universalitgirlsblog2 · 3 months
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Ariana Grande is a manifesting queen ! She made alot of songs on manifestation too - 7 rings , just like magic and successful. Ariana said how every single thing we think about ourselves or others , how we react to things and what we choose to think about , what you spend time talking about , it all plays part in manifestation . Her mom taught her that if she wanted something , she could have it and it was possible.
Shawn Mendes had a book of manifestation where he wrote how he could sing high with no tension or how he sold out the Roger center, basically he used the method called " scripting ". He also recommended one to speak positive affirmations , for example , I love me . I feel calm and happy in my body .
When Billie was making music with her brother , her brother joked about how he will make her the biggest pop star in the world. Guess what ? Look at Billie now, she is so successful and popular. Everyone loves her . You speak things into existence. Joke about how you have your desires , don't make self-depricating jokes.
She manifested her fame and beauty! Read this post - click me !
Lisa dreamt of becoming a k-pop idol , a teacher said even though Lisa danced in the dance room , she acted like she is on stage. She imagined herself dancing on the stage , she acted as if she was already a kpop- idol who was performing on stage. She said that if we persist in our dreams , they will come true and we need to believe that we will become the one we want to become. I also made a post on how Lisa is a persisting icon - click me and I would also suggest you to read this post - click me.
Bruno imagined him and his band dancing and women screaming for him when he was doing interviews. He envisioned how he wanted his album to be in his mind.
Lady Gaga said that she repeated to herself everyday how " music is her life " " fame is inside of me " " I'm going to make a number one record with number one hits ". She said that you repeat the lie everyday and one day it becomes true. Like Neville said , an assumption through false, if persisted in, will harden into fact.
When Beyonce was going to perform on BT , in her mind she saw the set and she also drew the ramp.
Alia Bhatt is an Indian actress. She believes in Universe has some way of making things happen.If she wants something like a film or award or health related , she acts as if it already happened infront of her mirror.
Katrina said that if she wants something, she tries how she would feel if she already got it . She gets into the feeling of living in the end .
Anushka Sharma had a turtle in her living room , you open the turtle and put your wish inside the turtle , when your wish comes true , you take it out .When she got her first movie and she called her mom to inform her and came to know that her mom put the wish in the turtle.
Alexa had acne when she was a teenager . She would wake up every morning and say - " I have beautiful , clear, acne-free, scar free skin " and the affirmation did it's magic. It worked.
Tom Holland said that he wanted to be spiderman .Believe it or not , you speak things into existence. He also manifested Zendaya.
Taylor showed her diary she wrote when she was 13 and she wrote about her life , career , dream and reality . Basically , she did scripting too. In one of her old clips , she said that her dream was to look out into a crowd of thousands of people and make them sing the words in her song. She spoke her desires into existence. She also said that she knew shake it off was going to be a hit song and she wasn't wrong. Feel that you already have your desires and know it will happen . Don't question the how.
Meghan admitted manifesting her life.
Wonyoung knew that love dive was going to be successful and when it released it broke records and it is IVE'S most popular song. Know that you have your desires and they are yours !!
Jennifer said that to manifest you speak as it already happened. Manifest it , believe and know you will have it .
💗🍒I am sure most celebrities use the law even if they don't talk about it .Everyone is manifesting consciously or unconsciously. Why do you care if a random stranger doesn't believe in manifestation when there are rich and successful celebrities who believe in manifestation ? Manifestation is real. It's not black magic . Manifestation is nothing but you focusing on what you want and persisting in it. Your mind is powerful. You are powerful. You can have anything you want and be anything you want to be.💗🍒
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graysoncritic · 5 months
A (Negative) Review of Tom Taylor's Nightwing Run - What Went Wrong? Melinda Lin Grayson
Introduction Who is Dick Grayson? What Went Wrong? Dick's Characterization What Went Wrong? Barbara Gordon What Went Wrong? Bludhaven (Part 1, Part 2) What Went Wrong? Melinda Lin Grayson What Went Wrong? Bea Bennett What Went Wrong? Villains Conclusion Bibliography
Things do not get any better when it comes to Dick’s relationship to Melinda.
As I believe it is important to own up to one’s biases, I’ll begin by admitting that I dislike secret-sibling tropes. However, the problem present in Melinda’s character does not revolve around the concept of her existence, but rather in the fact that her status as Dick’s sister adds nothing to the story. Taylor does not take advantage of her existence to add to Dick’s backstory, complicate his views of his parents, to add conflict to the plot, or to offer on-screen character and relationship development. In failing to have his original character live up to her full potential, Taylor reduces her to a deus-ex-machina who only appears to either save Dick at the right time, or to put him in danger at the right moment.
That is why in execution, Melinda’s existence is irrelevant. While I would never want John Grayson to be cheater and I do not want John and Mary's marriage to be tarnished, that route would have offered conflict, for it forces Dick to grapple with the reality that parents were not the infallible individuals he remembers.
Instead, Melinda is very conveniently conceived during the span of time between John and Mary becoming an acrobatic duo and them getting together. They were already in love, so Dick does not have to worry about Melinda's mom being John's long lost lover and Mary having been a rebound. Yet, because John and Mary were not yet together, John remains a good person as he was not unfaithful. Melinda's mom doesn't resent Mary for ending up with John while she was stuck in an abusive relationship. Melinda doesn’t resent Dick for having known their father while she lived with Zucco. Neither does she feel any love towards Zucco or seeks his approval — which would have been another interesting and understandable source of conflict. After all, though he was an awful man, husband, and father, for a good part of Melinda’s life, he was the only father figure she had, and it is very common for children who were raised by an abusive guardian to still desire their affection.
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(Taylor, Tom, writer. Redondo, Bruno, illustrator. Leaping into the Light Part Five. Nightwing: Rebirth. 82, e-book ed. DC Comics, 2021. pp 14)
The way in which Taylor quickly and neatly wraps up this story does little to add to either Melinda or Dick’s character. Furthermore, Dick readily believes Melinda and Meilin when he is told their story. He does not know them, yet he simply accepts their words without requiring any evidence, without asking many questions, and without following it up with an investigation. 
Neither do we see him experience denial or any other form of human emotions to such a monumental discovery. In #83, when Dick returns to his apartment, he tells Babs “You heard? I have a sister. And even better… There’s a chance she’s not evil,” to which she replies  “I hear. You need to talk about it?” Rather than replying, or, indeed, talking about how he feels about this revelation, Dick instead passes out. As readers we never get to see if said conversation happened (which would also develop Dick and Babs’ relations), and so we never get to see Dick grapple with this life changing revelation..
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(Taylor, Tom, writer. Redondo, Bruno, illustrator. Leaping into the Light Part Six. Nightwing: Rebirth. 83, e-book ed. DC Comics, 2021. pp 12)
Conveniently, Melinda’s morals and her approaches to solution also perfectly align with Dick’s own. Not only is she not the bad guy Dick originally thought she was, but she is actively working against those Dick wishes to stop. And, again, Dick takes her word for it without a second thought. Dick appears skeptical for a mere second before Melinda gives him an out by asking if he has “difficulty believing someone could have a double life.” 
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(Taylor, Tom, writer. Redondo, Bruno, illustrator. Leaping into the Light Part Six. Nightwing: Rebirth. 83, e-book ed. DC Comics, 2021. pp 04)
This question misses the point of what should be Dick’s understandable suspicion. Just because Dick can believe someone can live a double life, it does not mean he should immediately accept the words of a woman he has never met before without any evidence. Neither should he just take her word for it when she says that she “brought down two crime bosses from within” and that she wishes “to do the same for Bludhaven.”
Just as baffling as the fact that Dick immediately believes is the fact that he is ready to include her in all of his plans to take down Blockbuster without even investigating whether she might have ulterior motives.
And this goes both ways. When Melinda claims to have the same goals as Dick, she does not question Dick’s motivations. Neither does she question the legality of having a vigilante in the city, working outside of the system. 
The problem is not just that they have the same objective — take down Blockbuster — but that their approach to said objective is the exact same, that their beliefs in what would be best for Bludhaven perfectly align, and so they trust each other with critical information almost instantaneously, denying the reader the opportunity to read them about them earning each other’s trust by trying to persuade the to their side.
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(Taylor, Tom, writer. Redondo, Bruno, illustrator. Leaping into the Light Part Six. Nightwing: Rebirth. 83, e-book ed. DC Comics, 2021. pp 05)
fter meeting one another, Dick and Melinda work closely together, and soon they start to think of themselves as siblings. This, however, happens off-screen. Melinda and Dick hardly ever appear together on the page, and Dick only thinks of her when it is convenient to the plot.  
As such, we are left with a significant change to a character’s backstory without having any conflict or significance created by this new addition. Melinda is not evil, so there's no conflict to be added. Melinda and Dick's morals not only perfectly align, but their methodology does as well. Dick is also not suspicious of Melinda, and Melinda views vigilantism and Nightwing’s presence in Bludhaven as a positive. There are no secret identity issues where Melinda doesn't know Dick and Nightwing are the same person and has contradicting feelings for each persona. Since Dick immediately takes her word when she claims to be his sister and when she claims to “not be evil,”  there is no need for her to win him over. There is no need for Dick to get Melinda to trust him. In other words, there is no room for this relationship to develop in front of the readers’ eyes so that we can grow to care for their bond and become invested in their dynamic. Every potential conflict or development is resolved and achieved as soon as the idea of Dick having a secret sister is introduced to the reader, making so that the storyline goes from its beginning to its endpoint in just two issues. 
This further destroys Dick’s characterization. Rather than trusting, Dick comes across as gullible, as he will blindly take the words of others when they tell him they are not evil. Dick comes off as incompetent, as he was unmasked so quickly and so easily when trying to investigate Melinda. And Melinda becomes a plot device, not a character. She is a deus-ex-machina who is there to call Dick when Blockbuster is going to try to kill him so Dick can escape at last second
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(Taylor, Tom, writer. Redondo, Bruno, illustrator. Get Grayson Act Three. Nightwing: Rebirth. 90, e-book ed. DC Comics, 2022. pp 04)
Or to bring Dick to danger when the plot needs Dick to be in danger.
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(Taylor, Tom, writer. Redondo, Bruno, illustrator. The Battle for Bludhaven’s Heart Part Three. Nightwing: Rebirth. 94, e-book ed. DC Comics, 2022. pp 22)
A lot of this could have been avoided if Melinda just wasn't Dick's sister, and instead they were made into reluctant allies. There would be no reason for her and Dick to spend time together outside of Nightwing-business or develop a sibling-bond, and without the Grayson connection, there would be the tension of Dick not knowing whether she is a threat. Losing the Grayson connection would also allow Melinda to become her own person, with her own history and interiority outside of Dick, John Grayson, and Zucco. She, too, could have become a face of Bludhaven so that her relevance to the plot would be through the city rather than Dick’s past. 
But that would require Dick to have meaningful interactions with a woman who is not related to him and who is not Barbara Gordon, and there would have been the threat of any tension between Dick and Melinda to be seen as romantic or sexual. It would have also required Taylor to put in the work to make an otherwise everyday human into someone who can excel in her work despite her ordinariness. 
Instead of letting the audience witness Dick and Melinda grow closer to one another, their bond as allies, friends, and siblings is developed off-screen. Taylor opts to skip over the interesting and messy steps that it takes to create such a relationship by instead having them immediately like and trust one another. 
As I said in the beginning of this section, I was never personally going to like "Dick's secret sibling" concept, but I could have still liked Melinda for her own character. Or I could have fallen in love with the sibling relationship she would build with Dick, had I been allowed the chance to witness it grow for myself. But Taylor makes no effort to endear his readers to Melinda as a character or to her relationship with Dick. Instead, she becomes the perfect example of so many of Taylor’s weaknesses as a writer — his distaste for conflict;  his tendency to show and not tell; his wanting to create plot twists that look shocking in a social media post while having no desire to follow through the consequences of said plot point; his wanting to create emotional pay-offs without putting in the work beforehand; his complete lack of understanding or care for Dick's character. Melinda embodies all of these problems.
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zafirosreverie · 1 year
No cure (Julieta x Reader)
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for nonie, hope you like it
“Mom? Please answer me…I’m sorry. I didn’t want this to happen”
“Julieta, please…we need you, you can’t leave Bruno and I alone”
“Mija, your family misses you, your daughters need you, don’t leave us”
She could hear the voices in her room, she could feel her sister’s rain on her, her daughters hugging her, she could see the blurry form of her mother in front of her and her niece crying some steps behind. But that didn’t matter to her. They all knew why she was in that state. They knew it was their fault.
"I can't go on like this anymore" you had written "I love you, but I can't keep living in fear of not waking up again. I'm sorry"
And the rest of your letter had been erased due to her tears. The edges of it were torn and wrinkled, from the strength with which she clung to that piece of paper every night, as if her life depended on it, as if she could pull you out of the ink. It was painful, but it was the last thing that was left of you.
There were too many things she would regret for the rest of her life, no matter how short or how long that was, but allowing her daughters to cross so many lines with you, letting things get out of hand and not protecting you when she had to, was by far what weighed the most on her.
It came as no surprise to anyone that Isabela was cold and sharp with you, of her three daughters, she was the one who had been most mad at her when she divorced Agustín and the first to yell at her when she announced that she was dating someone else.
Julieta had tried to be understanding and patient with her, waiting for her daughter to have time to process everything, something you did too, which is why you hadn't introduced yourself to the family until much later. You wanted to respect her daughters, something that none of the three wanted to do with you.
Surprisingly, Luisa was always the nicest to you. She wasn't really close to you, but she would at least smile at you a bit and talk to you politely, though she never really let you get close to her. Mirabel wasn't rude either, but it was terribly obvious that she didn't want you there either.
She was always cold with you, she didn't answer you when you spoke to her, she left the room as soon as you entered and her characteristic friendly smile was never directed towards you. She never said it out loud, but both you and her mother knew that she shared the same thought as her older sister: get out of here.
And then there was Isabela.
From the first moment you set foot in Casita, the young woman made it her mission to make your life a hell. She was always making comments about your appearance, your body, your usefulness (which was none in her opinion), something that Julieta knew were your worst insecurities. She was always rude when she talked to you, she took every opportunity she got to remind you that you didn't belong in the family, that you would never be worthy of her mother.
Your girlfriend was always trying to calm things down, to reassure you that it was just a phase, that she loved you, that she wanted you by her side, and that her daughters would soon accept you, but she knew that every time you left the dining room without even touching your food, a part of you withered away. There came a time when she could no longer lie to herself.
The rest of the family wasn't helping either. Camilo played cruel pranks on you just to make Mirabel smile and even sweet Antonio looked down on you, if only to imitate his favorite cousin, and you also lost your voice. Dolores was always listening to you, of everything you did or said, so that Isabela could have more ammunition against you, there was no secret of yours that the two girls did not know, which left you vulnerable, paranoid and unable to really express anything for fear that it would be used against you. Little by little you stopped talking, even with her. The only times the healer would hear your voice was in the safety of night, in her room, where her niece couldn't hear you.
Julieta had tried to talk to the six children, but none had quit on their mission to torture you. She tried with Pepa and Felix, but her sister just shrugged and told her that she knew what she was getting into when she separated from her husband. Her brother-in-law had simply agreed with her sister, as always.
Mom didn't do anything either. She hadn't even wanted to accept you into the family, so she didn't care what her grandchildren did with you, the sooner you left and let her daughter "fix things" with Agustín, the better (no, she didn't care that said daughter had told her that there was nothing to fix, that everything was over between her and her ex-husband).
The only person who tried to make you feel welcome besides her was Bruno, and that didn't even count because the only reason he had to be nice to you was a vision he had. Julieta didn't want to know what was on the green tablet, the only thing that mattered to her was that before that, her brother hadn't wanted anything to do with you either. She was really alone in this. She started to be afraid you’d leave her because all her “family” was doing, but you always put a smile on your precious face and said you could hold yourself together for a little more.
And then the stupid Belladonna thing happened. 
You already knew that you would never receive a beautiful flower from Isabela, and it was not uncommon for the occasional thorn to appear in your shoes (you had gotten used to checking them before putting them on for that very reason), but she never thought that the cruelty of her daughter could go so far.
She must have been suspicious when her eldest daughter had smiled sweetly at you, when she had spoken to you tenderly and offered a cup of tea she had never made. She could see in your eyes that you were just as confused and a little scared, but it was the first time that Isabela didn't insult you when talking to you, and you didn't want to ruin a possible peace agreement by rejecting it.
So you took it and thanked her with a soft smile that had warmed even her heart. For a moment, the older woman allowed herself to let down her guard and hope that things would get better. Silly of her, she forgot that she was the only daughter who could poison you.
You took a small sip, your mind torn between hoping that things would really get better, and fearing that it was just another joke. Perhaps you were expecting a spicy or salty touch, or some other alteration, but in reality it was sweet... too sweet.
Alerts went off in you, but as the girl looked at you with hopeful eyes, you just smiled and finished your cup. Juliet saw everything a few steps behind you, her heart softened and beating with love and hope. It seemed the beginning of something new, of a better relationship with her daughters... then the nightmare began.
A few minutes later you clung to the kitchen counter as if your life depended on it, you were dizzy and disoriented, your hands were sweaty and she could see that your pupils were dilated. Your face turned red, you couldn't seem to breathe, and he barely had time to catch you before you collapsed.
Camilo and Mirabel leaned out and gave Isabela a high five, which she told the healer that you had been the victim of another prank, but for some reason, this seemed too serious. Dolores confirmed this when she ran in a few seconds later, her eyes wide and her face full of guilt.
Her niece was terrified and her voice cracked as she screamed that your heart rate was too fast, and that this was not part of the plan. Juliet barely had to hear the word "belladonna" before she gasped and raced against the clock.
She had picked you up and carried you to the bathroom, Casita seemed to be on her side for once and helped her up the stairs quickly, while she blocked out the screams of the family behind her. She managed to make you vomit and as soon as you breathed well again, she put an arepa in your mouth to prevent the poisoning from advancing. She acted fast and managed to get you completely to safety, but fear and mistrust were firmly imprinted on you.
You heard your girlfriend fighting with her eldest daughter, who didn't seem even the least bit sorry for what she had done to you, despite the seriousness of the situation, and the banter didn't stop after that. It was then that, despite how much you loved Juliet, you had to make a decision, and barely a week after that, you disappeared in the middle of the night, leaving only a note behind you.
Julieta had cried even before she finished reading it, and her screams had woken everyone in the house, not just Dolores. At first her mother tried to get closer to her, but was greeted with a shoving and the most angry look she had ever seen in her life. Her anger was directed especially at her eldest granddaughter.
"It's not that bad, mom" Isabela said rolling her eyes.
"You were there, weren't you? And I didn't even give him much belladonna, just a little-"
"ENOUGH!" Julieta had yelled, taking everyone by surprise "I'm sick of all this, I'm tired of all of you. She didn't do anything, she was never rude, she never raised her voice to anyone and you treated her like dirt"
"Why?” she asked with a voice so broken that Alma wanted to cry “I have never done anything against this family. I was always your perfect golden doll, I never said no, I even married a man I didn’t want to because YOU thought it was the best for me. Was I a bad daughter?”
“No, mija, that’s-”
“Then why? Why couldn’t I be happy? Why couldn’t you all support me the only time I choose myself?” 
The Madrigals didn’t know what to say, and Julieta’s daughters were divided between the shock of knowing their mother didn't want to marry their father in the first place and seeing the woman the three of them looked up to breaking in front of them like a scared little girl.
“I know you never liked Y/N” she interrupted her sister “but I do, Pepa, I really do”
“Mom, I didn’t-”
“You don’t talk to me, Isabela” she growled “not tonight. You’re the one who treated her the worst, you tried to kill her for god’s sake! What if I hadn’t been there? Have you thought about it?”
The girl tried not to cry but her mother’s words were cutting her like sharp knives. Maybe because Julieta had never spoken to her like that before, maybe it was the deep disappointment in her eyes…or maybe, it was because she knew she was right. You could have died for what she did.
“But that doesn’t matter” the healer whispered “you got what you wanted. What ALL of you wanted. She’s gone…congratulations”
“You didn’t want her to be part of the family” she cut her sister “now I wish I wasn’t either”
And with that, she had closed her room’s door on everyone’s faces, leaving all the family shocked, scared and feeling terribly guilty. They knew they couldn’t do anything at the moment, and Isabela and Dolores were crying, they just hoped things would get better the next day.
But the next day had turned into a week, and then a month. Julieta never spoke to any of them again, she didn’t smile, didn’t laugh, she didn’t even look at them. She just did her shores and locked herself in her room. Her eyes were red, her skin lost the healthy glow it once had, her hair was a mess, she lost weight and didn’t have that friendly and motherly shape anymore. She became a ghost.
And what scared them the most was that, by the third month after you left, the glow on her door faded. It reminded them of Bruno’s door before he came back. Pepa had cried and begged for her sister to forgive them all, Alma regretted every single choice she made about her daughter’s life without her consent, Dolores and Isabela were about to lose their sanity. Everyone missed Julieta, but none could do anything to bring her back. She was dying in front of them”
“Julieta, please…please” Pepa begged again
“There’s no use” Bruno sighed, making everyone look at him “we did this”
“Tío Bruno?” Mirabel asked as he showed them the vision he had 
“She’s not coming back” he whispered “there’s no cure for a broken heart”
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master-of-stupidity · 5 months
Fuck it gonna put all my Tangled rants into a single thread that I'll just continue on if needed-
Oldest to newest btww (also spoilers most of these r about Eugene btw ik ik I'm a lil autistic spare me 💀)
That one part of Bruno is Orange but Eugene coded-
"Did you hear about that Father
Sent his own infant son away
And said "It's to *dangerous* for
you to stay so, I had to *save* you" "
I may be cringe but I am FREE
Yo omg ok so my brother is singin a Into the Woods song while I look at Tangled stuff n it made me remember a scene from the play where Gothel yells at the Prince "Rapunzel can think for herself!" n like- dude Cass said the same thing in Cassandra's Revenge to Eugene! Ooo girlll-
The way I would kill so many ppl if it meant getting a series about Lance n Eugene as kids like broooo imagineee-
Its crazy how like I'll be enjoying my day than suddenly I'll see a post of a mf going "Hey what if Eugene thought he was a yr younger cuz he was like a rlly scrawny kid?" Yeah ok sure n what if I hit u with a *metal pole*
My tangled ocs r so random its hilarious- like it goes from a bodyguard,a greedy businessman,a ringleader,n than that one serial killer who turns ppl into meat pies like how did we get here???? 😭🙏
I just remembered like just a few days ago my brother randomly said "vase" while playing Fortnite n my ass just said "vAHse" just to fck w/ him n like that kinda reminded me of that one scene of Eugene n Cass like damn they were sibling coded frrr lmao I miss em
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Wdym there was a scrapped Eugene n Lance childhood episode??🧍And WDYM it's literally everything I ever wished for and more???????? 😃
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Would love to see Eugene n Martin Kratt interact solely to see Martin be appalled n slowly lose his mind over how Eugene knows jackshit about animals 💀🙏
I think the Eugene genderbends look so weird to me because none of them kept the infamous goatee like cmon man don't be a coward give that girl some facial hair 🗣🗣
I should not be relating Heather's music to scenes from Tangled the Series yet here we r 😭
Omggg thinking about how Eugene proposing to Rapunzel in tts came from his abandonment issues n him literally not being able to see a life without Rapunzel omgg shut upppp leave me ALONEEE
Literally despise with every fiber of my being how the writers of the shitty Wreck it Ralph 2 movie had fcking RAPUNZEL of all ppl say "Do ppl assume all ur problems were solved just because a big strong man showed up?" They fcking HATEE the movie Tangled *so much* bro istggg
The way I wanna be bold n talk more about the "Over the Corona Walls" ep- esp about Staylan n Eugene n all the icky implications of that but I'm also so scared too cuz I fear ppl won't take me seriously or think I'm overanalyzing too much 😭🙏
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Lowkey not over the fact Eugene was willing to trap himself back in an abusive relationship, "leaving" the one person he HAS died for n would die for again, all to save his best friend like bro don't TALK TO MEEEE
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As u can tell I am totally normal n not at all ill about Eugene or this show 😁
What if I gave Eugene like- slight wedding trauma after the whole "Beyond the Corona Walls" incident??? I think it'd be kinda cool n in character ngll 🤭🤭
No but that prompt for the unaired Lance n Eugene episode STILL makes me so fcking ill bro stg can't STAND those mfss bro 😭😭
"And if I gave up on being *pretty* I wouldn't know how to be ALIVE" is SO Eugene coded idc idc idccccc
You think if I put Eugene Fitzherbert in The Amazing Digital Circus he'd be a walking dumpster fire considering he needs an identity to function n in TADC u like- quite literally don't have one??? 💀
Was listening to an audio last night n now I kinda wish we knew like- what Eugene's mom was actually *like* in a way considering I don't think her character was ever explored :((
Why is this plushie literally Eugene Fitzherbert omgg I want it nowwww
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To the ppl who only see others as their pfps lowkey rlly hope y'all just see me as jester Eugene Fitzherbert cuz that'd be rlly funny n I'd love that 💀🙏 like yes I truly am just Eugene in a jester fit yappin my ass off on twitter dot com LMFAOOO (btw follow me @/theratbatjester)
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ladylooch · 7 months
Take What You Need - [Mack X David]
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A/N: Idk if you all are ready. But here we are. I would like to thank Starbucks for their gracious hosting of me while my internet tried to cockblock Mack and David harder than Lucie and Con. And I would like to thank my vanilla oat milk latte for helping me power through. Also, I can’t post this without thanking the bestest of the besties @casualhilarity. I’d be lost in this world without you 😭 This one is for you!
Enjoy 6.7k words of Mackenzie Hischier and David Carlson finally giving in.
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Mack’s eye open as the wheels of the Airbus A340-300 slap down on the tarmac at JFK. The roar from the massive plane breaking on the asphalt roars through her audiobook as she blinks away her dreamless sleep. 
“On behalf of our flight crew at Swiss Air, we are excited to be the first ones to welcome you to New York City…”
Mack stretches her neck, looking over at the woman next to her, still engrossed with her book. To the left, Mack can see the skyline outlining the metropolis she calls home for now. Her eyes scan over the buildings as she bites her lip.
Good to be home, she murmurs internally. 
Good to be back in the place she went running from two weeks ago. 
14 days ago to the day, she laid awake at Lucie’s unable to stop thinking about the mustached man tucked away in his apartment. She kept tossing and turning, trying to decide what she wanted to do with David Carlson and his insistent proposition. When no clear decision came to her, Mack did what she does best and dove into work. An opportunity had been in her inbox in the morning and she jumped to take it. It just happened to be in Switzerland. Perplexingly, Mack hasn’t heard from David since that night either. No cheeky texts. No general inquires. Nothing. Not even when she has been missing from Stella’s dance recital. Mack had talked to Lucie a few days ago, but she didn’t bring up David or if he was asking about her either. 
Fine. She didn’t care anyway. I guess that tells her more about her answer than any forced proximity or space would. She isn’t interested. Next time she sees him, her answer will be a firm and resounding no.
“Ms. Hischier, always a joy to have you on board.” One of the pilots, Bruno, nods in greeting when Mack gets to the plane door. “We hope to see you again soon on Swiss Air.” This personal treatment always happens on this airline, dating back to when she was a kid and her dad had a partnership deal with them. She remembers getting a pair of clip on wings every flight to and from Switzerland while hanging from her mom’s hand. 
“I’m sure you will.” She jokes. “Thanks for the smooth flight.” 
Mack turns out of the plane, ready to begin her long journey home. She glides through customs easily with her global entry and dual citizenship, thanks mom and dad, then rushes to grab her bag from the baggage carousel. When she finds the sleek black case, she hoists it off. With the wheels spinning next to her, she hails a cab, then nestles in for her ride home. She tips the driver, then smiles at Ron, her doorman, coming down the stairs to open the door for her.
“Back sooner than usual, Ms. Hischier.” Ron greets her.
“Work trip, so not much family time.” She is more than capable of carrying her bag up the stairs, but every time he insists for her. He grabs the door, twirling the handle of her suitcase back to her.
“You should stop by the desk before you head up. There is a delivery for you.” The delivery in question is visible from the door. A beautiful vase of hydrangeas, roses and lilies in various shades of pink has a card peaking out from the top. She knows who they are from before she even reads the note. 
Sorry we missed you, Mackie! Hope these brighten your other home for you. We love you! 
See you next month. Love, Mom and Dad.
Mack smiles, snapping a picture and sending it off to the two people she didn’t get to see when she was home. Her parents had a pre-scheduled Mediterranean vacation. They tried to come home early when they heard she was in Switzerland. Mack had thrown a fit, insisting they couldn’t possibly change plans because of her. Her parents rarely get time away from Switzerland. The would surly be in New York again soon to visit. She would see them, apparently, in a month.
Tiredly, Mack goes upstairs, unlocking her apartment and falling into bed face down. She curls into her pillow, the sheets she washed before she left. She knows she should get up, not give in to the sleep whispering seductively in her brain, but she can’t help it. Her bed is too welcoming. She falls asleep curled into a comma on top of her comforter. it is dark outside when she wakes up.
“Shit.” She moans to herself, smacking her face with her palm. She is going to be up all night. She grabs her phone, scanning through her texts. There is one from her parents, a picture of them drinking umbrella drinks on a rooftop overlooking the sea. The others are from her older sister, asking if she is still coming over for dinner tonight.
I hate when you do this 🙄 Tacos are at 6. Let me know if you aren’t coming so I don’t worry.
Sorry, I fell asleep. I’m on my way.
It’s 5:38. She should be able to make it on time for dinner.
When Mack walks out of the elevator on Connor and Lucie’s floor, her heart begins to pound excitedly at the person standing outside of their door. Stella Wood is wrapped around David’s leg, begging him not to go. All the pretending that Mack doesn’t want the man in front of her evaporates. As if she hasn’t been gone for two weeks, Mack’s internal turmoil begins to churn where it left off. She longs to touch him even with the knowledge that they can’t be so forward about such things in front of present company. If they were alone, she would run her fingers through his black hair and lean in slightly to kiss him, knowing he would go most of the way to her anyway.
“Stelly, I gotta. I’m meeting a friend.” David pats the young girl’s hair lovingly with his palm.
“You’re so secretive about this friend.” Connor jokes as Mack gets closer. Her stomach tightens then swirls. The recklessness of such a reaction has Mack’s steps faltering. Friend? What friend. David and Connor glance over to Mack as they hear her footsteps swipe along the carpet. David grins at her, making Mack’s chest even tighter.
“Welcome home.” David murmurs as she comes to a stop to his right. He looks so handsome and sexy. He is dressed in a pair of nice, worn in jeans. There is a bulge in his back pocket where his wallet rests. A dark wool coat drapes over his big shoulders while underneath is a waffled, cream sweater. On his feet brown dress boots are tied tightly, looking new and rarely worn.
“You fell asleep?” Connor asks.
“You’re fucked.”
“Yeah, I know. I travel internationally more than you, bud.” She pats Connor’s arm as she walks between the boys and into the apartment. Mack withstands the urge to inhale David’s scent as she does.
“That is why she is my least favorite sister in law.” Connor jokes to David.
“Ha-ha.” Mack shoves Connor’s ass with her Ugg boot. 
“So who is this friend?” Connor asks David again, clearly not wanting to let it go. Mack glances at David who is staring beyond his teammate at her.
“Just someone from home.” He says. He licks his lips, then pulls his gaze off Mack as she walks away to say hi to her niece. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye, David! Keep my husband in line on the road!” Lucie yells from the kitchen.
“Luc, I don’t think you know what you ask of me.” David calls back to her.
“Dude.” Connor snaps, slapping David’s stomach. “Tell her the truth.”
“He is lame as hell.” David confirms.
“Yeah, baby, I’m lame as hell.” Connor repeats.
“I’m sure you are.” Lucie nods. David tosses another wave to the group then leaves. Slight disappointment, scratches at Mack’s eyes. “Hi Mackie.” Lucie opens her arms for her sister. Mack curls into her, wanting to lay on her shoulder for a minute. “Oh, she so sleepy. Did you miss mom and dad on your trip? Apparently they are in Greece?” Lucie pets her hair for a moment.
“Yeah, I missed them by a day.”
“Mack.” Lucie rolls her eyes. “You could have stayed another day to say hi.”
“I could have.” Mack nods, reaching into the shredded cheese bowl and grabbing a pinch to eat. “But I know they’ll be here soon anyway. Apparently in a month?”
“You and I are not the same.”
“Nope.” Mack sighs. “Do you need help?”
“Can you bring all the toppings to the table?” Mack nods. “Stell, please go wash your hands. Bring your daddy too!” 
The rest of the night is spent munching on tacos, talking about Mack’s travel, and Connor’s upcoming road trip. Then they each have a homemade cookie, ice cream sandwich, with sprinkles wrapped around the ice cream filling. Lucie made them and wants everyone’s honest feedback. They all agree, even picky Stella, they are a 10! 
“Is David back from his date yet? He should come try one.”
“He says it wasn’t a date.” Connor shrugs.
“Then why is he so weird about who it was with?”
“I don’t know. He is kinda weird about his Iowa life.” Connor mumbles. “Probably because big city women don’t get it.” 
“I apologized.” Mack snips. 
“He really appreciated it.” Connor says sincerely. Mack knows that. She can still feel his lips on hers weeks later. “I’ll text him babe.” Connor says to Lucie. “What do you want to watch?”
“You two pick. I’m going to get Stell ready for bed.”
Mack takes the remote from Connor, who seems more interested in watching reels to pick an actual movie or show to watch. A knock sounds at the door as she is reading the summary of a documentary on the Ocean.
“No, I don’t wanna learn.” Connor instantly nixes what is on the screen as he stands up.
“You’ve never learned a thing in your life.” Mack snorts. Connor opens the door. 
“See.. this… right here, Mack.” He snaps her fingers to get her attention. She looks over her shoulder, then startles a bit at seeing David with a 12 pack of Modelo. “This is a good friend.”
“Cause he brings beer?” Mack laughs. “Your standards are impossibly low, Wood.” 
“And yet I bagged your sister.”
“Yes, because her standards are impossibly low.” 
“Says the girl no one is good enough for.” David murmurs, then drops a bottle of beer over her right shoulder. 
“I need a bottle opener.” David takes the bottle back, cracks the top open with the ring on his right hand, then hands it back to her. “Here, princess.” He is in a mood. Mack furrows her eyebrows, watching as he plops down on the couch next to her. He tips the bottle back, glugging down half of it.
“Dude, what is up?” Connor asks, sensing the angst in his teammate like Mack.
“Dinner didn’t go well.” 
“She wouldn’t come back to your place?” Connor moves into the kitchen with the rest of the beer.
“It wasn’t with a she.” David rolls his eyes. “It was with my shithead brother.”
“Which one?”
“Exactly.” David scoffs, slumping down more on the couch. He widens his thighs farther apart, jiggling his left foot anxiously. Connor continues to put beer away in the fridge. Mack observes David’s down posture, hating the way he looks so frustrated and deflated. 
“What happened?” She asks quietly to David. He turns to look at her. His eyes scour over her face, almost like he is trying to decide if he trusts her. Then he sighs and looks away.
“He asked me for money. And a lawyer. That’s all he ever wants from me.” He mutters, shaking his head again. Mack remembers her conversation with Lucie in the bathroom before the mentor’s trip. How his brothers both have significant issues and use David for what they want.
“I’m sorry.” She says sincerely, a deep frown pulling her mouth down. He looks over at her again, licking his lips. Lucie calls Connor from Stella’s room. Mack and David are quiet as he goes to join his girls down the hall.
“You go to Switzerland to get out of giving me an answer?” David immediately changes the subject when Connor is gone.
“No.” She answers anxiously. Neither of them are convinced.
“Blink if it’s yes.” He grins at her.
“Oh shut up.” She rolls her eyes, pushing his thigh with her foot. He captures it in his hand, holding it hostage. His fingers on her has her heartbeat pounding in her ribs. So much for firmly saying no to this man. God, what is happening to her? 
“Don’t blink, baby.” His voice lowers, getting husky around the edges as he devours her with his eyes. That’s what is happening to her. His pull is too strong for her to overcome. Mack’s lashes flutter from the heat and need she instantly feels building in her core 
“Mackncheeeee.” He sing-songs, holding the vowel at the end of her nickname. He leans over and nips right behind her ear. 
“Oh my god.” She startles, then shoves him back into his spot. They both notice how her fingers stay curled into his cream sweater, like she can’t decide if she wants him to stay there or pull him back over to her. One by one, she releases them, then puts her hand on her own chest.
“I’m going to make an excuse to leave and go back to my place. Meet me down there.” He reaches out, cupping her cheek. Mack turns into his touch. This lingering decision cannot be put off any more. Her eyes hesitantly reach his. He wants her. His green eyes burn with liquified fire for her. Mack chews her bottom lip as David finish his beer, then stands. He tosses his bottle in the recycling bin, then goes down to say goodbye to Connor and Lucie. He goes back to the freezer, grabbing an ice cream sandwich that Mack is sure Lucie insisted he needed to take.
He comes into the living room again, stroking along Mack’s cheek before he teases her lips with his. His thumb traces down the center of her throat as their eyes stare. Then, without any confirmation that she is coming, David leaves. Mack’s whole body stays still. She tentatively breathes, mind running a million miles an hour. She closes her eyes, swallowing hard, then opens them when Lucie and Connor come down the hall together. 
“What are we watching?” Her sister wonders.
“Um, I actually have to go.”
“Oh, are you okay?” Lucie asks. Mack nods her head.
“Do you need some water or-”
“No. I just need to go.” Mack insists, standing up.
“Are you okay to go by yourself? Connor, walk her-“
“No. I’m good.” Mack nods, then gives a faint smile. 
After rushed goodbyes, Mack’s back hits the steel of the elevator. The box descends. She waits for the door to open on David’s floor. She pauses in the doorway, licking her lips, so nervous for what she is about to do. Then she shakes her head, turning to the left, walking down to the one with the 4 numbers of his unit beside it. She stares at the grey door, imagining him tucked behind it, waiting for her. A shiver of pleasure zig-zags from her scalp to her toes. She raises her hand and knocks. His soft footsteps come closer to the door. She looks down at her boots. The lock flips. She raises her gaze and meets his head on. 
David slowly opens the door, then leans his shoulder against it. He cocks an eyebrow at Mack. 
Leap! Her need roars. So she does.
“Yes.” She whispers. His second eyebrow dashes up, his mouth drops a little open. 
“Say it again.” He demands.
“Yes.” Mack says more forcefully, then she stuffs the last remaining shred of doubt down deep into her stomach for another time.
Mack shoves David back into his apartment with two palms on his chest. David barely gets the door shut behind her, their mouths attacking each other. As she pushes him farther back, he wraps his arms around her. Mack places his back against the opposite wall, near his living room. She loosens her grip now that she has the leverage of the wall.  David takes advantage of the opportunity to twirl her, then pin her against the wall with his hips. 
His hands slide down to grab her wrists, bringing them up by her head and pinning them there. She moans into his mouth. He loosens his grip in response, moving his hands around her waist again to eagerly pull her flush against him. She brings her hands to his hair and shoulder. His hands glide from her waist to connect with the backs of her thighs, hoisting her up. Mack clings to him like she did a few weeks ago, unable to get close enough to his heat.
They roll down the hallway to, presumably, his bedroom. Mack has never been here and as much as she wants to look around, she wants him to fuck her more. She reaches down, between their abdomens, rolling her hips back so it will fit. His hands on her ass dig in, wanting to keep her close. He lowers her a bit, letting the apex of her thighs hit the hard erection she was working towards. Mack shudders at how large he feels. She knows, without even seeing it, he will be the biggest she has ever had. David must sense her hesitation.
“I’ll make it good, honey. I know how to use it.” He murmurs. His tone is the sexiest and sweetest elixir of temptation. 
Into his bedroom, David strides. Mack pulls back from him, looking down at his face. He smiles at her. She smiles back, then purses her lips, feeling excited flutters assault the walls of her stomach. His palms let her legs slide down until her feet touch the floor again. She steps to the left, he turns to follow her, his back towards the bed. She forces him down, standing triumphantly between his spread thighs. Teasingly, she pulls her shirt up over her head, leaving her in the lace bralette she put on just in case. David’s green eyes feast on her as she loses that too. It falls to the floor. She pauses, nodding at him to take something off. He sheds his sweater fast, exposing an incredible body, taut from hockey and farming. Fuck, he is so hot. It makes Mack’s brain dizzy and her pussy clench around a frustrating emptiness.
David’s fingers wander to the belt on his jeans, opening it up. He pops the button and zipper down too, almost looking relieved to not have his dick confined so tightly anymore. He lifts his hips, working them to his ankles. Mack leans forward, putting a palm on his abdomen, scraping her nails down the hard ridges until she gets to the Calvin Klein waistband. Her fingers grip the white elastic, then tug. She watches with glittering eyes as his cock springs free. She inhales heavily. David watches her with such intensity, like he can know every thought of hers if he doesn't take his eyes off her face. She bites her lip, swarming butterflies filling her stomach with anticipation of having him buried deep inside of her soaked core. Her pussy flutters again then she backs up as David sits up. He presses his mouth to her abdomen.
“Wanna see you.” He murmurs, grabbing the waistband of her leggings and tugging down. He brings her panties with, practically sneering at the wet trail down Mack’s thighs from how drenched she is. “So wet for me.” He mumbles. “Been wondering how you taste here.” 
His fingers slide through insistently, confidently, like he’s been there hundreds of times. Mack can’t help but wondering if he has in his mind. All the times he touched himself to the thought of her. She spreads her thighs wider, swaying forward when he rolls her clit once. David’s hand goes around to her back and he forces her more forward until she falls. Her palms hit the bed, catching her momentum as he explores her folds with his more dominant hand.
His fingers play with her slickness, gathering more from her entrance and spreading it against her clit. Mack moans urgently. David grabs the back of her thigh, then glides his fingers down to her knee, lifting. He maneuvers out from between her legs, then gets on his knees behind her. Mack’s eyebrows furrow, she is about to ask him where he is going with this when she feels his mouth against her folds. She jolts forward. He brings a hand up to her hip to steady her. Mack arches into his tongue swimming through her folds, on it’s way to her clit.
“Holy.” Mack squeaks. This is far from Mack’s first time, but the way he sucks her clit brings new sensations to her core. She falls a bit more forward, gripping the sheets in front of her. “Oh…” She says again. She starts saying words before she even has time to think of them, completely uninhibited squeals streaming from her lips. 
David devours her pussy like it’s his favorite meal and he’s been starved for days. His tongue does a majority or the stroking and building. Then he goes in for the kill, sucking her sensitive bud into his mouth, rolling and prodding, until Mack’s legs and arms start to shake. She comes hard, wetness dripping down from her entrance and collecting on his chin. In thirty seconds, he has ripped her first orgasm from deep in her core. 
Mack blinks rapidly, trying to catch her breath. She looks down at her hands fisting the comforter, trying to release them but she can’t. That’s when she realizes she is still coming. She jolts against his face again. His nose bumps her clit as he kisses his way out from between her thighs.
Once will not be enough with him. Any hope of that is dashed.
“You taste so good for me.” He murmurs. “Sweet and desperate. You been desperate for me, Mack?” She swallows hard, closing her eyes and nodding. “Never thought I’d see you speechless.”
“I-I- Oh.” She finished with a profound moan as he glides a finger into her entrance. She clenches around it desperately. 
“Need me so bad, huh, honey? Need this cock to split you open?” His filthy words have her collapsing forward, losing the battle of staying upright. David taps her hip. “Lay on your back.” Mack rolls compliantly. He climbs onto the bed beside her, long hard cock bouncing with each of his movements. Mack reaches for it.
“Not yet. Trust me.” He murmurs, leaning down to kiss her. She can taste herself on him, melting into the bed as he swipes along her right nipple. His lips coast along hers, dropping lazy and wet smooches. Mack moans loudly as his fingers glide over her soaked folds, rolling her clit gently, careful not to overstimulate her, then fills her entrance with them. “Those skinny Swiss boys you hook up with make you feel like this? Heard that’s your type.”
“No.” Mack chokes.
“Didn’t think so. You need to be fucked by a real man.” He lays on his side next to her, playing between her legs like he has all day to pleasure her. “Didn’t think I could take care of you?” He stuffs a third finger in. Mack gasps, feeling the stretch. “This is how big I am.” He coos to her. Mack gets wetter, they both feel it. He grins, kissing her neck. “My needy girl. Show me you can take this cock.” He begins thrusting harder into her. Mack’s hips shift up, searching for more. He stretches his fingers, then curls the pad of his middle one up to circle her velvet button.
“C-close, Davi-d…”
“Yeah you fucking are. Let go for me, honey.” Mack’s whole body tenses, legs shaking violently on his sheets.
“Oh fuck.” Mack groans, jolting forward as a second, harder orgasm grips her. She turns on her hip towards David, thrusting down onto his hand. Her thigh hits his hip. He pulls her close. She can feel his dick against her other leg as she shakes. Her whole body seems to grip his fingers, pulling them deeper.
“That’s it, baby. Use me. Take what you need.” Mack groans as she goes limp when her orgasm completely releases. Her limbs have turned to gelatin. She no longer can speak, barely breathing, and he hasn’t even put himself inside of her yet. While Mack recovers, David kisses along her face for a few more moments, taking the limited breath she is capable of breathing right now. Then he rolls away from her. Mack closes her eyes, trying to refocus. 
David reaches to his bedside table. He grabs a foiled condom, tearing it open with his teeth before rolling it down his shaft. Mack watches, lip folded between her teeth. He didn’t even ask. He just did it out of respect for her, not putting her in the awkward position to say yes and then watch how disappointed he is at her answer. At least in her previous experience.
“Ready for one last ride, baby?”
Suddenly, David has her on top of him. She looks down anxiously, feeling how unsteady her legs and core already are. Her muscles still shake. There is no way she has the strength for this. 
“David, I can’t…” 
“Shhhhh baby, you think I’m gonna make you work now?” He chuckles lowly at her confusion, plants his feet flat on the mattress and grips her hips in both hands, “I got you baby.”
He glides her carefully down his cock. The stretch is a pinch, even with his fingers preparing her, it stings for a few moments. He rocks her forward and back, getting her comfortable, watching her face. Her moan croaks from her chest when the pinch turns to raw pleasure. Mack jolts forward as David thrusts up into her, hands scrabbling on his chest to hold herself up as he fucks deep up inside her, hitting her spot with every thrust.
“Oh, oh, oh, oh.” Mack hears herself moaning. “Oh fuck. Oh mygOD.” She cries out. “Don’t stop.” She bites down hard on his shoulder. David moans loudly at the pain.
“Feel so fucking good for me, Mackenzie. Such a good fucking girl, aren’t you? You like big cock, huh?”
“Yes! Yes!” Mack yells back. “David, I’m… oh shit…” Mack feels the creamy release of the most intense orgasm of her life slide down his latex wrapped shaft, collecting on his balls and making a mess between her thighs. David enjoys the feeling of her coming undone on his cock. She clenches down tighter. This spurs him on more as his jerky thrusts chase his own white hot release. He falls into it seconds later, turning his face into her hair, moaning her name desperately, holding her to him like she’s his only tie to this planet.
David reaches around Mack’s spent body. He grips the latex at the bottom of his shaft, then gently eases out of her. Mack whimpers at how empty she feels without him, pressing her face deeper into his neck. His head and shoulder lean down as an attempt to hug her head.
“You okay, pretty girl?” Mack nods, then kisses his throat. He hums in appreciation of her gesture. “I’m going to take care of this okay?”
“No. Not yet.” She whispers.
The second his skin moves from hers, reality is going to begin to descend- what they just did, how he made her feel, the things they said to each other. It’s going to be a cold bath of the truth Mack isn’t ready. She wants to stay here for hours until she can memorize every part of what they just experienced. David kisses her forehead, feathering his fingers over her spine.
This continues for several more minutes of quiet contentment. Then, when the reality of a leaking mess is close, he moves her to the side, off his chest. His hand runs the length of her body. After, he struts to the bathroom, holding the latex tight to his softening form.
Mack rolls to her back, trying to put words to what she feels. Before this moment, sex had always been so transactional. You help me, I help you. We feel someone else’s touch besides our own and go our separate ways. Never has it felt like that. She never craved sex before. She liked it, had fun plenty of times, but it was never an all consuming fuckfest focused on her pleasure.
Mack hears the shower turn on in the adjoining bathroom. Apparently he is a shower after sex kinda guy. For some reason, that really bothers Mack. She wants to go home smelling like him and he can’t wait to wash her off? She sits up, glancing around for her clothes. She avoids David’s gaze as he comes out of the bathroom. She is trying to decide how to get off the bed without smearing what is on her thighs across the sheets when David comes over, holding a hand out to her. She takes it and he pulls her up, putting an arm under her knees. He carries her into the bathroom then delicately puts her feet on the bath rug. He lets her test her weight on her legs. They both see how she is basically Ariel coming out of the sea for the first time, so he keeps an arm wrapped around her waist as he test the temperature of the water.
For once, Mack and David are quiet within each other’s presence. David washes her hair and skin, sudsing her up with no hidden agenda, taking care of her worn out body. She holds onto his back or hip or stomach the entire time, needing to be close to him as he attentively loves on her body. When they are both clean, David pulls her into his chest, turning so her back is hitting the steam, but her face remains out. He presses his mouth to the top of her head, swaying them gently. Mack could fall asleep right here with him in this warm and comfortable cocoon. 
“Done?” He murmurs a few moments later. Mack nods. They step out together. David wraps her up in a fluffy towel. “I don’t really… have any um, lotion or anything?” He says, but brings out what he does. She sees CeraVe daily moisturizer and figures that is enough for now. He watches her smooth it out on her cheeks. She holds up some extra on her fingers. 
“You need some?” 
“Mhm.” He murmurs, presenting his face at her. While she works it over his skin, he makes funny faces at her. She chuckles. His eyes are closed, so he uses her hips as a steadying anchor for him. 
“All done.” She tells him, rubbing the rest into her hands. 
“Am I as pretty as you now?” Mack blushes. 
“Close.” David nibbles at his mustache as he looks at her intently. Mack looks away, seeing so many emotions and words that it is too early to talk about. They walk together into his bedroom. Mack glances at her clothes again, then walks over to where her shirt is. 
“Don’t you dare. We sleep naked in this house.” The question hangs in the air. Is she staying? Or is she going? To both of their surprise, Mack drops the towel and gets back into the sheets they ruined earlier in the evening. David slides in next to her and without hesitation, pulls her into his arms. “Are you comfortable?” He asks her.
“I usually sleep on my right side.” She is currently on her left. She didn’t want to turn her back to him immediately, feeling that was rude. He lifts the covers so she can roll. She does, then nuzzles her bare backside into his bare front. She closes her eyes, feeling his cock stir against her still puffy lips. She is going to be sore in the morning.
David holds her tight to his chest. Mack trails her nails over his forearm, feeling the heaviness of her eyes. She thought she would be up all night. 
Luckily, David found the solution to her jet-lag.
- - - 
In her dream, Mack is wrapped up in a cozy blanket at her parents cabin in the Swiss mountains. The fireplace pops in front of her as she wiggles her way deeper into the warmth of the fluff. A bit of sweat is forming at her hairline, but the comfortable feeling outweighs everything else. Someone is under the blanket with her. She can’t tell who in her dream, but his light breathing tickles her hair as she looks out at the falling snow. 
Her eyes suddenly get lighter and pop open. Gone is the Swiss snow and in its place is a room she has never seen before. Was this the dream instead? She inhales, then stiffens in the heavy arms wrapped under and around her. What the-
“Don’t get weird on me, Hischier.” David mumbles sleepily behind her. The rush of memories crash into her. Their lips and the desperation and the steamy connection. Mack gets warm instantly, inhaling heavily, but relaxes into his body. She brings her arm out of the covers, hoping to release some of the furnace under the blankets with them. Damn, he is burning hot behind her.
He runs his finger tips along her arm, easing forward to kiss her shoulder. Mack sighs, pressing her hips back into his. She can feel his solid length pressing into her cheeks, then the awareness of a dull ache between her legs. Despite that, her nipples tighten as David continues to gently stroke her skin. Her hips instinctively press back into him more, giving David all the approvals for a playful morning.
From her arm, his fingers glide across her chest, playing with each nipple until they are aching point, sending pleasureful need to her throbbing clit. His fingers work their way there soon. Mack spreads her legs eagerly for him, pressing down into his touch.
“You like helping.” He mumbles gruffly. His rough voice coated in sleep makes her wetter. She loves the idea of being the first thing he has in the morning.
David’s fingers continue their lazy wander, working her up. He alternates between thumbing her nipples and rolling her clit with two fingers. Then he does both, catching Mack’s head on his shoulder as she moans.
“Needed a real man to touch you, hmm? Never felt like this before have you? Practically coming the second I touch you.” She nods. Then he moves south, the pain of his finger tip circling her sore entrance is too much for her to work though.
“I-I’m too sore for that.” She murmurs regretfully. He backs off immediately.
“S’okay, honey. You’ll get used to me.” He kisses her neck softly. His fingers glide up her slickness to rest against her clit again. “This okay?” He asks. She nods eagerly. He rolls the pads over her, taking his time so he can memorize every curve and place that makes Mack press harder against his firm cock. He settles himself slightly between her cheeks, then rubs her to her morning bliss. She comes with a soft cry of his name, so much gentler than last night. He finishes her off with a kiss on the back of her neck. Her eyes are closed, but she brings her hand around to his hip, holding him while she recovers.
Mack feels more than hears David get out of bed. She turns, surprised.
“As much as I want to do that about three more times, I’ve gotta get going.” He tells her questioning look. He walks into the bathroom, shutting the door. When he comes back, Mack is waiting for an answer, blanket tucked under her arm pits. “I’m heading to practice, then we are heading on the road immediately after.”
“Oh. Yeah.” She remembers. She lays back into her pillow, yawning.
“You even do that cute.” He chuckles. Mack smiles at him, but has to roll her eyes too. Now he’s just sucking up.
Mack watches him get ready, stuffing down the disappointment she feels at him disappearing from New York for a few days. She wants to ask him when he will be back, but she doesn’t want to appear desperate. Well, any more than she already has in the past 12 hours. After putting a suit on, he goes back into the bathroom then emerges with a travel bag. He tosses it into the duffle bag on a chair by the door, then zips it up. Mack can see the LV on the black leather from here. It surprises her. She wouldn’t pick David for a designer kind of guy. 
He comes over to her side of the bed, putting his palms on either side of her to lock her in place. She drinks him in, admiring the complimentary tailoring of his green suit. It makes his eyes look like exploding emeralds, especially in the morning light filtering in. His black tie swings down by her chest. She grips it, tugging him down inch by slow inch with the silky fabric.
“There is breakfast food in the fridge. Help yourself to whatever you want. I do have milk if you want some oatmeal.” He quips. “I’m sorry I can’t stay.” He goes the remaining distance without her help, kissing her. “Or bring you back to your place.”
“Most hook ups don’t do breakfast or drop offs.”
“Or sleep over.” He points out. He’s got Mack there. “You gonna hide from me when I get back?” Although his tone is light, there is a seriousness to his question.
“Maybe.” She smirks as she says it, wanting to keep this interaction light.
“Something tells me you’ll be back for more.” He moves his eyes down her body, drinking her in, all tangled up in his soft sheets. Mack rolls her eyes, ignoring how true that is. He burst apart her world and put it back together last night with him as the center of it.
“Something tells me you’ll still be interested even if I’m not.” She sits up, letting the blanket fall down to her lap, exposing her bare chest. He grins, leaning forward and tickling her nipple with his mustache. Mack breathes in deeply, then lets her head fall back towards the ceiling as he sucks it into his mouth. His nose traces over it too.
“I’ll see ya, honey.” He murmurs after kissing her breast tenderly. Then he stands up, full hard on displayed while he heads to his travel bag by the door. “I’ll leave the spare key on the counter for you.” He calls over his shoulder as he leaves the room.
“What? We are definitely not there yet.” Mack calls. He pops his head back in.
“No, but I’d appreciate it if you could lock my door when you leave.” Mack purses her lips together, dimples turning pink at her embarrassing assumption. She nods after clearing her throat awkwardly. 
“Yeah. I’ll do that.” 
“Thank you.” He murmurs, laughing heartily at her sheepish look.
Mack waits until she hears the apartment door close behind him. Then she collapses back into his bed, laughing loudly and excitedly. She can’t help but kick her feet too, rolling around a few times to get tangled up completely in the blankets like a burrito. The outside world peaks in from an opening in the curtains. She watches a few birds fly by the window. As they soar through the air, sun soaking their feathers, they tweet their greeting to her then continue on. 
Mack reaches out at them, content smile on her face, feeling as free as they are this morning.
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randomshyperson · 2 years
New Romantics - Chapter Two - Wanda Maximoff Series
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Summary: Trapped in a loveless relationship that has cost her friendships, Wanda watches her senior year of school turn upside down after a party. She will make new friends and may end up learning that not every relationship is doomed to failure.
Warnings: (+16), straight and toxic relationships, making out, underage drinking, language, co-dependency, conversations about insecurity and self-worth, attempted romantic comedy, unrequited love at first, friends to lovers. | Words: 4.507k
Skamverse Collection | Series Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad |
Chapter Two- Easter with Ink and Phones
Downtown, Tuesday 02:14 pm
A soft melody echoed throughout the room, but you weren't paying much attention to the lyrics. Your dominant hand was doing the work of painting the canvas, and slowly, the image of a faceless female figure was forming in the paint.
But your creative process was interrupted by the pause of the music - Making you realize that you were, in fact, paying attention to the melody.
"Hey!" Your protest was soft yet annoying. Natasha laughed, holding up the radio control. 
"Sorry, but they're calling you again." She says and you sigh tiredly. 
"I thought we blocked the number."
Natasha places the remote control on top of one of the countless bookshelves in her makeshift gallery. "Well, I had that geek neighbor of ours look at the phone, but whatever she did, it didn't work."
You chuckle, your eyes back on the screen. "America Chavez was definitely messing with you, sweetheart."
Natasha grimaces. "No, because she charged for the hour and I'm going to commit a crime if it was a prank."
Not wishing your friend to go to jail, you gave up painting. You started to take off your dirty apron and gloves, telling Natasha that you would take care of it. But before you could leave the studio, she called you. "It's easter, Y/N. Maybe, I don't know, you could give them a chance."
You chuckle. "Christmas is when we get more generous and tolerant, Natasha." That's what you say to her with a wink before leaving the scene.
It's not a surprise that America answers the door when you ring the bell - Both of their mothers are nurses, and usually, work on holidays like these. Her apartment is not empty anyhow. The kids from downstairs, Kamala Khan and Bruno Carrelli, are playing video games on the couch and sharing pizza from the night before.
"Hey, neighbor." America greets you excitedly. You laugh.
"Don't hey neighbor me, you little pest. Come on, you charged Natasha about the phone and now you're going to do the work." You nod toward your door, but America hesitates.
"Wait, I can explain-"
"Come on Chavez, don't try to wind me up." You interrupt with a grimace. "Do the job we paid for or I'll call your moms and tell them what you've been doing."
The girl snorts in defeat, and nods to her friends, saying she'll be right back as she leaves them playing.
You lead her straight to the kitchen and grab cans of soda while she goes to the phone. She picks it up and presses a few numbers.
"What are you up to?" You ask curiously, and she sighs.
"Your phone sucks, Y/N, it won't let me block any untraceable numbers. Are you running from secret agents by any chance?"
You chuckle, opening your soda. "I wish I had such an interesting life. You retort. "My parents are both psychiatrists and have private numbers so that patients don't save their personal contact information and try to call back."
America grimaces softly. "But what if the patient really needs to talk to them?"
You shrug sadly. "They don't care."
America doesn't insist, without knowing how far the intimacy for questions of good neighbors goes. She stays on her task for a while, before asking, "I can only block calls from all over the country. Are you sure you don't have any Brazilian friends you don't want to unintentionally ignore?
You deny it, taking a big sip of soda and watching America finish with the phone. When she releases the handset, you extend the other can of soda from the counter to her.
"The door is always open, kiddo. If your friends want a soda." You tell her, and you both know that this is an invitation for her not to spend the Easter holiday alone.
She smiles in thanks before leaving, and you go back to your studio, only to find your roommate snooping - or rather looking - at your paintings.
"Did you find something you like? It's all for sale." You joke, managing to get her to smile. You walk over to the radio, and Natasha tilts her head as she faces the painting you are starting.
"Who are you painting?"
You feel your cheeks warm, so you remain with your back to her with the excuse that you are choosing the music.
"A girl from school." 
Natasha makes a sound of interest. "Pretty?"
You laugh. "Smart."
"That's not what I asked."
"She's in my literature class, always reading. Quiet, but not shy. Sarcastic but never mean. And she has quick answers for almost everything. The first week she was the only one in the class who had read Madame Bovary, and the opinion piece was so impressive that the teacher praised her out loud in front of the class." You continue to ignore Natasha. "She has a strong Sokovian accent, so I guess she must have been born in the north since English is more like a second language in that part of the country. And yes, Natasha, she may be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
Your friend smiled, pushing the locks of her hair behind her ears. "Did you notice that she was beautiful before or after you fell in love with her?"
You chuckle, walking over to your painting. "I'm not in love with anyone, don't be ridiculous. I don't even know her."
Natasha watches you intently. 
"So you notice all the girls in your literature class who are sarcastic but not mean, and paint them for hours?" She retorts and you can feel the tips of your ears warm.
"I've only been painting for a few minutes." You defend yourself, but Nat clears her throat, and when you look at her, she is pointing to several sketch boards thrown behind the main one. Most with faces and figures that look a lot like the larger one. You roll your eyes, sighing. "I know a lot of girls." You try, but it only makes Nat laugh.
"What's her name anyway?"
You draw with the pencil what would be the outline of a nose. "Wanda Django Maximoff."
"Full name and you swear you're not interested." She teases, and because your back is turned, you don't notice her reaching for her cell phone. Rolling your eyes again, you continue to draw and paint.
"She signs her full name on the door call. I think it's cute."
"I bet you do."
Deciding that you were no longer going to give Natasha material to torment you with, you focus on your painting. But the redhead only gives you ten minutes of peace before she calls you back. "Hm?"
"I found all her social media. Instagram, Facebook, and even Linkedin. She used to do tutoring can you believe it? You're right, she is very pretty."
You spun around the seat, curiosity in your gaze as Nat angled her cell phone so you could look too. But then you turned around, "No. I don't want to be a stalker."
Nat chuckled, shaking her head. "You know that's how people know each other in the 21st century, right?"
You roll your eyes, sliding your paintbrush across the canvas. "I'd rather talk to her for real than through a screen, Nat."
"Oh, and how's that going?" Nat teases, smiling at your displeased snort. But she puts her cell phone away the next moment, taking pity on your annoyance and adding more softly, "Maybe you should give it a chance. A little online chat just so you don't scare her off, and then you can go full Romeo Montecchio on her."
You laugh, shaking your head. "Thanks, but I think I'd come off as a complete disaster online and effectively scare her off before I had any real chance."
"So pessimistic." Nat muttered getting up. She walked over to the radio connected to your cell phone, probably to change the music. When she laughed for no reason, you took your eyes off the board to her. "The universe is in my favor, my friend. Wanda Maximoff just requested your friendship on Facebook."
You stumble on the bench as you get up in a jump to go to your cell phone. Nat is telling the truth, the notification is right there. Wanda and her stupidly beautiful face on a Facebook icon.
"Oh, okay, what do I do now?"
Nat giggled rolling her eyes. "You click yes." You make mention of picking up the cell phone, but Nat pulls it away with a grimace. "God, don't be ridiculous. You can't accept it now, she just sent it."
You frown in confusion. "What? Why not?"
"Y/N, for heaven's sake, you can't look desperate. Think about. It's easter, she can't think you're well… locked in a studio waiting for a notification. Nope, you have to look busy, and interesting. Wait at least a day to accept or even the end of the holiday."
Nat puts the phone in your hand, and you scratch your hair with the other, "But I want to be her friend now..."
The redhead giggles in disbelief, taking the phone back. "I'll take care of this, you can go back to the painting, Da Vinci."
"See you at dinner." She escapes the studio before you can protest.
Downtown, Wednesday 08:25 am
You have accepted this request for friendship. You and Wanda Maximoff are now friends.
"You are so weird, Y/N, I swear." Yelena's voice made you bang your head with force on the ink shelf, definitely not because you were distracted by a stupid notification from hours ago.
"Jesus, don't you and your sister ever knock?" You retorted, mashing your head with one hand and with the other holding a pot of paint.
Yelena was holding a package of take-out Mexican food that she left on the small table - the smell made your stomach jump and reminded you that you were starving - before approaching the nearly finished painting in the center of your gallery.
"Why would I knock on my own apartment?" Yelena reasons teasingly, and you chuckle rolling your eyes. 
"Not that I agree, but why am I weird?"
She nods at the board with her chin. "You're painting Novi Grad's Wednesday Addams in the middle of Easter."
You chuckle. "Do you know Wanda?"
Yelena shrugs. "Not really, but she's well-known at school."
You hum with your hands busy separating the right shades of paint. "Really, why is that?"
"I don't pay attention to rumors, sorry." She retorts distractedly. "But that painting turned out beautiful. Did she commission it or what?"
You chuckle awkwardly. "No, I wanted to do it. My brain didn't seem to accept getting her out of my head until I paint it. It's the eyes and the wine's fault, I'm sure."
You sigh. "I met her at your welcome party and helped her with her makeup. And I also had a few glasses of wine. I came home with the trace of her eyes stuck in my head, I couldn't stop thinking about it."
"Artists are so weird." Yelena mutters, and you chuckle.
"Tell me about it."
Yelena sighs, throwing herself into one of the armchairs. "Wanda seems to have gotten herself into a little bit of everything at this party." Yelena then comments. "I had a fight with Kate and I was a little... shaken up. Wanda found me in the bathroom, she was kind and helpful. Who knew."
You frown, looking at Yelena. "What do you mean shaken up? Is everything okay?"
Yelena sighs, forcing a smile. "It's just the usual, honey, don't worry about it."
You drop the ink on the table. "Yelena, you can talk to me."
The blonde hesitates, but then sighs. "I don't know, Kate's been weird since her new stepfather moved in. She was going to come out to Eleanor, but she keeps putting things off. We've been fighting so much, and maybe she's just lacking the courage to make a decision."
You wipe your hands on the washcloth from the canvas and approach your friend and roommate. "Yelena, I think you should talk to her." You say, and when the blonde makes mention of protesting, you hold up your finger. "Talk. Not accuse or demand. Ask her what's bothering her. By god, you two are so annoyingly in love all the time, what is this now? A sweet sixteen crisis bullshit?"
Yelena giggles, rolling her eyes. "I have no idea, Y/N, if I did I wouldn't be involving other people." She retorts. "Carol is sure Kate wants to break up."
You grimace. "Carol doesn't know anything, don't listen to her."
"Oh, am I supposed to listen to you then? Why? A degree in romantic comedies like The Notebook?"
"Honestly, you and your sister are the worst." You chuckle throwing her a dirty paint washcloth that makes her jump away. "Get out of my studio, I'm done giving you advice, you pest."
She flashes you her tongue, and you laugh, wishing your friend wouldn't give up on Kate Bishop before the younger girl gets up the courage to hand over the commitment ring you helped her choose.
It was only when Wanda's painting was ready that you left the studio to take a shower. You had already removed the top of your clothes when your cell phone vibrated.
'H'. This was the message on the Facebook chat coming from Wanda. You got online because you thought it was a bug in the application. But soon after she sent a larger one:
"Sorry. I meant to say Hi, but I just pressed the H."
You smiled to yourself. Wanda was so cute. You thought about Nat's advice about sounding interesting and taking your time to respond but you didn't want to leave her without an answer now that you were online. But you also felt weird about talking to her without clothes on, and you weren't going to put the pieces on the bathroom floor back on your body.
Finally, you sent an emoji of a thumbs up and headed for the shower, with no idea that the girl across the country was thinking you thought she was somehow stupid.
Novi Grad, Thursday 10:04 am
"Come on guys, I know the holiday makes everyone tired but just two more days and it will be the weekend again. Have a seat..."
You hastened your step at the request of Mrs. Frigga, the Literature teacher. She waved to the chatting people at the back to get down from the tables and sit down properly, and you balanced your notebooks on your left arm to take an empty chair. There was a little commotion with the boys, and somehow you ended up sitting, without realizing it, right next to the person who hadn't left your thoughts the entire holiday.
Wanda tried to disguise her tight grip on her book, watching out of the corner of her eye as you distractedly took the seat next to her and took the items out of your backpack, only to notice her the next second and offer her a gentle smile.
"Hi." You say, taking off your jacket next. "Or should I say, 'H'?" 
She giggled at your joke immediately, some of the nervousness flowing into her stomach like butterflies. She felt silly, being so anxious about someone she didn't know. Maybe it was your fault, for looking so lovely and pretty without the slightest effort.
Before she can think of how to continue the joke, Frigga is speaking again.
"I hope you all did the assignment I asked for." Remembers the woman, receiving a chorus of dissatisfaction, to which she only chuckles lightly. You curse low from your seat, and Wanda looks up at you immediately.
"I totally forgot we had homework." You mutter to Wanda's curious gaze. "You think I can guess the answer?" You joke with a funny grimace, making her chuckle again. Frigga looks at the two of you.
"Would you two like to start?" she asks aloud, and you swallow dryly. Wanda licks her lips, drawing the focus of the teacher and the room to herself as she asks:
"Of course, miss. What would be the question?"
Frigga smiled. "What do you think being a wallflower is?"
"The non-official definition is related to shyness, to being the socially awkward and reserved person. Which fits well with the personality of Charlie, the protagonist." Wanda replies. Frigga nods in agreement and looks at you.
"Anything to add, Miss L/N?"
You press your lips together, thoughtful for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, I agree with Wanda but I feel the answer is slightly incomplete." You say, drawing the attention of the class to you. Clearing your throat, you continue. "I think it's more connected to a person's unique characteristics. Wallflowers are unique in their particularities, that's what makes them special. Even if Charlie wasn't shy, he would still be observant and very considerate."
Frigga rests her back on the table. "Better, Miss L/N, thank you." She says. "I like how you two complete each other answers, how about being partners in the report? And maybe for the semester, it might be good for you both."
You look at Wanda immediately, finding her already looking at you. The room is a bit of a mess with the announcement that the report could be done in pairs, but you have your full attention on the girl next to you.
"I think you're stuck with me, Maximoff." You joke, making you smile.
"What a tragedy." She retorts good-naturedly, managing a soft laugh before you two get to work.
It almost amazes you the way you work in perfect harmony with Wanda, but you are so distracted by her presence that you forget to think about it. She doesn't share any other classes with you, and when Literature ends, she seems just as hesitant to say goodbye as you are. 
"See you around, Maximoff." You speak then, trying to make things more casual, unaware of the internal battle the girl lives to build up the courage to ask you to lunch with her. Unfortunately, you have already left with the crowd of students when she thinks she could make it.
Downtown, Thursday 07:34 pm
"You ate my noodles again?" 
Natasha takes her attention away from the television, an apologetic expression that doesn't seem very genuine. You sigh impatiently, tossing the empty box you had taken from the cabinet into the trash before looking for your keys. She pauses the movie - receiving a protest from her sister - and kneels on the pillows to look at you. "Hey, sorry, Steve and Sam came over and there was nothing to eat..."
"And you obviously served my food." You retort sarcastically. Nat mutters that it was the only thing she had to eat, but she and her sister stand in a curious silence with the way you are struggling with your sneakers. 
"Are you okay in there?" Yelena asks from the armchair, and you snort loudly.
"I'm hungry." You grumble, getting a roll of the eyes. And then you sigh, one of your sneakers on. "And I don't know how to ask a girl out."
The sisters exchange excited glances. "Wow, that's interesting." Natasha comments. "It's Wanda, yes?"
Yelena looks ready to say something, but you get up in a bad mood. "Yes, she's very cute and I don't know how to say that without making an embarrassment of myself."
Natasha jumps up from the couch, excited. "Well, my friend, lucky I have a million tips. Yelena, we're going to buy food, don't watch the movie without me!"
The blonde rolls her eyes, pulling her cell phone out of her jeans, and Natasha tries to put on sandals before walking you out of the apartment.
On the other side of town, as Natasha makes you laugh by listing out the most foolproof movie seduction tips while you shop for noodles, a couple argues on a balcony. Wanda ends the night with tears on her cheek, just like you, but for different reasons.
Novi Grad, Friday, 02:05 pm
Wavy hair cascaded over a dark denim jacket. Wanda first adjusted her clothes, and then her headphones, taking them off to put in her backpack. She was alone again and looked a little bored. She searched through her backpack for something, and you sighed when you caught a glimpse of her hand full of rings giving the material a gentle squeeze-
"You're staring again, weirdo." Yelena teased, sitting in the chair next to yours. It was afternoon break, and you were sitting on one of the patio chairs. She had been on her cell phone, exchanging messages on the edge of passive-aggressive with Kate Bishop for about fifteen minutes, and in theory, you were reading. But since you noticed Wanda leaving through one of the hallways, your attention was solely on her.
"No, I'm not." You grumble, turning your gaze to the item in your lap and getting a short laugh from the blonde.
Yelena didn't take her eyes off her cell phone as she spoke, "Natasha and I invited her to something earlier today."
Trying not to show any latent interest, you raise an eyebrow. "Oh, really?"
"Mm-hmm." She mutters. "The Graduation committee is already separating the sales teams, not that you're very interested in that." Yelena hints, but you don't mind. She sighs faintly. "She was sitting with two other boys from Nat's class, and they declined to participate. They're kind of preps if you want my opinion."
"And Wanda?"
Yelena didn't hide her little smile. "Is that interest in your voice?"
You rolled your eyes, your cheeks blushing lightly. "Come on, it's just curiosity." You retorted. "Not to mention you know damn well I'm interested."
Yelena giggles, shrugging. "It doesn't get any less funny to torment you for it." She says. "Wanda said she'd think about it. Maybe that will be a good incentive for you?"
It's your turn to laugh. "You know I don't care about these things, Lena. If I could make good money as you guys get from the fundraiser, I'd spend it on something much more meaningful than a party. I've been trying for months to get some money together to fix my truck."
Yelena sighs. "I still don't understand why you don't use that student money of yours."
You laugh. "That's because you don't listen to me! I've told you a million times that the scholarship only covers my housing and food!"
"So boring..." You laugh again, returning your attention to your book. Yelena keys a few things before adding, "When are you going to build up the courage to ask her out?"
"I'm working on it."
"Let me guess, waiting for the right moment?"
You shrug. "Maybe."
Yelena giggles, looking at you. "Sorry to break this to you and my super romantic sister but this is complete bullshit." Declares the blonde. "If someone likes you, any time is the right time. What do you think is going to happen, Wanda is going to magically guess that you are into her and hang around you until you build up the courage? Don't wait for that. Go to her, and ask her out. If it works, it worked. If not, it gives you even more time to move on."
You stare at her in shock for a couple of seconds. "I had forgotten how practical you are."
"Thank you."
"I didn't say it was a compliment." You retort good-naturedly, receiving a light kick to your leg. You laugh and look away. 
Wanda has taken a flyer out of her backpack and is putting it up on the school bulletin board. You smile and close the book. 
Yelena raises a curious eyebrow. "Well?"
"Wish me luck." You say, leaving the item beside her before going to approach the brunette.
The flyer was a reminder about the deadlines for the university's admissions letter submissions, and you guessed that one of the professors had asked Wanda to paste the notices. 
You reached next to her, one finger going to the title of the item she just pasted.
"H, as 'Have you sent your admissions letters yet?" You started with a little smile, turning your face to look at her. "Or, H, as, Have you got any plans for tonight?"
Wanda giggled shyly, a little surprised at the unexpected invitation. You, despite your heart leaping in your chest, kept your composure. She opened her mouth to reply, but you both were interrupted by Natasha's exit from the cafeteria, the door next to the board.
"Hello, you two." She had a suggestive little smile that made you bite the inside of your cheek. "Is Y/N repeating our invitation from earlier, Wanda? It would be a nice addition to have you two on our sales team."
You could dig a hole in the ground now, but for your friends. Wanda gives a nervous chuckle, looking between you and Nat before speaking. "I think so. The meeting will be in the auditorium, right? I didn't know you were on the committee..."
"I'm not-"
"She's what we call a ghost member." Natasha cuts in giving you a gentle nudge. "She lives with me and Yelena did you know? So she's been helping with activities since she got here, even though she's not officially part of the club."
"Oh, got it." Wanda mutters, twiddling her fingers as she tries not to exchange such obvious glances at you.
"Can I expect you at the meeting today then?" Natasha insists smiling.
You give Wanda a small smile, and her face lights up. She nods. "Sure, I'll be there."
"Great, I'll see you later." Natasha says, pulling you by the arm.
When you are far enough away, you turn to her with a grimace. "Why did you do that? I had just-"
"I think she has a boyfriend." Natasha declares and it's like a complete bucket of cold water.
"God, you're completely clueless." Nat scratches her forehead. "I'm not sure, but I think it's the boy we saw with her earlier. We're not from the same group of friends, and I don't give a damn what people do in this place but I think so. There is some rumor of a fight she got into as well but no one really remembers either. Parker is a terrible informant. And I need a bigger team, and this is the perfect opportunity for you to find out if she's taken and in the meantime help me with graduation."
"I hate you." You grumble sullenly.
Nat laughs, grabbing your face to kiss your cheeks and wipe the grimace off your face. 
When you join Yelena, she looks up at you. "Did you make it?"
"No, your sister ruined everything."
"That is an unfair statement, I am getting more information for an efficient approach." Explains the redhead, and you have to laugh. "You don't appreciate the work of a spy."
You and Yelena burst out laughing.
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It took me a while to notice that the Encanto gramma predicates them “deserving” the miracle (survivor’s guilt there) on them using their gifts for everyone who asks for help, all day, no rest, and tries to make sure no one in the town ever feels alone or unprotected, but not only is that making the kids feel exhausted and inauthentic and unseen; it’s also making her unable to deal with reality (the miracle faltering); and it’s also probably the reason Bruno felt like his gift was hurting everyone, bc it made the villagers really uncomfortable. At first the way “we don’t talk about Bruno” presents him made me think he was walking around telling people bad news unasked, but then he says everyone kept asking him, they just didn’t like the answers. So the town feeling unsafe around him made abeula feel like they were failing them.
And! The way Pepa tells her part of the song makes it sound like everything was sunshine at the wedding until he said what he said. But her husband corrects her “there wasn’t a cloud in the sky” to “no clouds ALLOWED in the sky.” And then at the end Bruno said “I could see that you were stressing,” which presumably means she did already have a little cloud when he showed up. But every time Pepa shows a cloud Abuela yells at her. She’s even dressed all in yellow with sun earrings, she’s trying to hard to stay sunny for Abuela. So she revised it in her memory to Bruno causing it. But then at the end when he tells her he wishes she would just feel all her feelings, her husband says “I’ve been saying that” and at the very end she’s dancing in the snow.
And at first I thought Mirabel had no gift but she and Bruno have almost the same gift! He had future sight and she has inner sight—she can see the cracks in the house before they appear, she can see Luisa’s trauma visually as she explains it. And at first she seems more determined than Bruno to follow through on her gift, but by the end she followed the same route as him—she ran off convinced she’d failed them. But bc Abuela had been through it already with Bruno she was able to make a different choice this time and follow Mirabel and let her teach her. I wonder if Abuela had inner sight too, since Mirabel seems poised to inherit the rest of her gift—house and candle guardian. She pretends she doesn’t believe the magic is faltering but then privately admits she knows, so is it bc she can see it too and was in denial? Or she just guessed bc of what happened to Mirabel?
The fact that Bruno saw the future still in doubt means the visions were multi layered anyway. And adjusting to free will as it happened. I love that Bruno’s prophecies are fluid like that. How the meaning shifts in response to what they choose. Dolores takes his prophecy and chooses to go get her man, Isabela takes it and gets new dreams of her own. So it doesn’t hurt them. I love how all of them develop so much more dimension to their gifts when they’re allowed to use it for themselves and not just for service! Selfishness!! It’s so necessary! I think it’s one of the best forms of healing trauma!! Bc our idea of selfishness gets so twisted. i’ve heard some people say they wished they hadn’t gotten their gifts back. They thought it would be more powerful if they didn’t, but I think the point is that the gifts are just who they are, it’s not really about them being magic. The house only amplifies the gift.
We never really get to see Mirabel’s moms inner life, which makes sense because that’s how we are with our parents at that age. But I do wonder if she had any adjusting she needed to do..
Also fascinating how Dolores is the one after Bruno who sees how things are most accurately, and she sees how nobody wants to hear what he sees, so she stays quiet about her perceptions about what she hears and just reports what she’s asked for neutrally, almost mechanically (unless it’s a major emergency, lol). Like Mirabel says Dolores will tell everyone, but she never argued with anyone about Bruno being bad even though she knew it was more complicated than that, she never tells anyone she still hears him sometimes, she reports “he wants five babies” with the barest quirk of her mouth, she never once mentions Isabela’s bf is her dream man even though Bruno told her that would happen years ago. Her verse about Bruno is by far the most perceptive but she almost whispers it. And only tells Mirabel things if she’s asked. It's so traumatic to be the one who sticks out, who can’t hide the gift so it antagonizes everyone. But it’s almost as traumatic to be the one who has to stifle their gift and not to use it nearly to its potential because so they’ve seen what will happen.
It’s SO layered and so dang accurate to how trauma plays out generationally and I’ve rewatched it three times and still keep noticing things and WOW. And Dos Origuitas makes me cry. Bc it’s layered too! It’s not just “you’ll transform through trauma,” it’s “the process of transformation may take you away from the people you went through the trauma with, and that’s ok, you have to let each other go and trust the cocoon and that you’ll find each other again after if you can” and that’s a lot!!!
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beloved-brynn · 5 months
*pokes you*
Brynryn, hi hello, how are youuu?
Anyway, since you asked me abt who i ship my mutuals with, i wanna ask you something as well! >:D
What (two or more) characteristics do you personally like about yourself and your mutuals? You can either just say it, explain it, or anything really lol
About myself: I have a love-hate relationship with my grit. Mostly because I know I was born talentless in all aspects (no exaggeration), so every creative endeavor I have is 99% hardwork. And no, my parents don't have writing or drawing skills. I don't need to explain how my mom only knows how to draw "v" birds or how my dad isn't great at English. Absolute shame on them. (jk I love my family, I wish I could just pass my lifespan to hem HAHAHA). So when all hardwork fails, I feel like absolute shit. Second thing probably is my faith. I think I wouldn't be here if I didn't have some level of trust with the universe overall. The rest of me is garbage tho lmao. If I'm an otome game character, I'm 100% the beloved and beloathed trash husbando /srs.
About @leftdestiny-posts: I'm not sure I'd ever encounter an internet mutual like them ever again, and I think their appreciation for life and bluntness/straightforwardness is something to be admired. They're traits I don't have. Shiro and I are very very different people, and I'm not sure why there was a miracle that made us meet lol.
About @a-dose-of-phitre and @estellxli: longest friends I have. I really admire their creativity and skill, and if you want me to be honest, I know full well I'm left behind in those departments. If you know me irl, I'm not exactly the most affectionate person so I'd rather keep this part brief haha. Though, a small addition, I admire estella's communication skills and assertiveness a ton and I wish I had a bit more of Phitre's endearing charm and mannerisms (and height-). I'm super stiff lol.
About @navxry: Probably communication skills as well? When we met, they talked continuously. As much as I know I'm an extrovert and thrive off social energy, I think something in me is holding me back to being as vocal as they are. They also seem to have an abundance of energy. Ahh. Youth. /j
About @mixed-kester: i wish i am surviving engineering as much as she has i wanna quit can i quit also how does she pick colors sht is unfair i always have to open up google chrome to— //hjjjj
About @jessamine-rose: she already knows about my fashion sense or lack thereof, so let's talk about something else. I greatly enjoy her writing style because I know it's not something I'd pull off. Her sentence structures doesn't become verbose, they're incredibly succinct— enough to lead you along. Other than that, probably the way she bounces ideas spontaneously. I wish she sleeps right tho HAHAHA /silly
About @vennnnn-diagram: I probably pestered them too much about how normal people work honestly. I lack social skills so learning about stuff from them makes me feel a bit more knowledgeable without any visible judgement from them. So yeah, add that as one out of two. The second one? Their music skills. I hate learning instruments. I don't know why. I tried plenty. I suck plenty. Everyone in my family are great at playing except me. They're the Bruno Mars to my gambling addiction. WAIT WHY DOES SOUND LIKE THE WORST PICKUP LINE KN EXISTENCE HAHAHAHAHA
About @stardust-for-your-soul: i wish i can write fluff i wish i can write romantic things why can't i think of romantic genshin men headcanons why'd it always have to end in murder— oh and also, I love her prose. Chryseis can turn the mundane to something that oozes with beauty, and I think that romanticism is wonderful.
About @lucienbarkbark: i absolutely do not agree with your love for dazai /silly but I do admire estorea's unapologetic nature. Hell yeah bestie fricking read thag 300000+ chaptered story 😭😭😭 /gen. I find it a challenge to sit down and read nowadays huhu. Also, I like how warm she is to talk to, we haven't DMed much but it feels so hospitable (?) whenever she send fic links. Wish I was more like that. Also, thank you for the oda fics, soldier.
About @meimeimeirin: when mei put the kamisato siblings in a kin tier once (unless memory fails me), i remember silently agreeing so much. She has that "I got most my life together" vibe and I do wish I have that. She's also very open to talking about what she loves, she doesn't hide her affections and it's something I very much look up to if you've seen the things I've written so far lol. I love how vocal she is with appreciating what she has, including some new drinks she tasted, her parents' loving relationship, it's just sweet. The teashop aesthetic definitely suites her vibe. She just seems so... Elegant? Can't be me, I need to cause a mess /silly
About y o u: well first off if I get to have your hands for a day, you'd find weird ass drawings of blonde men on your drawing software. Second, I like your vibes a ton. It hits different. It fluctuates from absolutely chill to saying lowkey out of pocket things and I might be getting gaslit to thinking you're not at all the latter /j
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kayssweetdreams · 6 months
The Perfect Finale Ch5
Meanwhile, Back at the Bruno Mansion...
Kaylo walked down the steps of her home, each stair creaking with age as she slowly descended from her room. She would never admit it, but she was also scared about Prim's escape. She couldn't help but wonder who in their right mind would be that insane to help Prim of all people? And more importantly, why?
Her thoughts however were interrupted when she reached the bottom of the stairs, and saw most of the older members of her family staring at her. "Um...Mom? What's going on?" Kaylo asked, feeling a little scared at the situation. "Why don't you take a seat dear?" Krista said, waving her hand to a much larger chair that sat across from them. Still a little worried, Kaylo took her seat.
"Now Kaylo dear...you know that your birthday is coming up in a few days right?" Thea asked, a gentle smile on her face. Kaylo gave an uneasy nod "Um...Yes?" She said. "You do know that our family has a...interesting history connecting with Wonderworld right?" Thea asked again "Yeah...I do. Great Great Great, a few more greats Grandma Mirabella visited Wonderworld, and wrote a book detailing a lot of stuff from Wonderworld." Kaylo replied.
"Well. You should also know that on your Birthday, the next generation of our Family, which is you, is gonna inheret more of Mirabella's knowledge, which means that you are gonna know more about Wonderworld than what you originally saw from the first visit." Thea said. This piqued Kaylo's interest. More about Wonderworld? What's more to know? "However, you must know that this is the family secret. No one else can know about this. Not even your other friends." Thea said.
Kaylo was shocked. The others couldn't know about it? What could the secret possibly be?
Meanwhile, Back at the Montgomery Household...
"Before I ended up finding the theater that day, I had been a little suspicious about Prim's escape, I was off to see the maestros, but I stopped when I saw someone who sounded like they were talking to Madame Prim...when she was masquerading as Ka Lā." Aria said.
"But after the conversation was over and he noticed me and started following me." She said. The kids tensed up as Aria was explaining what happened. "I won't forget that his eyes...they had Wonderworld symbols in them, but I needed to lose him, so I went to the Balan Theater, but after I had gotten there and had lost him, I could hear him outside...he could actually SEE the theater. Even though it didn't seem like he needed it!" She said.
The kids gasped in horror "So this "person"... that you had never seen before, had ended up chasing you down to the theater that he could somehow see, WITHOUT needing to repair his heart?" Trisha Jane asked. "Yes. I was lucky that Balan and Lance intervined, but I'm still scared as to how he was able to see the theater. Only those that NEED the theater can see it." Aria said, worry in her eyes.
"Maybe they have been to Wonderworld before?" Rebecca suggested. "Or maybe they got kicked out of Wonderworld for not finishing the trials?" Leo added. "I don't know. But I do know one thing, he's not good news..." Aria said. "Well, let's just hope that we don't run into him while Prim is free." Mei said. "Yeah...and speaking of her. Be careful. Whoever her little 'friend' is, They might have it out for you now as well." Aria said.
"We will. See you around Aria." Emma said as the kids left the house. "See you kids around." Aria said, peeking out the door to see if anyone suspicious was around...just to be sure. The kids made sure to also be sure that Prim or whoever her accomplice was weren't around. They quickly made their way back to their homes just before the sun set...
But not without the same red smoke gain black eyes and glare at the group...
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Aria belongs to @shadowqueen402
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miramilocamimira · 9 months
Villain Antonio???? Plez???
This is haunting me. It took so long to figure out what his reason would be and I realized if we lean heavily into pre-movie mama Mira headcanon, we really only need to start with a change at one scene.
If You Are Good
Antonio had come out of his room when Hiro told him that he heard Mira and Isabela come back. He had known that Abuela was looking for Mira but he didn't know what she wanted. He did know that Mira was trying to fix things.
All the animals kept talking to him. Telling him everything they knew. From Bruno being in the walls to his mom Pepa and Abuela having fought about what to use his gift for.
He loves his mom! He thinks. It's... Well, it's hard to say. How well can someone love what's essentially a stranger in his house? Antonio knows that's not what they all meant to have done but… the village came first. Abuela’s orders came first.
Except with Mira. He remembers when she'd break the rules and sneak him snacks or bandage his wounds or when she spent the whole day by his side while he was sick. She'd gotten in trouble for not helping pass out things or something.
It was funny. His Mira got in trouble for helping and for not helping.
“The cracks started with you.” He hears from his abeula and he feels cold. He looks down from his spot on the second floor and he doesn't need to see his Mira’s face to know she's hurt. Hiro growls and the others give out chirps and squeaks and more as they get upset on Mira’s behalf.
“Bruno left because of you. Luisa’s losing her powers,” Which isn't true! Bruno chose to leave to protect her! The rats said so. Earlier Dave the donkey said that he agreed with Mira and that Luisa deserved a break.
Barry is the one who comes up with the idea.
“Isabela’s out of control,” Flowers was out of control now? Antonio hears from some of the birds. He kind of agrees. Her having fun was out of line? “Because of you!” There's a bad feeling that feels like it's consuming him. He feels like he's on fire and covered in ice at the same time. Like he's gotten hundreds of paper cuts all at once.
He decides to do what Barry suggests. In a matter of moments, he and the animals are making their way up. Everyone else is focused on Abuela’s yelling at his Mira once again so they don't see him climbing.
“I don’t know why you weren’t given a gift,” Because his Mira, his Mami was perfect already. She was kind and caring. He'd always thought of her as good, as what good was supposed to be. “But it is not an excuse for you to hurt this family!” Now he knows he's the only one to think this way.
The walls are shaking. The animals say it's cause of the cracking.
There's a candle on a plate. It sits atop a windowsill to decide your gift and change your fate. He hears in his head. Something his Mira told him for as long as he could remember. Especially when he was feeling bad or scared. Well, in that impossible scenario, you’d stay here in the nursery with me.
He sees the candle. He doesn't hesitate to grab it.
“Don’t you ever- Antonio?” He turns around, candle in hand. They all start calling out to him but he focuses only on Mira.
And the hurt. The pain and fear, the doneness in her eyes when she first turns around are what does it. Even as it changes to concern and worry for him, he knows it was there.
If being good like the others will make him hurt his Mira for Abuela, if being good is what they are… he doesn't want it. Barry’s right.
If they're gonna call Mirabel bad then he’ll just have to show them what bad truly is.
He blows.
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yellowcry · 7 months
Garish triplets
She was having pretty normal life prior her daughter's failed ceremony. No one knows what happened, but at the next day she was nowhere to be found. As years passed, everyone grew bitter on her disappearance. Nowadays, there's rumors about Julieta being extremely selfish and refusing to heal people.
So, we don't talk about Julieta
Isabela is bitter about her. What kind of mother would just... Leave their kids for no reason? She often claims that she hates Julieta and wishes they weren't related.
Luisa has mixed feelings. She doesn't understand why their mama would just leave. Abuela doesn't allow to talk about Julieta, so Luisa gladly follows it. Anything better than talking bad about her mother.
Mirabel hugely blames herself. Julieta left after her ceremony. She must got disappointed in her and left because she was too ashamed of Mirabel. At least that's how Mirabel sees it. In response, she also isolates herself from Agústin (and other adults, but to lesser extent) believing that she doesn't deserve to have parents
After Julieta went missing, Pepa started to replace motherly figure for the cold sisters. Mainly for Isabela, because Luisa and Mirabel are always busy. And Luisa also has Alma to hold on. Pepa and Isabela were always close, so it worked for them both. Pepa was close to Mirabel for a few months too, before the latter eventually started to push herself into work. Luisa didn't really need her as she has Abuela as motherly figure. At this point, Isabela had completely accept Pepa as her new mom. And Pepa won't let anyone to fuck with her babies
He definitely feels better than in canon. At least he's still around. Even if he's a nervous wreck. He did a vision after Mirabel's birthday, but wasn't able to do anything about it. Somebody had found him first.
He doesn't spend much time with the family, but also isn't completely isolated. He gets blamed for bad visions sometimes or being requested to see sertain future, despite the fact that he can't affect it
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calqlate · 1 year
Tumblr media
aether: my mom said she adopted me from under a bridge
albedo, regarding cyrus' speech: i learned a lot about the adventurers' guild and you were very kind to me. thank you so much. today's talk was really boring.
al-haitham: your mouth... delete
amber, trying to speak snezhnayan to collei for the first time: why sad? give up!
arataki itto, to kuki shinobu: i am a king! you are a... woman king!
baizhu: drink water, not alcohol
barbara, to rosaria: when you struggle to answer a question, remember barbatos is always the answer
beidou: i like girls... generation
bennett: i can't ever get married because i'm scared of having a son like me
candace: in my village, we kiss instead of shaking hands
childe: stay still, before i stab you with my tailbone
chongyun, playing the game about penguins on ice: sad, it's a sad game. it makes me think of global warming.
collei: i like the school gate the most. it feels so nice when i leave school.
cyno: i feel like, the possibility of all those possibilities being possible is just another possibility that could possibly happen
dehya: i should microwave these strawberries
diluc: drive sober or get a bus pass
diona: can i hit master diluc with this? [raises spoon]
dottore: if you play a trick again, i'm going to destroy your hands
eula: water from the knights' headquarters tastes like water
faruzan: i'm a scholar, it's not my job to act cute
fischl: you ugly things
ganyu: this is a little different from the hell i know
gorou: if someone bullies you, tell me and i'll take a shit in front of their house
hu tao: all aboard the trip to hell bus!
jean: people might not know that we are knights at first glance, but yes, we are knights
kaedehara kazuha, to someone (probably) before he fled from inazuma during the vision hunt decree: if anyone asks about me, tell them that i'm dead
kaeya, about the knights: we have amazing teamwork, we can even kiss each other
kamisato ayaka: that's outside of my abilities... good luck!
kamisato ayato: maybe you should eat make-up so you can be pretty on the inside too
kaveh: you know what else is big? my feet!
keqing, being asked to speak english: a b c d e d g...
kirara: unfortunately, in the morning, i couldn't say goodbye to my goose friend. i took a walk but it was too far away. i need to make a new [animal] friend in fontaine.
klee: thank you, god of wind!
kujou sara, to arataki itto: your behaviour is so... ugh
kuki shinobu, responding to the question "when are the arataki gang going to be on any shows?": our life is already an entertainment show
la signora: here, this is poison. die.
lisa: tomorrow exists so you can put off what you can do today
lumine, to zhongli about azhdaha: your dragon speaks teyvatian?
mika: if you can't be the best, be the worst
mona: i want to fall in love but i want to make money
nahida, reading the lyrics to bruno mars' versace on the floor: it seems romantic though?
nilou: everyone except for those who are driving, put your hands up!
ningguang: beidou's birthday present... i was planning on giving her a big slap on her face
noelle: [sniffs the air] it smells like a nose!
pantalone: it's not my phone. go ahead and lick your screen.
qiqi: are there any cats in liyue? ...yeah, there are cats in liyue.
raiden (ei): the fridge is my wife
raiden (shougun): my blood type is AB. that blood type is common among psychopaths.
razor: and i said, "bennett, you look sexy like a worm"
rosaria: my favourite colour is barbatos
sangonomiya kokomi: puppies are agents of capitalism, too. they only go after treats.
sayu: all i care about is sleeping
scaramouche: they all look like fools though
shenhe: that looks like it came from hell
shikanoin heizou: do what you want, do what you love. and if your love is me, well—
sucrose: he's not dead, right?
thoma: taromarou is so cute, you could die. really.
tighnari: there's nothing wrong with being a little dumb
venti: so, green grapes are green?
xiangling: the higher the calories, the better
xingqiu: we might get into trouble, but honestly, i don't kinda care
xinyan, responding to the question "how is it like being in the forest?": it was an honour meeting so many bugs
yelan: choose your words wisely
yae miko: my body is so hot, 'cause i'm so hot!
yanfei: kidney function is not a right, it's a privilege
yaoyao, talking about rudolph the red-nosed reindeer: maybe it was not a round nose at first, but it's swollen because santa hit it
yoimiya: this is my friend that we use a lot. say hello to the trampoline.
yunjin: being an otaku is not a sin!
zhongli, talking about his relationship with childe: we say we are brothers but what binds us is a legal contract
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heartbreakslow · 2 months
da$h watch 2x07-2x08
"Are you sniffing glue? What are you doing with this lot?....no offense..."
2x07. For the sake of misdirection we see Darren leaving St. Bruno's, thanking a shirtless Dusty for something "unexpected."
Darren hasn't been at home for two days, and Cash is talking to Harper, who doesn't have any patience for him but says that yelling at him would only make him feel better. Cash explains that he only did it so none of them would have to see Chook again. He swears on his nan that it's over (please don't be foreshadowing), and Harper finally says, "Okay."
Meanwhile, Darren appears in the doorway saying they were at their mom's house. Cash, extremely relieved, starts to breathlessly explain: "I should've been straight with you, I'm sorry I wasn't, but I didn't want to drag you into it and Chook said--"
Darren interrupts, saying they already read his text and he doesn't have to go over it. Cash tries to start talking again but they cut him off again, saying they just want to forget about it and they need to take a shower.
Darren is at the library, perusing the novel Too Much Lip. Cash comes up and tells them they can look through his whole phone to confirm he's not hiding anything else.
Darren can't lie any longer; they tell him they weren't at their mom's, they were at St. Bruno's. Cash immediately thinks of Jacob. Darren explains they did go there to see Jacob, but ended up staying with Dusty. Cash: "Please tell me you didn't hook up." Darren says they just smoked weed, talked, and played video games. Cash asks if they would have slept with Jacob if he was there. Darren says, "I’m sorry. I guess we both did a shitty thing and now we can move on."
At the assembly, Sasha says “we all know trust is key in a relationship” as Cash side eyes Darren (who isn’t sitting with him).
Dusty comes back to his room at St. Bruno’s; the door is open and Cash is sitting on his bed.
Cash looks very hostile during the whole conversation. Dusty asks why he’d hook up with Darren and Cash says “I don’t know, maybe ‘cause you have a track record of fucking people when they’re vulnerable?” Dusty says the two of them were best friends in primary school and if they were going to hook up they already would have. Cash asks what the two of them talked about. Dusty says “you. Darren says you’re ace.” Cash angrily says “fuck you, that’s…” but Dusty gives him a look and Cash finishes, “I don’t know, maybe.”
Dusty says “Darren’s way into sex” and Cash says the two of them have found ways to make it work, but Dusty says it’s only working for Cash, not for Darren. He says Darren has to jerk off before breakfast and after Cash falls asleep, and that information seems to affect Cash—“they told you that?”
Dusty concludes, “don’t you think you’re being a bit selfish asking them to give it up?” Cash says “fuck this” and sneers that he broke Dusty’s lock, but as soon as he's alone, he looks like he’s going to cry.
Darren is washing up in the bathroom after the food fight when Cash appears and says, “I know you didn’t hook up with Dusty.” Darren starts to apologize for “being a bitch yesterday” but Cash says in a strained voice, “I obviously can’t give you what you need.”
Darren protests that that’s not true, but Cash says, “then why’d you go looking for sex?” Darren says, “I was drunk and horny—you made me feel bad and I wanted to feel good.”
Cash says “you should feel good” and starts saying that Darren’s sexuality is who they are, and he loves them for who they are, and they’ll never be “free to be that person” while they’re with him. He’s borderline crying the whole time and Darren also starts crying since Cash is obviously breaking up with them. Darren starts saying that they’re really trying to shut it off and “if sex is killing our relationship, I will kill sex.” They ask how they can prove to Cash that they only want him, and he says, “you can’t.”
Darren approaches Zoe and tells her that they want to join the Puriteens, to her delight. Darren is a big get!
2x08. Darren has joined the Puriteens, but isn't fitting in too well since they jerked off 53 minutes ago (everyone else has gone weeks or months). Amerie is shocked but Darren explains that "I lost Cash because I can't control my urges" and maybe if they can stop wanting sex, “we’ll get back together and everything will be okay.”
At prom, Darren and the Puriteens are going around telling people not to have sex and giving them handmade valentines about it. Darren takes a break to have a conversation with Ant about how he should tell Harper he likes her. Then Darren looks wistfully at their valentines.
The valentines transition into Cash giving himself a stick and poke tattoo of a broken heart while saying “Ow! Ow! Ow!” but Nan suddenly bursts into the bedroom yelling at him to go to prom because “you’ve been going to that school for fifty bloody years” and she just wanted one picture of him at prom.
He mopes about his breakup, saying, “I would do anything--why does it have to be the one thing I can’t change about myself?” and she replies, “Everyone’s walking around with a poo in their pants…I’m serious! Everyone has something.”
She starts talking about how he and Darren have been “living in their own romantic novel” and now they’re getting to the tough part of the relationship. Cash says, “I just feel like someone’s always going to be making a sacrifice if they’d be with me,” and Nan says, “There’s more than one way to love someone, to be with someone. You don’t have to play by other people’s rules. And, to be honest, that was never your style anyway.” We get a wide shot of Cash resting his head on her shoulder, which looks a little weird because he’s in his underwear, but go off I guess.
Anyway, Cash shows up at prom, the first time we see him in a non-eshay fit, and he looks great! He’s wearing a purple flowered suit with a white corsage (ace colors kind of) and instead of his chain he’s wearing pearls, which was a really cute choice. He comes into the prom to “I Feel Love” by Blondie, nervously adjusting his hair and clothes, but forgets to be nervous when he sees Darren with the Puriteens and marches over to them.
Cash: Are you sniffing glue? What are you doing with this lot? Darren: Being accountable.
Cash is such a people-pleaser that he says “no offense” to the Puriteens before continuing “but this isn’t you” to Darren. Darren says, “But it can be! It’s not just about sex with me, Cash!”
Cash looks taken aback and like he's about to say something, but then Spider grabs the mike and that’s IT. Yep, that’s the end of this story arc! It just ends mid-conversation! (At least Darren and Cash start heckling Spider, which is how I feel. Let Cash finish!)
If you pay really close attention, you'll see the following things:
Darren and Cash go together when everyone goes outside to see the Ned Kellys.
Then when the school catches on fire and the students are escaping, there's some really romantic background acting! Cash is grabbing Darren's face and saying something to them intensely and then he's running outside with them and he has his arm around them and is holding their hand.
Later Darren tries to run into the burning building after Quinni, but Cash grabs them and holds them back and says “I won’t let you go.”
As Amerie and Rowan get out, we see the mains all together interacting as a group, ending with all the kids walking away from the burning building, but Darren is just kind of standing there in shock, so Cash pulls them along with the group.
Later (after Darren and Quinni have made up) Darren walks over to Cash, who's sitting on the ground, and clears their throat. He looks up at them tenderly and lets them pull him up. They slow dance, Cash looks at Darren and kisses them, and the two of them hug.
Thoughts: I was really disappointed when I got to 2x07. This is my third watch, but it's been my closest watch, and now I see just how badly the ace/allo storyline was Frankensteined on top of the Chook storyline. In s1, and in parts of s2, this show is meticulous about showing an arc very consistently across lots of big and small moments, some of which you wouldn't even notice if you're not watching closely. It's a pleasure to rewatch because of that.
But even for the closest viewer, there is almost no arc of Darren being sexually frustrated/repressed.
For most of the season I can pick out a very consistent storyline about Cash's past, his secrecy, and Darren's feelings about this.
In 2x07, this is dropped for the reveal that Darren is sexually frustrated. And it's done in a way where I'm confused what the truth even is. Darren is saying they don't need sex, but they're also saying that they will "kill" and "shut off" their sexuality to keep from losing Cash, so they're an unreliable narrator--they just want to not need sex because they think he'll dump them. Meanwhile, Dusty tells Cash that Darren's really struggling, but Dusty has been set up as a really slimy dishonest character, and some of what he says is obviously shitty, so…what exactly is Darren actually feeling?
I'm going to go off the little bits I have, and guess that they're kind of swinging to the opposite extreme from how they were in S1 (which makes sense IMO--Darren's an extreme personality and they know they acted badly). They're pent up, they're hiding that from Cash, they feel guilty for being sexual, and they're worried about imposing on him.
Possibly they've become ashamed of it--it's just become another way of being "too much." They don't want to unpack that they wanted to cheat or why, because they're afraid that if Cash knows they're having a hard time, he either will break up with them, or he'll do things he doesn't want. That's why "we both did a shitty thing and now we can move on"--they're afraid of talking about it. But then he breaks up with them for being too much anyway, and they just escalate the track they were already on by joining the Puriteens.
As for Cash, he really likes positioning himself as a caretaker, and he doesn't like to impose on people. The idea that Darren is making a sacrifice for him is intolerable, so instead of talking to them, he just cuts it right off. It's a really (unintentionally) cruel scene to me. Clearly Darren isn't going about things the right way but Cash comes in with his decision made and just doesn't respond to them at all.
Now that we know Cash has a history of self-harm, there is a little implication with him giving himself a tattoo (esp how much he seems to be hurting himself while doing it--the tattoo he gave Darren hurt, but they weren't yelling in pain the whole time).
I can't with Cash and Nan talking like the relationship was perfect until Cash found out Darren was sexually frustrated. The boat scene was two episodes ago! Moving on.
I see her advice as being basically good, though, and covering a bunch of things that I'd like to see these guy*s explore:
-Just because things aren't simple doesn't mean a relationship isn't worth having
-There are a lot of different ways to have a relationship (psst, please talk about nonmonogamy or at LEAST sit down and have a real conversation about Darren's needs vs. what Cash is comfortable doing)
-Everyone makes sacrifices in relationships and has sacrifices made for them
And I don’t care, I’m going to read the final Cash and Nan scene as meaningful in the overall arc of Cash being Like That. He confided in her and accepted support from her, instead of always trying to take care of her (as she pointed out he does in 1x08).
Given how this arc just kinda trailed off, I saw some reviewers/reactors think that Cash and Darren were broken up at the end of the season. They're clearly not, but…yeah, my da$h watch has definitely ended with a whimper.
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Chapter 48 : Day Three ( Matt & Alex part 2 )
 As they pulled in Matt’s driveway, Alex told Matt, hurry up and I’ll give you a ride to work too.
 Thanks man, Matt replied, that’ll be awesome. Aaron usually does, but obviously that’s not going to happen. Okay, hang tight, I’ll be right back, Matt said as he raced in the house to get cleaned up and change as fast as he could. He felt the need to rush, worried that Alex might think less of him if he took too long.
 Even though they had all known each other for a short amount of time, just a few days as a matter of fact, Matt still felt a similar kind of bond with Alex as he did with his closest friends Aaron and Brian. A bond he felt he did not want to test the limits of right off the bat by making Alex have to wait for him.
  To Matt’s relief Alex was still in the car waiting and talking on the phone when Matt emerged from his house. Holy shit, Alex exclaimed interrupting his own conversation, are you secretly the flash or something. It’s been like ten minutes, how the hell did you get ready so fast ? What did you do, speed wank ?
 More like twenty minutes, Matt explained as he got in the car blushing at Alex’s reference to and apparent awareness of the fact that Matt did indeed take care of business as he got ready. I didn’t want you to have to wait too long.
 No problem buddy, you didn’t have to rush, Alex assured Matt as he returned to his call, hey, let me let you go, I need to drop a friend off at work and then I’ll be in. Okay, Alex continued talking on the phone, be there in a bit. I have no idea who would ask for me specifically, Alex addressed Matt noticing that he looked like he didn’t have a clue what Alex was referring too as he started to explain, apparently the whole reason I got called in is that someone called in a catering order and asked for me specifically for delivery.
  You won’t be late because of me will you, Matt asked, worried that he would be the cause of Alex getting in trouble with this job. No, it’s not until a little later anyway, we’ve got plenty of time, Alex replied trying to ease Matt’s concern. What about you, what time did you have to be to work ?
 Just when I get there I guess, Matt answered. When I talked to my mom this morning, she just said that Diana had called and asked if I could work today. When I work Saturday’s it’s usually at 1:30 so I’m guessing then.
 Oh, well then, Alex interjected, we’ve got some time if you want to grab some food.
 That would be great, Matt exclaimed, I’m starving. Matt’s stomach rumbled at just that moment, indicating that it  noticed the mention of food and wanted attention. I don’t think I’ve eaten since before yesterday, Matt responded in amazement as the sudden realization occurred to him.
 Well, if you’re up for pizza, Alex elaborated, we can kill two birds with one stone. We can swing by Bruno’s, referring to the pizza joint he delivered for, so I can go get more details on what this gig is all about I got called in for and get you some grub at the same time. Then it’s just a straight shot to get you to work then I’ll drop back by and get ready myself.
 Sounds good to me, Matt indicated with a thumbs up gesture, besides, you guys have the best pizza ever.
 Once they got to Bruno’s, Alex hooked Matt up with a whole pizza loaded with his favorite toppings as he talked with his boss about the delivery gig he got called in for. His boss told him he didn’t have many details right now so Alex joined Matt for a slice of pizza before they headed out to drop Matt off at work.
 As they drove, Alex filled Matt in on what little information he did find out. Apparently, Alex detailed, it’s a couple jobs all in one. It’s like a series of deliveries to a few different places but all the same order. I don’t know, but it’s certainly not the most bizarre delivery I’ve ever had.
 Which was what, Matt inquired, come on, you brought it up, now you have to tell me.
 Okay, okay, Alex relented, but you have to promise not to tell the others, they don’t know, I’ve never told them.
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
The Perfect Plan
(Here is the sequel to A "Perfect" Ending that I wrote. In this one, Reala gets the answers he needs and forms an unexpected alliance with someone. I hope you all like this fic. Let me know in the comments what you think!)
Now that Reala had learned where Madame Prim planned to drag Roy, he then decided to proceed in the next part of his plan; finding out more about that madwoman who ruined Timeville. He would have asked Aria, but due to what Prim had done to her, that was pretty much impossible. So he was left with no other option…but to ask one of Aria's friends.
It took Reala some time, but he was able to spot two of Aria's friends; Rebecca and…a man with blue hair. The two appeared to be hiding from someone. With a frown, Reala floated down behind them.
"Long time no see, Visitor," Reala chimed, grabbing Rebecca's attention. The bespectacled girl turned around, gasped, and backed away in fright.
"R-Reala?" Rebecca couldn't believe her eyes.
"You know this bloke?" The man asked her. He narrowed his eyes at the red jester suspiciously.
"Y-Yeah, Jett," Rebecca replied. "Reala is the bitter rival of NiGHTS, my friend. We both have a…bad history with him. It's a long story. But I want to know is why he's here."
"Is it wrong that I just wanted to see my girl?" Reala crossed his arms, his frown still there. "I came here to take Aria on a date only to see that Timeville isn't what it used to be. The Visitors aren't behaving like they used to… And Aria… She's now a shell of her former self…" Reala sounded rather bitter when he spoke the last bit.
Rebecca's fear from earlier faded away upon realizing what Reala was talking about. "It's Prim… She did that Aria. And Kaylo, Yuri, Dolly, and Misère too… She brainwashed them into being "perfect". She's even holding all of my friends hostage. And Mrs. Montgomery…"
"I'll cut to the chase; I plan to make Prim pay for what she's done to Aria," Reala revealed. "Since you know a lot about Prim, I need answers. What do you know about her?"
Rebecca and Jett looked at each other before turning their gazes back to the Nightmaren General. "Her real name is Primrose Gaillot," Rebecca explained. "She went under the alias Madame Prim. Before all of this happened, she used to be the headmistress of a boarding school for girls called Prim, Proper, and Perfection. That school was designed to make young girls learn how to be proper young ladies. But we later discovered that she was brainwashing the girls. She planned to make everyone in Timeville perfect."
"How did Prim find out about my girl's existence?" Reala asked.
"According to Aria, Prim wanted to marry Mr. Montgomery," Rebecca responded. "She even went so far as to crash her parents' wedding. Then, she tried to bribe her parents with a large amount of money to send Aria to her school. That was what caused them to move here. Up until now, they thought that they would be safe."
"But Prim had other ideas, didn't she?" Reala guessed correctly.
"Prim is not as dumb as we assumed," Rebecca warned. "During the time that we were trying to bring Kaylo and Yuri back to normal, we found a list of girls from all around the world that she tried to bring to PPP. We know that she's working with a mysterious ally. So there's no way that she did this all on her own."
"A mysterious ally?" Reala hummed in thought. "How did you suspect that?"
"Before Mrs. Bruno, Kaylo's mom, was imprisoned, she mentioned something called Project X." Rebecca said. "We don't know anything about this project, currently. But whoever this ally is chose to work with Prim for a reason." Rebecca lowered her gaze. "I wish I could tell you more, but that's all I know. I don't know where Prim is…"
"But I do." Reala's response caught both Jett and Rebecca off guard. "Let's just say eavesdropping definitely has its perks."
"Where is she?" Jett asked.
"She plans to drag Mr. Montgomery with her to a place called Tokyo, Japan," Reala replied. "She mentioned tracking down an unidentified man who's residing there."
"We have to save him!" Rebecca exclaimed. "And we have to stop Prim before she hurts this man! But we don't have a way to get to Tokyo!"
"Worry not, sheila," Jett said. "My powers will allow us to follow Prim and Roy without being spotted. They'll last us as long as I want. The important trick is to stay quiet."
Reala stared at Jett before nodding in agreement. "I will do what I must to save my Aria and her father."
"Let's go save everybody," Rebecca declared. She then turned to Jett. "We're ready, Jett."
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Jett belongs to @jettthespeeddemon
Aria belongs to me.
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logantheluscious · 5 months
📱 - Alex
What was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
[ logan to alex ] i've genuinely never seen a more iconic sight in my entire life, alex [ logan to alex ] like, i think she might be a genius!!!!!!! [ logan to alex ] okay i know like, lexa just got here but i swear, the things going on in that sweet, little, head could change the world [ logan to alex ] LEXA JUST OPENED HER EYES [ logan to alex ] i'm obsessed. please please text/call me if you need anything tonight, okay? happy halloween, mama 🥰🥰 xxxxxx
What was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours.?
[ unsent logan to alex ] are you as scared as i am or [ unsent logan to alex ] do you think this is going t [ unsent logan to alex ] is it okay if i give my mom your number? [ unsent logan to alex ] do we need to talk about my [ unsent logan to alex ] i wish i could have been there for you
What was my muses last snapchat/photo to yours?
[ Text ]: Yay or nay for Lexa??
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What my muse saved your number as?
Alex 🥰🫶👶
What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
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What ringtone my muse has set for yours?
"Finesse" by Bruno Mars ft. Cardi B
How many times my muse has called your this week?
How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
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