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angstandhappiness · 1 year ago
Group dancing scares me because I'd always worry about missing a beat or a step and ruin the whole choreography, so kudos to these young men and women for doing it fine and enjoying themselves
Young Palestinians dance traditional dabke in the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem - 18.10.2018
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panic-point-blank · 16 days ago
The occupation of Palestine documented in photographs
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Proclamation of Marshall Law in Jerusalem by General Allenby. 1917
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British forces enter Jerusalem, December 9, 1917 with Brig. Gen. Watson and Col. Bailey at the Jaffa Gate.
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British occupying army in Jerusalem. 1929
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Palestinian leaders meet to discuss the 1929 revolt against British occupation. 1929
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Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestinian leaders at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem. 1921–1937
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Palestinian delegation in London to demand Palestinian independence. 1929
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Palestinian citizens searched during the uprising of August 23 to 31 at Jaffa Gate. 1929
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Palestinian women’s delegation demonstrating against British policies outside of the high commissioner’s residency. 1929
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Palestinians demonstrating against the occupying British army at Jaffa Gate. 1933
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Palestinians protesting British occupation, Jerusalem. 1933
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Palestinians at Abou Ghosh take oath of allegiance to protest British occupation and reject Zionist immigration. 1936
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Fire scorched the Armenian Quarter in the old City. 1936
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British occupation soldiers stand witness to their destruction in the City of Jenin. 1938
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Jenin after British occupying soldiers destroyed a quarter of the city with dynamite. 1938
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Palestinians lined up by British occupying police for identity card check. 1939
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Australian soldiers marching down Jaffa Road. 1940–1946
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British military recruits parade across Jaffa Gate. 1941
Photographs published by: https://www.palestinephotoproject.org/Gallery-Folder/Occupation-and-Resistence/i-3bPjRwR
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bazedjunkiii · 2 months ago
experimental electronics and quite a few surprises cooked up by yours truly a while ago.
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izraelinfo · 1 year ago
A latin pátriárka a háború befejezését sürgette az éjféli misén Betlehemben
Homíliájában Pierbattista Pizzaballa érsek, latin pátriárka az éjféli misén arra kérte az embereket, hogy a gyűlölet, a harag és a bosszú szelleme helyett az igenlést, az elfogadást és a megbékélést válasszák. 
A latin pátriárka a háború befejezését, a palesztinok és Izrael közötti rendezést sürgette hétfőn Betlehemben, az éjféli misén elmondott beszédében, amelyet a jeruzsálemi Keresztény Média Központ közvetített az interneten. Homíliájában Pierbattista Pizzaballa érsek, latin pátriárka az éjféli misén arra kérte az embereket, hogy a gyűlölet, a harag és a bosszú szelleme helyett az igenlést, az…
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bdpst24 · 1 year ago
800 éves a betlehemállítás hagyománya
800 éves a betlehemállítás hagyománya
 Nagyszabású eseménysorozattal készül a 30 éves Dévai Szent Ferenc Alapítvány A Kulturális és Innovációs Minisztérium támogatásával XXI. századi installáció idézi meg a 800 éves grecciói betlehemet, Budapesten az Erzsébet téren. December 12. és 22. között 360 fokos mozgókép repíti vissza az időben a látogatókat, az ingyenes vetítést minden nap 17 és 22 óra között tekinthetik meg az…
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sr9-nusantara · 1 year ago
(SR9) Bismillahhirrohmannirrohiim SEJARAH SUKHOI - Pavel Osipovich Sukhoi, Kota kelahiran Sukhoi adalah KHARKOV di Ukraina tahun 1939 dan lalu berpindah ke Podmoskoye di Moskow. Rumahnya sekarang di Kanaapo dan irkut.
Sukhoi ini selain Jagoan juga pintar menari di udara, tariannya antara lain : kulbit, cobra, bell dan lain-lain.
Nah gaya model MUDIK atau PULANG KAMPUNG Sukhoi berbeda tradisinya dengan rakyat Nusantara. Kalau Sukhoi sedang Mudik atau pulang kampung model gaya-nya adalah ngamuk-ngamuk ugal-ugalan.
Sedangkan Rakyat Nusantara kalau tradisi mudik atau pulang kampung menjelang LEBARAN Hari Raya Idul Fitri maka sudah tradisinya adalah berbagi kebaikan atau bagi-bagi UANG. Oleh sebab itu di masa Lebaran umat Islam ini keadaan mahluk yang menyeramkan yang bernama INFLASI turun menjadi 0% menguap dan menghilang seperti air terkena panas. Itulah salah satu keajaiban "Saling Berbagi Kebaikan".
"Kebaikan ibaratnya keindahannya budi pekerti luhur atau ahlak mulia yang terpancar dari perilaku seseorang"
Kisah Zulaikha cantik nan rupawan begitu tergila-gila dengan Nabi Yusuf AS. Tapi pada suatu masa ketika Zulaikha mengenal Alloh SWT sang Nabi pun dicuekkin tidak diperhatikan lagi, karena sibuk mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhannya.
Tidak ada tanah air bagi Masyarakat Bodoh, andaikan ia merasa punya tanah air, itu seumpama fatamorgana saja. Karena mereka tidak merasa bahwa sebenarnya mereka sedang berada di dalam Penjajahan Terselubung. Seperti yang sekarang terjadi di negeri Indonesia ini. Di negeri ini Cina Komunis yang mengatur kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara maka dampaknya hancurnya NEGARA indonesia dan rakyatnya sengsara, menderita, sakit-sakitan, di fitnah, disiksa dan dipenjara, di bunuh dibantai, diracun? dirampas hak-hak nya, ditipu, dibohongi, dizholimi, di khianati dan lain-lain. Dan segala Sumber Daya Alam atau keuntungan negeri ini adalah untuk Cina Komunis Tiongkok.
Sejarah mengulang kisahnya tapi dengan versi yang berbeda. Karena pelaku-pelaku dan masanya juga berbeda.
Saat ini keadaannya Rezim Komunis Indonesia sedang menyembunyikan sesuatu. Entah apa yang disembunyikannya. Kami tidak tahu karena memang belum mengirimkan DRONE kesana. Rezim Komunis menyembunyikan sesuatu agar tidak di ketahui oleh Rakyat. Yang menjadi pertanyaannya YANG DISEMBUNYIKANNYA RAPAT-RAPAT ITU APAAN YAH ? Saat ini hal tersebut menjadi sebuah MISTERI.Tapi Insya Alloh dimasa mendatang akan terbuka dan terlihat dengan jelas.
Insya Alloh, kami menjanjikan kepada Cina Komunis dengan KEMATIAN & KEHANCURAN.
Kalau urusan BANTAI-MEMBANTAI KOMUNIS Maka Genk-FPK Front Pembantai Komunis adalah Predator Komunis paling ditakuti dan paling menggentarkan di jagat raya Nusantara.
Masa ada Komunis Indonesia tawar-menawar meminta biar deh komunis masuk penjara saja. Tapi kami menjawabnya………, "Enak aza……… loe kira negeri ini milik Komunis Betina". Nih hukum Perangnya :
Setiap yang berjuang, pastilah menderita. Tapi usah dirisau akan hal tersebut. Tetap FOCUS pada perjuangan karena imbalannya adalah KEMENANGAN & KEJAYAAN.
SR9 - bekasi - nusantara 5 agustus 2023 at share boleh disebarkan Facebook : Lubnan Lubnan
sr9 #palestina #pelestine #gaza #jerusalem #yerusalem #al_quds #hebron #betlehem #nablus #al_aqsa #masjidil_aqsa #nusantara #jenin #jericho #mosque #masjid #musholla #majelis #maulid #ustad #kyai #habib #jaffa #haifa #syeh #syeikh #tiberias
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that-giorgione · 1 year ago
Fun fact: did you know that when i first started playing fallen london, I thought that the manager of the Royal Betlehem was this?
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So each time he was mentioned i visualized this accursed and silly thing.
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So yeah. I understood why i saw him when nightmares got too high…
what happened in my brain when you give the manager nevercold brass during Heart’s Desire
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teamnick · 7 months ago
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Bronze Medalist David Betlehem and Gold Medalist Kristof Rasovszky of Team Hungary celebrate after the Marathon Swimming Men's 10k on day fourteen of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 at Pont Alexandre III on August 09, 2024 in Paris, France. Photos by Istvan Derencsenyi
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ancientforgcd · 1 month ago
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You were magnificent, Alchemy Stars. May we meet again one day under the same sky and goodbye, descendant of the sky.
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bazedjunkiii · 3 months ago
deep and dark.
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erik-powery-for-america · 8 months ago
via 2rawtooreal2
(captions added by me)
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jimbomoney · 1 year ago
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thehypnone · 4 months ago
'Tis time...my 'tism decided to challenge me and stand me up against the ultimate musical 'tism. Tobias Forge's
Influences in the music of the band Ghost (tributes, nods & inspirations)
Some of them are a very straightforward copy-paste action, some of them are smaller nods towards other artists and some of them are only influences, or even something I personally hear, but not everybody might. They are in order from most obvious to might-be-my-delusion. I didn't include covers because. Kinda obvious.
It is possible that some of these are simply samples, I didn’t look into that, but if I’m being completely honest, I don't think Tobias is a sample guy. Also, there’s couple examples from Impera alone, mostly because he spoke about his inspirations for it a fair amount, which makes it easier to trace, so to say.
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This one goes first, because it's literally the same thing! Just reversed. I feel like that's common knowledge in the fandom, but I couldn't skip it. If you didn't know and Deus Culpa always hurts your ears (same), this is why!
(These two are in one file because Tumblr has an audio limit and I had to merge something) Tobias frequently speaks of his love for Metallica's music, as well as its members, so it's honestly no surprise hfhfh. He fangirls hard, and it even got him to open for them as we all know, so that's super cool!
I haven't seen/heard him talking about Opeth that much, but he is and/or used to be close with multiple members so again--no surprise at all.
This one is super interesting, because it's not only similar soud wise.
“[...] we recorded this album [IMPERA] in Atlantis Studio in Stockholm, [...] where ABBA recorded most of their hits. [...] it’s the exact same outboard gear, mixing console, microphones, marimba and piano we had around us. You’d play the piano and it would sound exactly the same as it did on Money, Money, Money.” --Tobias Forge for Guitar World
Not much to say about this one other than hell yeah, Michael Jackson.
This one also has a play on Europe's, which I find super cool! Swedish rock unites. From what I remember Tobias has also mentioned something about Whitesnake being an important influence.
(This one is empty for the first 10 seconds to go around the copyright scan) This is a cute little nod towards Pink Floyd that has Tobias put into live shows, and it's been a thing since 2015.
Another one that Tobias has spoken about for Guitar World.
“The double bass allowed for that Vinnie Paul [of Pantera] thing where there are triplet-feel things on the kick drum. Nothing against Pantera, but what influenced me there was actually a track called Blood Ritual by Samael, which had that feel I wanted to tap into.”
It was said about Watcher In The Sky, but I think same idea guided Twenties as well.
Griftwood was also talked about for Guitar World
“What made the song for me was the fact that there’s this crazy breakdown in what’s otherwise a Sunset Strip kind of thing, which I see as more Van Halen than Ratt.”
No song was mentioned by Tobias, but I had Talkin' 'Bout Love in mind even before I read this article, so I'd say it fits!
Pretty self explanatory, I think.
(This one is empty for the first 10 seconds to go around the copyright scan) Kansas is an absolute gem and to me it does sound like it was the inspiration here. Knowing how much respect Tobias has for rock classics, I'd say it's very possible he had Carry On Wayward Son in mind.
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And that's it! Sorry if y'all hoped for more jfgjdfg but anyways, hope you enjoyed my yapping and, as always, any questions are very welcome :3
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Taglist: @delusionalbitchinthehouse @0-miles-away @callmeghoulshit @skele-bunny @ratsummer @kentuckyfriedsatan @everybodyshusband @lilhoechlinsbae @jimothybarnes @starling-ghoul @rain-ghoul-appreciator @devilsandstarlight @karmicbias @jazz-bazz @arkeusruin
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erik-powery-for-america · 8 months ago
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terranceholdsapencil · 2 months ago
More joy to the world thoughts later but I saw "0001 Betlehem" and my first thought was "But jesus was born like around 6 BC wasn't he"
Because moffat not actually knowing what mansplaining is? The one off companion becoming a star? Weird timey wimey stuff and silly things and things that dont really fit with doctor who continuity? Who cares. But WRONG JESUS BIRTH YEAR? HELL UPON YE!
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ultramegatroutman · 7 months ago
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Ez valami tisztelgés lehet a kőműveseknél az ősök előtt, hogy évtizedekkel a fagyálló csemperagasztó és padlólap feltalálása után még mindig meglejtetnek egy fedett teraszbetont. De ilyen négy centi van benne 3 méteren. A derékszög nyilván nem képezi a tradíció részét, mert az egész betlehem paralelepipedon alakú, amivel nyilván kezdeni kell valamit majd burkolás előtt. :S
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