#best dentist miranda
mirandadental · 2 years
Top Best Dentist in Miranda for Your Best Dental Health
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Welcome to Miranda Dental Centre
Smile with Confidence and Comfort
We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of dental care designed to restore, enhance, and maintain the beauty of your smile.
Our experienced dentists adhere to the highest professional standards to provide exemplary service in all aspects of cosmetic, periodontics, orthodontics, restorative, sleep medicine, and general dentistry in Sydney, Miranda, Kingsway, Sutherland Shire, and surrounding areas. We take pride in our state-of-the-art facility, where we perform many advanced procedures safely and comfortably.
Our surgery is fully equipped with the latest technology and devices. Cutting-edge technology includes digital x-rays, intra-oral cameras, dental lasers for in-chair whitening procedures.
At Miranda Dental Centre, we partner with our patients to help them achieve and maintain a lifetime of excellent oral health.
What we do?We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of dental care designed to restore, enhance, and maintain the beauty of your smile. Our experienced dentists adhere to the highest professional standards to provide exemplary service in all aspects of cosmetic, periodontics, orthodontics, restorative, sleep medicine, and general
Dentistry in Miranda
, Sydney, Kingsway, Sutherland Shire, and surrounding areas.PERIODONTICSENDODONTICSPEDIATRIC DENTISTRYDENTURESJAW JOINTS DISORDERSANTI-SNORING TREATMENTCROWNS AND BRIDGESTEETH BLEACHING / WHITENINGTechnology we useWe utilize the best equipment sterilization techniques available to dentists.
We provide the best and latest dental technology and strive to utilize the newest technology to service patients. We provide gentle, family-oriented dental care to adults and children. We utilize the best equipment sterilization techniques available to dentists. Our team emphasizes comprehensive quality care and preventive dentistry. Following are some technologies we use in our clinics.
The large images, combined with tools that enable me to highlight potential problem areas on the screen so you can see them, enable you to understand just what I’m talking about. In my practice, you’re directly involved in treatment planning, so you know just what to expect.
Teeth whitening is a procedure that lightens teeth and helps remove stains and discolouration. This is considered the most advanced form of teeth whitening. This technology is far more advanced and fast compared to the traditional bleaching system.
We at Miranda Dental Centre dedicated to providing our patients with highest quality of dental care designed to restore, enhance, and maintain you the beauty of your smile. Our experienced dentists adhere to the highest professional standards to provide exemplary service in all aspects of cosmetic, periodontics, orthodontics, restorative, sleep medicine, and general Dentistry in Miranda, Sydney, Kingsway, Sutherland Shire, and surrounding areas.
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mrfoox · 1 year
Still blows my mind that I have such caring and amazing friends and idk why they stick around me...
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brienneoftarth1989 · 9 months
Undercover part 6
Miranda Hilmarson x fem reader
Previous / Next / Series
Summary: Miranda didn’t like the show you had put on for her to the point she ended up leaving. You confronted her there and then to which you were told that you were messed up for doing that to people.
Warnings: gangs, extreme torture: use of wrench (breaking bones), car battery (electrocution) and pliers (teeth removal)
Requests open
Once Miranda arrived in the white room she was shocked to see the scene in front of her. The man she brought in just days ago was strapped to a wooden chair with a heart rate patient monitor attached to him via the chest. They did not look like they were in great condition at all and then there was you.
You were standing there with a smug expression plastered on your face while standing next to your table of torture devices. On your table you had a jerry can full of petrol, a car battery with crocodile clips attached to the battery, a wrench as well as a pair of pliers. Miranda could only imagine what you could possibly do to this poor man. “Miranda! I’m so glad you could join me. I really do have a show for you today. I’m sure you’re going to love it” you said quite happily.
You ran your hands over the selection of tools that you had laid out in front of you trying to come to a decision. You finally came to the decision of using the pliers. “Now are you going to tell me what I want to know or will I have to rip your teeth out?” you smirked at the man in front of you.
You could tell he was scared even if he was trying his best not to freak out. “Please! I really don’t know what you're on about. There must be a mistake. I don’t have any dirt on you at all” they begged you. “Yeah, I’ve heard that line before. Well at least you won’t have to go to the dentist anymore” you laughed as you gripped one of his molars and started to wiggle the tooth before ripping it out of his mouth completely. The scream that came out of his mouth didn’t even sound human. “Don’t worry I will leave some teeth left in your mouth! Maybe like ten” you laughed as you continued to rip his teeth out of his mouth.
You were also keeping a close eye on his heart rate making sure he didn’t get to the point where he would die. That takes out the fun of all this plus if he is dead then you wouldn’t get the answers you wanted from the motherfucker. You looked over to Miranda to see how she was doing and the look she had on her face was not the look you were hoping for. Normally your crew love to watch stuff like this but Miranda looked distraught.
You decided that maybe he had has enough teeth taken out and moved on to the next torture item. You placed the blood covered pliers on the table and picked up the wrench. You turned back to your victim to see tears streaming down his face. “Come on my friend, if you just tell me what I want to know this will be over very soon. You’re just going to make life more difficult for yourself” you laughed.
“Ple..Please” he coughed “my gang. They are after you” he mumbled as blood dribbled out of his mouth. “I’m sorry but I’m going to need a lot more information than that. You gripped the wrench before swinging it at one of his shins which caused the leg to break instantly. You heard the bone break before the room was filled with his deafening scream.
“The Banner Riders! They want to destroy you” he sobbed to himself. It was clear that he didn’t want to give out a lot of information because he knew it was going to get him in trouble with his own gang. The problem is though if he doesn’t get talking soon he might not be alive to go back to his gang. “Now we are getting somewhere. Unfortunately I’m going to need more information than that in order to stop this torture” you smiled at him.
You placed the wrench back onto the table and looked between the gasoline and the car battery with the crocodile clips. You turned on the battery letting it charge up so you could torture him further. “Are you sure about this?” Miranda asked you from across the room. “Why are you questioning me Miranda? Just you remember who I am. If I want to torture my victims like this then I will and I don’t expect anyone to question my decisions! Is that understood Miranda?” you started to shout at her.
“Yes Boss” Miranda responded, making sure to use the phrase that everyone else has to use. “Good now don’t interrupt me again or there will be consequences” you said sternly. You picked up the crocodile clips which were bound to have enough charge in them now. “Now I’m only going to ask this once. What does your gang want with me?” you asked your victim.
“I honestly don’t know. It’s all top secret. Not even I was supposed to know” they pleaded. “Wrong answer” you laughed before attaching the clips to his nipples sending waves and waves of electricity running through his body. You were quick to take the clips off letting him breath for a second before reattaching the clips back to his chest.
“Stop it for fuck sake! I think you have torture this man enough! Honestly y/n you are one sick motherfucker!” Miranda screamed as she stormed out of the white room. “Fuck you Miranda! Just you remember who the fuck you are talking to!” you screamed back at her. You so desperately wanted to finish what you were doing but you couldn’t leave it like this. “I will be back” you told your victim before placing the clips back on the table and following after Miranda.
“Miranda wait” you shouted after her. Thankfully she hadn’t got too far and she had heard you shout after her. She knew better than to keep walking so she stopped and waited for you to catch up with her. “What was that about Miranda? I was putting on a right show for you. Do you know how many people in this gang would love to be in the position that you were in? People would pay me so they could watch that kind of action. I thought you would have enjoyed it considering you joined my gang out of all the gangs out. You knew what I was like so if this isn’t for you why did you join?” you asked Miranda.
“Honestly y/n you are just fucked in the head and you’re just one sick motherfucker. I know you want an answer but there are better ways to go about it” she argued back. “Actually Miranda there is not. Do you know what being in gangs means? You not only have to prove to your gang that you mean business but you also have to prove it to your competition. No gang in the history of gangs have ever gone the right way about things because that is unfortunately not how you gain respect. I don’t understand why you still want to be in my gang if this is how you feel?” you questioned Miranda.
“I can still be a part of a gang and not agree with all aspects of it. I’m happy going out and listening to intel but I draw my line at whatever kind of display that was” she said before storming off to her room. You were getting angry at this point and couldn’t deal with it anymore. You left Miranda to her own devices before heading back to the white room to finish the business you had started.
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weabooweedwitch · 1 year
Can you understand why you saying 'ok well I guess my only option is to kill myself' is just more of this toxic behavior? In your other posts you were talking about how your mom doesn't deserve basic respect and that you were totally righteous in what you were doing, and when you get called out it's 'I guess I should just kill myself' as if you can't just make better choices? You chose to treat your mom like trash and you can choose in this moment to be a better person. The source of the problem is that you think certain people don't deserve to be treated with respect and you blame others for your own reactions, which are both perspectives you can easily shift if you want to. Just take ownership of yourself, put yourself in others' shoes more and reflect on the issues that cause you to react such as narcissism and borderline. I'm sorry if I'm wrong but it feels like you're acting out the 'cry' part of crybully rather than showing genuine remorse for how you treat people, just so that people will backtrack and comfort you and tell you the things you want to hear, which i'm sure many people will now because attracting enablers through pity is a classical narcissist pattern. Stop looking for an out and face yourself and your flaws and stop using this idea of 'I can't change' as an excuse to just give up because everyone can change if they really want to
I've gone to therapy for years. I've tried different medicine for years. I spent so many trips as a minor being an inpatient doing DBT for years. I've had therapists tell me my mom won't let me set boundaries and she wears me down until I do what she wants. Now I can't stand for myself without getting angry because I'm never listened to. She always told me everyone only sided with me because I lied and manipulated them? But I've never tried to do that? I've never wanted to do that? All I've ever said is how I felt. Have I just been living my entire life not knowing I was am absolute monster?
Have I just been WRONG whenever I felt like someone did something bad to me? Was everything always my fault?
I try to tell people over and over "hey please don't do this, please don't do that, hey, I keep gently reminding you I need XYZ" whether it's at work or home and I just get ignored or talked over or blamed. Even my own fucking managers are leaving sticky cans of energy drinks in my work area, my fucking managers can't even do really basic picking up after themselves when I'm literally the only night employee
I scheduled a day off to try and go with my mom to the dentist and also because I needed to go to the doctor and im only gone 2 days and I come back and everything is not only exactly where I left it, but my work was, undone by someone else shoving everything together, not separating things, literally undoing everything I spent my whole shift doing, and then I have to spend time cleaning up after them, and then I run out of shelves because they didn't work anything out, and then I'm asked "Miranda why didn't you do 5 or 6 pallets on your shift? Why is there still a bag of trash here?" And it won't even be mine
Have I just been secretly incompetent and stupid and pathetic my entire life, even as I was doing my best? Even as I was trying to be a good friend? Even as I've barely held myself together? Was I just actually being a manipulative freak that whole entire time?
Then I don't deserve to be better. I don't deserve for anyone to have sympathy. If I can try and try and nothing I can do is seeming to fix things or impr9ve things or at least help others, then my life is pointless. Then I have no worth.
I didn't even know I was lying to myself this whole entire time
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shiredental · 1 year
Shire Dental Centre
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If you're looking for a dental practice in Miranda, NSW? Shire Dental Centre is the place for you. Our experienced dentists are here to help with all your dental needs, from check-ups and cleanings to more complex procedures. We offer a wide range of services to meet your needs, and we're always happy to answer any questions you may have.
We specialise in both cosmetic and general dentistry services.
Our general dentistry services include a range of services such as check-ups, cleanings, and more complex procedures.
We're always happy to answer any questions you may have about our services, and we offer a wide range of options to meet your needs such as:
Checkups and cleans Regular dental checkups and cleans are essential for maintaining your oral health. At Shire Dental Centre, we offer comprehensive dental checkups that include a full examination of your teeth and gums. We'll also clean your teeth and remove any plaque or tartar buildup. This helps to prevent cavities and other dental problems from developing.
Dental Fillings Fillings are a common dental procedure that can be used to treat a variety of dental problems. At Shire Dental Centre, we offer a range of dental fillings and we will work with you to choose the filling that best suits your needs and preferences.
Dental Extractions We offer dental extractions for a variety of dental problems. If you need a dental extraction, our experienced dentists will carefully remove the tooth and help to ensure that the procedure is as comfortable and stress-free as possible.
We'll also provide you with aftercare instructions to help promote healing and minimize any discomfort or swelling.
Wisdom teeth removal If you need to have your wisdom teeth extracted, our experienced dentists will carefully remove the tooth and help to ensure that the procedure is as comfortable and stress-free as possible. We'll also provide you with aftercare instructions to help promote healing and minimise any discomfort or swelling.
Dental Bridges If you're looking for a dental solution that can restore your smile, dental bridges may be the answer. A dental bridge is a dental restoration that is used to replace missing teeth. It is made up of two dental crowns and a dental bridge tooth, which is attached to the two dental crowns. This bridge is then placed over the two missing teeth, providing a natural-looking and functional replacement for the missing teeth.
At Shire Dental Centre, we offer a wide range of dental bridges to meet your needs. We'll work with you to choose the bridge that best suits your needs and preferences, and we'll ensure that the bridge is properly fitted and securely anchored in place.
If you're considering dental bridges, please contact our dental practice to schedule a consultation. We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you decide if dental bridges are the right solution for you.
Gum Disease Treatment Gum disease is a serious dental problem that can lead to a variety of dental health problems if left untreated. At Shire Dental Centre, we offer a range of gum disease treatment options that can help to restore your oral health and protect your dental health in the future.
If you are experiencing signs or symptoms of gum disease, please contact our dental practice to schedule a consultation. We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you decide on the best course of treatment for you.
Root Canal Therapy Root canal therapy is a dental procedure that is used to treat dental infections and save teeth that would otherwise have to be extracted. The procedure involves removing the infected dental pulp from the tooth and cleaning and sealing the interior of the tooth. This helps to protect the tooth from further infection and helps to preserve the natural structure of the tooth.
If you're experiencing signs or symptoms of a dental infection, please contact our dental practice to schedule a consultation. We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you decide on the best course of treatment for you.
Dental Implants If you're looking for a dental solution that can restore your smile, dental implants may be the answer. A dental implant is a dental restoration that is used to replace missing teeth. It is made up of a dental implant post and a dental implant crown, which is attached to the dental implant post. This implant is then placed in the jawbone, where it will fuse with the jawbone and provide a natural-looking and functional replacement for the missing teeth.
We'll work with you to choose the implant that best suits your needs and preferences, and we'll ensure that the implant is properly fitted and securely anchored in place.
Dentures Looking for a dental solution that can restore your smile? Dentures may be the answer. Dentures are dental prosthetics that are used to replace missing teeth. They are made up of dental prosthetic teeth, which are attached to a dental prosthetic base. This base is then placed in the jawbone, where it will fuse with the jawbone and provide a natural-looking and functional replacement for the missing teeth.
At Shire Dental Centre, we offer a wide range of dentures to meet your needs. We'll work with you to choose the denture that best suits your needs and preferences, and we'll ensure that the denture is properly fitted and securely anchored in place.
If you're considering dentures, please contact our dental practice to schedule a consultation. We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you decide if dentures are the right solution for you.
Mouth Guards Mouth guards are dental appliances that are used to protect the teeth from dental injuries. They are made of a soft, flexible material that is custom-fitted to the teeth. This helps to protect the teeth from dental injuries and helps to prevent dental problems in the future.
We'll work with you to choose the mouth guard that best suits your needs and preferences, and we'll ensure that the mouth guard is properly fitted and securely anchored in place.
Children's Dentistry We offer a wide range of dental services for children, including dental check-ups, teeth cleanings, dental fillings, and dental extractions. We'll work with you to choose the dental services that are best suited for your child, and we'll ensure that the dental services are properly fitted and securely anchored in place.
If you're considering dental services for your child, please contact our dental practice to schedule a consultation. We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you decide if dental services are the right solution for your child.
Cosmetic dentistry Looking for a dental solution that can restore your smile? Cosmetic dentistry may be the answer. Cosmetic dentistry is a dental specialty that is used to improve the appearance of the teeth. It includes a wide range of dental procedures, such as dental crowns, dental bridges, dental implants, dental veneers, and dental whitening. At Shire Dental Centre, we offer a wide range of cosmetic dentistry procedures to meet your needs. We'll work with you to choose the procedure that best suits your needs and preferences, and we'll ensure that the procedure is properly fitted and securely anchored in place.
Smile Makeover A smile makeover is a dental procedure that is used to improve the appearance of the teeth. It includes a wide range of dental procedures, such as dental crowns, dental bridges, dental implants, dental veneers, and dental whitening.
If you're considering a smile makeover, please contact our dental practice to schedule a consultation. We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you decide if a smile makeover is the right solution for you.
Invisalign Invisalign is a dental procedure that is used to improve the appearance of the teeth. It is a type of dental braces that are made of a clear, plastic material. This allows them to be worn discreetly and makes them virtually invisible when worn.
If you're considering Invisalign, please contact our dental practice to schedule a consultation. We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you decide if Invisalign is the right solution for you.
Dental braces As a dental practice, we are often asked about dental braces. What are they? How do they work? Are they painful? Dental braces are a type of dental appliance that is used to correct alignment issues in the teeth. They work by applying pressure to the teeth, which helps to move them into the correct position. Dental braces can be painful for some people, but this usually only lasts for a few days after the braces have been fitted.
Most people require dental braces for between 18 and 24 months. Once the dental braces have been removed, it is important to continue wearing a dental retainer to ensure that the teeth stay in place.
Teeth Whitening We are dedicated to providing our patients with the best dental care possible. This includes offering teeth whitening services that can help improve the appearance of your smile.
Our teeth whitening procedures are safe and effective, and can produce results that can significantly brighten your smile. We use only the highest quality dental products and equipment, so you can be sure that you're getting the best possible treatment.
Dental Veneers We are proud to offer dental veneers to our patients. Dental veneers are a popular choice for improving the appearance of teeth, and can be used to correct a variety of dental problems.
Veneers are thin sheets of dental material that are custom-made to fit over the front surface of your teeth. They can be used to correct dental problems such as chips, cracks, and uneven surfaces. They can also be used to improve the appearance of teeth that are stained or discoloured.
Our List of services
General Dentistry Near Miranda
Check up and Cleans
Dental Fillings
Dental Extractions
Wisdom Teeth Removal
Dental Bridges
Gum Disease Treatment
Root Canal Therapy
Dental Implants
Mouth Guards
Children's Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry Near Miranda NSW
Smile Makeover
Teeth Whitening
Dental Veneers
Meet The Team
Dr Peter Bouboulos BDS (Syd Uni) Dr Peter Bouboulos graduated from Sydney University in 1995, having received many academic awards throughout his undergraduate degree showing proficiency in clinical dentistry.
A firm believer in continuing education, Peter undertakes many courses every year, here and abroad. This continuous education allows Peter to offer patients the latest advances in dentistry and provide the best care.
Peter takes pride in offering gentle ‘painless’ treatment and is often mentioned on radio by one of Sydney’s leading talk-back hosts who has coined the phrase ‘Painless Pete’, reflecting on his treatment.
Peter’s dental interests are in the fields of implantology and cosmetic dentistry, with a special interest in dentofacial orthopaedics in pre-adolescent children. He is a member of numerous bodies in the fields of implant dentistry, orthodontics and advanced restorative dentistry.
Dr Michelle Lim, DDS (Uni. Melb) BMedSc (Uni Syd) Dr Michelle Lim graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Medical Science and completed her Doctor of Dental Surgery at the University of Melbourne.A strong believer of a holistic approach to dentistry, Michelle aims to not just treat disease but to prevent future occurrence.
With particular interests in paediatric dentistry, restorative and aesthetic dentistry, Michelle regularly attends courses to ensure to keep up to date with the latest dental technology, procedures and materials.Dental fear and anxiety is something that Michelle is passionate to extinguish, with her gentle and caring nature. Outside of dentistry Michelle enjoys gym training, travelling and running.
Dr Eleni Nanitsos, BDent Bsc (Hons) Dr Eleni Nanitsos graduated from Sydney University in 2003 with a Bachelor of Science, with Honours in Biochemistry, and in 2007 with a Bachelor of Dentistry.
Believing strongly in continuing education, Eleni participates regularly in a range of courses to ensure exposure to the latest dental technology and skills, so as to offer high quality patient care.
Eleni has a special interest in endodontics and restorative and implant dentistry. Passionate about preventative and minimal intervention dentistry, Eleni shows strong commitment to patient education and personalised treatment plans to ensure the best outcomes for her patients.
About Miranda NSW Miranda is a suburb in the Sutherland Shire, located in the state of New South Wales, Australia. As of the 2016 census, Miranda had a population of 10,935. The suburb is located 27 kilometres south of the Sydney central business district, and is part of the St George area. Miranda is a diverse suburb with a mix of families and young people.
There are plenty of things to do in Miranda, including shopping, dining, and entertainment. The suburb has a number of shopping centres, including Westfield Miranda. There are also a number of restaurants and cafes to choose from, as well as cinemas and other entertainment venues.
If you're looking for a place to call home, Miranda is a great choice. With its convenient location and diverse population, there's something for everyone in this suburb.
Dentist Miranda
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Dear Diary.
Today has been an awful day. I am so sure that since I’ve been a “swinging Richard” I totally deserve a visit from Karma.
I’ve been such a turd in a punch bowl that I deserve to diminished, minimized and discounted. I had lashed out on another blog and I ridiculed another person for who I worship and adore. I know I’m a douche canoe and I said that, “Karma is going to visit” and I thought it was going to be him. Wrong. I was sadly mistaken and now I’m fucked.
First it was the Hobosexual. Then the infestation. Then the landlord. Next it was job. Add in the fact I’m looking for a therapist who may possibly suggest to me that I just might need medication. After nearly 30 years of being clean, I’m frightened. My other friend is having her issues and I can’t even help her because I can’t seem to get out of my own way. I’m frustrated with two dentists and now I’m the bad guy because I didn’t reach out to them and I know I did. They’re just trying to get through school and I feel like cellophane.
One of the dentists wrote the following: “The patient reported that it is progressively getting better, so we decided to monitor that, and his doctor doesn’t believe it is Bell’s Palsy. Had a conversation with the patient and we decided to monitor when the patient was here last. I informed the situation to my little to resolve the problem. We are trying to bring the patient this Friday but if not, will try to bring the patient as soon as possible to replace the temporary crown. The patient is referred to PG Endo to address the sensitivity and proceed with root canal treatment. This was discussed with the patient and the consultation is scheduled at PG Endo. The treatment plan was discussed with the patient. I will inform regarding the treatment plan again with the patient. In terms of paralysis, I discussed with the patient to monitor the problem and will communicate with the assigned practice coordinators to address the situation if the problem does not resolve/does not get any better after a few days/weeks.” (I digress)
So right now, I’m just so inside my head. I did talk to one of my dentists today while I was driving and it was really very tense because I was crying doing 70mph. I had said I felt diminished because I had to go to the patient advocate person. I did not know what else to do about this situation because in my mind I don’t feel like those guys are talking to each other anymore or about me. The one I spoke to, he was clearly upset with me for being a jerk and a Wannabe Karen. No. He didn’t say that. I did. When I get inside my head, I go to where the darkest shadows cower. Then the ideations begin. I have a difficult time with myself. I know that I am supposed to reach out to someone who could possibly help me but I apparently deflect and ignore the fact that I am clearly in the wrong about everything. I mean I was like eleven years old when I gave the gun to Arthur Bremer to shoot/assassinate George Wallace. That took place in Maryland and I was somewhere else. It’s shit like that that sends me down to the bottom of the ocean. Like Shelley Winters, I swam as best as I possibly could and like Leonardo, Kate will push me off. Sadly no Saline Dijon sanging.
This is why I hate my life sometimes. I don’t want you to think for yourself, I’ll do it for you and worry myself into anemia. It’s just what I do. I can give you my best impression of Miranda Priestly and you will absolutely believe it. Meanwhile, like any good recovering Catholic, the joy of self flagellation and guilt does encourage more fucked up thoughts. Before I got on my way I had to take a moment with the committee and verbally speak the words. Not just let them marinate but to listen explore acknowledge and respond to the words coming out of my mouth. In an attempt to make sense of what is going on around me. Not shamed by talking to myself when I’m alone. Sometimes hearing my thoughts, invariably it feels good to hear them coming out. But sometimes it doesn’t make me feel any better about myself either. This is why I keep trying to pound it through your thick skull NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM IN THE VACUUM OF SPACE!!!
I don’t have an off switch but it’s always on. When I smoke a blunt, it slows it down just enough for me to go to sleep and stay asleep. I rarely do it but meditation helps with the noise of anxiety and I will eventually fall asleep. I very rarely know if I dream or not because some people have clarity and will remember their dreams. Not those. 🤦‍♀️
I am not looking forward to hashing this out with either dentist today but I know that I am going to tell them both that, “You know what. You just may need to explain to me that the hypotenuse of an object such as an isosceles triangle is not the same as the actual sum of the square root of the two sides it to me like I’m a five year old. Yet how does one prepare for a fifteen minute lecture on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. (I did it and it took me a week to get it done but I did it)
I know I am going to cry again and I just hate that about myself. No tears. No crying. Just start chewing around the ankle area and then you’ll be free of the trap. Shoulders back. Stomach in. Eyes forward. Stiff upper lip. MACH SCHNELL!!! Left Right Left. Just as I did that one time in the snow. I walked to the train station, just about a mile plus, from an Ex-Friend’s house. The snow was nearly blinding me, what had fallen previously was now up to my knees and I kept on chanting MARCH MARCH MARCH. Eventually I got on the train and went home. I’m a whiny little bitch. Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!!
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starbuck · 3 years
Not sure if I have an Actual Point here but, last time I rewatched Silver’s speech in the tavern from 3x07, I was struck by its similarity to Lambrick’s sermon from 1x07:
“Easter is upon us... an opportunity for renewal and rebirth... both in spirit and the flesh. And yet we may also ask ourselves, ‘When the spirit is renewed and the body resurrected, what becomes of the sin?’ Will not a trace of it linger to mock and torment us, to remind us of the roiling pit of despair that awaits the unrepentant beyond this life?” vs. “I understand this is the place cowards come to beg forgiveness from a king. Sign your name to sleep easy. Thinking all your sins have been absolved. But some sins... even a king can't make clean.”
And then this time, while watching 1x07, I was struck by this line where Gates is talking about why the crew embraced Dufresne as quartermaster: “Well, chew a man's throat out, it tends to make an impression.” in comparison to this line about the narrative appeal of Long John Silver: “A man walks into a tavern out of the dead of night, threatens the entirety of the island, and then proceeds to remove a man's head with a metal shoe. I say that's a story that stands a strong chance of seeing itself embellished.”
Technically that line is from 3x10, not 3x07 but it’s ABOUT 3x07 so my mind is taking all this and going “1x07 = 3x07 ??????????” and not really getting anywhere but. you know. there it is.
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headheartbellarke · 4 years
Paper Rings | OWEN JOYNER
Requested by anon: “Owen request? A series of events that leads Owen to finally working up the courage to propose to his girlfriend?” PAIRING(s): Owen Joyner x fem!reader WARNING(s): some language, mentions of abuse, panic attack, anxiety, and fluff haha WORDS: 3.7k SUMMARY: Five times Owen almost asks his girlfriend to marry him, and one time he actually does.
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    Charlie looks around, feeling out of place amongst the big mirrors, bright lights, and the sparkling diamonds. When his best friend, Owen, told him that he wanted a ‘guys night’ (he’s still unsure as to why he wants to have one: they live together, it’s guys’ night every night – he was expecting bars, or clubs, or fancy restaurants; things they don’t get to do every night, because of work. But he definitely wasn’t expecting to be dragged into a jewellery store.
  “O, buddy, what are we doing here?”
  Owen shushes him, walking ahead to a counter. A woman with kind eyes greets him. “Mr. Joyner!”
  He smiles, familiarity pooling in his eyes.
  Charlie frowns. He didn’t expect Owen to be into jewellery – sure, he buys stuff for his sister and mother, but he always takes them with him.
  He thinks of Y/N, Owen’s girlfriend of about five years – there’s a possibility that he may be buying something for her, but it’s highly unlikely. Y/N has been pretty vocal about the fact that she hates diamonds, and who’s to blame her, really? Her father used to buy her mother a diamond necklace after every time he hit her or when he came home smelling of another woman’s perfume.
  Charlie exclaims, “Owen! I’m gonna die if you don’t tell me what’s going on!”
   “I know, I know.” He shushes him, again, and Charlie feels like a child, even though he’s older than the blonde boy. Owen turns to the woman in front of him, Miranda, as her name tag reads, and says, “I hope it’s ready.”
  She nods, excitedly. “Yes! I have it right here with me.”
  She disappears beneath the counter, and Charlie expects her to return with a big box, like a magician’s apprentice. But, instead, she emerges with a small, tiny box and he wonders –
  As realization dawns upon him, he feels a rush of euphoria. “Oh my god, are you –”
  Owen nods, his face aglow with anticipation, hope and adoration. “I – I walked into this store a couple of weeks ago, after I decided that I wanted to marry her, I mean, I’ve known it for a while, you know? I can’t see myself being with anyone but her for the rest of my life, and I want a family with her. She’s my soulmate, dude. And I – I think it’s the right time, too. She’s got that amazing job, and my career’s going great, so, yeah. I wanna marry her.”
  Charlie sniffs, feeling tears at the back of his eyes. “Bro.”
  His friend grins. “Bro.”
  Charlie pulls him into a hug, but Owen pushes him away, and they swat each other’s hands for a second before Owen whisper shouts, “Do you wanna see the ring or not?!”
  Charlie’s eyes widen and he nods. They turn to the woman in front of them, and she points to the box placed on the counter before them. “If you’re ready.”
  Owen nods, and Charlie feels amazed at the determination clouding his irises. He opens the box, and the Canadian boy gasps.
  Inside sits a simple platinum ring. Except at the middle, there’s a diamond shaped like a star. It’s so beautifully built, every edge looking like they’re fit to cut steel. And the entire ring – it’s so simple, yet beautiful, and Charlie knows why he picked it.  
  It’s a mirror of the way Owen sees Y/N – something gorgeous, something priceless, something elegant, yet something so simple to him, and something that will always makes sense, no matter what.
    Owen inhales, staring at his reflection in the full body length mirror in front of him. He’s going to do it today – he is going to ask his best friend, his soulmate and the love of his life to marry him. He has planned it all – even Charlie went out with the rest of the cast tonight to give the twenty-three-year-olds some privacy. (Charlie, Y/N, and Owen live together in Vancouver, at least while shooting the fourth season of Julie and The Phantoms, so, as one can guess, it’s really difficult to get a moment alone – but since the both of them love Charlie so fucking much, they don’t really mind.)
  He straightens his tie and hears soft footsteps in the hallway outside his room. Y/N’s head pokes in, her face lit up like Christmas lights.
   “Don’t you look sharp!” She says, while walking up to him and wrapping her arms around his torso. Owen smiles, catching her eyes in the reflection. “Are the bad puns ever going to stop?”
  She gasps, dramatically, and exclaims, “You don’t gotta be so mean about it!”
  He shakes his head, and feels love swell in his chest for the woman behind him. “I love you so much, you know that, right?”
  A mischievous glint appears in her eyes. “I could use a reminder.”
  Owen grins, turning backwards and cups her face in his hands, about to kiss her, when a voice stops him.
  “I think I just broke the coffee machine!”
  Y/N’s eyes widen, and she yells, “You did what?!”
  Owen’s brows furrow. “Is that –”
  She casts him an apologetic glance. “Zoe, yeah. I forgot to tell you, but Cece had to go out last minute, so I offered to watch her for the evening!”
  Usually, Owen loves kids, especially Y/N’s cousins like Zoe, but right now, he feels like jumping off a cliff. She seems to sense that as she runs her hands down his arms, and says, “I’m sorry! I know you said that tonight was gonna be just us, but you love Zoe, don’t you? And it’s gonna be fun, I promise!”
  It’s not. Owen had booked a table at Y/N’s favorite restaurant in Vancouver, and he would have proposed midway through the dinner, when the musicians there would start to play ‘Love Story’ by Taylor Swift, and when they got to the bridge, he would have dropped to a knee.
  Ignoring the weight in his chest, he plasters a smile on his face. “Yeah. Yeah. I’m sorry, I just – it’s been a while since we’ve been alone, you know? With work and all. But I’m sure it’s gonna be great with Zoe, too!”
  She nods. “Thank you. We can go out alone next week when Charlie has that photoshoot with Madi!”
  He nods. “Absolutely.”
  The little black box stays hidden in the pocket of the beige coat in his closet that he never wears.
    As Y/N smiles at him, Owen thinks that this is it. This is the moment he’s gonna ask her to marry him.
  As the light from the fire illuminates her face, he thinks about how perfect this weekend has been. After long days, and even longer nights of filming, they finally got a weekend off, and Charlie immediately booked a cabin in North Vancouver.
  And there’s no one better at planning trips than Charlie.
  Along with Owen, Y/N, and Charlie; Madison, Jadah, Jeremy and his wife, Carolynn, Savannah, Sacha, and Tori are here, too, everyone basking in the peace. Throughout the weekend, they’ve done anything and everything they can do in snow – from skiing, to making snow angels, and finally, as the shades of evening rolled on the last day of their trip, they are tired.
  After dinner, everyone wordlessly returned to their rooms, and Owen knows that they’re all fast asleep, right now – except Y/N, who is still as bubbly as champagne.
  When they returned to their room, Y/N quickly lit the fire – because no matter if it’s snowing or if it’s fifty degrees outside – she is always freezing.
  It’s the opposite in Owen’s case, though – he’s always warm, and that’s why Y/N wasted no time to settle in his lap.
  Owen quickly pats his pocket to check if the ring’s still there. It is, and it’s been there for the whole weekend. He’s been searching for opportunities, but they were always either with someone, or it wasn’t a good time.
  “O?” She asks, her voice soft.
  “Hmm?” He replies, threading his fingers through her hair.
  Her eyes brighten up, putting the fire in front of them to shame. “I’ve just had an idea.”
  “Later. First, I have something to ask you.” He says, his hand reaching into his pocket again.
  She smiles. “I know what you’re gonna ask.”
  Owen’s surprised. “You do?”
  She nods excitedly. “Yeah. Charlie told me!”
  He must have had a horrified look on his face because her eyes widen quickly. “Oh, he didn’t want to, believe me! But, now that I know, tell me, when are you gonna do it?”
  Owen stammers, suddenly feeling breathless in this room. The anxiety starts to pool in his stomach, along with an anger, directed towards Charlie. “I – I – I can’t believe he told you this…”
  She shrugs. “You know that he can’t hide anything from me. He’s like the brother I never asked for. Anyway, so he was showing me some of the designs, and I love you, but I don’t think you can handle a tooth piercing.”
  Owen’s brows furrow. “What?”
  “Like, totally no offence, but you passed out when the dentist came to do a routine check up on your teeth. I don’t wanna imagine what would happen if you got them pierced.”
  “What are talking about?!”
  “Charlie and your matching piercings, dummy! What else would I be talking about?” She looks at him as if he’s grown a third head.
  Owen’s lips part. “We are not getting matching piercings – I wasn’t gonna ask you that!”
  “Oh!” Her eyes widen. “What were you gonna ask, then?”
  He gulps, thinking to himself – this is it. This is it. This is it.
  “Do you wanna go home for New Year’s?”
  He mentally curses when that question comes out of his mouth, and even with Y/N’s bright smile, he starts to feel queasy inside, knowing that he still isn’t confident enough to actually ask her.
    Owen wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans and stands up. “Y/N, I have to tell you something.”
  She nods, her eyes sweeping across the mostly empty LA beach. He brought her here today to finally ask her to marry him – his past attempts have been nothing short of disastrous.
  As he opens his mouth, he feels a pang in his heart, and his mind starts to race. All kinds of thoughts race through his mind, like – what if she says no? what if she hates him for ruining what they have? What if Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift becomes his most relatable song? What if she –
  Y/N stands up, and her hand finds that of Owen’s, a reassurance, and he knows that she can sense his anxiety. She doesn’t ask him to talk about it – she knows that he will, eventually, when he’s ready. For now, she shows him that she’s here for him, and somehow that is enough.
  As she brushes his hair, his mind starts to calm down, his erratic breathing slowing down and involuntarily matching the pace of her breathing. She whispers, softly, “You’re okay. You’re safe. Everything is okay. You’re okay. I love you. I love you –”
  She keeps repeating that, until it’s like a mantra in Owen’s head, turning the racing thoughts to mere background noise.
  He opens his eyes, and looks into hers, and finally feels calm. He exhales. “That… uh....”
  She nods, comfort flooding through her eyes. “I know, baby. But it’s okay. You’re safe now.”
  He shakes his head, taking his hand in hers. “I – I – I think that maybe you and I should, uh, get – um, matching tattoos. Yeah. That’s what I wanted to ask you.” He lies.
  She nods enthusiastically. “Yes! Of course. You don’t even have to ask – we’ve always talked about it, and I think that now is the perfect time! Do you wanna –”
  As Y/N talks about designs, he thinks that he’s a fucking coward.
    As Owen laughs, he feels confident, for once. He knows that tonight he’ll be able to ask her to marry him, especially in front of all his family – he loves his family, and so does Y/N and vice versa. He remembers the first time he brought her home three months after they’d started dating. He remembers feeling absolutely euphoric about the fact that she fit right in with his family. That was also the day that she had told him, for the first time, that she loves him.
  He looks around the table, and watches Y/N talk animatedly to his mother. His parents think of her as their own daughter, especially after finding out about her rocky relationship with her father. Y/N’s mother sits next to Owen, and he loves how carefree she looks – her ex-husband, really, was an asshole.
  He takes the little box out of his pocket, and his cousin, Elias, gasps. “Is that an engagement ring?” He whispers, his face scrunching as if the sentence left a bad taste in his mouth.
  Owen nods. “Yes. Elias, I would appreciate it if you kept it down.”
  His cousin raises his hands. “Always, homie.”
  He rolls his eyes. “Right.”
  Elias looks around. “Hey, do you think that it’s a good idea to propose now?”
  “What do you mean?” Owen’s brows furrow.
  “I mean people do it in private for a reason. What if she says no and then you get embarrassed in front of your entire family and hers? It’s sympathetic looks for the rest of your life, bro. And your parents wouldn’t be able to talk to her, nor to her mom, ‘cause it’d be, ya know, friggin’ embarrassing. Everyone’s probably gonna hate you.”
  Owen’s eyes widen, and he toys with the truth in his cousin’s words. Elias shrugs, and takes a sip of his water. “But it’s up to you, dude.”
  Slowly, Owen slides the ring back into his pocket.
    Owen looks around, checking if any distractions could be in this room. None. How could it, though? He’s standing in an empty classroom, in the middle of winter break. Nobody in their right minds would be here.
  Well, that would mean that Owen’s not in his right mind. To be really, really, really honest – he is kind of losing it. He has been trying to propose to Y/N for the past month, but every time – every god damn time, something comes up and ruins everything.
  So, he decided to break into his middle school. Well, ‘break into’ isn’t the right phrase – he asked the guard to give him the keys for the night, and even thanked him with a hundred dollar note. Unlike his girlfriend, he’s incapable of breaking rules.
  The guard thought that it was very romantic of him, but really, he’s just tired and wants to get married already. He taps his foot anxiously, and finally hears the door opening, signalling Y/N’s arrival.
  God, she looks absolutely adorable. Her nose is crimson from the cold, and she is bundled under what seems to be ten layers of clothing. She huffs, grinning when she notices him.
  “Are we here to make out? Because your house was much more comfortable and so, so warm.”
  Owen shakes his head. “Nope.”
  “Well, are you gonna murder me, O? Because, well, it’s certainly the perfect location.”
  “I have to tell you something.” He says, taking a step toward her. He looks around and sees that there is nothing that could possibly ruin this moment, and smiles brightly, preparing himself. Y/N’s eyes gleam with anticipation, as she nods for him to continue.
  “Y/N, I still remember the day that I met you. I remember the way you smiled at me even though I had spilled black coffee all over you and ruined your very pretty, white dress.”
  She laughs. “I was really mad at first, yeah. But the cutest boy in all of Oklahoma was in front of me, and well, you know that I was a goner.”
  He smiles fondly. “And the beautifulest girl in the world was in front of me.”
  “That’s not a word.”
  “I know. And then you laughed at my dumb jokes, and even agreed to go on a date with me.”
  “To compensate for that absolutely gorgeous dress.” She clarifies, a teasing smile on her face.
  He grins sheepishly. “And then somehow, somewhere we fell in love, and somehow, you became my other half, and somehow, I can’t imagine a world without you. I don’t want to. You are my best friend, and you are the one person around whom I can be completely myself and face no judgements.”
  “No, I do judge you. You’re a little questionable.”
  “And what would I do without your wicked sense of humour?”
  “Honestly? You’d be lost without me. I mean, you forget to even put your socks in the washing machine.”
  “You’re not supposed to wash them. They go on your feet. Obviously.”
  “That is disgusting, and you know it.”
  He laughs. “I wanna be with you for the rest of my life, and I… I… I want a family with you, you know? I know that we’ve never talked about this, and I don’t know how you would feel about one, but still, if you’re up for it, I’m too. But, if you don’t, that’s okay, too. More than okay.”
  For a moment, an unrecognizable expression crosses her face, and he wonders if he’s hurt her. But then the biggest smile blooms on her face.
  “We should have talked about this. But I would like a family with you, too. I mean, I’ve never really wanted one, and you know why. But, after seeing you and your family, I realized that a part of me does want it. I do want to have the home that I never got to have with you and I wanna do better. I know that you’ll be an amazing dad, and I wanna raise my kid the way that kids should be raised. And I want it with no one else but you.”
  Owen feels as if he’s on cloud nine, and he stares at her for a moment, wondering how lucky he is to find a girl like her. He says, “Y/N, I –”
  Before he can ask her the question, though, her ringtone cuts through the silence of the empty classroom. She whispers an apology and takes her phone out from her jeans pocket.
  She accepts the call and speaks into the phone. “Hey, Luka, what’s up? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Luka, slow down.”
  She exchanges a panicked look with Owen.
  Speaking of Owen, he’s losing it. Absolutely. He was so close. And for the first time, he had both confidence and hope. And something had to happen. He starts to feel annoyed at Luka, his sister, and then immediately feels bad about it, but then starts to feel annoyed again.
  “Oh no, you did what? Do you need me to come?”
  At Y/N’s last sentence, Owen bursts out. “Oh, for fuck’s sake!”
  Y/N raises her brows at him. He feels anger replacing all his emotions, anger towards the world, it’s timings, and mostly, towards himself.
  Sensing his rage, Y/N gives him a weird look. “What is wrong with you?” She whispers.
  “Everything. Everything is wrong!” He whispers back.
  He starts to feel breathless, and the familiar sensation of a panic attack starts to overcome him. He looks around, trying to focus on something, anything, when he spots the door.
  He looks at his girlfriend, and says, “I love you, but I’m gonna lose it.” With that, he walks by her, and out the doors, while she yells after him.
    It’s been twenty minutes since he last talked to Y/N, and he has lost all hope. He’s now sitting on a park bench a couple of minutes away from the school, and he is listing all the reasons why his life is absolutely shit.
  “Hey, you okay?”
  Owen looks up, and notices Y/N walking up to the bench, with a concerned look in her eyes.
  “I – I just… I’ve been trying to ask you something, Y/N, for the past month. And every time I try to do it, I’m either interrupted, or I’m not confident enough. And, today, there were no distractions, and I was finally feeling confident and hopeful and then my sister decides to ruin it – is she okay, by the way?”
  She nods and sits down beside him. “Yeah, she misplaced her dress for tonight.”
  He grits his teeth in annoyance. He loves her, but his sister has the worst timing.
  Y/N rests a hand on his, an odd look taking over her features. “You should know by now that the answer will always, and obviously be a yes.”
  Owen sharply turns towards her. “What?”
  A brilliant smile makes its way onto her face. “You are gonna propose, aren’t you?”
  A gasp involuntarily escapes him. “How’d you know?”
  “Well, you just said some pretty nice things about me. Also, I can see the outline of the ring box, and you keep checking your pocket for it every two minutes, even if you don’t realize it. You’re literally doing it right now.”
  In his defence, he wasn’t, or rather, isn’t consciously doing it. He slowly retracts his hand from his pocket and gives her a sheepish smile.
  She stands up. “Really, O, are you gonna do it or not –”
  “Yep, yep, yep.” He clears his throat and stands in front of her and drops to a knee. He takes the ring out, and flips open the box, and as the diamond’s reflected light dances across her face, Y/N gasps.
  “Oh my god, that’s gorgeous!”
  He grins. “I have great taste.”
  She smiles teasingly. “I know, baby.”
  “Will you ma–”
  “Yes! Yes, yes, yes!”
  “You didn’t even let me finish!”
  “Someone would’ve probably interrupted you and I couldn’t take the chance of you losing your shit again.”
  “You do have a point.”
  “I always do.”
  He slides the ring onto her finger, and she kneels in front of him to match their heights. She wraps her arms around his neck, and he wraps his around her waist, both desperate to be closer, closer, closer.
  “I love you so much.” He whispers into her hair, and she kisses his shoulder.
  “I love you. Forever.”
  She untangles herself from him, and as she kisses him, Owen realizes that he had no reason to be worried at all.
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reblogs are always appreciated!! <3
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zhoras-bitch · 3 years
Miranda: I want to tell you a joke but I only remember the punchline.
Amber: Go ahead.
Miranda: Tooth hurty.
Amber: When is the best time to go to the dentist.
Miranda: You complete me.
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incorrectdwpquotes · 3 years
Andy: Hey, Mir. I know a really funny joke, but I can only remember the punchline...Tooth hurty.
Miranda: [sighs]
Miranda: When's the best time to go to the dentist?
Andy: You complete me.
140 notes · View notes
mirandadental · 2 years
Top Best Dentist in Miranda for Your Best Dental Health
Top Best Dentist in Miranda for Your Best Dental Health
Welcome to Miranda Dental Centre Smile with Confidence and Comfort We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of dental care designed to restore, enhance, and maintain the beauty of your smile. Our experienced dentists adhere to the highest professional standards to provide exemplary service in all aspects of cosmetic, periodontics, orthodontics, restorative, sleep medicine, and…
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mrfoox · 3 years
Idk how I managed to end up in a group of 7 people where all but me and another is basically ambitious and driven with a dream in mind
#miranda talking shit#Hello my boys are becoming dentist surgeons. Doctors and more while im here trying to just eat a meal per day and not sleep too much#Matt's in programming idk his offical title and fabian is not sure on his final decision for a career but already into some high level clas#I guess me and Antonio are fhe only ones... Not sure about what we want to do and deppressed lol#I can see completely why i fell for him like... Yeah theres some type of kinship between people who are struggling mentally#Plus i am 90% sure he and i are the ones from the poorest families in the group. I feel the social difference sometimes when we are on such#Subjects. I mean half of them all do or have lived in their own country's capitals. Dude capital cities are expensive af to live in#Miss 2017-2018 when we were all just silly and playing games together everyone it was so fun#Love and wish the best for all of them but damn they are... Really going places#Its just such an... Alien feeling? I have felt it my entire life but just ... Knowing people are going to places or being...not like you?#Its not anyone's fault and I'd still meet and befriend them again if i could but its like a wall#An invisible wall that only you are so aware of bc you... Know your place and situation vs theirs#Its probably why i find myself drawn to the people who are also unwell and not sure about what they want... You end up somehow knowing them#More because they can understand that part like the others cant....
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leaderintitleonly · 3 years
Good night for real. I owe SOOOO MUCH oh my god I’m so sorry. I had doctors and dentists and then I watched Encanto again (btw my mom loves it but we disagree on the best songs because she loves Lin-Manuel Miranda more than me and she’s a huge SIMP for his work) and fell asleep. And I’m SORRY I SLEPT I didn’t plan on it but sleeping was just so great, you know? You know when you don’t wanna sleep but your body is like, “YO! DOING IT!” But it felt good instead of bad? ...Oh my god only a few of you get this. I am...so weird. Gonna go hide with my fellow weirdies. But I totally wanna reply to everything and I have zero energy. :( I have high muse and I FINALLY HAVE IDEAS but I’m exhausted. Maybe I’ll post some plot ideas and let people have some first come, first serve (or second and third cause I LOVE REUSING THINGS CAUSE EVERYONE IS AN INDIVIDUAL)? IDK. Might inspire some stuff tomorrow. We’ll see! Drafts tomorrow. All the drafts. Give Pinocchio and Blue attention as Doc screams he’s the oldest child and deserves love. Side eye him thoroughly.
slinks off to sleep
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Ever Ever After- A Whiskey x reader Modern Cinderella fic
Rating: T for some swearing mostly!
Warnings: Ummmm.... Mentions of death, fluff, sweetness and stepmom being a bitch. 
Word count: 2.3K
A/N: Tomorrow is @absurdthirst‘s birthday so this chapter is dedicated to you my darling! Happy early birthday!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
As soon as Jack and Ginger were in the back of the towncar and away from prying eyes, Jack heaved a heavy sigh. “I do not like that woman.” He growled as Ginger began typing away an email to Champ. 
He hadn’t stopped thinking about the way Miranda had spoken to you, her own step-daughter. The entire day, he had witnessed you being treated with such disdain and rudeness. 
“Your dentist is going to hate you when they find out you’ve been grinding your teeth so much today.” Ginger teased him, spying the way Jack clenched his jaw so much. Mad on your behalf. A woman, he barely knew but already felt innately protective of. 
“Who the hell talks to their family like that?” He asked her. “She was nothing but sweet and hardworking all day and they just… Spoke to her like that.” 
“Terrible people. They’re terrible people Jack.” Ginger told him simply, knowing he had asked a rhetorical question. But answering him nonetheless. 
Jack sighed, knowing she was right. “Do we have anything on the daughters?” He asked her, changing the subject. 
Ginger shook her head. “As far as I can tell, they’re just spoiled bitches.” She muttered. “But not aware of what their mom is up to.” 
“Like mother, like daughters.” Jack muttered out with a huff. 
“You like her.” Ginger stated matter of factly. “And not just in a ‘what a sweet girl’, or ‘she’s part of the mission’ kind of way.” She teased him. 
He merely grunted in response and shifted in his seat, readjusting his suit jacket. Glaring at Ginger while she smirked from her phone. She was right and he hated that she was. 
“I like her too. Just maybe not in the same way you do.” She continued on, smirk still on her face.
“You done Ging?” He muttered at her grumpily. “We have work to do.” 
You sighed in contentment inhaling your french toast, bacon, eggs and coffee at your favorite diner. You had cleverly booked your stepmother and sisters for a spa weekend. But in reality, it had been for you. A peaceful weekend to yourself with no work to do. So now, you were treating yourself to brunch at your favorite New York diner. 
“Well, well, well… Isn’t this a welcome sight for sore eyes.” Came a southern drawl over you. Warm like bourbon and comforting like a worn in fall sweater. 
You looked up to see warm brown eyes and a mustache smirk looking down at you in your booth. 
“Oh… Hello Mr. Daniels.” You stammered out at him, suddenly even more relieved that your stepmom and sisters weren’t around, let alone didn’t hang out in your area or they’d accuse you of ruining things by simply talking to him. 
“Oh please darlin’. Call me Jack. Mr. Daniels makes me feel old.” He grinned at you and slid into the booth across from you and ordered a coffee.
“I um… This doesn’t seem like the kind of place you would come to.” You told him nervously. 
“Why? Because I’m the CEO of a distillery?” He teased you. “Darlin’ I was born in Kentucky and went to school in Texas. I’m a cowboy through and through. A diner don’t scare me.” 
You blushed. Why was he here? If word got back to your stepmom and sisters… You didn’t want to think about what they’d do. 
“I need to go.” 
Jack’s hand flashed out and gently took yours. “You have to work on a weekend?” He asked you worried, almost. Like he somehow knew that you worked too much or something. 
“No actually, I just… I don’t get weekends usually so I have stuff I wanted to get done is all.” You shrugged. It wasn’t a total lie, you did have things you wanted to do. Laundry, cleaning your apartment and grocery shopping. But mostly, you were afraid you were going to get caught with Jack Daniels and you didn’t need that drama in your life. You had enough with your family. 
Jack nodded at you. “I understand, can I at least walk you home?” He asked you as he stood with you.
“I-” You were cut off by your phone vibrating in your jeans pocket. “Son of a bitch… Sorry.” You muttered at him as you scowled at the screen. Seeing your stepmother’s name demanding you answer. 
“Yes?” You sighed as you reluctantly answered the phone. Trying to ignore the way Jack was staring at and studying you intently. 
“I need you to go upstate and buy pumpkins.” She responded on the other end of the phone. 
“Pumpkins? Why?” You asked her with a huff.
“Because it’s fall and I want the offices decorated.” You could practically hear her rolling her eyes at what she thought was a stupid question.
“Okay…” You sighed at her once more. “How many do you want me to get?” You asked her. 
“Fifty. I want the office completely decorated for the season.” She told you. “Oh also, maybe get some hay bales too.” 
“Fifty?!” You asked her, jaw dropping in shock. Where in the hell were you supposed to put them? Being New York, you didn’t even have a car. 
“Stop repeating everything I say and just get there and do it.” She snapped and hung up on you.
“Yes ma’am.” You muttered at your phone sarcastically and then tossed it into your purse aggressively. “Well now I do have to work Mr. Daniels.” You grumbled. 
“Kind of difficult to not overhear that conversation.” He admitted softly, almost like he felt sorry for you. “You okay?” He asked you gently. 
“Yeah, I’m great. I have to give up my Saturday, somehow get upstate. Buy fifty pumpkins in various sizes and some bales of hay and get them all back to the office.” You muttered. “Guess I’m renting a car for the day.” 
“Well, she’ll pay for that won’t she?” He asked you, deep down already knowing the answer but wanting to hear you confirm it. 
You snorted. “Yeah right. I practically run the company and I’m living in a shitty studio apartment.” 
Jack frowned at that. “Well then darlin’. I wouldn’t be a southern gentleman if I didn’t offer to help you. I’ve got my Bronco out front and the day off.” He rumbled in your ear. “And don’t you worry, they won’t find out you were helped.” He promised you as he led you outside to his truck. 
“Mr. Daniels I can’t… Ask you to do that.” You insisted as you chewed your bottom lip anxiously. 
“You didn’t ask. I offered. And please… Call me Jack.” He reminded you as he opened the passenger door for you. “Please, I want to help.” 
Honestly, the idea of spending any kind of time with this handsome and charming man was appealing. Plus, you really didn’t feel like spending any of your hard earned money on a rental for a day when you had a truck being offered to you. 
“Okay. Thank you… Jack.” You finally relented with a small, shy smile at him as you climbed up into the passenger seat of his truck. 
He released his gentle hold on your elbow and smiled at you. “You’re welcome darlin’.” He smiled at you as he moved to the driver’s side and started it up.
An hour later, Jack parked his truck in the gravel parking lot. 
“Damn, pumpkin patches sure have changed since I was a kid.” You muttered, taking in the expanse of acreage. An actual pumpkin patch, gift shop, a moonbounce, pony rides and a hay ride. 
Jack let out a whistle and casually tossed his arm over your shoulder. “You said it darlin’.” He agreed and led you to the patch. 
“Haven’t done this since I was a kid with my dad.” You murmured wistfully. 
Jack paused for a split second when you said that. “I’m so sorry.” He rubbed your arm gently. 
You shrugged. “It’s okay.” 
“How uh… How did he die?” He asked gently. 
You wiped a tear from your eye. “Got sick suddenly. Doctor’s couldn’t really explain it. First they thought it was the flu because I got sick too. But he uh… Didn’t make it.” 
“You both got the flu at the same time?” He asked you, brows furrowed in thought. 
“Wasn’t the flu. The only explanation the doctors had was food poisoning.” You mumbled as you both began wandering the patch together. 
“But he… Didn’t make it.” He finished the thought you were internalizing. 
“And I did.” You mused bitterly. 
“Hey now… I won’t have you thinkin’ that way. It ain’t your fault that you both got sick and you didn’t die. I, for one am glad you’re here.” 
Tears were falling down your cheeks now. “He was my best friend and now he’s just… Gone.” 
Quickly, Jack pulled you over to a set of hay bales and faced you. “Loss is never easy to deal with darlin’. But you don’t have to grieve alone.” He reassured you, thumbs gently rubbing the inside of your wrists. 
“You’ve met my stepmom and sisters… Right?” You asked him with a garbled laugh. 
“Look at you, makin’ jokes.” He grinned at you before he instinctively leaned forward to kiss your temple. 
You froze at the sweet gesture, surrounded by his overwhelming scent before you gave in and sank into his arms. For the first time in over a year, you felt safe with someone. Actually cared for. “Thank you… Jack.” You mumbled into his chest.
“Anytime darlin’.” He promised you. “Now… I do believe that we have pumpkins and hay bales to blow on, your stepmother’s money.” He teased you. 
You laughed again and nodded at him. “Yeah… Okay.” 
“Now, you dry your eyes. I’ll go get a wagon for all these pumpkins we have to buy.” 
You nodded and started to browse the pumpkins as Jack went to get a wagon to tote around. 
“Ginger, I need you to look into the medical records or her and her father. Somethin’s off here.” Jack said over the phone. 
“It is awfully convenient that they both got sick and in the hospital. While the father died.” She admitted on the other end of the phone. 
“Not to mention that the stepmom took control of the empire after he died and she was deathly ill in the hospital.” He growled out. 
“Easy there cowboy. Now that we’re here we’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again.” Ginger soothed him. “Now go back to your pumpkin date. I’ll look into this.” 
“Sorry about that darlin’. Was just informin’ Ginger that I wouldn’t be available the rest of the day.” He told you with a smile. 
“It’s okay.” You told him with a shy smile and placed two pumpkins in the wagon. 
The rest of the day proceeded with Jack dutifully toting the wagon around for you. Emptying it into his truck as it got full and they were paid. You bought hay bales, a scarecrow for the reception area and a bushel of apples. 
“You sure do love fall darlin’.” He teased you as you hopped into his truck and sighed. 
“I just... Figured since I was here, the apples are for baking and a couple of pumpkins for my place.” You blushed and shrugged.
It was after nine by the time Jack finally pulled back in front of your building. They had dropped off most of the supplies at the office. 
“Let me help you get this upstairs.” He insisted. “Otherwise you’re going to have to make two trips with this basket of apples and both your pumpkins.” 
“Jack I-” You started, not wanting him to do more for you than he already had. 
“Please… There’s somethin’ I feel like I need to tell you.” He explained to you gently. “Preferably upstairs and not on a New York street.” 
“Tell me… What?” You asked him anxiously. 
“It’s alright. Let’s just get upstairs.” He soothed you.
Nervously, you led the way into your small apartment and set your pumpkins down on your kitchen counter. “What… Uh… What’s going on?” You asked him.
Jack set the basket of apples down next to your pumpkins and placed his hand on your back. “Let’s sit down.” He suggested. 
“Jack I… What’s wrong?” You asked him, hands twisting together anxiously. 
“I’m not exactly the CEO of the Statesman distillery.” He told you simply, staring at you. 
“You’re… What?” You asked him, face scrunched up in confusion.
“Statesman is an independent intelligence agency and I work for them.” He explained to you. “I’m a spy.” 
“You’re a what?” You repeated to him. 
“I know this is difficult to absorb.” He explained to you. “I’m investigatin’ your stepmom’s dealin’ with the company.” 
“Oh so… You were spending time with me for a… Mission?” You asked him. 
“It started off like that, but… You’re very sweet and I’m lookin’ out for you.” He explained. “I’m tryin’ to help you. But I need your help too, if you’re willin’ to help me.” 
“Help you how?” You asked softly.
Jack moved closer to you. “I need someone inside the company, and you’re perfect.” 
You knew he meant for helping him but, him calling you perfect made you blush. “Perfect how?”
“Look, I don’t wanna pressure you into doin’ somethin’ without you thinkin’ or sleepin’ on it.” He explained softly, as he rubbed your wrists softly. “Why don’t you sleep on it and you call me tomorrow.” 
“Yeah, that might be best. I uh… Don’t want my family to find out about this.” You explained nervously. 
“I completely understand darlin’. You think on it, and let me know. Alright? No pressure, I promise.” 
You practically melted as he ran his knuckles gently along your cheekbone. You nodded at him and smiled shyly at him. “Okay.”
“Good night darlin’.” He murmured in your ear. 
“Good night Jack.” You returned as he finally departed your apartment and you considered his news and offer to you.
Tag list:
@absurdthirst, @spacegayofficial, @lilangeldevil006, @manda-but-not-lorian, @emmymarierivia, @din-djarin-protection-squad, @nope-itsnopi, @gothgirl1362-blog, @deafspaceperson, @auty-ren, @luminescentlily, @ahopelessromanticwritersworld, @babe-dont, @dreamgirl-6781-blog, @katialvi, @zoe-rachel-crisp, @cryptkeepersoul, @jaa1682-27, @katheriner1999, @promiscuoussatan, @paintballkid711, @marvelranger, @owljumper, @girlwithanewplan, @iellarenuodolorian, @lost-girl-inc, @f0rever15elf, @mrschiltoncat, @hillarymurray4, @seejayyou 
Sorry some of my tags aren’t fully working! XOXO
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crowdvscritic · 3 years
round up // JULY 21
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‘Tis the season to beat the heat at the always-cold theatres and next to fans set at turbo speed. While my movie watching slowed a bit with the launch of the Summer Olympics on July 23rd, I’ve still got plenty of popcorn-ready and artsy recommendations for you. A few themes in the new-to-me pop culture I’m recommending this month:
Casts oozing with embarrassing levels of talent (sometimes overqualified for the movies they’re in)
Pop culture that is responding or reinterpreting past pop culture
Stories that get weEeEeird
Keep on-a-scrollin’ to see which is which!
July Crowd-Pleasers
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1. Double Feature – ‘90s Rom-Coms feat. Lots of Lies: Mystery Date (1991) + The Pallbearer (1996)
In Mystery Date (Crowd: 7.5/10 // Critic: 6/10), Ethan Hawke and Teri Polo get set up on a blind date that gets so bizarre and crime-y I’m not sure how this didn’t come out in the ‘80s. In The Pallbearer (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10), David Schwimmer and Gwyneth Paltrow try to combine The Graduate with Four Weddings and a Funeral in a story about lost twentysomethings. If you don’t like rom-coms in which circumstances depend on lots of lies and misunderstandings, these won’t be your jam, but if you’re like me and don’t mind these somewhat-cliché devices, you’ll be hooked by likeable casts and plenty of rom and com.
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2. The Tomorrow War (2021)
I thought of no fewer movies than this list while watching: Alien, Aliens, Angel Has Fallen, Cloverfield, Interstellar, Kong: Skull Island, Prometheus, A Quiet Place: Part II, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith, The Silence of the Lambs, The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and World War Z. And you know what? I like all those movies! (Okay, maybe I just have a healthy respect/fear of The Silence of the Lambs.) The Tomorrow War may not be original, but it borrows some of the best tropes and beats from the sci-fi and action genres, so much so I wish I could’ve seen Chris Pratt and Co. fight those gross monsters on a big screen. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 6/10
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3. Dream a Little Dream (1989)
My July pick for the Dumb Rom-Com I Nevertheless Enjoyed! I CANNOT explain the mechanics of this body switch comedy to you—nor can the back of the DVD case above—but, boy, what an ‘80s MOOD. I did not know I needed to see a choreographed dance routine starring Jason Robards and Corey Feldman, but I DID. All I know is some movies are made for me and that I’m now a card-carrying member of the Two Coreys fan club. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 6.5/10
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4. Black Widow (2021)
The braids! The Pugh! Black Widow worked for me both as an exciting action adventure and as a respite from the Marvel adventures dependent on a long memory of the franchise. (Well, mostly—keep reading for a second MCU rec much more dependent on the gobs of previous releases.) Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7.5/10
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5. Liar Liar (1997)
Guys, Jim Carrey is hilarious. That’s it—that’s the review. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7/10
6. Sob Rock by John Mayer (2021)
It’s very possible I’ve already listened to this record more than all other John Mayer records. It doesn’t surpass the capital-G Greatness of Continuum, but it’s a little bit of old school Mayer, a little bit ‘80s soft rock/pop, and I’ve had it on repeat most of the two weeks since it’s been out. Featuring the boppiest bop that ever bopped, at least one lyrical gem in every track, and an ad campaign focused on Walkmans, this record skirts the line between Crowd faves and Critic-worthy musicianship.
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7. Double Feature – ‘00s Ben Affleck Political Thrillers: The Sum of All Fears (2002) + State of Play (2009)
In The Sum of All Fears (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7.5/10), Ben Affleck is Jack Ryan caught up in yet another international incident. In State of Play (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10), he’s a hotshot Congressman caught up in a scandal. Both are full of plot twists and unexpected turns, and in both, Affleck is accompanied by actors you’re always happy to see, like Jason Bateman, James Cromwell, Russell Crowe, Jeff Daniels, Viola Davis, Morgan Freeman, Philip Baker Hall, David Harbour, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, Liev Schreiber, and Robin Wright—yes, I swear all of those people are in just those two movies.
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8. Loki (2021-)
Unlike Black Widow, you can’t go into Loki with no MCU experience. The show finds clever ways to nudge us with reminders (and did better at it than Falcon and the Winter Soldier), but be forewarned that at some point, you’re just going to have to let go and accept wherever this timeline-hopper is taking you. An ever-charismatic cast keeps us grounded (Owen Wilson, Jonathan Majors, and an alligator almost steal the show from Tom Hiddleston in some eps), but while Falcon lasted an episode or two too long, Loki could’ve used a few more to flesh out its complicated plot and develop its characters. Thankfully, the jokes matter almost as much as the sci-fi, so you can still have fun even if you have no idea what’s going on.
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9. Double Feature – Bruce Willis: Die Hard With a Vengeance (1995) + The Whole Nine Yards (2000)
Before Bruce Willis began starring in many random direct-to-DVD movies I only ever hear about in my Redbox emails, he was a Movie Star smirking his way up the box office charts. In the third Die Hard (Crowd: 10/10 // Critic: 7.5/10), he teams up with Samuel L. Jackson to decipher the riddles of a terrorist madman (Jeremy Irons), and it’s a thrill ride. In The Whole Nine Yards (Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 8/10), he’s hitman that screws up dentist Matthew Perry’s boring life in Canada, and—aside from one frustrating scene of let’s-objectify-women-style nudity—it’s hilarious.
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10. This Is the End (2013)
On paper, this is not a movie for me. An irreverent stoner comedy about a bunch of bros partying it up before the end of the world? None of things are for Taylors. But with a little help of a TV edit to pare down the raunchy and crude bits, I laughed my way through and spent the next several days thinking through its exploration of what makes a good person. While little of the plot is accurate to Christian Gospel and theology, some of its big ideas are consistent enough with the themes of the book of Revelation I found myself thinking about it again in church this morning. (Would love to know if Seth Rogen ever expected that.) Plus, I love a good self-aware celebrity spoof—can’t tell you how many times I’ve just laughed remembering the line, “It’s me, Jonah Hill, from Moneyball”—and an homage to horror classics. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10
July Critic Picks
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1. Summer of Soul (…or, When the Television Could Not Be Televised) (2021)
Even director Questlove didn’t know about the Harlem Cultural Festival, but now he’s compiled the footage so we can all enjoy one of the coolest music fest lineups ever, including The 5th Dimension, B.B. King, Gladys Knight and the Pips, Nina Simone, Sly and the Family Stone, and Stevie Wonder, who made my friend’s baby dance more than once in the womb. See it on the big screen for top-notch audio. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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2. Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
Robin Williams takes on the bureaucracy, disillusionment, and malaise of the Vietnam War with comedy. Williams was a one-of-a-kind talent, and here it’s on display at a level on par with Aladdin. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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3. Against the Rules Season 2 (2020-21)
Michael Lewis (author of Moneyball, adapted into a film starring Jonah Hill), is interested in how we talk about fairness. This season he looks at how coaches impact fairness in areas like college admissions, credit cards, and youth sports. 
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4. Bugsy Malone (1976)
A gangster musical starring only children? It’s a little like someone just picked ideas out of a hat, but somehow it works. You can hear why in the Bugsy Malone episode Kyla and I released this month on SO IT’S A SHOW?, plus how this weird artifact of a film connects with Gilmore Girls.
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5. The Queen (2006)
Before The Crown, Peter Morgan wrote The Queen, focusing on Queen Elizabeth II (Helen Mirren) in the days following the death of Princess Diana. It’s a complex and compassionate drama, both for the Queen and for Prime Minister Tony Blair (Michael Sheen, who has snuck up on me to become a favorite character actor). Maybe I’ve got a problem, but I’ll never tire of the analysis of this famous family. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 9.5/10
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6. The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972)
This month at ZekeFilm, we took a closer look at Revisionist Westerns we’ve missed. I fell hard for Roy Bean, and I think you will, too, if for no other reason than you might like a story starring Jacqueline Bisset, Ava Gardner, John Huston, Paul Newman, and Anthony Perkins. Oh, and a bear! Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 10/10
7. New Trailer Round Up
Naked Singularity (Aug. 6) – John Boyega in a crime thriller!
Queenpins (Aug. 10) – A crime comedy about extreme coupon-ing!
Dune (Oct. 1) – I’ve been cooler on the anticipation for this film, but this new look has me cautiously intrigued thanks to the Bardem + Bautista + Brolin + Chalamet + Ferguson + Isaac + Momoa + Zendaya of it all.
The Last Duel (Oct. 15) – Affleck! Damon! Driver!
Ghostbusters: Afterlife (Nov. 11) - I’m not sure why we need this, but I’m down for the Paul Rudd + Finn Wolfhard combo
King Richard (Nov. 19) - Will Smith as Venus and Serena’s father!
Encanto (Nov. 24) – Disney and Lin-Manuel Miranda making more magic together!
House of Gucci (Nov. 24) - Gaga! Pacino! Driver! 
Also in July…
Kyla and I took a look at the classic supernatural soap Dark Shadows and why Sookie might be obsessed with it on Gilmore Girls.
I revisited a so-bad-it’s-good masterpiece that’s a surrealist dream even Fellini couldn’t have cooked up. Yes, for ZekeFilm I wrote about the Vanilla Ice movie, Cool as Ice, which is now a part of my Blu-ray collection.
Photo credits: Against the Rules. All others IMDb.com.
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iridescentides · 3 years
happy dentist appointment day! I love you dia you have made my life better i’m happy to have had you in it for this last year of your life I hope I have in my life for many more of your years!!!!!! I hope you have the best day 💖💗💚💜🧡💟
okay this literally made me tear up wtf miranda 😭💙 thank you youre so special to me
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