#bisexual disaster Luz Noceda
bat-in-the-machine · 10 months
Fuck it, it is Silly O'Clock in my TOH S2+ AU fic
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jayz4dayz · 2 years
Luz: Hey, do you wanna come with me to the-
Amity: Yes.
Luz: You didn't let me finish, batata.
Amity: "With you" is all I need to know.
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[hello! So, I’d been out of writing fanfiction for a LONG time. But! I’ve recently fallen in love with ‘The Owl House’ and it’s reignited my desire to write fanfiction! So, here is what is my first post on AO3 (I’m a Fanfiction.net survivor), since I decided to share it here as well since Tumblr’s getting a bit of a revival! Message me if you have any queries or wanna chat about it! Or, if you wanna read more, I’ll be posting more of this on here in the coming weeks, but on AO3 it is up to Chapter 35, so if you want the link to that, feel free to message and ask! Many thanks!]
The taste of iron was overwhelming Luz’s taste buds as the wind whipped through her hair. But, the sensation was very much so dwarfed by the open gash on her chest that was currently holding a steady flow of crimson dripping to the ground below.
At that moment, Eda was in Harpy form, and was holding Luz aloft while flying at top speed into the deepest parts of Bonesborough
“Ya know, it’d kinda be anticlimactic if something like this were to be the thing that takes me out. I really would’ve preferred if it was in a huge battle with the big ol’ evil mastermind, Belos,” the teen managed, before falling into a fit of coughs that splattered more blood into the winds.
“That’s right kid, that’s why you gotta stay with me until we get you to the Healers,” Eda said, forcing out the phrase, holding back the deluge of tears that was threatening to break through,” You can’t let your story end like this. You know I taught you better than that!”
Luz let out a frayed chuckle at that, and muttered,”Aww come on, Eda. Can’t you tell? I’m feeling better already. Might even run a marathon tomor-“
Luz was cut short for a hacking fit, spraying blood all over the harpy’s feathered chest, sending Eda into a more frenzied flight pattern.
“Hey, hey, kid, it’s okay! Take it easy and just focus on breathing. We’re gonna get you fixed up, and tell ya what: If you can run one tomorrow I’ll get up and run it with ya. No wings or anything!” Eda said, her voice filled with cracks.
Luz went silent for a moment, before she started to shake, and the tears broke through.
“Eda I’m not ready to go… I have so much I need to do… So many people I-“
Comfort the Owlet- preen the Owlet.
The Harpy’s thoughts in her head made Eda pull back the sweat-matted hair from in front of Luz’s face, and gingerly cup her cheek, “Luz, LUZ! You’re not going anywhere kid. They’re gonna fix you all up and we’ll be home for pancakes with King in the morning! I promise!”
Luz cracked out what looked to be a hopeful smile, before her eyes glazed over, and rolled into the back of her head, and her body began to seize.
“SHIT!” The harpy exclaimed, loud enough to wake half the town.
Eda steeled her resolve at this, and dove into a deep dive to pick up her speed, and somehow maneuvered her way through the streets, holding to this speed as if her life depended on it.
Well, not her life.
She carried that speed into the lobby of a larger building- not even stopping outside. Once through the tall open doors, she stopped herself with a powerful backward thrust of her wings, and immediately screamed for all the help she could get, laying the still seizing body of her apprentice on the ground, and cradling her head.
It was mere seconds before she had been swarmed with at least 6 healers, all getting Luz onto a gurney, and getting her vitals. They rattled off important question after important question- but Eda silenced them all when she looked at them and told them Luz was human.
They all stared at her, then at Luz, then to each other with shock on their faces. Then, a familiar face stepped between Eda and Luz.
It was a large, slate grey looking humanoid, with two ragged looking horns adorning his forehead. He wore small, wire-rimmed glasses, and had a deathly-serious expression on his face.
“Edalyn- has your apprentice ever had healing Magic conducted on her? She’s HUMAN! Hells, we don’t know what it could do to the poor girl. We certainly don’t have any human blood to transfuse, and at this point, I don’t know if we could d-“
“Trill, you better not be getting ready to tell me you’re going to do nothing, and just let her die,” Eda growled, her words dripping with the deadliest of venom.
“No, Eda. But…. If we are going to try anything that MIGHT have a chance to save her, it would have to be through healing magic- and STRONG magic,” the demon said, meeting Eda’s eyes with the same intensity,” So you need to make a call. You are her mentor, and guardian. Are you giving us permission to attempt large scale healing magic on your apprentice?”
Eda’s expression met Trill’s, and then it absolutely shattered to one of panic- which….. oddly disturbed Trill much more.
“Trill, I don’t KNOW. What if the Magic just slowly kills h-“
Eda was interrupted by another, more severe fit of seizures from her apprentice on the gurney.
“Eda, I need an answer. NOW!”
Eda froze like a deer in headlights, as she watched Luz’s convulsing body. She was snapped out of it when Trill literally smacked her across the face and directed her face back to himself.
“EDA, NOW! YES OR NO?” Trill demanded, holding her by the shoulders.
Trill nodded, a fire burning behind his eyes.
“We will do everything in our power to bring her back to you,” he promised, before nodding to the team to take her to the back. He pointed to one of the team members in particular and commanded,” Get the ArchMage, this is the highest priority. NOW.”
Trill followed up to the door as the team pushed Luz’s convulsing body through, and only looked back at Eda before passing through the door to offer a determined nod.
Eda nodded back, and then paused a moment, before fully collapsing, and succumbing to the breakdown that had been fighting to burst through. The administrators only watched as her large, bloodied, harpy form was wracked with sobs and wails as she laid in fetal position on the cold, unforgiving floor…
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Seven minutes in heaven, featuring Amity Blight as a Mean Girl and a Lesbian (not related) and Luz Noceda as a Disaster Bisexual and Clumsy Autistic (definitely related) and Skara, as Thoroughly Done With This Shit.
TW for references to child abuse, homophobia, internalized homophobia and ableism.
Full fic below for those who don’t wanna go to ao3
“Amity and...Luz?”
The room, previously full of chatter flitting through the blasting music, fell oddly silent as everyone turned to stare at Amity, who was sitting in a corner with Boscha and Skara. Amity had to bite back a groan at the silence and the name accompanying hers. 
There was only one Luz in Hexside and she was definitely on the list of top three people Amity didn’t want to be shoved in a closet with for seven minutes for some kind of ridiculous teenage ritual, especially not during some ridiculous party thrown by some boy Amity didn’t even know that she’d come to anyway because her friends wanted to be “popular.”
This was not how Amity had planned her evening going. It was a fucking Saturday and she’d mostly planned to study and binge shitty TV in her room and pretend no one else existed but instead she was here and after being bombarded with the abysmal party music and overly giggly drunk crowd for over an hour, she hadn’t thought it could get worse.
And yet.
Luz Noceda. Amity was going to kill Skara and Boscha.  
“What a perfect match,” Someone snickered sarcastically and then the silence dissolved into laughter and noise again, members of the crowd egging them on until they were chanting, ”Amity and Luz! Seven minutes of heaven!”
Boscha, sprawled back against the couch with Skara at her side chattering with another student, rolled her eyes as she sipped her punch, sneering, “Lucky you, stuck with the freak.”
“Can we not?” Skara groaned, turning away from her conversation to give Boscha an unimpressed look, eyebrows raised. ”That shit is so old my grandma could predict every line. Stop talking shit, it’s exhausting. Amity, you need a save?”
“A save” was code for an excuse to get away, usually supposed to be used as a last resort when they were stuck with someone they desperately didn’t want to or couldn’t be around, like last year when one of Boscha’s ex-girlfriends had started stalking her. 
But as much as Amity desperately wanted nothing to do with Luz Noceda, who’s sparkly purple phone with fuzzy eyes on it was being waved beside Amity’s pale blue one, the crowd was already cheering for them and Luz, wearing pink cat ears and a purple jacket paired with blue jeans dotted with stars, was already being pushed through the crowd toward the closet.
So Amity clenched her jaw and pushed to her feet. “No, it’s okay. If Noceda can do it, so can I. It’s only seven minutes anyway, what’s the worst that can happen.”
“Do not make out with her.” Boscha ordered, eyes pinned on a boy across the room, lips curling at him even as she spoke. ”That girl is trouble, Amity, and your mom would kill you.”
Amity froze and leveled a glare at Boscha. Her mother would kill her if she knew she was making out with a girl, no further questions asked, it wouldn’t matter to her whether it was Luz or not but even Boscha knew better to mention any of that with company around.
“Not in public.” She hissed and then turned away, decidedly not storming over to the closet. She arrived at the same time as Noceda, who gave a little wave, nearly tripping into her.  
“Heyyy,” Luz said, an awkward grin already in place and grating on Amity’s worn thin nerves. Noceda was always awkward, vibrant and either in trouble or getting someone else in trouble. ”Sooo, do you wanna like, head in or what?”
Amity stared.
”That is the point of the game.” She replied derisively and Luz flinched slightly, almost making Amity feel bad. But she knew from experience that Luz wasn’t as nice as she pretended to be so she refused to regret it, rolling her eyes as they entered the disturbingly small closet, lined with boxes, door shutting with a click, noise of the party dulling immediately.
“This-oh, boxes, nice-Shit, shit, shit-Ah, this works, okay, yeah, I’m good.” Amity watched in disbelief as Noceda stumbled over her own shoelaces, fell into several boxes in the surprisingly small closet, hit the floor, scrambled back to her feet and then managed to sit awkwardly on the boxes, narrating the entire time before looking back up at Amity, brushing her hair out of her eyes and clearing her throat. ”So, um, hi, Amity-”
”No.” Amity snapped, already far too over Noceda’s little good-girl act, dropping onto her own set of boxes across from her and crossing her arms over her chest. ”We’re stuck in a closet together for some bullshit teen ritual, we’re not friends and we’re definitely not talking, Noceda.”
Noceda blinked a couple times, opening and closing her mouth, brow furrowing. ”Um, okay, we can do that, that’s fine, super. I mean, I didn’t think we were friends yet, I just-We’ve talked a couple times, so-”
“Talked a couple times” was such an amazing summarization of the few times Amity had interacted with Luz since the girl had arrived at Hexside that for a moment she couldn’t do anything but gape. Luz hadn’t been anything but a thorn in Amity’s side every time they came in contact. 
First the girl had become friends with Willow, Amity’s only regretted lost friendship over the years, then she’d joined the soccer team and after Amity had insulted Willow, they’d competed and Luz had not only won Amity’s spot on the team but she’d pissed Amity off so much that Amity had gotten fouled for throwing a soccer ball at Luz’s head in retaliation. Then just a week ago, Amity had been reading to the kids at the library like she did every two weeks and Noceda had made fun of her, in her awkward sarcastic way.
“I think it’s really cute, reading to kids.” She’d said, not even bothering to make eye contact and then not just half an hour later, Amity had found her with Ed and Em with her diary, which had led to Amity losing her special library card for yelling in the library.
“We’ve argued.” Amity corrected, voice stiff with anger, still glaring. ”We haven’t and don’t talk. So stop talking. We only have to stay here for seven minutes. Even you can stay quiet that long, Noceda.”
Noceda’s expression closed off and she seemed to struggle with whether or not to reply before dismissing the idea and fiddling with her fingers instead, biting her lips and swinging her legs absently as she did. That was another thing about Noceda that aggravated Amity: the girl was so careless with her movements no matter how awkward it looked or how much she got into trouble and Amity never knew how to react to it. Her mother would’ve smacked her for moving that much, would’ve snapped at her for biting her lips, would never have let Amity within ten feet of cat ears or phone case decorations but here Noceda was, looking like a character from some kind of teen fantasy series with no regret whatsoever and it was just weird.
Resigning herself to ignoring Noceda, Amity settled against her own box and ignored the box on a shelf above digging into her ribs in favor of tilting her head back to count the spots on the ceiling, squinting to see. She wished she could’ve had her phone but apparently that “violated the rules of the game” or whatever because the goal was either sex or making out. Which, okay, Luz was pretty, with her eyes and hands and everything but she was still a girl and Luz Noceda and Amity only had a couple rules for making out and that violated far too many.
Besides, Amity didn’t like Noceda and Noceda clearly returned the sentiment. There wasn’t even any point considering it.
Amity had counted fifteen spots and two spiderwebs before Noceda abruptly broke the silence.
“I can’t actually stay silent for seven minutes.” She burst out, wringing her fingers and grimacing as she spoke. ”I don’t know why I tried, I can’t actually do that unless I have, like, music or something, sorry. I know I’m like, annoying or whatever but I can’t stay quiet for that long-If I could my life would actually be a lot easier, believe it or not.”
Noceda laughed dryly as she said it and Amity, who’d jumped at the unexpected sound, closed her eyes and inhaled slowly, counting to ten in her head.
“Fine, talk then.” Amity snapped once she’d finished counting, opening her eyes to send a look at Luz. ”But don’t talk to me. We’re not friends and it’s not because you’re annoying, Noceda, it’s because you’re a fucking bully!”
Noceda startled at the words, jaw dropping and feet hitting the box hard as they stopped swaying.
”A bully?” Noceda repeated incredulously. ”I’m a bully? For what? I’ve never bullied anyone in my life, unless you count book characters, in which case it was necessary for character development-”
“You’re a bully because you won’t leave me alone!” Amity returned heatedly, forgetting her pledge not to talk. ”You’re always everywhere since you moved here and you made me get a foul in soccer and then stole my diary and you made me lose my library card!”
“Literally none of that was my fault!” Noceda’s voice rose and she straightened up on her box, still gaping. ”You insulted Willow and I’m not trying to bother you! I didn’t know that book was your diary! Em and Ed gave it to me and then-I didn’t even know you’d be there! I came with Gus and Willow and I didn’t know you’d get so upset when I complimented you-”
“Complimented me?!” Amity slid off her box to step closer, anger curling tight in her chest. ”You made fun of me for reading to the kids!”
“I wasn’t making fun of you!” Noceda almost yelled, her voice squeaking, cheeks alarmingly flushed as she threw her hands up in the air. ”I was trying to-I thought it was really cute, you looked really cute reading to the kids, and I didn’t even mean for you to see me! But then it was so cute and I didn’t realize you were coming towards me but then I tried to be nice but I guess you thought I was being sarcastic but I really wasn’t, I swear, I just-”
Amity’s brow furrowed as the meaning of the Noceda’s word vomit started to make sense, her anger scattering in the face of her confusion. Ed and Em masterminding the thing with her diary did make complete sense given they were assholes half the time…Amity had thought it was a weird thing for Noceda to do, oddly specific and Luz looked desperately sincere now, as though scared she wouldn’t be understood but-
“You-” Amity began, stopped and then squinted at Noceda, whose cheeks she had thought before were flushed in anger…but looking closer, she actually seemed to be… blushing and that abruptly clicked into place with what Noceda had just said. ”You thought I was cute?”
Noceda’s mouth opened and closed a couple times before she looked away, fingers intertwining again.
”I mean, yeah?” Her voice squeaked in all the wrong places as she replied..”You’re like-Your hair and then your eyes and I know you don’t like me or whatever-But even though you were mean to Willow doesn’t mean I can’t tell you’re pretty and everything!”
Amity’s mouth slid open. Oh my god, she thought, faintly aware her heart had begun to thunder in her chest. Luz was gay. And not just gay but gay for… Amity? She’d been…that’d been a real compliment before.  
“I think it’s really cute, reading to kids.” She’d said, emphasis in all the wrong places and Amity had thought it was her awkward attempt at sarcasm, had thought the girl disliked her back at least just as much but Luz was sitting on a box, staring at a place over Amity’s head, blushing furiously, hands fluttering, chewing anxiously on her lips saying she thought Amity was pretty even though she thought she was mean to Willow and the realization that maybe it hadn’t been sarcasm but just how Luz talked hit Amity over the head like a sledgehammer.
And well, Amity was mean to Willow. She couldn’t even begin to deny that. She’d been mean to Willow and hung out with Skara and Boscha for so long she barely even registered it anymore. And Luz was friends with Willow. 
Real friends, like Amity had been once upon a time before her mother had decided she didn’t like what Amity realized later was her clear crush on the girl and ordered Amity to “drop her.” And Luz, who was weird and indescribable, was standing up for Willow, even as she admitted she thought Amity was pretty.
And here Amity was, jumping on her back, snapping at her when she’d tried to make small talk…when Luz didn’t even hate her. Amity had spent so long crafting the persona her mother had demanded and living exactly the life her mother thought she should that she hadn’t recognized any of that. She’d been so determined to please her mother that she’d become so like her mother she barely thought twice about bullying Willow or how she’d been treating Luz. Though, she thought with a twinge, her mother hadn’t ordered her to bully Willow. Or treat Luz like shit. She’d done that all herself.
Everything slid into place so simply that Amity felt like a complete idiot for not realizing it before.
The bully wasn’t Luz.
It was Amity.
It was Noceda who broke the silence. She’d closed her eyes tight, face scrunched as if anticipating a blow until she finally opened them, glancing warily at Amity, who stared back, still stuck on her realization. Noceda blinked a couple times, her golden flecked brown eyes clearly confused.
”That’s…not a mean face.” She said finally, tilting her head as she spoke, cheeks less red but gaze still extremely wary. ”Are-I really, really was just trying to compliment you, y’know. I know I’m like, weird or whatever and I always get shit wrong and I’m sorry you thought I was like, mean-girling you but I really didn’t mean-”
“Luz.” The name slid off Amity’s tongue before she’d even decided to use it. Noceda- Luz’s mouth closed with a snap and she flushed, staring hesitantly at Amity, who took a deep breath and then blurted, “I’m sorry.”
Luz swallowed. Blinked. And then tilted her head to the side, the apology clearly flying right over her head as she squinted at Amity, as if trying to discern whether she was being serious or not.
Amity took a step forward, pushing her shoulders back, shoving aside the voice in her head that whispered ‘this isn’t the type of person you have to impress, Amity, Blights hold themselves to higher standards’, and instead looking back at Luz Noceda, head on, jaw clenched.
Luz’s earrings were cat-shaped too, black and shiny like her chipped nail polish and as Amity inched even closer, Luz tilted her head back to meet her gaze, teeth still wearing into her lower lip. Now that Amity was actually looking, she could tell the girl wasn’t actually making eye-contact now either, eyes flitting over her face looking everywhere but directly at her. But it wasn’t disconcerting, especially not now that Amity was realizing it wasn’t like with Boscha, who looked away from people because she didn’t care enough to even pretend to be interested.
With Luz, it was different. It was like her chattering; she wasn’t trying to be mean, wasn’t trying to be annoying, she was just… being. Existing as herself. Not in a way Amity’s mother would’ve approved of-not that she approved of much of anything these days-but Amity thought her discomfort with it all didn’t really have anything to do with Luz at all, just the idea she’d built in her head of the girl.
“I-” Amity’s mouth felt alarmingly dry and she swallowed uncomfortably but kept talking, because she knew if she didn’t now, she’d probably never get the guts to do it again. ”I’m sorry-about…all of it. Even Willow. Especially Willow. I’ve been-I didn’t realize-”
She took a deep breath. And then another. Luz’s eyes had widened slightly at her admission, her brow furrowing but Amity didn’t let herself analyze it, struggling to find the right words that she knew she needed to say. She’d been a bitch. She was a bitch. It was right in front of her face but even if she felt guilty about how she treated people sometimes, she’d never thought she was a bully. 
She’d ignored the guilt and pretended she was just trying to fit in when instead she was just shoving people out.
That was how her mother did things. Her mother would probably be proud and the realization was jarring. In all the years that Amity had spent terrified of her mother, scared of stepping out of line, scared of what would happen if she made a mistake too large for her mother to forgive, scared of being disowned, she’d never considered they could be so similar. But she’d felt gratified when Luz flinched earlier, had intimidated her into silence, had refused kind greetings and bullied Willow.
And no one, not even her mom, had pushed her to do any of those things.  
But Amity had done them anyway. She couldn’t fix what she’d already done but looking at Luz’s face, she wanted to fix it. She wanted to take it back.
But even if she couldn’t take it back, maybe Amity could stop. And looking at Luz…she thought maybe she could do more than just stop. Maybe she could stop hanging out with Boscha, maybe it was okay she thought Luz was really pretty too, maybe she could kiss a girl-Standing in the tiny closet, across from this girl, during this ridiculous party, Amity felt like maybe, maybe she could make things okay.
Amity swallowed.
”I’m really, really sorry.” She said, all-too-aware of the way her voice sounded too loud in the quiet of the closet but looking straight at Luz, even as her heart hammered in her chest, palms moistening as she fought the urge to cringe or hide away. ”For real. I didn’t-I really realie how much of a bitch I was being. To you…or to Willow-And I know that’s-I’ll make it up to you. I’ll try. Seriously. I didn’t realize-I mean, I called you a bully but…you’re not really the bully here, I guess.”
The words came out haltingly, the sensation similar to picking at painted nails. It almost felt good when pieces came off…But Amity had never really gotten the hang of painting hers, so it always left a faint stain behind, her nails bare but awkward looking.
Noceda’s reaction was instant: her mouth dropped open and she gaped at Amity for a moment, clearly grappling for what to say before laughing awkwardly, rubbing at the back of her neck as she continued to stare.
”I-Well. You’re not wrong.” She admitted, grimacing slightly as she spoke, looking away. ”But I don’t really want an apology. It was mostly a misunderstanding, right? But if you really want to make it up to me…”
She turned back to Amity, gaze searching her face for something. Sincerity, maybe? Amity wasn’t even sure, shoulders tensing and heart rate spiking as she scrambled to figure out what Luz might want. A kiss? whispered Boscha’s voice, insidiously sliding into the mayhem but Amity pushed it away, fiercely. 
Even if they both thought each other were pretty, this definitely wasn’t the time. Even if Amity would definitely kiss her back. And probably enjoy it. Fuck, she thought, resisting the growing urge to bite her nails. She couldn’t kiss any girls, much less Luz, even if it was for slightly different reasons than before.
“Stop bullying Willow.” Luz broke through Amity’s thoughts, her chin held up slightly, voice hard and firm, gaze unflinchingly meeting Amity’s for a brief moment. ”Leave her alone. Get Boscha and Skara to stop too. There’s nothing wrong with Willow and even if there was, she’s incredible and there’s no reason for you to be bullying anyone. If you’re really sorry, stop all of it and apologize to her. She’s the one who really deserves an apology. She says you’ve been doing it for years.”
Luz crossed her arms over her chest, almost in the same defensive pose Amity had been in earlier.
”I know what it’s like to be bullied.” Her tone was flat but her voice softened slightly as she spoke, eyes flickering away. Amity couldn’t even pretend to be surprised at the admission; kids like Luz were bullied all the time, everyone knew that even though it was weird to think about with the girl sitting right there, real and disturbingly human. ”And it fucks you up. I’m not really the one you bullied. You were mean to me, sure, but that was it. Willow is the one you bullied. Make it up to her. ”
Amity’s first instinct was to protest, to deny it, to fight back. The only people who confronted her about things these days were the twins and they always had unhelpful shit to say, like telling her to ‘stop being mom’s puppet’ and to ‘dress adventurously’ or ‘duck! syke, they were throwing the ball at your gut,’ and she felt like she was always arguing with them.
But she’d started this. It hurt, like a slap to the face (a sensation Amity was plenty familiar with) but it was also the truth. It tasted burnt, acrid and sour on Amity’s tongue.
She’d hurt Willow, not just by pushing her away because her mother said to, but all by herself, with no prompting whatsoever. She’d bullied her and laughed at Boscha’s jokes and ignored when Skara told them they were going too far and ignored when they made Willow cry, ignored that Willow was sweet and she’d never retaliated unless they attacked someone else. 
Amity had fucked Willow’s life up. She’d made Luz afraid of her. She’d done all of this and for a moment, thinking about it was like staring at the wreckage of a burnt down house, knowing you’d lit the match, guilt collecting on her shoulders like ash.
“Okay.” Amity had to drag the word out of her throat, inhaling deeply, biting her own lip hard enough the flavor of iron flooded her mouth.” I-Yeah, I’ll do that. Seriously.”
Luz squinted, tilting her head at Amity. Like before, the silence stretched and Amity felt more scrutinized than she had when she’d performed with the school band for over half of the town.
”I’d say thank you.” Luz said finally, hesitated and then grimaced again. ”But you really were kind of a bitch.”
“Yeah.” Amity agreed, words like sawdust and then, slowly, watching Luz for a reaction, sat down on one of the boxes beside the girl, careful to leave space between them. Luz shifted a little but otherwise didn’t protest, watching Amity cautiously.
Amity took a deep breath and then exhaled, warily glancing sideways at Luz. ”I really am sorry.” She said again, horrified at her voice for cracking but continuing despite it. ”You don’t have to like, accept it or anything. I just-I’m sorry. Seriously.”
Luz inhaled and exhaled slowly as well, in what seemed like unconscious mimicry, fiddling with her hands absentmindedly again.
”I can tell you are.” She said after a minute, tilting her head back to stare at the ceiling. ”And maybe I’ll accept that. After you make it up to Willow.”
After. Not if. Amity didn’t say anything, lost for a reply. She rarely talked to people who weren’t teachers one-on-one and her lack of experience swallowed her, twisting her stomach in knots as she tried to figure out what to fill the quiet with. Noceda-Luz didn’t seem to notice it, humming something under her breath and knotting her hands, clearly counting the spots on the ceiling now.
As the moments slid by in (near) silence, the only exception being Luz’s humming, Amity found herself watching the girl, studying her profile. Looking at her was kind of like staring at a kaleidoscope. Ed had had one once. Or was it Em? 
Amity couldn’t remember now but she remembered that moment, staring through it, thinking it was gorgeous but having no idea why or even what it was. Amity may not be able to kiss girls but she could sure as hell tell when one was pretty or not and Luz definitely was. She was even wearing makeup, small black stars scattered on her upper cheek, a smear of something that looked like glitter near her eye.
“Do you think-” Luz’s voice jolted Amity but it was how the girl turned back to look at her that sent her heart rate skyrocketing, horribly aware that they were barely inches apart. Fuck, this wasn’t some cheesy romcom and even if it had been, Amity was a fucking bully but she still couldnt help the traitorous part of her brain whispering-what if…
Shit, it was hard to stop being gay when you knew the girl right next to you was at least a little gay for you too.
“Can I kiss you” was on the edge of Amity’s tongue when the door to the closet was yanked open, flooding the space with cheering and the blare of whatever song was playing now.
“TIME!” One of the kids yelled-What was his name? Shit, Amity really didn’t know anyone here-and both Amity and Luz flinched so hard they nearly fell into each other. Luz slipped off her box instead and hit the floor with a thud, which only made the crowd outside the door laugh.
”Fucking shit,” Luz said, mock-glaring at the boxes as she tried to scramble back to her feet. ”Of course, you betray me now, feet-”
“Did you make out?” “Are their clothes still on?” “Damn, y’all didn’t work ANY of that tension out?”
Amity took in a swift breath and ignored the chatter, moving to help Luz off the floor but before she reached her, someone broke through the crowd and pulled Luz to her feet, brushing her off as they did so.
”Oh my god, are you okay?” Willow asked breathlessly and Amity felt like the air had been punched out of her lungs. Willow was wearing jeans and a dark green tunic, accompanied by earrings shaped like clovers, her lips painted black and she looked…incredible. Amity had never seen her dressed up like this before and it was just one of far too many reminders of the night that Amity was very, very much a dyke.
“I’m fine, no worries.” Luz confirmed and then, amidst the chaos and all the staring, she leaned forward and gave Willow a swift kiss on the cheek, which both sent Amity’s heart to her throat and her optimism spiraling into her stomach, tying itself into a knot. ”C’mon, let’s go!”
“Gayyyyy!” Someone hollered and Amity stood there, wooden as the chatter shifted from vaguely homophobic mixed with a couple kids half-heartedly pointing out the bullshit. Amity knew she should do something. Say something. Grab Luz or even apologize to Willow but all the eyes were on them in that tiny closet and Amity couldn’t breathe again, with that knowledge and the weight of the knot in her stomach.
In a perfect world, she would’ve asked Luz if she could kiss her. In a perfect world, Amity would’ve had some sort of smart retort to the kids outside. In a perfect world, Amity might even have left the closet with Willow and Luz at her side.
But in a perfect world, Amity wouldn’t be a bully. In a perfect world…maybe Amity’s mom wouldn’t be a homophobe. (Maybe she would love Amity without Amity having to prove herself.) In a perfect world-
“Oh, wait-Amity!” Luz’s voice broke through Amity’s internal spiral and Willow jerked to stare at them both in surprise. Amity blinked as Luz leaned forward and laid a hand on her arm, her palm warm and gentle as she flashed a smile. ”I’ll see you.”
It wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t acceptance or anything even remotely like that. But, despite all the sudden hush and all the eyes on Amity, she appreciated the gesture. She took a deep breath and nodded.
“Sure.” Amity said hesitantly and offered a smile, something closer to real than she’d given anyone in a long time. ”Thanks, Noced-Luz. Seriously.”
And then, Amity hurried out of the closet, pushing through the crowd, keeping her head up and refusing to look back, more because she was terrified of doing something stupid than anything else. Because that was a Start. 
A New Start. In front of everyone. She, Amity Lavender Blight, had smiled at Luz Noceda, had thanked Luz Noceda in front of everyone, without a mean comment or sarcastic jibe and she didn’t doubt for a second it would be gossip at school for weeks. Skara and Boscha were definitely going to ask questions. Everyone was going to ask questions.
But she didn’t regret it. And she wasn’t taking it back. If there was one thing Amity consistently was, it was stubborn as hell and she wasn’t going to stop being that now when she suspected she needed it the most.
She fumbled her way back across the room, back to the couch where she’d been before and found Skara sitting with another girl in her lap, laughing, Boscha nowhere to be seen. Amity dropped onto the couch beside them, fighting the panic attack looming over her and frantically ignoring the hushed whispers flitting around the room.
“Hey,” Skara said, peering around the girl, cocking her head. ”How’d it go?”
Amity took a deep breath but froze in her reply when she saw Luz and Willow crossing the room, heading for the exit, Willow repeatedly glancing over her shoulder to stare at Amity. Amity swallowed as they made eye contact and then looked away. She may’ve apologized to Luz but she definitely didn’t have the courage to talk to Willow yet. Or make eye contact.
“I-” Amity looked at Skara. Were they friends? She wasn’t even sure, to be honest. They’d spent a lot of time together but everything was so fake about their group that Amity wasn’t sure what she could trust. Skara cocked her head and opened her mouth, as if to ask another question and Amity jolted to her feet. ”I need to go.”
Skara’s eyebrows hit her hairline. ”What? Now? Boscha’s gonna freak.” The girl in her lap slid onto the couch arm, clearly distancing herself, twirling with a lock of hair.
Boscha’s gonna freak. Not are you okay, not what’s wrong, just Boscha’s gonna freak. If that wasn’t some sort of sign, Amity didn’t know what was. 
“Tell her my mom called me.” Amity said and fled into the crowd before Skara could reply.
She needed space, she needed time, she needed to think about how she was going to apologize to Willow and she needed to…maybe rethink her entire life. Fuck, she was having a crisis. Amity hated having crisis’.
But Amity was pretty sure she was overdue for a crisis anyway. And she’d kind of sort of made a promise to Luz Noceda.
Amity was nothing if not a model Blight and if there was one thing that Blights did well, it was promises.
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jadeisbetterrrr · 2 years
lumity fluff
ik i cant shut up ab lumity
after they defeat belos
it was a warm evening in the boiling isles. amity is on her scroll while laying down in bed.
"hm. nothings on pensta, weird." amity whispered. the twins then bursted into her room awaking the cat sleeping on the youngests bed. "sorry mittens but ed has a date and we need your help." her sister said. "do you need me to do your hair?" amity said. "no, im just gonna roll up to my date with bed head. OF COURSE I NEED HELP."
"okay okay, sit down, em pass me a comb." she then started brushing through his hair and fluffed it up a bit. "okay that'll be 500 snails" amity said, opening up her palm. "ugh, i'll buy you something from the gas station when i'm on my way home." "yay" she said. "so, you got any plans with that girlfriend of yours?" "no, shes at the knee training." " is that why your here being all mopey?" emira said wiggling her eyebrows. "i am NOT mopey!" amity said crossing her arms. "whatever you need to tell yourself. well, we'll be on our way, bye mittens!" "byee"
amity then laid back down and scrolled through pensta a bit more. she then heard a knock at her window. she moved her eyes and saw that it was a certain human. she then opened the window and said "i thought you were at the knee?" "well hello to you too ms. blight." "yeah no eda and king got sick so we stayed home. what about you? what are you doing?" "nothing, ed needed help with his hair since he had a date." luz then felt a lightbulb light up as she had an idea. "you know where we should go?" "where?" the youngest blight questioned. "our tree!" "we haven't been there in a while." "cmon, put on a sweater we gotta go!"
amity then grabbed a black hoodie she bought a while back. they then climbed out the window and landed on the floor. "i still don't understand why we don't use the front door. "what's the fun in that?" luz said. they then held hands as they walked and talked about some weird topic. when they arrived they both sat down and luz laid her head down on her lap while amity messed with her hair. "the moon is so pretty tonight." amity said. they were in a peaceful silence while they looked at the moon shining across the boiling isles. after a little while, luz found herself laying down on amitys chest dozing off while amity played some music for them.
amity was still awake, she had a coffee while fixing ed's hair so she was wide awake. she then saw her sleeping girlfriend and felt a smile growing. she then stopped the music and carried luz like a sloth hanging on a branch. she made her way back to the blight manor and laid luz down on the bed while she changed herself in pajamas in the restroom and when she laid down, her girlfriend again, found her way pulling amity closer to her, it didn't take much for her because she could easily pick up amity. amity then fell asleep as they laid down, without a batting to fight or a cafe in the world.
a/n : i love lumity, i really want to write some huntlow so i might do that next. anyways gn/gm guys ily so so much 🫶🏽
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fruity-fruition · 2 years
Hunter and Luz are peak "Why choose one when you can have both" type of siblings.
Preference? Bisexual baby they're constantly a disaster.
Name? Be more specific do you mean Noceda, Deamonne, or Clawthorne.
Neurodivergent? Come on who are we lying to here they're both Audhd
Love that for them
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ladysunamireads · 10 days
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loganically · 2 years
Characters that are Trans (Because I am Tran)
Note: These are all headcanons unless states otherwise!
CW: Creepypasta, Danganronpa, Harry Potter, IT, MHA
Jeremy Heere (A he/him trans guy)
Rich Goranski (a short, bisexual he/him trans guy. he will punch anyone who calls him a confused lesbian)
Eyeless Jack (doesn't understand the whole "label thing" but uses he/it pronouns)
Homicidal Liu (the angst I have behind this headcanon--he/they)
Leon Kuwata (the song sk8 boi is about him /j. uses they/he pronouns)
Mondo Owada (biker he/him trans guy)
Hajime Hinata (identity crisis 24/7 he/they)
Korekiyo Shinguji (he's only here because I project on him--he/him pronouns)
Dipper Pines (HE/THEY walking bisexual disaster. Both twins are bi and trans)
Ron Weasley (he's AFAB and ginny is AMAB. he is also pansexual and ginny is bi. Ron uses he/him)
Harry Potter (oh, how his aunt and uncle hate this. he/him)
Sirius Black (he/they, ever the family disappointment /j)
Remus Lupin (he is me, i am him. he/him)
Richie Tozier (read above)
Adrien Agreste (daddy issues trans masc)
Felix Fathom (issues trans masc)
Luka Couffaine (hairdye trans masc)
Marc Anicel (canon; genderfluid)
Kyoka Kiro (enby, actually, they/she)
Percy Jackson (because i said so. he/they)
Will Solace (his dad is apollo? there is NO WAY he is cisgender. he/him or they/them. depends on the day)
Alex Fierro (canon; genderfluid, often fem)
Loki (canon; genderfluid, often masc)
Larry Johnson (reminds me of my boyfriend, so of course he's here)
Sal Fisher (no one with blue hair is cisgender)
Bow (i am not explaining this. he/they)
Double Trouble (canon; non-binary)
Jewelstar (Canon; FtM)
Peekablue (Canon; GNC)
Oskar (it/they/he)
Lars (implied to be trans; not confirmed, he/they)
Shep (canon; non-binary, they/them)
Hunter Noceda/Deamonne/Wittebane/Clawthorne (he/him)
Luz Noceda (implied to be GNC--note; I HC her to be genderfluid. They mainly use she/they but somedays use she/he)
Raine Whispers (canon; non-binary, they/them)
Masha (canon; non-binary, they/them)
The Collector (canon; either demi-boy or non-binary, he/they)
Viktor Hargreeves (canon; FtM, either he/him or he/they)
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Allow me to introduce myself!
My name is Ian, and I've been here a couple months now, so I probably should have done this sooner, but here's my intro post!
About Me
My name is Ian (what a shocker, I know)
I am 21 years old
I use any pronouns (though I am partial to non-masc ones despite my tragically AMAB nature)
I am a disaster bisexual
I am a dumbass
Some of my favorite things :)
Riordanverse 🔱
The Harry Potter Series (if JKR didn't screw it up so badly with insensitive tropes and being a transphobe) 🪄
The Menagerie Series 🦄
DC Comics (especially Nightwing and Wayne Family Adventures) 🦸🏻‍♂️
Heartstopper 🏳️‍🌈
Wikipedia™ rabbit trails 💻
This one specific TLoZ fanfic called Skyward Sword: Saxophone AU 🎷
Hozier 🏞️
Chappell Roan 💃
Beabadoobee 🍂
Olivia Rodrigo 🧛🏽‍♀️
Paramore 🦋
My Chemical Romance 💀
Taylor Swift 🎸
Daisy The Great 🪞
Garfunkel and Oates 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻
Twenty One Pilots 👨🏻‍✈️
Hamilton ⭐
Dear Evan Hansen (questionable handling of mental health issues but goddamn it has a ton of bops) 🪟
The Legend of Zelda 🧝🏼‍♂️
Dust: An Elysian Tail (this game never got enough attention) 🗡️
Pokémon 🐀
Minecraft ⛏️
Mario Kart 🏎️
Little Women (2019) 👭
Wonder Woman ⚔️
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse 🕸️
The Lego Batman Movie 🦇
The Fault In Our Stars 💔
tick, tick...boom! 🎹
Ponyo 🐟
Avengers: Infinity War 🌌
Captain Marvel 🌟
Megamind 🧠
Onward 🚐
Tangled 💇🏼‍♀️
Spaceballs 🚀
Honorable mentions:
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie 🐢
The Emperor's New Groove 🦙
The Mitchells vs. the Machines 🤖
Black Panther 🐈‍⬛
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 🌑
Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 3 🦝
Moana 🌊
(Order not exactly concrete)
The Owl House 🦉
The Last Of Us 🍄
Gravity Falls 🌲
Gen V 💉
X-Men '97 🎇
The Legend of Vox Machina 🏰
Helluva Boss 😈
Young Justice 🥷🏼
Arcane 🧁
The Boys 🧔🏻
Good Omens 😈
My Adventures With Superman 🦸🏻‍♂️
Inside Job 🥼
Dead End: Paranormal Park 🎢
Amphibia 🐸
Heartstopper 🌈
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 🐢
Parks and Recreation 🏞️
Steven Universe (Future is overhated) ⭐
Avatar: The Last Airbender 💨
Stranger Things 🚵🏻
X-Men: Evolution ❎
I have several more, these are just what my top ones are
Podcasts: The Magnus Archives 👁️📼🕸️, The Adventure Zone (favorite arc: Amnesty) 🪓🌂📕, Welcome To Night Vale 👁️🌵🐈‍⬛
Animals: Cats, bats, owls, and dogs 🐈🦇🦉🐕
Colors: Purple and sea foam green
Characters: Luz Noceda, Dick Grayson (Nightwing), Ellie Williams, Piotr Rasputin (Colossus), Hunter (TOH), Kamala Khan (Ms Marvel), Wendy Corduroy, Magnus Chase, Raphael Hamato, Link AND Zelda, and Reagan Ridley
Foods: Waffles, tacos, any pasta with alfredo, cheesecake, mint chocolate chip ice cream, and nanimo bars
Activities: Drawing, singing, ukulele/piano, sharing every single piece of my personal information online (as shown above), freaking out over common interests, being silly
I am steadfastly unapologetic for the too much information I have put on here (which goes against my nature as a half-Canadian)
Just kidding. I am so sorry.
Anyways, I hope you had a great time meeting me! I hope I'm cool or something like that :)
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madwheelerz · 2 years
favourite quote from toh pre season 3 ( i haven't seen it yet )
"This quest is questing in all the right ways," - From Luz Noceda, the bisexual disaster herself
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Luz Noceda, the Inky Witch
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/039Omt2
by Inkmaster42
Luz Noceda lived with her mother Camila in Gotham city, but she was kidnapped at the age of 10 and experimented on, she was rescued by the new Batman, Terry McGinnis, but these experiments had already left their mark on her. Granting Luz the same powers and abilities as one of Terry’s most reoccurring foes, Inque.
Words: 1691, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Owl House (Cartoon), Batman Beyond, Batman: The Animated Series
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen
Characters: Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Camila Noceda, Inque (DCU), Terry McGinnis, Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Eda Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorne, Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Philip Wittebane | Emperor Belos, Gus Porter, Willow Park, King Clawthorne (The Owl House), The Collector (The Owl House), Vee (The Owl House), Masha (The Owl House)
Relationships: Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Hunter | The Golden Guard/Willow Park
Additional Tags: Metahumans, Metahuman! Luz Noceda, Bisexual Disaster Luz Noceda, Luz Noceda Needs a Hug, Bisexual Luz Noceda, Luz Noceda Angst, Human Experimentation, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Lesbian Amity Blight, Action/Adventure, Crimes & Criminals, Crime Fighting, Science Fiction, Eventual Romance, Magic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/039Omt2
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My Magical Academia
My Magical Academia by Picaro92
Another portal opened up, above the kids. It sent out a group. The portal looked like a door with an eye. Everyone was looking terrified.
Words: 1234, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Owl House (Cartoon), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Luz Noceda, Midoriya Izuku, Amity Blight, Jirou Kyouka, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Willow Park, Gus Porter, Vee (The Owl House), Camila Noceda, Emmiline Bailey Marcostimo | Chameleon Palisman (The Owl House), Flapjack | Cardinal Palisman (The Owl House), Clover | Bee Palisman (The Owl House), Ghost | Cat Palisman (The Owl House), Stringbean | Snake Shifter Palisman (The Owl House)
Relationships: Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Jirou Kyouka/Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Luz Noceda and Vee are Siblings (The Owl House), Bisexual Disaster Luz Noceda, Luz Noceda has ADHD, Witch Luz Noceda, Lesbian Disaster Amity Blight, Protective Amity Blight, Weapons, Magic, Trans Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Bad but Sad Boy Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), The Owl House Season 2 Spoilers, Canon Divergence - Episode: s02e21 King's Tide (The Owl House)
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46108504
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jayz4dayz · 3 years
Luz, tripping and falling on her face: Ow.
Amity: Oh my gosh, are you alright? Do you need anything?
Luz, smiling through the pain: A kiss would make it feel better-
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magical-grrrl-mavis · 4 years
The most realistic and on-point part of the owl house is the two queer girls being completely oblivious to that fact that they are both SUPER gay for eachother
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theaceofarrows · 2 years
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shebeafancyflapjack · 4 years
New fav trope: Disaster Bi and her Shoulder Demon
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