#blackberry sorbet cookie
aztimeg0esby · 1 year
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Some cookie characters I made
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skeptiql · 1 year
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New laptop just dropped and I went real autistic with this test piece
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sock-tin · 1 year
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sparkling1012 · 1 year
more color edits
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CRUNCHY DREAMS! Deep Sleep Area!
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Milky Way Cookie: So, what did you think? That was the Light Sleep Area! Milky Way Cookie: Hmm? Nothing made sense? Oh silly, don’t you know that dreams are supposed to be like that? Milky Way Cookie: Woah, woah, hang on there. I can’t have you dizzy already! Milky Way Cookie: We’re now entering the Deep Sleep Area! Hang on tight, because it’s gonna get bumpy! Milky Way Cookie: Ha ha ha! But this is just the beginning! Relax and enjoy the ride! Milky Way Cookie: I’m not gonna go into any dangerous areas, don’t you worry. How do you think I became the train conductor? Because I’m cute? Milky Way Cookie: Everyone ready? Milky Way Cookie: Ready or not, here we go! Choo choo!
Underwater Park
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Cream Unicorn Cookie: (Is this… under the sea…?) Cream Unicorn Cookie: (How remarkable. How am I able to run under the sea?) Cream Unicorn Cookie: (Ah… I guess this is a dream! How wonderful. I’m not even getting wet… I was afraid of the deep sea for the longest time, but now I see this place is just like the starry night sky…) Candy Diver Cookie: ▲፠⭗◆⚫◇… Cream Unicorn Cookie: Huh? Who are you… Candy Diver Cookie: ◯⭗◇~ ▲◆⬛⭗! Cream Unicorn Cookie: Wait up…! I didn’t understand you… Sorbet Shark Cookie: Who cares! Just hurry up and follow that Cookie! Sorbet Shark Cookie: That Cookie knows the sea better than anyone else. I think they’ll have something to show you! Candy Diver Cookie: ⬛▶◯!! Sorbet Shark Cookie: I’m right, see? Cream Unicorn Cookie: Very well… then…!
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Candy Diver Cookie: ☆⚫!! ★◯☆⚫~! Cream Unicorn Cookie: My goodness…! Is this what you wanted to show me? Cream Unicorn Cookie: To think there’s an abandoned amusement park… hidden in the depths of the sea! Sorbet Shark Cookie: Wow! This is awesome?! Sorbet Shark Cookie: Look over there. The run down rides have been decorated by shells and seaweed. Sorbet Shark Cookie: Plus, with the schools of fish swarming around us, it feels just like being on a roller coaster ride! Sorbet Shark Cookie: Let’s go play straight away! Just think, an amusement park under the sea… The other Cookies would be so jealous if they saw us now! Haha! Cream Unicorn Cookie: No, it would be a waste for only us to see it. I must invite the other Cookies here! Cream Unicorn Cookie: Now… To the stars that shine in the deep sea. Please make my heart’s wish come true…!
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Pancake Cookie: Wow, how exciting!! It’s an amusement park! Custard Cookie III: This place is so cool! I must conquer it immediately! Muscle Cookie: Hmmp! The sounds of childhood! It’s been a while since I’ve been on a roller coaster! GingerBrave: What’s happened?! I just followed the rainbow stepping stones that suddenly appeared, and now I see this amusement park! Wizard Cookie: Hmm, according to my knowledge, this place must be the deep sea… Wizard Cookie: How are we able to breathe? Cream Unicorn Cookie: Hehe. Wizard Cookie is the same as ever, even in my dreams! Cream Unicorn Cookie: Everyone, join me. Let’s play together forever in this undersea amusement park where time stands still! Custard Cookie III: Then I want to go on the merry-go-round! Everyone out of the way! King of the Cookie Kingdom coming through! Cream Unicorn Cookie: What a splendid idea! But, can’t you hear the sound of drums from somewhere…? Macaron Cookie: Every amusement park needs a parade! And if there’s a parade, there are drums! Macaron Cookie: Now! All our fish friends, splash around to the beat! Pancake Cookie: Wowww!! This is the BEST! GingerBrave: Do you see the parade car on top of that ice wave over there? Sea Fairy Cookie is on top of it!
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Sea Fairy Cookie: The sea is always flowing…! Custard Cookie III: Sea Fairy Cookie!! Look over here!! Pancake Cookie: Muscle Cookie!! Lift me! Lift me up!! Muscle Cookie: Easy peasy!! Hmmp-! Cream Unicorn Cookie: This dream is full of everything fun… I hope I never wake up from it!
Howling Together!
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Pitaya Dragon Cookie: A Cookie coming all the way out there… That’s a first. How fun! Pitaya Dragon Cookie: I can’t promissse to fulfill it, but let’sss hear! What’s your wisssh? Tiger Lily Cookie: Want to… be friends… With Cookies… Purrr… Tiger Lily Cookie: Right Now… Cookie… language… Can’t understand… Grrr. Tiger Lily Cookie: Tiger language… Easy. But Cookie language… Hard. Butter Tiger: *whimpers*... Pitaya Dragon Cookie: Hmm… Sssso you’d like the Cookiesss to use a language you can undersssstand, yess? Pitaya Dragon Cookie: Interesssting! Mwahah. I will fulfill this wisssh of yoursss! Tiger Lily Cookie: The price…? Grrr… Pitaya Dragon Cookie: There isss no need, worry not. I wasss getting ssso bored, how sssplendid thisss is! Pitaya Dragon Cookie: Take thisss dragon fruit, and feed it to the Cookies! Then you will sssee, from tomorrow all sssshall change.
Next day
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Cat Ears Crunchy Chip: Meow?!! Cream Wolf: Woof (Master?!) Cream Wolf: Woof woof? (Have you turned into a cat?) Cat Ears Crunchy Chip: Nya. Meoww? (What’s happened to me?) Cream Wolf: Whine… Woof woof woof!! (I don’t know but… I like it!) Tiger Lily Cookie: Rrawr?! Tiger Lily Cookie: Everyone… what happened…?! Cat Ears Crunchy Chip: Nyang. Growl… Nyaa!! (I don’t know either, so don’t ask!) Cat Ears Crunchy Chip: Meeow…? (But somehow you feel familiar?)
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Cat Ears Red Velvet: Meowww!!! (Get it together!) Cat Ears Red Velvet: Nyaang… Nya. (Everyone, line up.) Cat Ears Red Velvet: Hyaa… Nyaa. Meow-! (Stand guard!) Excited Cake Hounds: Bark! Bark! Bark! Cat Ears Crunchy Chip: Meoww-! (What’s with them now!)
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Kumiho Cookie: Yapyapyap!! (Hehehe, this should be fun!) Kumiho Cookie: Yelp! (What, you can’t even recognize us?)
Cat Ears Werewolf: Nyaang. (Is that so?) Cat Ears Crunchy Chip: Hyaa?! (Who are you!!) Cat Ears Werewolf: Phew… Nyaa… (Whether you’re a wolf… or a cat… Cookies are always afraid)
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Tiger Lily Cookie: Meow… Butter Tiger: Whine! Tiger Lily Cookie: Cookies… turned weird. Everyone small… tiger… Tiger Lily Cookie: Not… what I wanted. Pitaya… Dragon Cookie… tricked me… Pitaya Dragon Cookie: Not what you wissshed for, you sssay? Why?! It’s gloriousss!! Tiger Lily Cookie: Cat… Language… Is easy for me. But every one… doesn’t need… to speak it… Pitaya Dragon Cookie: Everyone accommodating you is ssstrange, isss that what you’re sssaying? Pitaya Dragon Cookie: You dissslike being a loner, but also dissslike everyone being the sssame? Pitaya Dragon Cookie: Cookies are ssso much fun!! Mwahaha!!!
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Tiger Lily Cookie: Ugh…… Tiger Lily Cookie: Had such a… silly dream… Butter Tiger: Grrrr…?
Sound of Magic
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Latte Cookie: Hello, class! Today, we will be learning how to draw magic circles! Ninja Cookie: … Alchemist Cookie: 10g of aged grape jellies… one scoop of Star Jelly Powder… Wait, that’s not it… Latte Cookie: Class? It’s time to focus! Hold those experiments for a bit, yes? Now, if you see here… Latte Cookie: Every Magic Circle has a basic circle that is the foundation the spells are based on. The caster can then layer different circles and build from there… Onion Cookie: Sob… sob… Wah… Chili Pepper Cookie: Do you have any spells that can create something shiny? Moon Rabbit Cookie: *Munch munch munch…* My wunch wice cookies are supah good! Latte Cookie: This won’t do… Looks like my students aren’t interested at all…
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Carol Cookie: What if you sing to them? Latte Cookie: Oh, are you a new student? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before…! Carol Cookie: I’m not a student! My name is Carol Cookie. I sing for love and peace! Carol Cookie: Why don’t you make a song from your lecture? Singing makes learning more fun! Latte Cookie: Ooh, I’ve never taught my students by singing… But that sounds like a great idea! Latte Cookie: Let’s see… Latte Cookie: Hmm… How should I start? I don’t really sing that much, he he… Carol Cookie: What about this? Carol Cookie: Magic Circles may not look difficult and hard but they're really not that complicated after all ♪♫ Carol Cookie: It all begins with a circle! Round and round just like our face ♫ With lots of space and a dash of grace ♪
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Students: ……? Latte Cookie: Oh my! The students, they’re starting to pay attention! I’ll go next! Latte Cookie: And that’s when you think of your favorite thing! ♪ Latte Cookie: Once you’re done thinking, all you have to do is start moving your hands, drawing away ♪ Latte Cookie: Soft foamy milk is something that I like! Ninja Cookie: …I like silent and calm lakes… where nothing shakes no quakes… Alchemist Cookie: I like it when my formula works just right! Onion Cookie: Sob… my… plushie… Chili Pepper Cookie: Shiny! TREASURE! Moon Rabbit Cookie: WICE CAKE!!! Latte Cookie: And it all begins with a circle! ♫ Students: Round and round just like our face ♫ Latte Cookie: With lots of space and a dash of grace ♪ And we have a base for our favorite thing ♫ Students: My favorite thing! Latte Cookie: Once you’re done thinking, all you have to do is start moving your hands, drawing away… Students: ……!!! Carol Cookie: Wow, everyone did such a good job drawing magic circles! Latte Cookie: A basic circle strong enough to destroy the windows…? Latte Cookie: Carol Cookie, this singing thing did the trick!
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Almond Cookie: …! I’ve been told there was… an incident. Just what exactly do you teach here? How to blow up a house? Latte Cookie: Ha ha, you know, for a detective, you’re not really good at solving cases. Almond Cookie: …Are you not a professor, responsible for the safety of your students? Somebody could’ve gotten hurt! Almond Cookie: Sigh. The Magical Emergency Handling team will take it from now. …Please be careful next time. Latte Cookie: Great job, everyone! Class dismissed! Take care!
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Latte Cookie: Oh? Was that just a dream? How odd… Latte Cookie: Actually, I think I know how I’m gonna prepare for next class…♪ Latte Cookie: I can’t wait for the semester to start!
Only a Dream!
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Sherbet Cookie: Cotton Cookie! Over here! Sherbet Cookie: Let’s go on an adventure together! We can now visit all those places from the books we read! Cotton Cookie: Sherbet Cookie, wait…! I… I can’t fly like you…! Cotton Cookie: Sherbet Cookie! Wait for me…! Don’t leave me alone…! Cotton Cookie: Please, don’t go somewhere I can’t follow… I… I can’t lose you again…! Sherbet Cookie: Cotton Cookie, what on Earthbread are you talking about? Sherbet Cookie: Look around! You’re flying, just like me! Cotton Cookie: H-Huh…? Cotton Cookie: He’s right…! What’s happening?! How am I flying? Sherbet Cookie: Hmm… Maybe your earnest wish came true? Like that time your wish granted me a new life! Sherbet Cookie: How do you feel, Cotton Cookie? Cotton Cookie: I feel light as a feather… as if I can go anywhere! Cotton Cookie: So this is what it’s like…
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Cotton Cookie: Y-you know… to tell you the truth… I knew that we each had our own paths- you are a frost spirit, traveling wherever the wind takes you. And I belong here… Cotton Cookie: But… I’ve always dreamt of traveling the world with you… Exploring every corner of Earthbread, together…! Frost Queen Cookie: Dear Cookie-with-the-Lantern… Cotton Cookie: You…! Frost Queen Cookie: Such dedication to a mere fleeting moment. Frost Queen Cookie: But perhaps it is thanks to you that Sherbet Cookie was able to retain his memories. Frost Queen Cookie: Enjoy, little one. Enjoy this fleeting moment. Soar through the skies and leave your worries behind. Cotton Cookie: I sure will! I’m gonna travel the world with Sherbet Cookie! Sherbet Cookie: This way, Cotton Cookie! Cotton Cookie: Yes, I’ll be right there! Cotton Cookie: I… I’m so happy…!
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Cotton Cookie: Oh…! I… must’ve drowsed a bit. Cotton Cookie: I haven’t had that dream in a while… It’s been so long… Cotton Cookie: Such a pleasant dream…
Gnome Uprising
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Master of the Juice bar: One glass of grape juice. Enjoy! Vampire Cookie: Whoops! Thanks, pal! Vampire Cookie: Mmmhmmh! Boy, do I love grape juice! Cheers! An opportunity to relax and enjoy myself doesn’t come every day! Let’s celebrate! Master of the Juice bar: Yet you still come daily… He he. Master of the Juice bar: I take it that you live to cherish every passing day, Vampire Cookie! Vampire Cookie: But oooof course! Life is meant for having fun! No matter how much, it’s never enough! Vampire Cookie: Look at my dear sister, for example! Workaholic to the dough! How unfortunate… Vampire Cookie: I say, a Cookie must enjoy their day without regrets!
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Cherry Blossom Cookie: What a marvelous speech, darling! There’s little left to life if you don’t enjoy each and every moment! Vampire Cookie: Eh? Beet Cookie: I do know a workaholic Cookie too, if you ask me. Beet Cookie: He’s* always spewing nonsense like “Cookies that don’t work shouldn’t eat either!” Vegetables grow just fine on their own after they’ve been planted, you know! Madeleine Cookie: Mhm! It’s not charming for Cookies to dwell on such mundane issues. Madeleine Cookie: Look at me, an example of the brilliance that lies in complete relaxation! Now isn’t that charming, Espresso Cookie? Espresso Cookie: That is your unique charm, truly. However, it’s also true that you don’t possess many other charms. Madeleine Cookie: Ha ha! Thank you for the compliment.
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Almond Cookie: I don’t think that’s anything to brag about. Lazy Cookies are everywhere these days… Almond Cookie: The Kingdom is only up and running because of the Cookies that work diligently despite it being hard and bothersome. Almond Cookie: I must go, I’ve just received an incident report. Pastry Cookie: Me too… I sense my soul will be corrupted, should I stay here any longer. Vampire Cookie: They were just kidding! No reason to storm out like that, jeez. Cherry Blossom Cookie: Huh? I wasn’t kidding, though? Vampire Cookie: Huh? Cherry Blossom Cookie: I wish Vampire Cookie could be our King! Then every day would be just like a picnic! Vampire Cookie: Oh? That… I guess so? It might! Espresso Cookie: So, what’s your secret to always dawdling away, Vampire Cookie? Espresso Cookie: While I am a quite accomplished researcher, I couldn’t possibly beat you in this field. Vampire Cookie: Secret, you say? Well, if I were to explain… Together As Two: Yes, explain? Vampire Cookie: It’s all about lowering your expectations. Since I’m always lounging around, no one expects me to work! Madeleine Cookie: Really?! Vampire Cookie: By the way, what a strange day it is… All these Cookies gathered in the Juice Bar in broad daylight, talking about nothing but having fun… Vampire Cookie: Is this the paradise I dreamed of? My dream of a new Cookie Kingdom came true? Vampire Cookie: Today is day 1! Everyone who doesn’t want to work, follow me!! Beet Cookie: Woooo!! Vampire Cookie for president! Together As Three: Vampire Cookie for president!
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Mango Cookie: I… was listening from the side earlier. If you become King, could you guarantee me holiday as well? Vampire Cookie: Mango Cookie, I thought you were enjoying your life on the Tropical Soda Islands? I want to live on the beach like you… Mango Cookie: Cookies that visit the seaside always say that. But, for us Cookies who work as tourist guides, it’s simply our workplace. Surely you’re* don’t think that Cookies who have fun at work don’t find work hard?
*actual text
Vampire Cookie: That… I didn’t think about it that way. You’re right, you guys must need a break! Mango Cookie: Thank you for saying so, Your Highness Vampire Cookie King. Together As Two: Vampire Cookie! Please accept us into your Kingdom as Well! Vampire Cookie: Mint Choco and Herb Cookie, you too?! But of course. I appoint you both as Ministers of Laziness in my Kingdom. Together As Two: Thank you!! Master of the Juice bar: There seems to be some commotion outside. I’ll go find out what’s happening. Blackberry Cookie: There’s no need for that. Vampire Cookie: Blackberry Cookie? Blackberry Cookie: …The Sugar Gnomes have come bearing torches. This is the beginning of a Gnome uprising, never seen before in the history of the Cookie Kingdom!!
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The Song of Enraged Gnomes: Oooh-! Do you hear the voices of the enraged Gnomes? The voices of Gnomes who have slaved away, day after day without a single day off! Madeleine Cookie: Now, pick up the flag, Vampire Cookie! Let the revolution begin! Vampire Cookie: Uh, I have to do all that, too? Vampire Cookie: What a bother… Then I won’t have time to laze around!
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carlosyt14 · 1 year
Huge Kudos if you know what I'm trying to reference here
Hint hint: a somewhat obscure game
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queensharotto · 9 months
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 2: The Jellywalkers AU)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Due to the lack of genres, the Indents will be the primary focus and are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Also, this list illustrates exclusively include the term “Jelly Walker Horde”
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August - September 2023 🌅🍂
• “Heart of the Horde”
Featuring: Dr. Wasabi Cookie and The Jelly Walker Horde
• “Protectors of the Horde’s Heart”
Featuring: Sea Fairy Cookie, Tiger Lily Cookie and Peach Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie being the Cure”
Featuring: Y/N Cookie
• “Affectionate Jellywalkers”
Featuring: Pink Choco Cookie, Blackberry Cookie, Cotton Candy Cookie, Knight Cookie, and Cherry Blossom Cookie
• “Death of the Heart”
Featuring: The Jelly Walker Horde, Princess Cookie, Rougefort Cookie, and Rambutan Cookie
• “The Show Off Jellywalkers”
Featuring: Fire Spirit Cookie, Cinnamon Cookie, Skating Queen Cookie and Cotton Candy Cookie
• “Recollection #1”
Featuring: White Ghost Cookie, Cream Unicorn Cookie and Vagabond Cookie
• “Terrified Cured Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Y/N Cookie and The Jelly Walker Horde
• “Jellywalker Knight Cookie”
Featuring: Knight Cookie
• “The Dragons and the Jellywalker”
Featuring: The Five Dragons
• “If Jellywalker Y/N Cookie was Captured”
Featuring: Dr. Wasabi Cookie and The Jelly Walker Horde
• “Jellywalker Fire Spirit: The First Infected”
Featuring: Fire Spirit Cookie
• “Jellywalker Report #23: Discourse Among the Legendary Mob”
Featuring: The 4 Elemental Legendaries
October 2022 🎃
• “Jellywalker Report #13: Injury Assistance”
Featuring: Sea Fairy Cookie, Moonlight Cookie, Crowberry Cookie, Fig Cookie and Pumpkin Pie Cookie
• “Recollection #2”
Featuring: Financier Cookie, Vampire Cookie, and Dark Choco Cookie
• “Bosses and You!”
Featuring: Bosses
• “Wandering”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends, Dr. Wasabi Cookie and The Jelly Walker Horde
• “The Starved Heart”
Featuring: The Jelly Walker Horde
• “Heart Amongst Legends”
Featuring: The 4 Elemental Legendaries
• “Thinking About The Brave Gang”
Featuring: Y/N Cookie, Gingerbrave and Friends, Cotton Candy Cookie and Fire Spirit Cookie
• “Finally Remembering the Brave Gang”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends and The Jelly Walker Horde
• “Various Cookies as Jellywalkers”
Featuring: Caramel Arrow Cookie, Rye Cookie, The Cookies of Darkness, Raspberry Cookie and Wildberry Cookie
• “Various Cookies as Jellywalkers #2”
Featuring: Crunchy Chip Cookie, Eclair Cookie, The Council of Elders, The Ancient Cookies, Black Pearl Cookie and Frost Queen Cookie
• “Recollection #3 (Infected TBD)”
Featuring: The Time Balance Department
November 2022 - January 2023 🌾❄️
• “The News Gets to Them”
Featuring: Sorbet Shark Cookie, Lilac Cookie, and Black Garlic Cookie
• “The News Gets to Them #2”
Featuring: Lilybell Cookie, Poison Mushroom Cookie, Choco Ball Cookie
• “Wandering #2”
Featuring: Gingerbrave and Friends and The Jelly Walker Horde
• “Jellywalker Mandragora”
Featuring: Jellied Mandragora?
• “Gift Mode | Keeping Quiet | Little Ones | Wandering Part 3 (Jellywalker AU)”
Featuring: The Jelly Walker Horde
• “Physically Affectionate Jellywalkers”
Featuring: Tiger Lily Cookie, Peach Cookie, Cherry Blossom Cookie and Macaron Cookie
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lagolagomorph · 2 months
DQ Characters and their Favorite Desserts Thread:
Alef: Something plain, but Gwaelin made it so it's his favorite
Gwaelin: Shortbread with a flower embedded into it
Middenhall: Blueberry Pie
Cannock: Carrot Cake
Moonbrooke: Strawberry Sorbet
Erdrik: He has no favorite, but he likes a good chocolate croissant
Solo: Pistachio Ice Cream
Sofia: Mint Chip Ice Cream
Alena: Tiger Tiger Ice Cream or anything Apple
Borya: Licorice Funsorts
Kiryl: Melon Soda (but he will pretend it's something else)
Maya: Gulab Jamun with lots of rose syrup
Meena: Thick Mango Lassi
Torneko: There isn't much he dislikes, but his favorite are his wife's hot cross buns
Ragnar: Not a fan of sweets, but sometimes eats a hard candy if the local kids offer him some
Madason/Five: Dark Chocolate Ganache
Bianca: Angel Food Cake with Strawberries and Whip Cream
Nera: Angel Food Cake with Blueberries and Whip Cream
Deborah: Angel Food Cake with Blackberries and Whip Cream
Parry: All Desserts. He loves them!!!
Madchen: mostly plain desserts, like Scones
Sancho: Big cinnamon fan, loves Cinnamon Buns
Reck/Six: Not into sweets, but he does like a good gingerbread
Carver: he loves marshmallows
Millie: Shortbread with tea
Ashlynn: Strawberry Parfait
Terry: hates sweets. (But will have shortbread with his sister.)
Amon: a good chocolate parfait
Arus/Seven: Anything his mom or Maribel makes. He loves sweets!
Maribel: Apple Pie with Ice Cream
Keifer: Lemon Merangue
Gabo/Ruff: Shouldn't really have sweets, but he really likes chocolate.
Aishe: Bonbons, but only after meeting Arus, otherwise, none.
Mervyn: old man Caramels. Anything else might kill him
Eight: he's a big fan of Coconut, because it's so rare, like a coconut creme pie
Yangus: not a huge fan of sweets, but he does like a good raspberry tart
Jessica: she adores fancy little pastries, especially tiramisu
Angelo: Black Forest Cake, or other such elegant desserts
Trode: he's a fan of scones, especially if Medea makes them
Medea: Scones- she hates carrot cake
Nine: Angel Food Cake with Fig paste and mousse
(Haven't played 10....)
Eleven: A plain chocolate chip cookie (Gemma's are his favorite)
Gemma: Lemon Squares
Erik: Vínarterta or Randalin- it's a layered Icelandic cake
Veronica: Strawberry Shortcake
Serena: Lemon Shortcake
Sylv: Something extravagant and elegant! Style over substance, but they would like rose flavoured stuff
Rab: Scones, specifically Apple cinnamon
Jade: She has a secret sweet tooth for dark chocolate cake with pomegranate filling
Hendrik: hates sweets, but will eat them out of politeness. Probably would like coffee cake
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Hello, love your work btw, it's tied with another fic series for the number one slot of best fics I have ever read, anyway what are your headcanons on what flavour of ice creams the ninja+ your ocs would like, and what are their reactions to the Dairy Dragon? Do they love it, hate it, or meh about the fact that the flavours are named after their villains? Do they even like the ice cream in the first place? How traumatised is Lloyd, post s5 after they name an ice cream flavour, 'the mango morro'. What are Jay's and Nya's reactions when they find out the flavour 'Bananakan' exist? Are the sprinkles and toppings named after the ninja then? Also wouldn't it be funny that while the rest of ninjago gets destroyed by a villain (for the umpteenth time), the Dairy Dragon still stands cuz its that good even the villains love it? Anyway, have a great day/night.
Well thank you!!! I'm honored to share such a flattering title!! :'3
But now, what we all came here for...ICE CREAM THOUGHTS GO
Kai: Is not a huge ice cream guy but will still eat it when the opportunities arises. Pretty meh about the Dairy Dragon; all ice cream places are the same to him. Is a little wary about the villain flavors and generally avoids them. Likes lemon + berry flavors primarily, but will try something wild like a chilli pepper flavor or a spiced chocolate and wind up utterly addicted. Has a topping called "Kai Krunch".
Jay: Loves ice cream, but likes Ice Planet more than Dairy Dragon. Flipped his shit upon seeing the Bananakhan flavor (especially because Skybound events aren't erased this time around ahahaaaaa), but is also amused by the fact it's a banana-flavor. He likes ice cream that has "Stuff" in it, like cookie dough, brownie pieces, fruit bits, peanut butter bites, cheesecake pieces, candy crunches, pop rocks, etc, etc. It's about the texture for him (...and he tends to get Kai Krunch loaded on top of everything, but don't tell Kai that)
Cole: Love ices cream, indifferent on Dairy Dragon. Amused by the villain flavors and thinks there should be more, but will not say that to anyone's face. Like sorbets and sherbets the most as he had those for dessert a lot while growing up, but otherwise isn't all that picky. Has a flavor called "Cole's Rocky Road", which is just Rocky Road, but it's very popular Jesse buys it by the carton
Zane: Indifferent on Ice Cream and Dairy Dragon; much prefers ice pops as a frozen treat. He does make a habit of tasting the villain flavors just to see if they're accurate lmao. Has no real partiality to any flavor, but makes Ninjapolitan his go-to, since its four flavors are based on him and the Core Four (which is cherry, (blue) raspberry, blackberry, and french vanilla).
Nya: Likes ice cream, liked Dairy Dragon until Bananakhan became a flavor (she was always more of an Ice Planet gal anyway), aaand is a huge chocolate ice cream junkie. The "Nya Special" is literally chocolate ice cream filled with chocolate brownies filled with fudge and covered in chocolate syrup and fudge sprinkles, and just looking at it is enough to put even Lloyd into a sugar coma.
Lloyd: Loves ice cream and Dairy Dragon, but is the vanilla fan. "You can make vanilla into any other flavor, but you can't make any other flavor into vanilla, and plus vanilla is always good by itself", is his motto. Hates the villain flavors and is especially put off by Mango Morro and is a little bitter about how popular it is snksnknsnk. "Spinjitzu Swirl" is actually a flavor based on Lloyd specifically, which is essentially a green-colored cake batter flavor with frosting (...which exists and I have had it. It is to die for).
Jesse: Prefers frozen yogurt to ice cream, not that he won't eat ice cream. Likes mystery flavors or not knowing what he's going to get, because he likes being surprised (in this specific instance lol), and finds the villain flavors to be a bit distasteful. Also really enjoys Ninjapolitan and Spinjitzu Swirl. Lowkey slips in some suggestions for a "Fruity Fuchsia" flavor. The time will come, he's sure of it.
Antonia: Ice cream is like her favorite treat ever, but doesn't even discover Dairy Dragon until way later on and kicks herself for it. Doesn't mind the villain flavors, but thinks they could be more creatively named. Is a Buttered Pecan kind of gal, but otherwise just gets whatever she's in the mood for. Is also a strong advocate for making "Fruity Fuchsia" a thing, but for different reasons.
Harumi: Used to like ice cream a whole lot, but the novelty wears off over time. Will still go to the Dairy Dragon if Antonia's egging her on about it. Likes strawberry the most, sometimes shares in Kai's penchant for spicier flavors...but is also unfortunately a huge fan of Spinjitzu Swirl and Ninjapolitan (she tried the latter out of spite) and there's literally nothing else like it in the world so she has to get that specifically if she wants to indulge RIP. Would also actively boycott Fruity Fuchsia if it existed hgdhsfhfs
Miranda: Not crazy about ice cream but certainly isn't going to turn it down either, especially if it's from Dairy Dragon (which Nelson gets her hooked on). Surprisingly has simple flavor preference, as her go-tos are mint chocolate chip and cookies & cream. Also has a whole list of idea for future villain flavors that they could and should use (such as Time Twin Tropicana, Pythor Punch, Mechanic Marble, Overlord Overload, and a Garmadon popsicle with gumball eyes)
Olivia: Might be contradicting something I said previously but she tends to avoid ice cream—the cold is really sensitive on her teeth. She can force herself to eat it but it's not usually a good experience. She does, however, like chocolate-flavor almost as much as Nya does, and can manage some salted-caramel flavor on occasion as well. Attempts to destroy the Dairy Dragon once or twice just to figure out how it manages to stay standing throughout everything lmao
Pixal: Does not like ice cream at all, but can be encouraged to at least try a bite or two, but will never go overboard with it. Therefore, indifferent to Dairy Dragon. Can stomach some vanilla on occasion, but like Zane, would probably go for a fruity ice pop first.
Skylor: Has not really had the chance to indulge in ice cream until getting off the island, and then the Dairy Dragon winds up becoming one of her favorite spots. As with her drink preferences, like a lot of the more tropical flavors (pineapple, coconut, dragonfruit, etc) and finds things like chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry a bit bland. She can get behind citrus flavors, however. Really hopes they don't make a flavor out of her dad—she's already got enough bad publicity to deal with.
Bridget: An Ice cream hater, somehow even more than Pixal.
Sunni: Is lactose-intolerant and probably shouldn't even be eating ice cream but that's not going to stop her from indulging in Ninjapolitan or Spinjitzu Swirl snksnksnksn. Would also probably die if she attempted to eat the "Nya Special", and very loudly attempts to boycott Bananakhan (with reluctant help from Samantha).
Harleigh: Not a big ice cream fan herself, but is lowkey waiting for them to make an ice cream flavor out of Ronin (for better or worse)
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mid-fight-lover · 1 year
My list of cookie run ships (updated):
Gingerbrave x Strawberry cookie
Gingerbright x Skater cookie
Zombie cookie x Fairy cookie
Wizard cookie x Cream puff cookie
Princess cookie x Knight cookie
Chilli pepper cookie x Muscle cookie
Gumball cookie x Cherry cookie
Ninja cookie x Skating queen cookie
Angel cookie x Devil cookie
Adventurer cookie x blackberry cookie
Pancake cookie x onion cookie
Custard cookie lll x Strawberry creepe cookie
Carrot cookie x Potato cookie
Lemon cookie x Orange cookie
Soda cookie x Lime cookie
Mango cookie x Grapefruit cookie
Whipped cream cookie x Birthday cake cookie
Cream unicorn cookie x Banana cookie
Sparkling cookie x Cheesecake cookie
Herb cookie x Cherry blossom cookie
Red peeper cookie x Yoga cookie
Wild berry cookie x Raspberry cookie
Crunchy chip cookie x Tiger Lily cookie
Dark choco cookie x Caramel arrow cookie
Clotted cream cookie x Financier cookie
Captain caviar cookie x Oyster cookie
Black pearl cookie x Abyss monarch cookie
Werewolf cookie x Kumiho cookie
Wind archer x Sea fairy cookie
Moonlight cookie x Fire spirit cookie
Tea knight cookie x Frost queen cookie
Churro cookie x hydrangea cookie
Croissant cookie x string gummy cookie
Millennial tree cookie x Lotus dragon cookie
Pitaya dragon cookie x Mala sauce cookie (divorced)
Pitaya dragon cookie x Rambutan cookie
Ananas dragon cookie x Golden cheese cookie
Longan dragon cookie x Mystic flour cookie
Lychee dragon cookie x Shadow milk cookie
Affogato cookie x Snake fruit cookie
Madeline cookie x Mont Blanc cookie
Pastel meringue cookie x Chocolate bonbon cookie
Rockstar cookie x Currant cream cookie
Kiwi cookie x Street Urchin cookie
Dino sour cookie x Cotton candy cookie
Espresso cookie x Latte cookie
Eclair cookie x Blueberry pie cookie
Yogurt cream cookie x Centipede cookie (divorced)
Lilac cookie x Scorpion cookie
Amber sugar cookie x Sugar glass cookie
Licorice cookie x Pomegranate cookie
Astronaut cookie x Stardust cookie
Chestnut cookie x Pudding cookie
Sorbet shark cookie x Squid ink cookie
Peppermint cookie x Piñata cookie
Milk cookie x Parfait cookie
Prune juice cookie x Crowberry cookie
Capsaicin cookie x Kouing amann cookie
Snow sugar cookie x Pumpkin pie cookie
Purple yam cookie x Twizly gummy cookie
Red velvet cookie x Pastry cookie
Clover cookie x Bellflower cookie
Popping candy cookie x Shinning glitter cookie
Macaron cookie x Fig cookie
Marshmallow cookie x Host cookie
.........And the list would keep going...... Sorry for not including all of them, I mean, there are way too much ships and I could just not include them all,so here's all the ships I remember, and you can suggest me ships for my next generation of course! So well, that's all
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meowizard · 2 years
added nov 9:
gingerbrave & vampire
gingerbrave & espresso
gingerbrave & onion
onion & pumpkin pie
clover & adventurer
eclair & adventurer
latte & almond
avocado & angel
avocado & wildberry
cotton & crunchy chip
cocoa & mint choco
cocoa & cherry blossom
custard cream & chilli pepper
pure vanilla & custard cream
carrot & herb
madeleine & espresso
cotton & crunchy chip
red velvet & pomegranate
strawberry crepe & cream puff
blackberry & wildberry
madeleine & milk
licorice & poison mushroom
+ all BTS cookies have two each
added nov 30:
sherbet & cotton
sherbet & frost queen
sherbet & snow sugar
carol & parfait
carol & raspberry
added january 19:
almond & prophet
cherry blossom & schwarzwalder
pinecone & fig
pinecone & pancake
milky way & clotted cream
milky way & moon rabbit
milky way & cream unicorn
moonlight & squid ink
moonlight & werewolf
moonlight & gingerbrave
moonlight & sherbet
candy diver & sorbet shark
all these interactions can be read here in full! i just know some folks like to experience them for themselves, so here's a comprehensive and spoiler-free list
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writingkitten · 11 months
Tumblr media
Desserts in general, but here we gooooooooo
Ricky: rebanadas de fresa con coco (basically strawberry pound cake topped with coconut)
Robert: Boston crème doughnut
Harold: Victoria sponge cake
Otto: tiramisu
Doc Ock: dark chocolate mousse
Harding: lemon tart
Edelweiss: funnel cake
Chandler: blood orange sorbet
Big Boss: dixies (kinda like a buttery blonde brownie)
Andres: borrachos
Boris: aberffraw biscuit
Dunlop: sticky toffee pudding
Arden: cheese danish
Jim: chocolate chip cookie
Jimmy: lemon bar
Armand: cinnamon roll
Manuel: Zeppole di San Giuseppe
Maxim: blackberry tart
Hank: baklava
Oswald: Yorkshire pudding
Dick: pumpkin bread
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stardewremixed · 2 years
🍨Stardewies Favorite Desserts🍨
Stardew Valley ladies’ favorite desserts (including SVE) 
this girl is all about the desserts - banana pudding, blackberry cobbler, chocolate cake. Picks fresh blackberries from your farm every year. 
Gets bananas from Ginger Island to make her own banana pudding. Definitely needs multiple alarms to remember to remove items from the oven. 
loves everything pumpkin spice - mousse, pudding, pies, cakes, muffins, bagels, etc. 
is first in line for a pumpkin spice latte. Complete with a cozy hat, scarf, and sniffing the steam from the beverage with a pleasant sigh. 
chocolate pumpkin donuts? Is that a thing? 
sucks on rock candy - nearly chipped a tooth once. 
would drag the Farmer around the Spirit’s Eve festival to get all the pumpkin treats and candy (no black licorice though, please)
enjoys fruity desserts - apricots are her favorite. 
Apricot jam and scones is a perfect snack with a hot cup of tea. 
also loves apples - and bakes an apple pie every fall. 
Eats a slice while in her garden and watching the birds at the feeder. 
secretly stockpiles recipes from the cooking channel and her favorite movies. 
stocks up on discounted joja candies and feels guilty about it later. 
if in a romantic relationship, would enjoy a lazy afternoon between leafy fruit trees, lying in the grass, eating fruit and fresh cream on the farm. 
drinks a kale and fruit smoothie every morning before she meditates. makes dessert alcoholic beverages all the time at Gus’s. Hardly anyone buys them, but she enjoys making pina coladas with fresh cherries and pineapple from your farm. 
when she’s in a silly mood, she will put a scoop of ice cream in a beer after work. Gus might join her if he’s in a particularly jovial mood. Sam would absolutely join, but more ice cream, less beer. 
picks up cranberry candy every time she visits Ginger Island 
bakes rhubarb pie. She’s halfway decent in the kitchen, playing very zen music when she cooks. Might overload on sugar. 
In a romantic relationship, the Farmer would be the unwitting participant in taste testing Emily’s sugary desserts and beverages. 
Pink cake is her favorite. 
definitely owns a frilly apron. 
Dances in the kitchen a bit when baking. 
eats ice cream with sprinkles. 
organizes a cake walk fundraiser nearly every year. Coordinates with all the ladies of the community. Jodi, by far, bakes the most cakes - there’s always an overload of chocolate cakes of various sizes (perfectly iced).  Marnie enters a pumpkin cake. Robin “makes” a peach cobbler (really it’s Sebastian with Robin’s help). Caroline makes tea cakes. 
Is very particular about the display of cakes, with her own right in the center on a lacy pedestal. 
Any excuse to bake a cake for the farmer if in a romantic relationship, with fresh ingredients from their farm. 
Not a big sweets person. Likes fruity dessert salads. 
Foraged berries are a great treat! Salmonberries, blackberries, 
Enjoys a slice of cheesecake every once in awhile - made from goat cheese. 
really, really, really loves fruit punch (especially when it’s spiked) 
needs Elliott (or the Farmer) to escort her home as she trips over her own feet if she’s too far gone on the “punch” 
skips out on Haley’s cake walk - yuck! Pink cake! Blech! 
Also doesn’t like cookies or ice cream. (What’s with this woman!) 
Makes an exception for stardrop sorbet when it’s available at the movie theater. 
kindly eats Emily’s (too sweet) rhubarb pie without complaint 
this girl adores strawberries - fresh strawberries and cream is a delightful late spring treat. 
also will eat pretty much any strawberry dessert - strawberry pie, strawberry pound cake, strawberry turnovers
makes little strawberry jam thumbprint cookies for everyone’s Christmas stockings. 
buys Miner’s Treat from the Adventurer’s Guild regularly. (cave carrots, sugar, and milk so I’m guessing carrot juice smoothie popsicles?) 
asks Alex to make her a strawberry soda shake in the summertime 
begs her dad to take her to the Strawberry Festival in Grampleton. Demetrius still goes with her every year even if she can drive herself now.
if friends with the Farmer, would invite them along on her annual trip to the Strawberry Festival. If in a romantic relationship, would take the farmer sans Demetrius. 
cannot bake to save her life, but will eat plenty of chocolate and pink cakes. 
spends the most money at Haley’s cake walk. gifts to all her friends. 
loves dessert wines, especially when paired with cake. 
also loves coffee-flavored desserts like her son. will dip biscotti in her afternoon coffee. 
happens to enjoy apples dipped in caramel in the fall. got really into it one year and tried to make her own. the canning turned into a disaster. the apples were good. 
would love to be invited apple picking if the farmer is offering. if in a romantic relationship, she would bring a favorite recipe for apple cake she has stored for years and shyly requests the “cutie” make it for her. 
loves poppyseed muffins and poppyseed cake. 
while she can cook, she doesn’t bake well. Prefers to buy her baked goods from Joja or Pierre’s. 
that time she ate so many poppyseed muffins in high school that she tested positive for drugs by accident. She was so depressed, she ran away and cried up on the mountain and actually did weed with Sebastian. 
she enjoys a good watermelon smoothie in the summertime. Alex keeps extra in stock just for her. 
If in a relationship with the farmer, she regularly makes poppyseed muffins for breakfast. 
orders Japanese candies off the internet 
keeps a stash of candy in her apron to nibble on throughout the day 
likes unusual fruit cookies - apple and cinnamon chips, passion fruit cremes, rhubarb macaroons, mandarin orange flavored pizelles. 
also would roll mochi with Sebastian late at night, if he would let her join him. brings wine from her farm to share. 
leaves little treats out for the fairies on the eve of spring (like kids leave cookies for Santa). It’s a superstition she’s had since she was a kid. Has never failed to help her crop season.
would absolutely go do karaoke with friends and order all sorts of desserts for them - green tea ice cream, coffee jelly, banana sushi 
if in a romantic relationship with the Farmer, would bring them a slice of Japanese cheesecake on the new moon. 
And there you have it. See the bachelors here. 
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2023 Cookie of the Year: Kingdom Edition
☁️ Heya! I’m sure you got the note my colleague Kit sent you and pinned at the top of the blog. She’ll be working her way into being part of our main contributor panel over the next couple months just as I and Strawberry Crepe Cookie have, which is how we ended up becoming frequent contributors on this blog. How she got into this is a long story, and one for another time. But moving on to the main topic here, it’s time to vote for 2023’s Cookie of the Year! In case you missed it last year like Vanilla Meringue Cookie (Your ACTUAL Editor, who also goes by Meringue) did, here’s how it works:
Every playable Cookie (minus the collaboration Cookies including Sonic, Tails, and BTS) in CRK will be split into a tournament bracket full of 1v1 matchups
In each matchup, pick the one you like more. There WILL be matchups where your vote will force you to choose favorites OVER your favorites.
Finalists will receive special prizes of all kinds which we don’t know yet!
Everyone might receive different matchups.
All times listed below are in KST (GMT+9)
R1: Update launch - 12/17, 11:59 AM (top 64 of 110 will advance)
R2: 12/17, 1 PM - 12/20, 11:59 AM (top 32 of 64 will advance, this is where the bracket goes to the real 1v1 situations where one goes home in each matchup)
R3: 12/20, 1 PM - 12/23, 11:59 AM (top 16 of 32 will advance)
R4: 12/23, 1 PM - 12/25, 11:59 AM (the top 6 of 16 will advance to the semifinals, more than half of the quarterfinalists will be eliminated)
Semifinals: 12/25, 1 PM - 12/27, 11:59 AM (the top 3 of 6 will advance to the finals)
Finals: 12/27, 1 PM - 12/29, 11:59 AM
Results Announcement: 12/29, 1 PM
☁️ Anyways, let’s move on to the first round with some matchups that appeared on Meringue’s end. There WILL one-sided matches because of high rarity or reputation and splitting-hair rounds because you gotta choose between favorites. It’s possible you could have different matchups though, as more than half the competition is still moving on. Once you make your vote in a round, you can’t take it back. Vote in every matchup in a round for 200 Crystals.
Sorbet Shark vs Peppermint (Good luck choosing between them…)
Kouign-Amann vs Twizzly Gummy
Lilac vs Frilled Jellyfish
Strawberry Crepe vs Cherry Blossom (So pink! And also so loud!)
Oyster vs Financier (Which side of the Crème Republic is YOUR favorite?)
Werewolf vs Blackberry (Since the beginning and somewhat found a place in the meta)
Pastry vs Schwarzwälder (A continuation of a closing story.)
Chili Pepper vs Sea Fairy (The first Cookies of their rarity to be seen in the game)
Almond vs Black Pearl
Frost Queen vs Sherbet (They did this on purpose.)
Herb vs Onion (Since the beginning and left behind…)
Burnt Cheese vs Milky Way (Introductory guides in the latest World Exploration updates)
Affogato vs Muscle (Brains or Brawn?)
Golden Cheese vs Vampire (Back row Arena Destroyers)
Clover vs Prophet
Fettuccine vs Raspberry
Wizard vs Carrot
Custard III vs Tea Knight
Icicle Yeti vs Alchemist
Crimson Coral vs Tiger Lily
Candy Diver vs Cotton (Witnesses to Legends)
Fig vs Kumiho (Forest residents)
Pancake vs Crunchy Chip
Devil vs Stardust
Cherry vs Capsaicin
Pinecone vs Carol (The second holiday round)
Parfait vs Moonlight
Ninja vs Gumball
Strawberry vs Pitaya Dragon
Adventurer vs Dark Cacao
Mala Sauce vs Cream Puff
Moon Rabbit vs Snapdragon
Tarte Tatin vs Poison Mushroom (Boss Destroyers)
Captain Caviar vs Crème Brûlée (the newcomer)
Licorice vs Pure Vanilla
Princess vs Dark Choco (Royal descendants)
Pumpkin Pie vs Latte
Milk vs Avocado
Knight vs Cream Unicorn
Linzer (the other newcomer) vs Red Velvet
Sparkling vs Rye
Angel vs GingerBrave (Consider this a practice round /j)
Beet vs Mango
Royal Margarine vs Shining Glitter
Macaron vs Clotted Cream
Purple Yam vs Caramel Arrow (Fierce fighters…)
Eclair vs Mint Choco (They have the same EN voice actor)
Rockstar vs Squid Ink
Snow Sugar vs Espresso (Since the beginning, new Magic Candies!)
Space Doughnut vs Black Lemonade
Blueberry Pie vs Black Raisin (Intelligent. Reserved. They both know what they’re doing.)
Madeline vs Pomegranate (The vanguards of light and dark.)
Hollyberry vs Wildberry (Did they seriously do this on purpose???)
Olive vs Prune Juice
Mozzarella vs Cocoa
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cookieruntournament · 2 years
This, my Cookie Run pals, is the COOKIE RUN KINGDOM TOURNAMENT!
ROUND ONE-A (4/28-5/5) [ENDED!]:
Milk Cookie/Moonlight Cookie [MOONLIGHT WON!]
Raspberry Cookie/Carol Cookie [RASPBERRY WON!]
Pure Vanilla Cookie/Cocoa Cookie [COCOA WON!]
Mint Choco Cookie/Financier Cookie [MINT CHOCO WON!]
Pancake Cookie/Clotted Cream Cookie [PANCAKE WON!]
Snow Sugar Cookie/Vampire Cookie [VAMPIRE WON!]
Sorbet Shark Cookie/Mango Cookie [SORBET SHARK WON!]
Twizzly Gummy Cookie/Eclair Cookie [TWIZZLY GUMMY WON!]
Crunchy Chip Cookie/Cherry Cookie [CRUNCHY CHIP WON!]
Milky Way Cookie/Schwarzwälder [MILKY WAY WON!]
Red Velvet Cookie/Carrot Cookie [RED VELVET WON!]
ROUND ONE-B (6/1-6/8) [ENDED!] :
Sea Fairy Cookie/Affogato Cookie [SEA FAIRY WON!]
Wizard Cookie/Alchemist Cookie [WIZARD WON!]
Clover Cookie/Parfait Cookie [PARFAIT WON!]
Candy Diver Cookie/Werewolf Cookie [CANDY DIVER WON!]
Sparkling Cookie/Cherry Blossom Cookie [SPARKLING WON!]
Prophet Cookie/Almond Cookie [ALMOND WON!]
Cream Unicorn Cookie/Frost Queen Cookie [CREAM UNICORN WON!]
Poison Mushroom Cookie/Pomegranate Cookie [POISON MUSHROOM WON!]
Muscle Cookie/Latte Cookie [LATTE WON!]
Purple Yam Cookie/Blackberry Cookie [BLACKBERRY WON!]
Black Raisin Cookie/Captain Caviar Cookie [BLACK RAISIN WON!]
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Buddy Masterlist-
All the important buddy information from my blog
Welcome to the center- Who we are and what we do
Bios of Buddies:
Common type
[ Gingerbrave ] - [ Strawberry ] - [ Wizard ] - [ Angel ] - [ Beet ] - [ Muscle ] - [ Ninja ]
Rare Type
[ Adventurer ] - [ Alchemist ] - [ Avocado ] - [ Blackberry ] - [ Carrot ] - [ Cherry ] - [ Clover ] - [ Custard Cookie III ] - [ Devil ] - [ Gumball ] - [ Pancake ] - [ Princess ]
Epic Type
[ Werewolf ] - [ Tiger Lily ] - [ Sparkling ] - [ Wildberry ] - [ Twizzly Gummy ] - [ Vampire ] - [ Tea Knight ] - [ Tarte Tartin ] - [ Strawberry crepe ] - [ Squid ink ] - [ Space doughnut ] - [ Sorbet Shark ] - [ Snow Sugar ] - [ Schwarzwälder ] - [ Rye ] - [ Royal Margarine ] - [ Rockstar ] - [ Red Velvet ] - [ Raspberry ] - [ Purple Yam ] - [ Pumpkin Pie ] - [ Prune Juice ] - [ Prophet ]
[ Pomegranate ] - [ Poison mushroom ] - [ Pinecone ] - [ Peppermint ] - [ Pastry ] - [ Parfait ] - [ Moon Rabbit ] - [ Mint Choco ] - [ Milky Way ] - [ Milk ] - [ Manjo ] - [ Mala Sauce ] - [ Madeleine ] - [ Macaron ] - [ Lilac ] - [ Licorice ] - [ Latte ] - [ Kumiho ]
[ Kouign-Amann ] - [ Herb ] - [ Financier ] - [ Fig ] - [ Expresso ] - [ Eclair ] - [ Dark Choco ] - [ Crunchy Chip ] - [ Cream unicorn ] - [ Cream Puff ] - [ Cotton ] - [ Cocoa ] - [ Chili Pepper ] - [ Cherry Blossom ] - [ Carol ] - [ Caramel Arrow ] - [ Captain Caviar ] - [ Candy Diver ] - [ Blueberry Pie ] - [ Black Raisin ] - [ Black Lemonade ] - [ Almond ] - [Affogato ]
Super Epic Type
[ Capsaicin ] - [ Clotted Cream ] - [ Crimson Coral ] - [ Oyster ] - [ Sherbet ] - [ Shining Glitter ] - [Stardust ]
Dragon Type
[ Pitaya ] - [ Ananas ] - [ Lotus ] - [ Lychee ] - [ Longan ] - [ Dino Pond ] - [ Snapdragon ]
Legendary Type
[ Black Pearl ] - [ Frost Queen ] - [ Moonlight ] - [ Sea Fairy ] - [ Dark Enchantress ] - [ Fire Spirit ] - [ Millennial Tree ] - [ Wind Archer ] - [Anon/Blank]
Ancient Type
[ Pure Vanilla ] - [ Hollyberry ] - [ Dark Cacao ] - [ Golden Cheese ] - [ White Lily ]
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