#beware! bee scared!
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miss-celestial-being · 1 year ago
Beware! Bee Scared!
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rules: be nice you meanies 😠
10/1/23 - 10/31/23 OPEN
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he did the mash
send a blurb request (preferably about fall/halloween)
he did the monster mash
lets talk movies! send your favorite fall movie and i'll say what i think about it (and give movie suggestions)
it was a graveyard smash
standard tumblr games (cym, truth or dare, top 3, etc.)
it caught on in a flash
i'll make you an autumn moodboard (moots only!)
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© miss-celestial-being 2023
tags: @shespeaksinsongs @dr4cking @littlemissnoname13 @fairydxll @elysian-i @marcela6malfoy @b1ls @bisousbabie @spring-picnics @blackthunder137 @pottahishotasf @chloefrl @prttydolls @elysium-ii @dracoslittleangel @jamespottersmommy @morwap @dracosleftballsack @lazydreamer19 @dr4cosimp @baba-yaga-s-breadsticks @garfieldsladybird @gilmore-angel @ohwowimlonley @meadowscarlet @ell0ra-br3kk3r @imabee-oralizard @imalittlebumblebee @thehalfbloodedwitch @alexis-angelsss @ anyone i missed!
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redtippedfox · 1 year ago
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Accidentally deleted this post when I was trying to edit it but guess I can’t undo that.
All characters in this AU are aged up and are adults
Anyway gonna take this chance to redo this post and upload her updated kwami swaps.
Behold the holy trinity of Kwami swaps part 1
1. Fox! Marinette: Huli Jing, she’s a trickster and her illusions are beautifully dangerous
2. Bee! Marinette: HoneyBee: She’s hella sweet but you don’t wanna piss her off because her sting can hurt
3. Turtle! Marinette: Chelona Jade: Graceful, strong, and powerful she is the protector.
4. Black Cat! Marinette: Lady Noire: Pent up Destruction can be dangerous especially for a rule follower who’s been stuck being perfect
5. Mouse! Marinette: Multimouse: She may be small but she can give you quite a scare when she divides and conquers.
6. Peacock! Marinette: Bleu Celine: A Goddess in human flesh her Sentimonster’s seem like a dream but beware for they are not all they seem.
7. Butterfly! Marinette: Titania: Light as a butterfly, become her champion be blessed by her gift.
These kwami swaps are definitely going to appear in Timey Wimey soon, we’re getting really close to Marinette’s reveal. I’ll also be posting the other half of this which the Chinese zodiac part of the Miracle Box, yep that’s right my girl is pulling a Kwamibuster on the corrupted hero’s but with a twist. Anywho, updated their designs and was just trying to edit the post but accidentally deleted it so whoops.
So cleaned up their designs and thought might as well post more.
The main seven Miraculouses are still my favorite
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echantedtoon · 5 months ago
Demonstober Day 10 Wendigo
(In the folklore of some northern Algonquian peoples) a cannibalistic giant; a person who has been transformed into a monster by the consumption of human flesh.
Warnings for mentioning of death, dead animals, blood, and murders.
This is the design for the Wendigo I had in mind.
Tagging: @lavenderdropp @six-eyed-samurai @trancylovecraft @shadyd3ar @cherrysuzaku
Remember if you want to be added to the spooktober taglist lemme know
Also tagging @gyusimp and @mrsshabana because I also like their Gyutaro October writings
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Beware of the winters that bring with them monsters. 
Beware of the cold winds that bring out the hunger of beasts. 
Beware of the Wendigo.
The cold winds on the outside of the shutters best them against the glass causing a rattling sound to fill the small house like winter itself was beating on your door DEMANDING to be let inside. The cold seemed to seep into your bones despite the fact that you were sat right in front of the fire crackling away, and a thick wool blanket draped over your shoulders. 
Your grasp upon the blanket became tighter than before as you cowered ever further from the rattling sounds of the shutters against glass and the wind howling demanding entry. Your response was to try and block it out by cowering your head beneath the blankets and curling up hoping that it would spare you and leave you be. 
You didn't want this anymore. Ever since your nineteenth birthday it's haunted you. Again and again it's come for you every time the days grow cold and the snow overtakes the valley. Every year there is always new deaths of both people and livestock. No one could ever figure out the culprit but you knew what it was. 
Ever since that horrible day in winter four years ago now. Gathering more firewood for your first late one night on a cold winters night. Your arms full of wood you heard something behind your woodpile. You were stupid enough to approach it assuming it was nothing but a fox or other small predator to scare away.
Quietly you stepped closer to the pine tree with snow crunching under your feet silently. Slowly behind the tree you went and stopped. The wind blew swaying it's branches creepily and looked like thrashing arms. You grabbed a handful and silently and slowly pulled them back.
And you froze at what you saw-
The winds howled as the darkness crept across the skies. The darkness behind the bush shielded your form from the moonlight which cascaded down between the trees and clouds in the sky. The shadows danced and branches creaked as the wind blew them about. Like arms beckoning you closer to grab you away in their rough grip. Drag you into the shadows never to be seen again. The coldness of the air bit down hard on your skin, like painful bee stings pricking your flesh. The terror far greater than seeing a thousand wolves sunk in.
c r a c k
A snapping of bones crunched between teeth. A splatter of red laid across the grass. Feathers coated in the red liquid of life laid there discarded. Unwanted by the maw that consumed the flesh between its teeth. Purple irises shook, watered at the sight before them. A hunched shadow devoured everything in its claws. Chew. Swallow. Devour. Chew. Swallow. Devour. Down the gullet and never to be returned again. Never before seen by prying eyes. A low hiss of air gurgled from the frothing mouth. Like a wheezing choke. A second later a bone escaped from the maw with a choke, spat out to the ground thudding along. A sigh escaped the maw, as if the bone had been uncomfortable in its mouth. Your body felt rigid. Frozen in utter horror as your mind struggled to comprehend the mass sitting before you. The horrors of it all as your jaw opened up in terror and the smell of blood combed into your senses-
An ear flickered from the top of the head. The mouth paused mid bite into the small body and slowly raised up. Stringy black hair fading to green cascaded down it's spine.
Loud questioning sniffs filled the air-
C R A C K-
An inhuman snap of its neck sounded as it snapped to you. And you froze as yellowed eyes stared at your very soul. And for a long moment neither of you moved for a long moment until there was a chittering noise and a half eaten chicken dropped to the ground from his claws.
Bones crackled and creaked as the creature rose inhuman slowly. High. Higher. And then higher. Your head slowly followed the thing up as the bone crackling stopped and you found yourself staring into the eyes of a man's- No...Beast's...It- ..YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHAT YOU WERE LOOKING AT!! It was like you were looking at a cross between a man's and animal's face red blood smeared his jaws from the chicken it had been eating however he stopped and stared down it's nose at you easily with it's height. Your hiding place behind the pine tree no longer secure as it continued to stare at your petrified form. There wasn't enough moonlight to fully see what it was standing in the shadows except for part of its face which tilted.... before a wide maw of fangs smirked down at you. Without warning it leaned down and you clamped your eyes shut on instinct. Surely this is the day you died.
You froze more as a warm breath blew over the top of your head and something heavy loomed over you. The only sounds being the thuds of wood that dropped to your feet into the snow. You didn't see it. But you sure as hell F E L T IT!! However a touch to your head made your eyes pop open. Your body didn't even move being too scared but your eyes opened to stare blankly at the leaves of the bush, too scared to look up and see what it was sniffing curiously at your head. The thing above had touched you, and currently had a strand of hair being held in his hands curiously.
What a pretty color. He's never seen a shade of f/c so pretty before. And it felt so soft and silky in his hands. And she even smells nice. Like flowers and fruit. Such a clean and fresh and pure scent.
It made him unintentionally release a growl. "You're lucky you know... Being able to have such delicious traits." A raspy voice spoke out of nowhere.
Your pupils shrank so much they nearly disappeared.
T H I S   T H I N G   C O U L D  T A L K?!
"Do you find me scary? Ugly?", the voice rasped out, like a man with a severely sore throat trying hard to speak after smoking for a hundred years. "It must be nice...Having a roof over your head. A warm meal in your stomach. And a soft bed to sleep in." A growl escaped his throat like a dog. "A pretty thing like you. I have trouble finding any food as your kind constantly hunts me. I can't even catch a break sometimes...Hehe. I suppose it's only fair to eat THEM as my meals instead."
What was it talking about?! What did it want?! ...Food. It mentioned food right?! Your mind flashed back unpleasantly to the..the... whatever it was that it had been eating. It was hungry. Whatever this thing was...It. Was. HUNGRY. WERE YOU NEXT ON THE MENU?! Your scared mind raced at a hundred miles a minute. You were going to die and no one would ever know what happened to you. That thought alone was terrifying enough but you hadn't any idea what 'it' even was that was going to be harming you...Wait. It..It wanted food right? That's why it was here. You then felt the weight of a thing in your pocket. There was a piece of cooked meat in your pocket. A mere hunk of meat you intended on snacking on later. Perhaps you could use it to distract it. At least long enough for you to get back inside. There wasn't any guarantee it was full proof..but what else were you going to do? Ever so slowly, your hand reached for your pocket-
"What are you doing, Pretty thing?" A small tug on the strand of hair still in it's class reminded you of how close it was.
"You're hungry. Right?"
Have you ever experienced an emotion of fear so strong it rendered you completely numb? That's why you came off so calm when in reality you were absolutely terrified. You felt the eyes of whatever it was locked on your hand as it reached into the pocket and wrapped around a hard object folded in paper. Numbly it was pulled out and held up near your head where you heard more sniffing.
You shakily nodded. The strand of your hair still between it's claws. "It's yours if you want it."
There wasn't a hesitation before it was snatched from your hand and there was a pleased hum and a moment later you heard a loud tearing noise and messy chewing. The same smacking and chewing noises you heard from the thing eating the dead thing, only you didn't hear the sickening cracking of bones...And the touch finally left your hair. The form of whatever it was leaving to stand up too preoccupied with the delicious meat melting in his mouth. Such a beautiful taste. With the looming form partially gone. A numb stiff leg slowly stretched out and took a step back. Nothing happened. She took another soft, quiet, and careful step back. Another one. Another step. And another. Your numb form made it past the tree slowly and then to the middle of the backyard not daring to look up at whatever it was-
"Where are you going, Pretty Thing?"
Your body again froze at the voice. But you were SO CLOSE to your open backdoor. SO CLOSE TO SAFETY!! But you didn't even know how fast this thing could move. One wrong move and you could be dead.
"... I'm going inside. It's getting late and I'm very cold. I don't have the survival instincts to support myself in the cold like you."
There was a silence as the thing stared at the women... intrigued. No one had really given him an answer like that before. It made him chuckle after a moment. "You must be pretty bold to want to take your leave right now while I'm standing in front of you...And so hungry ~ A pretty little thing like you might make for a decent dinner.~"
There was more silence and after a moment purple eyes rose to stare at the yellow ones shining from the shadows. You saw a wide fanged grin but could barely make out the rest of the tall body.
"... Your hunger is not my problem." In an instant, the smile vanished and the eyes blinked. "I gave you my own food and there's plenty of leftover kill behind you. If you're still hungry, go have your fill there. I won't stop you from taking it. Now I'm going inside."
You felt the eyes still stock still as you both stared down at each other before you heard the thing make a questioning noise. "...Eh?"
"You heard me. Take what you need from there but I refuse to be anything's food."
Again there was an awkward silence and you faintly saw the thing eventually tilt its head at you. As if confused. "Hmph...Bold words for someone so brave...or stupid?"
"I'm not stupid. But I am cautious about you. You're hungry so you can go hunt."
"Hmm. Tempting. But what if I want meat from here?"
"By the looks of it you already ate and I already fed you. If you want more meat then there's a stream with fish in it behind you too. I'm not going to feed myself to you." You continued to stare down the creature. "Just take your fill and leave please."
"...And what if I don't want too, Pretty Thing?'
"Then I'll just not talk to you, Pretty Eyes.~" You cooed back to him which... REALLY caught him off guard a he just stared at you.
Oh?...Was that a stutter?....Wait... Maybe catching it off guard would give you a chance to escape!! It didn't seem to be used to its assumed food talking back. That could be a good thing. Oh how in hindsight you wished you didn't do that.
"You must be rather lonely. Calling me pretty at least four times now. I honestly don't know if you want to flirt with me or just jump straight to the kissing bit."
You jumped suddenly hearing a choked dear bleat cut off by a wheezing noise from the creature. "K-K-KISS?!"
"Yes. That's why you're complimenting me right? Although your eyes are rather pretty too. They remind me of shiny gold coins or sunflowers. So pretty." Another weird inhuman sputtering noise was choked out before you fared to turn around as it seemed distracted. "But never the less, I'm cold. Good night."
You then turned and walked to your door. Not run. If you ran them it might've identified you as prey like any other predator. You got into the doorway snow crunching with every step you took and turned to close the door behind you. It slid shut as you slowly reached over to click the lock shut. There you stood quietly as silence ensued. And then all the panic and fear hit you at once. THUD!! Your body slumped against the door as your arms pressed against the hard wood as you collars to your knees. However your encounter was far from over when you heard it. A snort. A loud snort like an annoyed horse sounded out just behind the door where your head was lying on it, and then there was a louder sniffling noise as you dared not to move. Then there was a humming noise.
"You don't mean those things. My eyes aren't that pretty...Are they?"
"Yes." You didn't know why you answered that. Maybe it was out of fear or automatic politeness but the voice fell silent for a second time.
"...Are you a human? You're really soft looking for one. Are you sure you're not a cupid or Angel?"
"Figures as much. You smell human enough....You don't smell of any males either. That means you're not taken are you?" That was more of a statement than question.
"Why not, Pretty Thing?~ You're definitely pretty enough to drive those crazy enough to fight over you.... Usually pretty girls likee you only want attention. Y'know."
Despite your fear an annoyance bubbled out. "I don't. If all they want from me is my looks when that's superficial. Looks aren't everything."
"Hm...That hadn't been my experience. Most people go for looks first-"
"I don't." Your stern voice cut him off. "I'm not shallow."
Again another hum. "....Not shallow huh? I bet you're lying about that. I bet you'd marry the first handsome face to walk down here. Wouldn't you? It wouldn't even matter if he was a bad person as long as he had a beautiful face and nice body!"
"I promise you I'd marry a beast before I did that."
There was silence behind the door before there was a hiss and something pressed against the wood in the area you were from the other side. The breathing had gotten slightly heavier than before. "A beast..like me?"
"Not without being courted I wouldn't. I won't marry a stranger."
A cheek pressed against the wood as if he could see your every detail. "Is that a promise?"
"....a promise..." What you said wasn't a yes or no but it was something you repeated a bit disoriented by the paralyzing fear.
However someone did take it as a yes. Someone who couldn't believe his ears. Someone who froze and shook in shock. He couldn't believe it. Someone as beautiful as her...and someone as ugly looking as him. He couldn't believe it.
And it was all for him.
She was so pretty. So soft. So PERFECT.
A L L   H I S
He wanted to feel her soft cheeks on his hands the moment he saw her days ago. She was so pretty. HIS PRETTY LITTLE THING. An involuntary growl escaped from his throat as he pawed at the stupid wood. Not as pretty as his precious sister but she was still more beautiful than any human he's ever seen. He wanted her. His pretty. But he had to wait. He needed to proof he had some worth to give if not any beauty.
"Pretty Thing. You don't know what you do to me... I'll be back. Soon."
You didn't hear his last sentences. Slumping against the door and letting the darkness claim you.
You awoke the next morning with a gasp and terror shooting through you veins. You pushed yourself away from the door rapidly with a shout of terror and scrambling back away from the still locked door. But soon calmed down realizing that you were alone. A quick look out the window was enough to convince you to carefully open the door and look out seeing no signs of anything. No strange creatures with yellow eyes and blood on their face. You were beginning to think that maybe last night had been nothing but a dream until you investigated the area around the tree following your own footsteps and froze at the sight of fur and specks of blood scattered all over the ground. There wasn't any remains, but the fur and blood droplets was enough to convince you that whatever happened last night was far from a dream. Even more so when you found the wood you dropped still cold in the snow at the trees base. You felt a deep fear form in your body and for a long, long time all you could do was stare off at nothing as your brain tried to process it. All you could do is just....stare at the mess that was once an animal. Until you got enough sense to whip around yourself. Nothing was there now but it was quite obvious with how much evidence there was.
You didn't know what to think!! You had no idea what to do! The only thing you thought of to do was to just grab more wood to last a few days before retreating back into your own home armed with an ax from your small barn usually only used for firewood and locking both doors up tightly. You remained there for what must've been hours. The sun slowly trickling across the sky until it started to slowly go down. The duration of the day being paranoid and checking out your curtains every few minutes or so. However you didn't dare go to the window when sundown approached and eventually night fell. You stationed yourself by the small fireplace curled your knees up to your chest and clutched the axe to yourself. And waited. Perhaps nothing would happen if you pretended to not be home. So you remained silent and still. No fire going. With the doors locked. Curtains closed. Then it was just the darkness and you. Cold silence as you just sat there. High alert as the night rang out....Until you weren't. You must've dozed off at some point because the next thing you knew there was a shrill cry.
A sickly shrill cry left the darkness and reverberated off the walls. Followed by a metal clang. Your axe fell thudding to the ground from your startled form. Your form frozen to the spot...What was- It happened again. Closer this time. A shrieking bleating noise that sounded like an elk but...not. Much More...Worse! It was loud enough to make you curl up more and then you froze as a shadow passed by your window. Ice seeped into your veins as you eyes shrank to the size of pins and ever so slowly your head turned to the window and you completely froze as you saw it. A silhouette of what seemed to be a deer's head was seen just behind your curtains against the windows. A large mountain of a creature stood there. Pointed ears flicked as there was a loud smelling noise. All you could do was continue to sit there and stare absolutely terrified...until whatever it was lumbered away from the window You continued to sit there as the faint footsteps faded away and long after it went away. Only to come back as the thing kept encircling your door back and forth. Only retreating when it was near sunrise.
Safe to say you got no sleep that night.
The next morning you felt safer with the sunlight lighting up the world and felt safe enough to gather your wits enough to make the hour long trip to town. Every step you took was filled with paranoia from the last few nights. Looking constantly over your shoulders and gazing at every tree you passed as is something would pop out any minute to snatch you away. Thank the gods that you made it through to the town without any trouble. You decided that you DEFINITELY needed that bear trap after all. Something was going on...And that thought was only solidified by the tense air you walked into. You had blinked surprised to see barely any people out today despite it being a Saturday morning and very warm out. Usually there'd be a ton of people out, but today there seemed to be a certain fog heavy in the air. Only a few people were out today and all seemed to have this scared look about them. Looking around quickly or keeping their heads down and speed walking by. That was weird. But you didn't have time to think about that. You just made your way back to the black smiths where weapons and traps were sold. The air from the town left a strange feeling the more you walked and it solidified itself when you found and entered the shop. Once you did, you were surprised when the blacksmith jumped. A large sword he was holding dropping to the ground with a clatter as he whirled around to you...but soon he sighed and gave a glare.
"Dam it! Why do you women always make it a habit to bother us at the worst times?!"
You blinked before frowning. "That's some way to talk to a customer. I'm just here to buy a bear trap. The biggest one you've got."
"Well you're plum outta luck, Girlie!," he sneered before pointing at a wall, "Because I'm completely out of stock!"
You turned and were shocked to see that the wall that had been littered with traps two days before was now completely empty. "What happened?"
He snorted. "I sold them all. That's what. Everyone's been charging in here demanding weapons and traps and whatever else I have to combat the beast."
Your head turned to him with a snap. ".... Beast? What beast?"
He snorted. "Like you didn't hear." You continued to stare at him and be scoffed again before leaning on the counter. "Four nights ago some beast slaughtered a cow or two from a little farm on the outskirts of town. The farmer claimed it was a gigantic deer he saw slaughter his bulls. A few hunters were in here the night after intending to go after the creature."
Wait....your stomach sunk and face paled.
"Their bodies were found slaughtered and ripped apart the next morning. Barely anything was left." Your eyes widened in pure horror as he continued to speak. "Then the next night a slew of livestock was slaughtered and even more was killed last night! Everyone is now arming themselves for whatever evil is closing in." His eyes narrowed. "If I were you, I'd go home and not come back until this whole thing passes. It's dangerous to walk the cold alone right now. Haven't you seen any signs?"
"I...saw some a-animal killed." You trembled where you stood.
"Then take that as a warning or else you'll be another chicken to the beast."
You left soon after that speed walking your way home a new fear bobbing in your mind like a log floating in a powerful river. What was happening around here?! Did it have something to do with the thing that you saw last night? Did that creature who spoke to you cause all this terror? This was a thing that had you sinking further and further into your thoughts walking in the woods back towards your house surrounded by trees and woods and-
"Pretty Thing.~"
You froze. Body rigid and ice cold as a voice cut through the air...No. No! Your mind must've been playing tricks on you! There was no way that was what you thought it wa- Tree branches snapped and snow crunched as something BIG slithered out of the shadows and stopped somewhere behind your frozen form. A snort followed by the clip clopping of hooves followed a little bit...only to stop even closer to you. There you remained frozen until something else hissed your name.
"Turn around."
You didn't want to. Really you didn't. You'd be stupid to even do so...but ...Your eyes slowly turned until they couldn't no more. Your head followed after followed by your body until you looked all the way behind you. And. You. FROZE. At. What. You. Saw. Deer like legs partially covered by worn gray pants stood on the ground. A long tail with swishing long hair similar to a horse swished at its feet. The torso's structure was... HORRIBLE! Thin. So, so, SO thin it was. You could see the bones under the grey skin and the surprisingly strong muscle structure gripping onto the bones for fear life. Your eyes continued upwards and froze. A deer hung from the air by its back legs, obviously dead but still looking fresh as if it hadn't been deceased for very long. But that's not what made you freeze. Black and yellow eyes half lidded stared at you as a wide smile of fangs grinned. The face framed but wavy long black-dark green hair that was mostly in a long ponytail cascading down his back. Two deer like ears flickered from the tops of his head. And his entire body had black splotchy birthmarks all over him. After a moment of just staring at Each other, the events of two nights before hit you like a ton of bricks and you stared frozen. After a long moment he chuckled again and leaned down to look at you closer. Face inches away.
"Didn't think I would be back, Pretty?"
R A N.
A loud laughter filled the air as you sprinted all the way home and never looked back. Snow crunching under your feet am with every step but you didn't stop until you were all the way home and slammed the door shut behind you. Cowering inside your house and barely coming out all winter despite the same demonic deer calls wafting out calling out to the monster's desired mate and and the voices begging to demanding.
"Pretty Thing, douse that fire and open the door."
"Let me in. Don't you see that I want you?"
"I brought you a gift. A fat deer that's as delicious as you are beautiful."
"I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated you won't come to me already. Please tell me what to do to fix this."
"You'll love my sister. She's as beautiful as the snow but twice as deadly. You humans refer to her kind as Yuki Onna."
"Do you want one pup or two? I want our children to grow with siblings. An entire litter of hellspawns would be a welcome addition to my cold den."
You never answered and never went out, it seemed that warm fire repelled him so you made sure to always keep a fire going and kept plenty of firewood inside. It also seemed he only showed up when winter was here because after the first day of Spring, you never heard from him again. He left like there wasn't any trace of him. The only signs of him existence was the massive hoof prints that he left behind that melted away with the snow.
However he came back that very next winter. And then the next winter after that. The same thing happened both times. He'd beg, demand, and barter to try and get his way into your home. You learnt in advance to start keeping LOTS of firewood and canned foods in your home for the long winter stay. You never engaged with him and always stayed in until he left with the spring arrival. Each time he became more desperate. Each time more people from the town disappeared or their livestock taken so they took came to fear the winters. Now that the first snowfall of this year arrived with a night. You feared for the thing to come-
As if like clockwork, the bleating distorted calls of an elk arrived followed by the clutching of your hands against the blankets. The loud snorting and crunching of something large outside your door came back-
And then suddenly a blast of cold air from down your chimney blasted out. You gasped out before shielding your face from the sudden cinders and ashes getting blown up from the fireplace. You coughed from the smoke before you realized that-...
That the fire was OUT.
"Thanks, Sis. Should've thought of this three years ago."
There was the sounds of claws digging at your door before the wood slid open and you watched horrified as a large creature with yellow eyes stepped inside with the cold and a smile of fangs.
"Hello again, Pretty Thing.~"
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wiihtigo · 4 months ago
………i would like to hear your thoughts on Earthspark starbee….
help. ok. VIEWER BEWARE YOURE IN FOR A SCARE bcuz the reason we call it the starbee 900 parter is bcuz we kept adding side plots and getting lost
and also agent schloder is really integral to the whole thing
suddenly got self conscious so i will readmore this one
ok so the two key players. are hashtag and agent jon "no H" schloder.
hashtag is hacked into ghost security cams bcuz she wants to record footage for her B roll in some movie shes making (not important cuz it gets thrown out in 2 seconds here) and accidentally sees a tension filled interaction between starscream whos still in ghost jail and bee whos with agent schloder (who is deeply deeply in love with bumblebee) (important) and star is acting all haughty to see bee like look whos come crawwwling back after all these- who is that. (Starscream doesnt remember the faces or names of fleshlings unless theyre inconveniencing him on a deeper level than just being in his way when hes trying to walk) and starts acting weird abt bee and schloder and bee is like Oh gross does he think we're........ew. WAIT. I CAN USE THIS TO FUCK WITH STARSCREAMS EMOTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOOOOOORAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!
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(pictured above: skywarps germaphobia being activated thinking about an organic lifeform and a cybertronian dating)
so bumblebee goes along with this misunderstanding because its making starscream really mad and its funny to see him get so upset. all the while the real victim here is schloder whos getting led on by this yellow car he actually is in love with and now thinks he has a chance with (very played for laughs, schloder is comically ignored and fighting 1000 battles by himself in the background of starbees tense and steamy interactions)
we pan back in at the malto base and see hashtag slack jawed having witnessed all this. Could it be...no.....really? NO.....REALLY? BUMBLEE....AND STARSCREAM? TOGETHER? NO. (her fujo mind picked up on the vibes immediately while schloder remains comically oblivious to whats going on with them)
her initial boring movie plan is thrown out the window as her new project takes priority: A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT THE REAL LIFE LOVE AND LOSS OF A RELATIONSHIP CROSS FACTIONS (if you remember frommm season 1, one of the movies she was super into was on this very topic- forbidden romances excite her..) and in doing so she believes she can FIX THEIR RELATIONSHIP!!!!!!!!
from there the episode splits into the hashtag plot and the schloder plot of self discovery
star and bee are still at ghost arguing their hearts out and occasionally hashtag will pop in with some different movie making style or invasive question to ask before one or both of them tell her to GTFO (she tries an interview section where bee gets up and leaves immediately after she brings starscream up, she tries narrating over their fight like a nature documentary, she badly dubs over their muted screaming faces with dialogue of her own of them making up, things like that)
and while that goes on schloder (under the impression bumblebee wants him and he needs to lock in fast so he doesnt mess this up and lose his chance with the coolest autobot around) wanders aimlessly stuck in his own head until he wanders right onto the maltos property. the kids ask him whats wrong and he says vaguely he needs to get ready for a date because he has someone he REALLY wants to impress....
the kids do a dress up montage with schloder at the barn dressing him up in all sorts of wild ways and give him an array of bad and weird advice for his date
dorothy finally catches wind of what her kids are doing and comes in like agent schloder..take off the hot dog costume. listen to me. just be yourself and whoever youre trying to impress will like you for you. and if they dont its their loss. and schloder is like my god youre right. thank you mrs malto ill be sure to get bumblebee now!!!! and then her and all the kids after hes run off are like ".....BUMBLEBEE?" (scene end)
he bursts into ghost with a bouquet of roses ready to claim his love and hashtag is like oh hi agent schloder do you wanna check out what i have of my movie??:) and he sees all the pink heart edited filters around footage of them screaming at each other and the YTP audio mixed STARSCREAM I- love, You! sentences hashtag edited together to make them say and falls to his fucking knees in despair and heartbreak.
hashtag oblivious to how she just ruined this mans life, doesnt notice as he shuffles away sadly with his head hung and feet dragging. he goes on a montage journey of self discovery, climbing mt Everest and meditating under a waterfall at the peak. he smiles and lets a single tear fall watching the sunrise and you know hes achieved inner peace.
he comes back and that hes emotionally moved on and is so happy for him and his ugly fucking boyfriend hes serious. bumblebee snaps out of it for a second and realizes what hes been doing and the autobot guilt hits him and hes like aahhh. im sorry for how i was acting that was really jerky of me. you didnt deserve that. and starscream is like "its about time" and bees like "dumbass i was talking to schloder"
so schloder and bee get ready to leave and starscreams like whatever im not even mad WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!(still fuming at him about to leave with the human ) and bee riding this high of apologies is like "By the way, i was never with schloder. stupid" before leaving ss to process that. (who just goes What the HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the door angrily after him)
a rare moment of kindess from bee to starscream....marking..a slight shift in their relationship? change is ahead...?
hashtag is like Huh. well i guess they worked it out without my help?
also forgot to mention brief joke is that megatron has been cooped up in the security room watching this over the cams for hours because he thinks its hilarious
so the moral of the episode for the kids is to not do what hashtag did this entire episode.
from then on...we saw it like.....youll occasionally see starscream and bee talking in the backgrounds of things or mentioning each other or exchanging a few words here and there. basically it happens off screen and in the background them getting back together LOL
"but what about their terrible g1 breakup...did they ever talk about that again..? ;_;"
basically....thats not important anymore to them. theyre old and tired and the war is over they kind of just silently agree to Lets just step over that and move past it fresh
and also starscream has done 100000 things worse since then during and after the war so.
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bonus drawings of this beautiful world
after that. in a perfect perfect world. wow. imagine . we get the starbee wedding 29 parter at the end of the series.
thats. yet anoher episode we played out in our minds. its like a blend of earth and cybertronian customs to appease their human friends
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but the main course event is the kids putting on a play reenacting how starscream and bumblebee MET DURING THE WAR. directed by hashtag who never learned to mind her own business. but the joke is that none of whats written in the play is true because they dont actually know how it happened or anything so its just completely based on guesswork which leads to a very evil and strict optimus played by mo who grounds bee for life in the basement for daring to be in love with a decepticon. leading the real optimus whos in attendance to go "NO...THAT NEVER HAPPENED...I DIDNT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'"
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many such jokes like this play out. and at the end of the episode we get to see in a flashback how it all really happened and a peek into some of their more genuine intimate moments g1-ified. because we as the viewer arent supposed to know how all that happened either. i just told you in a tumblr post earlier cuz i was asked and none of this is real.
ok. thats our earthspark starbee vision.
(takes my final breath)
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arifromchaosland · 3 months ago
What if Solas had an army in Veilguard
And yep I really need to talk about it especially in case of solavellan.
Let me explain. A lot of elves joining to Solas it’s not big deal while you people got slaved, discriminated and humiliated. You can ask why they make this choice, especially dalish, their legends tell to beware Dread Wolf. But what they have? Have they really something that they can lost? Put all on zero. Real God who could won the others in the past. It’s an option even it is the God of betrayal. It’s a hope to change everything.
On the one hand we have Dread Wolf and his army. On the other hand it’s Inquisitor, the Herald of Andraste, the religious figure of Chantry for the most part human religion. It’s literally could be a saint war between elves and humans but only one side has real god-a-like (I know he is not a god but if we compare his power and others) leader.
Image how it would be for dalish inquisitor. For Lavellan in romance with Solas? Come on it’s hurting and painful because how much people of her own turn away particularly maybe in her clan. And even Solas have left her. Chantry and the Divine against Dread Wolf and his people.
Chantry and the Inquisitor have saved the Veil and closed the breach. Dread Wolf who want’s to tear down the Veil for elves immortality even it’s mean world will burn in fire. Opposition is on all sides.
And somewhere at the shadows Lavellan who wants do her best but fight against someone who you love. Who powerful and better knowledgeable. And I guess she could doubt about their relationship because she could think it was one of Solas’s manipulation. Beeing closer and knowning from the first hands. It could scare her. All this warnings from Keeper became a true. About Fen’Harel.
Anchor didn’t change her but Solas did. Dread Wolf. If even he didn’t want. If he still loves her. The circle of abuse. Mythal->Solas->Lavellan.
If he will to appear in Lavellan dreams even just stand away in ordinary wolf form (like in the finale of DAI) once it could become a nightmare. How quick it’s depends how often and many inquisition’s, or that left after, people would lost.
And let me remember to you, Lavellan fall in love with Solas, apostate elven mage, not elven God Fen’Harel. And all depends how long could she believes that Solas is real. And how much awful things will Dread Wolf have time to do?
It would be another game. And I’m not sure about happy ending for solavellan.
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princess-of-the-corner · 9 months ago
So, speaking of Chloe songs, I keep imagining a sort of post S5 return of Chloe scene to a variation of this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCES50brwjQ
The chorus would b e represented by her various Akuma forms projects as shades on the wall or reflections in mirrors. She'd be siphoning magical energy off a captured Akuma Butterfly into various bits of jeweler and clothing she's wearing or otherwise absorbing but clearly controlling its power.
She is becoming more and more overtly magical as the song reaches its crescendo. She may also be transforming a Bee Hive or manifesting her various old Akuma forms to act as her minions. Before bursting through the roof or ground of where she was hiding and unleashing her forces.
Also the subject of her ire shifts wildly through the song, Lila, the heroes, Gabriel & Nathalie, ETC. She gets a mention in for all her foes.
Lyrics, alterations bolded.
In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning, And the nightmare I had was as bad as can be. It scared me out of my wits! A girl fraying to bits! Then I opened my eyes and the nightmare was me!
I was once a Proud Parisian Partisan! (ooh ahh ooh) When the heroes betrayed me they made a mistake (ooh ahh ooh) His curse made each of us pay But this one girl got away, Gabriel beware for Chloe's awake!
In the dark of the night vengeance will find them In the dark of the night just before dawn Revenge will be sweet, When the purge is complete, In the dark of the night, she'll be mine!
I can feel that my powers are growing & surging Tie my sash & a dash of Panache for this spell! As the pieces fall into place, I'll see her crawl into place, Au revoir Lila your grace, farewell!
In the dark of the night, terror will strike her  In the dark of the night, vengeance will doom Soon she will feel, All her nightmares are real In the dark of the night, she'll be through
In the dark of the night my hatred will find them (find them) In the dark of the night, terror comes true  My dears, here's a sign, Its the end of your lie,
In the dark of the night (2x)
Come, my monsters/sisters Rise for your Meister, Let your fury shine Find them now, yes, fly ever faster In the dark of the night (3x) She'll be mine!
NOTES: I also thought of Flare my lash and a dash of perfume for that smell! But sashes actually really work given their history and vibe, plus the fact she likely imbued Akuma power into it.
Also had Tie my sash and don gems for that spell! &, Tie my sash & a dash of Panache for that sell!
& Let your power shine, Let your glory shine, Let your hatred shine, Let your malice shine, Let your cruelty shine, ETC
Also, Its the end of the line VS Its the end of his/your line, if its only focused on Gabriel.
Honestly this is a fantastic villain song that does deserve more attention 24/7. Both the cover and the original.
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ajoytobeheld · 1 year ago
May 6th, 2009
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Welcome to Dead House
Stay Out of the Basement
Monster Blood
Say Cheese and Die!
The Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb
Let’s Get Invisible!
Night of the Living Dummy
The Girl Who Cried Monster
Welcome to Camp Nightmare
The Ghost Next Door
The Haunted Mask
Be Careful What You Wish For…
Piano Lessons Can Be Murder
The Werewolf of Fever Swamp
You Can’t Scare Me!
One Day at HorrorLand
Why I’m Afraid of Bees
Monster Blood II
Deep Trouble
The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight
Go Eat Worms!
Ghost Beach
Return of the Mummy
Phantom of the Auditorium
Attack of the Mutant
My Hairiest Adventure
A Night in Terror Tower
The Cuckoo Clock of Doom
Monster Blood III
It Came from Beneath the Sink!
Night of the Living Dummy II
The Barking Ghost
The Horror at Camp Jellyjam
The Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes
A Shocker on Shock Street
The Haunted Mask II
The Headless Ghost
The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena
How I Got My Shrunken Head
Night of the Living Dummy III
Bad Hare Day
Egg Monsters from Mars
The Beast from the East
Say Cheese and Die – Again!
Ghost Camp
How to Kill a Monster
Legend of the Lost Legend
Attack of the Jack O’Lanterns
Vampire Breath
Calling All Creeps!
Beware, the Snowman
How I Learned to Fly
Chicken Chicken
Don’t Go to Sleep!
The Blob That Ate Everyone
The Curse of Camp Cold Lake
My Best Friend Is Invisible
Deep Trouble II
The Haunted School
Werewolf Skin
I Live in Your Basement!
Monster Blood IV
I think the later ones probably got a bit shit.
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bulletnotestudies · 3 years ago
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Winter Reading Challenge book recommendations ❆
.... we just couldn't settle on only 4 recs for this prompt, so have 8 instead! to avoid clogging up people's dashes, we hid some of the blurbs beneath the cut.
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The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie
Cas Leung, a Reckoner-trainer-in-training, has been around sea monsters raised to defend ships from pirates all her life. But when her first solo mission goes awry and she falls into the hands of the pirate queen Santa Elena, she is suddenly training a Reckoner pup to defend the ship she was always taught to destroy. Or - sea monsters, morally grey lesbian pirates, enemies to lovers, there-was-only-one-bed, handcuffed-together central. (blurb by our brilliant @asteristudy)
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
A historical coming of age story, set in the 1950s San Francisco, following a 17 year old heroine, growing up as Chinese American at the time of the Red Scare, through family bonds and conflict, her sapphic awakening and so much more. Also, this novel really highlights the importance of representation. (blurb by the lovely @kkul-bee)
Snapdragon by Kat Leyh
A sweet and endearingly weird graphic novel following Snap, who just wants to rescue opossum babies but accidentally befriends the local witch. Things may or may not spiral from there. (blurb by our amozing @upside-down-uni)
People Notice the Rain by Cindy Paul
A beautiful, smoothly unravelling narrative meets truly atmospheric writing in this story of growth and trust, with the added sprinkle of the supernatural. Fresh and exciting, and most importantly, inclusive in a way that feels as effortless as breathing. Truly worth picking up, even if werewolf stories aren’t your cup of tea - this just might change your opinion (it did mine)(I still cannot believe it). Each book in the trilogy introduces more different identities, ending with, quite literally, a single token straight in the (found) family. Oh, there’s also d&d and gorgeous weather motifs that just tie the tale together perfectly. (blurb by yours truly, @bulletnotestudies)
The Binding by Bridget Collins
Emmett is summoned to an apprenticeship with the local book binder - in a world in which book binding is considered witchcraft. In a challenging story we follow along when Emmett learns the truth behind his bookbinder's work and has to face his past. (blurb by our wonderful @hannistudies)
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab
Beware of the gods that answer after the dark, for they may grant you eternal life but no one will remember you. Desperate to flee the future others have set for her in 1714, Addie prays for more time and thus enters a contract with the dark: she will live forever, but everyone she meets will forget her. Addie faces centuries and their challenges alone, until one day, in 2014, she meets a young man. And even though the door closed behind her - he remembers. (blurb by our wonderful @hannistudies)
The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon
Decades into the future, an Irish heroine flees home and becomes part of an underground voyant syndicate. One day, she is caught by vigiles and transported to a city where voyants are enslaved and forced to serve a different type of etheral being. There she discovers the truth behind Scion - the flourishing empire. Or so she thinks... Writing that leaves clues all over. You get maps and lists of characters with short descriptions, you get heist-like plot lines, plot twists and tropes. And then reversed tropes and the tropes you got first reversed or simply undone. Non-binary side characters and disability representation. A demisexual mc. Just read it. (blurb by @hannistudies and @bulletnotestudies)
Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst
Denna is betrothed to a prince to ensure peace in their kingdoms, but she has more to hide than just her forbidden magic when she falls for his sister. Forced to hide her abilities and fulfill her duties, she learns about political tension between her new kingdom and its neighbours - and has to make a difficult decision. (blurb by our wonderful @hannistudies)
Honorable mentions: Queens of Geek - Jen Wilde They both die at the end - Adam Silvera The Gloaming - Kirsty Logan The Watchmaker of Filigree Street - Natasha Pulley The Stars and the Blackness Between - Junauda Petrus An Absolutely Remarkable Thing - Hank Green Even If We Break - Marieke Nijkamp
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miss-celestial-being · 1 year ago
it caught on in a flash
<33 love youuu my munchkinss
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beware! bee scared!
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beetleskeleton · 2 years ago
I must rant. Rant about bug. 
Tw for talk of bug, beware
I love bugs! I’ve always found them to be very interesting! What was even better when I was a kid is that it was mainly me and my older brother who were interested in them, but my sisters? Nope, unless it was like butterflies or ladybugs. Though my little sister was always fascinated by the praying mantis, they kinda scared me as a kid. 
I remember my older brother’s favorite was the rolly polly, and I also liked them though they weren’t my favorite. My favorite as a kid were dragonflies! I saw them around my house from time to time and every time my family went camping in the mountains we always saw this blue dragonfly. We named him Blue. We also took walks around a pond near a fish hatchery and during the summer we’d see a bunch of dragonflies. Red ones, blue ones, orange ones and all sorts of different colors! 
Though another bug my older brother and I really liked was bumble bees. I still like them since, you know, my second name is Bee. Before anyone asks, yes this was because of Bumble Bee from Transformers, in my older brother’s case anyway. I liked them because they were pollinators, they were helping us and our environment. I always had a deep respect for them because of that. Which is kinda why when one summer, when I accidentally stepped on one I was crying my eyes out but not because it hurt (It did but I could care less), but because I was scared that I killed the bee by mistake. The bee was fine by the way, only half the stinger went into my foot, I saw it fly away some time later when I went back outside.     
Though nowadays, my favorite bugs are moths. I adore moths! My personal favorite species is the Geometer moths. While my favorite moths specifically are the Madagascar Comet Moth, Giant Silk Luna Moth, and the Brown Geometer Moth. I love their colors, their wing patterns, and just how unique they are compared to other insects. It’s a shame that they tend to get thrown under the bus because of two species of moths that eat clothes, like not all of them eat clothes. Sure, some of them eat crops and garden plants, but they don’t eat clothes. If anything, most just eat plants around the environment, they have a wide variety of food. Especially since a good lot of them migrate from place to place, like I think the Polyphemus Moth does that during colder months, they go down south. 
But also, most moths are also pollinators. Yeah, since they spend a lot of time around leaves and plants, they gather a lot of pollen on them so when they go flying around they spread pollen like bees and even some wasps do! This is very effective since some moths that live in the U.S. can travel from one side of the country all the way to the other and back again. They’re very interesting creatures and I like to study them in my spare time. I also love trying to catch moths because I want to like, hold them in my hands and just let them crawl on me. One that was stuck in my mom’s car landed on my leg once, it was small and had a light brown color to it. 
Now here’s a kicker, I also like spiders. Not all spiders, but I do like some spiders. Specifically the jumping spider, because they are tiny and so fucking adorable. I mean, have you seen them? (I mean probably, they’re a very common species of spider) They are so cute and I love them. They also help with pests like earwigs and mosquitos. This is very helpful for me because I’m allergic to mosquito bites, so less mosquitos for me and more food for the jumping spider. Also, peacock jumping spiders, the ones that have the bright reds, blues and oranges? They do a little dance to find partners, a little dance! If that isn’t cute I don’t know what is, because they’re just little guys doing their thing and it’s so adorable. 
My older brother had a jumping spider living in his room when we were kids. We named him Spidey and one day while me, my older brother, and a friend were sitting in his room a massive earwig came out of nowhere, and I ran out of the room and into the kitchen where my mom was. I then hear my older brother and our friend exclaim, “Spidey!” Turns out, Spidey had came out and straight up unalived the earwig right then and there. I was impressed really. 
Anyway, if you want I can talk more about bugs if any if you want to hear more. Have a good rest of your day/night friends!   
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mcyt-apocalypse-au · 4 years ago
dad!schlatt au notes bc im soft:
this bitch has zero fucking clue about anything when it comes to toddler tubbo
he's probably great with new born tubbo because jesus christ this little ball of sunshine is such a blessing to him that he'll overcome any obstacle he presents
but no one warned him about mischievous toddler tubbo, poor guy tries his absolute fucking best to save the furniture and small figurines but his efforts are completely and utterly helpless
he's lowkey too scared to ask phil so he asks quackity instead and let's just say it did not end well
he gives up and knocks on phil's door at 2am with a football sized bruise on his cheek and a crying 1 year old tubbo that's cornered in paint, glue, twigs and leaves
he's so glad once that shit show is over and tubbo is grown up into a cute little kid
like at age six tubbo's horns start to grow and schlatt is the proudest ram dad you'll ever see
he'll literally brag about his son so much to everyone that will listen
he's often just overcome with pride everytime he sees his little champion
like when his were growing they hurt like a bitch but tubbo is super brave and just sucks up the pain to make his dad proud
and boy does it work, schlatt is so proud that he even ends up just sobbing in pride to his wife, she just chuckles as she pats hin on the back
his horns are fully grown by the time he's ten, they only hurt for the first few months so as soon as the pain stopped, tubbo wore them with even more pride than before because they're no longer delicate or vulnerable
if I'm being honest schlatt probably isn't the biggest fan of teenage tommy, but he brings tubbo out of his shell and they've been friends since they were three so he refuses to even consider bringing his dislike towards the chaotic teen up to tubbo
if they ever get into an argument he'll feel bad as soon as he walks out of the room, probably getting tubbo some kind of bee themed item to apologise, the kid has always loved bees
when tubbo was a kid he used little pet names like "kiddo", but they've just stuck into tubbo's teenage years, so much that schlatt has literally started doing it without noticing
"hey kiddo can you pass ke the salt?" "daaaaaad! you called ke kiddo again!" "huh? no i didn't? arr you imagining things tubbo?"
tubbo has just given up with trying to get him to stop at this point so he uses silly pet names or his own like "father dearest" and "old man" when joking around with him
what do you mean tubbo supported an opposing side during the elections? no no, you're mistaken, tubbo was his father's running mate! the father and son duo stood proud as their victory was announced
schlatt made the hard decisions and tubbo kept the peace, their teamwork was unrivalled
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kangaroo-sniper-imagine · 4 years ago
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Unintimidating reader who’s a killa killa
-snipers is longer solely because ive had that idea in my head LONG before i got this request-
-also, little gorey so beware-
Ludwig is almost instantly enamoured with you once he got comfortable with you on base. He finds you sweet and calls you “kleine krankenschwester” (little nurse) whenever you insist on helping him in any way with his workload. You apologize when you bump into inanimate objects and try copying Archimedes’ cooing. You’re a cupcake!
And finally he gets a good eyeful of you on the field. You’re brutal and vicious and smiling the whole time as you bash in an enemy Heavy’s head with a sledgehammer. You take out an enemy Scout’s leg with your weapon and let him try and crawl away from you before you finish him off with a laugh. Ludwig is now convinced you’re his soulmate
Our dear doctor loves tenderness that hides ruthlessness. Loves that you are sweet as a bumble bee to your team but a beast to your opposers. He’s excited at the new possibilities between the two of you know that he knows that he no longer has to hide his own ferocity with his experiments in front of you
Hell, Mick isn’t even convinced you should be on the field. You wore brightly colored clothes and skirts and for fuck’s sake you bake, all. The. time. You're like Holly Homemaker, why the hell are you hanging with a bunch of mercenaries? How were you even picked for this job? At your first match, he debated on whether he should watch you from his perch to protect you or do his job. He chose his job, duh. But only for a few matches. When he finally decides to track you,and oooooh boy.
An enemy Spy has his knife in your shoulder, pining you to a wall. Mick doesn’t have a clear shot to take out the spook without getting you too. It’s not fun watching a teammate die, even if they do come back. But right as he was about to shift his attention to the main battle he sees it. You. Pissed the fuck off.
Mick watches with interest as you grab the hand that’s stabbing you with one of your delicate hands as the other grabs the spook’s lapel and drag in the enemy, mouths crushing together. A shot of betrayal and shock freezes the hitman before he sees it. The red running down your chin; the struggle of the enemy Spy trying to thrash himself away from you; the look of manic rage in your eye. When you let the Spy go, Mick can see teeth but no lip and it hits him. You bit off the man’s mouth.
After you swiftly wretch the knife out of your shoulder and into the neck of your opponent, you wipe your mouth, you call for a medic and return to fighting. Mick is now a little scared of you, but now will no longer ever think again that you can’t handle yourself on the field. Never brings up what he saw but will sometimes watch you work now
Mikhail already finds hardly anyone intimidating, you are no exception; especially with your short stature and demure demeanor. He worries about you honestly, watching you to make sure none of the other mercs try to take advantage of you because you give off the energy of a doormat. It’s his big brother senses in part, he thinks, also in part of because he has a leetle crush on tiny woman who will listen to him drone on about Sasha and Russian literature well into the night.
You do more protecting than defending during the fighting. You watch the case and keep people away from it as Misha mows down the enemies to keep them away from the intel (and you), so he hasn't had the pleasure of watching you work. But buddy, when he gets it. A chance of happenstance allows Heavy to finally see you operate, lets him see you sit pretty as the enemy steps on your hidden bombs and walk into the line of your automatic tracking weaponry and get mowed down in a hail of bullets as all you do is smile and hold the briefcase. So well covered by your own inventions you don’t even need to be worried as the blood of your enemy splashes up onto your clothes
Misha finds you even MORE endearing now. Man loves intelligent women and if you made all of those killing machines holy fuck, could you mod Sasha?? You’re in your element as you effortlessly kill the opponent, and Misha loves watching your inventions do what they do best (he feels a kinship with your weapons as he too, preforms extreme violence to protect you) (He’s still gonna watch your back at the base tho for sure)
You were like another Spy, except without all the European flair that Spy had. You were kinda bland, tired looking. Jeremy’s never seen you train or fight; you spent most of all your free time being “tutored” by Spy to become a better Infiltrator, and frankly, Jeremy is more afraid of bread than he is of you (and not just the tumor filled bread). Spy hasd insinuated that you were ready to finally be put on the field with the rest of the mercs for the next match, and now Jeremy is more excited to have another person to show off to rather than to see you in action
But of course, Jeremy fucks up. He’s hiding in an empty building, bleeding from a shot from an enemy Sniper, and staring at the wrong end of a Heavy’s gun, hating the feeling of defeat. The Heavy was rambling on about something but the wound in his side had more of Scout’s attention; that is, until, a figure slowly, silently descended from the rafters. It was you, dressed head to toe in black save for a sliver of your team’s color on your armband. You look at the monologuing Heavy before giving Jeremy a look that said “Man, he’s a wind bag, huh?” you gestured to the enemy, then drew your finger across your throat with a questioning look in your eye. Scout manages a weak nod, losing focus quickly.
Another long cord, similar to the one holding you to the ceiling, unraveled itself from around your arm, and very quickly you whipped it around the enemy’s neck, jumped onto his back, and wretched your arms back, almost instantly decapitating the Heavy. Even as the lumbering body fell down, you remained upright, hopping off the body gracefully. With swift efficiency, you kicked the head out of the way, grabbed the comically large gun, and aimed it at the door. Before Scour could even ask what the fuck was going on, an enemy Medic came in through the door. Before the German had a chance to yelp, you shot him dead.
“Yo, what the-!” You hastily toss a med-pack at him before melting into the shadow, Scout almost missing the darkening blush on your mostly covered face. After that little save, Jeremy now goes out of his way to be nice to you, and learns a lesson that looks are hella deceiving. It would pay to have someone watching his back on the field without all the unwanted french commentary (and you’re nicer to look at than Spy, let's be real)
You’re cheerful, but not in the sadistic, almost taunting way many of the other mercs are like. Not like the Doc or Spook. Nope, you were just happy. Not ditzy or stupid or anything, just a smiley little thing that had as much bite as a toothless alligator. The thought that someone could take you as a serious threat, some wee thing that eats rainbow colored cereal and wears bunny slippers throughout the base, was so hilarious that Tavish starts chuckling whenever it crosses his mind. The two of you don’t typically fight together, you sticking to high ground to pick off enemies as Demo gleefully stays in the thick of it all to implode the other team
Due to unfortunate circumstances, you're both pinned down together, shoulder to shoulder under a makeshift barrier as the enemy gets closer and closer; your bow at the ready with an arrow and his bombs prepared to go off at his command, but no opening to go up and take a shot/throw a bomb. You huff, looking around wildly before nodding decisively, looking to Tavish. “Gimme one of your sticky bombs.” He complies, half thinking that you’re gonna take the both of you out in a blaze of gory glory.
With a look of determination, you aim in front of you, not even at the enemy. Tavish prepares to die for the third time that day, but this time by his own creation, and you release your arrow. The projectile bounces off a scrap bit of metal on the ground, ricocheting the arrow up into hitting the lamppost, and then flying over their heads into the enemy’s ranks. Once the bomb went off, you instantaneously bounce out of the hiding place and opened fire on the stragglers who didn't get offed by the bomb. Tavish can only stare as you mow down the other team as a random stream of sunlight illuminates your figure. Demo catches feels in that moment
Pryo liked that you were lowkey and sweet. The fact that you weren’t especially harsh or violent while relaxing initially made them flock to you just to hang out in their down time. Pyro loves to give you cute little toys and stuffies and see you smile! The only time Pyro really sees you on the battlefield is when they’re looking for you. They’re worried about you! You’re their favorite!
They catch you, mid-battle, covered head to toe in the blood of an enemy Scout, laying only a few feet away. They think you look so pretty! Like sparkles and rainbows are all around you and flower petals are floating in the air and surrounding you (it’s ash; pyro started a blaze not that far away and it was finally beginning to get to the two of you)
Pyro just sees this as more couple binding time, now that they know that you also tend to get a little too into the battle. It’s an excuse to spend even more time together
This boy was so dang in love with you and he’s never even seen you fight. On the base, you were as sweet as a peach and harmless as a mouse. You spent most of your time in Dell’s workshop helping him with menial tasks like refilling his coffee mug or reorganizing his tools or alike. You got along well with all the other mercs and were quick to help others. Dell never really saw you while fighting because he had to stick near his machines while your job took you all over the battle field
He hears about you fighting from the others. Scout was retelling the group about you “friggin’ awesome fight” between you and an enemy Medic. You had, according to Scout (and Heavy, who nodded along in agreement) got into a fist fight with the enemy, physically beating them into submission. Dell wouldn’t believe it if you hadn’t walked right at the end of the tale with a black eye, bloodied knuckles, and a lopsided grin. Dell almost has a fucking heart attack seeing you in such a state. The Doctor heals you up back to normal like nothing ever happened but the fact that you relied on physical violence to fight made him anxious
He doesn't talk to you about fighting differently, he wants to know if there's anything he can do to help you fight, like making special gloves or armor of some type. Homeboy just wants to protect you, he gets hella worried.
Jane, seemingly perpetually stuck in the 40’s and 50’s, believes most women shouldn't be on the battlefield at all. And even though you were there working with a bunch of other mercenaries, a lady is a lady and he, the old fashioned man he is, prioritizes keeping you “safe” (taking your kills before you get the chance to land the finishing blows). In his mind, he’s doing you a service. After all, you are far too soft spoken at the base to have any form of bite in you on the field.
Across the field though, one fight, Jane was just too far away to swoop in and “save” you like he normally would; not even his rocket launcher would get to you in time to stop the Spy from doing you in! The instant the enemy’s knife was about to pierce your back, though, Jane saw you turn around whip fast, your own machete thrusting forward to impale the enemy.
The soldier now thinks that your “womanly intuition” is far more superior and more finely tuned than his own, and will now generally leave you alone to fight and stops hovering over you. Will shout out encouragements from across the field whenever he sees that you hack someone apart and loudly brags that you have the “natural advantage” to sniffing out enemies.
-This is gonna be a drabble cus i dunno how to bullet point this-
Jacque didn’t think particularly much of you. You were a teammate, an asset to be used. On the base you were reserved, spending most of your time in the Doctor’s infirmary or discussing something with Mikhail about books or whatever. You stayed out of his way, not like it was hard for you, seeing as you were just some wisp of a thing, someone who if they sat still long enough would blend into the background like air. Spy never assumed that you would ever be of any use to him in a fight; you just didn’t have the look of a fighter in you.
So right now, his life being in your hands, made him uncomfortable in ways he couldn’t care to count.
The enemy Spy, who was almost as tricky as him, cleverly disguised himself as Jacque, and right as they were about to confront each other, you burst through the door, looking surprised at the two of them. Almost immediately, they started to accuse the other.
“He’s the enemy!”
“No, HE is!”
“The intruder is HIM!”
Jacque will give you some props, seeing as you drew your gun as soon as you saw the pair, but rather than aim it usefully at at least ONE of them, YOU aim it uselessly to the floor! Jacque would’ve scolded you for your unprofessionalism if the imminent threat of death wasn’t less than six feet away from him.
You looked wildly in between the two of them, your normally pleasant face now stricken with panic. Your eyes land solidly on the enemy Spy, and with a sharp intake of breath, you run to him, throwing your arms around him and burying your face into the falsely colored lapel.
Jacque felt disappointment bloom in his chest, along with dread when he watched your mistake.
The spy looked so damn smug as he wrapped his arms around you, throwing Jacque a satisfied look. The gun still was gripped in your hand, still aiming at the ground.
“Ma pauvre petite fille,” he crooned, “est-ce que le grand méchant espion t'a fait peur?”
You sniffle, and bring the gun up to the imposter’s head. “Je n'ai pas facilement peur.” Jacque didn’t think you could ever say something so coldly, and say it in french to boot. One shot rang out and the man in your arms fell to the floor, suit changing back to what it was meant to be, stained with red from the blood of his fatal wound.
After some deliberation with yourself, you shot him again, in the chest. You looked to Jacque, your face now once again passive.
With a sigh and a dramatic flourish, the living Spy fetched a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it quickly, taking a deep huff before addressing you.
“How did you know that he was not me?”
You holster your weapon back, mulling over your answer. “Few things, uh… you never speak French to me,” you stuck out one finger, “you wouldn’t ever hug me,” another finger, “you don’t stand with your feet that far apart,” one more, “and you smell completely different.” with all but your thumb sticking out, you nodded to yourself before jamming both hands into your pants pockets, tucking in your chin and turning heel back to the door, seemingly finished with your explanation and conversation.
Amused, Jacque took another slow drag of his cigarette, planning on paying more attention to you in the future, being sure never to underestimate you again.
-this, uuuuuhhh, took on a life of its own-
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cafe-enchante · 4 years ago
The Main 5 + Solitus and Asmodeus as Dads
On mobile so no Read More, beware of Spoilers.
Canus Espada
* He was a nervous wreck when the little one was born, but his flames burned bright when he first held his child
* You had to remind him that you need to feed the child before he gives them back.
* spends the first few years of the child's life in his mundane look, refusing to don his true armored persona until they are older. He also constantly manifests his helmet, very aware of how he scared you as a kid and doesnt want to scare his own
* He's really glad you cant see his face when he manifests his helmet so you cant see his expression when it's his turn to change diapers
* He always gets up when your child cries at night and will never wake you. You remind him that you can and should take turns but he refuses. As a father and a Knight it is his duty to console the child between the two of you when they cry at night.
* He is the same way when the child is older and they have a nightmare (you'll find him awake and alert at their bed in the morning, ready to scare off any potential spooks. He knows they arent real, he just wants his child to feel safe)
* he is the Stern but Fair type of Dad, and a bit overprotective.
* absolutely part of the PTA and has absolutely gotten into arguements with mothers over bake sale items
Il Fado de Rei
* Bless him, he tries
* you had twins. He is confusion about this but takes it in stride.
* Won't change diapers due to the smell
* he learned his lesson and makes sure he never puts magic in his singing, so he sings a lot to the twins.
* he did some reading before the twins were born, but it didn't prepare him at all.
* You'll have to wake him up if the twins start crying at night, but out of everyone he is the best at calming them down and getting back to sleep (without magic even!)
* you'll have to remind him that they are still to small to fly until they aren't. He is very eager to teach them how.
* He will go to any and all events for the twins as they grow. Choir? He is front seat, crying, with flowers. Karate? Front seat and cheering them on (and you keeping him from using magic to help the twins win). Spelling Bee? He will help them study. Graduation? Front row and crying. It's the only time you let him usemagic, to create feather-like confetti when the twins get their diplomas.
* a pretty laid back dad, he let's the twins get away with a lot more than he should. That said, the twins do know that if he is genuinely upset with them then they very much messed up.
Ignis Carbunculus
* Hope you wanted a lot of kids!
* Very much into playing with them and very active with the kids.
* if your kids cry at night he is up and to them right away. Pure instinct on his part, and quick to growl at anything that creaks while he's calming them down.
* Initially he has trouble changing diapers due to the smell (he will wear masks for awhile). By kid 6 he is changing diapers and yeeting it into the bin (that he moved under the nursery window outside by kid 3) like an absolute pro.
* the Fun Dad, he takes the kids out to run and play and do sports almost constantly. It gives you a much needed break and by the time they are back it is usually nap time due to how tired they are
* Will absolutely throw hands with other parents or with kids if he finds out someone is bullying one of his Pups. Stop him.
* You'll have to get your tubes tied in order to stop having kids btw.
Rindo Kaoru
* has a lot of reservations and fears in the beginning (due to his appearance), but is easily the most adept at being a dad.
* very much helps in his share of the duties, be it calming the kid at night or changing diapers. It's a team effort.
* like Canus, he tends to be stern and fair, but is more laid back about it and slightly less protective as they get older. He remembers how rambunctious he was as a kid and knows that sometimes you have to learn a lesson the hard way.
* The best at helping with homework, but doesn't go to Parent-Teacher Meetings for obvious reasons. He does make it to events but is usually in the far back and away from the other adults. He is always super proud though.
Misyr Rex
* If this is Pre-Reveal he is a nervous wreck when the kid is born. He can feel his heart stop and blood turn cold when you hold your daughter and he is sure you dont turn to ash.
* a pretty Fun Dad, he made sure to do his research and likes to use his magic to entertain his daughter (even if he is unsure she will ever use it)
* You'll be the one up with the child in the middle of the night since he has to return to his world. It breaks his heart but he doesnt have a choice
* he takes over diaper changing duty to make up for it.
* if it's post-route he is beaming from ear to ear.
* he worries a bit that your daughter might have your powers, but doesn't let it get to him and takes it one step at a time.
* walks her to school, helps her with homework, stays up with her at night as needed. He is a very attentive and supportive Dad and is very clearly loved in return.
*if you complain that he is being more of a parent then you he will admit it's because neither of you know if the child will outlast him by centuries due to your status, and he wants to make sure his daughter has lasting memories of him.
* He's pretty much the same way with any future kids and grandkids.
* He tries to stay calm in the beginning but it's pretty clear he feels out of his depth when you give birth to his son
* he did the research, he thought he could handle it, but the first time his son cries in the middle of the night his heart is racing and he's terrified they are being hurt
* he gets over it, but still takes over night duties due to that anxiety
* you cant tell if he is effected by smelly diapers or not, he handles it very well. It is one of the few things the two of you take equal turns on though.
* isn't to keen on teaching his son to fly until they are much older, and by then your son is begging. He is just worried their wings might not support them
* a VERY good tutor to his son, you are going to have a very brainy child. He will attend events but don't expect him to get fired up
* will try to join the PTA. Do not let him
* seriously, do not let him
* You have to talk him out of making the birth a national holiday.
* You aren't successful.
* The crib is in your shared room for the first few months so you both get up at night. You do worry he'd make it worse and are genuinely surprised at how loving and gentle when he rocks the child back to sleep.
* Hires someone specifically to change diapers. It's the one thing you instantly agree to
* he had private tutors lined up before you were even pregnant. Make sure you vet them before they start.
* He boasts about any and all accomplishments the child makes and will proudly display any and all trophies and ribbons. If you dont stop him he will make them national treasures.
* you dont stop him.
* Despite all of this, he is actually a really amazing father that is always there emotionally and physically for his child(ren). He is also very attentive to make sure his children grow up with more humility and more humble then you'd expect from him. He always stresses the importance that they become a future Ruler that the demons will respect and love, not fear or resent.
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Meeting and Courting Daniel Robitaille
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(Apologies for the long ass meeting story)
- If you’re expecting a normal, romantic “how I met your father” story then I’m sorry but that isn’t going to be the case with you and Daniel.
- You’d heard stories about the Candyman ever since you were a little girl. You believed in the monster in the mirror way into your 20s, no matter how many of your friends teased you for it. You were never really embarrassed by your fear of him, it made you feel safe, but that safety would soon be destroyed.
- The Candyman had come up in conversation while you were at your boyfriends house. You told him the stories that you had heard and, after seeing your genuine discomfort in the subject, he’d insisted on trying what he called “the game”.
- He’d dragged you off the couch and into the bathroom, pinning you against him while you struggling. You pleaded with him to stop, to at least let go of you if he wanted to risk his life, but no such luck.
- All was quiet for a long moment ...until the lights turned out and a face appeared behind your boyfriend in the mirror. You screamed, thrashing wildly as the man dug his hook into your boyfriends throat. You were finally able to get away as the boy slumped to the floor, plastering yourself against the farthest wall from the man.
“I knew it,” you whispered. “I knew you were real. I knew it.”
- If your previous and obvious fear of him didn’t do the trick, than those words were the ones that stopped him in his tracks. You believed in him. You were the one to tell his story to the boy, and you’d continue to spread it if he let you live.
- The massive man stared down at you for a long moment, saying nothing with an emotionless expression plastered on his face. In an instant, black erupted across your vision and you fell to the floor.
- He reached out to you slowly, his hand hesitating as it moved towards your face. He touched for cheek for a moment before moving his fingers to your pulse point. You’d fainted. Perfect.
- When you came to, you were in the hospital. Police came in and questioned you but all you could tell them was that it was the Candyman. You knew none of them believed you, that they thought it was just an intruder, but you knew what you saw and you were sure he’d be back for you. Oh, how right you were,
- You were paranoid for weeks, fully expecting that the tall man would return and finish what he’d started. …But he never did.
- People asked what happened and you’d tell them the truth. They’d all assume the same thing as the police, that it was just some sicko pretending and that anything else that may have seemed supernatural about the situation was just a product of your trauma. All you could do was give them a weak smile and hesitantly agree as to not seem completely crazy.
- Even if you agreed that it was all in your head, you telling your story did the trick. Rumors circulated and suddenly your whole town was in fear of the Candyman, whether they believed he was just a man or not. 
- Daniel was very pleased. You’d done exactly what he had hoped you’d do, you’d let everything fall into place perfectly. Now for his second course of action. 
- Daniel had been watching you. He’d been watching you ever since your first meeting in the bathroom and when Daniel watched someone, there was always a reason behind his gaze. In your case, he’d decided that he wanted you. 
- The Candyman is sweet, surprisingly so; his voice smooth like honey and his gaze oddly tender for someone who only; at most, two months prior, had slaughtered your boyfriend with no remorse. He feels a bit of remorse now, not for your boyfriend, but for the way you’re cowering before him, eyes wide and horrified, looking ready to bolt at any given moment. 
- But you don't move. Shock, you’ll tell yourself later and granted it’s part of it but another part of it is how inviting his voice is, how his mere presence is wildly intimidating yet comforting at the same time. And that's what makes you even more scared than you were before; the fact that he could make you feel safe. 
- Daniel lures you in, entices you, makes you curious. He’s charming but even you know that “charming” can only take a person so far. When did you begin to sympathize with him? When had you begun to like him? Perhaps it was some sort of Stockholm syndrome?  Or was it something more genuine?
- You surprise yourself with how bold you are when you tell him to leave you alone, your voice firm, eyes glaring even though you’re still somewhat afraid of him. The demand hardly affects him at all. 
“You don’t want that.” He replies, not moving from his stationary position at the other end of the room. His voice sounds as though its right next to you, even with the distance between you. 
“Yes, I do.” Liar. You manage to maintain your composure, fists clenching and unclenching nervously. If he was going to kill you, if that was still what he wanted, it was going to be now. You were not going to entertain his games and if you wouldn’t, then he doesn’t have a use for you, right? 
- Your stomach drops as he begins to move. He says nothing for a long while, circling you, getting closer and closer as his gaze remains fixed on how you. 
“No,” he says finally, stopping right in front of you. “You don’t.” 
- You now he’s right, but you can’t admit that. You can’t admit it because you shouldn’t, you shouldn’t feel the way you do, shouldn’t allow yourself to even entertain the idea of being genuinely infatuated with him. 
- But you are and you know that he knows because he seems to know everything. He reaches forward and instinctually you flinch though he pays it no mind. He takes your hand in his, thumb rubbing over your knuckles before he places a kiss on them.
“But for you. I will.” You close your eyes for just a second and he’s gone. Your house completely empty, no trace of there ever being company. 
- You can’t believe that you’re saying it, but you miss him. You really do, much more than you ever thought possible. You figured that without his constant looming presence, without his influence, your feelings would disappear. But they don’t. And sure it could still be his doing but a part of you knows the truth. 
- So you seek him out on your own accord but not before thinking it through for days on end. You know that once you let him back in, you won’t ever be let go of again. And now, you’re finally willing to admit that that’s fine by you. 
- So you stand in front of your mirror, take a deep breath and call his name. One. Two. Three. Four. This is stupid. This is completely stupid. You shouldn’t-
“Candyman.” You finish as your mind screams at you. Nothing happens for a long moment and you wonder if he doesn’t intend on ever returning or if you’ve just been hallucinating the entire time. 
- You leave the bathroom after waiting for a long while, thinking that, perhaps, you’ve just gotten your sanity back. But your sanity apparently never left since he’s standing in your hallway when you pass through the door. 
- Your eyes widen and you aren’t sure what to say but that doesn’t matter to him as he walks slowly towards you. You let him get closer and closer, let him stand only a foot before you, let him touch your face. And when he leans in to kiss you …you let him. 
- When you have a ghost boyfriend, you’re going to have to sacrifice some aspects of a normal relationship. Pda and dates; outside of your house or somewhere isolated, just can’t happen.
- You know when someone puts their hand on your face and strokes your cheekbone with their thumb? He loves that, whether it’s him doing it or getting it done to him. 
- Hand kisses.
- He adores when you kiss his cheek. Most of the time, his eyes will flutter shut and a small smile will slowly appear on his face. 
- You ready for some fucking neck pain?!?! Daniel’s most likely at least half a foot taller than you so be prepared to have to stare up at him like you’re a five year old and for the aches that come with it. 
- You’ll never have to worry about not being able to reach something again though he may put things of yours in places he knows you can’t reach just so you have to ask him; if he’s feeling particularly playful that day. 
- He calls you darling and my love; little romantic things like that. 
- Calling him honey either to be a bitch or because he insists on you calling him it after you did so without thinking one day. You’d been mortified and had  apologized profusely but he just smiled in response. 
- Lets hope you aren't afraid of bees because there's really no escaping them with him in your life. 
- But, on the note of bees. I feel like he can somewhat control when they appear, like there will always be a few lingering around the room but his entire mouth and chest cavity won’t be a hive unless he wants them to be. 
- He’s adamant on taking care of you, whether that means bandaging you up or just watching over you will you’re sick/upset. Expect him to look after you if you’re ever stung. 
- Beware the hook. While he is quite used to having and using it, accidents happen, especially if you aren’t paying attention. 
- Giving him a helping hand whenever he needs it. I’ll let myself out. 
- He’s a bit difficult to cuddle with but I admire you for trying. Things you should know: 1) he’s a loud sleeper, not his fault but more the cavern that he calls a chest and  2) He has a cavern for a chest. Your best bet when cuddling would be to rest your head on his arm, he sleeps on his back anyways so you can fit perfectly into his side. 
- Occasionally, he enjoys watching you sleep. Seeing you so peaceful is incredibly comforting to him. 
- Existential conversations. You can’t avoid the subject of death with him, specifically your death. He expects you to join him one day and I’m sure you want to be prepared for it when the time comes. 
- As long as you’re living, he’s going to expect you to help him with keeping his name alive. Telling stories of him, petty crimes in the middle of the night, pressuring stupid people into playing his game. You aren't fond of it but you understand why it must be done. 
- Whenever he has to be gone for a while, he’ll leave you a letter, it usually explains very little but it does tell you that he’ll be back. 
- He appears at random and without warning so you’ll definitely get spooked a few times, especially since he’ll either stay completely quiet or announce himself in his deep, eerie voice in the middle of a silent room. 
- Quick meetings in bathrooms or closets whenever you’re out in public. If he can drop in and get a kiss, why wouldn’t he?
- Just listening to him speak. With a voice like his, it’s pretty hard not to pay attention to what he’s saying, unless; of course, your mind is wandering elsewhere because of his voice. 
- Bridal carrying. He quite literally sweeps you off your feet. 
- He has a fondness for helping you get dressed: zipping your dress, holding your jacket out for you to slip your arms through; things like that. His touches always linger a little too long for just a helping hand. 
- He grew up in a time and in a way that taught him that ladies should be respected and treated as delicate creatures so expect him to always be a gentleman when he’s around you.
- He enjoys classical music so if you really want to make him happy, put some on. He may even pull you into a dance if you’re lucky. 
- Domesticity is like a drug to him. He yearns for a wife and a family so anytime you behave like a homemaker or very motherly, he falls even deeper in love with you than he already was. 
- Since you can’t go on dates in the outside world, unless it’s somewhere where no one else will go, you have to be a bit creative with what you do together. 
- Candlelit evenings. 
- Getting your portrait painted. He has dozens of sketches and paintings of you. 
- He likes hearing stories about your life. The way you grew up was vastly different from his own childhood and those differences fascinate him.  
- Constant praise and support. 
- Deep kisses. He likes kisses filled with emotion and passion. 
- Sitting in his lap. It’s really the only way that you can be face to face for an extended period of time. He finds the size difference between the two of you to be quite amusing.
- Gifts. A mink coat, jewelry, roses; you name it and it’s yours. People will wonder who your mystery suiter is and he finds the act of spoiling you to be a wonderful way of deterring competition.
- He finds excessive jealousy to be quite unbecoming whether in himself or others so he doesn’t get angry or impatient with you when jealous. You’ll only realize that he’s jealous when he voices his disapproval in you hanging out with a certain person, telling yo that they’re far too interested in you and that you’re his, only his. 
- If he disapproves of someone, he’ll take matters into his own hands whether you like it or not. That’s one of the few downsides of being with Daniel. Sometimes he’ll just scare them away, other times he do something much more …excessive. 
- While he isn’t an incredibly jealous person, he is possessive. You “belong to him” and he expects you to act like you do, to an extent of course. 
- He understands that you have a life apart of him, one he cannot be involved in, and while he does wish that you’d allow him to lay you to rest with him, he isn’t going to force you.
- Tentatively asking him about the day that he died. He tells you the story without hesitation, recounting it in such excruciating detail that you feel wildly uncomfortable sitting beside him. Even if you’re not usually very empathetic, the way he speaks will force you to tear up; at least a little. 
- He’s lost everything once before and he’s going to ensure that that never happens again, so yes, he’s very protective of you. He’s not above killing innocent people, what do you think will happen to those who hurt you?
- He doesn’t entertain fighting. Yell at him all you want, tire yourself out, he doesn’t care. Once you’re finished, he’ll explain things very calmly and rationally and squash whatever problem you had. Just don’t try walking out on him, alright?
- When he’s in the wrong, It doesn’t take him very long to realize that what he’d done was in poor taste or that it hurt you, even if that wasn’t his attention. He apologizes sincerely and asks for your forgiveness, giving you some time alone if you request it. He’s at your side the instant you’re ready to accept him again. 
- He never says that he loves you in a joking or playful tone. It’s a very important phrase that carries a lot of meaning to him so he always says it with earnestness. 
- You wouldn’t be alive if he didn’t intend on remaining with you for the rest of eternity. Ironically enough, you also wont be alive if he does plan on remaining with you for eternity; at least not for long. 
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simmerunleashed · 4 years ago
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Day 12: Bond With the Bees
They went for a hike in the Granite Falls National Forest. They knew the stories but, paid them no mind. As the sun descended and the forest darkened they were hopelessly lost. 
Lost, hungry, and scared they warily accepted the help of a woman that melted from the darkness. She led them deeper into the woods with words of assurance. Showed them a small lake where they could quench their thirst and offered fruit for hunger. 
All it took was one bite of the forbidden fruit. The juice was divine, the pain intense. 
Now they are spirits of the forest. They know every plant, every animal and every sprite. Their world has narrowed to the small borders of the forest but, they always have each other.
Don’t wander too far into the forest and beware the witch that lives within.
Tabitha: Hair | Shirt | Capris
Liam: Hair | Beard 
The Vines are a Plant Sim overlay by Demirose and I cannot find the link for the life of me.
Poses: Hold Me Closer | Titanic
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@tsuki-chibi​ / SailorChibi(AO3)
Ok, so after several months of radio silence, it was time for me to come back to work and post one of my “fic of the month”, but since I literally read everything Miraculous Ladybug written by Sailor/TsukiChibi, I decided to make an author special. This is my first one; the template may change with time.
As I’m writing this, Chibi has 76 works on her AO3 for the Miraculous Ladybug fandom. She has also many fics related to the MCU, Sherlock TV series and Supernatural. Kudos for so much inspiration!
Warning: Long post ahead!
Her fics are ALL worth reading, but here are some of my favorites:
Duststorm: Words:2960 - Chapters:1/1 Summary: Sandboy shows Ladybug one of her worst nightmares. It affects Ladybug far more than she would've expected, and Chat Noir is doing no better.
What I liked: The emotional comfort, The way Ladybug’s resolution to keep their identities secret is just thrown through the window
Black and White and Red All Over: Words:5222 - Chapters:1/1 Summary: Ladybug didn't know that Chat Noir had a sibling. She finds out in the worst way possible.
What I liked: Chat Noir not being Chat Blanc, Adrien having a sibling, Bridgette’s cameo, an akuma with enough control to team up with Ladybug
Shared Characteristics: Words:2895 - Chapters:1/1 Summary :Out of all the things Nino and Alya could've inherited from their kwamis, it would be a heat.
What I liked: DJWifi and the fun factor, really. Imagining them in heat and how they deal with it is just hilarious.
Miraculous Online:  Words:2619 - Chapters:1/1 Summary: What do you do when you're freed after having been trapped inside of an online game for over two years? Adrien finds his partner.
What I liked: It made me watch Sword Art Online and, re-reading it after, I could even more appreciate the fic!
Tripped at Fencing:  Words:5326 - Chapters:1/1 Summary: Of the all the ways for Ladybug to figure out his identity, Adrien never thought it would be because his father had slapped him.
What I liked: The hurt to comfort and Gabriel A+ parenting. Seriously, this is a sweet fic where you just want to give Adrien a hug or adopt him.
Kitten-ing Around: Words:959 - Chapters:1/1 Summary: Chat had a bad habit of making too many puns. Ladybug had a bad habit of pushing him off rooftops. Technically, that meant they were both to blame.
What I liked: the easy reveal. There’s no drama, no fight, just kids kitten-ing around and messing up their secret identities.
Miraculous Hive (series):  Works:5 - Complete: No Summary:  Following Chameleon, Chloe figures out who Ladybug and Chat Noir. Her bee instincts then set off a chain of events that change everything.
What I liked: Chloe POV (I haven’t read a lot of fics written from another POV outside of Adrien’s and Marinette’s) and Chloe’s redemption. I’m pro Chloe’s redemption. She’s just a kid who does what she does because of the way she has been brought to see the world (contrarily to Lila who’s genuinely bad imo)
And I’d give up Forever: Words:26829 - Chapters:13/13 Summary: Marinette and Adrien were hiding out in a motel room. Paris knew they were Ladybug and Chat Noir and hated them, and they in turn knew that Gabriel was Hawkmoth. This is one situation that they can't fix alone.
What I liked: I actually dreaded to read this one. I was trying to avoid angsty fics, but the summary about “Paris hating them” made me think they hated them for, idk, being bad at what they do. I was relieved when I understood this was caused by an akuma. The hurt to comfort, the fight against Hakwmoth and how Marinette and Adrien end up so attached to each other made me love this fic.
The Butterfly Effect:  Words:22632 - Chapters:8/8 Summary: When Hawkmoth wins and wishes for a new timeline where Emilie Agreste is alive, Marinette and Adrien are the only other ones who remember everything about the old timeline. But Ladybug and Chat Noir don't know each other's identities, and coming together to beat Hawkmoth once and for all may not be as easy as it seems.
What I liked: Adrien seeing his mother again (and finally having the chance to say properly goodbye to her), Marinette’s proof of love for Adrien by giving him the chance to keep his mother, and when Marinette and Adrien find each other. Reading Adrien snapping at his overworked life was nice too :) He needs vacations...
Guess Who:  Words:13142 - Chapters:31/31 Summary: Marinette thought a Halloween party with her friends would be fun. That was before someone died. In this choose your own ending story, can you help Marinette make it to the end alive? Reader beware... you’re in for a scare!
What I liked: Where do I actually start?! This fic is a crack and is so fun to read. It’s in the format “Choose Your Own Adventure”. I read it on my phone, set on “Chapter by Chapter” and the links from a chapter to another makes it like a RPG. I was reading it during my breaks at work and just couldn’t stop thinking about it, about who was guilty. I actually guessed right and couldn’t stop laughing.
Fruitful (series):  Works:3 - Complete: Yes Summary:  Adrien and Marinette are telepathic soulmates. That’s not always a good thing, but neither of them would give up their deep bond for anything.
What I liked: I love soulmate AUs, Marinette being there for Adrien when he’s alone, how losing the other affects them, Chloe playing the game for their sake
By my Side (When the Rain Comes Pouring in): Words:81938 - Chapters:28/28 Summary: Two years after Marinette got her miraculous, she meets Adrien Agreste for the first time. In spite of an initial gum-related bump in the road, they become fast friends thanks to their shared interest in fashion and design. But there's something funny about Adrien. He seems to suffer from terminal clumsiness just like Marinette, frequently sporting sprained wrists and ankles, new bruises, and other injuries. Injuries which look suspiciously similar to the ones that Ladybug's beloved partner has...
What I liked: Adrien’s heartbreaking situation at home, Hawkmoth’s reveal, Marinette and Plagg’s complicity
Honorable mentions:
Lovesquare Ficlet Collection 2019 (Works:8 - Complete: Yes) and Lovesquare 2019 Ficlet Expansions (Works:5 - Complete: No)
2020 Lovesquare Prompt Months (Works:7 - Complete: No)
aro-ace Valentine fics (Works:17 - Complete: No)
Cat in the Night (Words:1926 - Chapters:1/1 )
Lap Pillow:  (Words:1496 - Chapters:1/1)
Trolling Alya:  (Words:14502 - Chapters:12/12)  
Arctique: (Words:19714 - Chapters:9/9)
With that, I’m done! 
Thank you so much Chibi for all the work you’ve done and for all fluff and comfort you put in your fics! 
Please read, share and leave kudos on her works!
If you know ML writers you’d like to shout out, or are a ML writer yourself, please contact me!! @clawsout83​
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