#fyte me
nashdoesstuff · 3 months
hey y’all. this is more of a serious post rather than the haha silly ones that i usually post
so my best friend soga is going through financial hardship right now. they’ve started a gofundme so they can try to get as much as they can to bring their family back up on their feet.
they’re a fellow cosplayer who’s lost their cosplay stuff due to this hardship. their family can barely pay the bills. their family lost their car. soga has a bright future ahead of them but this is a barrier to that and anything would help.
soga was one of my first friends when i first started at my school, and they’re nothing but sweet. they made me feel welcome in a school that rejects me for being nd and queer. i’m eternally grateful for them and i wish to help them the most i can.
please donate if you can.
thank you for reading <3
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poke-historian · 1 year
(@wingsofachampion) Hiya! What are some cool history facts? -Tropius
One of the pokémon you wouldn't have expected to see on the medieval battlefield but was still rather prominent at the battle of Courmaline in 1415 was Leavanny! The Leavanny that the Kalosian baron of Shalour owned was a massive status symbol -Sewaddle and its evolved forms are very rare in Kalos and practically nonexistent in Galar- and in what was seen as a rather bold move at the time, the baron decided to bring his Leavanny, 'Céline', into battle! In order to keep her safe, he commisioned a completely tailor-made suit of full plate armour that mimcked the natural form of Céline. One account by a Galarian nobleman described seeing Céline as a 'strange syte, which did fill me wiþ many questions about what þe Kalosians þought was a goode way to fyte. Still she did stand beautyfull amidst þe ragged soldiers and battle hardened pokémon that she did seeme to make a mockerey of our maille and plate which she wore so elegantleye'. We do not know how Céline fought, or if she did at all- she may have been there only as a way to show the Baron's wealth- but if she had it would have been a sight to see, with Grass type attacks often being fairly useful against massed ranks -she would have been part of the Kalosian shock troops and likely a valuable asset too.
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beyondthespheres · 11 months
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fyte me!
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boydykedevo · 1 year
Btw if I ever fail to reblog someone’s ethersea art to FYTE it’s not malicious they prob just have me blocked lol
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magical-grrrl-mavis · 4 years
The most realistic and on-point part of the owl house is the two queer girls being completely oblivious to that fact that they are both SUPER gay for eachother
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nyd-needs-cuddles · 4 years
In tumblr, we get married too many times but still have love left behind.
And weapons. We have weapons to go fuck people up if they even dare imply something untoward towards our wifes/hubbies—
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soap-lady · 4 years
This is your reminder that Astruc gave Kagami Tsurugi two last names, kind of like how Rowling named an Asian character “Cho Chang”. (two last names)
Yes, I’m aware he was using the name Kagami (mirror) to show she is meant to be a foil to Mari and Adrien but it’s still sucky.
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angelicpacifist · 7 years
Shame on you, Overwatch Anon. Shame.
I’m absolutely befuddled. Someone explain this to me. Its okay to have rules like ‘selective’, or ‘mutuals only’, or ‘do not follow/interact if you post incest/[insert trigger here]/[insert ship here]/etc’, or ‘does not RP with genderbends’, or ‘does not RP with duplicates’, or whatever.
But its not okay to say ‘will not RP with OCs’?
Guess your protective safe space rhetoric only applies when it’s convenient for you. Just shows how much you actually really don’t respect other people, other roleplayers.
If you think it’s okay to be awful to someone because you don’t agree with their rules, for their blog, and their portrayal, please unfollow me. You disagree with someone, it doesn’t make it okay to be rude and I don’t want you here.
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rat--noir · 7 years
I need Ji Hansol
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munki539 · 7 years
Every time I try and say something about Pikmin my phone autocorrects it to Pokémon
This is Pikmin erasure and I will not stand for it
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lushmark · 6 years
mark with black hair is so fucking cute but sexy at the same time wtf like please tie me down 😩🍯🌧💓💖💗❤️💘❣️
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minteapurrs · 6 years
How do you feel about trans!Keith?
I actually at one point in time wasn’t too into it (Surprise, I once was but a limited kitto) But damn has that changedBut yes, I,,,Absolutely adore Trans!Keith and I love him with all of my heart 
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saturninebravery · 6 years
*cracks knuckles* alright, let’s get some thoughts down. and remember kids, saturn is not trying to start shit. saturn does not care for flame wars. bye
PRISONER OF AZKABAN VS SEVERUS SNAPE: a reflection you never asked for.
snerp is a piece of shit.
okay but the books are written to be narrated from harry’s point of view (for the most anyway). so it stands to reason that severus snape is an unredeemable greasy git of a bully who does nothing but make harry’s life hell (amongst others). doesn’t help that he shows no emotion by way of occluding and is by far the hardest character to read. he also is prone to saying angry shit he doesn’t always mean (ahem mudblood?) this means we are taking his words and behaviours at face value. which is why the prince’s tale is one of the most heart-wrenching, finest plot twist chapters i’ve seen in a long time. it is arguably the biggest reveal in the deathly hallows instalment, let alone the entire saga. who’d have thought snerp to be anything other than the secretive bastard murdering death eater he’d played the part of so well? anyway i’m getting ahead of myself. point is, through a clever literary device we are only given snippets of this character through hostile eyes - mostly people he’s antagonised, until we finally see the story through his own eyes, and it changes E  V E R Y T H I N G. 
disclaimer: this is my interpretation (and how i weave it into my main verse narrative)
1. Why does Snape hate Sirius? oh boi. they go way back. snerp believes that (this is a non exhaustive list):
- sirius trash talks slytherin house during their first meeting - sirius is part of a popular clique: is arrogant, good looking and everything snape isn’t. his antipathy with sirius is unfounded, is skin deep and visceral. - sirius seems to enjoy bullying snape for entertainment (and it would seem that james did so also to amuse sirius) - sirius tried to kill him back in the summer of 1958 saturn this is not a stephen king novel -as a result of that ‘prank’ he now owes a debt to james fucking potter which he certainly isn’t pleased about - sirius betrayed the potters which led to their deaths and killed peter pettigrew - sirius broke out of azkaban to seek revenge on harry for the dark lord’s demise - the blacks are well known for pure blood fanaticism and obsessive loyalty - after witnessing his capability for murder, snape didn’t seem to think that sirius becoming a death eater like bellatrix and regulus was too far fetched - he overhears him boasting about the prank in the shack. as far as he’s concerned he’s a gloating killer
2. Why did he leave the Wolfsbane potion in Lupin’s office? premise: he was sure to see lupin there, so obviously that must have jump started his heart into a frenzy - ‘where the fuck is he, he is supposed to be taking this at this precise time’ etc. we don’t know the particulars of the wolfsbane ie if it needs to be drunk at a specific time, if it can be put in specific containers, ect.
1. lupin is not there when he SHOULD be as he needs to take the potion before he goes on a murdering rampage in a school 2. he’s clearly left in a hurry (ie something very important) to which snape jumps to the conclusion he’s been suspecting all year: the time has come for lupin to let mass murderer sirius black in 3. his suspicions are raised alarmingly when he sees the map lupin has left out. does he trust a random magical artefact he has no time to study? probably not. is he going to take the risk considering there is no time, he’s already paranoid and all he lives for is saving harry potter’s life? h e l l  y e s.  4. he panics. he leaves in a rush and forgets. unlikely snape behaviour? we know he’s a man with a plan and takes calculated risks UNLESS it involves harry directly. then caution is thrown to the wind and he r u n s. 5. OR if he hasn’t forgotten like a dunderhead, there is no time left. either the wolfsbane might be ineffective if removed/carried out/drank at a different time or it’s just too long a way to the shack: sirius could already be doing murdery things to the trio, children are in mortal danger, lupin could be transforming any moment - does he really have time to scoop that shit up in a container, or go back for it provided that he’s momentarily forgotten?
3. Why did Snape react angrily and irrationally? erm. he is trapped at the end of a tunnel - down memory lane - in front of a mass murderer and a werewolf about to transform. double the trouble he once almost died to, and he has to face this shit again because there is NO ONE ELSE. he fears for his life and three kids to top it off, one of which he has sworn to protect. so he is doubly scared - triggered by the memory, and by the fact that he is about to lose harry and fail his only reason for living. by black’s hand. AGAIN. he overhears sirius talk about the prank (strike one), sees ron with a broken leg (strike two), and when he reveals himself sirius taunts him (joke’s on you again) and remus calls him a fool (strike three). rage and terror work a charm on him. he’s not going to take their word for it. he doesn’t know about them being animagi and so spinning a story of how peter was a DEATH EATER (of all things?) has been living as a rat in the weasley household for the last 13 years seems as likely as his happy ending. snape is a close minded misanthrope. he does not take a step back, he does not listen.
and then he gets c o n c u s s e d. he literally bleeds from his head. obviously later he’s going to act frantic, mad with rage and utterly irrational (and out of character for him) which is in line with some of the symptoms of concussion.
shit went down really badly and really fast, and this probably ranks very high in the worst nights of his life. 
conclusion: is it personal? to a point. he barrelled into a known danger out of fear for the children’s life, but also a rush of adrenaline in knowing he was R I G H T all along, his instincts had not betrayed him. so he’d want to rub it in everyone’s face (ESPECIALLY Dumbledore), save the trio, get revenge for lily’s betrayal by delivering the pair of traitors to the dementors (which he believed was the apt punishment for their infamy) and get a well deserved order of merlin. recognition does not come by severus snape’s path often. or ever. he lives in the shadows, serving two masters in deceit. he will never get a chance to see his name restored or his talent extolled. he’s always the greasy git with the shady reputation. so excuse u for being fucking miffed at losing the one chance of being rewarded.
epilogue:  is clear in the later books that snape has eventually come to accept sirius’ innocence and loyalty to the order, although he still hates his guts and he makes no secret of that. while it may be viewed as a ploy to get him riled up, he does seem to try get him to stay away from the Ministry at the end of OotP (perhaps to protect him from harry’s vision coming true). he also warns dumbledore and gives fake veritaserum to umbridge so that harry won’t spill the truth.
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kanerallels · 3 years
Fun Huttese fact of the day: during the production of Return of the Jedi, George Lucas requested a dance number scene for Jabba's palace. John Williams called on his son Joseph, of Toto fame (and the singing voice of Simba in The Lion King) to write the song. The original draft of the song was about the singer exercising to look fit for a handsome man coming to visit and was entitled Fancy Man. Ben Burrt translated the lyrics into Huttese, titling it "Lapti Nek."
However, the lyrics' translation changed between drafts. The titular fancy man was removed. The translation of the phrase "Lapti Nek" became "Work It Out." This was not picked up on by the compiler of the most comprehensive Huttese dictionary to date, the Complete Wermo's Guide. the CWG translated "Lapti" and "Nek" as "Fancy" and "Man," respectively, taking the translation from the song's first-draft English title, unaware that the literal meaning of "Lapti Nek" was not actually "Fancy Man."
That is, until now, because when Galaxy's Edge opened, a catalogue of in-universe songs was created for the music at Oga's Cantina, and released as R3X's Playlist #1. The album contained several songs in Huttese, including Moulee-rah by Fytee ft. RB Snootles. The track contained the lyrics "Dobra moulee-rah nek, jee wamma uba." In context, "man" is the rendering of "nek" that makes sense with the lyrics, which then translate to "I'm a money man, you pay me." And that is how a piece of incorrect Huttese fanon was retconned into canonicity
That is a DELIGHTFUL story!!! Where do you learn this stuff??? Is it Wookipedia or somewhere else, because you have an impressive store of knowledge!!
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magical-grrrl-mavis · 4 years
Reunion Part 2
An Owl House fanfic
Bite size update bc I hit a dialogue snag but still wanted to update
Amity Blight was not doing well. It had been some time since she last suffered from a serious panic attack, but she was no stranger to the experience. Though she had almost completely recovered from her episode, triggered by King knocking over several carefully placed decorations, she remained glued to Eda's ratty red sofa.
Her whole body was ridged and her skin impossibly pale, wide amber eyes stared unblinkingly ahead as she alternated between running a thumb nervously over the ring on her left hand and raking trembling fingers through her chestnut hair taking in slow, shakey breaths.
Amity Blight was not doing well.
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I'm always self conscious I dont like to show it though so I act really cocky any advice to stop be fake confident and get a bit more real confidence
aight here’s the real answer I know I’m a mean asshole sorry lmao :)
Sapphire: fsdahlksdjf hY aNoN h0w r U t0dAy i’M g00D I sAw a sHiNy tAil0w t0DaY aNd iT aTtAcKeD mY dAd bUt hE’s aLl g00d :D.
0k so Ruby just kame in and t0ld me t0 type liek a n0rmal pers0n bcuz every0ne kn0ws I can type I just pretend t0 n0t be able t0 t0 c0nfuse pe0ple s0 Ruby’s an ass g0 hate 0n him @every0ne. But I’m still g0nna rite all the “o”’s as “0″’s bcuz it’s fun :D.
I was pretty self k0nci0us but I never akted t00 c0cky (at least n0t as much as Ruby s0rry R00by but it’s true). Ruby taught me h0w t0 have m0re self c0nfidence and it really helped with my insecurities. He made me make lists 0f all the g00d things ab0ut myself. We started with 3 g00d things and the next time we did 5 and s0 0n. It’s pretty hard but ya just have t0 ign0re that v0ice in yer head that tells ya “If y0u akn0wledge any 0f yer qualities, yer a c0cky d0uche.” (yes I had that v0ice in my head. n0 I’m n0t ashamed. fyte me.) Emerald w0uld help t00. We w0uld have battles and Ruby w0uld rec0rd them. We’d all watch the replay and it w0uld sh0w me that I’m talented at battlin’ (It was als0 g00d f0r me and Rald t0 see what we c0uld impr0ve in battles :) I d0n’t really kn0w h0w t0 help ya with the c0cky part, but I think gettin’ s0me real self c0nfidence helps reduce ar0gance and I’ve seen it with my 0wn eyes f0r Ruby’s case.
Ruby: Anon, I am so sorry that you had a stroke while reading Sapphire’s answer I will personally pay your hospital bills (unless they’re expensive)((Mod message: idk how expensive medical bills are I live in a country where you don’t have to pay medical expenses :P)) Anyway, I used to be cocky and I’d show off and act arrogant to hide my true feelings and because I was insecure. I seemed self-centred but deep down, I couldn’t think of a single good quality about myself. Once I finished helping Sapphire with her ‘insecurities training’, she realized that I needed some too. She made me do the whole list of good qualities thing but it was a little harder for me since I have sO mAnY gOoD qUaLiTieS :D. She made me write more personal things, unlike things I’d write along the lines of ‘best coordinator in Hoenn’. I mean, it’s true, I don’t know why she didn’t let me write it but whatever. She’d start writing things about me as an example. (She could think of A LOT of things. Partly cause I’m so amazing and partly because she loves me :,) But the personal things would be like ‘caring about your loved ones’ so maybe try the whole list method. You could also look in a mirror every day and say ‘I’m a good person and I deserve to be happy.’ I’m not even being sarcastic or cocky, it really does work. So yeah, that’s all the advice I’ve got for you, anon, I’m sorry once again about the stroke you had earlier while reading Sapphire’s answer.
Sapphire: What do ya mean a stroke, ya idiot?!
Ruby: Oh come on, Sapphire, I had a heart attack the other day reading your text messages.
Sapphire: Yea rite, ya prissy drama kween. Yer so dramatic sometimes, jeez.
Ruby: I am no-
Emerald: Alright, Littleroot dirt for you. Points E-Shooter at Sapphire and shoots dirt at her face.
Sapphire: HEY!
Emerald: And Goldenrod dirt for you. Points E-Shooter at Ruby and shoots dirt at his shirt.
Ruby: HEY, Emerald! You got my shirt dirty you little-
Emerald: And that’s all for today, anon, you can thank me for saving you from endless flirting by sending me a Christmas gift. Bye.
Ruby and Sapphire: Wha-
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