just trying my best tbh
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5th year med student. honestly just vibing my way through it all. / tracking #bulletnotestudies /
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
bulletnotestudies · 11 months ago
be pro-aging but wear sun screen. sun protection is not beauty industry propaganda it will save you. wear it. or else.
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
the challenge is, as always, also on storygraph !
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Welcome back to another yearly reading bingo!
for the past two year's i've hosted a genre reading bingo, but if you know me at all, you know i like to change things up quite a lot, so this year i present to you: genre bingo's younger sibling, BOOK COVER BINGO :) (transcript of the prompts and taglist below the cut)
CHALLENGE RULES ☁︎ one book per prompt, meaning the challenge calls for 16 books in total ☁︎ it is a 2024 challenge, so you have from january 1st till december 31st to fulfill the prompts ☁︎ reblog this post to participate ☁︎ once you read a book, cross the prompt out on the above template and post your update! bookish photos/playlists/etc. are of course also welcome ☁︎ tag your updates (templates with crossed out prompts, text posts, etc.) with the tag #2024 book cover bingo so i can see and reblog them
that’s it, if you have any questions at all, send them my way, otherwise i wish you a fun year, filled with *chef’s kiss* books!
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Here are the prompts: ☁︎ a cover with a repetitive pattern ☁︎ a very detailed cover ☁︎ a cover with an illustration without lineart ☁︎ a very minimalistic cover ☁︎ an animal on the cover ☁︎ a cover with a hidden meaning (one you only really understand after you've read the book) ☁︎ a cover featuring a photo ☁︎ a brightly coloured cover ☁︎ a weapon or jewelry on the cover ☁︎ a heart or clockface on the cover ☁︎ a letter/envelope or book on the cover ☁︎ a hand, eye, or entire face on the cover ☁︎ a pretty cover ☁︎ an ugly cover ☁︎ a black and white cover ☁︎ a cover with cursive lettering
taglist: @serendistudy@melaschnie@dreamofghosts@the---hermit@ben-learns-smth@upside-down-uni@myhoneststudyblr@kindastudyingstuff@meyli-vaisyl
storygraph link coming soon!
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
Book ask; 1-10 please!
oh i totally forgot to answer earlier asjhbdq ty for the ask!
 How many books did you read this year? 28, which is a lot fewer than i would've liked, but the chaos of life didn't agree with my plans lol
Did you have any reading goals? if yes, did you complete them? i wanted to read at leat 30 books, which i'll probs miss by like 1 book, but i also wanted to read more nonfiction, which i did so i'm, shall we say, at peace with my reading this year
What was the first book you read this year? .... it starts with us by c. hoover lmao
What was/will be the last book you read this year? probably g. hendrix's horrorstör!
The longest book you read this year if you count podcast transcripts, it was tma s2, but if we're only talking traditionally published stuff, my longest read was s. king's the outsider at 661 pages:)
The shortest book you read this year bloody summer, a short story by c. m. machado
The oldest book you read this year i reread blue lily, lily blue by m. stiefvater
The newest release of the year the christmas guest by p. swanson
A book that was better than you expected it to be in the dream house by c. m. machado! my only 5 star read of the year
A book that didn’t live up to your expectations i dnf'd many, many books this year, among them portrait of a thief by g. d. li
send me an end of year book ask<3
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
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my cartoon for yesterday’s @guardian
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
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Welcome back to another yearly reading bingo!
for the past two year's i've hosted a genre reading bingo, but if you know me at all, you know i like to change things up quite a lot, so this year i present to you: genre bingo's younger sibling, BOOK COVER BINGO :) (transcript of the prompts and taglist below the cut)
CHALLENGE RULES ☁︎ one book per prompt, meaning the challenge calls for 16 books in total ☁︎ it is a 2024 challenge, so you have from january 1st till december 31st to fulfill the prompts ☁︎ reblog this post to participate ☁︎ once you read a book, cross the prompt out on the above template and post your update! bookish photos/playlists/etc. are of course also welcome ☁︎ tag your updates (templates with crossed out prompts, text posts, etc.) with the tag #2024 book cover bingo so i can see and reblog them
that’s it, if you have any questions at all, send them my way, otherwise i wish you a fun year, filled with *chef’s kiss* books!
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Here are the prompts: ☁︎ a cover with a repetitive pattern ☁︎ a very detailed cover ☁︎ a cover with an illustration without lineart ☁︎ a very minimalistic cover ☁︎ an animal on the cover ☁︎ a cover with a hidden meaning (one you only really understand after you've read the book) ☁︎ a cover featuring a photo ☁︎ a brightly coloured cover ☁︎ a weapon or jewelry on the cover ☁︎ a heart or clockface on the cover ☁︎ a letter/envelope or book on the cover ☁︎ a hand, eye, or entire face on the cover ☁︎ a pretty cover ☁︎ an ugly cover ☁︎ a black and white cover ☁︎ a cover with cursive lettering
taglist: @serendistudy@melaschnie@dreamofghosts@the---hermit@ben-learns-smth@upside-down-uni@myhoneststudyblr@kindastudyingstuff@meyli-vaisyl
storygraph link coming soon!
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
end of the year book asks
 How many books did you read this year?
Did you have any reading goals? if yes, did you complete them?
What was the first book you read this year?
What was/will be the last book you read this year?
The longest book you read this year
The shortest book you read this year
The oldest book you read this year
The newest release of the year
A book that was better than you expected it to be
A book that didn’t live up to your expectations
A book that was most out of your comfort zone
What was the most unexpected book you read this year?
The funniest book you read this year
A book that made you cry
What was the book you were most excited about before you started reading it?
A book you already want to reread
Top five books of the year
Least favourite books of the year
Best non-fiction book(s) you read this year
Best fiction you read this year
Best book you read for uni/college/school
Worst book you read for uni/college/school
The book with the prettiest cover
The book with the best title
Did you discover any new authors?
What was your top genre for the year?
Did you discover any new genres?
Did you start any new series?
Did you finish any series?
Did you reread anything?
Did you read any translations?
Were there any books you planned on reading but didn’t end up reading/finishing?
Did you DNF anything?
What’s a book you’ve recommended the most this year?
Did you use your library?
How many books did you buy?
Are there any books you want to finish before the year is over?
Releases you’re looking forward to next year
Five books you absolutely want to read next year?
Do you have any reading goals for next year?
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
2024 reading challenge 👀?
soon 😌
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
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2023 fantasy challenge update
babel (r.f. kuang), 5☆
particularly liked the etymology bits as a vital part of worldbuilding and narration
when the angels left the old country (sacha lamb), 5☆ *
the friendshipTM made me cry multiple times and the writing is simply delicious
the priory of the orange tree (samantha shannon), 5☆
re-read? more like treat! shannon just knows how to write fantasy
a day of fallen night (samantha shannon), 5☆
pure joy to dive back into the roots of chaos universe and meet new characters (I might even like this one more than priory). I'm gonna need to cuddle an ichneumon real soon please
* fyi, I only put this down as romance subplot bc i didn't know where else to put it for this challenge but I wanted to mention it because I Loved it so much and there is indeed a romance that is very much a subplot not a second plot or anything. the focus is very much on friendship, what makes a home, standing up for yourself and an angel and a demon being awesome
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
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This issue has a lot of things that were known to me, but with a mind-bending twists.
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
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THE STUDYBLR WITH KNIVES SERVER PRESENTS: *✧ 2023 Jumbo Reading Challenge ✧*
a brand new year is upon us, so what better way to celebrate than with a fresh reading challenge! this year we decided to fill the gap between our thematic challenges with our biggest challenge yet - this 25 prompt challenge will last from january to the end of december and has 5 bonus prompts to make things a bit easier. most of the prompts are also quite broad, so they encourage you to diversify your reading without being too restricting and sucking all the fun out of reading :)
RULES: -> please reblog this post if you’re participating -> for each of the prompts, read a book of your choice and cross the prompt out on the above template -> post your updates in the form of text posts, bookish photos, or anything else you come up with under the tag #studyblr w/knives reading challenge! -> the jumbo challenge will last the entire year, but as always, feel free to take however long to complete it
! be sure to hide any spoilers under the cut when posting updates/reviews, so people can avoid them if needed :)
[transcript & explanations of the prompts under the cut]
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This year's 25 prompts are: 1. released in 2023 2. by an author of colour 3. punny title * 4. transgender main character 5. recommended by a friend 6. horror or thriller 7. magical realism or high fantasy 8. poetry or nonfiction * 9. space opera or urban fantasy 10. rivals to lovers (academic/sports/workplace/etc. rivals to lovers) 11. mythology inspired * 12. #ownvoices 13. clever cover * (a book with a cover that you don't truly understand till after you've read the book) 14. ugly cover (or as we like to call it, this book deserved better) 15. minimalistic cover 16. water in the title (the word water, sea, ocean, river, lake,... in the title) 17. nonbinary author 18. main character of colour 19. black and white cover 20. one word title 21. bright, colourful cover 22. name of a place in the title (can be a real or fictional place) 23. intimidating book (a book that's intimidating to you for whatever reason) 24. heart or clockface on the cover * 25. title starting with the same letter as your name/nickname (the/a/an or their equivalents in other languages obviously don't count :))
*prompts marked with an asterisk are bonus prompts, meaning you don't have to complete them on storygraph in order to finish the challenge.
as per usual, the challenge is also on storygraph (check the reblogs of the post for the link) and if you have any questions about the challenge at all, my asks are open
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
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[39/100 days of productivity]
over the weekend, i dogsat for some family members, and it was SO hard to study for my brit lit midterm when i had this cute lil face staring at me the whole time😭
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
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a bit of halloween spirit as i study for my political science midterm tomorrow!
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
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7 AM study + breakfast before my intro to nursing class
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
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good morning! i usually prefer handwritten notes but it is not just feasible when i journal before or after duty when i have a million things to say because every duty as a JI doctor is a battle won in the PH, so i downloaded day one and the stoic app to try which suits me better.
so far i’m leaning on the stoic app! there are a loooot of prompts and i’m just obsessed with the trends where they track and make graphs of my mood/sleep/etc. you know how type As are with graphs!! craaazy. the stoic prompts / processing of emotions are one less thing to worry about it.
i just downloaded both and i’ll try them for a week of trial, to see which suits me best.
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
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Studyblr w/ Knives 2023 Jumbo Reading Challenge
Hello!! This one took me longer than expected but I had to read lots of stuff for my thesis that didn't fit any prompts. Overall I'm pretty happy with most of these reads - some were def better than others but that's to be expected ig.
Released this year: This is Not a Personal Statement by Tracy Badua (2023)
By an author of colour: Death Note vol. 7: Zero by Tsugumi Ohba (2005)
Pun in the title: You're A Mean One, Matthew Prince by Timothy Janovsky (2022)
Trans main character: The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas (2022)
Recced by a friend: A Restless Truth by Freya Marske (2022)
Horror or Thriller: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson (1886)
Magical realism or high fantasy: Der Ring des Nibelungen - Die Walküre by Richard Wagner (publ. 2022)
Poetry or nonfiction: The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green (2021)
Space opera or urban fantasy: Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams (1987)
Rivals to lovers: Today, Tonight, Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon (2020)
Mythology inspired: The Hourglass Throne by K.D. Edwards (2022)
Own voices: We Can't Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon (2021)
Clever cover: I Want to Die but I Want to Eat Tteokbokki by Baek Se-hee (2019)
Ugly Cover: Death Note vol. 8: Target by Tsugumi Ohba (2005)
Minimalist Cover: The Rule of Names by Ursula K. Le Guin (2017)
Water in the title: Der Ring des Nibelungen - Rheingold by Richard Wagner (publ. 2022)
Nonbinary Author: L'Album-souvenir Heartstopper by Alice Oseman (2022)
Main character of colour: Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto (2023)
Black and white cover: The Hanged Man by K.D. Edwards (2019)
One word title: Heartstopper tome 1 by Alice Oseman (French translation, 2019)
Very bright colours on the cover: The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club by Dorothy L. Sayers (1928)
Name of a place in the title: The Duchess of Malfi by John Webster (1614)
Book that intimidates you: Busman's Honeymoon by Dorothy L. Sayers (1937)
Heart or watch/clock on the cover: The Boyband Murder Mystery by Ava Eldred (2021)
Title starting with your initial: Murder Must Advertise by Dorothy L. Sayers (1933)
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year ago
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The Summer Reading Challenge 2.0 catch up! Three more books done.
Released in the last six months: Me VS Brain by Hayley Morris
By an author of colour: The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang
Anti-hero or chosen one: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
It’s been a long two weeks and I’ve been slow with my reading. Though I really enjoyed all the books. Me VS Brain was a mixture of super funny and a little sad, which made it perfect. The Kiss Quotient wasn’t at all what I expected but in the best way. It had me hooked and if it wasn’t for work I would have finished it a lot quicker. And finally Dorian Gray. I wasn’t sure if this really fits for Antihero but google said so, and it’s been on my tbr for years, making it one I really wanted to tackle. There were beautiful moments in it and other times it took a lot to keep going. But generally a good read. I’ve also just started the first of the Percy Jackson books as the next book.
I hope everyone’s reading summer is going well ☀️ Happy reading 😊
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bulletnotestudies · 2 years ago
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March 10, 2023 |
If you have any good short stories/short books for EFL learners (beginners, A2) please recommend them to me!
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