#ben best wingman
pokemon1oadvanced · 2 years
If Camp Cretaceous Hidden Adventure has taught me anything, its that the campers only survived by ignoring Kenji’s input😭
I’ve also found that I’d blindly follow Ben💅🏻
And that I wouldn’t have survived.
Thank you for the crumbs!
Ps. I miss my kids
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rainysofsunshineao3 · 4 months
And today, instead of anylysing another Yasmina and Sammy scene, we're analyzing THESE TWO BAMFs!!!
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OMFG, these two I can't with these two I love them so dearly my lord. One of my favourite brother/sister relationships of all time. Their so supportive of each other and have a "sorry I just threw you down a mountain, it's how I show affection :)" relationship it's the best dynamic ISTG.
Like, I think Ben is the only other person Yaz voluntarily hugs (Not counting all the time's with Brooklyn cause those were kinda out of like "I protec u").
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Like, Yaz didn't really have a strong relationship with Ben before he became "Island Ben", but when she sees him, instead of standing in shock like Brook and Kenji, she just throws herself at him (In a very "Sammy-like" manner, if I do say so myself lol). She obviously cares for this boy, even in when he was "Scared-Ben" and before their relationship really took off.
And she CONTINUES holding on to him like a lifeline for a good 7 seconds (Trust, I counted lol) AND THEN SHE FUCKING-
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She pulls him in AGAIN. And Ben isn't like, akward about it at all. He just hugs her back instantly, which to me screams that there were never any romantic interest between them (Sorry to those who ship these two) and honestly shows need more of this. Like, these two are the only ones in this series...
ok I take it back, no one has shipped Ben and Brooklyn or Darius and Sammy as far as I'm concerned, but they have such limited screentime together I can see why.
They're the only well-developed and HEALTHY non-romantic duo in this series.
But like, Brook, Kenji, and Darius all had this really...weird and unexplained love triangle going on. Like I swear I wasn't the only one picking up on Brooklyn and Darius in Season 1 and 2, but then it shifts to Kenji for no real reason. Then obviously Yaz and Sammy were hinted at since the very first episode lol, but these two.
They're not even really as sibling-coded as Darius and Kenji (Yet another ship that I hope no one wanted to sail because...ew. their brothers yall. BROTHERS). They're just...different. I really don't know how to explain it. Honestly the best way I can explain it is with these two vvv
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Yaz would definitely call Ben "Dingus" and make a "You Rule | You Suck" board I will die on this hill.
And Yaz obviously trusts this boy with her life. Like, when they were hiding from the robo-dogs (Oh my god, the demodogs and demogorgons of JWCC, the BRADS and BRAD-Xs) she's leaning into him.
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And then they think their gonna die and this snipped right here actually breaks and heals my heart at the same time 🥹
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Yaz just clings to him and hides her face in his shoulder and Ben doesn't waste a single goddamn moment before he tries to shield her as best he can.
*Raine pauses and watches again for science*
Screaming, crying, sobbing over them.
Can't find the GIF for it, but in season 5 when Ben sees Bumpy on get off the boat and makes a run for it, Yaz is the first one who notices Ben is gone. She's looking around for him before everyone else and she's the one who asks "Where's Ben". It's the little details in their relationship.
There's a whole other post I might make tomorrow on the amazing wingmanship between these two with Sammy and Ben's hilarious misunderstanding of Yaz being Kenji's wingman (Still not over that).
I love these two so much, my babies :))) There's so many moments between them that I caught on my rewatch.
Can't wait for JWCT, I miss the children so muchhhh
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
HI could i request a minho x reader where they’re best friends and have a thing for eachother but they’re oblivious so everybody in the glade starts pulling shenanigans to get them together
I can sure try I guess.
Gender neutral reader because you didn't specify.
Guys pls start specifying lmao I am stressed.
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SUMMARY: See above. Gender Neutral! Builder! Reader x Minho. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas. Book based fic purely because no big 3D map.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, teenage shenanigans, oblivious reader/Minho, no one knows how to interact like normal humans, one awkward shower scene and mild suggestive content but nothing explicit.
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You and Minho have been best friends since you popped up in the Glade.
Honestly, you're not really sure how it happened. You came up the month after Minho, so he was tasked with looking after you, and you just kind of stuck.
Minho is obviously the Keeper of the Runners, which means he's out in the Maze most of the the time, and you spend your days working as a Builder. But, you both still find time to enjoy each other's company after your long days.
It's definitely a close relationship, and anyone that knows Minho is often caught off guard to see the difference in him when he's around you. He's almost softer, definitely more smiley and easier to be around. His bitter and often slightly negative attitude is dulled in your presence. Of course, everyone likes Minho.
But everyone likes Minho a lot more when you're with him.
And that goes both ways. You're noth completely different people around each other; more approachable and easier to get along with.
It's obvious.
Of course it is.
Everyone in the Glade knows.
You guys like each other.
You have been harbouring a massive crush on Minho for pretty much as long as you can remember. And Minho isn't much better.
It's obvious, to everyone but you two.
Maybe you're both blinded by not wanting to mess up your friendship, or simply the pressure of living in a death maze is enough to give you both different priorities, but you're both blissfully unaware of your feelings for one another.
And it's starting to take the piss.
You have the other Gladers wanting to rip their hair out and just scream at you to go off somewhere and make out for a bit to let off some steam.
Obviously, they don't do that (probably because Alby would have their heads for distracting his best Runner).
But they want to. Man, do they want to.
So, instead, the remaining boys decide to come up with a plan after a particularly slow week in the Glade. They were going to do whatever it took to get the pair of you to finally realise you share the same feelings.
Which is easier said than done, especially when Minho is MIA most of the day.
But, with Ben slowly implementing hints towards Minho on their runs, and some of your Builder colleagues doing the same for you, the seeds were getting set in place.
Though, maybe your stubbornness/oblivion might be beyond help.
"Yanno, I really like them," Ben says as he runs with Minho, insisting on joining him for the past couple of days now, saying something about two sets of eyes are better than one.
"Who?" Minho grumbles, genuinely considering make a dead sprint to get away from Ben.
"(Y/N), duh," Minho slows down slightly, coming to the same pace as his friend.
"I mean, they're really cool, funny, hot- how could I not? You're cool with that, right? I mean, I know they're your friend but I kinda wanna ask them out, that's okay, right?"
Minho hesitates, seemingly thinking for a second. Minho wouldn't ever do anything to possibly ruin your happiness, even if he does have feelings for you and he knows you can make your own choices.
And with that, he sprints away, leaving Ben to stand there in some form of shock.
Meanwhile you're dealing with Gally.
"You know, you really do keep that shank on a tight leash- Minho is actually tolerable when you're around."
"Uh, thanks, I think?" You chuckle to yourself.
"I mean.. you guys are only friends, right?"
You're in the middle of trying to fix a shack that got damaged during a dumb fight between two boys. You freeze.
"Hm, interesting."
"Why's that interesting?"
"Just you guys are pretty close, some people think you'd make a good couple."
You laugh, shaking your head. "Yeah, right." You say sarcastically, going back to your work and ending the conversation in one go.
Okay, so that isn't working.
The boys need to recuperate.
Okay, so, maybe they need to get the pair of you in situations you wouldn't normally be in, alone.
So, what could a group of dumb teenage boys possibly do with that?
"Yo, (Y/N)," you'd just finished your day of work when Newt approaches you.
"Hey, Newt, you good?"
"Yeah, can you go get Minho for me? I gotta talk to him but I gotta sort some klunk out first."
"Oh, uh, sure, where is he?"
"Oh, he'll probably just be getting out of the shower, he came back earlier so he should be finishing up."
"You want me to go into the shower block to get Minho?" You blink at him. "Couldn't you have spoken to him earlier?"
"I didn't get chance to catch him- Alby wanted to talk to me." Newt seems shifty and unsure of himself.
He originally wanted no part in this, but Frypan said he'd give him extra food for two weeks so here we are.
"Just go get him, a'ight?" Newt walks away before you can say anything else. Now, he has to actually figure out what to talk to Minho about when he inevitably comes looking for him.
Frypan owes him more stew.
You grumble to yourself, going to find your friend. Since Minho came back earlier, he should be finishing up and probably about to leave. So, you think just direct him towards Newt. Easy fix.
Though you do feel a bit weird about it.
And when you rock up at the shower block with just the sound of running water filling the room, you inwardly cringe.
"Minho?" You ask, probably a little too quiet since he doesn't hear you over the water. Sucking in a deep breath, you walk further into the shower block.
It's not like you're fazed by this kind of thing. Boys walk around the Glade shirtless all the time and no one really care about skin being shown off. But this is Minho.
He's flawlessly attractive in your eyes, and he's actually a pretty modest guy. You normally leave him to his privacy, but if Newt wants to talk to him, it must be important.
"Minho?" You say, a bit louder, which gets a response.
"Yeah?" He asks as you stand awkwardly outside of the shower booth, a good few feet away from the curtain.
"Newt wants to talk to you."
"Newt wants to talk to you," you repeat, your voice even louder. "He told me to get you."
To your surprise, Minho moves the curtain. He holds it in a way that hides anything inappropriate, but still reveals his chiseled, drippong torso.
Minho seemingly hasn't realised what this subtle and nothing act has done, but it leaves you almost silently standing there.
"What about?"
"He, uh, he d-didn't say," Minho groans as you pull your lips into a thin line. He pulls the shower curtain back, giving you a much needed second to recollect yourself. The water stops and there's some shuffling before he emerges again.
He's wearing pants now, at least, as he struggles to put his shirt on over his damp body.
"Can't get two shuckin' seconds of peace here," he grumbles before sighing. "You eaten, yet?" He asks you casually, still completely oblivious to your flustered state.
"Uh, no, I've only just finished myself."
He nods. "Alright, I'll catch you for dinner then, yeah?"
"Yeah, 'course."
Minho leaves to find Newt and you stand there for another few seconds before leaving with nothing having changed.
So, that didn't work either.
Though I don't know how they expected it to. Trust teenage boys to turn wingmanship into awkward situations.
Somehow, this keeps going.
Gladers start "accidentally" start bumping into either of you to get you to stumble into each other. Which does nothing. Or they'll make you scoot closer together when eating so you're squashed next to one another. Which also does nothing.
After what seems like forever of the boys acting really weird, you and Minho start actively avoiding them.
So, they come up with an actual plan- because far too many people are invested now and it's getting out of hand.
It's a simple plan, really.
But it did require a questionable request list being thrown into the box and your deep concern when people starting pulling boxes of candles out.
Night begins to fall over the Glade. People were winding down and they'd gone through to effort of separating you and Minho.
Somehow, you'd ended up in a long conversation with Frypan about his dream to make the perfect cheesecake one day. And Minho was getting lectured by Alby over being mean to Ben. Plausible, really.
Then, out of
"(Y/N)!" Winston startles you. "Minho needs you! He's in the Map Room! It's urgent!"
"What? Is he okay?"
"You gotta go! Quick!"
In a panicked frenzy, you run off to the Map room.
Unbeknownst to you, Ben has just done the exact same thing to Minho.
You burst into the Map Room, completely ignoring the fact you're not actually allowed to be in there. You're certainly no Runner since you're already out of breath.
"Minho! What's-?" Your words get stuck in your throat when you see the state of the Map Room and a very clearly lost Minho.
Candles are everywhere, and in the middle of the table, there is a big fancy meal- all of Frypan's best work.
You both stand there, staring at the scene in front of you.
Almost like something out of a comedy sketch, you turn to each other. "Did you do this?"
You then stand there, blinking at one another.
"It's like..." You trail off.
"A date." Minho finishes the sentence. "Who the everliving SHUCK thought it was a good idea to put fire in the Map Room?"
"They set us up on a date?" You mumble.
He chuckles. "Yeah, looks like it." You hesitate, a small smile starting to play on your lips. "Well," he clears his throat, "shall we?"
"What?" You snort, watching him as he walks over to the chair, pulling it out and giving you a fake bow. "Your seat, darling."
You roll your eyes, trying to suppress a smirk, but you do take your seat.
"No point letting all this good food going to waste, eh?" He walks to the seat across from you, sitting down himself. "I doubt Fry is gonna be making a meal like this again anytime soon."
"Yeah, I guess so. Explains why they've been acting so weird."
"Yeah, I just thought those shanks were finally losing their marbles."
"Nice to know they think we'd make a cute couple," you chuckle.
"'Cause we would make a cute couple," he says, a little too confident. "I mean- I don't know." He chuckles.
You freeze, picking at your plate for a second. But shuck it, you might as well ask. If you can ask anyone anything- it's Minho. "...Would you want to be a couple?"
He looks at you, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I would, actually. Just... not now. There's too much goin' on here, yanno? I mean, would you wanna be... together?"
You nod. Maybe deep down, you could tell that Minho likes you, maybe he could tell you like him. "Yeah, of course I would, but you're probably right."
"I think when we leave here," he continues, "we'd be a shuckin' good couple." He sighs, smiling to himself." But for now, we stay friends, I deal with this klunk and one day we'll be enjoying our freedom- together."
It's a tranquil image. Freedom feels so close but so far away, and being with you is just further motivation for Minho. But, if anything happened to him out there, he couldn't put that extra baggage on you if you were dating.
"Well, you better get us out quick then, huh?" He chuckles.
"Yeah, yeah- well, let's enjoy our dumb date, shall we?"
"Guess this is our first date, then, huh?" You joke and he laughs.
"Yeah, guess it is."
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I really didn't know what to do with this one, lads, ngl. It's more of a funny bit than a serious story and they don't even end up together- sorry.
I hope you kind of enjoyed tho lmao :)
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zetmns · 1 year
“King of thieves!”
Warnings- a overweight joke from Richie Abt Eddie’s mom that’s it tho
a/n: back from the dead 🌚 mb this took a whole life time and the next one bouta take as long (hj 🐐
Prologue- troubles of a hero
parts- previous next master post
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September 26 1992
the year it all changed for bill denbrough the 16 year old Derry baseball player things had always been a bit bad for bill after 1989 the year he lost his brother, Georgie. Sure he tried to get thru it or forgot about it but is that something you can really forgot about?
“so quarry after school with all of us right bill?” Bills best friend and so called wingman? Stanley said leaning on his locker in the derry highschool halls.
“yeah o-of course s-stan ill be th-there not something id m-miss you k-k-know?” Bill blurted out as best as he could with his stutter in the way at least. Stanley nodded saying his goodbyes to bill and walking off to his next class. Bill sighed closing his locker and tugging his backpack over his shoulder his legs moving him thru the halls to whatever stupid class he didn’t want to be at. All he needed to do was get thru 1 more class before he could go to the quarry with the only people he really had a personal care for.
reaching his class he went to his seat near the back where he could scout the entire class like a hawk. Bill took out the health book his teacher had been nagging about all month for a coming up project they had to do on the human body.
Students filled the class and took their seats in their respective seats. Bill didn’t bother to care about who was who he didn’t have any of the losers or his baseball team in this class but he did have someone he… admired.
Y/n l/n, it’s not like he stalked her but he did have all his classes with her so it was a bit hard to miss her especially when she was on the soccer team and played violin for the school strings class but everyone knew that didn’t they?
bill looked up seeing her walk in going to her seat in the row next to him his seat across from hers .he straightened his posture a bit glancing at her quickly before he heard the bell ring and the teacher talking
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The bell rang signaling the end of class. Bill looked up from his book before closing it and putting it in his backpack packed with books for his other classes but a soda and chip bag lingered in it for after school.
bill took a quick glance at you who was tieing your hair in a ponytail. He quickly got out of his seat and left class to find Stan waiting in the hall with Eddie. One of there other mutual friends, Stan noticed bill and smiled “ hey bill the others are waiting at the front you ready?” Stan asked looking at bill with a smirk as he saw you walk out the class “o-oh okay l-let’s go t-t-then
Eddie jumped Into their talk as they walked thru the halls “ I heard the quarry had some animals in it like fish you know? What if they have parasites or are carrying something I don’t wanna die I mean what if I get something my mom would kill y-“
Eddie had been cut off by a hand on his shoulder “ don’t be a pussy!we’ve gone for years and how the hell would fish get in the quarry? And I thought you were the smart one you have some competition now Eddie!” Richie stated jumping on Eddie backpack to make him mad.
Stan looked at Richie confused “ how the hell did you even get here Richie?” Richie chirped up “ you could say I’m like a superhero”
bill laughed at his comment “ S-sure r-rich a sup-super hero..”
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Bill and everyone eventually got together in front of school and rod their bikes to the quarry they had gone to for years. Some memories good some bad but no matter what it was their spot. The losers spot.
Everyone got off their bikes and Ben put down his bag holding a few snacks from a grab n go near by everyone took off their shoes and clothes they didn’t wanna get wet
Richie screamed
“Last one in the water has to give me 50 bucks!!”
before running onto the tip of the cliff they always had jumped off of to reach the water. His friends followed running and laughing into the water before splashing in.
once everyone came up Eddie had followed being last he frowned but smiled after a second
“ well damn eddie…. Looks like you owe me some money..” he said fakely sentimental
“ rich I’m not giving you shit asshole” eddie laughed back
everyone laughed at Eddie’s remark before mike said “ rich Eddie’s mom wouldn’t even let him near ten dollars let alone 50!”
Everyone laughed even eddie. Maybe 13 year old him would defend her thinking she would know about the awful things Richie has said about her. But 16 year old Eddie know knew his mom was a manipulative piece of shit. Maybe Richie wasn’t exactly the best example to someone like Eddie but god was he happy to have him no matter what, even for helping him realize that.
Richie snickered “ well eddie pay me thru candy or something” eddie fake laughed “ oh please my mom doesn’t let me near that either” Eddie said running his hands thru his hair. Everyone erupted into laughs
Beverly pirched up next to Ben “ Richie it’s not like anyone would pay you you’d probably spend it in the arcade” she said with sarcasm
Richie gasped offfended “ oh please! The arcade is totally a good place to spend my summer! Not like theirs another way that’s any better” he said dragging out the last two words”
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After a few hours everyone had got out the water and was resting and talking on some rocks near the water bill was sitting on a rock when Richie said “ alright, this Is getting boring let’s go play tag or something”
everyone nodded agreeing putting their foot in a circle Richie bent down and started reciting “ catch a tiger by a toe” leading to Eddie being the Seeker “ why am I the seeker?” Eddie said disappointed “ because you got picked fair and square germ boy” Beverly said laughing before Eddie sighed and counted hiding his face with his palms as everyone ran bill went south a direction Eddie wouldn’t want to go in because of poison ivy.
Bill ran to a close circle of trees and huddled inside out of breath he sat down on the leaves “this should be fine” he muttered closing his eyes trying to get a steady breath. Bill felt as if the world had gone silent in that moment all he could hear was the water of the quarry and the sound of leaves rustling in the wind he softly put his head against the tree and sighed contently before he jolted his body opening his eyes and slightly lifting off the ground tense at the feeling of pain in his hand
“shit!” Bill whispered hissing at the pain in his hand when he looked down he saw two small circles next to each other almost small dots even like fangs of a spider, bill liked around him hearing leaves softly crunch at whatever had bit him was moving away bill sighed rubbing his hand he knew he should probably stop playing and tell his friends in the case that the bite could be dangerous
Bill stood up holding his hand against a tree for support but when he tried to walk away to go back to his friends he was pulled back against the tree he tried to move again but it wouldn’t budge he was confused “maybe it had sap on the tree? He thought but looking at his hand he could tell the tree was completely dry with no sap
He was scared but he tried to stay calm closing his eyes he sighed trying to calm down his nerves he slowly opened one eye before lifting his hand off the tree he was shocked it worked “okay…” he whispered wiping his hands on his shirt he rolled his eyes walking back towards the quarry
bill continued walking to the quarry thinking about what had happened a spider? I mean it was just a spider righ
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Tag list !-
@jadahxx @ryryyyyyyy @yourfrenchteacher
@musiclovebot@4rtiee@stilloverthinking@sinceuh-when @artfulthoughtswp @pix-y-styx
@baby-tangerine @fangirlisms13 @superache8 @hunterluvr
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ticcitobysgoggles · 8 months
🖤🔪🩸Jeff the Killer’s relationships with other pastas!!🩸🔪🖤
Please note that this is my own au/opinion and if you do not agree of like it then just move on
🎮BEN Drowned🎮
🎮| Best friends
🎮| Argues ALOT
🎮| Plays pranks and plays video games together on a daily basis (BEN always cheats)
🎮| Yelling\Roasting matches
🎮| Avoided by pretty much everyone when together
💙Eyeless Jack💙
💙 | Somewhat friends
💙 | Jeff comes in with small injuries regularly
💙 | Jack can tolerate Jeff but not for to long before he just finds him annoying
💙| He would never admit it, but Jeff was terrified and probably peed his pants when he first saw Jack
🍬Laughing Jack🍬
🍬| Enemies
🍬| They hate each other
🍬| Jeff often mocks and makes fun of him because of his clown appearance.
💄| Somewhat friends
💄| Jeff came to realize that Nina was NOT
ROMANTICALLY obsessed with him.
💄| Nina never got offended over his attitude or snarky remarks either annoys Jeff but at the same time intrigues him.
💄| Nina is like a girl version of Jeff in a way so she’s like his “wingman”
🖤| If he ever insults her or anything, she always has one to say right back to him.
🖤| Jane would occasionally find Jeff’s knifes and break the majority of them so Jeff always has to hide them.
🧣| Eh
🧣| Claims they hate each other but deep down they still love one another
🧣| Sully fucking hates Jeff
🧣| Everytime Liu talks to Jeff and Jeff is rude or anything, Sully fights for control so he can give Jeff a piece of his mind
🪓| Eh, acquaintances\kinda friends
🪓| Jeff picks on Toby but more of in a playfuller way than with some others
🪓| Toby doesn’t like Liu and Jeff’s dynamic now and once asked Jeff about it but soon learned to just not ask
⏰| Never really interacted
⏰| Jeff has tried messing with her, but she can easily match his attitude and it annoys him
🧸| Sibling like relationship
🧸| Jeff picks on her a LOT
🧸| Jeff purposely tells Sally to do something stupid that would make her cry
📷| Frenemies
📷| Jeff doesn’t always get reactions that he wants from him so mainly just goes for others
📷| Unlike BEN, when Jeff get under Masky’s skin, it annoys him but he hides it well
🔫| Enemies
🔫| Masky HATES him to the CORS
🔫| Jeff likes to mess with Masky for fun as reactions are what Jeff likes
🔫| Masky is no where to be seen if BEN and Jeff are together
🎨Bloody Painter🎨
🎨| Enemies
🎨| Jeff is way to loud and rude for Helen
🎨| Been a target of one of BEN, Jeff, and KageKao’s pranks before and just tends to stay away from them
🎨| Jeff has made fun of Helen’s hobby of painting and they may or may not have had other out
🎭| Friends
🎭| They sometimes prank together, but Ieff had BEEN pranked by Kagekao before
🎭| Often bribes Kagekao with wine if he won’t agree with something
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oceandirtcountry · 3 months
Cinder grabs Neo by her collar, hoisting her off the ground. Her face is twisted, angry, filled with rage—she was on the very cusp of victory, she’d crushed Tennyson’s spirit, she’d mutilated that stupid android, she’d taken down the very girl that had been a thorn in her side for so long—and her entire team, to boot. Add on that stupid, stupid Ninja and knight. She’d killed everyone. Nobody could stand in her way.
“You. What is the meaning of this? You’re…helping him?”
The girl doesn’t reply, nor does she even look Cinder in the eye. She faces Ben, for what may seem like her last time, and signs something she knows only he will understand.
I’ve got your back. I always did.
Ben knew those words—they were his.
A month prior, in the Atlas prison where he was thrown in, Ben met Neo on terms that weren’t cutthroat. They actually had a conversation, for once.
Neo just listened. But she realised that Ben—as flawed as she saw him to be—was truly, in all honesty, a good person. He’d put his life on the line for people who would never do the same for him.
He blamed himself for Roman’s death. They’d tussled before, Neo recollects. Roman had expressed how the boy could’ve snapped him in two should he wish—but never did so, always opting for the peaceful alternative. He only contained, never truly hurt him.
It made her feel…guilty. An odd sort of guilty, in the sense that he was trying so hard in a world that would never smile down upon him. And even through everything, he decided that, he would be the one to smile upon others, and make them feel that everything was going to be okay.
He was stupid. He was naive.
He was…a hero.
They busted out of prison soon after. Right before they escaped, the military managed to slam the doors shut on Neo, while Ben got free.
This was it, she thought. He was just like them. It was a simple plan: get her help, then abandon her. Just like Cinder did, tossing her into this prison. Letting her be the scapegoat. They’re all the same.
As the robots closed in, Neo turned around, ready to put up a fight—before the doors behind her whooshed open, and she was pulled out by two goopy arms.
His voice was oddly comforting. “Hey—I nearly forgot about you! I wasn’t paying attention—too much adrenaline. You’re not exactly the loudest.”
Noticing her expression, Ben clears his throat, adopting a more serious tone. “I wasn’t gonna leave you behind. I’ve got your back, Neo. I always did.”
Ben raises his arms. He couldn’t see them, which means that she really did buy him some time by camouflaging him—and sacrificing herself in the process.
Cinder tosses Neo off the platforms without a second thought.
It’s never too late to be the hero.
Besides him, Winter raises Penny’s mangled corpse, burn and stab marks dotted throughout her entire body.
She’d sacrificed herself. For Rex, who was still unconscious.
A tear falls from the Schnee’s eye, then many more. First her sister, then her only friend.
Ben wipes the blood from his mouth. His lover, his wingman, his best friends…it didn’t feel fair.
That she was allowed to just take everything away like that.
Both of them rise at the same time.
Ben activates his Ultimatrix. There’s an alien, in there, that he’s found while training. Something so powerful, it scared himself. He never named it, but it later came to be known as Atomix.
Winter’s Aura surges to life. Her eyes spark and glow with pure white light. The temperature around them seems to drop, snow whirling around the only two left. The only two who can still fight.
Ben slams down the core.
There were only two people standing between Cinder and her way out.
But those two pairs of eyes—one pure, neon green, and the other glowing white—were different from her own.
Cinder didn’t fear losing everything.
Ben and Winter had already lost everything.
Ben raises his hand, nuclear energy thrumming from his fist.
Winter drives her blade into the ground, causing the surroundings to rush into a blizzard.
They’d only tried this once before, when Penny and Ben, using a form much less inclined toward controlling the energy, faced off against the To’Kustar army.
It was time for the Nuclear Winter.
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reasoningdaily · 2 months
Wings and Things: Sticky, Crispy, Saucy, Lip-Smacking Chicken Recipes
click the title link to Download a Free Copy from the BLACK TRUEBRARY
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Wings and Things: Sticky, Crispy, Saucy, Lip-Smacking Chicken Recipes
From the award-winning and fried-chicken obsessed duo behind Wingmans, chef Ben Ford and David Turofsky, comes Wings and Things, a book that celebrates the glorious bird with some of the most mouth-watering, saucy, internationally inspired variations on classic wings.
Recipes to savor include moreish favorites such as their multi-award-winning Buffalo Hot Sauce, Sweet and Smokey BBQ Wings, Korean Hot Sauce Wings with Fermented Black Bean, Pineapple and Black Sesame, Jamaican-Me-Crazy Wings made firey with Scotch bonnet chillies, and Salt and Pepper Wings coated in five spice and Szechuan salt.
Other chapters offer ways to make use of the other parts of a chicken so as to avoid waste – you'll find 24-hour tea-brined whole chicken, and recipes using the thighs and breast fillets. Ben and David also show how easy it is to use wing tips and other bones to make the best possible chicken stock, and chicken skin to make unbelievably moreish 'Crack Crumb' – a salty, irresistible topping made from crisped-up skin.
You'll also find recipes to complete your chicken feast including sides, sharing plates, burgers, drinks and easy desserts. Spread your wings and master the art of cooking chicken wings to perfection!
click the title link to Download a Free Copy from the BLACK TRUEBRARY
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drywit-dimpledsmile · 2 years
BridgertonBabe Drabble/AU (in timeline order)
Literally no one asked for this, not even @bridgertonbabe​ but as someone who love Shinnie’s writing and for those who love to keep up with her non-official fics, I had some time to spare to get everything organized for her fics not on AO3:
Royals AU
Long Story Short (the entire summary of the Benophie love story)
RIP King Edmund May He Rest in Peace
ABCG Serves in the Military: a summary
It’s not a Bridgerton story without scandal!
How Sophie Met Her Teenage Crush
How Benedict Met The Love of His Life
Prince Benedict and Sophie’s First Date
Sophie and Benedict Learn to Compromise
House Bridgerton Finds Out
Benedict and Sophie Find Out that Everyone Else Found Out
Princess Sophie and her GNO
Popping the Question
Teenage Dream
Prince Benedict and Miss Sophie Beckett’s Engagement Announcement
Royals fight off the Media
Sophie’s First Royal Engagement
Sophie Sees My Cottage For the First Time
Queen Violet Gives Sophie a Wedding Present
An Interrupted Honeymoon Surprise
The Princess-ification of Sophie Beckett
House Bridgerton tries to take a Family Photo
Prince Charlie Gets Baptized and of course his cousins are up to no good
Princess Sophie and Queen Lucy and their no good, terrible relatives
Queen Kate and Princess Sophie Get Lady Boners for their husbands at a polo match
Baby Violet is Born
Prince Benedict is a Girl Dad (pt. 1)
Prince Benedict is a Girl Dad (pt. 2)
2 Little Girls and their Merry Rake Uncle
House Bridgerton Shenanigans
King Anthony is Tired of his Family
The Benophie (Royal) Babies are Ranked by their Parents
Long Live The Queen!
Harry Potter AU:
Violet Has a Vision 
Edmund Figures It Out
ABC Rescue Sophie
Ember’s Origin Story (Ember the Owl Adventures - in timeline order)
Ember Adopts Benedict as her surrogate father
Hyacinth’s obsession with Sophie continues in every universe and Ember is stuck in the middle
Ember Gets Attacked by Gnomes
The Gnome at Dinner incident
Professor Danbury Meets Ember
Edmund bonds with his first “grandchild” (*the grandchild is an owl)
The Benophie Babies with Ember
Pre-Yule Ball Bliss
Summary of Benedict F*&KING up (Pt. 1) :-) 
*BONUS: Summary of Benedict NOT F*&KING up (AN AU OF AN AU)
Benedict and Sophie’s Yule Ball First Kiss
Benedict finds out about Fletcher
The Menace Called Fletcher
Screaming the wrong name in bed (Benedict’s Version)
Benedict F*&KING up (Pt. 2) :-)
Screaming the wrong name in bed (Sophie’s Version)
Michael’s 23rd Birthday
The Panic Attack Saved In True HP fashion: with Love
Sophie and Benedict Struggle to Conjure their Patronuses
Anthony Fails at Being a Wingman
Best Man and Bridesmaid duties (ft. Kathony)
Sophie’s First Time That In Retrospect She’s Glad it didn’t happen in a Greek Beach
Protecting their Love Bubble
Sophie Gets Moved In (and other stuff)
Colin attempts to Crucio Ben
The Lingerie Everyone Needs in Life
Benedict Thinks Sophie Beckett is the most perfect human on the planet (VALID)
Colin and Philip Reconcile after Baby Mama Drama and Sophie and Benedict Get Engaged
Sophie Has a Tumble (tw//miscarriage)
Little Charlie is Born
Colin the Cat crawls his way into the My Cottage Family
The Benophie Babies Get Sorted!
William Turns his Brothers into Weasels
William Gets a Howler 
Irwins AU
Long Story Short
Sophie is the Bridgerton’s Biggest Fan Girl
Edmund Becomes Sophie’s Dad
Benophie Loves Elephants 
The Benophie Babies are Introduced (LION KING STYLE)
The Umbrella Academy AU
Umbrella Academy Assemble?
Benedict Becomes the Man of Sophie’s Dreams...Literally
Bridgertons Assemble?
Sophie Forgets
All Hell Breaks Loose
Benedict and Sophie Finally Reunite....Then Time Travel Splits Them Up :( 
If I missed anything let me know! 
UPDATED (10/26/22): with the Ember the Owl Adventures
UPDATED (4/5/23): with 5 months worth of new drabbles and new fics!
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cursed-and-haunted · 4 months
feel free to ignore just need to info dump about some ocs
Group of mercenaries/hitmen. Cover is that they are a security company. Made up of ex-military who were in the same platoon
Liam - the mastermind. Oldest son in a very wealthy and powerful family. Uses his last name both as a shield and a key despite having a tense and at times estranged relationship with them especially his father and brother. Had joined the military to get away from his family. Was trained to arm and disarm bombs. He created the group and recruited the others. He's the one who arranges all of the “jobs”. The others work for him.
Ben - the driver. Was an ace pilot. He can expertly command any vehicle or craft. He lost his arm in the war after his aircraft had been shot down. Now has a robotic prosthetic. After leaving the military he became a successful race car driver and a stunt pilot. Retired when he was recruited by Liam, now usually acts as Liam's driver. Is Liam's confidante. Also a huge slut and a playboy. 
Charlie - the sniper. One of the world's greatest marksmen. Never misses. Also good with and very interested in tech. By the time he was a teenager he was a very skilled hacker. Very mathematical/analytical brain, used this to excel in marksmanship. Often comes off as cold and silent. Prefers not to get up into the mix but instead stay back and observe. Was going to go to school for IT/engineering but was drafted into the military. After the war did various shady dealings and business with gangs. Ben is his best friend and often hangs out with him and acts as his wingman. 
Ethan - the muscle. Exceptional in hand to hand combat. Into boxing. Was trained as a military field medic. While in the military had been taken as a POW by enemy forces where he was tortured. After the war he got involved with a gang. Has major anger issues and always gets into fights. Has trust issues but is very loyal to the other three. 
Johnny/C-37 - the secret weapon. Was taken as a child by the medical/tech company the Roswell Corp where she was used as a test subject in several experiments as the Roswell Corp attempted to create super soldiers that could (eventually) pilot the company's mechs. Johnny escaped at 16 and was eventually taken in by a mechanic who taught her a lot about mechanical engineering. She's an extremely skilled fighter and marksman as well as a skilled mechanic. She's very reckless, rebellious, and like Ethan has a bad temper. At times can be aggressive and ruthless and at other times childish and naive. The most skilled killer in the group. 
Thomas Thorne - the CEO and owner of Roswell Corp. Oversaw the experiments/projects for the company. Is after Johnny because he sees her as valuable property of the company and as classified data belonging to his project and wants her back. Does not know she is with Liam's group but knows she's working with others. Is a professional acquaintance of Liam's father. He's cold, calculating, and ruthless. Has a strict code of conduct and follows social rules that he would not easily go against. Reputation and perfection means the most to him. Despises weakness 
C-13 - One of the other test subjects along with Johnny, they grew up together and at one point in time was her friend. Feels betrayed by Johnny running away. Thorne uses him to hunt down Johnny. The only other person who can match Johnny's skills. 
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askbensolo · 4 months
Asked Treeso if we could let Fannie stay over for a weekend.
“Sure. Is she cute?” he asked, grabbing a longfruit from the counter and slinging it into his knapsack as he passed by.
I snorted into my cup of caf. “I mean…shoot your shot bro, but she’s a Jedi.”
“Aw, dang,” he said. “Jedi are celibate, huh?”
“Well…not anymore. What I mean is, be careful ‘cause she could slice your hands off.”
Treeso leaned against the wall by the door to tie on his sandals. Most Gungans don’t wear shoes, but Treeso always said he hated how dirt felt between his toes. “Hey, I like my hands, Ben. I’ll leave her alone. She a human?”
“Twi’lek,” I answered, eyeing him suspiciously.
“What? You didn’t tell me that,” he said with a stupid grin. “Well…maybe I won’t leave her alone.”
“Oh, come on, dude.” I grabbed an apple from the counter and flung it at him. He caught it, laughing.
“Hey,” I called. “Treese. Remember that time in senior year? At the Life Day party? With Kailana? I am not saving your butt like that again, Treesie boy.”
Treeso laughed harder. “Dude. You were the best wingman of all time, Benny boy. I owe my life to you. For real for real.”
I gave a nod and raised my mug to him in salute. “My honor.”
He sighed a little, our college memories still lighting up his face as he paused at the door.
“…I’m gonna miss you, bro.”
It was a rare moment of authenticity from a chronic jokester. It was too serious—I had to lighten the mood.
“Aww, you’ll see me tonight, buddy,” I teased. The apple came hurtling back at me, and I caught it and put it back in the fruit bowl.
But I felt it too. He was a good friend. After graduation, everyone I knew left Naboo and scattered across the galaxy—but I still had Treeso with me. Treeso, who had gotten me into lifting and introduced me to the boys at the cantina and listened to me rant about school and work all the time. Treeso, who I died laughing with when we downloaded a bunch of mods and speedran Podracing Simulator till 3am on a random Sunday night. Treeso, who had the emotional intelligence of a rock, but who’d sat with me and cracked bad jokes while I broke down on the couch. He wouldn’t be far away, of course…but Otoh Gunga was just far enough.
“Well…I’ll see ya tonight then, Benny.”
“Hey. Treese,” I said. “We should make sure to hang out before you leave Theed. Paint the town red. Have one last misadventure. Don’t you dare leave without giving me one last chance to suffer your company.”
“But of course not, Solo.” He flourished a bow. “We’ll plan it out once we know when I’m making my grand exit.”
I grinned. “Alright. Now get outta here, slimeface. And make sure to lock the door this time, unless you’re gonna make me walk over there and do it for you again.”
“Okay, okay. Smell ya later, gundark ears!”
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dirtbagdefender · 1 year
Movie Meme 🎥
Post 7 comfort movies and tag 7 people
I was tagged by @nerdy-stilinski 💋
wayne's world - it's funny. it's got music. tia carrere is fckn hot. 15/10
bill and ted's excellent adventure - it's got boys in crop tops (ty alex), keanu reeves with a flannel tied around his waist, and george carlson. never will pronounce socrates correctly. 15/10
king arthur: legend of the sword - i forever love everything that guy ritchie directs. i love smart movies. i love charlie hunnam with facial hair, a mean girl with a french accent whomst i would kiss and then kiss again, and most of all i love arthurian legend. 15/10
get over it - it's early 2000s modern take on a shakespeare classic starring ben foster, kirsten dunst, shane west, colin hanks and sisqo. i literally can never listen to captain and tennille's "love will keep us together" without imagining vitamin-c dancing down the street. 15/10
she's the man - ok i LISTEN ALRIGHT i like these modern takes. FUUUUUck. anyway i love everything about this movie, especially eunice and her cupcake. did not enjoy the spider but i laugh that they chose to name him malvolio. "yeah she gives good nod" great quote. 15/10
kiss kiss bang bang - gay perry, murder, gay perry, mystery, gay perry, dark humor, gay perry. 15/10
the losers - jake jensen will forever hold a piece of my heart somewhere in that canary yellow stretch hummer. cougar is the best wingman ever. 15/10
if you'd like :) - @chimneysrebarscar @lucydonato @drgrlfriend @oneeighteens @santabarbara-skies @infp-obsessing-over-everything @lesbian-hannibal (:
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pokemon1oadvanced · 2 years
Did anyone actually Leave Bumpy behind?
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bcnjaminollivandcr · 7 months
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"Alright, who have you got your eye on?" Ben asked, "Because your favourite cousin is the best wingman around and I'm here to help," he grinned.
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benj-hyun · 9 months
CLOSED STARTER for @castellcnos
"Riiicckkkkyyy! Ricky Ricardo! It is almost midnight. Almost-uuuhhhh," Ben sing-songs with his mask turned around to the side of his head.
He figures there is no real rule to needing his face covered at all times, and he's still on theme. Dressed nice even with his shirt currently half-untucked, mask on his person, and a pleasant level of drunk.
"Hey, asshole." It comes out as nothing more than a whine. "Did you find someone to kiss at midnight? I know you're wanting to. I can be a wingman. The best wingman ever. Or you're going to have to take a shot with me when the clock strikes twelve. No if, ands, or buts about it."
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Hello, this is @auradon-bore-a-don , sorry this is late but you are on my OC Creator Bingo Card!
1. Does Benjamin take after his father?
2. What was the breaking point for Maverick becoming his own hero?
3. Besides Reid, who is Gabriel closest to on the team?
4. How did Mercy react when she learned she had to share the apartment?
5. When did Victor have his first vision?
Ah hello hello!! I'm the one who should be sorry for responding to you so late!
1. The saying "like father, like son" could definitely be applied to Ben and his dad Jim Hopper. Both Ben and Hopper can be extremely stubborn when it comes to feelings and emotions. Both think it's better to keep it in rather than let it out.
2. For Maverick becoming a hero of Gotham was never on his plans nor did he claim to BE a hero for Gotham. He simply put on the suit and became a hero for Bruce. When Bruce first started his nightly duties as Gotham's Dark Knight, Maverick watched him countless times come home with bruises, broken bones, cuts, stab wounds, and more. Maverick couldn't stand seeing him injured and began to fear that one night Bruce wouldn't come home and essentially end up succeeding in killing himself. So, that's when Maverick decided to become The Duke and became a guardian for Gotham's very own Dark Knight.
3. Oh! What an interesting question! I would say the second closest person on the team to Gabriel would be David Rossi! Garcia is Gabriel's 'wingman' and best friend but Rossi is a father figure to Gabriel so he takes the second spot. Gabriel's birth father was never around and his foster father ended up dying a few years after Gabriel's been adopted. So, Rossi helps and supports Gabriel as a father figure he needs.
4. Ah! I JUST started rewatching Sherlock for the millionth time and my girl Mercy has been on my mind again so thank you for asking about her! Anyway, to answer your question she was fine at first since her Nan(Ms. Hudson) was so willing to help her stay last minute but coming into the flat where Sherlock had already stuffed full of his things, making it an absolute MESS, Mercy was a little annoyed and not looking forward to meeting her new flatmate.
5. Victor started having his visions around the age of four. But it was shrugged off by his dad and other doctors. Claiming the only reasons for them happening were the results of the negligence he suffered at the hands of his birth mother.
Hope all of this answers your questions!
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galacticwildfire · 11 months
Fire Meet Gasoline | Poe Dameron
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Poe Dameron x Solo Original Character
Hope Solo’s haunted by the night the temple burned. Having gone rogue she hunts the First Order in search of answers until a fateful encounter with Poe Dameron brings her back to the Resistance and Leia puts her daughter under his command to find Luke Skywalker.
Word count: 8.2k
Tags/warnings: leia pov, poe pov, snap being a wingman, poe being mortified but still curious, leia debating if it's better or worse for her sanity to make hope and poe partners, references to family violence and other related themes of broken family, references to murder and kidnapping of children, references to the spice runner plot. typical r2 and threepio.
All my stories are written for adults with adult themes, I use appropriate tags but read at your discretion.
A/N: no hope pov this chapter, it was moved to the next one because this one rounded out at 12k originally. moving onto the plot of before the awakening and there'll be much more interaction between hope and poe going forward. this is more plot based and slowburny than what i usually write.
I put my head in my hands and for the first time in so long weep.
I was harsh, but the words were nothing but the truth no matter how she may have interpreted them. As brilliant as she is I've raised an entitled child who isn't afraid to use her own pain for her personal benefit, never afraid to pull the dirtiest cards to win an argument. To this day I truly do curse pushing her into politics, if she's learned nothing else it's how to argue.
I'd always admired her stubbornness, her refusal to back down, until I happened to be at the receiving end of the very qualities she'd inherited from me. I know she's better than this, I've seen her determination. I just need to give her a reason to believe in the cause again. When I was her age every single day I questioned if what we did was making a true difference, times aren't as desperate as they were then but they will be if she isn't out there fighting how the Resistance needs her to be.
It pains me for her to physically recoil from my touch when in the days after the temple burned she'd laid in my bed with her head in my lap for the first time since she was a child. As I had at the same tender age when an accident had also taken from me someone I'd cared for. I knew she mourned her friend Aylee, a Twi'lek girl Hope had always harboured feelings for but never acted on, but I suspect that had changed shortly before the fire as she'd turned up at my door after they'd fought, high strung and not wanting to return to the temple.
Whatever was said Hope had taken it to heart and has been utterly sour towards the idea of any closeness with anyone since, even as friendship. I'd tried to get her to understand as best I could that one adolescent fight doesn't leave a person scorned for life, and it was during that ordeal she came to the first meeting of the Resistance. She decided to devote herself to the cause until Ben had demanded she return with him as she had also committed herself as his apprentice, and for the first time I saw my daughter look at him in fear even if she returned willingly.
I thought they'd be safe with Luke, and then days later the temple burned.
Whenever I'd tried to tell Hope I had also lost someone who meant something similar to me at that age she couldn't bare to listen to it, especially not when I told her a greater love found me mere years later. She didn't want to hear it, and in truth neither did I at her age either. I think it was then she'd decided the only way to ever avoid feeling such pain was to not love, something I wish I did not understand.
I remember well my own resolution even now and debating the reasons behind it. Because I couldn't trust anyone completely, because I didn't deserve to find love, because I didn't know how to bear another loss like it.
Except I would, I would find love and I would certainly know loss.
As will she.
At only seventeen when she woke from the aftermath of the disaster she pulled away from everyone she cared about, she lost contact with the Naberrie family on Naboo, even with the cousin with whom she had spent her teenage years being raised alongside by my aunt. But she did not just lose a girl she cared for that day, if that was all she'd lost perhaps she would have mourned and healed, she lost far more than that.
She lost herself.
It would not be until the aftermath I'd learn from of the fights that had occurred between my children in the lead up to the disaster. The bruises Lando had seen on her arm and R2 having reluctantly told me Hope had to order him not to stun Ben when he'd lost his mind following the revelation of who Anakin Skywalker became. Her faithful droid, putting himself between her and my son to protect her. He'd already harmed her before that fateful night, that much R2 has confirmed. He is a loyal droid, but when it comes to Hope's welfare he puts that above all else. So when I hear Hope now in tears trying to bring Ben back... it only leaves me feeling ill, knowing she has somehow convinced herself him falling to the darkside was her fault.
The one thing I never thought Ben could be capable of would be harming Hope, but she's right. She has the permanent scars to prove she knows the darkness that's corrupted him better than I ever could, yet even now she still tries to protect him.
Aylee, her friends, everyone had been killed in the blaze along with one other student who we'd found killed from a lightsaber wound, body covered by Luke in a shallow grave nearby. Not that we had ever dared disclose that information to Hope. She insists she remembers little of what occurred after lightning struck the temple, and to this day I still do not want to know which of my children had put Voe in her grave, a girl Ben's own age, not unlike Karé Kun in physical appearance with bronzed skin and short blonde hair. Although deep down I know who had struck the girl down, even if Hope doesn't.
It's been my theory it was her who had left that final lightsaber burn upon Hope, as unfortunate as it is I know if Hope had set out to kill Voe that the girl never would have lived long enough to leave such a wound upon Hope, so I have some peace knowing whatever violence she committed that night was in self defence. But as for after that... I believe Luke had put her in a healing trance to keep her alive until we arrived awhile he pursued Ben and two other students who had taken after him, their bodies also found at a later date off world. We never heard from him again aside from the distress signal he had sent out to us that night.
She suppresses it, I know because whenever I try to broach the subject it's a physical and psychological recoil. She cannot bear it without falling into a panic attack or forcing her way out of the room. It is my mistake having had her believe strength is being unflinching in the face of trauma and only facing it once the fight is over, she has always led by example after all, but in her mind the fight has never ended and I know she fears it never will.
I just wish she would let me in, that she would let me try to help her.
But I know by now that there's one way to get through to her, and it's to put her to work.
In the year since she's left we've been able to assemble two naval squadrons of which I've recently put Poe in charge. Blue Squadron to lead the planetary defence and red to support it. Originally I had planned to promote her and put them under her command, but then the incident happened and here we are. Once she proves herself not just capable but willing I do still intend on putting red squadron under her command with Poe continuing to lead the other. She was specifically trained for planetary defence on Naboo, the apparent offensive training is her own doing, and I know she's always aspired to climb the ranks. For someone who will gladly mock senators and their preoccupations with titles she sure is particular about rank.
Although according to Padmé Amidala's surviving handmaidens,that is also unfortunately inherited.
She's no doubt furious with me that Poe's been made commander of these squadrons while she wasn't, but that much is her own doing. If she weren't so damn stubborn she'd be part of high command by now, but no, I'm having to sit and debate with her the legality of war crimes.
She's no doubt preparing to leave, and if I don't handle this situation carefully I'll lose her for good, but spite always has been her best motivator. She's taken a liking to Poe, or at least found a need to prove herself better, which may just be more effective. Meanwhile Poe's no doubt reeling from mortification considering he's stated his admiration of her quite clearly while looking me in the eye no less. As for her own attraction to him, well, that much is certainly obvious. 
Maker help me.
But I could still put this to use for Saber Strike. Individually they are brilliant, the most efficient agents the Resistance has, not because of their skillsets but because they would each die before admitting failure. Poe is perhaps the best pilot of his generation and Hope certainly is of her's. Poe is a person who certainly lives for the thrill of a skirmish but is not prone to violence, if anything he seems queasy about it. Hope meanwhile... I will not be allowing her in the field alone for a very long time if ever.
However, unfortunately the rebellion was not won through righteousness alone. I know Hope's extremism also existed within the Rebel Alliance and that they were the ones who had the stomach to do what needed to be done in those early days. Hope is as much of a realist as they come, a young Luthan Rael if ever one lived, and by my own sad admittance, cursed to use the tools of her enemy to defeat them as much as I may still detest it. It is true that with Luke missing it is Hope who is the last Jedi, the last one who can destroy Snoke, unless...
Regardless of whatever I may wish, my own daughter has deified herself as the self sacrificial saviour who will destroy the darkness at the cost of everything, never stopping for a moment to witness the collateral damage she leaves in her wake. My only fear is how far she would go, how brutally she would destroy herself in the name of destroying Snoke.
Whilst Poe... as much as I do admire him, he has a similar naivety as Luke did when it comes to certain things. His faith in the force and in the light is stronger than that of most Jedi who have lived, although considering his own stint in the Outer Rims it seems to be his choice, rather than ignorance, to believe righteousness and all those qualities my generation tried to instill in our children will prevail in the end. A quality much needed in the galaxy and one I will forever encourage profusely. However, he like most members of the Resistance fail to understand the darkness in the force that shrouds the First Order in secrecy.
I've never spoken a word of it to Poe, but I am very much aware of where he'd ended up before the Navy. Kes had reached out to every contact he had to try to find Poe when he ran away as a teenager and got involved in a similar line of work as Hope now has. I was unable to provide much assistance but Han knew the ins and outs of that world and put Kes on the right course to find his son, although it seems he couldn't do the same for his own daughter. I've never judged Poe for it, just as I can't truly judge Hope for it either. It seems at this point to be a right of passage to end up caught in that sort of mess searching for adventure, or rather escape.
And as Hope would no doubt remind me, it could always be worse. Her brother is proof of that. Another card she isn't afraid to pull. 
Poe came out the other end of that brief career and straightened himself out, and while he still most certainly has his moments he is the undoubtedly the more responsible of the two. He and Hope would understand each other quite well if they gave each other the chance, or rather if she let her guards down, and by all accounts he should make the ideal mentor to her. There's nine years between them with Poe going on thirty and Hope twenty one, if they'd met a few years earlier I certainly would have had Poe mentor her. Although it's quite blindingly clear to me now that any sort of mentorship is off the table with how he looks at her, even if I dare say he's backtracked whatever sort of flirtations he no doubt made before I arrived.
To ask Poe to mentor her would be ethically and practically unreasonable now, but a partnership... that is a risky proposition that command will certainly hate me for but it may just work. A partnership between them could either be the best decision I've ever made or the worst. From the quite explicit tension between them I'd unfortunately encountered it could very well end in something command would not approve of or in utter disaster. Even if it did go a certain way... ethically I should be opposed to that thought but I can't deny the fact that they could make quite the partnership in the field and off of it.
However, the fact stands that I cannot trust her to be in the field by herself and I am still very reluctant to put Poe in harms way when I know with her there that the risk of fatalities, on our side at least, would drop to near zero. He would keep her from going too far whilst she would ensure they both make it out alive.
And in the long term... I have high hopes for each of them but there are areas in which each are lacking, flaws they both share. Poe is a brilliant commander, his commitment is absolute, but he is difficult. He doesn't mean to be, but it's just in his nature just as it's in Hope's. If I recall my conversations with Kes he's been that way since he was a child and maker knows Hope was the same. I can handle each of them and their personalities well, at present Poe more so, but command simply cannot. Brance is probably sobbing to himself at this very moment at the thought of both of them on the same base interacting let alone putting them in the field together.
Working together would certainly be a self reflective experience for them both as as for Hope... well, it's past time she learned to work with anyone but herself. Her and Poe mirror each other greatly, there are many benefits that could come of them working together as partners but an even greater chance of it ending in disaster knowing their mutual compulsions towards reacting not just emotionally but also impulsively.
But at this rate I'm willing to try anything, and ultimately whether or not they want to work together is their choice to make. I dare say Poe will jump at the opportunity, if anything I'll be trying to get him to be realistic instead of up in the clouds, but Hope will take more convincing,
"Threepio," I call and he comes in from the next room. "Ensure R2 doesn't leave with Hope, have him download Hope's ship logs before bringing him to me and have Korr ask Poe to meet me here in my office please."
Whatever happened in that office wasn't pretty from the way she stormed out, so naturally I'm shitting myself as I wait in the hanger to inevitably be called in to see Leia. Only a few months I've been here and I'm about to get put on probation because I was trying to impress a girl who just happens to be the General's daughter, after looking the general in the eye and telling her just how pretty I think she is.
I should have put it together the moment I saw her, I mean technically I did but dismissed it since that was the last place I'd expect to find the kid of Leia Organa. I saw explosions and then a pretty girl with a mouth on her and there really wasn't anything else I thought I needed to know. When we were in the field I was blown away, having expected to see the fighter get blown to bits only for it to take out the ties in a way I've never seen anyone else do in my life. I'm still in awe of it.
It should have clicked in my head that type of pilot had to be the sort of crazy I'd often hear my Dad tell me about when he'd recount his war days with Han Solo, and it sure as hell should have clicked the moment I realised she knew the general and had worked for the Resistance. But again, I was not thinking with my head and I'm pretty sure Leia knows it, hell she said as much.
I'm in trouble, I'm definitely in trouble.
Hope Solo, everyone knows her name. It's almost synonymous with the rest of her family's considering the headlines she made when the truth about Leia's biological father was exposed. Even now I have trouble believing Darth Vader physically could have created someone like Leia Organa. I wouldn't have ever believed it if she hadn't confessed to it being true but people aren't their parents, so that leaves me wondering just who Hope Solo is.
Everyone in the navy was gathered in the cramped mess hall to watch Leia's first and last address to the senate after it was revealed. Many of the people in there had served in the Rebellion and took the attack personally, some felt betrayed by her, but those who knew her personally felt horrified on her behalf. I still remember Wedge Antilles shaking his head as they tried to attack Luke Skywalker as well. But everyone in that room who ever knew Leia was deadly silent when another senator insinuated that her daughter could become what Vader was and holy hell did Hope Solo make a name for herself then.
I vaguely remember a quiet looking girl who took after Leia standing beside her in the senate, now I look back on it I don't know how I didn't recognise her considering her face was all over the holonews for weeks but I'd chalk that up to age and the gritty makeup. When they hurled every ridiculous conspiracy they could at Leia no one expected her daughter to stand up and call half the senate imperial sympathisers, an accusation no one was game enough to even utter. I didn't care much about the politics, didn't get the context of whatever was happening in the senate before then other than the fact they were trying to screw over the navy by cutting funding, but the moment the senators decided to try to spewIimperial propaganda about the Jedi they'd asked for it.
I remember much like every other person in the mess hall watching on stunned as Leia's daughter who'd been silent until that point tore into every single person in that senate and demanded that if Leia were to be crucified then every other person with connections to Imperial leadership should be damned with her. I was sitting close enough to Wedge Antille's close to hear him remark that she was definitely Leia's kid. I've forgotten most of what was said but everyone knew her name after that.
Just days before she'd made headlines for surviving an assassination attempt, but it wasn't just because of that, the media had caught footage of her stopping the blaster bolt mid air and that sent shockwaves through a post Empire galaxy. Anyone who'd called the force bullshit was quiet after that and whatever betrayal some felt was quickly overshadowed by the image of Leia's teenage daughter being almost assassinated outside the steps of Coruscant's Jedi Temple.
There were one or two surviving Alderaanians in the room who only nodded in approval when Leia gave her daughter the title of Princess of Alderaan and whatever powers came with it and- and I flirted with not just the General's daughter, but a princess. Although you sure as hell wouldn't be able to guess it from looking at her, but then again knowing Leia I should've have any pre-conceived notions of what that should look like.
But she isn't just a politician or a princess, she's a Jedi, the last one there is aside from Luke Skywalker. Even if he isn't anywhere to be seen for reasons no one can seem to explain, but all the theories come back to one disaster.
No one knows what really happened, I've thought about it when I've felt that blanket of grief hanging over Leia from time to time, whenever I've heard the rumours about her husband leaving her to run the Resistance alone after their son was killed the night the temple was destroyed. Hope Solo was known as the sole survivor when the news broke about the fire, but no statement was ever made by Leia or anyone else. Leia's said enough for me to gather Luke Skywalker's still alive, but never anything related to anyone else in her family aside from one exception.
When she recruited me she'd chided me for being reckless in engaging the First Order while I still served with the Navy, but at the same time praised it, saying I reminded her of her daughter. I'd asked if it was a compliment because her tone left much to be deciphered, only now I think I finally understand it. I'd been curious to meet her myself to see what she meant but quickly found when I arrived on base it was a hushed topic. I remember L'ulo telling me it would be good to have another mad pilot on base since the General's daughter had gone to finish university, so really I should be forgiven for not putting it together.
I look at the x-wing she was working on, which is certainly more banged up than mine despite her insulting my ship, and recognise an R2 droid going past towards a larger transport ship docked nearby. It is the R2 droid. I look around anxiously but she's nowhere to be found.
BB8 beside me beeps in question, even droids know who R2-D2 is considering that droid might just be one of the most decorated war heroes in history from the stories I've heard, certainly the most decorated droid. He's the droid version of Luke Skywalker.
"Yep, that's the one buddy," I confirm and tell him. "I think we've gotten into a real mess."
I was out here flirting with a Jedi. Do Jedi even have relationships or marry? The big scandal with Leia's parents prior to them even knowing about Vader was the fact she was the child of a Jedi and a queen. As a kid I'd always been curious, begged my Mom to tell me stories of the Jedi and she obliged as best she could considering the Empire had tried to erase them from memory, but I remember taking notice of that part of their legend.
Hope Solo however is a legend of her own. Princess, Jedi, although they seem to have left out being one of the best pilots in the galaxy. But there's other rumours that I've tried not to listen to, the same as when the news of Leia's parentage came to light. I still remember when I went home to Yavin-4 that year and my Dad shaking his head and saying it was nothing but an attack on Leia and the Rebellion. It wasn't until then I learned just how close both of my parents were with herl, and whatever faith she had in them she's passed on to me.
I can't let her down.
Which means this is not a great start.
It's then I panic remembering that everything with Darth Vader and the Jedi Temple only happened a few years ago, and I very specifically remember hearing them say that it was Leia's teenage daughter who was a victim of it. After doing some very quick math on my fingers I come to the conclusion she has to be at least eighteen since it's been about four years since then, I picked her for early twenties in the field but after looking at her properly she could be younger.
BB-8 beeps in alarm when I start cursing in panic under my breath, praying she's at least twenty.
You hardly see anyone under twenty five on base and when I came into the hanger and saw her working on her ship there wasn't much else on my mind than the fact that she was actually there and I had the chance to know her. Again, not thinking with my head, but I know it was with my heart as well as other things. Despite however it came off I'm a romantic at heart and I'd be lying if I said she hadn't been on my mind ever since I saw her. BB's certainly heard everything I've had to say about it in the days that have passed when I've let my mind wander to being able to meet her, and I'd done a pretty good job until Leia came back and well...
Ever since I was recruited the only thing that's been on my mind has working hard to prove my worth and find my place here, but I can't remember the last time I looked at someone and felt a spark like that and knew I had to know her, thinking what's the harm in asking?
Turns out there is much harm in it.
I'm interrupted from my thoughts by Hope Solo walking into the hanger, clearly not happy, and my first instinct is to hide behind a stack of crates much to BB8's confusion.
"R2?" she calls out and I stare in a state of awe as she leaps up onto the outside of the ship using what can only be the force, something I've never actually seen with my own eyes. She looks into the astromech pod and I hear her curse at finding her droid not there. "Damnit."
She'd be the same height as Leia but now I'm slightly gagged in my teasing knowing she definitely doesn't need a ladder. She ducks inside the transport ship only to come out cursing louder and far more creatively now and it's then Snap heads over to her from where he was doing maintenance on his ship.
"Hey Snap," she sighs, her attention anywhere but on him.
"Looking for something?" Snap asks and I shake my head at the realisation that he knows her, and that he sure as hell knew who I'd seen in the field. I'm surprised they know each other but remember the older veteran served with Han Solo and has been working for the Resistance since the start. He's become my wingman since I arrived but that was only a few months ago, she's been around far longer than that.
"R2's done a runner," she says throwing her hands up in frustration but Snap hardly looks phased. "You seen him?"
"Yeah he was here not long ago, looked to be doing his maintenance on your x-wing before doing something in the Shiraya," he says and I see panic cross her face. "Anyway how's Han going, thought you would have dragged him to base?"
"I wish I knew and I would if I could find him," she says and see an immediate look of regret on Snap's face but she laughs it off, a laugh I recognise a little too well. The same one I'd use whenever people would ask how my dad was when we weren't getting along. "Well if you see either of them let them know I've been looking for them."
"Will do," Snap says and asks "So how'd it go with Leia?"
"I doubt you'll be seeing me again," she answers shortly and I find myself frowning. "But thank you for the heads up about her knowing about the N-1."
"No problem," he says and has the guts to say "You do realise running away the moment you've gotten back's kind of pointless right?"
Her face falls and she's visibly offended. "Really Snap?"
"Whatever happened with Leia she's missed you, just let it calm down and see what else she's got to say," he tries to counsel and I realise they actually do know each other well, that there's a reason why Leia said that Snap would know what to say if he saw her in the field.
"Sorry, but being compared to Darth Vader isn't exactly fun," she spits out and I almost choke at that. She looks like she's about to go off but shakes her head and bites her tongue for a moment before saying "Look if you see R2 can you send him my way please."
He nods relatively unphased and asks as she goes to leave "You run into Poe yet?"
BB-8 beeps at recognition of my name and I peak around the corner of one of the crates, too curious not to listen.
"That commander you mean?" she says and I can't quite read her voice, or her face. "You could say that."
"What did you think?" Snap asks, being my wingman off the field as well. "Not so bad huh?"
She hesitates before answering "Alright, he's not so bad." I don't know her but something tells me that's a high praise from the look on Snap's face. "Hardly matters now though."
"Shame, because I know Brance is having a breakdown just thinking about having to deal with both of you."
She has a mischievous glint in her eyes, the same as I'd seen when she challenged me. "That is true."
"Be a shame to leave now huh?" he says patting her on the shoulder as he walks past and there's a contemplative look on her face as she turns back.
"Take care Snap."
He nods and heads one way while she goes the other, a now serious expression on her face as she makes her way to leave the hanger only for BB-8 to roll out and in my panic call for him in a hushed whisper but stay hidden as he bumps against her leg.
He beeps a greeting to her and her face changes as she looks down at him. "Well, hello." She bends down and asks "What's your name?" He beeps his name and she smiles despite how frustrated she was five seconds ago. It's a genuine smile, it suits her. "It's nice to meet you BB-8, my name's Hope. Have you seen R2-D2? I've been trying to find him."
Her voice is kinder than anything I've heard up until now when as she speaks to him, whatever defensiveness she's worn with me and even Snap immediately disappearing. BB-8 gives her the same answer as Snap and she sighs in disappointment before thanking him.
"Well thank you anyways BB-8." She gives his head a little rub as she stands and makes her way out of the hanger and when BB rolls back over to me he's beeping happily.
I shake my head as Snap comes over, barely hiding his amusement as he asks "Hiding behind a crate?"
I'm a little less amused. "So you know the General's daughter?"
"So you finally pieced that one together?" he asks and I press my lips together as he laughs to himself.
"You could have given me a heads up."
"Hey I told you not to mention to the General that you thought she was flirting with you," he says, finding this hilarious. "You didn't go telling her what you told me did you? Acting all like a lovesick puppy." I don't have an answer to that and he finds it suddenly a little less funny. "Shit, you did didn't you?" My silence is answer enough. "You're in trouble."
BB-8 beeps in confusion as to why. "I'm aware Snap."
"But yeah I've known her for years," he answers casually. "You picked her right when you said she's got an attitude."
"Yeah, no kidding," I find myself saying and find myself fidgeting with the feeling of an impending scolding. "Can I ask you something else?"
"How mad do you think the General would be if I didn't just tell her to her face how pretty I think her daughter is, but that I'd also asked her daughter out and she caught us about to have an x-wing race?"
He looks stunned now. "You asked her out?"
"More or less," I admit, gathering she maybe didn't realise I was from how confused she looked. "Before she said yes or no she wanted to challenge me to a race and well..."
Snap's torn between looking mortified on my behalf and laughing. "Oh you are in trouble."
"This isn't funny."
"It's a little funny," he says much to my annoyance and asks "Wait so how did you end up in that situation?"
"Well I- I might have told her she was talking to the best pilot in the galaxy and she took that as a challenge."
He looks at me like I'm an idiot, but thankfully we've been friends long enough now I don't feel too worried about my reputation with him. "You told Han Solo's daughter you're a better pilot, considering she might just be a better pilot than Han Solo himself?"
Now I'm feeling even more mortified but also impressed and wondering how true that is, momentarily wishing we had enough time to go through with the race.
"Well I didn't know that then," I insist and scratch my head. "She- I wanted to impress her you know, but that kind of backfired. I've been waiting for the general to call me in for a dressing down ever since she told us to get out of the ships."
"Well I'm betting she'd be a bit preoccupied," Snap says and lowers his voice. "It wasn't pretty when Hope left."
"What do you mean?" I ask, there still being some blanks I can't fill in. "And what was she doing out there anyways. I'd heard she was at some university?"
"Yeah, that was the cover story," he says and looks around to make sure no one's in earshot. "She engaged the enemy on a mission, and I don't mean fired a few shots. I mean wiped them out."
"Wiped them out?" I repeat, struggling to reconcile the image of that with the girl I just saw talking to BB.
"With a lightsaber," he confirms. "But from what I've heard it was for a fair enough reason. Came across a stormtrooper operation trying to abduct kids."
Whatever chill I had's gone at those words, if I'd come across something like that I wouldn't exactly be able to walk away either. "So what was the problem?"
He's hesitant now. "Don't know, that much everything my rank and above heard about but there was something else, don't know what but if I know one thing it's that she's got the General's temper and Solo's tendency to take off and not look back. I've known her since she was sixteen or seventeen, she's a nice girl even if she's got some anger issues, likes droids more than most people." I notice the way Snap speaks about her, almost like she's a sister to him and BB beeps again, definitely having taken a liking her. "See, loves droids, but everyone on base knows not to get between her and the General if they're having a fight. Advising her not to take off after one is the furthest I'll go."
I nod slowly, starting to panic again and have to ask "Just out of curiosity... how old is she?"
"Twenty or so, going on twenty one I think," he answers much to my relief. It's not great, but not as bad as it could be. If she's going on twenty one that means there's still nearly ten years between us, and considering I've definitely never looked at someone that much younger before I'm not quite sure how to feel about that. I'd guessed early twenties when I saw her but I've also forgotten I'm about to be thirty, turns out her being Leia's kid isn't the only variable complicating things. "Don't worry I can assure you the General wouldn't care about that considering she's closer to my age than Han's but still, have BB-8 record that dressing down for me will you?"
"Snap," I groan and he just laughs.
"I'm surprised Hope didn't give you one herself," he admits. "Saw her punch a guy once who thought she'd be easy pickings. Never saw him again that's for sure."
Despite feeling mildly alarmed now I still can't help but feel flattered as I lower my voice "You know as bad as this situation is with her being the General's daughter and all, I think she liked me."
Maybe like is a strong word, but there was something there that I definitely can't deny. I'm familiar enough with that electric feeling of something new, but this is something else and despite my better judgement I want to see where those sparks lead.
Snap raises an eyebrow and looks me over "Then you're definitely in trouble because the two of you would be lucky to last five minutes together without ending up in a pissing contest, oh wait."
"Haha, funny," I deadpan and we're interrupted by Leia's assistant Korr, one of the few people on base who'd be Hope's age, she wears a similar expression to what Brance did.
"Commander Dameron," she begins and can't help the sigh in her voice. "General Organa has asked to see you in her office."
"Yep," I say awkwardly and Snap's laughing to himself as I ask him. "Tell me who should I be more worried about, the General or Hope?"
"Oh Hope for sure, if she likes you you're in a world of trouble," he warns and tells me "Good luck."
I bring myself there expecting a dressing down but when I enter she seems less frustrated than I'd expected, more resigned than anything else.
She looks up and the first thing I notice is that it looks like she's been crying, before I can voice my concern she asks "Can you guess why I've called you in here Poe?"
"Yes General and I apologise, it was behaviour not befitting of a commander," I begin, having had that line memorised since she stepped out of her ship. "It will not happen again."
She seems surprised, almost amused. "How long have you had that one rehearsed?"
"Long enough," I say and make very clear. "I had absolutely no idea the N-1 pilot was your daughter."
I can't quite read her face as she says "I've spent enough time around young headstrong pilots to have realistic expectations. I even married one, so little surprises me when it comes to my daughter."
"That is still not an excuse," I find myself saying but she waves me off.
"You and Hope are the two best pilots in this base, possibly in the galaxy," she says and while it's certainly flattering I prepare myself for the dressing down. "That is not flattery. You're the best because you're both foolishly rash but talented and you know it. I'm not surprised that the first time you meet properly you get into a pissing contest."
She speaks frankly and it's all I can do to not appear too relieved that she thinks it was just a pissing contest and not what it was. I'd gotten into some awkward situations when I was in the navy because I wasn't thinking with my head but none as awkward as this. "And I am not proud of it."
She definitely seems amused now. "It's good to know you have some shame since she certainly doesn't. Before you start apologising for telling me how pretty you think she is I truly don't care considering it was the intelligence you brought back that gave us her approximate location so I could send her uncle to get her."
Slightly confused but mostly relieved I ask "Luke Skywalker?"
Despite the rumours of him being missing I've always assumed Leia's known where he went considering he's her brother, and I can't recall anyone else who could have gone and gotten her.
"Lando Calrissian, he was her fathers best friend," she explains and I nod, some things starting to click as I remember meeting Calrissian years back and him wanting to introduce me to his niece who he told me was one of the youngest professional starfighter pilots in the galaxy. He couldn't find her but it's not hard to guess who that would have been. "But enough of that, you'll be no doubt relieved to know I didn't call you in to answer for whatever my daughter attempted to goad you into."
"You're not?" I can't help but say and force myself to relax when I realise the frustration I can feel from her isn't directed towards me. "Then is it about a mission?"
"I suppose so, yes," she says and goes on. "Hope has been difficult these past few years, I can't blame her for it but she is awfully defiant. Too much like me and certainly too much like her father, and yet even being her fathers daughter still I struggle to pinpoint just where this level of pure recklessness comes from. Considering your father served directly alongside Han I'm sure you've heard enough stories to get where I'm coming from."
"Oh yep," I say, having practically begged Dad to tell me his war stories and just what Han Solo was like, as a kid who wanted to take after the greats in becoming a pilot I couldn't help myself. Suddenly I find myself wondering why she didn't send Han to bring his daughter back but I see an ache in her eyes even speaking about him and realise the rumours around estrangement might be worse than what I've heard, especially if his own daughter doesn't know where he is. "Look, she might have an ego and be a little reckless in the field but she's got the skill to back it up."
Now she sighs, those not being the words she wanted to hear, but she hardly looks surprised. "And this is what I meant when I recruited you, when I told you that you reminded me of my daughter. But a little rebellion and going on some damn foolhardy crusade in the Outer Rims with smugglers and pirates for the sake of spiting a parent is another."
Her example is quite specific but not aimed towards me. I'm equally surprised and relieved to know that Leia doesn't know about the record the NRSB definitely has on me, or the fact I was personally hunted by one of their agents during my stint with the spice runners, but considering I was a minor it seems my prayers that it was scrubbed from public record were answered.
"I mean, I wasn't perfect but she gives me a run for my money that's for sure," I say and she has a quiet amusement behind her eyes I can't quite make sense of. I'm confused as to why she's telling me this, perhaps she's sharing it out of frustration and in that case I'd be flattered she trusts me enough to vent but that's not Leia's style, which means she has plans in store that include Hope and I.
"She does," Leia says. "It was one of the reasons I recruited you, because she'd left in a fit of anger after being demoted for the highest level of insubordination-"
"Second highest," she says and leaves that up to my interpretation. I've got pieces from what Snap's told me but clearly something worse has happened that they've kept quiet. Leia had offered to have my own insubordination during the navy taken care of before she'd recruited me, so I wouldn't be surprised that she'd do the same for her kid. "She's bright but doesn't have the collective loyalty required to commit a mutiny much to her disappointment I'm sure. If she did I dare say the Resistance would be a dictatorship or worse."
I look at R2-D2 and he beeps his agreement with that, again I find myself glad I'm not her commander. Karé and Iolo have committed their fair share of insubordination against me but I ultimately I trust their judgement and give them room to improvise. Something tells me Hope Solo would be another matter altogether.
"What I was saying is that the two of you are pilots seen once in a generation, and when she left I needed someone to fill her place and now she's back." She continues, seeming apprehensive, nervous almost. "And she will not be happy about the fact there is someone here who gives her a run for her money but she'll have to get over that and so will you."
I only grow more confused. "I haven't had any issue with-"
"Not yet, but you will," she assures me. "You might have puppy eyes seeing what she can do but it won't last." Puppy eyes, was it that obvious? "She is immensely difficult which you will soon discover. She's one hell of a pilot who has made it clear to me that if I don't give her missions she'll sanction her own if she doesn't take off first."
Being Leia's daughter she has to be competent, she said she was a captain after all, so personally I don't see much of an issue but ask "And she can't because-"
"She made a habit of engaging the enemy with a lightsaber and as such she was demoted and stripped of her rank."
"Lightsaber?" I repeat, that being the key word in that sentence I take notice of and try to follow it up with a rational comment. "I would have thought a Jedi would be the first person you'd send on a mission."
"Don't get too excited, at the moment she's a rogue pilot who happens to have a lightsaber and can throw rocks, far from a Jedi," she warns and her voice saddens a little. "But it wasn't always that way. The issue is that she, much like you, doesn't do things half heartedly. She would sooner go too far and put herself in danger than fail a mission. Does that sound familiar?" I nod and she continues. "I have a mission I want the two of you to undertake together in the hopes that your respective reckless tendencies will cross the other out so you can make it out of this alive, because frankly, if I sent only one of you I don't know if you'd make it back. Which is why I've just told you everything I have, so you know what you'll be getting into if you agree to work with her."
My heart skips a beat at the thought of working with her and I try to keep my voice calm, caught off guard Leia is sending me on a mission with her instead of putting me on probation. "Well from the sound of this mission it seems less like a choice and more like common sense."
"Yes, hopefully if I put the two of you together you'll have half as much sense as a regular person," she can't help but remark and I realise she still is slightly annoyed after all at finding us about to race. "You'll need it considering you'll only complete this mission if you make it out alive and relatively unscathed while demonstrating significant caution, which isn't either of your typical styles, but you are the only two pilots with the skills and recklessness to pull this off."
I can't help but see this as a win. "I know I should probably feel insulted but I'm flattered General."
"The two of you might not have any problems after all," she says and tells me "I'll call her in for the briefing granted she won't take off without R2."
I look at the droid, definitely sensing some sort of betrayal there from the data he's uploading to the General's databank, and BB-8 takes the moment to properly introduce himself to the veteran droid, unable to hide his excitement.
In all honesty I'm struggling to hide mine as well despite Leia's warnings until Threepio comes in and says "I have sent Lieutenant Sella to get Miss Hope, would you like me to bar the door so she cannot leave when she arrives?"
Leia catches my alarm but waves her hand. "That will not be necessary Threepio, if she really wants to leave she'll find a way out regardless."
"Terrible lack of manners," Threepio chides as he goes to wait outside. "You'd think she'd been raised in the Outer Rims, but not even Master Luke lacked such courtesy. I do hope you have been keeping her out of trouble R2, but according to my network it seems you've failed to do that."
That's probably the most critical I've ever heard Threepio but R2-D2's language leaves me with raised eyebrows as he insults Threepio back and I look at Leia.
"They have a long history," she tries to explain, but gives R2 a warning look at his language which I've definitely never heard from a droid before but considering the amount of war's he's fought I can't exactly blame him. "I believe R2's also picked up on some of Hope's strategies when it comes to arguing from the sounds of it."
Finally then do I start to wonder what I may be getting myself into. 
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