#bird dog hybrid
xxdr3amsnatchrrxx · 1 year
all the things she said running through my head
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i know i shouldn't be joking about this but a bot in the official cult of the lamb discord server didn't want me to send this unless i separated the lovers. like why am i able to make a trans meme with the lamb but genuine love between two girls is icky to you.
anyways HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!! LESBIANS ARE SO POWERFUL RN!!!! i wanted to make some lovecore doggos inspired by two characters from games i liked but i was possesed to make them look like the lesbian flag.
was heavily inspired by ratoo, lizbert and eggabell. don't ask me why i just was okay?
my Inkblot account for those who just wanna see my silly art
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Art belongs to me
do not steal/trace/copy or i get you
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Ofc I'm gonna share my fluffy thoughts.
Ok so you know that birds dance for their potential mate he WILL do that. He would dress in the prettiest clothes he owns and perform his mating dance until he was convinced that it's worked 😫
🧩 anon
This is borderline hilarious, I'll be honest
His prettiest clothes are probably just his Archon outfit, just sayingggg
He's even got that cute little tail feather looking thing going on here
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Just look how cute he is, I'm in love
I feel like it would also manifest in other ways, like him feeling the need to pull you in for a dance at the bar when you're both pretty drunk to show off how he's just much more equipped to be your partner than anyone else, twirling you around in the kitchen at midnight when both of you happened to be awake, or maybe the first time you take him to a club in your world he's willing to show off some of his more permiscuous dance moves
But oml imagine Nilou dancing for the creator and Venti's just like absolutely not and you get dragged away immediately cause that's his thing, she's not allowed to make a move on you when he's right there
And then there's the crack concept of dance battles for your affection, though I'm not sure if we have a lot of other bird affiliated characters, maybe Xiao 👀
This is so fun I just want to start a series going over all of the other animal affiliated characters quirks, and also how they would all clash with each other—
Like Venti's need to keep you close and tucked away in your mutual room nest would absolutely contradict say Zhongli's want to show you off as his prized possession out and about, splurging all of his money on you and just showing off as the highest form of a power couple, assuming you had both of them as consorts they would fight for days on end about that
There's so many different dynamics that could go right and wrong it's funny to think about
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selemina · 4 months
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Fit lore Fit lore Fit lore-!
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fountainpenguin · 5 months
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"And the women, they all pity me... because I'm married, but not in love! Frozen at the center...?" (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 20 - “Sizzle (Grian, Scar)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
Grian makes plans to set SnifferMyFeet up on a date, then buys some very special bread. Scar comes home to a wrecked apartment and confronts the gingerbread-loving demon in his closet. Just your average Traffic SMP fanfic- nothing to see here.
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
Status: Dear, bewildered, and awkward
💙  🧡  💚
Grian leaves a very special cloak hanging in the closet of Lounge 3LF specifically for full moon nights. It's black and heavy. Not at all as flamboyant as he'd like, and decorations would certainly make it more fun. The biggest thing that mars the inky blackness is the giant red symbol on the back: a circle with a slash down the center. More red marks, spaced a few centimeters apart, wrap the hems of his sleeves. He's got one on each shoulder too, and it's really not flattering…
… but the stifling, peculiar nature of it is really the whole point. It's a full moon tonight, you know.
Grian wraps it around his shoulders and clicks the silver clasp at the front. The thick cloak is padded (on the off chance anyone nips him with teeth or claws). It's not armor, but he can't use his wings like this. It'd be a massive liability in a fight, but it dulls the color and rustle of his feathers, and it's excellent at diverting the eye of anyone who's out tonight seeking visual or auditory courting cues.
TwoMuchGrian's still fussing with his feathers, scowling in the mirror. Pearl and Jimmy don their black and red cloaks in turn. Martyn, for the first time Grian can remember, struts from the lobby without one. Grian tries not to notice anybody else. He flips up the hood, smothering his hair. He pauses for Two so they can leave together. While waiting, he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror and almost snorts.
Nah, certainly not flattering… but totally effective. I wouldn't flirt with me either tonight.
The lanterns and copper bulbs that glow inside the multiplayer hub stay fluorescently bright all night long. Defining "night" is difficult in the underground, especially with time zones from around the world all dumped in one small perimeter. The Between dimension keeps chugging along anyway.
As Grian leaves the multiplayer zone, stepping out into the bedrock streets, the clock tower chimes to signal 12k ticks. Out there, above ground, the world's officially bathed in pink and orange sunset lighting. So they say, anyway. Hmm… Grian tips back his head, gripping the hood in both hands. He pulls the fabric downward so it digs against his pores.
He breathes.
New Star Station's bustling tonight. The city population ebbs and flows with account activity at the best (and worst) of times, but for now, chattering voices ripple through the air. Happy, friendly people bounce along wherever they want to go.
Pearl brushes past him then, sending one last I'm sorry grimace with her mouth and eyes. Grian nods back to indicate All good. Each moon phase stretches out for four days in Between, and tonight's the second one in the batch. The pull against his fluffing scarlet feathers is much, much stronger now than it was on Monday. It prickles over every shaft and barb.
Since neither he nor Pearl care for random hook-ups, they usually go out for food together or catch a movie on nights like tonight. It depends what's going on with Hermitcraft. Really, Grian doesn't make a habit of jumping online for projects immediately after an exhausting Life series recording session like this one. He usually gets Pearl's second full moon night- Gem and Impulse hang out with her on the third.
But tonight, Pearl has a refugee at her place… and not exactly someone he's thrilled to go looking for. His last encounter with EthoCam (Sorry… Rhetoric) left a less than pleasant aftertaste behind. At that thought, Grian stares down the dimly lit street, letting his eyes fall halfway shut.
I need to warn SnifferMyFeet not to go near him…
Maybe another time. Maybe when it isn't the full moon. Vex posture and flaunt themselves like mad this time of the month. Sniff might bite, and that's really not something he's in the mood for. There's still server clean-up to do on Hermitcraft. He's been meaning to add a nicer bridge design to the dolphin path. Maybe he'll send Scar a whisper in a bit.
He rocks forward, setting a brisk pace down the street. Blaze powder and slime balls are already mixing into magma cream on the bedrock. Two drifts after him without touching the ground. As much faith as Grian likes to put in the 'Not on the market tonight' cloak designs, it's an extra blanket of reassurance (like a knock to the head) knowing his twin's there to watch his back. Two might split off for some flirting later on, but it's nice of him to walk him home.
His comm buzzes, rattling up his arm like a shockwave. Grian looks down.
TwoMuchGrian: are we going to bigb's?
"… No, not tonight. Just back to our place."
Cheery people flit around on feet and wings. Some dress in 'No' cloaks and chat anyway, just excited to catch up while they have the chance. Some hook their arms around those of friends or acquaintances they've got their eye on for the evening. Strangers, maybe (some of them). No love hearts flicker in the cracks and crevices, but the warm eyes and friendly laughs say just as much.
It's an early courting night. It's posture. It's a show. Expect a few fights to break out tomorrow morning as people settle in and get more cherry-choosey, fussing over the partners they want to keep for the next 100 days. The block turns next Wednesday or Thursday. Scar won't even hunt until a couple nights into the full moon. He says souls taste better when they're satisfied on their post-loving time high, and they put up less of a fight.
Loving time. Sure.
So… What's everybody doing if these were never real hook-ups to begin with? No kisses. No nothing. His digital, programmed peers have no need nor desire to reproduce. All these empty courtship tugs they feel beneath the full moon just lead to… nothing.
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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forestdalecomic · 7 days
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Schooool's out for summer!
If you’re interested in supporting the growth of the series, why not become a supporter on buymeacoffee.com. Supporters get exclusive early access to pages not yet published on any of the currently active sites.
(credit to Nauyaco and Talos Lives for creating and producing this series. You can also follow their lovely series on Twitter, DeviantArt, and Webtoons)
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rawstfish · 1 year
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Nikto and Zane are in special because I'm being very specific about what they are. Nikto is a hyena hybrid and Zane is a jackal hybrid :)
Mil-sim is in special because there's multiple of them
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mineral-vulture · 1 year
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Attack for @twerkyvulture who seems to have nabbed herself a Marty doll. Though is this JUST a Marty doll or the ACTUAL Marty himself? Who knows!
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Now eddie may have gone over bored lol
1.) OMGOMGOMG what a dramatic kitty </3 she's so cute omg - definitely eddie omg. he gets his favorite toy stuck under the couch and refuses to reach under there because a.) he could get stuck. how dare you ask him to get stuck under the couch?? and b.) it is dirty down there!! how dare you ask him to touch dusty things!! so he screams until you get it for him </33
2.) POOR BABY 😭 it's eddie trying to nap on your lap and your show keeps making really loud noises so he sits upright like ????!!!!!???? and then realizes it's just your stupid tv >:(
3.) ... cat hybrid!eddie when he's high... he gets so distracted by the twinkling lights that he just lunges for it and you have to drag him back before he collapses your tree 😭 you've gotta watch him around that thing i swear
4.) he's such a little shit. whenever you're not paying all of your attention to him (like when you're working for your job to pay for the home he lives in) he inches closer and closer to knocking your shit off of the table/dresser/desk/bed until you have to pay attention to him to get him to stop
5.) THE SCREAM AT THE END 😭 ohh that's such a cute video <33 - definitely cat hybrid!eddie!!! he wants the rest of the snacks but steve hasn't had any and you're begging him to share but he simply will not so you're yanking at the bag telling him you'll get more tomorrow but to just please share with steve bc the poor man is gonna start crying those are his favorites :((
6.) AW OMG <3 you're snuggled up with dog hybrid!steve (or human!steve for that matter) on the couch and you're just snoozin and then bam, eddie attack. he just jams himself up there with you and shuts his eyes, tail wagging happily as if he's not smooshing you and steve to pieces
7.) the first time you show dog hybrid!eddie a horror movie.. ugh you're watching it with your big bad pitbull hybrid expecting him to be all huffy about how fake it all looks, but two seconds in and he's buried in your side, tail tucked under him, asking if you could please watch something less scary :'))
8.) KNFJSN BIRD HYBRID!EDDIE <3 he is loud. all hours of the day (and night) he is screaming about something. his sock got wet from ice on the floor? he's gonna tell you about it and you'll be able to hear it from two houses down. he stubbed his toe? get ready. he found a bird outside that has the same colors as his wings? the neighborhood will know.
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aut2imagineart · 4 months
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Having drawn them several times now and establishing them as part of my Centauri universe, I figured that the uplifted should have their own height comparison chart. This one was tricker to create due to the sizes of some individuals but I hopefully managed to make it work. As a quick recap, the Uplifted are hybrid animals that possess human level sapience. From left to right are the Dolphopods, Parogions, Great Apes, and Behemoths. They are dressed the way they are because I'm imagining these individuals as political figures at a gathering. A little detail to point out is that the Dolphopods are equipped with hover apparatuses similar to what Baron Vladimir Harkkonnen has in the new Dune movies. This is to justify them hovering around while out of water. I'm not sure if that kind of technology will ever be possible but if it is the Dolphopods would most definitely utilize it.
As always, comments and critiques are welcome.
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starfruitflames · 4 months
link list:
all of these so fall under this flag
(it means to otherlink somethings for sillys)
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lets get into it
shadow the hedgehog
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perceus jackson
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black cat
(no img not allowed)
- a black halloween mask from dollartree
- a black cat plushie yayyyy
- a clip on tail
- cat ear hairclips
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- angel demon flip plushie
lavender cow
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light fury
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snow leopard
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- alien plushie
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black silver fox
(only 10 images are allowed)
gear: a poorly made silver cardboard fursuit head
(onlytwn images are allowed- its basically a mostly fox but also bird hybrid)
jumping spider
(no picture
Rainbow Lorikeet
(nuh uh uh)
sparkle dog
(u silly :3)
- a super shitty rainbow yarn clip on tail!!
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battle-acs-official · 5 months
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Witness this babby.
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jopagorit · 1 year
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feliceymissions · 1 year
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Two commissions i did for people today!
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pa-pa-plasma · 2 years
our ancestors didn’t spend thousands of years domesticating dogs for y’all to get a wolf instead for the bragging rights you idiot
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Heat Miser and Snow Miser therian/incarnate forme :3
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these designs are so cursed but I love them LOL
so basically these are slightly inspired by the therian/incarnate formes of Thundurus, Tornadus, and Landorus from Pokémon!! I thought it was a cool concept so I tried it out!! (But it so cursed lol 💀)
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