#robron fanfic
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bobbie-robron · 2 months ago
Robron Fanfiction Recommendations (Dec-2024)
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The below were recommended on the Voldemort site and 🦋 during December 2024
As the sun rises (2020) 31.5K words, softlyspoken
Post reunion 3.0, Sebastian POV. Sebastian is 13 years old when Aaron attempts to see his son but that woman continues to block him until Sebastian runs off for few hours returning to find Aaron and Robert there. Willing to get to know the two, Sebastian decides to stay with them for a week at the Mill. There he sees for himself how devoted and attached the two are to each other (Aaron even dumped his last boyfriend Reggie soon after Robert returned from prison) but that also Robert is struggling to cope with what he went through inside and his worthiness to be back with family. But for Sebastian it’s learning about the family he lost out on, warts and all, and accepting what Robert did isn’t who he truly was and still is…
Oh it’s such a shame for us to part (2016) 14.1K words, softlyspoken
Alternative canon for Nov-2015. Aaron spouts out venom toward Robert to reinforce to him what was said post-chicken run 2.0 that he hated him and that he wouldn’t care if he died. Those words soon haunt him as Chas, in her sleepwalking trance, stabs Robert (instead of Diane) and Aaron is beside himself trying to keep him alive until the ambulance arrives. Even with words of being sorry and loving Aaron, that doesn’t mean they’d be together. By the end, the two have a much needed clearheaded discussion where they go from there.
Come what may (2020) 18.4K words, anythingbutplatonic
Reunion 3.0. It’s been now months since Robert went to prison and Aaron’s just about to sign the divorce papers until the one and only DS Wise arrives with the worst news… Robert attempted to take his life. So what does Aaron do? Demand to know where Robert is and he hurries off to see his still husband. Along the way, Aaron realizes he missed all the signs of just how badly fractured Robert’s mental health was and prison only exacerbated those feelings. It’s gonna be a long road of recovery for Robert who feels unworthy, a burden and an unnecessary responsibility to Aaron.
Seat Fillers (2020) 5.1K words, Ok_To_Be_Me
Reunion 3.0. Aaron’s about to have ‘the talk’ with the bloke he’s been involved with, Marc (who brings in Liv as a back up to talk him around), when Robert shows up at his doorstep out of prison. Removing those that are not Robert, Aaron decides it’s time for a much needed chat with his soulmate which includes why he didn’t fight for him and where they go from there. In short, seat fillers fill an emptiness until the star of the show returns.
A hundred mini dreams and a healing scar (2020) 65.4K words sugdensrobert
Reunion 3.0. It’s seven months later and Robert is a free man because another victim came forward and because of the overcrowding in prison. While doubtful of returning to the village, he does so and to his surprise, Aaron wants him back (the same day) even though he hasn’t forgiven him for cutting him off. Aaron realizes right off the bat that Robert is not the same man… unsure of himself, feeling he isn’t worth it and not wanting to be a burden to him. But especially so, Robert had no support those seven months… and even before then… and Aaron’s determined to be there for him (and fight for him) when he wasn’t before.
Stay Awhile ‘verse series (2020) 24.2K words, exploring_in_space
AU. Two stories. Robert works for his father at Sugden Enterprises as a business operations manager in the logistics department. He’s determined to make Jack proud and that means 75 hour work weeks. On a day ending with more overtime, Robert winds up at a pub in a seedy part of town and it’s where he comes across Aaron. Aaron takes charge taking him to his home but is rubbed the wrong way when Robert tries to pay him. So there on out it’s about Robert’s struggle to accept who he is which affects how he handles Aaron over the course of months and whether it’s worth getting Jack’s acceptance after all. The second story is Aaron’s POV which includes Adam.
The universe series (2020) 16.4K words, Karla_Kattz
Single dad AU. Two stories. Since Sebastian saw a show about the moon and the stars, he’s become obsessed with all things about the universe. Robert decides to take him to the observatory to feed his interest. It’s where they meet Aaron who makes a great impression on Sebastian believing he’s a scientist because of the knowledge he shares. While entrepreneur Robert has no space for dating, boyfriends or even an affair, he still trades numbers with Aaron and so begins them getting to know each other. But his sister isn’t accepting of Aaron in case Sebastian gets hurt and Aaron himself hasn’t been above board about a certain part of his life which might put a dent in their growing relationship…
Ghosts of You (2020) 22.6K words, dirtylittlegreasemonkey
Reunion 3.0, year 2037. While in Leeds during Christmas, Aaron spots a lad and automatically just knows it’s Sebastian working in a coffee shop. It takes a couple of visits before the two actually talk and come to talking about Robert and Sebastian mentions finding him via LinkedIn having made a name for himself in a new business in Manchester. Sebastian is the first to contact Robert (but don’t expect any close relationship) and it’s from there where it takes over with Aaron seeking out Robert learning he’s involved with a woman. They take a chance at friendship for a few months. But can the hurts of the past be put in the past to allow them that one final chance at being truly happy… together?
The insubstantial shadows (2017) 15.3K words, thisissirius
Mythology AU. Robert and Aaron have been in another car accident which has landed Aaron once again in a hospital bed with Robert there nonstop. At a blink of an eye, Hades sits himself next to Robert. He’s about to have Robert take a harrowing journey through Hell literally in order to save Aaron from dying. Robert’s companions during this journey into his past includes Katie, his birth mum Pat and then later joined by Jack. As Robert continues to feel unworthy of being with Aaron (and determined not to look back) during this emotional sojourn, will he be able to face the most critical moment in his life to make sure Aaron lives or was he doomed to fail from the start?
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damnitiloveyou · 6 months ago
When will Ao3 return from war? I would like to curl up in bed and read some fanfic.
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karlakattz · 6 months ago
time for a little fic promo!
The lovely @starrythomas tagged me in a tag game! Thank you so much!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern.
I took the first sentence of my fics, even if they are still WIP.
And when our worlds they fall apart, When the walls come tumbling in, Though we may deserve it, It will be worth it. (Worlds Collide, Robron, WIP)
There he is again! (See me through, Robron, WIP)
One day, the prophecy says, the Tarrthálaí, the savior, will appear, and vanquish the Darkness. (Songs of the Savior - Defeating the Void, Sterek, complete)
Seb and Isaac are proudly counting the sweets they hunted. (The Scene That We Stole - Happy Easter, Robron, complete)
“I’m fine.” (the Scene That We Stole - Positive, Robron, complete)
Letting out a long and suffering groan, Aaron sinks into the chair. (Paging Aaron Dingle, Robron, complete)
It wasn't Stiles' fault he fell asleep. (Red, White and Royal Sterek, Sterek, complete)
Aaron is pissed off on most days, but today he‘s extra pissed off. (Keeping the monsters away, Robron, WIP)
Aside from the soft clatter of the keyboard, it's peacefully quiet in the loft. (True Alpha, Sterek, complete)
A cloud of steam trails after Aaron when he steps out of the bathroom. (made it ok to be me, Robron, complete)
As for the first one I'd like to add that it's a quote from a song I love and adore, and that's Halo by Depeche Mode, which is my all time favourite band. You can listen to it here.
The third one is a quote I made up for this universe.
I don't see a pattern, except that I might have a thing for short first sentences to dive into the moment quickly? Hmmm.
Tagging @renmackree @escharis @triskhellion @quackquackcey, in case you haven't done that yet
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The drive home from Hell
-Robron fanfic
Summary: after a chaotic day at the water park the drive home proves to be a challenge for Aaron and his passengers aren’t exactly helping
(Au emmerdale)
“I want McDonald’s” the red headed 5 year old screamed from the back of the car.
Aaron was losing the plot at this point.
“No seb I told you if you where hungry you should have eaten your hotdog!” The Dingle replied plainly.
Seb pouted his lip angrily kicking the back of his youngest dads seat in disapproval.
Aaron sighs ignoring him and continued to just focus on driving. Okay so maybe today hadn’t exactly gone to plan. I mean Getting lost on the way there,Robert falling off the water slide raft,Seb losing his shoes and Mackenzie getting badly sunburned because, He quote ‘didn’t need suncream because he already looked to hot to be burned’. Well he was certainly paying for it now.
“Ouch why do you have leather seats all they do is rub on your fragile skin!” The brunette complained rubbing his sore arm dramatically.
“We’ll next time maybe don’t be a child and listen to me!” Robert scolded Turing around with a slight smile on his face.
Aaron rolled his eyes,finding it amusing his Husband was lecturing his best friend like he was a teenager. “You know Mackenzie Roberts right we warned you this might happen” He said rather to cheerfully.
Mackenzie huffed in annoyance.
“We’ll I’m not taking advice from somebody who can’t sit properly on a rubber ring” He snapped back.
“I thought you where supposed to sit sideways!” Robert argued back angrily the street lamps outside making the bruise on his head very noticeable.
“Not on a four person waterslide you’re not!”
“Oh yeah well at least I don’t look like a walking corpse!” Robert snarked back electing a silent response from the Scotsman.
“I want McDonald’s!” Seb suddenly said again trying to get back to his point of needing fast food.
“No seb!” Aaron said again more sternly this time. The response being the usual another kick to his backseat. “Sebastian Sugden-Dingle you do that again you’re going to bed early!” the Child stopped for a moment letting what his father had said just sink in.
Yeah not going to work because he had gone straight back to kicking the backseat. “ I want McDonald’s!” he screamed again accidentally kicking Mackenzies knee instead of Aaron’s seat. The Scotsman yelped in pain as it made contact with his burned skin,despite having jeans on it still hurt his raw skin through the thin fabric.
“Ouch god dammit Aaron just let him have some McDonald’s!” He shouted clutching his leg desperately as if it was about to fall off.
“Oye don’t yell at my husband!” Robert snapped reaching from the passenger seat to snack his arm,electing another dramatic scream from the Scotsman.
“What the hell sugden!” he yelled.
“Well maybe don’t be a rude Winey brat!”
Aaron was ready to drive into a wall.
“We’ll I’d rather be a winey brat than an uncoordinated blonde!”
Am I dead Aaron thought.
“We’ll at least my skin isn’t half on the floor!”
Maybe I’m in hell?
“I want McDonald’s!”
the breaks on the car suddenly slammed. Causing everyone to jolt forward.Aaron turned his head to face all of them. Their was a chill in the air Robert and Mackenzie awkwardly looked at each other. Seb had stopped his screaming and stared straight into his youngest fathers eyes. The anger seething out of Aaron was very uncomfortable for all them.
“If I continued to hear you two bickering so help me. I will throw you so far out that window their won’t be a planet near enough for your to land on! Seb if you continue to kick my seat I will be putting you to bed so early you’ll never see the dark again! now we’re going to drive home nicely and I don’t want to hear anything for the rest of the drive home! do you understand?”
Seb went silent and Mackenzie and Robert just sat completely still.
they all nodded not daring to speak a word.
Aaron smiled .“good now that’s cleared up let’s get moving.” He chimed Turing the radio on.
An hour later seb had started playing on his tablet while Mackenzie sat looking out the window, and Robert was happily listening to the radio. He reached out to hold his husbands hand smiling at him as he quietly fell asleep.
Finally Aaron thought I got through to them.
“Hey Aaron?” Mackenzie suddenly spoke.
“Yeah?” He replied quietly.
“could we go to burgerking?”
I wrote this in December and forgot about it and decided to post it after finding it in my drafts
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unemployedinfabuland · 2 years ago
I recently updated my fanfic. Check it out if you haven't already. The Fisherman's Lighthouse.
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actual-exhusbands · 10 months ago
I think I'd like a mix of all options:
Aaron starts a relationship with someone before Robert returns. Both Aaron and his bf are happy together. After a few months Robert is released and moves into Vic's. Robert has developed agoraphobia so stays in the house all the time. Vic is nervous to update Aaron so keeps Robert a secret. Eventually, Aaron needs to nip into Vic's home for something only to discover his ex-husband. Whilst stunned, Aaron walks straight back out saying nothing. He marches back to his flat and lets his silence turn to anger and he stews before confronting Victoria. Hours later, his new boyfriend pops by for a visit but before Aaron could invite him in he spots Vic over his bf's shoulder walking home from work. He shoves his way out of his porch and makes a beeline for Vic. He starts yelling after her making all sorts of claims out of his fury. Robert, from the safety of Vic's cottage peeks out from a curtain to see what all the noise is. He sees Aaron shouting abuse and, for the first time since returning to the village, steps out into the main street for all to see.
Aaron turns his aggression towards Robert. Aaron starts to accuse Robert of being a liar and a cold blooded murderer thinking his words will cut Robert deep like Robert's desertion did to him 5 years ago. Robert becomes aware of the villagers who are watching from the other side of the street. Terrified to attempt to defend himself. He spots Wendy and is suddenly filled with utmost guilt. Unfortunately, Roberts silence only heightens Aaron's rage. Before he could say anything, Aaron charges at Robert and tackles him to the ground. Aaron is now pinning Robert down whilst screaming all his emotions out; tears streaming down his face. A large audience has now formed The Dingles all exchange glances and looks of concern towards each other. Moments later, Aaron's boyfriend tries to break them apart with the help from Vic but to no avail. Chas and Moira shoot a sharp look towards Cain and eye him to go help break it up, too. Against his own judgement, Cain grabs Aaron by the scruff of the neck and drags him back to his flat. Paddy and Chas chase the rest of the crowd away as Vic helps Robert to his feet and chaperones him back into her cottage.
Weeks go by and Aaron refuses to make eye contact with Robert. He never once acknowledges Robert's presence. He doesn't want Robert to think he still cares. During this period he emphasises all romantic gestures with his boyfriend if Robert is in eyesight. However, Robert fails to take much notice as he's too concerned over the residents thoughts in regards to him living back in the village. The weeks turn to months and Robert's anxiety only grows as the days go by. Vic tries to help her brother by encouraging him out for a drink in the woolpack. Reluctantly, Robert agrees to go with her. They perch themselves by the bar closest to the door (so Robert can make a quick getaway), however, there is a stag do in full swing by the time they arrive and Aaron is a guest of the party as his boyfriend is the best man. Robert swivels around so quickly he nearly gives himself whiplash but Vic clutches on to his forearm preventing him from making an escape. Aaron's face turns to thunder as he enforced his attention away from Vic and Robert. His boyfriend is having too much fun to even notice the sudden change in Aaron's demeanor. Robert being fully aware of his ex husband being merely inches from him set his nerves off. Victoria made failed attempts to ease him by saying "it can't get any worse than this". Of course it then did get much worse.
At that exact moment Wendy and Bob walked into The Woolpack for a drink. It didn't take long for Wendy to loudly announce passive aggressive comments directed towards Robert to the whole pub. She stretched as far as to link Heath's death with her own son's death. Victoria was stuck in-between a rock and a hard place. She loves her brother but doesn't want to push Harry's grandmother away. Obviously all shots of mediation were ignored by Wendy and Bob and most of the new residents sided with them because of all the horror stories that were spread around about Robert. All of the chaos was increasing Robert's anxiety and he became more uncomfortable by the second. His nerves were shot. He couldn't concentrate on anything that Victoria was saying. The only thing that seemed to stabilise his mental stat was the sight of Aaron. Of course by this point every one in the room was staring at Robert, including Aaron. They locked eyes at each other for only a moment before Aaron dragged his eyes away to the beer mat on the table. That moment created peace in Robert's mind. The crash. Charity has dropped a glass but that sudden sound pushed Robert back over the edge. He darted for the door and escaped into the darkness. Victoria now found the courage to defend her brother against Wendy and the rest of the pub and shamed the stag do members. Pointing directly at each person to force guilt upon them. One person was missing from the party though. Aaron.
Amidst the pandemonium in The Woolpack, no one had noticed Aaron sneaking out the back of the pub to chase after Robert. Against all better judgement, he wanted to check on Robert. That shared glance sparked something in him. He just knew something wasn't right with Robert. After all, Robert never shied away from confrontation. He thrives in it. The opportunity to outsmart someone gave him a buzz. The Robert he knew would stand his ground and argue his case across until he won. The Robert in the pub wasn't his Robert.
Aaron knocked at Vic's home but there was no answer. There were no signs of life at all. He next ran down by the B&B to see if Robert was seeking refuge with Eric but there was no luck. He next searches the garage but stumbles upon Mac instead locking up for the night. Mac is about to ask Aaron how he's holding up but before he could get the question out Aaron runs off in the direction of Vanessa's. She was the only other person in the village to stand by Robert's return. He was hoping she would be hiding him from the entourage in the pub but, again, with no luck. Aaron is starting to get desperate. His concern quickly turned to uneasiness. He was starting to properly worry about Robert. He was rattling his brain for places he might be. His next bet was the cemetery. Aaron hated visiting there. Ghosts from his past were all buried there. All the ghosts he cared about that is. He sprinted down towards the church and jumped over the short wall. Scanned every corner with no Robert in sight. His eyes did fall onto one gravestone. Liv's. Suddenly, one memory of all three of them flooded his mind. That gave him an idea.
He scampered his way out of the cemetery and down the road until he got to the back of The mill. He followed a winding path that led to an opening of woodland. As he neared the opening he saw a shadow. An outline of someone. His speed slowed as he approached with caution. The closer he got the clearer the silhouette became. It was Robert. He was leaning on the handrail of the footbridge. The same footbridge Robert had embraced him on many a time in the past. The same footbridge the two would throw stones from with Seb. Robert looked deflated. There was no energy in him whatsoever. He looked like a bare copy of himself. This vulnerability tore down what was left of the little wall Aaron had built for himself to keep Robert out. Despite all the heartbreak and misery he had endured at the hands of Roberts actions here he was again. Willing to fall back into old habits but how could he stop himself?
Robert was blindly staring at his reflection in the stream. He failed to hear the approaching footsteps of Aaron. Gently, Aaron crossed his forearms and rested them on the same handrail inches next to Robert. He slowly peered over the edge and nestled his chin into his arms. Aaron gazed into Robert's eyes in the stream. Robert slowly scanned over to Aaron's reflection. Feeling that serenity brush over him once again at the mere glimpse of Aaron. Robert caught himself off guard by how hastily he confessed his anxiety about being back in the village. How he was sorry for how he ended their marriage. How he hated that he missed Liv's funeral. How he hates how quickly he threw his life away for one bad decision.
Robert sobs harder and harder for every admittance of all of his regrets and surrenders himself to his grief. Without any hesitation he lets slip the trauma he suffered whilst in prison. Knowing how hard life was for him when he was jailed away, Aaron throws one arm over Roberts shoulders and pulls him in closer. For the first time, Robert welcomes the physical embrace. They both relaxed into one another. They both clearly needed it. They both remain on the bridge quietly enjoying the stream shimmer in the moonlight.
After a while, Aaron and Robert break apart and gaze into each other's eyes. Robert opens his mouth to speak before Aaron interrupts him. "I told you I'd wait". Aaron spoke those words as though they were the magic key to freeing Robert. Relief fell upon Robert as though the heaviest weight had been lifted. He could breathe for the first time again. "Yeah?" Robert sighed with a slight smile stretching the corner of his mouth as his eyes glisten with hope. Aaron's face softens as he mimics Robert's expression. Without any hesitation or consideration Aaron leans in and kisses Robert. Hearts start to flutter but Robert jolts back pulling away from the kiss. They both stare towards each other before Robert returns his focus to the stream. Reality kicks in for him. "Don't!" Roberts whispers. A tear falling down his cheek. Robert doesn't feel worthy of Aaron's attention. He believes Aaron is better off without him. Everyone is better off without him. Robert turns his back to Aaron but before Robert can walk off Aaron grabs his arm "You can't keep walking out on me like that, Robert". Those very words killed the fluttering instantly. There was a sinking feeling like guilt was an anchor tied to his heart pulling it down. Aaron continued, "I know how hard it must've been in there but I would've stuck by you regardless. Helped you through it. I was willing to wait the whole 14 years because you were worth it. You are worth it." Aaron bit his lip as he realised what he'd just admitted out loud. The feelings he had been trying to compress. Robert, confused by Aaron's confession, stood teary eyed looking back at the man he so adored and yearned for feeling defeated. "But I'm not. I mean, I can't even step out the front door without fear of having a panic attack." Aaron remained baffled by this statement. How can Robert believe that? After everything. Aaron reaches out for Roberts arm and tilts his head ever so slightly that it draws Robert's stare back onto him. "You are to me". The words echoing those Robert once used for him. Robert also remembered the relevance of those specic words. Robert instinctively glanced down at Aaron's lips and back to his eyes. That was enough for Aaron to lean for a second kiss.
This time Robert kisses back and suddenly it's like they haven't been apart for the past 5 years. They fell back into their own natural rhythm with their bodies matching the other as they smoothly swayed from side to side. Aaron's hands travel to Robert's back holding him close as Roberts holds Aaron's face in his. Reluctantly, they pull away from each other only to rest their foreheads against one another. Aaron pulls his hands away from Roberts waist and traces his physique as they glide upwards his sides and across his chest. He lightly strokes down Roberts arms as he finds his hands, which are still cupping either side of Aaron's face, to take in his. They entwine their fingers as they relax their arms down by their sides. Foreheads still resting against one another fearing to break apart. Both wish to stay in this moment forever.
Thus, starting their second affair-era as Aaron will inevitably listen to his family who think getting back with Robert is a bad idea so will be guilt tripped into staying with this new boyfriend but will continue to rather seek out Robert for any true romantic connections.
Thank you. I am Eve and this has been my TED Talk.
Another poll, this time from Aaron's perspective!
I want to know how everyone feels! And please, there is no need to comment on whether Aaron would ever cheat or not, if you don't think that or want it, just choose another option 🙂 This is just for fun!
Reblog for wider spread if you fancy...
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no-goodbyes-no-regrets · 1 year ago
i require an abundance of babygirl!dad robron fanfics, if you know of any?
I just quickly browsed my own fics
Ruby - robron bring their daughter home from hospital
The chocolate hunt - Easter egg hunt in the village with Seb and baby girl sugden-dingle
The darkness of the mind - kind of dark and angsty fic which includes girl dads robron
Emmerdale village Christmas market - robron preparing for Christmas with Seb and baby girl sugden-dingle
I'm sure there are a ton more out there (even my own but I've written 238 robron fics and i don't remember the plot to them all)
If anyone knows any, feel free to drop links in the replies or reblogs!
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beautifulhigh · 11 months ago
B, J and M please
B: What was the first fandom you read fic in? Which was the first you wrote fic for?
I... have no idea. First time I remember really being aware of fanfic was Star Trek so I'm going to go with that for reading, and I want to say writing too?
Yes, I am fandom old. Although it was TNG, not TOS. I'm not that old.
J: What’s your favorite fanfic trope? Have you written it?
I wrote an accidental marriage fic for Klaine, "Vows", that had an element of fake relationship in it and tbh those tropes are still my jam. I love me a soulmate trope and I think the closest I got to that was the Robron fic "Rumours".
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with? Did it turn into a story?
I think the weirdest one is the one I am currently polling on as to whether I do the reveal. It's not the most unusal by fandom terms but it is for me...
Second weirdest was a Klaine AU, "Dreaming of You", in which everyone has some kind of psychic skill and Kurt ends up developing a rare one.
Fanfic writer A-Z asks
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aaronsbisexualsugden · 6 months ago
Actually I’m also okay with it IF it leads to a love triangle between John, Aaron, and Mack (with Aaron obviously choosing Mack and realising the only reason he was drawn to John is because he reminded him of Robert)
I’m actually fine with this storyline IF it’s leading into Robert returning…
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escapingreality51 · 1 year ago
watching the six nations and writing robron rugby fanfic... not a bad saturday
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bobbie-robron · 1 month ago
Robron Fanfiction Recommendations (Jan-2025)
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The below were recommended in January 2025 on the Voldemort site 🐦 and Bluesky🦋.
Let them bring you back to me (2020) 25.2K words, Daily_Scenarios
Reunion 3.0. Robert’s been in prison for a couple of months and Aaron’s in Scotland when he learns from Liv that Sebastian’s mum and Ross were in an accident and she didn’t make it. This news has Aaron (along with Debbie) scrambling to get to Sebastian. When he arrives at the hospital, Aaron has no rights to even see Sebastian (nor does Diane for that matter) because of no parental responsibility order. All roads then lead back to Robert who managed to get only medical help for Sebastian before being hospitalized himself for a prison attack. Now the lads have to work together to get Sebastian out from under social services and with Aaron while also finding a path back to each other in the process…
And that’s just the way it is (2018) 28.9K words, orphan_account
Gavin & Stacey AU. When Aaron (in Leeds) gets in contact with the company Robert works for (in London) about an open invoice, the two hit it off right away so much so that they start getting to know each other further first via FB then through texts and calls. Even with how well things are going, Aaron’s unsure if Robert’s really interested in him that way but that answer gets answered promptly. After that it’s all about getting to know each other better through reveals about their pasts, being brave enough to accept love and meeting the families especially a certain Jack Sugden…
The flowers always grow back (2019) 21.0K words, softlyspoken
Reunion 3.0, Sebastian pov. Aaron has been raising Sebastian and over time, Robert’s name has become one barely mentioned in his presence but Sebastian still wants to know about him. By Sebastian’s 15th birthday, he learns why Robert has been absent from his life. At his 16th birthday party, Robert shows up having just been released from prison. The feelings of abandonment are still strong for Aaron who’s tried to move on but Sebastian… well, he’s not having none of it. He’s determined to have his two idiot dads back together by Christmas!
This One Summer (2015) 6.6K words, lullabelle_moon
1940s AU. It’s the summer and Robert has been thrown at the Whites to marry Chrissie since he refused to enlist. When help is needed on the farm, Larry hires Aaron as he doesn’t trust Robert to do a proper job at Wyllie’s. Robert and Aaron get on well enough doing the work, that is until Aaron encourages Robert to open up and become even more comfortable with each other. Unfortunately, the era they exist in frowns upon what direction they could take. But, in the end, they might not have a choice what fate has in store for them (don’t worry, it ends fine).
Sunflower seeds (2019) 20.8K words, softlyspoken
Babysitter AU. Liv regularly babysits for quiet, Harry Potter loving, 13-year-old Sebastian but when her school’s coursework needs her full focus, she persuades Aaron to look after the teen on the sly. That doesn’t work out well as Robert comes home early not happy a stranger was looking after his son. But, as things turn out, Aaron endeared himself to Sebastian and he actually looks forward to babysitting when Liv cannot. It’s not just Sebastian he’s fond of but the Robert as well even if he may be straight. Both Robert and Sebastian want the other to be happy and Aaron may just be the person to do that if fears don’t get in the way…
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damnitiloveyou · 8 months ago
I understand that I have already left kudos and comments on every single chapter but that fic is a masterpiece and I will hit that kudos button as often as I like, thank you very much. Your red denial will not detour me.
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karlakattz · 1 year ago
For the three people still reading Robron and all my new porn bot followers (Hi!), I uploaded a little one shot.
“Are you sure?” he asks quietly. “Look, I’m not disappointed or anything if you’re not ready.”
“Don’t you want me like that?” Aaron blurts out, unable to hide the hurt.
Robert snorts quietly and shakes his head slightly. “Don’t be daft, idiot. I want you more than anything. Always.“ The corners of his eyes are softening even further when he adds: “In all the ways possible.”
Just two boys making sweet love with lots of feelings.
That‘s all.
Oh, and a proposal of course!
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taishaunaism · 1 year ago
Were you posting stuff about robron when they were around?!
not on here! I had a star wars blog I'd made back in 2016 which I used to silently observe robron fans from 2017 onwards (I got a post recommended to me from the emmerdale facebook account, of all things, about wedding 1.0 and Robert cheating somehow just made me more invested). at the start of 2019 I made an insta dedicated to robron and started posting robron fanfic cause I finally felt brave enough to join lmao
Reiteration by Otherworldliness anyone else remember this classic
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raelee514 · 2 years ago
nothing like seeing emmerdale spoilers to make me happy I don't currently watch it
also love the little fanfic ending express thinks happened with robron.
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spongerobertstudpants · 1 year ago
Hi! Thank you for reblogging my little RWRB ask meme! Do you mind me sending you a few number for questions as a thank you gift?
#1, #9, #12, #18, #21 ? if you feel like it! Thank you :)
And this is what happens when I don't fully read a post and figured I would just answer all the questions lol.
This took some time but thank you for send me this ask because I did love answering these 🥰
1- What was your introduction to Red, White and Royal Blue? How did you become aware of it, what was your first impression of it?
I honestly don't remember. I think I read it after the initial hype but I don't remember how I heard about the book. I do remember that once I bought my copy, I read it in less than 1 week. I had some pretty late nights and struggled to keep awake at work 😅
9- If you had to delete the entire movie but one scene, which scene would you save?  
This one is tough! There are so many scenes I would keep 😫 If I had to pick one, I think it would have to be the red room. Even though I would have loved to have Alex telling Henry to "shut all the way up" instead of them limiting him to say "shut up". The way this scene played out in the movie was still perfect. How awkward Alex was in the beginning to how awkward Alex and Henry became when they were cut off by Amy. And everything in between was just perfect!
12- Share one of your unpopular opinion about the book and/or the movie.
I think I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but I was totally fine with June not being included in the movie. I don't think she would have added anything to the plot. And in all honesty, June isn't my favorite from the book but I think it may have to do with the fact that her personality and mine are really similar
18- You have to get a RWRB tattoo (either because you want one or because someone is threatening you and you have to get one to save your life). What do you choose? It can be anything! 
This is too easy. Henry's signet ring and Alex's house key. Either both on the chain. Or the chain intertwined with the ring like they were both placed on a surface
Bonus! (or 21-) Do you read fanfic? Follow some visual artist (drawing, painting, gifing...)? Recommend someone to follow! (rwrb related ofc)
I do read fanfic and follow authors. I also do the same with visual artists. I don't follow people who create for the red white and blue fandom right now. But that's because when I first signed up for tumblr, I was dedicated to robron and only robron. I think everyone gif that has been created has been amazing! And I'm hoping to start reading rwrb fanfic soon!!
0 notes