#best doctor consultation app
medibuddyvhealth · 2 years
India's No.1 Healthcare Platform with 25 Awards
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#DefeatingDiabetes is impossible. But it may be possible to reverse the condition to the point where you may not need medication to manage diabetes. This will ensure body doesn’t suffer ill-effects for having high blood sugar levels. This World Diabetes Day, let’s look at the steps one must take to keep diabetes in check. Subscribe to the vHealth care packages for easy Doctor consultations, health check-ups and numerous other health benefits.
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lemniska · 1 year
The Future of Healthcare: Online Doctor Appointments- Lemniska App
The way we obtain healthcare is changing. It is now easier than ever to receive medical care and consultations from the comfort of your home. Thanks to technology, telemedicine is now in the palm of your hands. With good cause, online doctor appointments, for certain non-emergency issues, have grown in popularity over the years. Here are a few reasons why scheduling doctor appointments online is the future of medicine.
Online doctor visits are quite practical since they let individuals get medical care from any location. Patients no longer need to miss time from work or school for appointments. They also no longer have to waste time and effort getting to and from the doctor's office.
Online appointments with doctors are also more easily available than traditional ones. Patients who reside in rural locations, where healthcare resources could be few, can benefit from this. Patients can obtain medical care from anywhere, regardless of location, through online doctor appointments.
Additionally, online doctor visits cost less than traditional in-person visits. Online doctors can charge less than traditional doctors because they don't have the overhead expenses of maintaining a physical office. Patients with high deductibles or no health insurance will particularly benefit from this.
Enhanced Privacy and Safety
Since there is no physical contact between doctor-patient, patient-staff or patient and other patients, There is no chance of transmitted diseases like COVID-19 , flu, etc.
Enhanced Level of Care
Finally, it has been demonstrated that scheduling doctor appointments online enhances the standard of care that patients receive. Online appointments allow doctors to see more patients in a shorter amount of time, allowing them to spend more time with each patient. This may result in more accurate follow-up, diagnosis, treatment strategies as well as better patient outcomes.
Lemniska the Online Doctor Appointment App is the way of the future of healthcare. It provides comfort, availability, choice, cost-effectiveness, privacy, and higher standards of medical care.
Visit us -https://lemniska.com/
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healthgennie · 19 days
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Online Doctor Appointment Booking App for Easy Healthcare Services
With the Doctor Appointment Booking App, managing your healthcare becomes effortless and efficient. Picture a user-friendly interface greeting you, offering a spectrum of specialists tailored to your requirements. Selecting a suitable date and time for your appointment feels intuitive, as does browsing through detailed profiles of healthcare professionals, complete with patient reviews and credentials. Once booked, the app seamlessly integrates reminders into your schedule, ensuring you never miss an appointment.
For Any Query Contact Us: Call: +91-8929920932 WhatsApp: +91-8690006254 Healthcare Plan: https://www.healthgennie.com/doctor-consultation-plan Download App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.Hgpp.app&hl=en
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mycareind · 4 months
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MyCare India provides a user-friendly telemedicine app connecting patients with doctors for convenient virtual consultations, ensuring easy access to quality healthcare services.
For More Information:-https://www.mycareindia.co.in/
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roshni99 · 10 months
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Get the best healthcare experience with our doctor consultation and additional services! 💊👩‍⚕️📱 Enjoy easy-to-use prescriptions, secure app-to-app calls, and exclusive discounts on lab investigations. Download our app now and take control of your health! 📲💪 Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cognonta.raphacure App Store: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/raphacure/id1637246098
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graphmyhealth · 1 year
GraphMyHealth -Best online doctor consultation india | online doctor consultation app in india
Graphmyhealth app is  The perfect way to manage your health and wellness! This powerful app allows you to consult with doctors online, track your symptoms and patient history, and receive personalized treatment plans from general physicians. The Graphmyhealth app is essential for anyone looking for better control of their health - it's easy to use and provides everything you need to get healthy and stay healthy. Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind app - download today!
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doktorscare · 2 years
Quick Doctor Consultation - Doktors app
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#Doktorsapp has remained a trusted pillar of #digitalhealthcare and healing to the communities, we serve our patients and their families and count on us to deliver the very best in health care with standards.
Our staff has dedicated their lives to the betterment of others, #patientcare is the reason we get up in the morning and the reason we research, collaborate, and perfect our craft as healthcare professionals.
Quickly, Book Your #DoctorConsultation Today!
Kindly email us [email protected], or contact us at +91 7669865196 or +91 9073374248 for more information
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askopinion08 · 2 years
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immortal-lov3r · 5 months
sophies glow up guide.. (simple)
this has been a work in progress for over 2 weeks! ive been procrastinating to get this done, so im excited to share this with you! DISCLAIMER i am not professionalised in this! i am only giving out advice on whats worked for me.
want to glow up? but dont know where to start? well here is your simple glow up guide, we will go over-
attitude and mindset
this will be your basic glow up guide, simple and easy to read and follow with.
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health and nutrition:
your health is one of the most important things in your life! It affects your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. that's why it's so important to be productive about your health and try to prevent illness and disease etc.
im not going to deep within this as your fitness levels are based on personal experience and i recommend to consult a doctor before doing an extreme amount of exercise.
rather than aiming 10k steps as people ask you too, start aiming for 5k, its obtainable for a busy person or someone who doesn't walk as much, overall walking is very beneficial.
if you have ability join a sport, dance and or gym! they keep you healthy and fit and can be super fun!
try a simple workout, pilates, dance, yoga biking, running etc, there are lots of youtube videos and even apps for workouts.
if you can walk places, as i said its very beneficial for your health and keeps your in shape.
I'm not going to go super deep into this, as no diet fits everyone and please consult with your doctor before taking dieting or anything like that seriously.
slowing start eating healthy, you can still eat your cravings and have yummy meals just try to balance out your diet with healthy foods, good fats, carbohydrates, protein, sugar and bad fats.
eat less sugar. sugar has many reasons why its bad for you to have over your daily intake so try to eat less sugars while still eating your fav treats!
dont skip breakfast! i know people saying doing omad (one meals a day) is good for you and skipping breakfast can befit weight lose, but no, breakfast is one of the most important meals so use it for high protein and fibre meals .
eat more friut and veg, simple as that.
hygiene is so important because it is what keeps you clean and healthy. hygiene should be one of your top priorities for your day. hygiene effects how people think of you, what you think for yourself etc.
brush your teeth well! brushing your teeth well keeps your breathe smelling good, clean teeth.
wash your body- washing your body with soap and or body wash and sometimes even a nice body butter can keep you clean and smelling good.
look after your skin- find out your skin type and get a cleanser for your skin type. find out if silicon based or water based is better for you skin.
skincare is such a hard thing to ace! here is a simple routine and tips for you to ace your skincare. skincare is meant to help cleanse your skin and leave your skin feeling amazing.
cleanse - take a few minutes to cleanse your skin, even a simple micellar water will get rid of will get rid of makeup and dirt.
toner - toning is a great thing to use to help refresh skin especially if it includes ingredients like witch hazel which helps tightens pores.
serum- a plain hydration serum or some hyloronic acid etc will be enough to keep your skin looking going through your day
moisturiser- this is what keeps your skin moisturised for the day or can give you breakouts so be careful you pick the right one for your skin type look out for ingredients like Vitamin E, glycerin, Pro-Vitamin B5, and borage Seed Oil, which are all great moisturisers for your skin. 
attitude and mindset:
believing that you can grow, change, and improve is the best mindset to have, if you settle once you've done something and never try to accomplish greater you will have little success in life.
goal-setting mindset.
knowing what you want and willing yourself to reach it are two different things. when you know your goals, they motivate you. set high goals and don't stop until you reach them.
focused mindset.
one of the worst setbacks that can happen is losing focus and allowing procrastination to happen. discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
positive mindset.
choosing to be positive and having a good attitude will determine a lot about your life. be positive, not passive. instead of giving yourself reasons why you can't or shouldn't, give yourself reasons why you can and should go for it.
positive attitude
a positive attitude is more than just smiling often and acting cheerful when others are around. it’s a way of looking at the world with optimism and hopefulness, where others would only see obstacles and dead ends. 
be kind to yourself
work on self improvement
step back and focus on goals
spend time with nature
talk to other people / meet new people
act with a purpose
be around positive people
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thank you for reading this far! <3 i hope you enjoyed.!
i am always open to suggestions for my posts, my dms are open <3
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sweetmariihs2 · 2 months
Cedric Masterlist update - and the search for the STF magazines 💫🎂
I have like. A whole notes file full of links I've been collecting to add to the Cedric masterlist, and at the same time I've bought and scanned around what, 7 stf magazines? That I own.
That's a part of the notes file that I have, there are more links (some of the links are from some of you guy's blogs, it's an honor to have them in my masterlist)
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I want to add these links to my masterlist BUT I need to add the links to the magazines first, since we can't know for sure how many links a Tumblr post can support
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That's A LIE since my masterlist has more than 100 links counted and they all still work
So since I'm prioritizing the links to the magazines I'm still going to put on Google drive (and the (money to buy) and hours I spent scanning each one of them), I can't add the links that I have collected my notes app because I don't know what's the link limit
Since not all the magazines that I bought has Cedric in them, some of them logically would be cut out of the masterlist, which would make things really messy cuz the most organized option would be to have all of them in the same place
So I'm thinking about making them a separate post and add a link to it in the Cedric masterlist instead.
All of the magazines in brazillian portuguese that I found to buy on Google... I... already bought them... (they were three) and they're already scanned and in my hands muahaha
So the best places to search for the rest are, obviously, on the internet, and SHOCKINGLY, in person.
Because I live in a small brazillian town, I go to magazine stands since I was a little girl. In my town there were some, and you could find those official and unofficial magazines quarterly made, themed around characters such as Monster High, Strawberry Shortcake, Disney Princesses and of course Sofia The First
In that small town that I live in, unfortunately all the magazine stands changed a lot and they don't sell that stuff like they did some time ago. Now many are just street vendors. There were like, three of them in my town? When I tell you it's small, IT'S BECAUSE IT IS
And because it is small, when we (me and people from my town) want to go to better hospitals, consult with doctors, even shopping with a major variety of shops, we go to the neighboring town that's a little bit bigger than ours
I guess a huge reason behind it is the interest that people are having in buying japanese mangas, and I'm seeing a lot of manga there, and because that town has a little more movement than mine, people are constantly passing through and buying, keeping those sellers' shops and the culture of reading on paper still alive
Whenever I go there, it's because I need to see a doctor, dentist, or rent dresses for a party or wedding, I never go just "to go". I'm autistic so I don't usually leave my town without one of my parents, I'm a little scared actually (help, I can't get used to my age) but I'm thinking about taking courage and trying at least once to being able to shop, without having to follow my parents everywhere they go or hearing complaints about them wanting to go home already. Because when I go with my parents to do something specific there, we can never go to places that I want to visit, like stores for example, except when they are on the way to the place we're going to, and it needs to be fast or else they're gonna start to rush me
The last time I went there, for an eye exam, there was a magazine stand near the doctor I went and I managed to find two STF magazines in the short 10 minutes I was there, with my eyes dilated with eye drops, that is, without seeing almost anything. There are five magazine stands there (I just looked through google maps) that I've never visited, even the one I went to and I couldn't look for the magazines properly because of my parents rushing me and my blurred vision. I actually made a post about my visit there and the magazines that I bought.
Furthermore, a friend of mine visited some stationery stores there and brought me as a gift a card of STF stickers, which I use in my sketchbook, and told me that she went to 5 stores and all of them had STF stuff, including more cards of stickers. I got a card that had some Sofias and a Fauna sticker on it, my friend told me that there are other cards with Flora and Merryweather that complete the set, the same with Amber, but she only brought me one as a gift she knew I would like. I really want to look at these stationery stores too, and find her other sisters to add them to my sketchbook 🥺
But yeah, going back to the subject, I still belive I didn't found all the available STF magazines in my region yet. As shocking as it may be, it's easier for me to find them in person than on the Internet, I'm lucky enough that my region has things like this, magazine stands that sell some really old stuff simply because no one bought them in 2015, and they are still there waiting to be bought.
As soon as I go there and FINALLY look everywhere I can (I'm 100% sure I'll find more magazine issues), and finally scan them, to finally make a post listing them, then I'll be able to add the link to the blog in my Cedric masterlist.
But I can't because I have to wait for a day when one of my parents has to go there, OR MAYBE, have a conversation with them and prepare myself to leave the city alone for the first time, and it would have to be on a day when I don't have classes to go to, plus I want to call a friend so I won't have to go completely alone. WAIT THIS WEEK I HAVE IT, IT'S TOMORROW, SHOULD I?
I think it's very close and I won't be able to prepare properly, plus I would have to talk to my parents first and schedule everything with my friend. I don't think it will happen tomorrow. I think the best thing to do is wait for my parents to have something or work to do there, and take a few minutes out of their visit to go to some magazine stands and stationery stores. I can go alone but I never did this before HELP it's one hour away 😭
I'll ask if my mother if she would like to go there just to do some shopping and spend some time together, she sometimes likes to go and buy some things there, we'll see
Telling you all this may make this masterlist and magazine thing seem like a lot of work, but I actually love doing it, it's therapeutic
live laugh love hyperfocus ❤️
Edit: I forgot to add something to this post so I made a part two.
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medibuddyvhealth · 2 years
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The current AQI situation in Delhi NCR is known to all. With people being advised to stay indoors, we can make it easier for you to consult a Doctor anytime you want from the comfort of your homes. Subscribe to the vHealth by IHO now!
For more details:  vHealth.io/install.html
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lemniska · 6 months
Seamlessly Manage Your Health in New York City with Lemniska, the Online Doctor Appointment App!
In the fast-paced lifestyle of New York City, waiting endlessly for a doctor's appointment is a luxury none of us can afford. Fortunately, with the digital revolution in healthcare services, securing timely medical consultations has become a hassle-free experience. Lemniska, our online doctor appointment app, brings the best physicians and specialists to your fingertips, ensuring you receive the care you need, precisely when you need it.
Understanding the Demand for Efficient Healthcare Solutions in New York City:
New York City's demanding work culture and hectic lifestyle often leave little room for individuals to prioritize their health. With this in mind, Lemniska was meticulously designed to bridge the gap between busy New Yorkers and quality healthcare services. Through a user-friendly interface and a comprehensive network of trusted medical professionals, we empower you to take charge of your well-being without disrupting your demanding schedule.
Key Features of Lemniska, the Online Doctor Appointment App in New York City:
Extensive Specialist Network: Gain access to a diverse network of renowned doctors and specialists, covering an array of medical fields to cater to your specific health concerns.
Real-Time Appointment Booking: Say goodbye to long waiting times and tedious phone calls. Lemniska allows you to book appointments seamlessly, ensuring you secure a slot that aligns with your schedule.
Personalized Health Reminders: Stay on top of your health goals with personalized reminders for appointments, medication schedules, and preventive health check-ups, tailored to your medical history and preferences.
Secure Telemedicine Services: Experience the convenience of virtual consultations through Lemniska's secure platform, enabling you to connect with trusted healthcare professionals from the comfort of your home or office.
How Lemniska, the Online Doctor Appointment App, Revolutionizes Healthcare Access in New York City:
By leveraging cutting-edge technology and a user-centric approach, Lemniska is redefining the way New Yorkers engage with healthcare services. With an emphasis on accessibility, efficiency, and quality care, we are committed to ensuring that your health remains a top priority, even amid your busiest days in the city that never sleeps.
Experience a new era of healthcare convenience and reliability with Lemniska, the online doctor appointment app in New York City. Say goodbye to prolonged waiting times and hello to efficient, personalized healthcare solutions that fit seamlessly into your dynamic lifestyle. Download Lemniska today and take the first step towards prioritizing your well-being without compromising your packed schedule in the bustling streets of New York City.
for more info visit us @https://lemniska.com/blog
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healthgennie · 3 months
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Experience Quality Healthcare with Students Healthcare Company
Students Healthcare Company: Your trusted partner in wellness! Providing tailored healthcare solutions designed specifically for students, ensuring their well-being and success. Empowering young minds to thrive with accessible, affordable, and compassionate care.
For Any Query Contact Us: Call: +91-8929920932 WhatsApp: +91-8690006254 Book Appointment: https://www.healthgennie.com/ Download App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.Hgpp.app&hl=en
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mycareind · 5 months
Exploring Features and Benefits of Hospital Management Software
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In the fast-paced world of healthcare, efficiency, and precision are paramount. To keep up with the demands of modern medical facilities, Hospital Management Software (HMS) has emerged as a game-changer, streamlining operations and enhancing patient care. Let's delve into the transformative features and benefits that make HMS an indispensable tool for healthcare providers.
1. Seamless Integration: Hospital Management Software integrates various departments and functions seamlessly. From patient registration to billing, inventory management, and electronic health records (EHR), this comprehensive solution ensures a smooth flow of information across the entire healthcare ecosystem.
2. Enhanced Patient Care: One of the primary benefits of HMS is its ability to improve patient care. With electronic health records, physicians have instant access to a patient's medical history, allowing for quicker and more accurate diagnoses. This not only improves treatment outcomes but also facilitates timely interventions and preventive measures.
3. Efficient Appointment Scheduling: Gone are the days of manual appointment scheduling. HMS allows for the easy management of appointments, reducing wait times and ensuring that healthcare providers can optimize their schedules. This feature not only enhances the patient experience but also improves the overall efficiency of the healthcare facility.
4. Billing and Revenue Management: Hospital Management Software automates billing processes, reducing the margin for errors and ensuring accurate financial transactions. With integrated billing systems, healthcare providers can streamline revenue cycles, process insurance claims efficiently, and minimize delays in payments.
5. Inventory Control: Maintaining an efficient inventory is crucial in a healthcare setting. HMS helps manage and track inventory levels, ensuring that essential medical supplies and pharmaceuticals are always available. This prevents shortages, reduces wastage, and ultimately contributes to cost savings.
6. Data Security and Compliance: Patient data security is a top priority in healthcare. HMS employs robust security measures to safeguard sensitive information, ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations such as HIPAA. This instills confidence among patients and healthcare providers alike, fostering trust in the system.
7. Analytics and Reporting: HMS provides valuable insights through analytics and reporting tools. Administrators can track key performance indicators, analyze trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve hospital efficiency and patient outcomes.
8. Telemedicine Integration: In the era of digital transformation, HMS often includes features that facilitate telemedicine services. This allows healthcare providers to offer consultations remotely, expanding access to care and accommodating the evolving needs of patients.
ConclusionHospital Management Software is a revolutionary tool that empowers healthcare providers to deliver high-quality care in an increasingly complex and dynamic environment. By embracing the features and benefits of HMS, hospitals and medical facilities can optimize their operations, improve patient outcomes, and stay at the forefront of modern healthcare practices. MyCare India's Hospital Management Software into your healthcare ecosystem to experience a transformative journey towards operational excellence and unparalleled patient care. Stay ahead in the dynamic healthcare landscape with a solution designed to meet the evolving needs of modern medical facilities.
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that-bipolar-mood · 2 years
Any tips/advice for peeps who just got diagnosed? Searching for information in the void is …. 😵‍💫
Heyhey, let me just say, welcome :) it means a lot that you turned to me. I'll give my best, but keep in mind I'm not an expert (and this could be ten times as long).
Okay, first of all...know that what you're doing (seeking info) is amazing, sadly sometimes rare, so I commend you for that.
I'd go through some legit sources first. I highly reccomend dr. Kay Redfield Jamison's works (especially her autobiography An Unquiet mind, that helped me accept bipolar). And one that really is just a comfort ("comic")book for me is Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo and Me by Ellen Forney. Another badass woman with bipolar was Carrie Fisher. You can look up her quotes and talks regarding the illness (truly amazing, 100% reccomend).
A good way to track everything (especially at the beginning) is a mood app. There are some designed for bipolar, but I used Daylio (simple and easy).
Then try to identify triggers (this comes gradually). Usually sleep changes are the first indication of an episode (often mania if sleep is reduced). Any sort of change is a potential trigger. Now you have to carefully watch yourself until you find yours (consult with a professional about them, if you can). The thing about bipolar episodes is that they tend to sneak up on you, and unfortunately not recognizing the obvious is in fact a symptom in itself.
Remember: prevention is your best asset. A full blown episode is always harder to treat, leaves more damage and lasts longer.
Find a routine that works best and try to stick to it. And seriously, stay on meds (if you have them prescribed).
...things that possibly await you are: love/hate relationship with medication, idealizing and longing for an episode (commonly euphoric mania), explaining things to people (realizing some are jerks, finding better ones), a vicious cycle of romanticising and cursing this illness, more medication and doctor problems, acceptance, stability, different views of the world, loving communities, awesome memes etc...
And lastly, patience. Honestly, it's hard and chasing stability can seem Sisyphus' work. But it's really just an illness, one part of you that might seem as big as an ocean (but that's a lie). You'll find there's lots of hope out there, wonderful medication and support. You are most certainly not alone, even when it seems so. 46 million people around the world are affected by bipolar disorder, we're all in this together and trust me on this, you'll never fight alone.
If you have any questions about something specific (therapy, "coming out" about it to others, more sources, just conversation...whatever really) don't hesitate to DM me.
Lots of love,
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beautyandthebetes · 11 months
✨oops I did it again✨
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After only having the Dexcom G7 for about three months, I took the plunge a little over a week ago to try the Eversense E3. As a T1D on pen injections, having an accurate and stable cgm is literally a lifesaver, and the g7 just wasn’t cutting it.
The doctor who implanted the sensor actually came to my house, everything was super sterile, and the most painful part was just getting the lidocaine injections to numb the area. After a week, I noticed that my calibrations are nearly identical to what the sensor was telling me, and even though the transmitter is more visible than other cgms, it vibrates on my arm instead of my phone screaming at the most inopportune times. The app, while looking dated, has so many more features and is more customizable than Dexcom’s, and even includes a notes area when I’m inputting my data.
I think the best part for me was the price - after insurance it costs the same as a 6mo supply of dexcoms, but now I don’t have to fight with the pharmacy and change everything out every 10 days - just one sensor and one rechargeable transmitter for the next 6 months. And on top of that, when I asked them where I buy the reusable silicone adhesive patches (couldn’t find them anywhere online) they said “Oh no we give you the entire supply you’ll need from the start!” - so for the first time in five years, I don’t have to pay extra money for supplies on top of all the other equipment I use. Oh, and the adhesive being reusable means I can take it off and shower like a normal person, which I can’t believe how much I missed!
All in all, I’m super happy I made this impulsive choice without consulting my endo, we’ll see what she says about it in a few weeks!
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