#bisexual lightning almost
leonelmolinari · 4 months
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Another one
It's for now the one that took me the most time to finish.
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koroart · 5 months
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Digital painting is ✨hard ✨ and not something I should have been doing at almost midnight ( WIP )
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renecdote · 6 months
Bi Buck cured my writers block, please have this short little episode coda for 7x04. [Read on AO3]
It’s after one a.m. when the light, bubbly excitement in his stomach sours, fear creeping in. Buck’s next breath sticks in his chest, his heart races, his fingers start tingling, and it’s so much like what kissing Tommy did to him, but for all the wrong reasons this time. His phone screen is suddenly too bright in the darkness, his search history a towering mess of questions, and Reddit threads, and quizzes he clicked into then out of before he could finish taking them.
The problem, he thinks, is that it felt so right. Tommy tilted his chin up and pressed their lips together and it felt like—himself, for the first time in… forever, maybe. Buck doesn’t know what he’s meant to do with that. Go out on Saturday night, maybe (hopefully) kiss Tommy again (and again and again and again), but then… But then?
He wants to call Eddie because he always wants to call Eddie. He wants to blurt out all the things he kept under his tongue when he apologised earlier. He wants to hear Eddie say his name, soft and warm and knowing, because if anyone can make him feel seen and heard and at home in his own skin, it’s Eddie. He wants so hard it’s almost painful.
But it’s the middle of the night, he can’t call Eddie.
He can’t call Maddie either. She would answer, he knows, and she’d have just the right words for the spiralling anxiety that’s sucking him in, but he’s not going to scare her with the phone ringing in the middle of the night. There have been too many calls like that that have only been bad news.
He won’t worry Hen or Bobby with a call like that either.
And as much as Buck wants to confide in them, wants to crack his chest open and show his family what has been inside the whole time, there’s another part of him that doesn’t want to share. Not yet. He feels like the newborn calves he saw at the ranch in Montana, young and fragile and unsteady as he tries to find his feet. The world suddenly feels bigger. Brighter. And it’s exciting, it’s freeing, but he can’t help feeling daunted, like he might get lost if he’s not careful.
“Bisexual,” he says aloud, just to hear himself say it, to taste the way it feels on his tongue not just as a word but as an identity. It feels like an exhalation, trembling at the edges but not just with fear, or excitement, but with relief. He thinks of that first breath of air when his head came above water in the tsunami, he thinks of being struck by lightning, he thinks of stepping into Station 118 for the first time, he thinks of catching the Jeep keys Maddie tossed him in the dark of a Hershey street all those years ago. Buck knows what it is like to be reborn, but he has never had a kiss make him feel like this before.
Did the first time you kissed a girl feel like this? he wants to ask Hen. Does it feel like this every time?
Is this the magic you were talking about when you first met Shannon? he wants to ask Eddie.
I figured it out, he wants to tell Bobby. I figured out what being at ease with myself feels like.
He has a shift in six and a half hours, but sleep feels as impossible as it did when he first climbed into bed. Buck lifts a hand to trace his lips in his dark, reliving the memory of Tommy there. He imagines Tommy everywhere else too, trailing his hand down his body, fitting Tommy into all the places a few dozen women have touched before. He feels like a teenager, giddy at just the thought of sex—of everything—and he exhales a laugh in the dark.
Buck opens his phone again and sends a text to the one person he knows is on shift and might already be awake: when you said you’d pick me up on Saturday, you meant in the chopper right?
Tommy replies instantly: those things are a bitch to park
And a second later: maybe on the third date
There it is again: breath stuttering, heart racing, fingers tingling. Buck wonders if this is what it feels like to get behind the controls and fly. He grins at his phone. He can’t wait to find out.
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I Have Evolving Thoughts on Fran’s Sexuality
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(god hannah dodd is so pretty)
First of all let’s thank GOD francesca is the queer sister and not…that other one.
Anyways upon my initial viewing of part 2 I definitely read Fran as bisexual and if you continue to read her as such I think that’s fine but my mind has changed on the matter.
I believe that Fran is actually a lesbian suffering from comphet.
The reason this actually started to seem likely to me is because of her wedding scene with John. The whole season I thought they seemed so taken with one another and I enjoyed their quiet dynamic. They were more than comfortable sitting in silence with one another and seemed to grow closer in that way.
I like many others assumed this meant their love was romantic, but that kiss
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Would a woman who is attracted to men make this face after kissing the man she loves? I don’t think so. Some people seem to think it’s because she’s shy but it doesn’t seem like she’s even thinking about her family here. It seems like she has retreated into her own thoughts. It seems like she was disappointed. And after spending the whole season feeling nothing for any of the men she meets why wouldn’t she be. She met a man she loved and she kissed him and she didn’t feel those sparks.
Now Fran is also autistic coded so this initially affected the way I viewed her relationships as well, but all of that changes when you take into account Michaela.
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Francesca immediately starts to stutter and is flustered when she sees Michaela. We have never seen Fran act this way with a man, even her husband. It wasn’t for no reason that Violet describes how she felt the first time she fell in love with Edmund and then almost immediately after Fran reacts the same way to Michaela. The butterflies, not being able to string a sentence together. This was foreshadowing.
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Some people were upset because they said it erased everything Fran said about having a quiet love and that is somewhat true, but I disagree with people saying that it erases slowly built love when Polin’s whole story is about love not striking you like a bolt of lightning.
None of this is to say she can’t love John, I believe she does I just feel it is platonic, and the loss of John would hit hard even if he was her best friend. John is one of the great loves of her life but who is to say that love is romantic? Friendships are the foundation of our lives and they are equally as important as any romantic relationship. Fran met someone who understands her and is like her, that doesn’t mean she has to have romantic attraction for him.
Some of this is affected by personal bias as I am a late-blooming lesbian, but holy shit the way I relate to Fran wanting to get married just because it would mean she wouldn’t have to pursue any other relationships with men and the way she was willing to accept whoever the Queen deemed fit because she didn’t have any criteria except “is kind to me”. Fran does not seem to be searching for love as she has not felt it before. The closest she comes is with John because the two of them are so similar and I believe she thought that because she liked him so much that she must be in love with him which is just so…lesbian coded I don’t know how to explain it.
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This isn’t to say bisexuality isn’t real or is “just a phase”. Ew. Gross. No. This is just the way I am interpreting the character with the information we have now. If it comes out definitely that she is bisexual then I will accept that, sapphic rep is so needed.
All in all they look so good and I can’t wait to see these queers kiss and have a romance.
Also I think that Michaela still could have fallen first. Fran just realized she was a dyke at that exact moment and her brain stopped working which is valid. But did you see the way Michaela looked at her. I KNOW A LESBIAN FALLING IN LOVE WHEN I SEE ONE.
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dadvans · 5 months
tease tidbit tuesday
tagged by @tiltingheartand, thank you! from an almost finished Tommy POV
They go surfing. Well, Evan surfs, and Tommy just kind of chills from the beach and gets a nice tan. It’s fun to watch Evan show off. He’s still baby deer nervous sometimes with Tommy, like he’s relearning how to walk, or like Tommy is the proctor of a Good Bisexual test, and Evan’s trying a little too hard to pass. But on the water it all fades away as all the overthinking he does melts off him, riding down the line.
He comes out of the water goofy on endorphins after a few waves and collapses cold and wet from the ocean on Tommy, who is warm and dry on his towel, smothering him with a kiss.
“You sure you don’t want a lesson? I’ve been told I’m a very capable teacher,” Evan says, voice dripping suggestively. “Worked my way up and down a few coastlines, you know.”
Tommy likes this side of Evan when Evan lets it out. Maybe they need to go to the beach more, even if he doesn’t really care about getting in the water. “Nah, I’d be shark bait out there.”
Evan rolls his eyes and zips open his wetsuit, peeling it off so the arms hang loose at his hips. “Chances of a shark attack are less than one in three million. You have a higher chance of getting struck by lightning.”
“Should I be worried about you then?” One of the first things Tommy learned about Evan before he really knew him was that the kid was kind of a disaster magnet. What’s the probability of being bitten by a shark when you’ve already been struck by lightning?
“You don’t need to worry about me, not out there anyway,” Evan says with a gentle tilt of his head toward the ocean. He’s delusional. Tommy likes him so much. “Kind of feel like you might have jinxed a second ride out today though. Wanna get lunch instead?”
They wind up at the good kind of greasy seaside bar. Tommy gets the fish tacos that came recommended, but Evan is making love to an oyster po’ boy with his mouth.
“You know,” Evan says, licking at the mayo clinging to the corner of his lips, “I totally fell for the idea of being a pick up artist when I heard about it in high school. Always tried finding new ways to get with girls. I read up on aphrodisiacs once.”
“Are you trying to seduce me, Evan Buckley?” Tommy asks wryly, staring at the half-chewed fried oyster hanging out of his sandwich.
“Nah, turns out it’s all bullshit. Found that out after I took my prom date to this seafood place and ordered us a dozen raw in the half shell thinking maybe I’d get lucky. I looked up at her after slurping down three of them, and you should’ve seen the look on her face. I thought she was gonna puke.”
Tommy snorts the sip of water he was taking back out onto the bar.
“The only natural aphrodisiac I can think of that isn’t like”—Evan lifts his own beer—“or a party drug is ambergris, which is kind of like whale shit, but not really. It’s illegal in the states though.”
“Evan, I’m eating,” Tommy says, but he’s laughing.
Evan, oblivious, continues, “They say it smells like shit on its own too, but something about it has them putting it in perfumes. I can’t remember what. Can you imagine if I showed up caked in whale shit for a date though?”
Tommy looks at him and Evan stares back, smile half-knowing and all hopeful, waiting for anything Tommy is willing to give him.
Just for that, Tommy doesn’t call bullshit. He says, “You think you’re hilarious,” and Evan shrugs, happily taking another bite of his po’ boy.
tagging: @thekookster @plethoriall @marmolita @al-the-remix @rcmclachlan
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martinsharmony · 9 months
In defense of RP Shipping and RP Fiction
I don’t normally come out and give my opinion on things like this so plainly about such controversial things. I tend to shy away from confrontational writing such as this. However this idea has been brewing in my mind for some time now so I had to write it.
I am a Real Person Shipper.
I’m seeing people talk a lot more about RP shipping (and the hate towards it) since David Tennant and Michael Sheen appeared smiling at each other in a photo after David's appearance in Macbeth.
RP Shipping is not a choice.
When I caught the shipping bug, it hit me like lightning. It occurred to me one night as I lay in bed next to the husband with which I had a deteriorating relationship: “are there stories about Dave Gahan and Martin Gore…being together??”
Dave Gahan/Martin Gore (Gahore) are in Depeche Mode. They were my 1st ship as an adult. You can read about it here. Obviously Depeche Mode is a band so there is no fictional narrative anywhere to follow. I quickly learned that RP shipping was taboo. However in my shipping community we all shipped the band so I was more or less insulated from it.
I dove in headfirst. I literally couldn’t not do it. It was something my brain needed. Sure I could have forced myself to not go look for it because of some kind of moral (?) imperative which I wasn’t even aware of at the time, but even if I stopped myself, that would not stop my brain from wanting it. Making up stories and scenarios. Finding evidence in videos, songs, interviews, etc. I shipped these two people because of what I had observed between them.
I saw love. So did my shipping friends. We all saw it. I needed to experience it. My life lacked it.
My next RP ship was Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch (FreeBatch). First I fell in love with Sherlock and John, obviously. But then as I started to follow the fandom, I started noticing the same things that others noticed. My brain just went there. I literally had no choice. It’s not as if I could tell my brain “don’t do that”. It would not listen. You can’t tell a starving person to not think about food. In fact telling them that probably makes it worse.
In my personal life, I had been through a breakup with the man I dated after I got divorced, and then I began dating a woman for the 1st time. I really started to relate what I was seeing on the screen and reading on Tumblr and in fic to my own life. I was starting to process my own bisexuality. I started to notice things about Martin and Ben that other people were noticing too. Shipping them helped me navigate that time in my life because I saw myself in it. I related to it. But it wasn't a choice. My brain just went there. Maybe I was Baader-Meinhoffing but even if I was, that doesn’t mean it’s something I didn’t need to explore, work out in my mind, and discover.
Shennant (Michael Sheen and David Tennant) is my 3rd RP ship. Yes I fell in love with Aziraphale and Crowley of course, but again, as I started to follow the fandom and David’s and Michael’s careers specifically, watching interviews, watching Staged, etc, I started noticing the same thing that many others noticed. I literally couldn’t help it. My brain, again, just went there. Also in Staged of course, they play themselves. I have to say that my RP Shipping really took off after I watched them in that. They play themselves. Their actual partners are in it. If one were to write Staged fic, is that not RPF? Where is the line between what is supposed to be okay and what is not?
Again, with this ship, I had big things going on in my personal life. Dad passed away almost a year and a half ago, and now I'm taking care of my elderly mom long distance. It's a huge emotional burden. I'm not dating anyone right now mostly because of that but also because I was in a poly relationship with the male half of a het married couple (longtime friends of mine) that ended extraordinarily painfully (so this was V or chain-style poly not group-sex poly). Since then I've been alone for more than 2 years. I'm still getting over it.
The love I see between Michael and David feels unconditional. I see adoration. If they are indeed in a healthy poly relationship, my god, how on earth did they do that? Even while navigating fame? It’s certainly a lot more difficult than my own situation. I can explore it: What kind of person feels safe to me the way I believe David feels safe with Michael? What kind of relationship can withstand the kind of obstacles they (and I) might face? What would have had to actually happened for them to be as happy as they seem to be? What discussions were had? What agreements were reached? How does one do this the right way? What does that tell me about my own relationship and what went wrong? What should have happened?
This is, in its most academic sense, a tool for my brain to heal and to discover what kind of a relationship I want. And my brain knows it. That’s why it ships. My heart doesn’t know that. It just knows I love seeing them happy together. This is the magnet that drew me.
RP Shipping helps us to work shit out in our personal lives.
I bought Spark edited by Atlin Merrick recently. One of the essays by Angela Nauss, LMFT (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) really stood out to me is titled Sympathy for the Devil: Attachment Theory and FanFiction.
The article is about fanfiction authors, however I would extrapolate this to include readers and RP Shippers as well. RP Shippers are authors of narratives in their own mind, even if they are not always written down.
From the book:
“Fanfiction authors process attachment wounds using fictional characters as proxies…to process and understand the origin of the problems encountered during adolescence.”
“Some authors write fanfiction to humanize uncomfortable aspects of their identity, grieve and repair damaged relationships, and process attachment wounds…by exploring how the character would behave in adaptive relationships.”
“Fanfiction authors project their unconscious trauma onto the characters.”
“The characters gain insight into their behavior and no longer feel responsible for their childhood attachment wounds. Through their writing, the author incorporates repressed trauma and attachment wounds into their conscious experience and achieves catharsis.”
“Writing fanfiction is a valid form of therapeutic self-exploration.”
I’ve been in therapy for several years, In fact the poly relationship I was in is why I seeked out therapy in the 1st place. I know that shipping these people, exploring aspects of that, is helping me to heal attachment wounds and the trauma caused by past relationships.
As part of my healing from this poly relationship I was in, I intend to write a meta and/or a fic about David and Michael. I know it will aid in my healing. I may or may not post it.
Also, even Shakespeare wrote RPF.
I’m seeing people say that we RP Shippers are terrible, immoral, disgusting, gross people and that we want David and Michael to leave their partners. That we want to break up their families. Let me be clear that I want nothing of the sort.
There are people out there that want to "protect" them from this “immorality” by shaming us, berating us, calling us names. Even sending certain blogs directly to Georgia and Anna! This is the exact opposite of what actions like this are actually doing. This does not protect them from harm. It creates it.
There is no such thing as thought crime.
Not only is it impossible for me to choose not to ship these people, but I also get the sense that even thinking about it is supposed to be wrong. That it makes me an immoral person.
Something I keep seeing is that people are so upset that we RP Shippers are doing this. Like, why don’t we just, stop. Just look at all the other appropriate characters that are out there to ship! Or just never start in the first place. As if this was a choice we are making to consciously ship real people.
When shippers ship a couple, do they choose that couple consciously? Do they say, hmm, I'm going to ship X person and Y person because it's...logical? Or for whatever consciously thought of reason? I'm going to go out on a limb and speak for mostly all shippers and say no. Shippers ship because we see something in those 2 characters that we are drawn to like magnets, for whatever reason. Real People included. If you're on Tumblr for a fandom and read fic, you know what I'm talking about.
Male/Male relationships is a fetish, or a kink, for me. And by extension, RPS/RPF as well. I do enjoy thinking about what might be the "reality" behind the curtain that we are shown as part of their public personas. This is part of the ingredients to this fetish, or kink, for me.
Kink is defined by Wikipedia as “the use of non-conventional sexual practices, concepts or fantasies. The term derives from the idea of a “bend” (a “kink”) in one’s sexual behaviour, to contrast such behaviour with “straight” or “vanilla” sexual mores and proclivities. It is thus a colloquial term for non-normative sexual behaviour.”
A fetish is defined by Wikipedia as referring “to any sexually arousing stimuli, not all of which meet the medical criteria for fetishism. This broader usage of fetish covers parts or features of the body (including obesity and body modifications), objects, situations and activities (such as smoking or BDSM).”
Generally, modern sexual health thinking seems to say “So long as your fetish doesn’t get in the way of your own well-being, the safety of others, and your partners participate enthusiastically, there is nothing wrong with it.”
It seems to be another taboo to claim gay (or bi/pansexual) men as a fetish, or a kink. There are some who claim that it’s objectifying the very real experiences of gay men. I struggle with this because I can't deny that I enjoy it but I also don't want to hurt anyone.
I am not a gay man. I will never be a gay man. I am a cis bisexual woman. I can never know what that experience is like. This is, in essence, the core of the fantasy. It can feel as good and perfect and romantic and loving as I want it to be because I don’t have the parts or experience to know it first hand. Therefore I've come to the conclusion that my thoughts in my head and anything I write down in a safe space does not hurt anyone. For me personally, it’s a way to disconnect from myself. People enjoy fic for all sorts of reasons. I shouldn’t have to prove that my reasons are "wholesome" to be allowed to enjoy it.
I don’t enjoy reading het fiction for reasons I won’t go into, however they are probably not individual to just me alone. Hoards of women like me also enjoy the same thing.
So yeah. To the surprise of absolutely no one, thinking about Michael and David, or Martin and Ben, or Dave and Martin, or men in general, kissing or having sex or a romance with each other – turns me on. That leads me to state the following:
Anti-RP Shipping and Anti-RP Fiction is kink shaming.
When I say "Anti", I'm referring to those who loudly object to it. Not those who (thankfully) say "that's not for me" and move on. Just like I would with say, Omegaverse.
Because my interpretation of these real people is in reality, “fiction” in my own head, then by definition all RP Shipping is RP Fiction. It cannot be reality because I don’t know them. Therefore any stories, speculation, comments, analysis, conclusions, art, etc, IS ALL FICTION.
Real people are characters to your brain.
Obviously I don’t know them personally, so anything that I were to believe or create in my head about them is by definition, fiction. My brain makes it up according to what I’ve seen, read, heard, observed and drew conclusions from. This creates a fictional reality for my brain to consume. It can’t be reality because I don’t know them.
Wikipedia says RPF writers are “building a fictional universe based on the supposed real-life histories of their idols. Information from interviews, documentaries, music videos, and other publicity sources are assimilated into the stories. It is also very popular to write fiction about celebrity couples. Communities of writers build collective archetypes based on the celebrities' public personas".
I would never, under any circumstances, present any RPS/RPF questions, stories, insinuations, or even mention it at all directly to the actors/musicians/personalities or their partners or even anyone associated with them. I would be beyond embarrassed to do so. Even though Michael himself seems to be accepting of it, I would never present it to him. Never. (I mean it’s not like I could really anyway but still).
I believe that 99.9% of RP Shippers would do the same. It’s the .01% that have done so (and unscrupulous “journalists” looking to shock by asking questions/showing them the RPF, and those people claiming to prevent harm by sending it directly to them “for legal action” or tattletale “look at what these terrible people are doing” and blaming the RP shippers for creating it – wow talk about projection) -that make a bad name for us all. Showing it to them and asking them about it IS a choice.
If RP Shipping is not a choice, a way to work out personal mental health issues, is fictional by definition, and a non-pathological aid to sexual excitement that hurts no one if it is contained within safe spaces such as fic sites and Tumblr, then what exactly is the harm?
Tumblr is a safe space.
Why is there such vitriol against RP Shipping and RPF? You claim to be protecting the actors or people in question, but by raising your voices so loudly in various ways, you are harming the very person you claim to be protecting. I think you have to ask what it is within yourself that makes you so aggressively hate this? Why can't we just say "that's not for me" and move on?
Don't we on Tumblr and on AO3 celebrate non-mainstream ideas such as this? Or if not celebrate, at least live and let live. The fact is that Tumblr is supposed to be a safe space. I should feel safe speaking my mind here. I know quite a few RP shippers follow me so I don't feel completely alone, but I don't feel entirely safe posting this.
My morality is not yours to police.
I strongly doubt I’ll be changing anyone’s mind with this. If you’re Anti RP shipping and Anti RPF you’re probably going to stay that way.
Don’t like, don’t read.
You can unfollow, block people, block tags, filter tags on AO3...any number of things. Think of it like a trigger. Just please don't spew hate.
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Sword gays showdown preliminaries
For Goemon Ishikawa III:
he is an old timey samurai existing in modern times because he wants to and i respect it. he cut a lightning bolt once and then immediately slipped on a banana peel. great combination of dork and scarily deadly swordsman
He uses a sword called Zantetsuken! Zantetsuken has multiple backstories such as three of the strongest swordsman forged the metal of their sword to make it, or that it was made using the metal of a fallen meteor. Zantetsuken can cut almost literally anything. Goemon is a trained samurai thief and he usually helps the gang by using Zantetsuken to cut whatever obstacle is in the way. I personally headcanon him to be bisexual and transgender!
For Nicholas Cox:
He has a very one sided rivalry with Seiji who is so much better than him it’s not even funny at the start, and get this, later they become roommates
Darling Charming was submitted without propaganda.
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rozeliyawashereyall · 2 months
★Korey 'Hathai' Adiel★
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New post to use as a ref yippeeee @aspenm00n
+the stats are inspired by @willowve01 old ref for Raine
Basics first~
Full name: Korey 'Hathai' Adiel.
Pronouns: She/They, but mostly goes by She/Her.
Realm: Al'terra
Home town: Aakhan
Ethnicity and race: Thai/Korean human.
Birthday: 28th of October
Age: 19 years old
Height: 5'4
Weight: 132 lbs
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Demigiri
Disorders: prosopagnosia and borderline personality disorder.
Job occupation: (formally) Dazinite recruit. (Current) Aakhan hunter
Affinities: lightning and fire
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Family members
Korey was born in Aakhan in a lavish yet unloving home. Spending most of her life trying to get her parents attention. The Adiel parents were very neglectful and emotionally abusive, to purposefully triggering Korey's episodes to guilt tripping Esra for leaving.
Korey has two brothers. The oldest is Esra, at 25 years old. The youngest is Noah, at 14 years old. They all get along greatly and have a very strong bond.
-Esra has already cut off his parents by now, and he absolutely refuses to see them again. He has a job and a loving wife and kid. He's not about to let them ruin it. He's always cool, calm, and collected, it's very difficult to really get under his skin. He graduated Thessla, the magic academy for mages, affinities being mind and water.
-Noah is kind of like a golden child, but also not really? He gets treated decently by their parents, unlike how his older siblings were treated, and he is very aware of it. He's very anxious and quiet, but can be brave. He has some big potential to use magic, but until he leaves the Adiel household, it's staying hidden.
Achara Hathai, the mother. She comes from a very strict family with a lot of traditions and rules to follow. She's the 5th of 6 daughters, she barely got any care from her parents, only by the maids. She was married off the day she turned 18 years old to Haneul Adiel. She's cold hearted, cruel, and is more than willing to manipulate others for her own advantage. She's a follower of Leo.
Haneul Adiel, the father. This man came from a very spoiled and entitled home. Raised by "loving" parents, who never once taught him punishment. His parents were the ones who watched over the kids. He was married to 18 year old Achara when he was 24 years old. He isn't a caring man, but a sadistic one. He's the one who'd torture Korey and Esra the most. Despite his spoiled unskilled appearance, he's a very talented mage, his affinities being lightning and mind. He's a follower of Daz.
-Their marriage was a loveless one, only conceiving children to keep the family line going. They both have no respect for each other, getting into arguments almost every day.
Little more about them here.
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Important backstory events.
I. At 3 years old, Korey was pushed fell and sustained a pretty hard hit to her head— but thankfully, was found by a munite, they called themselves "Amaal". She was quickly healed by them, but too late as the right fusiform gyrus (for those who don't know it's a fold in the brain that coordinates the neural system that controls facial perception and memory) had already been too damaged, developing prosopagnosia due to the head injury.
After the munite told her parents found out about this injury, they... didn't care. Which of course caused Amaal to be even more concerned, that they made up an excuse to keep Korey at the temple for a little longer, just to make sure she doesn't have any more injuries they don't know about.
From then on, Amaal would visit Korey and her brothers in disguise, making sure they were okay and still alive. Even giving Esra a few healing spells to practice, and teaching Korey to mentally note vocal mannerisms and physical build so she can be able to identify them without relying on facial features.
II. At 8 years old, Korey meets Jay. I wouldn't get into too much detail about their relationship here, since I already did it in a different post.
Jay's family is very, very close to the Adiels <- them and the Akeins have a long history together. They were visiting the Adiels with his family before seeing Korey in the yard, playing by herself. So he approached her. And his obsession started a year later from there. She actually did not like Jay at all when they were younger, but Korey was basically forced to be nice to him as kids by her parents, and it unfortunately grew into a habit that developed into whatever they have going on because it's definitely not a friendship.
More about Jay and Korey and some other important things here
III. At 9 years old, Korey of course still couldn't understand why she couldn't see her parents, and why they wouldn't look at her. So, she had tried to gouge out her eyes with a pair of scissors to give them to her parents so they'd use them to look at her. As in her mind at the time, they didn't have eyes to use, to see.
Don't worry though! Esra found her before she actually gouged out her eye. Though she can still see, some serious damage was done to her right eye, he tried to heal it with what spells Amaal taught him, but unfortunately made it worse since healing was not his speciality, like at all. He ended up using a different spell on accident, causing the blood to flow in it drastically faster, turning it red.
Like I said— she can still see, but in her right eye, it's all tinted red and it hurt like hell. When Amaal visited again, they tried to heal Korey's eye, but unfortunately the damage from Esra's spell was almost irreversible, all they can do is relieve the pain in it.
IV. At 12 years old, Korey accidentally killed two boys who were about 3 years older than her at the time. The boys were bullying and hitting her badly, saying some pretty fucked up stuff, it was until one of the boys reached for her clothes was when snapped. Punching the boy off of her, before starting to slam his head on a rock over and over.
The other boy, too scared to intervene, but before he could run away, she ended up throwing a pretty hefty rock at his head. Killing both of them, and severely mentally scarring her. Thankfully for Korey, the murder wasn't pointed at her, but a violent halfblood who was roaming the woods. But still, even to this day the guilt still eats her from the inside.
Korey only told Amaal about what she's done, and safe to say they were not happy. They put her on community service duty for the rest of the year, while a very lenient punishment to killing two kids, they understood it was in self defense...also she was 12—
V. At 14 years old, Jay was brutally killed by a violent tiger halfblood, getting their guts ripped out as Korey could only helplessly watch. After it was done with Jay, Korey was also attacked by it, slitting her neck with its claws. But thankfully, she was saved by a hunter nearby called...'Warren'. influencing her enough that she decided to join the hunters. But of course, she was still too young to join. So for now she can only train.
Oh boy, were her brothers and Amaal very worried when they found out what had happened to Korey and her "friend".
Amaal, as a way to get her to stop from getting into so many dangerous activities, suggested they become a Dazinite recruit. Her entire family are ones, excluding Esra and Achara. So, she did, and it worked quite well. She stopped getting into too many fights, but was still quite the menace– pretty fitting for a stormchaser. And Amaal didn't have to worry as much about Korey getting severely injured, so it's a win-win situation!
VI. At 16 years old, she was quite literally struck down by lightning. Out of pity, the divine of Weather, Daz. Helped and gifted her a bottle with thunder inside of it..catch is, it was in liquid state. Essentially making her a muse. So far, only Esra and Amaal know about this.
Esra was very worried at first, but he'll warm up to it, eventually. Amaal was a little proud? I mean, their daughter figure just got gifted by a divine. But they were a little concerned about the potential repercussions and consequences..oh and her getting hit by a damn lightning bolt.
Noah has some suspicions of Korey being.. different. But of course he trusts his siblings too much to let his suspicions get in the way of their bond.
VII. At 18 years old, Korey finally meets Cersei. She's old enough to go on hunts now, but of course the older authority figures need to make sure she's ready-ready. And that authority figure happened to be mistress Fain herself.
The conversation was... something. Definitely not a normal interaction you have with someone. Lady Fain seemed to have been a bit suspicious of her being different per-say. But in the end, she was surprisingly very thoughtful of her and others, or at least she acted like that.
Circei had that motherly affect on Korey, but it felt so wrong seeing her as one.
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Facts about her
—Korey's the type of person that would stab you as a warning.
—she is so ADHD and Autism coded it's not even funny.
—has a scrapbook with all the bugs and boys drawn in it so she won't forget what they look like and she will actually start sobbing if she ever lost it.
—she can speak Thai, English, and a lil bit of Korean.
— her episodes can either be violent (mainly to herself) or emotional. Her coping mechanism is finding an abandoned building and destroying it by taking her anger out on the things there. There are rare occasions where she talks about her feelings instead of bottling it up for so long it turns into an episode.
—she can barely remember what her parents faces look like, of course Korey pretty much relied on the person's voice to know who's who, but since her parents barely ever spoke to her, it takes her a while to recognise them.
—her grandparents, while mostly nice, were really possessive of her and her siblings. Never approving of her actions and choices, preferring for her to be more feminine and hide her scars. Korey kinda developed body dysmorphia from this, it was especially bad when she was younger
—she kinda had a grudge against halfbloods since she was attacked by one, but it was really only towards the more apex predators type of halfbloods. It was kinda resolved when she met the boys, but can be a bit suspicious if not paranoid meeting other halfbloods.
Of course she doesn't agree with the whole enslaving thing, but does agree that some halfbloods are too dangerous to be left alone, that some need to be put on a watch list by the hunters from how violent they can be. But, never drugged, enslaved and forced to fight.
—has very mixed feelings about Cersei. She understands where she's coming from. Her town got burned down, her family killed, and ended up having a miscarriage after trying to escape. All of that caused by a dragon halfblood.
Korey is an advocate for revenge, don't get me wrong! But she does think that Cersei's ideology went a little too far.
—she is very oblivious to more emotional feelings and weirdly observant to her opponents reactions. she was often mistaken as apathetic or heartless by the village people.
—best way to cheer her up? Cinnamon rolls. Or bibimbap! It's her favourite dish! Her grandparents used to make it for her before passing away
—don't let her anywhere near the kitchen though. She can help cut up the vegetables, but actually cooking? Yeah the place is getting burned down.
Her sense of direction is even worse than her cooking.
—she's both exciting and worrying to be around. Exciting because there will never be a dull moment with all the adventures and quests she comes up with. Worrying because she's a thrill seeker and will most likely purposefully put herself in danger just for the adrenaline.
—she's annoyingly good at fighting with insanely fast reflexes. One could argue because she's a muse, or because she's put herself in so many dangerous situations she learned it from experience. But either way, thanks to her risky endeavours, she's very agile and fast,
—but! While very reckless and careless of her self preservation. She always makes sure the others are okay, especially when they seem exhausted after a day out together. She knows not everyone can keep up with her energy.
—crimes include: arson, second degree murder, child endangerment, implied underage drinking, trespassing, vandalism, and–
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Korey's stats before Silverben +after becoming a muse
Strength: 6/5
Speed: 7/5
Attack: 5.5/5
Agility: 7/5
Reflex: 7/5
Combat intel: 5/5
Defense: 5.5/5
Durability: 6/5
Stamina: 7/5
Korey's stats after Silverben
Strength: 4/5
Speed: 4.5/5
Attack: 3.5/5
Agility: 4/5
Reflex: 6/5
Combat intel: 5/5
Defense: 4/5
Durability: 5/5
Stamina: 4/5
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Relationships family wise
Esra Adiel—ISFJ-A
Relationship: 9/10
he's her older brother, of course she has a good relationship with him! Even when he ran away to go live happily with his wife, Diana. He'd still come back on the weekends to check up on her and Noah, bringing all sorts of trinkets for them. He was the one who first encouraged her to join the academy when she reached 18 years old and not become a hunter instead.. but he understood her choices.
She did kinda hold the fact that he left them to marry a girl he just met against him. But he's made it up to her and Noah!
Esra is very quiet, always looking for ways to gain more knowledge, and stopping at nothing to protect his family.
Noah Adiel—ESFJ-T
Relationship: 10/10
Just like with Esra~ she has a very good relationship with him! Was very saddened when she couldn't be there for him as much. But she tries to visit him as much as possible! Taking every opportunity to go check up on him. She'd occasionally take him on her silly little adventures, just to spend time with him.
Noah is quite the anxious kid, preferring to stay silent then speak up his thoughts. But is brave when the situation calls for it, especially if it's to protect his siblings.
Diana Clair—ISFJ-A
Relationship: 8/10 only because she doesn't know her a lot
She never got to see her a lot, but she treasures her dearly! Along with her daughter, Ayla! Especially since she's her brother's wife. Was wary of her at first, but warmed up quickly!
Miss Clair is a very kind woman, eager to help anyone in need. Even if she's mute, she's more than willing to defend others!
Jay Akein—ENTP-T
Relationship: 0/10
...yeah I'm not getting into this one.
Achara and Haneul—ENTJ-A/T
Relationship: 0/10
Also no.
Relationships canon characters wise, also before Timmy was taken
Bodie Willowroot.
Relationship: 9/10
She was very, very suspicious of him when they first met. But warmed up to him quite quickly. She first started considering trusting him at the end of episode 1...and fully trusted him at the end of episode 3.
The reason why she even told him the truth about why she came here was because the guilt was eating her alive. Especially after the third episode-
Thinks he's pretty cool, gator halfbloods are quite rare these days. She tries to help him with the cooking but stays at the cutting duty– it's for the best. Likes how understanding and caring he is, he's almost like a father figure to her.
He reminds her a lot of Amaal and Esra combined.
Timothy Wheat.
Relationship: 10/10
Wasn't that suspicious of him tbh, she just assumed since he was also a gator, he'd know and be close to Bodie, and she was right!
She thinks he's... unique. Was suspicious of the white scales constantly growing on him, but let it go after the albino excuse before finding out he was half an ice dragon— but either way she really likes him!
Thinks his little obsession with crystals and cool rocks is pretty cute, she likes shiny things too, so that's one thing they can bond over! They'll even sometimes go search for some pretty rocks and ingredients for Bodie together. Most likely teasing each other on the way, Korey is often the winner of these silly fights.
Honestly, she really only prefers his company over the others because he's closer to her age. And because she thinks he's pretty and cool.
Marco Palustris Cydarki.
Relationship: 7.5/10
Was pretty salty on the fact he almost crushed her when they first met– but the sketch he gave definitely made it up. She thinks he's also very unique, probably more than Timmy. Is very curious on where he keeps disappearing and travelling off to.
Definitely won her trust by the end of their first meeting. But, her trust did kinda get rocky when she saw him at the arena, but it was resolved after he explained himself.
She still doesn't have much of an opinion on him, but she likes him.
Rolden Willowroot bonus tehe
Relationship: 5(?)/10 cuz she barely knows the guy
Boy was she terrified—
Okay not terrified per say, just very intimidated by him. But she does think his appearance is pretty cool.
And..uh..she uh...likes his determination to get his family out? My way of saying she doesn't have much of an opinion on him
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And I think that's all!~ will be updating this post as the series progresses.
Headers are by @saradika btw, full credit to them!
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volleypearlfan · 14 days
Jet's bi coding throughout the series
Not a lot of people seem to know this, but Jet is bi. I don't blame people for not knowing, since it was only confirmed online, not outwardly shown in the show, and there were no big news articles about it. Here's the Instagram reply from four years ago confirming it (jetpropulsion93 is me btw. Jet being very theatrical, flamboyant, and affectionate with both Sydney and Sean helped me accept the fact that I'm bi)
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Craig indirectly confirmed that Jet is bi by also confirming that technically, all Bortronians are agender, and so Jet likes "a little of both." This, too, was not really shown in the show except for "Jet Cooks Dinner," where Jet calls his parents "Parent 1 and Parent 2" and corrects himself with "Earth mom and dad," showing that Jet is trying to adapt to Earth's gendered terms.
As for Jet being bi, there are a few hints throughout the series.
Jet is best friends with both Sydney and Sean, but there are some moments where he acts like he has a crush on one or both of them. He has danced with both of them on separate occasions, casted Sydney to play his wife in the Christmas play, is touchy-feely with them (mostly Sean), and in season 2, came up with a nickname for Sean, Seanzo. Jet doesn't have nicknames for any of his other friends. Sean likes it when Jet calls him that, but not when Mindy does it in "Mindy's Bedtime." But this post isn't about Sean. Maybe one day I'll make a post about whether Sean is gay or not.
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The episode "Potatoes on Mars" is a tribute to David Bowie, and the first song, also titled "Potatoes on Mars," sounds very similar to "Life on Mars." David Bowie has made conflicting statements on his sexuality, but the general consensus is that he was bisexual
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There is also official art depicting Jet with Aladdin Sane's lightning bolt. Aladdin Sane was one of Bowie's many personas
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Heck, Jet himself is similar to one of Bowie's other personas, Ziggy Stardust
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Ziggy Stardust is described as a "bisexual rock star from another planet sent to Earth ahead of an impending apocalyptic disaster to deliver a message of hope." This sounds almost exactly like Jet:
This entire post proves Jet is bi
Jet seems to really like rock music, as plenty of his songs, including Potatoes on Mars, take inspiration from the genre
Obviously, Jet is an alien from the planet Bortron 7
The Earth is not going through the apocalypse in the series, but Jet acts as a hope-bringer to the Earthies with his optimistic outlook on life
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The episode "My Fair Jet" could be interpreted as a metaphor for coming out. In it, Jet wants to go to the DSA Open House, but Sean and Sydney are worried that he'll expose his alien identity. So, Sean and Sydney "train" Jet to act more like an Earthie. At the Open House, Sean is carried away by a weather balloon, so Jet has no choice but to use his jetpack to save him, and then he sings that "Bortronian is what [he is]"
This episode could be read as a queer person wanting to express their identity, but is forced to keep it a secret and "act more straight." I don't want to say "conversion therapy" because I think it's horrible to compare Sean and Sydney to people like that, but still. Forcing a queer person to act more straight doesn't make them stop being queer. Forcing Jet to act more like an Earthie didn't make him stop being Bortronian.
And finally, the bisexual lighting™️ There are a few scenes featuring Jet that make use of the bi flag colors. The first is in the song "There's No Planet Like My Planet" from the Back to Bortron 7 special, where he shares an intimate moment with Sean
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The second is during the beginning of the Space Camp movie, where Jet is surfing on a comet trail in space
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This is not an accident. It HAD to be on purpose, especially since this movie came out AFTER Jet was indirectly confirmed to be bi.
It's understandable that Jet being bi wasn't more explicit in the show. First, it's an educational series about space, not a romcom. Jet may have innocent puppy love crushes on Sean and Sydney, but they're too young to get into any serious relationships. Also, if it was more explicit, the show could be targeted by anti-LGBTQ Karens and Republican lawmakers. Alabama banned the Arthur episode with Mr. Ratburn's gay wedding, there was conservative Christian backlash over a brief lesbian wedding in an episode of Odd Squad, and a lawmaker in Oklahoma tried to defund the local PBS just for having lesbian parents on Work It Out Wombats
LGBTQ+ characters are increasingly more common in children's media nowadays. There are definitely still challenges, especially with accusations of "grooming" and "wokeness" but overall, there is much more positive LGBTQ+ representation these days than there was 10 years ago.
Still, Jet is a bicon
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A:tla - fire meta and theories
Zuko and opium
Azula and non-benders
Zuko, Azula and Aang - height
Zuko is not hateful
Fireball in the face
Audience with Azulon
Zuko and Azula's Agni Kai - lightning
Zuko covering his face from the fire
Referring to Zuko as a "prince"
Zuko's pose
Zuko is both cool and awkward
Zuko protecting Sokka
Was Ursa scared of her husband?
Difference between Ozai and Zuko's childhood
On Ozai abusing Azula
Ozai, Parenting, and Abuse
Firebending during eclipce, night etc
Zuko's redemption arc
Azula's thoughts on Iroh
Azula's bending
Abusive father Ozai (pt 1 - Zuko, link for Azula is down there)
A parallel. Just as Roku did with Sozin, Zuko spares his father.
Asian view on heirs, sons and daughters
Zuko & Azula: Eyes
Azula is not the most powerful firebender in atla
Azula’s downfall is foreshadowed
Zuko should just follow the cabbage guy
Zuko is a theatre kid
Azula, conditioned love etc
“The Beach” in terms of Azula
Long meta about Azula
Zuko is not tall (as well as Sokka)
Zuko and Iroh's prison dialoge: the great directing
Zuko is being cared and healthy
Yon Rha and Iroh crimes
Zuko's scar camera framing
The fact that Zuko even considers having Katara heal his scar is probably a red flag for him siding with his sister
Zuko and Ozai camera framing
“You can’t treat me like Zuko!”
Ozai and Zuko - talking with father
About Iroh and Ozai's past and characters in general
Modern!AU Zuko and Azula
Ozai is very concentrated when bending - screenshots
Iroh and Ozai - Azula and Zuko (parallels)
Why does Iroh talk to Zuko in metaphors
Ursa’s departure caused Ozai to become worse
Aang and Zuko talking about Ozai
Iroh: "She's crazy and she needs to go down" line
Do we ever see Ozai actually care about stopping Aang?
How important firebending is to Ozai
Ozai: what having your bending taken from you must entail
Ozai is objectively speaking the worst firelord
Was it just “speaking out of turn”?
"Good" and "bad" guys in Fire royal family
Zuko and Iroh: waiting all night
Zuko Centric-Morality and the Fire Nation
Is Zuko is a better bender than Aang?
In defense of Mai and Maiko. Let’s talk about seashells
Ozai did cared about his family in the past
Iroh and Zuko’s wanted poster; there’s a specific line
Why Azulon had a second son in tags (I personally love the first and the last ones)
Zuko is canonically bisexual
Zuko, Jet and Jin: flirting
Zuko falls for Jin, restaurant scene part 2 (part 1 link is in the post)
Evidence that Zuko looks like Ozai
Zuko can find almost anything, a list
How many places Zuko has broken into (Zuko being competent while thinking he is not)
Iroh spends the whole show vibing with everyone
Why Zuko's redemption arc is so good
Zuko: it is so much easier to believe in the impossible than it is to believe that your father is a monster
About Zuko's trauma
Two Zuko's least popular hairstyles (spoiler: blame Iroh)
And a bit more about Zuko's ponytail
Firebending study: Why Ozai is the top Firebender in ATLA
How sexist is the Fire Nation?
Post-war economy in the Fire Nation
Fire Nation cultural inspiration
Mai can't say "I love you" (but she really loves Zuko)
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carboardserpent · 10 months
Next gen headcanons? 🤔
Like, Jackson, Cruz, Tim, Danny, Chase, and Ryan?
Oh boy, that's a few characters. Alright, strap in then. Probably also gonna throw in Bubba because he's my favourite non-main next gen <3
(Humanised, as always)
(Quick disclaimer for this one, none of these are supposed to reflect on the irl racers that gave their names and voices to them - I'm treating these characters as though they're entirely fictional and not based on/inspired by real people. I make my HCs literally just based on Vibes (and RPs))
Jackson Storm:
6'1 and fit AF. Clearly spends a lot of time in the gym toning his body and muscles. He is male model levels of gorgeous. Physically flawless black man <3
Short black dreadlocks dyed blue at the ends.
Aromantic (female-leaning)bisexual.
Ray knew he was autistic before Jackson even knew himself, and is the reason he even got diagnosed in the first place.
One of his most common complaints is still about the reflections of the sun glinting in his eyes. The loud noise of the track still gets to him occasionally, but he has special earplugs to help him deal with it.
Can usually be seen drinking a can of IGNTR's flagship energy drink before a race. It helps him calm down and focus in. His sponsors love it, for obvious reasons.
Any time he's on camera, he acts calm and cool but internally he's freaking out. If they ask something he doesn't expect, he visibly tenses up and flounders for a second as he tries to figure out what to say, even if it was a simple question.
Doesn't do fan meets or signings unless he absolutely has to. Even then he tries everything he can to get out of them.
His physical attractiveness makes his already poor attitude even worse. Doesn't know how to talk to people, but gets all the praise and attention he could ever want online.
Yes, he posts photos of himself on various social media. He wasn't sure at first, but Ray convinced him to start shortly after his debut race, hoping that it would help reassure him and give him a bit of a confidence boost. Naturally, it went a little TOO well...
He's a gamer through and through. In any downtime he gets, he's still topping the leaderboards on just about every popular racing game you can play online. He also enjoys the occasional game of CoD and will verbally rip anyone to shreds if they try to come at him.
DUBSTEP. He loves it. If his skull isn't rattling from absolutely filthy, grimy bass, he's not interested.
So, of course, he has to have an incredible sound system that's probably worth more than the average person's car.
He doesn't watch anime. (Stop asking him if he does) Most of his entertainment comes from Twitch streams.
He streams himself playing Super Corsa 4 any chance he gets. Which isn't often with the packed NASCAR schedule, but he tries his best. His user is UrStormChasing
Still doesn't get along with Tim after their rivalry in training and isn't very good at pretending he does either. Their crew chiefs have to make deliberate efforts to stop them from running into each other before they get into their cars.
Cruz Ramirez:
5'5 with an athletic build. She is a Latina woman with visible abs and she deserves them gdi.
Side-parted brown hair a little shorter than jaw length, perpetually kinda wild looking.
Chaotic lesbian hours!
Literally cannot sleep at night without a big, milky mug of coffee.
It's not normal to wake up and go for a run before even having breakfast?
She's teaching Lightning to use social media more regularly (for better or for worse). His homework is to send her a funny meme or video that he found that week.
The result of this can sometimes be catastrophic. She'll never be able to unhear him uncertainly attempting to use outdated slang.
Almost every race, there's someone complaining about how she doesn't weigh enough and it's unfair to the rest of them. So she forces them to watch as race officials put extra weights in her car.
Has cussed Danny out in Spanish across Pit Road and will do it again if he carries on-
Is probably the only person on Team Dinoco that is actually nice to Cal and doesn't try to tease him. They get along well.
Tim Treadless:
6'0 with a broad frame and light muscle tone.
Tanned skin and tousled brown hair.
Straight ally.
Just call him Mr. Charismatic, everyone loves him.
Everyone except Jackson, that is. Jackson is the only person who brings out his anger to the point of wanting to throw hands.
Has a wife and a baby, bc of course he does.
One of those guys some people hate for being irritatingly perfect. Usually people that don't actually know him.
Has type 1 diabetes and a bad nut allergy.
Was pulled out of a race at the last minute when he went into anaphylactic shock - the entire race was almost stopped when people started to whisper that it was foul play. The race went on, but the only reason for Treadless' absence was that he had to be pulled for "unforseen medical issues".
Some of the other racers still blame Jackson, who actually had nothing to do with it.
Danny Swervez:
5'10 and fairly slender. Not a lot of bulk to him.
Tanned skin (he's Latino) and short black hair.
Cishet male.
This man is FULL of himself. What an attitude.
Genuinely a good racer, but not many people like him.
He's not a good guy. He's given Cruz some trouble for being a woman, though after she embarrassed him by publicly cussing him out in Spanish, he's learned to keep his unpopular opinions on her to himself.
Isn't exactly what we would call "faithful".
But hey, at least he doesn't cheat on the track (smh)
Has just as little respect for the older racers as Jackson, but is less vocal about it.
Is very bitter about Jackson and Tim being more popular than him, yet still does nothing to change himself for the better.
Has at least attempted to physically fight with other drivers that messed with him on the track several times.
Chase Racelott:
5'9 with a build somewhere between Danny and Tim.
Pale skin and dirty-blonde hair.
Straight ally.
Generally a pretty likeable guy. Not as well-loved as Tim, but he has a good amount of pretty dedicated fans.
Makes jokes about being single/available.
Has pretty average performance on the track, not great, but not poor.
Fairly high energy, he gets along well with Cruz.
Probably one of the best with kids. Has a lot of younger fans because of how he interacts with them during meets and signings.
One of the few who will try not to leave until he's spoken to every fan who wanted to meet him, no matter how long it takes.
Often seen hanging around with Ryan - the two of them cause some pretty good natured trouble together, often involving pranks on the other racers.
Ryan "Inside" Laney:
5'11 with a broad build similar to Tim.
Mixed race (¾ Caucasian, ¼ African American), with short black hair.
Closeted bisexual.
Friendly, but not really a standout character as far as the fans are concerned.
Kind of cocky, but in a cool way.
Has a girlfriend who travels with him.
Agent of chaos when he spends too much time with Chase. Don't turn your back on him.
Bubba Wheelhouse
Absolutely massive 6'2 gentle giant
Another gorgeous black man (fight me), his skin tone isn't quite as dark as Jackson's
Closeted homosexual
Has a fake relationship with a lesbian woman who's actually just his best friend (the racing world is scary and the US South probably wouldn't love an openly gay driver)
Kids ADORE him. Him and Chase are the drivers with the most kid fans.
Throws a football around with fans over the catch fence during rain delays (this one is based on the real Bubba Wallace bc its wholesome af)
Gets asked all the weird gay questions by everyone in the friend group. (Ex. "Is it gay if...?" "What is X actually like?")
Legit just trying to mind his own business, he doesn't want any part of drama or rivalries.
Occasionally finds himself roped into girl talk if the guys have their S/Os around. They're very excited to include him. He's too polite to decline.
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dragonflylady77 · 1 year
Camboy Billy and/or Steve Harringrove Fics Masterlist
(you know the drill, they're not mine, if you want any added that I missed, DM me)
Camboy Billy and Camboy Steve
Ride The Lightning by socknonny for Turbocharge College AU - THEY WERE ROOMMATES Steve has an epic plan to Get Back At Daddy after his parents don't embrace his new-found bisexuality. An epic, epic plan, inspired by his favorite camboy. There's no way this can go wrong.
Camboy Billy
Not Your Prince (But I’m Your Pretty Boy) by ImNeitherNor for thebilliamhargrove  College AU - THEY WERE ROOMMATES “Not desperate,” he told himself, staring at the page while heat crawled up his chest and neck. “So not desperate.” Which was a lie because he was getting a membership just to comment and view more videos of the guy with the pierced dick. He licked his lips and tapped his thumbs on the space bar, deleted it, and almost hit his forehead against his desk. It was a username. Why did it matter so fucking much? Christ.
Love Is A Sickness (And Lust Is Absolute Madness) by StevesKhakis (orphan_account) Steve snaps a pic with his hand around his dick, angling the camera so that the stream is visible in the back. He can’t help but stroke a few times before sending it, wishing he had the balls to just put his webcam to good use so SuckMeDead could see him in all of his wet, messy, horny glory. Realistically though, he knows that full-on cybersex isn’t something he’s ready for, not until— Not until he’s made sure this camboy isn’t Billy Hargrove.
Sticky Side Up by Ribellione  College AU - THEY WERE ROOMMATES Steve's roommate Billy can be a bit of an asshole sometimes. Steve doesn't understand why, until his new best friend Robin and her roommate Heather figure out Billy's secret. Then it all finally clicks for Steve.
Virgin Territory by @jellyfishloveletterghosts College AU - THEY WERE ROOMMATES Steve accidently admits to knowing about Billy's cam work, things go a lot better than he ever thought they would.
Camboy Steve
Ardent Attention by @edith-moonshadow  A/B/O After being kicked out by his family for being an Omega Steve earns a living as a cam model.
On air! by Aspen_munson (short fic)
Dionysus by @edith-moonshadow for @jellyfishloveletterghosts A/B/O After presenting as an Omega Steve is forced to leave home and moves to New York to get a fresh start. However, he struggles to make enough money to live on as a single Omega until he meets Brittany who introduces him to a special website called Dionysus where Alphas will pay good money for an Omegas time.
December To New Years by @jellyfishloveletterghosts Camboy Steve and his budding relationship with Billy.
never gets old by brawls (brawlite), @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger & [podfic] by limescale Falling in love with a cam boy named KingSteve isn't the smartest thing Billy Hargrove has ever done, nor is it the most healthy -- but the good choice is rarely ever the fun choice, and Billy is all about living life fast and loose.
Knights to the Sundae King by @neonponders (not complete) Billy watched him for a year, give or take, surprised beyond believe that his internet locale had become a camboy's streaming channel. A year of Billy denying to himself that he liked this camboy a hell of a lot more than a regular viewer should. But the live streamer known as Scoops_Ah!y, or "Scoops," isn't a regular piece of dessert. And a year of Billy's interaction in the channel earns him a special message, directly from the host himself - the invitation to join the moderators, to get a seat behind the curtain, and maybe not be a regular viewer, after all.
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makeadealwithdean · 1 year
makeadealwithdean's friday fic rec list - harringrove edition
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here's a list of the fics i've read lately and highly recommend! these fics are not mine and belong only to the writers, so writers, as always, if you don't want to be mentioned on here, message me, and i'll take you off no questions asked! also, this list is special because i'll be focusing on just harringrove, and since several of these are camboy!au's, these fics are smut and 18+ ONLY, so minors dni!! (gif is mine)
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"never gets old" - @brawlite & @toastranger
Rating: E || Words: 78k
Falling in love with a cam boy named KingSteve isn't the smartest thing Billy Hargrove has ever done, nor is it the most healthy -- but the good choice is rarely ever the fun choice, and Billy is all about living life fast and loose.
"Love Is A Sickness (And Lust Is Absolute Madness)"
Rating: E || Words: 25k
Steve snaps a pic with his hand around his dick, angling the camera so that the stream is visible in the back. He can’t help but stroke a few times before sending it, wishing he had the balls to just put his webcam to good use so SuckMeDead could see him in all of his wet, messy, horny glory. Realistically though, he knows that full-on cybersex isn’t something he’s ready for, not until— Not until he’s made sure this camboy isn’t Billy Hargrove.
"Ride The Lightning" - socknonny
Rating: E || Words: 12k
Steve has an epic plan to Get Back At Daddy after his parents don't embrace his new-found bisexuality. An epic, epic plan, inspired by his favorite camboy. There's no way this can go wrong.
"Not Your Prince (But I'm Your Pretty Boy)" - ImNeitherNor
Rating: E || Words: 10k
“Not desperate,” Steve told himself, staring at the page while heat crawled up his chest and neck. “So not desperate.” Which was a lie because he was getting a membership just to comment and view more videos of the guy with the pierced dick. He licked his lips and tapped his thumbs on the space bar, deleted it, and almost hit his forehead against his desk. It was a username. Why did it matter so fucking much? Christ.
"Sideways" - robthegoodfellow
Rating: E || Words: 46k
On Friday, Billy terrorized his stepsister, harassed his crush, and got blitzed with the school drug dealer. And then it all went sideways.
"definitely better than being dead" - @dragonflylady77
Rating: T || Words: 3.5k
When Billy comes to, everything hurts. He keeps his eyes closed, even though the space around him feels dark, and slowly takes a tally of where it hurts: hands, sides, chest, back, feet too... He listens to the noises in the room and the regular beeping of a machine close by tells him he’s in a hospital.
"Cross Road Blues" - @weird-an
Rating: E || Words: 6.6k
Billy sells his soul to Steve Harrington at the crossroads.
"His baby" - @lovebillyhargrove
Rating: E || Words: 32k
After Billy's death his car comes alive and decides to take revenge on certain residents of Hawkins. (My note: BILLY'S CAMARO FIC, MY BELOVED)
"come back down to my knees, gotta get back (gotta get free)" - @hartigays
Rating: E || Words: 5.5k
Billy is like, really gross. Steve likes that. He really likes that. And honestly, what could it hurt to indulge a little? (This is flayed!Billy, btw)
"The Art of the Dick Pic" - @lazybakerart
Rating: E || Words: 4.8k
Steve gets shipped off to a military academy, yet his biggest problem is his lighting.
"silvertongue" - @the-copperkid
Rating: E || Words: 9.2k
It's a hot summer night, and Billy and Steve find themselves stranded in the middle of a flash flood when Steve starts getting Upside Down-related anxiety. There's, unfortunately, only one thing that's certain to take his mind off of it — but Billy assures him that it wouldn't be so strange if they did it together. Just as long as they don't touch.
"Bed-sharing, almost-caring" - Thei
Rating: Not Rated || Words: 11.8k
It's late, dark and snowing, and Steve would rather do anything else than drive around looking for Billy Hargrove. But Max asked, and he can't say no to those kids. Not after everything. He finds Billy at the quarry. Billy is not okay.
"Cherry" - @lazybakerart
Rating: E || Words: 58k
They’ve got ten minutes before Steve’s break is up and he has to go back to wishing for death with a smile.
"King of Diamonds" - @shieldofiron
Rating: E || Words: 4.7k
“What’s the matter, Hargrove?” Steve Harrington flings his bags onto the bed with a fucked up little grin, “Scared of the big bad bed?” Billy just glowers at him, for the five hundredth time that day. He should have known when coach said they were bunking alphabetically and some of the rooms would only have one bed, that luck would not be on his side. Billy shuffles on his feet, squaring his shoulders, “Get out of my way.” Harrington cocks his head to the side, “Is that how you speak to your King?” “Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Way.” “Or what?” Harrington's smiling in that vicious way, lip curling. (Or literally any part of this series, cause holy shit, King Steve)
"Rules for Survival" - @jad3w1ngs
Rating: E || Words: 5.5k
His first breath of free air had got caught in his throat however, because God may have allowed him to leave his old hell, but that was only so that he could be plunged into a new one. Sure, maybe he was being overdramatic, but the universe must have it out for him. Why else would he be roomed with possibly the prettiest, most infuriatingly sweet man ever? One who spoke about boobs and chicks and everything else enough to hammer home how out of bounds he was? One that he’d have to continue to pretend around. Billy’s other survival mechanisms had kicked in almost instantly. Unfortunately, the survival mechanism for dealing with his crush on his stupidly handsome roommate was apparently to be a massive asshole. Every innocent comment, every kind remark or offer of friendship was rebuffed with a snappy or bitchy quip, ones that had him groaning internally each time they left his lips. Not that it seemed to deter Steve, if anything his eyes lit up whenever Billy threw an insult his way, which was odd because he wouldn’t have pegged Steve as a masochist.
"Locker Room Antics" - @mid-nightmare13
Rating: E || Words: 5k
Just as he was about to take another swing for Hargrove's face, Steve found his wrist caught in a large hand, his back against the metal lockers, and his lips pressed against another pair. He grunted, protesting for maybe ten seconds before he was grabbing Billy's hair with his free hand, and kissed him back. Kissing Billy was nothing like kissing a girl. It was a dangerous combination of teeth and tongue locked in a battle for dominance. And he hated himself for backing down. "I want to fuck you," Billy said against his lips before beginning to suck and bite down his jaw. Steve let out an involuntary moan, suddenly finding his jeans far too tight...
"Wild on You" - @oopsiedaisiesbaby
Rating: E || Words: 2.6k (series wc: 80k)
Billy startled when rather than fall to his own back, beside him, Steve tightened his grip in Billy’s hair and moved halfway on top of him as he reconnected their lips. (this whole series actually is amazing, 10/10 recommend)
"if you don't like the company, let's just do it you and me" - hoppnhorn, @the-copperkid
Rating: E || Words: 9k
“Stevie, Stevie, Stevie,” Billy tuts, and it’s nearly sickening, too fucking good, the way he looks like he can think of nothing better than digging his teeth into Steve Harrington. “Look at you. What’re we gonna do with you, huh? Tell me what you want, pretty boy.” * Steve is really fed up with walking in on Billy having sex in his bed, until Billy’s opening up the invitation to him, too — because like, if you can’t beat 'em, join ‘em, right? But see, three's a crowd. And Steve doesn't like to share.
"break up with your girlfriend ('cause i'm bored)" - @the-copperkid
Rating: E || Words: 15k
@umissedconnections: Bambi eyes. m4m. i was rippin cigs in the sae p-lot. u made urself puke 2 make room 4 more beer. incredible? ur my hero PLS say ur into guys * Steve finds he has a secret admirer who's continuously hitting on him via his university's Missed Connections Twitter account. // Tommy and Billy are the worst roommates ever.
last time's list || my fic rec masterpost || my masterlist
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Assorted headcanons about my current Team Dragonborn:
Lydia Iron-Forged:
Former Companion, left after being invited into the Circle
Serious to a fault—a fan of deadpan humor, to the point where you often can’t tell if she’s actually joking
Older sister ran off to join the Stormcloaks, carries an amulet of Talos that was sent home shortly after
Can lift a werewolf if she really tries
Likes her mead with snowberries
The kind of drunk that laughs at everyone and everything. Tally thinks it’s an unsettling change
Practices, either with sparring or with forms, her swordplay just before dawn
Has a soft spot for horses, uses them as a litmus test—good people always take care of their animals
Can cook, mostly hunts for her own meals. Makes a good hearty stew
Sword is named “Stormblight,” enchanted with shocks. Was a gift from her father, bought off a Khajiit caravan
Has a scar on the back of her neck from a fight with a troll
Mikael used to pick on her when she was a little girl. Her sister taught her how to punch to break noses, and Mikael’s nose hasn’t been straight since. She’s the one woman he won’t flirt with
Bisexual, with a preference for Ysolda women
Kaidan (of Northwind):
Once had an affair with a young noblewoman named Isabel. She got engaged to the count of Bravil, so he tried stealing her away and was thrown in the dungeon for it. Paid the fine, was going to serve sentence (40 lashes), but Isabel got in the way of one and stopped the whole thing. She didn’t say anything else except to tell him to leave. She still has a scar on her cheek
A thrill-seeker, though won’t admit it. Takes vampire contracts for the rush of adrenaline
The tattoo on his face marks him as blood-kin to the Orcs
Has a faded lightning-pattern scar spread across his back, beneath the newer interrogation lashes. Rosalind gave it to him
Could learn a shout if he really, really tried for it. Not as easily as the LDB, but in a vastly shorter time than the Greybeards (as per the Akaviri Dossier). Would learn Aura Whisper (Laas Yah Nir) if given the chance
Can follow being read to much more easily than reading. Not that he can’t read, just prefers a voice—pages blend together after awhile
Very much a “hold my beer” kind of drunk. Don’t tell him he can’t do anything or try to show off in front of him
Does scrimshaw to burn extra stress, especially after a nightmare. Tries to make his work useful in some way (ie a horn, some cups, a knife, etc)
Sells his scrimshaw in between contracts
Gets tense and snappy from moon sugar withdrawal
Caryalind Thallery:
Wears gold lipstick when in town. It’s very subtle and usually only noticeable to fellow Altmer
Is a slow morning person—the kind to wake up early, but spend the next hour basking in morning sunlight in a silk robe with a coffee
Skyrim’s air is NOT good for his curly hair. Whenever he can manage it, he scrounges up some septims and stops by the caravans to see if there’s any orange oil in stock. He always smells faintly of oranges
Whenever Cary senses magicka, he immediately goes on high alert, even if it’s just Restoration
Cary got a handful of threatening/hateful letters as prince, and kept them, feeling terrible and not as if he should be allowed to throw them away. His friend back home (Termia) found them one day and convinced him to burn them with her
His hair is soft. Very soft. Feather-down soft. Yes, it’s natural
His calian (sphere of aetherquartz that denotes his place in Altmer society) is clear magicka blue, the size of a clementine, and has translucent etchings of his birthsign’s stars set in it. Sometimes he almost laughs at the irony
Taliesin (alias):
He used to write up letters on the field about things he’d seen to send to his sisters. Couriers were sparse, so sometimes he’d wind up sending 5 at once because he’d been holding on to them. He keeps them in his robe, next to his chest
He had a packet of letters on his person when the Talos Shrine incident happened. They got bled through
He still writes sometimes, even though he might never be able to send them
He once swiped the head Justiciar’s hood and pretended to be him to amuse his colleagues. Said justiciar walked in on it
He will judge you SO HARD if you eat dog meat. No it’s not the same as when he eats slaughterfish, slaughterfish at least have the decency not to slobber everywhere!
A decent cook, if only because he got tired of having to special request everything
Very intelligent. Not in the sense of book smarts (though he does have those), but he has an uncanny knack for reading the room and gauging reactions—part of it is to be of service to whatever his current task is (knowing when someone is about to run, playing good cop/bad cop with other agents) but the majority is because he had to learn how to read his father’s bad moods
Pays extremely close attention to how his friends react to others’ mistakes. Especially mistakes he has in common with them. What’s the difference between his past and Paarthurnax’s? Kaidan’s? Caryalind’s? Bonus points, this means you can gain his trust more effectively by treating people besides him well
His jokes and wit double as a litmus test. When he meets someone, it’s to test how much of a pain they are to get along with. Past that, it’s his subtle way of checking in; if someone who normally laughs at him is annoyed, or someone who’s usually annoyed doesn’t react, something’s wrong
Complains because it’s cathartic and misery loves company
Has a few dragon scales in his pocket once he starts traveling with the LDB. It’s to show his sisters if he ever sees them again
Accidentally acquired a taste for firebrand wine—Summerset cuisine is notoriously delicate, so drinking firebrand was the “cinnamon challenge” in the Solitude Thalmor ranks. Naturally he wanted to show off and one-up everyone
Like Kaidan, is a “hold my beer” kind of drunk. If the two get drunk together, they’ll keep one-upping each other until they either black out or are physically separated
Never learned how to swim because when he was little, his father deadpan-joked about maormer in the water kidnapping altmer that didn’t behave. He avoided deep water like the plague, then never remedied it when he got older
Calian is milky-rose quartz, big as a gooseberry. It got chipped once on the field; after repairing it, he’s padded its box with as much cotton as he can get
An absolute ace at card games, and decent at dice. Won his horse in a game of cards. Loves her to death and spoils her
Has a lovely voice but makes you earn it. Favorite song to sing is “Star-Eyed Bride of Alinor”
Very much an “I told you so” kind of person, takes it to the point of “Oh, I was right? What was I right about? Speak up, my pointy ears can’t detect your whispers of shame.”
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dioptre-hertz · 8 months
presenting to you my Hideo Kojima vs Hirohiko Araki horseshoe theory.
these two guys are completely divergent in terms of how they approach politics and philosophy, but converge in that they both have a deeply honest, charmingly self-indulgent willingness to just create whatever seems Badass to them in a very teenage boy sort of way.
both of them will, with complete sincerity and not a hint of irony or doubt, present you with some absolutely batshit insane character design that a less confident writer would worry is "cringe". kojima will give you a character who wears the V for vendetta mask, takes it off and has Joker makeup underneath, and then starts blasting robots with lightning bolts from his electric guitar. araki will give you a guy named Vanilla Ice whose special power is that he can swallow his own entire body to become invisible. kojima will tell you that the guy who drinks blood and can walk on water, hypnotize people and survive being shot repeatedly is called Vamp not on account of his apparent vampirism, but because he's bisexual. araki will have his protagonist save the day by transforming a brick into a venomous snake that lived its whole life inside a poison cloud and thus contains a virus vaccine.
but kojima's work is deeply, profoundly political in intent. he has a Grand Theory of Everything and is so eager to tell you about war, society, life and death that he is almost incoherently earnest. araki, on the other hand, thinks about politics so little that he has barely stopped to ask himself what a "nazi" even is.
kojima has witnessed the grand truths of the universe, and needs to share them with you. araki has witnessed haute couture fashion magazines. but their shared sincerity and utter willingness to write outrageous things, simply because it strikes them as cool, somehow brings them close together.
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finn-m-corvex · 1 month
Are you aro or an ally
I'm a cis woman who uses male pronouns, I'm bisexual and have been out online as such for closer to a decade, I'm dating @dark-twist-fairytales and multiple system members and have been doing so for almost six months, and I am the center of a polycule with multiple people including @captain-space-kin , @lightning-chicken , @juniperjellyfish + more.
I do not know how much farther from aromantic I can get and how much more of an ally I can be.
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