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kottkrig · 4 months ago
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Commission for Circuitsandsorcery
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eluviannaa · 3 months ago
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Some rp bits from this week. CHAOS!
Appraising the sinister display, the mechagnome impatiently jammed a thumb into the remote’s unnecessarily large red button.
“HA! let's DO this!”
Its satisfying click widened her eyes, head whipping eagerly to the robots. The jittering machines erupted into motion. Articulated arms unfolded, each end fitted with a circular blade taunting a sharp glint.
The jagged metal sputtered in sequence—first one, then another, then all at once—until it drowned the appreciative cackles. Heavy footfalls advanced, heralding a truly impressive display: deadly double halos of whirling steel.
The small, wicked laughter now rose as a chorus above the chaos. With a grand flourish, one of their company swiped a wrench from his belt, holding it at the side of his mouth.
“And now—the future of ingenuity versus...” He rocked back on his heels allowing tone to carry the performance.
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wowscenery · 2 years ago
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azerothtravel · 2 years ago
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If I Had A Dollar For Every Time..., Mechagon, June 30, 2019.
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theuser · 1 year ago
Dragonflight Season 1 activities - Time Rifts, Dreamsurges, and Barter Boulders
Patch 10.1.5 brought Time Rifts and 10.1.7 brought Dreamsurges to Dragonflight. I meant to talk about them a little so here we are, a season late. Time Rifts Time Rifts gave us some interesting lore tidbits around what if scenarios without really delving into time travel shenanigans. I thought it was fun addition and recommend seeing each of the different time rifts. These are the timelines…
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findmeinshattrath · 2 years ago
In relation to my post about the Forsaken and the Mogu...
I think it would make a lot of sense if the Forsaken as a faction showed more interest in Titan technology than they do in canon. Mechagon bionics and Draenei Vigilants too. I know that they need to keep to a certain style and theme to keep the Forsaken what they are, and that the conditions of undeath are a big part of the fantasy, but you would think that they would explore other avenues of dealing with their state of being. There are lore issues of forsaken dealing with missing limbs, rotting flesh, etc. I bet a many would be interested in robot arms or stone bodies or whatever.
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vuliyshenanigans · 2 months ago
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(Smoke doesn't show unless clicked hhhhhhh. Transparency issues.)
Due to circumstances involving some VERY angry Wardens and an ongoing satyr hunt, Wicker has decided to lay low by taking on a new form.
Say hi to Teacher Mara, totally unrelated worgen woman who just so happens to talk in the same way as Wicker and has his exact fur color scheme. Don't worry about it!'Say hi to Teacher Mara, totally unrelated worgen woman who just so happens to talk in the same way as Wicker and has his exact fur color scheme. Don't worry about it!
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boyslit-moving · 7 months ago
i moved myself from the comfy position to go do some wow fishing.
there is maintenance until 11 😩
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illidan · 1 year ago
person who provided the spare parts but not the energy cell to the charging station i gotta ask. why
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wp100 · 17 days ago
it's so refreshing to have a zone in WoW that's just... Goblin-oriented.
Like I've never been a huge goblin fan in the past, but this patch already has me hooked on goblin stuff.
I've always liked the goblins, but not like THIS.
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styrmwb · 2 months ago
Doing A Farewell to Arms really makes me realize why I stopped playing WoW in BfA to go to FFXIV, this shit is malicious
Like, obviously it's enough for me to do it cause I can solo shit and clean house but that doesn't hide the nefariousness of 2018
You want rares that only spawn from another rare spawn? You wanna wait 8 hours for a 1% drop chance mount? How about you lock achievements behind world quests that may or may not spawn for weeks, and then also make it so that way they don't phase properly, and people Literally Have To Wait In Line so everyone gets a fair shake. There's Mechagon, which is just exclusively RNG drops on top of RNG drops on top of heavy spare parts grinding. The continued existence of the mission table (rest in piss I am so glad they killed you), so so so so much azerite, locking content on alts behind the same super long questlines You Will Not be able to skip past; it's just. Awful. Doing ANY of this shit would have and did drive me crazy (again I left)
Makes me very grateful for the game now. Alt friendly, non malicious grinding (there's still MMO rares but at least I don't have to fucking kill the packfather for an achievement), and Good Lore
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khadgarbignaturals · 21 days ago
alright everyone this might be our most difficult challenge yet but with our powers combined i believe we can gather a good amount of info from these clips of the game
here’s my list of observations (differentiated by cat vs kitten):
cat - wow classic (you can see bartender and questie. latter has a very recognizable appearance). rogue (maybe outlaw/combat/whateveridontplayrogue). undead or human
kitten - retail wow, in a key (motherlode/mechagon is my best guess). unsure of the POV class since the image is so blurry, but a paladin is present. higher likelihood of POV being a rogue since it’s the same person playing in both. i can see a proc alert show up but can’t figure out what class its for
also to help narrow stuff down, this video was posted late 2020
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eluviannaa · 3 months ago
Some RP bits from this week. I love handling both Elu and Ozzie with this scenario, they play so well together.
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Ozzie's attention darted back and forth with the conversation, nudging his eyepatch with a toothy grin.
“Aye, a revolution’s an open invitation for business, lassie. Best stockpile an arsenal—might have more guests showin’ up soon.” He gave a wink with his good eye.
Eluvianna smirked at the exchange. “You two have all the subtlety of a missile yourselves.”
Tilting her head toward the gnome, she continued, voice smooth. “But now that we’ve had the pleasure of a proper introduction, perhaps you’d be so kind as to grant us your blessing for passage.”
“Truly, we have no intention of interfering with your own business. If anything, we likely share a common interest—what you may not yet realize it is you have here.”
The performance drew a stifled laugh from Ozzie, who had seen it play out a thousand times before. It didn’t always fully catch, but more often than not, it dangled a curious lure few could resist acknowledging. That, after all, was half the battle—and half the brilliance of the strategy.
The gnome's eyes narrowed in response, though still unclear if in consideration or hostility.
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wowscenery · 2 years ago
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azerothtravel · 2 years ago
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Jetpack Pals, Mechagon, June 30, 2019.
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demilypyro · 2 months ago
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just finished grinding mechagon rep to exalted and i find out the mount costs over 400k gold wtf. what did i do this for
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