nkn1 · 5 years
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illusztrációm Gustav Nachtigal - Szahara és Szudán című könyvének, 12. Rablótársaság című fejezetéhez.
“Csatlakoztam tehát a nyugtalan életű uled-szolimánok karavánjához. Kicsiny arab törzs ez, szétszórva, egyesített haderejük aligha érte el valaha az ezer főnyi lovast. Történetük roppant kalandos. Ősi hazájuk a Földközi-tenger melléke. A Nagy Szirtisz környékén legeltették a nyájaikat, nyaranta meg Fezzan oázisaiba vonultak a datolyaszüretre. Súlyos belső meghasonulás következtében elvesztették függetlenségüket.A tripoliszi pasa szolgálatában öt nagy rablóhadjáratban vettek rész, Fezzantól a Csád-tó körüli országokig. Láttam öregeket akik résztvettek ezekben a harcokban. Csillogó szemmel beszéltek a régi szép időkről. Amikor ismét fölvirult, megerősödött a törzs, tizenkét éven át uralkodtak Fezzan fölött és nyugtalanították Tripoliszt. Később azonban a törökök hatalma megszilárdult Tripoliszban, leverték a szolimánokat, főnökük haldokolva megesküdött hogy önkéntes számüzetésbe vonul. A legyőzöttek a szaharán át Borkuba, onnan Kanembe, a Csád-tó mellékjére vonulutak vissza. Bámulatos szívóssággal és vállalkozó kedvvel egymás után valamennyi törzset megtámadták a Bornuba vivő úttól keletreTibeszti és a Csád-tó között. Gyűlölték és rettegték őket. Amerre elvonultak, minden elrabolhatót elraboltak. Egész vidékek elnéptelenedtek. Sikereik föltüzelték őket.Zsákmányra éhes kalandor északafrikai törzstársaik támogatásával szemet vetettek a tuaregek tevéire. Tudvalevő hogy az egész világon a tuaregeknek vannak a legkitűnőbb tevéik. A martalócok kedvelt célpontja volt Kauar oázis, a Bornuba vivő út mentén és az oázist körülvevő sivatag. Négy év alatt 50,000 tevét szedtek össze azon a tájon. Azután következett a bűnhődés.  A tuaregek 1850-ben mintegy 7000 emberrel, teveháton és lóháton, hirtelen fölbukkantak Kanemben, egy szoros völgyben rajtaütöttek az elbizakodott ellenségen és kézitusában a fegyverfogható férfiak színevirágát kiirtották. A főnök is elesett, családja hét tagjával együtt. Hazaz apjaa helyszínén mesélte el nekem a véres kudarcukat. Ő maga is résztvett a harcban. Alig huszadmagával maradt volt meg hímondónak. Lóháton menekültek. Barth, a német utazó, kevéssel ezután járt (1851-ben) Kanemben. Úgy emlékezik meg az uled-szolimánok törzséről, mint amely végleg el fog tűnni. Nem így történt. Szívós életereje megmentette a törzset. Az életben maradtakat Bornu védelmébe fogadta, lovat és fegyvert adott nekik és határőrökül alkalmazta őket Vadai ellen. Jóllehet kevesen voltak s nem akadtak ekkoriban kiváló vezetőik, túlélték a válságos időt. Nemsokára már több száz főnyi lovast és gyalogost állítottak ki. Békét kötöttek a tuaregekkel, Borkut sikerült megtartaniuk és Kanemben egyre erősebben megvetették a lábukat.Amikor én ott megfordultam, messze földnek föltétlen urai voltak ismét az uled-szolimánok és éppúgy félték és gyűlölték őket mint virágzásuk idején. Portyázásaikkal még egyre nyugtalanították a szomszéd népeket. Mennél jobban elnéptelenedtek Kanem pusztái és Egei és Bodele lapájai, Kanemtől északkeletr, amelyek valamikor oly gazdagok tevékben s mentől inkább visszavonult a a kanemi lakosság a Csád-tó szigeteire, annál messzebre kiterjesztették rablóhadjárataikat.Még Darfurtól északkeletre is elkalandoztak. Idő és tér nem szab határt a sivatag fiának. Elvándorol az a világ végéig, amíg tevét s élelmet talál s ahol fölüti sátrát vagy kunyhót rak magának : ott a hazája.”
A 19. Század második fele valóságos hőskora volt az Afrika felfedező utazásoknak, ezek közül is kiemelkedő eredményeket értek el német származású tudósok, felfedezők akik közül többen az életükkel fizettek a titokzatos és vad földrész etnikai és geológiai feltérképezéséért. Gustav Nachtigal feladata az volt hogy I. Vilmos porosz király ajándékait eljuttassa omárhoz, Bornu fejedelméhez ( a Bornui királyság ma közép Szudánban lenne, a Csád-tó partján ). Feladatát fényesen megoldotta, utazása azonban 5 évig tartott.
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viblets-blog · 7 years
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the ultra luxe life.
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themusingmuslim · 3 years
In Prophet Muhammad ﷺ we see every facet of being a complete human:
He had an orphaned childhood so he knew estrangement and loneliness, and this is also probably why he longed for a higher love, an urge that would make him spend days in the solitude of caves even later in life.
He spent some of his childhood with the Banu Sa'ad bedoiuns — the nomads of the Arabian desert — so he understood the ways of the wilderness, the harshness of life and the presence of the Divine in the horizons and within.
He had a meditative youth so he understood the importance of faith and belief in living a life of purpose and meaning. He would pray at night for long periods, make peace between tribes, and vouch for the weak and the marginalized.
He worked as a shepherd early in his life so he understood how to guide a flock, and lead the lost with benevolence, and because he worked as a merchant later, he understood the desolation of the desert while leading caravans, a reflection of the world itself, the nature of bargaining and wealth and its utter hollowness.
He was a family man so he knew how to live with love and grace with one's kin and one's household. He did his chores himself, and made his wives feel loved and cared for, as they would later describe in their own narrations.
He was a spiritual leader so he understood matters of the heart and soul and their cure. His sayings are replete with beautiful insights into human psychology, spirituality and prescriptions on how to live a God-conscious life, and how to be in this world where we're all passing through like strangers and wayfarers.
He faced persecution and exile, survived a fatal stoning at Ta'if, was driven out of his home, threatened by the chiefs of Mecca, so he knew what it was like to suffer for truth.
He was a governor so he knew how to create a just society based on law, custom, and mutual understanding, evident in the way he framed the Constitution of Medina, perhaps one of the earliest written constitutions in the history of mankind.
He was a general and a commander-in-chief so he knew how to lead armies and defend the oppressed and offer justice to the world, without aggressing upon others, or committing excesses. As is evident from the Conquest of Mecca, when he forgave all of his former persecutors and declared that there was to be no revenge.
He was a statesman so he knew how to forge peace and deliberate reasonably. Offering the olive branch of peace even to the enemy, as is evident from the way he framed the Treaty of Hudaybiyah.
But more importantly, he was the Messenger ﷺ — the one who made things clear yet pleaded his followers not to venerate him as divine — for he was only human, not God, and he was the one who was always found smiling, never quarreling or complaining, who greeted children in the streets, who drank from the same cup as his wife, who slept upon a simple mattress in a humble quarter next to his mosque, who was never the first to withdraw his hands from a handshake, who would turn his entire body towards you if you wanted to speak with him, who sat with the poor, the slaves, who said to the one no one else claimed as their own: "he is from me, and I am from him."
He was a soft, tender character. But also a brave and valorous figure who stood against injustice, who successfuly created a just social order in a time of darkness, violence and superstition, something that will always be relevant to the two hundred million of the people who even today call him habib — the beloved. Millions who still sit, stand, laugh, cry, pray, walk, sleep and make love the way he taught.
Muhammad ﷺ was not a man of mere words and tall claims, he was a winner, he established his proof, he lived what he taught, and he demonstrated in his own daily living, the method and the path of having faith in the Lord of Creation, and fearing nothing from death or from life. Of loving God and loving one's neighbor, of not oppressing and not being oppressed.
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therealuniverse · 4 years
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STARTRAILS OVER WADI RUM This image was captured by Bashar Alaeddin on the night of April 3rd-4th 2012 in the Wadi Rum desert, Jordan. It was one of the photographer’s first attempts at star trail images; the North Star is in the top left of the image. The red light along the road in the foreground is from a passing Bedoiun pick-up truck.
Alaeddin took the images with a Canon 7D with a 17-55mm f/2.8 lens at 17mm, 722 seconds, aperture at f/5.0, ISO 320. -TEL Image: Bashar Alaeddin (With permission) https://www.basharalaeddin.co/jordan
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thesvenqueen · 4 years
The Mummy - Chapter 7
Rating: M (to be safe; gore, language) Main Pairing: Kristanna Summary: Hamunaptra. A place filled with history, legends and mystery. A place Anna Arendelle had only dreamed of finding since she was a little girl. When it seems faith supplies her with the opportunity to find this hidden city, she jumps head first at the chance to find it. But a revengeful mummy, an apocalyptic curse, a deadly adventure (and possibly love) where not exactly on her list of things to discover. Previous Chapters: [ P 1 2 3 4 5 6 ]
NOTES: uhhh...so....it’s been a while. I legit have no excuse or reason but uh...yeah? Will I update faster? lol who knows tbh but um, yeah, we’ll see what happens. Let’s hope I keep my groove up with this for once (probs not lets be honest lol)
The cool night breeze sent a chill up Anna’s spine. She wrapped her arms around herself as she stood on the banks of the river.
Just mere moments ago, she had been in her cabin below deck getting ready for bed. She had been so lost in thought (absolutely not thinking about that kiss...again) that she didn’t hear her door opening. The intruder had easily snuck up behind her as she had stared at her book, trying to focus on the words and not the way a particular someone had blushed earlier in the night. It wasn’t until she felt the cold blade of the knife against her throat did she finally snap out of her thoughts. 
Then, all hell broke loose. 
The boat now slowly drifted down the river, completely engulfed in flames. 
Anna tried to steady her breathing as she looked across the way to the other side of the river. Horses were running amuck out of fear and she could just make out men scrambling to grab as many horses as they could before they took off into the night. Some men were still swimming to shore, a few standing in the shallows to help their counterparts. She could make out a few just standing in shock, watching the boat as she had. 
One man in particular stood on the shore, arms outstretched and he yelled, 
“Hey Bjorgman! It looks to me like I got all the horses!” 
Anna simply glared. Though that may have been true, who in the hell was this man to boast such a thing?
She was ready to retort with every obscenity she could muster when she heard a growl in frustration. She turned just in time to see Kristoff march to the shore’s edge & stop,
“Hey Weasel!”, Kristoff boomed, “Looks to me like you’re on the wrong side of the river!”
There was a pause, Anna looked back to the man on the other side of the river and watched as realization slowly came over him. She couldn’t help but grin as the man began yelling obscenities & kicking the water in frustration. 
“Though that may be true,” she heard Sven say, and she turned to watch him squeeze water from his shirt, “we’re still in a bit of a rut here. We lost all we had on that bloody ship.”
“There’s a village not far from here,” Kristoff replied, “should be there before dawn. We can stop there for supplies.”
Sven nodded, “Right, well, guess that’s the best we got.”
Anna began to trudge out of the shallow water and shivered again as the cool night breeze blew. She wished that she had thought of grabbing a coat before deciding to abandon ship.
Or a blanket. 
Or anything besides her silk nightdress & robe. 
“Are you alright?”
Anna jumped slightly at Kristoff’s voice interrupting her thoughts. “Oh...um, yeah, I’m ok.”
“You sure?”
Anna huffed a laugh, “I just lost all my belongings, which I could buy again sure but still, it’s all gone. I was shot at and threatened at knife point for...who knows why? Then the ship caught fire and I was tossed overboard I…” She paused, taking a deep breath of the night air, “Honestly, I’ve had better.”
Kristoff rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah….I’m sorry about that.”
Anna looked at him, “For what?”
“For uh, throwing you overboard?”
“Oh…” Anna huffed a laugh, “It’s ok, really.”
“I just…”
“Seriously,” Anna said reassuringly, “I was panicking and you were just trying to help. I get it.”
“Yeah well, my Ma would kill me if she knew I did that.”
Anna couldn’t help but laugh, “Throwing a lady is quite rude of you.”
Kristoff smirked, “I think the situation called for it as you said.”
“Still rude.”
“I’m sure my Ma would understand.”
“Oh would she?”
He paused. “...No, she’d still kill me on the spot before I could explain.”
Anna laughed and a comfortable silence fell between them as they walked through the desert. The night was calm and quiet, the complete opposite of what they had just left behind at the river. The moon was bright enough to light up the desert around them, the stars shining brightly in the sky. It was beautiful, Anna thought, comforting in a sense. 
Another breeze blew and Anna shivered violently. 
“Are you cold?” Kristoff asked, frowning with concern.
Anna looked at him, “A little…”
“Could we stop and make a fire?” Sven questioned. 
“No, it would slow us down.” Kristoff said, “We need to keep moving if we want to make it to the village. Plus, the fire could attract unwanted visitors.”
Sven looked at Kristoff confused, Anna could tell that a question sat right at the tip of her brother’s tongue. Most likely the same as Anna’s: 
What unwanted visitors did he mean?
“Here.” Kristoff said, and he wrapped his arm around Anna’s shoulder, pulling her close. Anna gasped, her heart skipping a beat at his sudden boldness. “We can huddle together for warmth. Best thing to do right now till we reach the village.”
“Shouldn’t we get rid of our wet clothes?” Sven asked. “It won’t help since they’re still damp.”
“If you want to wander into the village naked, then by all means, be my guest.” Kristoff said. 
Anna giggled as her brother pouted, “I was just trying to help is all.”
“And I’m just trying to help you not get killed by scared villagers.” 
“Would they be scared? Really?” Sven said as he huddled to the pair, throwing his arm around Anna’s waist, “I bet the women would be excited.”
“Their husbands wouldn’t be.”
“I’m sure they’re not all married.”
“Most are.”
“How do you know?”
“I don’t.”
“Ah, so you’re guessing.”
“I’m assuming based on past experience.”
“Still not a fact.”
Kristoff groaned, “Look, if you’re going to strip then go ahead, but don’t come crying to me when things go sour.”
Sven took a breath to retort, but Anna chimed in “Sven, please.”
He pouted, “Oh you both are no fun.”
“We are fun,” Anna said, “I just don’t want to explain to Kai why I came back without you.”
“Ah, but then you could create a wonderful story on how you survived because of my heroic sacrifice. Saying how if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have made it back and go on to tell an amazing, epic tale of my passing.”
“Yes, I can see it now: the tale of my brother Sven, the idiot who decided wandering into a village nude was completely sensible.”
Sven glared as Kristoff chuckled, the sound making Anna’s heart flutter. 
“Ridiculous!” Sven raged, pulling the camels along, “All of that for three bloody camels?”
Kristoff rolled his eyes, “They’re prized commodities out here, what did you expect?”
“Not that! My God, you’d think he was trying to give me an entire herd with the price he was offering.”
“He was.”
“Yes, before he realized I could understand him perfectly.” Sven smirked, “Git.”
“How did you know?”
“Know what?”
“Oh,” Sven smiled, “Mum taught us when we were little. We lived in Egypt for a while, so she wanted us to understand as much as we could.”
“How long were you in Egypt?”
“Few years I think? We were young and we moved around a lot with Mum & Dad exploring and what not.” Sven stared off into the distance, “Egypt was always Mum’s favorite though, Dad’s too. Taught us all we know about it, it’s why we both came back really.”
“...what happened?”
Sven took a breath & looked to his feet, “There was a dig, supposed to be this amazing discovery. Mum & Dad got invited and of course they couldn’t resist. They left and...never came back.” 
“Turns out the excavation was in a very remote, hard to get area. They took a small plane to get there and they got caught in a sand storm. They never made it to the site.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It was years ago,” Sven sighed as he looked up, “Shit luck really.”
“It’s ok. We keep moving on to the next as Dad said.” 
Kristoff sighed, looking out to the village. “Did they find anything at the site at least?”
Sven huffed a laugh, “No, nothing but dust apparently. What makes it worse to me really. If they had found something, it might have made it better. That the trip would’ve been worth the risk. But it wasn’t; all that, for nothing.” 
“I’m sorry.” Kristoff said, looking over to Sven, “They sound like they were great people.”
“They were.” Sven smiled. “Loved us dearly, even when I was a right pain in the ass.”
Kristoff chuckled, “Had to be hard I’m sure.”
“Oh completely.” Sven said, “I was a little shit sometimes...well...most of the time. But I just got caught more, Anna was just sneakier.”
Kristoff’s eyes widened, “Your sister was a troublemaker? I find that hard to believe.”
“Oh ho ho,” Sven said with a laugh, “She caused quite the trouble. Anna just knew how to get away with it. Could talk herself out of anything, I remember one time…”
But Kristoff heard nothing more. From afar, he could make out a group of Bedoiun women walking towards them. Leading them was Anna. 
She was an exclamation point to the beige, bland land around her. She wore a black dress, accented in gold along the trims of the dress in swirls and flowers delicately designed in to the light fabric. The dark veil shared the same gold designs, sparkling in the bright desert sun. A small gold chain wrapped around her waist with a long string of coin rosary to match that sat across her chest, accenting the outfit.
The dress alone was stunning, but what caught his attention was her eyes.
Against the dark fabric, her blue eyes seemed to shine as brightly as the gold. They were captivating, a sea of blue found in a barren wasteland. Kristoff found himself drowning in them.
It wasn’t until he realized those same blue eyes were staring back at him that he turned away, hoping the heat would hide his blush as he gave his camel his utmost attention.
“I see the Bedoiun women treated you well.” He heard Sven say. 
“Oh they were lovely! The sweetest people and look at this.” Anna said, and Kristoff turned in time to see her twirl with the biggest smile.
God she was beautiful. 
“How much did that cost you?”
“Oh, not much.” Anna said, “I tried to offer money but they wouldn’t hear any of it. Doesn’t go a long way in a village so far from the city. So, I gave them a better offer.”
“Which was?”
“A camel.”
“A what?!”
Anna grinned as she walked to one of the camel’s Sven was holding, “The next village is a far walk, it can take a day or two just to get there. A camel makes the trip faster for them and they can carry more when they have one. The family that gave me these can’t afford one, so they have to take turns making trips.” Anna pulled the camel’s head down to her gently, cooing as she began stroking his head, “I knew we had more than enough to get another one, so, I offered to get them one in exchange for the clothes.” Anna turned to Sven, “And don’t give me any lip for this either. I can pay you back for it when we get back to town.”
Kristoff smiled, turning his gaze to a still bewildered Sven who threw his head back and groaned. 
“Fine…watch this lot then.” Sven handed the reins to Anna and marched off. 
Kristoff turned back to Anna, watching as she continued to pet her camel. 
“Did you find everything you needed?” 
He blinked, realizing that she was talking to him. “Oh,” he coughed, “yeah, we managed to gather a few things. Some food and a couple of supplies. Should be able to last us for a while.”
“How did you even find this place?” She asked, turning to look at him.
He paused, watching her eyes twinkle in the sun like jewels, “I uh...came upon it by luck actually. I was trying to find the river but found this place instead. It was a good thing I did too, don’t think I would’ve lasted much longer.”
Anna furrowed her brows and tilted her head, “Why's that?”
Kristoff looked away, thinking over his next words carefully. He didn’t want to lie, far from it, but how much did he really want to tell her? “I...got lost. Got left alone and ended up lost out in the desert.”
“Left alone?” Anna questioned, a look of concern on her face. 
“Yeah…” Kristoff said, 
“What happened to your group?”
 “Things didn’t go as expected, I got lucky and managed to escape but my comrades...they weren’t as lucky.”
“Comrades?” Shit. “You were a soldier?”
Kristoff sighed, turning his gaze to his camel, “I was, yeah.”
He braced himself for how she would react. Over the years, he’d dealt with good and bad reactions to his position. Some were kind; giving him praise for his duty and sacrifice he made.  Other times...well, some were not at all pleased at the idea of foreign presence. 
“...That must have been awful.”
Kristoff turned back to her, finding nothing but sincerity on Anna’s face. “It was.” 
“Were you the only…?” Anna asked, looking away as she hesitated to finish her question.
“I thought I was.” Kristoff said, “But apparently I wasn’t. That man from the river? Weasel? He was also in my battalion.”
“Wait, what?”
“How did he manage it?”
“Who knows, the last I saw him he was running.”
“Running?” Anna questioned, furrowing her brow, “Running from what?”
“The Medjai.”
“The Medjai?” her eyes widened, “I thought they were just a myth.”
“Oh no, they are very much real.”
“But why were they attacking you?”
“Because we found something we weren’t supposed to find.”
Kristoff turned away, debating with himself. 
Should he tell her the truth? Should he tell her that just finding Hamunaptra itself was what caused the Medjai to attack? How a though small, but well armed, platoon from the French Foreign League was completely surprised & overrun by the fiercest warriors he’d ever seen; would she still want to venture to the secret land? Or would she want to abandon the whole adventure outright? Truly he wouldn’t blame her, so far the trip had already been disrupted by the Medjai. However, would that mean they’d completely part ways? Would they return to Cairo to part ways, never to see each other again? 
The idea of never seeing Sven again, sure, that would be well and fine. But Anna? Something about her made him never want to leave her side again. 
He turned back to Anna, curiosity written all over her face.
Even through the veil, he could still see the small cut on her neck. Though small, it was still a large reminder at what was truly at risk here. 
If she knew who the men on the ship who attacked them were, that the Medjai were already well aware of where they were heading, most likely preparing for their arrival, what would she do? Could he really risk her life for this? 
Would he himself be able to live with her dying because of some ancient city?
He took a deep breath, knowing that telling her the truth could very well end this trip all together...and he may never see her again. 
She deserved the truth though, more than anything. 
“We found--”
“Alright,” Sven yelled as he stormed up to them, making them both jump, “I am done bargaining anything else here, let’s get the hell out of this village before they scam me out of anything else.”
Sven pulled one of the camels from Anna, starting to head to the outside of the village. They watched him for a moment, then Anna turned back to him, 
“What was it?”
Kristoff blinked, “What was what?”
“What did you find?”
“Oh…” Kristoff hesitated, he had to tell her, he had to “we found...we found--”
“Will you both come on.” Sven yelled, scrambling onto his camel. 
Anna rolled her eyes, “We’re coming.” She huffed in annoyance, and turned back to him, “Later then?”
He clenched his jaw, “Yeah...later.” 
She smiled & turned to catch up with her brother. 
Kristoff watched her, wondering and hoping there would be a later.
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Bedoiun in tribes, ascending From the egg into the flower. Alpha-Information sending, States within the Heaven Shower. From disciples, the unending subtleties of River-Power They slip inside this house as they pass by. If your limbs begin dissolving In the water that you tread, All surroundings are evolving In the stream that clears your head. Find yourself a caravan Like Noah must have led, And slip inside this house as you pass by.
Slip inside this house as you pass by. True conception, knowing why, Brings even more than meets the eye; Slip inside this house as you pass by. In this dark we call Creation, We can Be and Feel and Know. From an “Effort/Comfort Station” That's surviving on the go. There's infinite survival in The high baptismal glow; Slip inside this house as you pass by
There is no season when you are grown. You are always risen from the seeds you've sown. There is no reason to rise alone. Other stories given have sages of their own. Live where your heart can be given, And your life starts to unfold. In the forms you envision In this dream that's ages old. On the River-layer is the only Sayer. You receive all you can hold— Like you've been told. Every day's another dawning, Give the morning winds a chance. Always catch your Thunder yawning; Lift your Mind into the Dance. Sweep the shadows from your awning, Shrink the four-fold circumstance That lies outside this house …don't pass it by. Higher worlds that you uncover Light the path you want to roam. You compare there and discover You won't need a shell of foam. Twice-born gypsies care and keep The Nowhere of their former home; They slip inside this house as they pass by.
Slip inside this house as you pass by.
You think you can't, you wish you could. I know you can, I wish you would. Slip inside this house as you pass by. Four and twenty birds of Maya Baked into an atom you. Polarized into existence, Magnet-Heart from red to blue. To such extent, the realm of Dark, Within the picture it seems true. But slip inside this house and then decide. All your lightning waits inside you! Travel it along your spine. Seven stars receive your visit. Seven seals remain divine. Seven churches filled with spirit; Treasure from the angels' mine! Slip inside this house as you pass by. Slip inside this house as you pass by. The space you make has your own laws. No longer human, gods are cause. The center of this house will never die There is no season when you are grown. You are always risen from the seeds you've sown. There is no reason to rise alone. Other stories given have sages of their own.
Draw from the well of unchanging,
And its union nourishes on In the right re-arranging, Till the last confusion is gone. Water-Brothers trust in The Ultimust Of the Always Singing Song they pass along. One-eyed men aren't really reigning; They just march in place until Two-eyed men with “mystery training” Finally feel the power build. Three-eyed men are not complaining; They can yo-yo where they will! They slip inside this house as they pass by. Don't pass it by!
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howlingmoonradio · 2 years
February 3 Playlist
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So this week’s program grew out of a recent purchase of the album in the picture above. I had no previous knowledge of this outfit, but the descriptions of their music intrigued me. I am a huge fan of stripped down instrumental based musics, whether we’re talking crucial Jamaican dub, solid soul sounds from the likes of Booker T & MG’s or Menahan Street Band or kitchen sink funk from ESG or late period Beastie Boys, just to namecheck a few. I will apologize again for mispronunciation of the band’s name etc, and I try and provide more links to info on bands that we play going forward. Also thanks to our friends at Uncut Magazine for their terrific curated CD’s which accompany their magazine and provide a lot of the other music on this week’s episode. And now...
Side A Howling at the Moon-Hank Williams Step into Space-New Age Doom and Lee Scratch Perry Como Te Quiero-Khruangbin (Scientist Remix) How I Love-Khruangbin I Don’t Understand How the World Work-Buggy Jive Disposable Thumbs-Endless Boogie Everybody’s Carrying a Gun-Wilko Johnson and Roger Daltrey
Side B Days Like These-Low The Difference-Elvis Costello and the Imposters Solitude-Bedoiune Atlantic-Weather Station Cosmic Nomad-David Ornette Cherry Movement 1-Floating Points/Pharaoh Sanders/LSO
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lovefusyon · 7 years
JESUS/GOD ---> NOT ALLAH/SATAN TERRORIST GOD WANNABE  =DENEIS WHAT GOD/JESUS FULFILLED IN BIBLE= ALLAH /SATAN It’s #high time we Warn Muslims ND atheists to repent . hard FACT:Jesus is God Allah & is Satan.
Soon atheism will be No more. Only Christians. We r here to warn u to repent !! ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ So take heed   😂😂🙃🙃🙃✔️✔️✔️✔️ #answer  my  few #questions #atheists…. can you  form by your self without Jesus (God) creating u ❓❓❓
Do a #demo and show us❕❕ We are waiting  ….❕❕❕😭😭😭 Good Luck u will need it  😂😂😂😂 …………… If you can’t …. it’s #time to give up and repent 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀
🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀 💠💠💠💠💠
Crystal  💎clear #explanation for you:Only Satan would say Bible is Not available (“corrupt ” such term Doesn’t exist bcz God doesn’t stop talking ,so is illogical to say Bible is not available anymore )so Islam is the religion of the devil. Only Satan denies what God fulfilled. Satan/ Allah 😈. Denies  Jesus died for us .but it was His plan accordingly to Isaiah’s 43:10 And the suffering servant of Isaiah is Jesus is already fulfilled ..so time to repent . is futile to deny what Already Happened God fulfilled His words from scriptures (Bible ) .only Satan denies. Denial is trait of satan. God fulfills His words never denies. #Stop Confusing #people with your #lies Islam is the cult of 💀  .the religion of Ex #Lucifer. Jesus is #God our #Creator. Allah is Satan aka the 😈 devil.
Time to #repent  #Muslims and #atheists. Bcz both Islam and atheism is ruled by Satan. Both deny What God did for us. Muslims and atheists think they can do any sin and get away with it. But #God said you must pay for ur 😈 evil. So Pay in hell or accept Jesus S sacrifice and stop sinning and seek Him to manifest to you. Repent get #baptised as He commanded and seek Him ❕❕❕
📝 Note: Islam is the religion of #terror because “…Allshall know thee  thou shall be a #terror …and shall be no more ”“
Reflects the Quran S  author.. Satan…
Quran8:12 : I shall put #terror ….in the hearts of disbelievers …”“ Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.” IHoly Bible ~~~~about Allah /satan:Devil 😈 ….he is the terror of the world.
What God said about Satan  in Bible. Matches the author of Quran= he brings terror =he is satan/allah 😇😇😇😇😇😇 BE SILENT AND REPENT ͜͡. U͜͡ c͜͡a͜͡n͜͡'t͜͡ CONFUSE US. 💟💟💟💟💟💟 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
#TeamJesus  #vs #Teamlucifer #biblevsquran #bible #scriptures #nomorelies  😾😾😾 #falsereligion #heaven #hell #contradictions 😾😾😾👎👎👎    #monkeyorhuman 😹😹😹😹😹 #antievolution #debate 😹😹😹😹  #religion #share 👏👏👏 #comment #react  #love #comedytime #mystomachhurtstoomuchlaughter #flatearthmatters #globedelusionals #Flaterestrials  #globedevsflaterestrials #earthshape #roundorflat #flatearth #spreadlikewildfire   🔥 🔥  🔥 #muslims #christians #notion #life  #meme #funny #follow #Exmuslim #muhaMad #Exmuslimbecause 😺😺 #christianityvsislam #islam #Quran #plagiarism  #thief #killer   #book  📖 #satanicislam #timesupforislam 🕒  #muhaMadtheliar  #satanic #terrorism  😡😡😡  #TeamJesusvsteamlucifer #Lucifer #satan #lies&truth 🙌🙌
Prophet liar Muhammad  of Satan can’t be sent by God( Jesus. ).get the logic? jesus isn’t man. Jesus is God Who became man accordingto isiaha 43:10.so repent atheist. u can’t read God’s revelation aka bible on half. God said He will become man and He did. So Jesus is both man and God bcz God said it. Now repent. Jesus isn’t justman. This is Satan s plan to lie about what God fulfilled in Bible in order to be worshipped asGod the only way Satan can be worshipped is lie about God. Aka Jesus. Jesus is not only man accordingto Bible. He is God Who became man so He  is both. Satan lied to u. Repent. Allah is Satan  and lies 24/7 about Jesus. Satan wants to be worshipped asGod God and he created Islam. Jesus warned us of  Cult . Adult that  will emerge after he left  the earth that will kill thinking they do a vfavir to God , that cult is Islam. It’s the only cult that kills in “"the name of God ”….so Jesus said Islam is of Satan. U think u kill “for God.” But in reality u do for Satan aka allah ​​​ Jesus is God. He has right to throw evil people in hell…Allah is Satan he has no right to kill.he can’t kill bcz he is not God.  He can’t  throw u in hell only Jesus can throw 4th e body in hell He is the Living God. Satan Allah can’t do anything  he made Islam look like is from God made himself appear he has God’s Jesus s abilities but Satan can’t throw u in hell. He is God wannabe.satan created Islam in order to be worshipped nothing more. He can’t Do anything. He only pretends he can. he just gave commands and u do his biding…  God is love not terror. ….Mr atheist… the topic is. Do u believe in God or not. Atheist or theist. I believe Jesus creates us and no evolution ever took place.  there’s no half logic here. Jesus is God because He  God said through the Prophet Isaiah He will become man /servant.  Jesus Was man. Now He is not anymore. Read Bible aka God’s revelation in chronological order.  U talking nonsense. Stop parroting and get facts straight.  Flash News :jesus didn’t remain man. The Messiah  aka prophet God foretold in Deuteronomy (0in Isaiah God said He is the Prophet servant he zent so Jesus is God bcz Jesus fulfilled the Deuteronomy prophecy) was born as Man  through a Virgin aka Mary. Died as man and resurrected as God. Rev:alhpa and omega the almighty so Jesus is our creator. Repent atheist.  Satan Allah makes u think God’s words are not available anymore when they are!! . U serve Satan aka Allah. Allah denies what God fulfilled in Bible. Only Satan denies so Allah is Satan. God fulfilled His words ,He doesn’t denies . Satan Allah denied Jesus died for us. ..but accordingto Bible and God’s warning and prophets it was His plan to die. So if u are against Jesus dying u r against God. Pure and simple  Why do #muslims worship ex Lucifer the 😈 devil ,ex Lucifer….  And their #religion / death cult and not jesus our Creator? ?!?!
satan/ Allah… the libidinos #snake , stole #biblical prophets and #twisted their story !!?? U say Allah is “God” I say: NO ! %%%  JESUS IS gOD <3 ALLAH IS SATAN :(  , AND MAKES U DOUBT gOD’S WORDs/Revelation (bible)
show the prophecies of ur man or u serve satan, God (JESUS) has prophets, BTW, ISA OF QURAN IS FICTION, NON LIVING PERSON (isa of quran is no propeht he performed no mriacles no prophecies) 1-0 for Jesus. ISA LOST. JESUS the Prophet OF bible is prophet and fufliled propehcies, since jesus is prophet u obey His words recorded in bible BCZ HE IS SENT BY GOD
jesus was born as man, died as man= resurrected as God: Rev: Alpha and Omega the Almighty. :) JESUS IS NOT HUMAN ANYMORE, HE WILL RETURN AS GOD/ THE ALMIGHTY, READ UR BIBLE WELL ATHEIST.
Follow for more #Amazing #facts https://plus.google.com/111655535838282371711/posts/A6fbQkRJULM And Muslims have to answer my questions !!! ‘Allah’ is simply the Arab word for ‘God.’ BUT is it true!?
Reality: ‘God’ in Arabic is translated ‘ilah,’ not 'Allah.’ Allah = الله http://shoebat.com/2015/08/21/archeologists-discover-a-4000-year-old-archeological-find-linking-allah-to-lucifer-and-the-harlot-religion/http://www.bibleisaiah.com/bel_nebo_gods_babylon.htm</
FLEE  ISLAM, THE SATANIC CULT .. , WHILE U CAN.. ! :P, WARNING TO ALL #BIBLE #QURAN #CONTRADICTION #Comment #React #Share #terror #terrorism #biblevsquran #quran  #Christianity #theist 🔊🔊🔊🤗🤗🤗🤗#COMETOJESUS 💝💝💝 AND HAVE ETERNAL  LIFE AFTER 💀 IF YOU ACCEPT HIS SACRIFICE. F͜͡o͜͡l͜͡l͜͡o͜͡w͜͡ ✔️m͜͡y͜͡ p͜͡r͜͡o͜͡f͜͡i͜͡l͜͡e͜͡ f͜͡o͜͡r͜͡ m͜͡o͜͡r͜͡e͜͡ a͜͡m͜͡a͜͡z͜͡i͜͡n͜͡g͜͡  f͜͡u͜͡n͜͡ f͜͡a͜͡c͜͡t͜͡s͜͡  💎❕❕❕❕  http://anchoredfaeith.tumblr.com/post/164214806262/its-high-time-we-warn-muslims-nd-atheists-to
muhaMAD is for bedoiuns. Satan created Islam to keep u in web to distracted from ur only way to get to heaven TRIUGH Jesus. Bcz u can’t pay for sins u deserve consequences Mr atheist. Atheist and Muslims think they can sin amdALIES about Jesus etc and get away withit. U commit Sin in daily basis. repent while u can. if you  die in this state aka commuting sin u go to hell. as Go d said unbelievers and liars all have part in Lake of fiemGod said u must pay for sin. u can’t do anything u want and expect to get away with it #ExMuslimBecause JESUS/GOD ---> NOT ALLAH/SATAN TERRORIST GOD WANNABE  =DENEIS WHAT GOD/JESUS FULFILLED IN BIBLE= ALLAH /SATAN It’s #high time we Warn Muslims ND atheists to repent . hard FACT:Jesus is God Allah & is Satan. Soon atheism will be No more. Only Christians. We r here to warn u to repent !! ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ So take heed   😂😂🙃🙃🙃✔️✔️✔️✔️ #answer  my  few #questions #atheists…. can you  form by your self without Jesus (God) creating u ❓❓❓Do a #demo and show us❕❕ We are waiting  ….❕❕❕😭😭😭 Good Luck u will need it  😂😂😂😂 …………… If you can’t …. it’s #time to give up and repent 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀 https://plus.google.com/111655535838282371711/posts/8Sy2Fk68Rxz?iem=4&gpawv=1&hl=en-RO🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀 💠💠💠💠💠Crystal  💎clear #explanation for you:Only Satan would say Bible is Not available (“corrupt ” such term Doesn’t exist bcz God doesn’t stop talking ,so is illogical to say Bible is not available anymore )so Islam is the religion of the devil. Only Satan denies what God fulfilled. Satan/ Allah 😈. Denies  Jesus died for us .but it was His plan accordingly to Isaiah’s 43:10 And the suffering servant of Isaiah is Jesus is already fulfilled ..so time to repent . is futile to deny what Already Happened God fulfilled His words from scriptures (Bible ) .only Satan denies. Denial is trait of satan. God fulfills His words never denies. #Stop Confusing #people with your #lies Islam is the cult of 💀  .the religion of Ex #Lucifer. Jesus is #God our #Creator. Allah is Satan aka the 😈 devil.Time to #repent  #Muslims and #atheists. Bcz both Islam and atheism is ruled by Satan. Both deny What God did for us. Muslims and atheists think they can do any sin and get away with it. But #God said you must pay for ur 😈 evil. So Pay in hell or accept Jesus S sacrifice and stop sinning and seek Him to manifest to you. Repent get #baptised as He commanded and seek Him ❕❕❕📝 Note: Islam is the religion of #terror because “…Allshall know thee  thou shall be a #terror …and shall be no more ”“Reflects the Quran S  author.. Satan…Quran8:12 : I shall put #terror ….in the hearts of disbelievers …”“ Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.” IHoly Bible ~~~~about Allah /satan:Devil 😈 ….he is the terror of the world.What God said about Satan  in Bible. Matches the author of Quran= he brings terror =he is satan/allah 😇😇😇😇😇😇 BE SILENT AND REPENT ͜͡. U͜͡ c͜͡a͜͡n͜͡'t͜͡ CONFUSE US. 💟💟💟💟💟💟 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇#TeamJesus  #vs #Teamlucifer #biblevsquran #bible #scriptures #nomorelies  😾😾😾 #falsereligion #heaven #hell #contradictions 😾😾😾👎👎👎    #monkeyorhuman 😹😹😹😹😹 #antievolution #debate 😹😹😹😹  #religion #share 👏👏👏 #comment #react  #love #comedytime #mystomachhurtstoomuchlaughter #flatearthmatters #globedelusionals #Flaterestrials  #globedevsflaterestrials #earthshape #roundorflat #flatearth #spreadlikewildfire   🔥 🔥  🔥 #muslims #christians #notion #life  #meme #funny #follow #Exmuslim #muhaMad #Exmuslimbecause 😺😺 #christianityvsislam #islam #Quran #plagiarism  #thief #killer   #book  📖 #satanicislam #timesupforislam 🕒  #muhaMadtheliar  #satanic #terrorism  😡😡😡  #TeamJesusvsteamlucifer #Lucifer #satan #lies&truth 🙌🙌Prophet liar Muhammad  of Satan can’t be sent by God( Jesus. ).get the logic? jesus isn’t man. Jesus is God Who became man accordingto isiaha 43:10.so repent atheist. u can’t read God’s revelation aka bible on half. God said He will become man and He did. So Jesus is both man and God bcz God said it. Now repent. Jesus isn’t justman. This is Satan s plan to lie about what God fulfilled in Bible in order to be worshipped asGod the only way Satan can be worshipped is lie about God. Aka Jesus. Jesus is not only man accordingto Bible. He is God Who became man so He  is both. Satan lied to u. Repent. Allah is Satan  and lies 24/7 about Jesus. Satan wants to be worshipped asGod God and he created Islam. Jesus warned us of  Cult . Adult that  will emerge after he left  the earth that will kill thinking they do a vfavir to God , that cult is Islam. It’s the only cult that kills in “"the name of God ”….so Jesus said Islam is of Satan. U think u kill “for God.” But in reality u do for Satan aka allah ​​​ Jesus is God. He has right to throw evil people in hell…Allah is Satan he has no right to kill.he can’t kill bcz he is not God.  He can’t  throw u in hell only Jesus can throw 4th e body in hell He is the Living God. Satan Allah can’t do anything  he made Islam look like is from God made himself appear he has God’s Jesus s abilities but Satan can’t throw u in hell. He is God wannabe.satan created Islam in order to be worshipped nothing more. He can’t Do anything. He only pretends he can. he just gave commands and u do his biding…  God is love not terror. ….Mr atheist… the topic is. Do u believe in God or not. Atheist or theist. I believe Jesus creates us and no evolution ever took place.  there’s no half logic here. Jesus is God because He  God said through the Prophet Isaiah He will become man /servant.  Jesus Was man. Now He is not anymore. Read Bible aka God’s revelation in chronological order.  U talking nonsense. Stop parroting and get facts straight.  Flash News :jesus didn’t remain man. The Messiah  aka prophet God foretold in Deuteronomy (0in Isaiah God said He is the Prophet servant he zent so Jesus is God bcz Jesus fulfilled the Deuteronomy prophecy) was born as Man  through a Virgin aka Mary. Died as man and resurrected as God. Rev:alhpa and omega the almighty so Jesus is our creator. Repent atheist.  Satan Allah makes u think God’s words are not available anymore when they are!! . U serve Satan aka Allah. Allah denies what God fulfilled in Bible. Only Satan denies so Allah is Satan. God fulfilled His words ,He doesn’t denies . Satan Allah denied Jesus died for us. ..but accordingto Bible and God’s warning and prophets it was His plan to die. So if u are against Jesus dying u r against God. Pure and simple  Why do #muslims worship ex Lucifer the 😈 devil ,ex Lucifer….  And their #religion / death cult and not jesus our Creator? ?!?!satan/ Allah… the libidinos #snake , stole #biblical prophets and #twisted their story !!?? U say Allah is “God” I say: NO ! %%%  JESUS IS gOD <3 ALLAH IS SATAN :(  , AND MAKES U DOUBT gOD’S WORDs/Revelation (bible)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcgkd_7KPd0show the prophecies of ur man or u serve satan, God (JESUS) has prophets, BTW, ISA OF QURAN IS FICTION, NON LIVING PERSON (isa of quran is no propeht he performed no mriacles no prophecies) 1-0 for Jesus. ISA LOST. JESUS the Prophet OF bible is prophet and fufliled propehcies, since jesus is prophet u obey His words recorded in bible BCZ HE IS SENT BY GODhttp://www.accordingtothescriptures.org/prophecy/353prophecies.html)Allah is a cute snake . i want him as pet.. <3 FAKE, Allah is not a title of God. ALLAH’s sign   .. Looks  Like  A SERPENT/devil/ the most cunning of all beasts.. MIND U  , GOD=IS  A TITLE NOT NAME OR ANYTHING ELSE., AND IN NO LANGUAGE THE TITLE GOD ..LOOKS LIKE SERPENT, ILLAH IS GOD IN ARABIC. NOT’’ ALLAH’’ , ALLAH IS THE GREEK NR FOR 666 IN BIBLE , THE NR.  OF SATAN. GO LOOK IT UP, JESUS WARNED US OF UR FAKE CULT/ISLAM  OF SATAN BEFORE it  EVEN EXISTED,  BCZ JESUS IS GOD AND KNOWS ALL. LOLS. REPENT ATHEISTS. EXPLAIN HOW JESUS SHOWED TO JOHN THE SIGN of “allah” (I CAN’T CALL IT title,  BCAZ’’ ALLAH’’ IS NOT TRANSLATED AS GOD IN Arabic ), before the satanic  cult islam even existed..GOD CREATED ALL LANGUAGES, THE EVENT HAPPENED AT TOWER http://BABEL.NAME. So Allah is NOT GOD IN ARABIC.jesus was born as man, died as man= resurrected as God: Rev: Alpha and Omega the Almighty. :) JESUS IS NOT HUMAN ANYMORE, HE WILL RETURN AS GOD/ THE ALMIGHTY, READ UR BIBLE WELL ATHEIST. http://www.balaams-ass.com/alhaj/allah_heritage_sumer_elohim.htmFollow for more #Amazing #facts https://plus.google.com/111655535838282371711/posts/A6fbQkRJULM And Muslims have to answer my questions !!! ‘Allah’ is simply the Arab word for ‘God.’ BUT is it true!?Reality: ‘God’ in Arabic is translated ‘ilah,’ not 'Allah.’ Allah = الله http://shoebat.com/2015/08/21/archeologists-discover-a-4000-year-old-archeological-find-linking-allah-to-lucifer-and-the-harlot-religion/http://www.bibleisaiah.com/bel_nebo_gods_babylon.htm</ FLEE  ISLAM, THE SATANIC CULT .. , WHILE U CAN.. ! :P, WARNING TO ALL #BIBLE #QURAN #CONTRADICTION #Comment #React #Share #terror #terrorism #biblevsquran #quran  #Christianity #theist 🔊🔊🔊🤗🤗🤗🤗#COMETOJESUS 💝💝💝 AND HAVE ETERNAL  LIFE AFTER 💀 IF YOU ACCEPT HIS SACRIFICE. F͜͡o͜͡l͜͡l͜͡o͜͡w͜͡ ✔️m͜͡y͜͡ p͜͡r͜͡o͜͡f͜͡i͜͡l͜͡e͜͡ f͜͡o͜͡r͜͡ m͜͡o͜͡r͜͡e͜͡ a͜͡m͜͡a͜͡z͜͡i͜͡n͜͡g͜͡  f͜͡u͜͡n͜͡ f͜͡a͜͡c͜͡t͜͡s͜͡  💎❕❕❕❕  http://anchoredfaeith.tumblr.com/post/164214806262/its-high-time-we-warn-muslims-nd-atheists-to muhaMAD is for bedoiuns. Satan created Islam to keep u in web to distracted from ur only way to get to heaven TRIUGH Jesus. Bcz u can’t pay for sins u deserve consequences Mr atheist. Atheist and Muslims think they can sin amdALIES about Jesus etc and get away withit. U commit Sin in daily basis. repent while u can. if you  die in this state aka commuting sin u go to hell. as Go d said unbelievers and liars all have part in Lake of fiemGod said u must pay for sin. u can’t do anything u want and expect to get away with it #ExMuslimBecause
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alartemagazine · 7 years
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by Bashar Alaeddin @basharalaeddin "A local Bedoiun guide opens the door and enters the gate of an old French fortress castle in the desert of Wadi Rum, south of Jordan." // Founder of Adasat Studios, Bashar is a photographer and videographer based in Amman, Jordan. Source : National Geographic Your Shot. #WadiRum #Jordan #Amman #desert #arabphotographer #urbanart #urbanphotos #colors #arabart #middleeast #history #documentaryphotographer #middleeastart #artoftheday #instaart http://ift.tt/2tJyZZ1
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delhi-architect2 · 4 years
Journal - 7 Ways to Create a Viral Architectural Photo
The One Photo Challenge is currently accepting entries, looking to award two individuals who can capture a single photograph that tells a powerful story about architecture. With 2 grand prizes of $2,500 and global recognition on the table, this is an incredible opportunity to showcase your skills. The Regular Entry Deadline of April 17th is fast approaching, so don’t hesitate to submit!
Enter the One Photo Challenge
There’s no one way to produce a captivating image. A myriad factors are at play in determining whether a photograph can attract the attention of the masses and go viral. 
In the case of architectural photography, a plethora of factors can influence the popularity of an image, including the beauty of the architecture itself, the surrounding environment, the popularity of the architect, the composition of the image, or the story behind the photograph. Therefore, it may be best to examine viral photographs from the past to see what qualities made them so popular. Here are 8 of Architizer’s most liked photos in our Instagram history coupled with what made them so noteworthy:
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Hundreds of identical chateaux have been abandoned in central Turkey after the developer constructing them filed for bankruptcy. Incredible drone footage reveals an extraordinary landscape dotted with castle-like clones in various states of construction. The site will eventually contain 732 buildings in the style of mini French chateaux, of which 587 have so far been completed. The developer in question — Sarot Group — remains hopeful that the project will continue. "The project is valued at $200 million", said Mezher Yerdelen, Sarot Group's deputy chairman. "We only need to sell 100 villas to pay off our debt. I believe we can get over this crisis in four to five months and partially inaugurate the project in 2019." . . . . . 📷 by Getty Images #chateaux #dronefootage #turkey #development
A post shared by Architizer (@architizer) on Jan 28, 2019 at 10:33am PST
1. Instill some mystery
This eery photograph of identical, castle-like homes within a hilly landscape was widely shared and commented on when published in January 2019. The image is surreal, catching the eye of its audience and prompting questions in people’s minds. Where is this located? Why are all these chateaux identical? Why is the space between them unfinished? The mysterious nature of the photograph, as well as the compositional power of repetition, adds to its quality as a viral image.
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Villa Vals by SeARCH Architects, Vals, Switzerland. Surprised that it was permissible to construct a pair of dwellings so close to Peter Zumthor's world famous thermal bath of Vals, the client of this unusual, subterranean residence seized the opportunity to develop the site without disturbing the baths' pristine setting. The architects effectively concealed an entire house in an Alpine slope, while still exploiting the wonderful views and allowing ample natural light to enter the building. To see images and architectural drawings of this unique project, head to architizer.com, click on the Projects tab and search for "Villa Vals". . . . . . @search_architects #searcharchitects #villavals #vals #house #villa #residence #subterranean #underground #architecture #instarchitecture #switzerland
A post shared by Architizer (@architizer) on Dec 10, 2018 at 8:15am PST
2. Add an element of surprise
This unique project appears to be seamlessly integrated into the natural terrain of Vals, Switzerland. The surprising nature of the home is amplified by the photograph’s composition, in which the surrounding environment completely frames the dwelling. It also has a very deep depth of field, in which every element is sharp and in focus. The home itself appears flat, as if it were photoshopped into the image. The overall contrast between natural and building allows the viewer to instantly focus on the home, while appreciating the way the architect has embedded space within this picturesque landscape.
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Qatar National Museum by Ateliers Jean Nouvel, Doha, Qatar. Inspired by the whimsical crystal forms of desert roses, the museum uses its formal expressiveness to establish a link between the Bedoiun culture and global modernity. An organic system of intersected disks stretches around the ancient Amiri Palace, creating an undulating itinerary in its interior: a journey through the past, the present, and the future of the country. What do you think of this audacious design? . . . . . @ateliersjeannouvel #jeannouvel #ateliersjeannouvel #nouvel #qatar #doha #underconstruction #museum #icons #architecture #instarchitecture #instagood
A post shared by Architizer (@architizer) on May 2, 2018 at 10:39am PDT
3. Inspire awe
The wide, aerial perspective and natural lighting play pivotal roles in this image. The perspective allows viewers to grasp the epic scale and formal ingenuity of the structure, provoking a sense of awe. You’re able to see in full view the museum’s organic system of intersected disks stretching around the ancient Amiri palace. The lighting, coming from what seems to be a sunset, accentuates the structure’s striking form. The combination of light and shade give depth to the photograph. 
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Designed by Steyn Studio, Bosjes Chapel possesses a stunning, sculptural form that emulates the surrounding mountains in a remote part of South Africa. The undulating building is further emphasized by means of a strategically placed reflecting pool. The edge profile and roof shape is a modern interpretation of the baroque "holbol" gable, with a combination of outward and inward curvatures that result in a series of peaks and valleys within the roof itself. . . . . . 🏛️ by @steynstudio 📷 by @adamletchfoto #steynstudio #bosjes #bosjeschapel #southafrica #chapel #church #religiousarchitecture #architecture #instarchitecture
A post shared by Architizer (@architizer) on Jan 31, 2019 at 12:10pm PST
4. Harness symmetry
The dusk lighting in this image compliments the soft, smooth form of Styen Studio’s iconic chapel roof. The distinctive shape of the structure is further emphasized through the pool in the foreground, which reflects a blurred silhouette of the building. The beauty of this image also comes down to its near perfect symmetry. The point-of-view perspective allows viewers to realistically experience the journey into the chapel. Finally, the warm interior lighting provides a nice contrast with the darker, more muted exterior. 
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At a double-height window within a private residence in Mumbai, Arqmov Workshop devised an intriguing design in which the first three treads at the bottom are independent, but the upper treads are ribbon-like elements that form steps in two places within the staircase. On the upper part of the structure, steel cables support the treads further. Meanwhile, the bent corners of these longer engineered-walnut treads function as a reclining spot to use the treads as benches. For more inspirational stair designs, check out our guide – swipe up on today's Instagram Story! . . . . . @arqmov #arqmov #arqmovworkshop #mumbai #india #stairs #staircase #stairdesign #inspo #inspirarion #designinspiration #architecture #instarchitecture #instagood
A post shared by Architizer (@architizer) on Oct 26, 2018 at 8:43am PDT
5. Show spaces in use
Displaying the way architecture is used can provide a lot of information to the viewer. You can clearly see how the architecture can function, instead of seeing an empty, lifeless space. Without this lady, it wouldn’t be clear that those vertical beams could provide support to lean and casually sit. Knowing this subtle feature, I formed a greater appreciation for the design. 
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Capilla San Bernardo by Nicolás Campodonico, Córdoba, Argentina. Made from recycled, 100-year-old bricks, this rural chapel is intensely minimal. Outside, vertical and horizontal poles are placed separately and projected towards the interior. Each day, their shadows slide along the curved interior, ultimately overlapping with each other to form a simple but powerful symbol. ✝️ . . . . . #architecture #argentina #capillasanbernardo #church #brick #materials #minimalism #shadows #light #chapel #instarchitecture #instagood #nofilter
A post shared by Architizer (@architizer) on Apr 23, 2018 at 4:06pm PDT
6. Capture a moment in time
The power of this photograph lies in its capture of a unique moment in time. Vertical and horizontal poles were carefully positioned in the opening of this minimalist brick chapel, creating a crucifix-shaped shadow when the sun reaches a precise position in the sky. As a result, the viewer is immediately able to understand the purpose and significance of the building, despite the lack of any other detail. It is prove that even the most simple of images can provides a great level of symbolic depth.
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Architectural details: Hooba Design’s cave-like Brick Spris Coffe shop in Tehran captivated the A+Awards jurors in the Restaurant category back in 2015, and its undulating surfaces form a striking example of brick detailing. Individual bricks were divided into eight pieces, and a turquoise glaze was applied to certain surfaces for a flash of color. Special lighting blocks were then slotted in between some modules for an even more magical ambience. . Take your chance on the A+Awards this year! Submit a project before May 10th, 2019 to be in the running for global recognition just like Hooba Design. Head to awards.architizer.com or click the link in bio to register today. ✨ . . . . . @hoobadesign #hoobadesign #architizerawards2019 #ArchitizerAwards #brickspris #brickarchitecture #brickdetails #architecturaldetails #details #architecture #instarchitecture #instagood
A post shared by Architizer (@architizer) on Apr 17, 2019 at 1:10pm PDT
7. Keep an Eye for Detail
While sweeping views of skylines and majestic architectural icons traditionally garner attention o Instagram, it is possible for even the smallest of details to make a splash. The amazing undulating walls of Hooba Design’s Brick Spris Coffee Shop are made up of traditional terracotta bricks and transparent, light-reflecting blocks, something that is highlighted with the inclusion of a hand installing one of the elements. The material texture, atmospheric lighting and human scale all adds up to a highly satisfying and share-able image.
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The post 7 Ways to Create a Viral Architectural Photo appeared first on Journal.
from Journal https://architizer.com/blog/inspiration/collections/viral-architectural-photos/ Originally published on ARCHITIZER RSS Feed: https://architizer.com/blog
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attiaawadh-blog · 6 years
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الجمال في القرية البدوية في الصحراء الشرقية بالغردقة Camels in Bedoiun village at Eastern desert, Hurghada, Egypt 🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬 🏜🏜🏜🌎🌎🌎🐪🐫🐪 Safari, desert, adventure 📸 Nikon 🇩3200 📷📷 #attia_photography . . #safari #desert #adventure #nature #landscape #tourism #touristic #hurghada #egypt #egypte #aegypten #thisisegypt #amazingshot #amazingegypt #earth #myegypt #natgeotravel #bbctravel #travel #traveller #travelphotography #nikon #nikontop #nikonartists #natgeo #discovery #attiaawadh #ibnatoota #TCD (at Hurghada)
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chewywitch · 7 years
the skeletal homeless of our streets 
make models sneer in envy.
brick cracked skin, cracked out
on phony pity. 
one jet haired crow drags
her soiled soul across the pavement
making progress in inches,
gasping at every joint fissure.
we are a merry gathering of artists
at a vegan hotspot, 
wincing at the boiled up
shame of our comrade.
her caterpillar teeth bare our
greatest dread...
when does the desperate pursuit of 
bleed into the cloudy eyes of stray
cats, stray lovers, stray agony:
until we are one of these lizards,
scaly and collecting
the gentle barrista’s empty bottles
for a spare shekel.
until the sound of patti smith’s romantic
dungarees three months unwashed,
sharing her last breadcrumbs 
with a tittering seer
becomes a cruel solace,
a madman’s picasso of 
the yawning reality.
i call her tamar,
the thick date meat
she foregoes for
tobacco. she is brazen
and relentless as she
mills through our chairs.
i wish to wrap her in
the threads of bedoiun dreams,
lilac cotton silencing her
crude rouge.
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southpacifictravel · 6 years
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Tozeur was an oasis on the medieval caravan routes across the Sahara. This Bedoiun tent is in the Musee Archeologique et Traditionel in the Medina De Tozeur in southern Tunisia.
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lovefusyon · 7 years
It’s #high time we Warn Muslims ND atheists to repent . 
hard FACT:Jesus is God Allah & is Satan.
Soon atheism will be No more. Only Christians. We r here to warn u to repent !! ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ So take heed   😂😂🙃🙃🙃✔️✔️✔️✔️
#answer  my  few #questions #atheists…. can you  form by your self without Jesus (God) creating u ❓❓❓
Do a #demo and show us❕❕ We are waiting  ….❕❕❕😭😭😭 Good Luck u will need it  😂😂😂😂
…………… If you can’t …. it’s #time to give up and repent
🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀 💠💠💠💠💠
Crystal  💎clear #explanation for you:Only Satan would say Bible is Not available (“corrupt ” such term Doesn’t exist bcz God doesn’t stop talking ,so is illogical to say Bible is not available anymore )so Islam is the religion of the devil. Only Satan denies what God fulfilled. Satan/ Allah 😈. Denies  Jesus died for us .but it was His plan accordingly to Isaiah’s 43:10 And the suffering servant of Isaiah is Jesus is already fulfilled ..so time to repent . is futile to deny what Already Happened God fulfilled His words from scriptures (Bible ) .only Satan denies. Denial is trait of satan. God fulfills His words never denies.
#Stop Confusing #people with your #lies Islam is the cult of 💀  .the religion of Ex #Lucifer. Jesus is #God our #Creator. Allah is Satan aka the 😈 devil.
Time to #repent  #Muslims and #atheists. Bcz both Islam and atheism is ruled by Satan. Both deny What God did for us. Muslims and atheists think they can do any sin and get away with it. But #God said you must pay for ur 😈 evil. So Pay in hell or accept Jesus S sacrifice and stop sinning and seek Him to manifest to you. Repent get #baptised as He commanded and seek Him ❕❕❕
📝 Note: Islam is the religion of #terror because “…Allshall know thee  thou shall be a #terror …and shall be no more ”“
Reflects the Quran S  author.. Satan…
Quran8:12 : I shall put #terror ….in the hearts of disbelievers …”“ Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.” IHoly Bible ~~~~about Allah /satan:Devil 😈 ….he is the terror of the world.
What God said about Satan  in Bible. Matches the author of Quran= he brings terror =he is satan/allah 😇😇😇😇😇😇 BE SILENT AND REPENT ͜͡. U͜͡ c͜͡a͜͡n͜͡'t͜͡ CONFUSE US. 💟💟💟💟💟💟 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
#TeamJesus  #vs #Teamlucifer #biblevsquran #bible #scriptures #nomorelies  😾😾😾 #falsereligion #heaven #hell #contradictions 😾😾😾👎👎👎    #monkeyorhuman 😹😹😹😹😹 #antievolution #debate 😹😹😹😹  #religion #share 👏👏👏 #comment #react  #love #comedytime #mystomachhurtstoomuchlaughter #flatearthmatters #globedelusionals #Flaterestrials  #globedevsflaterestrials #earthshape #roundorflat #flatearth #spreadlikewildfire   🔥 🔥  🔥 #muslims #christians #notion #life  #meme #funny #follow #Exmuslim #muhaMad #Exmuslimbecause 😺😺 #christianityvsislam #islam #Quran #plagiarism  #thief #killer   #book  📖 #satanicislam #timesupforislam 🕒  #muhaMadtheliar  #satanic #terrorism  😡😡😡  #TeamJesusvsteamlucifer #Lucifer #satan #lies&truth 🙌🙌
Prophet liar Muhammad  of Satan can’t be sent by God( Jesus. ).get the logic? jesus isn’t man. Jesus is God Who became man accordingto isiaha 43:10.so repent atheist. u can’t read God’s revelation aka bible on half. God said He will become man and He did. So Jesus is both man and God bcz God said it. Now repent. Jesus isn’t justman. This is Satan s plan to lie about what God fulfilled in Bible in order to be worshipped asGod the only way Satan can be worshipped is lie about God. Aka Jesus. Jesus is not only man accordingto Bible. He is God Who became man so He  is both. Satan lied to u. Repent. Allah is Satan  and lies 24/7 about Jesus. Satan wants to be worshipped asGod God and he created Islam. Jesus warned us of  Cult . Adult that  will emerge after he left  the earth that will kill thinking they do a vfavir to God , that cult is Islam. It’s the only cult that kills in “"the name of God ”….so Jesus said Islam is of Satan. U think u kill “for God.” But in reality u do for Satan aka allah ​​​ Jesus is God. He has right to throw evil people in hell…Allah is Satan he has no right to kill.he can’t kill bcz he is not God.  He can’t  throw u in hell only Jesus can throw 4th e body in hell He is the Living God. Satan Allah can’t do anything  he made Islam look like is from God made himself appear he has God’s Jesus s abilities but Satan can’t throw u in hell. He is God wannabe.satan created Islam in order to be worshipped nothing more. He can’t Do anything. He only pretends he can. he just gave commands and u do his biding…  God is love not terror. ….Mr atheist… the topic is. Do u believe in God or not. Atheist or theist. I believe Jesus creates us and no evolution ever took place.  there’s no half logic here. Jesus is God because He  God said through the Prophet Isaiah He will become man /servant.  Jesus Was man. Now He is not anymore. Read Bible aka God’s revelation in chronological order.  U talking nonsense. Stop parroting and get facts straight.  Flash News :jesus didn’t remain man. The Messiah  aka prophet God foretold in Deuteronomy (0in Isaiah God said He is the Prophet servant he zent so Jesus is God bcz Jesus fulfilled the Deuteronomy prophecy) was born as Man  through a Virgin aka Mary. Died as man and resurrected as God. Rev:alhpa and omega the almighty so Jesus is our creator. Repent atheist.  Satan Allah makes u think God’s words are not available anymore when they are!! . U serve Satan aka Allah. Allah denies what God fulfilled in Bible. Only Satan denies so Allah is Satan. God fulfilled His words ,He doesn’t denies . Satan Allah denied Jesus died for us. ..but accordingto Bible and God’s warning and prophets it was His plan to die. So if u are against Jesus dying u r against God. Pure and simple  Why do #muslims worship ex Lucifer the 😈 devil ,ex Lucifer….  And their #religion / death cult and not jesus our Creator? ?!?!
satan/ Allah… the libidinos #snake , stole #biblical prophets and #twisted their story !!?? U say Allah is “God” I say: NO ! %%%  JESUS IS gOD <3 ALLAH IS SATAN :(  , AND MAKES U DOUBT gOD’S WORDs/Revelation (bible)
show the prophecies of ur man or u serve satan, God (JESUS) has prophets, BTW, ISA OF QURAN IS FICTION, NON LIVING PERSON (isa of quran is no propeht he performed no mriacles no prophecies) 1-0 for Jesus. ISA LOST. JESUS the Prophet OF bible is prophet and fufliled propehcies, since jesus is prophet u obey His words recorded in bible BCZ HE IS SENT BY GOD
jesus was born as man, died as man= resurrected as God: Rev: Alpha and Omega the Almighty. :) JESUS IS NOT HUMAN ANYMORE, HE WILL RETURN AS GOD/ THE ALMIGHTY, READ UR BIBLE WELL ATHEIST.
Follow for more #Amazing #facts https://plus.google.com/111655535838282371711/posts/A6fbQkRJULM And Muslims have to answer my questions !!! ‘Allah’ is simply the Arab word for ‘God.’ BUT is it true!?
Reality: ‘God’ in Arabic is translated ‘ilah,’ not 'Allah.’ Allah = الله http://shoebat.com/2015/08/21/archeologists-discover-a-4000-year-old-archeological-find-linking-allah-to-lucifer-and-the-harlot-religion/http://www.bibleisaiah.com/bel_nebo_gods_babylon.htm</
FLEE  ISSLAM THE SATANIC CULT .. , WHILE U CAN.. ! :P, WARNING TO ALL #BIBLE #QURAN #CONTRADICTION #Comment #React #Share #terror #terrorism #biblevsquran #quran  #Christianity #theist 🔊🔊🔊🤗🤗🤗🤗#COMETOJESUS 💝💝💝 AND HAVE ETERNAL  LIFE AFTER 💀 IF YOU ACCEPT HIS SACRIFICE. F͜͡o͜͡l͜͡l͜͡o͜͡w͜͡ ✔️m͜͡y͜͡ p͜͡r͜͡o͜͡f͜͡i͜͡l͜͡e͜͡ f͜͡o͜͡r͜͡ m͜͡o͜͡r͜͡e͜͡ a͜͡m͜͡a͜͡z͜͡i͜͡n͜͡g͜͡  f͜͡u͜͡n͜͡ f͜͡a͜͡c͜͡t͜͡s͜͡  💎❕❕❕❕  http://anchoredfaeith.tumblr.com/post/164214806262/its-high-time-we-warn-muslims-nd-atheists-to
MUHAMAD is for bedoiuns. Satan created Islam to keep u in web to distracted from ur only way to get to heaven TRIUGH Jesus. Bcz u can’t pay for sins u deserve consequences Mr atheist. Atheist and Muslims think they can sin amdALIES about Jesus etc and get away withit. U commit Sin in daily basis. repent while u can. if you  die in this state aka commuting sin u go to hell. as Go d said unbelievers and liars all have part in Lake of fiemGod said u must pay for sin. u can’t do anything u want and expect to get away with it
#ExMuslimBecause ,lol..logicless one..hadit explains all the logics you haveREPLY2ItsVipe1 day agoJMTTrapMusic BEST. JOKE. EVER i laughed so hardREPLYMasked DevilGamer1 hour agoLol Logical😂😂😂 Man Split The Moon Into Half 😂😂😂 Praising The Moon Instead Of The Sun Lol What Do You Get From The Moon? Sun Gives Us Everything If You Want To Sacrifice Fod Your Allah They Kill Your Child Or Relatives Why Kill The Animals Who Have Zero Importance To You And If Allah Has Mercy and created Everything Why Does He Want Animals To Be Killed ?
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attiaawadh-blog · 6 years
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القرية البدوية في الصحراء الشرقية بالغردقة Bedoiun village at Eastern desert, Hurghada, Egypt 🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬 🏜🏜🏜🌎🌎🌎 🌵🐫🐪 Safari, desert, adventure 📸 Nikon 🇩3200 📷📷 #attia_photography . . #safari #desert #adventure #nature #landscape #tourism #touristic #hurghada #egypt #egypte #aegypten #thisisegypt #amazingshot #amazingegypt #earth #myegypt #natgeotravel #bbctravel #travel #traveller #travelphotography #nikon #nikontop #nikonartists #natgeo #discovery #attiaawadh #ibnatoota #TCD (at Hurghada)
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