seekerofcreation · 4 months
I suppose my point was poorly phrased. If the type of person who would join Team Phobia couldn’t, where else would they go? Yes it is a morally bad organization, but they help a lot more than other alternatives. I wouldn’t go so far to call it good, but it is better.
Hey, just checking...you guys all know there are Pokémon welfare organizations that aren't evil teams, right?
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seekerofcreation · 4 months
I think Team Phobia is a fine organization as it allows for people who would normally be driven away by strict rules to help.
Hey, just checking...you guys all know there are Pokémon welfare organizations that aren't evil teams, right?
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seekerofcreation · 4 months
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seekerofcreation · 4 months
Indeed a good pick. If I was unfond of that colour, I doubt my mind could handle the rigors of my job.
As for you, I find picking one colour foolhardy given your nature, regardless I think a lush green would be quite fitting for you.
Cool reblog game: tell prev what you think their favourite color is, and they’ll tell you on a rate of 1 to 10 how close you got
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seekerofcreation · 4 months
You seem like one that enjoys a deep purple, if not maybe a bright yellow perhaps.
Cool reblog game: tell prev what you think their favourite color is, and they’ll tell you on a rate of 1 to 10 how close you got
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seekerofcreation · 4 months
(OOC: The concept this blog explores is related to an underdeveloped part of Pokémon lore, being the more supernatural ancient aspects. The character has a interest in what the ancients did to create things unreplicated or just replicated by modern science. The character, Nora, is not a good person, I'd place her lawful neutral bordering on lawful evil. Overall serious tone with grim aspects every once in a while. She does canonically have connections to Team Rocket [Presently unrevealed] and other archeologist characters.
Presently this blog is dead, but I may revive it soon, I'll at least do so for the next event.)
//In light of a couple of posts I've seen floating around the dash, reblog this post with a short summary of what your blog is all about! Scroll through the notes and see if you can find some new blogs to follow :D reblog a couple if you want!
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seekerofcreation · 4 months
Superbly smug. As befitting of the pinnacle of Eeveelutions.
Glaceon, the best evolution of Eevee.
Unsure about best but
Tumblr media
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seekerofcreation · 5 months
Similar reason that pianos are common elsewhere. It was seen as the height of classiness. Used at upper class parties and religious gatherings often a few hundred years ago. The reasoning isn’t very sophisticated, just the matter of being difficult to produce in high quality and chance mostly.
Why is everyone in Hoenn obssessed with trumpets? Are there no other instruments in this region?
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seekerofcreation · 5 months
Pokesona Headcanon Ask Game
Reblog this post if you want your mutuals to share headcanons they have about the character your roleplay as! It can be a Canon character or an OC. It doesn't matter. Remember: send an ask to the person you reblog it from!
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seekerofcreation · 5 months
I have found Articuno. Location shall not be disclosed but it was disappointingly close to my starting point.
Unsurprisingly I am utterly unable to catch it, but it seems more amused then bothered by my attempts.
Jack has given up all efforts to battle and is now playing with Articuno. Jack is utterly outmatched, but the Articuno finds going easy on Jack in tag fun.
Presently I am just sitting down holding Frost in my lap. It is nice and cool here and all my Pokémon seem happy here.
The aura around the Articuno is that of a comfortable frost. I shall just rest here till the end of the dislocation event.
Given trends and how I am currently feeling, I believe I have less than an hour and shall not bother posting more. Overall this time has gone far better than expectations.
0 notes
seekerofcreation · 5 months
So far little success on finding Articuno.
The method being used is to go around islands with sightings. To do so I have hired the services of a Skarmory. I have little doubt that I won’t find Articuno, but the challenge of such should be a worth while experience.
Judging by normal reports of such displacement events I likely only have a scant few hours before I am forcibly returned. Only a few islands left on the list. My expectations are low but yet I can’t leash the hope that I will gone Articuno.
0 notes
seekerofcreation · 5 months
I have resolved to commit the utmost foolishness to try to catch Articuno as it is the only ice type that can fly.
You are on top of my contacts despite never meeting you. Who are you.
I don't know who you are either. Strange things seem to be happening.
My name is Glory.
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seekerofcreation · 5 months
Do you have any plans for this rush then. I’m considering catching a Pokémon, but I have not yet decided on which.
You are on top of my contacts despite never meeting you. Who are you.
I don't know who you are either. Strange things seem to be happening.
My name is Glory.
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seekerofcreation · 5 months
Lovely. From my own back reading this appears temporary. I suppose this could be considered a low consequence rush. May be ideal for training or catching Pokémon.
You are on top of my contacts despite never meeting you. Who are you.
I don't know who you are either. Strange things seem to be happening.
My name is Glory.
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seekerofcreation · 5 months
Well, I have come across enough cash for a flight and no pressuring responsibilities for obvious reasons. What city should I go for?
You are on top of my contacts despite never meeting you. Who are you.
I don't know who you are either. Strange things seem to be happening.
My name is Glory.
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seekerofcreation · 5 months
Do you have any quick transport methods. As an ice type purist, my options are limited. That will be the easiest conformation method.
You are on top of my contacts despite never meeting you. Who are you.
I don't know who you are either. Strange things seem to be happening.
My name is Glory.
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seekerofcreation · 5 months
It appears we are at a stand still at figuring out if we are even in the same world.
You are on top of my contacts despite never meeting you. Who are you.
I don't know who you are either. Strange things seem to be happening.
My name is Glory.
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