#Lydia skyrim
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trippytigerbear · 3 months ago
Me: just saved a whole town from a dragon attack, I bet the Jarl is gonna give me something cool
The humble housecarl:
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nighting-crow · 2 months ago
Me, starting another Skyrim play through with mostly follower mods: What could go wrong?
What went wrong:
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deconstructivesurgery · 1 year ago
getting married to lydia in skyrim is so funny it's like hi guys this is my wife. who loves standing directly in front of my fireballs so that when she collapses on the floor charred and on the brink of death i feel immense guilt. one time i forgot her in my grim morthal manor house with nothing but a "skull room" in it. she exclusively refers to me as "thane" even though we're married and I'm not sure if it's a kink thing or not. i have eaten several dragon souls in front of her. one time i also cheated on her by getting married to a hagraven in the middle of the night after partying with actual sanguine but she forgave me and helped me on my drunken crawl towards redemption the next day. actually come to think of it she might still be in the skull room i should probably do something about that. if I don't tell her explicitly to come with me she just kinda stands in one place forever. yeah it's a bit of an issue. maybe we should see a therapist about dependency.
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dibby-io · 8 months ago
Skyrim Follower Memes I made (and will make more of >:) )
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whitegoldtower · 6 months ago
NPC Reactions to being kissed:
Ondolemar: doesn’t react, keeps a completely straight face, and then asks curiously “what was that for?”. Your answer will determine whether or not he responds by merely going quiet again, or surprises you later by returning the favour.
Ancano: is picky. Will either push you away or will act like it doesn’t affect him at all (but you can see his neck flushing under his collar and he’s avoiding eye contact). He has to clear his throat before speaking or his voice will crack. “Are you quite done?”
Elenwen: kisses back, baby. It’s to flip the situation around on you, more than anything else, but if you’re an altmer, it’s to save you both the embarrassment. Either that or she just loves to kiss. I don’t know. I get the vibe.
Cicero: giggles. If you’ve given him butterflies, it’s obvious because he p much scrunches his body up, curling his toes and fingers. He will return the favour. If it’s platonic, he’ll peck your cheek. If it’s romantic, he’ll wait until later and get you when nobody else is around. Ambush kisses.
Vingalmo: saw it coming and stops you from kissing him by putting his hand over your face. He likes to be the one to initiate the kisses, you gotta be patient. But. Now that he knows you want to kiss him? Either he’ll use it to blackmail you (if you mean nothing to him), or he will indulge you later, when you can have a little privacy.
Garan Marethi: doesn’t react at all. He’s got things to be doing, and he’s still doing them. However if you’re super bold and go for the lips, that might catch him off guard. He might also bite you. Don’t randomly kiss Mr Marethi on the mouth.
Serana: will punch you, and you will have deserved it for ignoring literally everything she says to you.
Lydia: laughs, then goes quiet. There’s an awkward moment before she just suddenly turns around and pins you against the nearest surface to kiss you sloppy style. She’s wanted to do that for quite a while.
Vilkas: ducks out of the way.
Farkas: if he had a tail it would wag. He returns the kiss and also squeezes you into a cuddle.
Teldryn Sero: purposely tries to make you uncomfortable by acting like you have severely offended him, then just starts laughing because you’re so easy to wind up. If he likes you back, he’ll want to talk more in depth about it later.
Neloth: “Agh! Yuck, you little lunatic, get your sphincter away from me! Stop it!” *smacking you with whatever he’s got in his hands* (so, a book, a mug, or a piece of canis root. Or you’re getting bonked by a staff.)
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goopysoup · 2 months ago
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..do you understand the violence it took to become this gentle?..
their reaction to someone / something hurting you
featuring: cicero, serana, miraak, the dragonborn (male), lydia, delvin mallory
[all are gender neutral, there’s cussing and some depressing things in Miraak’s, wounds and blood obviously]
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As you walk into the Dawnstar sanctuary, limping and hobbling through the hall until you reach the opening room where Cicero was humming as he tended to his sweet Night Mother. He hadn’t looked at you yet, thankfully, you weren’t sure if you could deal with him at the moment.
Painfully, you walk towards the alchemy table, planning on making a quick health potion to hopefully fix your injuries faster—
“Oh, Listener!” Cicero’s voice worriedly shouts as he rushes towards you, “my Listener is hurt, oh, Cicero should have gone with you!” He whines as he quickly makes you sit before he makes haste in checking your wounds. It wasn’t much, just a small gash on your calf. He tuts.
“Are they dead?” He asks, “let’s go kill them!” He giddily sings before you could even answer him.
.. When exactly did he start tending to your wound? You look down at the jester as he was pouring a minor health potion onto a rag before dabbing it gently on your wound. You forget how gentle he can be, he was the Keeper of the Night Mother, after all.
“Thank you..”
“Do not worry, Listener, Cicero is here to take care of you.”
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Serana had grown used to being with you and the people you surrounded yourself with over the short time you’d been together. Well, as used to it as she could, she was still not quite used to being around anyone after being trapped in a tomb for a thousand or so years.
It was a peaceful day, she was reading a book while you were out at the market, taking a day off from all your adventures to spend time with doing chores and spending time with Serana. What the vampire hadn’t expected was for you to burst into the house, your body and clothes covered in blood. Her eyes widened as she saw you, the blood filling her nose as she felt her hunger grow.
“Are.. are you okay?—“ that was a stupid question, of course you weren’t! She quickly stands and grabs a rag and wets it with some water you had stored away before handing it to you as she covers her lower face with her hand. You nod and wipe away the blood, cringing when you wipe at your wound, “you should go,” you say, “I’ll be okay, I don’t want to tempt you.”
Reluctantly, she does as you say, feeling horrible for not being able to help.
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You were fucked. This was it.. you’d think with all the dragons you’ve killed that this was be a piece of cake, hm? Well, it wasn’t. Your heart clenched and raced as the dragon had somehow gotten the upper hand on you, something that rarely happened nowadays. You could just.. give up, couldn’t you?
Apparently not. Miraak had decided for you, moving in quickly as he slayed the dragon for you, his sword digging into the scales and crushing the skull of the massive creature with a yell. He would protect you, always. That’s what he’s told you when you convinced him to stop terrorising the world. Why hadn’t you just killed him?
“I hate you,” you mutter as you look up at him as he offers his hand to you to help you up. You don’t take it, your body ached and burned, you didn’t wish to stand yet. He shakes his head before he sits next to you, “you do not.”
Maybe he was right, “I don’t believe I’ll last much longer,” you say with a slight bit of dramatics, he laughs heartily, something you’ve been hearing more from him lately. It was nice, especially since he’d once tried to kill you.
“Well, you’ve made it this far, haven’t you? What’s another year, darling?”
“Well then.”
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You’d known the Dragonborn for many months, you’d met him one day in Whiterun when he joined the companions. He’d asked you to follow him, to fight with him and you’d never really gone back. You’d both saved one another countless times, it was an amazing thing to follow along during his journeys.
You can’t say you were used to the Dwemer dungeons yet. The loud noises that echoed along the walls, the dwarven spiders and spheres, guardians and the damned falmer. You hated the falmer. Though, you’d never deny that the Dwemer technology hadn’t fascinated you, they were so advanced and it was endearing to learn about it all.
You’d been injured during a dungeon you’d both raided though earlier that day, as it was now nighttime as you both sat in a camp you’d set up. You held your stomach, keeping your injury a secret as to not worry the poor Dragonborn. He had enough to worry about with Alduin and the damned war.
“Are you alright?” You heard the Dragonborn ask, making you lift your gaze from the fire in front of you and drift towards him. You nodded, “fine.” He shook his head, “do not hide your wounds from me, let me see and tend to it.” Reluctantly, you allowed him to see it, perhaps your wound was worse than you thought.
“I will always take care of you, do not hide things like this from me. We are a team, love.”
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There weren’t many things Lydia and you haven’t done together, from fighting, looting, slaying dragons and draugr, even bathing after a particularly hard fight. She’d seen you at your most vulnerable and you her, she was your closest ally and friend— perhaps more at times.
“My Thane!” Lydia’s worried voice sounded through your ears just as you felt a blade pierce your side making you gasp. You felt the numbness after the sharp pain, the warm blood oozing from your wound before the hilt of that same sword hit against your head, affectively knocking you out.
You don’t know how long it took for you to gain consciousness again, to you it felt like mere seconds but that couldn’t be true. You were home again, back in Whiterun, “My Thane, you’re awake. I’m glad,” Lydia spoke as she approached with a healing potion and a bowl of warm soup, something easy to eat, “how do you feel?”
You groaned a bit as you moved to sit up, Lydia quickly setting the potion and bowl on your nightstand before she helps you, “be careful, you’re still healing,” she says worriedly. As soon as you were comfortable, she handed you the potion, “drink this first, my Thane,” she says before you take the potion.
“I’ve told you, you don’t have to call me that, Lydia,” you mumble before you drink the bitter tasting potion, letting it burn down your throat before your pain eases. She smiles before she hands you the soup to eat.
“My apologies, my dear.”
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delvin mallory
Delvin was one of your oldest friends, you knew of his history with the Dark Brotherhood as you’ve been part of the assassin group for many years. You had a history with him, but ultimately both of you had gotten busy with your work and it had momentarily ended. By momentarily, I mean it ended a few years ago and hadn’t rekindled.
You had a job in Riften, it was supposed to be an easy in and out assassination but apparently word got out and your target was more prepared than you were. Of course, your hit was successful as it always was, but you’d been badly injured. Thankfully, one of the members of the thieves guild had found you just as you’d blacked out and took you down to the ratway to have you tended to.
Your eyes peered open, your hand moving to clutch your left eye, groaning in pain, “hey, hey, easy,” the familiar voice of Delvin Mallory distracted you for a moment, your right eye looking over towards him, “Del?” You softly cried out. What had even happened? You couldn’t remember. Was your eye going to be okay? It felt too painful, what if you ended up blind?
“I’m here, love,” he cooed softly, “you’re going to be alright, yeah?” You only nodded, your right eye wanted to believe him but you both knew your eye was fucked.
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leavingautumn13 · 2 years ago
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more of my dragonborn oc, kyrena, and the slippery slope that is working with daedra
[i have commissions open now!]
bonus miraak:
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catlanterns · 5 months ago
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Getting directions after a long day of lollygaggin.
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cruisingheightswithdragons · 4 months ago
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Team Dragonborn!
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nicstylus · 3 months ago
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More Skyrim doodles, based on my playthrough... mostly :D
I do actually have both Faendal and Serana following me at the moment, but for shits and giggles I'm adding Lydia to the doodles because its funny as hell
Other Doodles: First || Next
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miitzzu · 2 years ago
POV: You receive aggressive support. Your followers are people too.
Part 5 or 6, I have no idea.
(These are so fun to make it's insane)
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the-elder-polls · 3 months ago
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merundil · 25 days ago
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part 3 of drawing skyrim followers and companions!
today's pick was lydia ^^
first female follower i have gotten in my first playthrough back then, and i had her everywhere. since i had custom follower i don't carry her as much, but honesty, i still like the character!
you can check the series out on tik tok if you wish to wanna hear my commentary over it and some shared thoughts over the character! (i also post the speedpaints of them there)
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anonymouselixirsims · 1 month ago
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"𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒔𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒔." gshade preset used: https://fuchsiateasims.tumblr.com/post/184165440446/among-the-pines-a-reshade-30-preset-for-ts4 @fuchsiateasims (please give them a follow, they're incredible!)
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whitegoldtower · 6 months ago
How the Skyrim NPCs Throw Hands:
Elenwen: grabs you by the hair and yanks you backwards. She’s gonna scalp you.
Ancano: starting off strong with an absolutely illegal backhanded slap. It does more psychological damage than physical damage but could 100% break your nose at the right angle.
Ondolemar: the ol wind up punch. He fully drops his stance and reels it back. Puts his whole pussy into it. Does a lot of damage.
Cicero: Can’t throw a punch to save his life but you know what he can throw? Knives. Just don’t tempt him to throw hands.
Serana: you won’t even see it coming and you won’t know what the fuck is happening until you’ve hit the floor like a sack of shit tied up in the middle.
Vingalmo: the most fantastic echo-chamber reverberating SLAP you’ve ever witnessed. Hits hard enough to knock you out, but the sound of it adds insult to injury.
Lydia: You hear the L4D hunter scream and see her launching herself across a table at someone. No holding back whatsoever, she’s an absolute animal.
Erandur: A gentle slap across the cheek. Hurts way more than being punched because of the disappointment in his expression and the knowledge that you’ve managed to upset the nicest man in Tamriel.
Maramal: fucking throws haymakers (I used to have this recording where I was getting married but everyone started fighting so I used the sexlab spells to try to get them to stop. It went wrong and one guy was viciously wanking as Maramal threw continuous haymakers at him, all while fire and shock spells were blasting around the temple. It was the funniest thing I’d ever seen and my wife was sat next to me absolutely scream laughing but I have unfortunately lost the recording, and it’s one of my biggest regrets to this day)
Teldryn Sero: Fast. Precise. Knocks all the air out of your body and keeps going. You’re gonna have broken ribs and possibly a rearranged face.
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goopysoup · 2 months ago
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..we’ve been shot up, beat up by the fallin’ of the arrows..
song: state of my head - shinedown
in which you get shot by an arrow during the war between Stormcloaks and Imperials.
featuring: dragonborn (male), hadvar, ralof, ulfric
[as usual, all are gender neutral! it’s not listed which side the dragonborn is on, that’s for you to decide. Ulfric’s references the Dragonborn as delicate and he’s delusional asf. I was going to do more characters but my brain isn’t working today lol]
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“No..!” He shouted as his eyes landed on you, anger and worry growing within him as the arrow pierced your shoulder. You fell with a grunt, caught off guard by the sudden pain. You wouldn’t die, no, he wouldn’t let you.
The Dragonborn’s sword impaled the enemy in front of him, anger evident in his eyes like a burning fire. He couldn’t get to you, not until the battle was over, so he must fight harder to get to you faster.
He found you laid against a wall, your hand grasping the arrow as if you were going to rip it out, but you hadn’t. You knew better.
“My love,” he called out, rushing towards you, his heavy armour clanging with his movements. The Dragonborn crashed onto the ground beside you before he helped you remove the arrow, wincing at the cry you let out, “Shh, you’re going to be alright..”
He let his hand glow a pale yellow as he began to use the healing hands spell on you, making the weird feeling of your skin and bones quickly healing flood your senses. You leaned back against the wall, giving him a weak smile.
“My hero..”
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You’d met Hadvar during your short time in Helgen before Alduin had destroyed it., killing anyone that had gotten in his way. It wasn’t long after your trip to Riverwood with the man that you’d decided to join the Imperials in their fight against the rebellion.
Now, you were here in Whiterun, fighting to keep it safe. You’d grown close to many of the people of the city, you’d hate to lose them to something as trivial as this. You fought well, but you’d been caught off guard by an onslaught of stormcloak soldiers surrounding you. Due to your distraction, one soldier took the chance to shoot an arrow at you, it only grazed your arm.
Once the battle was over, you’d made your way towards Jarl Balgruff, your armour had definitely seen better days. Your arm was covered in blood, you had cuts all over your body and bruises scattered along your skin.
“You made it? I was sure I’d find you face down in the dirt,” you heard Hadvar, his voice almost playful as you moved to stand next to him, tuning out Balgruff’s speech, “you seem pretty banged up there, Dragonborn.”
“It’s only a mere fatality,” you respond as you look towards the Jarl before your eyes naturally return to Hadvar. He grins a little and speaks again, “who do you think killed more rebels? You? Or me?”
You grinned and bumped his shoulder, “me, definitely.”
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“Dragonborn? Are you alright?” Ralof asked through the midst of battle, his voice echoing over the sounds of clashing swords combined with men and women dying. The screams weren’t going to be easy to forget.
“Just a scratch!” You responded, continuing your fight though you had an arrow stuck in your leg, and by the gods did it ache. You could hear him laugh as he fought with an Imperial, “you are a tough one, aren’t you?”
You breathed out in heavy breaths, your lungs aching as your body almost crumbled to the ground. You may be Dragonborn, but you were still a living creature. Ralof made his way towards you, catching you as you began to fall, “woah, there, easy..”
Your hands grasped his arms as he gently lead you to sit on the ground against one of the ruined walls, “I’m fine-“ you tried to reason as you looked up at him weakly, he only shook his head, “no, I’ll find a healer.”
Instinctively, your hand moved to remove the arrow, “I’ll be fine, Ralof,” you says stubbornly, and his hand grasped your wrist tightly, “don’t even think about it, Dragonborn. I’m getting a healer. You stay here and leave the damned arrow alone.”
You wanted to protest, groaning in annoyance before you nodded. Even in your defiance, you knew he was right.
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ulfric stormcloak
Ulfric had been protective of you from the start. He knew immediately from that day on the cart headed to Helgen that you didn’t belong there, you were too delicate, too precious for this cruel world. But, as the gods would see it, you were the Dragonborn. It would be far too difficult to keep you from the dangers of Skyrim when you were the one meant to protect it. Just as he was to protect you.
For him, it took you much too long to arrive in Windhelm, but when you did he was ecstatic. His person had arrived for him, wanting to join his cause. Were you a gift from Talos himself?
He didn’t want you to fight, but you had insisted— you knew you were much stronger than he thought, that you could handle most anything. I mean, you slayed Alduin, you badass. So, he reluctantly let you join the fight, but kept any order he gave you close by just in case.
He frowned when you entered the Palace of Kings, your armour bloody, you were bloody and he hoped it wasn’t your own. But, once again, the gods defied him as you told him you’d been shot with an arrow.
“Did you kill them?” He asked, looking down at you from his throne. You shook your head, “no, they got away.” “Who was it?” You furrowed your eyebrows, why did he care?
“Some bandit, I’m not sure,” you replied as you were handed a health potion by one of the servants of the palace. You accepted it, but didn’t drink it. Ulfric knew he’d find that damn bandit and he’d slaughter them, put their head on a spike in front of his palace if you’d let him.
“Very well, get some rest, Dragonborn.”
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