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msburb · 5 years ago
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#doggyhumor #writerslife #booksbybjthompson #beingyourbest #excellence #humor #writersofinstagram (at Calgary Alberta Canada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBW2FC6jnVj/?igshid=1hycvxeub7kwp
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cadescha · 5 years ago
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This is For Everyone who Tries - I see you 👀 you make the world a better place, just by being you!!!❤
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shamarwyn · 5 years ago
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Being strong, healthy and beautiful! Taking time to train yourself and be your best~ #greenbeautycomminuty #greenbeauty #greenbeautyproducts #greenbeautyblogger #beingyourbest #selfcare #selfcareritual #dailymotivation #dailyrituals #strongwomen #organicbeauty #organicbeautyproducts #naturalbeauty #naturalbeautyproducts #naturalfragrance #naturalperfume #aromatherapy #fencing #sword #shamarwyn #madeinaustin #naturalproducts (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ipt--nvRn/?igshid=m1yq3d5hk6rp
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outt-off · 7 years ago
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N E V E R ...!
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girishksharma31 · 6 years ago
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#beingthebest #beingyourbest #beingthebestme #motivatio #motivational_quotes #keepmotivating #quotes #quotestoliveby #quote #quoteoftheday #quoteoflife #quoteofday #quotestagram #follow4followback #follow #followers #following #girishksharma #thoughts #motivationalquotes #motivationalquote #follow #sundaythought #sundaythoughts #sundaythoughts💭 (at Greater Noida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx66vgYh7NI/?igshid=1nz4xsvjphcsl
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jasatti-blog · 7 years ago
Just be yourself?
When you look at remarkable individuals - and when I say remarkable or successful individuals, I don't mean monetarily successful; I mean people that have been successful at achieving whatever they set out to do - you'll find that the thing they have in common is they have nothing in common.
These are individuals who've managed to figure out the unique gift that the universe gave them when they incarnated, and then put that at the service of their goals.
I think that we all come complete. We come complete with one true note we were destined to sing, and these are people that have managed to figure that out.
It doesn't dictate your choice of job; what it dictates is how you do it.
When we see these people we invariably call them larger than life. Which always makes me smile because how could you be larger than life?
Life is large.
But most of us don't take up nearly the space the universe intended for us. We take up this tiny space around our toes, which is why when you see somebody in the full flow of their humanity, it's remarkable.
They're at least a foot bigger in every direction than normal human beings, and they shine, they gleam, they glow; it's like they've swallowed the moon.
And all the thinking, reading and researching that I've done, has led me to believe that individuality really is all it's cracked up to be. In fact, people who are frightened to be themselves will work for those who aren't afraid.
Now your job is not to be anything like any of the people, in fact, your job is to be as unlike them as you can possibly be. Your only job while you're here on this planet is to be as good at being you as they are at being them.
That's the deal.
So, I want to start today by asking you an incredibly personal question. In fact, this is a question that's been looking for you your whole life. It's probably the simplest and the most complicated question you'll ever ask yourself. Yet how many times in your life has somebody offered you that well-meaning piece of advice that you should just be yourself? How many times have you said it to somebody else?
If you tell John to be himself, he doesn't want to be Mary. He's quite happy being himself, but it's the use of the word "just" that I find interesting because it would imply two things.
Number one, that that was an easy thing to do.
Number two, that it was an original piece of advice.
You know, John had never thought about it himself. When it comes to being yourself, when it comes to being in the world, the minute you showed up, the minute you incarnated, you were given a life sentence. Now, you don't know how long you have. Maybe you have 70 years, and I have 62. We've no idea how long we have. Although, where you're born, when you're born, to whom you're born, all these things have a certain influence or impact on how you become who you become.
If you're born in Switzerland, chances are you've got a long time to figure this shit out. If you're born in Zimbabwe or some parts of Glasgow, you've got significantly less time.
What I want you to think about is not what your life expectancy is, but what do you expect from life? And what does life expect from you?
Those are more interesting questions.
And the two places in life where you are awesome at being yourself, you're fantastic at being yourself, one of them is when you're a kid. When you're a kid, you're fantastic at being yourself because you don't know how to disguise your differentness.
"Give me a boy until the age of seven, and I'll show you the man," because that's the birth of consciousness. And from then on you become more self-conscious and by default less good at being yourself.
The other place you're fantastic at being yourself is when you're a wrinkly, because you can't be arsed. You get to that stage in your life where you realize, you attend more funerals than weddings and everything intensifies.
You become more honest; you become less compromising. We call our oldies "eccentric." In fact, what they're doing is being authentic.
It is kind of like an hourglass effect: when you're young you're great at being yourself; when you're old you're great at being yourself; but the bit in the middle is sometimes the most problematic.
That's the bit where you have to socialize; you have to accommodate; you have to adapt.
There is such a thing as the "I complex," and the "I complex" is a model to help you figure out, which "I" you mean when you say "I."
I am sure you are already familiar with the superiority complex. If you have a superiority complex, you pretty much think you're the most important person in the room.
If you've got an inferiority complex you suffer from an over-modest self-regard.
These are both signs of a fragile ego. One of them is about delusions of grandeur, and the other one delusions of insignificance.
There's a third way of being in the world, and I call it "interiority;" this is one of my made-up words (and anyone, who knows me realises making up words is a common occurrence). The word "interiority" describes a particular disposition, and there are two reasons it might be useful to you.
Number one, it's completely non-comparative. If you have a superiority complex or an inferiority complex you need other people around. For a superiority complex you need other people to be smaller. For an inferiority complex you need to suffer from the I'm-gonna-be-found-out syndrome, so somebody needs to find you out. Interiority is entirely unrelative, so to operate from this position of interiority, it's like a perceptual vantage point.
It's a sensibility. It's an orientation.
And it's the only place in your life, the only place in your life, you have no competition. Try and find a comparison to yourself, and you'll draw a blank.
When you figure out how to be yourself it's an incredibly liberating, untragic way to go through life. You don't develop an identity that's predicated on being a patchwork personality.
You're not a composite, an amalgam, of all your experiences and influences. You're not just somebody's boss, or somebody's mom, or anybody's anything.
You're yourself.
However, the chances are, there are at least four of you sitting and reading this, so let me introduce yourselves.
The most visible "you" that you represent to the outside world is what everybody else thinks of you, and there are as many opinions of you as there are people.
I want you to imagine you're like a big USB stick that you plug into the world. You show up on the desktop of the world.
That's the power of context.
If you don't understand that bit, being yourself can be an ill-advised strategy.
Of course, it is important that you understand perception, but one of the things I've noticed, in terms of gender, and I'm terribly, untragically female by the way. I don't find myself tragically woman.
There are very few things that I think are gender-specific, but one of them is something I call "approval addiction." The need to be liked, the need for approbation, or recognition, or for somebody to tell you it's okay. I find more woman suffer from that affliction than men, and I think it's one of the most debilitating things.
When it comes to being yourself, needing other people's approval, loving somebody else's opinion, and mistaking it for your own is one of the most debilitating things you'll do on the road to being yourself.
You will never, ever be perception-less, but it's important to be perception-free.
One of the things that is going to help you to be perception-free is to tune into the next circle of the "I complex."
This is your wish image.
This is what you would like everybody else to think of you, and it's not about being fake, or fad, or pretending. It's about moving; it's about possibility; it's about potential; it's about supposition. So, whilst there's a part of you that's like your backbone, this part of you is like your wishbone.
This one is your adaptive personality, your construct self, and even that's unique, because nobody in the world has had the same experiences or influences that you have.
But this is the you that keeps moving, that keeps changing all the time. And it helps you avoid being one of those people ...
You know the people that say to you they have 15 years’ experience when they mean one year, 15 times?
They literally repeat themselves, year, after year, after year.
What I want you to think about is with every passing year, your job is to be better and better at being who you already are.
This is not a cosmetic exercise as you are already different.
Your job is to figure out how, and then to be more of that.
Now, there are certain times in your life that lend themselves to change, that make change quicker, deeper. I call them intervals of possibility. They're not always as well sign-posted as this one, but you know those times in your life when you come to a bifurcation on the path, and you sense that the potential for change is heightened.
You meet a stranger in a bar; you have to decide what you're going to do.
Your boss comes to you and offers you a new job. What do you want; do you want to keep doing the same thing or do you want this job?
And you know that if you make that change, the speed of your life will change. Unfortunately, some of these interventions, some of these intervals of possibility, are catastrophic.
In fact, most of them are catastrophic because most of us would rather sleepwalk until something happens to wake us up.
And what will happen is somebody you love will get sick, or you'll get sick, or you'll get fired.
Or maybe it's something impersonal. Maybe 9/11 happens, or the tsunami happens, or the Kashmiri earthquake happens, but something happens that rocks you back into that inner self, and makes you ask the question I asked you at the beginning of this post.
The problem is when it happens catastrophically you're vulnerable, you're weak.
And my question is, why wouldn't you ask yourself these questions when you're strong, from a position of health?
When you're in a job, when you're loved: that's when the questions become most useful.
So, the question on this one is, "If you could be the woman of your dreams, who would you be?"
The thing that might stop you being the woman of your dreams is the next circle, and that's what you think of you.
So now you've got what others think of you, what you would like others to think of you, and this is what you think of you.
And you have good days and bad days, right? There's days where you wake up and you think you're the bee's knees. And other days you wake up and you can't even say your name.
On the days when you wake up and you feel like the bee's knees, it's not even like you've got a reason. It's like free-floating joy in your body just looking for a target. And your hair's fabulous, and everything just works, everything works on those days.
But the other days nothing works. Your legs don't work, your mouth doesn't work. The word thief comes and steals your entire vocabulary.
Those are two extremes of your ego, and one of them is about self-congratulation, and the other one is about self-castigation.
Now your entire life, I don't care who you are, I don't care how old you are, your entire life, from birth up until now has been about building a stable relationship with your ego. You need an ego to live in a Western, capitalist world.
If you didn't have an ego you'd be toast.
But your challenge is to take the ego from its dominant position and pull it back, so that it's in service to yourself.
That's when it becomes useful, and in order to do that you've got to find the still point right in the middle of those two extremes.
That's what I would call equanimity, or equilibrium, and it's the kind of state of mind that cannot be perfumed in any way by anything that happens outside you.
This kind of confidence that comes from there is like the confidence of the sky. Right now, it's dark outside, but you know if you went up in a plane, even in the stormiest of days, the sky's brilliant blue underneath. When you look at the sky, and it's made a rainbow, and it's absolutely gorgeous, there's no question that the sky's up there going, "Ha, did you see my rainbow?". Or when it's a terrible, bleak, you know, grey, gloomy day, that the sky's going to apologize.
No, the sky just is, because the sky sees the impermanence of the clouds, and the impermanence of the rainbows, and you have to develop an inner state of mind that's as impervious to all the good shit and bad shit that happens to you as the sky is to the weather.
We would call this feeling a feeling of humility. Humility is not thinking less of yourself; humility is thinking about yourself less.
Finally, last, the last you, and the opposite of least, is the ever-present unchanging you.
This is the you that you've been since you were seven, and the you that you'll be when you're 107.
Your life has to be your message. Otherwise, why are you here? It's not like you've got a spare.
So, when you think about your identity, when you think about what it means to be alive, when you think about why you deserve to exist, you're not your thoughts, because you think them.
And you can't be your feelings, because otherwise, who's the you that feels them?
You're not what you have; you're not what you do; you're not even who you love, or who loves you.
There has to be something underneath all that.
When you look at people who have managed to transcend all these judgements that we put upon them - You know, this man here, he couldn't be judged as a man, or a black man, or young, or old, or Democrat, or Republican, nor a gay, or a straight. It really, really wouldn't have mattered because he knew why he was here.
Yes, we can.
So, you see, he seemed to be a verb.
Even when you're born without many of the attributes that some of your peers may have, even when you're born in a way that may lead you to feel impotent, if you can tap into that voice, if you can tap into that inner voice that I've been talking about, you might just end up being,
That's what happens when you dial in to the personal pronoun.
If you can do this, not only will the speed of your life get quicker, not only will the substance of your life get richer, but you will never feel superfluous again.
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anatomyofeverything · 7 years ago
Remnants of a hopeful heart.
Our lives rarely turn out the way we want it to. Why? This is a question, I have never seen anyone ask or answer for that matter. The mystery albeit remains, why can't our lives turn out the way we imagine or better yet dream it to.  I don't put much faith in common sayings like things will get better or that it happened because it was supposed to and the condolence is that there wasn't anything that you could have done to prevent this former from birthing.  Instead, I believe that what happens to us, everything in its intricate details is a result of our own actions. Our actions and words and movements every second of the day, leads to the shaping of our future in both the happiness and sadness.                         We can't really see acknowledge or feel it happen because for most of our actions and movements, we are unconscious and seldom, mere nano seconds later we come to the knowledge of what we just did.  I used to want to be conscious for all my seconds of a day. I wanted to be in control and shame my own future.  Unfortunately, I failed and I should say, I failed miserably because now, I spend more time making unconscious actions than I did before. But if to justify it, there is the benefit of not feeling any pain or guilt of running from responsibilities in being unconscious.  Hypocrisy, fakery, mockery, pretending and fakness. This is pretty much what has become of human beings now. As much as we would deny it, it is true. We have turned into a breed of hypocrites who wears the masks of fakery and pretends that everything is perfect, that the illusion of happily ever after is not just a phrase of Disney but is somehow our very own reality yet in our real realities, words like honor, being honest and true- to ourselves and our friends and family, gentleman nature, ladylike manners- have disintegrated into prose of bedtime fairytale stories that can never happen.  In simple words, we pretend. All the time. We pretend that we aren't hurting or that we may not be okay. We act as if we will not acknowledge the problem, then somehow the problem will disappear and then we cherish on our victory in successfully avoiding the problem.  It is very true and I can say this because I have my first hand experience of it. I have witnessed these actions in eyes of those I love. And just the other day, I heard this quote, ' you are a gentleman, if you know when to walk away. If you ask for what you deserve.' None of us are really gentleman's anymore, I guess.  I am going to a sadistic here and say it out loud that there are not any advantages or benefits of pretending, wearing a mask.  However, there are many disadvantages.  You can pretend that the heartbreak didn't break you but it did. Doesn't matter if you pretend because it is still true.                   You can pretend that you are happy when in fact you haven't been Happy in ages. You can pretend that the events of past had no effect on you and that you are still the same person that you were before them but it did have an effect and you shouldn't be the same person after that. It's twisted to the levels of Ramsey Bolton, if you are still the same person.  Most of us, or at least almost all of us, of my age, young adults or late teenagers are trying to convince the world and themselves that, they are not broken in more pieces than they can count. That they are not depressed to the severe levels. That they are not okay. That we are not okay.  Our elders have successfully taught us the art of disguise. We have created this perfect fiction for ourselves in which we are playing house. This fiction that we have created portrays that everything is fine and perfect and that we one whole person. And we have bought so much into this act that now this has enveloped into our reality.  This is the most unfortunate part. Because of this, we have lost ourselves. We have lost our inspiration and motivation in life. We have our reasons to live or joy of life. We have lost our courage to fight such battle that we have always dreamt of fighting. We have lost the shudders in our hearts, when we run away from nobel acts of bravery and valor. We have lost everything. We are the forfeited to this rule of pretendence and ignorance that now even our ever so teasing demons have abandoned us; because of our lack of fight.  This is our problem. I have this problem.  This here, was my acceptance. I knew the problem and I knew that I had this problem. Now that this is out of the way, I will move onto the next step.  Finding my lost self and asking for its forgiveness. Because I need its forgiveness as it was my mistake. I stopped fighting. I opted to the easy way of living when no one ever said that life was easy.  It's okay. We make mistakes. We fail. That's how we learn. We don't learn by pretending that we didn't fail or made the mistake. We learn by acknowledging them. It is okay to see that you are, that we are broken. This picture may not be pretty but at least it is real and true. And these two are a rarity in the world, if we want to inspire them in our ssoulmates, we need to practice them first.  We need to divulge into battle against everyone- even our loved onces because as selfish as this may sound, they have played a part in ruining us. And we are not looking for any revenge, we are only asking for what we deserve, as we should, as is our right.  Its okay, if you are broken. It's okay if you are lost. It's okay if you made a mistake. We all are the same. I am the same. I feel and did the same things. But, now you and I, we can begin to accept that we are broken and that we may never be whole again and its okay because with time, when we survive this, these pains of past will shape into scars; our battle wounds that will always be embroided on us and we will live with them.  We will finally see ourselves as the imperfect beings with the mistakes that we made and these scars will help us in not making the same mistakes again. But our hearts, they will be pure; dictating our actions of valor, courage, honor and gentlemanly behavior.  All of this is only possible, if we break from our trance of unconscious, and look at ourselves for what broken mess we are.  -Naba Mehdi
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tonyfahkry · 8 years ago
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Today’s message is a passage from my new book, Awaken Your Authentic Self that relates to the power of potential. “Whatever is possible is attributed to the mind that can conceive it. The realization of our goals and dreams is constrained only by our limiting beliefs. They slow if not halt progress altogether, because the same creative intelligence that manifests our desires also gives birth to our insecurities. The power to unleash potential is overcome by rising above our obstacles instead of being defeated by them. Each time we rise above our defeats, we embrace who are by nurturing our potential. Potential is clothed in hard work, an indomitable will, commitment, and courage.” Discover more about the book: http://thoughtcatalog.com/book/awaken-your-authentic-self/ #success #nomorexcuses #intentions #dontgiveup #persistence #attitude #mentalapproach #mindset #emotions #personaldevelopment #inspirational #potential #gifts #talents #genius #character #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #wisdom #success #successful #bringoutthebest #beingyourbest #greatness #great #success #excellence #passion #potential
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moonchildleo · 5 years ago
The tranquility that comes when you stop caring what they say. Or think, or do. Only what you do.
-Marcus Aurelius
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hershkiss16 · 6 years ago
Everything Happens for a Reason and for the Best
This play called life is a play of victory and sorrow. We’ve all experienced ups and downs in our lives, right? The most interesting and meaningful stories to us too aren't those where everything is always perfect and stays peachy. They’re also not the ones where one bad thing after another happens. Rather, the most compelling stories we hear are those of obstacles being overcome. A key through navigating through life is how we respond to any situation, no matter how difficult it is. It's a matter of facing the consequences of the decisions we’ve made rather than having regrets. What IS the point of regrets anyhow? The decision has been made and we can’t go back to the past to change that decision. Would it be helpful if we could though? That brings me to a story I recently heard.
Five friends were once passing through a forest. After walking for awhile, they realized they may have lost their way. One friend said they should take the path to their left to get out of the forest and headed in that direction. Another friend decided taking the path to their right was better. The 3rd person thought the other two friends were crazy, stating they were already going on the right path and that they simply had to continue forward. The 4th person in the group decided the safest way to travel would be by going back on the path they had taken up to that point, and thus started walking back. The remaining person saw all his friends taking these different directions. He chose a path that turned out not to only be the shortest but also the right route. Which way was that?
Turns out, that 5th person climbed up the tallest tree in that forest and looked in all directions, thus finding the shortest and fastest way to get out of there and back to his destination.
What does this story teach us? And what happened to the rest of the group? Did they end up finding their way out and at their starting destination/their home? Look out for my next blog post to find out!
While I’m yet to relay the rest of the story, I don’t want to delay crediting my sources. I heard and learned of this story from the show Meri Sai - Shraddha Aur Saburi.
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beyoutiquotes-blog · 6 years ago
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Be. You. Always. #simplicity #life #beingyourbest Photo by Godisable Jacob from Pexels
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gregdetisigrowth · 7 years ago
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Afternoon! 😁😁😁 Productivity and efficiency is key to being an asset in any business or career #efficiency #efficient #producer #productivity #coach #beingyourbest #quotes #effective #effectiveness #time #focus #instadaily #bristolbusiness #bristoligers
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One of my fav models nowadays,discovered by famous british top model Kate Moss,isn’t he just gorgeous? And he’s only sweet 16.. I don’t know if you dislike beauty or if you feel like beauty has nothing to do with being deep and intense but if you don’t appreciate the good things in life,you don’t appreciate inner beauty and i do really appreciate the beautiful simplicty of just being beautiful with no make up on and the sweet face in front of you looking right through you with this beautiful soul he reflects upon himself. Maybe i’m not that bitter as other people after all,i like beauty more than anything else.
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girishksharma31 · 6 years ago
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The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. . . . . #beingthebest #beingyourbest #beingthebestme #motivatio #motivational_quotes #keepmotivating #quotes #quotestoliveby #quote #quoteoftheday #quoteoflife #quoteofday #quotestagram #follow4followback #follow #followers #following #girishksharma #thoughts #motivationalquotes #motivationalquote #follow (at Greater Noida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxrfkAQBlJM/?igshid=1qw85ci9u0jx4
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dawcast · 8 years ago
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@Regrann from @1mkaura - 10 ways to find consistency as you work towards your goals and dreams. Check out usingyourpower.com with @1mkaura of discoveryourlifetoday.com and @davidandrewwiebe of Musicentrepreneurhq.com. Our goal is to have you explore the possibilities within yourself so you can change the world the way you feel is best for yourself. Get ready to learn on this high energy, knowledge filled show that will help you grow in all aspects of your life. * * #podcast #yyc #internetradio #podcasting #consistency #inspire #growth #goals #dreams #knowledge #positive #inspiration #usingyourpower #discoveryourlifetoday #motivation #life #speaker #onlinecoach #success #beingyourbest #money #living #directmarketing #hustle #passion #calgary #lifestyle #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment
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tonyfahkry · 8 years ago
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In keeping with the law of attraction, today’s message is about using the power of gratitude to create the circumstances of your life. Develop an attitude of gratitude: Being grateful does not mean comparing oneself to others who are less fortunate; for we all have our own journey in life. Mahatma Gandhi said this so eloquently – “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Start with simple things to be grateful for and watch your energy rise. You begin attracting circumstances in to your life as though each event was a miracle. People, places, things begin showing up almost instantly to remind you that your energy level is expanding in the right direction. Life reminds us in no uncertain terms, how grateful we are when we see others doing it tough or when we are going through our own hardship. Begin your journey of gratitude with the smallest gestures – a simple thank you to the universe as you retire to bed each night is a good starting point. Often when I lay my head down to rest at night, I think about the homeless person my age, sleeping outside in the cold somewhere. That thought alone ignites a deep, powerful sense of thankfulness for having a comfortable, warm bed to sleep in – I feel safe and a renewed trust that I am loved and cared for. #success #nomorexcuses #intentions #dontgiveup #persistence #attitude #mentalapproach #mindset #emotions #personaldevelopment #inspirational #potential #gifts #talents #genius #character #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #wisdom #success #successful #bringoutthebest #beingyourbest #greatness #great #success #excellence #passion #loa #lawofattraction #gratitude #grateful #perfection #perfect #universe
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