#best i can find/effort im gonna put in. lol
istherewifiinhell · 10 months
Okay somewhat unorthodox but u gotta see this character in animation so uhhh here looks like a? 16 year old amv?
[Some flashing and grating noises]
[VD: beast wars amv of the character transmutate. They do not look like any type of transformer, instead more a simple and spindley robot. Their face plain, almost like a theatre mask. The emote slowly, everything is new to them. Their neck is extendable and attaches to their body on a sliding joint, giving it an usually range of movement. Two tubes trail from the back of there head. Their limbs are asymmetrical, one arm and one leg on sliding joints, the others on rotational ones, giving them a lurching walk. The have one gun arm and one three fingered hand, one thumb 2 fingers on the outer edges. Theres dialogue spoken about transmutate highlighting their strangness, and music plays with the clips. END]
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mellowquint · 2 months
Fanbinding Masters of Mayhem - a Ninjago and Lego Monkie kid crossover!!!
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FINALLY after weeks of putting the project on the shelf i finally have the (motivation) free time to complete this amazing bookbind!!! Shoutout to my best friend who came to me and ask if i could bind it. So what better birthday gift than to bind her current favourite crossover story? At the time of this post i have not given the gift to her yet so fingers crossed that she likes this 🤞😖
Thank you FictionForLife_NZ for creating this absolute hilarious masterpiece!! I have been wanting to read an LMK crossover fic for the longest time and low and behold, the ao3 algorithm has answered my prayers lol. Me and best friend really love the character interaction that the Ninja’s have with the LMK crew 😂. Also the shipping!! Best friend absolutely LOVES dragonfruit but was sad that they didn’t have as much of a fandom dedication as opposed to spicynoodles. So imagine her suprised (and scream) that dragonfruit is the main pairing in the story and their many iconic moments together!! Also the climax truly had me at the edge of my seat!! And that ending?? Gosh couldn’t have asked it better myself Ninjago writers really should take notes ✍️!!! Anyways enough rambling here’s the fic if you would like to give a read, absolute 10/10
Flip through
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Some close ups
also yes excuse me and my terrible phone and room lighting it did not do this book justice.
Unfortunately I couldn’t find any fanart that was related/tagged so there was no illustrations for the book. However thats when i had the idea of making the chapter title in the same font as the Ninjago font! To make it seem like every new chapter is an episode!
Also unfortunately couldn’t tag the author since i can’t find their tumblr. If any of you know if said author does have tumblr please let me know!
If you’re all curious on how i make this, i recommend going to the first bookbinding project that i did, its all the same process except with some new improvements that im gonna talk about under the cut
I definitely learned a lot from my mistakes from the last time that i did this, and of course gain new mistakes as well 🥲.
The edges aren’t trimmed
The cover isn’t aligned
The printing for the covers are garbage
Book would not lay flat, instead forever stuck at a weird 120 degree angle
Overall a lot of stuff
This was a given by the fact that i have no experience and was impatient. But since this is a gift for Best Friend ofc this has to actually look good, so here are the improvements that i made
Signature printing— i will admit it took some time and effort but after the old cannon printer finally died permanently jammed, managed to convince parents to buy a more advanced and better printer that can now do double sided printing!! No more wasted signatures from here on out 😮‍💨
Cover printing — not wanting a repeat of the last time that i did it i went to my local Officeworks to get it printed by them. Here i discovered the beauty that is known as ✨Poster Prints✨. Now all of my yellow lines and elements actually do show an pop against the darker background!! Unfortunately this does have a drawback because the prints are sensitive to any type of scratching. Not the scratch and all the colors come off way, more like the scratch it and lines will show up kind of way as you can really see in the front cover :') . Will work on improving this is future projects.
Trimming the edges — originally in book one i trimmed the edges using your typical box cutter and cut it myself. Bad BAD idea i was doomed at that moment. So imagine my surprise the Officeworks ALSO do CUTTING service!!! My jaw dropped and i immediately went back the next day with my text block and asked them if they could trim all edges. After some inspection they put it through the guillotine and all of my edges are perfectly trimmed. Saved me all the time, money, and storage.
Laying book flat — this was definitely the biggest pet peeve that I have with my first book. The way i do it now is i now put a one cm gap between the front cover, side cover and back cover. And also using the right paper (cardstock) to connect the text block with the covers. Now the book can actually fully open!!!
Cover alignment — I printed out the front and back in regular paper and use that as a template on where i wanna fold the prints to find the cover. Worked like a charm
once again shoutout to best friend for giving me the brilliant idea when making the covers!! had it not been for her to point out about clause's book of spells i would have never made the coolest cover page that I've made in my entire binding experience!! all in all im pretty dang proud of myself for being able to improve on my bookbinding skill.
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rippleap · 15 days
into the wild kitties! #1
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since i have no clue what kind of art to post on here yet i decided to do something fun!!!
I'll be designing and drawing every single cat in the into the wild allegiances, hopefully uploading each day! yeah im only doing into the wild (for now) cause i would like to stay alive and breathing thanks!
(way more text below)
also designing ISNT WHAT IM BEST AT, these are just for fun!
im gonna start explaining and babbling about the designs now,,
firepaw is TECHNICALLY not the first cat in the allegiances but come on i have to do him first he's FIREPAW. I didn't have much of a thought process for him other than mmmmm yes fire. I really wanted to add some blue to his eyes cause like, blue fire haha but i couldn't find a way to do that without making the whole design look weird.
Next is bluestar! bluestar with long hair my beloved. i tried to make her as BLUE as possible without making your eyes burn off, but she is VERY BLUE
Now for redtail! this one was a bit more tricky to be honest, i wasn't too sure of what to do because, i sorta forgot how i perceived redtail lmao?? most of what i was thinking while designing him was.....hmm spottedleaf brother...... of course he has his signature red tail, and i wanted to give him that sort of calico kinda hair color, like how people dye their hair to be calico yeah i was going for that. like he dyed his hair but it's actually just like that.
And lastly, spottedleaf! i think you all can clearly see the neapolitan inspiration here lol. I was thinking of how i was gonna design her, and a lightbulb lit up above my head and went ICE CREAM ICE CREAAMMM so here's neapolitan spottedleaf! i also this these colors make her look like she smells good which is a trait of hers i guess, like look at that cat and tell me she doesnt look like she smells like vanilla and strawberries and chocolate. I also made an effort to have spottedleaf and redtail to resemble or mirror eachother! that'll probably become a pattern with the siblings I'll be designing.
also side note, literally i drew these with a pencil on paper, lined it with black paint and a stiff paintbrush and THEN transferred the drawing into ibispaint. just wanted to put it out there...heh... probably one of my new favorite ways of drawing ever.
I'm gonna be using the #into the wild allegiances to tag all of these in case you wanna find them all later.
umm idk how to end this, bye guys!!!
if you have any questions about using these designs orrr whatever feel free to ask!
i posted the higher quality individual versions of the designs on my instagram! same user as here!!
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dreamerwitches · 6 months
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I have mixed feelings on the witches, I'm gonna go through them all.
Renata and Ren: It just doesn't feel like the minor bits match up. There's too many bits that are just slightly too different. Like the screen shape and the bone colour and style. Am I being nitpicky? It just doesn't feel like the witch and doppel are linked. Or that they wanted to make this design for the witch and didn't really care that it didn't look like her doppel. I suppose I like how the witch is more organised than the doppel cause my gripe with it is that it feels a little like the parts don't mesh well. Like, what is going on with that pink bit it does not work. On its own, the witch is good. Fine, pretty, but a little bland and simple. As a design taking from the doppel, I think it kinda fails. Too much was changed.
Cyan and Hinano: Ehhhhhhhhhh I think they just made her worse?? Like, there's so little changed cause the doppel is so witch-like anyway but the changes they did do make her look worse XT the bright tubes are ugly and I dont understand the moth-ear-thing additions. Also the skirt is worse too lol. I miss the gas mask though I understand if that was added for Hinano but you can keep it on the witch c'mon! It's just like they removed all the best parts...
Don Rocinante and Sasara: Ehhhhhhhh here we go again. It looks stupid. C'mon she looks so stupid. Not in an uncanny, scary way, she looks so dumb. I included the doppel attack where she does get legs and that was silly but not as much as this one. Otherwise so little is changed mehhhhh. I liked the doppel so you kinda ruined her for me, thanksssss
Shalimar and Emiri: This is one I'm on the fence on. Design on its own, I really like. She's spooky and weird and the colours are great. I have to main issues. 1) does a 13 year old need such a sexual feeling witch and 2) does she link to her doppel well. The thing with curvaceous or sexualised witches is ones like Roberta I know are okay cause she was in her 30s when she became a witch. You could say some like Candeloro are sexualised cause she's got the booba and stick thin waist, it's kinda hard to deal with... I'm also finding it hard to judge cause I don't know if it suits Emiri, I don't know her character very well. So we'll just move on. If I drew it I would make her less adult-looking My other thought when looking at her beside her doppel was 'if this doppel came from this witch I would hate the fact it uses so little of the witch'. So switching it around, im a little mad they used so little of the doppel. It's like they had the idea for the body and wanted to use it and were like 'oh yeah! the doppel!' so stuck it on as a tail... Also the flower things on the doppel arent in the witch at all ughh. If she was just a new witch on her own id love her...
Vayu and Shizuku: Wow! One I actually finally like now! I think she looks super beautiful, the additions work! But she's not perfect... Just like Emiri and Shalimar, I don't see the doppel working if the witch came first. Why is her handbag now the head? It feels like the teapot(?) head on the witch came out of nowhere. But it's nowhere near as bad as Shalimar. She might be my favourite. I've always been 50/50 on Vayu and she improves that score.
Aodamo and Natsuki: This one's a bit boring... it just feels like they stuck on some additions and called it a day. I think if she was stood up straight I'd like her more... Love the teeth on the horn thing. Skirt is fine. Legs look awkward. Sad they removed her puffy sleeves, doesn't make sense as why the doppel would add that aspect.
Overall, it is a little annoying how clearly some of these are just super easy asset copies of the doppels with no effort put in... I think that's fine for say, Vayu as I think the doppel incorporation makes sense. She's a four legged beast so Shizuku is now riding her. But ones like Don Rocinante, Cyan and Aodamo seem like 5 minute attempts. I'm disappointed. Happy to see witches though, I'm only critical because I care about witches being good
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
hiiiiiiii so um. ik a while back you posted a doodle of yourself with short hair and i’ve been thinking about cutting mine short—do you have any tips about picking a style or anything that might not be obvious about having short hair?
oh fuck yes I do! I've had short-medium hair in a few different styles since I was thirteen (im 20 now, so it's been a while) and I recently buzzed my head for the second time so i'm pretty experienced in this area lol!
first thing you should know is that if anyone has ever suggested that you don't have the "facial structure" for short hair or that you're not gonna look good with it is full of shit. no one tells men they don't have the face for short hair. i promise it's gonna look good. chop that shit off
in terms of style, be aware of the amount of work the style you pick is going to take. when I first cut my hair short the reference photo I gave my stylist was of a heavily styled cut--something that would take gel and hairspray and a lot of effort to maintain every day. The base cut was fine, but it didn't look like my reference photo without a ton of effort on my part, and at 13 I wasn't really willing to put that kind of effort in, so my hair ended up unstyled and kind of flat and weird for a while. if you're someone that doesn't like to put a ton of work into styling their hair every day, pick a style you can just wake up and go with. my personal favorite lazy bitch haircut is the buzzcut that i currently have. insanely low maintenance and comes with the added benefit of stopping weird men from talking to you in public. perfect haircut.
Also be aware of how your cut is going to grow out and/or how often you're going to have to get it trimmed to keep it looking the same way. that was something i remember being really surprised about when i first cut my hair off--when your hair gets to a certain length, it grows more slowly and you don't have to cut it as regularly to maintain its health and your look. when you have shorter hair, your hair grows FAST, and if you're not planning on growing it out you're going to need much more regular trimming to keep it in check. Make sure that that's in your budget or that you have the time and skill to trim it back yourself! Alternatively, if you're planning on growing it out after the cut, look into how it's gonna grow out so you know what to expect in terms of look and styling. I like to buzz my head mid-summer and let it grow out for about a year before shaving it all off again, because I know that I like all the stages of growing out that cut and I know how to style all of them. there's always gonna be an awkward stage of growing out your hair, but make sure that you're not gonna spend a ton of time hating your look just to get your length back if that's your plan!
my final advice: if you're looking for a specifically masculine haircut as an afab person, do not go to the same older female stylist you've been going to since you were 10 years old. trust me. You can show that woman a picture of a whole grown man for reference and you will still be leaving with a karen cut. she is incapable of giving you what you want. Either try to find a stylist who you trust to use your reference faithfully, go to a male barber, or cut it yourself! especially if you're going for a simple buzzcut or something similar, it's really easy to cut your own hair at home with a pair of electric clippers from amazon. I've been cutting my hair with safety scissors and some clippers borrowed from a friend for going on 4 years now. it's easier than you think!! youtube tutorials are your best friend.
now onto things you might not know:
listen to me. this is the single most important piece of advice i can give you. buy spray-on sunscreen and SPRAY YOUR FUCKING HEAD. there is no hell like a peeling sunburn all over your fucking scalp. it will happen and you will not expect it and you will want to die. you are going to think your hair is thick enough that it won't happen and it is going to happen anyway. do not take chances with this shit
you do NOT need nearly as much shampoo and conditioner for a short cut as you are instinctively going to put in your hands after years of having long hair. think, proportionately, about the product-to-hair ratio you were using BEFORE your haircut, and do not squirt out more than like a nickel-sized pool of product at the absolute most. your bank account and your hair will thank you.
short hair still needs to be taken care of especially if you're bleaching/otherwise chemically treating it regularly! if you're putting harsh chemicals in your hair you should be using restorative treatments afterwards regardless of length. no matter how short your hair is it can still get stringy and gross and break!!
in that same vein, you CANNOT be applying bleach to your short hair in the same way you do for your long hair. listen to me. Drugstore bleach cannot be sitting directly on your scalp for more than 20 minutes. if your hair is short, any amount of bleach you put in it is going to end up sitting directly on your scalp. i know it's tedious to do multiple passes but chemical burns are even more tedious. please do not put bleach on your skin
also in regards to bleaching/color, keep in mind that your semipermanent color is probably going to have less longevity in your short hair than it did in your long hair. Since all your hair is close to your scalp now, it's taking the brunt of your shampoo regimen and therefore the dye is going to wash out quicker than it would in long hair where most of the dye is further away from the scalp. if you're regularly trimming your hair to keep it your desired length, you're also going to be cutting out a lot more color than you would by just trimming dead ends on long hair. you may find yourself spending more on hair dye if you dye your hair regularly!
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
rae give us your thoughts on taylor swift more specifically her rich white feminist thing she’s got going on and her influence on the current ‘girlboss’ trend and the current perception of women in media today???? asking bc i love reading your opinions on this stuff 💕
it sounds like u have some opinions of ur own lol but sure i can talk abt taylor swift! will be putting it under a cut bc i love my swiftie mutuals tho...swiftie mutuals look away im going to be mean sorry....
i mean yeah overall u kinda summed it up lol. i don't think i'd really care much about taylor swift were it not for the way she's been branded as some sort of groundbreaking feminist and subsequently played into that perception to profit ("the man" makes my eyes roll out of my skull sorry...)
i think my dislike of her was first seeded when "you need to calm down" came out--before then i just hadn't really cared abt taylor swift, knew a few songs but wasn't crazy about them, etc. but then she dropped "you need to calm down" and suddenly she was getting TONS of praise for doing SO much for the queer community and i was like. well first of all the song is bad second of all she's literally comparing her online haters to violent homophobes as though those two things are in any way equal or similar experiences third of all she's getting praised for profiting off positioning herself as a #ally. like this song and music video are not some sort of feminist praxis they are a way to funnel money into her already bulging pockets.
but because literally everyone around me (many swiftie friends) was gushing over how amazing she was for hiring all those dykes + faggots to dance behind her i felt like i was being gaslit + the fact that taylor swift was just happily accepting the money + accolades at the same time made me dislike her
when folklore came out i actually did enjoy the album which was. the first time that's happened for me lol i usually like maybe one or two of her songs and think the rest are mediocre at best but i was like huh maybe she's like changing as an artist and sort of settling into a new groove that's kinda cool. and then i didn't like evermore as much but i was still like okay cool new sound new vibe. and then she dropped midnights and i tried really hard to like it for my swiftie friends but...honestly i was shocked by how bad it was lol. just felt like a new level of low in terms of bad lyrics and the music was incredibly bland and boring to me, nothing new or interesting going on there. and then i felt gaslit again by all the swifties raving abt the lyricism of lines like "draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man" like!!! babe that is a tumblr post from 2014...
but aside from finding it genuinely incomprehensible that she gets so much credit for being an amazing writer or lyricist when the bulk of her discography is simply incredibly mediocre or straight-up bad imo (bc honestly that alone wouldn't be enough to make me dislike her; ik these are all subjective measures so even if i find it annoying to hear people rant + rave about music i think is bad it's not gonna make me dislike the artist or the people raving necessarily) what bothers me more and solidifed my dislike of her is the continuation of the way she acted when "you need to calm down" dropped. which is to say, it's infuriating enough that her fandom has sainted her, but what's more infuriating to me is the she seems inclined to play into that sainthood.
she often leans in to portraying herself as either a victim of misogyny or a #girlboss feminist. and like--this isn't to say taylor swift hasn't experienced misogyny, or that she shouldn't talk about those experiences, or that rich white women are exempt from sexism. but her feminist consciousness seems to begin and end with her own personal experiences of sexism, with no effort at a deeper political engagement made. she flies her private jet around and poisons the environment and when people try to call her out for it she sits back and lets her fans accuse anyone that criticizes her of being sexist. in fact, it seems that any criticism of her is met with accusations of sexism, which is an infuriating obfuscation.
at the end of the day, her politics such that i have seen are incredibly liberal and toothless, and her feminism seems largely focused on making herself more money ("the man" being about "getting ahead" faster, the whole thing with that one guy owning her masters centering around a dispute over property + who gets to make money, etc). she is a capitalist first and foremost, and because of that her feminisn kind of sucks, so i hate seeing people treat her as a Feminist Figure. i also think the gaylor thing is sooooo stupid and annoying and reinforces the concept of identity first and foremost as a discrete ontological category rather than something socially constructed + materially rooted. like the idea that taylor has some mystical gay Essence inside her that exists regardless of how straight her music + lifestyle is, the makes her Queer--sorry but give me a fucking break lol. i don't give a shit if she kisses other girls, taylor swift is not a Queer Icon, and i don't understand why people desperately scrabble to find proof that she is when there are already plenty of openly gay pop singers!
in conclusion taylor swift is the epitome of #girlboss liberal feminism to me and her supposedly genius music being aggressively mediocre is just the icing on the cake lol
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aardvaark · 5 months
WELL I meant like. the writers could have just said he was good at playing violin but gets stage fright about it, like they just say Eliot is good at guitar and singing but gets stage fright about it. it seems mean to give Eliot that but not Hardison. the man is already getting dragged around every heist by his ear they could have let him have this one thing.
Anonymous asked: Also there's the tea-making scene from the Reunion Job where they demonstrate that Eliot is actually pretty weak to Sophie's brain-manipulation tactics and when Parker points it out, both of them react like Sophie keeps doing this to HIM in particular before, like buddy... hardcore enough not to crack under torture... touchstarved enough to get fully brainhacked by just a couple of affectionate arm-sqeueezes
Anonymous asked: Also NLP in particular is absolutely a pseudoscience lmao but I can always forgive a bit of fun hokum in my daytime tv. for the bit. it just seems so mean to cheapen one of Hardison's few non-computer skill W's yknow. ok thank you and sorry for one million anons
omg def don't apologise for sending asks, im so happy to get them!! hi again i hope your day is going well!!
YES re: stage fright being a better option. thats is a much better idea anon!! makes more sense that he simply DOES play violin. he has a LOT of skills. i mean, hardison is a genius, full stop. he can do what he puts his mind to, plus he's shown to be incredibly talented at a lot of things which aren't directly related to his job, like painting. i don't think he gets enough credit as being seriously extremely gifted AND seriously extremely dedicated to honing some of those skills... he has a lot of talents that he's very causal about, but then the ones like hacking that he focuses on? those are mentioned to take so much effort, sleepless nights, etc etc. there's a reason that he's the best hacker on a team of people who are the best in their fields.
and this is all while he's still half-learning. leverage is crime university for him, as episode commentaries tend to say lol. he's... i forgot, 21-22? when leverage starts (ik aldis hodge had just turned 21 when he was hired for the role. looking back on s1 especially, he is soooo young. ik im 20 but like. 21 is so young. it really is). and he's been learning & teaching himself for years already, but it's still early days in his crime career & he seems to already be better than anyone else at what he does. and is somehow fairly well-adjusted unlike anyone else on the team lol. but he does have his own trauma, and his own problems he encounters. eg he hasn't really had a long-term relationship (according to commentary on... im gonna say girls night out/boys night out jobs? idk. s4 somewhere), so while we get a lot of parker dealing with a relationship that she finds kinda overwhelming due to the total lack of safe connections she's had in her life etc etc, we also gotta remember that the parker/hardison (*cough* /eliot too, *cough*) relationship is a pretty new and intimidating thing for him too. and. oh i just realised how off topic i am. wow. if going on tangents was a sport i'd be an olympic athlete.
(and aldis hodge btw is also so multi-talented, he designs watches and paints and, of course, acts. i remember some commentary from the bank shot job saying how they were gonna have hardison be fairly awkward on the grifting, but aldis hodge is just ridiculously good at doing those scenes where he totally stumps the mark/lackeys/cops/etc, and a lot of it is improv. irrelevant ik but i just think it's cool just how good he is at those quick grifting scenes).
anyway. eliot is so touchstarved :((( and he loves his family even when they annoy him or brainhack him lol. he's kinda immune to threats and pain and stuff for sad reasons but the smallest affection, he responds to. which is upsetting to think about, how much pain you have to have to no longer acknowledge it, and how little love you have to experience/accept for any amount to be disarming. but yeah thats true, idk why sophie says hardison was a particularly good target then... i guess her NLP stuff is supposedly easier to do subtly than hypnotism? maybe. regardless, the NLP stuff is absolutelyyyy pseudoscience, but as you said, i just allow for sophie to be able to magically do that stuff lol. its not real but sophie can do the impossible so i just go with it for 42 mins lmao.
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idiasmentalhealth · 10 months
yo so this is really weird but im tryna think of names inspired by cozier songs and I see that you have a case of the hyper fixation so if it suits your fancy could you perhaps like think of some (no pressure at all btw)
i'm not entirely sure if i'll be much help but i will try my best :)
and p.s. a lot of his song reference stories i don't know much about and i'm willing to do some research to understand it but not that much so 😭
(edit note: i wrote this last night and stayed up till like 3am i think and i was gonna proofread it today but i was too busy/lazy and forgot to and i don't wanna take too long to reply so here you go good luck lol) i probably put way more effort into this than you wanted me to from the ask buttt too late now
ok so i'll start with the easier songs (the ones with actual names in the lyrics/title)
"But, still, the mind, rejectin' this new empty space
Fills it with somethin' or someone
No closer could I be to God Or why he would do what he's done"
"What you're given, what you live in Darlin', it finds a way to live in you And your heart, love, has such darkness I feel it in the corners of the room"
Selby: gender-neutral name meaning "manor village; from the willow farm"
note that these songs are inspired by the fictional character De Selby. Hozier describes him as "-this philosopher, this kind of scholar, who's kind of part genius part lunatic. He sees the world through a very dream-like logic." its up to you if you want to name ur character after a song inspired by another character or not lol
here's a cool little description of the name on thebump.com: "Selby is a gender-neutral name of English origin, meaning “manor village.” Softly alluding to a place of dwelling in Yorkshire, England, Selby is a wholesome moniker that feels like home the minute it’s spoken. Selby is also a name linked to Old Norse history and points to a person or thing “from the willow farm.” Known for its connections to the Underworld and Otherworld, willow trees, in all their cosmic wonder, put realms beyond imagination right at our fingertips. Both an abode and a bridge to a land existent only in legends, Selby inspires us to look beyond what our eyes can see but reminds us to stay grounded while we’re at it!"
and hozier's other song "Would That I" also references willow trees so in a way it's inspired by 3 songs?
"Do you think I'd give up
That this might've shook the love from me
Or that I was on the brink?
How could you think, darling, I'd scare so easily?
Now that it's done
There's not one thing that I would change
My life was a storm, since I was born
How could I fear any hurricane?"
"Heaven is not fit to house a love (like you and I)"
This song is about the story of Francesca da Ramini in the 2nd circle of hell. Basically Francesca has an affair with Paolo Malasta because of how unpleasant her husband (Paolo's brother) is. Eventually they get found out and her husband kills them. She's saying that even though she's in the 2nd circle of hell (where lustful souls are punished by somekind of hurricane) she doesn't regret loving Paolo and would do it all again. - a summary of a comment on genius.com about the lyrics
Francesca: feminine name meaning "free."
similar names: Francis, Francisca/o
you could also use Paolo (meaning "small; humble) if you want
"I do not have wings, love, I never will
Soarin' over a world you are carryin'
If these heights should bring my fall
Let me be your own
Icarian carrion
If the wind turns, if I hit a squall
Allow the ground to find its brutal way to me
If I should fall, on that day
I only pray, don't fall away from me"
clearly referencing icarus, the man who flew too close to the sun
Icarus: "follower; the one who reaches the sky"
"I'd be the voice that urged Orpheus
When her body was found"
"And I'd be the immediate forgiveness
In Eurydice
Imagine being loved by me"
Orpheus: "the darkness of night"
Eurydice: "wide justice"
similar names: Alice, Justyce, Justin/e
ok now to get more creative
or not. quite a few of his songs reference light/darkness and there are a LOT of names that reference either one of those 😭 here's some examples:
Phoebe, Clara, Nora, Lucian, Lucius, Elena, Ayla, Claire, Bodhi, Lucia
Adriana, Achlys, Akmad, Apollo, Azazel, Asra, Carey, Colin, Corvina, Cronan
now back to "Would That I," he describes 2 kinds of loves in this song: the willow tree and the fire. thr willow being a past love, and the fire being the new that burnst away the attachment to the old. or something like, that im tired.
could always use Willow, which i think is a pretty name.
other names meaning willow tree: Dozier (haha), Arava, Salton, Wellesley, Liu, Wilford, Osier, Vide, Lian, Verba
names meaning fire: Ember, Bedelia (goddess of fire in Celtic mythology), Bridget, Calida, Cyra, Enya, Eliane, Elidth, Elidi, Hestia, Helia, Idalia, Mehri, Soleil, Seraphina, Oriane, Nina (also mentioned in "Nina Cried Power" which is a protest song)
speaking of Nina Cried power, a list of all the names in the song just in case: Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, Mavis Staples, Curtis Mayfield, Patti Smith, John Lennon, James Brown, B.B. King, Joni Mitchell, Pete Seeger, Marvin Gaye, Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie. These are all names of musicians who contributed to the battle for equality over the years (Civil Rights Movement and other such protests) not sure if you'd want to name your character one of these since it wouldn't exactly be naming them after a Hozier song, but i felt like i should mention them anyways
other names mentioned in song lyrics but i'm too tired to do more researching rn: Cher, Atlas, Fred, Sergei (Sergei Polunin, the dancer in the music video for "Movement")
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petrichoraline · 3 months
HONESTY HOUR!!!!!!!! (or hours, if you're me ;;;;;;)
since i have no personal 'caught in the rain' moments to talk about im gonna turn the question on you!!!! any particular memorable ones you feel like sharing??
also i've been trying to think about something juicy to ask but the only thing my mind could came up with is to talk about BL actors you have a crush on, if there are any!!!!
hours indeed, I'm two days late 😂💓 and I'm figuring things out as I go so it's a yapping session with gifs, enjoy 😙
i do have a few but one that always sticks out to me was one summer (or was it late spring?) my best friend and i were doing some shopping at the city centre and this rain started pouring, ive never felt anything like it. we had no umbrellas, we were carrying stuff and we walked (maybe kinda ran too lol) a great distance to the subway station; drenched rat doesn't begin to cover it, the rain curtain was thick, it was coming down fast and it seemed like it'd never stop.. I don't think I have any photos or videos from that day, i don't remember it all too well and her and I don't talk anymore but i think I remember it accurately enough. i loved it. it's happened a lot and I still don't carry an umbrella, some lessons are harder to learn
crushes..hahah see, so many years as a young woman and a girl, a romantic and a romcom truther and yet I don't really know the definition of a crush. when it comes to celebrities, I actively avoid feeling like that for them? nothing bad about celebrity crushes but you can blame it on my ocd symptoms [too much to explain]; i do fangirl about them and jokingly think up scenarios (I used to be a y/n fic reader lmao and im loud and proud about it!!) but it's just innocent stuff
I'd say the bl actors i have somewhat of a crush on (by how I understand it) are pond and joong; i find a lot of guys attractive but I don't know much about them like sea, boun or tay
ohhh anderson cheng who plays mark in love is science? is smth else for me
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but it could be the character okay, i don't know anderson like that except for a few lives with lin yu😂
I had somewhat of a crush on yibo too but he done fucked up recently so.
jiwoong is a mystery to me and im just happy when he's happy
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also seoham and jaechan in different ways lol
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kim sunghyun exuded so much charm as jinwoo I couldn't not fall for him a bit
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^like maybe that should be me. js.
yu is stunning any time I see him
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he had me crazy about zhou shu yi, soo handsome when he's angry and even more when in love (seeing a man cry whether in character or not bonds you to him idk what to say)
now for the jbls... it's gonna take a bit
meguro ren had me in a chokehold for a while
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so did yagi yusei
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sato yusuke had me all glued to the screen as well
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obviously kimura tatsunari
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(happy second anniversary ofc!)
inaba yuuuu
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yamanaka jyutaro (I've now hit the ten image limit so that's the blond photographer dude from ameiro paradox); suzuki kousuke (jack o'frost and takara kun to amagi kun); nomura kota (perfect propose) but!
the ones I actually know more about are kouhei and acchan since I used to tune in for their insta lives and kouhei is just so 🥰🥰🥰 that's segasaki from taikan yoho
and currently losing it a bit with the mains of 25 ji akasaka de, niihara taisuke and komagine kiita
I think the reason I just go for "dudes I don't know outside of their role but are handsome af" for japanese bls and "I need to know him better" for thai bls is because of how much content there is of the actors interacting with their on screen partners. plus it's much less likely I see stuff about japanese actors on my dash whereas random interviews and show bits come up constantly with not only gmm dudes but guys from other companies as well. it feels like I get to know about thai actors without putting that much effort in but with those from other countries I'd have to go out of my way so it'd be harder to list someone close to the definition of a crush, you know.
I am very tired so this is a mess, most of this doesn't even need to be written down but I hope you get to read it as a relaxing nonsense list the way it's intended haha
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bakughosts · 4 months
hellooooo! I hope I’m not bothering you but your writing inspires me! I really love your Bakugou fics because you characterize him well. I find myself rereading it over and over, finding details that went through my head the first time lol. It’s so difficult to find genuine Bakugou fics because every time I look through tumblr I sometimes find some… interesting fics who take Bakugous character and change him dramatically to the point where I don’t even recognize him, you know? Idk maybe I think too deeply about these things but it’s just something I noticed! But I have deep appreciation for your effort and care to place him in any story and keeping him himself as much as possible!
With that being said, I was wondering how you approach writing? How do you develop your characters?
I’m excited for your fics! Writing reallyyyy takes time and there’s so much thought that goes into it. I’m not a writer but I’m an artist! One day I’d love to draw you something when I’m more confident in my drawing skills. You’re doing great 🥺
Omg i have so much to say in response to this… i feel like this is gonna be a long ass response and i have just started writing it so omg sorry in advance (edit: IM SO SORRY YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ ALL OF THIS)
Also i was going to put this at the end to respond to things in your ask chronologically but i had no idea I’d write so fucking much on the topic!! But omg i would LOVE to see your art!!!!! It’s so sweet of you to want to draw me something that’s genuinely the sweetest thing in the world it makes me SO emotional omgggggggg please…….. no pressure at all but any time you want to share please stop by and do so i would love to see what you’re working on
Gonna put a read more because this got ridiculous dlkfkjdsfjdlkjsflkjdfslksdjlfksdj
But omg NO it is absolutely no bother it is very kind of you to say that!!!! I am very glad you think his characterization is solid it’s genuinely one of the things i worry about most when writing (not just him, but any character)!!! I think he is such a difficult person to characterize. You’re right there are many many interpretations of him and i think that there is validity to all of them to certain extents because they all draw on aspects of his character that he expresses outwardly. But there is so much inside him that it like…. Idk i think it’s really difficult to get his nuances right. (Not that I’m saying i do all the time—and def not saying that my characterization is like Better Than Others at all it’s just the way i interpret him!!!!!)
He is a harder character to develop than others because i feel like you have to be on three levels when you write anything he says or does:
1. What is his gut instinct? His knee-jerk reaction? This is always influenced by things that are harder to control for him, so like anger, frustration, pridefulness, proclivity for violence. From there,
2. You move on to consider where he is in his life/what he’s been through and apply that lens to those knee-jerk emotions. So the way i usually write him, he’s older, he’s been to therapy to some extent lmao, he knows techniques to bite back anger or tamp down frustration, this is going to affect the way he knows he /should/ feel (just found out my Ctrl key isn’t working LMAOOOOOOOO so please pretend those are italics) despite the way he /instinctually/ feels. So he’s going to apply this the best he can to how he reacts to things. The deeper the gut instinct is, though, the harder it is to cover up, so you measure how much control over his actions he is able to apply depending on how distressed/angry he is.
Okay brief pause before three because this is where the internality ends, and you have to figure this out before you apply it externally. You want to have an idea of what he’s feeling /exactly/ before you run it through his thought process and decide how he would express it externally.
3. So then the last part is the external level: what’s actually shown on the page in his dialogue, actions, and body language. So we have a man here who so desperately doesn’t want to show his vulnerable emotions to other people. He has an ‘image’ that he wants to portray because it’s how he wants people to perceive him (strong, unbothered, powerful, he doesn’t /need/ anyone because he’s /so/ strong and powerful, he’s embarrassed when his friends show him love because it’s in essence weak to accept/show love so freely—remember the lack of vulnerability here—and he’s the best at everything he does, ever, no question). With steps one and two, you have the gut emotion and how he knows the gut emotion should be handled. Now you have to ask: how can he express this and make himself look like the image he so wants to project?
This is fun to play with because, as we know, he often fails at portraying that image. He’s an awkward person. He was never socialized well. When he’s not feeling entirely confident and self-assured (think post-fight victory, when he’s doing his hero thing that he /knows/ he’s good at), he’s bad at hiding his more vulnerable emotions. You just have to decide from here how badly he fails at projecting the image/how well the character he’s speaking to knows him and can see underneath it.
So example: 1. kirishima and him are walking, kirishima puts an arm around bkg’s shoulders, he’s embarrassed but does feel the warmth of having his best friend care about him. Gut instinct here is to shove kirishima off because he’s embarrassed, but doesn’t want to show that he’s embarrassed because that’s ‘weak’ behavior > 2. Knows he shouldn’t shove kirishima off of him because he’s just innocently expressing affection for bkg because he cares about him, and rejecting that affection so vehemently could potentially hurt kirishima’s feelings > 3. The image dictates he doesn’t look ‘weak’, but his reason dictates that he doesn’t hurt kirishima’s feelings. So he rolls his eyes maybe, plays at shoving him off—to show that he’s not weak, that he doesn’t care about people caring about him—but lets kirishima keep his arm there because he really does appreciate his best friend caring about him and he never wants to make Kirishima think that bkg is actually angry because of the affection shown to him.
This is a really hasty example lmao i knew if i did anything more specific it would make the ask like six times longer lsdfkjdlskdfjdslkjf but you apply that and then to degrees, peel back how much the image means to him. So in in the dark of morning (hate being like oh look at this part of my fic! But that’s the best way i can use an example i know well) at the beginning when he’s driving her to his apartment, he’s hurting bc of all might’s health decline, hurting bc of denki’s death. But he can’t yet show that vulnerability, so he upholds the image of being a gruff n tough guy who doesn’t care about anything at all. But when they’re talking during the gala in front of the picture of all might and he’s worried that he could never mean as much to reader as denki meant to her, he’s able to claw past his need to project that image and is able to offer a form of vulnerability and openness, but it’s tentative and hesitant because he’s not used to showing himself as anything other than the image he’s created for himself.
God i know that was just how i approach writing bakugou. I am SO sorry it got that long Jesus Christ. I just have a lot to say about it dlksfdlskfjs but essentially that’s how i approach writing all characters to an extent. 1. What do i know about how they would gut react to things 2. What experiences/training/factors of upbringing in their life affect how they know they /should/ act 3. How do they want people to see them and how does this affect the way they finally act/speak/etc. Some characters the steps matter more or less for, but they’re always there somewhat. Like step 3 i think outward perception always shapes actions to an extent, but like. When i write Mina, if she’s just with her friends, step three has absolutely no bearing on what she does and says. She’s very open and is unapologetic about it. When i wrote wolfwood for this fic i just published step 2 was also barely a factor because even if he knows how he /should/ act, it means very little to him because he doesn’t care much about how anyone perceives him (except for reader). Bakugou is harder lmaooooooo he takes all three steps to the MAX and that’s why i think interpretations of him vary so much because there’s so many areas where you can decide that he would react/feel a different way to various external stimuli.
Anyway GOD sorry this is long as HELL but i really wanted to put all my words into thoughts. Thank you SO SO SO much for that ask….. like getting to talk about writing ever is so special to me and the fact that you wanted to know about my process is like…. Im like omg. So honored to be asked about it and so happy to talk about it. I cropped in my note about sharing your art with me earlier in the post bc this is ridiculously long but SERIOUSLY please share any time!!!!!
If u have read to the end thank u so much for bearing with me as i go absolutely insane sdflkjdslkfjsldkjflkdsjfdkljdslkfjds
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hxllo-nana · 7 months
So, like I said in my previous Ask, I wanted to talk about some of ur other stuff (non-Dead Ringer) in another Ask/other Asks.  At least for the most part, and that is this Ask.
Copy and pasting from posts on ur hxllo nana YT again:
“Inkubator’s Arc: A villain Ink Sans story featuring lots of other aus (not just sanses), this and Deadringer are the two things im currently putting my time on
“Bonnytale: A flower infested story with a current focus on one original au, this will story will be posted on youtube after Deadringer”
I just wanted to say the “Inkubator’s Arc has been interesting so far (though, I do need to catch up on it some), and I am really happy u are posting it elsewhere (Tumblr), besides TikTok.  Maybe u could even post it on YouTube someday, like u do w/ Dead Ringer, Bonnytale in the future, etc.  But it is fine if u don’t.  Inkubator’s Arc seems to be done in quite the different format than Dead Ringer is and Bonnytale is being done is, which is also interesting.
I like the cast of Inkubator’s Arc so far, or at least, what we know and/or have seen it of so far.
Ok, done with talking about Inkubator’s Arc (for now at least, maybe), gonna talk about Bonnytale some now.
Bonnytale remains an awesome, interesting, and gorgeous AU to me, and I am really excited to see ur own AU’s story and stuff play out.
(This is the one Dead Ringer thing I am going to mention.  And I am mentioning it in connection to Bonnytale.  Or well, it was the one Dead Ringer thing I was going to mention in this Ask, but I had something else(s) after this).  
I remember seeing u decided to wait until u finished the pilot, instead of posting just the intro.  So you could post both the intro and pilot, and that it would maybe be early 2024 then/now?  But I can’t remember, but if u are going to be posting it after Dead Ringer, does that mean after all 7 (I think) episodes are done?  Including the intro and pilot?  If so, that is cool, just wanted to clarify.  And I am excited for then and stuff.
Also, forgot to mention this in my Dead Ringer Ask, and/or it just came to my mind now to say about ur Dead Ringer AU.  I just wanted to say, I really love and find it funny that Dead Ringer, who is the alive one, looks like the dark, kind of tired-looking “demon” child, while Chara (the dead one) looks so much happier and brighter and/or lighter.  Lmao.  Ok, that all of the other (I think) Dead Ringer stuff I wanted to mention in this Ask.  I want to talk about one other AU, but I am going to save that for the last (for now) Ask of mine, because once again, this getting long, and content-wise, I think splitting them like this makes sense.  2/3.
- Inkubator’s arc is more of a comic style and requires less effort than deadringer and bonnytale, not only would this be good for me and my schedule (and sanity), but it allows me to work on bonnytale without burning myself. I would probably animate or give visual editing on a few things(chapter parts)in Inkubator and post it on youtube maybe so let’s see!
- Bonnytale will come after all episodes of Deadringer are done. (or atleast when ep 6 is posted). There is a few things about this au I would like to tweak (in terms of plot and a few design changes) and I need all the time I can get before I release anything in case I want to make some changes. For what time in the year it would come I think it’s best I don’t say anything incase I curse myself…again
- The entire cast of deadringer has been emofied by 1000 and the only fact is…that everyone is completely aware of it lol. Chara mostly but their image is more leaning into, “i’m cute so I won’t get hurt”, but they still have the same headspace as original Chara :b
- hehehehe, i love asks *CRUNCH*
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wrestlezon · 6 months
Can you tell me more about this doc youre working on? Are you planning on making it public? Im new to wrestling and like the best friends stable a lot but the backlog of matches (including before aew) to watch is insane and im overwhelmed. Thanks for your answer in advance <3 hope you have a good day!
yeah to both questions!! it was a document of the timeline for the best friends + orange cassidy vs miro/kip/penelope feud, i put it together back in jan 2022. i want to post it here after im done cleaning it up-- it was really just notes and links to facilitate me giving a video presentation to my friends, and wasn't really meant to be legible for anyone else. i also did a bulk of the work before i got a sub to fite/triller, and I want to go in and add direct links to the episodes there because i know digging around the site for episodes is a pain.
i dunno how long that process is gonna take because im notoriously slow, so if you want a preview you can check it out here: https://wrestlezon.tumblr.com/BFOCvsMiroKipPenelope2020
(i dont want to post it early because changes/edits dont apply to people's reblogs)
all the dates are on there so you can go and track down the episodes via whatever way you can use to watch aew. they sometimes post clips/segments separately on youtube or twitter and i tried to provide those legit alternatives if i found them. the 12-character codes on there that usually start with BV1 are for bilibili.
im also relatively new to wrestling (i started this blog in jan 2022...) and around that time i saw a gifset of butler chuck taylor and went huh. what. how did this happen. why did this happen. and then tracked down what episode it was from and then worked my way looking forwards and backwards on show recap articles*. lots of CTRL+F-ing their names (lol) on the week-to-week recaps until I reached the beginning of the angle and the end. then i snooped around on, like, twitter by searching date ranges to see if they uploaded any "online exclusives" or supplementary material there. it kinda sucks having to do research homework for anything that isnt happening in the moment but i dunno how else youre supposed to go about it without asking someone directly or finding some giant effortpost someone made about it. cagematch is great for matches, but not for finding any segments in between. anyway i was "goin thru it" in 2022 so this was a valid use of my time and effort
*aew has recaps on their official site, the wrestling observer has recaps on their site (f4wonline), and theres cagesideseats also. only cagesideseats has an archive page, everyone else wants me to suffer through infinite-scroll and die!!!!
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rocksandmirrors · 1 year
I had an idea
Matt has one a few fights at hexside. He has lost more witch led to hunter makeing a joke about him fighting as much as a new coven scout. Matt's response was 'im not gonna put my effort into things if I dont care about the reason' when questioned further matt relayed the reason for all of the fights he had actually won easily, they were things ranging from someone made fun of his friends or family and someone outright planing to hurt someone he cared about to someone trying to hurt him physically. Afterwards he shrugged and said 'I'm not that strong winning a fight takes alot of my strength and energy why do you think I refrain from starting them'
Also matt is the only one of the hexaquad who is able to look awful but also tell when an outfit isn't going to work on someone. Like amity trying to find a new style had him hunter and luz there. She came out is something that looked good but felt more like a willow outfit. Hunter and luz loved it, matt pointed out it wasn't her style and helped her find one that was. He just can't seem to dress properly himself witch co fused everyone but Steve who is used to it
good hcs!! honestly i would have loved to see more of Matt in a fight, LR and FTF delivered but the Matt stan in me kinda wants more 👀 (i say this as if i can't write it lol)
and yeah i could see the second one happen, my son has the best fashion tastes but either refuses to use his own advice for himself (whether it be pride or just bc clothes are expensive, he's not wasting snails on that) or thinks he's so handsome he can rock the ugliest of outfits (spoiler: he can't)
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protagonistheavy · 1 year
I cant stress enough how annoying the OW2 PvE shit is. It's a kind of incompetency from a production standpoint that I just cant stand -- it's outright deceptive marketing, telling people for YEARS to get hyped for all this PvE content, only to pull it out from under the userbase's feet.
It was THE thing that a sequel was sold on. That whole animated cinematic with the giant robot and showing off new abilities and getting Overwatch together. Just a total waste of time now, huh.
It's fucking skill trees, too. Was that really too fucking complicated for them to handle? They couldnt just make a web of abilities and bonuses and let you have fun with them, they couldnt figure out how to do that in time. I mean seriously, it's SKILL TREES, every fucking video game has them, it's such a simple thing and Blizzard finds a way to make its users feel like fucking idiots for even wanting/expecting that much.
It sucks for me especially because for the past month I've been brainrotting about what PvE would look like. I was amped imagining all the skill tree combinations, the new mechanics, the possibility of a weapon system to totally change how heroes might play, the gameplay in which you'd get materials to craft upgrades, various items you'd find or bring along on missions... Of course, we get none of that, we get nothing. We get more Archives bullshit, just more linear straightforward missions of horde killing with a few elites.
I just look back and know now that I was silly to think we were getting a good product even at SOME point. How naive I was to not realize how the PvP content and battlepass clearly had all the attention/budget, leaving no time or energy for PvE. I mean lmao, stupid me, for thinking Blizzard could incorporate skill trees, when they showed it off in gameplay trailers and footage as totally functioning. Stupid me for not thinking "oh obviously theyre just gonna scrap this whole aspect of the game."
Disappointment doesnt even begin to describe how I feel. This is just plainly tragic at this point. The dreams back from Overwatch 2016 are just gone now lol. Such a great game with so much potential, wasted. I really cannot imagine myself playing the game anymore at this rate, PvP was barely keeping my interest as a time-passer, but now that the shine has worn off, even that is just dull and uninteresting. I was waiting for PvE, really thought I'd be able to re-engage with the game if I knew that was coming out, but if it's just going to be the same Archives shit with, what, ooooh solo player missions? Yeah fuck off. I wanted real PvE! I wanted to maximize heroes and obtain new abilities and discover fun combos and feel like Im active in the story of Overwatch! But they can't do it! Blizzard just totally dropped that ball and it's taken them years to come out and admit it.
All in all, I just really want to know why Blizzard hates Overwatch's story so much. Why do they constantly keep compromising it. For the sake of PvP? Do they just constantly worry that if they stop making content for PvP for just a little bit, the whole game will die? They put millions of dollars into Overwatch League only for that to effectively capsize within two years, but the most they can do for Overwatch's lore is a few shitty kids books over the span of years? And all these resources they made -- they had a whole fucking demo for PvE content in 2019! All that, just gone? At best recycled for more Archives bullshit? Fuck! Why even ass around and pretend you HAVE a story? Why not just say fuck you a little louder and scrap ALL story content, clearly Blizzard doesn't want to even be engaging with story content so why keep tugging us along acting like one day we're gonna get it? Jesus fucking Christ. How can they do this to their own staff? Making them work on so much bullshit that gets flushed down a toilet. Why even bother. Why even make these people go through the effort of even thinking about story content when it's plainly something that's never gonna happen. Oh my fucking god.
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
Hi chapter thoughts here I probably will still break this up tho :)
First vision. I think his plan is probably to “expose” wanda and reader to yelena or something maybe take a picture of them together. But to be honest I don’t think it’s gonna have the desired effect because i think the two of them genuinely will end up together anyway so trying to hurt reader by breaking their current relationship is more like a blessing in disguise. (Started with this cos it was quick and we all know everything else is super long so get ready)
I already touched on it briefly but once again Wanda’s character growth and maturity. The way you write her development especially the therapy sessions continues to amaze me. Its not rushed to fit the pace of anything else its completely raw and i just love what you’ve done with it.
The sex thing. Oh boy. “You can tell its been longer than yelena inteded” thats just so awkward. I kinda feel bad for her but was also slightly amused by the situation if not a little second hand embarrassment but yeah I mean i get it you had a dream of a top 10 experience with your ex wife who had lots of time to learn what you like and stuff and then woke up and its the wrong person uh down there.
Past Wanda’s present. If thats not the sweetest god damn thing. Correct me if i got this wrong but she managed to track down the actual one from readers past not a new copy but the original one. The time and effort that must have taken is insane like I genuinely can’t put into words the feels i got from this part (where can i find me a wanda). And its such an amazing gift not only for the sentimental value and what it means to reader but it shows how much she truly loves them and also actually listens to what they say and pay attention. Very sweet 10/10 loved it.
THANK YOU CLINT. Im so happy he mentioned seeing wanda having been to a therapist and a substance abuse specialist. I hope it plants seeds in readers mind even though they immediately denied it (i see them protecting her reputation they care) im hoping they connect the dots because agatha was dropping hints earlier and they had to bring her home when she was drunk but i have a feeling they’re gonna be oblivious 💀.
Yikes Yelena dropping reader in it by saying they’ve seen Wanda recently in front of Nat. She knows what shes doing. The talk with Nat went about as well as I expected and its a very sucky thing to happen on your birthday (thanks yelena). I do see Nat’s point and if I was her I would probably act the same way but if I was reader (which I guess i am?) i would be slightly frustrated because she’s not considering it from reader’s perspective shes seeing it from the point of Yelena’s big sister which I completely understand but she’s supposed to be reader’s best friend. Sometimes our friends make decisions we don’t agree with but all you can do is advise them and support whatever decision they make. It seems that Nat is giving the advice but isn’t willing to give the support if a different decision is made which i completely understand it is her sister its still a bit sad. Its true what they say sometimes friendship breakups or fights hurt way more than romantic ones.
Agatha is still such a good friend and a great character we love her.
Okay so I thought i would cover everything i wanted in 2 posts but it might be more so up next reader and their mom, reader and yelena, the present, yelenas speech and of course reader and wanda
Vision - It's got nothing to do with Yelena. And he's got everything to gain from it. Chapter 14 will immediately get to that.
The sex thing - I think I write awkward sex better than normal sex lol. I actually had fun writing that scene.
Past Wanda’s present. If thats not the sweetest god damn thing. Correct me if i got this wrong but she managed to track down the actual one from readers past not a new copy but the original one. - Yes. She tracked the original, the one that R's mom accidentally donated away. While Yelena got her a fresh copy of the same puzzle because she thought the one framed is worn down.
Natasha - She's very anti "getting back with your ex wife". I think she's looking at it from her own experience. Her own thing with Bruce never worked out. They were very on and off, and she finally managed to crawl out of that cycle and thinks that it's a similar situation with R and she can be strong enough to do the same.
Keep them coming :D
It's going to be a week before I post chapter 14.. but who knows.. so better send them all in before then lol
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asahicore · 2 years
this will be long so....
as always let me know your thoughts otherwise i will find you and hold you at gunpoint,
you dont need to hold me at gun point (idm if you do) to tell how much i love your works. ♡
“Right, sorry.” You cleared your throat and sat up straighter. “I completely disagree with your statement, Jongseong. Just because a movie has young teenage girls as its target audience doesn’t mean it is completely insipid and has no value, like you’re insinuating. If you look at Mean Girls, for example-”
ah LOVE IT WHEN MY WOMEN ARE SO SEXY WITH THEIR WORDS LOVE IT. funny i have done this exactly, cuz i do be writing mails for my friends lol. Fun fact never watched mean girls in my life #not like other girls fr 🤭
“Oh, and Jay, I do have to side with Y/N here. There’s a surprising amount of things that can be said about that film,” your tutor admitted with an apologetic smile.
Yn 1 - jay 0
“Yes, Jongseong, that’s exactly the case. I’m sooooo obsessed with you, I took this class just to see you.”
spoiler if im not wrong she actually did ask jake bout it, and took the class in the old (ill see later on in the fic) or was it another fic.
“You see, Y/N, I also major in Visual Studies. I’m not a single honors Econ major like you. Loser.”
STOP I JUST DECIDED ON WHAT TO STUDY DONT MAKE ME CHANGE TO BUS🤢🤮BUSIN🤮🤢BUSINESS STUDENT (/j i love the capitalism kids they do know how to keep the country running i hope, lowkey wanna do econ tho...) GOIN OFF TOPIC
“H-hi, Heeseung.”
"It’s not even just about that, Y/N. You know his reputation, he’s clearly bad news. There’s no point in liking a guy like that.”
See even jay agrees. yall might be enemies (lovers) but take his words on this pls
“Whatever. When he inevitably hurts you, though, I’ll say I told you so.”
aren't you the one that hurts her before him 👎👎👎 or was that SCENE AFTERWARDS HMMMM (future me exactly fuck you jay how could you hurt my girl like that.)
If anybody remembers this, they’re probably thinking that you were fucking awesome. Can’t you see how everyone is cheering you on in the video?”
we love a supportive friend ! pls this is so me 😭😭😭
“you literally asked Jake to tell you what courses he was taking this semester and when his tutorials were, and when you somehow managed to be enrolled in a class that’s supposed to be reserved for Visual Studies students, you emailed the tutor to make sure you’d be in the same group as Jay. I’d say that requires some effort.”
“Is no one gonna say it?” Sunoo asked, bewildered, looking around at your friends. “It sounds like you like him, Y/N.”
SO TRUE ITS SO ?!?!??! OBVIOUS YN GET YOUR MIND INTO IT good that you didnt put that much effort into heeseung that ass
Sieun took your hands in hers and tried to convince you with her eyes, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. “But think about it, Y/N. It’s the enemies to lovers trope!”
“I’d come, but the idea of serving rich people as they give out ten thousand dollars when they could give a million and it wouldn’t even affect them in the slightest, not to mention having to do it with a smile on my face, makes my skin crawl, so no thanks,” Sieun said. She wasn’t wrong, but this was also Jay’s parents you were talking about. Not only would Jay be there, and your presence would surely piss him off, but his dad’s company was one of the top of the country and being introduced to their world, maybe even getting to know some people there, even just as a waitress, could really benefit you in the long-term. You’d never admit it to him, but you’d been dreaming of working there ever since you’d first heard of it. Nothing might come out of this, but it was worth trying.
Sounding like you love jay more than heeseung babe. I dont blame you me too <3
The two boys in front of him groaned in unison. He raised his head and added defensively, “What? I’ve barely said anything yet.”
Jay rolled his eyes. “No, of course not, but I’m gonna be hyper-aware of her presence and I don’t want it to distract me.” A third groan. “Plus, I don’t like the idea of her being there as a waitress. She should be with the students who talk to the guests, she deserves it more than anybody I know.”
“It’s 2022, Sunghoon, nobody says things like ‘man up’ anymore.”
“You always say that, but how the fuck am I supposed to ask her out when she’s only ever seen me as her rival? Plus, she’s head over heels for that prick.”
Give it a chance park WE NEVER KNOW HMMMM.
oh it just hit me what happens or their fall out in a way. now im sad now im too sad to continue ill be back after a moment im back and im gonna erase memory of what happens SHHHH
He hated the idea of you having to be there as a waitress, handing out drinks and mini toasts to entitled guests who probably wouldn’t even look at you. There had to be a few strings he could pull, right?
“Wow, he does have good taste.”
While they didn’t make you look like a Hunger Games Capitol citizen, when they were done with you, the reflection that looked back at you in the mirror was uncanny.
Because you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met and the world should know about it, was his immediate thought. But of course, he’d never say that out loud, so he opted for,
is it me or is it a bilingual thing to suddenly change to ur mother tongue when you're extremely excited or extremely annoyed cuz its taking a lot in me to not swtich languages right now and you wont understand shit i said😭😭
“Anyway, I’m doing the closing speech soon. I’m gonna be awesome, so look closely, yeah?” You knew he wanted to look cool, but you thought he sounded like an excited kid who was about to put on a show for his family. How cute, you thought, and immediately chased that thought away from your brain. That damn champagne must’ve been laced with something.
look at you yn finally finding who you actually like awwn <33 cutie Jay is such a cute i wanna hug him. give him a highfive or something idk honestly.
Nothing was off-limits when it came to their rivalry, and you were most definitely not an exception, not to Heeseung. He couldn’t stand seeing Jay have something he didn’t. At that moment, he made up his mind.
this is a one-time thing. Find an excuse, say we broke up or whatever. Fake dating is like, the most predictable trope ever,”
"Y/N, be honest with us. Is Park Jay your sugar daddy?”
sunoo 🤝 me
big brained frr
After a moment, Sieun broke the silence: “Y/N, you’ve become a real walking rom-com. I’m so proud of you.” 
me too. can my friends be in one too its so borING I NEED SOME EXCITEMENT IN MY LIFE TOO wtf
“Y/N, that’s literally the whole concept of fake dating. You’ll think it’s only that one time, and before you know it, you’ll be married with three children, and it won’t be fake anymore,”
“And you’ll be blowing something else soon…” Sunoo muttered, just loud enough for your table to hear.
“Your whole rivalry thing is too cute, I can’t take it seriously. You won’t admit it to yourself, but you clearly like Jay a lot more than you do Heeseung,”
She looked at you with a knowing smile that moms loved to wear. “I do know. You’re the one who doesn’t.” You’d dismissed her with a roll of your eyes. Everybody around me’s going crazy, you thought.
“Yeah, I noticed. I don’t think anything you’ve ever done or said offended me more than that one time you showed up to class wearing a ‘where the hell have you been, loca?’ t-shirt.”
“Just say I’m pretty and move on, Jongseong.”
I thonk i missed some parts here but anyways
“but my father’s company, the one I’m in charge of now, only started being successful when I was in high school. My dad worked his way up from the ground, so he and I both know what it’s like to not be well-off. I’ve tried to not turn Jay into one of those rich kids who think they’ll rule the world just cause they have money, and… well, I hope I did a good job.”
HE REALLY IS !!! i love him !! I love mamaa and papa park sm they the best ngl <3 everyone so nice they are so nice and fun lovw jay sm ill cry sp bad odk what im even saying right now. The whole dinner scene has my heart its so really cute and wholesome.
“Fine, fine!” you said between breathless giggles. She finally relented. “I think Jay’s hot.”“Do you, now?”
The fact that he was manspreading and leaning back on his hands, the top buttons of his shirt undone and his trousers stretching against his thighs, wasn’t particularly helping.
only one word and one word only hot.
“Um, I’ve got something, actually. I forgot to give it to you with the rest of the things.” He fished a small box out of his bag and got up to stand behind you. He took out the necklace and put it around your neck, asking you to hold your hair up. You complied, looking at his reflection in the mirror. His hands slightly brushed the back of your neck as he locked the necklace, and you had to keep yourself from visibly shivering at his touch. This was infinitely worse (or better) than him zipping up your dress.
He walked you to your room, tucked you in bed and even got a wet wipe to take your makeup off for you. ”The sight of Jay cooking breakfast for you and your mother alone was enough to cure your hangover. You sneakily watched from the staircase as he expertly flipped pancakes and cooked eggs at the same time, all while holding a conversation with your mom. You walked into the kitchen and poured yourself a cup of coffee before taking a seat next to your mom, trying to but failing to suppress a smile. “I didn’t know you were also a housewife, Jongseong,”
He really is we love a house wife jongseong so much. love my men as housewives fr
“Y/N, there’s no way in hell you don’t wanna date that boy. Hell, if he wasn’t half my age, I probably would."
“Isn’t it common knowledge that Breaking Dawn is the last book in the series?” “It’s just that you’ve mentioned them so often, I thought I should check at least the first one out. Turns out they’re pretty addictive,” he admitted sheepishly. “Research purposes, of course.” A short silence ensued, the sort of silence you should’ve been used to with Jay by now but that always made you feel giddy - the sort that’s awkward in a lighthearted way, the sort where you’re repeating all the words that have just been said in your head and committing them to memory. The sort where you hope the other is feeling all the things you’re feeling.
“But you did. I think that shot of you will end the film perfectly.” 
“Then we’re more similar than I’d thought,” you said, and looked at him again.
we love some bonding time fr
“Um. Yeah, I knew,” he mumbled. He still wouldn’t look you in the eye. 
“Since the beginning, really. My dad’s not the type to do favors, and he wants to keep up that image. So if you’re my girlfriend, he wouldn’t give you the internship.”
stfu jay i. i BO BOOO BOOO no it broke me so much cuz yn reallyvwanted that internship and jay cpuld LEAST HAVE HINTED HER IG ?!??!! URGH fucker. oh god that would mean.... heeseung ew.
“That’s none of your business, Heeseung,” you replied curtly, opening the book.
exactly leave taje social que and LEAVE.
Plus, you had the perfect dress for the occasion.
It was his turn to laugh. “Wow. That’s impressive. You managed to fool me.” His smile dropped. “Now get the fuck out.”
I hope you get kicjed in your balls. I curse you wtv. Hate you.
You sighed amusedly as if Heeseung was just joking around. “I just think it’s funny that you won’t fuck me because I’m not actually Jay’s girlfriend, when that’s not stopped you from getting with a different girl every single weekend. Whore,” you said, adding that last part in a whisper.
“I like you too, Y/N.”
finally amd they lived happy ever after the end.
the "yeah" YEAH IM THAT WAS HOT.
“That’s okay. I would’ve waited my whole life if it meant I could have you at the end.” Butterflies erupted all over your stomach at his words. You kissed him like you’d stop breathing if you didn’t.
Me too hun me too
anon what if i start crying in this train… this is like. the best kind of feedback ever 😭😭😭😭 the freaking out over jay and y/n being cute and being idiots is so real tbh.. all those keyboard smashes are making me so happy hahaha also the fact that this is a reread 🙏🙏🙏 thank u so so so much anon u deserve the world for this fr it literally means so much to me… you’re off my holding at gunpoint list 🙏 also thanks for hating heeseung this much it’s what he deserves ANYWAYS RHANK Y THANK UOU THANK YOU I LVOE YOU HOPE BOYH AIDES OF UOUR OILLOW ARE COLD TONIGHT
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