wisdom Exalts God]
Go ahead and make all the plans you want,
but it’s the Lord who will ultimately direct your steps.
We are all in love with our own opinions,
convinced they’re correct.
But the Lord is in the midst of us,
testing and probing our every motive.
Before you do anything,
put your trust totally in God and not in yourself.
Then every plan you make will succeed.
The Lord works everything together to accomplish his purpose.
Even the wicked are included in his plans—
he sets them aside for the day of disaster.
Yahweh detests all the proud of heart,
for pride attracts his punishment—
and you can count on that!
You can avoid evil through surrendered worship
and the fear of God,
for the power of his faithful love
removes sin’s guilt and grip over you.
When the Lord is pleased with the decisions you’ve made,
he activates grace to turn enemies into friends.
It is better to have little with a heart that loves justice
than to be rich and not have God on your side.
Within your heart you can make plans for your future,
but the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there.
[Living like a King]
A king speaks the revelation of truth,
so he must be extraordinarily careful in the decrees that he makes.
The Lord expects you to be fair in every business deal,
for he is the one who sets the standards for righteousness.
Kings and leaders despise wrongdoing,
for the true authority to rule and reign
is built on a foundation of righteousness.
Kings and leaders love to hear godly counsel,
and they love those who tell them the truth.
The anger of a king releases the messenger of death,
but a wise person will know how to pacify his wrath.
Life-giving light streams from the presence of a king,
and his favor is showered upon those who please him.
Everyone wants gold, but wisdom’s worth is far greater.
Silver is sought after,
but a heart of understanding yields a greater return.
Repenting from evil places you on the highway of holiness.
Protect purity and you protect your life.
Your boast becomes a prophecy of a future failure.
The higher you lift yourself up in pride,
the harder you’ll fall in disgrace.
It’s better to be meek and lowly and live among the poor
than to live high and mighty among the rich and famous.
One skilled in business discovers prosperity,
but the one who trusts in God is blessed beyond belief!
[Walking with Wisdom]
The one with a wise heart is called “discerning,”
and speaking sweetly to others
makes your teaching even more convincing.
Wisdom is a deep well of understanding
opened up within you as a fountain of life for others,
but it’s senseless to try to instruct a fool.
Winsome words pour from a heart of wisdom,
adding value to all you teach.
Nothing is more appealing
than speaking beautiful, life-giving words.
For they release sweetness to our souls
and inner healing to our spirits.
Before every person there is a path
that seems like the right one to take,
but it leads straight to hell!
Life motivation comes from the deep longings of the heart,
and the passion to see them fulfilled urges you onward.
A wicked scoundrel wants to dig up dirt on others,
only to spread slander and shred their reputation.
A twisted person spreads rumors;
a whispering gossip ruins good friendships.
A vicious criminal can be persuasive,
enticing others to join him as partners in crime,
but he leads them all down a despicable path.
It’s easy to tell when a wicked man
is hatching some crooked scheme—
it’s written all over his face.
His looks betray him as he gives birth to his sin.
Old age with wisdom will crown you with dignity and honor,
for it takes a lifetime of righteousness to acquire it.
Do you want to be a mighty warrior?
It’s better to be known as one who is patient and slow to anger.
Do you want to conquer a city?
Rule over your temper before you attempt to rule a city.
We may toss the coin and roll the dice,
but God’s will is greater than luck.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 16 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 16]
The Golden Secret
A precious song, engraved in gold, by David
A prayer of David.
Protect me, God, for the only safety I know is found in the moments I seek You.
I told You, Eternal One, “You are my Lord,
for the only good I know in this world is found in You alone.”
The beauty of faith-filled people encompasses me.
They are true, and my heart is thrilled beyond measure.
All the while the despair of many,
who abandoned Your goodness for the empty promises of false gods, increases day by day.
I refuse to pour out blood offerings,
to utter their names from my lips.
You, Eternal One, are my sustenance and my life-giving cup.
In that cup, You hold my future and my eternal riches.
My home is surrounded in beauty;
You have gifted me with abundance and a rich legacy.
I will bless the Eternal, whose wise teaching orchestrates my days
and centers my mind at night.
He is ever present with me;
at all times He goes before me.
I will not live in fear or abandon my calling
because He stands at my right hand.
This is a good life—my heart is glad, my soul is full of joy,
and my body is at rest.
Who could want for more?
You will not abandon me to experience death and the grave
or leave me to rot alone.
Instead, You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life.
As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending,
and I know true joy and contentment.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 16 (The Passion Translation / The Voice)
[Psalm 28]
Don’t turn a deaf ear
when I call you, God.
If all I get from you is
deafening silence,
I’d be better off
in the Black Hole.
I’m letting you know what I need,
calling out for help
And lifting my arms
toward your inner sanctuary.
Don’t shove me into
the same jail cell with those crooks,
With those who are
full-time employees of evil.
They talk a good line of “peace,”
then moonlight for the Devil.
Pay them back for what they’ve done,
for how bad they’ve been.
Pay them back for their long hours
in the Devil’s workshop;
Then cap it with a huge bonus.
Because they have no idea how God works
or what he is up to,
God will smash them to smithereens
and walk away from the ruins.
Blessed be God—
he heard me praying.
He proved he’s on my side;
I’ve thrown my lot in with him.
Now I’m jumping for joy,
and shouting and singing my thanks to him.
God is all strength for his people,
ample refuge for his chosen leader;
Save your people
and bless your heritage.
Care for them;
carry them like a good shepherd.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 28 (The Message)
0 notes
dfroza · 4 years
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for Tuesday, march 16 of 2021 with Proverbs 16 and Psalm 16, accompanied by Psalm 86 for the 86th day of Winter and Psalm 75 for day 75 of the year
[Psalm 16]
The Golden Secret
A precious song, engraved in gold, by David
A prayer of David.
Protect me, God, for the only safety I know is found in the moments I seek You.
I told You, Eternal One, “You are my Lord,
for the only good I know in this world is found in You alone.”
The beauty of faith-filled people encompasses me.
They are true, and my heart is thrilled beyond measure.
All the while the despair of many,
who abandoned Your goodness for the empty promises of false gods, increases day by day.
I refuse to pour out blood offerings,
to utter their names from my lips.
You, Eternal One, are my sustenance and my life-giving cup.
In that cup, You hold my future and my eternal riches.
My home is surrounded in beauty;
You have gifted me with abundance and a rich legacy.
I will bless the Eternal, whose wise teaching orchestrates my days
and centers my mind at night.
He is ever present with me;
at all times He goes before me.
I will not live in fear or abandon my calling
because He stands at my right hand.
This is a good life—my heart is glad, my soul is full of joy,
and my body is at rest.
Who could want for more?
You will not abandon me to experience death and the grave
or leave me to rot alone.
Instead, You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life.
As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending,
and I know true joy and contentment.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 16 (The Passion Translation / The Voice)
[Psalm 86]
A Prayer of Faith
King David’s prayer
Lord, bend down to listen to my prayer.
I am in deep trouble. I’m broken and humbled,
and I desperately need your help.
Guard my life, for I’m your faithful friend, your loyal servant for life.
I turn to you in faith, my God, my hero; come and rescue me!
Lord God, hear my constant cry for help;
show me your favor and bring me to your fountain of grace!
Restore joy to your loving servant once again,
for all I am is yours, O God.
Lord, you are so good to me, so kind in every way
and ready to forgive,
for your grace-fountain keeps overflowing,
drenching all your devoted lovers who pray to you.
God, won’t you pay attention to this urgent cry?
Lord, bend down to listen to my prayer.
Whenever trouble strikes, I will keep crying out to you,
for I know your help is on the way.
God, there’s no one like you;
there’s no other god as famous as you.
You outshine all others, and your miracles make it easy to know you.
Lord Almighty, you are the one who created all the nations.
Look at them—they’re all on their way!
Yes, the day will come when they all will worship you
and put your glory on display.
You are the one and only God.
What miracles! What wonders! What greatness belongs to you!
Teach me more about you, how you work and how you move,
so that I can walk onward in your truth
until everything within me brings honor to your name.
With all my heart and passion I will thank you, my God!
I will give glory to your name, always and forever!
You love me so much, and you have placed your greatness upon me.
You rescued me from the deepest place of darkness,
and you have delivered me from a certain death.
God, look at how these arrogant ones have defied me.
Like a vicious band of violent men, they have tried to kill me.
They wouldn’t worry for a moment that they were sinning against you!
But Lord, your nurturing love is tender and gentle.
You are slow to get angry yet so swift to show your faithful love.
You are full of abounding grace and truth.
Bring me to your grace-fountain
so that your strength becomes mine.
Be my hero and come rescue your servant once again!
Send me a miraculous sign to show me how much you love me,
so that those who hate me will see it and be ashamed.
Don’t they know that you, Lord, are my comforter,
the one who comes to help me?
The Book of Psalms, Poem 86 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 75]
For the worship leader. A song of Asaph to the tune “Do Not Destroy.”
We thank You, O True God.
Our souls are overflowing with thanks! Your name is near;
Your people remember and tell of Your marvelous works and wonders.
You say, “At the time that I choose,
I will judge and do so fairly.
When the earth and everyone living upon it spin into chaos,
I am the One who stabilizes and supports it.”
“I discipline the arrogant by telling them, ‘No more bragging.’
I discipline the wicked by saying, ‘Do not raise your horn to demonstrate your power.
Do not thrust your horn into the air, issuing a challenge,
and never speak with insolence when you address Me.’”
There is no one on earth who can raise up another to grant honor,
not from the east or the west, not from the desert.
There is no one. God is the only One.
God is the only Judge.
He is the only One who can ruin or redeem a man.
For the Eternal holds a full cup of wine in His hand—
a chalice well stirred and foaming full of wrath.
He pours the cup out,
and all wicked people of the earth drink it up—every drop of it!
But I will tell of His great deeds forever.
I will sing praises to Jacob’s True God.
I will cut off the horns of strength raised by the wicked,
but I will lift up the horns of strength of the righteous.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 75 (The Voice)
[Proverbs 16]
[Wisdom Exalts God]
Go ahead and make all the plans you want,
but it’s the Lord who will ultimately direct your steps.
We are all in love with our own opinions,
convinced they’re correct.
But the Lord is in the midst of us,
testing and probing our every motive.
Before you do anything,
put your trust totally in God and not in yourself.
Then every plan you make will succeed.
The Lord works everything together to accomplish his purpose.
Even the wicked are included in his plans—
he sets them aside for the day of disaster.
Yahweh detests all the proud of heart,
for pride attracts his punishment—
and you can count on that!
You can avoid evil through surrendered worship
and the fear of God,
for the power of his faithful love
removes sin’s guilt and grip over you.
When the Lord is pleased with the decisions you’ve made,
he activates grace to turn enemies into friends.
It is better to have little with a heart that loves justice
than to be rich and not have God on your side.
Within your heart you can make plans for your future,
but the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there.
[Living like a King]
A king speaks the revelation of truth,
so he must be extraordinarily careful in the decrees that he makes.
The Lord expects you to be fair in every business deal,
for he is the one who sets the standards for righteousness.
Kings and leaders despise wrongdoing,
for the true authority to rule and reign
is built on a foundation of righteousness.
Kings and leaders love to hear godly counsel,
and they love those who tell them the truth.
The anger of a king releases the messenger of death,
but a wise person will know how to pacify his wrath.
Life-giving light streams from the presence of a king,
and his favor is showered upon those who please him.
Everyone wants gold, but wisdom’s worth is far greater.
Silver is sought after,
but a heart of understanding yields a greater return.
Repenting from evil places you on the highway of holiness.
Protect purity and you protect your life.
Your boast becomes a prophecy of a future failure.
The higher you lift yourself up in pride,
the harder you’ll fall in disgrace.
It’s better to be meek and lowly and live among the poor
than to live high and mighty among the rich and famous.
One skilled in business discovers prosperity,
but the one who trusts in God is blessed beyond belief!
[Walking with Wisdom]
The one with a wise heart is called “discerning,”
and speaking sweetly to others
makes your teaching even more convincing.
Wisdom is a deep well of understanding
opened up within you as a fountain of life for others,
but it’s senseless to try to instruct a fool.
Winsome words pour from a heart of wisdom,
adding value to all you teach.
Nothing is more appealing
than speaking beautiful, life-giving words.
For they release sweetness to our souls
and inner healing to our spirits.
Before every person there is a path
that seems like the right one to take,
but it leads straight to hell!
Life motivation comes from the deep longings of the heart,
and the passion to see them fulfilled urges you onward.
A wicked scoundrel wants to dig up dirt on others,
only to spread slander and shred their reputation.
A twisted person spreads rumors;
a whispering gossip ruins good friendships.
A vicious criminal can be persuasive,
enticing others to join him as partners in crime,
but he leads them all down a despicable path.
It’s easy to tell when a wicked man
is hatching some crooked scheme—
it’s written all over his face.
His looks betray him as he gives birth to his sin.
Old age with wisdom will crown you with dignity and honor,
for it takes a lifetime of righteousness to acquire it.
Do you want to be a mighty warrior?
It’s better to be known as one who is patient and slow to anger.
Do you want to conquer a city?
Rule over your temper before you attempt to rule a city.
We may toss the coin and roll the dice,
but God’s will is greater than luck.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 16 (The Passion Translation)
0 notes
dfroza · 4 years
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for Tuesday, february 16 of 2021 with Proverbs 16 and Psalm 16, accompanied by Psalm 58 for the 58th day of Winter and Psalm 47 for day 47 of the year
[Psalm 16]
The Golden Secret
A precious song, engraved in gold, by King David
A prayer of David.
Protect me, God, for the only safety I know is found in the moments I seek You.
I told You, Eternal One, “You are my Lord,
for the only good I know in this world is found in You alone.”
The beauty of faith-filled people encompasses me.
They are true, and my heart is thrilled beyond measure.
All the while the despair of many,
who abandoned Your goodness for the empty promises of false gods, increases day by day.
I refuse to pour out blood offerings,
to utter their names from my lips.
You, Eternal One, are my sustenance and my life-giving cup.
In that cup, You hold my future and my eternal riches.
My home is surrounded in beauty;
You have gifted me with abundance and a rich legacy.
I will bless the Eternal, whose wise teaching orchestrates my days
and centers my mind at night.
He is ever present with me;
at all times He goes before me.
I will not live in fear or abandon my calling
because He stands at my right hand.
This is a good life—my heart is glad, my soul is full of joy,
and my body is at rest.
Who could want for more?
You will not abandon me to experience death and the grave
or leave me to rot alone.
Instead, You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life.
As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending,
and I know true joy and contentment.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 16 (The Passion Translation / The Voice)
[Psalm 58]
For the worship leader. A prayer of David to the tune “Do Not Destroy.”
Can you, panel of judges, get anything right?
When you judge people, do you tell the truth and pursue justice?
No, your real selves have been revealed. You have wickedness in your heart,
and many people have suffered by your hands.
Evildoers are naturally offensive, wayward at birth!
They were born telling lies and willfully wandering from the truth.
Their bite is painful; their venom is like the deadly poison of a snake;
they are like a cobra that closes up its ears
To escape the voice of the charmers,
no matter how enchanting the spells may be.
O God, shatter their teeth in their mouths!
Render the young lions harmless; break out their fangs, O Eternal One.
Let them run off like the waters of a flood,
and though they aim their arrows, let them fly without their heads.
Let them melt like a snail that oozes along;
may they be like a stillborn that never catches its first breath, never sees the sun.
Before your cook pots know the furious flame of a fire of thorns—
whether green or burning—He will blow the wicked away.
Cheers will rise as the right-living watch Him settle the score,
their feet washed in the blood after the onslaught of the wicked.
And it will be heard, “Those who seek justice will be rewarded.
Indeed, there is a God who brings justice to the earth!”
The Book of Psalms, Poem 58 (The Voice)
[Psalm 47]
For the worship leader. A song of the sons of Korah.
Clap your hands, all of you;
raise your voices joyfully and loudly.
Give honor for the True God of the universe;
Here’s why: The Eternal, the Most High, is awesome and deserves our great respect.
He is the great King over everything in this world.
He’s helped us win wars, suppressed our enemies,
and made nations bow at our feet.
He decides the extent of our inheritance and selects the land where we and our children will live,
for we are the pride of Jacob, the ones He loves.
The True God ascends the throne acclaimed by shouts of the people.
The Eternal is announced by the blast of a trumpet.
Sing! Shout! Play instruments!
Praise our God and King; sing praises to Him who is worthy.
For He is the King of all the earth. Sing praise, all who can.
Put words to music, and then sing praises
At the feet of the God who sits on His holy throne,
ruling over all the nations.
All those with influence in this world—princes, kings, and satraps—
gather with those who follow Abraham’s God.
For these defenders belong to God
who reigns over the nations!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 47 (The Voice)
[Proverbs 16]
People go about making their plans,
but the Eternal has the final word.
Even when you think you have good intentions,
He knows your real motives.
Whatever you do, do it as service to Him,
and He will guarantee your success.
The Eternal made everything for a reason.
Even wrongdoers fit in His plans; troubled times await them.
He abhors arrogant people.
Make no mistake about it! They will be punished!
The penalty of sin is removed by love and loyalty;
and by devotion to the Eternal, evil is avoided.
When people make good choices, He is pleased;
He even causes their enemies to live peacefully near them.
Better to have little and stand for what is right
than to become rich by doing what is wrong.
People do their best making plans for their lives,
but the Eternal guides each step.
The king makes a decision under divine inspiration,
but he must never render an unfair judgment.
The Eternal requires that business be conducted honestly;
He wants fairness in all your dealings.
When kings commit evil, it is despicable,
because their thrones should be built on justice.
Kings admire those who tell the truth;
they adore those who set the record straight.
A king’s rage signals that people will die,
but whoever is wise will pacify him.
If a king is smiling brightly, life will be granted;
his favor is like a cloud swelled with the first spring rain.
How much better it is to receive wisdom than the riches of gold
and to gain understanding over some silver prize!
The highway of the just bypasses evil;
those who watch where they’re going protect their lives from sin.
Pride precedes destruction;
an arrogant spirit gives way to a nasty fall.
It is better to be humble and live among the poor,
than to divide up stolen property with the proud.
Those devoted to instruction will prosper in goodness;
those who trust in the Eternal will experience His favor.
The wise at heart have a reputation for understanding;
pleasant words make the lips more persuasive.
Understanding for those who have it is a spring of life,
but it is pointless to try and instruct a fool.
From a wise heart flow careful words;
wise words make the lips more persuasive.
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb:
they drip sweet food for life and bring health to the body.
Before every person lies a road that seems to be right,
but at the end of that road death and destruction wait.
People work to stay alive,
pressed daily by their need to eat.
Good-for-nothings conjure up evil ideas;
their conversations fuel destructive fires.
Perverse people stir up contention;
gossip makes best friends into enemies.
Violent people try to recruit their neighbors,
wanting to lead them down the vile path of evil they have chosen.
Body language can expose a person’s intentions:
whoever winks the eye is planning perversity;
whoever purses his lips is intent on evil.
Gray hair is a crown of honor,
earned by living the right kind of life.
It is better to be a patient man than a mighty warrior,
better to be someone who controls his temper than someone who conquers a city.
We may try to control the roll of the dice,
but actually, the Eternal decides what they will determine.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 16 (The Voice)
0 notes
dfroza · 4 years
Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms
for Wednesday, december 16 of 2020 with Proverbs 16 and Psalm 16, accompanied by Psalm 86 for the 86th day of Autumn, and Psalm 51 for day 351 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 3rd revolution this year)
[Psalm 16]
The Golden Secret
A precious song, engraved in gold, by King David
A prayer of David.
Protect me, God, for the only safety I know is found in the moments I seek You.
I told You, Eternal One, “You are my Lord,
for the only good I know in this world is found in You alone.”
The beauty of faith-filled people encompasses me.
They are true, and my heart is thrilled beyond measure.
All the while the despair of many,
who abandoned Your goodness for the empty promises of false gods, increases day by day.
I refuse to pour out blood offerings,
to utter their names from my lips.
You, Eternal One, are my sustenance and my life-giving cup.
In that cup, You hold my future and my eternal riches.
My home is surrounded in beauty;
You have gifted me with abundance and a rich legacy.
I will bless the Eternal, whose wise teaching orchestrates my days
and centers my mind at night.
He is ever present with me;
at all times He goes before me.
I will not live in fear or abandon my calling
because He stands at my right hand.
This is a good life—my heart is glad, my soul is full of joy,
and my body is at rest.
Who could want for more?
You will not abandon me to experience death and the grave
or leave me to rot alone.
Instead, You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life.
As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending,
and I know true joy and contentment.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 16 (The Passion Translation / The Voice)
[Proverbs 16]
People go about making their plans,
but the Eternal has the final word.
Even when you think you have good intentions,
He knows your real motives.
Whatever you do, do it as service to Him,
and He will guarantee your success.
The Eternal made everything for a reason.
Even wrongdoers fit in His plans; troubled times await them.
He abhors arrogant people.
Make no mistake about it! They will be punished!
The penalty of sin is removed by love and loyalty;
and by devotion to the Eternal, evil is avoided.
When people make good choices, He is pleased;
He even causes their enemies to live peacefully near them.
Better to have little and stand for what is right
than to become rich by doing what is wrong.
People do their best making plans for their lives,
but the Eternal guides each step.
The king makes a decision under divine inspiration,
but he must never render an unfair judgment.
The Eternal requires that business be conducted honestly;
He wants fairness in all your dealings.
When kings commit evil, it is despicable,
because their thrones should be built on justice.
Kings admire those who tell the truth;
they adore those who set the record straight.
A king’s rage signals that people will die,
but whoever is wise will pacify him.
If a king is smiling brightly, life will be granted;
his favor is like a cloud swelled with the first spring rain.
How much better it is to receive wisdom than the riches of gold
and to gain understanding over some silver prize!
The highway of the just bypasses evil;
those who watch where they’re going protect their lives from sin.
Pride precedes destruction;
an arrogant spirit gives way to a nasty fall.
It is better to be humble and live among the poor,
than to divide up stolen property with the proud.
Those devoted to instruction will prosper in goodness;
those who trust in the Eternal will experience His favor.
The wise at heart have a reputation for understanding;
pleasant words make the lips more persuasive.
Understanding for those who have it is a spring of life,
but it is pointless to try and instruct a fool.
From a wise heart flow careful words;
wise words make the lips more persuasive.
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb:
they drip sweet food for life and bring health to the body.
Before every person lies a road that seems to be right,
but at the end of that road death and destruction wait.
People work to stay alive,
pressed daily by their need to eat.
Good-for-nothings conjure up evil ideas;
their conversations fuel destructive fires.
Perverse people stir up contention;
gossip makes best friends into enemies.
Violent people try to recruit their neighbors,
wanting to lead them down the vile path of evil they have chosen.
Body language can expose a person’s intentions:
whoever winks the eye is planning perversity;
whoever purses his lips is intent on evil.
Gray hair is a crown of honor,
earned by living the right kind of life.
It is better to be a patient man than a mighty warrior,
better to be someone who controls his temper than someone who conquers a city.
We may try to control the roll of the dice,
but actually, the Eternal decides what they will determine.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 16 (The Voice)
[Psalm 86]
A Prayer of Faith
King David’s prayer
Lord, bend down to listen to my prayer.
I am in deep trouble. I’m broken and humbled,
and I desperately need your help.
Guard my life, for I’m your faithful friend, your loyal servant for life.
I turn to you in faith, my God, my hero; come and rescue me!
Lord God, hear my constant cry for help;
show me your favor and bring me to your fountain of grace!
Restore joy to your loving servant once again,
for all I am is yours, O God.
Lord, you are so good to me, so kind in every way
and ready to forgive,
for your grace-fountain keeps overflowing,
drenching all your lovers who pray to you.
God, won’t you pay attention to this urgent cry?
Lord, bend down to listen to my prayer.
Whenever trouble strikes, I will keep crying out to you,
for I know your help is on the way.
God, there’s no one like you;
there’s no other god as famous as you.
You outshine all others and your miracles make it easy to know you.
Lord Almighty, you are the one who created all the nations;
Look at them—they’re all on their way!
Yes, the day will come when they all will worship you
and put your glory on display.
You are the one and only God.
What miracles! What wonders! What greatness belongs to you!
Teach me more about you, how you work and how you move,
so that I can walk onward in your truth
until everything within me brings honor to your name.
With all my heart and passion I will thank you, my God!
I will give glory to your name, always and forever!
You love me so much and you placed your greatness upon me.
You rescued me from the deepest place of darkness,
and you have delivered me from a certain death.
God, look at how these arrogant ones have defied me.
Like a vicious band of violent men they have tried to kill me.
They wouldn’t worry for a moment that they were sinning against you!
But Lord, your nurturing love is tender and gentle.
You are slow to get angry yet so swift to show your faithful love.
You are full of abounding grace and truth.
Bring me to your grace-fountain
so that your strength becomes mine.
Be my hero and come rescue your servant once again!
Send me a miraculous sign to show me how much you love me,
so that those who hate me will see it and be ashamed.
Don’t they know that you, Lord, are my comforter,
the one who comes to help me?
The Book of Psalms, Poem 86 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 51]
A David Psalm, After He Was Confronted by Nathan About the Affair with Bathsheba
Generous in love—God, give grace!
Huge in mercy—wipe out my bad record.
Scrub away my guilt,
soak out my sins in your laundry.
I know how bad I’ve been;
my sins are staring me down.
You’re the One I’ve violated, and you’ve seen
it all, seen the full extent of my evil.
You have all the facts before you;
whatever you decide about me is fair.
I’ve been out of step with you for a long time,
in the wrong since before I was born.
What you’re after is truth from the inside out.
Enter me, then; conceive a new, true life.
Soak me in your laundry and I’ll come out clean,
scrub me and I’ll have a snow-white life.
Tune me in to foot-tapping songs,
set these once-broken bones to dancing.
Don’t look too close for blemishes,
give me a clean bill of health.
God, make a fresh start in me,
shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.
Don’t throw me out with the trash,
or fail to breathe holiness in me.
Bring me back from gray exile,
put a fresh wind in my sails!
Give me a job teaching rebels your ways
so the lost can find their way home.
Commute my death sentence, God, my salvation God,
and I’ll sing anthems to your life-giving ways.
Unbutton my lips, dear God;
I’ll let loose with your praise.
Going through the motions doesn’t please you,
a flawless performance is nothing to you.
I learned God-worship
when my pride was shattered.
Heart-shattered lives ready for love
don’t for a moment escape God’s notice.
Make Zion the place you delight in,
repair Jerusalem’s broken-down walls.
Then you’ll get real worship from us,
acts of worship small and large,
Including all the bulls
they can heave onto your altar!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 51 (The Message)
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