#black phase fox
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johnnyslittleanimalblog · 2 years ago
Double the Trouble - 9816b+ by Jen Hall Via Flickr: Two black phase red fox kits looking as adorable as ever. Welcome to Foxy Friday!
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invaderlynx · 6 months ago
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First day of work vs. 900th
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shironezuninja · 2 months ago
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Lady Vermin may’ve also copped a feel on Unlimited Spidey-Kun’s ass too.😂🤣😈
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shukuchiisms · 1 year ago
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Cindy being Cindy
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i-weep-for-lost-souls · 9 days ago
rip Rowena, you would've loved nerds gummy clusters and vaping
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dionysianivy · 2 months ago
January Magic Correspondences
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January is a month of new beginnings, a time to set intentions and welcome the fresh energy of the new year. It's a time of renewal, reflection, and planning for the journey ahead. This month is about honoring the transition from the old year to the new, letting go of what no longer serves us, and focusing on the goals and desires you want to manifest in the coming months. January is also the month dedicated to Janus, the Roman god of transitions, beginnings, and endings. He stands at the threshold, looking both to the past and the future, offering guidance as we move through change and growth. As the keeper of doors and gates, Janus helps us cross into new phases of life, making this the perfect time to reflect on what we want to leave behind and what we want to invite in. I think it's a great time to take advantage of the energy of the month by setting clear intentions, practicing gratitude, and creating space for both rest and action as we prepare for the journey ahead.
New Year’s Day – January 1
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Crocus, Snowdrops, Angelica
Marjoram, Thyme, Pine Cones, Holly, Thistle, Sage, Juniper
Tarot Cards:
The Fool, The World, The Hermit
Apples, Pomegranates, Oranges
Turnips, Potatoes, Onions
Janus, Freyja, Cailleach, Hecate, Inanna, Hera, Pax, Venus, Saturn, Hestia, the Camenae, Sarasvati, Chang’o
White, Blue, Black, Gray, Silver, Purple
Berkana, Eihwaz, Isa, Perthro, Sowilo, Uruz
Garnet, Onyx, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Blue Lace Agate, Snow Obsidian, Moonstone, Labradorite
Bear, Fox, Snow Owl, Wolf, Snow Goose, Blue Jay, Coyote, Pheasants, Ox
Birch, Rowan, Pine, Cedar
Snowflakes, Owls, Snow, Ice, Wolf, Apples, Stars, Evergreen Wreaths, Keys
Magical Powers:
New beginnings, transitions, connection to the higher self, removing negativity, blocking negative energy, manifestation, protection, purification, rebirth of the light, shadow work, setting new goals, introspection, correcting mistakes, reflection, spiritual growth
❄ now that the new year has started, set goals and dreams you want to accomplish this year
❄ collect snow to make snow water
❄ do yoga and meditation
❄ start learning more about different topics, especially related to witchcraft
❄ connect with nature
❄ collect pine cones and place them on your altar
❄ make puzzles
❄ start new projects
❄ perform spells for new beginnings
❄ create vision boards for what you want to attract this year
❄ connect with winter deities
❄ read the books you never finished
❄ rest and stay cozy by the fireplace
❄ drink lots of tea, cocoa, or mulled wine
❄ bake biscuits or gingerbread
❄ go ice skating
❄ spend time in the snow
❄ release what no longer serves you
❄ celebrate Handel Monday
❄ start a journal
❄ prepare for Imbolc or Candlemas
❄ burn bay leaves to make your wishes come true
gifs from pinterest
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enteroctopusdarkysilis · 4 months ago
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✨More Clones Brickheadz !✨
Since I acquired the Small Cody (40675), I found that there was an untapped mine. Why would they only make one ? Well. I don't have an answer to that, but I decided to take matters into my own one; so behold : 11 more. I went mostly for commanders here, but then I went a bit astray and so I added some captains to the mix.
In order, row by row :
Tukk (Not cannon but the colours are so beautiful)/Vaungh (died too soon-)/Rex (obviously)/Fordo (I did Rex, so I had to)
It was a really fun project, and I hope to do more of them in the future - maybe even phase 1s, some day~); supposedly not commanders because I did most of them (except Bacara, I know...The helmet was too tough).
And because I really like challenges, if you want to see another clone turned into one of these (Be it cannon or one of your ocs) feel free to send requests in my aksbox !)
Anyway this post is already far too long for anyone's dashboard, so closeups and details will be under the cut !
Let's start with the easy ones : Cody, Doom, Fox, Thorn
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Obviously, Cody was easy, I just rebuilt the original one virtually - Nothing too hard. The printed pieces here are not the right ones, because Cody's are not available on STUDio yet, but the storm trooper ones were relatively similar, so I used these for most of these models. Of course, it means I'm lacking the sun bands, and a few other distinctive elements, but it works well enough for now.
Now, Doom is essentially a colour variation (minus a few antennas). I also used an old space piece, which has this big yellow arrow printed on it. I's not exactly what Doom has, but I feel like it's close enough for a first attempt.
Then, Fox is relatively similar to Doom, but with two DC-17s. I also moved the printed torso brick up to get that red line he has.
Thorn works in a similar way to Cody too, except I removed both accessories on the side of the helmet. I also added this tile with diagonal lines to figure the wings he has. One day I'll slap some real wings on there, but I haven't found the right image yet. I also gave him a Z-6, obviously. I really like it, so I might actually make that one physically, because the way it's build (with old binocular pieces) is pretty nice; although I doubt the pieces are available in black.
Moving on to two captains : Vaughn and Tukk !
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Admittedly, not really that different either, except for one thing : I learnt to do custom prints now ! Yay ! Well, these are really basic : the blue line for Vaughn, and some trapezoids for Tukk's helmet (which are, indeed, not visible here - shame, I spent so long making these fit). The Ahsoka pattern was already in STUDio (because Ahsoka already has her own brickheadz, which I'll get my hands on someday~)
I must also add that having some cyan in this whole thing added some much needed colours in here, I'm grateful some people give their clones amazing colours (If somehow someone doesn't know who Tukk is, well just check High Ground Animation. Right now. It's really cool, trust me). Anyway.
As for design changes, I modified the faces slightly by adding 1x1 tiles, to allow for different colours variations on the face. It makes them look slightly blockier, but given the overall size of the head, it doesn't do much.
I also gave Vaughn a DC-15A. It's a bit messy, but it works out well enough. Past me forgot to render it, so here is a raw, in-software picture of it (from Fordo(s hand, but it's the same design for both) :
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BARC helmets ? Wolffe, Fordo, Neyo
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As I've been told, these look a bit wonky, and I'll admit its wasn't exactly easy, but in my defence, it's relatively hard to get such round shapes with bricks (lego cheated by adding the visor). Anyway, given that doing that with a printed piece was out of the question, I tried to replicate the filter's shape with actual bricks, and I used a printed piece which, technically, is Lando's moustache, but downward. I'd say it does the job relatively well.
I also added a rangefinder to Wolffe, which is a little big compared to everyone else's antennas, but It's still relatively to scale with the head itself. No custom prints for him (not sure where I would find the correct pattern images ?), but I've done it for Fordo and Neyo. Fordo obviously has his well deserved Jaig eyes (and who knew it would be that difficult to find a picture of that on internet ?), and Neyo has his symbol on the helmet, chest plate, and the shoulder not shown here.
The really tinkered ones : Gree, Bly, Rex :
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Here, it was a matter of trials and errors to figure out just how to get the shapes right.
I actually started with Bly, by removing the previous visor and adding the macrobinoculars first, then I tried to shape the helmet around. Truth is, it doesn't make sense technically : the two separated parts of the helmet do not connected at all, if you remove the equipment. Luckily, no one has to know that.
Next is Gree. It took me some time to figure out how to properly get a round feel, but I feel like it's as good as I can make it like this. Colour-wise, it was surprisingly difficult to find how to balance the different shades of green, and equally hard was to figure out which silvery colour would render well in STUDio. The answer lied, as it always does, in Bionicle. Of course, none of these pieces exist in this colour, but it's not really my main problem (because none of the coloured printed pieces exist either).
Finally, Rex...He gave me some trouble, I have to admit. Firstly, the part-designing software decided to have some trouble with custom prints, which was problematic, because I simply couldn't do Rex without jaig eyes (and Fordo already had his). Then, I started with Gree's base and tried to go from there to fit Rex's custom helmet. I ended up using Boba Fett's printed visor piece for Rex, because these were all triangles. I also got rid of the printed chest piece and used some black plates to simulate the pouch he has; while also adding a a few more custom printed pieces for the arms and pauldron (barely visible, but they're here. I'm not entirely happy with it, but I don't see much other solutions than more and more custom prints, which isn't my goal, so it'll stay like that for now.
Anyway, that's way too much rambling for one post, so I'll just end by saying that next week I'll post an alt version of this whole build [here !], with some 'slight' colour alterations. Definitely nothing big.
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
So.. I'm confused about something. If your beliefs in radical feminism say that trans people aren't valid in their feelings of being trans, what's stopping you from making bisexual people not part of the LGB? B stands for bisexual. What if their sexuality is just a phase? What if they are *actually* just heterosexual? For that matter what's stopping you from excluding YOURSELF from the community? At some point, you can't exclude any more people from a space that wasn't supposed to be gatekept to begin with! -Vero of CFC
You people always use that word “valid”. It’s absolutely meaningless post modern nonsense. Trans people feel that despite having a male or female body, their feelings about it change reality. I’m not telling trans people how they feel. Because you’re right, I can’t know that. What I’m telling them is that their feelings don’t change their bio sex. I’m telling them their feelings don’t supersede the rights and dignity of women. That’s not at all the same thing as being same sex attracted.
If I tell you that I am attracted to both men and women you can believe me or not. It doesn’t change my sexuality. You can’t know how I personally experience sexual attraction. But if I tell you I’m an Olympic Figure Skater, that’s something external and material. That’s something that either is or isn’t. And it doesn’t matter how true I want it to be.
This isn’t about people being invalid or valid. It isn’t about telling others I know better than them how they feel. It’s me telling them that their feelings don’t change material reality.
And we don’t get to sidestep reality because language is limited and imprecise. We create words to express ideas and categorize things so we don’t have to start every conversation from the ground up. Think of the quote “a rose by any other name”. The word ‘rose’ is made up but the flower it refers to exists in the material world. And you and everyone on earth could declare a rose a tulip but as long as people needed to specify they’d find a way to invent the word rose again. It’s why every 3 years your movement declares old terms verboten. MtF and FtM got used until people got mad it didn’t erase the reality of bio sex and people just used those terms in place of “male and female”. Then the same thing happened with AFAB and AMAB. Now we’re onto TME and no one knows what anyone is talking about because at the end of the day, people are male or female and no amount of “validation” or the right words erases that reality.
I am bisexual because I am attracted to both men and women. Lesbians are women exclusively attracted to women. Gay men are men exclusively attracted to men. Straight people are exclusively attracted to the opposite sex. The LGB community formed because the thing we had in common- same sex attraction- is punished in most societies. It absolutely was designed to gatekeep. It was a civil rights movement- not a secret club house. The LGB have no more moral responsibility to admit opposite sex attracted people than black activists have to include white or Asian people.
“Queer” has nothing to do with it. Demi flux genderoo aroallo fox kin have nothing to do with it. A group of men that believe their internal state of mind makes them literally a woman has nothing to do with it. You people overran a movement for same sex attracted people, convinced everyone to call our community a slur, and demand that we center heterosexual teens too immature for a relationship thinking that makes them the same as a Gay man.
I’m tired of arguing with 19 year olds that read too much mlm fanfiction that having short hair and wearing hoodies from the boys section doesn’t mean they’re gay men. I’m tired of arguing with those same girls that the 45 year old man with pigtails and a pink pinafore sucking his thumb and holding a dolly on social media isn’t a brave woman defying The Man. He’s just a pervert.
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mathmodder · 1 year ago
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Get Wild Mod by MathModder (In Progress)
What you need to know:
This mod introduces wild animals into your game map that spawn naturally in beetle spawners. It includes birds, small mammals, amphibians, more insects and reptiles in nature zones. Birds can fly and land in random locations and ground animals can be seen walking around the map.
You can choose ONE from various versions that best suit your world. Select the version that spawns specific animals suitable for your World's location.
Here's a list of potential versions that will be included in the mod:
All Wildlife (City World)*
All Wildlife (Medieval / Country town)**
American Wildlife (City World)*
American Wildlife (Medieval / Country town)**
European Wildlife (City World)*
European Wildlife (Medieval / Country town)**
African Wildlife (City World)*
African Wildlife (Medieval / Country town)**
Eastern Wildlife (City World)*
Eastern Wildlife (Medieval / Country town)**
*Versions for cities will have additional specific effects that help create a more beautiful environment for your city, such as planes in the sky, fireworks, sunshine rays during the day, and sky lanterns for the All Wildlife and Eastern Wildlife version. **Versions for Medieval/Country towns will feature additional specific effects to enhance the beauty of your world, including hot air balloons in the sky, sunshine rays during the day, and more.
These additional effects mentioned above will appear rarely and randomly in your world.
Can I place individual animals in specific locations, such as on rocks or tables?
In a future update after launch, this function will be added, for now they will only spawn where there is a beetle spawner. Ground animals on the ground and birds in the air.
Is the mod heavy to run?
Within the game I am optimizing it so that a small number of animals spawn at the same time and only spawn at a maximum distance of 500 meters from the player's camera.
How many files will there be?
Because there are many animals and specific animations for each one, the files will be heavy, will be a maximum of 2 to 3 files. In tests in my game with 150 other mods from other creators, I didn't see any loss of performance due to the optimization I'm doing within the game.
It is worth mentioning that some files will need to be placed in the Overrides folder and others in the Packages folder, they will all be specified at launch.
Is this mod compatible with other effect mods?
Yes, it will be compatible.
Depending on the location, there may be some bugs such as birds landing in the air or animals walking a little above the ground, this is due to calculation problems on certain game surfaces and physics, whether hills or mountains, but over time I will update and see What can I do to reduce this. In this case I depend on the engine the game has and whether it is possible to correct certain errors.
Release date:
Between January and February 2024 (It is in the testing phase)
Here is the list of animals that will be included in the mod:
American Eagle Bird
Artic Tern
Black Bird
Black Egret
Black Fox
Black Goose
Black Rat
Blue Bird
Blue Frog
Blue Green Parrot Bird
Blue Jay
Blue Lizard
Blue Parakeet
Blue Macaw
Booby Bird
Brown Bird
Brown Bunny
Brown Egret
Brown Hen
Brown Monkey
Brown Owl Bird
Brown Pelican Bird
Brown Squirrel
Bullfinch Bird
Butterflies (many colors)
Buzzard Bird
Capercaillie Female Bird
Capercaillie Male Bird
Canadian Goose
Carcara Bird
Chukar partridge
Condor Bird
Dart Frog
Dove Bird
European Goldfinch
Female Peacock Bird
Flamingo Bird
Golden Monkey
Golden Pheasant
Gray Frog
Gray Lizard
Gray Parrot Bird
Gray Partridge
Green Bird
Green Frog
Green Lizard
Green Parakeet
Green Parrot Bird
Harlequin Duck
Heron Bird
Hoopoe Bird
Horn Owl Bird
Humming Bird
Humming Bird Loop
Jack Rabbit
Komodo Dragon
Lilac-breasted Roller
Little Red Parrot
Little Yellow Bird
Little Yellow Parrot
Mallard Bird
Male Peacock Bird
Multicolor Bird
Nude Rat
Orange Bird
Orange Fox
Orange Frog
Pink Cockatoo
Piper Bird
Quero-Quero Bird
Red Fox
Red Frog
Red Head White Cardeal
Red Lizard
Red Panda
Red Macaw
Red-crowned Crane
Scissor White Bird
Sea Parrot Bird
Silver Pigeon
Spiny Lizard
Striped Lizard
Swallow Bird
Toco Toucan
Vulture Bird
White Bunny
White Cockatoo Bird
White Diving Bird
White Fox
White Goose
White Hen
White Monkey
White Owl
White Pelican Bird
White Piper Bird
White Rat
White Squirrel
White Swan
Wild Rabbit
Yellow Lizard
Yellow Parakeet
Yellow Pelican Bird
Yellow Toucan
Want to support? Be a Patreon and get Early Access! Math Modder | The Sims 3 Mods and MO-MO-MORE! | Patreon
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I will add them to this post!
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uyuforu · 1 year ago
Pick-a-Card: Your future Partner
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pile 1 -> pile 2 -> pile 3 ;; pick an image and scroll down to read your reading
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Pile 1 - ₊˚⊹♡
Ekta Oracle: The Medicine; The mind; The Balance + The Knife
Celeste Astrokiff Oracle: The Ruin; Aquarius Upright; The Guide; Pluto Upright + Sagittarius Reversed
Original Tarot de Marseille: 2 of wands reversed; The World; Ace of wands; The Tower reversed; The Empress; 7 of swords + The Chariot
Botticelli Tarot de Marseille: 9 of swords reversed; 2 of pentacles; Queen of wands; Jack of swords; The fool reversed; Knight of pentacles reversed; 5 of swords + Queen of cups reversed
Lenormand Oracle: The cross; The Man; The whip; The storks; The mouses; The fox + The woman
Love Languages Oracles: The wickedness; The same wavelength; Destiny's key; News incoming + Happiness, joy & felicity
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𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> So this pile has a very strong message. There is a feeling that your future partner is currently healing from something very strong, something very powerful but mostly something very wicked. They could have had a sort of illness, they could have been the victim of someone, but there is a very bad energy there. The healing can be mental healing, seeing a therapist, or even medicine. For a lot of you, this person was mentally abused. It's a trauma that happened and they are healing currently. But it still hurt a lot to them. If you never met this person before, you could meet them during their healing process. This person could be an Aquarius or/ and has strong Pluto's placement in their chart. I see this person to really have their heart broken from what happened, they feel like their heart, even life, has been destroyed, my heart feels very heavy. They can appear as quite different, an outsider, or just someone who is unique, and people can not get them, or just think of them as the black sheep. Their healing will guide them towards a strong and meaningful transformation. But it's extremely hard for them.
I see something blocking them, or it was the case in the future. It's like they had a really big conflict, or they lived a situation with a lot of heavy blockages in their life. But it suddenly feels like things will get better, they will get through a healing phase and they will feel so much better afterwards. It's like their healing will push them to take new beginnings, new opportunities, new projects, they will just feel so much alive, it feels like their rebirth. The cards are saying, the reason why it happened was because it was meant to happen. There is always a reason for our tower moments in life. This one happened because your future partner needed to change. They needed healing, and may have not understand it before. The hard moments happened because they needed to learn a lesson, to transform themselves. I feel like this person used to be close-minded and very judgmental before, but with the healing phase, they will become open-minded, more generous and kind towards others. It's like they will open themselves to their feminine side. It was maybe unbalanced before. Cards are saying your person will be rewarded for their hard work in their healing phase, they will become more energetic, and more extroverted too.
I have messages about the two of you. I'm not sure you know this person, but I feel like it doesn't matter. You will enter this person's life to help them through their healing era. I sense this person will not be healed fully when you guys meet, but your presence, your help, just you will help them see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's like seeing you will motivate even more to heal. There is a sense of admiration towards you. You will motivate them to face the truth, and the healing. It will be extremely hard, but they know it's for the better. You will help them find a balance back in their life, it's truly destiny if you guys meet. You are their reward.
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Pile 2 - ₊˚⊹♡
Ekta Oracle: The cup; The city; The bunny + The link
Celeste Astrokiff Oracle: 1st house; Capricorn; 4th house; 10th house; Saturn + Jupiter
Original Tarot de Marseille: Jack of wands; King of cups; Ace of swords; 4 of pentacles reversed; The moon reversed; 5 of pentacles reversed + The justice
Botticelli Tarot de Marseille: 3 of swords; The hierophant; 8 of pentacles; The sun; 7 of pentacles; 2 of pentacles + The star
Lenormand Oracle: The lucky charm; The house; The mask; The clouds; The letter; The ring + The fox
Love Languages Oracles: Past coming back; Good harvest; Setbacks; Destiny's Key + Fidelity
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𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> This person is someone who seems to be pretty established in life already. Someone who have their money, their place, they are independent. They work, they have their life and do not live with their parents anymore. There is a feeling of being the boss, owning their life. Ambitious person. Money is very important to them, they could invest a lot. They may live in a big city. A city where things are moving fast, people are always in a hurry, they could also be in a hurry all the time. I sense that for some of you, you know this person? There is a feeling of already knowing each other, or you guys will feel like you always knew each other. I think they can seem or be a bit selfish sometimes: their business, their life and even themselves are very important for them. They invest a lot of their times into themselves, but can seem selfish sometimes. Capricorn can be significant, 1st, 4th, 10th house too, Saturn and Jupiter too. I think this is a very lucky person. It feels like they succeed everything they do, or get everything they want. They are not good at manifesting, they are just very hard working. They see their legacy as the most important thing for them. This is why they work so hard. So accomplishing, and their career are soooo important to them. They appear as the real Daddy type (nothing s3xual lol), but there is this strong masculine and dominant energy.
Such a hard working person! They work so hard for what they do. Don't call them lazy because they will def take it as the worst thing you could ever say to them lmao. They have a cup to provide to you, this is the kind of mature person to offer you their cup, and offer you stability. A true King (because of the king of cups lol, nothing to do with gender). If success was a person, that would be them. They are so victorious. To be honest, I think this person didn't grow in money, and saw it as security. They worked hard because they may have been poor when growing up. For them, money was the answer to a happy life. But don't be mistaken, this person is not shallow haha. They are actually good at questioning himself. He doesn't think only him matters. They are well educated, and even went to college for sure. To them, they just want to be the most successful they can be, and want to be able to provide money for their loved one. They just work so hard for their money. And negotiating money could be a thing in their job. And signing contracts relating to money too. Their job can be very anxious at time. I think you will feel like, or already feel like if you know them, that this person has no time for you, and it may feel like that at times. They are so busy with their job and life, you just feel like a burden. But don't worry because this person will maker you feel like you belong with them. They will make sure to make you fit in their life.
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Pile 3 - ₊˚⊹♡
Ekta Oracle: The knife; The feather; The books + The exchange
Celeste Astrokiff Oracle: Treason; The sun; Woman's star + Virgo
Original Tarot de Marseille: Jack of pentacles; 7 of wands; 9 of swords; Knight of swords; 2 of wands reversed; 7 of cups + The strength
Botticelli Tarot de Marseille: 6 of wands; Knight of swords; 2 of pentacles; 10 of swords reversed; Ace of cups; 4 of pentacles reversed + The devil
Lenormand Oracle: The tower; The sun; The mountain; The tree; The woman; The magnificent glass + The house
Love Languages Oracles: Total success; Passionate love; Setbacks; Break-up + Destiny's key
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𓆞𓆝 𓆟 Don't forget that it's a general reading so take what resonates. If you don't resonate with this pile, you can choose another one. If you don't resonate with any of the piles, it just means there is no messages for you today. Don't take informations you are not comfortable with, and take care of yourself 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
-> So, first of all, if you don't know this person, then it's not your pile. This pile feels so situation-ship, ex, or even friends with always something that has been going on. There is a vibe here of someone who hurt the other by text, or it's something that has been said, or something written (text, email, letter, etc.). But it was on purpose. So either you or this person wrote to the other person to tell them something, some piece of information that hurt the other. It could totally be intentional, or not, but it def hurt. If it was something someone posted online for ex for the other to see, it was still something that hurt, and it was a sort of information shared. You could totally be in a distant or no contact situation with this person. You or them felt like there was a betrayal.
But!! There is clarity. One of you see or finally realize that the other person is the one for them. You or them always wanted to be with you/ them (takes as it resonates). It's a sudden realization. Someone wants to come back to make things right. Someone thinks now is the best time to take actions, everything seem to be alined perfectly. Someone could have been like a seducer, before or been seen this way by the other person. Someone could have been blocked, or this person felt stuck before. Like they couldn't come forward. But now they know the other person is their person, and it's like they came to realization they want to marry them.
This person has thought a lot of what they want to say, and they are ready to come forward and defend their thoughts and actions. They won't give up easily. If you have been waiting for someone to come back into your life, this is huge sign. Or if you wanted to come back in someone's life. There will be communication, and the person who will come forward (you or them) will express how hard it was to be without the other person, and how cruel life has been. They will express that they are ready to give their cup. I'm not sure you guys ever been in a relationship before to be honest, it felt like to be in a relationship with them has never been experienced before. But they want to try, and they will express it when they come forward. They want to be with the other person. There are so much desire for each other, you guys can feel the pull towards each other. But there might be a lack of financial stability that can come in the way to each other. There is much love, it's very passionate for sure. The person needed time to realize they feelings, time apart each other only made them realized their love for the other person. This person wants to come forward and build a life with the other person. They want stability together.
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Thank you so much fo reading, I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to like (even comment your pile if you want) and follow for more content ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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watchnrant · 5 months ago
Agatha All Along Episode 5: Easter Eggs & References
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Salem Seven’s Animal Transformations
A Nod to Their Classic Marvel Comics Powers
The Salem Seven, first introduced in episode 2, make their comeback in episode 5, appearing as different animals along the Witches Road before morphing into witches dressed entirely in black. Among these creatures are a fox, a crow, a snake, and others. This shapeshifting ability, allowing them to take on various forms, has its roots in the original Marvel Comics, where it was a well-known power of the Salem Seven.
Earth-616 Salem's Seven Member - Main Power
Thornn - Red horn-like projectiles
Gazelle - Super speed
Vakume - Wind manipulation
Vertigo - Nausea induction
Brutacus - Super strength
Hydron - Water cannon
Reptilla - Snake hands
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The Salem Seven Are The Daughters Of Agatha Harkness' Original Coven
After Agatha Harkness and her crew open a portal to the Witches’ Road, the Salem Seven make their move, catching up to the group just before they reach the third trial’s base. Lilia Calderu and Rio Vidal are the only ones who truly grasp the twisted history of the Salem Seven. As Lilia lays it out, “When Agatha murdered her sister witches, she spared their young children.” Rio chimes in, “Yeah, and then they became a feral, hive-minded coven bent on revenge” 
The “sister witches” that Lilia mentions were Agatha’s original coven, the ones who turned on her, accused her of dark magic, and sent her to the stake. Classic Agatha—her past always has a way of coming back to haunt her.
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The Witches' Broom Spell
As the Salem Seven encircle them, Teen proposes a "hexenbesen," which turns out to be a spell for a witches' broom, granting the coven the ability to soar above the Witches' Road for a brief moment. The term "hexenbesen" hails from old German, meaning "witch's broom," and it’s amusing to witness the coven's resistance to this well-worn trope, especially as Patti LuPone's character, Lilia, points out how it's been "coopted by the holiday industrial complex." Nevertheless, there's a stunningly eerie scene of the coven gliding beneath a blood moon, evoking memories of classic witch-themed media like Disney's Hocus Pocus.
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80s Sleepover Horror Vibes
A Summer Camp Throwback for Agatha’s Next Challenge
As Agatha and her coven dash into a cabin, they brace for their next challenge before the Salem Seven can catch up. Once again, they undergo a transformation, reminiscent of their previous escapades in Agatha All Along. This time, however, the atmosphere is steeped in a "summer camp horror movie" vibe. With an abundance of scrunchies and headbands in sight, Zamata's Jennifer Kale even sports a retainer, perfectly nailing the look.
Full Blood Moon & Spirits
Agatha’s Trial  & Talking to the dead  
As soon as the coven enters the trial house, the ominous full blood moon looms overhead, setting the tone for Agatha’s next challenge. It’s a continuation of the eerie trend we’ve seen—each trial accompanied by a different moon phase, tying the natural elements to the witches’ journey. But this time, the stakes are even higher. The blood moon signifies the thinning veil between the living and the dead, making it the perfect setup for Agatha’s trial, where she’s forced to confront spirits from her past. Talking to the dead isn’t just a test of magic—it’s a test of Agatha’s guilt, power, and the unresolved ghosts that still haunt her.
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Teen Evokes Billy Kaplan's Wiccan 
Red Shirt, Blue Headband
The fresh wardrobe for Joe Locke's character in "Teen" stands out as particularly intriguing, reminiscent of the buzz generated when clips from this episode first appeared in the trailers for Agatha All Along. Joe sports a striking red shirt paired with a blue headband, creating a clear visual nod to Billy Kaplan's Wiccan from Marvel Comics, which seems to be a deliberate choice. This look also echoes young Billy Maximoff's Halloween costume in WandaVision, where he donned similar colors and a headband. Consequently, it strongly suggests that "Teen" may very well be the reincarnated son of the Scarlet Witch.
Nostalgic Pressure: The 80s Watch and 30-Minute Countdown Timer 
The 30-minute trial countdown is prominently displayed on an old-school 80s wristwatch, adding a nostalgic touch to the scene. The ticking timer builds tension as the characters face a race against time to complete their task. This retro wristwatch ties into the 80s slumber party theme, further immersing the moment in a fun yet eerie atmosphere. The watch, with its vintage aesthetic, serves as a subtle nod to the classic 80s supernatural genre, where timers and countdowns often played a key role in escalating suspense.
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An Ode to “The Exorcist”
Agatha’s Decent into Darkness
Shortly after the coven's heated discussion on whether Agatha deserves punishment and their eerie encounter with the Ouija board, Harkness becomes the unwilling host of a wayward spirit. Her transformation is strikingly reminiscent of the chilling possessions depicted in The Exorcist films. The makeup effects mirror those iconic visuals, and her movements—twisting and crawling through the cabin—are filled with a sinister intent as she turns on her fellow witches.
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Evanora Harkness Returns
Agatha’s Past Haunts Her in Ghostly Form
In a surprising twist, it comes to light that Agatha is under the influence of her mother’s spirit, Evanora Harkness. Flashbacks from WandaVision reveal that Agatha was responsible for her mother’s death, along with the demise of her fellow witches, as she absorbed their powers for her own gain. Now, Evanora’s ghost seeks to settle old scores, harboring a desire for vengeance against her daughter. 
When Evanora exits Agatha's body, she tells the young witches, "My coven risked everything to kill her and you fools have willingly joined her." When Agatha asks her mother why she hates her, Evanora answers, "You were born evil, I ought to have killed you the moment you left my body." If true, this means that Agatha was already evil before the Darkhold corrupted her.
This moment also marks the MCU's inaugural introduction of ghosts.
“I Can Be Good”
Agatha’s Haunting Echo from WandaVision
Agatha, desperate to keep her new coven from abandoning her and leaving her to face the haunting presence of her mother, pleads with the witches, insisting that "she can be good." This echoes a chilling moment from her past when she used the same words to sway her former coven, just before she turned on them, claiming their powers for herself. This creates a haunting parallel between the two covens, particularly as the episode concludes with the death of at least Alice, if not more.
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Agatha Drains Alice’s Magic, Sealing Her Fate 
Absorbing Alice’s Magic, Agatha Regains Her Power
In a shocking turn of events, Alice Wu-Gulliver’s bold decision to cast a spell on the Evanora-possessed Agatha actually works, forcing Evanora’s spirit out of Agatha’s body. But Agatha, ever the opportunist, seizes the moment and drains Alice’s magic. Just like Evanora and her former coven, Alice can’t stop her own spell, and as Agatha siphons her power, Alice’s body begins to decay.
In the end, Alice drops dead, leaving the coven powerless to save her. Even Jennifer Kale’s panacea from episode 2 wouldn’t have been enough to bring Alice back. With Alice gone for good, the coven is forced to press on down the Witches’ Road without one of their own. 
Nicholas Scratch’s Haunting Truth
Secrets of Agatha’s Son Revealed
Teen discovers that the spirit of Agatha’s late son, Nicholas Scratch, is haunting the cabin, causing the stopwatch trial timers to halt. As Teen inspects the Ouija board, he notices it’s spelling out Nicholas Scratch’s name. Without hesitation, he shouts Nicholas’ name to Agatha, and just like that, she stops draining Alice’s magic. In that chilling moment, Agatha hears her son’s voice whisper, “Mama, stop.”
This revelation confirms that Nicholas Scratch is truly deceased, dispelling earlier theories that hinted he might be working for Mephisto, as suggested in episode 3 of Agatha All Along. It also clarifies that the Teen is not Agatha’s son, countering previous assumptions. While Teen can’t save Alice, he begins to piece together just how much Nicholas means to Agatha—and it might just be the key to stopping her.
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“Like Mother, Like Son”
Is Teen Really Billy Maximoff?
In a stunning turn of events, Agatha drains Alice of her powers as she attempts to break free from her possession, ultimately leading to the shocking murder of the protective witch at the conclusion of Agatha All Along episode 5. This act mirrors Agatha's past, where she similarly eliminated her former coven and her own mother. At the episode's climax, Teen boldly confronts Agatha, declaring that if being a witch entails taking lives for personal gain, he wants no part of it. Agatha, with a sly grin, remarks on how much he resembles his mother, hinting that she has always been aware of his true identity, further reinforcing the notion that Teen is indeed the offspring of the Scarlet Witch.
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Teen’s Magical Ascension
A Crown Fit for Wiccan
In a surprising turn of events, Teen reveals his own radiant blue magic. He seizes control of both Lilia and Jennifer, sending Agatha tumbling off the Witches' Road and into the muck, before doing the same to the other two witches. The fifth episode of Agatha All Along concludes with Teen donning a crown that strikingly resembles the Scarlet Witch's Red Crown. This development strongly suggests that Agatha All Along has officially established Teen as Billy Kaplan's Wiccan, the reborn son of the Scarlet Witch.
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summerofofelia · 2 months ago
My BL faves of 2024
We’re coming to the end of 2024 and so I’m reflecting on all the BLs I watched. I went through a major GMMTV phase in the middle of the year because I was super sad about life and distracted myself by going, “hey, what if I watched all the GMMTV BLs chronologically?” And for some reason I was like Yes. That sounds like a Good Idea. I ended up watching 21 and a half (the half is Cupid’s Last Wish lol).
But if we’re talking about actual BLs released in 2024 that I watched, here are my faves:
Favourite 2024 BL -
Four Minutes
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What I loved about Four Minutes is that it existed in the morally grey. It dwelt in the cracks between black and white. It was told through the eyes of dying men reliving their deepest regrets and imagining themselves to be softer, better men.
The sex scene in episode 4 is my favourite sex from all the BLs I’ve watched this year. The juxtaposition between the dark, ugly world Great and Tyme find themselves in and the tenderness with which they treat each other in that moment is beautiful. And the fact that it was Great’s reimagination makes it so tragic.
Four Minutes ripped my heart out, played volleyball with it, stamped on it several times for good measure then shoved it back into my chest. And I thanked them for it.
I know that as the show ran its course, opinions began to divide, but for me, the only “bad” thing about it was that it was only eight episodes long.
Also the lighting design was *chef’s kiss*
My Top 5 BLs of 2024:
1. Four Minutes
2. My Stand-In
3. The Time of Fever
4. See Your Love
5. Century of Love
Favourite non-2024 BL:
My Personal Weatherman
Non-2024 runner ups:
Tale of a Thousand Stars (the scene where Tian tries to count all the stars broke me)
Dark Blue Kiss (I stand with my cancelled wife Pete)
Comfort rewatches:
History 3: Trapped
Bad Buddy
The Eclipse
And now for the awards…
Best Kiss - San & Vee (Century of Love, episode 1)
Special mention - Hotae & Donghui (The Time of Fever, episode 4)
Best Sex Scene - Great and Tyme (Great’s redo, episode 4) (4 Minutes)
Best “Alternative” Sex Scene - San’s wet dream (the one where Vee was an evil sexy nine tailed fox) (Century of Love)
Special mention - Fadel “taking care of himself” (The Heart Killers)
Best Health Code Violation - Oab and Plawan (This Love Doesn’t Have Long Beans)
Most Unhinged Babygirl - Ming (My Stand-In)
Poorest Little Meow Meow - Fadel (The Heart Killers)
Special mention - Great (Four Minutes)
Best Side Couple Give This Pairing Their Own Show Right Now No Seriously I’m Not Kidding GIVE IT - Fan x Tang/Aou x Boom (We Are)
Best Couple That Had Me, A Grown Ass Woman, Squealing And Kicking My Feet At 1am - Sean & Shaopeng (See Your Love)
Best BL That Made Me Feel So Soft And Warm But Also Shattered Me - The Time of Fever
Best BL I Watched Hunched Over On My Phone In The College Library Because I Couldn’t Wait To Get Home And Watch It Every Week - Jack & Joker
Best In The Context Of A BL I’ll Roll With It But If A Dude Did This In Real Life I’d Be Like BOY BYE - Methas buying JJ’s place of work like it’s no big deal (big yikes) (This Love Doesn’t Have Long Beans)
But let us not cast real world judgment on fictional characters. It ruins the vibes.
Best Okay This Isn’t A BL But My God This Ship Made Me Discover New Colours I Didn’t Know Existed - Zhao Yuanzhou and Zhou Yichen (Fangs of Fortune)
Most Tragic Case Of Second Lead Syndrome - Su Yin (Meet You At The Blossom)
Best Somebody Get HR On The Phone NOW - Elyes and Pat (Bad Guy My Boss)
Best Use Of Height Difference - Sean & Shaopeng (See Your Love)
And finally the very special award for Holy Shit My Life Will Never Be The Same, This Series Has Changed The Trajectory Of My Entire Existence goes to…
Word of Honor and The Untamed (don’t ask me to choose they both made me feel the full spectrum of human emotion)
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tekumaniac311 · 6 months ago
Open Arms: Mission Part 2
As the menacing monsters approached, the Riders took a stand and attacked. FixFox swung a wrench at a Bloodline Picky as it came at her, it's head split open from the swing. "Looks like some of these are unfinished or weaker than others!"
Picky meanwhile tried to punch at the Bloodline Dogday but it barely flinched, until Hoppy jumped up and kicked it in the face, Leopardaisy then phased through the roof above and kicked it in the back of the head causing it to collapse down "These are really just ugly." Leopardaisy said "Aye" Picky replied "Look out! Another!" She then added, they ducked to avoid the Bloodline Kickin that came at them and prepared to attack it.
Bobby, Crafty, Berserkerine and FixFox were struggling with not one but 4 Bloodline Hoppy's. "Bes, I think you need to overdrive.." Berserk removed his helmet and clicked his neck in confidence "Got it." with that Berserkerine stepped forward towards the approaching Bloodlines sparking with gold electricity. Fox, Crafty and Bobby watched as Berserk's body changed fur colour to a black starry mist with gold lightning, the Bloodlines stepped back in fear. "Bad move, bub." Berserkerine snarled. Fully becoming his Overdrive mode he roared at the Bloodlines and started decimating them.
"Holy.." Bobby and Crafty muttered. "Yeah, he's only allowed to use it as a last resort." FixFox explained.
Avoiding rampaging unfinished Bloodlines left and right was Lemur, ducking to avoid another, he was pulled back by Mama Mammoth just in time "Stay close to me, Lemur!" Bubba then put his hand on her shoulder "And you better stay close to me!" The three then ducked to avoid a rampaging Bloodline Bubba. "No, YOU stay close to me." Mama sternly said to Bubba.
"Mama! Bubba! Look!" Lemur said, pointing. Several cultists ships were taking off "Looks like their escaping." He added. "Their not worth the trouble, honey. Let's focus on the mission" Mama said to Lemur.
Elsewhere deep in the bowels of the factory, Dogday, Z, Catnap and Drago approached a large door "Stand aside, i'll burn us through." Drago said as he brandished a ball of blue fire and hurled it at the door, melting it open. There they found...no one strapped to the wall?
"Dogbite??" Dogday called out as he looked around "No..she can't have..." Were they too late for him? Did the Seraphim take Dogbite with him? Dogday began to sink to his knees in defeat until.."WATCHOUT!!" Catnap yelled but it was too late.
The four where swung into the wall by a Bloodline monster, gathering their bearings they see it was a Bloodline Catnap along with a Bloodline Dogday, Hoppy and Kickin. The Bloodline Hoppy looked at the wall in confusion, as if saying: Wasn't our prisoner supposed to be here?
A loud yell came from above the Bloodlines as a very-alive Dogbite hurled a sunblast at them and landed in front of the team. "Dogbite!" Dogday said relieved. Dogbite turned to his older brother "Oh hey big bro...guess you heard of my dumb decision." Dogday simply put his hand on his shoulder "Dogbite, you've just been mislead, that's all. We've all come to save you...heads up!"
They swiftly dodged the Bloodline Catnap and made quick work of them with their powers. As the other critters meanwhile were fighting more Bloodlines off, Dogday contacted them "Everyone, I've got Dogbite!" Craftycorn replied "Copy that, captain! We've got to go!" The other Riders received the news to and with that, everyone headed out the base back to their cycles, meanwhile the two brothers got on their cycle.
"Hey...Thanks for..coming after me, we're even now." Dogbite spoke "Brother's don't keep score." Dogday replied smiling and they flew back to the Critter ships, with them clear FixFox pressed the detonator and the entire factory was destroyed, the mission was a success.
Later, both teams were in the ship congratulating eachother, Dogday and Dogbite meanwhile were talking "So yeah..i've really just been my own worst enemy, it's not a competition, it's a war...I've really just been..."
"An arrogant douche?" Z asked crossing his arms. "Z!" Dogday barked, on the defensive. Dogbite sighed "What he said, big bro. I've just been that the whole time since forming my own crew, we're on the same side and my alienating only strained my teams relations. My ego got too out of control..." He looked down at the ground, ashamed. Dogday and Z looked at eachother, Z then approached and lifted Dogbite's chin to look up at him "Hey, acknowledging your issues and wanting to fix them are always a start, bud."
With that, the hologram of Poppy and Mr Ludwig himself appeared via the meeting table. "Mr Ludwig? Poppy?" Drago asked them. "Congratulations to all of you, this had put a major dent in the Cult's work. A job well done." Dogbite then walked up to the table "Hey, director. You were right all along about me, I was indeed getting too reckless and competitive, it's what got me captured in the first place, all I can say is how sorry for how stupid i've been."
Mr Ludwig gave a gentle nod to Dogbite "I am relieved you have learned your lesson Dogbite and understood the big picture that we are all working to a common goal, not competing against eachother." Dogbite smiled and his ears raised at Ludwig's comment.
"But your still on suspension." Ludwig added
Leopardaisy, overhearing stepped in "Ah, come on boss! Our captain learned his lesson but he still can't lead for a while?" Ludwig sighed "Suspended is suspended." Dogbite looked down, a little sad "however..I will shorten the suspension to just two weeks. He will be back in time for the upcoming gala." He added with a smile. "Have a good day, Riders." He said as the transmission ended.
"Guess I'll see you guys in two weeks" Dogbite said to his brother who put his hand on his shoulder. "Hey, it's alright now little brother. Go back to Eden, chill out, enjoy yourself and freshen up."
The two brothers then shared a hug with everyone watching.
AU by @onyxonline
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shironezuninja · 8 days ago
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The ants are here too soon.
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minyard-05 · 8 months ago
Can I have some aaron minyard hcs 🥹?
gladly! i'll talk about him any day
post-trial, it's easier to tell him and andrew apart because aaron grows his hair out a bit more, mostly because he hates getting it cut until he learns to do it himself. nicky thinks its great and keeps messing with it until aaron threatens to shave it into a mullet and nicky almost has a heart attack
a few of his non-fox friends are in a band together and one of their shows is the first official date he takes katelyn at the start of their third year
he gestures a lot whilst talking, and wont stop or break his flow if you hand him something so katelyn and some of their other friends started experimenting with how many various objects they could get him to gesture with before he noticed
he doesn't know how to drive and doesn't want to learn (#publictransitking) but katelyn does and he's happy to be a passenger princess
cd collector, thinks vinyl is dumb, has had multiple long conversations about this with matt
the t-shirts he owns consist of three varieties: band shirts, shirts with stupid science references or jokes on them, or plain colors. he's also never wearing just a tshirt and jeans, the dude layers to hell and back he's usually wearing a minimum of 3 layers in the winter, often a tshirt plus a hoodie or flannel plus a jacket
wears katelyn's vixens jacket more than he wears his own foxes jacket, usually because she has it and he lost track of it two months ago
in third year, after the deal is broken, the trial is over, and aaron gets to come out of his shell more, he is first interrogated by the vixens, but after he passes their test, he hangs out with them a lot and becomes the group's token singular guy friend. steps into the role with ENTHUSIASM. is dubbed sk8er boi on the group chat. he rides to away games on their bus with them and the whole squad basically adopts him. like a puppy
after 5 years at palmetto, 5 years of various shenanigans, parties and all kinds of other shit, aaron starts med school having kissed 3 men total. it is your guess as to who they are.
insomniac, absolutely not a pyjama guy, he just falls asleep in whatever he's wearing and gets berated by nicky for sleeping in jeans
drinks coffee black or not at all
CAN play guitar. has stepped in for that band i mentioned earlier exactly once and hasn't performed since. he did enjoy it though and he is decently proficient at guitar. he picked it up in high school because he was able to take lessons an hour before school started, which ended up a perfect excuse to leave the house before tilda was awake, and then not get back until after exy practice. he drops it for a while between high school and palmetto, he doesn't play during the main trilogy taking place, but andrew gets him his first guitar after the trial is over
goes to stay with katelyn's family for the summer before he has to be back in SC for the trial but they leave early because her parents and a couple older relatives don't approve. he calls matt, who agrees to pick him up and take him to stay with randy in NY until the trial. katelyn tries to come with him but he tells her to stay with her family. she meets him in SC when he comes back
oh my god the dude had such an emo phase. he never dyed his hair but he definitely spent like a year wearing all black when he was 14 and the release of three cheers for sweet revenge in 2004? absolutely life changing. the black parade came out right before halloween in TRK, that album was doing SO MUCH for him
dog person (has a lab puppy named lily that katelyn got him when they got into medical school)
later on he's absolutely Terrified of being a father (even though he's good at it). after they find out they're having twin girls, katelyn has to stay overnight in the hospital, so the nurses tell him to go home and rest but he's too freaked to sleep. he calls wymack instead and wymack picks him up and on the drive back to he and abby's house, aaron talks about all of it– his mom, his fear of being like her, and he's terrified of the twins ending up like him and andrew, terrified that shitty siblings runs in the family. he spends the night with wymack and abby, who take care of him, promise to help out and babysit when aaron and katelyn need, and wymack basically says "look man if i can deal with the foxes for five years, you can take care of your girls". they're born a couple months later, wymack and abby keep their promise, and aaron is exactly as good a dad as they said he would be
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icyowl · 1 year ago
Gojo Soulmate AU
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x reader
Synopsis: angst, soulmates, what more could you want?
A/N: none
A wave, a flower, clouds, animals, rain, a sun setting over water. Soul marks were natural, tattoo-like birth marks possessed by everyone. It was up to each owner to understand the different forms or phases of their marks and what they meant. A fox chasing a hare might run across the body to convey glee or sorrow, or the fox could slow or change color. Maybe the hare would extend its lead every time the owner became lonely or perhaps a change of direction would indicate the health of the bond. Learning the various were fun but very necessary; bonds needed to cultivated. The repercussions were unsavory, dangerous even.
A tree grew at the base of your back, with boughs spreading across your body, extending down your limbs, and weaving up your neck until the ends just barely poked out from the collar of your shirts. You'd like to call it captivating — after all, not many had a soul mark so large — much like the man who it belonged to.
The mark didn't start so big. At first it was a sapling covering little more than the column of your spine. The branches were short and the whole thing was faint until you met him. When you did, the tingle in your spine turned into a singeing burn. Gojo caught you while you writhed. . . certainly not the best introduction.
Gojo's white beta fish swam up and down his right arm in response to his mood or outside stimuli. When you touched it the first time, it nuzzled and tried to nibble your finger, much to Gojo's embarassment. It was a tender moment that got swiftly interrupted by Gojo's phone. Again.
He had to leave. Some save-the-world mission that only he could handle.
You'd been shy when you first met him. After all, Satoru was intimidating. Wealth, physical and political power, good looks; you were at first afraid to do anything the might out yourself as someone inferior. Now? Now you probably came across as any other fan, fawning over the scraps of his attention.
Desperate? Sure, yeah, you were desperate, but it had been weeks (maybe months) since you felt normal, let alone good. A perpetual weakness had overcome you as if your blood sugar had plummeted, exhaustion plagued you yet sleep was elusive, migraines turned overhead lights into suns and basic sounds into caterwauls, and a sickly wheeze could be heard when you breathed if one listened closely enough.
Your soul mark was suffering too. The stinging on your back had become unbearable. Such painful burning — plus all the other afflictions — dulled just a little any time you could get him to look at you.
The branches that had once wound heartily around your body now shrunk to half their reach, leaving black shadows in their wake, and the vibrant blue flowers adorning the limbs all but disappeared. Watching them shrivel up or break off the limbs and fall off your body put your stomach in knots that never unwound.
Satoru didn't visit often enough or stick around long enough to pick up on your plight; so much for the Six Eyes. It was easy enough to hide your state for the sparse few minutes you got to be with each other before he teleported off someplace else. He already held up the world. . . how could you make him choose between it and your silly little needs?
Shoko's treatments were beginning to lose their affect; Nanami would have tied you to Gojo himself if Gojo would ever pick up the phone; even Yaga yelled at you to figure it out or risk getting temporarily suspended.
A subtle pang of hunger came from your stomach.
You were impressed a body as sick as yours barely felt anything.
Several seconds passed from the time you stood until the time you made it to the door. If only you knew how close you were to danger.
“Where are you going?”
Satoru. His tone cheeky as always.
You turned to see your soulmate, seemingly non the worse for wear. Had the bond become so distant that he hadn't felt any of your pain? He teleported in and now stood before you without a hint of distress or concern from what you could see of his face. Satoru held the same casual posture he always did. Without worry. Without weakness. You wished you could say the same. Right now all you could comprehend were the the dark spots floating in your eyes and the desolate cold in your core. Finally the breaking point came. Satoru only had time to sense something was wrong — his mouth went slack, his brow line tightened — before he was rushing to catch your fall.
If it were anyone else, they may have failed. You didn't simply fall. You plummeted.
You didn't feel his hands under your body nor did you see his beta fish furiously trying to swim towards you from under Satoru's shirt sleeve. It was probably a good thing — your soul mark, or what was left of it, had begun to bleed, covering Satoru's hands. What would you see in his eyes if you removed the blindfold?
“Not you too.” He whispered.
Even in your delirium the words sunk in. There was someone else. All this time you foolishly, stupidly, blindly believed he was away for work. It all made sense now. Just as scorching hatred churned your blood to fire, the effects of bond abandonment finally consumed you. Your face contorted to one of rage before going slack altogether. Satoru, for all his faults, held your chilled body close to his. Could he salvage a bond on its deathbed?
-- -- -- -- -- --
You woke to elephants on your chest and cotton in your head. Some bus had hit you repeatedly. For fun.
“Hey.” Someone said next to you. It was soft, gentle, and would have put you at ease had you not looked up and realized you were sprawled over his naked chest. “You've got some serious bedhead.” Satoru added in jest, lithe knuckles kissing along your cheek.
With what little strength you regained you grabbed the railings of the hospital bed and struggled to pull your body off and away from him. Your feet had hardly touched the ground before you collapsed, and yet still you tried to distance yourself from him. Searing pain erupted from your spine to the point where you cried out at the agony. Your body was trying everything it could to keep you there but you ignored it, crawling towards the door to escape the man you should have felt blessed to be pressed against.
Satoru — rendered immobile by the shameful fact that his own soulmate was trying to escape him — rushed you as soon as your wail reached his ears. One hand around your wrist was all he needed to stop you. You turned to him, gazing at the fingers wrapped deftly around your arm, then onto the glacial eyes opened wide with shame and worry. With a lurch you took your arm back. Satoru seemed possessed; he hardly moved, only continued to stare and gawk. He didn't seem to be looking at you. Through you was more like it.
Cool blood disturbed the hairs on your hand as it dripped freely from a hole left by the I.V. you ripped out in your haste. Both of you watched it hit the ground blip blip blip blip but neither of you moved.
Satoru blinked, coming back to the present, and reached for the wound before you yanked it out of reach. “I know there's someone else. . .”
A full second passed before he reacted. “What?!”
“I don't remember much thanks to the side effects of abandonment, but 'not you too', that I remember. So? Get it over with. Break the bond already. I'm sure you want to move on.”
“You know that's not true.”
“Do I?”
“Yes, because if there was, my mark wouldn't look like this.”
For the first time since you woke you saw his soul mark — the white beta fish with piercing blue eyes. Again and again it attempted to swim to you until it came to the edge of his arm. That's when you began to notice the condition of it, too. Pure snowy white had turned grey and dingy, fins had become tattered, and the entire animal shrunk to barely an inch in size. It seemed the poor fish, in its plight, had begun to turn on its owner: bruises and bite marks from the fish positively covered Satoru's entire arm from shoulder to hand. The untouchable had been harmed.
“I once knew someone who. . . I missed the signs when he was hurting, too. I could have helped him, if I had seen it in time. The same thing almost happened to you. If there was someone else, this damn fish wouldn't have made me bleed every time I left you.”
You froze. All the worry and pain and loneliness had been ricocheting between both ends of the bond all this time. He really had felt everything. “But you didn't react. You acted like you were fine every time. You should have been in pain—”
“The Strongest can't be in pain.” Satoru said. His eyes were powerfully bright. “Or be lonely, or show fear. The Strongest can't show weakness. My emotions would have only added to yours.”
“At least I would have known you felt something!” You yelled hoarsely.
He startled while you continued.
“Did you really think that by closing yourself off, I would have somehow felt better than if you had shared your feelings? Who told you that?”
Again Satoru could do nothing but stare. Some family member said so at some point, right? Maybe? When? Now he wasn't sure. Only your feeble attempt to lift yourself off the ground brought him to the present. The moan of pain you tried to hide made him flinch as if he experiencing it, too. Satoru reached for you but immediately recoiled — what would he do if you pulled away again?
Instead, in a rare moment of maturity, he tried to get you to come to him. How ironic: he'd been doing the opposite while you yearned for his presence and now that he was willing to give it, you might already be gone. “It's really important right now that we touch. The bond could become damaged beyond repair at this point. You could get seriously hurt.”
“I'm already seriously hurt.” You replied. He looked at the concave shape of your cheeks, the pallor in your skin, the wobble in your muscles, and knew time was running out.
You looked deeply into his eyes, saw them wide and glistening, and felt a twinge through what remained of the connection. Maybe it was muscle weakness (after all, you felt like you might hurl or faint) but you relented, all but falling into his arms. He quickly pulled you sideways into his lap. One of his hands rubbed your back to ease the scorching heat in your spine while the other held the bleeding hand without hesitation. Immediately the blood began to ebb. After a few seconds the wound from the I.V. began to bring itself together. His heart, which pounded in your ear, steadied and quieted.
With a conscious effort you forced your body to relax, then sighed when it gave in (gave out, more like it) and sagged against him. Based on your inhale, Satoru knew you were about to speak, and shushed you before you had the chance. “Just breathe. You'll feel better soon.”
“You don't know that,” you quietly tutted, “the bond might already be broken.”
“I have faith. I'm The Strongest, and because of that, so are you.”
-- -- -- -- -- --
Satoru wouldn't move for over an hour. The hard floor was probably killing him, yet he remained with you in his lap, coaxing your head under his every time you grew restless. Only when the pain waned did you manage to sleep. Somewhere during that time, he moved the two of you back to your bed. It must have been a struggle to wedge all of himself into the single cot with you too, but when you woke, there you were, back in bed, laying atop your soulmate like he'd fashioned himself into your personal throne.
Shoko's prodding woke you up. “Hun? Just hear to get your blood pressure.”
“Mmm,” you replied noncommittally while she slid the cuff up your arm. Satoru pulled you closer and only when you looked up at him did you realize he did while still sleeping. He looked almost odd now that his visage was so relaxed — mouth barely open, lashes laying across his sharp cheeks . The gentle rises and falls of his chest were something you hadn't seen in a long time.
“You two sure cut it close.” She added.
“Not m' fault.”
“I know. I know he's tough to love, believe me, and I'm sure you couldn't feel much after the bond degraded to this point, but I took his vitals while you were asleep. You might not want to hear this, but he does have you as his emergency contact, so I'll share it since you're bonded.”
Your head lifted. The stiff squeeze of the inflating cuff was forgotten.
“His bloodwork was atrocious and his cursed energy was pitiful. Electrolytes, red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma; I could hardly even find a vein to pull from. If I didn't know better, I'd say he had cancer.” Shoko spoke quietly.
Your face must have given you away — she smoothed out the hair on the top of your head and tapped your nose once she was done examining you.
“He should be okay now. You're recovering slower than he is.”
“How long have we been sleeping?”
“About nine hours.”
You groaned. It felt like years. “How much longer till we're back to normal?”
“Give it time. Your bond took a major beating. If you rush things, you might end up here again.”
Your head slumped against Satoru's chest. “Okay.”
You watched her leave. Only when she was half way out the door did she fix you with a mischievous smirk and a devious wink. “The closer you are, the faster the bond will heal.”
Then Shoko left, with you likely gawking at the door.
“I like the sound of that.”
You whipped over to Satoru. He'd woken up at some point and was now staring at some spot on your neck before flicking his eyes to yours. The pulsing blue peaking out from under his bangs made your spine quake.
“But Shoko said you were sick. How can you—”
“Good. Maybe then I won't be so rough with you.”
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