#bee does bad medicine
oddlittlestories · 10 months
I really wish I was a doctor so I could do proper House MD medicine
not that that's gonna stop me
I'm gonna start a new tag called #medical research for all the House related medical research I want to do and also one called #bee does bad medicine wherein I will also do bad math as I make inferences based on poorly calculated assumptions
I do this in private btw but I feel the need to do it in public now
If you do not want medical things on your dash, please feel free to block the following:
#medical research
#bee does medicine badly
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coffee-and-tea-time · 5 months
𓆩♡𓆪 「better that sleeping pills」 𓆩♡𓆪
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Hi! Coffee being delusional speaking! This time I was wondering
How did you deal with your sleep problems, dear?
TW: stalking, yandere behavior, delusions, insomniac reader, sleeping pills mention, somewhat willing reader, light paranoia?
Yet again another night dealing with insomnia, being told over and over that you should stop using the phone at night and, instead, pretend to sleep, that eventually dreamland will come to you like that. People that don't know what it is to be alone with thoughts and exasperation. But once again, you try to do so, hoping that maybe this time it would actually help.
tik tok tik tok tik tok
How much time has passed? Seconds? Minutes? Hours? You try to keep your mind on blank but it's impossible at some point.
An unexpected sound catch quickly your interest although you can't really recognize it, trying to dismiss it, thinking must've an hallucination or something outside, in the silence of the night, people tend to be more perspective to any sounds, right?
And just like a bad plot, once your body relaxes, you hear that sound again. . . Unconsciously welcoming the return to old habits, covering more with the blankets and turning around with the eyes still closed, as if that will make a safe shield.
Alright, this isn't your first rodeo, your brain's favorite hobby surely is playing tricks to scare the hell out of you. Taking a deep breath to relax once again, choosing to be delusional to forget everything has to be the best option right now.
What about if the sounds are because a stalker helplessly in love with you just broke into your house? A good night kiss on the forehead sounds lovely, maybe the dark romance or Tumblr posts are affecting your brain already but why care? Cuddling to sleep with someone that loves you unconditionally sounds like a perfect situation, you wouldn't really mind your sleeplessness if you could have that.
Although the normal will be calling the police, why do so if it's not a threat? In your mind, you picture your perfect obsessive s/o, no need to worry about being cheated on if the only thing in his eyes is you, no need to worry about being too much, no need to worry about his feelings ever fading away, isn't that perfect? Yes, it may come with some disadvantages like everything, but nothing you can't handle, you just need to love them, and they will be happy on a daily basis.
As you smile because of your silly fantasies while looking 'asleep' on the outside, you hear an even more unexpected sound. . . a whispering.
“oh, are you having a good sleep? It worries me how long it takes you to sleep every night, it's gonna end up being awful for your health. Maybe it will be better if I start using sleeping pills on you? You always do so much, you need a good rest, my cherry”
You stay still, unable to think what to do, a light but sweet smell invades your nostrils. Does this count as manifestation? Why is he already calling you by a pet name?
“My lovely cherry, my heart ache when I think about how exasperating must feel to hear the constant naging of those who don't really care about at least try empathize, if only I could help with something, I won't think it twice”
Feeling a gentle caress on your hair makes you wonder, this doesn't feel bad at all. Common sense screaming that you need to worry but the warm feeling of his touch disperse that though faster than you're willing to admit.
“Mmm, maybe my desires are taking over my brain already? But I think a perfect medicine for you will be if you snuggle in my embrace, I promise to have the right temperature for you to be comfy all night… if you just let me kiss that addictive face of yours, it will be enough payment for even my soul if you wish to have it”
His voice… sounds familiar, do you know him? 
Even if you recognize that self-preservation should be a top priority, it's hard to care when his voice is this honeyed, using the exact words that attract you like a bee as if he can read your mind. As you feel a faint kiss on the top of your head, you start to ask yourself…
Is bad manners not to reply when someone speaks to you, isn't it? Or maybe it's better to keep pretending to sleep to see what he usually does?
Decisions decisions…
➤ keep pretending
➤ Say something
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
images from pinterest
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💿Reboot AU... Possible Mutations of the Mystery Character, by Reader (and Scott)
• They're mentioned as very energetic, and as a possible insomniac, as there are several mentions of late night talks they have with the other characters and of the teens and adults finding them up at odd hours in the mansion (yeah, they had trouble sleeping, I think they took medicine for it)
• They seemed to like sweets, as well as meat and dairy... So they had a need for lots of protein, and a sweet tooth, apparently... Some foods they've liked are casseroles, chicken nuggets and tenders and rotisserie chickens, shrimp, pies, lemon cake, potatoes, pancakes, bacon and sausages, as well as smoothies, chocolate milk, and orange rolls... (they were a really good cook, too!) (Thank you for the input, Scott)
• This character has been seen before, and seemed to be a kind, down-to-earth person with a past they don't mention often, besides saying it's best left forgotten... I wonder if that will be important later... They get along with most of the teens, regardless of sides or morals, and seem to respect most of the adults... They do not seem to like most humans, though... (they are important! and super helpful! and they did have a past full of bad things, unfortunately...)
• They look kinda like... me? Well, okay, my ideal version of me... They seem to prefer warm colors, anything from red and orange and yellow to pink and golden and white, always with some black thrown in... They have a few piercings, maybe a few rings they wear, amd I think the show had an episode where they revealed they were... ace? Or aro? Aroace? It was a pretty bold episode for that time (they were very brave to say that! and no one loved them any less!)
• I don't know if they're related to anyone... As I can never remember their power, I'm not sure what it was or anything besides a few general ideas as to what I think it was... (it's okay, Reader! sometimes it's best to go over what you know, then find the truth out from that!)
• Possible Mutation One: They're very stretchy and rubbery, almost like a stress ball or gooey worm or some other heroes... They seem to be always a step away if there's a problem, so it makes sense they can easily get tangeled up in it... It would also explain how they keep everything around them calmer... After all, they just have to stretch a hand or a leg, and they can stop whoever is causing mischief or trouble (good guess, Reader! certainly creative! and what do you mean, other heroes? what other heroes?)
• Possible Mutation Two: They're able to control electricity and energy. It would explain why they are energetic and have trouble sleeping, if they have a constant supply of energy in their body. It could explain why they fear water, because their body could potentially electrocute itself if they end up in a large body of water... Maybe they can also make loud noises, like thunder... Thunder is the sound after lightning strikes, right? (right indeed, kid! also a good guess! that would make showers and baths and pool parties hard to do...)
• Possible Mutation Three: They're some kind of feral mutant? At least five characters have fluff or animal powers, so it would make sense if this character did too? It would explain why they eat so much, and why they prefer meat and dairy... Their hair does look soft and fluffy, too... I'm not sure if I remember if they had claws or a tail or fangs or horns or any odd colors, though... (hmmmm... good guess again, kid! and yes! their hair does look super soft and fluffy!)
• Possible Mutation Four: They can turn into a swarm of insects or has a stinger or controls bugs/other people... Maybe thats why they like sweets? All kinds of hymenoptera insects are attracted to sweets, like bees and wasps and ants and hornets... so are flies, too, but they eat anything... Maybe that explains the warmer colors, too? (good guess once more, kiddo! that would be a unique power! a little scary, though)
• Possible Mutation Five: They can control minds or can control pheromones... Maybe both? They mentioned not wanting their power before... and this seems like one most wouldn't want to have... Maybe that's their dark secret? Their hidden ability? It could apply to a few of these other ones, actually... Is that why they left? Was there a falling out? Some sacrifice? Or a hidden plot in the shadows? (... let's not talk about it, kiddo...) (do you need a hug, Scott?) (... yes... your hugs feel amazing... thank you...)
@sugar-soda @thewickedweiner Your thoughts?
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Remember that post you made in the past about the TFA Autobots being raised on Earth?
What if those versions of themselves met their canon counter parts?
-Optimus finds himself at a bit of a loss with how to handle this alternative version of himself. They are so much alike one another yet also so, so very different. They share no life experiences in common and ER!Optimus have never experienced the catastrophic guilt that he did and so it's hard for them to relate with one another. Optimus finds his counterpart's cockiness and relaxed attitude a bit frustrating.
Meanwhile, ER!Optimus thinks regular Optimus a bit too high strung and dislikes the fact that he's got such low self confidence. Look, he understands that this this version of himself went through a lot of tough shit but that doesn't mean he's lost his value as a person.
-Bumblebee is jealous of ER!Bee simply due to the fact that this version of himself is so popular, cool and confident without even trying. It kinda upsets him because while he is always trying to prove himself, ER!Bumblebee feels confident enough to just be himself. Constantly tries to one-up his alternative self to prove to everyone (and himself) that he's not a worse version.
ER!Bumblebee on the other hand feels bad for his counterpart because he's recognizes his own behaviors and sees that Bee simply feels inadequate and is in desperate need of some validation. Does not take his continuous antagonization to heart and instead humors him all while trying to raise his confidence.
-Ratchet and ER!Ratchet won't stop bickering with each other. ER!Ratchet is much more relaxed, happier but just as stubborn as he is and he can't stand seeing how 'naive' his alternative is. Still, he's determined to teach ER!Ratchet all there is to know about cybertronian medicine and how to be a proper medic. He says it's because it's embarrassing to see himself so inadequate but the truth is that he's afraid that one day someone is going to get hurt and ER!Ratchet won't be able to do anything.
ER!Ratchet thinks Ratchet is a bitter fool, too caught up in the past to focus on the present. He recognizes that this version of himself have undoubtedly gone through things that he himself can't even start to imagine but he also knows himself well enough that he's well aware of the fact that his own stubborness is only making things worse. Does however appreciate the fact that he's finally being taught medicine about his own kind and in return he happily teaches Ratchet about humans. When they are not bickering, they actually get along quite well.
-Prowl is quite fascinated with this version of himself. What ER!Prowl lacks in fighting skills, he makes up for in wisdom, having spent his life finding peace within and connecting with the world and people around him. Happily shares meditation techniques with him and teaches him some cyber-ninja skills while discussing their philosophies. They actually get along quite well and crack a lot of jokes with one another.
ER!Prowl is a bit envious of Prowl, something that he will admit not only to himself but his counterpart as well. Since he was raised by humans he always used to feel like he didn't quite belong, that he was alone in the world. Prowl never had to experience that, being surrounded by other cybertronians. Still, he recognizes that they both have their own stories, not all pleasant, and that Prowl undoubtedly had his own worries growing up. Really fascinated by Prowl's training as a cyber-ninja and absorbs everything he teaches him like a sponge.
-Bulkhead really, really looks up to his alternative self. In his optics, ER!Bulkhead is just a better version of himself. Confident in a way that Bulkhead can't even imagine replicating. Also very impressed by the fact that he's a famous artist. Feels a bit smug about the fact that he knows about space bridges but ER!Bulkhead don't but he never holds it over his head.
Meanwhile, ER!Bulkhead is just fascinated by the fact that Bulkhead has been to space and experienced so many adventures. He also finds it amazing to watch him go about doing his own art works since he's way more experimental. All things considered, these two get along like two peas in a pod!
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mysticalsoot · 2 years
dadbur hc's to feel something
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a/n; I am struggling to write full fledged fics rn so I let the brainrot win and I've now done...this. don't ask. also, thank you to lilly and elliot for decided what hc's I was meant to write, y'all are awesome and I love you both dearly<3
warnings; not much!! mentions of pregnancy, health issues (just general idea), pain mentions, this may worsen baby fever, sorry not my fault, blame wilbur.
reader is gn but in some cases afab!! (it's optional to read those parts, dw!)
masterlist (requests are open btw!)
- absolutely hated children as a teen and early 20-something
- babysat one baby of his friends and it was over for him
- absolutely adored that little baby and nearly cried when he had to leave them
- now as a husband, he wanted a kid so bad
- constantly gushing when he passes by baby shops or just melts when he sees a baby
- horrible baby fever. sorry to you.
- won't ever push the issue, but still mentions it and communicates clearly that he does want kids but he especially wants kids with you. heart melted
- if you don't want kids at the moment, he will absolutely respect that and will definitely do his best to shut up during bouts of baby fever
- I mean how could he not!! they're so adorable!!
- once you do actually have a kid, regardless of what way—he's doing anything and everything he can to prepare.
- he's buying parenting books; how to create healthy habits with your baby, how to raise a compassionate child, what to do and what not to do when becoming a parent
- he bought soo many baby outfits and onesies—all the way up to a year old. even grabbed some premie sizes, just in case.
- the nursery was set up almost immediately, a nature theme. he suggested a Minecraft theme but you shot that down immediately. there was pouting involved.
- but, you came to a compromise; dark green walls, light yellow accents, browns, etc. you even let him make Minecraft bees out of those wooden blocks and you thought they were the cutest thing ever. there were also stuffies of Minecraft animals scattered on shelves and on furniture. (please take Amazon away from this man, it's so dangerous).
- in the case of pregnancy; he was very insistent on being sure that both baby and you were in perfect health. and he never let you do more than he thought was appropriate.
- dishes? nope that's a father's job. going down the stairs? right by your side, watching your every step and yes, will make you hold his hand.
- to most others he was overbearing—but he was always like that and the whole pregnancy thing just enhanced it
- Wilbur is anxious and he never does well with medical or health things at all, his mind constantly running wild with various possibilities. it was scary for him.
- so yes, you'd get off dish nights and would be chaperoned down the stairs.
- but he also made sure you had your medicine on time, he documented every pain and complaint you had.
- he had already learnt the face you made when you were in any sort of pain—so he was right on top of it almost immediately.
- asking what hurt, what number of pain, how he could help, etc.
- he is an absolute sweetheart all of the time, but his softness was brought out by the entire experience.
- when the baby was born, or rather adopted—whichever way it happened—he cried. he cried a lot.
- he held the little one so gently, but so tightly in his arms
- he was insistent to not push gender roles onto the kiddos, but he did have two names picked out for a boy or a girl (or rather you picked them out and he agreed with them before you told him the reasoning)
- Willow for a girl and Spencer for a boy
- you didn't tell him until after the name was finalized that both options were after him
- he was so flustered and jokingly scolded you, but in reality, he loved it
- he felt so happy and so proud
- so joyful that you felt he was worthy enough to indirectly name a child after him, your child, his child.
- he was an absolute sweetie to the little one, and they took very quickly to him as well—immediately grasping onto his fingers as soon as they had the ability and cooing any time they saw him
- it melted his heart each and every time and it never stopped
- when the little one was older, they often took up the habit of grabbing at his hair or his glasses and sometimes his ears
- you found it to be the cutest thing ever and so did he he cried almost every time
- they absolutely adored their father, and if you didn't know better, you'd say they liked him better than you!
- when it came time to go back to work, to back to gigs and shows with Lovejoy
- Wilbur took off two weeks of work entirely beforehand, just to spend with you and the little one
- obviously he'd been on some sort of break since the baby was born/adopted/etc, but he still did things here and there, streamed a couple of times, went into the studio occasionally, etc
- but now that he was going to be physically gone a lot more, he knew he had to spend it wisely. and wisely did he spend it.
- most of the time was spent lying in bed with you on one side, him on the other and the baby lying on their back between you too.
- you'd both coo at them, tickle them, and talk to them
- oh did Wilbur love to sing to them, anything at all!
- he even came up with a few lullabies for them
- you'd watch from the door of the nursery as he'd rock them to sleep, humming a tune or singing the lyrics he came up just for them
- it killed you and totally didn't make you want another
- he was overall the sweetest father, and it became more evident when he had to leave for a while
- he'd call every morning, lunch and dinner as long as he didn't have anything
- and he would be so so sure that it was that time for you, it didn't matter what time it was for him as long as it was that time of day for you and his little baby
- he may have FaceTimed you and the baby during a few soundchecks, shh don't tell Dave!
- he would smile so big at the camera and wave at your little one
- he'd show them off to his band mates and they'd all coo at the little one, talking about how much alike they look like you and wilbur
- you personally thought they looked most like their father, his eyes, lips, ears. they might as well have been a spitting image of him! you looked at baby photos too
- Wilbur, on the other hand, begged to differ. he was very very insistent they looked just like you and nothing like him.
- it was most likely perception and bias that caused you both to think this way, but neither of you really cared all that much
- on days he couldn't call, for whatever reason, sometimes you'd play one of his old streams on the TV.
- the little one always responded to his voice and it seemed to calm them, usually into a sleep
- so just chatting streams and ycgma were go tos for sleepless nights lovejoys stuff kept them up and giggling
- when he was there for sleepless nights, he'd walk them around in his arms and talk about the most random things until they fell asleep
- he even offered to baby wear a lot more than most fathers did
- he just wanted to be close to them, and it always gave you a break, so he thought it'd be a double deal
- and it was! you'd get your nap, and so did the baby and Wilbur would just be gushing over his little one a few tears always shed
- he would sit with the baby on his leg when he was at his desk working, one arm snaked around them and his other on his mouse or keyboard
- at first, working was very cumbersome with the kiddo but he eventually found a work flow that worked and bouncing them on his knee helped keep things calm
- you were both hesitant to show your child on the internet and you didn't for a very long time, while people knew of them, it wasn't like photos were posted or they showed up on stream
- until, when the kiddo was about 2 or 3, they decided they missed their daddy and went running into the office when you weren't looking (I'll be using Willow as an example)
"Daddy!" Willow yelled or rather screamed out in that typical toddler way, running over to her dad's office chair.
She didn't know her father was live or working and she was much too young to understand it anyway—and the color drained from Wilbur's face when he realized. It was much too late now, chat was already spamming "Dadbur?!?" and "Baby Gold!!!"
Willow did her best to climb the side of her dad's chair before he sighed, a big smile on his face and he lifted her up by her armpits and placed her on his knee, first facing him so the camera didn't see.
"You wanna be on camera, sweetie?" He asked, realizing now how much trouble he may get in with you—but the giggle from his daughter and the smile on her face was so worth it, he didn't care.
"Yeah! Yeah!" And so he turned her around to face his PC and the camera.
"Wave to chat, lovebug!" He snaked his arm around her waist and waved with his own hand, his head dipped down to watch her. He had the softest, most loving smile on his face. He loved his little girl so so much, and he knew how it showed.
Willow waved and giggled, "Hi chat!!" and chat began spamming; "Baby Gold, hi!!" and "WILLOW!!"
It was the cutest thing he had ever seen.
And he desperately hoped he wouldn't get in too much trouble.
He spent the rest of the stream talking to chat, but mostly looking at his little girl as he conversed with her.
- it was over by then, and the little kiddo would make an appearance as much as you would allow
- and you were far from angry—you cried when you saw the clips—you were just frustrated he didn't go to you first yet you realized, he couldn't. your kid was much too like his father and much much too like you. stubborn and energetic.
- they only got more sassy and opinionated as they grew, and they most definitely became a spitting image of wilbur
- maybe #2 would look more like you
- oh, and don't let him wear plain tshirts unless you want more kids, that's all I'm saying
tags; @lillylvjy @lvrboysoot (if you want to be on a taglist thing, just send an ask and I'll add you!)
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dragonsdendoodles · 5 months
wait i also dont know if other anon meant just hugh or not but i personally would love to hear what you think about the rest of them :) also jesus, hugh is going through it 💀 laying face down in a puddle of honey with forty five thousand bees buzzing around him
So I’m just gonna summarize this because otherwise it’ll be a mile long
Miss P: Has to be convinced to rest, classic mom that will still do things no matter how shitty she feels and the kids are all like no don’t worry about it we can handle ourselves promise but she won’t because she knows they’ll burn the house down (also they’re just a teeny bit scared of her not getting proper rest after AMOD)
Jacob: Fails spectacularly at pretending to be fine. He’s just really bad at covering up illness and/or injury, and having a peculiarity that regularly induces nausea does not help. When he deals with a hollow he can’t go to any fast food places for like a day or two or he will be violently ill and the day he learned that he almost cried
Emma: Keeps working until she physically passes out. Then she is forcibly quarantined by Bronwyn. But in this household we believe in Emwyn so she doesn’t mind it too much.
Millard: Actually willingly rests. Jacob brings him Gatorade and McDonald’s fries from the present, because Gatorade and McDonald’s fries are a cure-all for everything known to man. (Unless he’s sick to his stomach. Only the Gatorade works for that, and Jacob’s still traumatized from the Aston Martin incident.)
Bronwyn: Makes sure she stays away from everyone so as not to get them sick, but she will play drawing games with Olive and Claire (and Horace, if they can get him to play) because she can slide the paper back and forth under the door.
Enoch: He feels fine, he says, while his throat is so fucked up he can barely speak and he coughs every other breath. He says he won’t leave his room because the Bird won’t let him, but it’s really because Horace won’t cuddle with him when he’s that snotty and gross and he’s spent the last three hours sulking about it. Enoch is clingiest when Enoch feels like absolute shit.
Horace: The most DRAMATIC fucker known to mankind. He is dying, he is dead, tell Enoch he wants roses at his funeral. (He’ll be fine in a couple days.)
Olive: Usually plays quietly in her room if she feels good enough for it. Claire will sneak in and play with her until Miss Peregrine reminds her that she’ll get sick too if she stays too long.
Claire: Gets sick the easiest out of everyone. She’ll absolutely deny it and insist she can still go out and play with the others, but she also gets sick the worst aside from Hugh, so most of the time she just has to rest whether she likes it or not.
Hugh: TLDR bees evacuate because worst case scenario whatever he has is making him cough enough to actually cough up/throw up honeycomb. Usually makes the others avoid honey at all costs for a few months, so he just kinda stays in his room slowly dying
Fiona: Spends the day in her greenhouse with whatever kind of tea will make her feel better. What it actually is is proper rest and caring for her body, but Jacob, Enoch, and Olive insist she can photosynthesize the sickness away. Hugh also goes with this, if nothing else to annoy the shit out of Millard.
Noor: Absolutely refuses to go to the doctor and toughs it out herself. She also refuses to take any medicine for any of this, because it’s gross and she’ll be fine, she promises. Fiona’s homemade tea helps
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moonlight-tmd · 1 month
Idea! I think I remember seeing somewhere on your blog that Shockwave was a civilian frame amongst the many Warframes on the Decepticon side. Going off of that-and probably going to be angry as heck-but now I can't help but think in your "Con's are good" au, that Shockwave was originally one of the few good Senators who did their best to prevent the worst of the anti-warframe acts from going through. When his support for the Deceptions was found out, he was tortured, empuertad without trial and on false allegations, and left for dead before he was found and rescued.
I mention this because I feel a major turning point for the earthbound Autobot team would be for them to uncover this information. This could also serve as a catalyst for them losing trust in the council entirely. What do you think?
Yeah that does sound like something Shockwave might have experienced in this...
Originally I didn't have much info on his backstory but with your input- yeah I can see him being in the council before everything happened.
He was one of the lower position ones but still had much input on how things turn out. When he first heard of the propaganda and plans to eliminate warframes he tried his best to discreetly change the enforcement of that. Even risking stealing and changing the orders. That unfortunately didn't last long as he was caught with the act and upon discovering the reason, the council automaticaly aligned him with Decepticons and send him off to be empurated and locked away. The council couldn't risk having their reputation dirty so they covered it up with him being assasinated.
While in prison, he took his time to re-evaluate his decisions and goals; he didn't regret one bit of his actions, he only wanted the best for the citizen. He spend years reflecting and making plans for no apparent reason- he never thought he could get out of the prison he himself helped build for most dangerous criminals,.. that he now was a resident of himself.
But fate had it that a Decepticon ship attacked the prison in attempt to get their comrades out. He found himself running with the criminals and by all luck managed to catch a ride. Universe had gived him another chance and he wasn't about to waste it.
He changed his name to Shockwave and managed to consult with Megatron himself about his fate and possible aid in return for support from Decepticons. And thus he began helping them overthrow the council.
He was scared of initiating the plans he offered, but it was the only way- he was gonna climb the ranks under a disguise and be their infiltration. His odd frame type granted him the ability to alter his appearance but with empurata helm it was almost impossible to make it pass... Fortunately for them all there was one femme who specialized in self-taught medicine and frame alterations. Blackarachnia made it so his helm could shit along with his frame and therefore made his alter persona, Longarm.
During infiltration of boot camp, Shockwave met a young minibot- foolish and swayed by the tales of the amazingness of Elite Guard. Shockwave felt bad that such a passionate and high-spirited mech would only be disappointed once he learned the truth. Shockwave was surprisingly young for a senator back in the day, so he understood the excitement Bee had- maybe that's why he became friends with him. When Wasp became to be apparent issue for Bumblebee and the officers weren't doing anything despite several notices, Shockwave decided that enough was enough- he was well aware of the rumors of a spy around the camp. He learned from his mistakes and was far more careful about his actions but still it somehow got out. He used the rumors and crafted a well-suited evidence for Wasp to step right in. It worked and Bee was safe, although this satisfaction didn't last long for he was kicked out for some stupid thing few months later.
Now for some events that I don't know how to put in line of time;
When Shockwave learned about Wasp trying to get revenge on Bee he felt guilty- he should've known that putting Wasp in jail wasn't gonna be a permanent solution but he also hoped that he would be stuck there for longer. He didn't like that Bee had to carry the consequences of his lies which is why whnn he revealed that it was him that put Wasp in jail he tried his best to explain his reasoning. He was lucky that Bee understood where he was coming from and forgave him.
When Shockwave learned that the same minibot he was friends with in boot camp had a relationship with Blitwing he was.. shocked to say the least. For someone who believed in the council's fake good so much it was quite controversial. In the end he was happy that Bee was happy, more so when he acknowledged that Bee was not as foolish as he thought and actually looked into the true side of the council.
When the earth rebellion was forming, it was difficult to get Team Prime to trust Decepticons- Shockwave has decided that if they were gonna help them they need to know what the council was capable of and shared his story. He watched their expressions shift to shock and disgust as he described the punishment for simply not wanting a war. The sad part about it is that Optimus actually met Shockwave before all this... As brief as it was, Op saw the mech Shockwave used to be and it pained him to see the same happy mech turned into a bittersweer avenger of the council's victims. It was what pulled the final straw and caused the rebellion to solidify.
That's all for now, thank you for the ask and sorry for the long wait!
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Rapidfire and Ophelia react to Optimus contracting the Cybonic plague
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Angst, Cybertronain reader
Takes place if they had been introduced to the team much earlier than canon.
Rapidfire hasn’t heard of the plague before but by the looks of it.
It’s all bad.
She knows that with her size sneaking onto the Nemesis is not an option and choses to stay on base.
She helps Optimus move from place to place.
Thanks to her frame it isn’t a problem.
Rapidfire holding Optimus by the waist gently placing him down on the med slab.
“Okay Optimus, we’re going to set you down on the med slab. Here, nice and easy.”--Rapidfire
Rapidfire gently places the Prime on the slab.
“Ratchet said you shouldn’t be moving anymore, so if you need anything I’ll bring it to you! Just tell me what you need.”--Rapidfire
Optimus nods slowly.
Is distraught seeing one of her father figures like this.
She already lost one and she is not ready to lose another.
Constantly holding Optimus servo and gently patting his shoulder telling him to keep hanging in there.
Rapidfire hugs Arcee and Bumblebee as soon as they come out from the groundbrigde.
“Oh thank the Allspark you guys are okay!”--Rapidfire
“Rapidfire… you need to let go…”--Arcee
“Beep bep booop… (You’re crushing our chassis’s).”--Bumblebee
Rapidfire lets go and rubs the back of her helm.
She tries her best in helping Ratchet with the medicine but has to leave to make sure not to complicate things.
Is by Prime side as soon as Optimus is ready to move.
Acts as Prime crutch while he gets better.
Ophelia feels her energon run cold when she hears about the familiar plague.
Is immediately by Prime side holding his servo tightly.
Ratchet does ask if she knows about the cure for the plague.
Ophelia doesn’t know anything about the cure.
She was never given medical records to archive and Megatron was the only one with access to that information.
She can also tell there is some more tension on base with the others knowing her past with the Cons.
That’s why she volunteers to go with Arcee and Bumblebee to get the cure.
“Absoluetly not.”--Ratchet
“Ratchet I need to go—”--Ophelia
“So, you can escape?”--Arcee
“BEEP! (Arcee!)”--Bumblebee
“No, I get it that you think I’d go right back to the ship. But right now, right now I’m your best chance to find that cure inside the computers on that ship. I’ve been archiving in there since the Decepticon’s got a hold of it. If anyone here can find that cure, its me.”--Ophelia
“Do you think I want Optimus to suffer like this!?”--Ophelia
Ophelia lightly squeezes Optimus servo.
“I’m sorry… but I don’t want him to die… not like this… please, let me go.”--Ophelia
“…Let her go with you and Bumblebee.”--Ratchet
Arcee looks at the determined minibot and sighs.
“Let’s go.”--Arcee
Ophelia is hit with so many flashbacks as soon as she sets pede in the ship.
She shakingly pushes it down and leads the others to the med bay.
That would be the best place to look first.
The best place to look before anyone comes and look.
Ophelia freezes at the sight of Megatron’s battered frame in the med bay.
Bee and Arcee have to drag her from the spot on the floor.
Ophelia shakes a bit before trying to get on the console.
It was eventually deduced that the best way to get the cure was to use the psych link.
“You’re going to what?”--Arcee
“I’m going to go with Bee into Megatron’s mind.”--Ophelia
“And why?”--Arcee
“Because there is no way I’m letting him into Megatron’s mind alone.”—Ophelia
Ophelia and Arcee stare at each other for a bit before sighing.
“Let’s get this over with.”--Arcee
Ophelia is on Bee’s shoulder as they trek through the landscape.
Then some in the holograms of Optimus and Bee with Mind Megatron slicing them.
Ophelia and Bee try to get Megs to tell them about the medicine.
Megatron immediately tries to slice Bumblebee.
Ophelia screams seeing the blade coming towards them.
Bee quickly holds her close trying to protect her from the swing.
The blade doesn’t hit them, instead it goes right through like if they were ghosts or holograms.
Ophelia is trembling in Bees arms with fear in her optics.
Megatron pauses and looks at them curiously.
That is when he puts two and two together.
Megatron demands to know why they are there.
Bumblebee tells him that they need the cure for the plague.
Megtron turns to Ophelia and asks who.
Ophelia doesn’t speak.
Megatron figures out that it’s Optimus and laughs before flashing the cure.
Ratchet and Ophelia managed to take a picture of it.
Now was the time to go.
Megatron turns to Ophelia.
“You never answered me, Ophelia. Why are you here and helping an Autobot no less?”--Megatron
“It does not concern you anymore Megatron.”--Ophelia
“I believe it does if you had to team up with the enemy to get this cure to heal our enemy.”--Megatron
“He is your enemy. Not mine.”--Ophelia
“As future leader of the Decepticons, Optimus Prime will forever be you enemy just like the soon to be dead scout once I get out.”--Megatron
Ophelia clenches her servos.
“You WILL not touch him or Optimus.”--Ophelia
“Don’t speak to your father like that!”--Megatron
“FATHER?! FATHER!”--Ophelia
Ophelia leaps out of Bumblebees arms standing her ground.
“Since when have YOU been a father to me?!”--Ophelia
“I took you from the—”--Megatron
“Streets of Kaon! I know! But that was MEGATRONUS who took me in, not you!”—Ophelia
Megatron has his servos clenched, standing threating.
“I was training you to be the strong leader this war needs!”--Megatron
Megatron pauses for a moment before his optics land on the Autobot symbol on her shoulder.
“You… TRAITOR!”--Megatron
Megatron lunges at Ophelia.
Ophelia screams as the blade was about to make contact with her spark chamber when she disappeared.
Ophelia wakes up from the link groggy and is slug over Bee shoulder running with Arcee into the groundbrigde.
Ophelia and Ratchet set straight to work trying to decipher and get the treatment into Optimus as soon as possible.
Ophelia nearly cries seeing Optimus open his optics without pain.
She clings to him like a leach.
Bee tells the others what happened in there.
Ophelia’s place in the team has been cemented.
She is an Autobot and no one will question her loyalties anymore.
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oddlittlestories · 10 months
Okay so this is an extremely lukewarm take but uh. Advances in pain management (and the fact that the writers do not know enough about medicine) aside—what if Wilson doesn't start out writing House's pain prescriptions?
What if House had a really shitty specialist who was just like "Oh you've got pain, sure here's some vicodin why not."
and House is over here like. okay well this kind of works ig? and he's exhausted. He's got fatigue, pain, and a recent huge blow to his autonomy and independence.
Let's say House's shitty specialist isn't even at PPTH. And the other one is in the next city over, nine months out. He can't even drive yet.
He could reach out to Wilson or Cuddy—who shouldn't even be treating him, who he's already asked for too much, who he already relies on too much—or he could just let it go.
He lets it go. The vicodin kind of works anyways.
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greenwitchcrafts · 11 months
Salvia officinalis
Known as: Common sage, green sage, garden sage, meadow sage, culinary sage & true sage
Related plants: A member of the of the mint family Lamiaceae that includes plants such as basil, mint, rosemary, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano, hyssop, thyme, lavender & perilla as well as catnip, salvia, bee balm, wild dagga & oriental motherwort.
Parts used: Leaves & stems
Habitat and cultivation: This evergreen subshrub is native to the Mediterranean region with it's mild to cool, rainy winters & warm to hot, dry summers.
Plant type: Perennial
Region: Zone 5-8 your sage will grow as a hardy perennial. However in the humid climates of zones 9 & farther south, sage is usually an annual, as it does not easily tolerate summer heat & humidity.
Harvest: Harvest lightly in the first year to ensure the plant grows fully. After the first year, be sure to leave a few stalks so that the plant can rejuvenate in the future & If fully established, one plant can be harvested up to three times in one season.
Planting tips: Plant in full sun & plants should be two feet apart. Sage should be planted in well draining soil like a sandy or loamy soil with good drainage. Wet soils can cause rot and be fatal to the plant. The easiest and best way to start sage is from a small plant, but you can also sow seeds up to two weeks before the last frost date.
Medicinal information: Taking sage by mouth seems to improve memory and thinking skills in healthy adults & taking it for four weeks can improve menopause symptoms. One study found that drinking tea made from sage both raised antioxidant defenses and lowered LDL or “bad” cholesterol. It also could be used for pain after surgery, lung cancer, sore throat, sunburn, and many other conditions. Sage leaves have been used in traditional medicine as a treatment for diabetes.
Cautions: Sage is possibly unsafe when taken in high doses or for a long time due to a chemical called thujone. Too much thujone can cause seizures and damage the liver and nervous system. Thujone can also bring on a menstrual period, which could cause a miscarriage so taking sage during pregnancy is not advised. It may also reduce milk production while chest feeding.
Magickal properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Deities: Chiron, Consus, Jupiter, Obatala & Zeus
Magickal uses:
• Use the leaves for tea for communion of Jupiter or in any workings involved with the planet & grounding
• Burn to find clarity & wisdom while asking difficult questions
• Write a wish on Sage leaf and burn it to release your intention
• Place a Sage leaf in your wallet to attract money
• Include in feminine fertility spells to boost your chances of success
• Add Sage oil incense or herbs to any spell to temper the results with wisdom
• Burn during a funeral & memorial to facilitate healthy grief and bonding with the spirits of those who passed on
• Use spells to alleviate grief & steady emotions
• Put in a satchet to carry from protection from negative energies & influences
• Burn to cleanse your home, clear negative energies & increase your intuition
• Rub sage on your forehead before divination to increase the accuracy of your results
• Pick twelve leaves at midnight on Christmas Eve to see a vision of your future husband(without damaging the bush)
• Write your desire on a sage leafe & place it under your pillow for three days. If you dream of your desire, it will soon materialize. If not, bury the sage.
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snootlestheangel · 11 months
141 And Friends Allergy Headcanons
I've been convinced to post more of my own headcanon stuff and this is where I choose to start
Captain Price : severely allergic to cats, somewhat allergic to pears. I am such a cat person and this breaks my heart but something about this man when you really look at him screams "cannot be near a cat or I will die" to me.
Ghost: Thought he had no allergies until one time they had to move through a patch of poison ivy. That shit gave him such a mean rash that lasted too long for comfort. Also allergic to the adhesive on normal band-aids. If he leaves one on too long he'll break out into a rash. Yes, I speak from experience.
Soap: So many like pollen, dust type allergies so during the spring/fall where those are in plethora, it isn't uncommon to see him just pounding back all the allergy meds. Not enough to affect his work, but enough to make him miserable enough that he's annoying
Gaz: Baby wants to eat gluten so bad but it makes his tummy hurt :( . Also has some weird, like never heard of allergies like being allergic to chinchillas (yes, this is an actual allergy. No, I will not elaborate)
Roach: He's the peanut allergy kid. Fight me on this.
Alejandro: Has a lot of mild allergies to things. Like, if a dog licks him he breaks out into a rash but it's not bad and goes away quickly. This does not stop him from consuming anything with what he's allergic to. He'll always pay for it later, and will complain about it.
Rodolfo: Straight up allergic to a lot citrus things. I just have this feeling if he looks at a lemon wrong, his throat will swell up. He can handle a little bit of citrus in his food, but something like an orange slice would put him in medical :/
Laswell: Allergic to one really specific ingredient used commonly in a lot of skincare products. Hates it. So much. Wants a normal allergy.
Alex: So many medicinal allergies. He's that one person doctors struggle to find something he can have that won't kill him. Also allergic to fucking latex. Can't stand it.
Farah: Lactose intolerant. Does this stop her? No. As it should.
Nik: Deathly allergic to bees. Lives his life in a constant state of fear during the Bug Months TM
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beah388love · 7 months
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18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!reader
Summary: Another gang torture you and Reggie tries to find you and when he does…
Warnings: Stabbing,Blood,Bad language,Burning cigarettes on person,Whipping with a belt,murder/killing?,carving initials on thigh,beating,punching,slapping,smashed glass,cutting someone with glass,reader nearly dies,reader is injured,injuries,reader takes medicine,stabbing,swearing,knives,guns,hammers!!!!!
(Please Tell me if I missed any warnings!!!)
It was late, I went out for a drink with my best friend, Dorothy and since it was getting quite late we decided to leave the club and go home.
The only problem is, is she lives on the other road from me so once I drop her off, I would have to walk home for awhile on my own.
"Bye dot" i smiled and she gave me a hug before I left her door step and carried on walking down the road all the way to the one dark alleyway I would have to pass.
I sheepishly walked down the alleyway and I was met with two men half way down.
"Looks like we've got compa'ny Charlie" one of them smirked.
"Yeah it does, what's a pretty gal like you doing here all alone?" He asked me.
"I'm not alone" I said and they looked at each other before chuckling when they saw no one behind me.
"Oh really?" They smirked and I nodded.
"My boyfriend, Reggie kray is coming to pick me up right now as we speak" I said and they smirked again.
"Well what a small world, because we were actually looking for krays gal" they smirked at me as they came closer to me and I yelled.
"Get off me! stop it!" I yelled and they laughed before one of them grabbed me by the arm and punched me in the back of the head knocking me out.
I woke up and I felt dizzy until I woke myself up more when I felt chains on my wrists and ankles along with the cold stone floor I was on.
I pulled on the chains and began panicking when another guy walks in.
"Ello Y/n, how are you?" He asks me with a smile and I don't answer. He blew his fag smoke in my face
"Now we aren't gonna hurt you, well we're not gonna kill you" he laughed and I kicked his shins since he was close enough to me.
"Ah! You fucking bitch!" He spat as he slapped me across the face and kicked me repeatedly on the waist as I cried out.
He took his fag from his lips and burned the hot ash onto my stomach making me hiss.
"Freddie! C'mere" he shouted and another man walked in.
"Let's show her what real pain feels like.." he said to Fred with a smirk as they both walked over to me.
Reggie's POV-
"You alright Sheila?" I lightly waved at her and she nodded with a smile.
"Albie! Y/n’s 'ouse" I said as I got into the car and albie nodded.
"I heard she went out last night" Albert said to me as he focused on the road.
"Oh really?" I asked since this was new information.
"Mhm, went down to the esters club" he said and I nodded along.
Albert parked outside Bees house and I went and knocked on the door to be met with a quick and worried Jimmy and Daniel Nash and Y/n’s friend Dorothy.
"Everything Alright?" I asked them jokingly.
"No reg! It's not alright! Y/n’s not come back since 6 O'clock yesterday" Jimmy half yelled.
"What?" I said worried.
"We went down to esters club and we left around 10 ish and we were both fine and she dropped me off home and I haven't seen her since, but she must've had to have went up the alley" Dorothy explained.
"Have you checked the alley?" I asked them panicked.
"Of course we've checked the fucking alley! We checked every fucking road around here!" Daniel yelled at me and Jimmy held a hand on his chest.
"Alright, well I'm gonna go look around" I said and quickly got back into the car.
"You alri-" albie was speaking but I cut him off.
"Go up to the end of the alley way" I said sternly and he nodded.
I quickly got out of the car and sprinted up the alley and something caught my eye.
An earring..the same diamond ones I got Y/n for her birthday this year, I picked it up and held it in a fist before putting it in my blazer pocket.
I was about to leave before I saw something else.
A tie clip.
But not any tie clip, a bright red one with three black lines I knew who this belonged to.
Charlie fucking Foreman.
"I've gotta get my brother" I spoke and Albie nodded as he drove to Ron's trailer.
I knocked on the door and Ron groaned.
"Yeah?" He said tiredly and I ignored him.
"Foreman, he's got Y/n" I huffed out quickly and Ron's posture stiffened as he rushed to the car with me.
"Albie! Klington Road down the second alleyway" I demanded and he nodded quickly as he drove off when me and Ron got in the car.
I held onto y/ns earring in my pocket the whole ride there.
"Fucking useless Whore" they spat as they left the room.
They tortured me.
They not only did that, they slapped me, kicked me, punched me, he carved his initials on my thigh.
He grabbed my leg and stabbed me in the thigh, blood pouring out of my leg and he twisted it inside before yanking it out and chucking it on the floor.
He whipped me with his belt and he smashed a glass at me.
Leaving me cut,bleeding,bruised, beaten.
I was so tired.
I was bleeding profusely and I was so sore.
I laid there and I couldn't help but cry my heart out.
My throat sore from screaming and shouting.
Reggie's POV-
We parked outside we had guns and knives between the two of us.
I walked into the broken down flat and i instantly heard muffled cries.
I busted down the door and I was met with about ten men.
They were weaponless.
Ron smirked as he grabbed his two hammers and threw them at two of the mens heads that then instantly died.
I fought two at the same time dodging mostly all there shots besides two that caused a bloody cut on the cheek.
I saw Charlie escape through the window but I didn't care I just wanted Y/n in this moment of time.
Ron sorted out most of them whilst I went looking for Y/n.
And then I heard it again the muffled cries.
I saw a door and opened it to be met with Y/n.
Bruised and bleeding with fag burns all over along with cuts and whip marks all over her too.
She was left in a white ripped gown that was blood-stained all over.
She was chained, I would've broken the chains but if I did it would have hurt her wrists and ankles.
"Reg! I've got a key" Ronnie said but went quiet when he saw the state of his best friend Y/n.
"Y/n?" He said and i ignored him and quickly took the key off of him and quickly undone all the chains.
Ron took his coat off and helped me wrap her in it.
I picked her up swiftly and placed her in my lap in the car while Ron and Albie were in the front.
Alberts face dropped when he saw Y/n and he quickly drove to the hospital.
Once she was taken by the doctors and she was situated and helped.
She was fast asleep in a hospital bed.
I stayed with her the entire two days she was asleep.
I left Ron in charge for those two days.
I was so anxious I didn't even know I could feel this type of emotion.
I was holding her bruised hand and was staring at her sadly until she slowly woke up.
"Y/n?" I said and she looked at me confused.
"What happened?" She asked me hoarsely.
"Charlie foreman, he hurt you pretty bad dove" I spoke slowly and softly and she went wide eyed.
She must've remembered what happened.
She began sobbing and I hugged her gently so I didn't hurt her.
It had been three days since then and nothing got better, Y/n was just continuously crying and if she wasn't she had cried herself to sleep.
She wouldn't eat anything, she wouldn't talk about anything either.
I was holding Y/n in my arms until someone knocked at the door and Y/n jumped which made me frown. She was so feisty I hated seeing her so..frightened. She wouldn't even go near Ron.
She only let me or her mum and dad go near her.
"Sh sh.. it's okay it's just Albie 'member, I need to talk to him about something" I spoke softly and she nodded before I gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"Don't go..please" she begged silently and I frowned.
"I'll be two minutes I promise" I said and held out my pinky finger and she looked at my pinky before my face debatably before connecting her pinky and shaking it making me smile.
I walked downstairs and opened the door.
"Member how y'a told me Y/n ain't talking so you can't help her or comfort her and Charlie legged it" Albert whispered and I nodded.
"Well it sounds bad but I found footage from inside the flat so we'll know about what they did to Y/n and where Charlie went" Albert said and I nodded.
"I'll be out in a minute Albie wait for me in the car" I whispered and he nodded and I shut the door.
I walked back upstairs to Y/n.
"Dove..I'm not leaving you alone but I have to do something really important, life threatening" I said and her eyes began to well up again and she began to shake.
"Sh sh.. im not leaving you alone. Im getting your dad and uncles to come round to protect you, they haven't seen you yet have they, they need to know your okay" I said and she nodded as she wiped her tears.
Y/n was still bruised and she had scars and bandages cuts but she could still walk shortly so I helped her to the car.
"I love you dove" I said softly as she rested her head under my chin.
"I love you too Reggie" she spoke quietly from her croaky voice but she still said my name how she always does. I don't know what she does but I love when she calls me Reggie it's not like how everyone else does it..it's different...it makes me smile.
"How have you been Y/n? You been alright" Albie asked her.
"Yeah I feel better" she answered and I frowned when I felt her wince when I accidentally held her bruised hand.
"Sorry dove" I whispered into her ear and she gave me a kiss on the chin to show I was forgiven.
We got to her house and was met with Johnny.
"Y/n!" He called out and instantly held her in his arms.
"God! what happened?" Johnny stiffened when he saw the bruised and cuts, scars, burns all over her .
Johnny looked at me and I shook my head as to not talk about it.
Ronnie came to the door and also took Y/n in for a hug and took her inside.
"Take care of her, I've gotta take care of some business regarding who did this, she needs to take this medicine three times a day." I said and handed Johnny the bottle.
"Who did that.." Johnny said angrily and I sighed.
"Y/n’s more important right now, take care of her alright?" I said to him and he nodded still angry.
"Thank you for saving her, we're here to help you reg, we may not show it because she's like our daughter but, we are" Johnny said sternly and I nodded before going back to the car.
I was sat in front of the screen, with Albert beside me and Ron behind me.
We watched the clip start with Charlie walking in the room and Freddie coming in too.
They punched her and slapped her and kicked her.
They burned her with fags as she screamed in pain.
Even more so when Charlie would burn the fag out in her open wounds.
Charlie picked her up and grabbed her leg as he then stabbed the knife into her which made Albert look away. He couldn't bare to see it since this was Y/n, our Y/n.
She was crying and screaming in pain as he stabbed her.
He then threw her to the ground and spat on her before he went to leave and she cried out a half-yell "You Bastard!" He then grabbed a glass and threw it at her as it then shattered into pieces attacking her skin.
It was gruesome. I was angry.
All I saw was red.
Then when we arrived in the footage, Charlie then ran out the window and he left and he went to the Mormons club.
I grabbed a gun and a blade, and a knife before I got up and headed down to the club.
It was late so no one was around but Charlie..he was definitely still there, he knew he shouldn't. Of done what he did.
Ron followed me with a hammer and a knife in his coat pockets.
I slammed open the club door that said closed.
And I was met with Charlie.
In the corner of the club he was about to run away but I stopped him by grabbing him and quickly wrapping my hand around his neck.
Chocking him but not killing him.
"Your gonna apologise and your gonna pay" I said before slashing him all over his body with the blade I had.
Ron stabbed him in the leg and he cried out in pain.
"Enough" I said and Charlie's eyes relaxed but were still widened.
"Put him in the boot" I ordered and Ron nodded before doing as I said, as he began tying him up.
Ron took him to the club and chained him to the wall out the back.
Whilst I walked to Y/n’s house.
"What happened?" Ronnie asked me and I shrugged I didn't want to say what he did to me it felt like it was going to happen again if I did. But I knew they had to know i trusted them after all.
"I- they tortured me- " I cried out and Johnny grew mad but Ronnie, Ronnie took me into his arms and held me as I cried.
"They burned me and cut me and threw glass at me" I cried out.
"But then Reggie and Ronnie came and they saved me" i said and Ronnie looked at me.
"They saved you?" He asked me and I nodded.
Then there was a knock at the door and i jumped and Ronnie comforted me whilst Johnny went and answered it to be met with Reggie.
"Is Y/n alright?" Reggie asked and johnny nodded before inviting Reggie in.
I slowly got up very unbalanced and I made my way to Reggie into the hallway and Reggie instantly hugged me.
"You alright dove?" He asked me and gave me a kiss on the head before I nodded.
"Y/n I've gotta to take you somewhere" reg asked me and I was confused but nodded.
"I love you two" I said and hugged johnny and Ronnie before leaving and they said they're goodbyes to me too.
Reggie took me to his club and I already felt panicked as to what he needed to show me.
He held me close and led me out back to where I saw Ron and Charlie.
Ron was slapping him across the face till his cheek was red raw.
"How dare you hurt her!" Ron yelled.
Reggie coughed and Ron looked over to us and Ron smiled when he saw me.
"You alright? You still in pain?" Ron asked me but I didn't answer I was too busy focusing on Charlie and making sure he was not going to be able to hurt me.
"Right you yeah? You are going to apologise to Y/n right now, and mean it" Reggie said sternly and slapped Charlie across the face and Charlie nodded profusely.
"I will, I will" He said and Reggie nodded.
"Dove, C'mere" Reggie motioned for me to walk over to where they were but I was so scared.
I felt like Charlie was going to escape and torture me again.
"He will not hurt you, I promise" Reggie said to me as he looked into my eyes.
I trusted Reggie so I nodded and walked over to them.
"Now? What does Charles have to say?" Reggie said and charlie looked up at me and apologised pleadingly.
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry please, I swear I'm sorry.. please" he repeated.
I didn't accept it but I liked to see him there pleading and begging for saving.
I liked it, I didn't but I did a part of me felt better.
" go back over to Ronnie dove" reg whispered to me and I nodded before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and walking away back over to Ron.
Ron held me closely as we watched Reggie tear Charlie limb from limb.
He broke his arms and legs and he stabbed him and cut him and he stabbed him in the face so many times he was unrecognisable.
Reggie spat on him before he walked over to me and Ron.
I gave him a kiss which made him smile.
Whilst Ron motioned to Albert to take care of what and just happened.
"Come on dove, its late I'm taking you home" Reggie said softly before he led us outside and he opened the car door for me and drove us home.
He instantly hugged me and he led us to our double bed and we laid there cuddling for hours and I quickly went back to my normal self in the next month.
I was feisty and funny and I was normal again.
Just how I loved it and how everyone else did.
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theogclownboy · 7 months
What are the littles like when sick? (Both hazbin hotel and helluva boss if that isnt too much)
Al- he's more needy and more quiet than usual. But that quietness goes away real quick if he's left alone, he'll start wailing until someone comes to check on him. He needs constant attention and reassurance that he'll be okay
Angel- he'll try to hide that he's feeling sick but fails and starts crying, he doesn't want anyone to be mad at him for getting sick. Once he calms down he just needs some cuddles and cold water in his bottle, he just needs some comfort and cuddles
Charlie- doesn't like getting sick and feels bad for the other who have to take care of her so she'll fake being okay. It doesn't last long though because once she's questioned about it she'll break down sobbing and slip into little space immediately. She just needs some comfort from her mama Vaggie
Vaggie- hates being sick, she doesn't like the icky feeling and she tries to make it go away herself but fails. Charlie tried to make sure that Vaggie is comfortable at all times, not to hot or cold for her
Husk- tries to take care of himself like a big boy but eventually he ends up regressing really young and he needs Angel to care for him. He is clinging onto Angel for dear life and he is hissing if Angel tries to give him medicine
Nifty- absolutely hates being sick more than anything. She feels icky and gross when sick so she tries to clean the hotel to distract herself but she's usually to tired to so she'll fall asleep in the broom closet till someone finds her and cares for her
Sir pentious- cries more than usual, he feels gross and he's very wiggly. He tries to wiggle away from the discomfort but when he realizes he can't it just makes him start sobbing
helluva boss:
Blitzo- fussy and bratty as all heck, he can't stand being sick and being taken care of but he only lets Stolas take care of him. Stolas ends up getting him new horse toys to calm him
Moxxie- is a little fussy when sick but not bad, he doesn't lile the medicine but will take it
Millie: is a good girl and does everything she's told even when sick
Loona- doesn't realize she's sick until its to late for her and she started to throw up, she calls papa Vortex and mama Bee dor.help.
Stolas: a bit fussy but still tries to be good
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everybody-loves-purdy · 5 months
I’m absolutely positive we’ll see Wasp again, if not to join Riverclan (i hope he’s able to at least visit, I feel so bad for him) then to bring reinforcements for Frostpaw’s cause. I can’t imagine the park cats wouldn’t want to help!!!
I really hope he turns up with Bee in Star. I feel like the two could cross paths if Bee is already travelling to the lake based on his visions (and maybe a vision could lead him to Wasp), and Bee could persuade him to come to the lake with him, because he’s seen that the RiverClan situation will soon be resolved. I hope Rook is there too with Bee. I think the three of them would make great additions to RiverClan, particularly Bee as a medicine cat.
I have no idea why they would mention Bee’s visions, especially as the last thing we see of him in Thunder, if he was never going to be relevant ever again. Especially how the reoccurring vision he described to Nightheart is left with zero conclusion in Thunder.
Also I think if meditation is to be established in RiverClan again, it would be beneficial to have multiple cats advocating for the practice rather than just one.
RiverClan does probably need new members when all this is said and done after all. Since the start of the arc, 4 RiverClan cats have died. Two are actively evil (Splash and Pod) so I imagine they will be gone by the end of the arc. And there’s no telling who won’t survive Star. Even if it’s just those six, the Splashtail siblings and the trio I’ve mentioned would replace the numbers.
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What if Tfa Bumblebee turned human (temporally) by an Allspark fragment and later got sick (like the chickenpox or the flu), how will his team help?
Optimus is so out of depth but he tries so hard. Makes the mistake of searching for symptoms online and now he's convinced Bee has twenty different diseases. Easy to say, this stresses him out. Will NOT let Sari meet Bee while he's sick, scared that she will also get sick. In fact, he doesn't even allow her into base, afraid that even being near Bee will be contagious for her.
Look, Ratchet is the team's medic and one of his patients suddenly turning into a human does not change that! That being said, Ratchet does not know what to do. He's been secretly studying human medicine since the team landed on Earth but he's in no way, shape or form on the level of a human doctor. Still doesn't stop him from trying though. Bee is on strict bedrest until he's completely recovered and Ratchet will put him in a box if he tries to do anything.
Bumblebee was so psyched to try out a bunch of human stuff (like eating a hamburger or going on a rollercoaster) but now he's sick? That's so lame! Super bummed out about it and still tries to have some fun but sadly the fun police (aka the rest of his team) won't even let him leave bed. Incredibly pouty and complains nonstop. Does eventually realize that he can use his sickness to get the team to give him (almost) whatever he wants! That's how he ends up getting the TV moved into his room and Bulkhead to give him all the ice cream he's always wanted to try.
Bulkhead feels so bad for Bumblebee and ends up asking Sari for advice on how to help him. Ends up brining Bee a bunch of stuff so he can keep himself entertained and even ends up bringing him junk food because Bee mentioned how he's always wanted to try some. Ratchet actually has to stop him after Bee gets a major brainfreeze because he ate a tub of ice cream.
In one way, Prowl is jealous. He would love to try being human and experience life in a different way. Bumblebee simply wants to eat junkfood and chase cheap thrills. But at the same time he's very happy that he's not the one sick since Bee appears to actually feel miserable. Ends up making tea (it sucks) and lighting scent candles (they have an overwhelming scent of cinnamon) to try and make him feel better.
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Daily ask №22
Sickness edition!
1. Can each one of them even get sick in the first place? I mean, Phil is a god, the Blade is a.. furry?? And Wilbur is a.. void person. And Tubbo is bees.
2. Assuming they do get sick, how do they handle it?
3. How do they handle other people getting sick and having to care for them?
4. There's this myth in my culture that, I kid you not, breathing above boiled potatoes helps with a cold. Rank how likely it is that I would be able to convince them to breathe above boiled potatoes.
5. How is Phil theoretically very knowledgeable in science and stuff but also still believes in blood-letting??
1.All of them can get sick, which is an overhanging threat in part 2 given the survivalist genre. Like literally Tommy gets a power up that’s just hand sanitizer and it’s a game changer. That said, they’re a little…odd about it.
Phil is trying to be a person, warts and all, and that includes getting ill. Now, does it work like a normal person? Not in the slightest. He gets sick when he thinks he’s supposed to, which included inaccurate theories people have had over the years such as displeasing the gods or being cold and wet. In the little more than a century since germ theory has been proposed he mostly gets sick in a normal way now. Phil is absolutely ecstatic about vaccines, though in all fairness home remedies with no scientific basis also work on him. He is observed using fire to burn out void sepsis in Tommy and Wilbur, though unclear if that worked because void or bacteria. And if we dig into that we’re back to germ theory with Tommy and questioning what an individual even is. 
The Blade gets animal diseases, and pigs and humans share a decent chunk of illnesses. 
Tubbo deals with bee illnesses, mites, fungal problems, all manner of things. Dysentery according to Wiki? They do have the advantage of having the awareness to guaranteed symptomatic bees to limit contagions tho. 
Wilbur can’t get food borne illnesses since it devours All, and also I speculate that it doesn’t have normal organs ? Fault never says either way. External diseases from mouth, nose, dermis, etc work perfectly fine tho even if Wilbur can get away with eating rotten food.
Tommy might be the least likely to get sick of any of them thanks to Red acting as a germ killer. 
2.Tommy complains and demands pampering. Philza takes a self care day but it isn’t very relaxing bc mentally he’s like I can’t take care of my kids oh gods- Wilbur ignores it if he can. If not is like welp guess I’m dying since if it’s bad enough he can’t get food or medicine or fight and so it was a near death sentence as a kid. Tubbo depends on where they are in their arc. Normally they’d be very normal drink tea maybe try some home remedies. During their spiral they’d just ignore or dissociate through it like they did with their injuries. And The Blade is NOT sick. Nope. Nah ah. Perfectly fine. Buuut every time he sneezes it triggers The Blood God since he thinks it’s an attack. 
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3.Phil grins and offers to balance their humors if it’s not serious. Other than that is very accommodating and spoiling and totally not thinking about his countless loved ones lost to illness. He can gauge what is/isn’t fatal very well, but though the spark of terror is buried deep it’s still there. Rhodes fully comes out of Tubbo, do you have enough pillows here have another cookie that’s quite the fever kiddo.  Lots of home remedies, often involving honey cause well good for sore throats and antibacterial/good for infections. Tommy dithers since he really wants to be useful but Red contamination and so he mostly sits beside them and tells a bunch of stupid jokes to lift the mood. Wilbur is also going to take massive care of anyone who’s sick since that’s something it never got. More distant though, more like going on supply runs for lots of extra food and medicine, but is cautious so it doesn’t get sick too. Only The Blade is fully like like nah. I’m not catching a cold thanks. Good luck bro. He also dealt with the no medicine or support thing Wilbur went through, though wasn’t worried about losing fights and can eat pretty much whatever and actually get nutrition from it unlike Wilbur. Plus he isn’t keen on the chance of it giving The Blood God better access to control. 
4. Philza: has heard it before, has tried it, and it probably works for him. Stupid metaphorical man. If asked how he thinks it works he’d probably shrug and reply something about vitamins. 
Tubbo: they don’t believe it. But they also don’t not believe it. This is less that they aren’t a little superstitious about home remedies, and more that they haven’t heard about it and they know ALL the home remedies so it clearly can’t work or else they’d’ve already used it. But they would still use it. Again this is pure Rhodes, because he wants to take care of his kiddos and Tubbo heavily associates sick days with him staying home to look after them. I can too write a healthy paternal figure! (We’re ignoring chapter 13 it can’t hurt us if we don’t acknowledge it).
Tommy: I mean he’s a lil dumb, maybe. He’d definitely poke fun while trying it just in case he’s getting pranked. 
Wilbur: doesn’t believe it for a second. It’s more a mixture of trust issues than the fact it understands how medicine works. Actually wait. How does Wilbur think that works. Because a lot of it is eaten/swallowed. Like Wil tends to be the unofficial healer of the group alongside Phil, but his experience is purely ‘birthed from the crucible of need that forces experience whether one is read for it or not’ or however that one line goes. Cause it’s gotta be a mix of reading the back of pill bottles and Foundation stuff and void trivia so I gotta imagine that man has no idea why what it’s doing works. 
The Blade: has already eaten the potatoes before you even get around to explaining.
5.Phil’s knowledge of science is filled with a LOT of misinformation and it’s hard for him to keep track. Plus if utterly convinced something would heal him it genuinely will, and confirmation bias is a hell of a drug. I also believe he suggests blood-letting 100% to mess with people. There’s a deleted scene where he almost convinces Tubbo he can’t write in English because he ‘didn’t think it would be important’ and ‘clay tablets are going to come back any day now’. I think (aside from the murder) Phil often gets pigeon holed as the well adjusted mentor figure. Sort of a Kermit the Frog thing where the crazy cast of colorful characters kinda drowns out the fact that he’s the crazy nut job who decided to hire them all, and subtly thrives on chaos. 
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