#bees schnees prompt
sawrinwrites · 6 months
Sawrin does Bumbleby Week
I know I said I was going to use this month to focus on OC content, but I am a recklessly impulsive dumbass, so when the prompt list for Bumbleby Week went up and I realised I was accidentally completing the prompt for day 1, my brain went “Welp! Might as well do all 8!” and I agreed.
Some of these are based on concepts I've already been developing for future multi-chapter fics. I've marked those ones with a * by the title so you guys can let me know which ones you want to see the most.
Here’s what you can expect to see over the next 8 days:
Day 1 - Bumblebaby
Title: Expecting
Summary: A new story in the As Told By Ember collection. This tale follows the best girl as she helps her humans prepare for the arrival of their first child.
Author’s Comment: You can thank @reeves3 for this one. Without their suggestion, I wouldn’t have had the inspiration to build out a collection of Ember’s adventures.
Day 2 – Jock & Nerd AU
Title: I See You*
Summary: Weiss knows Blake and Yang are in love, she just hasn’t figured out a way to get them together yet. When Blake accidentally submits the wrong poem to her class and Yang ends up writing an essay on it, Weiss finally finds the opening she’s been waiting for.
Author’s Comment: This fit the prompt better when it was from Yang and Blake’s POV, but the story worked better from Weiss’ so that's what I wrote. Bees trauma-bonding through literature (a concept that is very near and dear to my heart).
Day 3 – Soulmates / Reincarnation
Title: And Every Time I’ll Find You
Summary: As another one of Blake’s lives draw to a close, she and Yang return to the place where it all began.
Author’s Comment: My beta reader banned me from writing soulmate stories because of this. It’s a sad one.
Day 4 – Nomad Blake & Farm Girl Yang
Title: Maybe This Year
Summary: The Kuo Kuana dragon riders make their annual visit to the floating island of Patch. For most, it’s a chance to relax. For Blake, it’s a chance to reunite with Yang and wonder how many more times she’s going to be able to leave.
Author’s Comment: Pretty sure the last time I wrote about dragons was when the years still had 00 in the middle of them. My inner child had a field day with this one. A more fun and light fic than the summary might suggest.
Day 5 – Evil Yang / Blake (or both)
Title: A Weak and Foolish Heart*
Summary: Sequestered to a keep in the middle of the Vacuo desert, the blood mage Blake leverages her skills and her history with Yang to try and ascertain the location of Princess Weiss Schnee.
Author’s Comment: This one’s the reason why each day is getting posted as a new piece of work instead of chapters under one project. Tags for blood, gore, graphic violence, and depictions of torture. I spent hours researching tendon names and positions for this. It’s also the fic that most closely resembles my preferred writing style (make of that fact what you will).
Day 6 – Comfort
Title: The Way It Feels*
Summary: Blake and Yang attempt to be intimate for the first time since Yang’s accident but the loss of sensations in Yang’s arm triggers a panic attack instead. Blake comforts her wife in the aftermath.
Author’s Comment: I’m sorry, it wouldn’t be a Sawrin fic without angst before the comfort.
Day 7 – AU Day
Title: Double Date*
Summary: After Weiss accidentally accepts an invitation to be the third wheel at a dinner date with Pyrrha and her girlfriend, Yang, she begs her best friend, Blake, to join as her fake girlfriend. An easy ask, if Blake didn’t find herself attracted to the blonde on the other side of the table.
Author’s Comment: I was going to put up a vote on which AU to do but the second I added “Fake Dating” to the list my brain went “What if the Bees weren’t the ones who were fake dating?” So here you go, fake dating monochrome with (assumed) Greek fire. Bees & Schneekos endgame. Also an excuse for me finally write Blake into that dress.
Day 8 – Bonus / VA Appreciate Day
Title: Downtime
Summary: Blake and Yang discuss the lives of their VAs, as well as their own budding relationship.
Author’s Comment: The shortest one of the lot, this is really just a small love letter to the Bees and to Barb and Arryn.
I'll be posting a link to each fic under the Bumbleby Week tag as they go live.
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kayleen756894 · 2 years
Have another preview of my Bee’s Schnees fic to prove I’m working on it. It’s taking longer than I hoped but I’ve been having lots of fun with it! Weiss’ sarcastic ass is an absolute joy to write. I’ve missed writing for this fandom honestly, it’s been too long. (RWBY Volume 9 Spoilers)
“So you... uh...”
The bashfulness in Yang’s typically brash tone shook Weiss from her elaborate reverie. Yang’s mouth opened and closed, fighting for words, buying time by rubbing the back of her neck. She gestured between herself and an equally sheepish looking Blake. “You know?”
... What was that supposed to mean?
Yang’s comedic timing was abysmal, truly, but the jokes themselves, though crass, were usually decent. Unlike whatever that was. How dare Yang mock her developing humour, which honestly was stellar given her strict upbringing, when she believed something as pathetic as that could pass for—
Hm. How quaint. Yang didn’t look like she was joking, no trace of mischief anywhere. But that would be absurd, because how could she believe this was in any way a secret? Maybe she really was that dense because Blake, completely contrasting her Semblance, hadn’t been remotely stealthy about this. She’d been openly coy since they got here, overcame her former inhibitions, and simply couldn’t hide how Yang’s goofy encouragement during battle made her blush.
So why did she seem surprised, too? It couldn’t be that they both...
Oh for the love of—
“What do you mean ‘you know’?” Weiss squawked indignantly, migraine returning with the force of a shotgun. Blake’s ears skyrocketed and Yang winced at her volume, both leaning back like it would save them from her dignified wrath and it absolutely would not. “Of course I know! Anyone with eyes knows!”
Yang’s widened at that. “Really?”
“No, Yang, I’m lying,” she retorted flatly. “No one has ever noticed how you always conveniently end up in each other’s arms touching foreheads.” She felt a twinge of smug satisfaction when Blake’s shoulders hunched, red creeping down her neck, and maybe Weiss would’ve taken pity after teasing Blake’s favourite form of affection if they both weren’t so maddening. But it was Yang’s perpetual owlish gawking that drew a beleaguered huff from the depths of her lungs, wishing she was close enough to whack her arm. “Yes, really, you brute!”
Blake’s lips twitched like she couldn’t decide if she wanted to smile or not, losing the battle at Yang’s faux-offended gasp, her melody of lovesick giggles like an annoying song Weiss couldn’t get out of her head. But she allowed it, cherished it, because she remembered when Blake never laughed at all. As Blake calmed so did the colour in her cheeks, and when her eyes locked with Weiss’ they sparkled with curiosity. “So you gave us space... on purpose?”
The hesitancy, like Blake believed but was still trying to comprehend, had Weiss comprehending a hard truth of her own. “Please tell me you’re not just considering that possibility now.”
Weiss didn’t know what response she expected but Blake and Yang sharing a flustered look told her all she needed. She kept her composure until Yang’s hefty shrug, the smack from her palm meeting her forehead echoing in the quiet forest. “Why do I associate with you people?” she muttered under her breath, full of exasperation but inexplicable endearment. Idiots, both of them. But her idiots. More importantly, each other’s. Idiots finally obtaining a bite of bliss during a buffet of despair, so she couldn’t stay annoyed at them for long.
She was hungry, too.
“If that’s the case,” Blake started, prompting Weiss to peek up. Blake’s prior conviction tapered off, giving an uncertain wince while tucking her hair behind her human ear. “It’s not that we... don’t appreciate it.”
And the annoyance was back. “Then please enlighten me on the issue.”
Yang sucked her teeth. “Maybe ‘issue’ isn’t the right word.”
Weiss sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I’m so tired of riddles after today.” Her headache was only getting worse and Yang being a direct cause was the least surprising thing ever. “Do me a favour and just give it to me straight.”
Yang snorted, parting her mouth to reply but stilled her tongue as Blake tossed her a monitory glare. Yang settled on a cheeky grin and Blake rolled her eyes fondly, and Weiss was perplexed when those eyes, no less fond, then directed at her.
“What we’re trying to say,” Blake clarified, “is you don’t need to keep your distance. I mean, if you’re more comfortable where you are, then stay. But there’s...” Blake paused with a nervous waver, cheeks dusting pink, before her lips curved in a small, welcoming smile. She offered a hand to Weiss. “There’s plenty of room with us.”
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crazywolf828 · 1 year
I need someone to give me pairings, all from the same/different shows. I'm doing kinktober a bit different this year where I'm just rolling dice and letting them decide the prompts/ships
Here's what we've got so far:
Bees (Yang/Blake)
Rainbow bees (Yang/Blake/Ilia)
Sunnybees (Yang/Blake/Sun)
Bees schnees (Yang/Blake/Weiss)
Freezerburn (Yang/Weiss)
Jade dragon (Yang/Emerald)
Ladybug (Ruby/Blake)
WhiteRose (Weiss/Ruby)
Monochrome (Weiss/Blake)
Newspaper (Weiss/Blake/Ruby)
Schneekos (Weiss/Pyrrha)
Caitvi (Caitlyn/Vi)
The 100:
Clexa (Clarke/Lexa)
Ranya (Raven/Anya)
Critical role:
Vexleth (Vex/Keyleth)
Vaxleth (Vax/Keyleth)
Percvexlth (Percy/Vex/Keyleth) (I dunno their ship name😅)
Beauyasha (Beau/Yasha)
Beauyashjester (Beau/Yasha/Jester)
Imodna (Imogen/Laudna)
The witches (Fearne/Imogen/Laudna) (I dunno their ship name either😅)
Catradora (Catra/Adora)
Glimtradora (Catra/Glimmer/Adora)
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cantdrawshaw · 4 months
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
and bonus
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
F - longest fandom
I've loved Pokémon nearly my entire life, so that
A - ships that you currently like a lot
(I narrowed this down to ships from things I've been watching/reading lately because otherwise, I could be here all day.)
From shows: Riley/Maya, Bees Schnees, Freezerburn, and Lawrence/Holo
From webtoons: Tanz/Cain from Lovely Hell, Lone/Sorri from Lone, Yura/Hana from Winter Before Spring
(Obligatory shout-out to Sanvers and Director Sanvers because Frasier AU and Spice and Wolf AU will not leave my head.)
Either Shoot or Korrasami. Korrasami came first.
(I don't really classify ships as/think about OTPs a lot anymore, so we had to go back to 2015/16 me for this one.)
O - song
This isn't random, or even a song really, but I listened to Rain by Jack Stauber today and it makes me think about Kara Danvers, so I'm going with that
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violetren · 10 months
I feel like I'm going insane.
Last night I managed to bust out a couple of hundred words basically calling the brothers from rwby childish fail gods, just off the cuff, with the barest of prompts.
But for anything that requires even a fraction more thought or care, no matter how much I enjoy it, just doesn't wanna happen. No book reactions. No fic writing. No original writing. Shit even this post took twenty minutes from opening the post editor to clicking Post Now because the words are just drifting out between staring into the middle distance with mii plaza music, and vividly imagining the scenes i wanna write for the bees-schnees fic i have been trying and failing to make words.
On the bright side the 4 and a half chapters i have written so far and reread to try to jump start myself are pretty fucking good, even if I am saying so myself.
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schneesisterss · 4 years
oh bees schnees prompts, excellent!! au where weiss went dancing with the bees + fnki after all 💕
This got a little spicy. Thanks for the prompt! I had a great time writing it :)
You can also read it on ao3 here
Weiss sat at the bar in the dance club. There was a man sitting next to her, talking, trying to keep her attention. She couldn't tell you his name. His voice was muffled by the music, barely registering in Weiss’ mind. She was too transfixed by the site in front of her. Her heart thumped in rhythm with the heavy bass. On the dance floor, not twenty feet from where Weiss was watching, Blake and Yang were dancing. 
Yang had her whole front flushed against Blakes back as they moved together. Blake's hand was curled around the back of Yangs neck, tugging her in close until they were sharing air. Yang's hands roamed possessively around her hips, guiding, leading. 
Weiss was having a hard time breathing. She had known there was something going on between the two, but to see it happening right before her… Weiss squashed down the feeling of envy. She tore her eyes away with a heavy swallow just to turn and wave down the bartender. Weiss didn't drink, for obvious reasons, but right now she desperately needed a glass of water. 
Team FNKI was around here somewhere too. She vaguely remembers Neon telling her they were going to go out back for a smoke. She asked Weiss if she wanted to come, but she distractedly declined, focused solely on the movements of her teammates. 
(Neon had given her a knowing look, but Weiss didn't see it.)
Weiss doesn't know how she was convinced by the other two to tag along. She was supposed to go to the movies with Oscar and Jaune. Maybe it was the bright and hopeful look on Yang's face when she extended the invitation to Weiss. Maybe it was Blake offering to do her makeup, her smile soft but her eyes fiery. Weiss found she couldn't say no.
“-and so maybe you could come to my place tonight?”
Weiss blinked. She had actually forgotten about the man sitting next to her. 
No-name man smirked, like he thought he was flustering her, and turned his body towards her in the chair. Weiss wrinkled her nose as the smell of his cologne wafted through the air, invading her senses. 
“Come on,” he said cockily, “let's go back to my place. I can show you a good time.”
“No thanks.” Weiss clipped, grabbing the glass of water the bartender handed her way, drinking about half, before setting it down. “I’ll pass.” 
An annoyed look passed over the man's face as he narrowed his eyes. “So what, you're not even gonna give me a chance? I even bought you a drink.”
Weiss looked down to the counter. He had bought her a drink. Granted, it was untouched and she didn't even realize it was there until he just pointed it out. He must've done that when she was… distracted earlier. 
Weiss stiffened when she felt his hand slide onto her lower back. His hands felt too big, too commanding. Weiss felt herself freeze up. 
“No.” She said firmly, straightening her spine and stepping away, only for him to follow. “Look, I'm here with my friends. I'm not interested.” 
“Lets go dance then, maybe I can change your mind.” He grabbed her wrist and tugged her forward. Weiss dug her heels into the ground.
“Let go of me!”
“Hey what's your probl-” He was cut off when a couple things happened at once. 
One, something, or rather someone, grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him backwards, sending him reeling away. And two, she was embraced with soft hands, one curling protectively around her waist and the other softly circling the same wrist the man had grabbed. It took her a couple seconds to actually register what happened.
Yang was standing in front of the man, her eyes had flickers of red bleeding into purple. 
“What the hell!” The man got up in Yang's face. 
“Back off.” Yang snarled, Weiss could tell she was holding back, if the clenched fists at her side were any indication. 
A brush of a thumb across Weiss’ wrist drew her attention to her side. Blake had wrapped herself around Weiss. Positioning herself so she was in between the man and the smaller girl. She wasn't paying attention to what was going on behind her, knowing Yang could handle it.
She was searching Weiss’ face for any sign of harm or discomfort. “Are you ok?” 
Weiss blushed, the close proximity making her stomach flop. “Yes, I'm fine. He just couldn't take a hint.”
“Why were you alone, where's Team FNKI?” Blakes eyes scanned the bar behind her. 
“Hey,” Weiss said, drawing Blakes attention back to her with a touch to the arm wrapped around her. “I’m fine, I promise. I can take care of myself you know.”
Blakes ears flattened against her head. “I know I just-”
“What’s a Schnee doing in a place like this anyways?” The man's voice was loud and irritated. Weiss felt her heart sink a little, no matter how hard she tried, she could never unlink herself to that name. He was still in Yang's face, but the other girl seemed more annoyed than angry now, her eyes back to their normal color. 
“Just leave us alone dude.”
The man squared his shoulders, sizing Yang up. Uh oh. That wasn't going to go over well.
Weiss decided to step in. She stepped around Blake, but stayed close to the Faunus so she still had her arm wrapped around her. “Look, just please go, we don't want to cause anymore trouble.” Yang took a step back to fill in the space on the other side of Weiss, bracketing her in.
The man's eyes jumped between the three of them before setting on Blake. They slide from the arm around Weiss’ middle to her ears on top of her head. He scoffs. Weiss feels Blake stiffen and Yang's aura spike.
“Seriously? This must be some type of joke. You of all people, here with a Faunus?” He laughed bitterly. “Didn't know a Schnee would stoop so low.”
Weiss felt anger swell inside her. She felt it bubble up until her face was red. She felt Yang too, her aura flaring up dangerously. She was about to step forward to give that man a piece of her mind, but before either of them could do anything, Blake stepped in front of him first. 
She leveled the man with a deadly look. Her shoulders were pushed back and the ears on top of her head were perked up, proud. Weiss always somehow forgot how tall Blake actually was. The man took half a step back. 
“Leave. Now.”
Her tone was level but Weiss could still hear the silent threat beneath it. The man must've too because he huffed giving a small “whatever” before turning and pushing his way through the crowd. 
“Asshole.” Blake muttered, turning back to her teammates. Her hand automatically reached for Yang, as if she didn't even notice she was doing it. Similarly, Yang reached her hand out as well, grasping Blake's forearm lightly, like it was second nature for them to seek each other's comfort. 
What shocked Weiss though, was that Yang had just as easily slug her other arm around Weiss’ shoulders and how Blake had yet to pull her arm away from her hip.
“Come on let's grab a table.” Yang said, leading them both away from the small crowd that had formed around them.
They found a booth in the back, one that circled all the way around making the sitting area a ‘U’ shape. Plenty of room for three people to have their own space. So, Weiss couldn't for the life of her understand why they were all squished together on one side. She wasn't necessarily complaining. Blake was in the seat closest to the opening of the table, her thighs were pressed up against Weiss’ and her heart jumped every time Blake would lean in close to talk. Yang was on her other side, arm over the back of the booth, her fingers lightly brushing against Blakes shoulder. Weiss could feel Yang's heat radiating off her, making her want to lean back into her chest, tuck her face into her neck. Weiss felt something in her chest. Something that was definitely toeing over the friendship line. 
Weiss was having a hard time concentrating to say the least. She can hear her teammates having a conversation, the music less loud being further away. She thinks they’re talking about Ironwood? She should probably focus. 
“I don't know Blake, it just feels wrong, hiding everything.” Yang's voice. “Atlas should be prepared, even if that means telling the people in charge.” 
Weiss heard Blake sigh. “Could we not talk about this now?”
Yang raised her hands in fake surrender. “Alright, alright.” She lifted her glass of water to her mouth, finishing off the rest. 
Blake must've noticed they were all running low because she gets up and gathers their glasses. “I’ll go get us some more water.”
Weiss nodded in response. For a few minutes they sit there quietly, listening to the subtle thump of the music. Weiss feels a hand on her thigh, warm and gentle, but also firm.
“You ok there, princess?”
Weiss jumped when she felt Yang's breath ghost over the shell of her ear. Yang's arm had moved from the top of the seat and now rested on her shoulders pulling her in. Weiss wanted to lean in, to tilt her head to give Yang access to her neck. Yang's proximity and this realization made her breath hitch. She wasn't looking at Yang's face but she was pretty sure she was smirking. 
“I’m perfectly fine. Just.. thinking.”
“Oh yea? About what?” Yang's low tone made her look over. Her eyes were somewhat lidded as she scanned Weiss’ face. When Weiss swallowed, she watched Yang's eyes track the movement down her throat. Weiss felt like she was on fire. 
Weiss exhaled as she tried to come up with a response. 
“Hey guys! Whats up?”
Weiss jerked back from Yang and whipped around. Neon and Flint had made their way over to the table, inviting themselves to sit on the other side of the booth. 
“Hey you two.” Yang said casually, as if her and Weiss hadn’t been close to making out a few seconds ago. “Where's Kobalt and Ivori?”
Flint responded, “Went home, they have a mission tomorrow they need to prepare for.” Yang hummed in response. 
Neon leaned over the table resting on her elbows as she looked at Yang. “How's your night going firecracker?” She asked with a wink. 
Weiss bristled. Yang let out a chuckle. “It's been interesting for sure.” 
Weiss looked up when Blake silently returned, setting down their glasses on the table. She gave only a slight “hey guys” to Flint and Neon before settling back into Weiss’ side, not wanting to interrupt the conversation. 
“Well with you, things are always interesting I'm sure.” Neon said, with a flirtatious wave of her hand. Weiss had to suppress an eye roll. Really? 
“Something wrong kitty-cat?” Apparently, Blake didn't bother suppressing the urge.
It was Blake’s turn to bristle. “No, nothing.” Blake’s body language told her otherwise.
Neon's eyes scanned the three of them, a small, mischievous smile made its way into her face. 
“What do you say firecracker, wanna hit the dance floor?” 
Somehow, Weiss felt all three of them tense up. No. Absolutely not. Weiss thought. But who was she to tell Yang otherwise? She wasn't her girlfriend. Weiss sat back, leaning into Yang's arm, bitterly glaring at the girl across the table, but didn’t say anything. Weiss snuck a glance at Blake. She had a neutral expression on her face but her ears were pinned back defensively. 
(Blakes ears always gave up what she was feeling, even if her face never did. Weiss would think later about how pretty she looks without her bow.)
Before anyone snapped though, Yang spoke up to answer Neon's question. 
“Actually, the three of us were just about to go dance. Maybe next time?” Yang added the last part out of courtesy. 
Neon however, didn't seem too hurt by this statement at all as she sat back in the booth. She scanned over the three with a small smirk on her face. 
“Don't worry, I get it.”
“Get what?” Weiss heard her voice go up an octave and tried not to cringe. 
Neon just casually shrugged, looking pointedly at the places the three girls were linked together. Blakes body leaning into Weiss, Weiss tucked closely into the crook of Yang's side, Yang's arm hanging loosely over both of their shoulders, completing the circle. 
Neon threw them all a wink then turned to her partner. “Come on Flynt, I don't think we’re invited on their date.” 
Flynt chucked and tipped his hat to the other three. “Have a great night ladies. Get out there, that dance floor is waiting for you.”
The three girls watched the two walk away in shock. It was a few minutes before one of them spoke again.
“So,” Blake cleared her throat, “you guys wanna go dance?”
“Oh absolutely.”
It started out light and fun. The three girls moving around happily with each other to the music, giggling and poking fun. Yang was a surprisingly great dancer. She was showing off her moves while Blake laughed behind her hand and Weiss pretended to be annoyed. 
That changed when the music did. Going from upbeat and poppy, to low and sultry with a heavy base line. They were already standing close to one another. Weiss felt the atmosphere around them change instantly. 
Blake, to Weiss’ surprise, made the first move. Stepping in close and pulling Weiss in by the hips so they were facing each other. Weiss instinctively raised her hands to Blakes shoulders, palms resting on her collarbones. 
Blake bent over a bit and Weiss had to tilt her head back so she could keep eye contact. She felt Blakes heart hammering against her palm. She slid her hands up and around Blakes neck, locking them together. 
She was so focused on the girl in front of her that she didn't notice Yang coming up from behind. She gasped when Yang's warm front pressed against her. She yanked Weiss’ hips back into hers, Blake being dragged forward in the process too, until they were all melded together. 
Yang started to move, swaying slowly behind her, her hands encouraging Weiss to follow her movements. Weiss felt heat in her chest, filling her up then poring lower. Her hands tightened around Blakes neck and pulled her impossibly closer until their legs slotted together. 
Weiss’ senses were overloaded as two sets of hands were on her body. Yangs’ stayed grounded on her hips, controlling how she moved. They squeezed and rubbed, but stayed there, radiating heat. She was having a more difficult time keeping track of Blakes hands. Currently, one was on her rib cage and the other was sliding up, up, until long fingers held her chin. When they tightened and forced her head up, she closed her eyes and exhaled heavily, too overwhelmed. She could feel Blakes breath on her face. 
When she felt a hand leave her hip she forced her eyes open. She watched with lidded eyes as Yang reached over her to grip the back of Blakes neck over her own hands. Even if she couldn't see Yang, she could tell the two girls were giving each other heated eyes, if Blakes jaw-slacked look was any indication. 
Unable to stop herself, Weiss leaned forward and ran her tongue along Blakes exposed collar bone. She heard the Faunus gasp loudly. 
“Hey.” Yang's voice was hoarse. “As much as I want this to continue, we’re drawing a crowd.”
That seemed to lift the haze over Weiss’ eyes momentarily. She looked around. There was a fair amount of people staring at the three. Weiss did her best to shoot them all an irritated look. 
Blake took a half step back, but didn’t pull away completely. Weiss watched with interest as she and Yang had a silent conversation over her shoulder. Apparently they came to a non-verbal agreement and when Blake looked back to Weiss, Yang was already pulling away. 
“Lets go outside?” 
Weiss couldn't use her words just yet, so instead, she wrapped her hand around Blakes wrist, the one that was now cupping her face, and nodded. 
Yang grabbed Blakes hand leading them away. Blake put her other arm around Weiss and pulled her close to her side as they walked outside, ignoring all the eyes that followed them. 
The cold Atlas air felt great on Weiss’ skin. She hadn't realized how sweaty the three of them got in there. They were in the back alley behind the dance club, she could still hear the muffled music coming from the closed door. The only light shining from the broken moon above them, dimly lighting the alleyway. 
The three were only outside for a few seconds before Weiss was pushed lightly into the brick wall behind her. She looked up to see Blake, arms placed on either side of her head on the wall. She watched the other girl swallow heavily as her eyes were locked onto Weiss’ lips. 
“What do you think kitten?” Yang wrapped both of her arms around Blakes middle and rested her chin on her shoulder. 
Blake tilted her head a bit, never looking away from Weiss’ face. Even with the cold air around them, Weiss still felt hot under the pair's heated gaze. 
Finally finding her voice, Weiss started to speak up. 
“I…” She took a breath and tried again. “I’m sorry. I didn't mean to take it so far, I just..” Weiss felt too many emotions bubble up inside her. Most notably, longing. 
She grabbed the lapels of Blakes coat and pulled her in. “I want you.” She found she couldn't speak above a whisper. The raw emotion in her voice making it hard to breath. She looked over Blakes shoulder to look at Yang. “Both of you.”
Weiss’ chest felt tight from being so open, vulnerable. She didn't plan for this to take an emotional turn. She felt tears well up in her eyes, threatening to spill over. 
It was Yang that bridged the gap this time, reaching out with her robotic arm to cup Weiss’ face gently, running her thumb over her cheek to wipe away a stray tear. 
“We want you too.” Though Yang spoke it quietly, Weiss heard it as a scream. Relief washed over her in waves. She took a shaky breath and more tears spilled from her eyes. 
Blake gently pulled her in to rest Weiss’ head in the crook of her neck as she cried softly. Weiss gripped the back of Blakes coat and reached out blindly with her other hand to do the same to Yangs, fisting the front of her shirt and pulling her closer, until they were all huddled together in an embrace. 
They stayed there until Weiss’ tears had dried and her white-knuckled grip on the two loosened. She pulled away and looked them both in the eyes, noticing that both sets were watery. 
“Okay.” She said softly as Yang pressed her forehead into hers. “Okay.”
They all jumped when suddenly the alarms blared through the streets of Mantel. Lights turning red around them, signaling trouble.
“Shit,” Blake said through gritted teeth, looking around, “Grimm.”
They all looked back at one another, taking a moment to cherish the last couple seconds they had. 
Weiss straightened up and nodded at the two. “Okay.” Determination heavy in her voice. They all turned to run from the alley, loading their weapons in the process. 
Later, they would have time, just for them. Right now, it was time to do their jobs.
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patchodraws · 3 years
First sentence:
Weiss scoffed when she replied to the question, saying, "Friend? No, that's my wife."
Weiss scoffed when she replied to the question, saying, "Friend? No, that's my wife."
Yang's lips curled into a frown ripe with overdone offence. "You don't have to sound so annoyed about it, sweetheart. Darling. Love of my life."
Blake took a moment to look between the two of them, trying with every ounce of brainpower she had left after finals week to try and discern the situation in front of her.
Yang - broad-shouldered, skin-kissed-plentifully-by-the-sun Yang - shifted in her demeanour, an evident grin begging to split across her expression as her eyes trained on Weiss.
Weiss, for her part, looked utterly beet-red.
Finally, a sigh broke Blake from her ruminations, and her ears directed her attention towards Weiss. "What happens in Vegas..."
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unsteadyshade · 4 years
day 1: canon compliant/missing scenes
a/n: i made this account after bees schnees week was announced, and i just had to contribute, so i hope everyone enjoys what i’ve got to offer. these three deserve happiness, even if it’s only found in a small moment.
The movie was only halfway over when the three decided to leave the theater. Normally, they would’ve stayed to be polite, but there were only so many facts a piece of media based on a true event could get wrong before it became completely unbearable. There were no objections when Weiss suddenly stood and proceeded to walk out, the boys following closely behind.
Although Oscar wasn’t present at the Fall of Beacon, even he could tell how the narrative had been twisted to fit into what Atlas wanted its people to take away from the event. Plus, well, the boy had been traveling with their group for a while now. Remembering this only brought her thoughts to her own team, and Weiss quickly looked for something to take her away from the conflicting feelings that started to form.
Weiss tuned back into the conversation when dinner was brought up, and she knew that Jaune was trying to distract her from anything involving the ongoing election. As much as she enjoyed their company though, maybe it was best to return to the academy. She didn’t feel particularly inclined to do anything else and told them as much.
All thoughts of staying in vanished the moment she saw her teammates heading towards them, Yang’s arm casually draped over Blake’s shoulder while whispering what Weiss could only assume were comforting words, if Blake’s guilty expression was anything to go by. They hadn’t noticed the presence of anyone else yet, too engrossed with their conversation, but Weiss couldn’t tear her gaze away.
“They’re uh...really great, huh?” Weiss wasn’t sure which one of them said it, but she nodded numbly anyway before snapping her gaze to the boys behind her. Oscar was looking between the girls curiously, but Jaune-
Weiss looked away. She didn’t want to think too deeply into what those understanding eyes seemed to realize in that moment. The next words he muttered were so quiet that only they were able to hear, spoken quickly before he could really think about them. “It’s how I used to look at you.”
“What-“ Weiss cleared the sudden lump in her throat, trying to find a way to deny, to repress. What ended up happening wasn’t anything that could be considered indicative of either. Her fists bunched tightly in her clothes, needing something tangible to cling onto.
The heavy silence spoke for itself, and Weiss was about to leave to spare some shred of dignity before her hands were gently taken, knuckles slowly rubbed, easing the tension away. She didn’t need to look to know who the familiar touch belonged to, considering it was the same one that comforted her in the presence of her father earlier. Weiss met the intense amber gaze and noticed how Blake’s makeup was especially prominent before doing her best to smile reassuringly despite her racing heartbeat.
In her peripheral vision, Weiss sensed Yang moving behind her, her teammate acting as a solid barrier, and her smile became brighter at the realization. She could see the brightness reflected in Blake's eyes and felt a squeeze from their intertwined hands, though she couldn't be sure who was responsible for it. Yang returned to Blake's side, and now she was staring at two sets of concerned eyes.
"Jaune said that he wanted to have a guys night in with Oscar, so looks like you're stuck with us, princess." Yang said, smiling softly. It made the next hesitant words easier to hear. "Unless you wanna be alone…?"
Loneliness was the last thing she'd choose, especially when she knew how pleasant company could be, especially when it involved the two in front of her. She hadn't even realized that the boys had left until they were brought back to her attention, and she silently thanked them before sighing heavily. Weiss was truly exhausted ever since returning to Atlas, and if this was going to be their only night off until the next issue popped up, she was going to make the best of it.
"I-" Weiss hated how her voice cracked, the admission sparking a new fear within her. It was a nice offer, but what if they didn't really want to spend time with her?
"I don't want to be alone," Weiss finished, weakly. She tore her gaze away, unable to take the  overwhelming intensity.
"Then you won't be. Not tonight or any other night." Weiss released a heavy breath and nodded, not trusting her voice.
"I noticed you were kinda bummed when you looked at us earlier." Weiss's gaze snapped back to Yang, who made a vague gesture with her free hand. It was only then that Weiss noticed her other hand rubbing her knuckles, the coolness of the prosthetic contrasting with the all encompassing warmth of Yang through her gloves.
"Is it because of…" Blake paused, considered, and redirected. "The election?"
And suddenly, Weiss was reminded of everything else that existed beyond them, this moment. She swallowed another lump in her throat and decided to roll with it. That seemed less scary to face than acknowledging why her pulse quickened when she felt two squeezes of her hands.
"Of course. Why else would I be bothered?" Blake looked like she didn't quite believe her, about to press for more, but Yang took the answer and steamrolled along with a nod.
"Right, well let's not think about that anymore. Vomit boy mentioned that you hadn't eaten yet, so wanna go out with us?" Weiss tried hard not to overthink the very specific phrasing of the question.
"Yang, don't ever use that nickname and the mention of food in the same statement again." Yang's laughter seemed to break Blake out of her thoughts, and Weiss could only stare, silently pleading that no prodding be done -- not now, at least. Blake nodded subtly, and Weiss looked around them, feeling dissatisfied with herself for not being more familiar with Mantle. It was just another thing that Jacques had carefully chosen to limit her exposure to.
“While we were walking around earlier, we saw some food trucks if you don’t mind some street grub,” Yang said, noticing Weiss’s silence, something that all her teammates had gotten better at interpreting. Weiss was too hungry and overwhelmed to suggest otherwise.
Weiss wasn’t sure if it was intentional or not, but their hands stayed intertwined as they made their way over to grab some street food. It wasn’t Weiss’s first choice, but with good company, she found it hard to deny them.
It was after they had all finished eating that Weiss realized she had yet to ask how her teammates’ night had been going before they had run into each other. So as they strolled down a quiet street, Weiss chose to ignore the screens displaying election updates and focus on something much closer to her.
“Did you have fun dancing earlier?” Weiss expected, even prepared herself, for a complete regaling of how much they enjoyed themselves, but it was as if the question was a bucket of ice water dumped on them, and suddenly the climate wasn’t the only thing that felt chilly.
“Couldn’t get in. Blake wasn’t allowed.” Yang said gruffly, and Weiss’s eyes flicked to where Blake’s Faunus ears quickly turned down before she consciously raised them, not wanting to bother her teammates.
“I stopped Yang before she could do something she’d regret.” Blake shrugged. “I guess that was fun.”
Unhappy with that answer, Weiss turned away and glared at nothing in particular, tapping her foot restlessly. Even on their day off, they couldn’t get a moment of peace. Not from other people, at least. It seemed they’d have to find it...or make their own, which is exactly what Weiss resolved to do.
“Do either of you know how to dance? Formally, I mean.” Weiss clarified, looking at Yang pointedly, whose mouth closed with an audible clack. She grinned, shaking her head. Blake shook hers not long afterwards.
Weiss raised her head then, eyes sharp. She looked between her teammates and found equally curious gazes trained on her, anticipation thrumming in the air. Their attention gave her the courage to extend a hand out in invitation.
“You want to teach us?”
Weiss nodded. Yang had a roguish grin on her face as she gestured for Blake to step forward. “I’m surprised we haven’t seen you dance yet. You know, I would’ve asked you to the dance we planned…”
The next words went unheard as Blake stepped up to her, took her outstretched hand, and placed the softest of kisses on it, all while staring into her eyes, and Weiss could’ve sworn she saw a blush form. She chocked it up to embarrassment.
Blake hastened to explain herself, though Weiss found no explanation necessary. Still, she listened intently to the whispered words.
“I wanted to-“ Blake stopped herself, clearing her throat. “I’ve read that this is how princesses should be greeted.”
The so-called princess giggled, and she saw that blush spread. In the back of her mind, she wondered if Blake had meant to say something else but quickly dismissed the thought. She whispered her own reply. “I’m honored. Did your books give you any guidance on dancing?”
When Blake sheepishly shook her head, Weiss smiled reassuringly and proceeded to instruct her. As she spoke and moved, she could feel Yang’s eyes on her, on Blake, on them both.
Weiss couldn’t remember when she last lost track of time since returning to Atlas, but suddenly she was being held closer than she’d ever been to Blake. The grip was steady, but Weiss felt like she was falling. Their breaths were intermingling, and only a sudden strong, familiar embrace from behind simultaneously grounded and excited her all at once.
At first, Weiss was afraid of how Yang would react, but she should’ve known better. She’d never had reason to fear Yang before, and the almost hesitant question against her white hair allowed a new sense of clarity to form within her. “Do you know any dances for three people?”
Struck speechless and not trusting her voice, Weiss nodded and proceeded to instruct them both now. They seemed to move effortlessly now, their time as teammates allowing for an easy rapport between them. It was effortless, and Weiss felt free for the first time in the gilded cage that was Atlas.
In fact, she felt so free and full of a reckless courage that the need to tell them how she was feeling, how they made her feel, sparked within her. So when the dance ended but the heat of lingering touches remained, Weiss seized the opportunity.
“Yang, Blake, I-“
The election results are in! The announcement, but more importantly, the picture of the man who would be sitting on Atlas’ council seat stopped her. Suddenly, her heart was racing for a completely different reason, and there was genuine fear now.
Weiss could sense comforting touches and words around her, but her eyes wouldn’t leave the distant screen where Jacques was speaking. Their scrolls pinged simultaneously, and Weiss knew this, whatever it was they shared, had to be put on the back burner. They separated, and Weiss could feel the Atlas cold deep in her bones.
“We need to check on Ruby-“
“Was there something you wanted to say earlier?”
Unsure who asked and unwilling to face either of them, Weiss started walking away.
“We have more important things to concern ourselves with.”
“But you’ll tell us later?” There was a hint of desperation in the voice now, and Weiss quickened her pace. She could hear them hurrying to keep up.
“If I remember.” But really, how could she forget?
a/n: if you reacted at all to this, feel free to share along with any other thoughts that come to mind. now on ff and AO3.
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murderouspossum · 6 years
Person A: What the fuck are you doing?
Person B: I'm inventing the greatest thing to ever exist!
Person A: You literally just made styrofoam silverware...
Person B: *crying* I know.
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beesschneesweek · 2 years
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Folks, it’s time!! Bees Schnees Week 2022 will happen from September 18 to September 24 and we cannot wait to see what you have in store for us this year. We’re ready for all your fanarts, fics, music, gifs, manips, photosets, and headcanons (and cat pics if you lack any of the above)! 
This year’s prompts are: 
September 18: Beacon days 
September 19: Swords 
September 20: Alternate universe 
September 21: Fight 
September 22: Lyrics 
September 23: Annoy Weiss 
September 24: Free day 
And as always, don’t forget to @ us in your posts and to tag everything with #bees schnees week so we can find it.  And if we miss your post somehow because tumblr ate the tag or something, just message it to us so we can be sure to reblog it!
See you soon!!
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anamatics · 3 years
From your prompts list - 81. “I feel like I’m being stabbed.” / “How do you even know what it feels like to be stabbed?” - this is Winter finding out about the time Weiss got impaled lol
okay first of all, ow. Second of all, enjoy my vague handwaving in some Bees Schnees directions.
Curfew, 1.7k
October in Atlas means the sun doesn’t come up until nine o’clock in the morning and goes down just after three in the afternoon. Weiss, the last time she came home, found herself unused to the long nights after spending much of her year in Vale hating how each day and night was, roughly, the same length. This time, she’s used to it in a way that no one else is. Blake hates it, hates the darkness and the cold, snuggling up to Yang each night once she thinks Weiss and Ruby have gone to sleep.
The problem is that Weiss doesn’t sleep well in Atlas. She sleeps better here, safely locked away behind the academy walls, than she has in her nearly two decades of life living in this kingdom. Part of it, she knows, is that Winter is two floors up in the officer’s quarters. This is the closest they’ve been to each other at night since Weiss was nearly eleven and Winter left and never came back.
Weiss turns over onto her back and stares up at the ceiling for a long moment. There’s no helping it. She shoves the duvet aside, tugs on a discarded sweatshirt from the pile on the floor, and slips out the door.
The hallways of the academy are dimly lit at this hour of the night, and Weiss wanders up to the balcony that overlooks the parade grounds just off the mess. She sits there, staring out at the city that’s been her prison for so much of her life.
A dream amongst the clouds and the cold, Atlas glows blue and beautiful the scant moonlight that breaks through the cover. Weiss’s breath fogs the window. She presses her palm to the glass. The coolness is grounding, it lets her drift.
The pressure at her side, the near constant ache since they left Mistral, rears its ugly head. Weiss curls her arm around herself, fingers curling against the glass. Close your eyes, push it away. It’s just phantom pain. Yang has it too.
If she doesn’t think about it, it will go away.
Yang told her that. You gotta just power through, it’ll pass.
Weiss inhales. Exhales. Counts the breaths.
This, too, shall pass.
The sound of approaching footsteps fills the hallway. Weiss’s fingers twitch already halfway to twisting the threads of her aura together to form a glyph. She stares at the figure in the reflection on the glass, still foggy with her breath.
“Technically, there is a curfew for cadets.”
Weiss’s lips twist into a lopsided smile. “Good thing I’m not a soldier.”
She’s met with a hum of agreement. Winter approaches, stopping just outside of Weiss’s reach. “It’s nearly midnight. Why are you awake?”
“Couldn’t sleep.” Weiss tilts her head to look at her sister. Winter’s jacket is folded under her arm, her tie undone at her neck and three buttons on her shirt undone. She looks as wrecked as Weiss feels, dark circles under her eyes. Her hair is pulled back in messy bun, curling a bit as though she’s been out into the humid night air of Atlas this time of year.
Winter hesitates for a moment, before setting her jacket down on the bench Weiss is leaning against and settling down beside her. She smells a bit like smoke and a bit like booze and a bit like something Weiss cannot place. Perfume? No, that’s not quite right. Weiss’s eyebrows shoot up. Cologne?
A beat of comfortable silence fills the space between them. Winter’s thigh presses against Weiss’s. The traveler’s crease at the front of her trousers pulls flat as Winter stretches her leg out in front of them.
“So, why are you just getting in?”
Winter exhales. She definitely smells like cigarette smoke. “I had a social engagement.”
This is the sort of information that Weiss chews over, another piece of the secret life her sister’s lead since she left home. The one Weiss knows so little about, but the one she so clearly is still living. It is so alien, watching her sister interact with others – watching the easy way she speaks to Penny, the way General Ironwood trusts her implicitly and the Ace Ops clearly see her as a mentor. And yet Winter doesn’t seem to have friends outside of work. She seems to exist simply to work.
So it’s with some hesitation that Weiss nudges Winter’s shin with her foot, a teasing tone creeping into her voice. “You have a social life?”
“A… colleague asked me for a drink, catch up.” Winter shrugs, fiddles with her watch strap. Her eyes flick to Weiss, before they turn back to the shifting clouds over the city. “You haven’t been sleeping since you got here.”
And there’s no answer to that, other than the truth. Weiss pulls the sleeves of the sweatshirt – Yang’s sweatshirt that smells like Blake’s deodorant: earthy and crisp, like rosemary just pressed – and curls her hands around the fabric. “When I close my eyes in this place, it fells like all the air goes out of the room.”
“It was months before I slept soundly,” Winter confesses. Up close, Weiss thinks her eyes look like Mother’s at mid-day. Not quite all the way to drunk but not exactly sober. “I got caught out after curfew – one I had to mind – often because sleep wouldn’t come.”
“What did you do?” Weiss asks.
“Got a running habit.” Winter looks to Weiss. “And then some other, far less healthy ones.”
Nose wrinkling, Weiss hums. “You’d think you’d avoid it entirely, given how much it ruins things.”
Winter draws her knee up and wraps her arms around it. She rests her chin on her knee, eyes fixed straight ahead. She says nothing for long enough that Weiss wonders if she shouldn’t have said that at all. Her mind races, think for something she can say to fix it, when Winter says a non-sequitur, but one which recalls the original intent of her question. “There are restrictions as to who can access these premises, Weiss. With good reason.”
And as much as she wants it to matter, it doesn’t. He’s father, he can open any door, he can sniff out any lie. “It doesn’t matter.”
A warm weight settles over her shoulder and Winter’s fingers curl around her arm. Weiss leans against her, head tucked up under Winter’s chin like she did so often when they were children and hiding in some unused part of the house from Father’s rages.
“Sometimes,” the words are like sandpaper in Weiss’s mouth, “when I think about being back here, my heart beats so fast I feel like I’m being stabbed.”
“How do you even know what it feels like to be stabbed?”
“Winter, something happened in Mistral.”
Weiss retreats from the warmth of her sister. She turns, sitting cross legged, and pulls her hand away from her side and tugs off the sweatshirt. The tank top she’s wearing underneath has already ridden up her stomach a bit and she tugs the hem up and looks away. Lets Winter see the scar. Lets Winter see her shame.
Eyes wide, Winter leans in, brushing her fingers against the raised skin at Weiss’s abdomen. With her hand there, Weiss is remined, yet again, that the scar is the size of Winter’s fist. “Weiss, this is…” Winter drags her eyes up to meet Weiss’s and her expression turns deathly serious. “What happened?”
“I looked away.” Weiss lets her tank top fall down back over the scar and pulls the sweatshirt over her head. “I was too slow and I looked away.”
“That wound would have – would have—”
“It didn’t.” Weiss knows her voice sounds harsh, but she refuses to admit what happened in that context. “But it was a close thing. If Jaune—"
Winter pulls her close again. “I should have stayed in Mistral. We could have delayed the withdrawal a few more weeks. I could have – I should have been there.”
There’s no reason for that, no reason for Winter to blame herself for this. “This isn’t your fault. I was the one who was too slow. I was the one who turned my back on Cinder Fall.”
“It’s my duty to protect you Weiss.”
“You said you wouldn’t always be around to save me,” Weiss points out.
“That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t get the chance to try.”
And Weiss has nothing to say to that, because there is nothing to say. Winter will always talk a big game, but still want to be there, still want to try to do the right thing. It’s lost time, it’s making up for a lifetime of silences like the one that stretches out between them. One that’s uncomfortable when they’re so used to trading comfortable silences as a currency for survival.
It’s nice, leaning against Winter like this. Where Winter can be a solid, tangible object of support. Weiss inhales, Blake’s deodorant and Yang’s shampoo mingling with the strong, crisp scent of her sister’s cologne. Cologne. It’s then the question bursts, unbidden, from Weiss. “Were you on a date?”
Winter freezes, body stock still.
“Why… would you ask that?”
“You smell nice.”
“Are you implying I usually do not?”
“No, I mean that it’s nice. Your um…” Is it wrong to say what Weiss thinks it actually is? “Your perfume is nice,” she hedges.
“Well,” Winter says at length. “It’s not mine – and I’m pretty sure if asked, you’d be told it was cologne.” Winter’s fingers tangle in Weiss’s hair and she rests her cheek against Weiss’s head. “Someday I’ll tell you about her.”
And though she’s burning with a desire to know, though the her throws Weiss to the point where she feels like the ground is shifting underneath her, Weiss lets it go. “Can I stay with you tonight?”
“If that’s what you want.” Winter gets to her feet and collects her jacket.
Weiss follows.
(Weiss is pretty sure she’d follow Winter to the end of the world.)
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kayleen756894 · 1 year
It’s best girl’s birthday 🤍❄️
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I’ve been writing a Bees Schnees fic for Weiss’ birthday that I really hoped to have done for today but it’s nowhere close lol (at 5000 words so far tho). My goal now is to finish it for the end of the month but I wanted to give Weiss something today so y’all can have a lengthy snippet! Hope you enjoy and anticipate the full fic 🤍🖤💛
This time had her counting down the days. This time made it difficult to fall asleep the night before. This time she expected a change. This time she knew would be her best birthday yet.
Because this was her first birthday since joining Blake and Yang’s relationship.
It was still fresh enough to make her giddy, rousing most mornings in heart-pounding bewilderment that both were sleeping beside her, Yang snoring in her ear and Blake’s fur tickling her neck. She’d loved them for years, ached with the onslaught of emotions that thawed through freedom, but never planned to confess. The thought of intruding was so mortifying it froze her tongue, pining preferable to losing them entirely. She never imagined they felt the same—why would she when they were understandably enthralled with each other—so when they approached her one evening hand in hand, Blake’s ears flicking nervously and Yang’s cheeks a brilliant red, she thought she was dreaming.
Each warm morning proved otherwise, and this was no different.
In terms of birthday surprises she didn’t miss the biggest clue this time: the parallel universe she found herself in where she was last to rise. Yang wasn’t in bed, her astounding body heat lingering in the depression in the mattress, but the chill of her absence was soothed by Blake stroking her arm and pulling her close.
“Happy birthday,” Blake whispered, pressing a kiss to her crown.
Weiss sighed in contentment. “Thank you.” She snuggled under Blake’s chin, mouth twitching at the muted purrs rumbling in Blake’s chest. “Where’s Yang?”
“Making you breakfast.”
Of course she was.
Acts of service were Yang’s predominant love language, something Weiss had come to learn after how often Yang effortlessly carried her shopping bags without prompt, how she immediately tried fixing anything that broke, how Bumblebee was always tuned and ready for any outing Weiss desired. Weiss was used to service thanks to Klein and all the other staff at the manor, but services provided out of love rather than a sense of obligation was alien to her.
Well, until Yang brightened up her life like the sun peaking over the horizon, darkness banished under the rays showering her like spotlights. Making someone’s day better was simply Yang’s nature and that stubborn oaf never asked for anything in return. Helping people gave Yang purpose and satisfaction, Weiss knew that, but she wished Yang knew how to accept help, too.
“Why aren’t you with her?” Weiss asked, voice still muddled with sleep.
“To—” Blake trailed into an adorable yawn, her perpetual tiredness undeterred by today’s monumental occasion. “To make sure you stay in bed.”
Weiss blinked, retreating just enough to catch the mischievous glint in Blake’s glossy eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Blake’s breathy laugh warmed Weiss’ cheeks, lithe fingers skiing down the avalanche of Weiss’ loose tresses. “Wouldn’t be breakfast in bed otherwise.”
“How romantic of her,” Weiss droned with a roll of her eyes, ignoring how Blake probably knew of the butterflies mirroring the motion in her stomach. “Does it really matter where I eat?”
“Let her have this,” Blake giggled. “She wants to treat you today.”
“She does that every day.”
“I’m sure she’d love to hear that, but she really wants to today.”
“Oh, fine.” Her sigh billowed with faux-exasperation, a fond smile tugging her lips. “I suppose I won’t argue if that’s what she wants.”
Blake mimicked her smile, increasing the tempo of the butterflies dancing in her gut, gifting Weiss’ forehead with a long kiss. “Glad you’re so agreeable because the rest of the day will be like this, too. We planned it all out.”
“‘We,’” Weiss mocked with a snort. “Sure. How much of it was just you?”
Blake cocked an amused brow. “Would you believe me if I said most of it was her?”
Outside of strategy games Yang was the very definition of spontaneity, each second like a peculiar challenge to outdo her prior insanity, and Weiss made peace with the erratic screeches from the garage and the playful smacks from a detached metal arm when they were positioned too far to touch and her constant schedule interruptions to humour Yang’s daredevil tendencies. All Weiss knew growing up was compulsory silence, so during their early Beacon days such noisy behaviour annoyed her to no end.
But there was love in Yang’s noise, just like there was love in Blake’s quiet, and their all-encompassing contrast left no room for loneliness.
Weiss’ deadpan expression chipped from her musings, crumbling altogether when Blake’s amusement didn’t relent.  “Wait, you’re serious? Since when does Yang plan anything?”
Only then did amber soften into the look that, when they were seventeen, melted the frozen chains caging Weiss’ heart.
“Since she fell head over heels for you.”
And Weiss always knew what to say. Always had a witty comment prepared. If she couldn’t speak her mind then others would talk over her, and she’d lose the power she was promised. She’d been trained since birth to outsmart liars and cheaters and miscreants trying to take advantage of her; being groomed by politics and harsh business practices and an impassive family offered little else in ways of survival.
But she wasn’t surviving anymore, she was living, and such genuineness rendered her speechless.
Blake cupped her face, thumb stroking the apple of her cheek. Dark, thick eyelashes fluttered as molten amber flickered about, admiring her scar and nose and mouth like they were priceless paintings hung in her personal gallery. Then, in that entrancing way of hers, “Would you believe me if I said I know how she feels?”
Honestly, it required constant reminders—not like she asked, nor did she need to with Blake and Yang’s openness with their affection. She didn’t get along with them at first, not with Ruby either, and she was mature enough to admit it was primarily her doing. She was petulant and prejudiced and considered it a miracle they wanted anything to do with her after her abhorrent behaviour. It wasn’t entirely her fault, impressionable as she’d been, but it was no excuse.
Forgiveness was incomprehensible before Beacon, just like how anything could possibly be more important than her rightful place leading the company, so being told it was okay, that she had opportunities to overcome who she was, that every misstep established a new path, that she’d be supported in battle rather than judged; such unfamiliar encouragement and understanding pierced the frosted glass veiling her eyes to reveal another concept previously incomprehensible.
Before she knew it Blake and Yang became her night and day, occupying her thoughts so embarrassingly often she was even distracted from her studies. After Beacon fell she wistfully beheld every dusk and dawn, her longing for them all that kept her going until she found her home in their arms again. The very notion of losing them again was unbearable, and she was willing to bury her true feelings deep inside if it kept them close. She’d take their companionship in any form so long as they stayed in her life.
Only recently she realized how significantly snow illuminated the night and glimmered during the day.
“Eventually I’ll say yes without hesitating,” Weiss murmured, hoping her residual guilt wasn’t too palpable. “I’m sure you understand why it’s still difficult for me.”
“Here.” Blake’s tone drooped along with her eyelids, thumb skimming Weiss’ lower lip. “I’ll make it easier.”
And then Blake’s lips were on hers, soft and reassuring, and everything Weiss had ever worried about no longer mattered. Blake’s hand snuck around the back of her neck to tug her closer and why would Weiss want to be anywhere else, sighing at the warm press of Blake’s half-naked body and laying a hand to Blake’s chest, idly tracing her collarbone. Blake purred into her mouth, their kiss briefly fractured by Weiss’ breathy giggle before Blake surged forward again, nibbling gently at Weiss’ lower lip until coaxing a soft moan.
Another escaped as Blake’s other hand snuck under her shirt to flatten at the small of her back, pulling her closer almost possessively, and honestly Weiss wouldn’t mind spending her entire birthday right—
They begrudgingly separated at the awestruck utterance to see Yang watching from the doorway with wide eyes and a wider grin. Her arms managed multiple plates buried in sweet-smelling food—exactly what food Weiss couldn’t say, as she found herself hopelessly devoted for the umpteenth time to those exposed and ever impressive muscles.
“Don’t stop on my account,” Yang said, narrowly successful in ripping Weiss’ gaze to her easy shrug before leaning against the doorframe. “Pretend I’m not here.”
“What an incredible idea,” Weiss quipped with a roll of her eyes, a natural reaction to Yang’s conspicuous presence. “What do you think, Blake?” She contained her amusement as Blake’s ears flicked her way before her eyes, clearly enjoying Yang’s appearance just as much. “How long do you think she’d last if we kept kissing?”
That enticed a playful curl of Blake’s lips. “Do you think five minutes is too harsh?”
“Please. We’d get dive-bombed after one.”
“Hey now.” Yang pouted. “I’m right—”
“Oh? What’s that?” Weiss stage whispered, pretending to survey the room. “To my knowledge no one else should be here.”
Yang huffed over Blake’s quiet giggles, her vexed façade tarnished by the sparkle in her eyes. “Aren’t you hilarious.”
Yes she was—quite prideful of the fact—and aware she had one person to thank for it. She smirked at Yang, edges mellowed with inevitable endearment. “I learned from the best.”
Yang’s big, dumb grin in response disrupted Weiss’ heart rate like clockwork, how it always stretched from ear to ear with unrestrained buoyancy and sniped between her ribs with pinpoint accuracy. Yang sauntered over with a bounce to her step and Weiss and Blake sat up as she relinquished the plates at the end of the bed, grin still firmly in place as she bent over to kiss their cheeks.
“You hear that, Blake?” Yang egged as she attached to Weiss’ side like a personal space heater, reaching to hold Blake’s hand on Weiss’ lap, and Weiss couldn’t resist laying her own hand on top. “Weiss thinks I’m the best.”
“Well, you are,” Blake agreed way too readily, signalling the oncoming jibe. “At being a goofball.”
There it was, and Weiss smiled at the taunting flick of Blake’s ear and Yang childishly sticking out her tongue. “Couldn’t have said it better myself.”
Yang didn’t seem bothered by the gang-up, steel fingers squeezing Blake’s and her thumb stroking Weiss’. “If it makes you both smile, I’ll be the greatest goofball who ever goofed.”
That revolutionary statement was already a strong start, and to this day Weiss couldn’t believe how attractive Yang was when saying such ridiculous things. She was the exact opposite of who she expected to love, the exact opposite of who she would’ve been expected to marry, shameless qualities that shaped Yang into one of the most stunning individuals Weiss had ever known. Yang always had something to say, often ineloquently, but the warmth of her soul pouring from her voice like liquid gold dazzled Weiss to the point of fatuity.
“Don’t worry,” Weiss said through her haze, gripping Yang’s hand. “You don’t need to try that hard.”
She couldn’t recall exactly when her insults had softened with fondness—somewhere back in the blur of Beacon—but she did recall the first time they turned Yang’s frown into a smile, a type of smile no one ever tossed her way before, a type that simmered in her belly and slowly melted her frostbitten heart, and with Weiss’ goal-oriented attitude she had no problem enhancing her list with achieve that smile as often as possible.
And this time was no different, heart pattering in her ears from Yang’s openly enamoured stare, and it was all too easy losing herself in the genuineness she inspired.
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crazywolf828 · 2 years
I just realized, would a/b/o work with bees schnees? i don't think I've seen any ot3 omegaverse fanfic
Oh for sure! It's usually alpha/omega/omega or alpha/omega/alpha because... Well. Y'know how it be with the smut😅 but! I actually did write a rainbow bees fic a while back (that you can find here and is probably ooc lbr) with alpha yang/alpha Blake/and beta Ilia because Ilia's a beta and no one can convince me otherwise 😤 I like writing funky combos.
I do have two a/b/o prompts that are ot3 that I just haven't gotten around to tbh. One is bees schnees and has alpha yang+Weiss and Omega Blake, and the other was up to me (was thinking maybe another sunnybees🤔) but both were the same prompt. Something along the lines of "I've never been more turned on watching two alpha's/betas/omega's" so gotta do those at some point😅
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Bumbleby, "First fight" prompt, but after they reunite, mayhaps with a very happy ending?
Oof. Fight/argument scenes are always tough to write between the bees but hopefully, this one turns out okay?
“I can’t fucking believe you!”
“What other choice did I have, Blake? Oscar needed us!”
Yang stiffens her jaw as Blake paces back and forth in front of her, glancing around the room her partner had dragged her off to. Like the rest of the Schnee Mansion, it’s sterile and impersonal, as cold as the rest of Atlas. It’s a stark contrast to the frustration burning beneath her skin, worsened by the fact that she’s running on 48 hours without sleep. Her focus is drifting in and out and her head is killing her, feeling more like a Nevermore slamming against her skull than the dull ache she was used after using her semblance.
“But jumping into the mouth of the beast— quite literally— isn’t what you should be doing!” Blake snaps back, turning to Yang with a furious glare, her ears pinning back in agitation as she comes to a stop. “You could have been killed! I mean, fuck, Yang! You three had no fucking backup! If something happened to you, we wouldn’t have known about it!”
“So we should have waited for you guys? Let him get blown up with Salem’s whale? Is that what you’re suggesting?!”
“Of course not! I’m just saying that you can’t keep being this fucking reckless!”
“Really? Because it kinda sounds like that’s exactly what you’re saying.” Yang growls, crossing her arms and looking away from her partner. “At least I can say that I don’t run when people need me.”
She regrets the words the moment they leave her mouth. They taste sharp and bitter, cold and pointed. Her regret only grows when Blake inhales sharply, grows even more when she turns to look at Blake and sees an expression of shocked hurt on her face as she takes a step back, curling in on herself and wrapping her arms around her torso. Her face crumples before she shifts it into a neutral mask and turns away from Yang, the only thing giving away her distress being the distressed position of her ears and the barely noticeable tremble in her shoulders.
Yang swallows, hard, and steps forward. “Shit- I didn’t mean- I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” She says, her brow furrowing anxiously as she steps closer to Blake, her heart twisting when Blake flinches. She inhales deeply and reaches out, placing hesitant fingers against Blake’s hip and sighing in relief when Blake doesn’t pull away from her. “Please- look at me, Blake.” She says softly, gently turning her partner around and waiting patiently, albeit anxiously, for Blake to raise her head and meet her gaze. Her chest aches when Blake’s mask falters, when her expression falls and the hurt shines clearly in her partner’s amber eyes. “I’m sorry.” She murmurs softly, looking into Blake’s eyes just as she had during the Vytal Festival, remembering how Blake had needed her to look into her eyes.
Yang doesn’t flinch under Blake’s searching gaze. She lets her see all of her, her remorse and regret, her fear and fatigue. She doesn’t hide from Blake and when Blake fingers tighten around her own arms for a moment before falling slack, her shoulders slumping as she lets out a shaky breath. “You’re fine.”
“No- that- that wasn’t okay.” Yang says, blowing out a breath and running her hand through her hair as she closes her eyes for a moment, opening her eyes and giving Blake a soft, pained look as her partner watches her quietly. “That was wrong. I let everything get to me and I- and I lashed out. I’m sorry, Blake. It won’t happen again. I promise.”
Blake stares at her for a moment, chewing her lip thoughtfully as she watches her, before nodding. “Okay. I believe you.” Blake says quietly, taking a step closer to Yang, her throat bobbing in a hard swallow. “I… guess I was being a little hard on you. I know that it’s a part of the job and I know that you did what you had to… I just—“ Blake’s voice hitches, her eyes welling up with tears as she reaches out and curls her hands into Yang’s jacket, her hands trembling slightly. “Seeing that explosion… thinking you were still up there… knowing that there was nothing I could do… I felt as helpless as I did back at Beacon. I wanted so badly to believe you were okay but—“ Blake shudders, her jaw tensing as she struggles to regain control of her emotions. “The idea of losing you terrifies me.” She adds in a soft, broken whisper, the sound cutting through Yang’s chest.
“I’m sorry.” Yang mumbles, gently curling her hands around Blake’s waist and encouraging her to step closer. She gently pushes her forehead against Blake’s, swallowing thickly as Blake’s shuddering breath ghosts over her lips. “But I couldn’t just leave him when he needed us most.”
“... like how I left you?”
There’s a fragility to Blake’s voice that hurts. A vulnerability and an anxiety that Yang wants to chase away. Blake sounds so small and so hurt and Yang wants to kick herself for causing it. She wishes she knows what to say to reassure her partner, to chase off the demons in her mind, but she doesn’t. Instead, she gently pulls Blake into her arms and tucks her beneath her chin, hoping that actions will say what her voice cannot.
“No.” She says finally, holding Blake gently and lowering her mouth to Blake's ear. “You had your reasons, even if it hurt at the time.” She gently pulls back from Blake, gently curling her hands around her jaw and letting their foreheads meet once more. “Look, I can sit here and try to excuse lashing out with me being tired, hurt, frustrated and scared… but that doesn’t make it okay for me to say what I did. It’s no excuse and- and I need you to know that it won’t happen again.”
Blake sniffs, brushing her nose against Yang’s and offering her a watery smile. “I know it won’t.”
“Thank you.” Yang murmurs, brushing Blake’s hair behind her ear, her heart swelling as her partner leans into her touch. “And just so you know… it’s gonna take a hell of a lot more than an explosion and an immortal witch to take me away from you.”
A watery giggle. “Dork,” Blake mumbles, closing her eyes and reaching up to hold Yang’s hand to her cheek, her fingers seeming so much smaller than Yang’s. “Just… please. Be more careful. We need you.” Blake says, pausing for a moment to bite her lip anxiously before opening her eyes and meeting Yang’s eyes with a soft expression. “I need you.”
“No promises… but I’ll try.” Yang says, blinking back tears and pulling Blake into a tight hug and burying her face into her neck. “I need you too.”
Apologies accepted and hearts laid bare, they curl into each other, holding one another close and accepting each other’s warmth before they’re forced to return to their cold reality of war when the sounds of Grimm sound from outside the Mansion.
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smallandsundry · 4 years
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Really excited to announce that there will be a low stakes Bees Schnees Week taking place July 20-26!! 
So I hope you have all your ot3 fanworks locked and loaded – this means fics! This means art! This means AMVs and fanmixes and graphics! This means aesthetic moodboards, because who doesn’t love a movement’s second act! The prompts will be as follows: 
Day 1: canon compliant/missing scenes Day 2: sports AU Day 3: meet the parents Day 4: romcom AU Day 5: sci fi & fantasy Day 6: college/grad school/trade school AU. surf school au highly encouraged but not required Day 7: date night 
Join us for one day, or all, or just swing by to say hi. If you want to join use the tag #bees schnees week so we can see what folks create.  We can’t wait to see you!!
(obviously @lightsaroundyourvanity wrote this entire thing i cannot words)
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jammatown919 · 4 years
For bees how about just Yang getting some hugs? My girl needs more attention
Here ya go! Threw in a little bit of angst for flavor, but the girl does get her hugs. Also, I wrote most of this before V8C11 came out, so there are some slight inaccuracies. 
Louder Than Words
It felt good to be among teammates again. Of course, the guys of JNPR were great, but Yang had always been most comfortable with her own team. With her sister and her closest friends; and more recently, something more.
Nothing could even begin to describe the pure joy she'd felt when she'd opened the doors to Schnee Manor and found all of them eagerly waiting for her. Even though they'd only been apart for a day and a half, Ruby had jumped into her arms like it had been years; and honestly, it felt like it had.
Afterward, Weiss had hugged her so tightly that her back was still hurting even ten minutes later, as she stood off to the side of the room with one arm around Blake's shoulders.
Blake hadn't received a hug, nor had she given one. Instead, she'd received a tender, reassuring hand on her cheek and given a gentle touch of foreheads that said 'I love you' louder than any words either of them knew how to say.
Even now, they still hadn't spoken to each other. Their light touches and soft gazes spoke for them, whispering 'I missed you' and 'Thank God you're safe' and "Never leave me again', over and over until Yang could swear the words were audible.
She was so caught up in them that she wasn't even listening to the group's discussion of Ironwood's ultimatum. Blake, on the other hand, apparently was, as something that had been said prompted her to start moving toward the stairs.
Startled by the sudden jolt back to reality, Yang reached out and caught her hand.
"What is it?" Blake asked as the others passed them, staring in confusion at Yang.
"Oh- sorry." Yang quickly dropped Blake's hand, her face warming with mild embarrassment. "Where's everyone going?"
"Upstairs to check on Penny and Nora." Blake replied slowly. Her brow furrowed with concern and her voice lowered. "Are you alright? It's not like you to space out like that."
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just really glad we're together again. I guess I got a little distracted." Much to Yang's surprise, her eyes began to sting as she spoke.
"Woah, hey," Blake brought her hands up to gently cup Yang's face, using her thumbs to wipe the tears away. "What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry, I-" Yang's voice broke, and she had to take a moment to collect herself. "I really missed you. I know we weren't apart for long, but the whole time I couldn't stop worrying about whether you were okay or if you thought less of me for choosing Mantle."
"Oh, Yang..." Blake said softly. "I could never think less of you for doing what you think is right. People disagree, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop loving you. I'm not that petty."
Yang barked out a laugh at the unexpected remark.
"I know," She sniffled. "I guess I still have some anxiety, since this is all so new."
"You don't need to worry. I love you completely unconditionally." Blake promised. She suddenly wrapped Yang up in a firm hug, and the blonde almost started crying a second time. It was so good to be in her arms again.
"I love you too." Yang whispered, putting her arms around Blake's waist.  
They stood there for a while, holding each other tightly, and Yang would have been more than happy to stay there for the rest of her life.
"The others are going to be wondering where we are." Blake said all too soon. Yang responded by tightening her grip.
"Just one more minute?" She requested quietly.
"One more minute." Blake agreed, resting her chin on Yang's shoulder. "I missed you too, by the way. I kept trying to call you, but you were out of range."
"Sorry about that. There was a lot going on." Yang sighed. "I guess the guys and I still have to fill everyone in."
"No rush." Blake replied. "Although, I would like to know what Emerald is doing here."
"It's kind of a long story. It would be better if we just explained it to the group."
"Should we get up there, then?" Despite Yang's nod in response, they lingered in each other's arms for a moment longer, reluctant to part.
Wordlessly, Blake moved her hands to Yang's shoulders and tilted her head up to press her lips against Yang's forehead. It was the first kiss that had ever been shared between them, and Yang honestly thought she preferred this to the idea of a kiss on the lips. Something about it just felt more intimate.
After a moment, Blake moved away, but the warmth of her hands and sensation of her lips remained. As she turned to the stairs, Yang reached out and gripped her hand, letting her lead the way. They walked as near to each other as they could, comforting one another with their closeness, silently promising that they would not part again.
No matter what happened next, they would face it together.
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