#between blogs again.
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abrushwithdeath · 10 months ago
((I'm gonna try to be around a little bit today, so let me know if you want me to send memes your way!!!
This goes for people I'm already writing with AND anyone I haven't had a chance to write with yet, by the way <3))
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hellsitegenetics · 5 months ago
i was asleep when this went down so you cannot imagine my surprise when i looked and found that we won by a margin of less than 1%
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clj-art-blog · 1 year ago
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拜见月尊和月主 (Baijian Yue Zun he Yue Zhu) | Greetings Moon Supreme and Moon Queen!
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altschmerzes · 3 months ago
honestly i just think I will fundamentally never understand the very common (and sometimes posited as universal which i don’t love) sentiment among aromantic people/communities that like. oh one part of aromanticism is Not Understanding Or Caring About Or Getting The Point Of the line between friendship and romance, the distinction of different types of relationship. because for me as an aromantic person that line and distinction is actually Extremely important and clear and it feels… weird and bad to consistently see it posited as this like. Prominent Aro Thing to not understand/care about that.
ACTIONS will never inherently be allotted to one type of relationship or another, and the only feeling that is inherently romantic is romantic attraction/love, but the like. labeling itself of relationships and feelings and actions based on the person or people involved… idk. THAT is very important to me. it is Very Important to me that it’s extremely clear that none of my relationships or actions or feelings are or ever will be romantic and it’s important to me that those labels are seen and respected. it’s important to me in my personal life, and it’s reflectively important to me in the stories i tell and the ones i interact with.
idk. people are obviously welcome to the sentiment and i dont begrudge them having it and maybe im misunderstanding what this means when people say it. but it does make me feel a little anxious and once again the odd guy out in my own community to constantly be seeing this posited as like. An Inherently Aromantic Quality to not understand the difference between types of relationship or the point in differentiating. it will always be critically important to me that romance has and will have no place in my life or relationships. once i learned it was possible not to feel romantic feelings or attraction - and i accepted that it was true for me - everything became very clear to me at that point. ‘how do you Know’ i just know. I Just Know. and that matters to me.
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shinesurge · 4 months ago
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I think about this bit from an excellent Jacob Geller video on the regular
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clericofshadows · 4 months ago
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REGIS SHEPARD, KAIDAN ALENKO, AND ASHLEY WILLIAMS MASS EFFECT 1 - VIRMIRE "Either of these two will do, Commander. Both seem willing to sacrifice their lives if necessary, though if we are lucky, such sacrifices won't be required."
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anghraine · 4 months ago
I was talking to my students and then some family members about how the death of Elizabeth I and succession of James was necessarily an occasion of upheaval, even when it wasn't necessarily violent or flirting with treason or whatever. For one, the death of a monarch that will lead to a new dynasty (even a related one!) is not quite the same as a familiar figure inheriting the country's rule from their parent or grandparent. It's usually a bigger change, with dynamics of loyalties and affiliations shifting around—that's part of the reason Elizabeth delayed acknowledging James as her heir.
Typically, you'd see courtiers etc deserting a dying monarch in order to signal their loyalty to the new monarch, even if the old one wasn't actually dead yet. Elizabeth's reluctance to share royal power was fundamental to her reign and her public image, so it's not at all surprising that she would be loath to encourage that kind of desertion in any particular direction.
Of course, another thing that complicates the Elizabeth -> James succession is that she had reigned for a long time (44 years iirc). By the time she was dying, a good number of English people had few personal memories of life under any other monarch, and those who did would remember the abrupt and unstable reigns of her predecessors, Edward and Mary. So James's accession came with uncertainty about what exactly it would entail, and a lot of late Elizabethan/early Jacobean drama in English is very concerned with questions of what obligations the governed owe to their monarchs (obedience? loyalty? are those always the same thing?), but also what obligations monarchs themselves have to their people.
This seemed especially pertinent to Lear, in which multiple characters defy capricious orders from a monarch or other authority out of loyalty: Kent challenges Lear and is banished, so skulks around in disguise to continue serving him, Edgar also skulks around in disguise after Gloucester renounces him and ends up offering what comfort he can to his father, and Cordelia returns to Britain with the French army in her ultimately futile attempt to help Lear. Meanwhile, Lear loses everything, is driven to take shelter in a peasant hovel, and starts to contemplate how his own failures as a king resulted in, well, peasant hovels.
Anyway, now I'm thinking about what a wild figure Elros must have been as, specifically, a monarch to the Númenóreans. He lived for five hundred years. Even his own children (also half-Elves! sort of!) and other descendants who benefited from his lifespan didn't live as long, and most Númenóreans during his earlier reign wouldn't have come near to it. Undoubtedly there were Elves who had known Elros in the First Age who were baffled at him choosing mortality and DEATH, and meanwhile on Númenor, there are all these people living out their extended lifespans under the reign of a half-Elf king who was ruling their people at their birth and would still be ruling after they died of old age. We know Elros retained his half-Elvish characteristics as well, so they've got this visibly Elvish, barely-aging, eternal king who looks like Lúthien as part of the fabric of life for centuries.
Yes, he's literally the first king—but for a lot of earlier Númenóreans, he's also the only king they will ever know. It takes him an incredibly long time to weary of the world as other mortals do. By the time Elros finally gets weary of Arda, and willingly lays down his life and passes to the unknown fate of mortals, Tar-Amandil is stepping into some very big shoes.
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hinamie · 6 months ago
absolutely adore the way you interpret megumi's hairstyle in your style its peak, delicious, iconic to me i love it sm
thank u !!!! this actually made me want to go back and look at how the way i draw megumi's hair has evolved over the years because as long as i've been drawing jjk fanart megumi has always been The Character that's been Easiest to draw fr me, although the results are of.... varying levels of quality as u will soon see. let me take u on a lil tour
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causenessus · 1 month ago
hi! i'll keep this short
i came to the realization everytime i've disappeared from tumblr to "take a break" i never really have because of other things going on in my life (which, duh, this isn't my whole life) but! i also realized that if i never actually take the time to recover and rest and think about things i should be writing i'll never feel better. so! i'm (once again)(but now more formally) going on hiatus until maybe may! i might pop in for spring break or earlier if i feel like it, but until then, not really any writing from me! with that being said, i'll still be around, doting on my moots (i.e. like, dorothea <3 wyr <3 and bug <3) because i love them so much and i will probably also post chapters of present ever so often! the reason being (i'm going to try to make this make sense but it may only make sense to me but i'm aware of how contradicting i am to me five seconds ago when i said i need to take a break from writing) present is a very personal fic for me that i've worked on for years at this point. what i'm posting now are chapters i wrote months ago after I've read over and edited them (or in the case of the upcoming chapter, i did randomly add it in and had to write it from the ground up last week lmao) but if it isn't obvious, present is a work i'm very passionate about and am just posting in case anyone else enjoys it but it feels like it's a work that is very individualized just for me and it doesn't cause me any stress or anxiety. on the topic of individualization, although i am of course so so thankful for all of the support and people that follow me, i do sort of miss when my blog and world were a lot smaller. it's something i feel like i only get when i get to reply to people in comments, but other than that, all the numbers and people on my feed give me a lot of anxiety. the hq (smau fandom especially) fandom or at least how much i'm (was) involved in it has grown exponentially and of course i'm happy about that but it's a bit too much for me. i'll be taking a huge step back from the fandom and any hq works i've written at least in the meantime, but that's not to say they'll never be finished! but i either need to grow to handle the bigger audience that now reads my works or wait for things to grow a little smaller again :) i hope to still be able to read my moots works but forgive me if it takes me a bit or i never get to them! i think at the least i'll still like them to show my support <3 thank you if you read my long ramble! i love you all <3
oh also i'll probably post self ship moodboards and the beginning of my reading list (thank you again dorothea for the idea <3)! but again, I think you get the idea by now; I want to go back to doing this for me! so this is a tiny little goodbye now i'm leaving for you all with forehead kisses and flowers and love notes and mwah <3 i'll see you around!
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clj-art-blog · 2 years ago
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Equal and worthy of each other | Their Majesty Yue Zun Dongfang Qingcang and his Yue Zhu Xiaolanhua
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icarusticrat · 9 months ago
hello i am alive i have drawing to show okay bye
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youling-the-ghost · 2 months ago
hey, random person on the internet, maybe don't do this?
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kyouka-supremacy · 7 months ago
(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
#I've had the cutest interaction today#So like yesterday? There was this post I saw on my dash that was like “you want to know extra info about museums? Just befriend a–#guide! That way you can also unlock the Secret Backscene” and I was like. Lmao. Who could ever befriend a museum guide I've never–#even personally met anyone who works at museums?#... Well. Guess what happened today#I was following this guided museum tour with a friend and when the tour came to an end I was happily chatting with her when the guide.#Shyly chimed in and was like “is that an Atsushi keychain?” And I was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#And I was like‚‚ omg‚‚‚ Do you happen to know‚‚‚ This one series‚‚‚‚‚‚#And they unsheathed their phone like a fbi distinctive in American movies to show me their fyo/zai background amjdsgawsjda it was SO cute.#They were adorable. And I got so embarassed but trying to keep my cool while internally I was like‚‚‚#Omg the Cool Museum Guide™ is talking with me about my hyperfixation‚‚‚‚‚‚ What is happening#We talked a bit about the manga it was such a nice and sweet exchange. They said they like Dostoyevsky and I was like yeah he's so cool!!!#They said they're sorry about Bram it was REALLY cute (´;ω;`)#I didn't want to hamper them too much so I took my leave shortly after but I'd actually really like to pay visit again–#when the new chapter is out??#Hhhhhhh I don't want to look stalkery and like go look for them on their job. But also like‚ they looked genuinely happy and as excited as–#I was when we were chatting and I believe in the power of human connections through shared hyperfixations#The possibly funnier part is that then my friend went “Wait you're into b/ungo stray dogs??” and like alright. This is less surprising.#I already knew she likes manga.#What actually left me quite baffled was that... She really didn't know I was into b/sd. When it's literally what I think about 24/7#Something very similar happened just a week ago. My friend gifted me a manga volume of a series she really likes for my birthday#But when she was giving it to me she awkwardly went “oh‚ just‚ it features romance between two guys. I hope that's okay with you...”#And I internally had to pause and realize that no.#In fact most of the people I hang out with don't know I spend half my time curating a bl focused blog.#It's just funny in a way? I got so used to concealing my hyperfixations I didn't even realize I actually got quite good at passing–#for someone who is normal about stuff.#random rambles
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bruhstation · 1 year ago
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special thanks to these pez dispensers for accompanying me during my stay at the hospital. glory to canada
#theodore tugboat#theotug foduck#theotug george#theotug emily#stanza halifax#<--- don't expect this to be a big AU in this blog because TUGS is the main focus regarding boats. I just wanna draw gijinkas#senjart#sorry for not answering the asks guys. I got admitted into a hospital since tuesday and just got released yesterday (laugh track)#anyways about the show. theodore tugboat am I right#like I've said before it doesn't hit me as hard as thomas or TUGS#like it's not as character heavy as ttte#or as worldbuilding heavy as TUGS#but it's like.... a really fun relaxing show. super good even#I'd usually roll my eyes at overly nice protagonists but theodore is an exception. he is my friend. my pal#maybe it's just my affinity for shows with talking vehicles but erm.... robert cardonna you've done it again#the show doesn't have big explosions or bombastic events unfolding#the episodes have this very quiet and soft narration by danny doherty. no loud sounds or weird wacky silly sound effects in a bwba fashion#also everyone is nice to each other in this show which surprised me lol#because I've grown accustomed to the british-style verbal battles between sudrian engines#and the typical blink-and-you-miss-it dark comedy quips from top hat and zorran#theodore tugboat: what a peaceful day at halifax :) we talked about our problems properly and learned more about the world#TUGS: what a peaceful day at vaguely san francisco :) only 2 trampers died instead of the usual 5#I recommend it if you want a show that's easy to digest and easy on the eyes/brain#some episodes have characters that should've been switched to make it make sense#like harbour fools or even bumper buddies#I eventually got used to it#and there's not much worldbuilding going on. not my hugest complaint since it's still a cute show#there are also a few inconsistencies here and there... not to mention the episode order that kind of confused me#the side characters haven't grown much on me but I guess it just doesn't hit me YET#it's still good. I'll give it an 8/10
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wikitpowers · 10 months ago
kitty and merthur parallels bc i'm sad pt.1 (beware of spoilers!)
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 months ago
Imagine this: In a universe where the HTTYD cast go to ancient Rome (not like time travel, they'd just exist at the same time) the Vikings discover that while they have dragons, the romans have horses. Pegasus, Hippocampuses, Horses that are predators that eat flesh, horses that breath fire with flaming hooves, etc.
Yaaaaaaaaas. Something like this has been my dream since Cressida Cowell introduced Romans in her series. It'd be an incredible branch-off, right?
I love seeing alternate locations for HTTYD, either as adventures with the cast we know, or as spinoffs (I would be SO in favor of a spinoff). Ancient Rome is a high contender, let's be real.
This idea is legit. I'd never thought about going all in on the mythical horses in a HTTYD setting. YEAH SWEET. Pegasus?? Yes. Fire-breathing flame hoofing horses? YES. I want this now. You have sold me. In the wise words of Philip J. Fry, shut up and take my money.
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