#black harlequin
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amber-tortoiseshell · 4 months ago
I’d like to sumbit my girl, Moo Moo. I love her “pants” and asymmetrical facial markings that make her look unique.
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i love her too
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geologyin-blog · 5 months ago
One of the best Opal I have ever seen!
Harlequin Black Opal Stone from Lighting Ridge, Australia
Harlequin pattern Opal is the rarest and most expensive opal!
📹 by Sedaopals
Paul Sedawie
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shopwitchvamp · 10 months ago
Black and White Style
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felinefractious · 2 months ago
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Silverleaf’s Tango [Pedigree]
🐱 Norwegian Forest Cat
📸 Catchy Images [DK Silverleaf]
🎨 Black Silver Tabby Harlequin
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ygamiraito · 8 months ago
Harlequin Ellis (aka Harlan Ellison) in Justice League of America Issue #89
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plushiecemetery · 7 months ago
i drew me but kitty :
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oughh i need to be ltij54is
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heartnosekid · 1 year ago
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the purple harlequin toad calling (atelopus barbotini) | source
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albertowesket · 5 months ago
Jun​ Fukuyama​ and​ my​ favourite​ his​ characters​
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vandaliatraveler · 9 months ago
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I snuck in a late spring hike in Cheat River Canyon yesterday, before the dreaded heat dome builds in early next week. Between Brazil's Pantanal going up in flames and the massive heat spikes in North America and elsewhere, I wonder what will be left of this planet's beautiful wild places in twenty to thirty years. For now, I celebrate and cherish every day the glorious diversity of living things that nature has gifted us. This includes the magnificent poke milkweed (Asclepias exaltata), a shade tolerant member of the dogbane family, which feeds and hosts a great many of those living things, such as the extraordinary Himmelman's plume moth (Geina tenuidactylus). Or the comical-looking rock harlequin (Corydalis sempervirens), which clings to the rocky outcrops of the canyon. And the exquisite downy skullcap (Scutellaria incana), a gregarious summer mint that associates with wild bergamot and tall thimbleweed at forest edges. And how about the peculiar dangling flowers of Indian cucumber (Medeola virginiana) or the pale, ghostly stems and bracts of the parasitic Indian pipe (Monotropa uniflora), just now emerging from the forest floor? In a couple of weeks, the rhododendron bloom will start in the canyon and summer will be in full swing.
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amber-tortoiseshell · 10 days ago
Do you know why some tuxies have a cowl and some cow dats just have spotting? Is there a difference between the two kinds? Or is it just a quirk of the majority of cats being non specific breeds? Uncle Teddy and Nephew Fionn as examples
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It's just the amount of white on their coat. (And, consequently, their zygosity of white spotting, as homozygotes tend to have more white. But both of these phenotypes can be either homozygous or heterozygous white spotted.)
As less and less of the cat is colored, the cowl starts to break up into islands. Think of it like this: there are some spots on the cat that exude color to the area around itself. If there are lots of spots like that, their colored areas will grow into each other, and the cat will look like it has an uninterrupted cape. If there are only a few, they will all develop an individual patch of color.
The gradient between "black cat with white toes" and "white cat with black tail" is continuous, and two steps of it are the "cowl" (the color has mostly retreated to the head and back) and the "cow spots" (the colored area had broken up into patches).
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Keep it in mind that the retreating and the breaking up happens in paralell - smaller colored patches on the lower body and slashes of white on the upper body are possible for every degree of white spotting.
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radiodormouse · 2 months ago
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Old work.
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shopwitchvamp · 1 year ago
✷Harlequin Joggers by @vetiverfox ✷
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bg3-dyes · 11 months ago
Hahaha im not sure where else to put it but since you're the dye expert for BG3 i feel like you might share a similar sentiment
isnt it frustrating how so many of the items, you due them, lets say you dye them blue and it turns out yellow with like a blue element??
that being said, you are doing the gods work and helping us avoid such surprises AND help us find hidden color themes hidden under a different name, thank you!
YUP 😭 pretty sure everyone here shares the same sentiment lol, imo deep lilac (aka ORANGE) and sea green (VERY BLUE) are the worst offenders.
but like at this point I would rather they not change it because imagine if we had to redo/edit all of these charts 🫠
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bizarrebuns · 1 year ago
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"Wish" - Ballwin, MO
Oh, how representative of the duality of man...
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unecoccinellenoire · 5 months ago
...Nathalie is Ladybug Miraculous holder
Gabriel's head lies nestled between atop Nathalie's thighs as she runs her fingers through his hair. He looks younger like this, his face isn't creased with the pain of grief and guilt that haunts him when he's awake.
Nathalie looks up at the casket above them where Emilie, made incorruptible by technology after magic stole her life, lies like a saint displayed for their veneration.
Her ears feel burn, she can feel a trickle of something ooze from the holes the Miraculous sit heavy in. It feels as if the Miraculous is rejecting her with its true wielder so close by.
As if it's punishing her for holding Emilie's husband like this, for all that all she's doing is trying to comfort Gabriel the best she can. She has no hopes of more. She knows she has no right to, despite how strange how stomach feels as Gabriel's breaths graze across her legs towards her core.
That's not what's happening of course. She's seen how this Miraculous had taken from Emilie too. She's just being self-indulgent now.
"Tikki," she whispers.
"Nathalie don't," her kwami says, "Gabriel wouldn't want you to do this. You know that."
"If Gabriel doesn't have the strength to do what's necessary for what he needs then I have to be the one to do it," in her annoyance her snapped response is somewhat louder than she'd meant and Gabriel shifts against her.
She freezes but he just makes an dicomforted noise and frowns.
Hated herself for having disturbed him when he barely sleeps these days she forces herself to move, gently massaging his scalp in a way she's found calms him when he can't force himself to relax without her help.
Tikki hangs in the air looking upset. She always looks upset these days.
"You know," Tikki says, "maybe what Gabriel needs isn't-"
"Spots on!" Nathalie says before the Kwami can finish, the magic of her transformation subsuming Tikki into the Miraculous.
Her hands stay on Gabriel the whole way through her transformation, slick black gloves replacing pale skin.
But once she's satisifed he won't wake up her raises one from him to call out her, "Lucky Charm!"
The black red spotted item falls into her hand. It's small. A perfect circle. A ring.
Whenever she tries like this, whenever she's not calling down what she needs mid-battle, when she asks the fates for how she can heal Gabriel and Adrien's pain she always gets this.
A ring.
She sighs. For all it has no decoration, for all it's as plain as the wedding bands on Gabriel and Emilie's fingers there only one ring that this could be.
The Black Cat Miraculous.
Her lucky charm is telling her she has to keep fighting for the Wish.
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mujinzzzzz · 1 year ago
the dye in bg3 can dye metal but you can't dye weapons 😔😔 why can't i have purple swords larian,,,,
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