#bernard tag
ednyfedfychan · 4 months
“It is not at all clear that Jane Seymour was the bait carefully prepared by an alleged conservative faction. It is more likely that Henry met her when on progress in Hampshire. Maybe once the king’s interest in her was known, courtiers then attempted to exploit the situation, but more for reasons of patronage than policy. It may simply be that Henry entrusted Carew, as a loyal and long-serving courtier, with the responsibility of looking after Jane as she was becoming the king’s mistress. After Anne’s fall, Jane would be lodged at Carew’s house at Beddington. Maybe Carew had already earlier seized the opportunity to encourage Jane to criticise Anne, as Chapuys reported at the beginning of April; or perhaps Carew, whatever he actually did or did not do, boasted to Chapuys that he was coaching Jane to do down Anne, but we should be cautious about believing him. For Jane to tell Henry that Anne was abominated and that his marriage was thought illegitimate would be highly risky. Only someone absolutely certain that the king had already decided to repudiate Anne could confidently say that to him. Yet as late as 18 April Henry was insisting that Chapuys should publicly recognise Anne Boleyn. If Jane Seymour had spoken the words at the end of March that Chapuys says she was being coached to speak, it is likely that the king would have given her short shrift. A few days after Anne’s execution Chapuys reported that Jane had suggested to the king that Princess Mary should be restored to her former position: Henry had called her a fool and said that she should look rather to the advancement of their children. How credible is that report? Chapuys could not have overheard any such remarks. Perhaps Jane told Carew what she had told the king—though the king’s riposte would hardly have comforted the conservatives. Perhaps it was the king who let the story slip with the aim of putting further pressure, through Chapuys, on Princess Mary.”
— G. W. Bernard, Anne Boleyn: Fatal Attractions
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catzclaw · 2 years
"Okay so be honest," Bernard started, "The Secret Six were a polycule, weren't they?"
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This actually got a good laugh out of Thomas. "You'd think that wouldn't you? Listen, there's a lot of villain teams that are polycules, hero teams too I assume." Thomas thinks of the best way to describe their dynamic to Bernard. "We're more like a weird family. Scandal's polyamorus though, she's got two wives. Deadshot's dating Jeanette then the rest of us are single. Or I assume so. You'd have to ask them about their love lives because I don't ask."
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hobiiiebrown · 1 year
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gnomewithalaptop · 1 month
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Okay, I get what Tim sees in him now actually. They're both convinced they're the normal one, and somehow they're both wrong
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
Instead of going for Tim, Jason goes for the easiest way to utterly destroy his Replacement and kidnaps his civilian boyfriend to demonstrate just how easy it is to lose something (or someone) you love in this line of work.
And while the whole “make the Replacement beg” part of the plan is going amazing…. Jason really didn’t plan the whole “keeping a conspiracy theorist teenager hostage” through to the end.
Bernard just wants to know what the new crime lord’s deal with Robin is. And why— and how— exactly he’s supposed to be a bargaining chip when he can count the times he met Robin on one hand. oh! and could someone maybe tell his boyfriend, Tim, that he’ll be late for their coffee date on Tuesday?
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kryptonianclone · 2 years
"Okay, so hear me out, right, so you know how the entire world is run by a shadow government? Great, so, I always wonder, okay, well, if that's true, then who's in the shadow government?
"So, it's easy pickings to go right for the celebrities that we know, but why would it be people we know about? That's part of the shadow thing.
"It basically cannot be run by anyone that we know about. Plus, most celebrities are way underqualified to become politicians, and unlike our current systems, the shadow government actually needs good politicians.
"However. That said. I think there is one famous guy in it.
"And here's where I say hear me out-- it's gonna sound insane at first, but just listen.
"They need a face, right? A figurehead, if you will, so that when they reveal themselves, we'll trust them.
"Well, think about who you know that's a great politician, is very intelligent, and despite being an awful billionaire, is really good at convincing the public over and over to give him second chances, even though he does not deserve them."
Bernard grinned. "Got it, yet?
"It's Lex Luthor. He's kind of perfect for this role!" He exclaimed.
"So, you're close to Lex, right? What do you know about this?"
Lex Luthor is in the Shadow Government|| Accepting
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"I wouldn't say I'm close to Lex or a confidante of any kind, but I do know him I guess."
"You know, Lex is a man with a lot of influence. Both on the public and with the underworlds. He's incredibly charismatic. Despite everything he did he managed to become president just because the people were unhappy with the government so he managed to get in to the white house."
"I think it's very possible that he's involved in some kind of secret society. Shadow government is a good possibility. He's incredibly intelligent like you said I think he would make a good figure head."
"But knowing Lex, we're a little similar, we're both egotistical. I know if he would be bragging left right and center if he was in this shadow government. I think you have to think bigger Bernard, obviously if this is the case there's someone keeping him quite with either blackmail, the promise of more power or something he really wants."
"And what does Lex really want Bernard? At his core? What's the cost of keeping Lex Luthor quite? He wants to get rid of Superman and he wants more power."
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Hi!!! Omg I love ur drawing of Batman freaking out how small Red Robin is! Do you think he freaks out/hovers more when Red Robin gets sick plus with the lack of a spleen??
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he's gonna get that boy so much soup
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preyofolympus · 2 years
Bernard: I always saw him as like a kind of funny little man.
Tim, trying to contain himself but Bernard loving the Red Hood is pushing his limits: he’s a fucking criminal Bernard.
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arunneronthird · 2 years
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i told a friend that knows nothing about dc that robins bf thinks batman is a demogorgon and he laughed for 5 minutes straight so i decided i am a bernard truther now
why cant he dress though
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introspectivememories · 8 months
street interviewer: what's your type?
tim who's just trying to get to work: i have a boyfriend
street interviewer: so what's your type then?
tim: my boyfriend
street interviewer: and what does he look like?
tim who will absolutely gatekeep bernard from the general public: he looks like my boyfriend
street interviewer: so what would you rate me out of 10?
tim: um i can't do that
street interviewer: can't rate me at all?
tim: i can't rate you at all
street interviewer finally realizing that this is going absolutely nowhere: what would you rate your boyfriend out of 10?
tim smiling stupidly: he broke my scale cause he's so beautiful
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ednyfedfychan · 4 months
“Her brother Edward Seymour, the future Protector Somerset in the reign of Jane’s son Edward, seems a somewhat unlikely ‘conservative’, even in the mid-1530s. If these conservatives were really dangling Jane in front of the king, could they be sure that she, and her family, would be their allies? Were there no young ladies from the families of those named by Chapuys? And how sound a scheme was it? How confident could Sir Nicholas Carew be first that Henry would be interested in Jane Seymour and secondly that if Jane became Henry’s mistress, that would lead on to political advantages for the conservatives, especially the downfall of Anne Boleyn?”
— G. W. Bernard, Anne Boleyn: Fatal Attractions
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Nonblacks in fandoms are literally brainwired to not care about black characters.When it comes to Disney Princess ship aus it's always Ariel and Eric or Rapunzel and Eugune but never Tiana and Naveen or Brandy's Cinderella and Paolo's Prince Charming.Hazel is a trio with Nico and Percy but is always replaced with Jason for 'The Big Three Boys' despite Percy being closer to her and Jason only becoming friends with Nico being used as a pity case for him by witnessing him being force outed and is defanged even though she's on par with Percy and her design whitefeminized because Pjo fans can't comprehend black girl features as feminine.Allura was the only good part of Voltron but she was bashed for daring to be the love of the lives of the two fan fave male characters instead of them realizing they only 'think' they hate eachother and applied every misogynoir stereotype to her under the guise of progressiveness
Duke is forgotten as a Batkid,Robin and Batboy based off a requirement rule that's never been said in canon or even joked about by official sources and Kory and Tam are shoved out of their romantic narratives with Dick and Tim to fit the 'redheads and blondes' rule even though Dick's dated more black women than redheads and Tim's first girlfriend dyed her hair blonde because she thought that's why he liked Stephanie more and he made a twisted expression of horror as his thought box said 'I...hate it'.Luz has her blackness invalidated almost always by NONblacks only,Gus is a canon black4brown mlm in a teenage romcom-esque ship but Toh fans ignore him and Mattholomule to obsses over Hunter and Edric as they 'roast' Huntlow too when Edric might as well not exist in comparison to Willow's depth and abundance of screentime,Camila was never given a chance and branded an abusive mom or spicy latina armcandy for Eda and Darius gets jackshit despite Hunter's whole ass entire dad and having a canon backstory with Eda,Raine and Lilith as classmates
Gumlee and Bubbline have much less content than completely noncanonical white gay ships and even after we saw Elise Marceline still wasn't popularly drawn black as human despite her being confirmation for Marcie and by extention Marsh being biracial.Oscar is said to have no personality by the same people who run blogs dedicated to fucking JAUNE AND SUN and his importance to Ruby downplayed for a mean white girl who bullied her for being a younger autistic girl and Emerald is easily the most deep and prettiest antagonist but hardly anybody hardcore stans her or ships her even including Mercury
Miles has zero crossover genres and i mean GENRES a la Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons not the occasional one-off fanart and niche fic despite everything about Spiderverse being prime crossover material especially now that we have Atsv yet Danny F/P gets in on all of them including being JASON'S COUNTERPART when MILES is exactly like him while Danny's literally just ghost-themed and has nothing in common with Jason including being different flavors of deaths and ressurections and Margo is made out to be a desperate loser over Miles even though he showed even MORE more interest in HER and Hobie is passiveaggressively turned into Gwen's 'canon brother figure' despite the FIRST thing we learned about him is that they were gonna be a thing and it made it into the final project as confirmed by the creators who said the viewers can choose if they were dating or not and Jessica did nothing but be a good adoptive mom to Gwen after her cop dad kicked her out,have chemistry with Miguel,her own inner turmoil too and serve cunt and y'all either hated or ignored her for it BECAUSE she's a black woman but not a m*mmy or a minstrel show,don't even lie
And they notice NONE of this despite it happening every.fucking.time.They never prioritize or treasure black people in their lives if they even have any and they smacktalk black celebrities for the same reason they worship nonblack ones too.They make a mockery of black culture with butchered aave and whitewashed black aesthetics and calling our food disgusting and our romantic tactics inherently perverted(see the oversexualization of 'babygirl' when just means 'sweet black girl' and is meant to be comforting and can even be used platonically by older male relatives).They don't see color.They don't see us at all.They deliberately turn a blind eye to all the nonstop microagression they do towards our representation which they've NEVER limited to fictional characters-see how every black actor ever gets harrased!!!-yet act all 'woke' because they unlearned queerphobia and ableism.Yeah?Unlearn THIS propaganda too snowroaches
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oocdc-tweets · 23 days
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litta-jpg · 2 years
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td:r #7 spoilers i guess .....
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ollies-moving-castle · 5 months
so it’s agreed that Tim and Bern adopted that cat we saw in their cover art right? Right but anyway
Tim doesn’t really feel true happiness and contentness often he always has something else in his mind he’s always doing thing he doesn’t just stop and take in the moment often
when he comes home to his murder boat from a long grueling boring night of patrol to find Bernard either
a. Testing out a new recipe determined to get it right before he goes to bed (it’s 4 am)
b. Playing video games waiting for tim to get back as cover art cat lays happily purring in his lap as he fights off sleep
c. Is passed out in the couch when he tried to wait up for Tim but finals all nighter studying finally caught up to him and he fell asleep
but either way these are some of the only moments Tim puts away his mind and just takes a moment to soak it all in he brings Bernard to bed (and the cat) puts in a dumb movie to wind Bernard and him down (or just him depending on the situation) so they can actually sleep and just takes a moment to admire his wonderful boyfriend he almost never got to have but is sure as shit grateful he did get to have him
and their weird cat that just showed up one day that keeps bringing Tim slightly worrying items and dead fish as gifts
what are the slightly worrying items you ask?
well babes let me tell you
Small rock with what seemed to be blood (turned out the be a odd mixture of cranberry juice and some form of mutated melted ice cream)
small bird not native to America
but bird that was alive and seemed to be just chill with it
Jason’s favorite cooking knife (cat has never met Jason)
jasons favorite murder knife (cat still hasn’t met Jason)
tuft of fur if unidentifiable animal (Tim put it through extensive testing)
scarecrows mask when scarecrow was in Arkham
dead fish
dead fish but smaller
dead fish that seemed to have swallowed 17 pounds of rocks
Bruce’s batarang
another cat
a piece of Bruce’s cap
joker gas canister (full)
joker gas canister (empty)
and many others but it’s 3 am for me rn and I’ve run out of things
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colorthecosmos444 · 3 months
Get To Know The Sturniolo Fan Happy Sturniolo Friday!!! Let’s get to know each other!!
When did you first start watching the triplets? - mid to late 2023
Are you a Nick, Matt, or Chris girl/boy? - loyal matty b girlie forever 🤍
Favorite YouTube video?- 20 year olds playing with kids toys
Favorite car video? - waffles, pancakes or french toast?
Favorite challenge or vlog?-vlog: nick gets his widsom teeth removed challenge: we did a spelling bee
Favorite bestie/friendship? - NATHAN FOREVER <333
Favorite merch/brand? - spacecamp lip balm SAVED my chapped lips fr
What was the first video you saw?- "deaf, mute and blind baking tiktok trend"
Have you ever met them? - no i wish 😫
Why do you like the triplets? - their humor is so childish but they always make me laugh and it feels like they are our friends just hanging out with us. they don't care what other people think and they like to do their own thing. plus i've made so many amazing friends through this fandom. 🫶🏻🫶🏻
no pressure tags my loves <3 just thought this would be fun!!
@pouring-rains @vanteguccir @bernardsbendystraws @flouvela @immattsslut @mattsdirtylittlehoe @ineedchriscock @muwapsturniolo @mellowmistt @madssturniolo @55sturn @fratbrochrisgf
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