#billius weasley
atlasdoe · 5 days
Underrated/Unknown Marauders Era Ships and some headcanons for them <3
All of these characters are cannon and you can learn more about them in my Marauders Era Characters Masterlist. Which is a google doc that lists every possible Marauders Era character and everything we know about them in cannon. You can find it here :)
Pandora Ollivander & Amelia Bones
Pandora Ollivander = Mother of Luna Lovegood
Amelia Bones = Member of the Wizengamont / sister of Edgar Bones (member of the first Order)
Amelia fell in love with Pandora while they were in their fourth year
Unrequited love excellence
Amelia HATED the slytherin skittles and was superrr jealous of them
Xeno knew that Amelia was in love with Pandora but never felt intimidated (not in a rude way. he just knew she didn't feel the same)
Amelia never told Pandora how she really felt
Benjy Fenwick & Caradoc Dearborn
Benjy Fenwick = Member of the first Order
Caradoc Dearborn = Member of the first Order
They met when they were children because they were both part of the same tutoring group for young wizards
Slytherin!Benjy x Hufflepuff!Caradoc <3
Benjy realised that he love Caradoc after Slytherin beat Hufflepuff at a Quidditch game and despite just beating his house all he wanted to do was talk to Caradoc about it
Highschool sweethearts
Benjy was killed after Caradoc went missing. He wanted to look for him but was told by Dumbledore and Moody that it was too dangerous. He backed off at first until he got into an argument with Dorcas Meadowes after she asked him to join her in her mission to avenge her own girlfriend. When he refused she told him that he must've not loved Caradoc as much as she loved Marlene. Her words stuck with him and the next day he went out to try to find his boyfriend. He was killed the same day
Rabastan Lestrange & Billius Weasley
Rabastan Lestrange = Death Eater / brother in law to Bellatrix Lestrange
Billius Weasley = Brother to Arthur Weasley
Classic Slytherin x Gryffindor love story
After Rabastan was arrested Billius became an alcoholic because
Rabastan never knew for certain if Billius died or not. After escaping Azkaban with the other Death Eaters in 1995 he considered trying to find him but decided not to because if Billius had died, or turned him down he would never get over it. He reckoned that if Billius truly loved him then he would find him hisself
Camelia Solis & Dahlia Fleur-Peri
Camelia Solis = professor at Hogwarts during the 90s
Dahlia Fleur-Peri = previous member of the slug club
Both were Gryffindors in the year below The Marauders
Best friends to lovers. They were literally attached at the hip and were one of those couples that would finish each others sentences
Both RICHHHHHH as fuck and had families that would hold massive balls and parties. One of which they got together during
Both massive party animals
Wanted to move to Paris together in 2000 but never could because Camelia died during the battle of hogwarts (cannon) and Dahlia was part of the muggleborns that got sent to Azkaban
They died two days from each other and Camelia was unaware of Dahlias death
Emmeline Vance & Edgar Bones
Emmeline Vance = member of the first and second Order
Edgar Bones = member of the first order
Friend of a friend to loverssssssss (Marlene McKinnon being said friend)
Having small crushes on each other since they first met but not saying anything because they hoped it would go away (it just got worse)
Edgar is obsessed with Quidditch so Emmeline wears her Aston Villa (football) merch to piss him off
Healer!Emmeline and Auror!Edgar who can't stop getting hurt
Edgar only lets himself be treated by Emmeline not just because he only trusts her but because he wanted to give her a chance to prove herself infront of her superiors
They got together when Emmeline was in her sixth year and Edgar in his seventh and they stayed together until 1981
The war and their survivors guilt forced them apart. They broke up with the intention of getting back together but never got the chance
Edgar was the loss of Emmelines life
Septima Vector & Florence Greengrass
Septima Vector = professor at Hogwarts during the 90s
Florence Greengrass = mentioned in a flashback, cananocally went to school with The Marauders
That couple where they were annoying when they got together and even worse when they broke up
The Ravenclaw prefect (Septima) and the Slytherin bad girl (Florence)
Everyone thought they were going to get married but they broke up in their seventh year and made it everyone else's problem
When Bertha Jorkins caught Florence kissing a boy (cannon) she actually caught Florence cheating
Their breakup broke their entire friendship group (them, Bertha Jorkins, Aurora Sinister, Emma Vanity) apart and they were never the same
Hestia Jones & Alexander Stebbins
Hestia Jones = member of the second Order
Alexander Stabbins = mentioned in snapes worst memory / canonically was in The Marauders year at school
Ravenclaw academic rivals to lovers but they're not the top of the class. They just want to beat each other
Alenxander hated Quidditch but went to all of Hestias games (he said it was to keep an eye on here)
Alexander was always flirting with Hestia to put her off her game and it never worked
They only realised they loved each other when it was too late
Alexander was killed during the summer before their seventh year when the block of flats he lived in was attacked by Death Eaters
They never got together, but his last thoughts was still her
Hestia was always in denial that she ever had feelings for him. She only realised during the early 90s and avenging him was her reason for joining the second Order (something she was so against before)
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briarpotter · 10 months
Just Some Fanart
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The Golden Trio in their Element.
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weasleydailyprophet · 7 months
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Happy Birthday, Ron Weasley! You will always be our KING!
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE CHALLENGER get what he deserves?” He is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & OPEN to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → arthur weasley pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1955 - september 1956 face claim → george mackay blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → researcher for the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → father of fred, george, ronald, and ginvera weasley
— he is best described as ;
The UNIQUE amongst the ordinary, built up with an abundance of LOVE and IMAGINATION. He is the FRIENDLY face you see actively listening, the CURIOSITY when met with the unknown, the voice of STRENGTH and SUPPORT when times seem dark. He is the FIGHTER for all things good. Under the CAREFUL PROTECTION of those he loves, he can see the LIGHT that peaks through the end of a long storm.
— his story starts with ;
Being a family of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, it would be expected that Arthur Weasley was born into the usual lap of luxury so many others were but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Even with Cedrella Weasley being from the prominent Black family, her marriage to Septimus brought nothing except her estrangement from the Noble and Ancient House of Black. Instead Arthur’s childhood was spent in a large country cottage located in Ottery St. Catchpole, passed down from generation to generation, fondly named The Burrow. A home that was as comfortable as it was quaint and Arthur wouldn’t have it any other way. He had many memories of dishes washing themselves, kettles singing songs when they were ready to be poured, running through various hallways with BILLIUS WEASLEY [brother] and ALFRED WEASLEY [brother]. Overall, Arthur and his brothers lived the sort of childhood Muggle children would read about in storybooks; surrounded by all sorts of magic but never given any expectations to how he was supposed to live. He could just enjoy the magic for what it was: magic.
The laughter and fun of the Burrow only grew when his cousins came around. With DAISY HOOKUM [cousin] so close in age, it was only natural that Arthur became close with her. Daisy understood him in many ways his other family members could not, she lived in her own fantasy world and Arthur was more than happy to go along with her on the adventure. Daisy’s adventures also tended to include her younger sibling IRIS HOOKUM [cousin], trailing along behind them as Arthur led them through the various fields surrounding his home. During one of these trips outside, the wizard had come to discover a mismatched cube of colors sitting amongst the dirt. Arthur had never known any other families in the area besides the few wizarding families just over the hill, so why such a contraption was just innocently sitting there was beyond him but he carried it with him everywhere. It juggled around in his pocket as he picked up his Hogwarts robes with Daisy, it was his comfort as he stood in line to be sorted at Hogwarts and it was only in the safety of Gryffindor’s common room that he even brought it into the light.
He had been rather surprised when a blonde haired witch sat down next to him and told him it was called a Rubik's Cube. LILIAS ROSMERTA [best friend] gathered it in her hands, fingers shifting the pieces quickly, and finally tossing it back to him with all the sides matching colors. She had been his first friend outside of his cousins and Arthur discovered quickly she was the person who would hold all the answers to his questions. Lilias was a loud and outgoing Muggle Born, having only heard of the wizarding world from her older sister until her Hogwarts letter arrived. It was through Lilias that Arthur became acquainted with KALEB JOHNSON [friend] and COINNEATH MCKINNON [friend]. They became a close knit group and watching Lilias and Kaleb be targeted for their blood, sparked Arthur’s interest in activism. Something that came in between him and his brothers quickly. He found himself getting in trouble for raising his wand towards those who chose to bully students that were believed lesser than them. While his brothers were making plans to join a respectable career path, Arthur was busy arguing with LUCIUS MALFOY [adversary] in the school hallways. 
There was an obvious strain in the family as his brothers wrote to him to watch his tongue and hold back on the detentions. Though the strain lessened when Arthur began getting close to MIRAY WEASLEY [wife], back then Molly Polat, another member of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. It was Molly’s love for her friends and family that drew Arthur in; she wore her heart on her sleeve and often found herself putting others' needs above her own. By the time graduation from Hogwarts came around, Arthur and Molly were in a serious relationship and he had accepted Billius’ help in acquiring a job as a researcher at the Ministry of Magic in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. There wasn’t much in the job that was exciting to him, that was until he discovered the overpiling of Muggle Artifacts in the Auror’s Office. Most of the artifacts had been tampered with by dark wizards and handed over to Muggles with the intent of harming them. It was a string of objects leading to Muggle fatalities all around London that brought KINGSLEY SHACKLEBOLT [friend/colleague] into his life along with the Order of the Phoenix. 
Arthur had been working with Kingsley to reverse the curses on the objects when the man had approached the topic of the Order. Having heard of Arthur’s activism in school and seeing his spell casting abilities firsthand, Kingsley had thought Arthur would be a perfect member to the team. It came as a shock to him at first, but Arthur quickly agreed to join, anything to help combat the darkness that was slowly taking hold of the world. Shortly after joining up with the Order, Molly had come to him and announced she was pregnant. With Arthur’s eyes opened to what the world was going through and how that would affect their future family’s future, he brought up the idea of an elopement. Despite being surprised, Molly had accepted and they had been married before 1981 was over, welcoming their first child William ‘Bill’ shortly after. But their happiness only lasted so long, Molly’s parents were quick to disown her for marrying a blood traitor. Arthur stood beside her as any good husband should and did what he could to help her through the difficult time. Things did not get better in 1982, despite them discovering they would welcome their second child, Charlie, instead it seemed the chaos was just starting.
The night of the Summer Solstice ball seemed to haunt Arthur, watching Lilias faint in the middle of the party before being transported off to St. Mungo had left an unsettling feeling in his stomach. The feeling only intensified as ALASTOR MOODY [mentor] ordered him and ALICE YEN [friend/colleague] to return to the Fountain of Fair Fortune to protect the prophecy the Order had obtained. Once they stepped foot in the bar, it became known they were vastly outnumbered and unfortunately found themselves in St. Mungo’s as well, the prophecy long gone. While Arthur was happy to have made it out alive to be home with Molly, Bill, and Charlie, he was fearful as Alastor relayed the events that took place at the ball after he had left. Having welcomed their third child, Percy, in the beginning of 1984, Arthur had high hopes that the world would be stepping up to fight against the Dark Lord but it seemed people had gone into hiding for their own safety. He’s spent the last two years alternating his time at home with Molly and the boys and working with the Order to figure out why the Death Eaters have seemingly gone silent. Obviously they’re planning for something big and Arthur is ready to be on the front lines to fight for a better world for his family.
— he is a LEVEL 6 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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coolbeans32 · 5 months
Echoes of Destiny: The Serpent and the Phoenix
PAIRING: Tom Riddle x F!Reader(OC)
SYNOPSIS: Harry, Ron, and Hermione are unexpectedly drawn into a mysterious journey when they receive Albus Dumbledore's last will and testament. Minister Rufus Scrimgeour presents them with significant bequests, including a scrapbook holding the secrets of Dumbledore's past. Through poignant confessions, they learn of Dumbledore's secret marriage to Gellert Grindelwald and the tragic fate of their daughter. Delving into the scrapbook, they uncover a surprising connection between Dumbledore's daughter and Tom Riddle. Dumbledore's final message reveals that his daughter, Genevieve Ariana Dumbledore-Grindelwald, is alive, propelling the trio into a quest to find her and untangle the mysteries of Dumbledore's past. As they embark on this journey, they realize the profound interconnection of their destinies with those of their predecessors, emphasizing the enduring power of love and loss even in the darkest of times.
WARNINGS: This passage contains elements of death, grief, and loss. Specifically, it mentions the tragic death of Dumbledore's daughter, as well as themes of war and the impact of past actions on loved ones.
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Chapter One
The Scrapbook
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“To what do we owe the pleasure Minister?” Harry asks.
“I think we both know the answer to that question, Mr. Potter.” His voice is deep and sure as he speaks. Rufus Scrimgeour leads them to the living room and Harry, Hermione, and Ron sit down in front of him as he lays down a cloth wrap.
“And this is?...”Harry states with a confused look on his face. The Minister then pulls out a piece of paper before making it float in front of him so he can read it.
"Herein is said forth the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. First, to Ronald Billius Weasley, I leave my Deluminator. A device of my own making. In hope when things seem most dark it will show you the light."
"Dumbledore left this for me?" Ron says taking the small black item out of its cover.
"Yes," the Minister says. Ron looks at it in wonder.
"Really. What is it?" He asks and clicks it open. It takes the lights and when clicked back open it puts them back. "Super."
"To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of Tales of Beedle the Bard in the hope that she finds it entertaining and instructive," He says handing her a book. She looks at it confused.
"Mom used to tell me those. The wizard and the hopping pot, Babbity Rabbity and the Cackling Stump Come on. Babbity Rabbity... No?" Ron says as we all look at him confused.
"To Harry James Potter, I leave the snitch he caught in his first match at Hogwarts. As a reminder of rewards of perseverance and skill," He says and holds out the golden snitch. Harry looks a bit defeated as does the Minister.
"Is that it then?" Harry asks and the Minister shakes his head.
"Not quite. Dumbledore left you a second bequest: The sword of Godric Gryffindor. Unfortunately the sword of Gryffindor was not Dumbledore's to give away. As an important historical artifact it belongs.." He says.
"...to Harry. It belongs to Harry. It came to him when he most needed it in the Chamber of Secrets," Hermione cuts him up. The minister shakes his head.
"The sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor, Miss Granger but that does not make it that wizard's property," He says. "Unfortunately the current whereabouts of the sword are unknown."
"Excuse me?" Harry says. We both look at each other and he looks worried.
"The Sword is Missing. I don't know what you are up to, Mr. Potter but you can't fight this war on your own. He is too strong," The Minister says. Harry, Hermione, and Ron give each other a glance as the Minister stands up.
 “One last thing is left. To Harry James Potter, Hermione Jean Granger  and Ronald Billius Weasley, I leave this scrapbook, an artifact very dear to my heart, in hopes to give you an insight of not only my life but to help you with your next steps necessary towards victory.” Hermione moves forward to grab the elegant scrapbook, looking more like an album, with its intricate black cover and dark emerald green ribbon on the front. The three of them looked really confused. With that, the Minister left, not before saying,
“Best of luck Mr. Potter, you will need it.”
The trio, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, sit in a circle around the living room, still puzzled by the words of Dumbledore, the Minister, and the scrapbook they had received. Hermione carefully inspects the runes on the cover, her brow furrowed in concentration. She noticed that as she tried to open the book, there was a presence of magic around it. With a flick of her wand and a whispered incantation that effortlessly flowed from her mind, the invisible lock clicks open the book. The three all glance at each other with curiosity. They eagerly flip through the pages, revealing the surprising images within.
Harry peers over Hermione's shoulder, “What do you see, Hermione?”
Hermione gasps softly, “ It's... it's a baby. But... wait, something's changing.”
Ron interrupts, “Changing? What do you mean by changing?”Hermione turns the page, and they watch as the baby's features morph into those of a young girl. “She's... she's growing older right before our eyes.”
Ron exclaims, “That's... that's incredible!”
They continue to flip through the pages, each image revealing a different moment in time. Suddenly, they come across a picture of a much younger Albus Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling with mischief.Harry says, “That’s  Dumbledore…”
Hermione turns the page again, and they see a young Gellert Grindelwald standing beside Dumbledore, their faces alight with excitement, and happiness. “It's them... when they were friends…no, wait…Do you think they were more than just friends?”
Ron replies with furrowed eyebrows, “There’s no bloody way that they could’ve been together Mione. It’s a bit hard to believe, I mean, Grindelwald was an evil wizard.” The trio falls silent as they continue to explore the scrapbook, each lost in their own thoughts, revealing images of the girl with both Albus and Gellert. Then, Hermione gasps once more, her eyes widening in surprise, as she changes the page once more.
“Look at this!” Hermione exclaims to Harry and Ron. Harry and Ron lean in to see what has caught Hermione's attention. They see the teenage girl, dressed in Slytherin robes, dancing with a young Tom Riddle.
Harry says flabbergasted and angrily, “Tom Riddle? What's he doing here?”
Hermione replies, also in an extremely surprised state, still trying to process what was in front of her, “I'm not sure, but... it looks like they're... dancing?
Ron says, “Well…quite the surprise there huh?”
Harry replies coldly, “Yeah, to say the least.” They exchange puzzled glances before turning their attention back to the scrapbook, eager to uncover more secrets hidden within its pages.
Hermione turned a couple of more pages, each with more images of the lovely young couple, until writing appeared over the next blank page. The words that appeared in front of the trio were of Dumbledore. The three read his note:
I see you have received the scrapbook I left for you. The contents of this book have much you need to know about my past, my secrets, the loves and losses that shaped my life. I was not always the wise old wizard you see before you. There was a time when I was young, foolish, and in love. I was in love with Gellert Grindelwald. He was many things. He was also brilliant, charismatic, and enchanting. We shared a bond that transcended mere friendship. We even married in secret, during a time of great turmoil. But our love was not to last. We had a child conceived by a surrogate, and bore a daughter. She was our greatest joy and our deepest sorrow. She bore the weight of our mistakes and our regrets. She was a Slytherin. She was brilliant, ambitious, and fiercely loyal. But she was also troubled, haunted by the shadows of our past. It wasn’t until she fell in love with Tom Riddle, the boy who would become Voldemort, that she found her way to regain a part of her that was lost because of me and Gellert. Their romance was nothing that I would have anticipated. I couldn’t bear to see her with a boy as troubled as her, but they prevailed. I thought he would corrupt her. She died on May 13, 1943. A casualty of a war she never chose to fight. A victim of a destiny she could not escape. A casualty by my own hand. I have learned that love is both a gift and a burden. It has the power to lift us up to the highest heights and drag us down to the darkest depths. But in the end, it is what defines us, what binds us together, even in death.
Silence descends upon the room, broken only by the soft rustle of pages as the trio processes Dumbledore's revelations, leaving Harry, Ron, and Hermione to grapple with the weight of his confessions.
Ron spoke first, trying to relieve the tension, “Well, uhm…who would’ve thought that Dumbledore’s daughter would be the one to make Riddle’s heart go soft?”
Hermione whacked his arm with a paper repeatedly and yelled, “Oh Ronald Weasley! This is not the time for your stupid jokes, this is serious.”
Ron replied, trying to dodge her blows, “Bloody hell woman, that hurts!” 
Harry pondered on his thoughts as Hermione and Ron were arguing. There was no way that Tom Riddle could ever love someone, there was just no way. It was truly hard for Harry to believe that the Tom Riddle-Lord Voldemort-himself was ever in love, or had a heart. Harry spoke up and exclaimed exasperatedly, “I still don’t get it. How is any of this supposed to help us? I mean even if Riddle loved Dumbledore’s daughter, she’s dead. This was just a waste.”
Just as Harry had finished his sentence, the note disappeared, and more writing came up. Hermione moved towards the book and read the writing out loud:
My daughter, while she supposedly died…I have to mention that nothing is as true as it seems. I had to protect her, or so I thought. My actions, while they may seem extreme, were important to me years ago. Now that I realize that I may have been wrong…In fact…I had taken all necessary precautions…She is…alive. The images within this scrapbook are all clues that will help you find her. They all have meaning and are small parts to the larger puzzle. I had to make sure that this scrapbook was in the right hands. Best of luck Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Ms. Granger…I will leave you with your first direct clue…her name is…Genevieve Ariana Dumbledore-Grindelwald. 
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Tom Riddle Masterlist
© coolbeans32 2024
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Birthdays (bc I can)
I put my own fancasts and my headcannon b-day'
Euphemia Braithewaite-Potter - January 4, 1907
Walburga Irma-Black - April 17, 1907
Fleamont Potter - May 15, 1909
Charlus Potter (Monty' brother) - August 19, 1900
Lucretia Black (Orion' sister) - August 3, 1914
Orion Black - September 30, 1920
Druella Rosier (Axel' sister) - December 31, 1928
Axel Rosier (Rosier twins dad) - November 14, 1930
Cygnus Black (Black sisters dad) - July 30, 1938
Adele Jacob-Rosier (Rosier twins mom) - June 7, 1938
Alphard Black - June 26, 1925
Rodolphus Lestrange - October 19, 1952
Rabastan Lestrange- September 21, 1954
Lucius Malfoy - July 1, 1954
Enid Pettigrew (Peter' sister) - January 30, 1962
Mason McKinnon (Marlene' brother) - December 20, 1952
Mitchell McKinnon (Marlene' brother) - June 25, 1955
Matthew McKinnon (Marlene' brother) - November 7, 1958
Maxwell McKinnon (Marlene' brother) - February 29, 1962
Petunia Evans-Dursley - January 10, 1958
Mavan Rosier (Rosier twins brother) - March 14, 1965
Annabella Rosier (Rosier twins sister) - April 16, 1968
Elizabeth Meadows (Dorcas' sister) - May 1, 1965
Fabian Prewett - September 30, 1958
Gideon Prewett - September 30, 1958
Molly Prewett-Weasley - October 30, 1949
Billius Weasley (Arthur' brother) - May 26, 1952
Arthur Weasley - February 6, 1950
James Potter - March 27, 1960
Remus Lupin - March 10, 1960
Sirius Black - November 3, 1960
Peter Pettigrew - August 31, 1960
Lily Evans-Potter - January 30, 1960
Mary Macdonald - September 16, 1959
Marlene McKinnon - August 1, 1960
Dorcas Meadows - April 2, 1960
Bartemius Crouch Jr. - July 9, 1961
Evan Rosier - June 20, 1961
Pandora Rosier - June 20, 1961
Regulus Black - December 31, 1961
Alice Fortescue-Longbottom - August 14, 1960
Frank Longbottom - September 14, 1959
Ted Tonks - March 20, 1953
Emmeline Vance - July 18, 1957
Rita Skeeter - December 19, 1951
Ophelia Zabini - January 15, 1951
Emma Vanity - February 28, 1960
Andromeda Black - October 10, 1953
Narcissa Black - July 19, 1955
Bellatrix Black - May 2, 1991
Tom Riddle Jr. - February 19, 1979
Mattheo Riddle - January 20, 1980
Aliana Riddle - January 20, 1980
Mandy Lestrange - March 13, 1985
Cara Lestrange - May 23, 1986
Delphini Riddle - August 16, 1987
Lorenzo Berkshire - December 17, 1996
Nymphadora Tonks - October 8, 1973
Nina Tonks (Nymphadora' sister) - June 13, 1978
Lucas Rosier (Rosekiller child) - July 21, 1985
Nicholas Rosier (Rosekiller child) - July 1, 1987
Draco Malfoy - June 5, 1980
Lila Malfoy (Draco' sister) - June 5, 1980
Artemis McKinnon (Dorlene child) - September 13, 1981
Aries McKinnon (Dorlene child) - October 17, 1982
Jack McKinnon (Dorlene child) - January 23, 1987
Harry Potter - July 31, 1980
Lillian Potter (Harry' sister) - July 31, 1980
Rose Potter (Harry' sister) - May 24, 1981
Leo Potter (Harry' brother) - February 16, 1983
Pansy Parkinson - August 1, 1980
Blaise Zabini - November 1, 1980
Teddy Lupin - April 11, 1985
Neville Longbottom - July 30, 1980
Juliana Longbottom (Neville' sister) - October 15, 1986
Nicky Longbottom (Neville' brother) - October 15, 1986
Penelope Vance (Emmary child) - November 12, 1988
Hermione Granger - September 19, 1980
Violet Granger (Hermione' sister) - May 14, 1979
Bill Weasley - November 29, 1970
Charlie Weasley - December 12, 1972
Percy Weasley - August 22, 1976
Fred Weasley - April 1, 1978
George Weasley - April 1, 1978
Ron Weasley - March 1, 1980
Ginevra Weasley - August 11, 1981
Luna Lovegood - February 13, 1981
Eclipse Rosier (Pandalily child or Luna' sister) - January 11, 1985
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squadxx4392 · 1 year
Blaise: *gets in the car*
Harry : Drive bitch!
Blaise : *starts going 300 mph towards Hogwarts*
Draco: *smiles while looking at Harry*
Luna : Ewww Gin help they're being sappy!
Pansy: Leave them be Luna
Ginny : Draco, how many fingers am I holding up? *holds up 4 fingers*
Draco : 8 fingers. When did you get 10??
Pansy: Is he drunk?
Theo : He's either really fucking tired or he's high off tattoo ink
Draco: Shhh I'm busy admiring the outside
Neville : Draco, that's Harry, not outside. outside is right there, not there
Blaise : We're back mfs!
Pansy: Hes tired for sure
Molly Weasley : WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?? *stomping angrily towards the car*
Draco: At um
Draco: Somewhere
Ginny : She can see every new piercing, Ron mum looks pissed, we should get back in and start driving. all of us. now. get in go go go!
Blaise : *Starts the car up and starts going 700 mph somehow*
Draco: *opens car door*
Draco: *falls asleep*
Blaise : I'm driving so fast we're flying, we're gonna land on the Astronomy Tower, I'm gonna shrink the car and we are going to RUN to the room of requirement!
Draco: *asleep*
Draco: *wakes up* Oh
Draco: can someone make me my normal size
Blaise : *just shut the door behind all of them* Okay, we're safe! Here, Engorgio!
Lucius and Severus: Oh- FUCK sake 😨
Pansy : *immediately follows the sound, covers her eyes and gasps* HOLY SHIT, PROFESSOR???
Lucius: Its not what it looks like-
Pansy : Well what is it then?? *still covering eyes*
Severus: Uh- We were trying on suits-
Luna : You're fucking stuttering!
Severus: Am NoT!
Harry : You sounded a little too confused to be telling the truth honestly, professor
Ron and Ginny : Escaping our angry mum
Draco : Also, that wasn't the fuckin question!
Severus: *clears throat* Then what was the question
Hermione : The fuck were you both doing that was bad enough for PANSY OF ALL PEOPLE TO COVER HER EYES AND GASP
Severus: Trying um on suits..
Lucius: We were cuddling and um eating Chinese food also..
Draco : disgusting, get out we're waiting on shit to cool down out there before we die
Lucius: Yeah no seriously we are more scared of Molly than you guys..
Pansy : But you won't get in trouble. Out!
Lucius: *turns light on holding a bowl of teriyaki noodles* We took her left over food.
Ron : Oh shit- well, she's more mad at US now, so just, out please
Severus: No thanks, she'll end up beating all of us to death somehow...
Pansy : Just- out! You'll live, she's definitely forgotten about you!
Severus: I'm about to give you all detention if you keep telling us to get out.
Harry : 😐
Lucius: Why's she mad at y'all anyway?
Draco : Uh- *lifts up sleeve*
Blaise : We hijacked a car, burnt down an entire muggle town in America, got a crap ton of tattoos and we got piercings!
Lucius: *takes a deep breath in*
Lucius: Okay Draco when I said you could do dumb shit, I DIDN'T MEAN BURN DOWN HOUSES
Pansy : Yeah it was fun. And after what I just saw, I wanna kms so come on! let's hand ourselves over to Molly!
Everyone Else(minus Sniv and Lucius) : All for it, let's go
Lucius: We were eating Chinese food- and hugging- WDYMMMM
Molly : About time. Care to explain why I got a frantic letter from McGonagall about you lot running off?
Draco: Not my fault blame Harry they dragged me into this
Harry : Hey! Prude!
Molly : Harry James Potter, Ronald Billius Weasley, Ginerva Molly Weasley and Hermione Jean Granger, you ought to know better!
Draco: So you aren't mad at my father for taking your food-?
Molly : Of course I am! Where is he?
Draco: Room of Requirement
Molly : We will talk about this when you get back this summer! *Walks into the room of requirement*
Pansy : Welp, they're dead. Let's go!
Lucius: *eyes widen* WE BETTER RUN
Pansy : *starts dying of laughter as Sniv and Lucius start streaking across the corridor followed closely by Molly*
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saintsenara · 6 months
thank you very much for the ask, pal!
question two on this love your fandom ask game was a very popular one, so I've combined this ask with a couple of others:
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[a huge shoutout to the anon who left such a kind message about bookbinding - you're a legend!]
2. what is a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like?
i have recently - while writing subluxation - been regrettably tricked against my will into finding rodolphus lestrange fascinating [i can hear @sofoulandfairaday giggling and kicking her feet in the air], and i am increasingly coming round to the idea that - while i certainly still prefer the idea that his marriage to bellatrix is an unhappy one - there's some real affection there. it's giving power couple.
5. what is something you see in fics a lot and love?
both fun and profoundly moving engagement with my favourite fandom belief: that you can write yourself into - and out of - the least plausible premises and pairings, turning them into something which should be dismissed as a joke but which instead lays bare the fundamental strangeness of life and of love, if you just have enough nerve.
15. which character always makes you smile?
the man, the myth, the legend… ronald billius weasley, for the love of whom i would even defend hermione.
16. what is a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate?
that each of the trio destroys a horcrux, and that each of these horcruxes is destroyed by the person who feels most narratively linked to the bit of voldemort's personality it symbolises.
harry destroys the diary, which gives him a connection he sincerely values to somebody who can understand his experience as an orphan searching for the answer to the mystery of his life.
ron destroys the locket, which tortures him by suggesting his mother doesn't love him and that his great love is futile because she will abandon him. the locket is the clearest example of voldemort's profound mammy issues - he kills hepzibah smith to acquire it as vengeance for her suggesting that merope stole it, and it is the only horcrux he constructs an elaborate defence for in a place meaningful to him from childhood.
hermione, whose experience of the wizarding world is of having to justify her rightful place within it, destroys the cup - the item which has the least personal connection to voldemort but which he evidently chooses as a horcrux because of his own preoccupation with history and his place in the wizarding world.
[other answers from this ask game]
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gigglesandfreckles-hp · 3 months
🧡 and 💖!
hi arti! welcome to my marauders' themed sleepver. you can put your sleeping bag next to mine!! just a reminder: you sent me spiralling back into this. you. you!
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
i've ranted about this before and also it should be said that i choose to ignore my own thoughts about this theory pretty often because it is a fun plot device. but i just don't think "the prank" was as big a deal as most people make it out to be. not that it wasn't terrible and that it didn't jar all the marauders a bit. but i really just don't think—realistically, using what we see in canon—the marauders even missed a real step of friendship. it think, realistically, james was like "so that was terrible and we all know it right?" and they were like "yes" and he was like "sirius say you're sorry and hug remus" and sirius was like "i'm not sorry but okay." because that's exactly where we see them pick up in the shrieking shack in poa. sirius literally saying that snape deserved it and snorting derisively when remus brings it up. which just doesn't run parallel with some big huge falling out. but again...i also love the big huge falling out for Plot. so eh.
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
i mean...this isn't particularly unpopular. and it's certainly not a hill i would ever die on. but i do think harry and hermione make more sense together than ron and hermione. you will never catch me DEAD saying a single bad thing about ronald billius weasley though so don't even try. that is not what this is about. i think it's just because i rank intellectual chemistry as so important in romantic relationships. but just because *i* value that in a partner doesn't mean the fictional characters i read about have to haha.
my other unpopular opinion is that james and lily should have lived obviously duh NEXT QUESTION
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modern-harrypotter · 1 year
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The Golden Trio Friendship - Remastered
Harry James Potter - 6th Year Gryffindor. Excels in Defense Against the Dark Arts despite the constant rotation of professors in the subject. He is currently dating Draco Malfoy.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Hermione Jean Granger - 6th Year Gryffindor. Excels in most subjects at school, but has a severe distaste for Divination. She is currently dating Pansy Parkinson.
Sexuality: Demisexual Biromantic
Pronouns: She/Her
Ronald Billius Weasley - 6th Year Gryffindor. Excels in logic based skills, and has a distaste for most school work. He loves Chess, despite not finding a suitable playing partner since most everyone found out he beat Professor McGonagall in 1st Year. Dating Neville Longbottom and Blaise Zabini.
Sexuality: Gay Polyamorous
Pronouns: He/Him
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vivithefolle · 1 year
do you know of any fics where someone points out hermione doesn’t know a whole lot about wizarding culture?
@cescalr's time to shine again!
Here is her series Wizarding History, Culture, And Random Shit (Like Laws And Stuff), As Told By Ronald Billius Weasley, Hogwarts Student. It doesn't have many entries, but it's fun enough!
I find it quite difficult to worldbuild for HP because JKR pretty much left us all the work. Bleh. Luckily other fanficers are here to pick up the slack.
Of course, the whole
hermione doesn’t know a whole lot about wizarding culture
is cool, but A LOT of it also diverges towards that stupidass "ugh them Muggleborns don't know our CULTURE and the OLD WAYS" which is yikes. Why is that genre of fics even a thing?
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Molly: Ronald Billius Weasley!
Ron gleeful: Somebody is in trouble - wait, I am in trouble. What is wrong with me?
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letstrythisout4 · 5 months
Chapter 4-Harry Potter and the Necromancer
Miracle Blake is not a morning person. 
But she is an antisocial one.
Which is why she woke up at six-thirty, two hours and a half before classes started; despite her desire to rot in bed till the last minute. Her desire to not be around the girls when they woke up was stronger. 
She rolled out of bed and crept over to the bathroom and got ready as silently as she could. She made the journey to the Great Hall, taking a seat as the bowl before her was filled with Froot Loops.
Nice, she thought to herself digging in. One of the many benefits of visiting Hogwarts before the year started was introducing herself to the elves that took care of the castle; it allowed her to let them know that she would really appreciate it if they could offer some standard American breakfast meals. Her request led to her spending hours explaining different meals she’d like, cooking and baking with the elves.
Finishing her meal, she wandered around, stopping every once in a while to chat with a painting.
 She checked her watch and she had just enough time to make it to Divination if she ran. Miracle had been practicing Divination since she was old enough to speak and while she wasn’t a Seer like her grandmother, she did know how to use various methods of seeing into the future and peoples fates. So when she saw Trelawney crying out about death, illnesses and dreaded occurrences, she immediately wanted to drop the class. She had witnessed her grandmother have several visions and speak prophecies. And it was not….this.
This was nonsense.
She was ready to ignore the entire class, get the easy grade and leave; until that woman had the nerve to exaggerate the image of a Grim. That made Miracle rush down to where the class was staring at Harry and look into the boys cup.
 “Hmm, it does actually look like a Grim.” she muttered in disbelief.
“I just said that-'' Trelawney said indignantly.
“A Grim doesn’t inherently mean that you’re going to die. Yes, it is an omen of death but it can mean a lot of things. The idea that it's just an omen of death is an ignorant assumption.” she explained side-eyeing Trelawney.  “Honestly Harry, I wouldn't worry about it.” she said, looking at the boy who was trying (and failing) to keep a facade of ease.
When Harry caught up to her after Transfiguration, she knew what he wanted. 
“Harry, mate, I get wanting answers but you don’t understand. My uncle Billius saw a Grim and died twenty-four hours later!” Ron said.
Ron Weasley, like 99 percent of the school, was scared of Miracle. He avoided eye contact with her as if he would drop dead if he looked at her. And he was not quiet about the fact that he thought she was a danger to the school. It was still the first day and she already heard him ranting about her twice.
As she was reminiscing on Rons’ attitude towards her, he and Hermione seemed to be debating how evil the Grim could be. Harry snapped at the two of them, finally asking out right what she knew about the Grim. 
And she told him…enough.
She said that Grims were attracted to those who were going to die and those who were surrounded by death. The way his face feel when he realized she was talking about his parents, made Miracle wish she just kept her mouth shut. But what was done was done.
Better than him living in paranoia for no reason. She thought to herself as she went down to the Forest, but not without stopping to visit Hagrid.
“Afternoon, Hagrid! How ya’ doing?” she called out as she approached the man.
“Miracle, I’m doing well! What are you doin’ out here? ‘Ought to be in class” Hagrid asked standing from where he was crouched over some suspicious looking bug-like animals.
“Just heading down to the crypt, I have the afternoon off, I’ll leave you to work. Good luck on your first day.” she wished, smiling softly.
“You too.” the large man replied as she entered the Forest, just before the other third years arrived for their lesson.
The Forest was dark and overgrown, causing her to climb over roots and dodge low-hanging branches. She reached the crypt, going inside before calling out a “Good Afternoon.” to the spirits who hovered around. She dropped her bag on the floor, jumped up onto the counter sitting cross-legged in the center of the crypt and began meditating.
Her grandmother was big on meditation. “Meditate before your ritual.” “Meditate before contacting anything.” “Meditate before sleeping.” Leading to Miracle being well-practiced in it; she grounded herself, focusing on the magic of the forest, dead and most importantly herself. 
She had become quite comfortable meditating in the crypt, it felt safe and right to her. Primarily because it was the only place on the grounds where she could let the dark magic that resided in her flow out freely. The wards kept the magic contained and really there wasn’t anything that the girl couldn’t do inside of these shields. 
She sat and meditated, surrounded by the bodies. Deciding to call it a day, Miracle slid off of the counter and headed out of the building. At least she tried to, she was distracted from locking the crypts doors (unnecessary because of the wards but it felt weird to leave it open), at the sound of whining behind her. She turned around to see a skinny black dog in the distance, just outside of her wards. 
No, not a dog. A Grim.
She dropped her keys and school bag, running to the edge of the wards and dropping to her knees beside the Grim. She ran her hands along its sides, distressed at how pronounced its ribs were and how matted its fur was. The Grim leaned into her touch, swaying on its feet. She picked him up (something that was far too easy) and brought him up the steps to her school bag. She fed him the bread and two bananas that she carried for a snack, as she assumed she would miss dinner. He inhaled the food, smacking his lips together and looking at her with thanks in his eyes. 
“What happened to you?” she whispered, petting his head, allowing him to rest on her thighs. He couldn’t answer verbally but she always had an instinctual understanding of what Grims were thinking, but this one… this one was different. “You’re not just a Grim, are you?”
He snapped his head up to look at the witch. They stared at each other waiting for the other to make the first move. After a moment, he scrambled off of her lap, falling back and transforming into a man. Sirius Black. 
Miracle jumped up, her magic bursting from the ground in the form of roots, wrapped itself around his ankles and wrists. The man, now bound and unable to move, raised his hands as much as he could, saying, “Whatever you’ve heard it’s not true.”
“Oh that’s comforting.” Miracle said, eyeing the man before her. He didn’t look crazy, he looked broken. “If what I’ve heard isn’t true, what is?”
He sank to the ground, crossing his legs, “It’s a long story.”
She sat on the stairs, mimicking his posture, “I have time.”
He rolled his eyes, “Oh really?”
“I’m giving you a chance to defend yourself, don’t be rude. I could just let the dementors have at you.”
He huffed a breath at that, “Very true.” He went silent, reminiscing on his life, eventually beginning his tale. “James Potter was my best friend, he was my brother.”
Miracle sat back sensing that this really was going to be a long story. 
“He was my friend since the day we met on the Hogwarts Express. We had a small friend group, just four of us,” he hesitated. “One of the other two was Peter Pettigrew.” he spoke the name as if it pained him to think of the man. 
“When the Potters went into hiding they wanted to make me their Secret-Keeper, the only person to know their location. But I-” his voice broke “ I told them to make it Pettigrew, nobody would ever assume it was him.” He took a deep breath, gaining confidence in his words, “He betrayed them. He betrayed Lily and James who took pity on him and protected him from the moment they met him. He betrayed them, gave their location to Voldemort and got them killed.”
Miracle went to speak but Sirius wasn’t finished, “I went to check on Peter that night, and his house was empty. I rushed back to where Lily and James stayed and the house was destroyed. Their bodies were cold, the smartest girl I knew beside Harry’s crib and the bravest and kindest man on the base of the stairs. His wand was nowhere near him” he took a breath, shaking his head “he wasn’t even armed. They were ambushed. The next day, I cornered the rat in London. He could tell I was going to kill him, he started to spew his lies and blew up the street framing me. I couldn’t stop laughing, I couldn’t control it, I was so mad.”
“And they threw you in Azkaban.” she stated.
“And they threw me in Azkaban.”
“No trial.”
“No trial.”
“So you hate Dumbledore?”
He paused, “Excuse me?”
“Well Dumbledore was the face of the fight against Voldermort. He holds political standing in the Wizarding World, he could have fought for you. If he said anything opposed to your sentencing, he would have the backing of everyone now that he was a hero.”
He took in her words.
“I’d want to kill him if I were you, or at least make his life hell.”
“To be quite honest-” he started scratching his head, “I didn’t think about that.”
She hummed sympathetically. Quite impossible to think about anything when you’ve been surrounded by Dementors for twelve years. she thought. The fact that the man was able to string together proper sentences spoke to how strong his magic was.
“So… you believe me?” he asked.
Throughout the story she let her magic reach out to the wizard's mind as subtly as she could, she could always sense the intentions of Grims and not once in his tale did he lie.“Yeah, it makes sense. I heard the “official” report but I did some research and it made no sense for you to kill him.”
He nodded slowly. 
“So what now? Why are you here?”
“Well I’m here because I could sense that something was in the crypt. Something that could help. I’m here at Hogwarts because Pettigrew is inside that castle.”
“Wait, inside of the castle?”
“My friends and I became Animagi while at Hogwarts, Pettigrew was a literal rat. A rat that is now owned by the Weasley boy.”
“...Ron has had that rat for years…Harry has been around the one responsible for his parents murder for two years?”
Sirius’ hands twitched at her words, “Don’t remind me. Why was I drawn to you?” he asked thoughtfully.
“Um well, do you remember the necromancer born the year before Harry in America?” she said.
He blinked at her. “That was you?”
“Yup. Miracle Blake, necromancer.” she introduced holding her hand out to him allowing for the roots she conjured to retreat to the Earth. 
“Sirius Black, heir to the House of Black.” he replied formally.
“You’ll be able to do a lot with that level of status once your name is cleared.”
“My current concern is killing the rat, not exactly worried about Wizengamot.”
“You should be. First take care of the rat, then what? Continue to run for the law? No, no, you need to prepare to fight for a trial. You’re the heir to a Noble and Most Ancient House…you should be making everyone’s life hell. Those who escaped Azkaban, those who sent you to Azkaban. You have a lot of power to make sure that Voldemort doesn’t gain too much support” The words didn’t seem to fully reach the man so she decided to throw in, “A lot of power to support Harry.”
He looked at her strangely, “You really are a Dark Witch huh?”
“A lot of snark for someone who needs my help to get food and clean. Come on, let’s sneak you into the prefects’ bathroom.” she said, picking up her bag and locking the crypt up. 
They took advantage of the students eating in the Great Hall, Miracle and Sirius -as a Grim- hustled to the fifth floor, where she whispered the password to the statue of Boris the Bewildered. 
“How do you know the password?” Sirius asked, transforming as he slipped inside.
“I heard the prefects talking about it. Get clean, I’ll bring you some clothes and food.” she said walking away. She looked over her shoulder, “Don’t get caught.’
“Please I know these halls like the back of my hand.”
Miracle raced to the kitchen, making up some flimsy excuse as to why she missed dinner. The elves didn’t really care, they were more than happy to fill an absurdly large basket with food. They also didn’t question when she asked for some mens clothes, not even noticing when she said it was “for a friend”. 
She hurried back to the bathroom and saw it slightly open with a hand poking out. “Way to not draw attention Sirius” she said, handing him his clothes. 
“Thanks, Miracle.” he said, snatching up the clothes. 
Miracle waited in the hall as he got dressed. When he finished they went to the Black Lake, barely missing the rush of students heading back to their dorms. They shared the food, watching the Giant Squid swim about. 
“What’s it like to be a necromancer?” he asked, destroying the silence.
“Lonely.” She considered leaving it there but figured the man trusted her with so much, she may as well give him something in return. “The dead love me but well… their dead. And the living are scared. I like to talk to spirits but there’s only so much I can get from speaking to something I can only hear and see.” 
“Speaking to ghosts is not quite unique, Blake.”
“Hilarious. I’m talking about spirits as beings. You’re talking about spirits as a category including poltergeist and ghosts etc. Spirits are voices I hear; sometimes whispers I can barely hear, sometimes they are clear as day. They're people I can see just as solid looking as you infront of me.”
“What else can you do?” the man asked before biting into a turkey leg the size of his head.
“I can summon and communicate with spirits. I can sense when death is coming for someone. Grims and Thestrals are trust me; hence why you came to me” she started picking at the grass before saying quietly, “I can control bones and bodies. When I was two three guys threatened my grandmother in front of me, I blinked and one of their bodies was on the floor and his Spirit was in front of me. The other two panicked and tried to run, the grass beneath them opened up and skeletons crawled out, chasing after them before dragging them kicking and screaming back into the opening. They took the dead body too.”
She jolted up, realizing she just confessed to a murder to a complete stranger. Sirius placed his hand on her shoulder, “You were two. You were threatened. You are a necromancer. I’d be shocked if you didn't react that way.” he said with a tone far too wise for someone in their thirties. “During the war, James and I became aurors. We did…a lot of terrible things to protect people. You will never find judgment in me when it comes to defending a loved one.”
They sat in silence, Sirius contemplating the information the young girl beside him trusted him with and Miracle considering the implications of 18-19 year old boys becoming aurors to fight in a war.
They went their separate ways as curfew approached, promising to meet at the crypt when all the students were at lunch the next day.
Miracle mentally planning how they should go about trapping the traitor.
Sirius, thinking past killing Peter for the first time in over a decade.
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hurtstobecome · 10 months
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(  rudy pankow  &  twenty-two  &  cisman  &  he/him  )     ⸻      when  the  sorting  sat  on  top  of  ronald weasley’s  head,     it's  no  wonder  that  gryffindor  was  called,     perhaps it’s simply because  he  is  known  for  being  valiant  but  also can  be  very  insecure,     the  now  second year  at  hogwarts  year  is  just  trying  to  make  it  through.  
FULL NAME: ronald billius weasley NICKNAMES: ron ( & many others he doesn’t need to mention ) GENDER: cisman (he/him) DATE OF BIRTH: 1 march, 1980 PLACE OF BIRTH: ottory st catchpole, devon, england SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual biromantic BLOOD TYPE: pureblood WAND TYPE: ash, unicorn hair, taped & handed down from charlie PATRONUS: jack russell terrier BOGGART: spiders AMORENTIA: tbd HOGWARTS HOUSE: gryffindor PARENTS: arthur & molly weasley SIBLINGS: older brothers - william, charles, percy, fred, george. younger sister - ginevera SIGNIFICANT OTHERS: n/a PETS: scabbers ( rat ) PERSONALITY TYPE: enfj MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good TEMPERAMENT: choleric POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, pragmatic, brave NEGATIVE TRAITS: blunt, temperamental, insecure
what we know ab the weasley's & their home is still the same - ron absolutely loves and protects his family. even when they cause some of his insecurities or he finds a bit of shame in what they lack. but he adores them and really appreciates his childhood. pranks and all.
really enjoys magic - has nothing against muggles and will defend them - but always tunes out his dad when he goes on his rambles. has no interest in joining that world, but also has no idea what he wants to do with his life.
the thing with ron is that he's interested in plenty, but just doesn't see himself being good enough to really pursue it. enjoys wizard chess but wouldn't want to solely do that, loves quidditch but isn't good enough to go pro, is not naturally good at school nor puts in the effort to excel in a specific study.
with his hogwarts adventures later in life, ron hasn't really spent any time thinking about his dueling skills or interest in an auror career. this past year has started a small spark of interest but that's all.
he's a bit lost, feels like he lacks purpose. but he's still having a good time ! parties, always cracking jokes, etc. he's taking what's happening to/with harry seriously and finds that it helps him find a new purpose
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thatravenpuffgirl · 11 months
golden trio
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⤷ Harry James Potter ll The Chosen One
"I like a quiet life, you know me"
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⤷ Ronald Billius Weasley ll Weasley King
"Why spiders? Why couldn't it be 'follow the butterflies'"
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⤷ Hermione Jean Granger ll Brightest Witch of Her Age
“I mean, it’s sort of exciting, isn’t it? Breaking the rules.”
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coolbeans32 · 5 months
Echoes of Destiny: The Serpent and the Phoenix
PAIRING: Tom Riddle x F!Reader (OC)
SYNOPSIS: After deciphering Dumbledore's inscription, Harry, Hermione, and Ron work together to revive Genevieve. Despite the complexity of the rune magic, they chant with determination until Genevieve awakens, disoriented and without memory. They introduce themselves, and Genevieve expresses gratitude for their help. Despite the challenges ahead, they are determined to uncover Genevieve's identity and protect her from harm.
WARNINGS: Not any trigger warnings are seen except of the following: use of ritual magic for revival, that can be unsettling. Otherwise, nothing else to note, but if you find anything unsettling or triggering, please let me know :)
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Chapter Six
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As Hermione finished reading the inscription left by Dumbledore, the trio exchanged hesitant glances. Reviving Genevieve was no simple task; it involved complex rune magic and precise wand movements. However, they were determined to see it through, no matter the challenges. With steely resolve, Harry, Ron, and Hermione positioned themselves around Genevieve's preserved body, wands at the ready. The incantation echoed softly in the dimly lit room as they chanted the ancient words, their voices intertwining with magic.
Hermione starts to chant the incantation "Exaudire mea verba, ut reviviscere.”
Ron proceeds to follow along Hermione,  "Exaudire mea verba, ut reviviscere.”
Harry continues the chant, “Sublimare spiritum, redeuntem ad vitam.”
Hermione concentrated intensely, "Keep the focus! We have to get this right!"
Harry, gritting his teeth, "I'm trying, Hermione! This rune magic is harder than it looks!" They kept reciting all the necessary parts until they reached the final part of the chant. This last part had to be recited together, “Per coniunctio elementorum, per potentiam runarum, resurgat Genevieve ex somno aeternum. Reviviscere!"As the trio completes the incantation, a faint glow surrounds Genevieve's body. The air crackled with energy as intricate runes appeared, glowing with ethereal light around Genevieve's form. The room seemed to pulsate with power, and for a moment, time itself held its breath. Suddenly, Genevieve's body stirred, her chest rising and falling as if she were taking her first breath. The glow of the runes intensified, enveloping her in a shimmering aura. Then, with a gasp, Genevieve's eyes fluttered open, and she sat up, disoriented and confused. She blinked several times, taking in her surroundings with wide eyes.
"Where… where am I?" she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged relieved smiles, their hearts pounding with anticipation. This was it—the moment they had been waiting for.
Hermione stepped forward, her voice gentle yet filled with urgency. "Genevieve, it's okay. You're safe now."
Genevieve's gaze flickered to each of them in turn, her expression a mixture of fear and curiosity. "What do you mean safe?" she echoed, her brow furrowing in confusion. "I'm sorry, but… who are you?" Harry's heart sank at her words, for some reason he didn’t understand, he pushed aside these feelings, focusing on the task at hand. "That's okay," he reassured her, his voice steady. "You’re safe. There’s a lot we have to catch you up on. I’m Harry Potter.”
“Potter, are you related to Fleamont Potter by any chance?” Genevieve asked curiously. 
Harry, caught off guard, “Uhm…yeah…I think I am.” Genevieve inspected him, as she noticed his hesitation from either keeping himself guarded or from a lack of knowledge of his family ancestry, she could not tell at the moment.
Ron was next to introduce himself. "Well, I’m Ron, Ron Weasley.” Genevieve could immediately tell he was a Weasley, he had very similar characteristics as Billius Weasley, a Gryffindor student in her year. She moved to look at Hermione, wondering who she was. Hermione seemed to pick up on this note. 
“I am Hermione Jean Granger, pleased to meet you.”’Genevieve studied them for a moment longer, uncertainty clouding her features. But then, slowly, she offered them a tentative smile. "Pleasure to meet you all as well. I can’t recall much but whatever happened, thank you" she whispered, her voice tinged with gratitude.
And with those words, the trio knew that their journey was far from over. They had brought Genevieve back from the brink of death, but now they faced a new challenge—to help her reclaim her past and uncover the truth hidden within her memories. With determination burning in their hearts, they stood ready to face whatever lay ahead, united in their quest for answers.
Harry spoke first, “As much as we wouldn’t mind staying here, we should take you to our place to let you freshen up, get some food, and then we can catch you up. If you wouldn’t mind?”
Genevieve smiled, “Sure, where are we headed if you don’t mind me asking?”
Harry, tentatively said, “Across the street…Grimmauld Place to be exact.”
Gen looked at him curiously, “You don’t happen to mean the Black Estate would you? The same one, Walburga resides at?”
The trio look at each other, a bit concerned. They didn’t want anyone knowing of her identity, especially the portrait of Walburga Black. It would cause chaos. Ron spoke up, “Well, this is a real pickle for us ain’t it?” Hermione, out of habit, whacked his head.
Genevieve smiled, reminded of her relationship between the two, she turned to Harry. “I’m guessing that’s a yes then.”
Harry looked at her and smiled, “Yeah, it is.”
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