#benjamin mahmoud
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carabinerdrawing · 7 days ago
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Welcome to the stage, the official "Voice of the Vampires", Benjamin "Benji" Mahmoud!
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nightcolorz · 7 months ago
one of my favorite things about Benji Mahmoud is that if Daniel and Armand had a biological child and u combined their traits he would definitely act like that 💀. Twelve yr old smart ass weirdly intelligent and mature highly traumatized technology savy PODCASTER who chain smokes who’s equal parts strange as he is charming as he is a huge mouthed ass hole. Too good to be true frankly. if u told me that amc Daniel put a baby in amc Armand’s tummy and it was Benji I’d believe u
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mercuryspit · 4 months ago
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vamp intel
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lady-phasma · 5 months ago
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Armand x Benji x Sybelle x gn!reader (vampire reader)
No warnings or summary other than this is really, really fluffy. 1.2k words of the fluffiest fluff.
a/n: aged up Benji to about 25 before he was turned because I think the show would do that if they include him, Sybelle was around 25 when she was turned.
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Sybelle’s fingers flew lightly over the piano keys. You loved listening to her play, especially while reading. You could read faster as a vampire, but sometimes you enjoyed reading slowly and savoring the experience. Sybelle had recently been composing her own music, rarely writing it down, often improvising. Tonight’s music seemed heavily influenced by Max Richter and was lively yet somehow somber.
She was playing something slower now, mellow. The city lights flickering through the windows and the night sky through the skylight created an ethereal, disconnected atmosphere. You turned the page of your book. Soft footsteps approached and you looked up to see Armand. He sat down on the sofa after you pulled your feet up to make room for him.
“Everything okay?” you asked, placing your finger in your book as you closed it, holding your spot.
Armand didn’t answer, just watched Sybelle. His fingers slid against each other, the only outward sign that his thoughts were overwhelming tonight. You looked away from him to snag your bookmark from the arm of the couch. You dropped your book on the floor and turned to rest your back against the arm.
“Hey. You.” Armand turned to look at you. “Come’ere,” you patted the pillow you had placed in your lap. Years with this group had given you the ability to bypass unnecessary words. You knew from previous experience with Armand that he would decline an offer, but would likely accept an invitation if you seemed to not give him an option, not exactly an order.
He moved slowly, not like a vampire at all. He lay on his side between your legs, one of which was curled under the pillow, the other leaning against the back of the couch behind Armand.
He gracefully tucked one hand under his head and laid the other on your thigh. A human could not have heard the sigh he let out, but you did. Sybelle may have as well, but it was a nearly silent sound. Very gently, almost cautiously, you moved his hair back from his face and traced his ear with your fingertips. His eyes closed as he let himself focus on your touch. You stroked his hair and sent soothing, non-verbal thoughts to him telepathically as he laid perfectly still.
Benji came into the room, shoes clicking lightly as he walked across the hardwood. He kissed Sybelle on the top of her head before walking over to where you sat on the sofa with Armand.
“What’s up kiddo?” Benji pressed a lovely kiss to the top of your head as well.
“Not much old man.” You glanced up at him, no less enamored with his beautiful face than the first time you met. You saw him every night, yet Benji remained one of the most unsettlingly gorgeous people in your sphere. His round, youthful features looked so out of place against his vampiric presence. Damn near unsettling and very sexy.
“How was the podcast?” You were genuinely interested. You loved listening to every episode even if the topic wasn’t always new to you.
“It went well,” he answered as he placed his fedora upside down on the coffee table and sat next to Armand’s feet. “A shorter episode than normal, but Lestat and the ancients have been behaving recently, so…” his voice trailed off as he looked at us. “It seems all the excitement is in this living room anyway.” He smiled and stroked Armand’s shin.
“I’m the life of the party,” you smiled back at him. You gently ran your hand down Armand’s shoulder, resting it on his bicep. “I’ll feed before dawn, but I wanted a chill night in tonight.” You glanced down at Armand’s head in your lap and then back to Benji, catching his gaze. “We all needed some down time, but we’re fine.”
He smiled gently again and shifted at his end of the couch. Armand moved his feet next to Benji’s thigh and Benji rested his hand on one calf.
You made quite the tableau: Armand curled on his side, between your legs, his head in your lap, both of you in comfortable clothing, Benji sitting comparatively stiffly in his suit vest, shirt, and slacks.
“You know,” Sybelle’s voice rose just above the volume of her music. “I think we may need a larger sofa.” She giggled and the sound was as musical as the piano. She finished the last few notes of the song and turned to face the three of you.
“I do feel ever so left out!” Her tone was sweet and jovial.
“Pile on, sis!” Benji laughed as he spoke. Sybelle glided across to you, but instead of ‘piling on’ she knelt in front of Armand and placed her arms on the cushion. She tilted her head and laid it on her forearms. Their faces were mere centimeters apart and the gaze they shared was almost as intimate as if they were speaking telepathically. A tiny smile lifted the corner of Armand’s mouth. Perhaps something had passed between them.
Sybelle slid one hand out and interlaced her fingers with Armand’s on your thigh. You stroked the top of her head then let your hand rest back of the arm of the couch. Benji moved his hand from Armand’s leg to yours, absently rubbing circles on your pants with his thumb. You didn’t look up from watching Sybelle and Armand when you heard Benji’s voice in your mind.
What’s wrong? he asked.
He didn’t say. He came in like this, you answered. You gently smoothed Armand’s hair back. Sybelle looked up at you, her face full of kindness.
“I have an idea,” she beamed up at you as she spoke. “Come. All of you.” She popped up from where she knelt. You looked over at Benji and smiled. He returned your look of bemusement and love. Sybelle was sweet and slightly peculiar.
You watched Benji stand and extend his hand to him. Armand sat up and took Benji’s hand in one movement. They followed Sybelle out of the living room. You rose and followed as well. The four of you went into the bedroom, Sybelle nearly floating, Benji holding Armand’s hand.
The bed was a king size and swamped with pillows. Sybelle tossed a few on the floor. She grabbed Armand’s free hand and led him to the bed. As she did so she kissed his cheek. You stood next to Benji while they lay down. Benji guided you forward with his hand on your back. You slipped onto the bed, facing Armand, while Benji stepped out of his shoes and laid down behind you.
Armand looked at you with large, grateful eyes and you snaked your forearm between his arms and interlaced your fingers with his. He held your arm against his chest. Your knees touched gently. Sybelle wrapped her arm Armand’s waist and snuggled close behind him. Benji reached over you, laying his arm on you and his hand on Armand’s bicep. This wasn’t the first time and it wouldn’t be the last time you all piled into this bed, but it was one of the more chaste times.
Armand still hadn’t spoken. His face was softer now, his shoulders less tense. He closed his eyes and relished being in your arms, surrounded by his family.
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adamnablelittledevil · 4 months ago
Anne Rice really lost the opportunity of locking Lestat, Armand, Daniel, Benji, Sybelle and Pandora in a room and letting them neurodivergent together. I'd like to see what would happen. It could end in giggles or tears, but I'm positive something would definitely happen.
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aloafteas · 8 months ago
it's funny to me how Daniel and Marius just basically became dads, Marius made Benji for Armand because he knew Armand wouldn't do it himself and they just kinda ended up with a 12 year old iPad kid with a podcast
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kutputli · 4 months ago
I doubt the show will make it that far and I KNOW they will fuck it up but I just want Benji to be explicitly on-screen Palestinian and played by an actual Palestinian (diaspora included) actor.
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goldenfurevamp · 8 months ago
Benji and Daniel at their Podcast. The Coven of the Articulate.
Les habla Benjamín queridos hijos de la noche. A mí lado tengo al gran periodista y novelista de los libros más vendidos en los últimos años Daniel Molloy. De unirá a mi en esta investigación de curiosidades lo que hablaremos en este lugar.
¿Quienes son los vampiros?
¿Que hacen para vivir?
Que tan cerca están de ustedes. Daniel es un mago en todo esto, es decir fue el primer comiunity manager de Trinity sin saberlo ¿Cierto? Quien más le daba tanta publicidad a Lestat a su forma de vida, a como era Louis, como era la vida de Armand el vampiro antes de ser quien es, como llegó Akasha está historia y Marius el romano el creador. Jesse Reeves como la magia y el vampirismo se juntan. Como Fareed logro darle un hijo a Lestat.
Queridos oyentes, aquí estoy de nuevo. Quizás desde un punto de vista diferente al que estuve en el pasado. Mis libros como los dijiste tú Benjamín relatan la historia de los más grandes vampiros existentes aunque también hablo de los que no existen son relatos reales pero ¿Como es su vida noche tras noche? ¿Donde se crean las leyes ?
Todo eso y más lo tendrán aquí.
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vyorei · 1 year ago
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Updates from the last 20 minutes
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girlactionfigure · 2 years ago
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Palestinians reject Israel’s demands to save PA
The Palestinian Authority rejected Israel's terms for helping to prevent the PA's collapse and vowed to continue making payments to the families of terrorists.
The Palestinian Authority on Monday rejected Israel’s demands for helping prevent the collapse of the PA.
PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh vowed to continue the legal-diplomatic effort against Israel in the international arena and rejected the demand to stop payments made by the PA to the families of Palestinians killed or imprisoned while carrying out attacks against Israelis.
The security cabinet on Sunday decided that Israel will take steps to prevent the collapse of the PA, while advancing the demand that the Palestinians cease their activities against Israel in the international legal-diplomatic arena, end incitement, and stop payments to families of terrorists and illegal construction in Area C.
More: Jerusalem Post
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nightcolorz · 1 year ago
Sad, tragic even that Benji Mahmoud is more often then not fandom declawed as a fairly average 12 yr old boy with fairly average 12 yr old boy traits when in canon he was chain smoking pre puberty, so chronically adultified in life that he is practically unfazed by his eternal child body bcus he was able to pass as a young looking adult as a mortal anyway just by how he acts alone, Bedouin boy from Palestine who made a living for his family by getting white American tourists to pay for pictures with him for the “exotic” vibes, self taught himself fluent English, was then practically enslaved through insane human trafficking means, known as a freakishly young actual genius who is so smart that Armand is about to enroll him in collage as a preteen, extremely passionate and outspoken activist as a kid to the point that he would erupt into emotional crying and ranting fits while watching the news regularly, then went on to grow into the man in the immortal body of a 12 yr old responsible for the vampire government the final trilogy is centered around by virtue of his activist vampire podcast alone. Put some respect on his name god damn it Benji is such a guy he’s such a character he is not just any 12 yr old boy he’s the smartest bitch in tvc and Lestat would be stewing in misery and self isolation as every vampire around him explodes for all of time if it wasn’t for his fuck ass radio show telling him and the other older vampires to get on there asses and do smth 🙌 my man is a whole adult he owns five galleries a restaurant and a straight up haberdashery shop, he has a legal drivers license guys. I bet Lestat doesn’t even have a legal drivers license. As an actual literal 12 yr old he was more competent and mature then the vast majority of adult characters bro was assisting armand in murder and single-handedly caring for Sybelle while devouring five packs worth of nicotine a day with the grace of a dancer. Bro is NOT on Xbox 🙌
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foretales · 2 months ago
"You wanna be left alone, don't you? I'll be in the kitchen, over here." Benji
" i still think you're a jinn. " he doesn't trust easily; his mother trusted fox , a rich white man with a handsome smile , and she's been missing for two years. he's counted. after day five hundred and eighty-three came the realization that mama isn't coming back , just like baba , and just like his big brother who used to play mary had a little lamb with his nostrils on a recorder. this armand -- name still pending because benji is certain that isn't his real name -- may be an angel in sybelle's eyes , who is his elder by three years , of course , just like his big brother, but he won't be swayed.
-- that doesn't mean his stomach is above such things. no, apparently, the growling isn't coming from armand-the-jinn but him. clad in all too big clothes and his mop of raven curls nothing short of unmanageable, he cranes his head toward the kitchen as the smell of food causes his tongue to salivate.
he finds himself slinking off the plush couch and towards the kitchen. he's slow in his movements , much like he's approaching a dangerous predator than whoever armand is -- then again, and Benjamin has always been a discerning fellow, isn't that just what armand is? a predator? doesn't know what kind, yet, but he isn't an idiot.
he makes his way to the kitchen eventually -- still so skeptical -- with a guarded stance, even if his stomach rumbles. " sybelle tells me you do not eat. " after all, he is sybelle's guardian, not this jinn, and if he lied to sybelle than he isn't trustworthy ... even if the food smells really good.
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lady-phasma · 5 months ago
What if I were to post a short fic (like 800 words) before kinktober starts that's just Armand x Benji x Sybelle x reader fluff? Just some cuddles with the fam.
Update: I did.
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adamnablelittledevil · 2 months ago
More than romances and situationships (and I love that kind of thing and am a shipper heart), I really want to see Armand's biological family, Benji and Sybelle and do hope they stick to the books when it comes to that.
Armand briefly reuniting with his parents is my favorite TVC moment, it made me cry like nothing in this world ever had and washed over my soul in the most devastating yet beautiful way. It went as far as touching the very core of my soul. I think I'll never be able to forgive it if Rolin doesn't go there.
And as for Benji and Sybelle, I believe most of Armand's growth and healing happened with them. Sure, other people such as Lestat, Louis, Daniel, Bianca and Riccardo played a role in that too (the latter more when he was still human, though), but saving Sybelle and Benji was the biggest shift in his life for me. And not only him protecting them was important, but he has so many parallels with those two as well and it did him wonders to have such connection with both. I really do hope we can see it.
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plitnick · 1 year ago
Biden won’t let Israel’s rejection of a Palestinian state interfere with his delusions
While Joe Biden tries to save the illusion of a two-state solution, Israeli leaders from Benjamin Netanyahu to Benny Gantz, and from Bezalel Smotrich to Isaac Herzog all reaffirm that there is no hope for a two-state solution. Some say never, some say not any time soon, but they are all agreed on opposing any serious settlement with the Palestinians. But does that stop Biden? Nope. I look into it…
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indizombie · 1 year ago
Perhaps, Palestinians should have thought about the consequences of murdering Israeli civilians, accepted the reality of Israel, abjured violence and armed struggle, and negotiated with Israel in a peaceful way. East of Gaza, in the occupied West Bank, Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian National Authority, the internationally recognised representative of the Palestinian people, has done all these things. His reward has been an inexorable expansion of Jewish settlements, the contemptuous rejection of the two-state solution by Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli political Establishment that he represents.
Mukul Kesavan, ‘Philistines and Pharisees’, Telegraph
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