154 posts
🌸 Fanart and OCs | 25+ years old | Multifandom | Sci-fi and Fantasy Enjoyer 🌸 DO NOT repost or use my art 🌸
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dragonanalei · 4 days ago
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hunter vanguard 🌌
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dragonanalei · 9 days ago
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trying to nail down the design of a Light vex collective, for a story I'm cooking up
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dragonanalei · 10 days ago
Guardian Asks - Niarra
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I picked some questions from the template that @baede-6 made!
2.Does your Guardian's Ghost have a name?
Yes! His name is Amor! (He's the canon Ghost and she's the Young Wolf) She named him that 'cause she loves him a whole lot, just as he loves her. When she thinks of love, she thinks of him.
8.A song that reminds YOU of your Guardian.
Count on Me by Bruno Mars
15.Favorite holiday/event.
Definitely the Dawning. She loves the snow and decorations and especially baking cookies to see the smiles on her loved one's faces. The Dawning makes her feel warm and fuzzy inside.
22.Do they work better in a Fireteam, or alone?
She works alright in a fireteam, but she usually works alone unless it's an important/particularly dangerous mission.
30.Your Guardian's favorite (specific) location?
She's been a lot of places in her time as a Guardian, but her favorite place is still the Last City. Everyone she loves is there and it's where all the people she's fighting for are. It's peaceful (most of the time). It's home.
32.How does your Guardian feel about the more...shady characters in Destiny?
Depends on the character. Drifter's pretty shady, but she's friends with him. Spider on the other hand? She can't stand him... Only works with him when she absolutely has to and is never happy about it.
33.Did your Guardian have a mentor? Or did they learn as they went along?
In her early years, Cayde-6 took her under his wing and taught her all about being a Hunter. They were really good friends. Later on, after Nia's memories were wiped again, Zavala and Ikora helped get her back up to speed. She also considers Osiris a mentor, especially while learning Strand.
34.Does your Guardian have a LI (Love interest)?
Crow! They have bonded a lot from everything they've been through together. They understand, respect, and look after each other.
35.Does your Guardian have any pets?
She has a Pouka! Quinn pulled a few strings after Lightfall to get her one since she's so stressed all the time. She named her Holly.
36.Does your Guardian have any hobbies?
She enjoys drawing/painting and crafting when she can. She's been known to make things for her loved ones as gifts.
48.If applicable, is there anything your Guardian fears?
Losing the people she loves. There have been multiple times now that she's lost people on her missions. She's blamed herself for not being fast enough or strong enough. She always has a fear in the back of her mind that she'll lose someone, especially if they accompany her on a mission.
59.Does your Guardian have a family/found family?
It's a rarity among guardians, but she has blood relatives who are also guardians! Her older sisters (owned by my friends) are a warlock and titan who became guardians before her. She also considers her friends in the Vanguard and beyond as her family.
64.How does your Guardian feel about rules? Do they abide by them or bend/break them?
She tries her best not to break the rules, but there are ocassions where she feels the need to do her own thing. If it means breaking the rules, so be it. However, she does feel bad for going against orders.
81. Does your Guardian talk about their feelings or bottle them up?
She bottles them up BIG TIME. More than once, she's kept her feelings to herself until she bursts. In cases like that, she needs her Ghost and whoever else that's willing to help to get her out of the hole she dug herself in. She does this because she feels as The Guardian she needs to stay strong and help others. She doesn't want to burden anyone by needing help for herself. In recent years, with much encouragement from friends, she's been getting better at talking about how she feels. Still, she struggles to open up to people when she needs them.
101. Does your Guardian like to try new things or do they tend to try to stick to the familiar?
Nia's almost always up for trying something new. She loves exploring and experiencing new things.
If there's any more questions you'd like to know about Nia, let me know! <3
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dragonanalei · 13 days ago
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Haven't done one of these in a while! Screenshot edit c0mm for stardust on IG.
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dragonanalei · 17 days ago
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Started as a lil kissy sketch loll. I like how it turned out!
Crow x Young Wolf will always be a 10/10 ship
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dragonanalei · 22 days ago
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"Pleasant evening"
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dragonanalei · 25 days ago
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I'm not making a lot of art lately due to The Horrors, but have this wip from last month.
My obsession is still going strong
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dragonanalei · 29 days ago
Ooo this looks fun. Go ahead and send some asks (can be more than one) or I'll get around to answering some of these on my own! I need to talk more about Nia <3
101 Questions
Feel free to use this as an ask game or just copy/paste/reblog/choose numbers and answer on your own!
I just decided to jot these down for fun. Have at it Guardians!
1.What is your Guardian's name?
2.Does your Guardian's Ghost have a name?
3.Where were they rezzed?
4.Do they remember their past life?
5.Your Guardian's class(es if you have more than one guardian you would like to talk about).
6.Your Guardian's favorite food.
7.Your Guardian's favorite drink.
8.A song that reminds YOU of your Guardian.
9.If your Guardian has a song they consider their theme song,what is it?
10.Your Guardian's favorite genre of music.
11.Your Guardian's favorite piece of gear.
12.Favorite (space) ship.
13.Favorite Ghost shell.
14.Favorite Skimmer/Sparrow
15.Favorite holiday/event.
16.Your Guardian's favorite memory.
17.A painful memory.
18.Your favorite Vanguard.
19.Your Guardian's favorite weapon they consider "theirs"/people associate it with your Guardian.
20.Something they love.
21.Something they dislike.
22.Do they work better in a Fireteam, or alone?
23.Favorite subclass.
24.Least favorite subclass. (This has to do with preference,not skill.)
25.If applicable,do they have a subclass they'll never touch?
26.Favorite (main bbeg) enemy they've ever fought.
27.Least favorite (main bbeg) enemy they've ever fought.
28. Does your Guardian prefer coffee,tea or something else?
29.Your favorite Destiny (specific) location.
30.Your Guardian's favorite (specific) location.
31.Does your Guardian have a more positive or negative outlook?
32.How does your Guardian feel about the more...shady characters in Destiny?
33.Did your Guardian have a mentor? Or did they learn as they went along?
34.Does your Guardian have a LI (Love interest)?
35.Does your Guardian have any pets?
36.Does your Guardian have any hobbies?
37.Are they good at those hobbies?
38.Would your Guardian make the sacrifice play?
39.Is your Guardian clumsy or quick on their feet?
40.Does your Guardian fit the stereotypes of their class?
41.Is your Guardian an Introvert or Extrovert?
42. Is your Guardian generally trusting or distrustful?
43.What drives them?
44:What is your Guardian's personality like? Or take this test and answer how they would:
45:If your Guardian could go back in time and change one thing (Destiny related) without repercussions,what would it be? (i.e Save someone,prevent themselves from making a mistake etc.)
46.If your Guardian could go back in time and change that one thing,but consequences of some kind were a guarantee,would they still do it?
47.Is your Guardian more of a sweet,savory,or salty kind of a person?
48.If applicable,is there anything your Guardian fears?
49.Your Guardian's favorite person.
50.Your Guardian's least favorite person/character.
51.Does your Guardian like to read?
52.If so,what is their favorite genre?
53.Does your Guardian have a side job or are they a full time Guardian?
54.If applicable,what was your/your Guardian's favorite location from Destiny(1)?
55.Favorite (mob) enemy to fight. (Vex,Dread,Fallen,Hive etc.)
56.Least favorite (mob) enemy to fight?
57.Where does your Guardian live?
58. Is your Guardian social or do they lean more towards being anti-social?
59.Does your Guardian have a family/found family?
60.Is your Guardian rich or constantly in need of glimmer?
61.Does your Guardian like heights or do they prefer to keep their feet firmly planted on the ground?
62.Favorite planet (or Moon)?
63.Least favorite planet (or Moon).
64.How does your Guardian feel about rules? Do they abide by them or bend/break them?
65.Is your Guardian a hoarder (be honest)?
66.Your Guardian's favorite activity. (Gambit, Crucible,Iron Banner,VanOps etc.)
67.Your favorite activity. (If it differs from your Guardian's.)
68.Does your Guardian wear accessories? (Bracelets,earrings,etc.)
69.Does your Guardian wear makeup/face paint?
70.Is your Guardian an Exo,Human or Awoken?
71.Other than necessities,what does your Guardian never leave home without?
72.What is your Guardian's favorite Cloak,Mark or Bond?
73.Do they keep mementos?
74.Is your Guardian organized or more chaotic?
75.If your Guardian had a favorite TV show,what would it be?
76.A character your Guardian would trust with their life.
77.A character your Guardian doesn't trust as far as they can throw them.
78.Do they seek out thrills/adventure or are they more of a stay at home unless they have to leave,kind of a person?
79.Is your Guardian more generous or greedy?
80.Is your Guardian more lazy or productive?
81. Does your Guardian talk about their feelings or bottle them up?
82.Does your Guardian use their Light for everyday tasks?
83.If applicable,is there a character your Guardian never got to meet,but wish they could? (Example:The Speaker,Shiro-4,Uldren Sov. This is mostly for the people who have never played D1/people who never got to meet characters no longer in D2).
84.Have they ever had any run-ins/met with characters specifically from the lore?
85.Are there any characters they would refuse to fight?
86.Are there any locations they refuse to go?
87.What are their opinions of the Traveler?
88.Is your Guardian forgiving or do they hold grudges?
89.What does your Guardian look like? (Feel free to describe them or share a picture of your Guardian if you're comfortable with that.❤️)
90.Does your Guardian pilot their own ship or do they let Ghost take control?
91.Is your Guardian smart?
92.Is your Guardian more driven by their head or their heart?
93.What are some of your Guardian's strengths?
94.What are some of your Guardian's weaknesses?
95.Does your Guardian have a major weakness? Their Kryptonite/Achilles heel?
96.Is your Guardian more talkative or stoic?
97.Is your Guardian more level headed or do they lose their cool (i.e hot headed/panic attacks)?
98.Does your Guardian pull pranks?
99.Does your Guardian consider themselves above the Vanguard or do they consider them their leaders or a bit of both,depending on the situation?
100.Is your Guardian humble or more of an attention seeker?
101. Does your Guardian like to try new things or do they tend to try to stick to the familiar?
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dragonanalei · 1 month ago
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Eulogy of Starlight chapter 2 is finally here!
➤ Read on [Tumblr] or [AO3]
Note that the @eulogyofstarlight sideblog is unfortunately still shadowbanned. If you like my story, consider supporting its reach!
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dragonanalei · 2 months ago
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It's my 2 year anniversary on Tumblr
Well that came up fast
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dragonanalei · 2 months ago
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I mayhaps finished some art of Cayde
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dragonanalei · 3 months ago
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no update on the blog being shadowbanned situation. have another naymora!!!!!
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dragonanalei · 3 months ago
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Many years ago on one moonless night, Lujanne and Naymora have a conversation about the stars…
Eulogy of Starlight's first anecdote, Window to the Soul, is out now! Read it here!
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dragonanalei · 3 months ago
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behold, a baby! chapter 2 is still in the works of being illustrated, but I can't get enough of her little face 🥰
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dragonanalei · 3 months ago
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dragonanalei · 3 months ago
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Chibi YCH with Crow for @wanderingnork for their friend @a-driftamongopenstars !
Thank you for commissioning me!
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dragonanalei · 3 months ago
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actually baffled that I've never drawn my favorite character(s) of all time on here so I had to remedy that immediately!!! ft. crow & glint
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