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Jokes on him Dah’ni is a master flutist
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iliveonmylaptop · 5 years
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More Dragonborn oc art from me? Of course.
Fahl is @daedric-prince-of-pasta and Dah’ni is @cruisingheightswithdragons woot
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There are formalities among the first meeting of the dov
But one of them found out the other used to be a Thalmor and is out for blood oops
@ariquar :3c
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Wrote a lil thingy here and this image refused to leave my head teehee
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Ok this is just me spitballing some oc stuff now that I’ve got mods going lol
Upon their first meeting of Taliesin, Dah’ni was ready to finish the job the Talos worshippers had started. Something in them, however, kept their claws sheathed as he made his little speech. Honestly, it was quite charming, the Khajiit finding this situation to be genuinely entertaining. Dah’ni, already being an enemy of the Thalmor, figured this mer could be a good bargaining chip should the chance arise.
Taliesin was essentially held captive by Dah’ni in the beginning. The elf looking for a good time to slip away, while Dah’ni was waiting for him to inevitably betray them so they’d have an excuse to kill him (that, or give him to the Thalmor in exchange for their own safety). Obviously, that didn’t happen. Being on the road together, they actually started to bond, and Dah’ni started to sympathize with him upon learning more about his past, and Taliesin the same as Dah’ni opened up about their own self. Tally ended up becoming an invaluable companion and member to Team Dragonborn.
Dah’ni will continue to bat at him whenever he calls them kitten, that’s just an undeniable truth. To be fair, they are small and cute. That’s on them, really.
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“You know, I do know who you are.” Taliesin spoke softly as he swirled his goblet of wine, staring intently at his khajiit companion.
Dah’ni looked up from their own mug of mead. A spark of panic flashed in their eyes for a brief moment. Where had this come from? “What does this one mean?”
Setting the goblet still on the table the twosome shared, the Altmer turned to face Dah’ni. “Not using an alias and giving me your real name wasn’t the smartest thing you could have done when we first met.”
Dah’ni did not like where this was going.
Taliesin continued. “You’re the youngest of five to a pair of farmers near Rimmen. You publicly rejected the Thalmor’s claims of recovering the moons and ending the Void Nights, resulting in you being detained.”
The fur on Dah’ni’s tail began to bristle. They looked around the busy tavern, but the twosome’s conversation was drowned out by rowdy chatter and the sounds of drums.
Yet Taliesin continued. “You roused other detainees into a revolt… an incident resulting in the death of three Thalmor agents, and the execution of those that revolted. And then, just as the dust had settled, you disappeared, never to be seen again…”
“You speak dangerously, elf.” Dah’ni hissed. Their lips curled back to reveal rows of sharp teeth stained yellow from bread and mead. The tip of their fluffed up tail twitched irritably while the grip on their tankard tightened.
Taliesin raised a brow, clearly not taking this threat display seriously. “You don’t deny it, then?” He took another sip of wine, annoyingly nonchalant.
“Why say this to khajiit now, hmm?”
Dabbing his lips with a cloth, Taliesin narrowed his eyes and leaned back into his chair. He raised his goblet and smiled. “You should try the wine.”
Dah’ni growled. “Do not change the subject!” They rose from their seat and leaned over the table, palms planted firmly on the wood. “Why are you telling me this now?”
“Really good wine…” Taliesin was about to take another sip when Dah’ni lunged forward and grabbed the collar of his robes, pulling him forward and causing him to drop his drink. The goblet clattered and splashed wine onto the floor.
“You know who I am, and what I did, congratulations,” They began, “but you have neglected to mention this to khajiit until now? Let alone at all?” A growl escaped their throat. “Tell me, Thalmor, what makes you think I won’t sink my claws into your throat? I could erase this lead you slimy bastards have with the stroke of a finger!”
The Altmer simply glared his yellow and green eyes into Dah’ni. “I know you won’t, though.” His mouth curved into a teasing sneer.
Dah’ni huffed. They had just about had it with this mer. “What makes you so certain?”
“You liiiiiike meeeee~”
A fire burned in Dah’ni’s chest and warmed their face. A sharp retort was caught in their throat and wouldn’t come out. The khajiit relaxed their grip and finally lifted their hand from Taliesin, simply too stunned to speak.
The Altmer in turn sat back down, reaching to pick up his fallen cup and setting it back on the table. “If you had just let me say my piece, I would have.”
Words finally made it out of Dah’ni’s mouth as they sat back down. “Then speak.”
Taliesin cleared his throat. “Before I begin, you must remember I’m not part of the Thalmor anymore,” He said, “Regardless, you saved my life when we met. Whether it was out of the goodness of your heart or you wanted to get something out of me doesn’t matter now.”
Dah’ni’s ears perked up. He was a smart mer, they figured. It didn’t come as a surprise that he realized he was being held captive at first. It took time, but Taliesin had been relieved of being a potential bargaining chip to secure Dah’ni’s own safety by now, having now become a genuine companion. Still, Dah’ni’s mind raced with feelings they weren’t quite ready to take on yet.
His voice snapped Dah’ni back to the present as Taliesin went on. “I know who you are, what you have done, and what you’re capable of, yes. I just wanted to you to know I haven’t said a word about you to anyone, and I intend to keep it that way. Believe it or not, your identity is safe with me.”
Dah’ni forced themself to relax, the fur on their tail finally lying flat. “How can khajiit be so certain you are telling the truth?”
Taliesin lowered his gaze, his eyes resting on his hands clasped together around the empty goblet. “Simply put, I value your company.” His voice was barely audible over the chatter and music playing around them. “…rather enjoy it, really…”
Dah’ni blinked. Embarrassed to admit it to themself, they realized that they, too enjoyed his companionship. Taliesin was a valuable asset in travel and combat, and became someone the Khajiit could rely on. In spite of having been with the Thalmor in the past, his presence was warm and welcoming. Taliesin’s teasing from earlier wasn’t that far from the truth. Dah’ni truly did like him.
“Hmph,” Dah’ni huffed, trying to shake away their blooming thoughts, “Khajiit will take your word for it.”
Taliesin glanced up and smiled warmly, which brought back the fire within the khajiit’s chest. The Altmer leaned forward. “With that out of the way,” He said, “why not buy me a new drink? It was your fault for making me drop my wine, kitten.”
Immediately, the fire inside them was extinguished as Dah’ni’s face dropped. Claws unsheathed, they laid a loud smack to Taliesin’s annoyingly smug face.
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I was tagged by @ariquar to take this quiz, “what kind of suffering are you?” as an oc (I used multiple lol), and share the results!
Kris: Despair
- The tunnel never had a light. You wish for nothing because you know you'll receive nothing, and your hopes died out long ago. The only thing that keeps you going is the thrill of emptiness you feel when things don't turn out your way. It's bitter. It's proof. Proof that you don't feel this way for nothing.
Dah’ni: The Blackhole
- There's a hole where your heart used to be and nothing is filling that hollow void. You could drown in a world curated for you, and still nothing seems to fit. It eats you alive knowing you're unsure how to satiate the hunger of your soul. It's barely hunger, it's more like a blackhole.
Yugo Nora: Yearning
- The pain in your chest bubbles knowing that what you want may never be yours. You're lost in a fantasy world, or consumed by what you wish you were or had as opposed to what you do. It's hard to appreciate what's around you when you're appreciating the hope of what could be instead.
I’ll tag @ardate @vicekings @moonscape @chordsykat @goblin-a-gogo @dolly-macabre @pan-flute-skeleton to try this with your ocs too!
Forgot to turn rbs off like I usually do oops
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skyrim prompts: 25 for the oc of your choice :]
25. Tracking animals on the plains of Whiterun
They shrunk into the amber grass, forcing their pale, thick furred tail to lay still, resisting the urge to swish it side to side. Dark brown tufted ears perked, listening for any signs of trouble, should there come any. The white diamonds that marked their ears glowed from the sunlight. Hunger knawed at their belly. Dah’ni hadn’t eaten all day, having forgotten to stock up from Carlotta’s food stall in the Whiterun market before heading out, and the sight of a plump deer was too good an opportunity to pass up.
Despite wearing armor of the Dark Brotherhood to aid in their sneaking, Dah’ni was careful in their muffled steps. Creeping closer, their whiskers brushing against a breeze told them that they were downwind. The khajiit stalked their prey, which grazed on the tall grass, unaware of its pursuer.
Dah’ni reached for their bow, and as soon as they had a firm grip on it, they vanished. It was a lucky find, this bow that could turn its wielder invisible. Taking a dwarven arrow from its quiver, the golden head vanished alongside Dah’ni as they drew back their bow.
With a held breath, Dah’ni loosed the arrow. It struck into the flank of the deer, startling it. It bellowed out a painful cry before turning tail and sprinting off.
Putting their bow away, Dah’ni reappeared before giving chase. The stag stumbled as its hooves crashed into a rock face, and it slipped onto its side, driving the arrow deeper into its flesh. With their prey downed, Dah’ni quickly ran up to it, giving it a quick death with a slice of its throat using an ebony dagger.
Before the khajiit had time to rapture in their spoils, low rumbling sounded from just behind a lone hill. Tail bristling, Dah’ni whipped around as three wolves erupted from the underbrush. They hissed and drew themself tall, intent on defending their kill.
If Dah’ni took out their bow, them disappearing would bait the wolves to their kill, which the cat did not want. However, if they drew out their ebony war axe, it would be a close quarters fight with wild animals that could carry all sorts of diseases, and Dah’ni had no potions to spare. Drawing back their lips into a snarl, they hit upon a better idea.
Dah’ni took in a breath, their mind full of concentration. Time seemed to slow as they let their dragon blood flow through them. “Fus… Ro Dah!” A thundering yowl burst from their mouth, a buffeting wind sent two wolves flying.
Dah’ni blinked. Where had the third gone? They gripped their bow tightly, vanishing in case the wolf decided to leap out and clamp its jaws around them. “Laas… Yah..!” Looking around, Dah’ni found a glowing red aura in the shape of a quadruped as it tugged at the felled deer. Drawing their bow, Dah’ni quickly took it out with one shot.
As they approached the deer and now dead wolf, they could smell rockjoint in the beast’s saliva. As well, a mangled bite mark told Dah’ni that the wolf had managed to get a blow in on the deer. It wasn’t worth the risk carving up the meat now, and the khajiit hissed in annoyance.
Stomach growling, Dah’ni looked to the sky, seeing the sun sinking over the orange horizon. Twitching their tail as hunger gripped their thoughts, they wondered if they could make it back to Whiterun in time to ask Hulda at The Bannered Mare for some venison stew.
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These prompts are too fun, have another little writing!
39. Acquiring a horse or pet
Huffing, sweat dribbled down and soaked their fur as Dah’ni exited the cave they had just cleared, carrying odd pieces to a dwarven construct of some kind. They felt the hot sun strike at their already overheated frame, and dropped the heavy pieces to the ground. Groaning, they fell to their knees, letting a shallow pool of water lap at their legs. On the other end of the pool, a large dwarven piece to match with the others that Dah’ni had carried lay, the waters licking at the golden thing— whatever it was.
The khajiit had just conquered an incredible dwarven ruin, in which it seemed the old inhabitants mastered the nature of seasons. It was an incredible adventure, one they would have to tell their friends in Whiterun as soon as they return. The parts they had brought out must fit into the piece in the pool, as it seemed obvious to Dah’ni.
“Next time, you’ll ask for help instead of being stubborn, yes?” Another khajiit took his place just beside Dah’ni. He twitched his black ears, annoyed at his partner’s refusal for help, yet amused at the consequences. He couldn’t help but curl back his white muzzle with a smirk.
“Kharjo,” Dah’ni gasped, “Need this one boast at khajiit’s misery?”
“Only when you bring them about on your own accord.” Kharjo purred. His grey tail swished from side to side, dotted with black spots. He paused. “Now then, why did you insist on bringing these things out here? Certainly not to melt them into arrowheads, no?”
“No.” Dah’ni grabbed the heavy piece that looked like a digitigrade hind leg. Using the limited knowledge of dwarven construction that they had learned over time, they fit the piece into a socket in the other metal thing in the water. It seamlessly clicked into place. Dah’ni looked back to Kharjo with a satisfied grin. “Come and bring me the others, please.”
“So now this one asks for help?”
“Fatigue is very persuasive.”
Kharjo obliged, and grabbed the other four pieces himself, placing them down next to his partner as they set to work. “How ever did you figure out dwemer things?”
“It only takes a bit of smithing know-how, and listening to that old elf in Markarth blather on and on!” Dah’ni fit another piece in before they and Kharjo flipped the construct over to the other side. “It is very easy to connect the dots on what is missing from our understanding of their machines.”
Kharjo gave Dah’ni another piece to slide in. “Easy for this one to say.”
Dah’ni finished with two more pieces before grabbing one last thing to attach: a metal piece in the shape of a horse’s head. On the front of the construct was one last socket, which Dah’ni diligently attached the head to. Moving it around, Dah’ni let the ball joint of the neck roll before placing a grand soul gem in a small compartment in the chest.
Steam erupted from the shoulders of the automaton, causing Kharjo to leap back with his tail bristling. Dah’ni stood up and stepped back as the machine whirred to life. The legs of the dwarven construct adjusted its hold onto the ground before hoisting itself up. The golden horse blew a puff of steam from its nostrils before whinnying in a mechanical tone.
“Haha!” Dah’ni exclaimed in jubilation. They reached out their hands and felt the metal snout warm up. “I knew that those metal things in the ruin were parts to a horse! Look at this beautiful creature!”
Kharjo let his fur lie flat, staring at the machine with curiosity. “Can it even be considered a creature?”
“Well, it won’t need any horse feed, so that’s one expense taken care of.” Dah’ni rounded to the side of the horse, hand slipping over a concave bronze arc in its back shaped like a saddle. They grabbed onto a metal bar at the base of the horse’s neck and brought themself up to mount the steed. “Very roomy up here!” They reached out their hand to Kharjo.
The khajiit warrior hesitated before accepting the hand, being helped up onto the saddle just behind Dah’ni. He winced as his tail caught hot steam coming from the machine’s legs. Now that he was up there, he admitted to himself that it was quite the feat to bring a mechanical horse back to life. The metal was comfortably warm against the chill evening air, and Kharjo could see himself using this steed to keep the cold at bay.
Dah’ni wrapped their hands around two metal levers just above the horses shoulders, and pushed them forward. The horse took a few steps forward, startling the cats and making Dah’ni put the levers back into resting position. “Ahah… such a quick response!” They adjusted the levers again, steering the horse down the path they had taken to get up the mountain. It trotted along smoothly as Dah’ni commanded it to ride down to the main road.
Kharjo held onto Dah’ni’s hips and hummed. “So then, what will be its name?”
“Hm?” Dah’ni glanced back at their passenger before facing the front again.
“You now have a horse, and yet it does not have a name. It is only right that the one who revived it does the honor.” He rested his chin on the driver’s shoulder.
Dah’ni looked on ahead as they hit the cobbled road, metallic steps clanking against the stone. To name something as unique as a mechanical horse… Dah’ni couldn’t help but wonder. It took a moment of silence until an idea popped into their mind.
“Car,” Dah’ni settled on, “It’s name is Car.”
“Car?” Kharjo lifted his chin and eased his grip. “Does that have some sort of meaning to you?”
Dah’ni shook their head. “I am unsure why, but it just seemed like a fitting name.”
Kharjo purred. He regained his hold on Dah’ni as the twosome rode along towards Rorikstead. The sun’s glow came and went as they passed the rocky mountains of the Reach, letting Car’s metallic coat shine a brilliant gold.
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Dah’ni, 4E 180
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These prompts are really fun to think about, so I ended up writing some more with Dah’ni!
1. An encounter with a dragon
A brisk wind drifted through the air, messing up the tidy fur that Dah’ni had so carefully brushed through that morning. Hissing with annoyance, they unsheathed their claws and combed through the ruffs of fur on their cheeks.
“Agh, and I had just fixed up my hair, too…” From behind the khajiit, the nord Lydia sighed from the sight of her disheveled brunette hair that clung to her steel armor.
Another khajiit, Kharjo, slowed his pace with the other two in order to be just behind Lydia. “Perhaps it would be best to put it in a braid, yes?” Taking off steel plated gauntlets and placing them perched underneath his arm, his grey furred hands combed through Lydia’s hair, pulling it out into three equal pieces before tossing them together into a braid.
“Thank you.” Lydia glanced back at the taller cat with a grateful look painting her eyes. “I’m afraid that autumn in Skyrim is always windy.”
Dah’ni couldn’t help but let out a smile seeing the two of them get along. At this point, Kharjo had only been with the team for a week, and was still getting acclimated to the ways of the dovahkiin and their housecarl. However, it seemed as though he was starting to warm up, which Dah’ni appreciated. A hot feeling surfaced, blooming in their stomach and moving to their face, as if by a comforting fire. Behind their dense coat of pale fur, Dah’ni could feel heat flushing their cheeks.
Shaking away the sudden feeling, the khajiit perked their ears forward, listening for anything that may lay ahead as the trio travelled down a mountain path in the Rift. The air was still, and no birds sand their songs as they passed orange-leaved trees. It was oddly quiet, which made Dah’ni wonder.
A shadow zipped overhead, casting the amber grasses in brief darkness before letting the sun shine on them once more. Their fur stood on end, bristling their tail to twice its size as Dah’ni looked up at the sky. For one destined to slay dragons, the sight of one always struck fear into the dragonborn’s heart.
Kharjo brought out his sword, and Lydia her battle axe. Dah’ni readied their war axe as well as soon as the dragon landed just in front of the party. Dust bellowed outward from the impact of the lizard’s weight, catching in Dah’ni’s eyes. They blinked, but held their ground, ready to take on the foe.
Strangely, the dragon did not attack. Now that Dah’ni could get a decent look at it, the dovah was actually much smaller than the others they have fought, only about half the size. It’s smooth scales were small and tightly packed, shining a brilliantly deep purple, with amethyst eyes to match. It had no horns, instead it was equipped with fins like a blood dragon, letting Dah’ni know what type it was.
It let out a voice, expectantly higher pitched than an average dragon. “Which one of you is dovahkiin?” It asked.
Dah’ni tensed, keeping their firm stance, they tightened their grip on their weapon. “This one!” They growled. How odd it was that the dragon could not sense its own kind within the khajiit. They felt their dragon blood course through their veins, their heart beating rapidly.
The dragon raised its neck, standing tall. “I am Briilokven!” It roared, baring fearsome rows of teeth, sharp like daggers. “I have come to you! Yes, this fire that burns within Briilokven… she shall see if you are truly worthy of taking the name of dovah!”
Dah’ni gulped down their fear. “Very well, then! Khajiit will dance on your bones once I have felled you!”
Briilokven rumbled a low growl. “Arrogant pest… this defeat will not mean death, whoever will take it.” She turned to Kharjo and Lydia. “Stand back!”
The two looked at each other before sheathing their weapons, understanding that this battle will be fought by dov, with no kill to decide the match. It was surprising to see a dragon show mercy over others. Who was this Briilokven, to be so unlike a dovah in nature?
Stifling back a sigh of relief, Dah’ni stood firm. “Then I will show you my power!”
Their dragon soul danced to life as Dah’ni concentrated their breath. “Yol!” A thundering cry erupted from their lips, followed by a wall of flames that charged towards the dragon.
Briilokven cringed as the fire hit, radiating against her scales as they glimmered like stars against the heat. “You truly do have the voice…” She reared her head back. “But can you stand against mine?!” She shouted, letting her own flames burst forth.
The fire engulfed Dah’ni, and it was hotter than that from any other dragons they had encountered. Scorching their fur that turned from a pale grey to a charred black, Dah’ni quickly held up their left hand, summoning a ward to block the flames. Once the rocket of embers ceased to lick at their body, the khajiit strengthened their ward, waving it against Lydia and Kharjo as it planted in front of them as a wall, now having exhausted their magicka supply. “Enjoying the show, yes?”
“Can this one really face a dragon alone?” Kharjo yelled out, placing his hand on his blade’s hilt, ready to draw it.
Dah’ni laughed, bellowing out hot smoke. “It is not every day a dragon challenges this one to a battle that does not result in death!”
Briilokven growled. “Enough of your squabbling!” She unfurled her wings, beating them down and taking to the skies. A roar pierced the heavens, cracking the air as she let gravity take her down. Her wings tucked into a dive, Briilokven spewed hot fire as she passed by the group overhead. It hit Dah’ni before they had the chance to regain some magicka to put up another ward, and baked their leather armor. The dragon spun around, and as she charged towards Dah’ni, the khajiit let out another shout.
“Fo Krah!” An icy wind sliced through the sky, striking the winged foe with intensity.
“Gah!” Briilokven tumbled to the ground, crashing into the dirt that now formed a crater from the impact. Chunks of ice littered the ground. She turned around to face her opponent, baring her teeth.
Before the dragon had time to react, Dah’ni had already charged ahead. They sliced their war axe against her purple muzzle, blood erupting from the gash and glossing the dirt below. The khajiit struck again, grabbing at giant bared teeth as they sank their blade in Briilokven’s jaw.
Briilokven hissed a snake-like sound, shaking her head sharply. Dah’ni dislodged themself from the dragon, collapsing into the earth. Giant fangs found their way to Dah’ni’s arm, clamping down and staining their fur red. The dovahkiin let out an anguished cry as blood welled from their wounds.
“Let us help you!” Lydia readied her weapon as the ward dissipated, ready to charge at the adversary.
With their free arm, Dah’ni felt that they had enough magicka for their spell. Their digits twitched, and a ball of flame bellowed from their hand and swallowed their entire body. The dragon unlatched her teeth and flinched back, giving Dah’ni a chance to stand.
“A flame cloak!” Kharjo’s eyes glistened against the light before turning to Lydia. “They are intent on keeping us out of it, no?”
The nord tensed her shoulders, readied weapon clasped in both hands. “What a fool!” Lydia shouted, and Kharjo knew she wanted Dah’ni to hear as well.
Briilokven staggered back, her footprints leaving deep divots in the ground. She exhaled a breath, smoke trailing in the wind. “You have strength, ronit,” She huffed through labored breaths, “I will part now, having had a taste of your thu’um.” She curled her lips, baring her blood soaked teeth. “But make no mistake, this is not the last you have seen of me.” Before anyone could respond, the beastly foe spread her wings and climbed into the sky. “Wuld Nah Kest!” The shout let her tear through the air with incredible speed, and the deep purple shape was nothing more than a black dot on the horizon.
Fatigue hitting them like a war hammer, Dah’ni fell to their knees as their fire smoldered into nothingness. It took most of their energy to get some rattled breaths in and out. Their fur was scorched black, and their arm was red with gushing blood. In fact, Dah’ni was sure that the dragon’s teeth hit bone, the wounds searing in pain like fire. The pain was so great that the dragonborn had not even noticed Lydia and Kharjo rush to either side of them until they spoke.
“You prideful idiot,” Lydia scolded with worry etching her voice, “What made you think you could take on a dragon alone?” She wrapped her arms around Dah’ni’s back, and the khajiit ungracefully fell limply into her touch.
Kharjo took out a large, red bottle. “Khajiit has to agree.” He uncorked the bottle, forcing Dah’ni’s mouth open and letting the red liquid cascade onto their tongue. “We are a team, yes? Let us help you when you are in trouble.”
The sweet nectar of the potion set to work, giving Dah’ni enough energy to pull themself up. Their bleeding started to slow down, and their charred fur began to heal. “It only wished to test my strength,” They said, “I wanted to oblige! A sparring match between dovah and dovahkiin… how could this one pass up the chance?” They strained as they stood up, Lydia supporting their weight.
The nord lass peered into the sky, turning a milky orange as the sun began to slide towards the horizon. A wind blew, rustling the autumn leaves to sing their melodies. Lydia placed a firm grip on their khajiit thane. “I doubt that’s the last we’ll see of that dragon,” She concluded, “But right now, we need to find somewhere for you to rest.”
Kharjo hummed. “Ivarstead is down the road,” He noted, “Let us stay there for the time being.”
Dah’ni hissed under their breath. They wanted to explore, not rest in an inn! However, they let Lydia and Kharjo help them along the cobbled road, limping their way to the small town. Though exhaustion gripped them tightly, the dragonborn wanted nothing more than to face Briilokven again.
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Thought I'd give Dah'ni an updated outfit
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Oh no! One of your OCs is injured! Pick one and tell me what happened -- and then: Who is tending to them? Who did it to them? Is this going to affect them in the long-term?
While Dah’ni is a master of stealth kills, there are the occasional times where they’ll be spotted and have to face an opponent head on. In this instance, Dah’ni is traveling with Cicero on the northern shore with water from the Sea of Ghosts lapping at the ice. The two of them are out on a contract for the Dark Brotherhood, tasked with taking the life of a bear hunter.
Spotting their target at a small campsite, Dah’ni commands Cicero to hide amongst the rocks, while Dah’ni uses their pelt to blend in with the snow. Hidden amongst a snowbank, they ready their bow to take down the man in a single shot, but the hunter catches a glimpse of their ebony weapon and immediately charges.
With a swing of a battle axe, Dah’ni is down, bleeding from a nasty wound on their shoulder. The shock of the blow is enough to make their vision blur, only barely being able to see Cicero come into the fray and finish the job as their consciousness slips.
Dah’ni soon wakes up in the Dawnstar Sanctuary with Cicero pressing a bloodied cloth into their shoulder while Nazir pats a cold, damp towel onto their forehead. Babette arrives with several potent potions, sighing with relief upon seeing her listener awake. That wound is sure to leave one nasty scar, but what’s the harm in one more to their little collection?
In the line of work of the assassin, it is expected that one would have to fight their targets every now and then if their position is compromised. Lucky for Dah’ni, their merry band of killers are ready to aid each other, should one fall victim to a target’s weapon of choice.
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I'd love to know more about Dah'ni -- can I get 4, and 9 for the Skyrim asks? :D
4. What are your Dragonborn's philosophies, mantras, codes of honor and the like? How steadfast are they in these beliefs? How do they influence their interactions with the world?
Dah’ni sort of sticks to their own way of thinking, but their mind is flexible. Considering they’re both an assassin and a thief, I don’t think a code of honor in the traditional sense has made its way to them despite being a hero. They do, however, find subconscious influence from their past lives, for example seeing the Dark Brotherhood reduced to a band of cutthroats that practically abandoned the tenets and sithis gave them a foul taste in their mouth, since their previous incarnations, Ashda and Adhara, were loyal members in the third era. Basically, they just want to do what’s right in the contexts they find themself in, be it as an honorable hero to a shadowy figure, to a friend of daedra or an agent of the divines. All they care about is the adventure.
9. Dragonborn's name and the meaning behind it?
Back when me and the siblings first got skyrim on the 360, while one of my brothers started going through the different races in the character creation, I just went on a khajiit name generator and picked out the one I liked best (or maybe I mixed some together, I can’t remember tbh), and Dah’ni was the name that won out. Buuut… since I wasn’t allowed to play it at the time I guess my brain stored that name away until years later when I actually got to play the game myself. As far as I know, it doesn’t have any meaning in ta’agra, the khajiit language, at least as far as I could find, but it does mean a lot to me in remembering when I finally got to play the game for the first time.
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Cistern, Lakeview, Yngol!
Cistern: Which Guild Hall is your favorite? Why?
I personally like the College of Winterhold, it just seems so cozy and welcoming to those who genuinely wish to understand magic. The characters are fun, and make the place seem more alive. The quest line is pretty short and has some things I struggle to really get attached to, but I do like the setting, it’s really aetherial.
As for Dah’ni, they like the Dawnstar Dark Brotherhood sanctuary, especially considering they for the bill for renovations… BUT ANYWAY as far as vanilla guilds go, they’re best associated with the brotherhood, so it makes sense that they’d feel most at home there.
Lakeview: If you have a preferred romantic partner, who is it and why?
In game, I tend not to have my player marry, mainly because I like to play as close to Dah’ni’s story as I can(and they’re in a poly relationship. I can’t get mods so I just elect to do nothing and just pretend lol). They’re in a relationship with Kharjo, Lydia, and Cicero, and while I could have them marry Lydia in game, I just prefer not to. Also that misc quest where your spouse gets kidnapped is really annoying ahdjdb
Yngol: Does your character have any tattoos or use any cosmetics (war paint or traditional make up)? What meaning do they have?
As far as gameplay goes, I give Dah’ni tabby pattern “war paint” simply to make their face less plain. In reality, they don’t wear war paint or make up, no piercings or decorative body mods of any kind either. Their entire body is covered in fur from head to toe, so if they had any tattoos it’s be pretty useless if you couldn’t see it due to their thick coat. They’re quite proud of their fur and snow leopard-like pattern, and wouldn’t want to alter it in any way.
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Dah'ni: 'Background' 2, 6, and 8!
2. Where did they grow up? A city? A village? Isolated, in the wilderness? What was it like to leave?
Dah’ni grew up as the youngest of five in the city of Rimmen in the state of Anequina in Elsweyr. They tended a market stall with their siblings while their parents and other family worked a farm. The family wasn’t that well off, but could still support themselves, at least. Growing up in a city has made Dah’ni used to crowds and bustling streets, and being alone for too long really takes a toll on them. When they left after having upset the Aldmeri Dominion, Dah’ni had no time to say any proper farewells, nor feel any remorse for leaving their family behind. The rush of adrenaline and fear of being taken away by the Thalmor were too great to really feel anything else. However, even with having found a family in Skyrim, there’s still that ache in their heart for home.
6. What are their interpersonal relationships like? Are they close with many people?
Dah’ni is of course close with Lydia, Kharjo, and Cicero, of which the four of them are in a polyamorous relationship with each other. They also care a great deal for Erandur, and view him as a father figure. Any time they’re in Dawnstar, Dah’ni pays him a visit. As well, Alvor, Sigrid and Dorthe from Riverwood are dear friends to them, and in fact Alvor helped Dah’ni find a hobby in smithing, which they tend to do in their spare time. Dah’ni is also good friends with Babette and Nazir, Brynjolf, Teldryn Sero, J’zargo, Sybille Stentor, and many, many more. Needless to say, their adventures let them meet and befriend a lot of people!
8. What guilds do they join? Are they committed to those guilds, or are they mostly in them for the benefits?
Dah’ni is the listener of the Dark Brotherhood, and a master thief in the Thieve’s Guild (in this canon, Dah’ni isn’t the guildmaster, that role has been given to Karliah after a bit of persuading). They’re also a student at the College of Winterhold, giving Tolfdir the role as arch-mage. In their canon, Dah’ni formed a guild of their own, too: the Adventurer’s Guild, of which they are the guildmaster for that, sharing the role with Lydia, and the guild hall being Lakeview Manor near Falkreath. For each and every one of these factions, Dah’ni is a hard working member for all.
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