#bedroom house living quarters headcanon
For the Headcanons Game
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
OC: That One Elf ™
Thank you for the ask!
Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanons and That One Elf.
[I'll name him at some point, but I feel like he'll always be That One Elf in my head].
A little bit of context first.
Though he's very much a Fëanor-wannabe, he only admires Fëanor's smithing skills and actually vehemently despises the person Fëanor is/was. He did not join his kin in Middle-earth to retrieve the Silmarils and thought the whole Oath thing was complete bullcrap and a colossal waste of time. He is a kind, very eccentric person. He's a weird guy, especially compared to other Elves. His home and the way it is decorated is very much in line with his eccentricities.
He owns a palatial home in Tirion—a sort of family estate—which is basically Versailles on a much smaller scale. He's obsessed with gold and diamonds, so there's plenty of that in every room. He loves mirrors because he loves to stare at his beautiful reflection at any given time and his bedroom walls are basically covered in mirrors and self-portraits in various outfits. He has a wig room—I do not know how his obsession with wigs started yet, but he has thousands of them—and he chopped off his hair because he hated the idea of having to comb it and style it every day. He loves wigs because they're more "practical" (his words, not mine). Too bad that he spends hours styling them with ribbons, pearls and diamonds. My dude is obsessed with diamonds. He could easily braid his real hair in half the time he spends styling the wigs but...that's what he enjoys, I suppose.
In addition to the wig room, he also has a smoking room. That's where he stores every kind of plant he can get his hands on and his tobacco stashes. He meets up with Bilbo and the Hobbit introduces him to pipeweed. It's love at first sight for him (or love at first smell, I guess) and he basically creates an indoor greenhouse to grow both athelas and pipeweed. I'm not sure whether pipeweed is native of Valinor, actually. Though I suppose Bilbo and Frodo could have imported some of it from the Shire. It's my new headcanon. And yes, That One Elf does smoke athelas. That's probably why he's the only sane Fëanorian one can have an interesting conversation with. He's very pleasant to be around.
To be honest, if he could he would probably smoke grass as well. It's my headcanon he went to Yavanna quite a few times and straight up asked her if she had some good stuff to share. He'll probably tell Sam and Pippin all about it and Pip will eventually build a shrine in his honor and worship him like the legend he is. They'll be best buddies. It is also my headcanon that Olórin and That One Elf did test one another's knowledge about pipes and had smoke puff battles. Manwë doesn't know by the way. He would probably have a heart attack if he did.
Back to the main topic: he's a collector and adores statues and it's highly possible that he sculpted a few busts of himself he placed both in his yard—it's basically an English garden—and in his study. Self-absorbed much? Maybe just a little.
He loves fountains too so add a couple of those as well. The more stuff, the better. His dining room is basically a Roman triclinium—nope, he doesn't eat at the table like normal people, he's that extra—and his bed is huge. Silk bedsheets and pillows because that's the bare minimum, of course. Velvet curtains and silk everywhere. The kitchen is the most spotless room in his house—did you seriously think the guy could cook? He's as bad as Éowyn, maybe even worse. He also has an entire ballroom to his own, a ballroom full of mirrors. The more mirrors the better. He has two wine cellars but he doesn't really drink Valarin wine. He's stoned out of his mind most of the time, so I guess that makes up for it. His house also has a drawing and music room. He plays the piano and the lute. He's a composer and write his own songs. He usually drinks several pints of ale as he practices the piano and I'm quite certain all the alcohol he consumes kind of affects his singing. Don't tell him though. He is very kind but he has a huge ego. I'm also sure he's a major Bagginshield shipper and cries his eyes out when Bilbo told him his story. He also has a copy of Bilbo's book in his study.
That's all for now, I think. I'll tell you more if I come up with additional deets!
Thank you again for the sending in the ask and I'm sorry that it took me so long to reply!
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another-lost-mc · 5 months
Hi Jes!! I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling well 🥺 if I could I would deliver soup to you!!! ✨💕
If you’re up for it, I’d love to hear your thoughts on ✿ ■ ♡ with Mephistopheles 🥹
You're so sweet! 💕 Thank you! :3
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■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Mephisto's bedroom is on the second floor of his parent's large estate. In the house's left wing, he has a small cluster of rooms including his bedroom, private bathroom, and office/personal library. It's far enough away from his brother's rooms that they have their own space and privacy, but he's close enough that he can hear his brother call for him (a regular occurrence when he was younger and would have bad dreams). Mephisto's linens and décor encompass the dark, rich colours that remind him of the forest nearby where he likes to ride his horses: dark browns, greens and burgundy. For luxurious accents, he prefers onyx, crystal, or silver.
♡ - Romantic headcanon
He is eager to share his interests with his beloved. He would love to take you on a horse ride and have a picnic at one of the meadows near his home. If you're hesitant about the idea, he does everything he can to make it appealing to you: he has a custom set of riding equipment prepared for you including boots, jacket and breeches that look suspiciously like his own, and a helmet. He'll encourage you to ride your own horse, giving you as many lessons as necessary to ensure your safety and comfort, but if you can't be convinced, he'll place you on his horse instead and take the reins for both of you.
(the nsfw headcanon is below the read more link)
✿ - Sex headcanon
Mephisto enjoys the thrill of fucking you at RAD. The Newspaper Club office is one of his preferred locations when your alluring presence and enticing glances throughout the day are finally too much for him to ignore. Joining the club to be close to him, or simply visiting him when you know he'll be working late on a project by himself, provides many scandalous opportunities for him to indulge in a little depravity with you. He leans against the heavy wooden door after he pulls you inside, tendrils of loose hair falling over his forehead while his breath hitches, and watches as you sink to your knees and reach for his belt. Perhaps he swipes his work carelessly to the floor while he bends you over the desk where he grinds against you while his fingers dig into the soft plush of your hips and thighs. Better yet, maybe he guides you onto his lap while he sits back in one of the leather wingback chairs. He's merciless as he teases you with not-enough friction of his thigh rubbing between your legs. Your gasps and whimpered pleas for more are finally satisfied by his nimble fingers, warm and fragrant from the buttery leather gloves he wears, slipping beneath the waistband of your uniform.
random headcanon asks
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■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
For soldier and/or demoman?
This is funny bc we do literally see both of their living quarters in the comics BUT I am a proponent of "everyone lives in a big base like a sitcom" so I'll entertain this. I think if anyone were to share rooms Demo and Soldier absolutely would, and I think u could do that visual gag where the room is split right down the middle and Demo's side is very neatly well-kept and Soldier's side is an absolute disaster. Actually just thought of Soldier's bed being impeccably made in the U.S. military style but everything around it looks like a hurricane of Captain Dan's Army Surplus tomato soup hit it. They would share each other's subscription weapons magazines.
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greenyvertekins · 3 months
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
ൠ - random headcanon
For Sonic, Shadow and Tails, pls
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
He's so short-tempered when angered that he's often the first to resort to violence against whoever/whatever is pissing him off. Merlina can attest to that.
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
He has his own room at Tails' lab where he goes when the weather is iffy. It contains the essentials and a bookcase that has numerous books, some stories, some information books about worldly locations.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Is actually into cartography. The globe, map and telescope shown in SatSR's opening hint at this.
ൠ - random headcanon
His precognition causes him to tingle. This used to manifest in nose-tingling. Which is what induced the sneezing. But now it's quill-tingling. Which gives him goosebumps as a side effect.
☠ - angry/violent headcanon Overall he's pretty calm. But he can get frustrated by Sonic's gung-ho attitude to everything and this sometimes turns to mild anger after Forces due to his own trauma over what went down.
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon His workshop is primarily powered by hydroelectric power as the mechanisms built into the building provide this. Though the fireplace in the living room provides warmth.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Has a large bag of mint candy to hand whilst working on the Tornado.
ൠ - random headcanon
Uses his two tails as a fan to dry himself off after bathing.
☠ - angry/violent headcanon He's not really the raging type but if he's very angry, the glares he gives are incredibly intimidating.
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon His room is quite sparse. That is, he doesn't deem it necessary to decorate it.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon Supports charity shops more out of principle than necessity.
ൠ - random headcanon
He was taught how to use firearms during his time on the ARK. Even though Gerald was a pacifist, he considered this something worthy for Shadow to learn.
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4rainynite · 5 months
EAH Dorm Rooms Headcanons pt 22
Teachers Addition
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It wouldn't be high school without the teachers and to teach the students passed down legacies.
A good majority of the adults went to Ever After High School and some even became teachers to teach the future generation.
At the end of the day teachers need a place to sleep and we get to see who roomed with who during their high school years.
The teachers' living quarters are between the boys and girls dorm and is smaller than the students' dormitory.
Like the students each room is design to fit the persons personality.
Headmasters Milton and Giles Grimm
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Brothers Milton and Giles created Ever After High to teach the future fairy tales their storybook legacies. Overtime Giles notice how some destinies weren't equal even if some were happy ever afters. Giles purposed a way to make everyone happy, but Milton didn't agree. Still traumatized of almost losing Giles when they were children made him deadset on following the pre-determined fates and because he fears he'll lose power. There was a huge fight and Milton cursed his brother to speak Riddlish and banish him to the Vault of Lost Tales.
Being co-headmasters and founders of Ever After High School, Milton and Giles have the biggest rooms in the living quarters.
Milton's room is similar to his office: full of portraits of himself, full of awards, clean, expensive furniture, posh, with a canopy bed, and blue.
Giles's room is similar to the Vault of Lost Tales: messy, papers everywhere, books piled high, mix-matched furniture, and red.
When Milton cursed Giles the police investigated and closed his room up. Milton avoided the room at all crime to not feel guilt for what he had done to his brother.
When, Giles is free from his curse (he didn't get cured in Thronecoming) and Milton is arrested for his crimes, everyone predicts that Giles will throw away Milton's things. But, he doesn't. Giles lets it be, even after his brother's betrayel he refuses to touch the room.
Baba Yaga
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Baba Yaga teaches home-evilnomics and facility advisor and though she sides with Headmaster Grimm with destiny she's less strict and willing to show sympathy for those who want change.
Baba Yaga doesn't need a room due to her living in her cottage/office with chicken legs so it changes locations and we've seen it plenty of times in the show.
Her cottage has Slavic designs, candles, spell books, potions, and she has a steering wheel to control the hut.
I believe Baba Yaga's cottage/office is like the shotgun houses from my home state Louisiana. For those who don't know what a shotgun house is it's a narrow house (front to back) and each room is divided for better examples: 1 2 3. The first section is her office, second potion making section, third kitchen, fourth bathroom, and last bedroom.
Mr. Breaker Badwolf
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Breaker Badwolf was a student at Ever After High School where he studied (met the love of his life Ruby Hood and had a daughter) and now teaches General Villainy.
Breaker's room resembles a wolf's cave like his niece Ramona's room with rock formations, dim lighting, and leather furniture.
He seems like a hunter to me, so he has a collection of traps and snares in his room.
He keeps a two-way-book to speak with his with, photos of Ruby & Cerise, and letters from her hidden away in his room.
The White Queen
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After, evacuating Wonderland due to the Evil Queen's curse, she and her fellow Wonderlanders escaped to Ever After. She got a job at Ever After High School as the new Princessology teacher.
Like all the Wonderlanders her room is messy, but in a organized chaos sort of way.
Her room is styled like a chessboard with Wonderland decor.
Maid Martha Marion
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Maid Marion is the teacher of damsel-in-distress class and mother of Sparrow Hood.
Her cartoon and book appearance are drastically different in the show she looks like the perfect damsel while in the book she was described as:
Madam Maid Marian set a black bag under the desk, then removed her cone hat. Her hair was chestnut and cut in a short bob. She was fresh-faced, with no makeup. A few freckles dotted her wide nose and high cheekbones. She wore the colors of the forest, with a moss-green tunic and brown leggings. A pair of green feather earrings completed the woodsy look. Her suede boots looked super comfortable.
Appearances aside Unlike other damsels-In-distress she teaches her students to save themselves.
Her room is a hodgepodge of luxurious queen/ forest decor.
She definitely has exercise equipment and hunting gear like bows and arrows in her room.
Coach Gingerbreadman
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Coachh Gingerbreadman is the gym teacher who encourages his students to run faster to avoid crazed bakers.
His room is more of a gym than a bedroom with a treadmill, weights, a rowing machine, and etc.
His room is mostly candy & gingerbread decor with trophies decorating the walls.
Evil Step-Librarians
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Evil Step-Librarians (Stephanie and Sissy) are the librarians of the school, one is the mother of Prudence and Charlotte, and Cinderella's stepsisters.
While other staff members have their own room, they share one while at Ever After High School.
Their room has a gaudy luxury feel to it. Like everything cost of money but it looks cheaply made and tacky. And everything is bejeweled.
Since they're librarians the room has multiply bookcases with trashy romance novels.
Prof. Jack B. Nimble
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Prof. Jack B. Nimble is the of tall tales and seems to be a popular teacher among the students.
Prof. Jack has a huge candle collection ranging from size, colors, and scents. He has the cleanest smelling room in the teachers' sleeping area.
As you can see by his desk most of the furniture in his room is candle themed.
Because of this the sprinkler system goes off in his room a lot (similar to Faybelle).
He also has a huge bookcase where he keeps a collection tale tales and poems.
Prof. Pied Piper
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Prof. Alto Pied Piper is the music teacher and the father of Melody Piper.
His room is similar to the music classroom with many instruments and music books.
He keeps his Imperial Gold Turntables in his room when not using them in his class.
He has a mini fridge stocked with snacks for his pet rats.
He owns a huge collection of flutes and vinyl discs.
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Rumpelstiltskin teaches chemistry and is one of the least popular teachers in the school due making students spin straw to gold for extra credit.
His room is probably one of the messiest rooms in the teachers' living quarters and screams goblin core.
He has a spinning wheel that he uses to spin his own gold.
Momma and Papa Bear
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Ursula and Bernard are a married couple so obviously they share a room together.
Their room is cottage core with bear cave elements.
Like their story sleep in separate beds since Poppa likes his mattress firm and Momma likes her mattress soft.
Ursula teaches cooking class so she has a ton of cookbooks and Bernard teaches beast training and keeps many cages and pet supplies in their room.
Their son, Teddy, sometimes visits them when not in class.
Author's note: We were robbed that they never appeared in the show!
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Hagatha is the school's lunch lady who is infamous for her porridge which she adds artificial lumps to.
Can't really say too much about her so maybe insects motifs on her dress she has food and bug decor in her room.
Mrs. Trollsworth
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Mrs. Trollsworth is the secretery and Headmaster Grimm's assistant in his schemes.
Being a troll, her room is messy with a mix of grandma parlor room decor.
Mr. Green Thumb - Is the groundkeeper/gardener, due to his small size he most likely has the smallest room in the teachers' living quarters. It most likely full of gardening equipment and indoor plants.
Prof. Card - Prof. Card with the other Wonderlanders evacuated after the Evil Queen's curse, he is the current art teacher at Ever After High School. His room is full of art supplies and has a few weapons since he was a guard.
Prof. Knight - Prof. Knight teaches Hero Training and is one of the oldest teachers in the school who still remembers the art of knighthood. His room is decorated with suits of armor, swords, and horse decor.
Well, that's all the staff at Ever After High School!
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astra-galaxie · 4 months
★☆☠■☮♦ൠ ▼ for Elliot Clayton? (sorry for the slight spam lmao)
No worries! I don’t mind receiving multiple requests. Sorry it took so long to get these headcanons done; I’ve been swamped in real life!
So please enjoy my Elliot headcanons!
★ - sad headcanon
Elliot was a lonely child. His parents were always busy with their work, and he didn’t have any friends who wanted to hang out outside school. He spent a lot of time in his room playing video games or watching movies. Eventually, his interests turned to computers, and he taught himself how to program, leading to him becoming a hacker. He would spend hours in his room on his computer, lurking on the dark web and hacking servers no one, least of all a young teenager, should be.
☆ - happy headcanon
When Elliot joined the Bureau, he didn’t know what to expect. He didn’t want to work for the agency, but given his illegal hacking, it was either help them or go to jail… When he arrived on his first day, he was surprised to see a “Welcome to the Team!” party had been put together for him. He met everyone in the Bureau, and some asked things about him to break the ice. Elliot just thought they were being polite to the new kid (kid being literal), so he was shocked when he got to his office on the second day and found a value-sized bag of W&W's waiting on his desk. To this day, he still doesn't know who left them or the others he gets periodically throughout his time with the Bureau…
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
Like many teenagers going through the joys of puberty, Elliot’s been known to have a short temper. And while he doesn’t get physically violent, he can yell and curse till your ears are ringing! However, while he might not attack you with his fists, your technology is never safe. He’s developed several programs that he can unleash on someone’s tech if they piss him off. They range from being more annoying than harmless, like taking control of your cursor and making it go the opposite direction of where you want it to, to bigger ones that lock you out of your devices until Elliot releases them.
■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
I picture Elliot having a messy room. Like clothes thrown around the room, so much that you can't tell what's clean and what's not. Maybe even some empty cans of energy drinks and food wrappers, but those are not as bad as the other stuff. He would also hang posters for bands, movies, and games on the walls and some memorabilia like figurines or replica items around the room.
However, when it comes to his workspace, his desk and equipment are very clean and organized.
☮ - friendship headcanon
Elliot is awkward when it comes to making new friends. He didn’t have many when he was growing up, so he struggled to form friendships. But when he does make a new friend, he tries his hardest to keep them. And while he’s prone to losing track of time and forgetting about met-ups, those who know him understand that he’s not doing it to be an asshole. They still value his friendship, and that means so much to Elliot to know that they love and appreciate him as their friend despite his flaws.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Elliot knows how to play the guitar. As a child, he was put into piano lessons, but he found it boring to play. But he still enjoyed making music, so when he was older, he switched to guitar. He first learned the acoustic guitar and later taught himself how to play electric. When Lars found out the teen could play, he BEGGED Elliot for a jam session. After eventually giving in to the begging, Elliot had to admit it was fun rocking out with someone as passionate about music as Lars is.
ൠ - random headcanon
He kept in contact with Benjamin Scott. The two became friends after Benjamin returned to England, and they share an online chat room. While Elliot can't tell Benjamin everything about his work, he likes having someone to talk to who understands what his job is. Of course, Benjamin sometimes presses Elliot for details, but he never forces the goth to disclose anything confidential. He also keeps Elliot up to date on things in England and the rest of the world since the Bureau is sometimes too wrapped up in their investigations to check the news.
▼ - childhood headcanon
Elliot’s first video game was The Sims. His nanny had gotten it for him since she heard it was popular and wasn’t violent. He played it over and over and over, designing characters and houses to be precisely what he wanted. He spent so much time playing the game that he spent more time cleaning his digital house than his IRL bedroom. This led to his video game obsession growing and his collection expanding so that he always had something to play. But games like The Sims will always be one of his favourites.
And thus concludes my headcanons for Lord Gothness himself!
P.S. I’ve got a few more requests in my inbox to finish, so hopefully, I can get those posted soon!
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jtl-fics · 1 year
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon for andrew kevin and nwil all sharing a dorm together
Headcanon Meme
I firmly believe that it is actually nicer than you would think but also still incredibly spartan. Like the only one out of the three of them who is in any way shape or form used to a 'permanent' place to stay is Kevin and it was the NEST.
Nicky brought a lot of the homey touches to the room previously. HOWEVER. I think that the three of them (out from under the various dangers against them) slowly start to get nice things for one another. Like Neil keeps falling asleep on the couch? Kevin bought a nice throw blanket. Kevin complains about how doing homework in the bean bag chair is killing his back? Andrew gets him a good chair. Andrew makes a single comment about going over to Matt, Aaron, and Nicky's room to use the nice coffee maker? Neil has the best one on the counter within 24 hours.
They'd never do nice things for themselves but they'd do it for one another.
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sauron-kraut · 3 months
For the headcanon meme - Mairon:
☾ - sleep (yes ;))
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Thank you bestie 🖤🖤🖤
sleep: My headcanon ist that Mairon, like all Ainur, does not need to sleep. He can benefit from sleeping though, for example after going through a particularly exhausting ordeal (yes, embodied Ainur can feel a certain level of exhaustion in my hc). He also might just like sleeping from time to time because it can feel good and, most importantly, he uses sleep as a form of escape, for example on Númenor, where he is fairly unhappy, to say the least, and after he lost Melkor. Also, Mairon is, generally speaking, a very pretty sleeper.
Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: Oh boooooy. Mairon likes luxury, especially First and Second Age Mairon. He will decorate his quarters and it will be an interesting combination of refined, elegant looking details and decorations and (to the human eye) rather of-putting, primal stuff like pelts, preserved creature and organ specimens, taxidermy etc., knives, weaponry, you name it.
Mairon prefers to sleep in large, comfortable beds with many (colourful, especially red/golden) pillows and blankets and wolf pelts. He's not squeamish about uncomfortable sleeping situations though, when he's outside, setting camp for battle etc. (he's still efficient and pragmatic).
Mairon likes heavy, dark wooden furniture. You will find his living quarters always illuminated by torchlight or many candles.
Third Age Mairon, in my hc, has lost some of these preferences or the will to design his quarters accordingly; his taste or what he believes is his taste now might have also shifted. I'm talking more stone, darker furniture, more angles, less fabric and tapestries and carpets, more bare stone floors. More dark iron work. More Art Deco. Third Age Mairon is not too fond of coddling himself anymore and his ✨ aesthetics ✨ have changed.
quirks/hobbies headcanon: Mairon literally likes to hunt elves and sometimes humans for sport when he's bored. In Tol-in-Gaurhoth he gets bored quite a bit without the same level/quality of permanent responsibilities he had in Angband, so he will take a crossbow or a dagger and his bare hands and teeth and ask Thuringwethil to accompany him on little fun hunting trips together.
likes/dislikes headcanon: Short and simple: While Mairon hates bodies of water (especially the sea) as a fire spirit and a creature who lives with Melkor, he will enjoy boiling-hot baths.
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caffeinated-beverage · 6 months
CanLiet please ^^
Sleep headcanon, sad headcanon, happy headcanon, sex headcanon, bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon, romantic headcanon, family headcanon, friendship headcanon and quirks/hobbies headcanon
☾ - sleep headcanon: As you know, Ąžuolas is prone to trauma-induced nightmares & night terrors, and waking up in the middle of the night in a panic. Matthew tries to console them when he notices they're having a nightmare by speaking to them calmly, but not waking them. He has also noticed the time he usually has his night terrors, and tries to wake him up shortly before that time. And when Ąžuolas wakes up panicked from his trauma nightmare, he tries to console him by speaking to him calmly and trying to get him to do square breathing. And once he calms down enough, he might get him some coffee (caffeine doesn't give Ąžuolas energy, it just makes them calm LOL (theyll still be able to sleep afterwards)) & cuddles, until he goes back to sleep.
★ - sad headcanon: When Ąžuolas is sad, Matthew makes them their favorite hot chocolate: extra thicc, with no toppings. Basically just liquid chocolate. And then he cuddles with him. And when Matthew is sad, Ąžuolas makes brownies and watches anime with him.
☆ - happy headcanon: An example of a time they were both happy, was this one day when Ąžuolas was spending time at Matthew's house in winter, and it was very very snowy outside. And, while they were both out in the snow (along with Ąžuolas’ pet wolf, Pupa), Ąžuolas sneakily balled up a snowball, and chucked it at Matthew, hitting him riGHT IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD (don't worry, there were no rocks, and it really didn't hurt LOL). And so, Matthew turned around with a smile on his face and said, “Oh, so it's like that then??”. Ąžuolas ran away from Matthew, laughing their ass off as he bombarded them with snowballs, and Pupa barked and tried to catch & eat the snowballs Matthew was chucking at them. Their snowball fight here lasted a loooong long time, until Matthew said “okay, okay, enough, I'm getting chilled now” and headed inside, Ąžuolas following him indoors to chill for the rest of the day. And ofc, Pupa insisted on staying out in the snow for the rest of the day, but they eventually got her to come inside when it became night.
✿ - Sex headcanon: (TW NSFW) Ąžuolas is a bottom, and Matthew is a switch. 
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: Matthew was very open to letting Pupa (Ąžuolas’ pet wolf, remember?) snuggle on the bed with them at night & sleep there with them. Spoiled dog xD Matthew even agrees to let Pupa sit/lie down on the couch, chairs, etc., despite how massive she is, because she's just such a cute & sweet girl, and deserves to be spoiled like that lol 
Pupa spends a lot of time curled up in front of the fireplace tho
♡ - romantic headcanon: They both prefer to have a comfortable date at home, both of them in their pajamas, and watching a movie together on the couch; just Ąžuolas, Matthew, and Pupa. They do also go out for dates, sometimes; usually a casual one, though. Like, for example, spending time at the park, feeding bread to ducks, going for a swim together, going to the movie theatre, etc.
♥ - family headcanon: While Ąžuolas DOES want kids, Ąžuolas isn't ready to bring that up yet, and Matthew isn't ready to have kids yet, either. So, for now, they just have Pupa ^_^
☮ - friendship headcanon: Back when they were just friends, they both were crushing on each other soooo hard for a while, before Ąžuolas gathered the courage to confess to him. Ąžuolas nearly VOMITED from nervousness & was sweating like a pig, but Matthew gave him a big hug & confessed to him that he felt the same. Ąžuolas cried all over his shirt for a while, and they soon scheduled when & where their first date should be.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon: Matthew's main hobbies are cooking, baking, and gardening. Ąžuolas’ main hobbies are cooking/baking, herbology, & mycology. Also, I'm sure you know this since I am p sure I have mentioned it a few times, but Ąžuolas is autistic. Ąžuolas’ special interests/hyperfixations are herbology, mycology, & basketball. He doesn't play professional basketball tho, but he likes to play hobby basketball sometimes, and loves to watch basketball on tv, and play basketball video games, which he's got a collection of rn! 
My headcanon for my Canada is that he is neurotypical btw, but he is still very understanding & supportive of Ąžuolas! Esp because Matthew is a licensed therapist himself, and imo, a licensed therapist SHOULD KNOW these things 😤
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polutrope · 3 months
Headcanon game for: Maedhros!
✿ - Sex headcanon
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
🤍Thank you!
■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
He rarely uses lamps or candles and will often forget to open his blinds. This is not because he's trying to cultivate some grim image, or because he's too stingy to use resources (though the latter is true), but often he simply doesn't notice it's dark. He once scared the shit out of his mortal allies by calling them to council in an almost-blackout room.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
In addition to the above, this man has about 137 more "quirks". He hates eating with cutlery that's too light. It makes him uncomfortable when anyone stands on his right side to talk to him. He won't eat cooked greens, only raw (this, as Maglor will tell you, has been the case since he was a child and has nothing to do with trauma). He -- subtly -- files his canines (that's related to trauma). He's often inappropriately dressed for the weather (if he were in a modern AU, he'd wear shorts in winter).
In short, he's a piece of work.
✿ - Sex headcanon
(below the cut)
His partners better find possessiveness hot because oh boy does he fail to hide how much he wants you for himself when he gets fired up. He can turn it off when it comes to the nonsexual aspects of romantic relationships (at least, most of the time... while he's still relatively Okay...), but it's definitely going to come out between the sheets.
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cilil · 3 months
For the headcanon meme ask… Manwë and ✿ ♡ ■ ☼ ൠ
Thanks for the ask! Always appreciate getting to talk about one of my favorite birds... let's get into it. Once again I'm gonna swap the order around a bit, but we'll get it all covered ;)
■ -  bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Manwë has one of those round/somewhat rounded beds (big enough for two Valar of course) and he likes arranging his pillows and blankets in a nest-like manner because that feels safe and comfortable to him, especially when he's anxious/upset.
In general, he can and will find nesting opportunities for himself and the birds he has on/with him everywhere. Don't let him live in your house unless you are willing to spend weeks/months/years finding random nests in every imaginable place.
The furniture in Ilmarin also includes a lot of perches/perch-friendly pieces. Manwë finds the familiar motion of gripping something with his feet comforting, even when he's wearing his humanoid set of feet. If you ever encounter the Elder King weirdly crouch-floating on the back of an armchair, just move along and leave him be. He'll come down eventually.
☼ - appearance headcanon
Generally Manwë has blue eyes and, unless he consciously chooses otherwise, also keeps that feature consistent between forms. The shade of blue however various depending on his mood. It's reminiscent of the sky: If he's in a good mood (most of the time), it's a bright and lovely blue; if he's sad, it turns to a misty grey; if he's feeling energetic or getting worked up about something, it gets bright like lightning.
Theoretically his eyes would turn dark under specific circumstances, but not even Melkor has managed to get that out of him... yet. It would most certainly be very concerning because we all know it's never good when the nice, patient person snaps.
ൠ - random headcanon
Manwë actually physically breathes, even though he doesn't have to. The main difference is that he exhales fresh air, so it's basically the same process as with incarnates but reversed. He also has control over the chemical composition of his breath and it doesn't have to be air; air is only his default because that's what the Children breathe.
You could place him in any area and have him clean up the air simply by being there (though of course he could also speed up the process by consciously and actively fixing his element instead of just breathing).
This breath is also the reason why Manwë always has a bit of wind around him, though it's a very gentle breeze when he's relaxed/idle. When he experiences strong emotions or is using his powers, the weather around him shifts accordingly, either more or less accidentally due to whatever he's doing or because he's changing it on purpose. In the latter case, the affected area will also be larger. If you're living in Arda, Manwë is the appropriate being to direct your rain and other weather-related prayers to.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Being an avid enjoyer and writer of poetry, writing is an important part of courtship for Manwë. In retrospect, he's almost a little upset that love letters weren't a thing when he and Varda stated "dating", nor were balconies she could stand on while he sings love songs to her. He adores those romantic medieval courtship rituals and likes taking his time to figure out something elaborate and sweet. (And when an immortal being takes his time, you know it's going to be slow burn...)
As much as Manwë loves showing his affection and gives his love freely, it may take a while until he does because he can be a bit shy, worrying about overstepping boundaries. He has no problem being rejected and is never angry about that, he just doesn't want to make anyone uncomfortable; he's learned in his many years on Arda that he has a tendency to be a bit too enthusiastic at times.
✿ - sex headcanon
This too may end up being a slow burn because, while Manwë has decently fine antennae for romantic chemistry, he's not as good at sensing sexual desire. In fact, he had trouble recognizing it in himself when he was younger and less experienced, wondering if he was "allowed" to feel that way and want to participate in such activities.
Manwë is very good at being a pillow princess, just lying there, looking pretty, letting his lovers do all sorts of holy and not-so-holy things to him. Whether this is what happens or not, however, depends on his lover's wishes - he'll do pretty much whatever they ask. He'll serve you, he'll take care of you, he'll even take control if that's what you want.
-> Headcanon meme
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scummy-writes · 4 months
Can I ask one more?
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
♥ - family headcanon
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
ൠ - random headcanon
For Gilbert
Thank youuuu 💖
:> I saved this in my drafts for a rainy day, then scrolled down because I have like...19 drafts for some reason... and found this and gasped because it's been a month.... thank u myara.........sorry myara....
( this is from this headcanon ask game )
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
I like to imagine that he clears/gets a shelf for you in his bedroom. It's not at all a nudge of trying to get you to spend more time there with him, why would you be thinking that, unless you want to spend more time- *coughs*
I think he'd like it because the nights that you're not there, he can look over and see a history of books you curled up with, enamoured by their pages. If he couldn't sleep, he'd go over and nab a book to read, thinking about what lines captivated you or bored you. He'll likely get a laugh if he notices you left some notes in between the pages.
Primarily, the shelf is useful for him when he leaves on trips. He doesn't nessacarily read them when he's out, but he'll smell the pages, getting a comforting lingering of your scent mixed in with the pages.
He'll also like to tease you over some titles being more raunchy than the others.
♥ - family headcanon
I think having kids is something he has a knee-jerk 'no' to, mentally. Maybe outwardly as well, even if it's you asking. But you asking would cause him to think a bit more on the subject, try to grapple over how bad it is.
Realistically... I don't think he could, just because of the endless possibilities of when he does croak, as we don't know if its years down the road or much, much sooner. And while we'd probably brush away the fact, he would not be able to. Roderic would have to pretend to be him for the child, if that happened. If it happened later in the kids life, would they be able to hide it? would roderic be a good replacement?
More importantly, would the child inherent his terrible health? Would he want to subject a child to a similar life like his?
He'd want a child, after all that thinking, but only because he realizes how closed off the option is for him even with finally having you by his side.
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
i feel like I could fill this up with so many of his jealously issues...dislikes when people look at you, dislikes when you talk to other people, dislikes when- sdhjbdhjg jkjk
I feel like, in terms of likes and dislikes, there will be times hwre he does not communicate them at times. But specifically primarily only with your cooking.
He loves to eat what you make for him- it's a showing of love from both sides, and it's a bit of his obsessive nature kicking in on the down low as well, so i feel like at times when you mess up the exact sweetness, whether too little or otherwise, he'll still eat all of it up. It's from you, after all- he doesn't want anyone else to have it, nor to throw it away after the work and time spent. Besides, if you have to spend even more time fixing it, that just steals time away from him being able to whisk you elsewhere to play...
ൠ - random headcanon
i am continuously thinking about how he could have been if he wasn't born into a live of royalty. About the way he could have been free to be caring, the way he'd likely go out of his way to help the people in the town he lived in, the way he'd be such a source of knowledge and wouldn't be awful about it...
I don't think about it in a way of "this would make gilbert better as a chara", I think of it in a sad way, that royalty really fucked over his life so irreparably and left so many scars, and I just feel bad. Which he would hate. HAHAHA. It's even likely that in such a scenario of him having a 'normal' life, some traumatic event would still likely happen that would cause his world to shatter, and his heart to corrupt again. the madoka paradox-
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Can I pls have Herrah for the headcanon ask meme and uh insert symbol for bedroom / personal quarters thing I can't get it to copy on my phone lmao
Oh fuckin mood lmao, I'm answering this quickly on my phone before work and it's also not working on my end
Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon- There has always been a designated spot for the rulers of Deepnest to build their homes, but Herrah was the one to make it the Beast's Den when she drastically expanded the size and expanse of those living quarters with her own silk (the previous rulers and her old husband had been weavers, small delicate spiders with small needs). She was the one who turned it from a small hut to a massive den where multiple of her suboordinates could be housed, as she connected close living quarters to the Queen's Abode. Despite that, her own bedroom is very plain and small, sporting only a bedside table, a sleeping hammock, and a small shelf for records. All the ornate fancy stuff is placed outside of her pricate quarters, where others can look at them. Herrah married into the ruler's caste from the warrior's caste and thus does not have much of a desire for anything that's fancy over functional.
As for how Deepnest housing works- it's all circular rooms with cylindrical corridors woven out of dense silk from many spiders. Many of them are only big enough to accomidate their largest members, and seem claustrophobic to outsiders as a result, even if the spiders themselves consider it very cosy.
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szollibisz · 3 months
■ curtwen?
bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon!
Ok, so I'm not sure if with curtwen you meant both characters separately or both of them if they lived together, so I'm just gonna go with both options.
So, to me, they are both quite neat people in different ways. Owen likes his stuff organized very specifically, and doesn't believe in decorations. Meanwhile Curt has a way more lived-in house, while pretty clean there are some papers lying around where they probably don't belong and a bunch of memorabilia that needs dusting off.
I like to think that after they got together and spent some time at each others' places, Curt got fed up with Owen's house looking like a dentist's office, so one lazy morning while Owen was still sleeping he snuck out a bought a bunch of shit to liven up the place. I'm talking throw pillows, picture frames, decorative books that Owen would never actually read, a nice rug, maybe a vase or two (with flowers <3) etc etc.
After Owen saw everything he tried to act annoyed, after all this was Curt heavily encroaching on his house and his habits. But as much as he wanted to feel mad, it was still one of the nicest things anyone's ever done for him. Each little item was handpicked, and even if no extensive thoughts went into some of them (Curt just thought they'd look great) It was still a radical and positive overhaul for him.
(After the fall, of course, when he goes back to his old house it's all a big reminder of Curt, and how much Curt said he loved him, only to betray and leave him for dead a few years after. He breaks a lot of the things he was given by Curt.)
Curt's house on the other hand has much more subtle reminders of Owen.
Curt doesn't usually smoke, only with other people, so for the longest time he didn't have an ashtray. (If he had a one-night-stand over who really wanted to smoke, so small dish sufficed) And despite the number of times Owen had stayed at Curt's place is way smaller than the number of times he brought a guy home who really wanted a smoke afterwards, he still bought an ashtray just for those few occasions with Owen.
He always has some tea in his kitchen cabinets, should Owen show up unannounced, and he has a few loose hair ties here and there too for the same reason. (Similarly to how Owen keeps some great fancy whiskey in his house, despite not liking it at all)
If they were to move in together they'd have a great ideological clash over furniture I think. Curt's a pretty modern guy. He doesn't even really have a good taste in interior design he just likes what's the newest and trendiest, and somehow it works (He may have bad taste, but he'll never escape being a mama's boy) Meanwhile Owen is more of a simple guy in that regard, or more like. Quaint. He's very space efficient and practical, but he does appreciate some fine woodworking (his bookshelves would cost more than the rest of his apartment combined) So they debate argue for a long time on what should they do. At the end of the day Owen cares the least about how things will end up looking, so as long as they include some of his stuff and he gets to decide which drawer will contain what he's fine.
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hinganskies · 4 months
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
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Nagisa has a small/cozy apartment in Shirogane! It's a perfect place to relax and have tea with friends.
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
■ for team dark ? :D
Link to ask game!
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
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Welcome to the Team Dark apartment! This is the layout I use in all of my fics. I've numbered some points of interest here:
1. Omega's spot. Pretty self-explanatory. While he can sit on The Couch(TM), sometimes he prefers to stand, so Rouge moved the end table so that he wouldn't block the view of the TV when he does. The coffee table is so far towards the TV for a similar reason- to give him room to move through or to sit on the floor in front of the couch if he so desires.
2. Shadow's spot. Also pretty self-explanatory. While Shadow does sit on The Couch(TM) sometimes, he prefers to lean against this wall in the kitchen. It's on the edge of the hallway next to his room, providing him an easy escape if he wants it. You'll see him here, leaned against the wall, arms crossed, watching the television from afar while Rouge is splayed out across The Couch(TM)
(2.5: Why's it called The Couch(TM)? That's because it's Rouge's from a previous apartment. She found it in the dumpster of a condo complex and she swears it's the comfiest couch the world has to offer. Sonic disagrees; he insists Tails' is better. Rouge thinks that's personal bias.)
(2.7: most of the furniture is hand-me-downs, thrifted, or dumpster-dived by Rouge. Except the TV and related systems- it's relatively new, and that's because it's stolen!)
3. Omega's window. When they first moved in, Rouge originally had this room, as it faced the street and there's at least a decent view of a park not to far from the apartment. However, when Omega moved in, he quickly grew antsy (re: started breaking things) about being in a room with no view of the outside world. Shadow guessed the problem, and Rouge agreed to switch rooms. Now Omega almost constantly has this window open so that he can register the fresh breeze and the sounds of the bustling world below on his sensors. (Much to the ire of his organic teammates in the hot summer.)
4. The bathtub, also known as Rouge's zone. She's pretty much taken over the entire bathroom at this point, but the shower/bathtub is especially choked with all the different beauty products she uses. She takes looooooong bubble baths to unwind when she needs alone time. That's not to say that Shadow doesn't use the shower or any products- he absolutely does, but he just doesn't feel connected to the bathroom space in the same way Rouge is. (Unless Rouge specifically plans a spa night for him!)
And of course, the bedrooms are more personalized to each individual. You can send me asks for each individual member and I can elaborate more :)
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