#bellona deity
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thedansemacabres · 28 days ago
as a Bellonaian I love you Ares devotees. devotee-warriors in arms. our misunderstood deities who protect women, are bloody and enjoy the slaughter but so so so loving and compassionate and protective and wonderful and that get hated on by their respective religions for terrible reasons
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the-mortuary-witch · 13 days ago
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THE FOOL: Pan, Zeus, Dionysus, Loki, and Hermes.
THE MAGICIAN: Hermes, Thoth, and Odin.
THE HIGH PRIESTESS: Persephone, Demeter, Hecate, The Morrigan, Lilith, Selene, Isis, Freyja, Artemis, Ganesha, and Tsukiyomi.
THE EMPRESS: Hel, Aphrodite, Hera, Freyja, Isis, Hathor, Frigg, Demeter, Durga, Astarte, and Ishtar.
THE EMPEROR: Zeus, Lugh, Odin, Horus, Ares, Osiris, and Ra.
THE HIEROPHANT: Dionysus, Osiris, Athena, Thoth, Sestet, Ogma, Horus, Apollo, Hermes, Odin, Brigid, Saraswati, and Ganesha.
THE LOVERS: Aphrodite, Frigg, Aengus, Rhea, Gaia, Demeter, Inanna, Parvati, Hathor, Isis, Brigid, Freyja, Osiris, Cernunnos, Freyr, Dionysus, and Pan.
THE CHARIOT: Thor, The Morrigan, Nike, Athena, Inanna, Astarte, Ishtar, Anat, Freyja, Bastet, Durga, Odin, Horus, Sobek, Ares, Set, Apollo, and Bellona.
STRENGTH: Thor, Hestia, Athena, Sekhmet, Bastet, Macha, Brigid, Danu, Isis, Lilith, The Dagada, and Lugh.
THE HERMIT: Odin, Isis, Hestia, Persephone, Hades, Hecate, Cerridwen, Brigid, The Muses, Sarawati, Hermes, and Ogma.
WHEEL OF FORTUNE: Zeus, Hathor, Isis, The Dagda, Ma'at, The Moirai, and Arianhrod.
JUSTICE: Lugh, Aengus, The Morrigan, Nemesis, Inanna, Hades, Themis, Ma’at, Nike, Athena, Zeus, and Forseti.
THE HANGED MAN: Odin, Artemis, Oriris, Persephone, Inanna, Dionysus, Buddha, and Ishtar.
DEATH: Persephone, Hades, Inanna, Ereshkigal, Isis, Nephtys, Izanami, Hel, Freyja, Morana, Seth, Anubis, Osiris, Santa Muerte, Manannan, Odin, Manannán, Thanatos, and The Morrigan.
TEMPERANCE: Artemis, Isis, Nepthys, Iris, Ma'at, Hebe, Apollo, and Vishnu.
THE DEVIL: Lilith, Dionysus, Lucifer, Pan, Set, The Morrigan, Baphomet, Satan, Baba Yaga, Veles, Banshees, and The Horned God.
THE TOWER: Hel, The Morrigan, Kali, Ares, Pele, Sekhmet, Anat, Sedna, Ceres, Shiva, and Chernobog.
THE STAR: Nyx, Aphrodite, Thoth, Hermes, Ishtar, Astrea, Isis, Arianhrod, Inanna, Nuit, Zorya, and Nodens.
THE MOON: Hecate, Santa Muerte, Artemis, Rhiannon, Selene, Hati, Cerridween, Isis, Phobe, Mani, Thoth, Arianhrod, Tsukiyomi, and Chang-e.
THE SUN: Lugh, Apollo, Kupaula, Helios, Brigid, Sol, Artemis, Bast, Sköll, Athena, Sekhmet, Aine, Freyr, Horus, Aten, Ra, and Agni.
JUDGEMENT: Hades, Persephone, Ma'at, Crisis, Hephaestus, Isis, Kuan Yin, and Horus.
THE WORLD: Demeter, Aengus, Isis, The Dagda, Gaia, Cernunnos, and Green Man.
SUIT OF SWORDS: The Morrigan, Freyja, Hades, Odin, Athena, and Hel.
SUIT OF WANDS: Lugh, Hephaestus, Ares, Bellona, Pele, Aine, Brigid, and Apollo.
SUIT OF PENTACLES: Gaia, Demeter, Macha, and Freyr.
SUIT OF CUPS: Poseidon, Aphrodite, Hera, Isis, Boann, and Hathor.
KING OF WANDS: Ares, The Dagda, Zeus, and Apollo.
KING OF CUPS: Lugh, Poseidon, Manannan, Njord, Apollo, and Mac Lir.
KING OF SWORDS: Odin, Tyr, Hermes, Zeus, and Horus.
KING OF PENTACLES: Hades, The Horned God, Freyr, Pan, Cernunnos, and The Dagda.
QUEEN OF WANDS: Brigid, Hestia, Bellona, and Aine.
QUEEN OF CUPS: Aphrodite, Venus, and Hera.
QUEEN OF SWORDS: The Morrigan, Freyja, Athena, and Themis.
QUEEN OF PENTACLES: Hecate, Gaia, Eostre, Aine, Ceres, Artemis, and Demeter.
KNIGHT OF WANDS: Apollo, Brigid, Lugh, and Bellona.
KNIGHT OF CUPS: Aphrodite, Boann, Isis, and Hathor.
KNIGHT OF SWORDS: Badb, The Morrigan, Athena, Hermes, and Nemain.
KNIGHT OF PENTACLES: Athena, Macha, Persephone, Lugh, Artemis, Demeter, and Ceres.
PAGE OF WANDS: Artemis, Brigid, Apollo, and Athena.
PAGE OF CUPS: Aphrodite and Lada.
PAGE OF SWORDS: The Morrigan, Freyja, Odin, Athena, Nike, and Bellona.
PAGE OF PENTACLES: Athena, Lugh, Apollo, Pan, The Muses, and Hathor.
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 months ago
Concept: The Romans have no respect for the Olympians.
Because none of them showed up to assist them during the Battle of Mount Othrys.
No matter how much they prayed and sacrificed. Their siblings, friends and fellow officers died in a battle they had no prior warning or knowledge about.
Their numbers were decimated as they’re mostly made up of legacies. Mortals who cannot be healed by ambrosia or nectar.
Titans cannot be defeated by a demigods hand without divine intervention. And it’s nothing short of a man made miracle that Jason Grace managed to defeat Krios.
Any calls for his father, to his patron were met with the usual silence.
Jason was barely standing when it was over and yet he didn’t fall until the day was won. Reyna caught him though she too was in a rough state.
They survived by the skin of their teeth. It was the first time they and many others had even seen war.
And it changed every single one of them.
But while the Olympians did not aid them there were those who did.
Lupa came back for the children she mentored and trained. Terminus became a fortress that vowed to keep them safe. Bellona is one of few Roman parents to come to her daughter’s aid.
Along with Hylla and the Amazons.
And many minor deities whose names had been engraved in each of their hearts. Jason promised that their gratitude would never be forgotten.
And that once the rebuilding effort concluded he would personally build each and every one of them a shrine in their honour.
But then he was taken too.
Juno expected fanfare when she entered with Percy and was in for a rude awakening.
Reyna glared the Queen of Olympus down, flanked by her dogs and demanded for Jason to be returned.
Juno had to feign not knowing and Reyna scoffed, contemplating how she shouldn’t be surprised. Before leaving the goddess in shock.
When Mars comes with a quest he is largely ignored. Octavian sasses him for being 6 months late to the battle.
The moment Mars points goes for his sword, everyone else draws there weapons at him. And Reyna coldly inquires after Jason and names several of Mar’s children that died during the battle.
How when they needed him he did nothing and yet now he wants a favour suddenly he’s calling for them.
Concluding that Camp Jupiter won’t comply with anything until Jason’s returned. Because they’ve sent search parties that keep being sent off course.
Mars says she can’t do that because her authority doesn’t succeed Olympus and Reyna says Olympus has no authority here.
Percy actually has a bit of a tough time gaining everyone’s trust because of him helping Juno. He’s under suspicion for being a spy as he’s allying with the Olympians.
Which…doesn’t make the reveal go very well. Especially with Jason’s stolen memories making him believe he should blindly serve the Olympians.
It’s the final straw for Camp Jupiter and all out war breaks out because clearly the Greeks are siding with the enemy.
Frank and Hazel are sceptical given they’ve seen the after effects of the battle while not being there to participate in it.
As well as their respective pasts with the Olympians. Hazel being cursed and left to die and Franks lifeline being a stick.
But because of their friendship with Percy they’re more open minded.
Jason however feels confused and betrayed. He knows the last several months we’re real, they had to be right? But he can’t brush off Reynas desperate plea as they were separated.
“Jason! Whatever they tell you don’t fall for it. You know the truth, deep down in your heart you know. You’re so much more than his son, remember that!”
It haunts him.
Makes its way into his dreams. At some point he stops hearing Reynas voice entirely. And one of an older woman, soothing and tired but still so powerful.
She promises him the truth.
To remove the barriers over his stolen self and give him the answers he wishes.
It’ll be his decision in the end. It’ll just give him the information to make a choice, as is his fatal flaw.
Night falls on a stormy night. His mothers ghost seems to haunt him from the corner of his mind. Jason closes his eyes and accepts the offer.
The good solider vanished long before he opened his eyes.
He remembered everything.
And he was done being a pawn.
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mythologypaintings · 1 month ago
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Minerva in Her Study
Artist: Rembrandt van Rijn (Dutch 1606-1669)
Date: 1635
Medium: Oil on canvas
Collection: The Leiden Collection, New York City, NY, United State
In this imposing masterpiece, Minerva looks up from her large folio and gazes out toward the viewer as though some distraction has interrupted her quiet concentration on the text. Golden light illuminates her powerful face with wide-open eyes and alert expression, as well as the long, flowing blonde hair cascading onto her shoulder. Her regal appearance is enhanced by the laurel wreath crowning her head, her pearl necklace, and the heavily embroidered cloak draped over her shoulders. Beneath the cloak is an ample blue garment tied with a knotted blue sash over a light gray skirt and a white shirt. In the background are more volumes, a globe, a golden helmet on a draped piece of fabric, a spear, and a large shield with the Gorgon’s head hanging from a column.
As one of the main Olympian deities, Minerva had various functions and attributes. She was the virgin goddess of war, but unlike her counterparts Mars or Bellona, she was neither belligerent nor cruel. Her inventive strategy led to victory and she was therefore, paradoxically, also the goddess of peace. She was also the goddess of wisdom, art, poetry, medicine and crafts, especially those of spinning and weaving. Rembrandt van Rijn was fascinated with biblical and mythological subjects such as Minerva, and he firmly believed that depictions of them and their stories comprised the most significant of all genres of painting. This principle, shared by collectors, theorists and painters alike, lay at the very core of Dutch humanistic traditions. Throughout his career, Rembrandt’s history paintings stand apart from those of other Dutch artists because of his ability to convey human feelings and emotions to gods and goddesses, and mere mortals from the Bible and mythology. In the mid-1630s, shortly after Rembrandt moved to Amsterdam, he radically transformed the style and focus of his history paintings, executing works such as Minerva in Her Study at a scale and with a visual power unprecedented in the Netherlands. It is not certain what motivated him to paint in such an imposing manner after he left Leiden, but probably he sought to emulate and even compete with the achievements of Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1641), then universally recognized as the greatest history painter of the day.
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happyk44 · 9 months ago
Ya know what I find really weird in PJO but I can't find an alternate explanation for/scene for and so it must stay in my brain as a "I can't find the solution for this and it's making be rage" thought?
The whole "Greek and Roman Deities Fighting Each Other" for the same brain/body. Like, I somewhat get it from the author's standpoint but as someone who knows both of their myths, I'm like??? They literally both have their own gods without "counterparts" like Bellona, which Rick acknowledges within the series and each deity literally has different values within somewhat same domains. Like, Juno? Entirely different epithets from Hera, although they share the same "place" within their pantheons. And, yes, there are some overlaps which come from the fact that Rome came after Greece and has a lot of influence from the Greeks, just like our books and literature has a lot of overlap with ancient cultures and, very specifically, America with European roots. That's just how humans work! Look at literally any fictional book with its own "world" and see all the things it took inspiration from! Even Tolkien! Especially Tolkien! And now look at the things we took from Tolkien.
It's just. I don't know what to do about this and I'm mad about it. Do I like, make the whole scene change when the gods change. Do I replace their entire beings with the other culture's. Do I make them coexist and just pop up everywhere? Answers, brain, answers.
[Coming from an author who's especially enraged bc he's trying to write a Mortal!Big Three AU after the series with a lot of roman influence but a majority of the series is based on Greek Influence--even Camp Jupiter, who has child soldiers??? Dude, they should be adults-. "Oh what about Jason and Reyna?" Make a funny little plot thing where literal adults are tasked by one of their Patron Goddess to take care of a Small Child which they literally did not ask for and raise him/it to be a functioning soldier. Make it so when we're introduced to The Camp via Percy, the soldiers groan because they're literally being run over by children, wtf man. Anyway, if someone writes this into something or finds a fic with an idea similar to this, send it to me <3--and so now he has to do a lot of research based in roman culture with very little Referenced Points.
{The author's starting to but it's gonna take a while and they wanna write this fic now-}]
Fair warning it's like 4:30ish in the morning as I write this and I haven't slept yet so this might be all over the place but, yeah, Risk doesn't do enough to differentiate between the two sides within canon. So I think a lot of people come out of the series assuming that there's little to no difference between Greek and Roman gods and culture, aside from the change of their names. And since there's no perceived difference, they don't really do their own research.
Plus adding in details that aren't accurate to ancient culture/ideology (re: Neptune being hated because Romans weren't seafaring. Like. They were. They had a navy. And they didn't hate Nepetune) and then not elaborating any further on those details (we never see Neptune so we don't get to be exposed to how terrifying or different from Poseidon he is, we have no active child of Neptune to give us a reason why the modern day campers would be fearful other than a story about an earthquake, which I still find ridiculous because really? None of your siblings have ever made a devastating fuckup?)
It definitely could've been more well thought out. I mean I wrote a book featuring different gods, and a key player is Kali. In some text, Kali is an aspect of the goddess Durga. Durga has other aspects as well, such as Parvati. It's sort of similar to how the gods are presented in PJO/HoO. However, I wanted to clarify that Kali is a separate entity, so over the course of the last few centuries and as a result of colonization, she and the other aspects separated out from the principal goddess to be their own. She was the last to sever out. While she is worshipped as an aspect of Durga, she's still a goddess in her own right! But the aspect wording caught my attention and I wanted it to be obvious
With PJO/HoO canon, it could be the opposite. They started as separate entities but public perception caused them to merge. We know through TKC that public perception affects the gods - gods that have been forgotten become senile. Why can't public perception affect them in other ways? In my book, less known mythologies and gods become weaker and weaker, especially as colonization has erased knowledge and artifacts, which is why I had them centralize their power into a collective that equalizes belief among the whole of them (with a little boost for the well-known and worshipped), because hey, if it can happen to them, it can happen to you.
Anyway, a fun way to go about this is maybe making a joke that Hermes and Anubis can't interact because otherwise they start to combine and separating them takes time and energy and other people's help because of Hermanubis. The Greek and Roman gods want to be separate but because public perception tends to conflate them way more than they're already conflated, they're stuck battling it out. Greek gods tend to win more because, again, public perception tends to prioritize Greek mythology (at least I think so anyway) which is one of the reason legacies are so commonplace in Camp Jupiter in a way they aren't at CHB.
By this you can have "designer" legacies - kids with more than one godly ancestor (like Frank) in order to continue on the powers or strengths of multiple gods rather than just the one. With the way New Rome is structured, I can't imagine why demigods wouldn't hook up with one another. With CHB, you can leave so relationships between demigods may fizzle out after the summer or when demigods choose to stop coming back to camp for whatever reason. They also don't have to send their kids to camp, and can train their kids on their own, so less interaction with legacies is had with CHB, and thus godly influence slowly dies out as the legacies don't hook up with one another or other demigods. There's also the ever present risk of monsters, so Greek legacies may survive less.
With CJ, everyone tends to migrate into New Rome when their service is done. Between school, work, and homing options, there's less reason to leave, less likelihood of relationships fizzling out, higher likelihood of multiple godly ancestors among legacies.
One of the things that I've complained about with the Greek vs Roman battling it out thing before and what I wanna reiterate again is that Frank should not have been the one to deal with both aspects of his dad arguing in his head. It should've been Jason!! The one who actually was unsure of his standing as a Roman or Greek demigod.
But there's no differentiation. Even the arguing in Frank's head is just "kill everyone!" and "war is great!" There's no line between Mars as war god and Ares as a war god, despite the reality that there was - Mars being more disciplined and Ares being more bloodlust.
And attempts at describing a difference are either unclear or delivered through secondhand information, like when Thalia claims that Jupiter seemed different to her when he came in that aspect of himself but in text, the actual exposure we get of him feels no different to what we've experienced of Zeus in PJO. Neptune vs Poseidon.
Why does Athena have kids but Minerva doesn't when both are virgin goddesses born from their father's head? Why does Minerva's status as a virgin goddess bear more significance than Athena's to the point she doesn't simply replicate the actions of her other self to have her own kids?
The only line of clarity I can really see is Pluto vs Hades, and even then, the characterization between the two of them is essentially the same, the only weight is in the importance of their godly priorities shown both through their kids (Hazel vs Nico) and described in text (wealth vs dead). But we get little to no other exposure or line of thought from other characters with the same godly parent, just different aspects. How does Frank differ from Clarisse, or Jason from Thalia? How does the chosen aspect of their godly parent affect their personality, their powers, the way they interact with the world or how others see them?
I do like that idea of random adults at camp being given a kid by various gods who are just "take care of this thing for me, thanks" and bouncing off. That's funny. But also lol, Jason being CJ's only child soldier. He's Jupiter's child, and a champion of Juno so he's special and must be treated as such, even if that's by being attacked by wolves nonstop as a toddler and then raised in barracks from ages 3 to 15. And when people go "what about Reyna" or "what about Frank", like, idk how commonplace it is in most places but I know the US has those like junior army clubs or whatever it's called, so why couldn't they just be part of CJ's equivalent to that and then run off to do their own thing with the others because they're teens with ADHD and impulsivity is a thing, especially when you care about your friends.
But, like, also the soldier aspect isn't really key. "What about Reyna?" She was gonna end up at Camp Jupiter either way. "What about Frank?" He needed to be trained because it'd been 16 years and the fact that he hadn't experienced any monsters up to 'til then can be written away as his mom and grandmother defeated them before he could be hurt, and then his mom died and his grandmother realized she won't always be here to defend him so fuck it, let's tell him the truth about his father and send him off to learn how to defend himself.
And again! It's as you said - epithets differ even between similar gods. Their priorities differ - both in ancient culture and with the god themselves. Principal gods differ. Mars was held to higher esteem than Ares - Frank's status as his son should've been exemplified. Mars was second to Jupiter in importance - Jason could've subconsciously adopted Frank as his second in command, which would've been neat because we know Frank struggles with anxiety and confidence and we know he wasn't all that thrilled with being Mars's son at the start, and him getting a bump up in status/importance could've been an interesting arc to navigate, as well as further cement the key moment in HoH when he takes over for Jason as praetor and leads the ghostly army.
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mousebitezz · 5 days ago
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⌗ ⠀creation & deities id pack
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apollo. athena. ares. artemis. aphrodite. atlas. demeter. dionysus. hades. hera. hermes. hestia. poseidon. zeus. chronos. erebus. eros. gaia. hypnos. nyx. thalassa. thanatos. phoebe. rhea. themis. aura. dione. helios. pallas. prometheus. apate. eris. aurora. bellona. caelus. cupid. diana. hecate. luna. faunus. flora. fortuna. jupiter. mars. mercury. nemesis. pluto. saturn. somnus. terra. venus. veritas. victoria. inanna. enki. nabu.
ix ixes. it its. x xs. ey em. they them. life lives. grow grows. bless blesses. god gods. deity deities. holy holies. pray prays. heaven heavens. power powers. helio helios. dae daem. ae aer. offer offers. altar altars. temple temples. star stars. cosmo cosmos. rule rules. guide guides. create creates. birth births. new news. youth youths. age ages. time times. eternity eternities. mortal mortals. immortal immortals.
deangelus. godbodiment. cosdeityfem. celestisunbeing.
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talonabraxas · 7 months ago
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Hekate, Keeper of Keys Talon Abraxas
Hekate: Triple-Bodied Greek Goddess of Witchcraft and Keeper of Keys
Hecate the goddess of Greek mythology has been primarily remembered for her associations with magic and witchcraft. Throughout history however, her sphere of influence also included the moon, night, crossroads, boundaries, ghosts and necromancy. Although Hecate was once considered to be a powerful Greek goddess of witchcraft, Hecate was not a major deity when compared, for instance, to the Twelve Olympians.
There are therefore few myths which revolve around this Greek goddess of magic. Nevertheless, the goddess Hecate plays a particularly important role in the Greek myth which relates the abduction of Persephone. It is also from this myth that the quintessential representation of Hecate, as a goddess holding a flaming torch in each hand, is derived.
The Powers of Hecate, the Greek Goddess of Witchcraft
It is generally believed that the goddess Hecate was the daughter of Perses and Asteria, both of whom were from the second generation of Titans. Nevertheless, some have claimed that she was the daughter of Zeus and either Hera or Pheraea. Yet others have stated that she was a daughter either of Leto or of Tartarus.
In any case, it is widely accepted that Hecate the goddess was not originally a member of the Greek pantheon. In fact, her cult is said to have originated in ancient Thrace, or perhaps in Caria, Anatolia. The original worshippers of Hecate believed that the goddess had power over heaven, earth, and the seas, thus making her an incredibly powerful goddess.
Hecate, whose name came from the Greek word hekatos meaning “worker from afar,” had the power not only to bestow upon those she favored wealth, good fortune, and wisdom, but also to withhold these gifts from those she perceived as unworthy. She was honored by all the gods, including Zeus. As she sided with the Olympians during the Titanomachy, she was the only member of the old regime who retained her powers following the defeat of the Titans.
Within ancient Greek religion Hecate had many different roles, as goddess not just of witchcraft, but also of magic, spells, the night, ghosts, light, necromancy, and even the moon. She was also seen as a goddess of oikos, meaning the household and family, and doorways. Some have even connected her to Artemis, who was portrayed in a similar style, with boots, torches and dogs.
Due to her extensive powers, Hecate has been confused and identified with several other deities throughout history. For instance, as a goddess of nature, she was identified with Demeter, whilst as a moon goddess, she has been identified with Persephone.
"I am she that is the natural mother of all things, mistress and governess of all the elements, the initial progeny of worlds, chief of powers divine, Queen of heaven, the principal of the Gods celestial, the light of the goddesses: at my will the planets of the air, the wholesome winds of the Seas, and the silences of hell be disposed; my name, my divinity is adored throughout all the world in divers manners, in variable customs and in many names, [...] Some call me Juno, others Bellona of the Battles, and still others Hecate. Principally the Ethiopians which dwell in the Orient, and the Egyptians which are excellent in all kind of ancient doctrine, and by their proper ceremonies accustomed to worship me, do call me Queen Isis." (Lucius Apuleius in The Golden Ass)
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greenpanda-basicfakewitch · 9 months ago
Spiritual Dieties
A/N: Just realised that I've included a list of god/esses BUT Christian will be excluded because theirs is too BIG, seraphims, archangels, and the names of who is what that is it's own seperate post -_- they're christian witches so even my own opinion of christianty (I don't hate them but dont love them either) I would still respect anyone who still follows it.
Divine status, quality or nature. A god or Goddess, a supreme being. Most well known in Persian/Norse/Celtic/Greek/Roman/Egyptian/Hindu/Pagan/ Christian Angels-Demons, etc.
Celtic Gods:
Alator: God of war and protection, name means “he who nourishes the people.”
Albiorix: God of protection and war, name means “King of the world.”
Belenus: God of healing, name means “Bright one.”
Borvo: God of healing waters and minerals.
Bres: God of fertility, tyrant ruler
Cernunnos: Horned god of Nature, fertility, the underworld, wealth and fruit
Esus: God of strength and human sacrifice.
Lenus: God of healing, associated with Roman god Mars
Lugh: God of the sun and craftsmanship, justice and ruleship
Maponus: God of music, poetry and youth
Nuada: God of healing, the sea and warfare.
Celtic Goddesses:
 Brigantia: Goddess of rivers and waters, poetry and crafts
Brigit: Goddess of fire, fertility, healing, cattle and poetry
Ceridwen: Goddess and sorceress, poetic wisdom, prophecy, magic and rebirth.
Epona: Horse goddess, fertility and cornucopias, horses and mules
Medb: Goddess of sovereignty and motherhood
Morrigan: Goddess of seafarers, fertility, and abundance
Nemausicae: Mother goddess, fertility and prosperity
Saitada: Goddess of grief.
Norse Deities:
Baldur: God of Beauty, peace, innocence, rebirth.
Bragi: God of Poetry, music, the harp
Hodr: God of Winter, Blind God, god of Darkness.
Hoenir: God of Silence, passion, spirituality, poetry
Kwasir: God of inspiration, god of wisdom.
Loki: God of trickery, mischief
Magni: God of strength and bravery
Njord: God Of the sea, wind, fish and wealth.
Odin: The allfather, God of war, poetry, magic and wisdom.
Thor: God of Thunder and battle, protection of mankind.
Try: God of War and Justice, god of skies
Ulr: God of skis and bows, god of winter.
Ali: God of revenge and vengeance.
Eir: Goddess of healing and medical skill.
Eostre: Goddess of spring and dawn.
Freyja: Goddess of love, fertility, battle and witchcraft
Frigg: Goddess of marriage and motherhood, Queen of the gods.
Gefjun: Goddess of fertility and plough, abundance and prosperity.
Hlin: Goddess of consolation and protection
Jord: Goddess of the Earth, Mother Earth.
Nanna: Goddess of joy, peace, and the moon.
Nott: Goddess of the night and darkness.
Sif: Goddess of the harvest, grain and earth
Sigyn: Goddess of fidelity, mercy and mourning.
Skadi: Goddess of Winter, mountains and skiing.
Sol: Goddess of the Sun and healing
Vor: Goddess of Wisdom, knowledge and awareness. 
Greek Goddess
Greek Gods:
Roman Goddess Minerva
Roman Gods
Egyptian Gods/Goddess
Persian Gods/esses
Ahura Mazda
Angra Mainyu
Vohu Manah
Spenta Armaiti
Aka Manah
Kshatra Vairya
Azhi Dahāka
Apam Napat
Hindu Gods/esses
What is similar?
One type of ‘Leader’ along with a ‘Mother’ a ‘son’ or ‘Consort’ a god of death, healing, creativity, the Sun, the Moon, wisdom, mischief, fertility. Or some deities symbolise a couple of things based on their story. Or domain that they rule over. But most do have similarities or cross over to other religions. For example the Roman gods are just the Tumblr edgy oc’s of the Greek Gods. {And the Romans twisted greek stories but those stories is what we in modern day take as 'canon' }
“Our gods are stronger and better than yours!” ha, just kidding.
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wanderingmind867 · 4 months ago
I just made a post mentioning how Rick Riordan made some evil amazons for his books, so here's an old idea of mine where I stole some of those ideas (but made them possibly darker). Presenting Superwoman of the Crime Syndicate, the Anti-Matter Universe version of Wonder Woman.
Superwoman (Bellona of Themyscira/Priscilla Rich): The amazons of the anti-matter universe were founded by women like circe and medea, powerful warriors and sorceresses who hated men and loved to torture them and drive them in fights to the death. Also, the amazons of the anti-matter earth have way more roman influence than greek. Hence their worship of the war gods mars and bellona. Bellona especially, since she's a female deity who wikipedia told me represented bloodlust.
The anti-matter island of themyscira is a horrible place to live, unless you're one of the amazonians. Because the amazons are fierce slavers. Years ago they led fierce incursions against man's world, kidnapping men to be their slaves. They then used those men as breeders and servants, forcibly having sex with them to produce more male slaves and/or female warriors.
It was into this world that princess Bellona was born, a child of the amazons queen, the evil enchantress known as Circe. She was named for her patron, the roman goddess of bloodlust and war. For years, Circe taught her daughter the ways of the warrior and of the magician, training her to be the perfect princess for this kingdom based on misandry and violence.
Bellona probably would have stayed on themyscira and continued on as her mother's pride and joy, but then a US aircraft crashed onto themyscira. Inside it lay pilot steve trevor, a US soldier brought down in the fight against Ultraman. When Bellona looked at him, she felt no love. But hearing about a world of men beyond themyscira…that intrigued bellona. So she begged her mother to let her go out and enslave man's world. Her mother agreed, after bellona proved herself in combat against all the other amazons.
So while steve trevor was left on themyscira to become one of the kingdom's many slaves, bellona headed for man's world. Landing in New York City, Bellona killed and promptly stole the identity of the rich socialite Priscilla Rich. And using this assumed name, bellona began writing propaganda to encourage the women of america to enslave their husbands and train themselves as warriors. She used Priscilla Rich's vast resources to monopolize certain sectors of the global economy.
Building an army of millions of bloodthirsty women (and having a stranglehold on world monetary policies), bellona became known as Superwoman to the people of man's world. Recognizing her talents as a propagandist and warrior (and seeing as she's one of the world's most preeminent terrorists), Ultraman formally invites her to join the Crime Syndicate and take over the globe with him. Bellona haughtily accepts, but makes clear her contempt for him and his masculine ways (bellona hates every single member of the team. Alongside the Aresian Barbarian, she's one of the most power hungry and cruel. She regularly dreams of killing Ultraman and taking his position as leader for herself).
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daughterofprofit96 · 1 year ago
On Instagram ( rescatedelgrishaverse) I've been comparing Grishaverse to mythological deities. Zoya was my latest!
Before I go on, remember to sign and share the petition!! You can Google it as "Save Shadow and Bone". Today we reached 200k signatures!!
Zoya Nazyalensky|| Bellona
You know why I love Zoya? Because in a society where us girls aren't allowed to be bad, to be tough, to be unforgiving without someone making us feel guilty, having characters like her, characters who defy those stupid enough to tell them what they're supposed to be, it's an honour.
Bellona it's one the Roman deities of war. Bellona was a personification of the most violent aspect of war, but someone who the Romans prayed for victory to. It was in her temple where they held the war counsels. It's in her temple where war was declared, by throwing a spear onto the land "designated" as enenmy; and where the victorious soldiers were received.
Zoya is a little bit like that. She's somewhat unpleasant at times. She can be violent. She can be intimidating. She can be terrifying. And you know what? That's completely fine. Zoya is a born leader, one of the best warriors and someone fiercely loyal to her friends and beliefs. Therefore, she's the best person to command an army.
Sometimes, it's good to have an armour.
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thedansemacabres · 10 months ago
I do think Roman polytheism would be much more popular if it moved away from the empire and such. While there is valuable things about religion in that era, there’s so much more fun and relatability in rural Roman religion—Ceres of the lares, Anna Perenna’s seasonal rites, the role of Mars and Bellona—I’ll be sure to make posts upon this sometime, as I’ve come to grow into Roman religion the more I interact with Bellona and the rural practices.
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tiredwitchplant · 2 years ago
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs: Belladonna *Deadly Nightshade*
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna)
*Poisonous *Medical *Feminine
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Folk names: Banewort, Black Cherry, Deadly Nightshade, Death’s Herb, Devil’s Cherries, Divale, Dwale, Dwaleberry, Dwayberry, Fair Lady, Great Morel, Naughty Man’s Cherries, Sorcerer’s Berry, Witch’s Berry
Planet: Saturn
Element: Water
Deities: Hecate, Bellona, Circe
Abilities: Protection, Psychic Abilities, Self-Awareness, Astral Projection, Forgetting Past Love
Why Poisonous?: Its roots, leaves and fruits all contain alkaloids: atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine. This causes dilated pupils, blurred vision, slurred speech, hallucinations, delirium, convulsion and some cases death.
Do not consume belladonna in any form
Characteristics: It has a rigid stalk that grow into branches. It is a perennial plant and can grow up to 3 feet tall. Its purplish-brown flowers are shaped like bells with its berries being black and the size of cherries. It is a part of the nightshade family and likes partial shade in chalky soil.
History: This plant has always been associated with witches and was used as an ingredient in flying ointment, a medieval cream that allowed people to unlock their spiritual powers. Belladonna was used by the Scottish army against the Norwegian troops of King Svein Knutsoon to incapacitate them when they were trying to overthrow the current King. Sacred to the Fates, it is also associated with the Fate Atropos, the Fates who cuts the thread of life. Its leaves were used by Venetian women in order to redden their cheeks, and Renaissance women used it as a tincture in order to dilate their eyes to seem more attractive.
Growing Belladonna:
Easy to grow? No
Rating: Expert/Low Success Rate
Seeds Accessible? No and Illegal in some areas
Growing Belladonna
Video Guide
Where to Get Seeds
Magical Usage:
Was used to encourage astral projections and produce visions (Is very much not safe)
Amplify seductive energy and give temporary illusion of beauty
Placing belladonna in a sealed jar can help your spirit move into the world beyond
The priest of Bellona, the Roman Goddess of War, would drink an infusion of Belladonna prior to worshipping Her and invoking her aid. The antidote for Belladonna poisoning is physostigmine, a reversible cholinergic medicine that is used to treat glaucoma and antimuscarinic toxicity.
Medical Usage:
Was used as an anesthetic for surgeries
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dryad-druid · 1 year ago
Bella stared at her uncle's face for quite some time.
It really had been a while since she had come face to face with her uncle, their relationship had become quite rocky since the man, openly stated that he wanted to destroy an entire species, and THAT no, he wasn't joking.
God, Titan and any deity that could hear her, she really needed a drink, no wait! make that two….. can she make that three?
The only reason she had gone in the first place was to verify certain rumors surrounding her uncle along with a certain missing battle Nexus champion. Also, she wanted to see if she could shut up Pax's whining for now.
Upon arriving at the castle she had been surprisingly greeted by two cheerful pygmy gargoyles, one of which had a foam beard on her face, who upon realizing that this was their boss's niece, kindly guided Bella to the main hall where said Yokai was supposed to be.
She really didn't expect what she saw, like, at all.
Sitting in the only available seat in the room, next to the fireplace, was her uncle; who just staring wide-eyed and dilated at the crystal sphere in front of him.
While this in itself was strange, it did not compare to the following.
Resting on the Yokai's legs, gazing intently at the Crystal was a human, and not JUST any human, but it was the missing reigning champion of the Battle Nexus, Lou Jitsu, SLURPING A SMOOTHIE USING ONLY WHAT LOOKED LIKE A VIRGIN KILLER SWEATER.
Bella could have stared at the scene for hours, were it not for one of the gargoyles raising his voice.
"Hey boss, you've got visitors!"
In just a second both the human and the Yokai looked towards the entrance to look at the newcomer, and upon seeing his niece Draxum quickly stood up forgetting for a second the human on his legs.
"Ouch, what was that for!" Said the recently fallen Lou Jitsu on the floor.
Draxum looked at both the human and his niece with a nervous expression, still deciding to help the half-naked human up and immediately regain his composure.
"Bellona. Your visit is unexpected. What brings you here?"
Despite being extremely amused by this whole situation, Bella had not forgotten why she had come here in the first place.
"There are certain rumors spreading lately, about you and a certain missing human champion. I just came to check" she said secretly glancing sideways at Lou Jitsu.
His uncle crossed his arms and just gave him a bored look "I have nothing to do with it."
"If you say so."
It was that moment that Lou finally decided to say something.
"So you're Bella! Draxum told me about you, I was wondering when I'd get to see you!" Lou held out one hand towards Bella while with the other he tried to discreetly pull the sweater down to cover his legs a little more. "Sorry about the look, you caught us on laundry day."
Bella took the champ's hand with a smile. " No worries."
"Oh! I definitely hope you stay for dinner, I haven't interacted with anyone else outside of this house in ages! I'll go see if lar gargoyles have any of my clothes ready, I'll be right back!"
With that said, the human quickly exited through the entrance leaving the Yokai and his niece alone.
Back at the present. Bella looked at her uncle un the eyes. "So.... How long have you two been dating?"
Draxum frowned. "we're not dating."
A spiritual sequel to this
Even though Bella is not canon in my AU, sometimes I wish she was, just to have these interactions more often.
Bella belongs @thedawningofthehour , go read her stuff!!!
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mythology-freaky-lady · 2 months ago
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Enyo, in Roman mythology, identified with Bellona
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Patronage, symbols, and epithets
Enyo is a war goddess, also known as a spirit/daimona of war, often associated with Ares or identified with Eris.
Her well-known domain is the destruction of cities, she is often seen by Ares' side on the battlefield.
Statius in his work pictured Enyo with a torch and snakes.
Little information is available about the goddess, since she is often mistaken for either Ares or Eris.
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Enyo is said to be a daughter of Zeus and Hera, making her Ares' sister.
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She's identified as the mother of Enyalios with Ares being the father, but in some sources, the masculine name Enyalius or Enyalios also may be used as a title for Ares.
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Since she isn't a well-known deity, there is little information about her. There are some short mentions of her, such as her not taking part in a fight between Zeus and Typhon or being involved in the war of the Seven against Thebes. She is also mentioned in myths about Dionysus and a battle against Indians or the destruction of Troy.
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Author's talking
Hi. So I decided to write about Enyo because she became one of my fav deities (I found her and decided to use her as a godly mother of my demigod OC) and she is not talked about enough.
If you want me to write about any deity, let me know!
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lovistella-a · 2 years ago
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PRIMADONNA (프리마돈나) is a fictional girl group under JUPITER RECORDS. the group consists on BELLE, PHOEBE, MIRAN, VEGA, JIHYE, YOOBIN, SERA and ELARA. they debuted on january 1st, 2011 with debut single, DIVA.
PRIMADONNA are best known for their regal princess image, their commanding stage presence and it girl status. they portray the FIRST HOUSE in jupiter REPRESENTATION.
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CHOI SUAH (최수아), known professionally as BELLE, is the leader and eldest member of PRIMADONNA. as the embodiment of the deity BELLONA, the goddess of warfare and conflict, she commands great honour and reverence within the company. within PRIMADONNA, she personifies the fierce determination, guiding the group through adversities and strives for victory. she is best known for her ferocious attitude, chaotic destructive tendencies and courageous rap style.
stage name belle korean name choi suah birthday february 25, 1989 birthplace daegu, south korea position leader, main rapper, lead dancer, vocalist faceclaim park gyuri
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OH YEEUN (오예은), known professionally as PHOEBE, is the main dancer of PRIMADONNA. she personifies the essence of youth and rejuvenation, symbolising JUVENTAS, perfectly complimenting her fake maknae persona. her youthful and radiant charm fosters rejuvenation within PRIMADONNA, often symbolising the beauty in life's every-changing journey. she is best known for her graceful dancing, heartfelt interactions with her fans and living in the moment sentiments.
stage name phoebe korean name oh yeeun birthday august 19, 1990 birthplace dunedin, new zealand position main dancer, lead rapper, vocalist faceclaim kim hyoyeon
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HAN MIRAN (한미란), known professionally as MIRAN, is the variety diva of PRIMADONNA. as the embodiment of the goddess of war and agriculture, MARS, she brings a fiery and nurturing energy to the group. her dynamic persona and warrior-like image inspires a profound sense of vitality and passion among PRIMADONNA's dedicated fanbase. she is best known for her visual charisma, extraordinary vocal prowess and being the glue that binds the group together.
stage name miran korean name han miran birthday september 9, 1990 birthplace incheon, south korea position lead vocalist, face of the group faceclaim tiffany young
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UM HYERIN (음혜린), known professionally as VEGA, is the versatile ace of PRIMADONNA. she is the enigmatic essence of the goddess of the underworld, PROSERPINA, infusing the group's performances with an otherworldly allure. her enchanting artistry not only distinguishes the group apart but also forges deeper connection amongst the PRIMADONNA members. she is best known for her entrancing talents, magnetic stage presence and captivating personality.
stage name vega korean name um hyerin birthday june 16, 1991 birthplace miami, united states position lead vocalist, lead rapper faceclaim yoon bora
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PARK JIHYE (박지혜), known professionally as JIHYE, is the main vocalist of PRIMADONNA. as the manifestation of the goddess MINERVA of wisdom & victory, JIHYE brings an intellectual and assertive presence to the group's musical landscape. her transcendent vocal prowess and deep artistic wisdom inspire not only fans but embody the ideals of MINERVA herself. she is best known for her soulful vocals, entrancing personality, and the songwriting genius of PRIMADONNA.
stage name jihye korean name park jihye birthday november 10, 1992 birthplace suwon, south korea position main vocalist, face of the group faceclaim im jinah
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LEE YUBIN (이유빈), known professionally as YOOBIN, is the ethereal visual of PRIMADONNA. as the embodiment of the goddess VENUS, representing love, beauty and desire, she brings an alluring elegance to the group's musical tapestry. her captivating presence and divine visuals inspire passion and desire among fans, mirroring the very essence of VENUS herself. she is best known for her favouritism from fans + the company, photogenic qualities and popular CF appearances.
stage name yoobin korean name lee yubin birthday may 13, 1993 birthplace seoul, south korea position lead vocalist, visual faceclaim son naeun
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GO SERA (고세라), known professionally as SERA, is the regal princess of PRIMADONNA. SERA brings a fiery elegance to the group's captivating performances as the goddess of fire and forge, VULCAN. her spoilt presence and princess-likecharisma ignite fervor and admiration among fans, embodying the very spirit of VULCAN herself. she is best known for her majestic dancing, blazing artistry and her natural inclination for always being the center of attention.
stage name sera korean name go sera birthday july 22, 1993 birthplace busan, south korea position main dancer, vocalist, center faceclaim lee sunmi
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MOON EUNHA (문은하), professionally known as ELARA, is the chaebol maknae of PRIMADONNA. she brings a unique blend of grace and vitality to the PRIMADONNA's artistry by manifesting DIANA, the goddess of the hunt, wild animals and the moon. her graceful and ethereal presence invoke admiration and reverence, epitomizing the very essence of DIANA herself. she is the best known for rich, chaebol upbringing, radiant personality and sophisticated talents.
stage name elara korean name moon eunha birthday dec 1, 1994 birthplace london, united kingdom position lead dancer, lead rapper, vocalist, maknae faceclaim krystal jung
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happyk44 · 10 months ago
Cracking open my Religio Romana handbook to check out what's going on next month and, since my Saturnalia post is making the rounds again, decided to write down some for anyone that would like to write some Jason/Reyna/Camp Jupiter religious shenanigans throughout the year 👍
This isn't all of them btw! I just grabbed a couple that seemed most interesting for their respective months or most relevant to the Roman babes
January 11th and January 15th: Carmentalia, two feast days in honour of Carmenta (goddess Juturna also celebrated on the 11th)
February 13th to 22nd: Parentalia, commemoration of ancestors and the dead in families
February 22nd: Caristia, family pot luck in spirit of love and forgiveneness
February 23rd: Terminalia, in honor of Terminus
February 27th: Equirria, first of two horse-racing festivals in honor of Mars
March 1st: original New Year's Day when sacred fire of Rome was renewed; Matronalia in honor of Juno Lucina; also considered the dies natalis (birthday) of Mars
March 14th: second Equirria
March 15th: Feriae Iovi, sacred to Jove (Jupiter)
March 17th: Agonalia in honour of Mars
April 1st: Veneralia in honor of Venus
April 21st: Parilia, rustic festival in honor of Pales, Roman patron goddess of shepherds and flocks, and the dies natalis (birthday) of Rome
April 23rd: Vinalia Priora, the first of two wine festivals
May 9th, 11th, and 13th: Lemuria, festival of the dead
May 15th: Mercuralia, in honor Mercury; Feriae (free day) of Jove (Jupiter)
June 3rd: anniversary of the Temple of Bellona
June 7th to 15th: Vestavia, in honour of Vesta, June 9th specifically is a die religiousus to her
June 24th: festival of Fors Fortuna
July 6th to 13th: Ludi Apollinares, games in honor of Apollo
July 14th to 19th: series of markets or fairs - not religious
July 17th: anniversary of the Temple of Honos and Virtus, sacrifice to Victory
July 23rd: Neptunalia, held in honor of Neptune
August 23rd: Vulcanalia in honor of Vulcan
September 1st: ceremonies for Jupiter Tonans (the Thunderer) and Juno Regina
September 20th to 23rd: days set aside for markets and fairs
October 7th: rites for Jupiter Fulgur (Jupiter of daytime lightning) and Juno Curitis
November 4th to 17th: Plebeian Games
November 18th to 20th: markets and fairs
December 1st: ceremonies at temples for Neptune and for Pietas
December 3rd: Bona Dea rites for women only
December 17th to 23rd: Saturnalia in honor of Saturn with public ritual on the 17th
Side note that I am not an academic, not religious, not a pagan, and not spiritual in any way. I just like reading about mythologies and how those stories/deities used to be, and still are, worshipped by people. Also helps when coming up with religions and stuff for stories. But that's it, I have one book and access to google/wikipedia and that's the depths on my knowledge on Roman polytheistic practices 🙌
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