#benedict de landen
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adamnablelittledevil · 3 months ago
Only Blood Communion and Interview With the Vampire to go now. I'll make more elaborated posts about my thoughts once I'm done with everything, but here are some of my opinions:
TVA is absolutely my favorite (I've said it before and will say it again: the most purifying cry I had in my life, it destroyed and restored me in the best possible way), TVL, TQOTD and Prince Lestat are also on my top 4, though I don't know where to place the latter on my personal ranking. The others are sort of tied and the order changes according to specific aspects. Like, Blood and Gold covers a lot of eras and places of the world, has multiple interesting characters, so it's fun in the sense there's a lot of stuff to see, even if I'm not a Marius's fan and he isn't the best narrator imo. On the other hand, something like Merrick is more packed, just her, Louis and David (and some Lestat), but I just love her as a character and the whole story of her family. I can't really choose.
Memnoch would be the last because it was the one I struggled with (tho I loved Armand on it), I thought the concept was great and I could've loved it with a more active, intense and eventful execution. Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis is second-to-last because most of the plot was dumb to me, the part that made sense was solved in an unconvincing way, I had to do a lot of suspending disbelief even for a supernatural/sci-fi story... But it was nice to have so many characters I love reunited, even if some didn't have lines, it's nice to know they're around and I enjoy the vampires having sort of a healthy little community.
Favorite character is definitely Armand, then Lestat, then Pandora, Maharet, Mekare, Flavius, Merrick, Bianca, Gabrielle, Mona, Benji, Avicus and Petronia (they didn't appear much and did awful brutal stuff, yes, but having an intersex/gender-fluid character was great and they had so much baggage I could empathize with them). Most after Armand and Lestat are tied. I don't know if I'd call Benedict a fave, but I'm somewhat attached to him (and I KNOW about those spoilers). I LOVE Vittorio and Ursula too and I hope they can appear in some shape or form on the show. I don't looooove Antoine, but he's alright to me. He just seems to be a poor/broke dude who wants to live, have friends and dedicate his existence to his hyperfixations and I can relate because same lol. I get him.
Favorite pairings (either as an OTP or brotp): Lesmand (👑👑👑), Pandora and Flavius (👑👑), Maharet and Mekare (👑, they just don't get more crowns because they don't appear as much as I wanted 😔), Armand and Benji and Sybelle (as duos and a trio), Armand and Riccardo, Armand and Bianca (pretty much Armand and everyone that isn't Marius lol), Lestat and Mona (their childish siblings-coded beef entertains me), Maharet and Jesse and Vittorio and Ursula (👑👑). I wish I had seen more of some characters/dynamics, tho.
MAYBE I could tolerate Marius and even love Magnus (he seems to have a sad and interesting story) if all I'd seen of them had been the content of the last trilogy, but given the previous books, I'm not sure I can enjoy Anne's decisions. I have a lot of mixed feelings about Magnus apologizing and Marius's behavior not even being seen as something to apologize for in the first place, but that's for another post.
Some of the books I would've been able to read and love with or without the show, some I only read to get information, but I'm mostly glad I'm equipped with so much of the lore now. That's not to say there aren't problematic things even for the genre that I need to compartmentalize and ignore (to some extent and not completely) for my enjoyment, because there is a lot of that, but it hasn't been a waste of time. And I'm glad I know what can happen in the future, make silly little fancasts and have events to look forward to seeing on the series. Obviously, opinions can change with the next books, when I re-read the novels or even with conversations and discussions... And that makes me excited as well.
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bubblegum-blackwood · 5 months ago
Benedict de Landen gives me cuteness aggression
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poet-to-none · 1 year ago
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Benedict/Rhoshamandes | The Vampire Chronicles | Graphite | November 2023
See on Ao3! See on Pillowfort!
Inspired by Rhosh and Bene in "Prince Armand" by SaintRayne It's a full cast chapter fic (in progress!) where all the makers and vampires are switched, and where the De Landen Family stays together through the centuries. It has delightful twists and delicious romances and heart healing humor and I am obsessed. Warning for the first chapter being a real punch of angst (book readers know the theme and why!). . .
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mothpdf · 2 years ago
oh benedict, we're really in it now
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poet-to-none · 1 year ago
Magnus stole our secrets from us, that crafty one, that alchemist, Magnus. . .when he drank the blood that would give him life eternal in a manner which the World of Darkness had never witnessed before.
He was mortal still in the dream, a great and powerful alchemist. It was right before the crucial hour of dusk. And now, as the light died out of the heavens, Magnus drank. . . a dark Prometheus stealing a luminescent fire.
Surrender to none, not god, not demon, and never to man. 
Quotes from The Vampire Lestat, Paraphrased 
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Magnus & Benedict - This is a birthday commission for @poet-to-none from SaintRayne @saintrayne
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aaarmand · 2 months ago
Had a brain blast at work today. Katie McGrath!Eleni
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months ago
IWTV S2 Ep3 & Ep4 Musings - Magnus, The Children of Satan, & Rhoshamandes
I just wanted to make a post where I could put all my thoughts (rants) about Magnus in one place, cuz the more I think about The Great Laws, the more I look at AMC sideways.
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I've been PISSED about this since 2x3 aired. IDK if this is just abandonment issues & Armand lying about Magnus to seem more sympathetic (I was deserted by Marius, I was deserted by Magnus, I was deserted by Lestat; like father like son~!), or if AMC's just unnecessarily ruining one of THE coolest vampire backstories in the entire TVC. Cuz his ish about Magnus being part of Armand's coven just ain't true, and if AMC makes that true/canon Imma spit.
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Magnus had begged the Ancient vamp Rhoshamandes to Turn him, but was rejected; so he resorted to stealing the Blood from Rhosh's fledgling Benedict; turning himself into a vampire instead. 💪👑
Why did Rhosh reject Magnus? Cuz Magnus was an old man, he had a hunchback, and was ugly AF.
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Turning Magnus into a vamp was against the rules--NOT the Children of Satan's, however! It were against the rules Rhosh learned from AKASHA.
Rhoshamandes is the Big Bad of the final trilogy. He's Lestat's vampiric great-grandfather. Rhosh was a merchant born in Crete (Greece), who traveled to Egypt and got kidnapped & forcibly Turned by Akasha. A raging egomaniac, one of Akasha's top rules was that only young beautiful men should be given the Dark Gift, to create her army of twinks & twunks; and Rhosh was a hot Aryan with blonde hair & blue eyes 😒, so. (This was way before her Kill All Men mantra in QotD.)
Rhosh was a rebel, and fled Egypt, not wanting to be part of Akasha's crazy court/cult. The bit about Beauty was one of her only rules (precursors to the Children of Satan's Great Laws) that Rhosh took super seriously. In c.500 AD he starts his own coven in medieval France, the De Landen Coven, breaking Akasha's rule about No Female Vampires Other than ME~! when he turns Eleni. France was his until the 1300s (he's made Eugene, Alessandra, (Eggs) Benedict, & Everard; and Benedict's made Nokter). The turning of Everard, Rhosh's final fledgling, is particularly sick, choosing to seduce him cuz Ev was "most beautiful," and raping him into the Dark Gift.
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In the 1300s, the Children of Satan come to Paris. Rhosh's old AF & too lazy/tired & doesn't want ANY smoke (literally--*cough* Marius *cough*); and basically LETS all his fledglings get kidnapped by the CoS, while he takes Eggs Benedict (his favorite/companion) and books it for England, where they stayed far away & let the CoS keep France. Inherited from Akasha's old rules, Rhosh AND the Children of Satan keep the rule about only Turning beautiful young people; never the ugly, maimed, crippled, or old. So when Rhosh was tracked down by Magnus c.1400 AD, he told the old cripple NO.
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There is no effing way Magnus could have been part of the Children of Satan, as they'd've never allowed him to exist. Rhosh was a rogue vamp of Akasha's, and even he was against turning Magnus--but because he was a rogue, he didn't kill Magnus, and let him keep the Blood he stole, blaming Eggs for letting the alchemist get too close. Rather than condemning Magnus for his alchemical magic (Great Law #69), Rhosh even admired Magnus for his charisma, uniqueness, nerve & talent!
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Magnus was an alchemist--and in medieval times science/alchemy was basically magic, so Magnus was a sorcerer/magician--(not really a "witch," cuz in AR's lore witches specifically see/command spirits). He was a paranormal expert, who SOMEHOW found out about vampires, and SOMEHOW tracked one down & befriended Rhosh & Eggs in 1400s England. SOMEHOW, he figured out that vampires weren't demonic hellspawn preached by Catholic priests, but a phenomenon with a scientific cause & effect that could be replicated; and that the secret to their creation lay in the Blood, which he just needed to drink a lot of (after bleeding himself out)--which is WILD, cuz the actual vampire lore of IRL medieval/preindustrial Europe had very...uhh...colorful ideas about how vampires were made/created:
just a simple bite spreading vampirism like a disease (the most "scientific" cause)
"being the 7th child of the same sex in a family (*cough* Lestat *cough*), leading a life of sin, dying without being married, death by execution/perjury or suicide or from a witch's curse"
being "a person born with a caul, an extra nipple, a tail, or extra hair...someone born too early or someone whose mother had encountered a black cat crossing her path...or a child born out of wedlock...those who died an unnatural death or before baptism.... If a pregnant woman did not eat salt or was looked upon by a vampire or a witch.... Or being born with red hair and blue eyes".
"being excommunicated, desecrating a religious day, committing a great crime, dying alone, having a cat jump across one's grave, eating meat from a sheep killed by a wolf, and being cursed".
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GOD, I wish Anne Rice had given us more on Magnus, cuz he's just too big-brained! The dude had chutzpah! And after he died he became a effing immortal ghost--but more on THAT in a sec.
Another contradiction of Armand's is chronological--he claimed that Magnus was in his Paris coven, but Armand himself said in the books AND on the show that he only arrived in Paris to take over the CoS in the 1500s--well after Magnus was turned & went rogue! XD
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So either Armand's lying his arse off and he never even met Magnus; or AMC's gonna have to push back Magnus' timeline by approx. 100 years. XD
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Like, I guess AMC was wondering how TF Magnus would've managed to coexist in Paris for 300 years in the same territory as the CoS, who never let rogues & abominations live in their territory--as soon as Lestat's coven (him, Gabrielle & Nicki) showed up, the CoS were jumping them--without being part of their coven/cult. But Magnus, unlike Lestat, wasn't swaggering around in public drawing attention to himself--he was "hard to look at," a monster. He couldn't blend in with humans without them clocking him.
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Barring whatever amount of time he spent stalking blonde twinks from the shadows like some CREEPAH, Magnus holed himself up in that tower, being depressed & crazed that his eugenicist plans failed & he hadn't found the right Aryan boy to give his junk to--literally. 🤢
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Magnus' vast wealth is another sticking point, cuz the CoS' Great Laws (#58) forbade having any human material luxury; why Les called Armand a grubby "gremlin." Magnus was effing LOADED, after 300 years of stealing from his victims; but he wasn't flashy; he hoarded it all for whichever heir would inherit his legacy--Lestat.
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Magnus was depressed that vampirism hadn't made him beautiful & young & desirable, just more ghastly; and he was desperate to find an worthy heir & kill himself. Not even the CoS were checking for him, LOL! 😅 They were just glad Rhosh, "the last great blasphemer," was gone.
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Magnus was always a rogue maverick. Also, for some strange reason, Magnus was the only "scientific" vampire made before Dr. Fareed Bhansali. (I'd argue that Hesketh should count, but whatever, misogyny.)
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We talk about how chronically uncurious Louis was, but that's actually not unique for AR's vamps. The vast majority of them are dumb as bricks, but it's intentional. Cuz here's something diabolical: Old World covens vamps are deliberately kept ignorant AF. The Children of Satan hated being vampires, and they actively avoided learning how to use Dark Gifts.
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However, Rhosh was an egomaniacal tyrant who REFUSED to TEACH his fledglings how to use their gifts, so that HE could maintain control over his large coven--"come play chess with your father." Which goes with what I said here about chess in TVL/1x6 as a motif of patriarchal abuse:
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Rhosh's fledglings were sitting ducks once the CoS jumped them, unable to defend themselves, cuz aside from the Mind Gift, they were WEAK AF, their wings clipped & growth stunted, despite being some 200-500+ years old by that time. Which is CRAZY! They were older/just as old as Armand was in TVL (or 2x3 when he beat the crap out of bb!Lestat). And Armand weaponized Lestat's own ignorance from Magnus having taught him EFF ALL, in the book AND the show.
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Knowledge is power. Rhosh & Magnus devilishly used their superior knowledge to their advantage over weaker hapless vamps (villain!Rhosh would take this to the 'nth degree in the PL Trilogy, oof!). (Eggs is even mocked by his oldest sibling, when Eleni said "his entire charm is that he’s as fragile as a wisteria blossom, as an orchid." Wrt power imbalances in TVC relationships, Rhosh & Benedict are the prototype for Marius & Armand, and ultimately for Lestat & Louis.) Even on the show, the Theatre coven marvels over Santiago, who's abnormally strong & gifted--he DOES have the Cloud Gift (which only very old & strong vamps have), and impressive command of the Mimic Gift. (Thank GOD he didn't have the Fire Gift, or I'd've called HAX!) He's so cocky that he mutinies & replaces Armand as Maitre in a whole coup; ironically proving Ancients right about keeping fledglings in check. But Magnus wasn't anyone's fledgling--Everard even said Magnus made Eggs, rather than Eggs making him; teaching him a hard life lesson. And Rhosh felt amused admiration for Magnus' curiosity & ingenuity, loving Magnus like he loved the Talamasca, cuz "when have we [stupid/lazy AF vampires] ever studied ourselves?"
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The closest we get to "scientific" vamps like Magnus amongst the big vampires is David & Merrick, former Talamasca members--more nosey AF busybody psychics & witches who study the occult & track/stalk the supernatural. It's VERY fitting that after Magnus kills himself, his ghost ends up becoming BFFs with the Talamasca's frikkin founders Gremt, Teshkamen & Hesketh--who're also ghosts & vampires. 👻 Lestat is STUNNED when he sees his Maker again, cuz ghost!Magnus looks NOTHING like an ugly AF hunchback anymore. Crazy enough, he kinda looks like MARIUS--a handsome man of 40ish with ashen blonde hair.
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But the biggest difference with Magnus & the Talamasca vamps is that Magnus & Merrick wanted to be vamps, but David didn't.
Rape (from Latin rapio, to seize/snatch/take), kidnapping & non-consent are major themes in TVC ("all vampires are born of trauma"):
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Magnus raped/kidnapped Benedict & stole his Blood to become a vamp.
Then Magnus raped/kidnapped Lestat & forced him to become a vamp.
Then Lestat raped David & forced him to become a vamp.
Then Lestat mind-raped Louis & dubconned him into becoming a vamp.
Then Lestat & Louis raped/kidnapped Claudia & forced her to become a vamp.
Then Merrick mind-raped Louis & forced him to make her a vamp.
It's a vicious cycle that finally breaks with Viktor & Rose, who're finally given the choice and fully consent on their own terms to become vamps, Turned by Marius & Lestat respectively, and respectfully; specifically because Les hated how Magnus turned him, and wanted his kids made beautifully & lovingly, the way Marius turned Armand.
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Seeking to redeem himself, ghost!Magnus had remade himself, no longer the crazed ghoulish creature Les fought in the tower; but a soft-spoken genteel gentleman not unlike David & Raymond the other kindly Talamascans vampires loved; asking Les' forgiveness.
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But Magnus was still acting selfishly. He'd fulfilled his Aryan we dream, giving himself "perfect" long blonde hair, and the same color eyes as Lestat; tryna approach him not like a remorseful absentee father, but like an equal, like they were the same. 🤮
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It's effing sick, and sad AF that even in death Magnus hated himself, and remolded himself to look like someone totally different--living out his eugenicist dream of being another Marius or Lestat. Like, he presented himself as someone who "was now a wise ghost," but he's actually stuck in his ways as if the mysteries of death-and-rebirth had taught him EFF ALL except how to be pretty.
But for vain AF aesthetes crawling up & down AR's TVC, I guess Beauty in the Savage Garden really is the whole point, innit?
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keynewssuriname · 9 months ago
President Santokhi: “Samenwerking met Afreximbank zal leiden tot wederzijds voordeel”
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Na aankomst te Nassau, Bahama’s heeft president Chandrikapersad Santokhi een bilateraal gesprek gehad met de president en voorzitter van de Raad van Bestuur van de Afreximbank, professor Benedict Oramah. Tijdens de ontmoeting heeft president Santokhi aangegeven dat hij de inzet en visie van de Afrikaanse bank inspirerend en van groot belang vindt voor de samenwerking tussen beide landen en hun banken. Het staatshoofd benadrukte ook dat partnerschap met de Arabische landen en de uitdagingen die daarbij komen kijken, begrijpelijk zijn. Het onderhoud vond plaats op 11 juni 2024. “De afstand en het gebrek aan frequentie van interacties met markten, zoals de Verenigde Staten en China, zijn inderdaad belangrijke factoren die we moeten aanpakken”, sprak de president. Volgens het Surinaamse staatshoofd zal de 31e Afreximbank Annual Meetings (AAM), een groot succes worden met bijna 4000 registraties en directe vluchten van Addis Ababa naar Las Vegas. “Deze ontmoetingen en interacties zullen ongetwijfeld bijdragen aan het verminderen van de psychologische afstand en het versterken van economische banden”, voegde hij eraan toe. De president liet zijn waardering blijken voor de brede expertise die de organisatie heeft van schuldenbeheer en staatsbedrijven tot pre-exportfinanciering. Ook noemde hij de plannen van de organisatie om de capaciteit en structuur van financiële steun uit te breiden indrukwekkend. Volgens president Santokhi komt het door de status van de bank als nummer één in syndicatie, boekhoudkundige, humanitaire en zorggerelateerde activiteiten in Afrika, dat de geloofwaardigheid en capaciteit om projecten te realiseren, wordt versterkt alsook haar holistische benadering van financiële dienstverlening. Uit het gesprek kwam naar voren dat de Afrikaanse bedrijven bereid zijn om nieuwe wegen te verkennen, vooral in opkomende sectoren zoals handel in koolstofkredieten, IT en bankieren. Professor Oramah benadrukte dat hij ernaar uitkijkt om de kansen verder te bespreken en te verkennen tijdens een bezoek van de Afrikaanse bank aan Suriname en een mogelijke investerings- en handelsmissie. Er is ook gesproken over partnerschap met Suriname en andere Caribische landen die enorme mogelijkheden biedt voor groei en ontwikkeling. “Ik geloof dat onze samenwerking zal leiden tot wederzijds voordeel en aanzienlijke economische groei”, aldus president Santokhi. Het plan om nieuwe investeringen aan te trekken en te faciliteren in de olie- en gasindustrie, samen met andere sectoren zoals landbouw, visserij, onroerend goed, medische diensten en onderwijs noemde de president veelbelovend. De verwachting van de definitieve investeringsbeslissing van Total Energies en de commerciële exploitatie van olie- en gasreserves in 2028 zijn hierbij genoemd als belangrijke mijlpalen. Read the full article
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the-vc-group-chat · 1 year ago
Back on my nonsense lately, writing in longer form a follow up to last year's How They Got to Trinity Gate.
Fic picks up where the last one left off, exploring the rest of the final trilogy past the initial shaping of a political and vibrant court around the new Prince Lestat, plays and music and immortal Friday night balls, all leading towards the eventual abduction of Louis, with the backing of the internal fanon already set up within this series.
In short, this is why I've been so quiet on this blog lately. I'm sure I'll get writer block soon and will be back to normally scheduled posting!
Me: * clicks post on the final chapter of Trinity Gate*
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So! How’s everyone else doing? Okay? Okay. 😅
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littletrouper · 3 years ago
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Hi all, I've started a new fic on AO3 called 'Wreaths of laurel' and below is some info if you're interested in checking it out:
Wreaths of laurel
Benedict did not end his life in Blood Communion, instead we find him trying to navigate life without his master. It seems though that in the path of finding his new way, he develops a crush on another formidable ancient. A crush which will quickly turn into obsession.
Armand/Marius de Romanus
Marius de Romanus/Benedict de Landen
Benedict / Rhoshamandes
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac
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bitter-limelight · 4 years ago
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No thoughts, only vampires
Daniel, Thorne, Benedict, an OC (Noah), Antoine, and the Brat Prince who doesn't understand what all these films have in common
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everarddelanden · 6 years ago
👾what was my muse’s childhood bogeyman?
//There was a de Landen family legend that told of the strange disappearances of some born in that family. It had been passed on from generation to generation. Some of the stories telling of a demon. Some called it a witch. Some even the devil himself. 
When he was still a boy, he once fell heavily ill from pneumonia and the spiking fevers would have him hallucinating, swearing he kept seeing a woman in the shadowy folds of the curtains, terrified it was the witch to come and snatch him away.
It was only years later that he was taken and eventually turned by Rhoshamandes and found out about the de Landen vampires, which he then learned had actually been the source of the disappearances and thus the source of the family legend. But despite that, he still was/is quite fearful of witches. 
Before he was turned, he had no idea what he was facing and all he knew of Rhoshamandes was what he saw with his own, mortal eyes and rumors of his mysterious magic, so he did not know any better than them (Rhoshamandes and Benedict) to be warlocks and equally in cahoots with the devil as witches were.
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poet-to-none · 2 months ago
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Magnus, Benedict, Rhosh | The Vampire Chronicles | Graphite, Colored Pencils, Marker | December 2024 Happy New Year to the De Landen Coven (you know who you are) and lots of love to Saint Rayne for making sure I'm not off in rare-pair-land all by myself. Here's to our favs having the night out they deserve!!! See on Pillowfort! See on Bluesky! See on Ao3!
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xxhellonursexx · 3 years ago
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TITLE: “The Funeral of Mekare”
"We stood silent as she [Mekare] was laid to rest in what was a shallow but completely adequate grave. Flower petals were gathered by some of us from throughout the garden and these were sprinkled over the bier. Then others gathered more flowers. I [Lestat] turned back the velvet one last time and bent down to kiss Mekare's forehead. Rhoshamandes and Benedict did nothing, because they obviously feared the censure of all if they tried to make any gesture. And Everard de Landen, the French-Italian fledgling of Rhoshamandes, was the last to place several roses on the corpse." (from “Prince Lestat”)
The text describes Mekare as looking translucent and plastic-like, including her hair, but I kept it red for the purposes of the illustration. 
From left to right: Everard de Landen, Louis, Lestat, the corpse of Mekare. Behind them: Marius and Jessie, who is being comforted by Armand. And of course, in the bottom panel: the thoroughly miserable Benedict with a grim Rhoshamandes.
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faerywhimsy · 2 years ago
Day 6 - Believe in the Power of Tenderness
Breaking my drabble streak for @saintrayne, without whom this idea probably wouldn't have happened (yet).
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Officially, this fills the Day 6 prompt for Marius Appreciation Week. Thank you to the de Romanus coven for keeping me motivated <3
Unofficially, it's also for the de Landen squad, and primarily @fofoqueirah, and @allegra-writes, who are basically part of all my squads at this point.
Soft as Strength (7184 words) by faerywhimsy Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Vampire Chronicles Series - Anne Rice Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Benedict/Rhoshamandes (Vampire Chronicles), Armand/Daniel Molloy, Armand/Marius de Romanus, Armand & Benedict (Vampire Chronicles), Armand/Daniel Molloy/Marius de Romanus Characters: Armand (Vampire Chronicles), Benedict (Vampire Chronicles), Rhoshamandes (Vampire Chronicles), Daniel Molloy, Marius de Romanus, Allesandra (Vampire Chronicles), Bianca Solderini, Santino (mentioned), Everard de Landen (mentioned), Magnus (mentioned) Additional Tags: Kneeling, Children of Satan (referenced), Trinity Gate, Armand is Amadeo for part of this but there's no tag for that, Nobody kidnaps Viktor, maybe he doesn't even exist here who knows?, no one does it like the de landens, Blood Drinking, Marius' crypt within Trinity Gate, The new Palazzo boys Series: Part 3 of TVC Oneshot AUs Summary: Armand is offered the unique opportunity to learn from Benedict that softness doesn't necessarily need to equal fragility, and then comes to some interesting conclusions because of it. A version of events that does occur in Trinity Gate, but where Lestat doesn't simply cut off Rhosh's hand (and arm, Jesus, Lestat).
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keynewssuriname · 9 months ago
President Santokhi aangekomen op de Bahamas
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President Santokhi en delegatie zijn aangekomen in Nassau, Bahama’s, waar de derde Afri-Caribbean conferentie wordt gehouden. Deze conferentie wordt gesponsord en georganiseerd door de Afrexim Bank van Afrika. Bij aankomst op 11 juni werd de president met militaire eer ontvangen en begeleid naar het hotel waar hij van 12 tot en met 14 juni 2024 zal verblijven, met garantie van de Bahamaanse regering. Direct na aankomst, had de president een ontmoeting van meer dan een uur met de president van de Afrexim Bank, Professor Benedict Oramah. Tijdens deze vergadering bespraken ze diverse onderwerpen, waaronder de interesse van de Afrexim Bank in Suriname, met name in de olie- en gassector, maar ook in de toerisme-, vastgoed- en de agrarische sector. Ook werden opties voor herfinanciering van schulden besproken, evenals verschillende investeringsmodaliteiten in diverse sectoren. Het plan is om al deze mogelijke projecten nu te inventariseren. Op basis daarvan zal een handels- en investeringsmissie onder leiding van de president van de Afrexim Bank naar Suriname afreizen, waarschijnlijk in juli of augustus. Ondertussen zullen er in de komende weken technische besprekingen plaatsvinden, met betrekking tot de eventuele herfinanciering van schulden. Het doel is om geherstructureerde schulden tegen betere voorwaarden af te kopen, wat meer fiscale ruimte zou creëren op de Surinaamse begroting. Dit eerste gesprek zette de toon voor de aanwezigheid van het Surinaams staatshoofd op de conferentie. Het is een gelegenheid om, na macro-economische stabilisatie, te focussen op investeringen in de productiesector en zoveel mogelijk internationaal kapitaal te mobiliseren. Daarnaast worden de samenwerking met Afrika en de culturele en handelsbetrekkingen versterkt. Tijdens de conferentie zullen diverse aspecten hiervan worden besproken, waaronder het creëren van een handelsverdrag tussen Afrika en Caricom-landen, wat de export van producten onder betere voorwaarden zou kunnen bevorderen. De president zal ook deelnemen aan een presidentieel panel op donderdagmiddag 13 juni, samen met acht tot negen andere presidenten en premiers uit CARICOM en Afrika, om strategische lijnen uit te zetten voor toekomstige samenwerking die verder zal worden versterkt en geïntensiveerd. Read the full article
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