#beli total station
schmergo · 6 months
Time for one of my long, rambling informal reviews! This one is for RAGTIME at Signature Theatre and unlike some of the other reviews I've written, this show is still running for 3 more weeks, but tickets are selling EXTREMELY fast, so I'd recommend you snap some up if you haven't already! I will add that Signature's discounted 'partial view' seats are extremely good value and actually not a bad view at all, so don't sleep on those.
TLDR: This show is absolutely amazing and totally does the material of one of my favorite musicals justice in an intimate, innovative staging.
Ragtime is one of those musicals with a name that belies the complexity and darkness of the subject matter (along with Parade and Carousel), and yet there's no other simple name that could tie together such a dense and varied piece of musical theatre. If you're not familiar with it, this musical set in the early 20th century follows three different groups in New York: a white suburban upper class family, a family of new Jewish immigrants, and a star-crossed young family in the emerging Black middle class of Harlem-- plus a half dozen real historical figures of the period. Their paths intersect and intertwine in many unexpected ways, changing all of their lives forever. Expect some very intense themes like racism, sexism, gun violence, and exploitation of the working class, but also moments of surprising levity and loveliness.
It's one of my favorite musicals of all time, but it's also so complex and such an example of the '80's-'90's megamusical' that it's expensive and tricky to stage. So you might not think of the intimate blackbox venue of Shirlington's Signature Theatre as a prime candidate for this piece. But I can report that director Matthew Gardiner and the whole cast and crew knocked this piece out of the park (teehee, yes, this musical has a song about a baseball game). It was a spellbinding night of theatre and there wasn't a dry eye in the house at the end of the show.
I've seen some other shows at Signature-- including Sweeney Todd earlier this season-- where the goal of 'get creative with the intimate space' actually distracted from the material, but the biggest sign that this staging worked was that I barely noticed it at all or thought 'ooh, what a creative idea'. It just... worked. Fitting 33 performers and a 16-piece orchestra onto a small stage, plus massive set pieces like a WORKING REPLICA MODEL T FORD (absolutely show-stopping when it drove out) without feeling cramped or sacrificing audience sightlines shouldn't have been possible, but it all flowed seamlessly. Actors hung around on the sidelines when not part of the action, observing and serving as a backing chorus. This was the first Signature show I've seen with a turntable stage and it helped the show glide from scene to scene without being overused or feeling gimmicky. The use of the aisle space, staircases, and sharing the upper balcony with the fully visible orchestra also served the piece well.
The arched industrial-chic design of the set feels gritty and elegant at the same time, easily standing in for a factory, seaside pier, tenement, ocean liner, or train station, with gorgeous lighting design by Tyler Micoleau adding to the seamless transitions between scenes. Sumptuous costumes by Erik Teague set the tone from the moment the show started. (Mother's dreamy outfits give her an extra shimmer while also giving the impression of extreme restraint; there are outfits for a person whose job is to be decorative rather than effective.) My only true complaint was the sound balance: at times, the orchestra and the backing vocals drowned out soloists. I'm sure it can be difficult to fine-tune this when you have a fairly large band in a small space where natural acoustics battle with amplification.
The theatre is so intimate that you can see the subtlest expressions in the characters' eyes and that makes Signature stand out among other local theatres as a place where musical theatre truly feels led by actors and not just spectacle. In a mega musical like Ragtime, that human element is desperately needed, and it's why this production and the one Ford's Theatre presented several years ago stand out to me as the best I've seen rather than the Kennedy Center production that transferred to Broadway.
Almost every single member of this cast was a standout, even the hardworking ensemble members. This is where I simply have to ramble on about everyone and how beautifully they acted and sounded. My personal favorite performer of the night, in a show more crowded with stars than a planetarium, was Awa Sal Secka as the desperate young mother Sarah. The challenging score sounded like it was written for her, which is saying something because her role was originated by Audra McDonald. Her powerful but sweet voice pours effortlessly from her mouth as though raw feelings have been distilled into pure music. Sal Secka’s simple, earnest characterization of the young woman is utterly heartbreaking. I won't spoil her character's trajectory, but expect to feel every possible emotion in the spectrum. She's incredible.
As her love interest and the show’s anti-hero, Coalhouse Walker Jr., Nkrumah Gatling is perfectly cast. I’ve rarely seen someone in a stage musical act so effectively with just his eyes, flitting from mischievously charming to stone cold in mere seconds. There’s an edge to his rich baritone that might remind you of Brian Stokes Mitchell, who originated the part, but he puts his own spin on the music and gives it a new texture. I’d have loved to have seen Gatling’s take on Sweeney Todd earlier this season. Still, I didn’t get the ‘main character energy’ from this character that I typically have in past productions. Rather than feeling like the show’s central figure, he blended into the rest of the cast—which may say more about how wonderful his co-stars were than any fault of his.
Teal Wicks did exude star quality as Mother, a disaffected housewife who awakes to the world’s injustices and starts to see her life through new eyes. She conveyed every turning point in her character’s life with clarity. Her mellifluous, creamy voice soars on big ballad numbers and her relationships with the show’s many characters feel fully realized. One of the only things I knew about her before seeing this show was that she had played Elphaba on Broadway in Wicked. But here she uses more of a classical-sounding mix voice that fits right into this antique setting.
Matthew Scott plays her stuffy husband, Father, as more sympathetic than I’ve seen before. He seems younger than most actors who’ve played this role (he and Wicks are both in their early 40’s, while I’ve often seen Father cast as significantly older than Mother), and as we see him try to fulfill his role as ‘patriarch,’ we can tell he’s insecure and uncomfortable there.
We had an understudy for the other major role, Tateh, a Jewish immigrant with big dreams and artistic gifts who wants above all else to give his daughter a better life. I was disappointed to see this because Bobby Smith, who usually plays the role, is one of my favorite local actors, but his understudy Edward L. Simon did an absolutely charming job. He imbues Tateh with an impish lightness at times that only make the dark moments more heartbreaking and nimbly navigates musical numbers with a lovely voice. Like many understudies, you could tell he was giving 110% at all times and his energy sparkled. Still, there were a few dramatic moments that I’d have loved to have seen given more power and the orchestra drowned him out more than any other character. I’m guessing that sound levels may have been calibrated to a performer with a bigger voice.
Simon is also by far the youngest-seeming Tateh I’ve seen. This works, adding to the earnest naivety his character shows when he first arrives in America, but I’d be so curious to see how the dynamic works with the usual actor, Bobby Smith, who seems to be about 30 years older than Simon. I’m so tempted to go see the show again with Smith and compare the two performances, but rest assured that if Simon is the understudy at your performance, the role is in deftly capable hands.
I loved Jake Loewenthal as Mother’s Younger Brother, an awkward young man in search for meaning in life. I previously enjoyed him as the Baker in Signature’s Into the Woods but thought, “This guy was born to play the Baker, but I can’t picture him in any other roles. He’s just TOO specific and TOO good as the Baker to play anyone else well.” I was wrong. He’s perfect here, filled with a tightly coiled intensity that is, in his character’s own words, ‘like a firework, unexploded.’ There’s a quirky piercing nasality to his voice, but it shines out in Younger Brother’s effusive self-discovery. Among other family members, Declan Fennell is adorable and NOT annoying as the family’s weird (and slightly psychic) little son Edgar and Lawrence Redmond is a hoot as the drily snarky Grandfather.
Among the smaller roles, standouts include Dani Stoller’s impassioned firebrand Emma Goldman, Jordyn Taylor as show-stopping soloist “Sarah’s Friend,” and Tobias Young’s Booker T. Washington, more memorable than I’ve ever seen this character portrayed. But more than any of these, Maria Rizzo stole her scenes as vaudeville sensation Evelyn Nesbit. She seemed to be having an absolute blast up there and gave the character both more depth (hints of trauma!) and risqué sultriness than I’ve seen before. If sometimes she verged into showboating, I couldn’t possibly complain. She was just too much fun to watch.
This is a score full of HARD-HITTING ballads and intense big production numbers, with almost every number including dramatic swells of the orchestra and singing to the rafters. Every time you think you've seen the showstopping number of the night, another one comes along to blow you away. Some of the standout songs in this piece include Sal Secka's haunting lament "Your Daddy's Son," Wicks' journey of self-discovery in "Back to Before," Gatling's anthem "Make Them Hear You" and the adrenaline-pumping duet "Wheels of a Dream," but you will find that some of the smaller numbers between them will also send chills down your spine and bring tears to your eyes. One of my personal favorites was the sweet duet "Our Children," which sees the spark of a potential relationship forming as two parents watch their children play together.
What does this show say about America? Basically everything up to and including the kitchen sink. Is it a land where people can triumph against adversity and succeed? Yes! Is it is a place where dreams are broken and crushed by reality? That, too! Is it a place where understanding can win out over hate and people find they’re more alike than different? Yes! But is it a place where hatred and bigotry can tear lives and families apart in the blink of an eye? Yes! Is there a hope of a brighter future for the country? Yes! But do we see the struggles of present day reflected in these characters from over a century ago? A resounding yes. Every audience member will come away with different moments resonating in their minds, but the rich tapestry of humanity in all its strengths and flaws showcased in this production is a marvel to behold.
I’m attaching a few clips from the show in the comments so you can see some of what it was like for yourself! Please consider seeing this show if you can. It’s the most powerfully affecting piece of musical theatre I’ve seen in the DC area since before the pandemic and will no doubt stick with you long after the cast takes its last bow.
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egretech · 9 months
EGRETECH Plume 300 Portable Power Station 300W/260Wh
300W/260Wh Capacity Power
Pure sine wave AC output
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Support 100W solar panel Input
Plume 300W Specifications
Product model
Plume 300W
Battery type
Lithium battery
Battery capacity
Net weight
AC Output
120V/60Hz,300W Max,pure sine wave
Total Discharge
Recommended temperature
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Experience a new level of portability with the P300W power station. Its compact design, lightweight build, and versatile charging options make it the ultimate solution for staying powered on the go. Whether you're exploring the great outdoors or facing unexpected power outages, the P300W redefines what it means to have portable power at your fingertips.
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Pair the P300W power station with a solar charging panel for a sustainable and eco-friendly power solution. Embrace the benefits of renewable energy and reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying the convenience of a portable power source. Whether you're camping, hiking, or simply seeking an environmentally conscious power option, the P300W's compatibility with solar panels empowers you to tap into the sun's energy and stay connected wherever you go.
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Our P300W power station offers a variety of charging options to suit your needs. You can charge it using a USB-C PD charging kit, a DC power adapter, a car charger, or even a solar panel. This flexibility ensures that you can recharge the P300W no matter where you are, making it a reliable companion for your outdoor adventures or emergency power needs.
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Diverse Output Interfaces: Simultaneous AC and DC Outputs. Supports multiple interfaces for concurrent power supply to various devices. AC1, DC C2, USB-A2, and DC1 output interfaces enable up to 7 devices to work simultaneously, with a maximum power output of 500W.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Before and After Purchase
What appliances can P300W power?
The AC output ports of P300W can provide power/charge for devices with a running power not exceeding 300W. If the power requirement exceeds this limit, P300W will automatically shut down. Please check the specifications of the devices you intend to use before purchasing. The device supports simultaneous powering of all interfaces, but the total wattage of the connected devices should not exceed 480W. If the power requirement exceeds this limit, P300W will automatically shut down.
How long can P300W power my appliances?
Considering different loads have different output characteristics and the efficiency of energy transfer between the power source and the device may vary, the estimated power supply duration can be roughly calculated using the formula "Power Supply Time = 256Wh * 0.85~0.9 / Running Power of the Appliance". The actual usage may vary depending on specific circumstances. (0.85~0.9 represents the conversion efficiency, which varies depending on the type of load.)
How long does it take to fully charge P300W?
This product supports two charging methods: USB-C or DC port. For USB-C port: You can use a PD charging kit with USB-C port, supporting up to 100W charging, to fully charge it in about 3-4 hours. For DC port: Using the provided 65W power adapter takes approximately 4-5 hours to fully charge. Using a car charger/cigarette lighter takes about 3-4 hours to fully charge. Using a 100W solar panel takes about 5-6 hours to fully charge.
Why does the product lose battery even when no load is connected?
The screen, AC inverter, and DC output board of the product consume a certain amount of energy in standby mode. Therefore, please long-press the power button to completely turn off the device when it is not needed.
Which type of solar panel should I choose for my P300W?
You can use a solar panel with a DC 5521 charging connector and a total open-circuit voltage range of 12-24V in conjunction with the device for charging. For your safety, we recommend using it with 1X Egretech PSP 100W.
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javageotron · 1 year
Jual Beli Service Kalibrasi Total Station Topcon GM 103
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tarmizihartanah · 1 year
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Freehold 2 storey Semi D 40x80 @ Hillpark 2, Bdr Teknologi Kajang. ===================== Asking Price - RM 1,280,000 ===================== DETAILS : ======== -Freehold/Non-Bumi Lot --Size : 3300sqft -Land size : 3200 sqft(40'×80') --Bedrooms : 5+1 -Bathrooms : 5 -4Parking - Renovation: -plaster ceiling with warm and cold lighting -foldable autogate -extended balconies with tiles -spacious car porch covered with full length awning -built with a small pavilion for events like BBQ etc -all flooring use quality tiles -cctv and alarm system including motion sensor on roof -all wires built in, AV lines, CAT5 network cables and fibre, Astro *Total renovation spending over 300K.* FACILITIES : ========== Next to Bandar Baru Bangi, Semenyih & Kajang township with full facilities required for modern living : schools, banks,commercial area, district office, police station, fire station, modern goverment clinic, private hospitals etc Boleh klik link ini untuk perbincangan lanjut ya. *Jual/Beli Hartanah* https://jualbelirumahdengancikmizi.wasap.my Mohd Tarmizi Bakar AFZ Realty Sdn. Bhd 🏘️Klik sini untuk ke laman telegram carian rumah, tanah dan bangunan yang diperlukan. https://t.me/tarmizihartanaheastcost Page Link Untuk Hartanah: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090117935252&mibextid=ZbWKwL Profile FB: https://www.facebook.com/mohdtarmizi.bakar.5?mibextid=ZbWKwL Link Catalog Whatsapp: https://wa.me/c/60179454294 Link Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@maimizihartanah?_t=8ZhJ6uYnZab&_r=1 Link IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/COukMpTj9-Q/?igshid=p0s13f4d0h12 Link Twitter: https://twitter.com/tarmizihartanah?t=6dF8l6VsEiyUpK-2krqndg&s=09 Link Tumblr: https://at.tumblr.com/tarmizihartanah/hp1td2uj85ed Link YouTube: Subscribe. https://youtube.com/@mohdtarmizibakar #TrustedAgentHartanah #PerundingHartanahKuantan #TeamNinjaKuantan #AFZREALTY #jualbelirumahpantas #pejuanghartanah ‌ #taman #kawasan #rumah #tanah #bangunan #kuantan #gambang #pekan #kemaman #kualaterengganu #dungun #paka #kerteh #jerteh #besut #rumahmampumilik #rumahbawahhargapasaran #lppsa #banker #lawyer #surveyour #morgage #refinance # https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1bPmBPZGG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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erinaaustralia · 1 year
’serene' - Luxury apartments in tranquil setting in the heart of Gosford
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paolojcruz · 14 years
Cool Britannia Is Out Of Bounds
The Vinyl Underground is a serviceable rehash of early 90s Vertigo themes in gentrified contemporary London.
Originally posted on the Multiply page of Sputnik Fantastik, February 2010
I feel like I’ve read Si Spencer and Simon Gane’s The Vinyl Underground before, at least during its five-part opening arc, collected in Vol 1, Watching The Detectives. And you know what? It doesn’t matter – I thoroughly enjoyed it, just the same!
The basic premise is like The Invisibles crossed with Torchwood. A motley group of subcultural misfits come together in a disused Tube (subway) station, beneath London’s magical streets, to investigate the paranormal crimes that ordinary cops don’t have the resources or knowledge to solve.
Let me get one thing out of the way, early on: the characters are total ciphers, patched together from every conceivable aspect of British urban mythology. There’s the bad-ass footballer’s son with connections to the mob, whose Pete Doherty-like public image belies a sensitive side (and residual mommy issues). There’s a feisty, tough urban shaman of African descent, who’s in tune with London’s mythical psychogeography. There’s a reckless bisexual pervert who can talk with the dead. You probably get the idea, by now...
This is formula late 90s Vertigo stuff, right down to the plots about undead Russian hookers, aristocratic cults, African black magic, and Guy Ritchie-esque gangsters. As somebody who picked up on The Invisibles in college, I’m just happy to get a fix of more of the same kind of esoteric urban adventures.
Artist Simon Gane has been accused of being a Philip Bond imitator, a charge that’s not entirely inaccurate. (Though I personally think Gane’s style recalls Warren Pleece circa Deadenders a bit more.) It’s the same kind of approach that Bond and Pleece employ so well: using very bright, cartoonish designs to realize often macabre storylines. It’s not terribly distinctive, but I don’t think it’s fair to say Gane is an outright copycat.
This isn’t ground-breaking stuff, by any means. However, I do think it’s a subject that’s been in limited supply, in recent years, at least in American comics. I’d definitely recommend it for today’s high school-age readers who may be new to the genre. Likewise, it will probably be a worthwhile read, for those who liked the quirky superheroics of X-Statix, Global Frequency, or Morrison-era Doom Patrol.
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writer59january13 · 2 years
Groundswell Of Emotional Blessedness
Ebullience exudes from mine every pore courtesy festive mood in the air,
thus acknowledgment to the following:
thank you All Poetry, COSMOFUNNEL, Facebook, Hello Poetry, My Poetic Side PoetryNook, Poetry Soup, PoetryVibe Tumblr, et cetera
anonymous global friends, Romans countrymen/women
whether spring chickens
or old roosters or hens.
A network of cherished kinships allied forged, and linkedin analogous to union of groom and bride
(case in point yours truly
linkedin with the missus) thru electronic bonds engender intrigue, nonetheless unconditionally accept, no matter I chide self, and reference mine existence as if...this mortal already died, now more appreciative than ever, cuz younger days witnessed
peers that did elide
me accompanied with relentless teasing, snubbing, roasting akin tubby kindled over a fireside,
thus...solitude shadowed me as sole silhouette guide peopled with books to escape and hide
from so called "real" webbed world, yet inside this former grievous lad through alienation,
emasculation, and isolation no joyride valuing myself less than a pawn on chessboard of life envying extrovert as kingside station depriving, insulating, and ostracizing yours truly belied
to Matthew Scott Harris marginally functioning, and denied him camaraderie, dating, enjoying female friendships due to lack of confidence and pride
and at the cusp of
pubescence...a slow descending ride (while donning a foghat) into the hungry (anorexic) maws of suicide, which ideations hammer psyche,
analogous to ego getting piston now aghast how I tried (without success)
to disappear sundering
mine complex edifice into the wide
abyss of nothingness, hence to treasure
those electronic connections, perhaps...totally no more'n four score (and seven years ago) all told of unbeknown village people comprising worthy chums, sans human league roar
ring (okay pardon the hyperbole), but letting this foo fighter explore
a greater range of interpersonal (no matter virtual), but each unnamed cyber buddy worth more than simple rhyming galore words express, some or all those who sprung from Earth, wind and fire, viz cosmic toreador this poet would their
physical presence adore, who realizes genuine experienced love second best option
loneliness I abhor,
nevertheless wistfulness
to communicate
thru the Internet...
finds me writing bonjour,
to random readers
familiar with literary nuances
of yours truly
within whose integrated circuits
central processing unit core
reasonable rhymes coalesce
as trademark décor
lapsing words to explore
his existential crisis
enduring seventeen years
subtracted from fourscore
orbitz athwart planet earth in the balance as informed
Former Vice President of the United States Albert Gore
his 1992 tree tease at that time hardcore
revelations now Greta Thunberg makes absolutely eloquently sure
Homo sapiens do not ignore.
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saturniandevil · 2 years
June 2022 Important Dates
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AKA my notes from The Astrology Podcast’s June Forecast.
May Recap: We’re going into this month off a total lunar eclipse mid-May, of which Chris took some photos:
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Speaking of eclipses, we’ll have another full solar eclipse over the continental USA on April 8th, 2024. Once again, here is the eclipse calendar for 2022:
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As you can see, this year is all on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, and people with fixed sign emphasis especially have been seeing major shakeups and beginnings. With Uranus in Taurus (squaring Saturn), the nodes are now lighting up the disruptions the outer planet has brought us. Significations like the volatile market, dirsuptions in basic commodities, and labor struggles are all being amplified.
During the past month Mercury retrograde in Gemini andTaurus also showed itself in current events. Some examples in the US include appointing a head of disinformation investigations but then backtracking, the Supreme Court ruling draft leak, and George Bush’s Freudian slip about unlawfully invading...who, again? Straddling two signs, Mercury has been contacting both Jupiter and Saturn--our big, visible, society-level planets.
Speaking of the Supreme Court, it seems the leaked document was written around late February, when Venus was just finishing up her retrograde cycle conjoining Pluto and Mars. Issues of control over women, sexuality and privacy in general have all been raised. As I pointed out last forecast, we heard about this document right as Venus entered Aries, her sign of detriment. Jupiter’s presence in Aries also belies divisiveness over ideology, law, religion and morality, though bravery is here as well. Chris brings up Jupiter and the 9th house being associated with both religion & politics--our beliefs can be less logical than we think they are.
May 28th - Venus entered Taurus For most of the month, Venus will be in her home of Taurus, while Mars & Mercury are also at home in Aries & Gemini. She can provide some much-needed grounding in contrast to the other chaotic energies this month. However, she’ll run into Uranus & Rahu (the North Node) and square Saturn towards the end of the sign. Up until that point we might see some stabilizing in areas like stocks or basic needs (though not necessarily improvements). We’re also moving out of eclipse season, with the New Moon two days ago indicating regular, little beginnings & endings instead of the life-changing instability of eclipses. Venus and Saturn will square each other in domicile, which can be grounding. However, Saturn is a little stronger here, so expect to negotiate boundaries and structures.
June 3rd - Mercury stations Direct In late degrees of Taurus, he’s squaring Saturn, who stations retrograde the next day. This is a similar configuration to November 2020, when Mercury stationed direct square Saturn, bringing slowness and delays such as the recounts in the US election. We can likely expect postponements to be announced around this time. With the North Node & Algol close to Mercury, we’ve got a lot of imagery about losing one’s head--it’ll take awhile to tease out the truth, and Austin predicts that some terrible events may come to life. The story of Medusa (whose head is symbolized by Algol) is especially relevant right now regarding women and politics.
June 4th - Saturn stations Retrograde Saturn does so in late Aquarius, squaring newly direct Mercury. Saturn generally says no to things, and combined with Mercury can bring about hyper-criticism that may freeze us in place. Saturn is in domicile and terms, with Mercury in his decan, so Saturn is going to win out in any struggles here. Meanwhile, Jupiter and Mars have just conjoined, propelling us to motion in other areas of life. This is also the furthest Saturn has made it into Aquarius and the furthest he’ll get for awhile, really affecting fixed placements.
June 11th - Mercury reenters Gemini Once out of range of Saturn’s influence, Mercury is fast, strong in domicile, and receives a further boost of jet fuel from Jupiter and then Mars. What has been slow will suddenly speed up; think hot, fast, and bold for the second half of June.
June 12th - Full Moon At 23° of Sagittarius
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We’re experiencing this lunation just as things are starting to pick up speed again: Mercury just entered Gemini the day before, Venus has been forced into contact with Uranus and Rahu, Saturn has stationed, and dignified Mars is just within trine distance (depending on the orb you use). The lights are square Neptune, so although there is light on the Sagittarius area of our charts, it may be a clouded or illusory vision. In contrast, Saturn is trine the Sun and sextile the Moon, which may have a grounding effect.
This is also the first lunation in Sagittarius since 2019 that isn’t an eclipse, so mutable risings and any planets here can breathe a sigh of relief as we see Sagittarius lit up in a healthier way. Sagittarius likes to quest, and especially with Neptune contacting the lights and Jupiter in Aries bringing general bravery, it can be a good time for seekers and inspiration.
Venus will get pushed into motion a few days earlier by Uranus, which Chris thinks may introduce us to something new and exciting, breaking our routine. Austin advises caution in Venusian efforts around this time, though, since Uranus is so unpredictable and Saturn is waiting nearby to refuse our requests.
June 21st - Sun enters Cancer As we begin summer, the activity in fire & air signs may overshadow Cancer’s nurturing nature. Mercury is already strong Gemini, but he’s also treading new ground once he passes about 10°. Meanwhile, Mars & Jupiter in Aries are all energy.
June 22nd - Venus enters Gemini She joins Mercury, further quickening the pace and making things more social & chatty. Sometimes it’s refreshing to be superficial or just have some light banter instead of probing the depths of one’s psyche. Venus in Gemini seeks variety and enjoys sampling many different things.
June 26th - Auspicious electional chart for the month
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Adjust time to about 10:55AM local time, or Virgo rising. The chart’s ruler Mercury is dignified in Gemini in the 10th whole sign house, and Venus is there as well. The Moon is also in Gemini, separating from a conjunction with Venus, a sextile with Jupiter in Aries, and applying to a conjunction with her ruler Mercury. This chart emphasizes 10th house & Mercury/Virgo/Gemini themes such as communication, career, and reputation. Venus is also applying to a sextile with Jupiter in the 8th, and though Jupiter is there, Mars’s copresence in a day chart means we should curb our ambitions in the realm of taxes and debt. Overall this is one of the best Mercury charts for the year that Chris & Leisa have found. It’s a good time for writing & talking about things, sharing on social media if content creation is part of your career, and generally putting out important communications like requests, proposals, and pitches.
June 28th - New Moon in Cancer, Neptune stations Retrograde Here is the chart for the New Moon:
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The Moon is at 7° of Cancer. Venus and Mercury are in Gemini, and the moon is closely square Jupiter, which in turn is sextiling Venus. Guest host Catherine Urban predicts a change in the baby formula shortage situation considering the nurturing and motherhood significations of the Moon and Cancer. The Moon is unafflicted, and with a trine from Neptune in Pisces, so the emphasis is on water energies and restfulness. What do we need to feel safe and secure, and to thrive? Get ready to accomplish more Jupiter in Aries things by taking a day or two off to replenish.
As for Neptune, this is the furthest he’s gone into Pisces this time around, but it’s not going to contact other planets too much this month. It may be worth noting that Jupiter and Neptune play big parts in both lunations this month. Mercury does have a square with Neptune going into July, so be careful of illusions in communications as the month changes.
June 30th - Mars square Pluto (not pictured) In classic terms this is a struggle between the seen (Mars) and unseen (Pluto) powers. Power dynamics will become exaggerated and untenable. Catherine points out that, while the world may seem to erupt, there is also a bit of powerhouse energy or clearing of the path that we might be able to tap into as individuals. Chris describes it as Mars moving forward while Pluto calls the shots from the shadows--we might be moving foward while unaware of larger forces manipulating us. Mars being so late in Aries means he’ll enter Taurus soon, joining Uranus and Rahu; and furthermore he’ll square Saturn on July 4th, reactivating that whole T-square with Uranus. Rest up now, because July's starting off with a bang!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
“...the most common precisely defined charges against Welland county residents were related to alcohol: being drunk, drunk and disorderly behaviour, selling liquor without a licence, violation of the Ontario Temperance Act (1916–27), and, from 1927, violation of the Ontario Liquor Control Act . The analysis of alcohol-related crimes thus affords an especially useful way to consider both the development of Anglo-Canadian views of immigrant offenders and the ways in which the resulting stereotypes hid the complex role that the production and consumption of alcohol played in immigrant communities. Anglo-Canadian temperance advocates and local newspapers blamed foreign immigrants for making Niagara communities among the most drunken places in the country. They claimed that “the illicit sale of liquor” throughout the Niagara region was “almost entirely in the hands of foreigners.” Immigrant women involved in bootlegging attracted special censure in the press. At a time when many scholars believed that the lack of differentiation between the sexes was a mark of primitive or savage societies, some residents of Niagara saw the participation of women in such illegal activities as evidence of their lack of femininity and, hence, of primitivism and racial inferiority. The Thorold Post, for example, reported with disgust that a female immigrant boarding-house keeper hid a liquor bottle under the baby in her arms when the police raided her home. During another raid in Thorold’s foreign quarter, the newspaper noted disapprovingly, police discovered liquor bottles hidden in a cradle under a sleeping baby.
Welland County jail records belie the accuracy of such newspaper accounts. In the decades under consideration here, Niagara residents of British descent outnumbered foreigners among those charged with alcohol-related crimes. Foreigners were over-represented among those arrested for alcohol-related offences in 1920, while Niagara residents of British descent were under-represented, a situation that reflects the suspicion of foreigners that prevailed as a result of the First World War and the labour unrest that followed.
By 1930, however, despite an increase in the proportion of foreign-born residents in Welland County, their presence among those arrested for alcohol-related crimes declined significantly.  They made up only sixteen percent of those in this category. The proportion of British residents arrested for drunkenness and related crimes grew appreciably to seventy-two percent of the total. According to the chiefs of police of Crowland and Port Colborne, an important reason for this change was that the decriminalization of brewing and winemaking for home consumption made it difficult to catch those who sold home-made wine and beer without a licence, a category that included most foreign bootleggers.
There were a number of reasons in addition to racism that drew the attention of Niagara’s dominant groups to immigrant drinking and bootlegging specifically. Because their crowded quarters were not ideal for relaxation, many immigrant men spent their leisure time in public places. They loitered on public sidewalks, finding refuge in railway stations in the wintertime. In good weather on holidays and weekends, they moved from urban sidewalks to the “bush.” They were visible in these locations and, hence, vulnerable to arrest. In June 1919, for example, “a lot of foreigners” were “drinking wine and carousing” in the bush near Stamford. While most escaped when the opp came upon them, the four who were caught faced the choice of paying steep fines or serving three months in jail.
Ontario’s early twentieth-century liquor laws also helped to criminalize immigrant alcohol consumption. Both Ontario’s Temperance Act (1916–27) and the Liquor Control Act (from 1927) permitted the possession of liquor in a private residence. Boarding houses with more than three boarders, of the type that housed a great many foreign immigrants, however, did not qualify as private residences. Both boarding-house keepers and residents were thus subject to prosecution for behaviour deemed perfectly legal for people who could afford to live in single-family homes. 
While foreign immigrants were not alone in running and living in boarding houses, the attention of the press and public officials, including liquor inspectors, focused largely on immigrant boarding houses, which least resembled Anglo-Canadian households. As noted above, many foreign migrants, married or single, came to Canada on their own. The boarding houses they inhabited were frequently all-male establishments. In the eyes of English Canadian observers, therefore, they lacked the stabilizing, moral influence of women. Because of the desire of the sojourners to live as inexpensively as possible, even boarding houses run by immigrant couples were often very crowded. One reason that women joined their partners sojourning in Canada was that they hoped to increase household income by keeping boarders. To do so, however, they placed as many beds as possible in every room, at times renting the same bed to two men who worked and slept in shifts. Many boarding-house keepers – men and women – sold alcohol, just as they provided food for their boarders. Because their economic prospects were limited, boarding-house keepers, as well as other petty entrepreneurs in Niagara’s immigrant communities, such as grocers and operators of ice-cream parlours, billiard halls and even gas stations, also engaged in more than one type of enterprise, including bootlegging. Paying hefty fines on occasion was less expensive than purchasing a licence to sell liquor. Despite the involvement in bootlegging of some career criminals, such as John Trott, Police murderers, and the sensational stories about foreigners in Canada collaborating with American gangsters who drove fast cars and carried automatic weapons, immigrant bootlegging in Niagara was primarily on a modest scale. Even so, it was lucrative. In 1916, for example, when a large scale police raid netted twenty-three blind-pig operators, most were fined, but none had any difficulty paying the $300 fine on the spot.
The possibility of profiting from the sale of alcohol was especially appealing in a context where other economic prospects of immigrants were limited. Not surprisingly, therefore, the recollections of immigrants who came to Niagara before 1930 and their children offer a very different perspective on immigrant bootlegging than the views of English Canadian newspapers, temperance advocates, and officials. Foreigners recognized that offering such services was a way to increase their income with very little expense. Indeed, according to a Hungarian sojourner, they regularly had to sell liquor if they wanted to succeed during the interwar years. The trade-off was that they frequently had to put up with their boarders’ drunken behaviour.
The innocuous name given by foreigners to establishments engaged in bootlegging – social clubs – indicated the wider acceptance of this practice among immigrants than within the host society and may also have been intended to hide what was happening in these businesses. Some bootleggers bought by the gallon and sold by the glass. Others made the wine and beer that they sold. Their chief appeal for customers was that their prices were lower and their hours of operation were longer than those of hotels. In the 1920s, hotels were closed during the dinner hours, just when the day shift was ending for workers. Some social clubs enhanced their appeal by offering home-cooked food as well.
Peter Santone, a barber and Crowland township councillor, endowed immigrant bootlegging with epic proportions. No doubt exaggerating for effect, he recalled with amusement that Charlie Jary, a Hungarian immigrant, “sold more wine than the liquor store.” According to Santone, most of the Italian businesses in Welland “did a little bootlegging on the side.’ The practices of small business owners from other ethnic groups were similar, and bootleggers and their clients were not necessarily of the same ethnic origin. In the 1930s, when Adam Farioli was working at the Electro-Metallurgical plant in Welland, he and his friends from work patronized Markoff’s gas station on King Street. Markoff was also a bootlegger. “Going to Markoff’s,” he remembers fondly, “was a ritual.” After they cashed their paycheques on Thursday nights, Farioli and his friends stayed around for drinks. Rather than discrediting them, the engagement of ethnic businessmen in such lucrative illegal activities enhanced their standing in their communities. Speaking of Tony Nero, for instance, Santone recalls: “He treated the Italians good.” He carried many people through the lean times when he gave them credit. “He sold groceries in the front, used to bootleg in the back.”
The recollections of an immigrant family from Bologna provide us with the clearest illustration of bootlegging driven by a sense of mutualism among working-class immigrants. When the family of seven arrived in Welland, the father had difficulty finding work, so the family rented a house that was not much more than a shack. A mere two months later, an explosion destroyed the house and killed the father. Families from the same region of Italy came to the aid of the widow and her children. For a while, five of the children were taken in by different households of paesani, while they helped the mother find an apartment that could accommodate the entire family. The mother then took in two boarders, and her paesani helped her to set up a social club. She made wine, and, as her daughter recalled in the 1980s, “a few friends would come and drink it. That way she made a little money because she was desperate to.” This is how the family survived until the children were old enough to go out to work.
That is not to say that all foreign immigrants approved of illicit activities by their counterparts. Mary Samson (née Botari) recalled that her parents believed that the area around Tony Nero’s store was unsafe because Nero and other businesses there engaged in bootlegging. They advised their daughters not to walk through that part of Welland. Other illicit business dealings also appear less as the actions of immoral or dangerous foreigners than as small-scale business undertakings that fulfilled certain needs. Sex work involving immigrants also appears to have taken place in small, multi-purpose immigrant enterprises such as boarding houses and rooms attached to restaurants. For example, after her husband was killed in action during the First World War, Rosy Cristofono took a position as a waitress in her cousin Antonio Mosoco’s Welland boarding house and restaurant. In addition to her wages, Mosoco provided her with room and board, and Cristofono used the room to carry on “an immoral business with the customers.” She handed half of her earnings to her cousin.” - Carmela Patrias, “Foreigners, Felonies, and Misdemeanours on Niagara’s Industrial Frontier, 1900–30.” The Canadian Historical Review 101, 3, September 2020. pp. 435-439.
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javageotron · 1 year
Jual Beli Service Kalibrasi Total Station Topcon GM 105
JAVA GEOTRON Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai spesifikasi barang dan harga barang Hubungi : Hp/Wa : 081333559177 Kami disini sebagai Perusahaan supplier alat survey tanah atau bangunan, alat survey telekomunikasi, alat survey geologi atau mining, dan alat survey lainnya diantaranya Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Automatic Level, GPS, Kompas, Binoculars, Monocullars, Laser Rangefinder,…
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tarmizihartanah · 1 year
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WTS | Want to sell (WTS1007) WTL | Want to let (WTL1001) 2 Storey Superlink Corner Lot@Bayu Perdana 2 Kota Damansara 🔹Buy : RM2 000 000 (below market value) 🔹Rent: RM5 500/month 🔹Deposit: 2+1+0.5+agreement 🔹Details: -Built up: 2844 sqft -Total land: 4620 sqft -Yard: 1422 sqft -Property Type: Double storey -Title type: Leasehold (88tahun) -Bedrooms: 4 | Bathroom: 3 -Size 6042 sq.ft. -Other Info: Bumi Lot -Security fees: RM150/per month -Spacious fully renovated master bedroom attached bathroom with bathtub, walk in wardrobe and huge balcony. 🔹Amenities: -Facing South -Walking distance to School, Clinics, Restaurants, Giant, NSK, Banks, The Strand, MRT, Giza, Gardens Mall. -Neighboring to Mutiara Damansara, The Curve, IKEA, Tesco, One Utama etc. -Located uphill with beautiful sight and lovely neighborhood. -Situated at the end corner lot giving more privacy -ample parking space. -2 auto gate, can park fit up to 4 cars. 🔹ACCESS - Surian MRT Station - NKVE Highway - LDP Highway Boleh klik link ini untuk perbincangan lanjut ya. *Jual/Beli Hartanah* https://jualbelirumahdengancikmizi.wasap.my Mohd Tarmizi Bakar AFZ Realty Sdn. Bhd 🏘️Klik sini untuk ke laman telegram carian rumah, tanah dan bangunan yang diperlukan. https://t.me/tarmizihartanaheastcost Page Link Untuk Hartanah: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090117935252&mibextid=ZbWKwL Profile FB: https://www.facebook.com/mohdtarmizi.bakar.5?mibextid=ZbWKwL Link Catalog Whatsapp: https://wa.me/c/60179454294 Link Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@maimizihartanah?_t=8ZhJ6uYnZab&_r=1 Link IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/COukMpTj9-Q/?igshid=p0s13f4d0h12 Link Twitter: https://twitter.com/tarmizihartanah?t=6dF8l6VsEiyUpK-2krqndg&s=09 Link Tumblr: https://at.tumblr.com/tarmizihartanah/hp1td2uj85ed Link YouTube: Subscribe. https://youtube.com/@mohdtarmizibakar #TrustedAgentHartanah #PerundingHartanahKuantan #TeamNinjaKuantan #AFZREALTY #jualbelirumahpantas #pejuanghartanah ‌ #taman #kawasan #rumah #tanah #bangunan #kuantan #gambang #pekan #kemaman #kualaterengganu #dungun #paka #kerteh #jerteh #besut #rumahmampumilik #rumahbawahhargapasaran #lppsa #banker #lawyer #surveyour #morgage https://www.instagram.com/p/CpIBVuuvNSt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I know larries can’t stand our “radical” opinions but if you set aside feelings about Harry (theirs positive, ours more cynical), how can any Louis supporter deny that Sony is totally fucking Louis over and promoting his closet more than his career? It is indusputable at this point.
Larries didn’t care when Walls didn’t get American promo (multiple big blogs promised promo would start after the album was released, reassuring their followers).
They didn’t care when Walls was blacklisted from UK radio— citing the one time that Louis played his own music as a guest DJ as proof that BBC Radio played his song.
They didn’t care when Harry met Rob Stringer for pub lunch after Fizzy died, when he bought £3k fish for Liam Gallagher, and when he met up with Liam G AND Harries (armed with fan art to be signed) right after— saying that everyone “grieves differently,” and “coincidences happen.” Apparently, sometimes grieving means using someone else’s unimaginable tragedy for shameless, unconscionable promo.
Larries cared a lot about dynamic pricing, until it was revealed to be a data mining program by Harry’s manager, Irving Azoff’s Oak View Group. Then wallets were opened, complaints were quietly dropped.
Larries cared a hell of a lot about One Direction business, following financial filings carefully, until they became Harries. Now? Not so much. The only interesting “business news” lately is Simon Cowell’s departure from Syco Music, as this relates to Louis’ “being free from stunts” so “they can end it.” Nothing else about Louis’ career is even remotely interesting.
What’s happening with Louis is ridiculous and defies logic. But when they condoned Harry’s promoting himself in the wake of the Tomlinsons’ grieving, when they condoned Euphoria, Larries erased any standards for Harry. Larries would defend him against anything.
And conversely, Larries would never, ever remotely connect Louis’ career to Harry, even though they claim Louis’ every piece of clothing is chosen with Harry in mind. They reach for increasingly improbable, unhinged, irrational explanations, because the truth is so simple, so obvious— as truth tends to be— yet to be avoided at all costs.
And why do Larries do this?
Because sometimes people are ashamed of making the wrong decisions, of choosing someone who they know is not good, but they’ve already gone to ridiculous lengths and cannot back out. Because it is easier to be a fan of a successful star than someone who has an uphill fight. Because it’s easier to bully and lie, than to lose influence and clout. Because they want to be stars too. We are all human and fallible— but our choices belie our character.
Addendum 13.10.20:
For the thousandth time, observing the way Harry’s and Louis’ timelines line up— not in a romantic way, as Larries do, but for their career events— is not “imagining we know more about Louis’ life than Louis does,” or misunderstanding that industry is benign.
Sympathizing with Louis for the sabotage he has endured isn’t “infantilizing” him. Understanding that industry fucks people over, that practices such as one artist being suppressed so another can succeed is prevalent, isn’t taking “agency” or “choice” away from Louis. Understanding Harry’s business relationships isn’t hatred, or putting them in a “zero sum game.”
If Louis has so much agency, did he choose to do pap walks with Freddie in 2016? Is he choosing to allow syndicated articles about Freddie? Did he choose to leave his music off BBC Radio after several promotional trips to the radio station in 2019? Did he choose Syco? Did he choose Eleanor? Did he choose to invite Xander to Lottie’s party in 2015? Did he choose to spend money on music videos and a tour, so he could play to an ever shrinking fanbase?
These arguments intentionally mischaracterize what Louies say. They jump from one Larrie blog to another with their patronizing condescension, but always swerve around very real, very uncomfortable facts about Harry.
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luminess-brightcoil · 4 years
No Matter What You Do
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All instruments recording the ongoing spread of the scourge pandemic indicated a rapid increase in risk of safety, up to and including the roaming dead in the very streets of Stormwind. What was once recommended to simply be a matter of staying off the streets and increasing security measures has changed with similar rapidity, up to and including the recommendation of immediate evacuation for all citizens of Stormwind, leaving only the Stormwind Patrol, the Argent Crusade, the Ebon Blade, and any of Azeroth’s Champions that were so moved to contribute to containing the absolute carnage at hand.
As the topic was broached for what this means for the great underground metropolis of Mechagon, Luminess Brightcoil balked at the data, though she Observed it in totality and took it upon her processing parameters to integrate this new data into her daily routine. To say the outlook was grim would be an understatement. To say that she was growing exhausted of grim outlooks would be even more of one.
Even a Beacon is prone to bouts of personal dismay. It was quickly becoming one Titans-damned thing after another for her. Starting and ending a revolution. Joining and ending the Fourth of Four Wars. Defeating the encroachment of the Old Gods. The Return of the San’layn. And now, this: Death itself, and whatever forces direct it upon Azeroth. And all of this within a single year. 
On days like these, a Beacon would wonder why she ever left the island in the first place... 
Luminess sat amongst her peers in the Think Tank that was assembled for the purpose of analyzing and developing an expedient solution to the matter of the scourge invasion with the Gnomish population at its focus. The scent of recirculated air through coppered ducts intertwined with the effervescent presence of warm, freshly applied toner as gnome and mechagnome alike scanned through document after document. Every finer point addressed, every corollary counter-examined, every contingency remodeled and re-assessed… And yet it was the general consensus of those present that not much headway was made just yet. 
Except for Walton Cogfrenzy, Chief Architect of Mechagon, who maintained that he had a very simple and direct plan of response, that in any other context would have been seen as antithetical to their current societal trajectory, and now perhaps its only chance for survival: 
Complete Lockdown.
“We will establish a temporary teleportation network between here and Tinker Town,” Walton explained. “Citizens of Gnomeregan can be funneled into our now half-vacant halls along with all our Gnomadic kin. Following that, remaining available space and resource accommodation can be afforded to our Dwarven cousins, though it is projected very few would be willing to retreat from their own beloved city. Still, we must press them to do so, and once we have evacuated all that we may hold and accommodate safely, access to the network will be severed from all entry points.”
The King shifted his weight from one side of his seat to the other. By far, the once High Tinker but now King Gelbin Mekkatorque would be the least Kingly King you could meet. He was conscientious to others. He yielded space and listened more than spoke. He sought counsel for all decisions, tall or small. Betraying the good will of his people was unthinkable, just as he would strive against working against their humbler wishes. And more often than not, you had to remind him of his now-regal station. A station, it is said, he has been working to reform away from the obsolete protocol known as the 'Divine Right of Kings.' Perhaps such topics could be addressed more directly when things were Quieter. But in either regard… Luminess, for one, was grateful to have someone so unlike the Mad Tyrant that, for now, she was willing to give the whole Monarchy thing one more chance.
“It will be difficult to convince the Gnomereganians to take refuge,” sighed King Mekkatorque wearily. “Many believe they’re perfectly safe within the walls of Ironforge, despite the surrounding snowy climate being far more tactically advantageous for the Scourge than even the tranquil forests of Elwynn or the unimpeding flats of Durotar. And even so, their pride is at stake to some extent. They won’t take easily to being confined to another underground kingdom, even if it is ostensibly theirs. Over time, we of Gnomeregan have become more and more like our Gnomadic cousins than not as the impossibly high toll taken by Thermaplugg continues to plague our once-hallowed halls, figuratively AND literally.”
“And so I would hope they would be difficult to convince, your highness.” Intamin Diveroll, renowned prosthetist and out-speaker, swiveled his chair towards Mekkatorque just slightly as he respectfully interjected, but kept his gaze upon the Chief Architect. “Your plan puts our now-combined kingdom at risk of recreating the exact same scenarios for destruction that had befallen either of them. Suppose we are all holed up here and one of our vaunted city’s life preservation systems should fail, or worse: sabotaged by ne’er-do-wells known or unknown. Suppose the invasion never ends, and to quell a dissatisfied populace, a new Mad Tyrant emerges to place them back into order under the guise of Public Safety. And should neither fate befall us, and we merely survive through the ordeal to a ruined Azeroth or… continued indefinite life underground, even in prosperity… that would make cowards of us all.”
“It is not… Cowardice to prioritize survival! It is the only acceptable option,” pressed Cogfrenzy with just as much proud conviction on display as he hid his secret guilts. His servos whined under his weight as he leaned forward against the conference table with the coiled-bulb lamps glowing above his exhausted, perspiring brow. “And the only safe one. Our Kingdom is the most secure against external threats of any on Azeroth. Our doors open and close only to us, and our walls are impenetrable against all alien threats. Anyone who enters without the aid of our own kind is instantaneously vaporized by our unparalleled city defenses. For five hundred years, a full-length default gnomish lifetime... our security was so assured that the rest of the planet knew not even of our existence. We were effectively anonymous. Fel, we even have the capability of sealing off all access to the Azeroth’s vast network of Arcane Leylines, guaranteeing that not a single soul enters or leaves through the mightiest of mage portals!”
As the King ran his fingers through his whiskers, Luminess’s face belied only a hint of bemusement as her gaze slide sideways to one of her closest companions to examine his face for a reaction to that last sentence. Indy would offer none. But she knew. They both knew.
“My King,” Indy gently prodded, turning his trademark winning smile towards his liege. “The Rustbolt Revolution demonstrated to us that the answer to our prosperity lies not here exclusively in Mechagon. It lies in Greater Azeroth. And to that end it is not only such that we should not run away, but we should fight to defend it alongside everyone else.”
King Mekkatorque smiled at Indy gently, reassuringly. “On that, we are in total agreement, Good Doctor. We are no longer two kingdoms of Gnomes. We are one, and beyond that, we belong to the mighty Alliance as well. And defending our world from imminent threats within and without is the Alliance’s primary function, after all.”
The Beacon stirred in her seat, squeaking it at the hinge as she leaned forward onto her elbows, fingers tented before her face. She refused to comment on the political trajectory of the Gnomish populace, for now. Instead, she turned to another of her companions that she insisted be included on this Think Tank for the sake of the wealth of information he contains as a single entity. “Cornelius,” she addressed him from across the table.
“Hello, User!” came the chipper response from Mister Tribulatus, self-aware as ever, and the Beacon remained quite proud of him for achieving that.
“Known methods of Scourge Incursion, please, listed."
“Query accepted! Running diagnostics…”
The room fell silent, save the soft stirring of seats in anticipation, and the soft ting-ting of a spoon inside a cup of coffee, one of a great many that were filled and spilled on this auspicious day. 
“Results compiled. Scourge are known to make entry into populated areas through the following means, alphabetically: Aerial Delivery. Burrowing. Contagion. Localized Necromancy.”
All eyes in the room, save Cornelius’, slowly drifted over to a mechagnome seated at the end of the table, brow bedecked with ostentatious horn modifications. His focus was trained on an asymmetrical paper football formed out of one of the documents on the table, and his attempts to ‘kick’ it through a ‘goal post’ made from used coffee creamer cups and stirring rods. His clamps fail to provide the manual dexterity needed to perform the maneuver, but after eighty-seven attempts so far, the man was not about to back down now. However, he felt the familiar sensation of an entire room of his alleged peers judging him all at once, and so he looked up.
“... What?! Titans Testes, I’m not a Necromancer, I resurrect myself with CLONES,” protested one Doctor Theodorp Wimblewomble the Sixth. Or was it Seventh, now? The people of Mechagon had only his word for the answer. 
“The Fel practices are adjacent to Necromancy are they not?” the Beacon inquired, with earnest sincerity. “Perhaps in this way you can offer us insight?” 
“You’re asking an electrician to fix your toilet,” chided Theodorp as he unceremoniously failed his eighty-eighth attempt to score a field goal. “Fortunately for you I am learned of a multitude of means of delivering Doom.” 
The King rubbed his eyes with a gloved hand before flipping open the box of donuts on the table, deciding which of the remaining flavors might quell the madness he felt in this moment for including a pseudo war criminal on this Think Tank. Take him away, Blueberry Glazed.
“For certain, this Kingdom is advantageously impervious to outside threats, as the Chief Architect asserts. Titans know I’ve tried and nearly succeeded countless times to perviate it myself. Yes, that is a real word.”
All of the eyes that were cast upon Theodorp quickly volleyed to Cornelius. Instinctively, he clicked and whirred in place before speaking: “Perviate. Transitive Verb. To enter, bore into, or run through. Would you like me to search for more information regarding Perviation?"
Professor Theodorp Wimblewomble the Sixth silently threw his clamps into the air, victorious over all who dared to doubt him, once again. As the gnomes around him (save Cornelius) collectively stifled their groans, he permitted them immediate reprieve of a well-deserved gloating, and continued...
“As my criminal record shows, I’ve only had so much luck attempting to bring various forms of Fel into our kingdom. The Titan-Energy Interference from the Engine that we’ve made our home into is a natural repellent to both the Fel and Necromantic efforts from exterior sources. Our Previous King spared no effort or expense at seeing such impure practices all but eradicated or imprisoned.”
He takes a moment to feel very smug about being the only practitioner of either who isn’t currently technically imprisoned before continuing: “Ultimately, our greatest concern, second only to simply allowing the plague to enter our halls through contamination of persons or produce… would be someone like me infiltrating Mechagon and finding a way to succeed. For the Fel, we have no particular need of concern as ever. But in the case of Necromancy, they would not need to open a portal, they would simply need to locally source some corpses right here. Which could be remarkably easy, considering the whole proposition to keep the walls closed and sealed that no one could possibly enter or leave.”
The Think Tank of gnomes, already silent, somehow fell even more deathly quiet. No one liked that.
“Then it would not be enough to simply close the doors and shutter our windows,” the Beacon spoke wielding a voice laden equally with certainty as hesitance. “It would require a near-constant monitor of every individual’s vital signs, and restricted movement for all throughout the densely populated areas. We would effectively not be merely bunkering in for our physical safety, but we would need to place the population under a functional quarantine for the first few weeks simply to ensure there is no undetected viral agent is able to spread. We would require anyone taking refuge here to comply with these regulations, or…”
She gulped as she choked on her words in this moment. Indy peered at her searchingly. Cornelius smiled at the wall. Theodorp was on the edge of his seat, waiting for her to finish her thought. King Gelbin Mekkatorque simply listened, chin upon thumb, cheek against finger, elbow against armrest. 
“... Or be placed under secure, supervised quarantine. Just for the duration. And ethically, of course. This is for… public safety.”
Theodorp clinked his clamps excitedly under the table with a wide, toothy grin while Luminess attempted to meet Intamin’s gaze. But when her optics searched for his, he had already turned away. She sank in her seat just slightly as her lips tightened and her face drooped just a bit. 
The King nodded slowly as his own eyes searched in the far distance, into the invisible thinkspace we all have for flaw in this reasoning. And whether he found zero flaws to be had, or he simply accepted the known flaws as they were, it was not made clear in his exhausted sigh that set his moustache billowing in the wind blown forth from his lips.
“You speak the Truth as ever, Beacon,” decreed the King. “If we are going to do this then it would be folly to employ any half-measures. BUT... we will make sure that all who are so quarantined for the duration will have the inconvenience of their sacrificed time compensated, their needs of survival and personal comfort fully provided for. They are our people, our family and friends, and we will make their stay at home a veritable paradise until the situation is under control. To do any less would call into question the foundations and integrity of our very society’s principles in a manner we simply do not have time for right now, or possibly ever. Have we reached consensus?”
The assembled members of the Think Tank all offered their agreement in unison in low grunts of affirmation and/or raised hands. Even Intamin, after a moment. Luminess quietly sighed in relief, allowing her jaw to finally un-clench itself.
“Then the matter is settled upon. Beacon Brightcoil, I am counting on you to ensure that the quarantine efforts are carried out in a safe and ethical manner the people will find agreeable. Spare no expense. The rest of us will reconvene after a one hour biological break to discuss our efforts abroad aiding the campaign in Icecrown and the Eastern Kingdoms. Titans Observe that it will be Gnomish Ingenuity and Determination that brings a swift resolution to this crisis!”
The King’s counsel and subjects before him all responded with an assured nod and an equally assured utterance of “Titans Observe,” even Doctor Theodorp Wimblewomble the Sixth or Seventh.
With that, King Gelbin Mekkatorque bowed his head with a soft chuckle and made haste towards the door, eager to get out of being in a meeting for however long he can manage it today. Luminess, making similar speed, exited behind him as the others shuffled their belongings in order. 
Intamin gave chase.
“Beacon? Oh, Beacon?” cried the man playfully behind his companion, who laughed as she slowed her pace to allow them to walk on parallel paths. “I was simply wondering which personal liberties I would still be afforded while imprisoned in my own private paradise prison.”
Luminess rolled her eyes and nudged him with her elbow, shaking her head as she chuckled softly. “Really, Indy, the situation is dire enough without you nagging at my personal principles over my duties as a Beacon.”
The prosthetist cackled quietly beside her, grinning all too wide as he satisfied himself with her acknowledgement of such a Truth. “I am teasing, of course, my dear… Nothing about this is easy, and though it burns at my very soul to admit it… this is a necessary action to take. So long as it remains a stopgap, and not a solution. And Titans Observe that I may rest easy knowing you are at the lead of such a project.” 
“Titans may Observe it so… but they shan’t,” Luminess responded softly.
Intamin jogged in front of her to impede her movement, narrowing his ocular sensors to thin lines as he looked over her features for any sign that she might be joking. She was not.
“... You will not be staying? But you said--”
“I know that I spoke in favor of quarantine and I stand by that. It is what is right for our people, both of them, all of them… But it is not my place. For certain, This Unit could perform the task and do it well, but I am by no means the only one capable of doing so."
Intamin looked her over curiously. "Did not the King ask you to do it yourself?"
Luminess allowed a sly smirk. "He merely asked me to ensure it will be done. I will reach out Wenzli Cogsalvage to manage this in my stead. She is the finest community organizer I have seen since the end of the Revolution. And though I am beloved by many, as a Beacon I am still mistrusted by the same amount or more for our ties to the Mad Tyrant’s Orthodoxy and the work that remains in our reform thereof… By contrast, she is of the people in a way I can never truly be ever again, and will therefore be more efficient in inspiring trust in this time. In addition, since it is Wenzli... I will have the added bonus of most people simply mistaking her for being me anyway, as normal."
The prosthetist clicked his teeth. She certainly had a point, if not several, but he was not letting her off the hook so easily. "And so if your place is not here, Miss Brightcoil… Then where is it?" 
A brief question inspires an eternity in a split second of consideration. Where, indeed? Was her place in Stormwind, with the Embassy as an Ambassador? Was her place with Prince Erazmin and the Rustbolt Resistance, now expanding their field of operation to fight back against the emergent Scourge threat? Was it with the other medical professionals of the Azeroth Medical Association, searching for a long term solution against the contagion and the short term efforts of caring for those currently afflicted? Was it with her mercenary allies in the Dragon Corps or the Fence Macabre, beating back the hordes with them and other Champions? Was it by the side of those she held dear, one small clutch of beloved friends or another? 
Luminess smirked just for a moment before lifting her gaze to Intamin. Her eyes flickered Gold with the Light before she answered him with a warm tone.
“Uncertain. But what you said earlier rings true again: Wherever my place might be… it is quite clear that the answer is not here, in Mechagon. It is out there… in Azeroth.”
Intamin couldn’t help but allow a smugly satisfied grin plaster his face, flashing that perfect one-millimeter gap in his front teeth as they bit lightly upon his tongue to stifle a boisterous guffaw that would otherwise spoil what could be looked back upon as a tender moment.
“Titans Observe,” he said simply, and embraced his friend tightly with both arms, squeezing as hard as he can, as he always did, knowing that once again, this could be the final opportunity to do so. “But I shall not allow you to continue your adventures abroad unaided. Your previously requested modifications are complete and awaiting installation back at my workshop over a splendid Torcolato I’ve been saving for just such an occasion.” 
“Mister Diveroll, there is absolutely nothing that I would enjoy more at this precise moment,” said Luminess, as she sniffled once and dabbed at the corners of her eyes with the collar of her ceremonial garb after returning the embrace of a beloved friend and confidant. She then grabbed hold of his arm for escort down the winding path from the High Tinkertory, down to into the city which she held so dear, the city which until only still so recently was all she had known.
And as she walked, audibly promising the matter was settled to her companion, she continued to silently deliberate within herself over it all... whether she was making the right or wrong choice, whether there was an optimization to their plans she failed to find, whether or not it was hopeless to even try, endlessly as she would, as she does, and as she has, every single day of her life.
And as such... she prayed to the Titans, as she did, every single day of her life, that they may Observe her following the ideal path.
Tell me what your spirit says Show me what you pray Teach me every single part I'll be your guide You are a prisoner Looking for to be You can change your face But can't change your mind No matter what do you do No matter what do you do No matter what do you do No matter what do you do
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noona-clock · 6 years
I’ll Be Fine
Genre: College!AU/Fluff
Pairing: Jae x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, The Great Cookie Bake-Off
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The first thing you did after swinging open the door to your dorm room was let out a long, very frustrated sigh. And then you flung yourself onto your bed, burying your face in your pillows and whining desperately.
“So,” your roommate chirped. “I’m assuming you had a good Thanksgiving.”
You rolled over onto your back, groaning as you did because you were simply exhausted. Drained of all energy. “Oh, yeah,” you replied sarcastically with a deeply furrowed brow. “Very good. I spent the entire time dodging questions about my boyfriend.”
“...You don’t have a boyfriend.”
Your roommate sighed softly, turning around in her desk chair to face you. “Well, I spent the entire week doing homework, so I guess we’re both outta gas, huh?”
“Holidays are supposed to be relaxing! You’re supposed to come back refreshed and eager and ready to get back to the grind! So why do I just want to go to sleep for the next ten hours?”
“Go eat something,” she suggested as she turned back around and began typing. “You’re like the embodiment of those Snickers commercials. You’re not you when you’re hungry.”
You let out a breathy chuckle, managing to sit up even though you truly could’ve laid on your bed for the rest of the week. “Come with me?”
“I can’t. I’ve got this paper to finish up.”
“I’m sorry, but being a Pre-Law major sucks. I don’t know what you got yourself into, but I’m glad I did not,” you said with a grimace. She was constantly writing papers and doing homework, and you were just too lazy for that life.
Your roommate shot you a somewhat sassy look, quirking her brow and pursing her lips. “Speak to me again when I’m making double -- triple -- the amount of money you are, Miss Education Major.”
You were about to snap back with ‘Well, I’ll be teaching our future and making a difference!’ But... she would also be making a difference as a lawyer, so... There went that argument.
“Whatever,” you sighed. “I’ll just marry rich.”
“You have to find a boyfriend first,” she reminded you cheekily.
“Okay, I’m leaving.”
“Wait! I think Jae is back already. You should ask him to go with you. I don’t think he’s ever said ‘no’ to a meal before.”
“This is true,” you murmured as you slid your phone out of your back pocket. You brought up your message conversation with Jae, typing out your question as quickly as you could. You’d just realized how hungry you actually were, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could wait to head off to the dining hall.
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Jae must have been just as hungry as you because he replied back almost immediately.
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“All right, see you later,” you sighed as you rolled off your bed and lifted an arm to wave goodbye to your roommate.
“Can you bring me back a slice of pizza?” your roommate asked quickly as you opened the door.
“Ya snooze, ya lose.”
“I’m not snoozing, I’m working!”
You cackled as you closed the door behind you, though both of you knew you would definitely bring her back a slice of pizza. You had a habit of pretending to be mean and uncaring when, really, you had one of the softest hearts. You would do anything for your friends.
Since Jae lived in the dorm next door, you figured he would meet you at the dining hall just across the street. It was the closest one, so why would you go anywhere else?
Lo and behold, when you walked into the spacious room filled with tables, you saw Jae already waiting at one of them.
“Well, well, well,” you announced as you approached him. “Pink hair. This is new.”
Jae was actually one of your roommate’s friends from high school; a tight-knit group of them had enrolled here together, so when you’d been randomly picked to be the roommate of one of them, you’d initially felt totally lost and left out.
But both your roommate and Jae had taken you in almost immediately. You got along extremely well with the both of them, and they’d actually become two of your closest friends over the past year and a half.
Jae quickly looked up at you, a somewhat embarrassed smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 
“Yeah... just needed a change.”
“I like it,” you grinned as he stood from his seat.
He murmured his thanks as the two of you headed over to the sushi station, collecting your trays and placing your orders.
“So, how was your Thanksgiving?” Jae asked, apparently deciding to get most of your talking done now as you were waiting for the chef to make your California rolls. I mean, honestly, once you both got started eating, your mouths would be too full to say anything, so it was just as well.
“It was awful,” you replied with an angelic smile. “My family wouldn’t get off my case about the boyfriend I don’t have.”
“Ouch,” he hissed with a shake of his head.
“Same. I mean, I don’t understand why they’re so concerned with the fact that I’m single. I’m only in my second year of college! I’m still very young! Wouldn’t they rather I focus on school right now?” You simply rolled your eyes before asking Jae in return, “What about yours?”
“Well, about the same. Found out Jamie was cheating on me, so I broke up with her.”
“Oh, my god!” you gasped. “Seriously?!”
Jae nodded, his lips pressed together in a thin line. “She’s been hounding me ever since, trying to apologize and get back together.”
“But you’re not having it?” you asked, clasping your empty tray to your chest.
“Nope. I mean, she did it once. If we got back together, there’s every chance she would do it again. I’m not gonna put myself through that.”
“...Are you gonna be okay?” you asked softly. After all, they’d been together since high school. It had to be rough.
“Yeah,” Jae replied with a nod. “I’ll be fine. Live and learn.”
You frowned, reaching out with one hand and putting it on his fluffy, pink head. You stroked his hair gently as you let out a soft sigh. Jae was one of the nicest, coolest people you knew. He didn’t deserve to be treated like that!
Just then, Jamie herself walked through the dining hall doors. She spotted you petting Jae’s head, obviously, because her eyes narrowed.
“Oops,” you murmured, quickly pulling your hand away.
“No, no,” Jae whispered. “Do that again.”
“Do what again?”
“Pet my head!”
“Why --”
“Just do it!”
You reached out yet again, smoothing your palm over his hair and trying to look as sorry as you just had.
Jae’s eyes flitted over toward Jamie, and you saw she’d now pursed her lips and stomped off to another part of the dining hall.
“Oh, my god, I have an idea,” Jae said in a tone of slight awe.
The sushi chef handed over your orders then, and you thanked him before heading off back to the table Jae had occupied just a few minutes ago.
“Okay, this might sound crazy,” Jae began, sliding into the seat next to you. He leaned in, lowering his voice so only you could hear. (There was literally no one around you so it didn’t matter how low his voice was, but whatever.) “But I think it could work.”
“What could work?”
“Your family is going to hound you again when you go home for Christmas, right?”
You simply rolled your eyes in response.
“And did you see Jamie’s reaction when you were petting my hair?”
“Yeah...” Okay, where was he going with this?
“What if we pretend to be dating?”
“What?!” you cried. You immediately clapped your hand over your mouth because your voice had been a lot louder than you’d intended.
“What?!” you repeated in a whisper. “That doesn’t just sound crazy. That is crazy!”
“But think about it! I can visit you at home so your family will get off your case about being single. You can act like my girlfriend around campus where Jamie can see. Your family will shut up, and Jamie will realize we’re not getting back together and stop stalking me. We both win!”
The expression on Jae’s face made it clear he thought he’d come up with the most genius, fool-proof plan ever, and it was actually pretty difficult to say no to that face...
But you were going to, anyway.
“No way.”
“Are you sure?” Jae asked, looking awfully skeptical.
“Yes, I am sure! That would never work!”
He simply let out a sigh before grabbing his chopsticks and picking up a roll of sushi from his plate. “All right. But if you change your mind...”
“I’ll let you know,” you told him with a disbelieving chuckle. Because you were quite sure you weren’t going to change your mind.
The rest of your meal panned out in a very average way: you talked about your upcoming finals, what you wanted for Christmas, the latest Memes... y’know. Normal college stuff.
Thankfully, Jae didn’t bring up his crazy fake dating scheme again, though he did say, “And remember. If you change your mind...” when you parted ways at your dorm building.
You were still chuckling softly to yourself and shaking your head when you arrived back in your dorm room, prompting your roommate to swivel around and eye you curiously.
“What’s so funny?”
“Oh, man,” you groaned as you plopped onto your bed. You held out the to-go box with the pizza you’d grabbed for her on your way out, your smile growing when you heard her joyful squeal. “Jae -- well, first of all, if you didn’t know: Jamie cheated on him, so he dumped her.”
“I knew it! I never trusted her. Didn’t I say --”
“And he came up with this ridiculous idea,” you interrupted. (Your roommate had a penchant for going on preachy rants, and you’d learned to just stop her before she got started.) “I told him about my family, right? And he said we should pretend to be in a relationship to get my family to stop bothering me and to get Jamie to stop bothering him. Apparently, she keeps texting him wanting to get back together, but I immediately --”
“That’s actually not a bad idea,” she mumbled, her mouth half-full of pepperoni, hot cheese, and freshly-baked dough.
You stopped talking mid-sentence, your mouth hanging open with your unspoken words.
“...I’m sorry, what?” you asked after a few awkwardly silent moments.
“It’s not! I mean, you two are friends, right?”
“You know each other, so it’s not like people wouldn’t believe it. And if it gets you guys both free from your demons... what’s the harm?”
“Uh... the harm is it’s weird?”
“It’s not that weird! You’re helping each other out! You like helping friends. You got me this pizza, didn’t you?” She held the box up with a very angelic look on her face.
“That is not even remotely the same. Getting Jae pizza and pretending to be his girlfriend are two -- I mean, you can’t even compare them. Apples to oranges.”
“Well, all I’m saying is, I don’t think it’s as crazy as you do. I think he’s right. It could totally work. But, hey, it’s not me who would be in the fake relationship, so...” She shrugged before shoving more of the pizza into her mouth and swiveling back around to face her laptop.
You were about to continue on with your argument, bringing up the fact you weren’t living in a Netflix movie or something. Pretending to be Jae’s girlfriend would only make it awkward between you two once you “broke up,” and you didn’t want to ruin your friendship with him!
But what was the point, really? Your roommate was going to be a lawyer. Whatever argument you made, she would be able to refute it and top it.
So you simply got out your phone and pulled up YouTube, preparing to watch a Vine compilation or five. Classes didn’t start until tomorrow, and you would start studying for finals then. Today, you would relax and de-stress from your Hell week at home.
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Truthfully, you almost cried when your alarm went off the next morning.
You weren’t ready to get out from under your warm, cozy blankets. You weren’t ready to get dressed or brush your teeth. You weren’t ready to gather your books and put on your backpack and trek to class in the cold. You weren’t ready to sit in your seat for an hour and attempt to pay attention.
As much as you’d suffered over the Thanksgiving holidays, you were not that much happier being back at school - actually going to class.
You flung your arm out, grasping for your phone and pressing the ‘Snooze’ button on the screen. But rather than going back to sleep, you slid your phone off your side table and brought it up to your face to check your notifications.
Email, email, Instagram, Twitter, email, text from your mom, text from your aunt -- wait, holy crap.
The two messages from your mom and aunt were part of a group chat, one you had no idea you’d been added to, and as you scrolled down... you saw at least two dozen more messages.
You slid the notification over, opening the chat and navigating up to the very beginning.
The very first message was one from your cousin. She’d sent it last night after you’d fallen asleep, and the rest of your family had been responding since then, including this morning.
The message?
It was a picture of her left hand. With a ring on it.
A diamond ring.
Oh, fuck.
You thought it had been bad over Thanksgiving, but now that your cousin was engaged?! The questions and quips and remarks about your own love life would get even worse.
And you really didn’t think you could handle that.
You shouldn’t have to! Not over Christmas!
You slammed your phone back down on your side table before lugging yourself out of bed, sluggishly starting to get ready for class.
Unsurprisingly, you started off your day in a pretty foul mood. You trudged over to the English building for your first class of the day. You scowled as your professor lectured about archetypes and symbolism. You picked at your breakfast, barely touching it even though you were one to rarely ever skip a meal.
And then, as you were pushing your scrambled eggs around on your plate with your fork. you had an idea.
Well, not really an idea.
The more accurate term would be ‘you changed your mind.’
You stood immediately, picking up your tray and hurrying over to the kitchen window to deposit it. And then you weaved your way through the tables of chattering students, your heart racing and your mind whirling.
Within three minutes, you were standing in front of the door to Jae’s dorm, out of breath and knocking as gently as you could manage. You were kind of shaking, so you were finding it just a tad difficult to control your body right now.
As soon as the door opened, you made sure it was Jae answering - not his roommate, Wonpil - before blurting out, “Let’s do it.”
“...Let’s do what?” he asked groggily, his pink hair adorably mussed up. Lucky him with no morning classes.
“Let’s date -- fake date. I changed my mind. Let’s do it.”
Part 2
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