#being a boy is scary lol
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buntress · 4 months ago
this in the context of being transmasc though
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year ago
Big Mama must have lost some serious standing in the yokai underworld because it’s gotten apparent that she keeps being beaten by a small group of teenagers and the occasional rat man, and when it’s not them then she’s taking L’s from her own schemes working against her.
And in the ensuing power vacuum, the Hamatos accidentally become the most feared crime family known to all the big bads of the Hidden City.
After all, they’ve publicly outplayed Big Mama multiple times, a couple of them have taken out the heads of two of the most well known criminal organizations, one took out Heinous Green, two are responsible for the destruction of Witch Town, they have ties to both the infamous Baron Draxum and Captain Piel, they won the Doom Dome death race, they’re Battle Nexus Champions, they’ve displayed insane feats of power and defeated impossibly strong enemies, most of them have been to jail, and they regularly mingle with humans.
You can just imagine the notoriety they’d accumulate from word of mouth alone.
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vehemourn · 1 year ago
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this is my other neopets oc his name is grumble and hes a really nice guy
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good-wine-and-cheese · 11 months ago
Gambling Apocalypse Tenma AU
As I rewatch Kaiji I inevitably end up wanting to combine show I like with other show I like and stuffing fav characters into show. So here we are.
This was uh going to be a short summary type thing but I accidentally wrote a novella about it sorry
This AU starts off with a much more depressive Tenma. After Tobio's death, rather than immediately pour his grief into developing a robot version of his son, he recedes into himself, psychologically paralyzed, likely turning to alcohol to drown out his anguish.
His mental state is taken as an opportunity within the Ministry of Science to have him ejected from his position; Tenma was never the most well-liked director, and there were those with ambition to usurp him that would jump at the chance. Not that he especially cares in his state.
He's eventually dragged out of his stagnation by Ochanomizu - who, inadvertently, becomes the very catalyst pushing Tenma to develop a robot replacement to his child. This was not what he meant by encouraging Tenma to fill the void left by his son.
...But, well, he is no longer the director of the Ministry of Science. His access to limitless government funds and resources for "scientific research" has been cut off, and this is a project he cannot finance on his own. He can't ask Ochanomizu for help, but...interestingly...a representative of a certain shady organization known as the Teiai Corporation reaches out to him, offering to finance and support his project. A sane and well-minded Tenma might think better of it, but grieving and desperate, Tenma accepts their offer and is able to create a robot in the image of his beloved Tobio. For a while, there's joy in his life.
But the bill, as ever, comes due: Tenma must pay up, and the very resources that had been at his disposal will certainly ensure that he will, or else. Of course, he doesn't have the money; instead, he is given a choice. He can relinquish the robot Tobio in order to wipe out his debt - the child is a sophisticated and powerful robot, after all - or he can participate in a certain illicit event hosted by the Teiai Corporation.
It's nothing major...just a four-hour gambling cruise with a collection of desperate, damned souls that were also swept into debt with Teiai. The conditions are simple: Those who choose to participate are given a chance to clear their debts wholesale should they win. And should they lose...?
Well...no one really knows what happens to the losers seized by Teiai. It's said that they labour away their debts under Teiai's watchful eye and are freed once their work has covered their debts, though it's rumoured that most perish before they reclaim freedom.
There's only one answer Tenma can give, of course; he's not willing to lose Tobio again.
Thus is Tenma's debut into the Gambling Apocalypse, where he must become cutthroat in order to survive; if he wants to see his son again, he must make choices that will doom the hapless to miserable servitude, with a nonzero chance it ends in their death.
He survives the cruise, but of course, it was hardly enough to clear his debt; the cruise was never going to be the end of it. Teiai doesn't let go of its victims that easily. He will be called on again: this is a weight that hangs over him, all while he returns to his son Tobio. The same hands that have pushed innocents into hell must now be the hands that can embrace his child.
He wants to protect Tobio from the truth and enjoy what peaceful moments he's allowed with his son, but it's difficult. It's difficult to be the parent of a child who cannot understand the danger that looms ahead; this "happy" home is not to last. Tenma angers quickly and easily. He turns that anger onto Tobio.
As Teiai's games become more and more vicious and unrelenting, as his conscience holds onto the last vestiges of thread that remain, Tenma even threatens, once, to give the boy in: it would all end, then; the debt would be clear and no longer would he have to endure Tobio's childish annoyances, his ungratefulness.
The next time that Tenma is beckoned, Tobio takes matters into his own hands. He does understand, now; and he would have, if only Tenma had bothered to explain sooner. If it's a debt that needs clearing, he will work. He will help his father clear his debts however he can. Of course, it's difficult to find work as a child; but a circus troupe finds amusement in the idea of a child robot, and takes him in. He is whisked into a certainly unpleasant working situation, but he remembers his father, and what he must be enduring. Tobio, also, will endure.
When Tenma returns, Tobio is gone.
All that held Tenma back from becoming something monstrous has disappeared. All that kept him going has disappeared. When he is called upon by Teiai, there is no knowing what sort of person might come out the other end; whether a monster clawing his way to freedom regardless of what actions he must take, or a desolate husk surrendering defeat.
There is still a light, however dim: Found by Professor Ochanomizu and rescued from the circus, Tobio - now Atom - is able to shed light on the situation which Tenma took great pains to keep hidden from his old friend. With time running out, Ochanomizu and Atom must do what they can to save Tenma - from Teiai, and from himself.
UHHH and that's a wrap!!!! I couldn't quite decide which way Tenma would go after hitting Rock Bottom in this AU, and tbh it would really depend on the kind of mental state he's in at the time. On the one hand I like the narrative of Ochanomizu and Tobio racing to prevent Tenma from crossing a line (actual outright murder probably) - or having to pull him back into humanity (and yknow, his ensuing penance)
But on the other hand having him get sent to Teiai Evil Hell Prison would be interesting because a) there's a lot of narrative potential having Tenma faced with what Teiai is doing with the people that lose the games and b) need him to decimate the foreman at chinchirorin Kaiji style
Tenma's whole character is definitely a much different guy in this AU, he starts off pretty sympathetic, the guy you wanna root for, he just ends up having an inverse character arc where he gets worse instead of better. His conflict with "Tobio" is also kind of reversed, less about being unsatisfied with Tobio as a son and more not being able to handle the fact that he probably has intense PTSD now and isnt capable of coping with it in a way conducive to being a parent (or like, coping at all)
Anyway that's gambling apocalypse tenma!!!
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 year ago
me when my old dog who has seizures has a seizure:
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madnglorp · 3 months ago
How I feel after reading 20 essays on characterization and symbolism from anti-bl tumblr users; watching 1980-2000s anime to have cultural references; trying my best to absorb random osokun manga; and ONCE AGAIN fucking rewatching/replaying utena/twin peaks/lisa/disco elysium/whateverrrr for 84727th time for emotional and thematical inspo.
All just to write Osomatsu and Choromatsu as well as Jyushimatsu and Ichimatsu giving up on life and future and the expectations society places in "cishet" men and deciding to have evil codependent sex that is somehow both psychologically damaging yet uplifting because it's the first time in their lives they're doing something Nice for each other
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girlivealwaysbean · 4 months ago
on one hand completely ignoring your emotions is soo good for my mental stability and productivity but man i miss staring at the ceiling and listening to sad songs on loop
#idk if depression is the right word but yeah that author was right you become comfortable in your sadness you start loving it because#it becomes such a defining part of you#if i don't engage in any bad habits throughout the day i start to feel so uncomfortable and wrong and unfamiliar#that i crash and do something old me would've done again :(#the bounce back time has significantly improved tho so that's a relief#also lol who am i kidding pms will come soon im sure#but anyway#i physically can't listen to waiting room rn i listened to the opening notes and it was like#like a dam about to burst#so i just closed the gate very fast#i can't be sad rn because then i will feel lonely and then i will miss people and they won't miss me and ill cry the gasping for breath#i don't know what to do with this emptiness in the middle of my chest crying#man i hope this doesn't have any long term consequences#also i hope one day being good feels like me again and rotting in bed becomes unbearable again#i used to be so active like not physically but idk just like engaged with life more#curiously excitedly#well there's no going back now but i do hope i find a good balance#i was reading normal people and kinda rerealised that woah this sadness will always be a huge part of me. you only get#one childhood and. welp it got too real too relatable#i hope i don't turn out like her every self help book ive read says kids follow in their parents footsteps but god i hope not#this is why boys will always be so scary to me#future seems so bleak sometimes like not my 20s they'll be fire im sure but after that. am i even capable of being loved long term?#if the person who knew me the most well can move on from me in a flash. well then. i don't have anything more to give this is all#what has this post even become oh god. whatever. ill keep trying to be smarter first interesting second hopefully lovable will follow
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kagedbird · 2 years ago
Continuation from this *Team Dragonborn + Taliesin are sitting in camp. The boys bought an extra tent for Taliesin at the last pit stop near a town, along with plenty of supplies. It is currently early evening, and the group are settling down for bed.* Kaidan: I'll take first watch. Allora: You always take first watch, Kai. *shakes her head with a soft smile* I don't think, outside of you being ill, would we ever be able to take first watch ourselves. Lucien: She has you there. I suppose that means I'll be taking second? Inigo: I do not mind taking second if you'd prefer to sleep in a little more, Julian. Lucien: *chuckles* Thank you, Indigo. Allora: *cheekily* Oh goodie, my cuddle buddy gets to stay in longer. Lucien: *flushes and huffs, rolling his eyes* Yes, yes. We have one sleep over in a tent... Taliesin: One? I was under the impression you always slept together. Allora: I don't like sleeping alone. It's safer with people around. Taliesin: Yes, I'm sure that's the only reason... Allora: *scowls, debating on throwing something at him or not before huffing* I'm going to take a bath. Inigo, come keep watch for me please? Inigo: But of course my friend! I will have your back, while wash yours. Kaidan: Be safe. Call for anything. Allora: Yes, mother. *waves and heads off with her supplies with Inigo in tow* Kaidan: Keep an eye on 'em Lucien. I'm going to patrol the area. Lucien: *sighs and salutes* Yes, yes. Kaidan: *gives Taliesin a glare before going off to patrol* Lucien: *sits and glances over at Taliesin awkwardly* ...So... erm... Taliesin: Oh how fun. The Imperial man gets to watch over me today. Lucien: Just because Allora is gentle and kind doesn't mean you deserve any of that she's sharing you know. Taliesin: *dryly* There aren't many threats you all can make before you start repeating yourselves. Lucien: Then how about this one? My friends don't feel safe with you, and I find a problem with that. You seem otherwise like a... nice, murderous chap... And despite her history and trauma, I know Allora wants nothing more than to be friends with everyone she knows. She's very soft like that. So please, do rethink your actions and reflect on them. Atone for what you've done. That would certainly set her at ease. Taliesin: Not the brute? Lucien: Oh Kaidan will probably never trust you. He barely trusts me to keep an eye on you. But Kaidan trusts Allora, and it will keep him from lopping off your head at least. Taliesin: *huffs* Fantastic... Lucien: Now, if I may, can I ask you a few questions about your history with the Thalmor? Taliesin: I suppose...? Lucien: Wonderful! *scoots close, his face strangely cheerily intimidating* Where were you during the last day of the Great War for the battle of the White-Gold Tower? Taliesin: *sweating, confused at the sudden dark aura surrounding him, thinking: I thought he was the nicer one?!*
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dandyshucks · 11 months ago
I FORGOT TO MENTION IN THE ANSWER YESTERDAY but part of the post-canon stuff is also starting Guz's journey into sobriety! (along with encouraging the rest of the team who might've picked up bad drinking habits too)
with my own experiences around substance abuse and addiction (growing up surrounded by it), I think getting Guz to start on his sobriety journey would definitely be an important part of our story together :] and while everyone's end goal is different with sobriety, I think Guz would probably decide to stay entirely sober once he gets to that point, no more alcohol whatsoever. I've thought about it a bit and I just think he'd figure it's best to stay away from it entirely,,,, so actually he'd probably be a big proponent of encouraging the rest of the team to become/stay sober as well !
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godborn · 1 year ago
           @romance-in-moonlight   /   continued from   here .
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    upon his being made aware that   trouble   has brewed around a japanese tourist with   unusual powers ,   giorno hadn’t hesitated to mobilize a team to not only   keep tabs on her ,   but to ensure no harm befell her   &   her family .   her status as a   non - threat   had been swiftly established ,   yet ,   her exhibition of   some special ability   has erected a glaring red target across her back   ━━━━   namely to a   rival organization   whose subjugation is an   ongoing project .   as it has been ,   they have had   no advantage over passione ,   &   giorno had calculated that he could tend to more pressing matters while his specialized forces   snuffed them out ,   but it seems they have elected to take a   new approach ,   &   that this extraordinary tourist has unwittingly become an   asset worth acquiring .
    after days of guarding her from afar   &   too many close calls for comfort ,   giorno has concluded he ought to   meet this woman   at last .   his connections at spw have since reported back with a name   &   other basic information ,   but as far as her abilities are concerned ,   a certain   elusiveness   shrouds her ,   &   given his own   intimate acquaintance   with the mysticism of fate   &   great spiritual power ,   giorno gets the feeling that ,   though this young woman lacks a stand ,   whatever gifts she   does possess   must be of the same   transcendental realm .    
    (   he’s also come to terms with the fact that ,   as an innocent bystander has now been implicated ,   he will have to take part in this fight .   as a positive ,   gold experience reqiuem’s   hand will make quick work of this   “  rivalry ,   ”   restoring order in napoli   &   southern italy as a whole .   )
    “   don’t worry about that ,   ”   giorno replies ,   gently dismissing her apology with an amiable smile .   “   getting involved with these types of happenings is my job .   truthfully ,   i should be the one to offer an apology   [   . . .   ]   ”   he speaks to her in rigid japanese ;   excessively polite ,   especially for a man with the   whole of the country   beneath his heel .   but giorno is less than concerned with   maintaining the appearance of power ;   by now ,   his enemies are   well aware   of what he is capable of ,   &   what a   fatal mistake   it would be to cross him .   “   things aren’t usually so chaotic here in napoli   ━━━━   &   it’s no fault of your own that you’ve been tangled up in this unruly mess .   ”
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    with his formal   expression of regret ,   giorno bows   ninety - degrees   ━━━━   the customs of his birthplace woven into his memory ,   even after all this time .   however ,   unaccustomed to the cultural display ,   the few men who had escorted usagi to him exchange   puzzled glances   before bowing their own heads ,   certain that if the   don   is paying respects ,   they ought to do the same .   
    as he raises his head ,   giorno takes note of their obedience   &   expels a few   muted giggles ,   gesturing for them to be at ease .   then ,   his attention returns to the woman before him ,   countenance phasing from   amused to dutiful   as naturally as shadows creep across the moon .   “   i’m sure you have a lot of questions about what’s been happening ,   &   i will answer you as openly   &   honestly as i can .   admittedly ,   i have questions for you ,   too   [   . . .   ]   but i suppose formalities are in order ,   first   &   foremost .   ”   an easy smile ,   nearly   demure   in its charming curve ,   shapes petal - pink lips ,   eyes as aquamarine as the   glittering mediterranean   bright with sincerity .
    “   my name is   giorno giovanna .   i wish we could have met under better circumstances ,   but regardless ,   it’s my pleasure to make your acquaintance .   ”
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leatherbookmark · 2 years ago
hopping around different blogs is fun.
a post on blog 1: i find it a little weird that -- don't get me wrong, the barbie movie looks great with all the doll-like details, i bet the actors had great fun and i'd like to see it myself, but -- people are getting excited about marketing of this movie. they're acting as though mattel's 3985* deals with 837* different companies are something new, exciting and creative instead of... 3985 deals with 837 companies spanning many different areas! this movie is a commercial for a doll! isn't this kinda weird?
*numbers made up
a post on blog 2: i don't think any sane adult doesn't realize that this is a toy commercial! it's rather obvious.
a post on blog 3: boo hoo 'the barbie movie is capitalist propaganda' i don't give a SHIT marx won't fuck you. did you do this for transformers too? do you think only stupid girls who like pink need the reminder?
like, oooooh! things are happening!
#shrimp thoughts#earlier today i got into a bit of an essay reading spree (as much as my brain allowed me lol)#and it got me thinking about like... associating oneself with products/aesthetics/companies as a way of self-creation#this is me. i love [fashion brand] you won't catch me without my k*nken and here is my room in which you can see posters of [movies]#it's very... human to get excited about things and feel it more the more others get excited because. community building#at the same time i've noticed it myself that it's so much easier to label yourself a [thing] girl than to like... Look Into Yourself#who am i? what defines me? these questions are difficult because how do i know that? with what means do i obtain this knowledge?#should i create myself as i want or should i observe myself with the eyes of others instead? ...let me just say i like plants and overalls#and i feel like when someone says something you perceive as a critique of the identity slash community you associate yourself with#it's... hurtful? but at the same time. hm. i don't know actually#like chances are these posts are talking about completely different things and not vaguing each other or even similar posts#maybe posts that blog 3 vagues really were obnoxiously condescending! who knows! that being said DESPITE being a small-brained#shrimp who would honestly love to win soooo many moneys and just do whatever i want all day instead of being an Independant and Competent#Expert In My Field (this sounds scary and stressing). i still would like to avoid falling into the 'just let me ENJOY things and don't try#to make me hate femininity because it's not working! pink and shopping can be empowering' hole.#idk!! i listen to k/pop and am part magpie. i can't quite pose myself as like anti-capitalist intellectual#but i do want to achieve at least a small brain! someday!! and boy do i hope my brain energy days don't end before the books arrive;;#2am thoughts. wonder if my mother goes to sleep earlier than at 4am today because its getting annoying
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justpeaxchy · 2 months ago
This made me think, woah.
This is actually very true 🧍‍♀️AND I LOVE IT! I'll be sure to remember this when I'm writing for httyd because MAN that definitely has some weight to it
I like to think the rest of Berk, kinda continue to be wary of Toothless. They like him, they know he’s not going to hurt them. But they also know the only reason for that is Hiccup. These people have grown up not even knowing what a nightfury looks like. All they know is that you do not engage one, you don’t try to kill it, you hide and you pray. They know that when that scream is heard, something is getting destroyed, every time. Because it does not miss. They know the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. And they know Toothless is capable of all of that. Toothless is that. So while they get used to the dragons being around, the nightfury is always going to be a little different. It always was.
But they’re all nice to Toothless. Because who could dislike him, and because he’s Hiccup’s dragon. And maybe a bit, because they really do not want to end up on the bad side of the nightfury. When he’s with Hiccup - which fortunately, he is most of the time - it’s alright. But no one want’s to be alone with the nightfury. He’s different then. He’s a bit colder. A bit more distant. They can tell they’re being tolerated. Even the rest of the riders, while Toothless does like them, have a healthy amount of…let’s just call it respect, for Toothless.
And Hiccup pretends he has no clue. If someone ever mentions how Toothless’ entire presence can change when Hiccup is gone, he’s just like ‘What? This little guy? Scary? Please.’ But he’s very much aware. He also knows that sometimes Toothless does it on purpose. And maybe, he doesn’t mind that. Maybe he kind of likes it. Maybe he likes for people to remember what kind of a being they’re dealing with and what he’s capable of.
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honeyvenommusic · 1 year ago
#the idol system is such a fascinating and scary thing to me#like hearing shit over the years it's like how does anyone survive it?#(i'm staying away from all the anti-blackness of kpop & their fandoms rn so just the system)#((that was more for me bc my brain wants to go in that direction bc hooooooo. it's the main reason i cannot vibe w more than a few songs#over the last almost 15 years cause like knowing.... anyway))#like i just got groundfloored w a group rn via jbrekkie shoutout michelle like literally their debut is 24 hrs from now i've rabbitholed#since i heard their snippet on her vid and like the way ppl talk about it already like... as an outsider it's like alriiiight here we goo#they're (mgmt) pipelining another group of ppl let's be sure to support it! streamstreamvote!! oo it looks like their taking the toy/doll#route w these girls super aesthetic let's goo. & like......????? and ppl are already rabid about it. it's wild. and like this is the system#this is it. they make groups and then tease and the people who follow the conglomerate see it and are waiting to#be fed another x amount of folks doing formations and looking cute/hot open wide and consume#(like ik some (or a lot) of those accnts are bots/plants to pad the release and gain traction against algos but like also real folks too)#like not to discredit their vocal work (&dancing though some (alot) of these grps are not nearly as lit w 'dancing' as folks hype em up to#be Frfr. good movers/formations/camera motion & body rolls do not a dancer/good choreo make) but it's really secondary for a lot of#folks atp it's so strange & fascinating. and like i dug the song that's why i'm here so no knock against that but just the factory of it al#it's so damn WILD to me. but at the same time let's be real here. same dish different kitchen for a lot of western pop#they're just more transparent about it and have streamlined finding their popstars & having the public be great w it#it's just... i think it would be less strange if stan culture wasn't a thing or at least more mild than it is now#if it wasn't blown up to this unfathomably massive ever-churning industry by people in literal droves#idk idk i have a lot of thoughts on kpop it's truly a very interesting thing and to have been aware of it and into it to#an extent a while before the sonic boom in the west is an incredibly wild thing to look back on#like i wanna follow this (mostly cause i wanna hear the whole song) but also v curious but also like man the system is bad for many#reasons & here's another batch on the conveyor belt. idk :/#like as long as the participants are happy and healthy and being actually taken care of and not advantage of then great but#yk. the music industry at large is horrible (and esp to women) so like. god ide wanna think about the disparities btwn girl & boy groups#(like to start are they not referred to as 'male groups' on the reg but 'girl groups' more often than 'female'? always w the infantalizing#like given girl group has way more ring than female group but the words still conjure up different things it's just how language works#but boy group idk if i've ever really heard someone use that? and there's been a long time battle w the reclamation of 'boy band'#like it's still dirty for a lot of folks but anyway v western context but there's a large fanbase here so many fans speak as such#this is what we call our own pop groups etc. and it's just interesting and sad idk anyway it's just... huuuhhh a lot.) ok gn lol
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 24 days ago
episode of scarabia manga!!
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***Manga spoilers below the cut!!***
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Let's welcome our new Yuu, Oujou Yuuna~!! She is a very bubbly girly girl thst dresses in gyaru fashion. sdfhlbasofvypvfeq SHE WAS ISEKAI'D WHILE ON HER PHONE... What a way to go... (Her dream is to be a model in Tokyo; this seems to be what her audition was for. She comes from a humble family of rice farmers.)
I like that we finally get a super femme Yuu; it confirms that the Twst boys would treat girls like a regular ass person instead of being weird about it.
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She is very girly!! Wears a lot of makeup, curls her hair, does her nails, and has a super cute phone that she keeps on a beaded strap. It has Grim pawprints and a kitty charm on it!! I also like that this is a unique spin on the "photographer" aspect of Yuu. Yuuna is a photographer in her own way! There's a scene where her lashes get messed up (after splashing around in water) and she stops to fix it.
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WAH, THEY GET ALONG SO WELL Yuuna goes along with Ace's teasing like it's nothing and happily takes selfies with everyone! She also has her own unique nicknames for each of the NRC boys.
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Here is our absentee father abandoning us--/j
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Jack with his cacti freaks me out… Is bro not scared he will get pricked, especially when he’s holding them like THAT. asdkhlbabdusoafasd RUGGIE HAS SO MUCH FOOD FOR THE KDIS BACK HOME, IT'S INSANE.
They’re keeping the trend of blurring the faces of OB Boys’ trauma sources.
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Twins being the twins…
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That’s scary 😨
Kalim, please never ever become like this fr, kk thanks 💀
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This is really uncomfortable to read in the manga format because the framing of Jamil when he’s using his UM makes it feel like he’s caging Yuuna in 💦 Good job, mangaka for conveying how unsettling this is.
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Yuuna and Grim are sooo cute when they’re eating 😭 I love all the detailed shots of the sky and Kalim’s scepter too… They’re having so much fun together! (The calm before the storm, lol)
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Ominous shots…
I love how they sort of have Jamil and Kalim posed similarly, almost as if to imply Jamil’s the shadow pulling Kalim’s strings. The way Kalim’s scarf is thrown back… It reminds me like wind enveloping someone or a snake strangling him. Resembles his countdown art too.
Probably just me projecting though 🤷‍♀️ cvshsvejendks This was so much to digest, AhHHHhHHHHH
Bonus: SCArabiA B-kuN WITH EyES!!!!! (He gets many more shots in the manga, but unfortunately Tumblr has a 30 image limit… JUST KNOW tHat thEY EXIST…)
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devotion-disorder · 5 months ago
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it ok yall i caved and bought the game moments after i made my last post and im living out my blissful love life now
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this screenshot out of context is taking me out lol hes like you are.🫵 dumbass?😄 you🫵 illiterate🫵😄
Ive got through most of the game and boy i have some THOUGHTS... spoilers under the cut!!
I didn't expect to like the game so much cause im not actually that much of a horror fan (<- squeamish) , and like i said in the last post I wasn't sure how fun a game all about decrypting the dialogue will be (<- dumbass). But in the end I think the game mechanics is exactly the source of all the charm!! And come to think of it, it's a very unique mechanic too. The word-guessing makes the game exciting and scary (and sometimes is the key to avoiding certain death), but there's also just something about overcoming "broken" language to express your thoughts that is inherently really sweet to me. Maybe this is a wild comparison but its like that greentext thats like "bad times friend ahead...i go away but we are two of soul, i will return".
The game is also just pretty player-friendly, and the characters are all (well, mostly) really chill, so it wasnt very hard to guess most of the words too. But i will say that sometimes, you can kind of tell the nuance of the language-translation makes more sense as Japanese, so maybe that gave me a slight edge.
After playing the demo I thought this would be a really short game (like around 2-3 hrs), but I clocked in a solid 6 hours today LOL...and im still missing a few endings. Big spoiler but when MC "kills" Mr. crawling it genuinely upset me like GIRL WHAT IN THE FRESH HELL..........😭😭😭 but thank god he was fine :DD the scene where he shut himself in a closet crying because he thought the MC abandoned him 😭😭😭😭 IM SORRYYY but also like omg...😭😭😭😭 he ouppy............😭😭😭😭
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ouppy 🥹🥹🥹🥹🫳🫳🫳🫳🫳👐👐👐👐😭😭😭😭😭😭
But in contrast to those heavy moments there are also points where i think the game doesn't take itself very seriously LOL so by like 3 hours in it just kind of became a really chill game :)) I love how the MC is just so ridiculously forward being like "Do you have a crush on me or something 🥺👉👈" and most of them were just like "whats that lmfao"
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