Radical Feminist
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
I’m trying to find that feminist article/essay I read that talked about how males become worse (sicker and more sadistic and violent) once females are removed from their lives, I think it was focused on separatism and why it’s so resisted and how women are a buffer for male violence
can anyone help me find it?
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
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"sex and gender are different" mfers when women (the oppressed sex) want sex to be different from gender
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
On Jewish Anger
Well, I said I was going to make this post. I also know that I'm going to get hate for this, and I'm just going to have to deal with it.
In December of 2019, I made a post that got a couple hundred notes, and it was talking about Jewish fear. I stand by what I wrote then, and I still think most goyim don't understand, but I want to talk about something else.
Anger is less palatable than fear. And yet they go hand in hand for me, for my family, for so much of our community. There is a tacit understanding here. "They will come for us, one day," we say. "They will come to kill us, as they always do. And we will fight." There is fear behind those sentiments, but also anger, because we know it is the truth and we know that we have little choice in the matter. We are taught that it happens in every generation, and that is because, demonstrably, it has.
But it's not polite to talk about it. I can't express it to people who don't know. Non-Jews won't understand, because this type of anger needs an object. It needs someone to be angry with. But you can't say that. Because you're not "allowed" be angry at those groups of people.
The Romans? They're gone. It's laughable to hold such anger at a group of people no longer around.
The multitude of Arab countries that expelled us or killed the remainder? Well, if I mention that, then I must be an Islamophobe.
What about Christians, who spent millennia ghettoizing us and making sure we could never own anything for very long? If I start expressing that anger, I might as well tie my own noose!
And don't forget that there is never a "right" time to talk about antisemitism. There's always something much more important to talk about. And they say that antisemitism isn't even really a big problem. They say "Jews are white" so we don't face discrimination. They conveniently forget that, not only are there Jews of Color, but even light-skinned European-looking Jews have never been considered "white" until fairly recently, and that recent change was only so it was easier to paint us as oppressors. So now that we're trying to talk about antisemitism on a national scale (I'm talking about the US because that is where I live) because there have been multiple incidents all around the country, people are trying to say that it's "Zionist propaganda."
Have any of you considered that, maybe, just maybe, we are also human beings who want to live in peace?
I'm kidding myself. Of course you haven't.
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
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This was in response to that fucker saying Ukrainians are mad they're not getting attention.
Source for the Ukrainian family being burned alive (I don't know why I can't properly insert the article but there's the link)
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Again, something tells me that the people who are openly angry and hostile to victims of literally any other war or conflict on the planet other than the one (1) they specifically care about because it makes them look good on social media don't actually care about human rights, genocide, or imperialism.
I repeat: and then they wonder why no one fucking likes them
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
where are my fellow hysterical women who would have either been a) an oracle in ancient greece or b) burned at the stake in medieval times…..make some noise ladies 
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
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So tell me more about how women "manipulate the police and courts" and how "women lie about being abused and get believed and men get put in prison for 20 years over false accusations"
He set her on fire after she begged several police stations for help and nobody took her fears seriously
(Despite him having a history of violence, a history of mental health issues, and a court order telling him to stay away from her and her children, which he ignored, which are all warning signs that SHOULD have been listened to)
Tell me more about how totally innocent men get punished by this "unfair system"
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
Important note! When we checked again, it looks like this is from an unverified account not an official one.
Someone still made this thing, but probably it’s some random asshole.
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Canadian Union of Public Employees- for crying out loud- What is this? 
How evil do you have to be to put posters up of a raped/slaughtered innocent girl that was dancing at a party, with a broken leg from torture, not to mention half naked and DEAD.
Read the response of the president of CUPE Ontario. Proudly admitting it!
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
You ever think about how the cartoon sexy spy lady mascot for Esurance lost her job because of porn she starred in, despite the fact that she was fictional? Like, Erin Esurance essentially got fired because her employers discovered she had an onlyfans page. Even though she was fictional. She wasn't real but the stigma against sex work still got her fired somehow.
This isn't about having sympathy for a fictional cartoon woman (because she doesn't need it since she's not real) but more about how weird our culture is about sex stuff. They fired a cartoon character because she starred in porn.
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
What the actual fuck is wrong with you antisemitic nut jobs
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(taken from @/sarahofmagdalene on instagram.)
Please, even if you don’t live in Vancouver, reblog to spread awareness. The canadian media isn’t covering the protests, let alone the hostility protesters face, so we can only rely on each other to get news like this around!
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
Jewish people have always supported progress, humanity, equality.
No false narratives and distorting truth and history can change that... unless we stay silent and let the lies take over.
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
BTW anyone who constantly disparages a demographic you belong to but claims to like you because you are the exception is not your friend
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
“Have you heard the word of our love Jesus Christ?”
But this isn’t a religion 🤫
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
Fascinating that a woman that was just the victim of a sex crime is apparently single-handedly responsible for all the worlds problems.
Honestly between the vicious bullying of a woman that’s funded other women’s legal cases to get away from her rapist is troubling. Calling that kind of action “peak white feminism” reeks of the self righteous pick me girls. “Oh I’m the good kind of feminist! The kind that shuts up when a man is talking 😘”
There are celebrities who are actual murderers and rapists that don’t get a faction of this kind of hate.
Between this and the antisemitism I’m beginning to think a sizable chunk of gen z is actually evil.
You’re all “leftists” but focus all your abuse on women, LGB folks, and Jews. You don’t even really like trans people and talk over people with gender dysphoria so you can claim victim points for wearing a blue hoodie on “boy mode days”. You’re all nasty little bigots like the boomers before you but at least boomers read a few books. You’re somehow meaner and dumber.
Sorry to the gen z kids that don’t have rotten souls. But your peers are psychopaths.
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
We live in a world where saying you think that a terrorist organization breaking into one’s country and killing thousands, r@ping hundreds, and kidnapping hundreds is a bad thing. We live in a world where saying that that country has the right to fight back and destroy that terrorist organization and get their civilians back is a bad thing. We live in a world where people, the majority, defend the terrorist organization who abuse their citizens while the same people supporting them say they want to civilians to be “free” from the country that had been ransacked just months before. We live in a world where people side with an organization who have openly stated their desire to eradicate Jews. We live in a world where people act like kidnapped civilians had lived through a Disney fairytale. We live in a world where more people believe in already proven misinformation rather than admit that they are wrong. We live in a world where people are saying Hitler ‘had some good points’. We live in a world where people are more outraged by kids being arrested for attempted murder than months year old babies being kidnapped. We live in a world where people can say the most antisemitic shit you have ever heard and get away with it because they’re using a new term that has roots within Jewish culture. We live in a world where people take history and change it to their liking and everyone believes them without a second thought because it gives them an excuse to continue hating on a certain group. We live in a world where people can chant out calls for Jewish genocide because of “context”. And she only got fired for plagiarism.
You guys are disgusting and have no right to call yourself on the morally right side of things.
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
wtf is wrong with that person no matter what!
I hate fandom, fanfiction, shipping, and blorbos. Fanart is cool but only if you're drawing naruto characters in modern sportswear
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
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Any of our Zionist Doctor friends there tonight? Be safe out there! (This is in Toronto)
This will definitely free palestine right?
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pineapplerightsideupcake · 1 year ago
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