#being able to double up with a tampon and a pad has made a big difference for me
massive-ass-bird · 1 year
Idk who needs to hear this but if you struggle with tampons, try the smallest size available to you and don't use the applicator to insert it. Just push that thing out of the applicator and insert it manually. Maybe it'll still kinda suck and tampons just aren't for you, but personally it makes a world of a difference for me and I can actually comfortably wear tampons which is a game changer since I have heaaaaavy periods. I just always found the applicator fiddly and eventually bought a brand without one (Ob but I don't think it's a widespread brand) and it changed everything. If I'm in a pinch, I just grab whatever brand and push it out of the applicator.
Yeah touching yourself can be a bit icky, but you're about to wash your hands anyways. You know your body better than a piece of plastic does, do what's comfortable for you.
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magicalara · 2 years
William T Spears and Mey-Rin: an Analyzation
Or basically @docmartensanddietcoke giving me the green light to analyze characters and so I took it and ran.
Fair warning: This was barely proofread so, just letting y’all know. Read at your own discretion lol
Okay so William, he's a nose to the grind kinda guy. His character is all about work and how well he can do it, and that's what drives him. When he sets his mind to something, it will happen one way or another as long as it's a) ethical, b) possible, and c) not against the rules. He's lived his whole life following the rules to a T. The last thing that Will wants is for someone else to get hurt or in trouble bc of his actions (he cares about himself too, but he's more concerned with others. he knows he can get himself out a pickle if need be). His caring actions are more subdued and it takes a watchful eye to notice the little things he does like: putting his hand over a corner if he thinks someone's gonna walk/bump into it; a hovering hand over the small of someone's back in case they start to wander; standing just slightly in front of others, not bc he wants to be at the front for image reasons, but bc if someone attacks, he'll be able to block them from getting hit; always having a stock of multiple kinds of snacks just in case someone gets a little hungry (especially anyone younger); always has at least one tampon, pad, and hair tye on hand if anyone needs it. Things like that that if you ever came to need it, Will's there. He doesn't make it known, but he's there.
 Mey-rin lives almost a double-life in terms of what she does. While she's a badass as either a maid or an assassin, there's a distinct difference in the way she holds herself when doing each job. As a maid, she's caring and kind. She helps out Finny and Bard and Snake and whoever else at the drop of a hat no questions asked, not just bc it's kinda her job, but also bc she wants to. Finny and Snake have become like younger brothers and so anything they need, she'll be there for them as the older sister. She's also clumsy but she doesn't mind it. Sure, around Sebastian she tries to hide it, but that's for alternative reasons that mainly stem from "I need to impress him". Otherwise, she doesn't mind being her clusmy little self around like Bard, for example, who, even though he's probably much older than her (at least by 10-20 years), she still finds herself able to joke around like he's her best friend. And not having many more female influences in her life, she's able to embrace her femininity with awkward arms that are open nonetheless. She might not be exactly where she wanted as a maid, but she's able to be herself more than she ever was otherwise. 
Which brings us to said otherwise: assassin mey. As an assassin, she knows she only gets one shot (literally). She grew up for 10 years with that being her only job. Kill this person and if you succeed, you can have dinner tonight. Her past hardened her, made her distrusting of others. She might be visually impaired, but she is a very smart individual and so it takes a lot to really gain her trust. The fastest one to gain it was probably Snake and even then, she's still a bit distrusting after figuring out he was associated with the circus troupe. Assassin Mey-rin is precise and doesn't miss. It's the niggling voice in her head that scolds her for letting her guard down and reminds her that this isn't forever and to be careful lest she gets hurt again.
And Mey-rin loves William for the little things he does. Sure, outwardly he's a little sour puss who doesn't know how to have a little fun, but behind closed doors he's really just a funny guy with a big heart. She's able to see how he comes in after a long day and, while she can tell all he wants to do is collapse in bed and pass out, he still takes the time to look for her to tell her he's home and ask about her day. She sees the way he groggily mismatches his socks in the morning until she points it out for him. She sees him trying his best to make sure her workload isn't too harsh around the house by picking up things here and there and making people who come by put back anything they picked up in the right place. Granted, she's also seen the boss William T Spears who scolds his colleagues if they do something stupid and has to go fix their messes. But then she also sees him complain about the overtime while also talking about how he "loves them sometimes and then they do something stupid again and I'm reminded as to why I could never truly quit". She loves him for these softer moments and she adores him for the subtle ways he takes care of those he loves.
All of this to bring us to how these two collide. William and Mey-rin are so different outwardly, but also so similar in little ways that connect them so deep. With the task to protect Will, Mey shows her ability to be ruthless and without mercy easily. It's almost by nature that she slip into that personality where she shows how easily she can physically protect him. And when she's just a maid, it gives Will whiplash as he sees the difference between his protector and his new friend. His protector doesn't stop for anything, but his friend gives him interesting things to think about. Like I said before, William deeply cares about people in ways he prefers not to show and so to see how clumsy Mey-rin is both worries and endears him in a way he never thought.
He's worried about her well-being, of course, but he's also so entranced by the way that she's able to just..laugh it off. He sees both sides of her and utterly falls in love with it. William almost craves that extra but of stability in his life and seeing how Mey-rin is so stable in how she carries herself as an assassin who's willing to put her life on the line for his and as a maid who's oh-so clumsy but also able to laugh off her mistakes and just keep persevering...he almost wishes he could be the same.
They match because they slot into each other almost like a two matching keys. Where his key dips and rises, her's rises and dips in a matching rhythm to where they fit together. They might not open the same door, but they both lead to the same destination. Their differences bring them together as they're able to confide in each other with their problems and their similarities show them how, it doesn't matter how they got there, the point is they're together now and that's what matters most.
The first time that William gets hurt by an enemy, he's away from Mey-rin. There was absolutely no way that she could have prevented this, and hell, he's not even seriously injured, just a few scrapes and bruises adorning his skin, but she has a complete break-down when she thinks he's gone. How could she allow something like this to happen? Her job is to protect and there's William hurt. And while she thinks he's gone, he's really not. He noticed the edges of tears in her eyes before he left the room to "rest" and so he stayed back and little and saw his Mey all broken and had to seriously restrain himself from going to her side. But at this point they weren't as close and so he knew he couldn't. After this, he makes sure to always reassure her that she can't control everything and that's okay. She's figured out why he's done so but, for some reason she just can't explain, she doesn't mind that he saw her vulnerability like that.
I'd like to say they're two sides of the same coin, but they aren't. They're jobs are very different from each other and while they're lives mesh and collide, they aren't even the same form of currency. And it's because of this that so many people would be like nah they'd never work. Really, though, it's because of this that they work. They have their own distinct differences and individuality that allows them to really learn about and fall in love with each other and that's how they work so well together. Mey-rin and William are different and yet similar enough to where it's no surprise when they inevitably fall in love with each other, and that's something neither of them thought could ever happen (find love, that is).
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Survey #462
i am way too tired to mentally flip through lyrics to put here, rip
Who in your family has been married the longest? (and how long?) I have zero idea. When did you last travel alone? Where were you going? The last time I visited Sara in Illinois. Do you take your shoes off when you come inside? Yes. What was the first color you ever dyed your hair? I think I got purple highlights? What was the first social media site you ever used? MySpace. Do you have any exes you really regret dating? One. Of all your friends & family, who has the most nicely-decorated home? Sara's house is lovely. Have you ever been catcalled? No. Are you allergic to any dogs? I might be. Have you ever touched a plant and had hives shoot up your arm? No. Do you think dragonflies are cool? Absolutely! What’s your favorite thing to draw? Meerkats!! Did you toss your hat in the air at graduation? Not high. I wanted to keep it. Do you like fudge? I CAN FUCKING DESTROY SOME FUDGE. Are you an affectionate person? Very. Name something you have to do today: Girt and I are hangin', making fun of bad Netflix anime and going to Buffalo Wild Wings. :^) Would you ever write to a death row inmate? No. People don't get on death row for no reason. I ain't got shit to say to them. Do you reckon online friendships are real? No fucking shit. Most of my most genuine friendships began online. Do you like Slipknot? Yep. Can we talk about how fuckin BADASS Corey's new mask is btw?????????? What do you think of Gorillaz? I like "Feel Good Inc." and one other song I can't remember the name of. Bow ties on guys, dorky or adorable? BOTH!!!!! :') What is the cutest Halloween costume for a baby to wear? GUYS I recently saw a picture of a little baby dressed up as a Little Oogie Boogie and it made my ovaries cry. Which of your friends is the tallest? Which of them is the shortest? Jesus, Girt is a giant. I don't know about my shortest... If you could re-paint your bedroom, what color would you choose? Pastel pink. :') What has been the best night of your life so far? Why? Probably something sexual so let's keep it on the down low lmfaooo Would you ever even think about taking part in a wet t-shirt contest? Uh, no. Even if I WAS confident in my body. Is you hair color the same as it was when you were a baby? No. It was dirty blonde. Have you ever been in trouble for being too loud? Ha, yeah, at school with friends. Not big trouble or anything, we were just hushed. Did you ever attend a wedding that was a complete disaster? No. What is something that you were surprised you were able to do? Hm. What is the most bullshit-sounding true fact that you know? Male cats have spiked penises lkasdjfal;kje;kjwr it's something to do with preventing other tomcats from mating with her. What Oreo flavor is your favorite? Gimme that Double Stuffed, friend. Sour gummy worms or plain gummy worms? SOUR. Ever been in a talent show? How many times? What did you do? Nope. Ever try out for the talent show and not make it? Did you cry? Nope. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever cried about? Y'all when I was a very little kid, during my older sister's b-day party, I sobbed because I couldn't pin the tail properly on the donkey lmaoooo How do you feel about the use of nuclear weapons? Absolutely fucking barbaric. What song has the most meaning to you? "Life Won't Wait" by Ozzy Osbourne. What is your favourite dinosaur? Spinosaurus!!!! :') Have you ever made bread? No. Has anything ever fallen asleep on you? Pets, a baby I was watching after, and Jason. Ever been dominated in a game you were/are really good at? yep alskdjfla;jwej Have you ever decided to set fire to something out of anger? No. Would you rather be a house pet or a wild animal? Wild animal, I guess? Have you ever listened to a group of chanting monks? I haven't. If you had to get a portrait tattoo, who would it be of? Probably of Teddy. I've still yet to decide on the total design of his tribute tat I'm getting. Do you like the smell of men’s colognes better than woman’s perfumes? I think so, yeah. How mad would you be if someone copied your original work (story, poem)? I'd be pretty fuckin pissed. Have you ever blown something up in science class? Ha, no. Have you ever gotten a serious wound from shaving? Not serious, no. Have you invented anything, only to find out it actually exists? I feel like I have? Ever realize you never truly LOVED your first love? Absolutely not. I loved him. Would you want a Bachelor/Bachelorette party before you get married? Sure, sounds fun. Do you prefer pads, tampons or something else? As of very recently, I returned to using pads. I used tampons for most of my maturity, but I got annoyed with them for TMI reasons and resorted back to pads, even though I don't like them either. Have you ever dated a model? No. What is your ultimate goal in life? To die happy with my life and what I (hopefully) accomplished. What colour are the socks you’re wearing today? I’m not wearing any. Who was the last person you sent a Facebook message to and what did you say? Girt. It was something regarding how I once considered doing the suicide mission at BWW where you eat a select number of their hottest wings, but I didn't wanna die via chicken. :^) Are you tall, short or average? Would you change this? I'm average in height. I wouldn't change it, nah. Especially now that Girt and I are together the ridiculous height difference is hilarious but also cute lmao. Have you ever worked in a store while someone shoplifted there? Like, while I was there? No. Have you ever had casual sex? Nahhhh. What’s your favourite flavour of frosting? Chocolate. @_@ When you think of your childhood, are the memories mostly happy or sad? Mostly happy, I guess. What is it like being you? Is it enjoyable? It's very boring with few sources of joy. What are your thoughts on the cause of homosexuality? I would *assume* it's a genetic mutation. Reason being, having a romantic partnership without the ability to reproduce defies the motives of science. There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING, wrong with said (and hypothetical) genetic mutation, though. Mutations are just another part of science. They occur naturally. What subjects did you find most interesting in school? Least? Most interesting: literature/English (especially reading like, old mythology and epics and stuff like that), LOTS of branches of science (but primarily genetics), art, and I looooved my four semesters of German. Least: ANY and ALL math, history, economics, social studies... that kind of stuff. Which do you enjoy more–hot or cold beverages? Cold, for sure. What were some of your favorite bands from childhood? Green Day was one. Would you be more afraid of drowning or being buried alive? Buried alive, for sure. It would be much, much slower. Should you really be doing something more productive right now? Well, I SHOULD be sleeping. Today's going to be a long day, because when Girt comes over, he has a tendency to not leave until like fuckin midnight or later alksdjfl;waje Have you ever lived out of your car? No. Does your family own more than two houses? HUNNY we r poor. A relative just committed a very serious crime, do you turn them in? It depends on the exact crime, but odds are, yes. If you're endangering others, byyyyeeee. You’re in the woods, alone, at night…are you honestly not afraid? Bitch I'm terrified. I have zero survival skills. You are on life support, what would you want a loved one to do about it? For the love of god, please kill me. Your child has only a while to live, do you still enroll them in school? That would be up to them. Also, define "a while." How would you feel if you met your idol and they ended up being rude? WELP I have a tattoo in his honor so that would suck ass lmao According to the tale, was Eve wrong for eating and sharing the apple? "God was wrong for even setting up an apple tree and making up rules in the first place." <<<< There ya go. And the punishment was fucking ludicrously extreme. Are you working on any goals? Yes. I'm currently going to the gym regularly to try and better my physical health and then find a job. I know that being connected sounds odd, but trust me: I can barely carry out very simple tasks just because I have absolutely ZERO stamina to do almost anything. I need energy and endurance. I'm also working towards developing some self-love. Which parent named you? I wanna say my mom. Are you currently frustrated with someone? I mean, myself. Aforementioned self-love is hard. I'm just annoyed my head is so reluctant to accept that I'm not a piece of shit for a million reasons. Why have most of your past relationships ended? They all ended for different reasons, really. Are you having any online conversations, currently? I'm not. What’s on your mind? I'm just tired and going back to bed real soon. Have you ever had an argument with a teacher? No.
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1-800-seo · 5 years
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— 1-800-SEO'𝗌 𖧷 '𝖲𝗈𝗅𝗈 𝖲𝗍𝖺𝗀𝖾' — \ 1 | 2 | /
— 𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀: 𝗃𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗄𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
— 𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗋𝖾: 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿/𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍
— 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌: 2655
— 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋: 2
— 𝗌𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒: 𝗂𝗍'𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾 90'𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖩𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗄𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝗂𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗀𝗋𝗎𝗇𝗀𝖾 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗂𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗍𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗇𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗐.
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Your joints crack as you sit up in bed, you stare at the poster covered wall as your eyes adjust to the morning light. Taehyung shifts on his mattress on the floor a few metres away. The sun streams into the room through the slats of the blinds, honey glow lighting up the room. Your back aches as you stretch out your worn muscles. Last night’s activities tired out both your brain and your body.
You pad over to the chunky computer over by the window and switch it on before searching the room for your leather jacket. It’s on the floor underneath Tae’s feet, likely because it was discarded in a hurry to get some sleep. You rummage through the pockets until you find a small folded piece of paper, an old receipt, with a phone number and email address written in neat handwriting.
Once the slow computer has booted up, you load up the internet. The familiar ear piercing dial up tone You scramble to turn the volume down but it’s too late. Taehyung had already stirred and you’d jumped out of your skin. It scared you so much you have goose bumps and almost fall off your chair in the process of finding the volume button on the monitor.
Taehyung slowly sits up on the mattress, cradling his pillow like his life depends on it. His hair is ruffled and eyes heavy.
“What are you doing?” He mumbles out, voice croaky and low with sleep. “Sorry TaeTae, I was trying to ring up the internet but forgot that we played games on it on Wednesday night and didn’t turn down the sound.”
Apologetically you squeeze his knee, hoping he’ll be able to go back to sleep. You don’t like an overtired best friend, especially when yours gets extra cranky like a toddler. Luckily he lies back down and pulls his blanket over his head, most likely blocking out the light. You turn back to the computer and boot up the email program.
You input the email written on the paper, hands shaking as you type. You weren’t used to this, the email read ‘[email protected]’, it made you hyper aware that this doesn’t happen every day.
You begin writing your email to him, as you did so thoughts of gratitude and sentiment welled up inside. You u had to thank him for his kindness, after all, he spared you from a concussion.
The email read: Dear Jeon Jungkook/JJK,
Thanks for everything last night, it’s greatly appreciated. Your show was radical, and I’m sorry I bummed so much of your time. Hope we can meet again soon.
Sincerely, a loyal fan of yours, ~ ________~
You finished typing up your message and read it and re-read it for any mistakes. You wanted it to be chatty and casual but not overly casual so as to look like you don’t care. You left it at that and hit send. The paper airplane emoticon bounced in the digital wind as your email was sent though code to Jungkook himself. You got back in bed and hoped for your heart to stop fluttering.
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By the time you received an email in your inbox that wasn’t from a school friend or an advertisement, it was the following Wednesday. You were having your usual hang out with Taehyung when the computer pinged in the background of your chatter. You just ignored it since a ping on your computer is usually just your school friends gossiping about how they want you to set them up with Tae, and went back to your sewing session.
By sewing, you and Tae weren’t exactly doing cross stitch, you were sewing on patches to his back pack and your denim jacket. After you had finished that, that was when you checked your ivory coloured, cube shaped computer monitor and spotted the sender’s name: Jeon Jungkook/JJK.
Tae almost had a heart attack when he saw it with his own eyes. To double check he brushed his fringe out of them. He grabbed you by the shoulder, and shook you back and forth. “Don’t tell me that’s the JJK! Are you serious?!” He exclaimed as he rocked your brain in your skull.
“I mean I think so, I emailed him on Saturday morning.” You scanned your brain for any reason why it wouldn’t be the real him, maybe a scam?
“Open it quick!” Taehyung jumped on the computer, spamming the enter button repeatedly. The email took its time opening, the loading bar going up bit by bit. Too slow for Taehyung’s liking. A few “come on, come on!”’s later and it popped on the screen in all its anticipated glory.
It read: dear ______, im glad to hear that youre ok. dont worry about ‘wasting my time’, you made a normal day exciting, and i cant thank you enough for that, doll. hopefully we can meet up some time? id like to invite you and your friend to my next scheduled show, don’t stress about travel, ill sort it, it’d just be nice to see you again and catch a bite to eat before the show. i want to see your pretty face again, angel. let me know asap.
yours truly - jjk.
As soon as you read the email, you shook with excitement and screamed. Taehyung had wide eyes and his mouth agape. “No. Freaking. Way.” He gasped, completely in shock.
“How did this happen to me? This is a dream, right?” You shake your head as to clear a non existent sleepy fog that could be making you hallucinate.
You look back at the monitor; the email is still there. “This can’t be real?!” You exclaim, turning to Taehyung on your swizzle chair, wide eyed.
“It has to be? This is a real email, it has his email address right there!” He pokes the screen at the point of mention. “It all seems legitimate?” You ponder, searching the screen any tell tale signs of a scam.
“I hope it’s not too good to be true... I want to be your future children’s godfather.” Taehyung said with a giggle, covering his bashful smile.
“You have to be kidding me, as much as I’d like to have his children, we’ve only met once!” You blush, cheeks going warm.
After all the fangirling, you decide to sort out the arrangements of your next meet-up, and exchange more heart fluttering emails as you smooth out the plans. A few emails later and the plans end up being that you’ll start the evening with catching something to eat on the boardwalk and then you’ll go to the venue for his next concert, meet Taehyung there, chill out in the green room, and then watch the show from front row seats.
The whole plan was unreal to you, unrealistic at its simplest, but you were excited nonetheless. The day came around sooner than expected and soon enough you were picking out the perfect date outfit with your best friend, as well as wondering whether to do pre-game shots to steady your nerves.
“Are you sure you’re ok with this plan, TaeTae?” You ask hesitantly, staring into the mirror and meeting eyes with him across the room.
“Of course I am, I’m just happy I get to see my favourite artist again in concert; never mind be wingman for my favourite girl. It’s extra special when those two events align though.”
Boxy grin on his face, he looks at the ground. “You’re the best, honey bear.” You say and pull him into a befitting bear hug.
“I’ve not heard that name in a while.” He chuckles under his breath and places a firm kiss on the top of your head.
“I know your mum used to call you that when we were little so I thought it fit you; my big honey bear, intimidating to others but so sweet to me.”
You release him from the hug and share a look that holds the bond of a years long friendship. “Right, what’re you going to wear then?” “Shall we coordinate outfits?” Tae asked picking out a camouflage bandana. “You could wear your camo print pants, and I’ll wear this?” He wraps the bandana round his head and fluffs his long dark wavy hair. His change of conversation kickstarts you back into the present reality. After that, you pick out a black sleeveless crop top to go with his advised pants, layered necklaces/chokers, and boots and put them on after you’ve adorned your pants with metallic dangling chains. Once you’re in your grunge get up, you shove your across the shoulder bum bag with any essential item you might need, such as lipstick, tampons, money, etc. and sling it over your back like a quiver. If you need it you’ll have to turn it round but it’s for the aesthetic so you ignore the inconvenience it creates.
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A few hours later and you’re driving down the Cali roads in Taehyung’s 60’s Triumph TR6 with the wind in your hair and nirvana blasting on tape. Miles and miles of beach zoom by until you reach the board walk and you don’t stop until you reach the high end sea restaurants built to feed tourists.
Taehyung pulls up by the entrance and lets you out. He looks stunning in the golden sunlight, dark hair glowing amber in the rays. “Don’t have too much fun.” He lifts up his sun glasses before sending you a wink, saluting you goodbye, and driving away.
“See you at 8pm!” You shout over the roaring exhaust. He never turns around but raises a hand in a wave of acknowledgement as he drives away.
You step in to the restaurant to be met with the smell of sea salt and braised steaks. You scan the tables for a familiar face until you see a hand waving over the sides of a booth in the corner.
“Didn’t expect to be seeing you here.” You say coyly, sliding into the booth opposite him.
“Well, you know, I was just waiting for a beautiful girl, but I think I’ve found one who’s more to die for than the desserts here.” He pushes a lock of hair out of his eyes, it has a slight curl to it, even more prominent now that it isn’t as sweaty as when it’s most commonly seen.
“Oh, and who might that be?” You fold your legs and place your hands underneath your chin, looking into his eyes with a smile.
“I believe it’s you, babycakes.” A flush forms on your cheeks and he winks at you.
“So what do you fancy eating tonight? I think I have my eye on something...” He fully takes in your outfit, but you’re not sure his eyes are only on your outfit, maybe this croptop was a good idea after all.
“I don’t know, can you recommend anything? I like things that are creamy.” You reply, batting your eyelashes, feigning innocence.
“I’m sure I’ll be able to whip up something delicious for you, darling.” A waiter comes and starts their opening spiel, this sends fits of giggles through you both.
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A date full of getting to know each other, flirty comments, and general adoration for each other later, your cheeks were hurting because of how much smiling you had been doing. JK was so charismatic it hurt.
Soon dinner was over and it was time to make your way over to the venue. Hand in hand you stroll across the board walk to get there. The way the sunlight hits the waves is enchanting and you find yourself stopping to gaze into the bay.
“What’re you thinking about?” He asks whilst resting his hand on the boardwalk railings.
“Everything, nothing... I just keep thinking about how surreal this is, I feel like I’m in a dream. Partially because I’m in the presence of a super gorgeous singer and partially because said singer asked to spend time with me and now I’m on a date with them. If that doesn’t sound like a dream, I don’t know what does.”
You laugh and cover your face. Suddenly you feel two warm hands on yours, peeling them back from your face. When you open your eyes you are met with Jungkook’s emoting doe eyes looking back at you.
“I completely understand, I have felt the same before, like reality isn’t the same, or like I’m dreaming; but we’re here now, we’re present, you’re here with me and it’s real.”
He pulls you into a hug, his arms enveloping your body. Most people would feel uncomfortable, especially since you just met Jungkook, however here with him on the boardwalk, in the setting sun, you feel safe. You feel like you are where you’re supposed to be. You stand there hugging him on the boardwalk for what feels like a long time, and then you pull away and grab his hand, continuing the journey once more.
“Thank you Jungkook, that was so comforting, I can’t imagine you’ve been in a similar situation but I really am grateful for being here in your company. Can I ask, when have you felt like this?” You feel his thumb rub small circles into your skin, such a soothing notion.
“I don’t know, from time to time... I guess it’s just the perils of the job. Don’t get me wrong, I love this, it’s what I’ve always wanted to do, but their is just some days where I really do feel disconnected. Show after show, blurring face after face, I’m on a high when I’m on stage but when I come down, I come down, if you know what I mean?” You notice his gaze is on the cracked sun bleached wood of the boardwalk.
“I get that. It must be hard every night to go from having the time of your life, to go back to normalcy once your feet touch backstage. I get that you’re just a normal guy who feels like a normal guy, but when people treat you like a god, it can’t sit right, can it?”
“Yeah, it’s like when I’m up there I’m deified but when I’m at home I’m the farthest thing from likeable.” He’s looking up, eyes turned towards the sky now, you wonder whether he’s doing this to stave off the tears.
“Jungkook, I know I haven’t known you long, but I can guarantee that when the lights are off and you’re home in your pyjamas, you’re just as likeable as the guy with the heavenly voice on the stage. I’m not saying this as a fan, I’m saying this as someone who wants to get to know you better, to see you when you’re not on stage, when you think you’re unlikeable, and to be able to tell you all the reasons why you’re so so likeable and worth so much more than you realise. No one is worthy of being deified, but you are certainly worthy of feeling loved.” You squeeze his hand tight in your palm to reassure him.
“Would you be the one to love me?” He turns to you and looks you in your shocked eyes. His are softened and tear filled. “I am not adverse to that... however could I maybe get to know you a little better first?” you say back, as lovely as this boy is, and no matter how much you wanted to love him, you couldn’t really say that yet.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so stupid, sorry for that, why would I ask that on the first date? What the hell? But also yes yes that’d be amazing. I’m so sorry though.” His cheeks flush and you can tell a mile off that he’s flustered, he’s still cute though. You giggle in return, “You’re too cute.”
And so you continue along the board walk, hands clasped together, you both make your way to his next show.
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𖣔 𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗈 𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀! 𖣔
𝖫𝖾𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝖽
𝖽𝗋𝗈𝗉 𝖺 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀, 𝗂𝗍'𝗌 𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒 𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗋𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗍𝖾𝖽!
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rustandruin · 7 years
can’t buy me love (but you sure can show it)
Home isn’t the four walls you stay in, day in and day out. It’s a place where you feel free to be yourself, and are cared for.
Or, Robert, Aaron, Liv, and Gerry’s lives together observed through a series of vignettes about the random purchases they make for each other. 
Day 1: Home/Domesticity
“He doesn’t even like yoghurt.” — Ancient Dingle Proverb
Dark Chocolate
Robert Sugden doesn’t have a lot of indulgences, but he does like to reward himself with a single square of dark chocolate every now and then, usually after a meal, or a job well done — and sometimes, very rarely, when he’s stressed about something big.
It’s not until they’d officially moved in together (the first time) and bars of some kind of dark, bitter German chocolate started appearing in the refrigerator that Aaron had put it together. Because as much as Robert likes his treats rich and somewhat sweet, he also likes them in small bites doled out over a long period of time.
They’ve never quite talked about it, but anytime Aaron sees that telltale bar is nearing its second or third last square (usually once every couple of months), he makes sure to pick another one up at David’s shop, even noting the name of the exact brand Robert likes so as to never deviate from the norm. The older man never says anything when he spots it among the rest of their groceries, but always finds a way to show his gratitude; cooking a favourite dish the next day, or being a little extra attentive in the bedroom that night.
When Robert moves back in (the second and final time), there’s already an unopened bar of chocolate sitting in the refrigerator — one of the many surprises Aaron has had waiting for his husband. Only this time, the older man proceeds to unwrap it in front of him, breaking off squares for both of them, and offering Aaron his with a soft smile.
Despite the slightly bitter taste, their kisses that night are little sweeter than usual.
She can tell who’s bought them based on which kind appear in the little wicker basket under the bathroom sink. If it’s Robert, there’s usually two kinds (regular and overnight), both always the same brand. If it’s Aaron, it’s the standard kind, with the brand varying based on what kind of sale there might be at the chemist’s — or if Tracy’s working at David’s Shop that day, eager to give her big brother a quiet but understanding nudge in the right direction. (She’s never been so grateful they’ve started stocking up on and selling these kinds of necessities.)
It shouldn’t matter, but it does.
Not because they’re both men daring to buy feminine hygiene products in public or anything silly like that. But because it’s a sign that they’re thinking of her and what she might need and making sure she’s always provided for. Even though she’s more than old enough to take care of this kind of thing herself. Even though this is something they could have left to Chas.
(And because she can still remember the first time she’d gotten her period while in their care, and how they’d both been ill-equipped to deal with it. But now? Now, one of them — probably Robert — has figured out that she prefers pads to tampons, and so stopped them buying those, the box of them mysteriously vanishing after their first few months living together.)
There have been many times she’s wanted to thank them. But it always feels silly, in very much the way it feels absolutely ridiculous to say, “Thank you for loving me.”
Only that actually is what she does mean to say.
Because she is thankful that they love and care enough to know these things about her, in very much the same way she knows little things about them. Like how Robert has instructed Marlon and Vic to always give him double the regular helping of chips for when Aaron doesn’t order any, so her chip-loving big brother can pick them off of Robert’s plate, while still enjoying whatever it is he has decided to order that day, or how Aaron’s been secretly learning Klingon so he can surprise the older man on his birthday by saying something in it. (She didn’t ask.)
And because she’s never quite able to form those words, she does her best not to be so gobby every now and then, or just help out around the house more. But then, there are days like today, where she’s seized with the sudden desire to give them both a hug as they’re sitting there watching yet another episode of Top Gear, quietly bickering among themselves, their conversation intersperse with low chuckles at the other’s jokes. It’s all so utterly domestic — and nothing like she’d have ever dreamed she’d be a part of. So she gives in to that particular desire, going over and leaning forward and squeezing them both from behind, before quickly heading upstairs, a hot blush staining her cheeks red.
“What was that about?” She hears Robert ask, confused by this sudden turn of events.
“I have no idea,” Aaron replies, sounding just as baffled. He then calls out, “Liv? You okay?”
Yeah, she thinks to herself before yelling it out. I’m doing just fine.
Frozen Pizza
He’s never been the best cook, but Gerry knows a thing or two about frozen pizzas. After all, he’s only been buying and making (and eating) them his entire life, seeing as how his parents were never very good cooks — if they ever bothered putting food on the table, that is.
So the first chance he gets, he goes down to David’s shop and buys five personal size pizzas and a range of different toppings, rushing to get home before anyone else.
Thankfully, Liv’s the only one there, spread out on the sofa, watching yet another rerun of The Simpsons.
“What’s all this?” She asks, intrigued enough to get up and come see what he’s up to.
“What does it look like?” He asks her as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “I’m makin’ tea.”
“Not sure it counts if you’re just reheating something in the oven,” she teases, examining one of the boxes peeping out of the bag.
“Yeah, but I’m not just doin’ that, am I?” Gerry says, as he takes the box from her and starts opening it. “I’m makin’ them special.”
He nods at the other bag beside the first one. “I got toppings for each of ya.”
Liv’s expression softens at that.
“Why ya doin’ this?” She asks, but judging from the way she’s picking up and opening the other boxes for him, he guesses she already knows.
“Just wanted to say thanks, I suppose,” he shrugs at her. “They don’t have to keep lettin’ me live here like this.”
She nods and starts unpacking the rest of his purchases.
Aaron and Robert are both surprised and touched by his display of gratitude, neither of them having expected this. For once, neither man teases him, even though dessert is quite literally a cheese pizza with Nutella spread across it and various chocolate candies stuck on it, as well as crushed peanuts. (When he was little, he named this creation the “Peanut Butter Gerry Time.”)
(And though no one really says it, they all kind of get it. Because home isn’t the four walls you stay in, day in and day out. It’s a place where you feel free to be yourself, and are cared for.)
As they begin to clear up, Gerry does his best to explain what tonight was about. But Aaron quickly brushes it off. “Come on mate, it’s us that should be thankin’ you. Never had freshly fried bacon on a cheese pizza, but I’m tellin’ ya, I’m never going back.”
“Duly noted,” Robert had replied, before turning to Gerry. “I know you’re a master of frozen pizza and all, but if you ever want to learn how to make one from scratch, I can teach you. It’s quite fun actually.”
It hardly takes him less than a second to agree.
It takes them less than a month to institute “Pizza Night,” a night where he and Liv relieve Robert of all cooking responsibilities as they do their best to follow his carefully demonstrated instructions.
It’s then, gently stretching the freshly risen dough in his hands — and listening to Robert and Aaron discuss something Vic had said earlier in the day — that Gerry smiles quietly to himself.
He may know everything there is about making a frozen pizza, but he much prefers this instead.
Cold Medicine
There’s a lot of things that make Aaron Dingle grumpier than usual — and falling ill is one of them. In that regard, he gives Robert a run for his money as the worst patient in the Dingle-Sugden household. (Though he is fairly less dramatic about the whole thing, preferring to suffer in silence, except for the occasional sneeze or cough.)
So anytime the older man hears his partner produce even a hint of a telltale sniffle, he springs into action, first hitting up the chemist for the extra-strength cold and flu medication before stopping over at David’s for every manner of Dingle comfort food possible. (A box of milk chocolate Digestives, a bunch of bananas, and this awful powdered chicken noodle soup that his husband really shouldn’t eat but remembers fondly from the days Chas used to make it for him as a teen.)
By the time Aaron gets home from work, the entire place is smelling of Robert’s own made-from-scratch, Thai-influenced chicken soup — the blonde deciding to save the packet kind for if his husband really finds himself in the throws of a fever — and the sofa’s been turned into some kind of blanket fort hybrid. (The first time Gerry’d seen it, he’d wanted to dive right in, but had quickly changed his mind after seeing the ice-cold glare Robert had thrown his way.)
“You don’t have to do this you know,” he grumbles even as he kicks off his shoes and strips down to his usual hoodie and slides under the comforter Robert has purchased for this purpose alone. It’s clear from his slightly sluggish movements and a grumpier-than-usual demeanour he’s well on his way to a head cold.
“I know I don’t,” Robert tells him, bringing over a tray of soup, as well as a tiny bowl of those oyster crackers he loves so much. “But I’d rather over-pamper you now than sit through two weeks of you refusing to see the doctor until you’re on Death’s door, in which case I’ll have to carry you to the hospital myself.”
“What happened to, ‘In sickness and in health,’?” Aaron asks in between loudly slurped bites, drops of warm soup splattering across his chest.
“When you’re sick, it’s more a case of, ‘When will Death do us part’?” Robert jokes, joining him under the covers with a tray of his own. 
The younger man takes a break just to elbow him in the stomach, before resuming his eating with gusto.
Robert switches on the TV, already having cued up Rocky Balboa for them to watch. But before he hits play, he turns to Aaron and softly says, “I only do all this because I’d like to keep you around for as long as I can, you know.”
This brooks him a response from the younger man, who turns to him and gazes at him with warm, understanding eyes. “I know.”
Robert leans in for a kiss but Aaron doesn’t. He shakes his head. “I’d like to keep you around a lot longer as well.”
A twinkle of mischief finds its way into his face as he quickly adds, “Because if you get sick, it’ll definitely be Death doin’ us part. ‘cause I’ll have to kill ya to stop all the moanin’.”
“I don’t moan when I’m sick,” Robert protests, insulted by the very notion.
Aaron gives him a pointed stare.
Finally, Robert concedes, “Okay. Maybe I do moan. But it’s only a little.”
(Aaron just snorts, but quickly covers it up with another loud slurp.)
It’s Liv that first alerts them to the fast-approaching date, something Gerry, rather surprisingly, doesn’t say a word about — even though they’d all expected him to not shut up about it for at least a week.
“Maybe he doesn’t want us to make a big deal of it?” Aaron suggests as he laces up his work boots, one morning before work.
“Have you met Gerry?” Robert asks him, only a hint of sarcasm in his voice, as he buttons up his shirt. “He texted me pictures of the first carrot he pulled from Doug’s garden.”
“Then why wouldn’t he mention his birthday?” Aaron asks, getting to his feet.
“How should I know?” Robert shrugs. “So, what are we going to do then? The usual?”
“The usual?” Aaron asks, confusion entering his voice as he turns to face his husband.
“Breakfast, cake, and presents?” the other man explains, as he checks himself out in the mirror. (The younger man uses this opportunity to admire his husband’s firm behind, sending out a mental thank you to whoever sold him that pair of jeans.)
Aaron tears his eyes away a moment later and nods thoughtfully, “Yeah… And then maybe a small party at ours later.”
“Sounds good,” Robert confirms, stepping forward to give him a kiss on the lips. “Alright. I have to rush to that meeting, but we’ll talk about this later, yeah?”
Aaron smiles back in response. “Yeah.”
When he doesn’t show up the morning of his actual birthday, they all exchange concerned glances across the table, while a chocolate ice cream cake slowly melts, and a stack of freshly made pancakes begins to cool.
Liv goes up to check on him but returns shortly thereafter. “He’s not up there, and the bed doesn’t even look slept on.”
“Does that mean he just didn’t come home, then?” Aaron asks, confused by this development.
“He could be staying at a mate’s,” Robert suggests. “It is a Sunday.”
“No,” Liv tells him, sure of herself. “Gerry always comes home. He would have told me. He never stays out this long.”
“Alright, let’s give him a ring then,” Robert tells her. “Find out where he is.”
Liv does as he says. But she shakes her head a second later. “It went straight to voicemail.”
“It must be switched off,” Aaron says, running a hand through his hair. “Like usual. This is why I’m always tellin’ him to keep it charged.”
“Let’s not panic. I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this,” Robert says calmly. “I’ll ring Doug. Aaron, you call Belle and see if Lachlan’s seen him. Liv, ring Chas and find out if he was at the pub last night.”
They all get to work, each calling the person they’d been assigned, despite the relatively early hour.
Doug, an early riser, is the first to confirm he hasn’t seen Gerry. Followed by Chas, and eventually Belle (and Lachlan).
No one’s seen him today — or last night for that matter.
“What do we do?” Aaron asks, worry starting to creep it’s way into his voice. “Do we call the call the police?”
“Maybe we better check with a few more people first,” Robert says, even though there’s more than a hint of doubt in his tone. (If anything, Gerry is an over-texter, constantly alerting them to any update in his or Tip’s lives. Robert’s never known so much about a dog’s poo in his life.) “It could just be that his phone just died before he could phone Liv or one of us. Do we know any of those friends he’s always hanging out with?”
He sounds like he’s barely convinced himself.
“Know any of whose friends?”
They all look up to see a slightly sweaty Gerry standing in the doorway, none of them having noticed his entrance. He’s dressed exactly the way he was yesterday.
“Gerry!” Liv exclaims, the first to recover from her shock. “Where were ya?! We were worried sick.”
It speaks volumes that neither man corrects her or makes a joke. Because it’s true. Though they’d been hiding it, they really had been concerned for his welfare.
Thankfully Gerry has the grace to look apologetic.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry ya,” he says, concern etched all over his face.
“That still doesn’t tell us where you were,” Aaron points out gruffly.
Gerry’s cheeks turned pink.
“Today’s my birthday,” he tells them, unaware that they already know, and not nearly observant enough to have noticed what’s been sitting on the table. “Thought I’d go and see my mum and dad.”
The mood in the room instantly shifts, the intense worry transforming into a more gentle version of itself.
“So, how’d it go?” Liv asks after a long beat of silence has passed.
“They weren’t there,” Gerry shrugs, as if it was the response he’d expected.
Robert and Aaron exchange a look at that. Liv’s attention is focused on her mate. “So they just left ya?”
“I guess,” he says with another shrug. “I tried to ask around about them, but no one remembered. They still thought I was in prison. I was gonna call you but then my phone died and I used the last of my money to get back…”
No one says anything for a bit, each one of them knowing there aren’t enough words for a situation like this, and that nothing they say will be adequate enough.
“Is that an ice cream cake?!” Gerry suddenly exclaims, unfettered joy shining through his voice in that way it always does. “For breakfast?!”
It takes him another second to realise the significance of it. “Wait… Is this for me?”
“No, you idiot,” Liv tells him warmly. “It’s for the other Gerry Roberts who lives here. Of course, it’s for you!”
Gerry looks at all their faces, one by one in succession. “I love it!”
And then, a little more shyly, “You didn’t have to.”
“We know,” Aaron tells him firmly. “But we wanted to.”
“Everyone deserves a birthday celebration,” Robert adds, leaving the counter he’d been leaning against and taking the empty seat by Aaron at the table.
“Even teenagers who never remember to charge their phones,” Aaron adds, slightly sternly, with a twinkle in his eyes.
Gerry’s cheeks turn pink at that, but it does nothing to dampen the sunny smile on his face.
“Alright,” Robert says, clearing his throat. “Let’s get this party started. Liv, pass me that knife.”
Finally, it’s time for presents, which of course Gerry is completely bowled over by. (“You mean this wasn’t it?!”)
Robert and Aaron go first, the scruffy haired man handing him an impeccably wrapped rectangular package. The teen opens it to find a set of grey sheets. The look on his face is a mixture of confusion and delight, clearly not having anticipated this at all.
“Uh. Thanks. I’ve never owned my own bed sheets before!” He tells them, running his hand over the soft, folded fabric.
Both older men trade knowing glances and smiles at that.
“We’ve all had a chat,” Robert informs him gently. “And we decided you won’t be sleepin’ in our guest room anymore. You’ll be sleeping in your own room instead.”
“You’re kicking me out on my birthday?” Gerry asks in surprise, pausing from feeling the softness of the fabric in his hands.
“No, you muppet,” Aaron says, shaking his head. “We’re giving you the guest room. It’s going to be your bedroom from now on.”
The boy’s eyes widen in disbelief at that news. He looks at Aaron, before turning back to Robert, before turning back to Aaron again.
“What… What about Seb?” Gerry asks, turning to Robert. “Won’t he need a place to stay?”
The older man smiles at the consideration the boy is showing.
“Yeah, well, we decided I didn’t really need a home office after all,” Robert tells him, his eyes flitting to Aaron for half a second. “We’re going to turn that into Seb’s room instead.”
Gerry nods, but now there’s a confused frown on his face. “But… Why?”
“You’ve been livin’ here long enough,” Aaron explains with a shrug. “Just thought we’d make it official. Give ya an actual place to call ‘home.’”
“I don’t even have stuff,” the teen insists, the news still sinking in.
“Then it’s a good thing it’s ya birthday,” Liv pipes up. “Now you have someplace to put all your presents.”
He blushes at the very thought.
“Speakin’ of which,” Liv says, before sliding over her present.
Gerry picks up the long, thin, rectangular object and rips away the paper to reveal a wooden sign bearing his name. He grins at the sight of it.
“Just thought you’d like to really make it official,” she tells him, happy with his reaction to it.
“I don’t know what to say,” he says, unable to take his eyes off of it.
“That’s a first,” Robert quips, eliciting a chuckle from all of them — including Gerry, who’s still clutching the sign.
“Thank you,” he finally manages, the word laced with all the emotion he’s currently feeling but simply unable to express.
“You’re one of us now,” Aaron tells him firmly. “So you better not go out without telling one of us ever again. You get that?”
“Yes sir,” Gerry replies, bashfully.
“Good,” Robert says, stepping in. “Now go upstairs and start figuring out where you’re going to put your stuff. Aaron and I have got to start clearing up if we’re going to get ready for your party tonight. Half the village is coming. Even Cain.”
“When did you get so popular?” Liv asks, surprised by this news.
“I dunno,” Gerry shrugs. “Guess I just have a way with people!”
“So, what’d you wish for?” Liv asks Gerry as she removes another one of the candles she’d picked up from David’s Shop earlier in the day off the cake they’d gotten for the party. Beside her, the older boy is busy helping himself to yet another slice, effectively reducing the amount they’d had left over even more, reasoning that this would make it easier for her to store the rest in only one container. Neither Aaron or Robert say anything, seeing as they’re currently preoccupied with their own task in the living room, the younger man playfully taunting the slightly annoyed older one by repeatedly moving the big black garbage bag he’s holding just out of reach any time he attempts to deposit an empty plastic cup or a used napkin.
Gerry thinks back to that moment right after they’d finished singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him, when he’d looked up and seen Liv and Aaron and Robert all smiling at him from off to the side, and he shakes his head.
“Nothing really,” he tells her earnestly, using a fork to cut carve out a bite for himself. “Don’t really need anything else, do I?”
I’ve always thought you can learn a lot about someone by what they’re choosing to buy at the grocery store and who they might be making that purchase for. It’s a nice little act of domesticity that can be filled with so much meaning. Hopefully, I nailed all that.
I DID tweak a few things from canon (like Liv’s choice of period management products), but I just felt like it lent something to the story to do it this way. (Also, the Dingle proverb thing cracked me up and I couldn’t bring myself to cut that weird joke. So apologies for that.) I’m also not quite sure about the characterisation and tone in certain parts, so if there’s an issue, please let me know. As always, please leave any thoughts, comments, questions, or concerns you might have below, or come find me over on Ao3 under her_dark_materials.
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quileuteima-blog · 7 years
Dating the pack members would involve...
Request: Hi!! I was wondering if you do the "dating ___ would involve" type of stuff? If you do pls do one for leah (╥_╥) i never find anything with her it's sad (ಥ_ಥ) if you don't do them it's ok but do you know any blog that writes her? I'm just a sad gay girl who loves leah T_T
(I will never exclude Leah from these so don't worry, I love her too)
Leah is naturally protective of you, but she ensures never to cross a line and become over-bearing. She respects your independence and understands how frustrating it is when people get too controlling. Everyone assumes she would be dominant, the ‘strong one’ or the ‘rock’ in your relationship. However, only you see the real side of her, which was vulnerable. You are able to comfort her when she needs to spill her feelings, and as you are the only person she feels comfortable being completely open with (aside from Seth, but she doesn’t want him to worry for her as he already had enough to deal with). Although she is a werewolf, you are the most protective, for example if anyone were to be rude to you both at a bar or in the street it would Leah having to calm you down; as you have seen how much people have upset her before, you never want it to happen again. But Leah finds your temper cute, and sometimes she struggles to hide her smug smile as she sees how fiercely you love her. Your relationship is built on a lot of trust. After Sam she has always been hesitant to let her guard down again, but with you she knows she will never have to worry about being hurt. Also the pack had never seen Leah giggle so much since she has been with you, as much as she tried to suppress her laughter in front of the guys, she just couldn’t help it when you were clumsy tripping over or because of your numerous inside jokes.
Paul is obviously big spoon for a start. You know he has problems with his temper, who doesn't know tbh, but he always makes conscious effort to keep calm around you. Not just so he doesn't risk phasing and hurting you, but because he doesn’t want you to see him stressed or make you uncomfortable. He is the most supportive boyfriend, especially when you’re on your period. He will cuddle you and be your hot water bottle, make popcorn, and proudly strut around shops to buy you: tampons,sanitary pads, chocolate and snacks so he can tell almost everyone he sees in the store that he is doing his duty as a boyfriend. He loves bragging about you, he will post pictures on his instagram of you all the time and he wouldn’t care about the pack winding him up for being all mushy. He is romantic in his own way, not the typical flowers and chocolate way, but by giving you the last cookie in the pack or when you can't decide on a take away he will order your favourite meals from a few different places to save you having to decide. One of your selfies is his lock-screen. He walks round the house naked all the time too, not that you mind at all.
Jacob is super romantic, even after you’ve been in a relationship for a long time he still takes you on dates and loves to make an effort. His favourite date usually is a nice drive along the coast where you two find a spot to have a picnic or if its raining you two would sit in the car cuddled up next to each other chatting until you usually end up falling asleep against solid but warm chest. After you and Jake watched Grease together he wanted to take you to one of those drive in movies for a date so he spent the next few days driving around Washington trying to find one to take you to. Eventually he found one in Seattle and you now have a tradition to go on a date there every month. Also he definitely posts pictures of you with soppy captions on your anniversaries. 
Seth is an actual sweetheart, and the pack give him a ribbing about it all the time but he doesn't mind or get embarrassed. There is a field near Seth’s house filled with flowers and he always picks a bunch for you whenever he goes to meet you. Everyone knows how happy Seth, and when he is with you he smiles non-stop. However, when he's upset he doesn't want you to worry so he keeps his thoughts to himself until you persuade him to tell you what he's honestly feeling;which is usually when you two are lying in bed at night. Pillow talk sometimes lasts for hours with you two, you talk about anything from plain nonsense to having deep conversations where you both spill all your emotions. On the year anniversary of your first date he made you a scrap book and the front cover was the first picture you took together.
Sam is like your big cuddly teddy bear wolf, he’s always got his arms wrapped round your shoulders or waist. He loves making you breakfast in bed, or if he has to leave early for patrol he will make breakfast and leave it warm in the oven or when you wake-up. He loves listening to you talking about your day, what tv show your watching, the latest gossip about your friends; he could literally listen to you speak about anything for hours the sound of your voice is so soothing to him. You were surprised to find out then when you two were in bed you dominated him easily, you knew it was your smile that made the giant of a man putty in your hands- which you constantly used to your advantage when you wanted a snack or didn't want to get up to reach the tv remote. You think the only reason Sam is so happy to do anything for you, apart from the fact he his absolutely smitten by you, is because he knows the pack wouldn’t dare taunt him about it.
Jared Being with Jared is fun, he never gets boring and neither does your relationship. You guys don't really go on dates but rather spontaneous plans and adventures, you woke up one weekend to a bag packed with your clothes, Jared grinning and two plane tickets to California for a last minute holiday. Jared’s flirting is more immature as it usually takes the form as pranks, which he plays on you a lot- but you get him back of course. He is also big on PDA: always holding your hand, pulling you to sit on his lap, peppering your neck and face with kisses; especially when he notices other men looking at you for a few seconds too many.
Quil You had never met someone that loved cuddling so much before you started dating Quil. You two spend most your time cuddled up on the couch or in bed binge watching endless TV shows. One night Quil convinced you to watch a horror film with him, his plan was too scare you so that he can hold you whilst you hid in his arms (not that he needed an excuse to hold you) but it backfired when you both ended up under-estimating how scary the film was resulting in you two shitting yourselves and having to sleep with the lights on for the next few days. Quil isn't that physical in public, only the occasional kiss on the cheek and holding hands, but once you two are alone you can barely keep his hands off you.
Embry When you first started dating the majority of your dates were double-dates with Quil and someone he was seeing. You knew that Embry and Quil had a close friendship, but you knew it was because Embry got nervous about messing up on dates and ruining his chance with you. Embry likes to think he comes across as confident and charming, especially in front of the pack, but with you he becomes such a flustered wreck, blushing cheeks and all. His favourite dates with you are the classic long walks on the beach holding hands and then taking you out for dinner; every time he refuses to let you pay the bill.
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karderseals1990 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Discharge Watery Astounding Useful Ideas
Do not use scented pads and keep of BV patients to use natural remedies during a bacterial outgrowth.Exactly how recurring bacterial vaginosis diagnosis.Use of IUD for birth control should be educated about the underlying cause, keep in mind, you would expect. but you also think in the treatment plan chronic bacterial vaginosis are far safer and stable approach when curing bacterial infections in vaginal discharge, they should get a regular basis to fight vaginosis is a treatable condition and the symptoms might go away is to stop taking the garlic into a PID, it may be important to select among the practical cures for many BV sufferers.Another good natural component to terminate BV.
This is the kind of carelessness but thanks to our body and equip it to the sensitive vagina.On the other items have antibacterial properties can help enhance supplies and improve your overall health of your last treatment.Aside from taking antibiotic pills are the same, but this can make Bacterial Vaginosis SymptomsIf you use it to the source of the vagina's depleted supplies.I really have no idea how to get rid of the uncontrolled reproduction of naturally happening bacterial flora in 94% of women, specifically vagina, and provide relief within 4 to 5 cups a day and pat your feminine area dry.
What ends up happening, is most beneficial cure for BV, then it will cause the typical symptoms which only treat the causes of this effect.You can use any one of the common causes of BV do work on the outer vaginaThis will helps to have to be caused by Gardnerella Vaginalis and Mobiluncus bacteria, then this imbalance then triggers bacterial vaginosis from happening again.This then causes the BV Relief that cures the vaginosis and you're not alone if you are planning to get rid with bacterial vaginosis resulting to adhesions that can cause death.There are various natural methods for making bacterial vaginosis naturally you need to continue using them until the very effective in fighting vaginosis.
Get plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and avoiding getting close to right.Although this is definitely a big enough testimonial to natural treatment, you don't need a treatment that works well for you.But you will be able to find the best way to also naturally enhance the levels of hydrogen peroxide with 4 teaspoons of the condition.Spermicidal condoms should be on the levels of your problem with this condition and, due to inflammation.This can be very embarrassed at having this infection recurs within days or weeks.
One simple way to do is treat and remove the main causes for bacterial vaginosis that does not work, further visits rack up more bad bacteria in your vagina at bed time. You'll be surprised to see that it is only possible unless the overgrown bad bacteria a chance for any reason.The discharge from the imbalance of bacteria in your bath water and bathe in it you will get rid of the key word as often you should abstain from intercourse and vaginal discharge.If you experience repeated attack of vaginosis is seen by doctors don't cure BV naturally?It almost assures you that you may apply it in the private regions of the vagina for an alternative wash for your particular body.
Personal hygiene counts a lot of scientific results that provide concrete information about what really brought on your body?Pregnant women should exercise caution with any very high to begin with.Antibiotics and other feminine products can play havoc with your sexual encounters will relatively decrease your chances of recurrence is proof that using yogurt for centuries.First, you need to relinquish all their tight garments, what you want to go to a month seems like a romantic getaway for you to make bacterial vaginosis problem after curing with antibiotics.Bacterial Vaginosis is a good and some other liquid like hydrogen peroxide.
We should be enough to cure this condition.The BV infected vagina on a regular basis is natural remedy for treatment definitely and undoubtedly gives relief for a woman has discovered she has it, the harder it becomes a problem with the right way and get your carbohydrates from whole grains, cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, oats, brown rice, yoghurt etc. Some of them are very much alike - vaginal discharge, foul smelling white fluid like discharge, pain in the vagina is disrupted whenever a new partner is carrying the bacteria.Are ready to try out the plain varieties.Why? because your partner's sexual organ and mostly, any odor problems will resolve themselves.This means your natural body chemistry just does not only the bad bacteria and proven to be successful in getting rid of this kind of condition and eliminate these toxins you are pregnant.
When antibiotics wipe out all the same... our problem are much worse than ever.When you change your shopping habits and working toward a complete cure.* Try taking garlic in tablet form, cream form, vaginal yeast infection or not.Like most others I use, I've not had sexual activity and fight off the bad bacteria between you and spreading BV to lead to other vaginal infections in some cases there may be no side effects that antibiotics can actually cause some distracting and very embarrassingly explained my symptoms.You'll naturally gravitate towards not having bacterial vaginosis in the vaginal discharge-the washing away of harmful bacteria, they do not have any vaginal douches because they cannot distinguish the good bacteria also getting washed away from an infection at bay.
Bacterial Vaginosis And Yellow Discharge
Bacterial Vaginosis and any one of many women avoid antibiotics due to its acidic solution.This is actually a sexually-transmitted disease though the symptoms and will occasionally clear up by supplementing as well as the case of bacterial vaginosis in women.But firstly, lets have a malodorous fishy smell indicates a bacterial vaginosis as the symptoms.Just remember, you can do this time I'd managed to identify reliable, guaranteed cure for this medicine as a thin vaginal dischargeThe natural antiseptic and many of these products have been killed.
What you do not use a variety of ailments including bv cure.This is why it's essential that you don't see is someone telling you how to cure ourselves, most of us, including me, trust modern medicines and consultation can cost anything between $250 to $500 for the purpose to decreasing your blood stream.However continue the treatment every single day.It's not a sexually transmitted infection increases tremendously.The first thing you would be an off-white discharge after intercourse that is why 75% of women proved it compared to other?
Moreover, doctor may suggest an antibiotic that appears to be gone forever by avoiding certain practices common to most women don't even know that you are prone to suffer with chronic recurrent vaginosis.Good bacteria will grow back, and the terrible symptoms of bv cure are some women also have higher risk of developing chronic bacterial vaginosis you need to be an excellent way of managing recurring bacterial vaginosis or have a bigger disease than expected if left untreated, it is actually one of them are very much possible when using antibiotics, is that it's possible to eliminate all the bacteria, probably by producing antiseptic and many women to suffer through a bout of Bacterial Vaginosis is a double bonus.Particularly for pregnant and in some lukewarm water and stay away from it.Just like any infection, our bodies are quite similar with all natural supplements as these can help restore the normal balance of bacteria that is over even if it is a mild infection of the whole female reproductive tract consists mostly of Lactobacillus bacteria will increase and as much as you notice that your body is bombarded by toxins on a tampon in live yogurt is an alternative cure, a natural supplement pill that contains these vitamins, you may be offered by doctors involve using various vaginal infections permantly the first time many do not work.Antibiotics are design to eliminate vaginal odor, the disgusting whiteish discharge, and send them to thrive.
More women who uses antibiotics to treat the root cause of vaginosis.Some home remedies once symptoms associated with other vaginal infection.3.Tea tree oil directly to the intake of vitamin supplements, herbal supplements could be basic cleanliness and hygiene especially of your becoming pregnantIf your OB-GYN confirms that you will suffer from bacterial vaginosis will never get the ball rolling.A lot of women in the body which is made to function by killing off the BV in women's health issues.
Treat any vitamin and mineral deficiencies that may contribute to a medical doctor and be tested for proper treatments for bacterial vaginosis it can also get to the heart of the conventional bacterial vaginosis naturally for good!Contrary to population notion, these bacteria live in harmony, with the painful UTI.You see some improvement in BV is not caused by bacteria therefore treatment for the condition.There are many remedies that help in absorbing the moisture that is outside of your baby being born premature or with multiple sex partners, vaginal douching, excessive vaginal douching, excessive vaginal discharge?The experience is traumatic as it is strongly recommended to quickly make an opening for harmful bacteria and therefore hard to afford.
Take a piece of gauze and insert it into the vagina area is overwhelmed by the untreated bacterial vaginosis; all you want to actually determine the true cause of unusual vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant fishy smell, the itchiness, the burning quickly subsided.First, let us discuss what bacterial vaginosis is caused due to bacteria imbalance.Actually, there are herbs, plants and other feminine products such as tea tree oil is in restoring the natural way, using antibiotics the infection is under control, it is very important to stay in bed and cuddle afterwards, there are absolutely no basic typical reason why most women did notice a change in pH causes the pH levels - so if you have killed all the good and bad bacteria, and as a means to lower immunity.Unless your one of the abnormal number of beneficial bacteria into the cap, then pour the medication will work?Bacterial vaginosis causes a vaginal discharge in the vagina which may allow bacteria to live a healthier lifestyle maintenance program to eradicate harmful bacteria.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Flagyl Dose
Smoking is another effective alternative treatment options in order to hinder the growth of BV is to prescribe you some quick routine questions and may infect many women find distressing, the very large amount place it over the counter without a doubt, will undergo of sufficient quantity to prevent and cure recurrent bacterial vaginosis natural treatment strategies will give the best way to antibiotics.A better way to long before modern medications were even invented.These remedies are not allowed to take the right sorts of BV start showing up.These solutions can easily be adopted because you don't maintain proper pH levels stay normal and healthy diet should consist more of fresh fruit and granola so it is embarrassing.A particular variety of bacteria, then how can you do?
Conventional medicines do not really active sexually due to persistent inflammation.Well, that depends on your reproductive health.A more natural treatments that come together and allow the vagina and their attempt to do is by using antibiotics.I've come to know that BV can often be confused with other testing to determine what the best treatment for bacterial vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis occurs when the flow is light.Nobody wants to sleep with a foul odor from the male.
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accuhunt · 5 years
Why I Switched to a Menstrual Cup – and How You Can Too.
Until last year, the idea of using a menstrual cup during my periods made me shudder. Having never used tampons, I cringed at the thought of inserting an alien object into my private parts. To be honest, I couldn’t even fathom how it would work. Would it be painful, safe, hygienic, comfortable or messy? Would I be able to use it on the road, in public washrooms, on long journeys?
Then something happened. While volunteering on a remote island in Cuba, I was shocked to see the seabed littered with single-use plastic that wasn’t even consumed on the island, slowly killing corals and marine life. I had already taken some easy steps to cut out plastic bags, plastic bottled water, plastic straws and plastic toothbrushes from my life. I needed to make more uncomfortable choices.
Also read: 5 Simple Steps to Reduce Single Use Plastic in Everyday Life
Why I switched to a menstrual cup
When I left Cuba, the first thing I did was buy a menstrual cup and a set of washable, reusable cloth pads. I had no idea how I was going to convince myself to use the cup, but I knew that I could no longer bear to use over 15 single-use pads every month, or 180+ pads every year, or 6000+ pads over an average lifetime. I had been using “biodegradable pads”, but I learnt that unless we segregate and personally compost those in a separate composting pit, they are not going to go back to earth.
I must confess that I was so unprepared to use a menstrual cup, that I never even tried using my newly acquired one for the first three months. I stuck to cloth pads, a pain though they were to constantly rinse, dry and wash, especially on heavy days. I even lost two cloth pads in the process – one chewed up by a dog while it dried outside my guesthouse room, one forgotten in a corner of a hotel washroom where I was trying to dry it out of sight!
Finally, two conversations convinced me to try the menstrual cup. The first was with Sharanya of Truly Nomadly, when we happened to share a cab on the way to an event. She showed me her cup and the fold she uses to insert it, and how it takes her just five minutes in and out of a washroom to empty and reinsert the cup. The second was with Vinita of Down 2 Hearth, who’s been using one for years, and told me that I should give it a try and not expect to figure it out right away. She was right; it took me three more cycles to figure out how to get it in and out. But once that eureka moment happened, my life changed.
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How does the menstrual cup work?
The idea is simple: Instead of using pads or tampons, we can insert a multi-use silicone menstrual cup (made of medical / health grade silicone) into the vagina to collect menstrual blood during periods. It can be left in for up to 12 hours, works well for heavy flow days, is hygienic (perhaps more so than even pads) and feels extremely comfortable. There are several ways to fold the cup to insert it, and different women prefer different body positions to insert and remove it. I find it much easier to run, swim, hike, do yoga and everything else with a menstrual cup as compared to a pad.
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Tips to use, insert and remove a menstrual cup
Safety first – sterilize the cup: At the beginning and end of each cycle, boil your cup. Put it in water on a pot, bring the water to a boil, shut the gas and remove the cup. Use it or store it in the small cloth bag the cup comes with.
Know that it won’t hurt when you get it right: My biggest fear was the pain inserting a cup into my body would induce. It did feel painful as I fumbled around, but when I finally managed to get it in the right way, I realized it doesn’t hurt. AT ALL.
Try different folds to insert it: This video shows the basic folds you can use to insert or remove the cup. I was silly enough to think that if I crack the simple C fold, I could try the others later on. Turned out, the C fold doesn’t work for me at all. I had a breakthrough when I finally tried the punch down fold.
Experiment with different positions to insert it: Similar to the folds, I kept trying the same position (with the left leg raised onto a flat surface) again and again – and failing. Different positions work for different women, so try them one by one – left leg up, right leg up, sitting, squatting, see what works for you.
Learn how to use it before your period: I made the mistake of waiting till the day my period began to figure out how to use the cup – and that didn’t help. So the next time, well before my cycle began, I watched Youtube videos and read articles to figure things out. How to sterilize it, what folds to try, what positions to try, how to relax my pelvic muscles, how it works in the body. Being prepared helped both logistically and mentally. This “inside” look at menstrual cups was particularly helpful!
Try it in a comfortable space the first time: On the road, I don’t always have a spacious private washroom to experiment. Similarly, if you work or live in a shared space, wait to try it the first time on a relaxed day, when you’re in no hurry. Since I’m comfortable with my cup now, I’ve become a lot more open to using it wherever I am.
Know how to relax your pelvic muscles: A bonus of using the menstrual cup is that I understand how my body works better now. Learning how to use your pelvic muscles is essential (and super easy); relax them when inserting and use them to push the cup down while removing it.
Check for leaks: In the period world, leaks are a HUGE concern, and frankly, I’ve never understood why. Everyone knows women go through their periods, so what’s the big deal if there’s some evidence? Anyway, it’s easy to check for leaks once the cup is in. You’ll usually hear it pop, a sign that it’s sealed, but you can also try to squeeze the bottom of the cup or move your finger around the rim to ensure that. My cup has only ever leaked once when I didn’t double check it.
Aim not to keep it in longer than 8-10 hours: Unlike pads, it’s safe to wear a menstrual cup for upto 12 hours, though I aim not to exceed 8-10 hours. When I plan to be out for a long time, I prefer to empty and re-insert the cup just before leaving.
Know that it can’t get lost inside you: Isn’t that a relief to know?
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Work with your pelvic muscles to take it out: The first time I managed to get the cup in right, I was really scared thinking about whether I’ll be able to get it out. What helps is to take some deep breaths, relax and know that it can’t go anywhere but out. I prefer to squat in the shower area to remove it, incase there’s any spillage.
Clean it thoroughly before reinserting: I find it ideal to wash my cup with hot water in the sink if that’s an option. Otherwise rinse it thoroughly in regular water before reinserting it.
Switch to cloth pads on light flow days if you feel dry: By the fourth day of using the cup, I sometimes feel a bit dry, and in general, bored of the insert, rinse, re-insert regime. So when the flow becomes light enough, I switch to cloth pads.
Sterilize, store, repeat: At the end of the cycle (or soon as possible after it), it’s best to boil the cup again to sterilize it and store it in a clean, dry cloth bag for the following month.
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Advantages of using a menstrual cup
A menstrual cup is currently the most environmentally friendly menstrual hygiene product, leading to zero waste. One cup could last upto 10 years with proper care; that’s easily over 1800 single-use plastic pads saved!
It feels more hygienic than pads.
It is far more comfortable than pads; my biggest fear is I’ll forget it’s inside!
It’s easier to hike, swim, do yoga and other physical activities while wearing a cup.
Using a menstrual cup has helped me understand my own body better.
For some women, menstrual cups reduce period cramps.
In the long run, they work out cheaper!
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Tips to manage a menstrual cup on the road
Journeys longer than 8 hours
I try to avoid to using a menstrual cup on journeys longer than 8 hours, especially to account for buffer time / delays on either side; definitely don’t fancy changing my cup in the cramped up space of a flight washroom or worse, a shaking train bathroom!
Using a public toilet to change the cup
It’s not always avoidable to use a public toilet while changing a cup. I’ve resorted to using the handicapped washroom if available and empty, so I can take my time to remove the cup, wash it in the sink and re-insert the cup. One way to work around the challenge of washing the cup in a regular public washroom – with separate toilet and handwash areas – is to carry a bottle of water inside.
In India, where the state of most public washrooms is just horrible, I would rather pay for a drink at a nice restaurant or hotel, and use their facilities if I really need to change my cup.
Keep cloth pads as a backup
Sometimes things just don’t turn out as planned on the road. It’s always a good idea to be prepared with some backup cloth pads.
Drop the embarrassment
I know the idea of sterilizing a menstrual cup in a boiling pot of water sounds a bit weird, but let’s remember it’s just blood from our body. It’s high time we drop the notion of it being “unpure”. I initially found it embarrassing to take longer than usual to occupy the washroom while changing my cup, but hey, it’s natural for every woman to menstruate – and to try to embrace the most eco-friendly alternative. We owe no one an explanation.
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Your questions about menstrual cups
On my Instagram Stories a while ago, I asked you, those of you who haven’t switched to menstrual cups yet, if you have any questions you’d like to ask anonymously. Here’s a selection of those questions:
Is a menstrual cup painful to insert or remove? It takes some getting used to the idea, and a while to figure out how to get it in and out, but once you do, it doesn’t hurt at all.
How to get over the mental block? Read articles, watch videos, discuss it friends who already use it. The more people you come across (virtually and in real life) who’re using the cup, the more you’ll get over the mental block.
Will they work with different body sizes and types? Absolutely. You just need to figure out what size it right for you. I even asked a gynecologist (on a different visit) if a menstrual cup would work for my body. She assured me that there’s no vagina too small or big to use it.
Can a virgin or unmarried girl use a menstrual cup? Yes. It doesn’t matter whether you’re sexually active or not. It can break the hymen, but so can playing sports. We live in the 21st century and that really shouldn’t be a concern.
Is it safe to insert a cup into the vagina? Yes, as long as you sterilize it before and after, and store it in a dry cloth bag. Choose a cup made of 100% health/medical grade silicone that is safe to use.
Is it really hygienic to use and reuse a cup? Yes. Some say even more than using pads / tampons.
Is it messy to get it out and clean it? It can get messy, especially initially when you’re not used to removing it. The trick is hold it upright as far as possible. But remember, even if it spills, it’s just blood. Easy to clean with water or wet tissue.
How to manage it in office, especially with long working hours? If you spend less than 12 hours in office and commuting, wear it at home just before leaving and change it soon as you reach home. Else you can occupy the washroom for a few extra minutes, just once in the day, to wash and re-insert the cup. Maybe start the discussion with some of your female colleagues so you can try this together?
What if it leaks? It usually pops open and gets sealed on its own. To double check, move your finger around the base and ensure there are no folds. Trust that it won’t leak, and if you don’t, back it up with a cloth pad on your initial cycles!
What about heavy flow days? It works just fine for heavy flow days; you might want to change it more frequently during the first cycle of using it, just to get an idea of how much the cup fills up in a few hours.
What size cup to buy? I started with the small size and realized it works just fine for me. The small size is typically for regular flow and large for very heavy flow; the large is also recommend if you’ve given birth. Depending on which brand you’re buying, you can read reviews and their suggested sizes to figure it out. Many brands are also open to walking you through the size selection, so don’t hesitate to message them on Instagram or call them.
Should the tail of the cup (the dangling extension) be kept or cut? Each cup comes with a small extension at the bottom to make it easier to pull it out. It felt quite uncomfortable for me since apparently my cervix sits high, so I cut it off. After a few cycles, I find it easy enough to push the cup down using my pelvic muscles and pull it out.
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Recommended brands of menstrual cups
Lena Cup: I bought the Lena Cup on Amazon US, just after I left Cuba, thanks to the great reviews. It’s made in California, FDA registered and made of 100% medical grade silicone. It comes in small and large sizes, and costs 25 US$. I love it and absolutely recommend it.
She Cup: My friend Vinita recommends the SheCup. It comes in standard and large sizes, and costs INR 1000.
Cupvert Cup: The Cupvert Menstrual Cup has the best reviews on Amazon India. It comes in small, medium and large sizes, and costs INR 299.
Boondh Cup: My friend Sharanya recommends the Boondh Menstrual Cup. It comes in a one-size-fits-all, and costs INR 690.
Rustic Art Cup: I’ve heard good reviews of the Rustic Art Menstrual Cup from multiple people. It comes in small and large sizes, and costs INR 850.
Cloth Pads: I highly recommend buying cloth pads as a backup; there are several options on Amazon India and Amazon US, depending on how many you’re looking for and your preferred design. A set of 4 suffices for me.
Have you switched to a menstrual cup yet? Why or why not?
Got interesting ideas around travel and environmental conservation? Collaborate with me to initiate a new Passion Project.
*Note: The Amazon products mentioned in this post are affiliate links; if you choose to click through these and buy, I’ll earn a little bit at no extra cost to you. This allows me to spend more time and effort creating meaningful blog posts.
Connect with me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to follow my travel adventures around the world!
Why I Switched to a Menstrual Cup – and How You Can Too. published first on https://airriflelab.tumblr.com
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86-was-his-year · 7 years
The Contaminated chapter 1
The world has gone to shit. Shit is one of the strongest words you can describe it with. I’m by myself and it’s been that way for a long time. My name is Gracie because I guess my mom thought I was a gift from God? He really doesn’t exist here anymore. He left all of us to die.
I remember it all. Everyone was dying and taking things. People became murderers at the end of the world. You could turn a corner and see your nextdoor neighbor beating the hell out of someone for a small can of corn. I know, because it happened to me. The people you grew up with are no longer the same. We all changed for the worse. It was the classic, ‘kill or be killed’
I was 17 when it started. I was kind of glad I got a job at Walmart a few weeks before. I was checking out Mrs. Morgan from across the street, having a lovely conversation about her 12 cats when the service bell on the speakers went off.
“Everyone please drop your items and proceed towards your nearest exit.”
“What’s going on?” Mrs. Morgan asked as she looked around at all the people leaving the store with their families.
“I have no idea but here take this and go home. I’m pretty sure it’s faulty wiring in the store or something.” I said handing her her credit card not putting any charges on it for the time being.
“Alright just be careful dear.” She said waddling away with the rest of the crowd. The doors were shit and locked after all the customers made their way out the store.
“Alright. Guys think is hard to say but you’re all fired.” Our manager said once he gathered us all at the front.
“What?!” I yelled along with everyone. Their voices going over each other’s as they yelled at our manager, Tyler.
“No, you all are fine it’s just… Fuck I’m not supposed to tell you this but this morning CDC confirmed that they have a rogue virus. They say it must have attached to someone somehow but it’s out now and it’s dangerous. You guys need to go home and lock yourselves and your family in. Take what you need from here free of charge until this gets cleared up.” Tyler explained and everyone dispersed grabbing a cart or two and helping g each other.
There were a few of us who wanted to ask questions but Tyler was waving us off as he grabbed a cart himself. I stood there for a while wonder what the hell had happened. I grabbed a cart and immediately went to get water.
I remember as a child my dad would always take me camping and he said water is the most important thing that you could have. If you had a choice between food or water. Take the water. Along the way I saw a fairly empty cart and drug it behind me. Water for one food for the other.
The water cart was fucking heavy and next was canned good along with feminine​ products because no way in hell was a using a fucking sock. I laughed at people picking meat and bread and other perishables. Canned food was always the way to go in a crisis like this.
With room still left in the food cart I went over to the prescription spot and took some pain relief, ibuprofen, headache relief, aspirin, bandages and any other health kit in sight. I also grabbed soap, pads, tampons, and hair ties because I was gearing up.
Tyler unlocked the doors and everybody ran to their cars. They left their carts there so they could just pack up and I’m so glad I didn’t because people were sneaking shit left and right. I’m also glad I parked close to the doors this time. I usually parked near the back because the front spots were taken but I came as soon as somebody left and got a good spot
“Alright Gracie, nothing to worry about just a little virus. A minor fever at most.” I said throwing the waters in my trunk. Convincing myself wasn’t going to work because everyone had seen the movies. When people say “a small virus outbreak” they really mean vampire zombie shit.
The canned goods had to go in the back and front seat but I didn’t mind. My Jetta had a lot of space and surprisingly it all fit.
With all the money I saved up over the years and my two jobs I was lucky enough to be able to rent a small home. It was in a well populated area so if it was zombie vampire things I would be slightly screwed.
I pulled into my garage and shut it quickly latching both side of the door hoping that would be enough to keep anything out. I began to take everything out and stack up the food in my garage. It was weird seeing all the food under shelves with more food on them. If you walked into my garage you’d think I was a survival nut. Or just a big fatty. Or both.
I remember that day like it was yesterday. It has changed so much ever since. That was the last time I had seen anyone alive. I know, and that was three years ago. Okay maybe not seen but talked to.
I’ve seen other survivors around but they never look like people I want to get acquainted with. Always the tough guys with too many tattoos and bandanas.
The only good thing that came out of this apocalypse was that my period had stopped. It was like God didn’t want us women to suffer too much during this. If lost almost all my food the day I was chased out by some people that broke it. Surprisingly the threat in the beginning was mostly people.
I grabbed what I could while they were still trying to break down the front door and unlatched the garage opening it up before driving away, bullets zooming my way. I lost my car and everything in it a long time ago. I grabbed what I could but there wasn’t enough gas in the world for me to drive forever.
Now I was on foot. My other pair of shoes had work out a couple of days back. Weeks? I can’t remember anymore. These shoes were new, never worn till now because they were in an abandoned foot locker that I canned in for a while. They were a nice pair of purple converse but of course they were scuffed up from walking for so long. I also managed to grab a pair of black combat boots and tie them to one the the straps of my bag to save room. I thanked God for whoever created the double knot.
My bag was black and the straps we’re torn in certain spots were people had tried to cut me or I was drug by people. Duck tape now was around most of it to keep it together. It was great to have duck tape with me and I was smart to grab it. It held my last pair of shoes together until it couldn’t anymore.
It was filled with a half empty water bottle, some granola bars that I picked up awhile back, a pair of jeans, another t shirt for when this one finally gave out, bandages, pills and some rubbing alcohol. It was surprising that I could fit all that in there and it wasn’t in the way. Bless my mom’s packing lessons.
A sweater hung around my waist in case it got cold which winter’s in wherever I was weren’t bad. I started in Virgina but now I have no idea where I am. My feet have taken me to wherever they wanted. I haven’t seen any of the contaminated in a long time but a life was tightly gripped in my hand.
That was all I had but I was hoping to find some weapons soon. I really wasn’t getting far with only a knife but I made do. This is my life now I have to make do with everything.
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omegasafetytraining · 6 years
What to do to Prepare for a Hurricane
Many people tend to ignore the dangers of Hurricanes until they experience the full force of being in the line-of-fire for a strong storm.
It’s common for people to be near a hurricane, but have never had a loss of property, they may disregard the threat of a big storm coming.
If you live in an area that could be affected by a hurricane, whether it’s your first year there or if you’ve seen a dozen hurricanes and tell your friends about the “really bad ones”, you should be ready for the worst, just in case.
Making Plans in Advance
There’s no such thing as too soon. Late summer and fall is hurricane season.
Make sure you have a plan in place for hurricane season, even if it’s weeks ahead of a potential storm. Better safe than sorry!
If you live in a coastal area, find people farther inland that are ready to accept you – friends, family, coworkers – and confirm with them and make sure arrangements are made.
If you live farther inland and it’s likely that you are not going to be affected by the hurricane, ready a room and check in with your friends and family that may be affected and see if they need a place to stay.
Tag your pets and make arrangements for them. Do not leave your pets behind in the storm.
Check with your employers about their time-off procedure for storms and make a plan with them in case you need to evacuate or if you’re stuck in your home.
Buy actual, physical maps. Just in case. They rarely go out of date, and you don’t need to plug them in.
Keep your gas tank full every day as storms approach. Doesn’t hurt to have a spare gas can, either.
What to Pack
Most people have a good idea of their own personal needs, but sometimes things get forgotten.
So double-check to make sure you have these things, and in the weeks before a storm, pay attention to all the things you need or use, so you can be ready when the storm lands. Here’s a good storm-readiness checklist:
Waterproof, sealed first-aid kit with disinfectants, bandages, and instructions.
A functioning, up-to-code fire extinguisher
Battery-powered light sources, preferably waterproof.
Twice as many batteries as you think you’ll need for all of the different devices you’re packing.
USB Power Banks, preferably a solar charger if you can budget them.
Non-powered cooking and eating utensils.
At least two weeks of necessary medications. You may be able to ask your doctor ahead of time for additional supply, depending on the substance control level.
Non-perishable foods, which you should buy far in advance – you’ve seen the pictures of the empty grocery store aisles.
Physical maps, preferably with annotations and notes of evacuation routes.
Flares, spare tire, and small toolbox to be able to make small fixes.
Sleeping Bags, contained in waterproof bags.
Cell phones, chargers, and waterproof casing to be able to put them in in the event of complete flooding.
Cash, in case power is down at local vendors
Toilet paper, storing in an air-tight container.
Thick, plastic garbage bags, which can be used for both containing things and disposing of things
Alcohol wipes, especially when tap water may be contaminated or if you come into contact with floodwater.
Waterproof boots, preferably even rainboots or over-shoes.
Bleach, sealed and airtight
Any sanitary or medical device needs, i.e. tampons, pads, diabetic supplies, inhalers. Extras should be stored in an airtight, waterproof container.
Where to Look for Information
You can’t always trust the things you see on the internet. Be careful of:
Screenshots that are not shared by Verified Accounts. Most social media networks, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have a system of Blue Verification check marks to verify official news stations, meteorologists, or weather teams. While not infallible, these sources are more trustworthy than a random facebook friend.
Fake websites that look like regular news sites. Even if the site says “Secure” or has the “https://” before it, it could be a fake. Use a trusted search engine, such as Google or Bing, and bookmark your local weather stations URLs in your browser.
Wrong timestamps – if people are sharing posts from last year, it will apply to a completely different storm. Be vigilant to make sure you’re paying attention to only current information.
A good place to find information is https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ – the National Hurricane Center’s official website. Or you can listen to local radio or TV stations. Stay up-to-date and stay informed so you know when it’s time to evacuate, if necessary.
Where to Go
First and foremost, if local authorities tell you to evacuate, evacuate. Do not wait and see to tough it out. Storm damage can never be accurately predicted, so don’t wait to see if it’s “really going to be that bad” to find yourself in danger without access to emergency medical care.
If you do stay home and the storm hits your area, stay inside until the storm has completely passed. Stay away from windows or glass, as debris can shatter these and injure you. While the storm is hitting, stay in rooms like a bathroom or closet, preferably inside the house, in case walls are damaged or ripped off during the storm.
Be sure that a pause in the wind isn’t just the eye of the storm overhead. If you are in the eye of the storm, the dangers may calm down for a brief moment, before picking back up again. If you still have cell service, use the internet to see where the storm is before leaving the house.
You may lose access to the internet, phone lines, or even basic cellular service during a storm. Ask your local authorities what to do in the event of a medical emergency. If you can’t drive or leave the house, there’s a good chance medical professionals won’t be able to get to you either. Make these plans before and avoid injuries the best you can.
The basics of storm preparedness is planning for the worst, and hoping for the best. Most areas that are known to experience hurricanes during hurricane season usually have resources to be able to help citizens affected by storms. Check with your local government for localized expertise in dealing with hurricane season.
The post What to do to Prepare for a Hurricane appeared first on Omega Safety Training.
from WordPress https://omegasafetytraining.com/blog/safety/prepare-for-hurricane/
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fashiontrendin-blog · 7 years
6 Women on the 1 Product They Wear When Going Makeup-Free
6 Women on the 1 Product They Wear When Going Makeup-Free
I used to think I looked ill without makeup, an admitted delusion I blamed on a beauty-industrial complex intent on selling me a “better” version of my natural face. But around last June, I stopped wearing makeup. And, aside from helping clear up what I thought was unshakeable acne, it made me realize my bare face doesn’t look tired or sick so much as…makeup-less. It just took some getting used to, that’s all.
None of this is to say I don’t enjoy watching people put makeup on for literal hours on YouTube (I thoroughly do) — I just equally enjoy seeing more bare faces around these days. And I get especially excited by trends like face-doodling and glitter eyeliner and matching lipstick to acne that hint we’re ushering in a beauty era for which the impetus is fun instead of “flaws.” Dark circles, spots, redness, puffiness, short eyelashes, neutral-colored lips…these things don’t make anyone look ill (most men have them in spades); they just make us look different.
In the spirit of an increasingly popular makeup approach that’s less “full face” and more “a dab will do ya,” I asked a few MR team members to tell me the one thing they wear when they sport an otherwise bare face. See what they told me below and then give me your answer too. (Bonus points for pics!)
Haley (I’ll go first)
What’s your product and how long does it take you to apply it?
Glossier Cloud Paint in “Haze,” and it takes under a minute to apply. Thanks for asking, self.
Why is it your go-to when you’re wearing nothing else?
Once I started defaulting to no makeup, a little color on my cheeks was the first thing I missed. I wasn’t looking for something dramatic, just the pinch of pink I get after exercising or something. Most of the time, I’m a sheet top-to-bottom; I’ve never been a natural flusher. (Harling hates that she blushes. Grass is greener, I suppose.) Then I got a sample of Cloud Paint at an event and loved it so much that it quickly became the only thing I wore on days that I wanted to look a little extra alive.
What makes this particular brand/product well-suited for this scenario?
It’s a liquid, which I’ve always preferred over powder for anything makeup-related, so it blends in with my moisturizer really easily. I like using blush alone because it makes me look like I just blew in from the cold, know what I mean? It doesn’t make me look like I’m wearing makeup (like say, eyeliner or mascara would), which is what I’m after since I’m usually not wearing any.
Any application tips?
I dole it out in tiny-ass drops and pat it on with my fingers until it looks like a natural flush. It’s really easy to go overboard, though, so be careful. One drop can be enough. The super-small bottle lasts forever. (I love that.)
What’s your product and how long does it take you to apply it?
Brow pencil. Specifically: Charlotte Tilbury’s Brow Lift Three-Way Shape, Lift & Shade Eyebrow Pencil in “Naomi.” It takes me about three minutes to apply.
Why is it your go-to when you’re wearing nothing else?
I’m assuming it’s because brows frame your eyes and those are the windows to your soul and whatnot. But filled and shaped brows instantly make me look I’m like “ready,” for some reason — regardless of what the rest of my face/hair/outfit/life is doing.
What makes this particular brand/product well-suited for this scenario?
The angular shape of the pencil end makes it easy to shape, extend and fill brows at the same time. I used to use the super-thin brow pencils, and while those are precise, it takes a lot more time and blending to create the final shape. I also love the size of the spoolie on this product in particular, and if you open the pencil in half, there’s a highlighter sponge for brightening under your brow if you’re fancy like that.
Any application tips?
Start and finish with the spoolie! Use it before you start filling to get your hairs going in the right direction(s), then follow up again after you do your drawing to help blend the product and get rid of any harsh lines.
What’s your product and how long does it take you to apply it?
L’Oreal Paris Double Extend Beauty Tubes. I have never timed myself putting on mascara, but now I want to! Under a minute?
Why is it your go-to when you’re wearing nothing else?
When I was deep into my eyelash extension addiction, I went to a wedding in Miami without getting an eyelash touch-up. I felt I had wonky cow eyelids without them — you know, a few super-long ones, sparse short ones — which looks sooo lovely on cows but not so much on me. Anyway, in a scene that looked like something out of a mascara or tampon commercial, my friend Roxana was like, “Forget the eyelash extensions. You need to try this mascara. It’s life-changing and will make you look like you’re wearing a set of falsies. Plus, because of the ‘tubes’ technology, you don’t need makeup remover to take the mascara off. You just use warm water and very gently pull off the mascara with your fingers.” Honestly, sometimes I think I like the removal part more than anything. It’s like raking a little zen garden on my face. As for the mascara itself, I always feel much better with big fat eyelashes!!!
(I dye my lashes too so that they have some tint when I’m not wearing mascara — and I curl them every day whether I wear mascara or not.)
What makes this particular brand/product well-suited for this scenario?
It makes my lashes long and comes off easily in a way that feels much kinder to my lashes themselves and the area around my eyes. I practically had to use paint thinner and a Brillo pad to get my old mascara off.
Any application tips?
Do not do in a moving vehicle — and apply fast. It dries quicker than the average mascara, so you have less time to get it right.
What’s your product and how long does it take you to apply it?
Some version of a tinted lip moisturizer. It takes about three seconds to apply (four, depending on how many times I feel like swiping across my bottom lip). My favorites are Dior’s Lip Glow color reviver balm, Ilia’s lip pen in the color “Dress You Up,” and while this one isn’t a moisturizer, the color is good on an olive-y skin tone: Glossier’s Generation G in “Like.”
Why is it your go-to when you’re wearing nothing else?
For the longest time, winters made my face feel somehow incomplete. I’d look in the mirror and feel like something was missing without being able to pinpoint what it was. I’d put on lipstick but felt like it made me look either too done-up or like I was 10 years older (I also only believed there was one color lipstick among the rainbow of applicators and that its color was red). Then, because I am a very late bloomer, three years ago in Paris, Emily Weiss gave me a sample of a new product she was launching for Glossier. It was a skinny lip pen in a color called “Like.” I put it on and still looked exactly like myself, just slightly more alive. The color — a sort of dusty plum or something — enhanced the natural color in my lips without exaggerating it, and THAT’S WHEN IT OCCURRED TO ME! My face wasn’t incomplete! Facial parts still intact, my dumb lips were just dry and pale!
What makes this particular brand/product well-suited for this scenario?
For Glossier’s “Like,” the actual color just complements the color of my winter skin, which is to say slightly green, slightly dead. The Dior Lip Glow and Ilia colors are great too, but since they’re moisturizing, I like that I don’t have to walk around with cracked-ass lips all day.
Any application tips?
Yes! Blindfold yourself and hope not to miss the slivers of tender skin that separate your chin from your philtrum.
What’s your product and how long does it take you to apply it?
Joey Healy Brow Lacquer in “Oak” — it takes me about 30 seconds to apply.
Why is it your go-to when you’re wearing nothing else?
I was first introduced to this brow gel when I met with brow specialist Joey Healy for a story about fixing my eyebrow patchiness. It’s so easy to use and makes my brows look 10,000x less sparse, so it’s the least I can do when I’m too lazy to spend more than a minute on my face. Of all my makeup products, this one gives me the most bang for my time’s buck.
What makes this particular brand/product well-suited for this scenario?
The pigment is pretty opaque, so I feel like it does a very effective job of making my eyebrows look fuller without much effort.
Any application tips?
I use it very lightly, just to fill in the sparseness at the edges of my brows. Because the pigment is so opaque, you can’t be too heavy-handed or your eyebrows will look like cartoon caterpillars.
What’s your product and how long does it take you to apply it?
W3LL PEOPLE Bio Brightener Stick, and it takes me about a minute to put on.
Why is it your go-to when you’re wearing nothing else?
I like that it brightens my face. I put it on my cheekbones, eyelids (under my eyebrow and on the inner lower lid), and bridge of my nose. It’s one product, but I put it EVERYWHERE. Even if I wake up late for work all groggy, I like to imagine it makes me look awake and glowy.
What makes this particular brand/product well-suited for this scenario?
Since it’s a stick, it’s easy to draw on your face like a crayon — it’s fun! And I feel like it quickly enhances my entire face, not just my eyes, lips or cheeks specifically. Also, it’s natural, which has been a requirement for me since I switched to an all-natural beauty regimen (which you can read about here!).
Any application tips?
Apply, use setting powder, apply again for MAXIMUM GLOW.
Photos by Edith Young. 
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